BS 7910 Guide On Assessing Flaws in Metallic Structures

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Specification for

Unfired fusion welded

pressure vessels


Récipients sous pression soudés par fusion, Unbeheizte, schmelzgeschweisste Druckkessel

non soumis à l'action des flammes

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B S I BS*5500 9 4 9 Lb24bb9 0 3 9 5 0 0 4 053

BS 5500 : 1994

Committees responsible forthis O

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Pressure Vessel
Standards Policy Committee (PVE/-)to Technical Committee PVE/1, upon
which the following bodies were represented:

Associated Offices Technical Committee

British Chemical Engineering C,ontractors' Association
British Compressed Air Society
British Compressed Gases Association
nritish Gas plc
British Refrigeration Association
Department o f Trade and Industry (Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Technology Division (Mmt))
Elect,ricity Association

Energy Industries Council

Engmeering Equipment and Materials Users' Association
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Engineering Insurers' Committee
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Institut,ion of Mechanical En&'
LP Gas Association
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Power Generation Contractors' Association (BEAMA Ltd.)
Process Plant Association
Refrigeration Industry Board
Society of British Gas Industries
The Welding Institute

The following bodies were also represented in the draftingof the standard,through
subcommittees and panels:

AEA Technology
Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Manufacturers Allied to theElectrical and Electronic Industry (BEAMA Ltd.)
British Cryogenics Council
British Steel Industry
Institute of Quality Assurance
Institute of Refrigerat,ion
Institution of Gas Engineers
Institution o f Plant, Enginerrs
Ministry of Defence
Transmission and Distribution Association (REAMA 1,td.)
l'ubes Investments Limited
This British Standard, having University of Liverpool
been prepared under the Welding Manufacturers' Association (BEAMA Ltd.)
direct.ion of the Pressure Vessel
Standards Policy Committee,
was published under the
aut,hority of the Standards
Board and comes into effecton
1 .January 1994

8 BSI 1994 Amendments issued since publication

First published March 1976

Amd. No. I Date ~ Text affected

Second edition .January 1982

Third edition January 1986
Fourth edition .January 1988
Fifth edition January 1991
Sixth edition January 1994

The following BSI reference

relates to the work on this
Committee reference PVE!1

ISBN O 580 22555 O

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B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 b b 7 0395005 T 7 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Page Page
page Cylindrical shells
3.6.2 3/37
Summary of pages viii 3.6.3
Conical shells 3/47
Foreword xi 3.6.4
Spherical shells 3/49
Hemispherical ends 3/52
Torispherical ends 3/52
Section one. General 3.6.7
Ellipsoidal ends 3152
1.1 Scope
'I1 3.6.8
Procedure by which the departure
1.2 Interpretation 1/I from the mean circle may be
1.3 Definitions 112 obtained 3152
1.4 Responsibilities 112 3.7 Supports, attachments and interna II
1.4.1 Responsibilitiesofthepurchaser structures 3155
1.4.2 Responsibilitiesofthemanufacturer 112 3.7.1 General 3155
1.4.3 ResponsibilitiesoftheInspecting 3.7.2 Supports 3/55
Bolted flanged connections 3/56
e Authority 1123.8

1.4.4 CertificateofConlpliance 112 3.8.1 General 3/56

1.5 Informationandrequirementstobe 3.8.2 Notation 3161
agreed and to be documented 115 3.8.3 Narrow-faced gasketed flanges 3/62
1.5.1 Information to be supplied by the 3.8.4 Full-faced flanges with soft ring
purchaser 115 type gaskets 3/63
1.5.2 Information to be supplied by the 3.8.5 Ungasketed seal welded flanges 3/64
manufacturer 3.8.6 Reverse narrow-face flanges 3/64
Section two. Materials 3.8.7 Reverse full-face flanges 3/64
2.1 Selection of
materials 2131.9 Flat heat exchanger tubesheets 31107
2.2 Materialsforlowtemperature 3.9.1 Notation 3/1 07
applications 2113.9.2 Characteristics of perforated plates 31108
2.3 Carbon, carbon manganeseand 3.9.3 Tubesheets of exchangers with
alloy steels 212 floating heads or U-tubes 31108
3.9.4 Tubesheets of fixed tubesheet
Section three. Design exchangers 311 17
3.1 General 311
3.9.5 Allowable shell and tube
3.2 Application 311 longitudinal stresses 31121
a -
3.3 Corrosion, erosion and protection
3.3.1 General
Allowable tube joint end load
Design of welds
3.3.2 Additional thickness to allow for 3.10.1 General 31124
corrosion 3133.10.2 Weld joints for principalseams 311 24
3.3.3 Linings and coatings 3/3 3.10.3Welded joints for other than
3.3.4 Wear plates 313 principal seams 311 24
3.4 Construction categories and design 3.10.4Welded joints in time dependent
stresses 313 applications 31124
3.4.1 Construction categories 313 3.1 1 Jacket construction 311 26
3.4.2 Design stresses 313 3.11.1 General 311 26
3.5 Vessels under internal pressure 314 3.1 1.2 Jacketed cylindrical shells 311 26
3.5.1 Cylindrical and spherical shells 314 3.1 1.3Welded jacket connections 311 26
3.5.2 Domed ends 315 3.1 1.4 Compensation 311 26
3.5.3 Conical ends and truncated cones 319 3.12 Manholes and inspection openings 311 28
3.5.4 Openings and branch connections 3/153.13 Protective devices for excessive
3.5.5 Flat ends and flat plates 3/30 pressure or vacuum 311 28

e 3.5.6 Spherically domed and bolted ends

of the form shown in figure 3.5.6
Vessels under external pressure
3/35 4.1
Section four. Manufacture and workmanship
General aspects of
construction 411
3.6.1 General 4.1.1 General 4/1
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E S 1 BS*5500 74 W lb24667 039500b 926 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, J a n u a r y 1994

4.1.2 Material identification

411 5.7.1 General
4.1.3 Order of completion of weld seams 411 5.7.2 Assessment of defects 516
4.1.4 Junction of more than two weld 5.7.3 Repair of welds 518
seams 4/1 5.8 Pressure tests 5115
4.2 Cutting, forming and tolerances 4/1 5.8.1 General 5115
4.2.1 Cutting of material 4/1 5.8.2 Basic requirements 5115
4.2.2 Forming of shell sections and plates 4/1 5.8.3 Hydraulic testing 5115
4.2.3 Assembly tolerances 4/2 5.8.4 Pneumatic tests 5116
4.2.4 Tolerances for vessels subject t o 5.8.5 'Standard' test pressure 5116
internal pressure Proof hydraulic test 5117
4/3 5.8.6
4.2.5 Tolerances for vessels subject t o Combined hydrauliclpneumatic tests 5118
external pressure 414
5.8.8 Leak testing 5118
4.3 Welded joints
5.8.9 Vessel nameplate 5118
4.3.1 General 414
5.8.1 O Final inspection 5118
4.3.2 Welding consumables 414
4.3.3 Preparation of plate edges and Appendices
openings 414 A Recommendations for design where
4.3.4 Assembly for welding 414 loadings and componentsare not
4.3.5 Attachments and the removal of covered by section three A/ 1
temporary attachments Recommendations for cylindrical,
4.3.6 Butt joints spherical and conical shells under
4.3.7 Welding: general requirements combined loadings, including wind
and earthquakes B/ 1
4.4 Heat treatment
Recommendations for theassessment
4.4.1 Preheat requirements of vessels subject to fatigue
4.4.2 Normalizing: ferritic steels Requirements for ferriticsteels in
4.4.3 Post-weld heat treatment bands MO to M4 inclusive forvessels
4.4.4 Methods of heat treatment required to operate belowO "C D/ 1
4.4.5 Post-weld heat treatment procedure Recommendations for welded
Surface finish connections of pressurevessels
Recommendations for an alternative
Section five. Inspection and testing design method for compensation using
5.1 General area replacement F11
Recommendations for methods of
5.2 Approval testing of fusion welding
calculation of stresses from local loads,
thermal gradients, etc. O
5.3 Welder and operator approval
Recommendations for post-weld
5.4 Production control test plates heat treatment of dissimilar ferritic
5.4.1 Vessels in materials other than steel joints h11
9 % Ni steel Recommendations for pressure relief
5.4.2 9 % Ni steel vessels protective devices j11
5.5 Destructive testing Requirements for the derivation of
5.6 Non-destructive testing material nominal design strengths for
construction category 1 and 2 vessels W1
5.6.1 General
Guidance on the basis of the design
5.6.2 Parent materials charts for openings and branches L/ 1
5.6.3 Components prepared for welding Guidance on safe external working
5.6.4 Non-destructive testing of welded pressure for cylindrical sections outside
joints the circularity limits specified in3.6
5.6.5 Choice of non-destructive test Not allocated
methods for welds
Recommendations for stainlesssteel
5.6.6 Non-destructive testing techniques for components with higher design
welds 515 stresses
5.7 Acceptance criteria
revealed by visual examination and
0 Recommendations for preparation and O
testing of production control test plates QI1
testing 516

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395007 8 6 2 m

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Page Page
R Guidance onadditionalinformation 3.8.3( 1)
Gasket materials and contact
for flat ends and flat plates RI1 facings: gasket factors( m )for
S Guidance onoptionaldocumentation operating conditions and
for supply withvessel minimum design seating
stress ( y ) 3/66
TRecommendationsfor arc weldedtube
to tubeplate joints Values o f T,Z,Y and U (factors
involving K ) 3/68
UGuidance on the use of fracture
mechanics analyses 3.9
u11 Values of A Cas a function of F,
and Rfor all tubesheets, and C,
VRequirements fortestingand
for only O9 311
inspection of serially produced
pressure vessels v/1 3.9.6 Values of Fr for typical tube
joints 1 3112
Annex Circumference 413
AA Supplement to BS5500. Requirements Tolerance on depth of domed
for aluminium and aluminium alloys in ends 413
the design and construction of unfired Preheating recommendations for
fusion welded pressurevessels AA/ 1
a Tables
Requirements for post-weld heat
treatmentofferritic steelvessels

1.5 Purchaser options and features
5.1 Inspection stages in the course
requiring approval by the
of which participation by the

purchaser 1I 6
Inspecting Authority is mandatory 511
2.2.2 Bolting materials for low-
5.2 Other principal stages of
temperature 211
inspection 512
2.3 Design strength values: index of
5.2.3 Tensile test temperature 512
steels 213
5.2.6 Weld procedure tests for butt
2.3A Additional materials that may be
welds in 9 % Ni steel 512
used for category 3 construction 2/39 Thickness limits for examination
3.4 Construction categories 313
of internal flaws 514 Values of elD x I O 3 for unpierced
5.7(1) Radiographic acceptance levels 5P
domed ends in terms ofh,/D
and p / f 316 5.7(2) Ultrasonic acceptance levels
applicable to ferriticsteels and
3.5.3 Junction at the large base of the
weld metals in the thickness
cone with knuckle: values of C,
range 7 m m t o100 m m inclusive 511O
as a function of Wand rlD, 3112
Visual and crack detection
3117 5.7(3)
a 3.5.4( 1)
Thickness of branches
Design values of t,/Tr
3/20 5.7(4)
acceptance level
Radiographic acceptance levels
511 1

3.6( 1) Derivation of L, 3/48 (reassessment of category 2

3.6(2) Values for G and N which may construction) 5114
be assumed 3/49 5.7(5) Ultrasonic acceptance levels
3.6(3) E values for ferritic and austenitic (reassessment of category 2
steels and aluminium alloys construction) 5114
(Young’s modulus) 3/49 A.3 Classification of stresses for
3.6(4) Values of ( u e / €(d/ew)2
) for some typical cases N5
flat 3/53 D.4.1(1) Impact requirements forplates,
3.6(5) Values of (a,/€)(d/eWl2for forgings, castings and tubes Dl6
flat 3/54 D.4.1(2) Design reference temperature Dl6 Recommendeddesign stress D.4.2 Design reference temperature
values for flange bolting for heat exchanger tubes Dl6
3/57 G.2.2.2 Values of KI and K2 GI1O Bolt root areas
3/59 G. Design factors K, and K2 GI60 Recommended surface finish on
G. Design factors K3 and K, and
gasket contact faces for body
allowable tangential shearing
- and flanges fitted with
stresses GI60
covers 3/60
G. Design factor K6 GI6 1
G. Values of constants C, K,,
K, and K8 GI62
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B S I BS*5500 94 9 L b 2 4 6 6 9 0375008 7 T 9 9

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, J a n u a r y 1994

G.3.3.3 Values of Klo and K,,

G64 3.5.4(10)
Page o
G.4(1) Circumferential stress factor C, GP2 3.5.4( 11)
Notation applicable to cylinders 3/24,
G.4(2) Bending stress factor C, W 3 3.5.4( 12) 3125
Meridional stress factor C,
Branch bending stress factor C,
3.5.4( 13)
J Protruding rim 312 5
H.l Classification of materials HI1 3.5.4(15) Flush rim 3125
P. 1 Design strength values Pl1 3.5.4(16) Arrangement factorg 3125
T.4 Tube to tubesheet ¡oints: 3.5.4(17),
, Branch
compensation 3/26
essential tests and-the suitability
nders spheres
5.4 Number of test specimens for
weld Drocedure
acmroval and 3.5.4(21) Modified flush branch
control'tests AN6 compensation 3127
5.7 Acceptance
levels AN9 3.5.4(22) Modified protruding branch
compensation 3/28
5.8.10 Principal stages of inspection
3.5.5(1) Typical welded flat ends and
Figures covers 3/30 Domed ends 3.5.5(2) Typical non-welded flat ends
and covers 313 1 Design curves forIJnpierced
domed ends 3.5.5(3) Flat unstayed heads: design
CU rves 3132
3.5.3(1) Cone/cone and conelcylinder
junctions 311O 3.5.5(4) Value of coefficient Z f o r
noncircular flat heads 3/33
3.5.3(2) Maximum angle y f o r large base
cone of 311 1 3.5.5(5) Typical stays: areas supported
by stays 3/34
3.5.3(3) Value of coefficient M f o r a
junction at the largebase of the 3.5.6 Spherically domed and bolted
cone without knuckle 311 1 end 3/35
3.5.3(4) Design curves: determination 3.6(0) Stiffening ringsfor cylindrical
of c,- 3112 vessels subject to external
pressure 3/38
3.5.3(5) Maximum angle y f o r small base
cone of 3114 3.6( 1 Design curves: calculation of
minimum cylindrical shell
3.5.3(6) Value of coefficient M for a thickness (values of n for which
junction at the smallbase of the

cone without knuckle
Positions of openings ornozzles
3/14 3.6(2
pmis a minimum)
Values o f € f o r use with
equation (3.12)

in dished ends
3/16 3.6(3 Curves for evaluation of
3.5.4( 1) Design curves for protruding allowable pressure p 314 1
nozzles i n spherical vessels
3.6(4) Schematic representation of
(d/D c 0.5) and for protruding
nozzles in cylindrical and conical stiffeners 3/43
vessels (d/D < 'x) 3/18 3.6(5) Design of stiffeners 3/45
3.5.4(2) Design
curves flush
for nozzles 3.6(6) Values of P for use with
in spherical shells (d/D < 0.5) and equation (3.13) 3/50
flush nozzles in conical
3.6(7) Conical sections: typical
(d/D %) 3119 stiffeners 315 1
3.5.4(3) Designcurvesfor
flush nozzles in 3.8.3(1) Location of gasket load reaction 3/67
cylindricalshells (O < d/D c 0.3)3/20 3.8.3(2) Values of T, U, Yand Z 3/72
3.5.4(4) Design curves for flushnozzles i n 3.8.3(3) Values of F(integra1-type flange
cylindrical shells (0.2 < d/D ~ 1 . 0 )3/22 factors) 3/73
3.5.4(5) Nozzle in
ashell 3/24 3.8.3(4) Values of V(integra1-type flange
3.5.4(6) factors) 3/73
3.5.4(7) Values of FL (loose hub flange
spheres 3/24
3.5.4(8) factors) 3/74

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 0395009 635 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

m 3.8.3(6) Values of V, (loose hub flange

D.3( 1) Permissible design reference

factors) 3/7 4 temperaturelreference

3.8.3(7) Values of f(hub stress thickness/material impact test
correction factors) 3/74 temperature relationships for
as-welded components D/ 1
3.8.5 Ungasketed, seal-welded-type
flanges 3/75 Permissible design reference
3.9( 1) Design curves: determination
thickness/material impact test
of c, 311 O9
temperature relationships for
Page post-weld heat-treated
Design curves: determination 3111O components D12
of F, 3/11D.3(3)
1 Reference thickness: slip-on
Design curves: determination 3/112 and plate flanges, tubeplates
of Fi 311 13 and flat ends D14

Typical clamped and simply D.3(4) Reference thickness: weld neck

supported configurations 311 14 flanges, tubeplates and flat ends D/5
3.9(7) Characteristics for perforated D.4( 1) Location of Charpy V-notch
thin plates, e < 2P 311 15 specimens in weld metal
3.9(8) Characteristics for perforated (as-welded vessels) D/7
thick plates, e 2 2P 311 16 D.4(2) Location of Charpy V-notch
3.9(9) Tubesheet: determination of Fq 311 18 specimens in weld metal(stress
relieved vessels) D/7
3.9(10) Tubesheet: determination of H
311 D.4(3) Location of Charpy V-notch
3.9(11) Determination of the buckling specimens in heat affected zone D/7
length L,
31121 D.5(1) Example of detail for avoidance
3.10(1) Butt welds in platesof unequal of severe thermal gradients D/8
31125 D.5(2) Examples of details for attaching
3.10(2) Butt welds with offset of non-critical components to
median lines 31126 pressure shell D/8
3.11(1) Some acceptable types of E.1(1) Typical weld preparations for
jacketed vessels 311 27 butt welds using the manual
3.1 l ( 2 ) Typical blocking ring and sealer metal-arc process E12
ring construction 3/127 E.1(2) Typical weld preparations for
5.6.4 Illustration of welded joints for circumferential welds where the
non-destructive testing 514 second side is inaccessible for
5.7 Partial non-destructive testing welding El3
(NDT) category 2 constructions 519 E.1(3) Typical weld preparations for
A.3 Stress categories and limits of butt welds using the submerged
stress intensity A14 arc welding process El5
B.3(1) Stresses in a cylindrical shell E.1(4) Typical weld preparations for
under combined loading B/3 butt welds using the manual inert
B.3(2) Stresses in a spherical shell gas arc welding for austenitic
under combined loading stainless and heat resisting
steels only €16
B.3(3) Stresses in a conical shell under
combined loading E.1(5) Typical weld details for
circumferential lap joints ED
c.2.1 Design fatigue curve forsteels for
temperatures up
toincluding E.1(6) Typical full penetration joint
375 "C and for aluminium alloys preparations for one-sided
for temperatures up to and welding only: aluminium and
C16 100 "C its alloys El8
C.3.1 Design fatigue curve forsteel E. l ( 7 ) Typical full penetration joint
bolting for temperatures up to preparations for two-sided
and including 375 "C and for welding only: aluminium and
aluminium bolting for its alloys E/9
and temperatures
to up E.1(8) Typical full penetration joint

m c.4.3
including 100 "C
Construction of test fatigue curve
preparations for one-sided
welding with temporarybacking
or permanent backing:
aluminium and its alloys El1O

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B S I BSa5500 94 Lb24669 0395010 3 5 7

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, J a n u a r y 1994

E.2(1) Standard
E/14 E.2(37) Tubeplate to shell connections:
Page o
E.2(2) Transverse and longitudinal accessible for welding onboth
sectionsofbranchconnections El15
shell of sides El50
E.2(3) Welddetailsforset-inbranches E116 E.2(38)
Tubeplate to shell
E.2(4) E.2(39) E/5 1-E153
F.2 Compensation of welded
branchorstandpipeoropening F/2
E.2(7) branches
Set-on E/17-E/23 G,2(0)
Restriction on vessellattachment
E.2(8) geometry G12
E.2(9) G.2(1) Vessel with central
load G13
E.2(10) G.2(2) Vessel with radial load out
E.2( 11) Set-in branches: fillet weldedcentre of G/3
connections E/24 G.2(3)
Set-in branches: partial
connections E125
Graph for finding equivalent
length L,
Cylindrical shells with ra ia1 load:
G15 +(y*
full branches:
Set-in branches: full
connections E/26,
circumferential moment per
width millimetre
G.2(6) Cylindrical shells with radial load:

penetration connections with longitudinal moment per

butt E128
GP width millimetre
full 16)
E.2( branches:
Set-in G.2(7) Cylindrical shells with radial load:
penetration connections circumferential membrane force

only E129 per millimetre
width G/8
E.2(17) Cylindrical shells with radial load:
Forgedbranchconnections E/30, El31 G.2(8)
E.2( 18) longitudinal membrane force per
E.2( 19) Set-on branches with added width millimetre GI9
rings E/32 G.2(9) Circumferential bending moment
E.2(20) due to a radial line load variation
E.2(21) Set-in branches with added circumference
round GI1 1
E.2(22) compensation
rings E/33-E/36
G.2(10 Longitudinal moment from
radial line load variation round
E.2(23) GI1 circumference 2
E.2(24) Studded connections E/37 G.2( 11 Circumferential membrane force
E.2(25) Socket welded and screwed
connections El38
from radial line load variation
round G/13 o
E.2(26) G.2( 12 Longitudinal membrane force
E.2(27) Flanges E/39-E/4 1 from radial line load variation
E.2(28) circumference
roundGI1 4
Jacketed vessels: typical vessel/ G.2(13) Circumferential bending moment
ring €142 due to a radial line load variation
GI1 cylinder
along 6
E.2(30) Jacketed vessels: typical
blocking ringfjacket
attachments El43G.2(14) Longitudinal moment due toa
radial line load variation along
E.2(31) Jacketed vessels: typical cylinder GI17
El44 sealer rings
G.2(15) Circumferential membrane force
E.2(33) Jacketed vessels: typical due to a radial line load variation
through E144 cylinder
along GI18
E.2(34) Flat ends and covers G.2( Longitudinal membrane force
E.2(35) Tubeplate to shell connections: due to a radial line load variation
accessible for welding onboth GI1 cylinder
along 9
sides of the shell G.2( Maximum radial deflection of a
E.2(36) Tubeplate to shell connections: cylindrical shell subjected toa
accessible for welding from Wuniformly
radial G120
shellof El49 distributed
over a square G12 1 O
G.2( 18) 2cx 2 c

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Page Page
G.2(19)Graphs for finding the square G.2(43) Shakedown values for thrust and
2C1 x 2C, equivalent to a momentloadings(flush nozzle) GI48
rectangular loading area 2Cx x 2C, GI22 G.2( 44) Shakedown values for thrust
moment GI23 and moment loadings
moment GI23 (protruding nozzle) GI48
stresses Sector GI27 G.3(1)
brackets Typical G150
Maximum stresses at a nozzle or G.3(2) Reinforcing plate on cylindrical
attachment on a cylindrical shell GI27 shell G/5 1

Chart for
finding S and u GI32 G.3(4)support ring
Typical G152
Spherical shell subjected t o a G.3(5) Typical steelwork under ring
load radial GI33 support GI52
Deflections of a spherical shell G.3(6) Leg supports for vertical vessels G/53
subjected t o aradialload W GI33 G .3(7)girderring Typical GI54
Moments and membraneforces G.3(8) Typical supports for horizontal
in a spherical shell subjected t o vessels GI56
loadradial a W GI34 G.3(9) Cylindrical shell actingas beam
Spherical shell subjected to supports over GI57
an GI35 G.3( 1O) Factor for bending moment at
Deflections of a spherical shell mid-span GI58
subjected to an external G.3( 1 )1 Factors for bending moment a t
moment M GI35 supports GI59
G.2(28) Moments and membraneforces G.3( 12) Portion of shell ineffective
in a spherical shell subjected to against longitudinal bending GI60
anmoment M GI36
G.3(13) Circumferential bending
G.2(29) Maximum stress in sphere diagrams
moment GI6 1
for internal pressure (flush nozzles) GI40
G.3( 14)
supports Saddle GI62
G.2(30) Maximum stress i n sphere for
G.3( 15) stiffeners
Typical GI63
internal pressure (protruding
nozzles) GI40 G.4(1) Nozzle geometry GI67
G.2(31) Maximum stress in sphere for G.4(2) Transient fluid and metal
thrustloading(flush nozzles) GI4 1 temperatures GI67
G.2(32) Maximum stress i n sphere for G.4(3) Inner surface thermal stress
thrust loading (protruding nozzles) GI41 factors KI and kl GI68
G.2(33) Maximum stress in sphere for G.4(4) Outer surface thermalstress
momentloading(flush nozzles) GI42 factors K2 and k2 GI69
G.2(34) Maximum stress in sphere for G.4(5) Mean temperature factorsKb
moment loading (protruding and K, GPO
nozzles) GI42 J . l Typical pressure term relationships JI2
G.2(35) Maximum stress in sphere for T.5( )1 Tube to tubeplate connections,
shear loading(flush nozzles) GI43 fusion end tube T l1
G.2(36) Maximum stress in sphere for T.5(2) Tube to tubeplate connections,
shear loading (protruding nozzles) GI43 castellated
Tl weld 1
G.2(37) Shakedown values for pressure T.5(3) Tube to tubeplate connections,
loading nozzle) Tl2 GI45
weld fillet plain
G.2(38) Shakedown values for pressure
T.5(4) Tube to tubeplate connections,
(protruding nozzle) GI45
front face bore fillet
G.2(39) Shakedown values for thrust
T.5(5) Tube to tubeplate connections,
and moment loadings (flush
nozzle) GI46
G.2(40) Shakedown values for thrust T.5(6) Tube to tubeplate connections,
and moment loadings Tl3 weld groove
(protruding nozzle) GI46 T.5(7) Tube to tubeplate connections,
G.2(41) Shakedown values for thrust back face insert bore
and moment loadings (flush T.5(8) Tube to tubeplate connections,
O G.2(42)
Shakedown values for thrust and
GI47 back face stub bore
weld T/4

moment loadinns - .(rxotrudinn - Index I

nozzle) GI47 Publicationsreferred t o III
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BSI B S x 5 5 0 0 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 90 3 9 5 0 1 21 2 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Summary of pages
The following table identifies foreach page of the standard the issue which forms the authorized
version of document when assembled to include the original pages and amendments identified on the
inside front page.
Page no. I Issue Page no. Issue Page no. Issue Page no. Issue
Preliminarv pages 212 2 1 312J 1 3/73 1
I 1 2/23 1 3/28 1 3/74 1
II 1 212 4 1 3129 1 3/75 1
III 1 2/25 1 3/30 1 3/76 blank
iv 1 2/26 1 313 1 1 3/7 J 1
V 1 2/27 1 3132 1 3/78 blank
vi 1 2/28 1 3/33 1 3/79 1
vi i 1 2129 1 3/34 1 3/80 blank
viii 1 2/30 1 3/35 1 31%1 1
ix 1 213 1 1 3/36 1 3182 blank
X 1 2132 1 3/37 1 3/83 1
xi 1 2/33 1 3/38 1 318 4 blank
xi¡ 1 2/34 1 3/39 1 3/85 1
Section one 2135 1 3/40 1 3/86 blank
111 2/36 blank 314 1 1 3/87 1
112 2/37 1 3/42 1 3/88 blank
113 2/38 blank 3/43 1 3/89 1
114 2/39 1 3144 1 3/90 blank
115 2/40 blank 3/45 1 319 1 1
116 Section thr ? 3/46 blank 3192 blank
1P 3/ 1 1 3/47 1 3193 1
1/a 312 1 3/48 1 319 4 blank
119 313 1 3/49 1 3195 1
111o I blank 314 1 3/50 1 3/96 blank
Section two 315 1 315 1 1 3/97 1

211 1 316 1 3/52 1 3/98 blank
212 1 3/7 1 3/53 1 3/99 1
213 1 31% blank 315 4 1 311O0 blank
214 1 319 1 3/55 1 311 O1 1
215 1 311O 1 3/56 1 31102 blank
216 1 311 1 1 315J 1 31103 1
2P 1 3112 1 3/58 1 31104 blank
21% 1 3113 1 3/59 1 31105 1
219 1 3114 1 3/60 1 31106 blank
211o 1 3115 1 316 1 1 31107 1
211 1 1 3116 1 3/62 1 31108 1
2112 1 3117 1 3/63 1 311 O9 1
2113 1 3118 1 3164 1 311 10 1
2114 1 3119 1 3/65 1 311 1 1 1
2115 1 3/20 1 3/66 1 311 12 1
2116 1 312 1 1 3/67 1 311 13 1
2117 1 3/22 1 3/68 1 311 14 1
2118 1 3/23 1 3/69 1 311 15 1
2119 1 3124 1 3/70 1 311 16 1
2/20 1 3125 1 3P 1 1 311 17 1
212 1 I 1
3126 1 3/72 1 311 18 1

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb2Ybb9 0395033 066 m

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Page no. Issue Page no. I Issue Page no. Issue Page no. Issue
311 19 1 Appendix B El25 1 GI1 7 1
31120 1 El26 1 GI18 1
31121 1 €127 1 GI1 9 1
31122 1 B13 €128 1 GI20 1
31123 1 €129 1 GI2 1 1
31124 1 B15 El30 1 GI22 1
31125 1 BI6 I blank El3 1 1 GI23 1
31126 1 Appendix C El32 1 GI24 1
Section four
411 I I c14 €136 1 GI28 1
412 1 c15 €137 1 GI29 1
413 1 Ci6 €138 1 GI30 1
414 1 CP €139 1 GI31 1
415 1 El40 1 GI32 1
416 1 Appendix D €141 1 GI33 1
4P 1 1 D l1 €142 1 GI34 1
418 11 Dl2 €143 1 GI35 1
419 11 Dl3 €144 1 5/36 1
411O 1blank Dl4 €145 1 5/37 1
Section five D15 1 €146 1 5/38 1
511 Tl 1 D16 1 €147 1 339 1
512 1 DP 1 €148 1 340 1
513 1 Dl8 I I €149 1 SI4 1 1
514 1 Appendix E €150 1 S142 1
515 1 E ll 1 €151 1 S143 1
516 1 €12 1 €152 1 5/44 1
5/7 1 El3 1 El53 1 345 1
5i8 1 €14 1 €154 blank 2/46 1
519 1 E15 1 347 1
511O 1 E16 1 348 1
511 1 1 Y7 1 S149 1
5112 1 El8 1 4ppendix C 350 1
?/I 3 1 El9 1 SI1 1 3 51 1
5114 1 E l lO 1 GI2 1 GI52 1
5115 1 El1 1 1 GI3 1 GI53 1

I 1 E l l2 1 GI4 1 GI54 1

5117 1 El1 3 1 GI5 1 GI55 1

5118 1 €114 1 GI6 1 GI56 1
Appendix A E l l5 1 G/7 1 GI57 1
A l1 1 E l l6 1 GI8 1 GI58 1
Al2 1 €117 1 GI9 1 GI59 1
Al3 1 El18 1 GI1O 1 GI60 1
N4 1 €119 1 GI1 1 1 GI6 1 1
N5 1 El20 1 GI1 2 1 GI62 1
N6 1 El2 1 1 GI1 3 1 G163 1
An 1 €122 1 GI1 4 1 GI64 1
Al8 blank El2 3 1 GI1 5 1 G165 1
El2 4 I
1 GI1 6 1 GI66 1

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BSI BS*5500 74 m I1624667 0 3 7 5 0 L ~ T T 2

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

I Issue

Page no. Issue Page no. Issue Page no. Issue Page no.

GI67 1 Appendix M Index

GI68 1 (1
Gt7 O
1 Appendix N
Appendix U

GPl 1 Publication\ referred to

GP2 1 blank blank III 1

GP3 1 Appendix P Appendix V IV 1
GP4 1 d 1
GP5 1 blank dl 1
GP6 1 Appendix 0 Annex AA inside
Appendix H
Hl1 1 E AN1
back page blank

Hl2 blank Appendix R AN3 1
Amendix J AN4 1
blank AN5 1
Appendix S AN6 1

Appendix T

AN1O 1
AN1 1 1
T13 AA112 blank


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Foreword continued-service reviews’ based on inspection

and consideration of actual load-temperature
This British Standard has been prepared under the history. This approach recognizes the limitations
direction of the Pressure Vessel Standards Policy inherent in any simple design method for vessels
Committee. It is a new edition of the 1991 version operating in the creep range and also provides a
and incorporates all technical changes upto and flexible basis that may be used incases where the
including Amendment No. 4 (September 1993) design strength values which have been derived
associated with thatversion. from IS0 data, are significantly different from
Despite the various amendments that have been those used with success in the past. Specific
made to thisstandard since it was first published requirements for these reviewsare not given in
in 1976, some of the requirementscan still be this standard because they require development
traced back to the proposals inISO/DIS 2694 and will be covered by other standards
’Pressure vessels‘ drafted b y Technical publications for the periodic inspection of
Committee 11 of the International Organization pressure vessels.
for Standardization ( K O ) which were taken into Recommendations covering aspects requiring
account in preparing the original edition. further consideration in particular cases are given
NOTE. Some of the figuresin this standard have been taken in theappendices. The British Standards
from ISO/DIS 2694 and employ the comma as the decimal Institution will be pleased to receive constructive
marker; normal BSI practice is touse the full point. proposals based on experience or research that
BS 5500, which covers pressure vessels may lead to improvements inthese appendices.
manufactured from carbon, ferriticalloy, austenitic An index has been added for thisissue for
steels, andaluminium, replaced the
following information purposes toassist users of the
standards: standard. The list of publications referred tohas
BS 1500 Fusion welded pressurevessels for been corrected so that documents that are no
general purposes longer referred to in the text of the standard have
Part 1 Carbon and low alloysteels been removed from thelist, and referenced
Part 3 Aluminium documents previously missing from the list have
BS 1515 Fusion welded pressurevessels for use been added. This correction processhas not
in thechemical, petroleum and allied addressed the updating of referenced BS
industries documents by replacement European documents;
Part 1 Carbon and ferritic alloy steels this will be addressed by amendments.
Part 2 Austenitic stainless steel Reference is made in the text to a number of
Previous editions have stated the intention of standards which have been withdrawn. Such
integrating into one British Standard the standards are identified in the ’Publications
requirements for design, manufacture, testing and referred to’ listing (see page III). Consideration is
inspection of fusion welded pressurevessels. It is currently being given to whether replacement
intended tokeep under review the question of standards are available or are being developed,
publishing appropriate supplements covering for example, in the European programme and to
other types of pressure vessels. the implications for BS 5500 of such replacement
standards. When a decision is made about any
It is anticipated that in due course an annex replacement standards, these will be identified by
0 covering requirements specific to copper willbe
added. In the meantime, by agreement between
the issue of an amendment.
the parties concerned, the existing provisions of As with the previous editions, it is intended to
this standard may beused as applicable. If there is keep this standard up to date by the issue from
sufficient demand from industry, the standard will time to time of
replacement pages, or additional
be extended to cover other non-ferrous materials pages where necessary. Each replacement or
like nickel and titanium. added page will carry anissue number (with date)
indicating its relationship to the original standard,
The requirements of this standard vary the pages of whichare marked ‘Issue 1’.
considerably depending upon the thickness and
type of material to be used. When this For example:
combination is such as will permit satisfactory Issue 1 will indicate an original page or one that
fabrication by relatively straightforwardprocesses, has been added to the original standard and
spot non-destructive testing is permitted without has not been amended since insertion;
any penalty in designthickness; in certain cases Issue 2 will indicate a first amendment of either
visual inspection only is permitted withan an original page or an added page;
appropriate penalty on design thickness.
Issue 3 will indicate a second amendment of
The strengths that may be assumed for design either an original page or an added page.
purposes of materials covered by current British
Side-lining on replacement pages will indicate that
Standards are individually specified in table2.3.
changes of technical or reference significance
Design strengths in the creep range are given for a have been madeat that point.
O range of design lifetimes that may be extended,
on expiry, on the basis of periodic ’fitness-for-


COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
E S 1 BS+5500 9 4 m Lb2Ybb9 0395016 8 7 5 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


The following figures are reproduced by courtesy

of the American WeldingResearch Council.
Figure G.2(35) was originally publishedas
figure 11 on page26 of WRC Bulletin 90 O
Figure G.2(29) was originally published as September 1963
figure 2 on page21 of WRC Bulletin 90 Figure G.2(36) was originally published as
September 1963 figure 12 on page 26 of WRC Bulletin 90
Figure G.2(30) was originally published as September 1963
figure 3 on page21 of WRC Bulletin 90 Figures G.2(37), G.2(38), G.2(39), G.2(40),
September 1963 G.2(41), G.2(42), G.2(43)and G.2(44) are
Figure G.2(31) was originally publishedas reproduced by courtesy of theInternational
figure 7 on page 24 ofWRC Bulletin 90 Journal of Solids and Structures, 1967.
September 1963 This standard is included in the listof 'Standards
Figure G.2(32) was originally published as Significant to Health and Safety a t Work'
figure 8 on page 24of WRC Bulletin 90 published by the UK Health and Safety Executive
September 1963 and is also referred to in HSE guidance
Figure G.2(33) was originally published as
figure 9 on page25 of WRC Bulletin 90 Compliance with a British Standard does not of
September 1963 itself confer immunity fromlegal obligations.
Figure G.2(34) was originally publishedas
figure 10 on page 25 of WRC Bulletin 90
September 1963

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 H 3624669 0395037 703
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

British Standard Specification for

Unfired fusion weldedpressure vessels

Section one. General additional to thatdue to the hydrostatic head does not
1.1 Scope exceed 140 mbart above or6 mbar below atmospheric

1.1.1 This British Standard specifies requirements for the pressure in accordance with such standards as BS 799,
BS 2594, BS 2654, BS4741, BS 5387.
design, construction, inspection, testing and verification of
compliance of unfired fusion welded pressure vessels.The (b) Low pressure, above ground storage tanks which
materials of constructionare specified in section two. The have a single verticalaxis of revolution designed for the
term 'pressurevessel' as used in this standard includes storage of liquidsa t a pressure not exceeding 1 bart.
branches upto the point of connection to the connecting (c) Vessels in which the stresses calculated in
piping by bolting, screwing or welding, andsupports, accordance with the equations given in section three
brackets or other attachments directly welded to the are lessthan 1O % of the design stress permitted by
pressure containing shell. section three.
1.1.2 In addition to the definitive requirements, this (d) Strip wound compound or other special designs of
standard also requires the items detailed1.5in to be vessels which may be appropriate for very high
documented. For compliance with thisstandard, both the pressures.
definitive requirements and the documented items have (e) Transport vessels, ¡.e. vessels used for transportof
t o be satisfied. contents underpressure.
1.1.3 This standard applies only to pressurevessels ( f ) Vessels for specific applications whichare covered
manufactured under the survey of a competent by standards listedin the BSl Catalogue.
engineering Inspecting Authority or Organization. The
intent of this requirement is regardedas satisfied where NOTE. Thetitles of the publications referred
to in this standard
are listed on the last page.
inspection is carried out by competent personnel of a
separate engineering inspection department maintained 1.2 Interpretation
by the purchaser of the vessel. An inspection department
If any ambiguity be found or doubt arise as to the meaning
maintained by the manufacturer does not satisfy this
or effect ofany part of this standard asor to whether
requirement except:
anything ought to be done or omitted to be done in orde
(a) that specific responsibilities may be delegated
at that this standard should be complied with full, in
the discretion of the Inspecting Authority or question shall be referred to thePressure Vessels
Organization; or Technical Committee (PVE/I) of the British Standards
(b) in thecase of vessels for the manufacturer'so w n Institution, whose interpretation of the requirements of
use and not forresale. this standard upon the matter issue
at shall be given free
This standardapplies only tovessels made by of charge and shall be final and conclusive. Parties
manufacturers whocan satisfy the Inspecting Authority adopting this standard for the purposesany ofcontract
or Organization that they
are competent and suitably shall be deemedto adopt this provision unless they
equipped to fulfil the appropriate requirements of this expressly exclude it orelse import an arbitration provision
standard. in terms extending to interpretation of this standard.
However, this provision is limitedto questions of
The requirements for testing and inspecting serially interpretation and does not confer upon the committee
manufactured pressurevessels are given inappendix V. I n any power, duty or authority to adjudicate upon the
all other respects the appropriate requirements in the contractual rights or duties any
of person under a contract
specification apply. except inso far as they may necessarily be affected by the
Glass lined steelvessels require special design interpretation arrived atby the committee.
considerations subject to the limits imposed by the all enquiries,
Findings or rulings of the committee upon
method of construction which should have the agreement
including matters of interpretation, which
are of sufficient
of the Inspecting Authority. importance that both enquiries and replies be made public
1.1.4 This standard does not cover the following. as soon as possible will be published inan enquiry-reply
(a) Storage tanks designed for the storage of liquids at form for inclusion in the BS 5500 ring binderas Enquiry
near atmospheric pressures, ¡.e. where the pressure in BSlNews.
Cases. Their availability will be notified

t 1 rnbar= 10' N/rn2= 100 Pa.

1 bar = 1 0 5 N / m 2 = 0 . 1 N/mrn2=100kPa.
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb2Ybb9 0395038 648 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

is provided with
After taking intoac count any public comment thereon, ensuring that the Inspecting Authority
Enquiry Cases may be incorporated,as appropriate, into any information the manufacturer is required to supply,
the standardas amendments which will form part of theas specified in this standard.
next convenient annual updating. The organization which discharges the manufacturer's
responsibilities for construction and testing shall assume
1.3 Definitions overall responsibility for compliance with this standard
For the purposes of this British Standard the following during all related activities including part manufacture
definitions apply. and subsequent fabrication to completion a t works
1.3.1 purchaser.The organization or individual who buysand/or site. It shall satisfy the Inspecting Authority, as
the finished pressure vessel for itsuse or as an agent necessary, under the general provisions 1.1
own of that it is
for the owner. competent t o ensure by appropriate control or
1.3.2 manufacturer. The organization thatdesigns, surveillance of such activities, whether carried out by itself
constructs and tests the pressure vessel in accordance or by subcontractors, that all the relevant requirements of
with the purchaser's order. The design function bemay this standard are met.
carried out by the purchaser or his agent, independently Examinations carried out by the Inspecting Authority do
from the organization that constructs and tests the vessel not absolve the manufacturer from his responsibility for
(see 1.4.2). compliance with the applicable requirements of this
1.3.3 Inspecting Authority.The body or organization thatstandard.
verifies that the vessel has been designed, constructed Where the purchaser elects to perform the design
and tested in accordance with this standard. function for the vessel, the manufacturer shallbe
responsible for ensuring that all the design information he
1.3.4 Regulating Authority.The authority in the country
of installation that is legally chargedwith the enforcement
requires t o construct and test the vessel
purchaser and for ensuring that
is provided by the
all construction and
of the requirements of the law and regulations of that
testing is carried out in compliance with this standard. The
country relatingto pressure vessels.
manufacturer shall also be responsible for the accuracy of
any informationhe provides to enable the purchaser to
1.4 Responsibilities
fulfil the design function.
1.4.1 Responsibilitiesof the purchaser.The purchaser
shall be responsible for furnishing the manufacturer and 1.4.3 Responsibilitiesof the Inspecting Authority. The
the Inspecting Authority with the information required by Inspecting Authority shall
be responsible for verifying:
1.5.1. (a) that all parts of the vessel have been designed in
Where the Inspecting Authorityis nominated by the accordance with the requirements of this standard as
purchaser, the purchaser shall be responsible for ensuring are applicable for the conditions specified
by the
that any information which the manufacturer is required purchaser according to 1.5.1;
to supply, as specified in this standard, is made available (b) that the vesselhas been constructed and tested in
to the Inspecting Authority. accordance with this standard and any additional
Where necessary, it shall be the responsibility of the requirements in respect of purchaser options covered
purchaser to ensure that the Inspecting Authority is by this standard (see table1.5).
acceptable to the Regulating Authority. 1.4.4 Certificate of Compliance. On completionof the
Where the purchaser elects to perform the design vessel the manufacturer shall issue FormX to certify that
function for thevessel, the purchaser shall be responsible the vesselhas been designed, constructed and tested in
for maintaining a complete design dossier for the vessel every respect in accordance with this standard and with
(see 1.5.1 and for ensuring that all the information any additional requirements in respect of purchaser's
contained init, or agreed modifications it,
tocomply with options covered by this standard. FormX shall be
this standard; the purchaser shall also be responsible for countersigned by the Inspecting Authorityas required.
the accuracy of all design calculations for the vessel. Where some of the activities covered by this standard are
1.4.2 Responsibilitiesof the manufacturer.The performed under the surveillance aofsecond Inspecting
manufacturer shall be responsible for the completenessAuthority, each Inspecting Authority shall attach a
and accuracy of all design calculations and for compliancestatement to FormX, countersigned as required thereon,
with all applicable requirements of this standard for the confirming which part of the total works
has been carried
whole vessel. During fabrication, unexpected factors may out under its surveillance.
arise which justify deviations from the specified The countersigned Certificate and its attachments (if any)
requirements but which do not affect the safety
as shall be furnished to the purchaser with a copy to the
intended by this standard. Such deviations shall be Regulating Authority if required.
submitted to the purchaser for approval andbeshall
Where the purchaser elects to perform the design
recorded in accordance with (e).
function for thevessel, the purchaser shall complete the
Where the Inspecting Authority is not nominated by the section of FormX which certifies that the design of the
purchaser the manufacturer shallbe responsible for vessel complies with this standard.


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S r 5 5 0 0 94 1624669 0395039 584 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Form X Certificate of Compliance

Vessel description Type ........

Approx. overall dimensions. ....................
Approved drawing number(s) . ..................

Year of manufacture ....... Relevant BS 5500 issue. ..........

Purchaser. . ............. Purchaser's serial no . ............

Manufacture Name of manufacturer. .........................
Manufacturer's serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . (see note 1)
Name of Design Organization(if not above manufacturer) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of Inspecting Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Design Design conditionsof Construction

principal components pressure
(see notes2 and 3)
bar "C mm
. .
. .
. .
. .
of contents, environment)
Other factorsaffecting design (e.g. weight, nature
(see notes3 and 4)
Post-weld heat treatment Component Temperature Holding time
"C h
........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....... .................................
....... .................................
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pressure test Location pressure
(see note 5) and temperature


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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSm5500 94 m L624bb7 0335020 2Tb
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Form X (concluded)

Certificate of Compliance (design)

BS with
W e hereby certify that the design of this vessel complies

For manufacturer (see note6): Date:

Position: Name of company:

W e hereby confirm that we

have checked the design of the above vessel and that this complies 5500.

For Inspecting Authority: Date:

Position: Name of company:

Certificate of Compliance (construction and testing)

has been constructed and tested in compliance BS
W e hereby certify that this vessel

For Manufacturer:
Name Position: O
of the above vesselhas been carried out under
W e hereby confirm that the construction and testing our surveillance
and that to the best of our knowledge and belief all of
aspects BS 5500.
this work comply with

For Inspecting Date:
Name Position: of company:

W e hereby confirm that the construction and testing of the abovehas vessel
been carried out under our surveillance
BS 5500.
and belief all aspectsof this work comply with
and that to the best of our knowledge

NOTE l . The suffix 'XX' is to be addedto the serial numberof each vesselfor which any deviations or concessions have been
authorized (see1.5.2.2 (e j).
NOTE 2. The design conditions associated with the operational duties specified by the purchaser should be given.
If a purchaser wishes to change the operational duty of a vessel, revised design conditions, consistent with the vessel scantlings, will
be established separately, as appropriate.
NOTE 3. Where the design covers operation below O "C the various combinationsof temperature, pressure and calculated membrane
stresses consideredin determining the design minimum temperature (see appendix D) should be stated.
NOTE 4. Where appropriate, cross reference to drawings or specifications will suffice.
NOTE 5. Where avessel is tested ina different orientation to that in which it will normally operate, this should be stated. O
NOTE 6.This part of the Certificate to be signed bythe purchaser in cases wherethe purchaser electsto perform the design function
(see 1.4.4).


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B S I BS+5500 99 D 1624669 0395023 132
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

1.5,.2.1 Before commencement of manufacture. The

1.5 Information and requirements to be agreed
and to be documented manufacturer shall submit the information specified
in 4.1.1 for approval before commencement of
1.5.1 Information to be supplied by t h e purchaser. The
manufacture. In submitting this information, the
following information shall be supplied by the purchaser
manufacturer shall identify, in an appropriate manner,
and shall be fully documented.
any features of the proposed design andlor in the
Both the definitive requirements specified throughout the proposed manufacturing, inspection or test procedures
standard and the documented items shall be satisfied which by the terms of this standard require to be
before a claim of compliance with the standard can be approved by the purchaser.
made and verified.
NOTE. Table 1.5 lists and classifies such features and indicates
(a) The normal working conditions of the required in which of the documents required by this standard theyshould,
vessel, together with details any of transient cyclic if relevant, be identified.
and/or adverse conditions in which the vessel is On completionof construction. The manufacturer
required t o operate andany special requirements for shall supplyto the purchaser for record purposes a copy o
in-service inspection. the following documentation,as finally approved, for each
(b) Any requirements relatingto thevarious options vessel or batch of vessels.
covered by this standard (see table 1.5). (a) A fully dimensioned drawing of the vessel, as built,
(c) Any special statutory or other regulations with together withany relevant supporting informationas
which the finished vessel is required to comply. specified in4.1.1 and whichis not covered by items (b)
(d) The name of the Inspecting Authoritv to be t o ($7).
commissioned by the p.urcha&. (b) A list of materials (including welding consumables)
(e)Thename of theRegulatingAuthority(ifany). used in the construction of the vessel with details any of
special heat treatments carried out by the material
( f ) The requirementt o obtain copies for record supplier.
purposes ofany documents other than those listed
in (a) to (9)(see table1.5). (To facilitate the NOTE. Formaterials specified to a British Standard the date of
the standard is to be given. Whereother materials are used
identification of such documents, a check list of optional(See2.1.2.1 (b)) thefull specification is to be supplied.
documents is givenin appendix S.)
(c) The welding procedures used during vessel
Where the purchaser elects to perform the design
manufacture (see5.2.2).
function for the vessel, the purchaser shall supply any
additional design information required by the (d) The procedures used forradiography, ultrasonic
manufacturer in accordance with 1.4.2.The design inspection and/or crack detection of welds (see
dossier maintained by the purchaser in accordance t o

with 1.4.1 shall cover all the information (whether (e) Records ofany specific deviations from the
supplied by the purchaser or by the manufacturer) which requirements of this standard (see table1.5).The
the manufacturer would otherwise be required 4.1.1
by 'XX' to theserial
manufacturer shall add the suffix
to submit before commencing manufacture. number of any vessel for whicha specific deviationhas
1.5.2 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer been approved.
The information in1.5.2.1 and shall be supplied by (f) A Certificate of Compliance (Form
X) for each vessel
the manufacturer and shall be fully documented. (see 1.4.4).
Both the definitive requirements specified throughout the (9) A facsimile of the vessel nameplate (see 5.8.9).
standardandthedocumenteditemsshallbesatisfied NOTE. The durationfor which a manufacturerwill retain all
before a claim of compliance with the standard can be records heis required to generate during the manufacture of a
made and verified. vessel is influenced by a number
of factors which are outside
the scope of this standard.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395022 079 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 1.5 Purchaser options and features requiringapproval by the purchaser (see 1.5.1. 1.5.2). lconrinuedl
(X denotes applicability)

Purchaseroption or feature requiring Classification Document in which option/feature

approval by purchaser (see (e)) be identified

Purchase Approved Approved working

order drawing (see procedure

Requirementsforadditional records; Purchaser option X

documentation additional to that specified
in 1.5.2 (1.5.1)

Any special requirements governing the Purchaser option X

selection, heattreatment ortesting of
materials (2.1.1,3.4.2,5.6.2)

Use of castings and appropriate inspectionVariation X

procedure (2.1.2)

Use of materials other than those covered Variation X
listed British Standards(

Design strength valuesfor materialsqualified

Basic requirement X
by notes(b), 1 (d),(f), 8,17 to table2.3

Use of increased designstresses for certain Purchaser option/ X or X

alloy steels as per note 6 to table2.3 variation

Use of steels with carbon content greaterVariation X

than 0.25 % (2.3.2)

Use of design methodsotherthan detailed in Variation X

section three (3.2.2, 3.5.4, 3.8.1,3.9)

Any relaxationof the design pressure for Purchaser option/ X or X

protected vacuum vessels (3.2.3) variation

The design lifetime for high temperature Basic requirement X or X

applications (3.2.4)

The service lifetime for applications whereBasic requirement X

fatigue strength is a potential life-limiting
factor (3.2.4)

The provisions for corrosion Basic requirement X X

The construction categoryforvessel or Basic requirement X or X
component parts(3.4.1)

Properties of alloy steels used for designBasic requirement X


purposes when post-weld heattreatment

exceeds time and temperature limitsgiven in
table4.4.3.1 (3.4.2)

Useofthreadsofpitchcoarserthan3 mrnor Variation X

bolt stresses excess
in of values given
in table3.8.1.4 (3.8.1)

Use of plate material for flanged (3.8.1)

hubs Variation X

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 94 D L b 2 4 b b 9 0 3 9 5 0 2 3 T05 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 1.5 Purchaser options and features requiring approvalby the purchaser (see 1.5.1,1.5.2) (continued)
O (X denotes applicability)

Purchaser option or feature requiring Classification Documentin which optionlfeatureshould

approval by purchaser (see (e)) be identified


Use of filletwelds with throatthickness

less Variation X
than thickness of thinner adjacent section

Commencement of manufacture before Variation Not applicable

approval ofall information specified in4.1.1

Any modifications to information supplied Formal

in revision or
I l X
accordance with4.1.1 of original

Relaxation of amount ofdressing on Variation Weld preparation

thermally cut edges of ferritic alloy steel and procedure
O aluminium (4.2.1)

Supplementary non-destructivetesting of cutPurchaser option/ or Weld preparation

edges and rectification of defects
(4.2.1) variation procedure

Proceduresforforming and inspection she1

of Basic requirement Heattreatment
sections and plates
(4.2.2) procedure

Assemblytolerancesforthicknesses Basic requirement

> 200 m m (4.2.3)

Departuresfrom specified tolerances on Variation

circumference of ends, circumference,
straightness and circularity of shells

Commencement of production welding priorVariation Not applicable

to approval ofwelding procedures, welders,
welding operators(4.3.1); orassembly
of category3 components (4.3.1)

Useofwelding consumablesotherthanthose Variation Welding procedure

usedintheweldingproceduretest (4.3.2)

9 %ofNi
Consumables used in the welding Basic requirement Welding procedure
steel (4.3.2)

Use of attachments of different nominal Variation Welding procedure

composition to shell

Use of backing strips for welds

(4.3.6) Variation Welding procedure

Specific deviation
Thinning ofwelds by dressing or grinding to Not applicable
lessthan thicknessshownon drawings I I

Use ofsingle layerweldsfor attachment of Variation X Welding procedure

branch pipes in aluminium vessels
(see 4.3.7 of annex AA)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSX5500 9 4 M L624669 0395024 941
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 1.5 Purchaser options and features requiring approval by the purchaser (see 1.5.1,1.5.2) (continued)
(X denotes applicability)

Purchaseroption or feature requiring Classification Document in which optionlfeature

approval by purchaser (see (e)) be identified

Purchase Approved Approved working

order drawing (see procedure

Approval ofwelding procedure (preheat Variation X Welding procedure

requirements) (4.4.1)

Modified post-weld heat treatment Variation X Heat treatment

procedures (4.4.3,4.4.4,4.4.5) procedure

Welding carried out after final post-weld heat

Specific deviation Not applicable
treatment (4.4.3)

Requirementsforspecial finish(4.5) Purchaser option

Criteria for welding procedure tests (all weld

Basic requirement X
tensile) (5.2.5)

Welderto retake whole or of

approval Purchaser option
test (5.3.3)

Production test plate requirements Purchaser option

Reduction in width of standard production Variation X

test platesfor aluminium

Necessity of micro-examination of welds in

Purchaser option
aluminium (5.5.5)

Comprehensive schedule covering Purchaser option

non-destructivetesting requirements(5.6.1)

Acceptance standardsfor defects revealed byBasic requirement X Non-destructive

non-destructive testing in parent material testing procedure

Non-destructive testing techniques for Basic requirement Specific repair

examination of authorized repairs to parent procedure
materials (5.6.2)

Any relaxation in requirementsfor Variation X Non-destructive

ultrasonic/radiographic non-destructive testing procedure
testing of welds,otherthan full penetration
buttwelds, in category 1 components

Use of magnetic particle or penetrant Purchaser option/ X Non-destructive

methodsforexaminationofTypeAweldsin variation testing procedure
category 1 components and
categories 1 and 2 in case of aluminium
vessels (5.6.4)

Grouping of nozzles and branchesfor Basic requirement X Non-destructive

examination of internal flaws testing procedure

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

e by the purchaser(see 1.5.1,1.5.2) (continued)

Table 1.5 Purchaser options and features requiring approval
(X denotes applicability)

Purchaser option orfeaturerequiring Classification Document in which option/feature

approval by purchaser (see be identified
Approved working
order drawing (see procedure

Use of magnetic particle or penetrant Purchaser option1 X or X Non-destructive

methods for examination of category3 variation I testing procedure
components (5.6.4)

Choice of non-destructive testing techniqueBasic requirement X Non-destructive


Method used to provide reference pointsfor Basic requirement

"S' Not applicable
testing procedure

I l
accurate location of non-destructive testing
reports (5.6.6)

Weld defect acceptance criteria different toPurchaser X or X Non-destructive

e 5.7 (1)
those in table optionlconcession

Acceptance of specific welds with defects Specificdeviation

Not applicable
testing procedure

excess of levels specified in table

5.7 (1 )

Basic requirement Weld repair

Repair of welds(5.7.3) Not applicable
Options permitted in pressuretestsspecifiedBasic requirement X Pressure test
in 5.8 procedure

Agreement to waive repeatteston vessel Specificvariation /Jotapplicable

repaired after pressure test


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Section two. Materials 2.1.3 Materials for non-pressureparts

Materials for supportinglugs, skirts, baffles and similar
2.1 Selection of materials
non-pressure parts welded vessels
to shall be of
2.1.1 General established identity and shall be compatible
with the The selection of the materials of construction for material to which theyare attached.
pressure containing parts and their integral attachments
2.2 Materials for low temperature applications
shall take into account the suitability of the material with
regard t o fabrication' and to the conditions under which 2.2.1 to the selection
Special consideration shall be given
they will eventually operate. of materialsfor vessels designed to operate Obelow "C or,
Annex AA gives requirements specific to aluminium andwhere it is considered by the purchaser or manufacturer
aluminium alloys. This section shall be modifiedas given that there would otherwise be undue risk of brittle fracture
in annex AA for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels in pressure testing a vessel at the temperature of the
constructed of aluminium and aluminium alloys. available test fluid. Any special limits, for example
with respect to 2.2.2 Table 2.2.2 specifies bolting material suitable for
composition, heat treatment, or non-destructive testing, use at low temperature and the minimum design
which the manufacturer or the purchaser is permitted temperature
to foreach material.
specify in relation to the particularuse
endof material,
shalt be the subject of agreement between the purchaser Table 2.2.2 Bolting materialsfor
of enquiry and order (see low-temperature
and the manufacturer at the time
table 1.5).
Material* Application Impact
2.1.2 Materials for pressureparts requirements requirements All the materials used in the manufacture of
pressure parts shall either:
BS 1506-1 62 Nuts Not specified
(a) comply with the appropriate British Standard
BS 1506-240 Nuts Not specified
referred to in the design strength tables of this standard,
BS 1506-240
except as otherwise permittedby this section; or LT 1O0 Nuts 20J at - 1 0 0 ° C 1-1 O 0
(b) be agreed between the purchaser and the ES 1506-62 A 1 Bolts Not
specified 150
manufacturer (see table1.5) provided that: BS 1506-62 1A
LT 1O0 Bolts 2OJ at -1 00°C -1 O 0
(11 they complywith the appropriate requirements of
BS 1506-801B Nuts, bolts Not specified -200
this section forthat material type, and are covered by
ES 1506-82 1Ti Nuts, bolts Not specified -200
a written specification:
BS 1506-821Nb Nuts, bolts Not specified -200
(i) at least as comprehensive as the British
BS 1510LT100 Nuts, bolts 27J a t - 1 0 0 ° C -1 O 0
Standards listed in the design strength tables of
this standard forthe nearest equivalent material;and "This table will be updated by a future amendment to cover the
(i¡) as a minimum specifying the manufacturing steel designations included in the current edition of BS 1506.
process, compositional limits for all constituents, Also see the foreword.
deoxidation practice, heat treatment and
appropriate mechanical properties for acceptance 2.2.3 The impact requirements for ferritic steels in band
and other purposes; MO t o M 4inclusive used forvessels designed to operate
(2) the nominal design strength of materials below O "C shall be in accordance with appendix D.
specified are derived in a manner consistent with Appendix D shall also be used as specified in5.8.2.4when
appendix K and details of the procedure used are it is agreed by the purchaser and manufacturer to carry
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturerout the final pressure test of a vessel a t a temperature
and recorded (see table1.5); higher than that of the available test fluid. Welding material shall comply with sections four2.2.4 Requirements for theuse of ferritic steels in bands M5
and five. (3%% Ni) and M7 to M10inclusive, usedfor such vessels, The use of castings for pressure parts shall be shall be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer.
subject t o agreement between the purchaser and the 2.2.5 The impact requirements for ferritic steels in band
manufacturer (see table 1.5). An appropriate 'quality M 6 (9 % Ni) used for vessels designed to operate below
specification' for such castings shall be agreed between O "C shall be in accordance with the British Standards
the manufacturer and the material suppliera t the time of listed in table2.3 for M6 steels.
enquiry, specifying the standards of inspection to be 2.2.6 Austenitic stainlesssteels (including the high
applied and of acceptance for defects. As a minimum, all nitrogen and warm worked varieties) are not
accessible fillets and changes section,
of etc., shall be susceptible t o low stress brittle fracture and no special
subject to magnetic particle or penetrant inspection. requirements are necessary for their use at
2.1 -2.4 Bolts and nuts shall comply with the material temperatures down to-196 "C.
4 of BS 4 8 8 2 : 1 9 7 3
specifications listed in tables 3 and 2.2.7 Aluminium and aluminium alloys are not
or table 3 of BS 1 4 7 3 : 1972. susceptible to lowstress brittle fracture and no special
requirements are necessary for their use at
temperatures down to-196 "C.

See appendixG of BS 5135 : 1984 for general guidance on the susceptibility of materialsto lamellar tearing during fabrication.


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BSI BS+5500 94 m 1624669 0395027 650
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

2.3 Carbon, carbon manganese and alloysteels for plates, 15 % for castings and1 4 % for tubes and
2.3.1 Materials covered by British Standards. Permissible materials complying with
forgings, unless the use of the steelis subject to special
agreement (see o
appropriate British Standards shall beas given in The rate of testing and methods of acceptance testing
table 2.3.t shall generally be consistent with appropriate British
Standards for similar product forms.
Hot testing to confirm the properties of material supplied
shall not be required for materials listed in table
2.3. For materials thatwill be used above5 0 "C, a yield
Additionally, it is permissible to use materials complying point or proof stress properties shall be specified by the
with British Standards listed in table2.3A for the manufacturer for acceptance tests accordance
in with
construction of only category vessels
3 provided the ES 3688.
qualifying requirements indicated in table
2.3A are rupture properties shall be specified for
satisfied. materials which will be used in the creep
range. These
Non-destructive testing requirements shall be
as specified shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid
in 5.6.2. down in BS 3228 : Part 2. The manufacturer of the vessel
shall be assured that the product supplied
is of
Where relevant, the restrictions in2.3.2.2
shall apply. complying with the specified properties by a statement Nominaldesignstrengthvaluesformaterials that the manufacturing processeshave remained
complying with appropriate British Standards shall as
be equivalent to those for the steel for which the test results
given in tables2.3 and 2.3.A. were obtained.
These values are for design purposes as specified in the V-notch impact test properties at
relevant sections of this standard only and shall not be appropriate temperatures shall, wherenecessary,
used as a basis for acceptance or rejection of material. comply with 2.2.3t o 2.2.5.
NOTE 1. Their derivation is described in appendix K. shall be supplied in a heat treated
NOTE 2. Values between those given in the various columns of
the table may be linearly interpolated. condition appropriate to the nearest equivalent British
Standard unless otherwise agreed between the
2.3.2 Materials not coveredby British Standards purchaser, the manufacturer and the material supplier
(see table 1.5). as specifiedin 2.1.2.l(b) shall
complywiththegeneralrequirements of t o NOTE. Plates for hotforming may be supplied in any suitable condition as agreedbetween the manufacturer and the material
supplier. maximum allowable phosphorus and sulphur and carbon manganese steel platesfor
content shall not exceed 0.05 % each in the ladleanalysis. cold forming shall be supplied in the normalized condition
For ferritic steels intended for welding, the upper limit ofexcept when their thickness less
is than 25 mm, when it is
the carbon range(in the ladle analysis) should not if guaranteed
permissible to supply plates as-rolled
normally exceed0.25 %, but in the cases of such steels elevated temperature properties are not required.
with a carbon content higher than 0.25 % intended for Low alloy steel plates for cold forming shall be supplied in
welding, they shall only be used subject to special the normalized and tempered condition except that, where
agreement on welding procedures between the metallurgically suitable and where post-weld heat
purchaser, the manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority treatment will suffice as the tempering treatment, plates

(see table 1.5). supplied in the normalized condition shall be permitted. deoxidation practice shall be appropriate to t is permissiblet o use electric resistance welded
the type of steel ordered particularly where
the level of elevated or low temperature
it influences
properties. it is
or induction welded tubes in the as-welded condition
provided the specified upper limit of tensile strength does
permissible touse semi-killed steel in accordance with not exceed 540 N/mm2 and they are not intended for
this standard forplates, seamless and welded tubes in service below a temperature Oof"C.
carbon and carbon manganese steels with an upper limit
range of 640 N/mm2 and The heat treatment condition to which the
of the specified tensile strength
with a thickness not exceeding 100 mm. Rimming steelspecified properties relate shall be clearly stated in the
shall only be used for welded tubes in carbon and carbon material specifications. These properties canbe affected
manganese steel types with an upper limit of the specifiedby reheating during fabrication and, where necessary
tensile strengthrange of 490 N/mm2 under service (see 3.4.2or 4.4),the manufacturer shall discuss the
temperature conditions betweenO "C and 380 "C. application and proposed heating or reheating of the steel
with the material supplier. However, the test plates shall properties at room temperature shall be supplied and tested in a condition corresponding to the
be specified for acceptance tests accordance
in with material specification specifically requested by the
ES 18 covering,R, Re (see appendix K) and minimum manufacturer. The heat treatment to be given to the test
elongation at fracture. pieces and the acceptance properties shall be agreed
The specified minimum percentage elongation at fracturebetween the manufacturer and the material supplier at the
referred to a gauge length of 5.65Go* shall be time of order.
appropriate to the type of steel with a lower limit % of 16

t In certain applications higher design strengths than those specified

in table 2.3 for commongrades of stainless steel are
(see appendix P).
S, is the original cross-sectional area of the gauge length
of the tensile test specimen.

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ES1 BSx5500 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0395028 597
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 2.3 Design strength values: index of steels

e Standard


Steel plates BS 1501 :Part 1

BS 1501 : Part 2
BS 1501 : Part 3
Steel sections and barsBS 1502
Steel forgings BS 1503
Steel castings BS 1504
Steel pipesand tubes BS 3059 : Parts 1 and 2
BS 3601, BS 3602 :
Parts 1 and 2
BS 3603
BS 3604 : Parts 1 and 2
BS 3605 : Part 1
BS 3605
BS 3606

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994

Issue 1, January 1994

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214 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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BSI BS+5500 94 W 3b24bb9 0395030 It45 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994





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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI BSm5500 9 4 3 6 2 4 6 6093 9 5 0 3 1 OB3
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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BSI BSx5500 9 4 m 3b24bb9 0395032 T 1 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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BSI B S Z 5 5 0 0 74 m Lb24bb9 0 3 9 5 0 3 3 9 5 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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218 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
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BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24669 0375034 890 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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B S I BSE5500 94 Lb24bb9
0395035 727
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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BSI BS+5500 94 L624669 0395036 663 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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211 1
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS+5500 94 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395037 5 T T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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211 2 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Zb24bb9 0395038 436 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSa5500 74 L624667 0395037 372 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
E S 1 B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0375040 074 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9 4 m Irb2Vbb9 0395041 T 2 0 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

211 6 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S IB S 1 5 5 0 0 9 4 H Lb24669 0395042 967 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSt5500 74 m Lb24bb7 0375043 8T3 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards 211 8 provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 94 H Lb24bb9 0395044 7 3 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 94 L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395045 b7b
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



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2/2021:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
212 l
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395047 4q7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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2/22 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS44.500 9 4 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395048 385 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS+5500 94 m 1624669 0395049 211 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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2/24 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 1624669 0395050 T33
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSIBS*5500q4 m 3 6 2 4 6 6 90 3 9 5 0 5 3 97T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I B S t 5 5 0 0 94 W L b 2 4 b b 9 0395052 806 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS+5500 94 L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395053 742
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

O 0 0 0 O000 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0
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2/28 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ES1 BSx5500 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0375055 515 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

2/30Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 9Y W L b 2 4 b b 9 037505b 4 5 1 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994









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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
2/3221:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Zb24bb9 0395058 224 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


O000 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0
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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
L624669 0395059 L b 0
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ES1 BSt5500 94 m 3624bb9 0375060 982 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

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COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S + 5 5 0 0 74 m 3 6 2 4 b b 9 0375063 837 W

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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Previous page
is blank
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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Used for category 3 Construction

Table 2.3A Additional materials that may be

Product Material standards, Conditionsfor use Design stressfor areas remote from
form BS references welded seams (

1 BS EN10025 : Fe360BFNSee

I notes 1,4and 5

asforBS1501 :Part1 :1980:151/161400(table2.3)


Fe 430A
Fe 4306

BS 1449 : Part 1 37/23HR

I See notes 1,2, and 4
asforBS1501 : Part1 : 1980: 151/161430(table2.3)

Plate, sheet as for BS 1501 : Part 1 : 1980 : 151/161360 (table2.3)

or strio 37123CR

43/25HR asforBS1501:Part1:1980:151/161430(table2.3)

BS1449:Part2 304S15 See note 3 asfor BS 1501 : Part3: valuesforequivalent plate

31O S24 material (table 2.3)

NOTE 1. The copper content shall not exceed 0.30 96.

NOTE 2. Rimming steel shall not be used.
NOTE 3. The steel supplier shall provide a certificate
of compliance which shall also state:
(a) the ladle analysisof the material supplied;
(b) the resultsof mechanical tests on test pieces taken
from samples representing the material supplied.
NOTE 4. The negative tolerance on thickness permittedinthe material standard shall
be taken into accountin specifying the ordering thickness
(see 3.1.5).
NOTE 5. The additional procedure for correction of minor defects specifiedin 9.2.2 of BS 4360 : 1986 only applies with the
agreement of the purchaser. Specific inspection shouldbe carried out anda certificate issued.

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BSI BS*5500 74 1b2Ybb7 0 3 9 5 0 b 3 b 9 L m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Section three. Design (e) weight of water under hydraulic

pressure test
3.1 General (f) wind loading;
3.1.1 The minimum thicknesses or dimensions ensure
(9) earthquake loading;
the integrity of the vessel design against the risk of gross
plastic deformation, incremental collapse and collapse (h) other loads supportedby or reacting on thevessel.
through buckling shall be determined using the materialsConsideration shall be given to the effect of the following
specified in sectiont w o and the calculations specified loads whereit is not possible to demonstrate the accurac
in 3.1.2 t o 3.1.6 or 3.2.2. of the proposeddesign, e.g. by comparison with the
3.1.2 Minimum thicknesses or dimensions for particular behaviour of other vessels:
components ofvessels under internal pressure (see3.5) ( 11 local stresses caused by supporting lugs, ring
shall be calculated inaccordance with the subclauses girders, saddles, internal structures or connecting piping
identified in (a) to (f). or intentional offsets of median lines in adjacent
(a) cylindrical and sphericalvessels (3.5.1); components;

(b) domed ends (3.5.2); (2) shock loads caused by water hammer or surging of
the vessel contents;
(c) conical ends and truncated cones(3.5.3);
(3) bending moments caused by eccentricity of the
(dl openings and branch connections(3.5.4); centre of the working pressure relative to the neutral
(e) flat ends and flat plates axis of the

(f) spherically domed and bolted ends (see figure

3.5.6) (4) stresses caused by temperature differences
(3.5.6). including transient conditions and by differences in
O 3.1.3 Minimum thicknesses or dimensions for particular
components ofvessels under external pressure (see
coefficients of thermalexpansion;
(5) fluctuations of pressure and temperature.
shall be calculated in accordance with subclauses
Where portionsof a vesselare subjected to high cyclic
identified in (a) to (f).
forces/moments or thermal stresses in service which will
(a) cylindrical shells (3.6.2); not be reproduced during the pressure test specified in
(b) conical shells (3.6.3); 5.8, the possibility of unacceptable local strain
(c) spherical shells (3.6.4); accumulating over the life of the component shall be gi
appropriate consideration.
(d) hemispherical ends (3.6.5);
3.2.2 Design requirements specified in this section will
(e) torispherical ends (3.6.6); provide satisfactory designs for the types of loading
(f) ellipsoidal ends (3.6.7). accounted for by the equations' therein. If a component is
3.1.4 Minimum thicknesses or dimensions for bolted subjected to loading other than that accounted in thefor
flange connections, flat heat exchanger tubesheets and equations, reference shall be made to other design criteria
jacketed construction shall be calculated in accordance (such as in appendixA), unless it is possible t o
with 3.8,3.9 and 3.11, respectively. demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed design by
NOTE. Recommended methodsof calculating stresses arising comparison with the behaviour of similar existing
from local loads (on spherically or cylindrically shaped vessels) Components.
due to nozzles, supports, etc., andthermal gradients are given
in NOTE 1. The equationsin this section are based on mean
appendix G. diameter rules and are not necessarily applicable when the ratio
3.1.5 Since the thicknesses determined by the various of the outside diameter of the vessel to the inside diameter of the

O equations are minima, the specified nominal thickness

shall be increased by the amountany ofnegative
vessel DJD,exceeds 1.3.The designof such vessels should be
given special consideration, taking
safety against gross plastic deformation
into account that the factorof
will be greater than that
tolerance permitted by the specification to which the implied by the equationsin this section, andthat the onset of
material isordered. plasticity (locally at the bore)will occur at relatively low pressure.
3.1.6 Supports, attachments and internal structures (non NOTE 2. An aid to the selection of standardized pressure vessels
is givenin BS 5276 : Part 4, where a range of dimensions and
pressure parts) shallbe designed in accordance with 3.7. pressure ratingsfor basic unpierced cylindrical pressure vessels
NOTE 1. Detailed recommendationsto safeguard the vessel with domed ends is given.
against fatigue conditions are given in appendix C. NOTE 3. Where the specified design strength of a material timeis
3.1.7 Detailed requirements to safeguard against brittle dependent, the design procedures covering situations where
fracture of vessels, ferritic steels in categories MO to M 4 internal pressure isnot a dominantform of loading (e.g. see 3.6)
may not in themselves provide adequate margin against the
inclusive, are given in appendix D (see also 2.2). possibilityof creep deformation leadingto instability or creep
rupture during the agreed design lifetime. In such casesthe
3.2Application design procedures specifiedin this section should, where
indicated, be supplemented by appropriate analysis to confirm
3.2.1 In the design ofvessela the following loads shall be that this lifetime will be achieved. The design procedures
taken into account, where relevant: included in this section donot necessarily cover mechanisms
(a) internal and/or external design pressure; (e.g. creepratchetting) which can significantly increasethe
deformation rate of components operating in the creep range and
(b) maximum static head of contained fluid under subject to frequent temperature cycling. Where such cycling is
operating conditions; likely, deformation rates should be confirmed by appropriate
supplementary analysis.
(c) weight of thevessel;
(d) maximum weight of contents under operating
'The equations in this section may be used
with any consistent set ofunits.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

For other components for which no requirements are NOTE 2. NO such vesselshould remainin service once the agreed

specified in thissection, referenceshall be made to other a periodic review basedon
Service life has been completed, without
methods of evaluating the stress systems (suchas in the inspectionhonitoringofthe part(s) in question.
appendix A). Where, during normal operation, a vessel is subjected to
By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, more than one loadingt/temperature condition, the
it is permissibletousedesignsbased c'n requirementsother thickness shall be determined from that condition which
than those given in section this provided theycan be shown results in thegreatest thickness.
to comply with the design criteria in alopendix A, but inno 3.2.5 The minimum design temperature which is used to
case shall the minimumthickness for pressure loading only determine the suitability of the material resist
to brittle
be less than that requiredby 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 (see table 1.5). fracture shall be the lowest metal temperature expected in
service. In thecase of components thermally insulated
The designpressure of vessels (or vessel parts) for which
externally, the lowest metal temperature shall be taken to be
the strength cannotbe satisfactorily calculated shall be
the minimum temperature of the contents of thevessel at
determined from the results of a proof hydraulic test carried
the appropriate loading condition. In the case of
out inaccordance with 5.8.6 in thepresence of theInspecting
components not thermallyinsulated, the minimum
temperature of the components under operating conditions
3.2.3 The design pressure(¡.e. the pressure to be used in the and the methodused for assessing the lowest metal
equations for the purposes of calculation) shall be not less temperature shall besubject to agreement.
In cases where thecalculated membrane stress can vary
(a) the pressure which will exist in the vessel when the with the minimum design temperature, e.g. auto-
pressure relieving device startsto relieve, or theset refrigeration duringdepressurisation, the various
pressure of thepressure relieving device, whichever is combinations ofstress andtemperature shall be evaluated
the higher(see 3.13);
(b) the maximumpressure which can be attained in
to determinethe onewhich is most onerous forthe purpose
of selection of materials(see D.3.1).
service where thispressure is not limitedby a relieving 3.2.6 Provision shallbe made in thedesign to permit
device. thermal expansion and contraction so as to avoid excessive
The design pressure shallinclude thestatic headwhere thermal stresses.
applicable. 3.2.7 Unless otherwise agreed (see 3.2.2), wind and
Vessels subject to externalpressure shall be designed for earthquake loadings shallbe calculated in accordance with
the maximum differentialpressure to which the vessel may appendix B and the higher permissiblestresses given in
be subjected in service. It is recommended thatvessels A.3.6 apply.
subject to vacuum be designed for a full negative pressure
of 1 bar*unless a vacuum break valve or similardevice is 3.3 Corrosion, erosion and protection
provided, in whichcase it is permissible fora lower design 3.3.1 General. The word 'corrosion'asused in thisstandard
pressure to beused by agreement between the purchaser shall be taken to mean corrosion, oxidation,scaling,
and the manufacturer(see table 1.5). abrasion, erosion and all other formsof wastage.
3.2.4 The maximum design temperature which isused to The purchaser andthe manufacturershall give joint
determine the appropriate nominal design strength for theconsideration to the likely effect which corrosion (both
selected material shallbe not less than theactual metal internal and external) willhave upon the useful life of the
temperature expected in service. Themaximum design vessel (see table 1.5). Under conditions where stress
temperature shall include an adequate margin tocover corrosion mayoccur, consideration shall be given to the
uncertainties in temperature prediction. Where different materials used andthe residual stress in fabricated vessels.
metal temperaturescan confidently be predicted for
different parts of thevessel, it is permissible to base the
NOTE l . Forms of corrosion, including the following, require
design temperature forany point in thevessel on the (a) Chemical attack where the metal is dissolved by the reagents.
predicted metaltemperature. It may be general over the whole surface or localized (causing
pitting) or a combinationof the two.
An appropriatedesign lifetime shall be agreed between the
purchaser andthe manufacturer for each vessel whose (b) Rusting causedby the combined action of moisture and air.
maximum design temperature is suchthat the nominal (c) Erosion corrosion where a reagent that is otherwise
innocuous flows over the surface at a velocity greater than some
design strength intable 2.3 is time dependent (see table 1.5). critical value.
NOTE 1. No vessel designedon this basis should remain in service (d) High temperature oxidation (scaling).
beyond the agreed design lifetime unlessa reviewisthen madeof its
continued fitnessfor service basedon inspection for creep damage When in doubt consideration shall be given to undertaking
and considerationof its temperaturektress history and the latest corrosion tests to be carried out on theactual metal
materialsdata. Particular attention should be paid, during inspection,(including welds) or combination metals of under exposure
to geometrical discontinuities and details subject
to load or
temperature cycling. Subjectto satisfactory periodic review,it is to the actual chemicals used in service.
permissible to extend service lives beyond the original design life. NOTE 2. It is very dangerousto assume that the major constituent of
a mixture of chemicals is the active agent, in many
as cases small
An appropriateservice life and design margin (as in C.1.2) traces of impurities exert an acceleratinginhibiting
or effect out of all
shall beagreed between thepurchaser andthe proportion to the amount of impurity.
manufacturer foreach vessel of whichany integral part
requires a detailedfatigue analysis (asin C.2) (see table 1.5).

* 1 bar = lo5 N/m* = 0.1 Nimm' = 100 kPa.
t In this context, theterm 'loading' means any combination
of loads (includingpressure loading) acting simultaneously.

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 W Lb24bb9 0395065 4 6 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Fluid temperatures and velocities should be equivalent 3.3.4Wear plates. Where severe conditions of erosion

to those metin operation. Corrosion tests should be and abrasionarise, consideration shall be given to fitting
O continued for a sufficiently long period to determine thelocal protective or wear plates directly in the path of the
trend of any change in the rate of corrosion with respect impinging material.
to time.
3.3.2 Additional thickness to allowfor corrosion.The 3.4 Construction categories anddesign stresses
additional thickness specified over and above that 3.4.1 Construction categories. For the purposes of this
required for design conditions shall be adequate cover
to standard, a construction category in accordance with
the total amount of corrosion expected on either or bothtable 3.4shall be agreed between the purchaser and
surfaces of thevessel and shall beagreed between the manufacturer foreach pressure containing component of
purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5). It shall be the vessel (see table1.5).
at leastequal in magnitudetr! the expected wastage due
NOTE. Any one of the three construction categories in table 3.4
t o corrosion during the specified life of vessel
the and shall will provide adequateintegrity for normal purposeswithin the
be a minimum of 1 mm unless a protective liningis material and temperature limitations specified therein.The
employed. justificationfor any special precautions(e.g. additionalinspection
and/or test requirements, secondary containment,)to reduce
Where corrosion effectsare negligible noexcess external risks in the postulated eventof an escape of hazardous
thickness need bespecified. vessel contents involves consideration matters
of by the
purchaser (andregulatingauthority)which are beyond thescope
3.3.3 Linings and coatings. It is permissible forvessels t o of this standard. Any modificationsto the requirements of this
be fully or partially lined (or coated) with standard which are required for this purpose shouldbe covered,
corrosion-resistant material.It is permissible for linings to as appropriate, under 1.5.1.
be loose, intermittently attached to the vessel base 3.4.2 Design stresses
material or integrally bonded to the vessel base material.
Thesurfacefinishforcoated vessels shallbe agreed Categories 1 and2. Except as qualified in 3.4.2, the
design stresses shall not exceed the appropriate nominal
between the purchaser and the manufacturer
design strengthvalue given in table 2.3, etc. for the
(see table 1.5).
material of constructiona t the design temperature.
Provided contact between the corrosive agent and the
The following points shall also be taken into account.
vessel base material is excluded, it shall not be necessary
to make a corrosion allowance against internal wastage of (a) Carbon and carbon manganese steels
the base material. Corrosion-resistant linings shall not be (1) The nominal design strengths given in table 2.3
included in the computation of the specified wall are intended for general use with the steels listed
thickness exceptin the case of cladsteels, when as and acceptance tests on material heat treated with a
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the completed vesselare not required, any reduction in
combined thickness of steel and cladding is permitted to properties of such steels due to post-weld heat
be used in calculating the wall thickness (see table 1.5). treatment being consistent with the overall benefit
The design of lining shall take into account the effects of obtained by stress relief of the structure. A purchaser
differential thermalexpansion; integral linings shallhave requiring suchtests, or tests on samples subject to
sufficient ductility to accommodate any strain likelyto be
imposed on them during service.

Table 3.4 Construction categories

Construction Non-destructive Permitted Maximum Temperature limits
category testing (NDT) material thickness
(6s5500 band) (mm) (see note) Lower

1 I 100% All None, except See general See appendix D limitations

(see where NDT note (b) to
method limits table 2.3 also
note 3 t o 3.2.2
Limited random
(spot)(see5.6.4.2) M 1
40 See general
note (b) to
\ See appendix D limitations

i:o 1
M2 table 2.3
also note 3
to 3.2.2 i
alloys 1050A,
3103,5154, 2A.3; also
5 154A, 5083 See table (c)(3) None

I Visual only
C & CMn steel
(R,,.,* 4 3 2
}3OO0C 1
See appendix D limitations

Austenitic 25

steel J None

"For definition of Rm see K . 2
NOTE. In the case of flat ends andflanges, the limitation on thickness appliesto the governing dimension of the attachment
weld and not to the thickness of the flat end orflange itself.
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E S 1 BSlk5500 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395Obb 3T0 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

non-standard heat treatments, shall specify them in limit for statically cast components. In
the supplementary specification together with the case of static castings the design stress shall not
appropriate acceptance criteria (see table
(2) In designs where slight deformation
is important
exceed 0.7 x the nominal design strength value given in
2.3, unless the quality specification (see
full provision for the detection and
repair of
or where the proposed post-weld heat treatment
times or temperatures will significantly exceed thepotentially harmful defects in all critical sections, in which
limits givenin table, plate which will meet the case it is permissibleto take this limit as 0.9 x the nominal
properties in the material specificationin the design strength value given in table
normalized plus simulated (3-hour) post-weld heat
treated conditionis to be specified.
3.5 Vessels under internal pressure
(b) Alloy steels
3.5.1 Cylindrical and spherical shells
(1) Manufacturers shall discuss the application
and For the purposesof and
proposed heating or reheating of alloy steels with the following symbols apply. All dimensions exclude
corrosion allowances.
the material supplier before selecting the appropriate
nominal design strength. is the inside diameter of
(2) The nominal design strengths given in table 2.3 is the outside diameter shell;
shall be used provided the proposed post-weld heat is the minimum calculated thickness of shell
treatment does not exceed the time and temperature
is the nominal design
limits given in table4.4.3. l . This doesnot apply to
the limits permitted for maximum softening and is the longitudinal bending moment;
optimum creep properties for grades M 7 and M9; in is the designpressure;
these and all other cases the properties used for
design purposes shall be subject to prior agreement
between the purchaser and the manufacturer (see
M ortoW,
is the longitudinal force in cylinder due
per unit length of inside circumference (positive if
tensile); see equation (3.7);
table 1.5). Appropriate time and temperature limits
is the inside radius of
for non-standard heat treatments shall be
established a t the design stage. If acceptance tests (for vessels with a vertical longitudinal axis
on material heat treated with a completed vessel or (a) for points above plane of support: is the weight of
in a non-standard mannerare required, these shall vessels, fittings, attachments and fluid supported
be specified in the supplementary specification above pointconsidered, the sum to be given a
together with acceptance criteria agreed between negative sign in equation(3.7);
the purchase and the manufacturer (see table 1.5). (b) for points below plane of support: is the weight of
( c ) Aluminium vessels, fittings, attachments and fluid below point
(1) Post weld heat treatment of aluminium
vessels is considered plus weight of fluid contents not
not normallynecessary or desirable. supported above point considered, the sum to be
given a positive sign in equation(3.7).
(2)The nominal design strengths given in table2.3 of
annex AA for materials in the annealed condition is the nett longitudinal compressive stress.
shall be used in the design of welded constructions. thickness for pressure loading only.The

(3) In the light of current experience materials for minimum thickness for pressure loading only shall be
vessels subject to external pressure shall be calculated from the following equations.
restricted to materiais 51 54A, 5083 and 5454". (a) Cylindricalshells Cafegory3. The following designstress limits shall
apply irrespective of the orientation of the main welded e = PDi ~
(a) Carbon and carbon manganese steel. The design
e= - PD0 (3.2)
stress shall not exceed tR,/5.
2f +P
(b) Austenitic steel. The design stress shall notexceed
120 N/mm* or ( b) Spherical shells

1 2 0 ( 4 5 0 ) ,whichever is the smaller, where t is the e= PDi (3.3)

400 + t 4f - 1.2p
design temperature("C). or
In cases where the specified minimum yield strength PD0
e= (3.4)
( 1.O % proof stress)is less than 230N / m d the design 4f + 0 . 8 ~
stress so calculated shall be multiplied 0.8.
For seamless components, or where, in areas remote from thickness for combined loading
main weldedseams, the local thickness required to Where a shell is
withstand pressure has to becalculated (e.g. for design of subjected to loads in addition to internal pressure
local reinforcement,flat ends and flanges),
the design stress (see 3.2.2) it is not possible to give explicit equations for
shall notexceed the values permitted for construction the minimum thickness and solution by trial anderror
necessary (see appendixB).
categories 1 and 2.
'In view of the lackof appropriate data it is recommendedthat use of 5154A and 5083 materials be restricted to below 66 "C.
tFor definition of R, see K.2.

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BSI BSJ5500 94 Lb24669
237 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Where the effect of Limitations. The following design limitations shall
such loadings isto produce an axial loadWand a bending apply t o pressure vesselends:
moment M, a first approximationto the thickness required (a) hemisphericalends: O.O02D,< e G 0.16D
shall be determined in the followingmanner. The first
approximation is always an overestimate byan amount
(b) ellipsoidalends: 0.0020 e0.08D <
he> 0.180
which is greaterfor cylinders with larger values of e/Ri.
NOTE. Where equations(3.5) and (3.6)indicatethat an increase (c) torisphericalends: O.O02D< e ,< 0 . 0 8 0
in the thickness overthat given by is required, reference r>, 0.06D
should be madeto appendix B to establish theminimum r>, 2e
thickness. R<D
The first approximation to the minimum thickness is the
The t w o relationships in(b)and the four relationships in
largest of the values given by equations (3.5)and ( 3 . 6 )and
(c) shall be fulfilled simultaneously.
In no case shall the thickness of the cylindrical or straig
For Q tensile: flange (see figures 3.1 O(1 1 and 3.1 O ( 2 ) )of a domed end be
0.25pDi + Q 0.25pD0 + Q less than the thickness of a seamless unpierced cylindrical
e= ore= (3.5) shell of the same diameter and material for the same
f -0 . 5 ~ f
design pressure and temperature.
For Q compressive (¡.e. term '-Q' having positive value):

( 3e. =
0.25pDi -Q or e =
0.25pD0 "Q
f f+0 . 5 ~
In these equations:

w 4 M
- +- (3.7)
7~Di nDi2

Where Q is compressive, u,, given by:

e 4e
(a) Ellipticalend
is not to exceed the limit given in
These calculations shall be performed all
of load expectedin service.
Conditions during pressure testing shall be the subject of 1
on. special h
NOTE 1. For dealing with local stresses inthe neighbourhoodof
the points of applicationof the additional loads see appendix G. I

NOTE 2. For dealing with torsional loading, wind or earthquake

loading see appendixB. I I II
3.5.2 Domed ends
I Notation (see figure For the purposes

of to the following symbols apply.All

dimensions exclude corrosion allowances.
ide the D is end; l
(b) Torispherical end
D, is the outside diameter of crown section of
torispherical end measuredto tangent between

crown andknuckle;
e is the minimum calculated thickness after
f is the nominal designstress;
h is the outside headheight, ¡.e. external height of end
measured from plane of junction of end with
cylinder skirt;

NOTE.h=ß,- ( ( R - 0 / 2 ) ( R + 0 / 2 -2r)) 112
is thesmallestof h, D2/4 ( R + e ) and dD(r+ e ) / 2 ) ;
is the designpressure;
(c) End with manhole (ellipticalor torispherical)
R is the inside spherical
radius, for torisphericalends;
r is the inside knuckle radius, for torispherical ends. Figure Domed ends

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Unpierced ends the basic thickness shall be determined

from (b) Hernisphericalends. The thickness of taking D, or Di (as appropriate)as follows:
hemispherical ends shall be determined using equations Do = D for hemispherical ends
(3.3) or (3.4) in 3.5.1 -2.
Di = 2R for torispherical ends Ellipsoidaland torisphericalends (see figure D , = D x (factor obtained from the following table) for and table3.5.2.3).The thicknessof ellipsoidal and ellipsoidal ends
torispherical ends shall be determined using the following
procedure. h, / D Factor Factor
(a) Calculate - from the design pressurep and the
f 0.1 8 2.52 0.278 1.63
design stress of the chosen material f. O. 1 92 2.36 0.31 3 1.46
0.208 2.1 7 0.357 1.30
(b) Enter figure3.5.2.3 with this value, read up to the
0.227 0.41 7 1.981.14
appropriate he/D line for the proposed end shape and
0.2 5 1.80 0.50 1.o0
then acrossto thee / D axis for the corresponding e/D

The thickness shall be assigned the value of Tin 3.5.4for
D t o obtain the end thickness.
(c) Multiply by the purpose of determining local compensation T, for
Interpolation betweenhe/D curves is permissibleor, isolated or closely grouped openings as if situatedin a
alternatively, values may be read from the next highest spherical shell of equivalent diameteras above, subject t o
h,/D curve. the conditionsin and figure3.5.4(0)being
NOTE l . The thickness of the sphericalportion of a torispherical satisfied*.
end may be determined as for a hemispherical end of spherical
radius R within the area ofdiameter D,-&, where:
If T, reinforcement thickness is less than,then the dome end shall have
e given by
a uniform
x= 0.5dRx torispherical thickness minimum thicknesse.
NOTE 2. Figure may be usedwith values of h, and D NOTE. In cases wherethe design strength is time dependent,
h,/D < 0.27; beyond this
based on internal dimensions, provided these procedures should generally give adequate margins against
value external dimensions
are to be used. creep rupture. However, for domed ends made from ferritic
materials with a largeD/e ( > 100). and also for domed ends To determine the thickness of made from austenitic materials,it is desirableto check that any
pierced ends they shall first be considered
as a sphere and end oflife deformation that may beexpected is acceptable.

Table of e/D x 103 for unpierced domed ends in terms of h e / D and p / f

D 0.001 0.0025
0.0015 0.004 0.006 0.010

0.1 5 2.1 3 2.70 3.73 5.22 7.20 10.9 15.4 24.0 44.5 880 x p/f
0.16 (1.95) 2.50 3.50 4.90 6.70 10.2 14.3 22.2 41.5 8lOxp/f
0.17 (1.80) 2.30 3.24 4.58 6.30 9.6 13.5 21.0 39.2 770 x p/f
0.18 (1.65) 2.1 1 2.99 4.23 5.80 8.8 12.6 19.7 37.0 730 x p / f
0.19 (1.95) 2.77 3.95 5.43 8.3 11.8 18.5 35.0 695 x p/f
0.2 1
620 x p / f
585 x p / f
650 x p/f
0.23 (1.40) 2.08 2.95 4.1 2 6.30 9.1 14.5 555 x p / f
0.24 13.6 8.5 5.90
3.83 2.76 530 x p / f
0.2 5 (1.75)
3.56 2.58 5.50 7.8 500 x p / f
0.26 7.35 5(1.64)5.1 3.34
2.40 475 x p / f
0.27 2.25 (1.52) 2 3.1 445 x p / f
0.28 425 4.50 2.93 2.12
(1.41) x p/f
0.29 2.73
0.30 ( 1.86) 2.54 3.95 385 x p/f
0.3 1 I ( 1.71) 2.41 3.80 370 x p / f
0.32 ( 1.61)
3.65 2.30 358 x o/f
0.33 ( 1.52) 2.20
0.34 ( 1.45) 2.10
0.36 319xp/f
0.38 307 x p/f
0.40 295 x p / f
NOTE 1. This tableis not valid for valuesof e/D x 1 0 3 < 2.00.
NOTE 2. Intermediate values may be obtained by logarithmic interpolation.
NOTE 3. Values in parentheses are provided for purposesof interpolation.

"Symbols defined in3.5.4.1.

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B S I BSa5500 94 U Lb24669 03950b9 O O T

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.001 0.01 01 1.0

Figure curves for unpierced domed ends

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BS 5500 : 1994

Issue 1, January 1994

3.5.3 Conical ends and truncatedcones a minimum

The increased cylinder thickness shall extend Minimum thickness for pressure loadingonly distance from the junction by the dimension: Notation. For the purposes of3. @Pë&Ï-
t o the following symbols
apply. All dimensions and the increased cone thickness shall extend a minimum
exclude corrosion allowances. distance from the junction by the dimension:
is the factor given by figure3.5.3(4)or by table 3.5.3;
is the outside diameter at cone base of which
junction is considered. For junctions at largebase
These requirements shall onlyappty provided that the
of cone, D, is measured as indicated in
figure 3.5.3.(1);for junctions at smallbase of cone, following conditions are satisfied:
D, is the outside diameter at smallbase of cone; (a) the two parts to be joined have theaxis of
Dk is the inside diameter at largebase of cone; rotation;
e is theminimumthicknessof cone; (b) the loading is internal
ecyl is the minimum thickness of cylinder with inside (c) the joint is a butt weld where the inside and outsi
diameter D, required by3.5.1.2(a); surfaces merge smoothly with the adjacent cone and
cylinder thicknesses without reducing the
f is thenominaldesign stress;
NOTE. In cases where the design strength istime dependent, (dl the junction is not closer to another junction (such
components designed by the procedure specifiedin this section as a coneJcylinder, conehone, coneJdishedhead,
should be reviewed to ensure that creep deformation (local or cylinderhubesheet, etc.) or major non-axisymmetric
general) will be acceptable throughout the agreed design lifetime. discontinuity (such as a branch opening) than the
O L is thelengthequalto 0.5 D,e/cos y; dimension:
M is the ratio of corte and cylinder minimum thickness 2-
at the junction ecyl;to where
p is thedesign pressure; M = 1, when theangle y/does notexceed the limit
r is theinsideradiusof knuckle; 3.5.3(2);
value shown in figure
a is the semi-angle at apex of conical section M has the value shown in figure 3.5.3(3)if the angle
calculated; exceeds its limitvalue.
ly is the angle between generating lines of t w o NOTE. Equivalentreinforcement may be provided in the form
adjacent conical or cylindrical shell sections. of an external stiffeningring as indicated in figure 3.5.3(l)(a). Thickness of conewall Reinforcement with knuckle. When y is greater Cones with a d 7 0 e. The cone wall thickness than 30 r 2 0.06De.
a knuckle shall be provided with

shall not be less than that given by the equation:. The knuckle shall have a thickness at equal
least to the
value given by the equation:
e= -PDk x -
e= (seefigure 3.5.3(4)forvalue of C,1.
2f-p cosa
This requirement shall only
apply if the following
The same requirement shall apply to the adjacent parts
conditions are satisfied:
3.5.3(1)(c)) or oft w o
the cylinder and cone (see figure
(a) the conical shell is axisymmetrical; 3.5.3(1)(dl) over a
consecutive cones (see figure
(b) the thicknesse obtained remains belowD,/6. distance L.
NOTE. Theconical wall may consistof several shell sections of This thickness of the knuckle and the adjacent parts of th
which the thickness reduceswith the diameter. For the cylinder and cone shall
not, however, be less than that
calculation of each of these shell sections
D k is takenas the
inside diameterof the jointat itslarge base. specifiedfor the cone by3. or Cones witha 7V.The minimum cone wall These requirements shall only apply provided that the
thickness shall be takenas the lowerof the values given following conditions are satisfied:
by and theequation: (a) the two parts to be joined
have the sameaxis of
(b) the loading is internalpressure;
(c) the tangent lines of the knuckle
are not closer than a Reinforcement of junction ar the large base of the distance L from another junction or a tangent line of a
cone. No reinforcement of cone/cylinder or cone/cone knuckle or a major non-axisymmetric discontinuity
junctions is required provided
ly is within the limits shown (such as a branch opening);
in figure 3.5.3(2)(max. 3 0 O).
(d) the stresses in thin knuckles ( e / D G0.005)are Reinforcement without knuckle. Where y is shown by suitable anlysis or test to meet appendix A
outside the limit shown in figure 3.5.3(2)and equal t o or criteria.
less than 3 0 it is permissiblet o provide reinforcementby
The thickness of knuckles radius
of lessthan O.O6D,
increasing the cone and cylinder thickness. In the case of (permitted whenlyQ 30 "1 shall be calculated in
a cone cylinder junction (see figure 3.5.3(1)(a)), the ratio ofaccordance with
to the minimum cylinder thickness required by
shall be takento be the valueMof shown in figure
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BSI BS*5500 94 M L b 2 4 b b 9 0395073 768 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(c) Cone/cylinder, with knuckle
(a) Cone/cylinder, without knuckle

4 *

(b) Cone/cone,Cone/cone
(d)knuckle with knuckle

Figure 3.5.3(1)Cone/cone and cone/cylinder junctions

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Figure 3.5.3(2) base of cone
Maximum angle yfor large

NOTE. Figure 3.5.3(3)

shows aminimum value of l/cos y f o rM. This is based on the minimum thickness
for thecone. The
cylinder thickness maybe reduced e,,, as permittedby figure3.5.3(2)
for thep/fvaluesshown by small circles on the
M= 1 .O
line above.

Figure 3.5.3(3) of the cone without knuckle

Value of coefficient M f o r a junctiona t the large base

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BSI BS*SSOO 9 4 m Lb2Yb69 0395073 S30 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5 -


O IO 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 3.5.3(4)Design curves : determination of C1

Table 3.5.3Junction at thelarge base ofthe cone with knuckle: valuesof C1 as a function
of W and r / D ,

W I=0.06 0.08 0.1o 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50



45 a
75 o

3.1 5



1 .o

1 .o


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BSI BS*5500 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0395074 477 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Reinforcement of thejunction at the smallbase of NOTE. Where loadingsof the type listed in 3.5.1 produce an axial
the cone.No reinforcement is required providedy is within load W and a bending moment M, a first approximationto the
thickness of the cone required may be determinedthe inmanner
the limits shown in figure 3.5.3(5)(maximum 6 O).
detailed inthis note (for torsional loadingsee appendixB), The Reinforcement without knuckle. Where y first approximation is always an overestimateanby amount
outside the limits shown in figure and equal to or which is greater for cones
3.5.3(5) of large eh?,.
less than3 0 it is permissible to provide reinforcement For
O, by the purposes ofthis note the following symbols apply.All
dimensions exclude corrosion allowances.
increasing the cone and cylinder thickness. Theofratio
Di is the inside diameter measured normalto axis of shell at
the cone and cylinder thickness to the cylinder thickness
transverse sectionconsidered';
required by3.5.1.2(a) shall be taken t o be the value M
D, is the outside diameter measured normal to axis of shell at
shown in figure 3.5.3(6). transverse sectionconsidered.;
The increased cylinder thickness shall extend a minimum e is the minimumthicknessattransversesection
distance from the junction by the dimension: considered.;
d m f is the nominaldesignstress;
and the increased cone thickness shall extend a minimum M is the external bending moment acting in plane containing
distance from the junction by the dimension: cone axis at transverse sectionconsidered.;
p is the design pressure;
JD$Mec,t Q is the longitudinal force duetoMand Wper unit length of
inside circumference (positive if tensile);
cos y
W is the axial force (positive if tensile) acting a t transverse
These requirements shall only apply provided that the section considered., (excludes pressure load);
following conditionsare satisfied:
a is the semi-angle at apex of conical section calculated:
(a) the two parts to be joined have the same axis of u, is the nett longitudinalcompressivestress.
The first approximation to the minimum thickness is the
(b) the loading is internal pressure; largest of the values given by the following equations and
(c) the joint is a butt weld where the inside and outsidethat in3.
surfaces merge smoothly with the adjacent cone andFor Q tensile:
cylinder thicknesses without reducing the thickness;
0.25pDi + Q 1
(dl the junction is not closer to another junction (suche = x-
as a conelcylinder, conelcone, coneldished head, f 0.5~ -cos a
cylinderltubesheet, etc.) or major non-axisymmetric or
discontinuity (such as a branch opening) than the O.25pD0+ Q 1
e= x-
dimension: f cos a
2@3=CYl For Q compressive (¡.e. term '-U having positive value):
where -

0.25~0, Q 1
M = 1 when the angley does not exceed the limit e= x-
value shown in figure 3.5.3(5); f cos a
M has the value shown in figure 3.5.3(6) if the yangle
exceeds its limit value. O.25pD0 - Q 1
e= x- Reinforcement with knuckle. When y > 3 0 o a f +0 . 5 ~ cos a
knuckle shall be provided and a detailed analysis carried In these equations:
out to determine the thickness necessary, over the
distance L, t o keep the maximum hoop stress within W 4M
acceptable limits. nDi nDi2 Minimum thickness for combined loading Where Q is compressive, the nett longitudinal Conical shells subject to
combined loading. compressive stress, uZ,is not to exceed the limit given in
A.3.5, ¡.e.
Where a conical shell is subjected to loads of the type
listed in 3.2.1 in addition to internal pressure, it is not
possible to give explicit equations for the minimum
oz= [;--- @
cos a
- '
should not exceed this l

thickness, and solution by trial and error shall be used, The calculation shouldbe performed t o satisfy all
reference being madeto the design recommendations combinations of load expected in service.
and procedure detailed in appendixB.
Conditions during pressure testing should be the subject
of special consideration.
For dealing with local stresses in the neighbourhood of th
point of application see appendix G.

'See figures B.3(1),8.3(2)

and 8.3(3).

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

2 3 4 S 6

Figure 3.5.315) Maximum angletyfor small baseof cone

0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10


NOTE. Figure 3.5.3(6) has not been extendedto the minimum values of M because of a practical maximum O.lOforp/f.
The minimum thickness of the cone is ecvl/cos y. The cylinder thickness may be reduced
to ecvlas permitted by figure
3.5.3(5)for thep/fvalue shown by a small circle ont h e m 1.O line above.

Figure 3.5.3(6)
Value of coefficientMfor ajunction at thesmall baseof the cone without knuckle

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BSI BSa5500 94 L624bb9
0395076 24T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.5.4 Openings and branch connections T, is the actual thickness of the shell plate; General. The amount of compensation to be T, is the total thickness of shell as required by 3.5.4;
provided atan opening shallbe not less than that specified Tr is the modified thickness of shell (see figures 3.5.4(21)
i n 3.5.4. The design chartsare based on approximate and 3.5.4(22));
analyses considering internal pressure loading only, butthe
t is the branchthicknesscalculatedusingbranchdesign
effect of other loads shall be taken account
into by the
stress by equations for pressure loading only i n 3.5.1
selection of an appropriate value of the factor Cand using
for a plain cylinder;
the procedurein

ta is the actual thickness of the branch wall;

The effects of attachments and discontinuities in the
proximity of the openings shall be taken account
intoand in t, is the total thickness of branch as required by 3.5.4;
no case shall branch connections be less than the thickness f r is the modified thickness of branch (see figures
specified in Where itI S proposed touse material for 3.5.4(21) and 3.5.4(22));
branches or added compensation which is dissimilar to thea is the one-halfapex angleof cone(see figure 3.5.4(5));
main shell material, shall be used. All branch
connections, nozzles and openings not covered in (a)
=L p
to (d)shall be designed on thebasis of special analysis, D 2Tr
experimental evidence, or teststo thesatisfaction of the Application. The requirements in 3.5.4 are valid for
purchaser (see table 1.5). The use of thealternative methods
the designof circular and obround openings and nozzles
given in appendixF is permitted whereexperience has
(including oblique nozzles), arranged singly or in groups, in
shown it to be satisfactory.
spherical, cylindrical, domed and conical shells, positioned
NOTE.The basison whichthese requirements are founded isoutlined to comply with3.10.1.2, provided that the following
in appendix L.
conditions (a) to (d) are satisfied.
For the purposes of to the following symbols NOTE. In cases wherethe design strengthis time dependent, these
apply. All symbols exclude corrosion allowances. procedures should generally give adequate margins against creep
are the cross-sectionalareas used in calculating rupture. However,for vessels madefrom ferritic materialswith a
large DiTa 100) and also vessels made from austenitic materials, it
compensation for adjacentbranches (see figure is desirableto check that any endof life deformation that may be
expected is acceptable.
is a factor applied
to Tr/T; (a) Spherical shells
is the mean diameter of spherical or cylindrical section (1) Openings andnozzles normal to shell surface
of shell (2R, for conical sectionof shell)(see figure (i) The major axis (mean dimension or, where no branch
3.5.4(5)), or in thecase of domedends, the mean is fitted, the bore) of the opening
does not exceed one-
diameter of the equivalent sphere derived in; half of the diameter of the shell.
is the bore of opening not provided with branch, or (i¡)The ratio of the major to minor axes of the opening
mean diameter of branch; in the case of non-circular does not exceed 2.
openings (see;
(2) Oblique nozzles.The nozzle is of circular cross section
isthe average valueof dfor anytwo adjacent openings complyingwith(a)(l)(i)andtheanglebetweentheaxisof
being considered; the nozzle and a line normalto the shell surface does not
is halfthe length of a reinforcing plate in the axial exceed 50 O.
direction (see figure G.3(2)); (b) Cylindrical shells
is half the length of a reinforcing plate in the (1) Openings andnozzles normal to theshell surface. The
circumferential direction(see figure G.3(2)); ratio of the major to minor
axes of the openingdoes not
is the design
stress of shell; exceed 2.
is the design
stress of rim or forging; (2) Oblique nozzles.The nozzle is of circular cross section
is the arrangement factor from figure
3.5.4(16); and the angle between the axis of nozzle
the and a line
normal to the shell surface
does not exceed 50 O.
is the distance along shell within which shell
thickening isassumed to contribute to reinforcement (3) Protruding nozzles. d-tdoes not exceed one-third of
of opening; the mean diameter of the shell.

is the distance along branch within which

branch (4) Flush nozzles. d-tdoes not exceed one-third of the
thickening isassumed to contribute to reinforcement mean diameter of the shell if D/Ta> 200. (If D/TaC200, no
of opening; limit is placedon the permissible diameter of a flush
is the compensation ratio;
(c) Conical shells
is the pitch
measured between centre lines of two
openings along mid-thickness of shell; (1) Openings andnozzles normal to the shellsurface

is the mean radius of conical shell section at opening

(i) The major axis (mean dimensionor, where no branch
(see figure 3.5.4(5)); is fitted,the bore) of the opening
does not exceed one-
third of the diameter of shell.
is theshell thicknessas calculated by equations for
pressure loading onlyin 3.5.1, and 3.5.3 for (ii) The ratio of the major to minor
axes of the opening
plain spherical, cylindrical or conical shell section; does not exceed 2.

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BSI BSr5500 9 4 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395077 Lab
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(2) Oblique nozzles.The nozzle is of circular cross (iii) Openings and nozzles in torispherical and
section complying with (c)(l)(i) and the angle betweensemi-ellipsoidal endsare positioned to comply with the
the axis of thenozzle anda line normalto the shell requirements shown in figure 3.5.4(0). Where
surface does notexceed 50 O, reinforcement is provided by means of pads or local
(d) Domed ends thickening of the head plate, the distanceL shall be
( 1 ) Openings and nozzlesnormal to the shell surface measured from the edge of the weld or taper nearest
the outside of the vessel. Where a dished end has
(i) The majoraxis of the opening does not exceed
uniform thickness, the distance L shall be measured
one-half of the diameter of the sphere for a
from the outside of the nozzle or rim of the opening.
hemispherical end or one-half of the diameter of the
equivalent sphere (obtained from a (2) Oblique nozzles.
The nozzle of the circular cross
torispherical or semi-ellipsoidalend. section complying d(
with 1)(i) and theangle between
the axis of thenozzle and a line normal to the shell
(¡i) The ratio of the major to minor
axes of the opening
surface does not exceed 50 O.
does not exceed2.



D ( mean diameter 1

(a) When reinforcementis provided by means ofpads (or local thickening of shell)


,.". D (mean d i a m e t e r )

(b)When no local reinforcementis provided

Figure 3.5.4(0) Positions of openings or nozzles in dished ends(for weld details see appendix

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Design of isolated openings and branchconnections If the valueof fr obtained differs from the estimate, a General. The thickness ofshell, 7, shall be not revised valueof T, shall be used and the calculation
less than 7and the thickness fòr a branch connection, t, repeated.
shall be not less than f. Figures 3.5.4(1)t o 3.5.4(4)are provided for ease of
Where external loads are negligible, the factorC shall be application in manual calculations and definitive
taken as not more than l .l . thicknesses shall be obtained from the data in
table 3.5.4(2)and figure3.5.4(4).Where it is requiredt o
Where branch or nozzle connections are attached t o a
determine t,/T,for CT,/Tandp values that are not
piping system designed with due allowance for expansion
explicitly tabulated, the following procedure shall
thrusts, etc. (e.g. complying with the flexibility
requirements ofBS 806) Cshall be taken as not more (a) For the nearest listedpvalue below that required,
than 1.0. find the nearest tabulated CT,/Tvalues bounding the
exact value above and below. Interpolate linearly to
Other loadings shall be evaluated in accordance with
obtain t,/Tr corresponding to the required value of
appendix G and the thickness of shell or branch increased
if necessary, such as by selection of a valueC less of than
1.o. (b) Similarly obtaint,/T,for the exactCT,/Tvaluefor
the nearest tabulatedp value greater thanrequired. that
For vessels operating in the creep rangeC l.
(c) Finally interpolate linearly to obtain
tJT,for the Openings not fittedwith branchpieces. If
exact value of p.
Extrapolation of the data beyond the limits presented is
p= - - 0.1, no further reinforcement is not permitted. If the chosen
CT,/Tvalue for the vessel is
D 27, required.
greater thanCT,/Tfrom the figure for whichr, = O for the
For larger values ofp thevalue oft,/T, = O in figure3.5.4(2) relevant value ofp, then no reinforcement of the branch is
for spherical or conicd shells or shown in 3.5.4(3) figure required andr, can be chosenas the minimum permitted
for cylindricalshells, shall be taken and the factor C = l .1 by table3.5.4(1 ) .
used to obtain the shell thickness T,. A n iteration
procedure shall then be performed using a revised valueTable of 3.5.4(1)Thickness of branches
p until the assumed and derived values T, are
of equal.
Branch nominal size Minimum thickness Branch connections. It is permissible t o reinforce
branch connections by means of increase an in shell mm mm
thickness ornozzle thickness or by a combination of such 15 2.4
increases, subject to the branch thickness limits specified20 2.4
in and external pipeworkloads. The design 25 2.7
charts covering the following cases shall beused: 32 3.1
figure 3.5.4(1),protruding nozzles in sphericatvessels 40 3.1
with d/D < 0.5 and protrudingnozzles in cylindrical and 50 3.6
conical vessels with d/D < %; 65 3.9
80 4.7
figure 3.5.4(2),flush nozzles in sphericalvessels with
1 O0 5.4
d/D 0.5 and flush nozzles in conical vessels with
125 5.4
d/D %;
150 6.2
figure 3.5.4(3),flush nozzles in cylindrical vessels with 200 6.9
O < d/D < 0.3; 250 8.0
figure 3.5.4(4),
flush nozzles in cylindricalvessels with 300 8.0

0.2 < d/D < 1.O. 350 8.8

A value of shell thickness T, 2 Tshall bechosen, and an 400 8.8
estimate of the branch thicknesst, 2 t made so that the 450 8.8
mean branch diameter dand hence d/D and (where 500 10.0
necessary) p can be calculated. A n appropriate value ofC 600 10.0
from shall beused, CT,/Tshall be entered in the
NOTE l . It is recommendedthat branches ofup to 80 mm
relevant design chart to obtain t,/T,. In thecase of flush nominal size in aluminium vessels should be forged or machined
nozzles in cylindrical vessels where 0.2 d/D < 0.3 from wrought material, as indicated in figureE.2(25),types (i),(i¡)
a valuetrl shall be derived from figure 3.5.4(3)and a value or (iii),in preference to pipe connections weldeddirectly to the
of tr2shall be derived from figure 3.5.4(4)and the required shell.
thickness f ,obtained as follows; NOTE 2. These tabular values incorporate a margin of strength,
suggested by experience, to cover additional loadingby
t,= rrl + 1O(d/D - 0.2)(tr,- t,,). connected pipework of the order normally to be expectedwith
a properly designed and supported pipingarrangement. They
apply to nominal pipe thickness before deducting any
manufacturing under-tolerance.

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m Lb24bb9 0 3 9 5 0 7 9 T59 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure 3.5.4(1) Design curves for protruding nozzles in spherical vessels (d/D ~ 0 . 5and
) for protruding nozzles in
cylindrical and conical vessels ( d / D < W )

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BSI BS*5500 94 m 1624669 0395080 770 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994





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B S I BSU5500 94 L624669 03950811 607
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



NO1-Ei. For values of 1d/D :

0.2 < d/D < 0.3see

(O< d/D < 0.3)

Figcre 3.5.4(3)Design curves for flush nozzles in cylindrical shells

Table 3.5.4(2)Design values of tr/Tr

(a) Associated with figure 3.5.4(1)

1.8 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.70.2 0.3
0.6 0.4 0.5 0.1

3.1 .O4
3.0 .11
2.9 .15 .O6
2.8 .19 .13
2.7 .22 .17 .O7
2.6 .25 .2 1 .13
2.5 .29 .24 .17 .O6
2.4 .33 .28 .13 .21
2.3 .36 .3 1 .18.25 .O4
2.2 .40 .3.13
5 .22.29
2.1 .45 .39 .18
.33 .O0
2.0 .49 .44
1.9 .55 .49 .35.42 .19
.28 .11
1.8 .61 .54 .39.46 .25
.32 .20 .10
1.7 .68 .6 1 .45.52 .30
.37 .19.26 .O7
1.6 .75 .68 .51.59 .35
.42 .17.26.31 .O4
1.5 .85 .77 .58.68 .40
.49 . .O2
1.4 .9 5 .88 .79 .68 .47
.58 .32.37.43 .24 .15 .O1
1.o0 .80 .91
1.14 1.04 .93
.14 .
.81 .68 .61 .55 .48 .41 .34 -25 .14 O
1.1 1.37 1.29 1.19 1.08 .96 .82 .75 .67 .58 .51 .43 .35 .25 .O9
1.o 1.53 1.44 1.35 1.24 1.13 .99 .91 .81 .71 .62 .52 .44 .21.34 .O6

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BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395082 543
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.5.4(2) (concluded)

O (b) Associated with figure 3.5.4(2)

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.4

1.8 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

4.0 .5 .38.27 .14

3.9 .53 .41 .30 .17
3.8 .56 .44 .33 .21
3.7 .59 .47.36 .24 .O0
3.6 .63 .51.38 .27.O9
3.5 .67 .54.42 .29 .14
3.4 .72 .58.45 .32.I7.O6
3.3 .78 .62.48 .35 .21 .I 2
3.2 .86 .67.52 .38.24.17.O2
3.1 .96 .73.56 .41 .27.21 .10
3.0 1.12 .80 .61 .
2.9 1.42 .89.66 .49 .33 .27 .20 .O7
2.8 2.00 1.01 .72 .53 .36 .30 .24 .14
2.7 1.20.80 .58 .40 .33 .27 .19 .O0
2.6 1.52.90 .64 .43 .36 .30 .23 .IO
2.5 2.00 1.04 .71 .47 .40 .33 .26.16
2.4 .44 .37.30.21.O4
2.3 .41 .33.25.12
2.2 .10
1.9 2.00 1.10 . .10
1.8 1.36 1.02 .77 .60 .47 .37 .31 .26 .18 .O4
1.7 1.68 1.26 .96 .71 .54 .42 .36 .31 .24 .14 .O0

1.6 2.00 1.58 1.22.90 .65 .49 .42 .36 .30 .22 . 1 1
1.5 1.90 1.54 1.16 .82 .59 .50 .42 .36 .29 .20 .O7
1.4 2.33 1.90 1.50 1.09.73 .61 .51 .43 .36 .27 .17.O2
1.3 2.15 1.80 1.46.94 .78 .65 .53 .43 .34 .25.12
1.2 2.13 1.80 1.30 1.06 .85 .66 .52 .42 .33 .22 .O8
1.1 2.091.721.381. .O
1 .o 2.12 1.69 1.44 1.16 .93 .67 .50 .39 .25 .10

(c) Associated with figure 3.5.4(3)

2.0 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

3.0 .11
2.9 .15
2.8 .19
2.7 .23
2.6 .27
2.5 .31
2.4 .35
2.3 .40 .35 .27
2.2 .45
2.1 .50
2.0 .56
.50 .44 .36.27
1.9 .63 .56 .49 .42 .33 .23 .14 .O4
1.8 .70 .63 .56 .48 .39 .28 .21 .14 .O3
1.7 .80 .71 .63 .54 .44 .33 .26 .12.21
1.6 .92 .82 .72 .62 .51 .38 .32 .27 .20 .11
1.5 1.06 .95 .83 .72 .59 .46 .38 .32 .26 .20 .O9
1.4 1.23 1.1 1 .98 .84 .70 .55 .46 .39 .33 .27 .19
1.3 1.44 1.30 1.17 1.02 .84 .67 .57 .50 .41 .34 .26
0 1.2
1.77 1.60 1.42 1.26 1.05 .85
1.33 1.10
.72 .61
.50 .42 .34
.26 .14
1 .o 1.96
1.22 1.04 .82
.22 .10

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m Lb2Ybb9 0395083 4 8 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


* 34

O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

NOTE l . This figure maybe representedby the followingexpression which may also be used for CTJTvalues greater than 3:
[4CTr/T+ 0.8+ 1 6(CT,/T)' - 12.8CTr/T+ 0.64}0'5]2 {
NOTE 2. For values of d/D : 0.2 < d/D < 0.3see
Figure 3.5.4(4)Design curves for flush nozzles in cylindrical shells (0.2<d/Dd 1.0)

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BSI BSx5500 94 Lb24669 0395084 3Lb m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 reinforcement. The limits on The rim shall be designeda smooth

to profile,
reinforcement shall be
as follows: concentrating materialnear the edge of theopening, such
(a) Where reinforcementis provided by uniform branch that one-half of the total cross-sectional
area falling
thickening, the thicknesst, of thebranch, andprotrusion within the outermost extremities of the dimensions h and
be reduced within a distance
if fitted, shall not h = fir Has calculated and measured in3. and (b) shall
measured from the relevant surface of the shell of be notless than the following:
thickness T, (see figures 3.5.4(7),
3.5.4(8), 3.5.4(9), [2ht, + T,(H + t,)] (fs/fn) if the rim
3.5.4(11),3.5.4(12)and3.5.4(13)). [ht, + T,(H + t,)] (fs/f,,)if the rim is flush.
It is permissible to modify the distribution of NOTE.The cross-sectional areaof the rim requiredin this
reinforcement so as to concentrate the material close to derivation will vary depending on the particular combination of T,
and t,. A trial procedureusing different combinations of T, and t,
the opening in the shell. For flush nozzles, one-half of
may be employed to establish the minimum area required. For
the total cross-sectionalarea of the branch walls falling the protruding rim,the cross-sectional area should be equally
within the distanceh as calculated and measuredin this disposed aboutthe shell mid-thickness.
item (a) shall be not less than ht, (see figure3.5.4(21 )l., elliptical openingsand oblique nozzles.
For protruding nozzles, the corresponding Non-circular openingsand oblique nozzles shall be treated
cross-sectional area shall be notless than Zht, and the according to the rules for circular openingsnozzles and
reinforcement shall be (approximately) equally disposed normal to theshell with the following exceptions.
about the shell mid-thickness (see figure 3.5.4(22)). The
(a) For a cylindrical shell with the minor axis of the
value of h is established for the uniform branch
opening parallelto theaxis of the shell and for a conical
thickening case and shall not be recalculated if tris
shell with the minor axis of the opening lying in a plane
containing theaxis of the conical shell, dis the
(b) Where reinforcement is provided by uniform shell dimension measuredon the chord across the minor axis
thickening, the thickness T, of the shell shall not be of the opening where a branch is not provided and dis
reduced within a distance H measured from the outer the corresponding dimension of the opening plus the
surface of the branch piece of thickness r, or the bore of nozzle thickness where a branch is attached.
the opening if no branch is fitted (see figures 3.5.4(6),
For allother cases, dis the dimension measured across
the majoraxis of the opening where a branch is not
the smallerof H = d l 2 and H= fl provided and dis thecorresponding dimension of the
I t is permissible t o concentrate the reinforcing material opening plus thenozzle thickness where a branch is
close to theopening. In thiscase, one-half of the total attached.
cross-sectional area taken between the outermost
(b) In determining dimensions H and h, the value ofd
extremity of the dimension H on oneside of thenozzle
shall begiven as in (a).
and a similar point on the opposite side of thenozzle,

but excludingany area included in(a), shall be notless (c) In thecase of multiple openings the value of dA used
than T,(H + r,). The value of H shall be calculatedand in be determined using das given in (a).
measured as in this item (b)
(see figures 3.5.4(21) and The design procedure
3.5.4(22)) and once established it shall not be normally assumes the use of similar material in the branch
recalculated. and shell but where this is not thecase and provided that
(c) The required thickness of the branch, t,(except for the design strength of the branch, f,,, is within the range
studded pads, see shall be not greater than 0.6 fst o 1.5 fs,the following shallapply:
(2 - d/D)Tr. Where the distribution of the reinforcement if 0.6 fs f,, < fs,the calculated branch thickness
has been concentrated close to opening,
the as (disregarding here the requirement of table 3.5.4(1))
permitted in (a) and (b), the modified thicknessest; and shall be increased to
T; (see figures 3.5.4(2 1) and 3.5.4 (22)) shall be
substituted in this relationship
as appropriate. trswhere trs)2

(dl The transitions between sections of shell or A check shall be made ensure
to that trscomplies with
between sectionsof branch or nozzle connections of the minimum thickness requirements given in table
different thicknesses shall be achieved by means of a
3.5.4( 1).
smooth taper. The requirements 3.10.2
of shall apply in
the case of shell sections. Where the thickness tris modified in accordance with
this subclause, it shall not be necessary to recalculate reinforcements and set-in nozzle forgings.It is the mean branch diameter, d, and iterate further and
permissible for thedesign of rim reinforcements (see neither is it necessary to recalculateh.
figures 3.5.4(14) and 3.5.4( 15)) to be derived from that for
If fn > fs,no reduction in t, is permitted.
branch connections in the following manner.
NOTE l . Where reinforcement is concentrated near the
In accordance with,a combination ofT, and t, 3.5.4(21)
opening, see also figures and 3.5.4(22).
is t o be
shall bedetermined, using figure3.5.4( 1) if the rim NOTE 2. For forged nozzle inserts,the procedure in
protruding (see figure3.5.4( 14)) and figure 3.5.4(2), includes the necessary thickening correction factor.
3.5.4(3) or 3.5.4(4) for a flush rim (see figure 3.5.4( 15)).

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BSI BSS5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395085 252 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure 3.5.4(5)Nozzle in a conical shell Figure 3.5.4(9) Notation applicable

to spheres

Figure 3.5.4(6) Notation applicable \D

to spheres Figure 3.5.4(1O) Notation applicable
to cylinders

Figure 3.5.4(7)Notation applicable Figure 3.5.4(11) Notation applicable

to spheres to cylinders

Figure 3.5.4(8) Notation applicable Figure 3.5.4(12)Notation applicable

to spheres to cylinders

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BSI BSm5500 74 1624669 039.5086 L99
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure 3.5.4(13) Notation applicable

to cylinders

NOTE. The dimensionsT,, H, r, and h refer to the design of a branch connection using components of constant thickness
which the design of theprofiled rim isderived on an area basis.
Figure 3.5.4(14)Protruding rim Figure 3.5.4(15) Flush rim

Spherical vessels Cylindrical vessels

g=(1 +-cos2 8)/2
For holesarranged
along the axial direction
For holes arranged along
the transverse direction

Cylindrical tube sheets

Takeg=l or
g= P x P
r - --d 1 +cosa e
P P,-d x ___ 2
whichever is larger
NOTE. For elliptical and oblique nozzles the valuedis
of the dimension of the opening in the direction of
the relevant pitch.

Figure 3.5.4( 16) Arrangement factor


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

NOTE l . All dimensions taken in fully corroded condition.

NOTE 2. For set-in or set-through branch,A, andA, should be adjusted accordingly.When branch materialis weaker than
shell material,A, andA, should be reduced inthe ratio of the material design strengths.

Figure 3.5.4(17) Branch compensation


Figure 3.5.4(19)Notation applicable

to spheres and cylinders

Figure 3.5.4(18)Notation applicable

Figure 3.5.4(20) Notation applicable
to spheres and cylinders
to spheres and cylinders

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*SSOO 94 m Lb24bb9 0395088 Tb1 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Area m 2 [r).lr+q
t,+<x ] 41-4

2 TH"7;X

Area of weld metal maybe

added to either area above


(a) Set-in

Area of weld metal may be

added to either area above


(b) Set-on

Figure 3.5.4(21)Modified flush branch compensation

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

/ I I Area B = hf,fJf,

Area H

Area 3 T H-TrX

Area of weld metal may be

added to either area above

Figure 3.5.4(22) Modified protruding branch compensation Design of groups of openings and branch (2) Calculate the compensation ratioK2 from the
connections following: Calculations. The following calculations shall be
carried out. K z = l -( I - K l ) (~-2~577
(a) A group of openings or branch connections is W
defined as being where the shortest distance (measured NOTE. If KI calculated from ( 1 ) is greater thanunity, use K,
along the mid-thickness line) between the bores any of = 1 in this equation.
t w o is less than 3- (3) Increase the dimensions calculated in (b) if
required so that, for each ligament,
(b) Calculate reinforcement requiredas for the isolated
As + A , - At 2 K2gPT
H is available.
case assuming that the full width
(e) The final thickness of the branch, r,, shall be less
(c) Where the shortest distance (measured along the
than (2- d/D)T,.
mid-thickness line) between the bores of adjacent
openings is lessthan 2 m,
the reinforcement
so that, for
calculated in(b)shall be increased if required
(f) The transitions between sections of shell or between
sections of branch or nozzle connections of different
16) and 3.5.4( 1 7 ) ) ,
each ligament (see figures 3.5.4( thickness shall be achieved by means of a smooth taper.
A , + A , - A t 2gPT. The requirements of3.10.2 shall apply in the case of
(d) Where the shortestdistance,^, (measured along the shell sections.
mid-thickness line) between the bores of adjacent Ligament efficiency.Where openings such as
openings lies between 2 *rand 3 the F, it is permissible
tube holesare drilled in a definite pattern
reinforcement required shall be determined by linear use it in
t o dFtermine a ligament efficiency and
interpolation as follows, using the dimensions accordance with BS 1 1 13.
determined in (b). Reinforcingpads
K , using the
( 1) Calculate the compensation ratio Pressure considerations.I t is permissible for the
reinforcement required in(b): requirements in3.5.4.1 t o the design of integral
As+A,-A, reinforcement to be used for reinforcement of
K, =
gT(dA+ 3 fin

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BSI BSS5500 9Y 1b2Ybb9 0395090 b l T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

penetrations or openings incorporating pads or doubling The design of branch pipes shall be
plates, but all of the following conditions shall be governed by the following three main considerations.
observed. (a) Ability to withstand design pressure.
For this
(a) The d / D ratio is not greater than: purpose the minimum thickness aofbranch shall be
one-third for double-sided pads; calculated in accordance with3.5.1for cylindrical shells.
one-quarter for single-sided pads. (b) Ability to withstand superimposed loading by
is not less than H/2.
(b) The width of the pad connected pipework or fittings. Notwithstanding the
(C) The thickness ofa pad does not exceed40 m m or minimum thicknessas required for (a) or to comply
the as-built shell
thickness, whichever is the lesser. with,the nominal thickness of a branch intended
for connection to external piping shall notless
(dl The thickness of the pad is not
less than T/4.
( 11 the value given in table
3.5.4( 1 ) increased by the
The amount of compensation to be provided shall be
amount ofany required corrosion allowance; or
equal to the amount which would have been necessary
had the compensation been integral. (2)the nominal (as-built) thickness of the main
( 1 1.
portion of the vessel sheli where this is less than
The design of reinforcingpads for branches where one or
more of the criteria (a)
in to (d)are not satisfied shallbe (c) Suitability for the recommended forms of branch to
the subject of special considerationand the adequacy of shell attachment welds (see appendix E).
the proposed design shall be demonstrated either by socket welded and screwed connections.
experience or byan hydraulic proof testin accordance Permissible forms of construction studded,
of socket
with 5.8. welded and screwed connections are shown in figures considerations.Conditions (a) to E.2(24) and E.2(25).Where required by3.5.4 appropriate
(d) of3. do notapply to reinforcingpads which are reinforcement shall be incorporated.
used to limit the local stresses due to mechanical loads on The thread forms on which jointsare to be made shall
branches, supports or mounting. However, the maximum comply withES 21 unless otherwise specified (see 3.2.2)
thickness of a pad which can be counted as effective and shall notexceed the 1% thread size designation unless
reinforcement of a branch for pressure loading shall be taperhaper thread joints are used.Taper/taper thread
in (c)
limited to the value given joints shall not be used with thread
size designations
If the thickness of the reinforcing pad is greater than the greater than the following:

vesselshellthickness,itssize(d,xd,infigureG.3(2))shall 2%where pressure 6 1.25 N/mm2

be such that the design leg length ofthe attachment3 welds where pressure d 1.O5N/mm2
to thevessel shell does not exceed the vessel thickness 4 where pressure d 0.90 N/mm2
(see G.2). General. Reinforcing pads are permitted to have Irrespective of threadform, screwed connections in
excess of the 1% thread size designation shall not be used
one ventilation hole which shall remain open during
welding and/or post-weld heat treatment.
when the design temperature exceeds 260 "C. If parallel
threads are used, a collar and a facing around the hole
Reinforcing pads shall not be used under conditions
shall be arranged t o provide a joint
face. Welded sockets
where severe corrosion/oxidation is possible or where
complying withBS 3799 or of equivalent form are
there is the possibility ofsevere temperature gradients
permitted. The maximum diameter holes of tapped in
occurring, in service, acrossthe thickness of the shell.
exceed the thicknessof the plate before
plates shall not Vessels subject to external pressure addition of the corrosion allowance. Compensation of openings in single-walled Stud holes shall straddle the centre line of the vessel
vessels subject to externalpressure shall be designed in where practicable and shall be tapped to a depth of not
accordance with the requirements vesselsfor subject to less than the diameter of the stud3 plus mm. There shall
internal pressure specified in3.5.4, using an internal be a minimumof 6 m m of metal between the bottom of
design pressure equal to the external design pressure. the stud hole and the pressure retaining surface of the required for openings in each vessel before the addition of the corrosion allowance.
shell of a double-walled 3.5.4:6.1
vessel shall comply with
The thickness of a studded connection shall be not less
for the shell subject to external pressure and with the
than the largest of the following:
requirement forvessels subject to internal pressure
irrespective of whether there aiscommon branch (a) T l r ,the minimum thickness required for
connection rigidly attached to bothshells or not. compensation (see;
(b) t, the minimum thickness required fora flange
(see 3.8.3);
(c) the minimum thicknessas given above for
tapped holes.

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B S I BS*5500 94 m Lb24667 0395093 55b m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.5.5 Flat ends and flat plates F isthetotalbolt load; the purposes of following
symbols apply.All dimensions exclude corrosion
f is thenominaldesignstress;
NOTE. In cases where the design strengthtimeis dependent,
components designed by the procedure specified in this section
a is the smallest dimension of rectangular, elliptical or should be reviewed to ensure that creep deformation (local or
general)will be acceptable throughoutthe agreed design lifetime.
obround end;
H is the total hydrostatic end force;
b is the greatest dimension of rectangular, elliptical or
obround end; p is thedesignpressure;
C is the factor as given in figures 3.5.5( 1)(a) and r is thecorner radius;
3.5.5(2)(a), (b) and (dl or, in the case of welded flat u is the distance between flat end and end of
ends or plates (e.g. figures 3.5.5(1)(b)and (c)),C is thickness reduction (figure 3.5.5(1 )(a));
determined from figure 3.5.5(3); W is the minimum length of shell of thickness
D is the diameter measured as in figures 3.5.5(1) and figure 3.5.5(1)(b)and (c):
3.5.5(2); W 2 + ecyl) ecyl
Di is the diameter measured as in figure 3.5.5(1); Z is the coefficient for rectangular, elliptical or obround
e is the minimum thickness of end or plate; ends givenin figure 3.5.5(4).
ecyl is the thicknessof cylindrical shell;
ecylo is the minimum thickness of cylindrical shell
derived from3.5.1.2;

r a 2e

alope 1 : 4 / C = 0.35

if u 3 r + [ 1.1 -0.8 ( . 7
cv9*] d/D,e
Otherwise, C = 0.41.

-" Cl-


~ ~ ~ . "

Dotted lines indicate alternative profiles. r 2 5 mm or eCYl/4.

The end may be undercutas shown to make
provision for the radiusr or to improve access for non-destructive
testing of the weld (see figure E.2(34))provided that r < ecyland
the thicknessof the end is nowhere less than e.,

NOTE. The thickness of the cylinder, ecylneed only be maintained over a distance wfrom the end. Thethickness of the cylinder maybe
increased above eCyl(but not so as to exceed e ) local to the end and be reduced
to a value not less than at more distant points
within the distancewfrom the end is not less than wecyl.C is
providedthat the total cross-sectionalarea of the shell walls falling
determined from figure 3.5.5(3).

Figure 3.5.5(1 ) Typical welded flatends and covers (for typical weld joint
details, see figure E.2(34))

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B S I BS*5500 9 4 m L624669 0395092 4 9 2 m
BS 5500 : 1994

Issue 1, January 1994


(b) Blind flangewith a full face gasket C=0.41

(a) Flat coverwith a full face gasketCz0.41

I 1 thG

(c) Blind flangewith gasket entirelywithin the bolt circle

and el =
or el = J 1.90~991h~ whichever is the greater

G, W, W m l ,hG, SF* and SFOare as defined in3.8.2;
a t and beyond gasket.
el is the minimum thickness
(d) Cover with self-sealing joint
Non-circular end plates
c= /'O 17+0.75 f
e=J0.3G2@2 + 6WmlhG 1 H
sFO m sFO where
G being measured along the shorter
axis F is the total bolt load
H is the total hydrostatic end load

or el = 4 n m SF0
whichever is greater

m is the minimum boltspacing;
n is the numberof bolts.

Figure 3.5.5(2)
Typical non-welded flat ends and covers

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m l b 2 4 b b 9 0395093 327
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


O O o O O



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BSI BS*5500 94 1624669 0395094 265
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994







1 10

O 0.2 00.4
.8 0.6 1
Ratio a h

NOTE. In thecase of long flat ends (where a / b 0.2) other thanas shown in figure3.5.5(2),a minimum value of CZ equal to 0.71
should be used in accordance with determine the thickness required.
Figure 3.5.5(4)Value of coefficient Z for noncircular flat heads unstayedheads * aluminium plates shall be calculated in accordance with The minimum thickness ofan the following:
unstayed flat end without
an opening shall comply with
the following:
circular head:e = C O F f
end:e =CZaGplf
rectangular, elliptical or obround where

a For blind flanges with the gasket entirely within the bolt
circle reference shall be made
Flat heads that have
to figure 3.5.5(2)(c).
an opening of diameter D / 2 or less
D is the diameter of a circle drawn through at least
three points of support pitched at reasonably
regular intervals circumferentially;
shall be provided with a total area of reinforcementequal e is theminimumcalculatedthickness;
to half that determined in accordance with appendix F. f is thedesign stress;
Where an opening of diameter greater than D/2 is
K is a constant depending on method of attachment
present, theflat head shall be designed in accordance with K shall bea
of stay to plate (see figure 3.5.5(5)).
the basic principles used in 3.8 for flangedesign. mean value when more than one type of support
If, in thecase of weldedends/covers, the nominal design is involved;
stress of the cylinder and end/coverare different, the p is thedesign pressure.
lower value shall be usedevery
in case. the external load on the Designs in which plate deflection and/or differential
end (or the loading duereverseto pressure) can expansion are significant shall be given special
exceed 1O % of the load due to design pressure, or where, consideration.
in thecase of weldedends/covers, the temperature Methods of support. Themethod of support shall
difference between the end/cover and the vessel branchbe chosen from the typical methods shown in figure
exceeds 5 0 "C ( 3 0 "C for austeniticsteel), the design shall 3.5.5(5)(a) to (f).
be given special consideration. NOTE. When it is undesirable to drill a plate for the attachmentof
stays, e.g. when theplate is to be lined, the use of stays of the stayedplates without openings type shown infigure 3.5.5(5)(a)or (b) is recommended.

a thickness. The thickness of stayedand

braced carbonand carbon manganese steel and

"For supporting information,see appendix R

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BSt5500 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395095 I T 1 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Inside diameterof
staytube is
greater thanits
diameter length

(a)K = 0.55
(b)K = 0.55

(C) K = 0.50 (d)K=0.50

2%tor r whichever
is the lesser

/- i t

/ \ /
’““0 ““Y /

( e )K=0.45 (f) K = 0.45

type as in (b)

Equally spaced
NOTE. For weld details see appendixE

Figure 3.5.5(5) Typical stays: areas supported by stays


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 The design stress of

stays, calculated on The equations are approximate in thatthey do not take account
the least cross-sectionalarea, shall be not greater than of the structural continuitythat exists atthe junction of the head
and flange.A more exact (and often less conservative) analysis is
the following: given by Soehrens’. The stresses calculated using this approach
forsolidstaybars: O. 7 5 f should be assessedin accordance with appendix A.

0.70ffor For the purposes of and following
0.65f for symbols apply. All dimensions exclude corrosion
where fis the designstress from table 2.3 or, as allowances.
For the purposes ofcalculation, the grossarea supported is the outside diameter of flange
or, where slotted
by each stay shall beas shown in figure 3.5.5(5)(9). In the holes extend to outside flange,
of the diameter to
it is
case of stays of the type shown in figure 3.5.5(5)(b) bottom ofslots;
permissible to use the nettarea supported in the is the inside diameter flange;
equations. (see 3.8.2);
is the bolt pitch correction factor
The design stress in attachment welds shall exceed
not of spherical
is the nominal design stress for material
0.5f in fillet welds
and 0.6f in penetration welds. crown section;
Stays shall be of welding quality wrought materials is the hydrostaticend force onarea inside of flange
complying with section two and shall be compatible with (¡.e. force applied via connection to
the material of the plates which they support. Stays shall flange) = 0 . 7 8 5 8 2 ~ ;
not bewelded, except a t the point of attachment. Where
is the gasketload;
necessary, long stays shallhave additional supportt o
prevent sagging. is the radial componentof membrane force
developed in spherical crown section, acting at Tube to tubeplate connections.The centre line of edge;
tubes thatare t o be expanded shallnot be closer together
is the hydrostatic end force due to pressure on
than 1.125d+ 12.7 mm, measured at the tubeplate, where
flange face, = H - H,, where H is defined in3.8.2;
dis the outside diameter of the tube in millimetres.
is the radial distance from bolt circle to circle on
NOTE. This subclause doesnot apply to tubeplates covered which HDacts;
in 3.9.
is the radial distance from gasket load reaction to
bolt circle=(C- G)/2 where C and G are as defined
3.5.6 Spherically domed and bolted ends of the form
in 3.8.2;
shown in figure 3.5.6
is the axial distance from mid-surface of crown General. Except as specified as follows for bolted
section at edgeto centroid of flange ring cross
ends of the form shown in figure 3.5.6, conical and domed
and bolted ends shall be designed by treating the domed
end and the bolted flange as t w o separate components in is the radial distance from bolt circle to circle on
compliance with the relevant clauses of this standard. which HT acts;
,, is the total moment acting upon flange for gasket
sealing conditions;
is the total moment acting on flange for operating
Full conditions;
is the designpressure;
is the inside radius of curvature of spherical crown

is the nominal design stress for flange material at
atmospheric pressure from table2.3;
is the nominal design stress for flange material at
design temperature (operating conditions) from
, cl,2a h] ; \ sides table 2.3;
Centroid is the minimum flange ring thickness;
is the flange thickness required for operating
is the flange thickness required for bolting-up
Use any suitable type of gasket
Figure 3.5.6 Spherically domed and bolted end is the minimum thickness of spherical crown
NOTE. Themethod of determining the thickness of the flangering
involves assessing the final thickness
in order to arrive at the is the angle between tangent to domed crown
location of the centroid and hencethe value ofh, and isthus a a plane parallel t o flange face.
section at its edge and
‘trial and error’ calculation.

J. E. SOEHRENS. The design

of floatingheadsfor heat exchangers. Pressure Vessel and Piping Design. Collected Papers
1927 to
1959, ASME.

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B S I B S x 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0395097 T74
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Subject to internal pressure (concave to pressure) associated documentation. (See the notes to and
Crownsection. The minimum thickness of the 3.6.4.)
spherical crown section shall
be: NOTE 1. In cases where the design strength is time dependent,
components designed by the procedure specifiedin this clause
t, =-5PR I (3.8) should be reviewedto ensure that creep deformation (local or
6f general) will be acceptable throughout the agreed design lifetime. Flange ring.The boltingarea required, the bolt NOTE 2. For moreinformation on the background to this section
see proceedings of 1.Mech.E. Conference, 7 December 1972, on
loads and the gasket width check shall be calculated in Vessels under Buckling Conditions, and in particular the following
accordance with 3.8. papers.
--``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Flange ring thickness.The minimumthickness, T, C l 87/72 Buckling under external pressure of cylinders with
of the flange ring shall be the greater Tf, orofTfA either torispherical or hemispherical end closure,
by G.D. Galletly
and R.W. Aylward.
determined as follows, but shall be not less than twice the
crown thickness,¡.e. T > 2 t c . C190/72 Collapse of stiffened cylinders under external pressure,
by S.B. Kendrick.
(a) Operating condition: C191/72 Collapse of domes under external pressure, by C.N.
Tf, = F + $ W (3.9) Newland.
where For the purposes of3.6.2t o 3.6.3the
pBd4R: - B* following major symbolsapply. All dimensions exclude
F= corrosion allowances.
8 s ~ o ( A- B )
is the modifiedarea of stiffener= R2As/R:;
Mo,C~(A + B ) is the cross-sectionalarea of stiffener plus effective
J, =
BSFO(A- B ) = (A, + ef e);
length of shell
M,, = H D h D + H G h G + H T+ Hrhr
~ is the cross-sectionalarea of stiffener;
= 2eN/a!/l +be);
H, = HDcot ßI
is the width of stiffener in contact shell;
NOTE. Theproduct H,h, may be negativeif the sense ofthis
moment isopposite to themoments HDhD, H G h G andThis is a parameter dependent on stiffener proportions
negative sense is indicated in figure The absolute values of
3.5.6. (see figure 3.6(4));
p and Mopshould be used in the equations
for FandJ,.
= i ( R - Rf) - X, + e / 2 orXc, whichever is larger
(b) Bolting up condition: whereX, is given by equation(3.1 5);
is the radial heightof stiffener between flanges (if
CF(A+ B)M,t, (3.1O) any);
1' (A - B)BSFA is the modulus of elasticity of material of under
part to externalpressure (convex to pressure). consideration at design temperature (see table
The crown sectionand flange ring shall comply
with the 3.6(3));
following. is the minimum calculated thickness of shell plate;
(a) Crown section.The minimum thickness of the of stiffener section(see
is the thickness of flange
spherical crown section shall
be the greater of: figure 3.6(4));
( 1) thickness determined in accordance with is the thickness of web of stiffener section (see; figure 3.6(4));
(2)thickness of a spherical shell of radius
RI under maximum stress in
external pressure determined in accordance with = stiffener flange( a t factored load) (see equation
3.6.4. yield stress of stiffener (3.17);
(b) Flange ring.The thickness of the flange ring shall be are the nominal design strengths from table
2.3 for
determined in accordance with3. except that: shell and stiffener respectively;
M,,=HD - hG) +HT(hT - h G ) - h r H r
NOTE. The gasket should be checked against excessive al al al af
deformation under the action of the
bolt load andthe external -
2 sinh- cos-
2 2
+ cosh-2sin- 2
pressure thrust. -
sinhaL + s i n a l
3.6 Vessels underexternal pressure is the second moment area
of of stiffener cross
3.6.1General. These requirements take account of section aboutaxis through centroid parallel to
loading due to pressure and temperature and, where cylinder axis;
significant loadings as listed in 3.2.1are present, support is the unsupported length of shell (see figure 3.6(4));
shall be provided forsuch loads, if necessary, by is the distance between heavy stiffeners (see figure
increasing the shell thickness or by other means. 3.6(4));
The thickness ofa component under external pressure is the effective length of shell acting with stiffener
shall not beless than the thickness required by this (see table3.6);
standard for similar components under the same internal
L ~ " etc.
, are components ofL,;
pressure, or that requiredby 3.6,whichever is the greater.
is the distance between light stiffeners (see figure
The allowable deviation from the shape assumed in
design shall be specified on the drawing or in the

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

= (cosh aL - cosaL) / ( s i n h d + s i na L ) (see table (a) Estimate a value fore (e.g. not less than that
3.6(2)); required for internal pressure (see 3.6.1))and calculate
is the required external design pressure; pyas follows. is It permissiblet o use the approximation
y = O to simplify the calculation but this may lead an to
is the elastic instabilitypressure for collapse of
underestimation of the allowable pressure p.
spherical shell (see equation (3.25));
sfe (3.1 1)
is the elastic instability pressure for collapse of Py =
cylindrical shell (see equation(3.1 2)); R(1 - yG)
is the elastic instabilitypressure for collapse of (b) Calculate pmas follows (using the same value fore
conical section between stiffeners (see equation assumed incalculatingp,).
(3.19)); EeE
Pm’ - (3.12)
is the elastic instability pressure
of stiffened R
cylinder(see equation (3.1 3));
The value ofE is obtained directly from figure 3.6(2).
is thepressure a t which mean circumferential stress
(c) Calculatep,/p,and determinep/pyfrom curve (a)
in cylindrical shell midway between stiffeners
of figure 3.6(3).
reaches yield point of material (see equation
(3.1 1));
(dl Calculate the allowablepressure p. If this valueis
is the pressure at which mean circumferential stress
less than required, the assumed value e ofshall be
in conical section between stiffeners
reaches yield
increased or the spacing of the stiffeners, any,ifshall be
point of material (see equation (3.1 8));
adjusted until the required value is obtained.
is the pressure causing circumferential yield of
NOTE. The design curve in figure 3.6(3)only appliesto
stiffener (see equation (3.1
6)); cylinders that are circular to within 0.5 % on the radius
is the pressure at which membrane stress in measured from the true centre. A procedureby which the
spherical shellreaches the yield point of material departure from the mean circle may be obtained is given in
3.6.8.For cylinders outsidethis to1erance.p rnay be
(see equation (3.24)); estimated by the proceduregiven in appendixM.
is the meanradius of cylindrical, conical or spherical Stiffening ringsfor cylindrical shells
shells or sections, or crownradius of torispherical
ends; General. Any stiffening rings assumed to act in
the derivationo f p shall comply with
is the radius of standing flange of stiffener; The size of thestiffeners’ (acting atL,) necessary t o
is the radius of centroid of ring stiffener cross comply with these requirements will depend significantly
section; upon theuse that is made of occasional heavy stiffeners
is the mean knuckle radius of torispherical ends; or diaphragms (acting at LC) to control the effective leng
is the radius of toe at point of rotation; and overall collapse of the stiffened cylinder; stiffeners
used for this latter purpose are hereafter termed‘heavy’
is the radial distance of frame centroid from toe; stiffeners and all other stiffeners ‘light’ stiffeners.
is the factor relating f to effective yield point of NOTE. Stiffeners may take the form of purpose-built rings
material; for the purposes of 3.6 S may be taken to encompassing the shell. Such rings may be located internally,
be 1.4 forcarbon, carbon manganese and ferritic externally or partly internally and partly externally to the vessel.
alloy steels and 1. I for austenitic steelsand Geometric discontinuitiesor otherstructural features may also
provide effective stiffening as illustrated in figures 3.6(4)and
aluminium alloysN5, N8and N51; 3.6(5).
is the outstanding width of flange of stiffener (seeRings for supporting trays, etc. in fractioning columns and similar
figure 3.6(4)); constructions rnay be used as stiffeners provided that they are
adequate for the duty and that they also comply with
= nR/L;
Stiffening rings and other features used as stiffeners shall,
= 1.28/ J R T
where practicable, extend and be completely attached
is the mean elastic circumferential straina t collapse; around the circumference;any joints shall be so designed
is the angle of inclination of conical shell to verticalas to develop the full stiffness of the ring also (see3.10).
axis; Stiffening rings arravged with local spaces between the
is a parameter= + 1 for internal stiffeners,- 1 for shell and thering, as shown in figure 3.6(0), shall be
subject to special consideration, but in no case shall the

external stiffeners;
length of the unsupported shell plate exceed the value:
is Poisson’s ratio(to be takenas 0.3);
=A(1 -/d2)/@+be)(l+B)=Ofornostiffeners.
3.6.2 Cylindrical shells where n is derived from figure 3.6( 1). Unsupportedcylinders. The thickness of Welds attaching stiffening rings to the shell should be
unsupported cylinders, or cylindrical lengths between designed in accordance with3.10. Intermittent welds
points of support, shall not be less than that determinedshould not beused where crevice corrosion is likely
by the followingprocedure. occur.

*An approximateestimate of the order of magnitude of the moment of inertia of therequired stiffener cross section,I , (after which
the full calculations requiredcan be done to check design adequacy) may be obtained from the following:

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B S I BSx5500 94 Lb24669 0395099 847
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

also either w f / e f 0.5 j € / s f ,

or wf/et ,< 0.32 \i€p,,/sf,p
(b) For flat bar stiffeners:
P < X
Where ue is obtained from table3.6(4)or 3.6(5),
Crosspiece welded to depending on whether the stiffeneris internal orexternal,
using the value noffrom figure3.6(1 ) . Stiffened cylinders Alternative methods of assessment.The
thickness of stiffened cylinders shall assessed
be by any
of the methods described
in t o
Unsupported length not figures 3.6(4)and 3.6(5)).
to exceed value specified in3.6.2.2 MethodA. Method A which comprises a
Figure 3.6(0)Stiffening rings forcylindrical simple and conservative assessment of each stiffener
vessels subject to external pressure assuming that adjacent stiffeners support individual bays
in an infinitely longvessel, shall be used for
vessels Limitingproportions ofstiffeners (see figure stiffened only by light stiffeners with vessel
the ends
3.6(4)).To ensure lateral stability, stiffeners shall comply treated as light stiffeners. The following calculations shall
with the following. be performed.
(a) The proportions of stiffeners (other than flat bar (a) Calculate pn from equation(3.131, taking the first
stiffeners) shall be such that: term as zero, n = 2, and L, as half the distance from the
( 1 either C > sf,/€ centre line of the stiffener to the centre line of the next
or C > sf,p/€p,, stiffener on one side plus half the distance to the centre
line of the next stiffener on the otherside.
( 2 ) For stiffeners flangeda t the edge remote from the
vessel shell: The value ofpn shall not be
less than 1 . 8 in
~ thecase of
fabricated or hot formed stiffeners 2pandin thecase of
either d/e, 6 1.1 \'€/sf, cold formed stiffeners.
or d/e, 6 0.67 ~i€pvs/sf,p (b) Calculatep,, from equation (3.16 ) .


Figure 3.6(1)Design curves: calculation of minimum cylindrical shell thickness (valuesof n for which pm is a

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BSI BSm5500 9 4 Lb24669 0395300 399
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(c) CalculateF, from equation(3.171, taking n = 2. If the calculated values of pnor F, are outside the limits
O The valueF, shall be equalt o or less than 1.O,but
greater thanO.
specified, either additional orheavier stiffeners shall be
introduced or the shell thickness increased.
If the calculatedvalues of pnor F, are outside the limits (b) Heavy stiffeners
specified, use one of the followingprocedures: (1) Calculate P, from equation(3.1 3),taking the first
(1) perform a more rigorous assessment (¡.e. use term as zero, n = 2 and L, as L,.
methods B or C ifappropriate); The value ofpnshall not beless than 1 . 8 in
~ thecase
(2) introduce additional orheavier stiffening; of fabricated or hot formed stiffeners 2p andin the
(3) increase the shell thickness. case of cold formed stiffeners. MethodB. Method B shall be used for a more (2)Calculate pysfrom equation (3.16).
rigorous assessment than method A. As in methodA, it (3) Calculate F, from equation (3.17)for value of
shall be used forvessels stiffened only by light stiffeners, n=2.
but accountis taken of the increased resistance to
collapse of the vessel when treated as having a finite The value ofF, shall beequal t o or less than 1 .O but
length between the planes of substantial support provided greater thanO.
by thevessel ends. The following calculations shall be If the calculatedvalues of pnor F, are outside the limits
performed. specified, either additional or
heavier stiffeners shall be
(a) CalculateP, from equation(3.131, for values of n = 2, introduced or the shell thickness increased.
3,4,5 and 6 using the appropriate value IC
ofin each Equations for assessment of
stiffened cylinders.
case and takingL, as the distance between domed or be used for the assessment
The following equations shall
O A.
flat ends, and L, as defined in method of stiffened cylinders.
In each case, the value of pnshall not be less than
in thecase of fabricated or hot formed stiffeners 2pand
+ (n2 - I)

EI, (3.13)
R R3Ls
in thecase of cold formed stiffeners.
(b) Calculate pysfrom equation (3.16).
P for values of n = 2, 3,4, 5 and 6, as required, is
obtained from figure 3.6(6);
(c) CalculateF, from equation(3.17) for values of n = 2,
I, is the second moment of area of the composite
3,4, 5 and 6 using the appropriate value p,ofin each cross section of stiffener, and effective length (L,) of

shell acting withit, about axis parallel t o axis of
In each casethe value of F, shall beequal to orless than cylinder passing through centroid of combined
1.O but greater thanO. section (see figure 3.6(4));
If the calculated values of pn or F, are outside the limits The value ofL, shall be determined from table 3.6( 1) for
specified, either additional orheavier stiffening shall be the value ofn that is used for determining
pn from
introduced or the shell thickness increased. . equation (3.13) for methodsA, B and C. MethodC. Method C shall be used forvessels NOTE. The valuesof n used throughoutthis clause shouldnot be
having planes of substantial support intermediate confused with n used in figures 3.6(1 ) and ( 2 ) .
between thevessel ends ¡.e. designs employing only IC may be evaluated
as follows:
heavy stiffeners or those with heavy stiffeners and
intermediate light stiffeners.
NOTE. Theseintermediate planes of substantial support can be
diaphragms, bolted flanges,etc.orcanbedeliberatelyintroduced where
as heavy stiffeners.
The following calculations shall be performed.
(a) Light stiffeners
A, (5.;5)
r 7

( 1) Calculate pnfrom equation(3.13)for values of sfseRf

Pvs = (3.16)
n = 2,3,4,5 and 6 using the appropriate value IC ofin R2(1-.L&!) be + 2Ne
each case and takingL, as half the distance from the ~

centre line of the light stiffener to the next line of
NOTE. The simplification A = O is always permissiblebut will
support on oneside plus half the distance to the nextresult in a larger stiffener section.
side, and L, as the
line of support on the other
distance from the centre line of the heavy stiffener to
the centre line of the next heavy stiffener or point of
substantial support.

In each case the valueofp, shall not beless than 1 . 8 ~ in thecase of fabricated or
in the case of fabricated or hot formed stiffeners and hot formed stiffeners (3.17)
2p in thecase of cold formed stiffeners. or
(2)Calculate pysfrom equation (3.16). -
" +-[Ed (n2 - 1)O.OlOp
(3) Calculate F, from equation(3.17) for values of Pys Rsf, Pn - 2~
n = 2,3,4,5 and 6 using the appropriate value pnof in
O each case.
In eachcase the value ofF, shall beequal t o or less
in thecase of cold formed stiffeners

than 1.O but greater thanO.

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BSI BS*5500 74 m 1624669 0375101 225 m

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


1 1 e2
E= + (n2 - I + Z2)2
12R2(1 - $1
n2- 1+E
+ 11

where n is an integer, > 2, obtained fromfigure 3.6(1) to minimizepm.

Values of c for use with equation (3.12)

Figure 3.6(2)

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B S I BS*5500 94 W Lb24669 0395302 361 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Key to symbols Kand A

Cylindrical shells
Conical shells
Spherical shells

(a) Cylinders and cones (hoop stress governing)

(b) Spheres and dished ends, cylinders and cones (longitudinal stress governing)

K O 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.5 3.0 5.0 4.5

5.5 4.06.0 6.5andabove
A O 0.12 0.06 0.216 0.17 0.319 0.29 0.257 0.38 0.378 0.373

Figure 3.6(3)Curvesfor evaluationof allowable pressurep


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B S IB S * 5 5 0 0 9 4 9 Lb2Ybb90395303 OTB m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form

Cylindrical shell external pressure

Simplified hand calculation. Method A for light stiffeners
Units =

Shellcheck Material : 1
Young'smodulus E =
stress f =
factor S =
(1.4for ferritic steels Mean radius R= e=
1.1 for austenitic steels)
Poisson's ratio ,u = 0.3

With nostiffeners (figure 3 . 6 ( 5 ) ) For stiffeners (figure 3.6(5))

Unsupported shell length L = 1- = (=+1 for internal stiffeners or=
1 for external ~

maximum distance between stiffeners
L, =

Allowable external pressure Assuming 7 = O and L = L, Required f =

Corroded assumed
From figure3.6(2)
PY = sfe/R =
p/pyfrom figure3.6(3)
:. (allowable) p

Stiffenercheck Material :
e2/12R2 -
L,/2nR -
a = 1.28/tRe = aL =
N = from 3 . 6 ( 2 )

If LS/2nR < 0.1 with n = 2

from table 3.6( 1 ) L,/L, -
NOTE. Use linear interpolation.
Hence L, =

If LS/2nR > 0.1

table 3.6( 1 )
withn = 2
Z =
Cross-sectional area
stress Stiffener
fs T a
NOTE. Use logarithmic interpolation, Radius R,
see Enquiry Case No. 5500/52. radius Flange Rf
of area I,
L, = Z R
Modified area = R2A,/ßi A

A, = A , + eL,
X, = (0.5e2L, +A, [0.5e+ i ( R - ß , ) ] ) / A ,
I , = e3L,/3+I,+A,[0.5e+i (R-Rs)]2-A,J~
sf,eRf A
Pys =
R'( 1 - p / 2 ) be + 2Ne/a
pn = 3€I,/R3L, N0TE.p" to be > 2p ( > 1 . 8 for
~ fabricated or hot formed stiffeners) -
7 of
= greater i ( R - R f ) -Xc+e/2 and X, -

F,= -+-["-I
2p Ed 0 . 0 3 ~ o r = -1 . 8 ~+-[Ed 0.027~ ] for fabricated or
stiffeners O < F, ,< 1.0

PYS Rsfs Pn- 2~ ~ y s Rsfs Pn -1.8~

if pn
Check stiffener proportions comply with < 2p or F,, > .I
1.O see

tion Date

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

I I s

dei +8 e f 4
q[6d2e,+ 1 2 e f w f ( 2 d +ef)]

f "4 I"
d e i +e f 4
4[6d2e,+6efwf(2d+ef)] Internal stiffener
CG, - Centroid of stiffener
CG, - Centroid of stiffener plus effective lengthof shell - L,
For unequal spacingof stiffeners, L, shall be taken as
the average value
using table3.6 for the two adjacent bays.

I f' Centroid of
te section

(a) Structural members

Af is the area of flange;
A, is the area of web;

O If
is the second momentof area of flange about its own centroid;
is the second momentof area of web about its own centroid.

Figure 3.6(4)Schematic representation of stiffeners

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Axes of elastic
centre of effective
r - '

-. -. -. -. -.

NOTE.A, of one flange to be taken asthe shaded area minus e(e, +L,).CombinedA,
and I , of both flanges shallbe taken when evaluating their adequacy as stiffeners, in
accordance with
(b) Bolted flanges

* c


NOTE. For plain cylinders enclosed by dished ends, the effective unsupported length
of thecylindrical shell is the
tangent length plus0.4 x internal depth of each end.
Ends to be designedin accordance with 3.6.5,3.6.6, or 3.6.7as appropriate.
(c) Dished ends and junctions

Figure 3.6(4)(concluded).

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BSI BSU5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395306 807 m




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B S I BSa5500 9V m Lb2Vbb7 0395307 743 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.6.3Conical shells. The procedures specified in3.6.2for The value ofL, shall then be obtained by taking the
appropriate value ofL,/L, from table 3.6(1) and
O cylindrical shells shall be modified in accordance
with o determine the thickness of multiplying it by L,/cosO.
conical shells with an angleof inclination8 to the vertical 1

axis ,< 75 O. (see figure

3.6(7)(a)).Unsupported lengths shall be designed using
the following equations. NOTE. The simplificationA = O is always
. .Derrnissiblebut will
result in a largerstiffener section.
(a) Assume a value for e and calculate
pycas follows:
Pyc = 7
1) by
This equation is obtained from equation (3.1
(3.1 8)
F,=- 1 . 8 ~
+ €2
in thecase of fabricated or
(n2- 1)O.OOS~
-1.8~ 1
hot formed stiffeners (3.22)
substituting e'for e where e'=ecos0, Rmaxfor and
taking y = O or
(n2- 1)O.OI op
(b) Calculatepmcas follows:

Pmc =
(3.1 9)
" 2p
~ y s
Rmaxsfs [ pn"p
Rmean in thecase of cold formed stiffeners
This equation is obtained from equation(3.12) by
whered'=Xf+ef/2 (seefigure3.6(4)(a)).
substituting fore, R and E as follows: whereshell thickness and stiffener
e' =ecos8
sizelspacing vary along length cone
of (see figure
R = R,e,,~~~26' 3.6(7)(c)). The minimum shell thicknessany forlength
E' =ECOS% between planes of substantial support shall be
Eis determined from figure 3.6(2) using L'/2Rand determined using equations (3.18) and (3.1 9).The
requirements for stiffening ring proportions in shall
2R'/e' where L'= LcosB.
apply without modification. It is permissible t o use the
(c) Calculatep,,/p,, and determinep/pycfrom curve alternative methods of assessment for stiffened cylinders
(a) of figure 3.6(3). in equations ( 3.22) with any of
(d) Calculate the allowable pressure p. If this value is the following.
less thanrequired, the assumed value e shall be (a) Where the stiffener pitch and size is constant, use
increased or the spacing of the stiffeners (if any) shall thebe minimum thickness anywhere along the length of
adjusted until the required value
is obtained. the section under consideration (¡.e. el in figure conicalshells 3.6(7)(c)) in calculating P, and pys;take ICas defined where shell thickness andstjffener in (c).
sizelspacing is constant along lengtho f cone (see figure (b) Consider each stiffener separately using the
3.6(7)(b)). The requirements for stiffening ring proportions appropriate minimum shell thickness and Rmaxfor the
in apply without modification. t w o half bays on either side of the stiffener and = O (¡.e.
The alternative methods of assessment for stiffened ignoring the first term in equation (3.20) in the
cylinders in3.6.2.3shall apply except thatp,,~,, and F, calculation ofp,).
shall be determined from the following modified versions (c) Consider each stiffener separately using the
ofequations( appropriate minimum shell thickness and ,,R
, for the
two half bays on either side of the stiffener.
Where n > 2, calculatep, as in (b)¡.e. with P = O, and
where n = 2, calculatep, from the following equation:
€ë/kas% 2€cosO(n~- 1)
P is determined from figure 3.6(6) taking Lc/2Ras Pn = + X
L,/ 2R~,,,c0s0; Rmean LC

I', is the second moment of area of composite cross ¡=N- 1

section including stiffener and effective length
(L,) (3.23)
it (see figure 3.6(4)(a)).
of shell acting with i= O R3
For the purposes of evaluatingI,, the effective length of where
each bay on eitherside of the stiffener under e is the minimum thickness in total cone length;
consideration shall be takenas one-half of L, as derived
from table 3.6(1) taking:
P is determined from figure 3.6(6) taking
LJ2R as Lc/2R~eancos8;
(ecosW . e2
in place of___ Ri is the radius in plane of stiffener under consideration
12Ri2 1 2R2 at axial distanceXi from small end of cone;
L, L N is the number of bays between'light stiffeners in
in place of- length L,;
Tc¡ is the combined second moment area
of of stiffener
and shell at axial distanceXi from the small end of
Ri is measured in plane of stiffenerunder the cone usingL, as determined in3.
consideration. --``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- taking values for e separately for each

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BSI B S X S S O O 9 4 m Lb24bb9 0395308 b8T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.6(1) Derivation of L e e2

- 10-7
e2 12ß2

2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 2nR

O 1 .O980 1 .O980 1 .O980 1 .O980 1 .O980

O 1.0980 1.0980 1 .O980 1.0980 1 .O980 0.01 0.9072 0.9072 0.891 3 0.891 3 0.891 3
0.01 1 .O823 1 .O823 1.0663 1 .O663 1 .O504 0.02 0.4297 0.4297 0.421 8 0.42 0.42 18 1 8
0.02 1 .O663 1.0504 1 .O265 0.9947 0.9629 0.03 0.2759 0.2759 0.2759 0.2759 0.2759
0.03 1 .O504 1.0027 0.9549 0.901 9 0.8435 0.04 0.2207 0.2207 0.2207 0.21 91 0.2191
0.04 0.9907 0.9231 0.851 5 0.7838 0.7082 0.05 O.1 655 O.1655 O.1 655 O.1 623 O.1 623
0.05 0.8976 3.8276 0.7512 0.671 6 0.5952 0.06 O.1 490 O.1487 O.1 487 O.1 461 O.1461
0.06 0.7921 3.7298 0.6609 0.5871 0.51 43 0.07 O.1 324 0.1318 0.1318 O.1299 O.1299
0.07 0.6866 3.6321 0.5707 0.5025 3.4343 0.08 o.1 1 59 0.1149 0.1 149 O.1 136 0.1136
0.08 0.611 1 3.5630 0.5088 0.4480 3.3877 0.09 0.0993 0.0980 0.0980 0.0974 0.0974
0.09 0.5355 3.4940 0.4470 0.3935 3.341O o.1 0.0828 0.081 2 0.081 2 0.081 2 0.08 12
o.1 0.4600 3.4249 0.3852 0.3390 3.2944

- I 0-5
NOTE 1. When determining L, for heavy stiffeners,L, should be
used insteadof L,. Where stiffenersare spaced unequal
distances apart,L, shall be taken as the average of the two values
1 2R2 of Le, calculated as above,taking L, or L, corresponding to the
lengths of the bays on each side of the stiffener under
NOTE 2. Forintermediate values o f 3 use logarithmic
2 3 4
T 5 6

1.0980 1 .O980 1.0980 1 .O980 0.0980
NOTE 3. For intermediate valuesof- 2=R use linear
0.01 1 .O823 1.0823 1 .O663 1.0663 1.0504 For > 0.1
0.02 1.0345 1 .O186 0.9947 0.9629 0.931 1 ~ R R
0.03 0.9019 0.8807 0.8541 0.81 17 0.7639 Le'
-" x
0.04 0.7242 0.7003 0.6724 0.6326 0.5929 L, - 100a2 6.28a2

0.05 0.5602 0.5411 0.5220 0.4934 0.4647 where

0.06 0.4483 0.4350 0.421 8 0.4005 0.3793 L
0.07 0.3752 0.3661 0.3547 0.3388 0.3206 a = s
0.08 0.3263 0.3163 0.3084 0.2964 0.2805
x is thevalue of L,/L, in table 3.6( 1) at a=0.1,
0.09 0.2920 0.2847 0.2775 0.2660 0.2525 Z is the valuefrom following table.
0.2578 0.2531 0.2467 0.2355 0.2244
This expression is also an acceptable approximation
- 10-6 0.07 60.1
12ß2 2x13

2 3 4
T 5 6

O 1 .O980 1.0980 1 .O980 1.0980 1.0980 2 10-4 0.2730.207 O.1 80

0.257 0.235
0.01 1 .O663 1.0504 1 .O504 1.0504 1.0345 10-5 0.159 0.157 o.1 54 0.147 0.140
0.02 0.8276 0.8196 0.8037 0.7719 10-6
0.7878 1 0.090 0.090
0.09 0.087 0.089
0.03 O.52 0.51
52 99 0.5 146
0.5040 0.4934 10-7 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.051
0.04 0.3740 0.3700 0.3661 0.3541 0.3621
0.05 0.2960 0.2928 0.2897 0.2865 0.2801
0.06 0.2661 0.2632 0.2604 0.2575 0.2521
0.07 0.2362 0.2336 0.231 1 0.2241 0.2285
0.08 0.2063 0.2040 0.2018 0.1996 0.1961
0.09 O.1 763 o. 1 744 O.1 725 0.1706 0.1681
o. 1 O.1464 O.1 448 O.1 432 0.1416 0.1401

'It is always safe

to use the approximationL, =ZR to determineLe.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Values for G and N which may be

m Table 3.6(2)

aL G N I d G N

O 1.000 o 3.2 0.41 1 1 .O90

0.2 1.000 0.100 3.4 0.335 1.O85
0.4 1.000 0.200 3.6 0.264 1.O77
0.6 0.999 0.300 3.8 0.200 1.O66
O. 8 0.996 0.400 4.0 O. 144 1.O54
1.o 0.990 0.497 4.2 0.095 1.O42
1.2 0.979 0.593 4.4 0.054 1 .O32
1.4 0.961 0.685 4.6 0.019 1 .O23
1.6 0.935 0.772 4.7 0.004 1.019
1.8 0.899 0.85 1 (4.73) 0.000 1.018
2.0 0.852 0.921 4.8 0.000 1.015
2.2 0.795 0.979 5.0 0.000 1.O09
2.4 0.728 1 .O25 5.2 0.000 1.O05
2.6 0.653 1.O58 5.4 0.000 1 .o01
2.8 0.573 1.078 5.5 0.000 1.O00
3.0 0.492 1.O88 > 5.5 0.000 1.000

Table 3.6(3)
€values for ferritic and austenitic steelsand aluminium alloys (Young's modulus)
Temperature Ferritic materials Austenitic materials Temperature Aluminium

"C N/mm2 'C N/mm2

O 21oX103 -200 76.6 x 103
20 209 x 103 -20 70.5 x 1O3
1 50 202 x 103 92 x lo3 O 69.9 x 1 O3
200 19gX103 87 x 103 20 69.3 x lo3
300 191 x 103 m X 103 1O0 67.4 x 103
600 intersections
181x 103
174x lo3
162x IO3
7ox 103
61 X 103
52 x 103
1 50

3.6.4Spherical shells. The thickness of a spherical shell

65.4 x
62.3 x
103 at large endof cone. It shall not be shall be not less than that given by the following
necessary t o provide additional thickening or local procedure.
stiffening when the following procedure is followed. (a) Assume a value for
e and calculatepyssas follows:
When 8 2 30 the intersection may be viewed as a plane 2sfe
O (3.24)

of substantial support and the cone and cylinder treated pyss= -

separately provided thatn, the mode number for minimum
overall bucklingpressure obtained fromfig 3.6(1 ), or from (b) Calculatep, as follows (using the same value
fa: e
equation 3.13 when light stiffeners
are present, does not assumed in calculatingp,,,).
equal 2 for either the cone or cylinder. 1.21€e2 (3.25)
When 8 < 30 or n = 2,the minimum thickness of both

O, R2
the cylinder and the cone shall be determined (c) Calculatep,/p,,, and deterrninep/pySs from curve
from assumingL t o be the effective (b) of figure 3.6(3).
unsupported length of the cylinder (fig. 3.6(4))plus the
axial length of the cone. Light stiffener dimensions and
(d) Calculate the allowable pressurep. If this value
less than required, the assumed value eofshall be
and spacing, if appropriate, shall be determined
increased until the required valuep is of obtained.
from assumed for the cone as well as the
cylinder. In thiscase L, = L as defined above. NOTE. The design curvein figure 3.6(3) applies onlyto spheres
that are sphericalto within 1 %on the radius andin which the
NOTE. Additional thickeningand/or local stiffening will generally radius of curvature based an onarc length of 2.4 \i.R,, does
be necessary at the intersection at the small end of the not exceed the nominal value by more than 30 %. (See Enquiry
cone to keep the maximum hoop stress under external pressure Case No.5500/33.)
within acceptable limits. This stress shouldbe calculated by
suitable means and where necessary, additional stiffening should For some applications this criterion for applicability can be too
be provided or the thickness theof conical section increased to stringent to be met owingto difficulties of manufacture and
the value required bythis clause for the actual design pressure measurement. In such casesit is permissible to divide the
multiplied by the factor (max. hoop stresse/pß).
x pressure obtainedfrom theabove procedureby the factor
(ß,.J1 .3RI2where R,,, is the maximum local radius of
O curvature either measured or estimated conservatively.


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


, 3.0
1 .L
0.1 8

0.0 5 67
2 3
O. o .i

Values of ßfor use with equation (3.13)

Figure 3.6(6)


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BSI BSt5500 94 L624669 0395111 L74
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



(a) Unstiffened lengths(see

(b) Stiffened conical shells (see3.

Figure 3.6(7)Conical sections: typical stiffeners


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BSI BS*5500 94 M 1624bb9 0395112 O00 M
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


(c) Stiffened conical shells with varying thickness and stiffener pitch (see

~ 7) (concluded)
Figure 3.6(

~ 3.6.5 Hemispherical ends. Hemisphericalendsshallbe The radial measurements need to be corrected for the
designed as for sphericalshells. mean and for the error in positioning the centre. This is
3.6.6 Torispherical ends. Torispherical ends shall bè done by finding the coefficientsbo al and 61 in theFourier
designed as spherical shells of mean radius Requal to the Series expansion of the radial measurementsfrom the
externaldishingorcrown radius. Theshapelimitations assumed centre:
in 3.5.2shall
3.6.7 Ellipsoidal ends. Ends to true semi-ellipsoidal form
Rgr = bo + alsinr@+ blcosr@+ c

(a,sinrn@ + b,cosm@)
shall be designedas spherical shells of mean radius R
equal to the maximum radius of the crown, ¡.e.D2/4h. The For 2 4 equally spaced measurements
shape limitations in3.5.2shall apply. r=O, 1,2,. . . . . . . . . . .23,@=15"
3.6.8 Procedure by which thedeparture from the mean and
circle may beobtained (see 3.6.2).
Where difficultyis , r=23
experienced in determining the departure from the mean
circle by more direct methods, use of the following
procedure is permitted. Radiiare measured at2 4
equally spaced intervals around the circumference. This
can be done either by swinging an arm internally or by
, r=23
external measurements with the cylinder mounteda in
lathe. It is necessary to rotate the internal arm or cylinder
about anaxis nearto the true centre of circularity of the
section underconsideration.'

The departure from the mean circleany

at point r@is
Rpr- bo- a,sinr@- blcosr@
where Rpr are the radial measurements from the assumed

See also Enquiry Case 5500/33.


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BSI BSU5500 94 m L624669 0395LL3 T 4 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.6(4)Values of (o,/€) (d/e,)2for internal flat bar stiffeners

a - 0.01 0.02 0.04
0.06 0.08 0.1o 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20

2 0.01 19 0.0236 0.0466 0.069 1 0.09 13 0.1 14 0.1 35 0.157 0.180 0.202 0.225
3 0.0239 0.046 1 0.0865 O. 1 23 O. 156 0.187 0.2 17 0.305
0.276 0.247 0.334
4 0.0395 0.0734 O. 130 0.1 76 0.2 16 0.252 0.286 0.386
0.353 0.31 9 0.42 1
5 0.0577 O. 103 0.1 71 0.304
0.266 0.223 0.341 0.456
0.41 6 0.378 0.498
6 0.0778 O. 132 0.208 0.306 0.262
0.347 0.387 0.51 7
0.472 0.428 0.570
7 0.0981 O. 1 60 0.240 0.294 0.340 0.382 0.427 0.527 0.474
0.580 0.643
8 0.119 O. 186 0.268 0.4 15
0.369 0.322 0.465 0.580 0.51
0.6477 0.725
9 0.139 0.2 1o 0.290 0.445
0.394 0.345 O. 502 0.565 0.638 0.720 0.81 2
10 0.1 58 0.23 1 0.31O 0.365 0.41 7 0.474 0.536 0.792
0.696 0.61 4 0.903
11 0.1 76 0.249 0.328 0.440 0.383
0.502 0.575 0.874
0.758 0.662 1.010
12 0.1 93 0.266 0.343 0.400 0.461 0.53 1 0.61 4 0.715 0.831 0.966 1.121
13 0.209 0.280 0.356 0.41 6 0.483 0.560 0.657 0.903 0.768
I .O58
14 0.224 0.293 0.368 0.502 0.43
0.5941 0.700 0.83 1 0.98 1
15 0.237 0.304 0.379 0.446 0.527 0.628 0.749 0.894 1.O68
16 0.249 0.3 14 0.389 0.46 1 0.55 1 0.662 0.797 0.961
17 0.260 0.324 0.399 0.476 0.575 0.696 0.850 1.O34
18 0.270 0.332 0.409 0.734
0.599 0.493 0.903 1.106
19 0.279 0.339 0.41 8 0.773
0.623 0.507 0.96 1
0 20 0.287 0.346 0.427 0.8 16
0.652 0.522 1.o1 9
NOTE l . Since ( u e / € )(d/e,)’is limited t o a maximum valueof 1.14, values of the expression shouldnot be extrapolated beyondthat
NOTE 2. Forintermediate values of d//?, use logarithmic interpolation.
Example. For n = 2, the value of (ue/€)(d/eJ2 is required for d/R = 0.05.

(oe/€)(d/e,)2antilog log (0.0466)+[log (0.0691)- log (0.0466))

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

2 z e

7 y w
O 0 0

O m w
7 T?
O O 0

m o t
m 0-6
9 -r??
O 0 0 -




w w w
O 0 0
z z z

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.7 Supports, attachments and vessels

internal structures Where verticalvessels are
3.7.1General. Supports, attachments and internal supported on lugs or brackets attached to shell, the the
structures shall be designed to withstand all loadings supporting members under the bearing attachments shall
likely to be imposed in service due t o pressure, weight of be as close to the shellas clearance for insulation will
vessel and contents, machinery and piping loads, wind, permit.
earthquake, etc. NOTE. The choicebetween a number of brackets andring a
NOTE. Deformations likelyto occur under such loads and rapid girder will depend upon the condition
for each individual vessel.
changes in temperature can give rise to significant stresses in Column support.Vertical vessels supported on a
supports and attachments and will require particular number of posts or columns shall, if necessary, be
provided with backing or stiffening by means aof ring
For vessels designed to withstand external pressure,the support girder, internal partitions or similar devices in order to
arrangements should distribute loadings as evenly as practicable
and should avoid points of high load concentration. resist the forces tending to buckle vessel the wall.
The effects on the shell of a pressure vessel localofforces and support. Skirt supports(for typical details
moments which may comefrom typical attachments and see appendix G ) shall be notless than 6 m m thick.
supports are coveredin some detail in appendix G. Criteria for the Openings shall be made in the side of the skirtto permit
assessment of the stresses caused are given in that appendix and
more generallyin appendix A. inspection of the bottom of the vessel, if it is not readily
visible through the supporting framework. All such
It is permissible to weld or stud bolt supports, etc. to the openings shall be reinforced if necessary. Where the
shell of a pressure vessel. Weld design shall comply with product of skirt diameter (in mm), thickness (in mm), and
3.10. In the design of stud connections, particular temperature a t the top of the skirt above ambient "C)(in
attention shall be given to fatigue loading and to the exceeds 1.6 x 1O7 (in mm2."C), account shall be taken of
specification of attachment methods which will the discontinuity stresses in both skirt and vessel induced
consistently meet the design duty. Where significant by the temperature gradient in the upper section of the
tensile stresses are likelyto be developed through the skirt.
thickness ofa shell plateas a result of a local attachment,
NOTE. It is recommendedthat these stresses shouldbe
suitable testsshall be specified bythe manufacturer atthe calculated bythe methods of references (1) and (2)' and
design stage (to be carried out as in t o check that assessed bythe criteria of appendix A.
the shell material is locally suitable for such loads. vessels
The materials for attachments connected direct to the
Where practicable, onlyt w o supports shall be provided for
shell shall complywith 2.1. The welding ofall attachments horizontal vessels.
shall be carried out by welders and procedures approved
NOTE. Horizontal vessels may besupported by means of saddles,
in accordance with section five. equivalent leg supports orring supports (see appendixG). For
3.7.2Supports thin-walled vesselswhere excessive distortion dueto the weight
of thevessel may be expected,ring supports as shown in The design of supports shall enable figure G . 3 8 ) are recommended. Vessels designed to withstand
inspection and maintenance to be carried out during the externalpressureshould be supportedclose to the endsor
vessel. Careshall be taken that the temperature alternatively at stiffeners.
life of the
gradients in external structures immediately adjacent to Horizontal cylindricalvessels that are provided with
the shell do not produce stresses in excess ofthose laid vertical external tower-like extensions shall, where
down as permissible. Ifnecessary, lagging shall be applied necessary, have the extensions supported independently
to limit the temperature gradient to a value producing of the vessel with suitable provision ensure
to that loads
acceptable stresses.Loads arising from differential imposed on the vessel due to thermalexpansion or
thermal expansion of the shell and the supporting contraction are acceptable.
structure in general shall not produce stresses in either in
excess of those permitted by the appropriate
specification. As far as practicable, internal structuresand
fittings shall be arranged to avoid imposing local
NOTE. External stays or internal framing which support internal
parts maybe used to provide a stiffening effect on the shell concentrated loads on the walls of vessel, the
where external supports are attached. Steel supporting consideration being given to the necessity for a corrosion
structures that do notform part of thevessel should comply allowance and avoidance of crevices where corrosion may
with BS 449 or BS 5950. When such supports are to be start.
constructed in reinforced concrete, BS 81 1O should be
consulted. Where possible, local loads from internal
In cases wherethe design strength istime dependent, structures, or from vessel contents, shall be carried by
components designedin accordance with this clause shouldbe means of appropriate stiffeners and/or spacers, directly
reviewed to ensure that creep deformation(local or general)will to the vessel supports and thus to the foundations withou
be acceptable throughoutthe agreed designlifetime. stressing the vessel walls or ends.

'(1) Weil, N.A. and MurphyJ.J. Design and analysis of welded pressure vessel supports. Trans. ASME
J. Eng,for Ind. 1960, February: 1
(2)Bergman, D.J.Temperature gradients for skirt supports of hotvessels. Trans. ASMEJ. Eng. for Ind. 1963, May:
--``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 2 19

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BSI BSm5500 9q

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.8 Bolted flanged connections NOTE. The minimum boltloading to achieve a satisfactoryjoint
3.8.1 General
NOTE 1. Working forms. Suggested working forms with
is a function of thegasket and the effective gasket areato be
seated. e
sketches covering the followingtypes of flanges areprovided Operating condition. The operating condition
at the endof 3.8.4. The sketches show theloads and shall apply when the hydrostatic end force due to the
dimensions as defined in 3.8.2.
design pressure tends to part the joint and the bolt load
(1) Narrow-face flange design; smooth bore; has to maintain sufficient pressure on the gasket t o
(2) Narrow-face flange design: stepped bore; ensure a tight joint.
(3) Narrow-face flange design: slip-on hubbed type; NOTE. The minimum boltload under this condition is a
(4) Lap-type joint: loose flange with hub; function of design pressure, gasket material and the effective
(5) Lap-type joint: loose flange without hub; gasket contact areato bekept tight under pressure. More than
one operating condition may requireconsideration. In the case
( 6 ) Narrow-face flange design: smooth bore (external of external pressure thereis no minimum bolt load but flange
pressure case); stresses still require consideration.
(7) Narrow-face flange design: stepped bore (external
pressure case); Classification. For the purposes of 3.8, flange
connections shall be classifiedas follows.
(8)Narrow-face flange design: slip-on hubbed type
(external pressure case); (a) Narrow-faced flanges. These are flanges where
(9) Reverse narrow-face flange design: flange diameter = all the face contactarea lies inside the circle enclosed
shell outside diameter; by the bolts. Narrow-faced flanges with ring-type
(IO) Reverse narrow-face flange design: slip-in type; gaskets shall comply with 3.8.3 and those with
(11) Reverse narrow-face flange design: flange diameter = ungasketed seal welded flanges with 3.8.5.
shell outsidediameter (external pressurecase);
(12) Reverse narrow-face flange design: slip-in type
(external pressure case);
(b) Full-faced flanges. These are flanges where the
face contact area, either direct or via a gasket or
spacer, extends outside the circle enclosing the bolts.
(13) Full-face flange design; Full-faced flanges with soft ring-type gaskets shall
(14) Reverse full-face flange design to; comply with 3.8.4t.
(15) Reverse full-face flange design to
( c ) Reverse flanges. These are flanges where the
Circular bolted flanged connections usedin the shell is attached at the outer edge, rather than the
construction of vessels to this specification shall either: inner edge, of the flange. Narrow-face reverse
(a) comply with an appropriate British Standard for flanges with gaskets shall comply with 3.8.6.
pipework flanges (e.g. BS 1560 or BS 4504), and be of Full-face reverse flanges with soft ring-type gaskets
appropriate rating; or shall comply with 3.8.7.
(b) comply with the requirements for bolted flanged General requirements for bolting. If steel bolts
connections specified in3.8. or studs smaller than12 m m are to be used, the bolting
NOTE 2.The recommendations for the surface finish ofthe material shall have a design stress at 50 "C as given in
gasket contact surfacegiven in the note to apply to all table of more than160 N/mm2. If aluminium
body flanges and flangesfitted with covers, whether standard bolts or studs areused, special attention shall be given
or special.
to the risk of fracture through overtightening.
Where a standard pipework flange mates with a piping
NOTE 1. In the case of small diameter bolts it may be
flange the surface finish shall be the same as that necessary to give consideration to the use of torque spanners
specified for the mating pipework flange. or other means for preventing the application ofexcessive load
NOTE 3. A flange isattached to and supported by a nozzle
neck, pipe, or vessel wall, which will be referred to as the shell.
on the bolt.
NOTE 2.Table recommended bolt stresses for O
NOTE 4.The design rules have been derived from determining the minimum boltarea in These stresses
considerations of strength. Where operation for long periods of are nominal insofar as they may have to be exceeded in
time at high temperature is required, without theneed for bolt practice to provide against all conditions that tend to produce a
retightening. special consideration may be needed in the leaking joint. However there is sufficient margin to provide a
design, taking into account the possibility of reductionin satisfactory closure without having to overload or repeatedly
gasket load due to creep of the boltsand the flanges. In the tighten the bolts. It is permissibleto use higher values than
design of large diameter flanges special considerationshould those given in table specific cases based on known
be given to the choice of gasket, size and pitch of boltsand operating experience or more rigorousanalysis, by agreement
sequence of bolttightening when closing the joint. Special between the purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5).
consideration should also be given to applications where Special means are required to ensure that an adequate
flanges are subject to significant additionalloading. preload is obtained on tightening large diameter bolts
and this aspect shall be considered when the nominal Bolting-up condition. The bolting-up condition
bolt diameter is greater than 38 mm.
shall apply when the gasket or joint contact surface is
seated during assembly of the joint at ambient
temperature and with the only loading coming from the

t For full-faced flanges with metal to metal contact outside the bolt circle, the design method given in ASME Vlll DIV 1 appendix Y,
when used in conjunction with the other requirements of thisstandard may be regarded as a design rule as defined in 3.2.2.

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3/56 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S r 5 5 0 0 94 m L624669 0395117 6 9 2 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



m N
(D m

2 z

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- m m r-
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7 "
m * m O m - c o m m r - m
m r -
c c m
" 8N
7 Z c ? ON ? Z P

8 8
V/ V/


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 1624669 0395116 529 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



5: W
d I

2 5:

l- I
v) (D
m I
r- W

r- r- m
51 m m P-

o u m u d
ml- -I- (DI

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

A, shall be
Bolt root areas for use in the calculation of Where flanges are constructed by welding, weld
O determined as follows: dimensions shall be in accordance with appendix E.
Flange construction shall be of one of the following
(a) for metric boltingto BS 3643 the root area is
forms as applicable:
based on the minor diameterd3 as defined inA.3 of
BS 3643 : Part 1 : 1981; (a) face and back welded flange (see figure
BS 1580 the root area is
(b)for inch series bolting to E.2(26)(a));
the 'section at minor diameter'as tabulated for (b) bore and back welded flange (see figure
unified coarse thread series (UNCI in column8 of E.2(26)(b));
UN) in
table 15 and for unified 8-thread series (8 ( c )welded neck flange(ortaper hub flange) (see
column 8 of table20 of BS 1580: Parts 1 and2 : 1962. figure E.2(27)(a))or parallel hub (long forged weld
NOTE. Table gives bo:: root areas for some commonly neck) type;
used bolt sizes. (d)welding neck flange fabricated from plate (see
figure E.2(27)(b));
Table Bolt root areas (e) lapped type (see figure E.Z(27)(c));
Metric bolting toBS 3643 NOTE. This form isknown as a lap-joint. The bolt load is
transmitted indirectly through a loose backing flangeto a
Nominal Root area Nominal Root area narrow lap or stub flange. The loose flange may have a hub.
size (mm) (mm2) size (mm) (mm2) The stub flange incorporates the gasket contact face.It may
be attachedto the shell by anyof the arrangements
MIO x 1.5 52.3 M42 x 3 1153 permitted for other flange constructions,not just that
M12 x 1.75 76.25 M45 x 4 1262 shown in figure E.2(27)(c).
M14 x 2 104.7 M48 x 4 1458 (f) Slip-on hubbed flange (see figure E.2(28)(a));
M16 x 2 144.1 M52 x 4 1742 (9) Fillet welded flange (see figure E.2(28)(b)).
M18 x 2.5 175.1 M56 x 4 2050 NOTE. For design purposesa distinction is made betweenthe
flanges listed in (a)to (d), inwhich the bore of the flange
M20 x 2.5 225.2 M64 x 4 2743 coincides with the bore ofthe shell, and thosewith a fillet weld
at the end of the shell and in which the two bores are different.
M22 x 2.5 281.5 M70 x 4 3328 They are known as smooth bore and stepped bore flanges
M24 x 3 324.3 M72 x 4 3535 respectively.
M27 x 3 427.1 M76 x 4 3969 Any fillet radius between flange and hub or shell shall

be not less than0.25 go and not less than 5 mm.
M30 x 3 544 M82 x 4 4668
Hub flanges shall not be made by machining the hub
M33 x 3 675.1 M90 x 4 5687
directly from plate material without special approval by
M36 x 3 820.4 M95 x 4 6375 the purchaser (see table1.5).
M39 x 3 979.7 MIO0 x 4 7102 Fillet welds shall notbe used for design temperatures
UNC bolting t o BS 1580 above 370 "C.
size (in)
Root area Nominal
size (in)
T Root area
(mm2) Machining. The bearing surface for the nuts
shall be parallel to the flange face to within I".Any back
i12 I 83.3 718 276.8
facing or spot facing to accomplish this shall not reduc
the flange thickness nor hub thickness below design
8 U N bolting to BS 1580

i 363.2 values. The diameter of a spot facing shall be not less

than the dimension across corners of the nut plus
3 m m . The radius between theback of the flange and
the hub or shell shall be maintained.
1 363.2 1 718 1503 NOTE. The surface finish of the gasket contact faceshould be
in accordancewith the gasket manufacturers'
1 118 47 8 2 1729 recommendations if any, be based on experienceor
1 114 609 2 114 2226 follow the recommendations given in table
1 318 7 56 2 112 2787
1 112 919 2 314 3419
1 518 1097 3 4103
1 314 1290

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E S 1 B S t 5 5 0 0 94 Lb24669 0395320 L87
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table Recommended surface finish on gasket contact faces for body flanges andflanges fitted with covers
Type of gaskets Required surface Machining details
texture range

Compressed asbestos fibre (CAF)

t 12.5
grade no.2)

N10 50 Continuous spiral groove

Fibrous substitutes forCAF to to to or concentric groove
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 6.3 N9 25 finish
Exfoliated graphite sheet
Rubber and reinforced rubber sheet

Exfoliated graphite sheet 6.3 N9 25 Continuous spiral groove

Spiral wound filled with: to to to or concentric groove
CAF (R);or 3.2 N8 12.5 finish
Rubber and reinforced rubber sheet

Flat metal jacketted asbestos filled(R) 3.2 N8 12.5

to to to
1.6 N7 6.3

Solid flat metal ring (S) 1.6 N7 6.3 Produced by a variety of

Octagonal or oval metal ring (R) to to to tool shapes showing no
0.8 N6 3.2 definite tool markings to
the eye
Metallic solid or hollow'O' rings including Wills 0.8 N6 3.2
type rings (R) to to to
Fully trapped rubber'O' rings of rectangular 0.4 N5 1.6

NOTE. (R) or (S) indicates a preferencefor the rougher or smoother end of therange respectively.
R, and R, are defined in BS 1134 : Part l .
*) Roughness grade no. is extracted from IS0 1302 : 1978


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BSI BSt5500 9Y L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395321 013 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.8.2 Notation. For the purposes of3.8.3 the following is the diameter of location of load resction
symbols apply. All dimensions are in the corroded between loose and stub flanges in a lap-joint,
condition. normally assumed to be the mean diameter of the
NOTE. Further and modified notation isgiven in subsequent contact face between them;
sub clauses. is the thickness of hub at small
A is the outside diameter of the flange or, where is the thickness of hub back
at of flange;
slotted holes extend to outside of flange, the
= 0.785G2p;
is the total hydrostatic end force,
diameter to bottom of slots;
A, is the outside diameter of the contact face is the hydrostatic end force applied via shell to
between loose and stub flanges in a lap-joint; flange, = 0.785B2p;

A, is the actual total cross-sectional area of bolts at is the hydrostatic end force due to pressure on
the section of least diameter under load, as flange face = H - Ho;
defined in; is the compression load on gasket to ensure tight
A, is the total required cross-sectional area of bolts, joint, = 2 b x 3.14Gmp;
taken as the greater of A,, and A,,; is the hub length;
A,, is the total cross-sectional area of bolts required =V €Is0;
for operating conditions,= W,,/S,; is the radial distance from bolt circle to circle on
A, is the total cross-sectional area of bolts required which HD acts, = ( C - B - g1)/2except for slip-on
for gasket seating, = W,,/S,; hubbed and stepped bore flanges for which h, =
6 isinsidediameterofflange; ( C - 8112;

O €I2 is the inside diameter of the contact face between is the radial distance from gasket load reaction to
bolt circle, = ( C - G)/2;
loose and stub flanges in a lap-joint;
bo is the basic gasket or joint seating width, = NI2
is the radial distance from bolt circle to circle on
with the exceptionof the ring-joint for which which load reactionacts for the loose flange in a
bo = N/8; lap-joint, = ( C - G,)/2;

b is the effective gasket or joint seating width: is the radial distance from bolt circle to circle on
b = bo when bo< 6.3 mm which HT acts, = (2C- B - G)/4;
NOTE. For the stub flange in a lap joint C i s replaced by G, in
b = 2.52 ?'T;;, when bo> 6.3 mm. (This the definitions of h,, h, and hT.
expression is valid only with dimensions
K =NB;
expressed in millimetres);
M = M,,, C, / B (bolting-up condition), or
C is theboltcirclediameter;
= MopC, / B (operating condition);
C, is theboltpitchcorrectionfactor,
Mat, is the total moment acting upon flange for bolting-
bolt spacing up condition;
= d ( 2 x bolt outside diameter) + 6tAm + 0.5)

Mop is the total moment acting upon flange for
where 'bolt spacing' is the distance between bolt Operating condition;
centre lines
m is the gasket factor given in table 3.8.3(1);
(if calculated value 1, C, = 1); N is the contact width of gasket, as limited by gasket
D is theinsidediameterofshell; width and flange facing:
d factor;
a for
design p is thedesignpressure;
p, is theexternaldesignpressure;
- hogo*;
V S, is the bolt nominal design stress a t atmospheric
U temperature given in table3.8.1.4;
for loose method flange design= - hogo,;
. v, S, is the bolt nominal design stress at design
F temperature given in table;
e is a factor; for integral method flange design = -;
h0 S
,, is the design stress of flange material at
for loose method flange design FL ;
= - atmospheric temperature given in table 2.3;
h0 S,, is the design stress of flange material at design
F is a factorfor integral method flange design temperature given in table2.3;
(from figure 3.8.3(3)); ,S
, is the lower of design stresses of hub and shell
F, is a factor for loose hubbed flanges (from materials at atmospheric temperature from
figure 3.8.3(5)); table 2.3;
f is the hub stress correctionfactorfor integral ,S
, is the lower of design stresses of hub and shell
method flange design from figure 3.8.3(7) (for materials at design temperature given in table2.3;
values below limit of figure use f = l ) ; S, is the calculated longitudinal stress in hub;
G is the assumed diameter of gasket load reaction. S, is the calculated radial stress in flange;
When bo 6.3 mm, G = mean diameter of gasket
S, is the calculated tangential stress in flange;
contact face,
when bo > 6.3 mm, G = outside diameter of gasket
contact face less2b;

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B S I BSXSSOO 9 4 m 3624bh9 0395322 TST m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

T is a factorfrom figure 3.8.3(2); The required bolt areaA, shall be the greater ofA,,
t istheminimumallowableflangethickness, and A,,.
measured at the thinnest section; The actual bolt area, A,, shall be not less than A,.
U is a factorfrom figure 3.8.3(2); NOTE. Recommended values for the gasket factor, m , and the
gasket seating pressure, y , are given in table 3.8.3(1)
V is a factorfor theintegralmethod, from
various gaskets.
figure 3.8.3(4); Flange moments. Flange moments shall be
V, is a factor for the loose hubbed flanges, calculated for both the bolting-up and operating
from figure 3.8.3(6); conditions.
W,, is the minimum required bolt load for operating (a) Bolting-up condition.The total flange moment
conditions, = HG + H; shall be:
Wm2 is the minimum required bolt load for gasket Mat, = Wh,
seating, = 3.14bGy;
(b) Operating condition.The total flange moment
W is the flange design bolt load, = 0.5 (A, + A,) S,; shall be:
X is the nominal gap between the shell and the Mop= HDhD+ HThT+ HGhG
loose flange in a lap-joint;
For flange pairs having different design conditions,
Y is a factorfrom figure 3.8.3(2); for example when they trap a tubesheet, bolt loads shall
y is the gasket or joint contact surface seating be calculated at bolting-up and operating conditions for
pressure; each flange/gasket combination separately. W,, and
is a factorfrom figure 3.8.3(2);

is afactor, = [ty
- ]
W,, shall then be taken as the greater of the two
calculated values. For the flange on which W,, was the
lower calculated value, the value ofHG shall be
increased as follows.
3.8.3 Narrow-faced gasketed flanges
HG = W,, - H General. Either of the following design methods
shall be applied to circular narrow-face flanges with stresses and stress limits
ring-type gaskets or joints under internal pressure stresses. Flange stresses shall be
taking into account the exceptions given. determined for both bolting-up and operating
conditions from the moment,M, as follows where:
(a) For the integral method, in which account is taken
of support from the shell and the stresses in the shell M = Mat,CF/6 and M = MOpCF/6
are evaluated, the integral method shall not be (a) For the integral method and slip-on type hubbed
applied to the slip-on hubbed flange (see figure flanges:
E.2(28)(a)) or to the loose flange in a lap-joint. fM
longitudinal hub stress S, = __
(b) For the loose method, in which the flange is hg,,
assumed to get no support in bending from the shell ( f = I if slip-on type)
and correspondingly imposes no bendingstresses on (1.333te+ 1) M
it, the loose method shall only be applied, except to radial flange stress S, =
loose flanges in lap-joint flanges (see figure hf
E.2(27)(c)), if all of the following requirements are YM
tangential flange stress S, = - - ZS,
(1) g, C- 16 mm in the uncorroded condition; (b) For the loose method:
(2) Big, I 300 mm; S,= ~

(3) p 5 2 N/mm2; f
S, = S, = o
(4)design temperature I 3 7 0 "C.

The design methods allow for a taper hub (which may limits. The flange stressesas calculated
be a weld); the taper hub assumed for purposes of in not exceed the following values, using
calculation shall not have a slope of more than1:1, ¡.e. design stresses at ambient temperature for the bolting-
9, 5 h + go. up condition and design stresses at design temperature
NOTE 1. In more unusual shapes of hub it may be necessary to for the operating condition:
choose values of g, and h defining a simple taper hub but S, I the smaller of 1.5SH0or 1.5SF,, or S, Ithe
within the profile of the actual assembly. smaller of 1.5SHAor 1.5sFA;
LOTE 2. The designer is free to use either of the specified
design methods. S, and S, IS
,, or SFA; loads andareas. Bolt loads and areas shall 0.5 (S, + S,) 5 S,, or SFA;
be calculated for both the bolting-up and operating 0.5 CS, + S,) I S,, or SFA.
conditions. NOTE. ,S, and SHA,the hub design stresses, arethe design
(a) Bolting-up condition.The minimum bolt load, stresses of the shell material except for the case of welding
neck or slip-on hubbed construction.
W,,, shall be 3.14bGy.
(b) Operating condition. The minimum bolt load,
W,,, shall be H + HG.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Narrow-face flanges subject to external Split ring flanges

a pressure. (See suggested working forms6, 7 and 8.) If
the flange is subject to both internal and external
It is permissible to split the loose flange in a lap-joint
across the diameterto makeit readily removable from
pressure it shall be designed for both conditions, except the nozzel neck or vessel. The design shall be in
that external pressure need not be considered where accordance with3.8.3.6 modified as follows.
the external design pressurepe is less than the internal
(a) When the flange consists of a single split ring,
design pressure p.
shall be designedas if it were a solid flange (without
The design of flanges for external pressure shall be in splits), using 200 % of the momentM required
accordance with 3.8.3 except that: in
pe replaces p (b) When the flange consists of two split rings,
Mop = HD ( h D - h,) + Hi ( h T - h,) ring shall be designedas if it were a solid flange
W,, =A,, = O (without % of the momentM
splits), using 75
required in3.8.3.6. The pair of rings shall be
Where the flange for external pressure is one of a flange
assembled so that the splitsin one ring are90” from
pair having different design conditions, W,, shall be
the splits in the other ring.
that calculated for the other member of the pair Mop and
shall be the greater ofMopas calculated in and (c) The splits shall be located midway between bolt
W,, h,. Lap-joints. (See suggested working forms 4 and 3.8.4 Full-faced flanges with soft ring type gaskets (see
5.) The stub flange may take any of the forms listed suggested working form 13)

a i n and either the narrow-faced (see3.8.3) or full- Full-faced flanges with non-metallic gaskets not less
faced (see 3.8.4) method shall be applied. Separate than 1.5 m m thick and extending beyond the circle
calculations shall be carried out for the stresses in the enclosing the bolt holes shall bein accordance with the
loose and stub flanges. requirements of3.8.4.
Bolt loads and areas shall meet the requirements Additional and modified notation for3.8.4. For
of or as appropriate. the purposes of3.8.4 the following symbols are in
Bearing stress at the contactface between the two 3.8.3.
addition to or modify those given in
flanges shall be determined for both bolting-up and b’, is the basic gasket seating width effective under
operating conditions using the following equation. initial tightening up= G, - C;
(W,,,, or W b’ is the effective gasket seating width = 4Cx;

bearing stress =
1.576,(A2- B2 - 2 x ) ~~ ~
NOTE. This expression is valid only withdimensions
The bearing stress shall not exceed1.5 times the lower expressed in millimetres.
design stress of the two flanges, using design stresses 2 b is the effective gasket pressure width, taken as
at ambient temperature for the bolting-up condition and 5 mm;
design stresses at design temperature for the operating d is thediameterofbolt holes;
db isrheboltoutsidediameter;
The diameter of the load reaction between stub and
E is modulus of elasticity of flange material at
loose flanges shall beas follows:
design temperature from table 3.6(3);
G, = (A, + 6,)/2
G is the diameter at location of gasket load reaction,
unless otherwise agreed with the purchaser. = C - ( d + 2b”);
Thestubflangeshallmeettherequirementsforaflange G, is outside diameter of gasket or outside diameter
loaded directly by the bolts as given in or 3.8.4, of flange, whichever isless;
except that the bolt load is assumed to be imposed at
diameter G,, which therefore replacesC in the
H is the total hydrostatic end force, = 0.785(C- 4 * p ;
calculations. The diameter of the boltholes, d, required HG is compression load on gasket to ensure tight
in 3.8.4, shall be zero. joint, = 2b” x 3.14Grnp;
The moment arm on the loose flange for all HR is the balancing reaction force outside bolt circle
components of load shall beh, where h, = ( C - G,)/2 in opposition to moments due to loads inside bolt
such that circle;
Mop= W,, x h, and h, is radial distance from bolt circle to circle on which
HG acts, = ( d + 26”)/2;
Mat, = W,, X h,
The loose flange stresses and stress limits shall meet
h, is radial distance from bolt circle t o circle on which
the requirements of3.8.3.4.
HR acts, = (G, - C + d/4;
NOTE. The option to use integral or loose design method h, is radial distance from bolt circle to circle on which
applies to the stub flange. HTacts, = ( C + d + 2b” - 6)/4;
M is balancing radial moment in flange along line of
bolt holes;
n isnumberofbolts.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 9 4 m 3 6 2 4 6 6 90 3 9 5 3 2 48 2 2 m
BS 5500 : 1 9 9 4
Issue 1, January 1 9 9 4 Bolt loads and areas. Bolt loads shall be (h) Mop=HThT+ HDhD;
calculated in accordance with,taking: (i) K = B/A;
W,, = H + HG + HR Cj) M = (Matmor Mop)C,JA.
where NOTE 1. The sign of h,, which may be negative, has to be
H,h, + HThT+ HGhG respected.
HR= NOTE 2. The moment due to gasket reaction is taken as O
h, for the operating condition since this assumption gives
W,,,, = 3.14Cb’y higher stresses. Flange design. The flange thickness shall be not 3.8.7 Reverse full-face flanges (see suggested working
less than the value of tfrom the following equation:

t= 4 6M
SF, (3.14C- n d
forms 14 and 15) General
The design method shall be in accordance with
where or appropriate. For both design methods
M = HRhR gaskets shall be in accordance with3.8.4.
NOTE. Two alternative design methods are provided for
The bolt spacing shall notexceed: reverse full-face flanges. The first follows the approach of 3.8.3
2d, x 6tAm + 0.5)
+ (€/200000)0.25 at the operating condition and assumes resistance to rotation
comes from the flange itself; the second follows 3.8.4 and
where E is expressed in N/mm2. If necessary the flange requires a larger bolt area.
thickness shall be increased to enable this requirement Design following method of3.8.3.Design for the
t o be met.
operating condition shall be in accordance with 3.8.3
The minimum spacing shall be determined by with the following modifications.
consideration of the space necessary to apply a spanner
to the nuts and possible interference from gussets and (a) A is inside diameter of flange;
other obstructions. (b) A, is inside diameter of gasket or contact
whichever is greater;
3.8.5 Ungasketed seal welded flanges
(c) B is outside diameter of flange;
Ungasketed seal welded flanges (see figure 3.8.5) shall be
designed in accordance with 3.8.3,except that: (d) d i s the diameter of the bolt holes;
(a) only the operating condition is to be considered; (e) N = (C- A1)/2;
(b) G = D, where D, is outside diameter ofseal weld (f) H = 0.785p(C- dl2;
lip; (9) HG = 2 b x 3.14Cmp;
(C) HG = O. (h) H, = 0.785~02;
3.8.6 Reverse narrow-face flanges (see suggested (i)H, = HD- 0.785pA,,;
working forms 9 and IO) (j) HT= 0.5 ( H - H, + H;)
Reverse flanges with narrow-face gaskets under internal (k) h, = ( B - g, - C)/2; except for the slip-in type
pressure, and for which the ratio of diametersB/A is flange ( B - D), for which:
less than 1.1, shall be designed in accordance with3.8.3
h, = ( B - ‘ 3 2 ;
except that:
(I) h’, = (2C- D- A,)/4;
(a) the limits ongo and B/gOto the application of the
loose flange option do not apply; (m) h,= ( 2 C + d - 2 A 1 ) / 6 ;
(b) A is the inside diameter of the flange; (n) Mop= HDhD + H>h;- HThT;
( O ) K = B/A;
(c) B is the outside diameter of the flange;
(P) M = MopCF/A.
(d) H, = 0.785~02;
NOTE 1. The sign of which may be negative has to be
(e) HT= H,- H respected.
where HT is the net pressure load on the flange NOTE 2. The moment due to gasket reaction is taken as O
faces; for the operating condition since this assumption gives
higher stresses.
(f) h, = (2C- G - D)/4;
(g) h, = ( B - C - g1)/2.If the flange is slipped into the
shell with a fillet weld on the outside, so that ( 8 1D),
h, becomes instead:
h, = ( B - C)/2


COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Design following method of 3.8.4. Design for the

operating condition shall bein accordance with 3.8.4
with the following modifications.
(a) A is inside diameter of flange;
(b)A, is inside diameter of gasket or contact
whichever is thegreater;
(c) B is outside diameter of flange;
(d) B, is outside diameter ofgasket or contact face,
whichever is thelesser;
(e) H, = 0.785~02;
(f) H, = H, - 0.785pP;where H, is the hydrostatic
force on the flange-face outside the bolt circle
(g) h, = (B-c- g11/2;
(h) h, = (D-c)/4;
(i) M, = HDhD- Hch,;
(J) M, =
(k) M is greater of M, and M,;
O (I) W,, depends
which greater,
is M,or M, as
(1) If M, > M2then:
h, = (C-A, + d / 4
HR= M/h,
W,, = HGR+ H, - H, where HGRis the greaterof
HG and HR.
(2) If M, c M, then:
h, = (B,- c + d/4
HR= (M, - M,)/h,
W,,, = HG + H, - H, + HR.


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BSI BS*5500 94 9 Lb24bb90395326bT5 E

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(1) Gasket materials and contact facings: gasket factors(rn)for operating conditions and
minimum design seating stress ( y )

NOTE. This table givesa list of many commonlyused gasket materialsand contact facingswith suggested design valuesof m and
ythat have generally proved satisfactory in actual service when using the methods of 3.8.The design valuesand other details
given in thistable are suggested only and are not mandatory.
Gasket material Gasket Min. Sketches Dimen-
factor design sion
m seating N
stress (min.)
N/mm2 mm
Rubber without fabric ora high
percentage of asbestos§ fibre:
'below 75" BS and I R H 0.50 O
7 5 " BS and IRH or higher 1.o0 1.4
~~~ ~~

2 .o

Asbestos§ with a suitable 3.2 mm thick 11.0
binder for theoperating1.6 mm thick 2.7 5 25.5
conditions 0.8 mm thick 3.50 44.8

Rubber with cotton fabric insertion 1.25 2.8

' 3-PlY 2.25 15.2

Rubber with asbestos§ fabric
insertion,with orwithout wire 2-Ph 2.50 20.0

L 1 -Pb 2.75 25.5

" - ~~~

Vegetable fibre 1.75 7.6

€2 10

Carbon 2.50 To suit

Spiral-wound metal, 3.00 applicationt
asbestos§ filled monel

Corrugated metal,
asbestos§ inserted
T Soft aluminium
Soft copper or brass
or Iron or soft steel 3.00 31.0
Corrugated metal, Monel or4 to 6 % 3.25 37.9
jacketed asbestos§ chrome
filled Stainless steels 3.50 44.8
+ -___
Soft aluminium 2.7 5 25.5
Soft copper or brass 3.00 31.0
Corrugated metal Iron or soft steel 3.25 37.9
Monel or 4 to 6 % 3.50 44.8
Stainless steels 3.75 52.4

Soft aluminium 3.2 5 37.9

Soft copper or brass 3.50 44.8
Flat metal jacketed Iron or soft steel 3.75 52.4
asbestos§filled Monel 3.50 55.1
4 to 6 % chrome 3.75 62.0
Stainless steels 3.75 62.0

See BS 903 : Part A26

t See BS 3381 : 1989
§New non-asbestos bonded fibre sheet gaskets are not necessarily direct
substitutesfor asbestos based materials.In particular
pressure, temperature andbolt load limitationsmay be applied.Use within the manufacturer's current recommendations.

NOTE. In selecting gasket materialsfor use with aluminium alloy flanges account should
be taken of the relative hardness values of
the gasket and flange materials.

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3/66 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m 3 b 2 4 b b 90 3 9 5 3 2 75 3 1 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(1) (concluded)

O NOTE. This table gives alist of many commonlyused gasketmaterials and contact facingswith suggested design valites0f.m and
ythat have generally proved satisfactory in actual servicewhen using the methods
given in this table are suggestedonly and are not mandatory.
of 3.8. The design valuesand other details

Gasket material Gasket Min.

factor design sion
m seating
stress (min)

Soft aluminium 3.25 37.9

Soft copper or brass 44.8
Iron or soft steel 3.75 52.4 10
Grooved metal Monel or4to 6 %
chrome 3.75 62.0
Stainless steels 4.25 69.5
Soft aluminium 4.00 60.6
Soft copper or brass 4.75 89.5
Iron or soft steel 5.50 124 6
Solid flat metal Monel or4to 6 %
chrome 6.00 150
Stainless steels 6.50 179

Iron or soft steel 5.50 124

Ring jointt Monel or4 to 6 %
chrome 6.00 150
Stainless steels 6.50 179

Rubber O-rings:
below 75 BS O to 0.25 O.7
between 75"and 85"BS and IRH 1.4

Rubber squaresection rings:

below 75 EIS and IRH O to 0.25 1 .o
between 75 "and 85"BS and IRH 2.8'

Rubber T-section rings:

below 75 BS and IRH O to 0.25 1 .o
between 75 and 85 BS and IRH 2.8

This value has been calculated.

t b = NI8 face
"---l Gasket

NOTE. The gasket seating width factors bo and b shown apply onlyto flanged joints in which the gasket is contained entirelywithin the
inner edgesof the boltholes.

O Figure 3.8.3(1) Location of gasket



COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 3 6 2 4 b b 9 0395328 478 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(2)Values of T, Z, Y, and U (factors involving K )

~ __ - - -~ ~

Y Y K T , Y J K 'T 7
__ L - __ - __ ~
I-" __
1 .o0 1.91 l000.5( 1899.42 l078.85 1 .O5 1.8s 20.12 38.68 42.51 1.10 1.8E 10.43 20.15 22.12
1 .m: 1.91 500.5C 951.81 1052.80 1.05: 1.8s 19.74 37.96 41.73 1.10: 1.8E 10.33 19.94 21.92
1 .oo: 1.91 333.83 637.56 700.70 1.05: 1 .8S 19.38 37.27 40.96 1.10: 1.8E 10.23 19.76 2 1.72
1.001 1.91 250.5C 478.04 525.45 1.051 1.8s 19.03 36.60 40.23 1.10. 1.8E 10.14 19.58 21.52
1 .m! 1.91 200.50 383.67 421.72 1.05! 1.89 18.69 35.96 39.64 1.10! 1.8E 10.05 19.38 21.30

1 .mt 1.91 167.17 319.71 351.42 1.05( 1.89 18.38 35.34 38.84 1.101 1.8E 9.96 19.33 21.14
1 .m; 1.91 143.36 274.11 301.30 1.05; 1.89 18.06 34.74 38.19 1.10. 1.87 9.87 19.07 20.69
1 .oat 1.91 125.50 239.95 263 75 1.05l 1.89 17.76 34.17 37.56 l.lOI 1.87 9.78 18.90 20.77
1 .o01 1.91 1 1 1.61 21 3.42 234.42 1.05: 1.89 17.47 33.62 36.95 1.10! 1.87 9.70 18.74 20.59
1 .o1( 1.91 1 00.50 192.19 21 1.19 1.06( 1.89 17.18 33.04 36.34 1.1 1( 1.87 9 62 18.55 20.38

1 .o1i 1.91 91.41 174.83 192.13 1.06' 1.89 16.91 32.55 35.78 1.11' 1.87 9.54 18.42 20.25
1 .o12 1.91 83.84 160.38 176.25 1.06; 1.89 16.64 32.04 35.21 1.1 1; 1.87 9.46 18.27 20.08
1.01: 1.91 77.43 148.06 162.81 1.06: 1.89 16.40 31.55 34.68 1.11: 1.87 9.38 18.13 19.91
1.011 1.91 71.93 137.69 151.30 1.06L 1 B9 16.15 3 1 .O8 34.17 1.1 1 r 1.87 9.30 17.97 19.75
101f 1.91 67.17 128.61 141.33 1.06f 1.89 15.90 30.61 33.65 1.1 l! 1.87 9.22 17.81 19.55

1.01E 1.90 63.00 120.56 132.49 1.06f 1.89 15.67 30.17 33.17 1.1 1 f 1.87 9.15 17.68 19.43
1.017 1.90 59.33 1 1 1.98 124.81 1.067 1.89 15.45 29 74 32.69 1.111 1.87 9.07 17.54 19.27
1.01E 1.90 56.06 107.36 1 18.00 1.06E 1.89 15.22 29.32 32.22 1.11E 1.87 9.00 17.40 19.12
1 .o1E 1.90 53.14 1 01.72 1 1 1.78 1.06: 1.89 15.02 28.91 31.79 1.11s 1.87 8.94 1727 18.98
1.02c 1.90 50.51 96.73 106 30 1 07C 1.89 14.80 28.51 31.34 1.12c 1.87 8.86 17.13 18.80

1 .o21 1.90 48.12 92.21 1 01.33 1 .O71 1.89 14.61 28.13 30.92 1.121 1.87 8.79 17.00 18.68
1.022 1.90 45 96 88.04 96.75 1 072 1 B9 1441 27.76 30.51 1.122 1.87 8.72 16.87 18.54
1.023 1.90 43.98 84.30 92.64 1.073 1.89 14.22 27.39 30.11 1.122 1.87 8.66 16.74 18.40
1 .O24 1.90 42.17 80.81 88.81 1 .O74 1.88 14.04 27.04 29.72 1.124 1.87 8.59 16.62 18.26
1.025 1.90 40.51 77.61 85.29 1 .O75 I .88 13.85 26.69 29.34 1 125 1.87 8.53 16.49 18.11

1 .O26 1.90 38.97 74.70 82.09 1 .O76 I .88 13.68 26.36 28.98 1.126 1 3 7 8.47 16.37 17.99
1 .O27 1.90 37.54 71.97 79.08 1 .O77 I .88 13.56 26.03 28.69 1.127 1.87 8.40 16.25 17.86
1.028 1.90 36.22 69.43 76.30 1.078 I .88 13.35 25.72 28.27 1.128 1.87 8.34 16.14 17.73
1.029 1 90 34.99 67.11 73.75 1 .O79 I 88 13.18 25.40 27.92 1.129 1.87 8.28 16.02 17.60
1 .O30 1.90 33.84 64.91 71.33 1 .O80 I .88 13.02 25.1O 27.59 1.130 1.87 8.22 15.91 17.48

1031 1 90 32 76 62.85 69.06 1 .O81 I .88 12.87 24.81 27.27 1.131 1.87 8.16 15.79 17.35
1 .O32 1.90 31.76 60.92 66.94 1 .O82 I .88 12.72 24.52 26.95 1.132 1.87 8.11 15.68 17.24
1 .O33 1.90 30.81 59.11 63.95 1 .O83 I .88 12.57 24.24 26.65 1.133 1.86 8.05 15.57 17.11
1 .O34 1.90 29.92 57.41 63.08 1 .O84 I .88 12.43 24.00 26.34 1.134 1.86 7.99 15.46 16.99
1 .O35 1.90 29.08 55.80 61.32 1 .O85 I .88 12.29 23.69 26.05 1.135 1.86 7.94 15.36 16.90

1 .O36 1.90 28.29 54.29 59.66 1.086 1.88 12.15 23.44 25.57 1.136 1.86 7.88 15.26 16.77
1 .O37 1.90 27.54 52.85 58.08 1 .O87 .88 12.02 23.18 25.48 1.137 1.86 7.83 15.15 16.66
1 .O38 1.90 26.83 51.50 56.59 I .O88 .88 1 1.89 22.93 25.20 1.138 1.86 7.78 15.05 16.54
1 .O39 1.90 26.15 50.21 55.17 1 .O89 .88 1 1.76 22.68 24.93 1.139 1.86 7.73 14.95 16.43
1 .O40 1.90 25.51 48.97 53.82 1 .o90 .88 1 1.63 22.44 24.66 1.140 1.86 7.68 14.86 16.35

1 .O41 1.90 24.90 47.81 53.1O 1.091 .88 1 1.52 22.22 24.41 1.141 1.86 7.62 14.76 16.22
1.042 1.90 24.32 46.71 51.33 I .O92 .88 1 1.40 21.99 24.16 1.142 1.86 7.57 14.66 16.11
1 .O43 1.90 23.77 45.64 50.15 I .O93 .88 1 1.28 21.76 23.91 I 143 1.86 7.53 14.57 16.01
1 .O44 1.90 23.23 44.64 49.05 I .O94 .88 11.16 21.54 23.67 1.144 1.86 7.48 14.48 15.91
1 .O45 1.90 22.74 43.69 48.02 I .O95 .88 1 1 .O5 2 1.32 23.44 1.145 1.86 7.43 14.39 15.83

1 .O46 1.90 22.05 42.75 46.99 I .O96 .88 10.94 21.11 23.20 1.146 1.86 7.38 14.29 15.71
1.047 1-90 21.79 41.87 46.03 I .O97 .88 10.83 20.91 22.97 1.147 1.86 7.34 14.20 15.61
1.048 1.90 2 1.35 41 .O2 45.09 I .O98 .88 10.73 20.71 22.75 1.148 1.86 7.29 14.12 15.51
1 .o49 1.90 20.92 40.21 44.21 I .o99 .88 10.62 20.51 22.39 ,149 I .86 7.25 14.03 15.42
1 .O50 1.89 20.51 39.43 43.34 '.loo ,238 10.52 20.31 22.18 . 1 50 I .86 7.20 13.95 15.34
~ - .~ ~ -- -

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 9 4 m 3b24bb9 0395329 304 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(21 (continuedl

- - - - __ -
.J T
- - "
T 7 / U K
T ? I

1.15' 1.86 7.1 6 13.86 15.23 1.20'I 1.84 5.52 10.70 11.76 1.251 1.82 4.54 8.80 9.67
1.15: 1.86 7.11 13.77 15.14 1.20;? 1.84 5.50 10.65 11.71 1.25; 1.82 4.52 8.77 9.64
1.15: 1.86 7.07 13.69 15.05 1.20:3 1.84 5.47 10.61 11.66 1.25: 1.82 4.51 8.74 9.60
1.151 1.86 7.03 13.61 14.96 1.201I 1.84 5.45 10.56 11.61 1.251 1.82 4.49 8.71 9.57
1.15! 1.86 6.99 13.54 14.87 1.20t> 1.84 5.42 10.52 1 1.56 1.25: 1.82 4.48 8.68 9.54

1.151 1.86 6.95 13.45 14.78 1.20L3 1.84 5.40 10.47 11.51 1.25€ 1.82 4.46 8.65 9.51
1.15; 1.86 6.91 13.3; 14.70 1.20; I 1.84 5.38 10.43 1 1.46 1.257 1.82 4.45 8.62 9.47
1.15f 1.86 6.87 13.30 14.61 1.ZOE3 1.84 5.35 10.38 1 1.41 1.25E 7.81 4.43 8.59 9.44
1.15! 1.86 6.83 13.22 14.53 1.20: I 1.84 5.33 10.34 1 1.36 1.25: 1.81 4.42 8.56 9.41
1.16( 1.86 6.79 13.15 14.45 1.21c) 1.84 5.31 10.30 11.32 1.26C 1.81 4.40 8.53 9.38

1.16' 1.85 6.75 13.07 14.36 1.21 1 1.83 5.29 10.25 11.27 1.261 1.81 4.39 8.51 9.35
1.16; 1.85 6.7 1 13.00 14.28 1.211P 1.83 5.27 10.21 1 1.22 1.262 1.81 4.37 8.49 9.32
1.16: 1.85 6.67 12.92 14.20 1.21; I 1.83 5.24 10.16 11.17 1.263 1.81 4.36 8.45 9.28
1.161 1.85 6.64 12.85 14.12 1.214I 1.83 5.22 10.12 11.12 1.264 1.81 4.35 8.42 9.25
.. 1.85 6.60 12.78 14.04 1.215l 1.83 5.20 10.09 1 1.o9 1.265 1.81 4.33 8.39 9.23
O 1.16L 1.85 6.56 12.71 13.97 1.21Ei 1.83 5.1 8 10.04 1 1.O3 1.266 1.81 4.32 8.37 9.1 9
1.16; 1.85 6.53 12.64 13.89 1.217 1.83 5.16 10.00 10.99 1.267 1.81 4.30 8.34 9.1 6
1.16E 1.85 6.49 12.58 13.82 1.218I 1.83 5.14 9.96 10.94 1.81 4.29 8.3 1 9.14
1.16: 1.85 6.46 12.51 13.74 1.2191 1.83 5.12 9.92 10.90 1.269 1.81 4.28 8.29 9.1 1
1.17C 1.85 6.42 12.43 13.66 1.22c1 '1.83 5.10 9.89 10.87 1.270 1.81 4.26 8.26 9.08

1.171 1.85 6.39 12.38 13.60 1.221 I .83 5.07 9.84 10.81 1.271 1.81 4.2 5 8.23 9.05
1.171 1.85 6.35 12.31 13.53 1.222 I.83 5.05 9.80 10.77 1.272 1.81 4.24 8.21 9.02
1.17: 1.85 6.32 12.25 13.46 1.223, I, .83 5.03 9.76 10.73 1.273 1.81 4.22 8.1 8 8.99
1.174 1.85 6.29 12.18 13.39 1.224 I.83 5.01 9.72 10.68 1.274 1.81 4.2 1 8.1 5 8.96
1.175 1.85 6.25 12.10 13.30 1.225 I .83 5.00 9.69 10.65 1.275 1.81 4.20 8.13 8.93

1.17E 1.85 6.22 12.06 13.25 1.226 1I .83 4.98 9.65 10.60 1.276 1.81 4.1 8 8.1 1 8.91
1.177 1.85 6.19 12.00 13.18 1.227 1I .83 4.96 9.61 10.56 1.277 1.81 4.1 7 8.08 8.88
1.178 1.85 6.1 6 1 1.93 13.1 1 1.228 1I .83 4.94 9.57 10.52 1.278 1.81 4.1 6 8.05 8.85
1.179 1.85 6.13 1 1.87 13.05 1.229 1I .83 4.92 9.53 10.48 1.279 1.81 4.1 5 8.03 8.82
1.18C 1.85 6.10 11.79 12.96 1.2301 1I .83 4.90 9.50 10.44 1.280 1.81 4.13 8.01 8.79

1.181 1.85 6.07 11.76 12.92 1.231 1I .83 4.88 9.46 10.40 1.281 1.81 4.1 2 7.98 8.77
1.182 I.85 6.04 11.70 12.86 1.232 1I .83 4.86 9.43 10.36 1.282 1.81 4.1 1 7.96 8.74
O 1.183
1I .83
1I .83
1.185 I.85 5.95 11.50 12.64 1.235 1I .83 4.8 1 9.32 10.24 1.285 1.80 4.07 7.89 8.66

1.186 I .85 5.92 1 1.47 12.61 1.236 1.82 4.79 9.29 10.20 1.286 1.80 4.06 7.86 8.64
1.187 I .85 5.89 1 1.42 12.54 1.237 1.82 4.77 9.25 10.17 1.287 1.80 4.05 7.84 8.61
1.188 I .85 5.86 1 1.36 12.49 1.238 1.82 4.76 9.22 10.13 1.288 1.80 4.04 7.81 8.59
1.189 I .85 5.83 11.31 12.43 1.239 1.82 4.74 9.18 10.09 1.289 1.80 4.02 7.79 8.56
1.190 I .84 5.81 1 1.26 12.37 I.240 1.82 4.72 9.1 5 10.05 1.290 1.80 4.01 7.77 8.53

1.191 I .84 5.78 1 1.20 12.31 1.241 1.82 4.70 9.1 2 10.02 1.291 1.80 4.00 7.75 8.51
1.192 I .84 5.75 11.15 12.25 1.242 1.82 4.69 9.08 9.98 1.292 1.80 3.99 7.72 8.48
1.193 I .84 5.73 11.10 12.20 1.243 1.82 4.67 9.05 9.95 1.293 1.80 3.98 7.70 8.46
1.194 I .84 5.70 1 .O
15 12.14 1.244 1.82 4.65 9.02 9.9 1 1.294 1.80 3.57 7.68 8.43
1.195 I .84 5.67 11.00 12.08 1.245 1.82 4.64 8.99 9.87 1.295 1.80 3.95 7.66 8.41

1.196 .84 5.65 10.95 12.03 1.246 1.82 4.62 8.95 9.84 1.296 I.80 3.94 7.63 8.39
1.197 .84 5.62 10.90 11.97 1.247 1.82 4.60 8.92 9.81 1.297 I.80 3.93 7.61 8.36
1.198 .84 5.60 10.85 11.92 1.248 1.82 4.59 8.89 9.77 1.298 I.80 3.92 7.59 8.33
1.199 .84 5.57 10.80 11.87 1.249 1.82 4.57 8.86 9.74 I .299 I.80 3.91 7.57 8.3 1
O .84 5.55 10.75 11.81 I .250 1.82 4.56 8.83 9.70 1.300 I.80
3.90 7.55 8.29


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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 L624669 0395330 O26 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(2)(continued)
_. -- - - -
T? Y Y K T 7
~ " - - - - - " - ~ " - -

1.301 1.8( 3.89 7.53 8.27 1.35i l 1.7E 3.42 6.6 1 7.27 1.4cI1 1.7: 3.08 5.93 6.50
1.30:2 1.8( 3.88 7.50 8.24 1.35I2 1.72 3.42 6.60 7.25 1.40I2 1.75 3.07 5.92 6.49
1.30.3 1.8( 3.87 7.48 8.22 1.35I3 1.77 3.41 6.58 7.23 1.4013 1.7E 3.07 5.90 6.47
1.304 1.8( 3.86 7.46 8.20 1.35I4 1.77 3.40 6.57 7.21 1.4014 1.75 3.06 5.89 6.46
1.30!5 1.8C 3.84 7.44 8.18 1.3515 1.77 3.39 6.55 7.19 1.4015 1.75 3.05 5.88 6.45

1.3016 1.8C 3.83 7.42 8.1 6 1.3586 1.77 3.38 6.53 7.1 7 1.4016 1.75 3.05 5.87 6.44
1.307 1.8C 3.82 7.40 8.13 1.3587 1.77 3.38 6.52 7.1 6 1.m17 1.75 3.04 5.86 6.43
1.3013 1.75 3.81 7.38 8.1 1 1.358 1.77 3.37 6.50 7.14 1.4018 1.75 3.04 5.84 6.41
1.30!3 1.7s 3.80 7.36 8.09 1.359 1.77 3.36 6.49 7.12 1.409 1.75 3.03 5.83 6.40
1.31(3 1.7s 3.79 7.34 8.07 1.36O 1.77 3.35 6.47 7.1 1 1.41O 1.75 3.02 5.82 6.39

1.31'1 1.79 3.78 7.32 8.05 1.361 1.77 3.35 6.45 7.09 1.411 1.75 3.02 5.81 6.38
1.31:2 1.79 3.77 7.30 8.02 1.362 1.77 3.34 6.44 7.08 1.412 1.75 3.01 5.80 6.37
1.31:3 1.79 3.76 7.28 8.00 1.363 1.77 3.33 6.42 7.06 1.413 1.75 3.01 5.78 6.35
1.311t 1.79 3.75 7.26 7.98 1.364 1.77 3.32 6.41 7.04 1.414 1.75 3.00 5.77 6.34
1.31!J 1.79 3.74 7.24 7.96 1.365 1.77 3.32 6.39 7.03 1.415 1.75 3.00 5.76 6.33

1.31tJ 1.79 3.73 7.22 7.94 1.366 1.77 3.31 6.38 7.01 1.4186 1.75 2.99 5.75 6.32
1.31;7 1.79 3.72 7.20 7.92 1.367 1.77 3.30 6.37 7.00 1.417 1.75 2.98 5.74 6.3 1
1.31E3 1.79 3.7 1 7.18 7.89 1.368 1.77 3.30 6.35 6.98 1.41;8 1.75 2.98 5.72 6.29
1.3153 1.79 3.70 7.1 6 7.87 1.36'9 1.77 3.29 6.34 6.97 1.41I9 1.75 2.97 5.7 1 6.28
1.32(1 1.79 3.69 7.14 7.85 1.371O 1.77 3.28 6.32 6.95 1.42r3 1.75 2.97 5.70 6.27

1.321I 1.79 3.68 7.12 7.83 I .371 1.77 3.27 6.3 1 6.93 1.421 1.75 2.96 5.69 6.26
1.322! 1.79 3.67 7.10 7.81 I .37.2 1.77 3.27 6.30 6.9 1 1.42:2 1.75 2.96 5.68 6.25
1.32: I 1.79 3.67 7.09 7.79 I .37:3 1.77 3.26 6.28 6.90 1.42:3 1.75 2.95 5.67 6.23
1.3241 1.79 3.66 7.07 7.77 I .37*4 1.77 3.25 6.27 6.89 1.42d4 1.74 2.95 5.66 6.22
1.325l 1.79 3.65 7.05 7.75 I .37!5 1.77 3.25 6.25 6.87 1.42!- . 1.74 2.94 5.65 6.2 1

1.32Ei 1.79 3.64 7.03 7.73 I .37r5 1.77 3.24 6.24 6.86 1.4215 'I .74 2.94 5.64 6.20
1.327 I .
1.79 3.63 7.01 7.71 r
I .37' I .77 3.23 6.22 6.84 1.42:r 'I .74 2.93 5.63 6.1 9
1.32EI 1.78 3.62 7.00 7.69 1.3713 'I .76 3.22 6.2 1 6.82 1.4213 '1.74 2.92 5.62 6.1 7
1.329l '1.78 3.61 6.98 7.67 i.37:3 '1.76 3.22 6.19 6.81 1.42s3 '1.74 2.92 5.6 1 6.16
1.33cl .I .78 3.60 6.96 7.65 .38(1 '1.76 3.21 6.1 8 6.80 1.43(1 .I .74 2.91 5.60 6.1 5

1.331 1.78 3.59 6.94 7.63 .38'I . 1.76 3.20 6.1 7 6.79 1.431I 1I .74 2.91 5.59 6.14
1.332 1.78 3.58 6.92 7.61 .38;! 1 1.76 3.20 6.16 6.77 1.43;! 1 I .74 2.90 5.58 6.13
1.333 1.78 3.57 6.9 1 7.59 .38:3 1I .76 3.19 6.14 6.75 1.43: 3 1I .74 2.90 5.57 6.1 1
1.334 1I .78 3.57 6.89 7.57 ,381t 1I .76 3.18 6.13 6.74 1.431I lI .74 2.89 5.56 6.1O
1.335 1I .78 3.56 6.87 7.55 .38t5 1I .76 3.18 6.1 2 6.73 1.43:i 1I .74 2.89 5.55 6.09

1.336 1I .78 3.55 6.85 7.53 .38Ej l1.76 3.17 6.1 1 6.72 I .43€i 1.74 2.88 5.54 6.08
1.337 1I .78 3.54 6.84 7.51 ,387' 1.76 3.16 6.1O 6.70 1.437' 1.74 2.88 5.53 6.07
1.338 11.78 3.53 6.82 7.50 ,3881 1.76 3.1 6 6.08 6.68 I .43€I 1.74 2.87 5.52 6.05
1.339 1.78 3.52 6.81 7.48 .38E) 1.76 3.1 5 6.07 6.67 I .43EI 1 .74 2.87 5.51 6.04
1.340 1.78 3.5 1 6.79 7.46 .39c1 1.76 3.1 5 6.06 6.66 I .44c) 1.74 2.86 5.50 6.03

1.341 1 .78 3.51 6.77 7.44 ,391 1.76 3.14 6.05 6.64 1.441 1.74 2.86 5.49 6.02
1.342 1.78 3.50 6.76 7.42 ,392I 1.76 3.13 6.04 6.63 1.442' 1.74 2.85 5.48 6.01
1.343 1.78 3.49 6.74 7.41 ,393I 1.76 3.1 3 6.02 6.61 ,443: 1.74 2.85 5.47 6.00
1.344 1.78 3.48 6.72 7.39 ,394, 1.76 3.12 6.01 6.60 ,444 1.74 2.84 5.46 5.99
1.345 1.78 3.47 6.7 1 7.37 .395 I l.76 3.1 1 6.00 6.59 ,445 1 .74 2.84 5.45 5.98

1.346 I .78 3.46 6.69 7.35 ,3968 1.76 3.1 1 5.99 6.58 ,446 1.74 2.83 5.44 5.97
1.347 I .78 3.46 6.68 7.33 ,397 1.76 3.10 5.98 6.56 ,447 1.73 2.83 5.43 5.96
1.348 I .78 3.45 6.66 7.32 398 1.75 3.10 5.96 6.55 ,448 1.73 2.82 5.42 5.95
1.349 1.78 3.44 6.65 7.30 399 1.75 3.09 5.95 6.53 ,449 1.73 2.82 5.41 5.94
1.350 11.78 3.43 6.63 7.28 400 1.75 3.08 5.94 6.52 ,450 1.73 2.81 5.40 5.93
- - ~ - -


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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 7 0375131 Tb2 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.8.3(21 (concludedl

- __
T z I J K T 7 I J K T 7 I
~ - -
1.45 11.73 2.81 5.39 5.92 1.49f 1.71 2.62 4.99 5.48 1.54' 1.69 2.45 4.66 5.12
1.452 1.73 2.80 5.38 5.91 1.49; 1.71 2.61 4.98 5.47 1.54; 1.69 2.45 4.65 5.1 1
1.453 1.73 2.80 5.37 5.90 1.49t 1.71 2.61 4.98 5.47 1.54: 1.69 2.45 4.64 5.1 1
1.454 1.73 2.80 5.36 5.89 1.49: 1.71 2.60 4.97 5.46 1.54 1.69 2.45 4.64 5.10
1.455 1.73 2.79 5.35 5.88 1.50( 1.71 2.60 4.96 5.45 1.54: 1.69 2.44 4.63 5.09

1.456 1.73 2.79 5.34 5.87 1.501 1.71 2.60 4.95 5.44 1.54f 1.69 2.44 4.63 5.08
1.457 1.73 2.78 5.33 5.86 1.50; 1.71 2.59 4.94 5.43 1.54; 1.69 2.44 4.62 5.07
1.458 1.73 2.78 5.32 5.85 1.50: 1.71 2.59 4.94 5.43 1.54 1.69 2.43 4.62 5.07
1.459 1.73 2.77 5.3 1 5.84 1.501 1.71 2.58 4.93 5.42 1.54: 1.69 2.43 4.61 5.06
1.460 1.73 2.77 5.30 5.83 1.50: 1.71 2.58 4.92 5.41 1.55( 1.69 2.43 4.60 5.05

1.461 1.73 2.76 5.29 5.82 1.50f 1.71 2.58 4.91 5.40 1.551 1.69 2.42 4.60 5.05
1.462 1.73 2.76 5.28 5.80 1.50; 1.71 2.57 4.90 5.39 1.55; 1.69 2.42 4.59 5.04
1.463 1.73 2.75 5.27 5.79 1.50E 1.71 2.57 4.90 5.39 1.55: 1.69 2.42 4.58 5.03
1.464 1.73 2.75 5.26 5.78 1.50: 1.71 2.57 4.89 5.38 1.551 1.69 2.41 4.58 5.03
1.465 1.73 2.74 5.25 5.77 1.51( 1.71 2.56 4.88 5.37 1.55: 1.69 2.41 4.57 5.02

O 1.466 1.73 2.74 5.24 5.76 1.511 1.71 2.56 4.87 5.36 1.551 1.69 2.41 4.57 5.02
1.467 1.73 2.74 5.23 5.74 1.51; 1.71 2.56 4.86 5.35 1.557 1.69 2.40 4.56 5.01
1.468 1.72 2.73 5.22 5.73 1.51: 1.71 2.55 4.86 5.35 1.55E 1.69 2.40 4.56 5.00
1.469 1.72 2.73 5.21 5.72 1.511 1.71 2.55 4.85 5.34 1.555 1.69 2.40 4.55 4.99
1.470 1.72 2.72 5.20 5.71 1.51 1.71 2.54 4.84 5.33 1.56C 1.69 2.40 4.54 4.99

1.471 1.72 2.72 5.1 9 5.70 1.51C 1.71 2.54 4.83 5.32 1.561 1.69 2.39 4.54 4.98
1.472 1.72 2.71 5.1 8 5.69 1.517 1.71 2.54 4.82 5.31 1.562 1.69 2.39 4.53 4.97
1.473 1.72 2.71 5.1 8 5.68 1.51E 1.71 2.53 4.82 5.3 1 1.56: 1.68 2.39 4.52 4.97
1.474 1.72 2.71 5.17 5.67 1.51E 1.70 2.53 4.8 1 5.30 1.564 1.68 2.38 4.51 4.96
1.475 1.72 2.70 5.1 6 5.66 1.52C 1.70 2.53 4.80 5.29 1.56E 1.68 2.38 4.51 4.95

1.476 1.72 2.70 5.1 5 5.65 1.52 11.70 2.52 4.79 5.28 1.56E 1.68 2.38 4.50 4.95
1.477 1.72 2.69 5.14 5.64 1.522 1.70 2.52 4.79 5.27 1.567 1.68 2.37 4.50 4.94
1.478 1.72 2.69 5.14 5.63 1.522 1.70 2.52 4.78 5.27 1.56f 1.68 2.37 4.49 4.93
1.479 1.72 2.68 5.13 5.62 1.524 1.70 2.51 4.78 5.26 1.56s 1.68 2.37 4.48 4.92
1.480 1.72 2.68 5.12 5.61 1.525 1.70 2.51 4.77 5.25 1.57c 1.68 2.37 4.48 4.92

1.481 1.72 2.68 5.1 1 5.60 1.52€ I .70 2.51 4.77 5.24 1.571 1.68 2.36 4.47 4.91
1.482 1.72 2.67 5.10 5.59 1.527 1.70 2.50 4.76 5.23 1.572 1.68 2.36 4.47 4.91
1.483 1.72 2.67 5.10 5.59 1.528 1.70 2.50 4.76 5.23 1.573 I .68 2.36 4.46 4.90
1.484 1.72 2.66 5.09 5.58 1.529 1.70 2.49 4.75 5.22 1.574 I .68 2.35 4.46 4.89
1.485 1.72 2.66 5.08 5.57 1.53c I .70 2.49 4.74 5.21 1.575 I .68 2.35 4.45 4.89

1.486 1.72 2.66 5.07 5.56 1.531 I .70 2.49 4.73 5.20 1.576 I .68 2.35 4.44 4.88
1.487 1.72 2.65 5.06 5.55 1.532 I .70 2.48 4.72 5.19 1.577 I .68 2.35 4.44 4.88
1.488 1.72 2.65 5.06 5.55 1.533 I .70 2.48 4.72 5.19 1.578 I.68 2.34 4.43 4.87
1.489 1.72 2.64 5.05 5.54 1.534 I .70 2.48 4.7 1 5.1 7 1.579 I .68 2.34 4.42 4.86
1.490 1.72 2.64 5.04 5.53 1.535 I.70 2.47 4.70 5.1 7 1.580 I .68 2.34 4.42 4.86

1.491 1.72 2.64 5.03 5.52 1.536 I .70 2.47 4.69 5.16
1.492 1.72 2.63 5.02 5.5 1 1.537 I.70 2.47 4.68 5.1 5
1.493 1.71 2.63 5.02 5.5 1 1.538 I.69 2.46 4.68 5.1 5
1.494 1.71 2.62 5.01 5.50 1.539 I.69 2.46 4.67 5.14
1.495 1.71 2.62 5.00 5.49 1.540 I .69 2.46 4.66 5.13


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3 71
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S M 5 5 0 0 74 9 L b 2 4 b b 7 0375332 9T7 9
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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3/72 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
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BSI BSa5500 94 m Lb24bb90395333 835 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



O .7


I 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

9; /e
Figure 3.8.3(3)Values of F (integral-type flange factors)




V 0.3




Figure 3.8.3(4)Values of V (integral-type flange factors)

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m 3624669 0 3 9 5 3 3 4 773 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994
I 0.05 100
60 0.10
40 0.12
IO 0.18
8 0.20

4 0.25
2 O .30
3 0.30 o 35
0.35 I O 40
0.40 0.8 0.45
2 0.45 0.6
0.50 0.50
1.5 0.3 0-60
0.2 0.70
0.1 0.90
0 - 06 I .o0
I .so
I I I I Y 2.00
1.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 I .5 4.0 5.0

Figure 3.8.3(5)Values of F, (loose hub flange factors) Figure 3.8.3(6)Values of V , (loose hub flange factors)

25 O
20 0.1 o
I = I (minimum)
I - I for hubs of uniformthickness (g [q =I)
"I -0 '
15 0.25
a o .so
7 0.60
O .70
1 5

I .o0
I .20

I 1.5 2 3 4 5
P /%
Figure 3.8.3(7)Values of f (hub streas correction factors)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSX5500 79 m 362Ybb70375335608 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure 3.8.5 Ungasketed, seal-welded-type flanges


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BSI BS*5500 94 3624bb9 0395336 5 4 4 W

! ' I




? .si


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BSI BS*5500 94 W L b 2 4 b b 9 0395337 480


5 .-

n * II

(r' v: d


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BSI B S * 5 5 0 0 9 4 m 3624669 0395338 337 m


T r


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BSI B S r 5 5 0 0 74 W Lb24667 0375339 253


u r
c" II
e S L 0

Id P U


I l



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E S 1 BS+5500 q4 W L b 2 4 b b 9 0395LL10 T75 m




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B S I BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395141 901




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. Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395342 848 m

, I


EIl I,
d E

F m
E F 3

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0395343 784m


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L - a
l . C I,
. -- I I c





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BSI BS*5500 94 m 3624669 0395345 557 m '


l .
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B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 94 W 1 6 2 4 b b 9 0 3 9 5 1 4 b 493 m



d ).

.r F

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t t

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B S I BSm5500 9 4 m l b 2 4 b b 9 0395349 3 T 2 m

. .

H ?
1 Il

i C"



z 9



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B S I BS*5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395353 850 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.9 Fiat heatexchanger tubesheets of the tubesheet as given in

is the flexural rigidity
The minimum thickness of flat heatexchanger tubesheets;
accordance with 3.9.1 to 3.9.6,the
shall be calculated in is the tubesheet thicknessexclusive of corrosion
analyses used to obtain the equations beingbased on the allowance and partitiongrooves;
following assumptions. is the channel thickness (including any corrosion
(a) The tubesare of uniformsize. allowance) fora minimum distance of 1.8vDiëi;

(b) Where theexchanger has a pair of tubesheets, they is the shell thickness (including any corrosion
are both of the same thickness. allowance) fora minimum distance of 1 . 8 k X ;
(c) The tubesheetis of constant thicknessacross the is the tubethickness (nominal);
specified diameter.
is the elastic modulus of tubesheet material at
(d) The tubedarea is uniformly perforatedand nominally design temperature;
circular (untubed partitionlanes in multipass unitsare is the elastic modulus of channel material at
accepted). design temperature;
(e) Any untubedannular ring is sufficiently narrow to be is the elastic modulus of shell materialat mean
treated as a ring whose cross section rotates without metal temperature;
appreciable distortion (¡.e. D 1 and 02 D, + 6e).
is the elastic modulus of tube material at mean
(f) The tubesheet thickness (less corrosion allowance)
is metal temperature;
not less than:
is the nominal design strength;
0.75 x tube 0.d. for tubes 25 m m 0.d. and less
NOTE. In cases where fis time dependent, components
22 m m for tubes 30 m m 0.d. and less designed by the procedure specified in this clause should be
25 m m for tubes 40 m m 0.d. and less reviewed t o ensure that creep deformation (localor general)
30 m m for tubes 50 m m 0.d. and less. will be acceptable throughout the agreed design lifetime.
Tubesheets not coveredby (a) t o ( fshall
) be given special is the tubesheet factor given in figure 3.9(9);
consideration and the design method shallbe agreed by is the factor for outer tube load given by figures
the manufacturer, the purchaser and the Inspecting 3.9(2) and 3.9(3);
Authority (see table1.5).
is the factor for inner tube load given by figures
When tubes are expanded into the tubesheet and not 3.9(4) and 3.9(5);
welded, the total thickness of the tubesheet minus the is the effective 'solidity'of perforated tubesheet,
corrosion allowance in thearea of the expansion shall value between x , and x2 depending on estimated
be not less than the tube 0.d. Where leakage cannot be effect of tube wall thickness: unless experimental
tolerated, the minimum thicknessof tubesheets with results are available, a value equal to( x , + x 2 ) / 2
expanded only tubejoints shall be35 m m , unless should be used;
satisfactory performance has been demonstrated with
thinner tubesheets. The minimum thickness, is the tubesheet factor given in figure 3.9(10);
including corrosion allowance, shall in no case be less IS the expansion jolnt strain factor,= 1 .O0 for
than 19 mm. 1
shell without expansion )omt = ~

3.9.1 Notation. For the purposesof 3.9.2to 3.9.4the 1 + (nDE,e,s)/L

following major symbolsapply. All dimensions exclude for shell wlth bellowsjoint (where bellows stlffness
corrosion allowances, except where otherwise indicated. is known), = O for thin wall bellows pnt;
c= Co + AC design factor to be derived from figure
is the axial modulus of the tube bundle ,full length) as
3.9(1) in conjunction with table 3.9;
given in;
Co is the basic design factor to be derived from figure
3.9(1) as a function of UlV, or from tabie3.9 for is the mean stram ratlo. tube bundle/shell glven
equation in;
U-tubesheets ( U V = O ) ;
AC isthe correctivedesign factorto be derivedfrom table is the edge moment required to rotate the channei
3.9 as a function ofactual value ofF, and R ; through unit angle as given in
d is theoutsidediameterof tubes; is the edge moment required torotate the shell
dh is the tube hole diameter in tubesheet; through unit angle as given in;
represents the combined edge restraint due to the
D is the outside diameter of shell;
channel and shell as given in;
D, is the diameter of outer tube limitcircle;
IS the tube length between Inner faces of
D , is the diameter to which shell fluldpressure IS
exerted; tubesheets;
IS the number of tube holes In tubesheet;
D2 is the diameter to which tube fluid pressureis
exerted; is the tube pitch (spaclng between centres!
D, is the effective pressurized diameter of expanslon
joint bellows as determined by bellows
manufacturer or otherwise agreed;


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B S IB S t 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb24bb9 0395352 7 9 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

p is the tubesheet design pressure (see; is Poisson's ratio for unperforated
pl is the shell side design pressure; is Poisson's ratio for perforated plate given by
P', is the effective shell side design pressure for fixed;
tubesheets given by equations in3.; is the Poisson's ratio for thechannel;
pz is the tube side design pressure; is the Poisson's ratio for the shell:
P; is the effective tube side design pressure for fixed is the design stress factor. This factor allows for the
tubesheets given by equationsin; fact that the stress calculated using these
Pd is the effective differential design pressure givenby requirements is the average bending stress across
equation in3.; the ligamenta t the surfaceof the plateand, the
permissible value is higher than the normal design
NOTE. All these design pressures are gauge pressures and stress, f by assigning the valueR = 2 for floating
algebraic signs should be observed.
head: R = 1.5 for fixed tubesheet;
is the effective pressure due to restrained
is the design stress for
shear; in absence of
differential thermal expansion given by equations in
definition of design stress for
shear in section two,7;
should be takenas 0.5f.
is the equivalent bolting pressure for operating
condition given by equation;
in 3.9.2 Characteristics of perforated plates
is the equivalent bolting pressure for bolting-up ligament efficiency shall
condition given by equations;
in be calculated from:
is the spring rate for bellbws-deflection/unit
force; p=A= ~

= D1/DQw h e n p l > p2. = D2/DQwhen p 2 > pl, = the P

greater ofDl/D, and D2/D0 w h e n p l =pz; where the following conditions

= [ 'G]
1.35 'I3 factor for use in figures 3.9(1)
(a) tubes are not expanded into the tubesheet for the full
depth of the tubesheet; or
(b)tubes are welded; or
to 3.9(5); (c) tubes have significantly lower elastic modulus than

= G factor for use in figures 3.9(1)to 3.9(5);

the tubesheet material,¡.e. non-ferrous tubes in ferrous
Where the tubes are expanded for the full depth of the
is the maximum effective tube stress for inner
tube; tubesheet orare explosion-bonded to the tubesheet, it is
is the maximum effective tube stress for outer
tube; recognized that the effective ligament efficiency is
increased and in suchcases the ligament efficiency shall
be calculated from:
L Do i ~

P - fdh - et)
NOTE. Intermediatevalues ofp between those given by the
foregoing equations may be used by agreement between
manufacturer and purchaser.
is the factor, calculatedin, which quantifies the Effective elastic constants. The effective elastic
elastic characteristic of the bundleand tubesheet;
constants for the tubesheet,v* and shall be taken v,
is the factor, given in3.9.4.2, dependent on theedge from figure 3.9(7)or 3.9(8):
restraint due to bothchannel and shell;
for thin plates, wheree c 2P,use figure 3.9(7);
is the thermal expansion coefficientof shell
for thick plates, wheree 2 2P, use figure 3.9(8).
material at mean metal temperature;

3.9.3 Tubesheets of exchangers with floating heads or

is the thermal expansion coefficient of tube
material at mean metal temperature; U-tubes. For the purposes of, floating heads are
denoted as those completely immersed in the shell side
is a tubebundle factor, given in3.9.4.2, dependent on fluid: for such heat-exchangers, both tubesheets shall have
thetubesheetflexural rigidityand thetubebundle axial the sa'me thickness.
modulus; equations. The tubesheet designpressure
= (x: - x1 = 4Ne,(d - e,) /Do2 ; shall be derived giving due considerationloss to of either
is the flexural efficiency of tubesheet and tube pressure:
walls given by figure3.9(7)or 3.9(8); P= IP2-P1 j
The minimum thickness of a tubesheet within the outer
is the mean shell metal temperature less 1O "C;
tube limit circle shall be the greater valuesof the given by
is the mean tube wall metal temperature less 1 O "C; the following equations:
is the ligament efficiencyof tubesheet inshear given / P
by equations in3.9.2.1; e=CDo /- (bending)
1 Qpf
is the ligament efficiency of tubesheet and tube
walls in bending given by equations3.9.2.1;

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B S I BS*5500 94 m 3624669 0395353 623 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 3.9 Values of ACas a functionof F, and R for all tubesheets, andCo for U-tubesheets only (for other typesof
tubesheets C, is obtained from figure3.9(1))

Stationary tubesheet- simply supported


R ""

F, = 0.45 T
1.o 0.433 lo

0.560 0

1.O5 0.433 jo 0.576 -0.002 +0.002
1.10 0.433 O 0.592 "0.010 0 +o.o1o

1.20 0.433 I O 0.625 -0.025 0 +0.025
1.30 0.433 I1 0 0.660 - 0.040 0 +0.040
1 "

+ (al

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



3 a

- Simply supported, both ends

Stationary tubesheet, clamped,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Ulv O
NOTE 1. For U-tubesheets,F, = 1.
NOTE 2. Solid lines apply to construction (b) + (a) as shown in figure 3.9(6).Broken line applies to construction (dl + (a) as shown
in figure 3.9(6).

Figure 3.9(21 Design curves: determination of F,


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BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 9 4 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395355 4 T b
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994




. a and U pitch
. Stationary tubesheet simply supported
floating tubesheet clamped
1 1 1 1 I l I I I I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
U lv

NOTE 1. For U-tubesheets, F, = 1.

NOTE 2. Applies to construction (b) + (c) as shown in figure 3.9(6).

Figure 3.9(3)Design curves: determination of F,

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E S 1 B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb24669 0395156 332
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

r A and O pitch
- Simply supported,both ends
"" Stationary tubesheet, clamped,
r , , , . I 1 I 3 7-

floating tubesheet. simply

t supported


2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 1 0
NOTE l . For U-tubesheets, Fi = -1.
NOTE 2. Solid lines apply to construction (b) + (a) as shown in figure 3.9(6).Broken line applies to construction (d) + (a) as shown
in figure 3.9(6).

Figure 3.9(4) Design curves: determination of

--``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- F,
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B S I BSX5500 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0 3 9 5 1 5277 9 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

I I 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' r ' ' " ' * , 7 I l-

n and U pltch
Stationary tubesheet simply supported,
floating tubesheet clamped




2 4 6 7 8 9 1 0
u/ v

NOTE 1. For U-tubesheets, F, = -1

NOTE 2. Applies to construction (b) + (c) as shown in figure 3.9(6).

Figure 3.9(5) Design curves: determination of F,

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

n n m

-4 e h" " c l e +

(a) Simply supported (b) Simply supported

( c ) Clamped (dl Clamped


(e) Clamped

NOTE. Where afull faced gasket is used

the tubesheet is clamped.

Figure 3.9(6)Typical clamped and simply supported configurations

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BSI BS*5500 74 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395359 041 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.2 0.3 O:4 0:6 0:7 0:8 0.9 I .O

Figure 3.9(71Characteristics for perforated thin plates, e 2P

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E S 1 BSlk5500 9 4 W L b 2 4 b b 90 3 9 5 1 b 0 Ab3

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.2 0.3 O.4 0.5 O. 6 0.7 0.6 0.9 !.O


Characteristics for perforated thick plates, e ? 2 P

Figure 3.9(8)

Where the tubesheet is extendedt o provide a flange for necessarily, give valuesof opposite sign, and both shall be
bolting (as in figure 3.9(6)(d)), the thicknessof the considered in assessing the possibilityof loss oftube
extension between the gasket position and the outside staying action:
diameter of the tubesheet shall be not less than e, as D o2 -Xî)
-b2(F0 - p l (F, - x1 11
given in figure 3.5.5(2)(c), second equation. W,, = t
4Ne,(d - e,)
The maximum effective tube stresses for an inner, W t , ,
and an outer, W,,, tube, as given by the following \n/""L?--
tl - D Ip*(Fi+x2) --P1(F,+X1)1
equations, shall be checked in accordance with 3.9.5, 4Ne,(d - e,)
where a positive value denotes tensionand a negatrve The maximum absolute valueof the tubeend joint load
value compression. Thet w o equations willusually, bot ~ c t shall be checkad against that permitted 3.9.6.


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.9.4 Tubesheets of fixed tubesheet exchangers. For the

purposes of3.9.4.1 to fixed tubesheet heat
exchangers shallbe considered as those havingtubesheets
fixed to bothends of theshell, with or withouta shell KO= & + K,
expansion joint except as limited by3.9.5. Both tubesheets
in a fixed tubesheet exchangershall have the same ßD1
thickness. xa=2 considerations. The thickness of the
tubesheets shall be the greater of valuesthe given by the
equations in3.9.4.2.While this thickness will be adequateNOTE. In a given design, the minimumtubesheet thickness is
for the tubesheetsit is possible that the temperature obtained when z = 0.5, and this may be achieved by altering either

differential between tubesand shell may result in e, or e,.
overstressing of the shells, tubes or tube-to-tubesheet 4 -
joints. This shall be checked in accordance with ß=
and, where necessary, suitable provision shall be made for
expansion and/or contraction.
Where the tubesheet is extended to provide a flange for
bolting (as in figure 3.9(6)(d)) the thicknessof the
The calculation is an iterative one.A value shall be
extension between the gasket position and the outside
assumed for e and the calculation made.If e calculatedis
diameter of the tubesheet shall be not less than e, as
less than e assumed, it is permissible to make the
given in figure 3.5.5(2)(c), second equation. If the
tubesheet of thicknesse assumed. For minimum
tubesheet has a large unpierced annular gap between
tubesheet thickness, the iteration should be repeated
the tube bundle and theshell, its thickness shall be
checked in accordance with3. equations. The minimum thickness of the 0.985 e assumed e calculated <I .O00 e assumed
tubesheet shall be thegreater of the values given by the shelland tube design pressure
following equations:

- - effective shellside design pressure,p'l, shall
e = =D1
2/ef or D2 (bending) be calculated from:
g4H 0,uf
(P's - P,)
0.1 55D,p', 0.1
55D0p'2 2
e= or _____ (shear)
IT i.
T P's
wherepí and p i are the effective shelland tube design
pressure determined in accordance with whichever has the greatest
and; absolute value.
or, where design on the basis only of simultaneous action
of both shelland tube side pressure is specifically
permitted (see table 1.5):

e= sHv$- -
or D2
O. 1 55D0pd
e= (shear)
0.4J[1.5+K(1.5+fs)] -

where P's = P l

pd is theeffective differential design pressuredetermined

in accordance with; fs= 1 - N ):[ 2

NOTE. Equations containingthe term pBs are not applicable for

use in the shear equations in
4N€,e, ( d - e,)
L D,2

Kc =
E, -
(12( 1 - v : ) ] ~ . ' ~( D2+

NOTE. Kc is zero when the channel is gasketed to thetubesheet.

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B S I BS*5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395Lb2 b 3 b m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

6.0 0
4.0 1 .o
4 .O
8 .O

O 2.0 4 .O 6.0


14.0 0.1

12.0 0.4
10.0 1.o
8.0 8.0



O 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 18.106.0 20.0

NOTE. Linear interpolation should be used for values of z lying between those given.
Figure 3.9(91 Tubesheet: determination of Fq

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 W Lb24bb9 0395363 5 7 2 D
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



14 O







O 2.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0

O NOTE. Linear interpolation should be used for values of z lying between those given

Figure 3.9(101 Tubesheet: determination of H


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BSI BS*5500 74 m 3b24bb9 0375364 409 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 The effective tubeside design pressure,p'2, shall where

be calculated from: M,, is the total moment acting upon extension under
operating conditions(see 3.8.2);
(P't +pet +P,)
2 whichever has the greater M,,, is the total moment acting upon extension under
absolute value when plsis bolting-up conditions(see 3.8.2):
or positive Where fullfaced gasketsare fitted pEt=pB,=O

NOTE. Theload on the gasket trapped between a tubesheet andany
pass-partition plate may be neglected
in the calculation bolt
of load
whichever has the greater and tube plate thickness.
absolute value whenp',is Shell and tube longitudinalstresses. The maximum
or negative effective shell and tube stresses calculated as follows
(P't - P's + Pet) with 3.9.5.
shall be checked in accordance
where The stressesshall be calculated with and without the effect

P't = P2
1 + 0.4JK( 1.5 + ft)
( 1 +JKFq)
-1 of shelland tubesheet corrosion (ifapplicable) using the
actual tubesheet thicknesses.
The effective longitudinal shell stress shall be calculated
(D- es)ps*
NOTE l . WhenJ= O; 4%
PS* = Y(P's +PZ - P't - Pel
NOTE 2. Delete the term pet in these equations foruse in the or
shear equationsin PS* =PIS + P2 - P't pressure due to differential thermal or
expansion,^,, shall be calculated from: PS* = - YPe
- utBt)
4J.Eses(aSBs or
Pe =
(D - 3eJ ( 1 +JKF,) PS* = Y(P's - Pe)
or The effective differential design
pressure, Pd,
shall be calculated from: PS* = Y(P2 - P't - P,)
PS* = P2 - P't
PS* =P's
whichever has the where
greatest absolutevalue Y = 1.O if the algebraic sign ofps*is negative, or
= 0.5 if the algebraic sign ofpst is positive.
NOTE. When the designis basedon simultaneous differential
pressure (see thefirst three equations forp,'
The effective longitudinal tube stress shall be calculated
P d allows onlyfor the simultaneous action of both shell FqP,*D2z
and tubeside effective design pressures and it is only
4Net(d - et)
permissible to beused as a design basis with specific
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser where
(see table1.5). Pt. = a P 4 + Pe - P51
NOTE l . It is not permissible to enter the equations in3. or
with (pl - p2) in placeofp', or the equationsin
(pl - p 2 ) in place of to determine an effective shell side or Pt* = ZP,
tube side designpressure for fixed tubesheets. or
NOTE 2. Equations containingthe termspB, orpesare not
applicable for use in shear equations in3.9.4.2. Pt* =P4- P5
or Equivalent boltingpressures, when fixed
tubesheets are extended for bolting to heads with ring Pt* = Z (~4 + ~ 1e
type gaskets, shall be calculated from: or
2rc Mo Pt* = P4
P&= ( 4 3 or
Pt* = - P5
Pt* = a p e - P5)

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Z = 1.O if thealgebraic sign of Pt* is negative, or
= 0.5 if thealgebraic sign of Pt* is positive;

(P't --P2
(P --P
Is :b 1)
NOTE. When the design is based on simultaneous differential
pressure (see thefirst three equationsforpt"
Lk is the larger of:
The maximumabsolute value of the tube end joint load
shall be checkedagainst that permitted in3.9.6.

3.9.5Allowable shell and tube longitudinal

Tensile shell and tube stresses calculated in accordance
with and be checkedt o ensure that
they do notexceed the allowablevalues in section two.
Compressive shell stresses shallbe limited to the
Lk is the largest of:
allowable value given inA.3.5. Compressive tube stresses

shall be limited to:
K ~ ~ ~ E ,
when C < -
SLk* r
S' f

S r
where L k is the largest of:
r is the radius of gyration of tube
= 0.25 v?+ ( d - 2et l2
Lk is the buckling length (see figure 3.9(11));
f is the design stress from table 2.3;
S' is the factor 1.4 for ferritic steels, or l . 1 for
austenitic steels;
Et is the elastic modulus of tube material; L k is the largestof:
c s'f
S is the safety factor
= 3.25 - 0.5 F, for floating head exchangers, and
= 3.25 - 0.5 Fq for fixed tubesheet exchangers.
Figure 3.9(11) Determination of the buckling length
The safety factor S shall be notless than 1.25 and shall
not exceed a value of2.0. NOTE. For u tubes, L is the straight length between tubesheet
and bend.
3.9.6Allowable tube joint end load. For joints a, b and c
the tube jointend load shall be limited to: Table 3.9.6 Values of F,for typical tube joints
tube cross-sectionalarea x tube design stressx F,. For Joint
joints d. e and f the tube joint end load shall be limited to:
tube cross-sectionalarea x tube design stressx F, x F , x a Weldedwithminimumweldthroat 3 tube
thickness O.80
where b Welded with minimum weld throat < tube
thickness 0.55
F, is the reliability factor from table3.9.6
c Expandedandweldedwithminimumweld
F, is the expansion factor (not greater than1.O) throat 3 tube thickness 0.80
= 1 for grooved holes
= 1 for explosion expanded/welded tubeends dExpandedandweldedwithminimumweld
throat < tube thickness O. 55
-- expandedplain
for holes e Expanded
only O. 50
tube 0.d.
Fv is the material factor (notgreater than 1.O) f Explosion expanded/welded 0.80

- tubesheet design stress NOTE. Typical examples of arc welded tube to tubeplate
tube design stress joints are given in apljendlxT.
'These values of F, can be increased if the procedure
ISapproved and checkedwith a pull out test. In the case of welded tube ends. the
procedure is to be in accordancewith BS 4870 : Part 3.

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BSI BSx.5500 94 lb24669 0395366 283
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form -floating head or U-tube tubesheet design

Consistent units: dimensions= ;p/f/r/E
T Clause
reference a
Shellside Tubesidl U-tube tubesheet thickness 3.9.3
_ _ _ ~

Design pressure PI P2 Pressure acting on

Corrosion allowances
Tubesheet material
Allowable stressat bending f
design temperature
shear T

Design stress factor Table 3.9
Table 3.9
Young's modulus
tubes BendingeB = CDoV

Ligament efficiency ref. 0.155 Dop

Sheare, =
If tubes expandedto full-depth and€1 >E IT
/I = À = [P - ( d h - e , ) ] / P =
/I = i= [P - dh]/P =
Min. acceptable thickness
= greater of evalues 1 e
Pressure factors ref.3.9.1 Tubesheet thickness= e + allowances
X2 = 1 - N [ ( d- 2e,)/D0]*=
X, = 1 - N[(d/Do)2= Floating head tubesheet thickness 3.9.3
F, = 0.5(X1 + X), = Pressure acting on
Tubesheet edge support :. p = I p2 - pl I=

R = Dl/Do if pl > p2 value} =

= Dp/D0ifp2 > P1 { or max.

N= tubes Assume e 2 or < 2P


'I Hole dio. in

A O pitch
expanded /welded
Figures 3.9(7)
or 3.9(8)


u/v a
CO Figure 3.9(1)
AC Table 3.9

C = C, + AC
BendingeB = CDoV

Sheare, =
0.155 Dop

Min. acceptable thickness

= greater ofevalues

Checke > or < 2P

Tubesheet thickness = e + allowances

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards 311 22 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 74 3b24bb9 0395367 3 3 6
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form -fixed tubesheet design


Consistent units: dimensions ~~

X, = ß D@
I Shellside I Tubeside z = 2K,/ßD*
Design pressure P1 P2 (ref. Figure 3.9(9))
Corrosion allowances (1 + JKF,)
temperature I H (ref. Figure 3.9(10)) I I I
materialTubesheet I P S' (ref. I I I
Allowablestress bending f P't (ref. I I I
at design temperature
shear T Pe (ref.
I Shell I Tube I Tubesheel
Shellside loading } ref.
Young'smodulus ES Et
Coefficient of expansion a, at -
Metal temwrature I& I 0, I I I I
Ligarnentefficiency(ref. Deflection efficiency
If tubes expanded
full-depth andEt 2 E (ref. Figures 3.9(7)
and 3.9(8)
g=A=[f"(dh-q)]/P= e < 2Por e 2 2 P
/.~=A=[P-dhl/f= v= rl=
Pressure factors(ref., ple = greater
~ ~
( a ) to (f) I I I
fs = 1 - N[d/D,]* = pls = greater abs. of(a) to (b)
f; = 1 - N [ ( & 2e,)/0,l2 = Bending eB
l = (D1/ vm -(
J factor(ref.3.9.1)
Shear e, = 0.155 D o p l s / h ~ 1
without 4 J=l
} ref.
Bellows to shell
diameter D =
Shell with thin wall-bellows
J=O - S= Tubesideloading

Shell with bellows of known spring rate -+ J =

Edge support factor (ref.
- ~ : ) 1 ~ (. D~ , ~+ e,)0.5} =
Kc = E, (ec)2.5/([12(l
K, = E, (e,)2~5/([12(l- us2)10.75(D1 + eSP5}=
KR= Kc + K, =
Strain factor (ref.
K = E,e,(D- es)lEtNq(d-q ) = P2S = (a)or (b)
as I I l
Tube bundle modulus (ref. = (a) or (b)as applicable
k = 4N€,e,(d- er)/LD,2

Shear ezs= 0.155 D o p 2 s l h ~

If agreed
combinedloading } ref.

pde = greater abs.of (a) to (g)
pds= greater
Bending edB= ( & /
of (e)or (f)
L ' ~ H(I\ f p d B / ~ , u f l

j t"
-i--- - ~ - -

= greaterof above evalues
""i ~ ~ "

Check e assumed/e IS within 1.5 % ~ ~ ~

Tubesheetthickness = e + allowances

~. ~ ~~~~

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
B S I BS+5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 03’75368 054 m
Issue 1, January 1994

3.10 Design of welds 3.10.3Welded joints for other than principal seams
3.1 0.1General NOTE 1. Recommended forms of weld preparationfor branches,
studded connections, flanges, jacketed vessels,tube to tubeplate Vessels shall be designed
with the minimum connections, tubeplate to shell connections and flat end
practical number of seams with adequate access for the connections are detailed in appendixE.
deposition and inspection of weld metal to comply with It is important to note that the intention of appendix E is to
As far as possible seams shall
sections four and five. be exemplify soundand commonly accepted practice and not to
etc., so as t o be readily visible
positioned clear of supports, promote standardization of connectionsthat may be regarded as
mandatory, or to restrict development inany way.
in service after removing
any insulation. When openings
occur in welded seams or within 12 m m of any main E
Forms of weld preparation in accordance with appendix
seams additional inspection requirements shall apply shall be acceptable forvessels complying with this
(see standard subjectto both:
Where more than two weld seams meet atpoint, one (a) the appropriate requirements of sections and
consideration shall be given
to the desirability of five being met;
intermediate post-weld heat treatment (see (b) theuse of established British practiceas conveyed It is permissible to weldnozzles, pads, branches, by the information in appendix E.
pipes andtubes and non-pressure parts topressure parts, NOTE 2. In the design of
weld details, consideration shouldbe
provided thatthe strength and characteristics of the material given to the non-destructive testing requirements in5.6.4.It is
accepted, however, that the mostsuitable detail fora particular
of thepressure part are not influencedadversely. service condition may not necessarily be themost amenableto
Attachments ofnon-pressure partsby welds which cross, or radiographic and/or ultrasonic inspection. Where the welding of
for which the minimum nominal distance between the edge heavy scantlingsis involved, details shouldbe selected to

of the attachment weld and the edge of the existing main minimize the local restraint imposed on the weld duringcooling*.
welds ornozzle welds, is less than thesmaller of twice the In calculating the strength of welds nozzle for
thickness of thepressure part or40 mm, shallbe avoided; if attachments, supports, etc., the allowable design stress
this is not possible, such welds shallcross the main weld shall correspondto that of the weaker of the two
completely ratherthan stop abruptly near it in orderto avoid materials being joinedor, where weaker weld metal is
stress concentration. used, that of the weld metal multipliedeach in case by the
Full penetration butt welds shall used
be for any radial following reduction factors:
joints in stiffening rings and in other similar members used 0.7 for fillet welds;
for stiffening and support purposes. The soundness of all0.75 for partial penetration welds or partial penetration
such welds shall be demonstrated on completion by groove plus fillet weld;
appropriate radiographic or ultrasonic inspection, unless 1.Ofor full penetration welds.
the attachment of these members to theis shell designed The normal loadedarea for fillet welds shall be taken as
to preclude the possibility of a defect in the radial joint the throatarea andfor groove weldsas the depth of the
propagating into the shell. groove times the length of the weld.
Corner joints with fillet welds only shall not be used unless
The design throat thickness of single,directly loaded, fillet
the plates forming the corner are properly supported
welds and partial penetration butt plus fillet welds shall be
independently of such welds. not smaller than 1.4 times the nominal thickness of the
3.10.2 Weld jointsSor principal seams thinner part joined by the weld. Where such welds are not
NOTE. Typical formsof weld preparation for the principalseams subjected to direct loading, e.g. in thecase of a fillet weld
of vessels covered by
this standard are indicated inappendix E. round a reinforcing plate a t an attachment, the design
Where plates of different thicknesses are joined by means throat thickness shall not be smaller than 0.7 times the
of butt welding,a tapered transition shall be provided as nominal thickness of the thinner part joined by the weld,
shown in figure 3.1O( 1). unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
Where the designrequires intentional offsets of median purchaser that a smaller weld is adequate (see table1.5).
lines, special consideration of additional stresses In thecase of double fillet welds jointly carrying load,
(see 3.2.1) shall not be required provided the offset of the term design throat thicknesst shall be taken to mean
adjacent parts is faired by means of a taper as shown in the sum of thet w o effective throat thicknesses of the
figure 3.10(2) and, in the case of longitudinal joints (or welds in the relevant cross section.
circumferential joints in sphericalvessels), the intentionalThis method of determining the strength of the welds
offsetdoesnot exceed 10% ofthethicknessofthe applies t o general weld stresses. Local stress
thinner plate. concentrations shall beassessed on thebasis of
The design of principal seams where the deposited weld appendix C.
metal will havea yield strength (or proof stress)less than NOTE. For guidelines on arc welded tube to tubeplate joints see
(see shall be the appendix T.
either of the materials being joined 4.3.2)
subject of special considerationand, if required, shall be 3.10.4 Welded jointsin time dependent applications
justified by the manufacturer. The ductility of the heat In cases where the design strength is time dependent,
affected zone shall be taken into account as necessary. due consideration shall be given to the importance of
The location of such seams where they may be subject achieving
to adequate long term ductility of the weld
high bending stresses shall be avoided. material and heat affected zones, as well as that of the
parent material.

See appendix G of BS 51 35 : 1984for general guidance on the susceptibility of materials to lamellar tearing during fabrication.
tThe least dimensiontaken from the root of the weld in the relevant cross section alongwhich failure under the loadingbeing
considered may occur.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

14" (slope 1:4) max.

4 kParallel

(a) Internal and external offsets need

not be symmetrically disposed

Straight flange
Internal and external offsets
need not be symmetrically disposed
Tapers may includeweld if desired but no

(b)End thicker than shell median plane approx. coincident

14' (slope 1:4) max.

I 1

I 14" (slope 1:4)max.

(C) End thinnerthan shell

Figure 3.10(1) Butt weldsin platesof unequal thickness (see appendix E for details of weld preparation)


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3f 125
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BS 5500 : 1 9 9 4
Issue 1, January 1 9 9 4

Offset may be internal or

Parallel weld if


"~ Parallel length

(a) Taper may be inside vessel

or outside

(b) End thicker than shell median plane


Figure 3.10(2) B u t t w e l d swith offset of median lines (see


3.11 Jacket construction symbols apply. All dimensions exclude corrosion

3.1 1.1General allowances.

3.1 1.1.1
Jacketed vessels, excluding jacketed troughs, rs is the thickness of vessel shell (inmm);
shall be designed in accordance with the requirements for r, is the thickness of jacket (in mm);
each element stated elsewhere in this standard. inner The tc is the thickness of blocking/sealer ring (in mm);
vessel shall be designed t o resist the full differential
D is the ¡.d. of jacket (in mm);
pressure that may exist under any operating condition,
including accidental vacuum in the inner vessel due to d is the 0.d. of vessel (in mm);
condensation of vapour contents where this circumstancep is the design pressure of jacket (in N/mm2);
can arise. Particular attention shall be given to the effect f is the design stress (in N/mm2) (see 3.4).
of local loads and differential expansion.
3.1 1.3.2Thicknesses of blocking andsealer rings. The
3.1 1.1.2 Where the inner vessel is t o operate under thickness of blockingand sealerrings shall be determined
vacuum and the hydraulic test pressure for the jacket is as follows.
correspondingly increased to test the inner vessel
externally, care shall be taken that the jacket shell is (a) The thickness of blocking rings shall be not less than:
designed to withstand this extra pressure 5.8). (see type 1 jackets:tc = 0.433(0 - d) $ x o r 2t,
NOTE. In cases where the designstrength is time dependent, whichever is the greater
components designedby the procedure specified this in section
should be reviewed to ensure that creep deformation (local or t, = 0.866
Other types of jacket:
1 pd(D - dl
general) will be acceptablethroughout theagreed designlifetime. 1' f
3.1 1.2Jacketed cylindrical shells (see figure
3.1 1(1) Blocking rings shall only be used on other than type 1
and ( 2 ) ) Where
. jacketsare retained with stays they shall jackets when:
be calculated as flat surfaces, unless analternative design
basis can be justified by detailed analysis of local stresses D - d 6 ~- 8 f ( t J 2 (ts+ tj)
adjacent to the support points. Where leakage past a stay PD
would bedangerous, such as in certain chemical (b) It is permissible for the thickness sealerof rings
processes, the plates shall not be perforated for the (without stays) to be either calculated using the
supporting stay. following equation or determined by testing:
3.1 1.3
Welded jacket connections
NOTE. Typical recommended formsof vessel/jacket attachment tc = 4.9
for types 1 and 2 jackets are illustrated in appendix E as follows: f
Vessel to blocking ring attachments: FiguresE.2(29)(a), (b) The thickness shall not be less than t, or the thickness
and (c)
required by3.5.3 whichever is greater.
Blocking ringto jacket attachments: FiguresE.2(30)(a), (b), (c),
(dl, (e). (f) and (9) NOTE. Outlet branches are designed as follows.
Sealer ring detailsand attachments: Figures E.2(31)(a), (b), (c) (a) Through connections. Typical constructions in which the
and (d) outlet passes through thejacket space are shown in figure
E.2(33)(a)and (b).
3.1 1.3.1 Notation. For the purposes of3.1 1.3.2and the
figures referredto in the note 3.1 to 1.3the following (b)Flexible consfrucfjon.Where considerable expansion and
movement are anticipated, thebottom outlet pipe can be
arranged to pass through a stuffing-box mounted on the
outside of the jacket bottom plate.
3.1 1.4Compensation. Where reinforcement is required it
shall be in accordance with

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BSI BS*5500 7 4 m l b 2 4 6 6 70 3 7 5 3 7 3b 4 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

1- -\

i -
Type 1 Type 2
Jacket of any length Jacket covering a
confined entirely to portion of cylindrical
cylindrical shell shell and one head

Figure 3.1l(1) Some acceptable typesof jacketed vessels

Blocking ring

For thickness of
sealer ring,see
. For thicknessof
blocking ring, see
3.1 1.3.2(b)

(a)Without stays (b)Alternative, with stays

Weld profiles are diagrammatic only

Figure 3.1l(2)Typical blockingring and sealer ring construction

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E S 1 E S * 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395L72 585 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

3.12 Manholes and inspection openings NOTE 3. The use of a bursting disc as a pressure relieving device
may be applicable the in following cases:
Attention is drawn to the Factories Act 1961, Section 30. (a) where pressure rise may beso rapid that the inertia ofa
All vessels required by Statutory Regulations to have relief valvewould be a disadvantage;
openings, and all vessels subject t o corrosion shall be (b) where even minute leakage of the fluid cannot be tolerated;
provided with inspection and/or access openingsso (c) where service conditions may involve heavy deposits or
located as to permit a complete visual examination of the gumming up suchas would render a relief valve inoperative
interior of the vessel. NOTE 4. A register ofall protective devices fitted to each vessel
Manholes and inspection openings shall comply with or system should be maintained by the user. The register should
relate the locationand service conditionsof each deviceto its
BS 470. individual identification markings.
NOTE.A range of standardized davits for branch covers
of steel Where thetotal capacity of the devices necessary to
BS 5276 : Part 1.
pressure vessels is given in protect an installation from overpressure requires appropriate
account to be taken of operating andfault conditions, the register
should also includea record of the relevant calculations.
3.13 Protective devicesfor excessive pressure or
3.13.2 Capacity of relief device(s)
vacuum The total capacity of the pressure relief device or
3.13.1 Application devices fitted to any vessel or system of vessels shall be Every pressure vessel shall be protected from sufficient to discharge the maximum quantity of fluid,
excessive pressure or vacuum by an appropriate liquid orgaseous, that can be generated or supplied
protective device, exceptas provided for in3.1 3.1
2 . Each without occurrenceof a risein vessel pressure of more
compartment of a subdivided vessel shall be treated as a than 1 0 % above the design pressure.
separate vessel and suitably connected to a protective
NOTE 1. The safety valve standards only cover liquid or gaseous
device. Wherea vessel is provided with an impervious fluids. For applications where the valve(s) maybe required to
movable partition, as in a gas loaded hydraulic discharge a two-phase mixture, the type and capacity of
accumulator, protective devices have to be provided for proposed safety valves should be discussedwith the valve
the spaceson both sides of each partition. manufacturer.
NOTE 2. Any requlrementsfor additional safety valve capacity to
Safety valves and bursting discs shall comply with prevent excessive pressure thein event of fire shouldbe specified
BS 6759 orBS 291 5. The installation and other safety by the purchaser after due considerationof potential fire rlsks and
BS 1 123,
devices shall comply where appropriate wlth resulting hazards.
BS 291 5 or BS 6759. 3.13.3 Pressure settingof pressure relieving devices
NOTE l . Other protective devices may be accepted provided Safety valves shall normally be set to operate at
they are proved to be sultable for the purpose and reliable. Where
these depend on outslde sources of energy for thelr operation.
a nominal pressure not exceeding the design pressure of
there should be a t least two independent sources, and at least the vessel at the operating temperature
two suchdevices,eachhaving a t least 75 'h oftherequired ¡-!owever, if the capacityis provided by more than one
discharge capacity, should be provlded.
safety valve. it IS permissible for only one of the valves to When a vessel is fitted wlth a heating c011or be set to operate in this way and for the additional valve or
other element whose failure might increase the pressurevalves to be set to operate at a pressure not more than
of the fluid in the vessel above the design level, the 5 YOin excess of the design pressure at the operating
deslgned relievlng capacityof the protective device shall temperature, provided it complies with the overall
normally be adequate to limlt this increase to the requirements of3.13.2.1
maxlmum value specifiedin 3.13.2. Bursting dlscs fitted in place of, or in serles wlth,
However, when the source of pressure (or temperature) is safety valves shall be rated to burst at a maximum
external to the vessel and IS such that the pressure cannot pressure not exceeding the design pressure of the vessel
exceed the design pressure, ISit permissible for a pressure at operating temperature at the temperature of the disc
protective devicenot to be providedon the vessel. coincident withvessel operating temperature. Where a
NOTE l . Examples are the generation of pressure aby bursting disc is fitted downstream of a safety valve, the
compressor orpump whose maximumoutput pressure cannot maximum bursting pressure shall also be compatible with
exceed the design pressure, or heating by steam or other fluid the pressure ratingof the discharge system (see appendix
whose temperature cannot exceed the design temperature.
C of BS 291 5 : 1984).
NOTE 2. Vessels connected together ina system by piping of
adequate capacity, freefrom potential blockages andwhich does NOTE. In the case of bursting discs fitted in parallel with valves
not contain any valvethat can isolate any vessel maybe to protect a vessel against rapid increase of pressure (e.g.see
consideredas a system of vessels for the application of pressure note 3 to the bursting discs should be rated to burst at
relief. a maximum pressure not exceeding 1.25 times the design
pressure of the vessel at operating temperature at the
temperature of the disc coincident with vessel operating

311 28

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Section four. Manufacture and workmanship

4.1 General aspects of construction where practicable, the longitudinal seams of adjacent
courses shall be staggered.

4.1.1 General. Annex AA gives requirements specificto 4.1.4 Junction of more than two weld
seams. Where
aluminium and aluminium alloys. This section shallbe more than two weld seams meet oneat point,
modified as given in annexAA for unfired fusionwelded consideration shall be given by the manufacturer to the
pressure vessels constructed of aluminium and aluminium desirability of intermediate stressrelief.
Before commencing manufacture, the manufacturer shall
4.2 Cutting, forming andtolerances
submit forapproval by thepurchaser a fully dimensioned 4.2.1 Cutting of material
drawing showing thepressure portions ofthe vessel and Method. All material shall be cut to
size and shape
carrying the following information
(see 1.5.2). preferably by thermal cutting or machining. However, for
plates less than 25 m m thick, itis permissible touse cold
(a) A statement that the vessel is to be constructedin shearing provided that the cut edges are dressed back
accordance with this standard. mechanically by not less than 1.5 mm toprovide a
(b) Specification(s) with which materials shall comply. suitable surfaceto permita satisfactory examination of
(c) Welding procedures to be adopted for all parts of the edges priorto welding.
the vessel. I t is permissible for platesless than 10 mm thick, which
(d) Large-scale dimensional details of the weld are cold sheared, not to bedressed where the cut edges
are to be subsequently welded.
preparation for the longitudinaland circumferential
seams, and details of the joints for branch
pipes, NOTE. Where preheat is specified for welding thetype of material
being cut by a thermal process,it may also be necessary t o
seatings, etc., and the position of these seams and other
preheat duringcutting.
Surfaces whichhave been thermally cut shall be dressed
(e) Heat treatment procedure.
back by machining or grinding to remove severe notches,
(f) Non-destructive testing requirements. slag andscale. Slight oxidation of the cut edges of MO and
(9) Test plate requirements. M l type steels produced by machine thermal cutting shall
(h) Design pressure(s) and temperature(s1 and major not be regardedas detrimental.
structural loadings. The cut edgesof ferritic alloy steel, which are cut by a
(i) Test pressure(s). thermal process, shall bedressed back by grinding or
machining for a distance of 1.5 m m unless the
(j) Amount and location of corrosion allowance.
manufacturer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
By agreement between the purchaser and the Inspecting Authority that the material has not been
manufacturer, it is permissibleto commence the adversely affected by the cutting process(see table 1.5).
manufacture of individual parts of the
vessel before Examination o f cut edges. Before carrying out
approval of the drawings of the complete vessel
further work, cut surfaces and heat affected zones shall be
(see table 1.5).
examined fordefects, including laminations, cracksand
No modifications shall be made to the approved design slag inclusions. An independent examination by the

except with prior agreement between the purchaser and Inspecting Authority shall be performed incase the of
the manufacturer (see table1.5). category 3 components (see table5.1 1.
4.1.2 Material identification. The manufacturer shall Visual methods may be supplemented by appropriate
maintain, to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority, non-destructive
a testing techniques when agreed between
positive system of identification for the material used in the purchaser and the manufacturer (see 5.6.3and
fabrication inorder that all material for pressure parts in table 1.5).
the completed workcan be traced to its origin. The
Major defects shall be notified to the Inspecting Authority
system shall incorporate appropriate procedures for and the methodof their rectificationagreed between the
verifying the identity of material as received from the
purchaser and the manufasturer (see table 1.5).
supplier via the material manufacturer's test certificates
and/or appropriate acceptance tests. In laying out and Any material damaged in the process of cutting sizeto
cutting the material, the material identification mark shall and preparation of edges shall be removed by machining,
be so located as to be clearly visible when the pressure grinding or chipping back to undamaged metal.
part is completed *.Where the material identification 4.2.2 Forming of shell sections and plates
mark is unavoidably cut out during manufacture of a General. Prior t o forming, a visual examinationof
pressure part, it shall be transferredby the pressure part all plates shallbe carried out, followed by measurement of
manufacturer to another part of this component. The the thickness.
transfer of the mark shallbe witnessed by the
As far as practicable, all hot and cold forming shall be
manufacturer's inspection department (see table 5.1 ).
done by machine; local heating or hammering shall not be
Records of applicable batches of welding consumables used.
shall be retained.
By agreement between the purchaser and the
4.1.3 Order of completion of weld seams. Where any manufacturer, itis permissible for the manufacturer t o be
part of a vessel is made in two orcourses, more the required to demonstrate that the forming and heat
longitudinal seams shall be completed before treatment operations will not significantly alter the
commencing the adjoining circumferential seam(s) and, material properties from those assumed in design
(see table 1.5).
For vessels requiredt o operate a t low temperature, see D.4.2.

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ES1 B S * 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395374 358 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Heavy scale remaining after any hot forming operation agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
shall be removedby a suitable descaling process which (see table 1.5). After softening, the surface shall be
of the material or
will not impair the quality have an descaled.
effect On the resistance Of the exposed Manufacture of shellplatesandends. Shellplates
surfaces. shall be formed to the correct contour ensure
NOTE. D.4.3 gives recommendationsforforming andheat compliance with tolerancesspecifiedin 4.2.3.
treatment of carbon and carbon manganese steel vessels
designed to operate below O "c. Where practicable, head plates and ends shall be made
from one plate. Dishing and peripheral flanging of end Plates weldedprior tohot or cold forming.It is plates shall be done by machine, flanging preferably being
permissible to butt weld plates together prior to formingdone in one operation. Sectional flanging is permitted
provided that the joint is non-destructively tested after provided thatit is agreed between the purchaser and the
forming by a method agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer (see table 1.5). The flanges shall be
the manufacturer (see table1.5). cylindrical, of good surface and free from irregularities.
Since welds in items subjected to hot forming Examination of formedplates.All plates, after
temperatures, ornormalized, will generally suffer being formed and before carrying out further work upon
significant strengthreduction, the manufacturer shall
them, shall be examined visually and checked for
ensure that the filler metal used will satisfy the weld joint thickness,
design requirements after such heat treatment.
Where required by3.7.1 additional examination by Cold forming suitable non-destructive testing methods shall also be Ferritic steel. If the insideradius of curvature ofa carried out (see table
cold formed cylindrical pressure part is lessthan 10 times 4.2.3 Assembly tolerances
the thickness in the case of carbonand carbon Middle linealignments. The root faces of the
manganese steels, or 18 times the thickness in case the of
welding preparations shallbe aligned within the
all other ferritic materials, an appropriate post forming
tolerances permittedby the welding procedure
heat treatment shall be applied to restore properties to
specification and the components shall be aligned as
levels which willensure that the material properties are

indicated on the drawings within the following tolerances.
not significantly altered from those assumed in design.
(a) For longitudinal joints in cylindrical components and
All ends which have been cold formed shall be heat
joints in spherical components, the middle lines of
treated for the same purpose unless the manufacturer
adjacent plates shall be aligned within the following
demonstrates that the cold formed properties are
adequate and the material properties are not significantly
altered from those assumed For platethickness e up 1mm.
t o and including O 1 mm Austeniticsteel. Austenitic steel whichhas been
cold formed shall subsequently be softened (as described For platethickness e 1O % ofthickness or
in descaledunless: over 10 m m u p t o and 3 mm, whichever is the
mm 50 smaller.
(a) the thickness is less than 1O mm; or
thickness e
For plate e / 1 6 olro m m ,
(b) the purchaserhas agreed with the manufacturer
over 5 0m mu pt o whichever is
that the extent of cold forming is insufficient to
necessitate heat treatment (see table 1.5). 200 m m
For platethickness e tolerances are tobe Hot forming
over 200 m m agreed between
the Ferriticsteel. Forming procedures involving plate purchaser and the
heating shall be
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
manufacturer (see table1.5). (see table 1.5).
The forming procedure shall specify the plate heating rate, (b) For circumferential joints, the middle lines of
the holding temperature, the temperature range and time adjacent plates shall be in alignment within the
in which the forming takes place and shall give details of following tolerances.
any heat treatment to be given to the formed part. When
For platethickness e up 1 mm.
required by the purchaser or Inspecting Authority the
to and including O1 m m
manufacturer shall provide data to support his procedure
(see table 1.5). For platethickness e 1O % ofthicknessof
over1 O mm up to and thinner part plus 1 mm, or Austenitic steel.Austenitic steel plates to be
heated for hot working shall be heated uniformly in a
including 60 m m 6 mm,whichever is the
neutral or oxidizing atmosphere without flame
impingement, to a temperature not exceeding the For platethickness e 1O % ofthethicknessof
recommended hot working temperature of the material. over 60 m m up to
Deformation shall not be carried out after the temperature 200 m m
of the materialshas fallen below900 "C. Local heating For plate thicknesse tolerances are to be
shall not beapplied. over 200 m m agreed between the
After hot working is completed the material shall be purchaser and the
heated to the agreed softening temperature fora period manufacturer
not less than 30 min. The softening temperatures and (see table 1.5).
period for warm worked, high proof material shall be

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E S 1 BSX5500 94 m 1bZL)bbS 0395175 294 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 alignment. The misalignment at the Table Circumference

surface of the plates for plate thickness e shall beas
specified in (a)and (b). If this misalignment is exceeded, Outside diameter (nominal inside diameter Circumferential
plus twice actual plate thickness) tolerance
the surfaceshall be tapered with slopea of 1 : 4 over a
width that includes the width of the weld, the lower
Up toand including 650 mm i5mm
surface being built up with added weld metal, if necessary,
to provide the required taper. Trimming of plate surfaces is Over 650 mm k 0.25 % of
not permitted where this reduces the thickness below the circumference
required minimum.
(a) For longitudinal joints in cylindrical components and thickness shall be taken as the
joints inspherical components, the surfaces of adjacent thickness of theend after manufactureand shall be
plates shall be aligned within the following tolerances. applicable over the wholearea of theend. Variations in
thickness (thinning) arising during manufacture shall be
For platethickness e up e/4. gradual. In nocase shall the thickness of the end be less
to and including 12 m m than the design thickness.
thickness e
For plate 3 mm Profile. The depth ofdishing, measured from the
over 12 mm up to and plane passing through the point where the straight flange
including 5 0 m m

joins the knuckleradius, shall in nocase be less than the

For platethickness e the lesser of e / l 6 or theoretical depth, nor shall this depth
be exceeded by
m m5 0 10 mm. more than the values given in table4. of
(b) For circumferential joints, the surfaces of adjacent the profile shall not be abrupt but shall merge gradually
O plates shall be aligned within the following tolerances. the specifiedshape. The knuckleradius shall not beless
For platethickness e up e/4.
than specified, and shall have common tangents with both
the straight flangeand the dishedprofile, at each join.
to and including 2 0 m m
thickness e
For plate 5
mm Table on depth of domed ends
over 2 0 mm up to and
including 40 m m Diameter of end Permissible increase in
depth of dishing
For platethickness e the lesser of e/8 or
m 40
over m2.0m m
Up toand including 3000 m m 1.25 % of diameter, nozzles and fittings. Allpads, Over 3000 m m up to and
reinforcing plates, manhole frames, lugs, brackets,
including 7600 mm
stiffeners, supportsand other attachments shall closely,
and the gap a t all exposed edgesto be welded shall not Over mm
7600 0.5 % of
exceed 2 m m or one-twentieth of the thickness of the
attachment at the point of attachment, whichever is for cylindricalshells. The shell sections
greater. of completedvessels shall comply with
Except where specific dimensionsare shown on the fully t o
dimensioned drawing, the maximum gap between the The tolerances on circumference
outside ofany branch or shell and the inside edge of the shall comply with4.2.4.1 .l.
hole of theshell, flange,reinforcing ring or backing ring Unless otherwise agreed between
O shall not exceed 1.5 mm for openings up 300 to mm, and the purchaserand the manufacturer (see table
3 m m for openingsover 300 mm. Toachieve this gap it is maximum deviation of the shell from
a straight line shall
permissible t o machine over a sufficient length of the not exceed 0.3 % either of the total cylindrical length or of
outside diameter of the vessel or nozzle to accommodate any individual 5 m length of thevessel. Measurements
the attachment to which isitto be welded. This machined shall be made to the surface of the parent and plate
not to
length shall not extend beyond the toes or edges of thea weld, fitting or otherraised part.
attachment welds, and shall not reduce the shellnozzle
wall thicknesst o a value less than the design thickness (out-of-roundness).The tolerance on
plus the corrosion allowance. the circularity of the shell shall as
4.2.4Tolerances for vesselssubject to internal (a) The difference between the maximum and
pressure minimum internal diameters measured at
any one cross
section expressed as a percentage of the nominal shell for ends outside diameter,D (in mm), shall not exceed: Unless otherwise agreed
between the purchaserand the manufacturer ( 0 . 5 + 3 %
(see table1.5), the external circumferenceof the
completed end shall not depart from the calculated or 1 %
circumference (based upon nominal inside diameter and whichever is the smaller.
the actual plate thickness)
by more than the amounts Measurements shallbe made to the surface of the
shown in table4. parent plateand not toa weld, fitting or other raised (out-of-roundness). The difference part.
O between the maximumand minimum inside diameters of For vessels fabricated from pipe the permissible
the straight flange shall comply with the requirements for variation in diameter (measured externally) shall
be in
shells (see accordance with the specification governing the
manufacture of thepipe or tube.

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BSI BS*5500 94 3624669 0395376 120 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

A t nozzle positions a greater out-of-roundness is consumables shall be controlled in accordance with

permitted if it can be justified by calculation
and is procedures written on the basis of the makers'
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer information.
(see table 1.51. The manufacturer of the vessel shall provide evidence that
There shall be no discernible flats or excessive peakingthe deposited weld metal is suitable inall respects for the
at welded seams. Any local deviation from circularity intended duty andhas tensile properties derived from the
shall begradual. weld procedure tests not less than those specified for the
In thecase of vessels to be installed in the vertical parent material, except in thecase of 9 % Ni (M61steels
position, whichare t o be checked in the horizontal which shall comply
with t o
position, the checks shall be repeated after turning the4.3.2.2 Although ferritic consumablesare suitable for
shell through 90 about its longaxis. The certain 9 % Ni applications, their selection shallhave
measurements shall be averaged and the amount of particular regard to toughness requirements of the
out-of-roundness calculated from the values so weldment. Weld metal properties and thickness limits for
determined. welded joints made with a ferritic filler shall be the subject
a small
The cold rolling of a welded shell to rectify of agreement between the purchaser and the
departure from circularity is permitted, provided
an manufacturer (see table1.5).
approved non-destructive testing methodis carried out For plates of 9 % Ni and of thickness2 0 m m and
after the departure from circularity
has been remedied. above, circular section all-weld metal tensile test
(b) Irregularities of profile shall
also be checked by shall be usedt o measure the0.2 % proof strength(Rp0,2).
means of templates in the following cases: For plates of9 % Ni andless than 20 m m thick, Rp0,2 shall
be measured from a transverse tensile test piece in
(i) vessels which have beensubjecttoafatigue
accordance with the method given BS in 5387.
analysis in accordance with
NOTE l . Nickel based and some austenitic filler materials
(i¡) all vessels constructed of steel having a specified undermatch the parent material yield strength and may also
minimum yield strength,R,, exceeding 400 N/mm2. undermatch the parentmetal tensile strength. Theweld metal
The general profile shall be checked using a template properties of these consumables should satisfya minimum 0.2 %
proof strengthof 360 N/mm2.
embracing an arc of 2 0 Normally, departures, referred
NOTE 2. The tensile strengthof the transverse tensiles should
to the mid-thicknessline, shall notexceed: meet a minimum value of 655 N/mm2 (equivalent to 95 % of
S Q 0.05e+0.0020 (maximum 25 mm) minimum parent metal properties).
where It is permissible when welding9 % Ni materials to
6 is the maximum local irregularity; use austenitic stainless steel consumables down to
- 196 "C, but for temperatures below- 1O1 " C this is only
e is the plate thickness;
by agreement between the purchaser and the
D is the shell outside diameter. manufacturer (see table1.5).
I t is permissible for this maximum value to be increased4.3.3 Preparation of plate edges andopenings
by 25 % if the length of the irregularities does exceed
not Weld preparations and openings of the required
one-quarter of the length of the shell part between two
shape shall beformed in accordance with 4.2.1.
circumferential seams witha maximum of1 m. Any local
deviation from circularity shall be gradual. The profileof the weld preparation shall be as
specified in the approved welding procedure (see 5.2).
4.2.5 Tolerances for vesselssubject to external
pressure. Tolerances shall be within those specified3.6. in 4.3.4 Assembly for welding shall be fitted in accordance with the
4.3 Welded join?s dimensional tolerancesspe::!' *' , . r- . - , . - - l - l : . . ~ procedure
i.: "
4.3.1 General. No production welding of joints shall be specification and4.2.3.
commenced, except by specific agreement between the It is permissible touse tack welds and incorporate
purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5),until: them in the final weld but they shall be sound haveand
(a) the welding procedures proposedhave been been made toan agreed andapproved welding procedure
approved in accordance with5.2; (see 5.2).
(b) welder/operators have been approved in 4.3.5 Attachments and theremoval of temporary
accordance with5.3; attachments
(c) where stipulated by thepurchaser, production Attachments. Attachments welded directly to the
control test plate requirements
have been agreed; shell shall be of the same nominal composition as that of
(d) the assembly of category 3 components has been the shell immediatelyadjacent, unless otherwise agreed
inspected and approved by the Inspecting Authority in between the purchaserand the manufacturer
accordance with5.6.4.3. (see table 1.5),and the welding procedures and operators
shall be approved in accordance with section five. Welds
4.3.2 Welding consumables
of permanent attachments topressure parts shall be Welding consumables (e.g. wire, electrodes, flux, examined by appropriate non-destructive testing methods
shielding gas) shall be the same typeas those used in (see 5.6).
the welding procedure. By agreement between the
Temporary attachments welded to the pressure parts
purchaser the Inspecting Authority and the manufacturer
shall be kept to a practical minimum.
alternative consumables are permissible within the
grouping scheme specifiedin BS 4 8 7 0 : Part 1 Removalof attachments. Temporary attachments
(see table1.5).To ensure that no unacceptable shall be removed prior to the first pressurization
deterioration occurs, the storing and handling of welding

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BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24669 0395377 Ob7
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

they have beendesigned to the same quality as procedure (see5.2)has demonstrated that satisfactory
permanent attachments. The removal technique shall be fusion and penetration are obtained.
such as to avoid, as far as practicable, impairing the In thecase of category 3 components,an independent
integrity of thepressure containment and shall beby examination of the second side of such joints shall be
chipping and grinding or thermal cutting followed by made by the Inspecting Authority.
chipping or grinding. Any rectification necessary by
welding of damagedregions after removal of attachments arcing is to beavoided. Where it does occur
shall be undertaken inaccordance with an approved the area affected shall bedressed by grinding and surface
welding procedure (see5.2). The area from which crack detected.
temporary attachments have been removed shall be Unless specifically approved by the Inspection
dressed smooth and examined by appropriate Authority, butt weldsand adjacent plates shall not be
non-destructive testing methods. thinned by dressing or grindingless to than the thickness
shown on the drawing (see table 1.5).
NOTE.Attention is alsodrawn to the requirements of4.4.3.1and apply to vessels subjectto post-weld heat NOTE. The relatively high residual magnetism of 9 % Ni
treatment. steel can disrupt the welding arc. To avoid this potential
problem it is generally advisable to ensure that theitem to be of dissimilarmetal. I t is permissible welded has alow residual magnetism andto avoid practices
to attach dissimilar metal attachments to intermediate that WIII cause magnetic induction, such as the useof
pieces, in turn connected directly to the shell. Compatible magnetic handling devices and magnetic particle inspection.
welding materials shall be used for dissimilar metal joints.
NOTE. General recommendations for welding consumables and 4.4 Heat treatment
post-weld heat treatment of dlssimilarferritlc steel joints are 4.4.1 Preheatrequirements
given in appendixH.
4.4.1 .I The manufacturer shall state the proposed
4.3.6Butt joints

preheat temperature to avoid hard zone cracking in the welds between plates of unequal thickness. heat affectedzone, for each typeof weld including those
Where a butt welded seamis required between platesof for all attachments and tack welds. No welding shall be
different thicknesses, the thicker plate shall be reduced incarried out when the temperature of the parent metal
thickness by oneof the methods shownin figures 3.10(1) within 150 mm of the joint isless than 5"C.
and 3.1O ( 2 ) .The thicker plate shall be trimmed to a Austenitic steels do not require preheat for welding.
smooth taper for a distance of not less than four times the
The preheat temperature shall depend upon the
offset including, where necessary, the width of the weld. If
composition and thickness of the metal being welded and
necessary it is permissible t o add weld metal beyond the
upon the weld process and arc energybeing used.
width of what would otherwise be the edge of the weld, to
NOTE l . Recommendations for preheat temperatures (see
obtain the required taper.
table should be considered as a general guide to good strips. For construction category 1, with practice. Further guidance on the selection of preheat
the exception of materialsand thicknesses permitted for temperature to suit particular combinations of plate composition
and thicknessfor processes with different arc energies and
construction category2, permanent backing strips shall diffusible hydrogen content for carbon and carbon manganese
not beused. In all other cases it is permissible to use steel can be made by reference to:
permanent backing strips when the second side is (a) BS 51 35;
inaccessible for welding, subject to agreement between
(b) 'Welding steels without hydrogen cracking'by F R Coe, the
the purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5) and, Welding Institute, 1973.
provided that non-destructive testing can be satisfactorily NOTE 2. For guidance onpreheating for arc welded tubeto
carried out whereapplicable. Only byagreement between tubeplate joints,see Appendix T.
the purchaserand the manufacturer, is it permissible for preheat requirements for welding shall be
circumferential butt joints in tubes to be welded with established between the purchaser and the manufacturer
temporary, permanentor consumable backing rings at the timeof approval of the welding procedures
(see table 1.5). (see table 1.5).
Where a backing strip is to be used, the material shall be temperature shall be checked during the
such thatit will not adversely influence the weld. Unless period of application. The methods t o check temperature
otherwise agreed between the purchaserand the shall be thermocouples, contact pyrometers or
manufacturer, backing strips shall be carefully removed temperature indicating crayons.
prior toany special non-destructive tests on the joint
(see table 1.5). preheat is specified welding shall continue
without interruption.If, however, continuityis affected,
4.3.7Welding: general requirements preheat shall be maintained or the joint shall be slowly surfaces to be welded shall be thoroughly cooled underan insulation blanket. Before recommencing
cleaned of oxide scale, oil or other foreign substances to a welding preheat shall be applied.
clean metal surfaceand for a distance of a t least 12 m m 4.4.2Normalizing: ferritic steels
from each welding edge. formed parts ofvessels shall receive a due to welding shall be minimized by normalizing or grain refining heat treatment, either before
suitable attention to the welding sequence. or after welding, unless the process of hot forming was runof weld metal shallbe thoroughly performed within such a temperature range andfollowed
cleanedand all slag removedbeforethenextrun is by cooling in sucha manner as would provide this
deposited. treatment for the material concerned (see secondside of joints welded from both sides normalizing is undertaken, the parts shall
shall be cleaned back to sound metal before depositing be brought to normalizing temperature aatsuitably
weld metal at the second side, unlessthe agreed welding controlled rateand shall be maintained at the temperature
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24669 0395178 T T 3 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 4.4.1. I Preheating recommendations for welding

Figures in parentheses referto the notesfollowing thistable.

Material Hydrogen controlled Non-hydrogencontrolled

weld metal(1) weld metal


I Type 1I Material


I Minimum

preheating (2)

I Material


1 Minimum


I >30
S 20
> 20

7" I Carbon molybdenum steel S 12
> I 2


M4 Low alloy manganesechromium S 12 20 38(3) 150
molybdenumvanadium steel > 12 1O0

M7 ICrl/zMo S 12 1O0 d 12 150

> 12 150 >12S20(3) 200

11/4C r%Mo S 12 1O0 G 12 150

> 12 150 > 12s20(3) 200

M8 1/zCrl/zMo1/4V G 12 150
> 12 200 (4) (4)

M9 2Wrl Mo S 12 150 d 12 200

> 12 200 (4) (4)

M l1 9Crl Mo All 200 (4) (4)

12CrlMolV M12 All 200 (4) (4)

M5 3'/2Ni All (5) (4) (4)

M6 9Ni All (5) (4) (4)

NOTE 1. Hydrogen controlled weld metal as defined inBS 639 contains not more than
15 ml of diffusible hydrogenper 100 g of deposited
NOTE 2. When TIG/MIG welding is used a lower preheating temperature may be applied providedit is proved tobe satisfactory by procedure
NOTE 3. Above the maximum thicknessstated hydrogen controlled weld metal only
is to be used.
NOTE 4. Hydrogen controlled weld metal
only is to be used.
NOTE 5. Depending upon thickness, welding consumables and the
welding process used.
NOTE 6. The greatest component thicknessat the joint.

long enough for thorough soaking. Actual heating are rates 4.4.3 Post-weld heat treatment
not critical but shall be controlled to the necessaryextent to Post-weld heat treatment i n accordance with 4.4.5
avoid any possibility ofmechanical damage to the parts in shall be carried out following completion of all welding in
question during the heatingprocess. They shall then be the followingcases.
uniformly cooled at the appropriate rate.
(a) Ferritic steelvessels designed to operate aboveO "C
NOTE. This is generally achieved by cooling freely in still air. where the thickness at any welded connectionexceeds
Where the geometry of the parts such that
is the cooling rate that listed intable4.4.3.1 (seetable1.5) unlessotherwise
will not be the same throughout, the necessityfora further agreed between purchaser, manufacturerand Inspecting
stress relieving treatment shall considered
be with particular Authority to permit a greater thickness based upon
attention being paid to a slow rate of cooling. fracture mechanics analyses in accordance with
In thecase of alloy steels, the range of coolingrates appendix U.
experienced shall not result mechanical
in properties (b) Ferritic steelvessels designed to operate below
O "C
different from those specified. when post-weld heat treatmentis necessary in

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 74 m L624669 0 3 9 5 3 3 9 93T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

accordance with appendixD. It is permissible to heat treat locally

branches or
(c) Vessels intended for service with media liable to other weldedattachments by heating a shielded
cause stress corrosion cracking in service. circumferential band around the entirevessel. l n such cases
(d) Where specified by the purchaser (see table 1.5).
( a ) the requirements of4.4.4.3 shall apply with the
In special circumstances, and byagreement between the
exception that the width of the heated bana shall covera
purchaser and the manufacturer, welding is permitted be to
minimum distance of2.5 \Re in each direction from the
carried out on lightly loaded and non-pressure parts of the
edge ofthe weld which connects the nozzle or attachment
vessels previously subjected to heat treatment, without
to thevessel; or
subsequent reheat treatment, provided suitable tests and
controls are instituted to establish that the material will not (b) modifications shall beagreed between the purchaser
be adversely affected(see table 1.5). and manufacturer where the requirements in (a) cannot
NOTE l . Recommendations for post-weld heat treatment of be strictly applied(see table 1.5).
dissimilarferritic steels are givenin appendix H. It is permissible toheat the vesse¡ internally, for
NOTE 2 . For guidance on post-weld heat treatment for arc welded which purpose it shall be fullyencased with thermal
tube to tubeplate joints, see appendix T. insulating material. The heat treatments apply specifically to the final It is permissible to post-weld heat treat vessels of
post-weld heat treatment to be carried out on the vessel. In different thicknesses (notexceeding a ratio of 2 : 1) in the
cases where intermediatestress relieving treatmentsare same furnace charge according to theheat treatment
necessary, consideration shallbe given to carrying these outrequirements for the thickest vessel in thecharge.
at lower temperatures.
4.4.5 Post-weld heat treatment procedure Where the welded joint connects parts which differ Post-weld heat treatment temperatureand time a t
in thickness, the thicknessto be used in applying the
temperature shall be given in table
requirements for post-weld heat treatment shall be:
For vessels made fromgrade MO or M l materials the post-
(a) the thinner of the two parts butt welded together;
weld heattreatment requirementsshall normally be asgiven
(b) thethickness of the shell in connections to flanges, in table4.4.3.1. In cases where these requirements cannot
tubeplates or similar connections; be strictly applied, modifications shallbe agreed between
(c) the throat thickness of the shell or end platenozzle to the purchaser and the manufacturer(see table 1.5).
weld in nozzle attachment welds. For vessels made from materials grades of other thanMO or When welded repairshave been made toa vessel M l , the temperaturerange is only advisory.The validity of
which has been heattreated thevessel shall normally be any given case shall be decided bythe manufacturerand the
heat treated again. requirements modified as necessary. This shall be by For austenitic steels the details of
any post-weld heat agreement between thepurchaser and the manufacturer
treatment shall beagreed between thepurchaser and the (see table 1.5).
manufacturer (see table 1.5). Furnace post-weld heat treatment of vessels or
4.4.4 Methods of heat treatment components shall comply with the following. Wherever possible, thevessel shall be heat treated (a) The temperature of the furnace at the time the
by heatingas a whole inan enclosed furnace. Whereit is vessel or Component is placed in it shall not exceed:
impracticable to heat treat the whole vessel in afurnace it is (1J for ferritic materials,400 ;C for vessels G;
permissible to adopt the methods described4.4.4.2 in to components of less than 60 mm thickness and n~.:, but it shouldbe noted that they may not ensure the of complex shape.300 'C for vessels or
same degree of immunity from susceptibility to stress components of 60 mm thickness or w e r or of
corrosion cracking. complex shape; It is permissible to heat treatthe
vessel in sections in (2)for austenitic materials,300 "C.
an enclosedfurnace, providing the overlap is at least
!b) The rate of heating from the temperature in ia)for
1500 m m or 5 VKe, whichever is the greater. Where this
ferritic materials shall not exceed the following:
method isused the portion outside tne furnace shall be
shielded so that the longitudinal temperature gradient is (1) 240 "C/h for vessel or component thicknesses
such that the distance between the peak and half peak not exceeding 25mm;
temperature is not less than 2.5 m e , where R is the internal (2)6000 "C/h divided by the thickness in mm for
radius. vessel or component thicknesses exceeding It is permissible to heat treat circumferential seams 25 mm.
in shells locally by heating a shielded band around the entire (c) The rateof heating from300 "C for austenitic
circumference. Thewidth of the heated band shall be not materials shall not exceed:
less than 5f l e , the weld being in the centre. Sufficient (1) 220 "C/h for vessel or component thicknesses
insulation shall be fittedto ensure that the temperature of not exceeding 25 mm;
the weldand its heat affectedzone is notless than that
(2) 200 "C/h for vessel or component thicknesses
specified andthatthe temperatureat the edge ofthe heated
exceeding.25 mm.
band is notless than half thepeak temperature. In addition,
the adjacent portion of the vessel outside theheated zone (dl During the heating and cooling periods, variatlon
shall be thermally insulatedsuch that the temperature in temperature throughout the vessel or component
gradient is not harmful. shall not exceed 150"C within 4500 mm and the
NOTE. Aminimum total insulated band width 10of VPe, is temperature gradient shall be gradual. Above 500 c C,
recommended for the purposeof complying with this requirement, this variation shall not exceed 100 "C.

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B S I BS*5500 94 3 b 2 4 b b093 9 5 3 8 0 651 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table Requirements for post-weld heat treatmentof ferritic steel vessels
Material 1 Post-weld I Post-weld treatment conditions
Grade Thickness(mml Temperature Time at temperature
(see4.4.3.3) range ("C) (see notes1 and 2)
min. to max.
per mm (minutes)

Carbon and carbon Optional
manganese steels S 35 (see4.4.3.1) 2% 60
580 to 620

> 35 Required 2% I 90
Carbon and carbon
manganese steels
(min. KCVof27 J at
580 to 620
I 6o

i " ;
Required 2% 1O0
M2 Carbon molybdenum Optional
steel (see4.4.3.1) 2v 2 60
630 to 670*
Reauired ~~ ~ ~~
2Y2 60
M4 Low alloymanganese Optional
chromium molybdenum C 15 (see4.4.3.1) 2 Y2 -
vanadium steel 630 to 670"
> 15 Required 60 2%
M5 Optional withinthickness limits 580 t o 620' 2'h 60
agreed between purchaser and
M6tS 3Ni All thicknesses Not required
M7 1 Cr%Mo All thicknesses Required 630 to 670" 60
1'hCr1hMo (optimum
high temperature
650 to 700*(max.
M8 All thicknesses Required 680 to 720* 2 Y2 180
M9 All thicknesses Required 630 to 670" 2Y2 60
(high tensile)

680to 720* (max. 180

creep resistanLe)

I 490
All thicknesses Required

71O to 750" 2% I 120

This rangeis advisory only (see4.4.5.1).

t Post-weld heat treatmentis not required for joints welded with
Ni base and other austeniticfiller metals upto a thickness of50 mm.
*For ferritic weld metals and for joints
in excess of50 mm, the basisfor acceptance should be agreed between the purchaser and the
manufacturer. Post-weld heat treatment of this material should be avoided where possible because of the high degree of control to needed
ensure that the parent metal properties are not degraded.
NOTE 1. By agreement large vessels in MO and M l steels may be heat treated following
by the equivalenttime temperature formula:
a+ - >t
a is the number of minutesin range 580°C to 620 "C;
b is the numberof minutesin range 550 "Cto 580 "C;
t is the time in minutes required by this table.

NOTE 2. For maximum heating and cooling

rates see and


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L m
O ~ S ~ L B598
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(e) During the heating and holding periods, the The temperature specified shall be the actual
furnace atmosphere shall beso controlled as to avoid temperature of anypart of the vessel or zone being heat
excessive oxidization of the surface of the vessel or treated, and shall be determined by thermocouples in
component. There shall be no direct impingementof effective contact with the vessel.
flame on the vessel or component. A sufficient number of temperatures shall be
(f) When the vessel or component has attained a recorded continuously and automatically. Several
uniform holding temperatureas given in table4.4.3.1 thermocouples shall be appliedto ensure that the whole
the temperature shall be held for the period given in vessel, or zone, being treated is within the range
table specified and additional pyrometers utilized to check
(g) Vessels or components in ferritic material shall be that undesirable thermal gradients do not occur.
cooled in the furnace to temperature not exceeding
400 'C at a rate not exceeding the value for heating 4.5 Surface finish
in (b). 4.5.1 Except where otherwise agreed between the
NOTE. Below 400 "C the component may be cooled in still purchaser andthe manufacturer, the wholeof the internal
air. surface of the vessel shall be cleaned and shall be free
from loose scale, grit, oil andgrease (see table 1.5).
(h) Vessels or components in austenitic materials
shall be rapid cooled from the solution treatment 4.5.2 When special types of finish are to be provided, on
temperature. the inside or outside surface of the vessel, of
NOTE. Rapid cooled may be in air or quenched. Inter- polish, they shall be specified
by the purchaser at the time
granular corrosion can occur if the cooling rate is not of order (see table 1.5),
sufficiently rapid to avoid inter-granular chromiumcarbide
precipitation. The same requirement applies to locally
solution-treatedwelds. In thesecases inter-granular
corrosion is not necessarily readily visible by inspection. Local post-weld heat treatment of vessels or
components shaU comply with the following.
(a) The rate of heating from the temperature given
in shall not exceed that given in4.4.5.2(b)
or (c) as appropriate.
(b)The rate of cooling down to 400 "C for ferritic
materials shall not exceed that given in
NOTE. Below 400 "C lagging may be stripped.
(c) The rate of cooling down for austenitic materials
shall be the sameas

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BSI BS*5500 94 m 3624bb9 0395382 424 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Section five. Inspection and testing Table 5.1 summarizes the inspectionstages covered in
sections four and five in the course of whichthe
5.1 General Inspecting Authorityis required to check by direct
participation in, or witnessing of, particular activities that
5.1.1 Annex AA gives requirements specific to aluminium
the manufacturer's qualityassurance procedures are
and aluminium alloys. This section shall
be modified as given
effective. Otherwise the manner in which the inspecting
in annexAA for unfired fusionwelded pressurevessels
Authority performs its surveillance of the manufacturer
constructed of aluminium and aluminium alloys.
and discharges the responsibilities defined under 1.4.3is a
5.1.2 Each pressure vessel shall be inspected during matter on whichit shall exercise its discretion in the light
construction. Sufficient inspections shall be made to ensure of its knowledge and experience with the quality system
that the materials, construction and testing comply in all and associated working procedures used by the
respects with this standard.Inspection by the Inspecting manufacturer to comply with this standard.
Authority shall not absolve the manufacturer from his
responsibilitytoexcercisesuch qualityassuranceprocedures
The other principal inspection stages covered in sections
four and fiveare summarized in table5.2.
as will ensure that therequirements and intent of this
standard are satisfied.

Table 5.1 Inspection stages in the course of which participation by the Inspecting Authority is
mandatory (see 5.11
~ ~~

Inspection stage Clause no. Remarks

Correlation of material certificates with materials 4.1.2 The manufacturer is required to make the
and check for conformity with material certificates available to the Inspecting Authority
specification for independent checking
" - "

Identification of materialand witnessing of transfer 4.1.2 Origin of material to be demonstrated from

of identification marks in manufacturer's works available recordsto the satisfaction of the
Inspecting Authority. Any transfer of identification
marks to be witnessed by the manufacturer's
inspection department.
NOTE. Examinationof material a t product maker's
works, witnessing of acceptance, tests, etc. by the
InspectingAuthority is not required unless specifiedby
the purchaser(see 1.5.11

Examination of material cut edgesand heat The Inspecting Authority is required to carry out
affected zones this examination in the
case of all category 3

Approval of weld procedures 4.3.1 The Inspecting Authority is required to witness

5.3 tests unless the proceduresare already approved

Approval of welders and operators 4.3.1 The Inspecting Authorityis required to witness
5.3 tests unless the welders
and operators are already

Examination of set up of seams for welding, 4.3.1 The Inspecting Authority is required to carryanout
including dimensionalcheck, examination of weld case of all
independent examination in the
preparations, tack welds, etc. category 3 components

Inspection of second side of weld preparations The Inspecting Authorityis required to carry out
after firstside is completed and root cleaned 5.6.4 independent examination in the case of all
category 3 components

Examine non-destructive test reports and check The manufacturer is required to make the reports
compliance with agreed procedureand available to the Inspecting Authority for
acceptability of any defects independent checking
Examine heat treatment records and check 4.4.3 The manufactureris required to make the records
compliance with agreed procedure available to the Inspecting Authority for
independent checking

Witness the pressure test and where

necessary 5.8 On all categories
record the amount of permanent
~- ~ _ _ ."

Examine completed vessel before despatch. Check5.8.9 On all categories

marking 5.8.1O
"- - ~~.~

5/ 1
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B S I BS*5500 94 m 3624667 0375383 360 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

The Inspecting Authority shallhave access to the works Table 5.2.3 Ten le test temperature
of the manufacturer at all times during which work is in
progress, and shall be at liberty
to inspect the Material Design Tensile test
manufacture atany stage and to reject any part not temperature temperature

complying with thisstandard. The Inspecting Authority

shall have the right to require evidence that the design "C "C
complies with this standard. C and CMn steels
(including MO, M 1
The Inspecting Authority shall notify the manufacturer and M 2 ) 2 50 250 to 350
before construction beginsregarding the stages of the
construction at which special examinations of materials 1 %Cr%Mo 350 350 t o 450
will be made, and the manufacturershall give reasonable 2XCr'XMo 350 350 to 450
notice to the Inspecting Authority when such stages will 5Cr'XMo 350 350 to 500
be reached, but this shall not
preclude the Inspecting
Stainless steel 400 400 to 550
Authority from making examinations a t any other stages,
or from rejecting material or workmanship whenever they permissible toincrease the preheat temperature used
are found to be defective. during fabrication by up to1 O0 "C without reapproval.
5.2.5 For the all weld tensile test, the additional
Table 5.2 Other principal stages of inspection requirements in and apply.

Inspection stage Clause no. If required, the amount by which the tensile
strength or yield stress is permitted toexceed the
Visual examination of material for flaws, specified minimum value for the parent metal shall be

laminations, etc. Thickness checking subject to agreement between the purchaser and the

Witnessing of production weld tests (if 5.4 manufacturer (see table1.5).
specified) The reduction inarea shall be notless than 35 %
Examination of welded joints after forming for carbon and carbon manganese steels and less not than
Examination of plates after forming the minimum specified for the parent metal incase theof
alloy steels.

5.2 Approval testing of fusion welding 5.2.6 Where 9 % Ni steelsare concerned, the
requirements of4.3.2 shall apply and additionally those
given in table5.2.6.
5.2.1 Approval testing of weldingprocedures shall be
conducted, recorded and reported accordance
in with Table 5.2.6 Weld procedure tests for butt welds
BS 4870 : Part 1 as modified by 5.2.3 or BS 4870 : in 9 % Ni steel
Part 3, as appropriate (see appendix T).
Operating Butt welds: weld procedure mechanical test for joints
5.2.2 The manufacturer shallsupply a list ofall the temperature up to 50 mm thickness
welding procedures required in the fabrication of the
vessel, together with test pieces which are representative All weld Transverse Bend tests Impact
metal tensile (see note21 tests for
of the various thicknesses and materialsbetoused to (seenote 1) (seenote 1) weld metals
prove each welding procedure. The production and testing (10 mm to (see note3)
of these test pieces shall be witnessed by the purchaser or
his Inspecting Authority except that,cases in where the
manufacturer can furnish proof of previously
All 1
To 3 test
BS 4870: specimens:

I l
authenticated tests and results on the same type of joint
Part 1 27 J
and material within the permitted variables of BS 4870 :
Part 1 or Part 3, he is not required to performany further
tests. i
5.2.3 Tests shall be conducted atroom temperature
NOTE 1. 0.2 % proof strength value of the filler metal shall be
except for either of the following
applications. demonstratedas required in 4.3.2.
(a) Applications where the design temperature exceeds NOTE 2. For undermatching strength filler metals, longitudinal
the relevant temperature given in table5.2.3. In such bend tests may be used inlieu of root and face or side bendtests.
as required byBS 4870
cases the all weld tensile test NOTE 3. Where non nickel-baseaustenitic filler metals are used,
shall be carried out (or be referreda previous
to test the weld fusion boundary is t o be impact tested and is to comply
carried out) atany temperature within therange given in with the same requirementsas the weld metal. The location of
the Charpy V-notch on the fusion boundary will be dependent
table 5.2.3.The yield stress value obtained in this test upon the weld preparation andwelding process andis to be
shall be notless than the specified minimum yield stress agreed with the InspectingAuthority. Weld proceduretest
value for the parent material at the corresponding records shouldindicate their location by means of a sketch.
5.3 Welder and operator approval
(b) Applications operating below O "C (appendix D
5.3.1 Approval testing of welders and operators shall be
gives details for the impact testing of weld procedure
conducted, recorded and reportedin accordance with
test plates for steels in bands M O to M4. 5.2.6 gives
B S 487 1 : Part 1 or with BS 487 1 : Part 3, as appropriate
requirements for steels in band M6).
(see appendixT).
5.2.4 The preheat, interpass temperature, intermediate 5.3.2 All welders and welding machine operators
and post-weld heat treatments of test plates shall be the
engaged on the welding of pressure parts of vessels
same as for production welding, except thatisit fabricated in accordancewith this standard shallpass the

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

welder approvaltests which are designed to demonstrate (b) examination of areas subject to significant through
their competence to make sound welds of the types on thickness tensilestress (see and E.2.5.9).
which each is to be employed.
Visual examination shall accompany all non-destructive
5.3.3 Welders who have passed the specified tests shall
testing and this examination shall be recorded.
be approved for welding on all vessels within the limitsof Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, a
the procedure provided they remain in the employ of the comprehensive schedule shall be prepared by the
same manufacturer. A welder who welds successfully all manufacturer covering the non-destructive testing
the test pieces required for a welding procedure test in requirements forvessel, identifying the following
accordance with5.2 shall not normally be required to (see table 1.5).
undertake separate welderapproval tests. If a welder has
(1) The stages during the manufactureof the vessel
not been engaged on the fabricationvessels of using the
(and its components)a t which non-destructive testing
process and equipmentappropriate to the procedure for a
as required by this standard will be carried This out.
period of more than 6 months, or if thereis any reasonto
shall includeany supplementary non-destructive testing
doubt his ability to make satisfactory production welds,
required under the provisions of4.2.1.2,
the purchaseris permitted, a t his discretion, to require
him to retake the whole or of part
the approval test
(see table 1.5). (2) The choice of non-destructive testing method and
NOTE. The approval testsof a welder, when completed to the relevant procedure to be used.
satisfaction of arecognized Inspecting Authority, may be (3) The acceptance criteria.
accepted by other Inspecting Authorities, subjectto mutual
agreement priorto the commencement of welding and unless NOTE. It is recommendedthat this schedule should similarly
otherwise stated in theenquiry and order. cover any additional non-destructive testing used by the
manufacturer as part ofhis quality controlprocess.
5.3.4 A list of weldersand operators, together with
Non-destructive testing personnelshall hold an
records of their approval tests, shall be retainedby the
manufacturer. appropriate certificate of competence (e.g. Personnel
Certification in Non-destructive Testing(PCN)') which is
NOTE. The manufacturer may be required to submit to the
purchaser evidenceof approval of any welder or welding machine recognized by the Inspecting Authority; otherwise the
operator engaged in the fabricationof a vessel. Inspecting Authority shall satisfy themselves as to the
competence of such personnel.
5.4 Production control test plates 5.6.2 Parent materials. When non-destructive testing of
parent materials is required by the purchaser (see
5.4.1 Vessels in materials other than 9 % N i steel.
table 1.51, the procedure to be adopted shall be in
Production control test plates shall not be required unless
accordance with appropriate British Standardsas follows.
specified by thepurchaser at the time of order (see 1.5.1)
or as detailed inappendix D. In suchcases the number of Castings B S 4080
test plates to be provided and the detailed tests to be
Forgings BS 41 24
made onthese, including acceptance criteria, shall be
B S 6443
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
(see table 1.5). Pipes and tubesAppropriate appendix ofparticular
product standard
NOTE. Recommendations covering the preparation and testing
of production testplates, when these are required, are given
in Plate BS 5996
appendix Q, and in appendix Tin the case of arc welded tubeto
tubeplate joints. All
product forms BS 6072
5.4.2 9 % Ni steel vessels. Production control test plates
shall be provided until such time as the manufacturerhas More comprehensive ultrasonic examination of plate in
demonstrated that production welding produces regions near attachment openings and welds maybe
satisfactory weld xoperties. The number of test piecesnecessary (see
provided and the detailed tests to be made on these shall Acceptance standards for flaws revealed by
be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer non-destructive testing of unwelded parent materials
taking accountof the special requirements for9 % Ni steel shall be agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser,
procedure tests specified 5.2.6,
in the acceptance value or the Inspecting Authority (see table 1.5). Where repairs
being in accordance with 4.3.2 (see table 1.5). by welding are authorized, non-destructive testing
techniques for the repair and subsequent acceptance
5.5 Destructive testing standards shall also be agreed by the manufacturer and
the purchaser, or the Inspecting Authority(see table 1.5).
Destructive testingshall not be required.
5.6.3 Components prepared for welding. Where
non-destructive testing is specified to supplement the
5.6 Non-destructive testing visual examination of fusion faces for welding or of plate
5.6.1 General. The non-destructive testing of welded joints edges (see4.2.1 and,the method shallbe either
for final acceptancepurposes (see 5.6.4)shall depend on magnetic particle or penetrant inspection.
the construction category of the component as NOTE. Suitable techniques may be selectedfrom BS 6443 or
determined by table 3.4, or as otherwise agreed BS 6072, as appropriate.
(see 3.4.11. Non-destructive testing of parent plateis also Particular care shall be taken to
ensure that residues from
required, as appropriate, a t the following stages: testing materials do not have a deleterious effecton the
(a) examination of plate welded prior
to hot forming quality ofany subsequent welding.
'Administered by the Central Certificatlon Board, c/o British Institute of Non-destructive Testing,1 Spencer Parade, Northampton
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5.6.4 Non-destructive testing ofW elded joints Componenrts to constructioncategory 2 (see
NOTE. Guidanceon non-destructive testing arc
of welded tubeto table 3.4). Category 2 construction shall be subjected to
tubeplate joints is givenin appendix T. partial non-destructive testing,as specified in Components to construction category l . The final and non-destructive testing shall be
non-destructive testing shall be carried out after employed atas early a stage in the fabrication process as
completion of any post-weld heat treatment, except when practicable as a measure of quality control and the
working in materials and thickness permitted for locations selected for testing shall be representative of all
construction category 2 (see table 3.4). Imperfections welding procedures and the work each of welder or
revealed by non-destructive testing shall be assessed in operator employed. Results of non-destructive testing
accordance with and shall beassessed in accordance with and
In cases where fabrication procedures require main Examination forinternalflaws. The full length of
all Type A welds shall be examined by radiographic or seams to be welded atsite, such seams shall be1O0 %
ultrasonic methods. Unless otherwiseagreed between examined by radiographic and/or ultrasonic methods
the purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.51, the generally in accordance with the results
full length ofall welded joints of Type
B in or onpressure interpreted against the acceptance levels specified
parts shall be examined by ultrasonic and/or radiographicin
methods where the thinnest part to be welded exceeds5. Examination for internalflaws. Radiographic
the limits givenin table . l . and/or ultrasonic methods shall be in accordance Examination for surfaceflaws. The full length of with t each inspection location the minimum
all TypeB and all other attachment welds shall be length of weld examined shall 200 be mm or the length of
examined by magnetic particle or penetrant methods. the weld whicheveris the lesser.
Type A welds shall be examined by these methods when (a) Shell, formed heads, flatends, communicating
agreed between the manufacturer, the purchaser and the chambers andjackets. For the purposes of this clause, a
Inspecting Authority (see table welded seamis considered to be the complete length of
a butt joint between two plates forming part of a vessel
Table Thickness limits for examination as illustrated by TypeA in figure5.6.4. A t least 1O % of
of internal flaws the aggregate length of these seams shall be subject to
examination. All the following locations shall be
Grade of steel Thickness
mm ( 1) A t each intersection of longitudinal and
circumferential butt joints. Where inclusionall of
Austenitic, MO and M 1 40
intersections exceeds the10 % allowance then the
M2 30
higher sum shall be included.
M3 20
M4 15
M5 t o M 1O inclusive 10


x -x
See figures E.2(17)
and E.2(18) \ 1

Y -Y
TypeA . Type B.
Main seam weldedjoints within main shells, transitionsin Welded joints connecting flanges, tube sheets or flat ends to
diameter, communicating chambers, jackets and nozzles. Main main shells, to nozzles andto communicating chambers. Welded
seam weldedjoints within a flat or formed head orwithin a joints connecting nozzles or communicating chambers to main
sphere. shells such as set-onand set-in connections shown in figures
Connections of forged branches to shellandnozzlessuchasE.2(1) to E.2(40), except in the specialcases shown in figures
shown in figures
E.2( 17)E.2(
and 18). E.2(17)
and (Type A.)
Welds attaching compensating platesto shell and end plates.
They may befillet welds orfull penetration welds.

NOTE. SeeBS 499 for definition of butt welds andjoints.

Figure 5.6.4 Illustration of welded joints for non-destructive testing

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 91.1 m Lb24b69 0395LBb 0 7 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

( 2 ) If necessary, randomly selected locations on Surface flaws.

longitudinal and circumferential butt joints shells
in NOTE. Magnetic particle and penetranttesting do not indicate
and end plates sufficient to make the total amount ofthe depth of surface imperfectionsand their applicationis to
examination up to at least O %.
1 ensure that no unacceptable surfacedefects are present.

(3) When openings occur in or within 12 mm of The choice of method depends on material, magnetic
welded seams, such seams shall be examined on methods being quicker and more economic for ferritic
each sideof the opening for a length less not than the steels, but unsuitable for austeniticsteels, where
diameter of theopening. These shall be includedas an penetrant methods shall be employed.
addition to(a). I t is permissible t o use alternative methodsof
(b) Nozzles andbranch attachments. Butt jointsas non-destructive testing for the assessment of the depth of
¡!lustrated by Type A in figure 5.6.4 shall, by agreement surface defectsby agreement between the manufacturer
between the manufacturer and the Inspecting and thepurchaser and/or the Inspecting Authority
Authority, have the total numbernozzles of and (see table 1.5).
branches divided into groups ofO or 1 less 5.6.6 Non-destructive testing techniquesfor welds
(see table 1.5). The complete circumferential and Radiographic techniques. Normally radiographic
longitudinal butt joints aoft least onenozzle or branch in examination shall be in accordance with BS 2600 : Part 1
each group of 1 O or less shall be examined. or Part 2, BS 2910 or BS 7257, as appropriate. Examination for surfaceflaws. Magnetic particle Radiographic sensitivity shall be determined in
and/or dye-penetrant methods shallbe in accordance accordance with BS 397: 1980
1 and the values given in
with examinations shallbe conducted on section Aof table 7 ofBS 3971 shall beregarded as the
both of the following: maximum acceptable percentage sensitivity values for
all welds attaching nozzles,
(a) the full length of thicknesses up to 150 mm. For thicknesses between
branches and compensatingplates, t o shell and end 1 5 0 m mand 2 5 0 mm, thevalues given insection A of
plates; table 7 ofBS 3971 for 150 mm shall be employed.
(b) at least1 0 % of the length of all other attachment I t is permissible touse other techniquesby agreement
welds topressure components. between the manufacturerand the Inspecting Authority ?oconstruction category3 (see table provided itcan be demonstrated that they will achieve
3.4). Both the initial assembly of components and the comparable sensitivities (see table 1.5).
preparation of the second side (see be Marking andidentification of radiographs. Each
inspected and approved by the Inspecting Authority. section of weld radiographed shall have suitable symbols
Unless details producing significant through thickness affixed to identify the following:
tensile stress (seeE.2.5.9)are used, non-destructive (a) the job or workpiece serial number, order number or
testing for internal flaws shall notrequired.
be However, similar distinctivereference number;
subject to agreement between the manufacturer and (b) the joint;
purchaser, or Inspecting Authority(see table 1.5) it is
(c) the section of the joint;
permissible touse magnetic particle, or penetrant
methods as aids to the required visual examination. (d) arrows, or other symbols, alongside but clear of the
Acceptance criteria for flaws revealed by visual outer edges of theweld to clearly identify its position.
examination, including aided visual examination, shall be NOTE. The location of the welded seam may be identifiedfor
in accordance with table 5.7(3). instance with a letter Lfor a longitudinalseam, C f o r a
circumferentialseam, with the addition of a numeral (1.2, 3,
5.6.5 Choice of non-destructive test methods for welds etc.) to indicate whether theseam was the first, second, thlrd.
etc., of that type. lnternalflaws. The choice as to whether
radiographic or ultrasonic testing
is used to satisfy the The symbols consisting of lead arrows, letters and/or
requirements of thisclause shall beagreed between the numerals shall be positioned so that their imagesappear
purchaser, the manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority in the radiographt o ensure unequivocal identificationof
(see table 1.5). the section.
Where radiographs are required of the entire length of a
NOTE. Radiographic and ultrasonic methods both have
advantages and disadvantages in so far as flaw detection,
welded seam, sufficient overlapshall be providedt o
identification and sizing are concerned. Radiography is ensure that the radiographs cover the whole of the welded
particularly suitable for the detection and identification of seam and each radiograph shall exhibit a number near
'volume' defects suchas cavities and solid inclusions and each end.
incomplete penetrationwhere a gap exists. Ultrasonic flaw
detection is very suitable for the detection and sizing of planar Radiographs of repair welds shall beclearly identified R 1,
defects such as cracks, lack of fusion and 'tight' incomplete R2, etc., for the firstrepair, second repair, etc.
penetration in ferritic steels. The choice should be based on the
most suitable method to the particular application and material. Ultrasonic techniques. Ultrasonic examination
An important consideration is joint geometry which may have shall be in accordance with BS 3923 : Part 1 level 2B with
an overriding influence on choiceof method. In exceptional a minimum transfer value of 6 dB.
cases it may be necessary to employ both methods on the same

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9Y m Lb2Ybb7 0375187 Tob m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Magnetic particle techniques. Magnetic particle (f) Description and location of all relevant indications
inspection techniques shall comply in all respects with of defects, together withall permanent records, e.g.
BS 6072. Their use shall be limitedt o applications where radiographs, photographs, facsimiles, scale drawings
surface flawsare being sought. or sketches, as appropriate. Corresponding reports of
Particular care shall be takento avoid damaget o surfaces visual examination shall be provided.
by misuse of the magnetic equipment employed and if Additionalinformation for specific methods.The
such damage occursit shall be remedied to the following additional information for specific methods shall
satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority. be given on reports. Penetrant techniques. Dye or fluorescent (a) Radiography
penetrant examination of welds shallbe carried out in (1) Image quality indicator pattern and sensitivity
accordance withBS 6443. achieved (seeBS 397 1). Surface condition andpreparation for (2) Details of the radiographic technique.
non-destructive testing. The surface condition and
(b) Ultrasonics
preparation for non-destructive testing shallasbefollows
(1) Report on parent metal examination including
(a) Radiography. Surfaces shall be dressed only where
internal soundness, thickness and surface condition.
weld ripples or weld surface irregularities will interfere
with interpretation of the radiographs. (2) Details of the ultrasonic technique and equipment
(b) Ultrasonics. The condition of the surfaces that will
be in contact with the probe shall be in accordance (c) Magneticparticle method. Details of the technique(s)
with BS 3923. employed.
NOTE. Depending on the profile and surface condition, (d) Penetrantmethod. Details of the materials and
dressing of the weld area may be necessary even when techniques employed.
contact is only to be madewith the parent metal.
(c) Magneticparticlemethod. The surface shall be free 5.7 Acceptance criteria for weld defects revealed
of any foreign matter which would interfere with by visualexamination andnon-destructive
interpretation of the test and shall, where necessary, be testing
dressed to permit accurate interpretation of indications.
NOTE. If non-fluorescenttesting media are employed, a
5.7.1 General. Subject to the recommendations of
suitable contrast medium(e.g.complying with BS 5044) may appendix C, the main constructional welds of pressure
be applied after cleaning and prior to magnetization. vessels shall comply with5.7.2.I t is permissible for other

(d) Penetrant method. The surface shall be free any of joints suchas tube to tubeplate welds be to the subject of
special requirements agreed between the purchaser and
foreign matter which would interfere with the
the manufacturer (see table1.5).
application and interpretation of the test. Care shall be
taken to avoid masking of flaws by distortion of surface 5.7.2 Assessment of defects. Defects shall beassessed
layers byany dressing process which may be according t o one or other ofthe alternatives in5.7.2.1
necessary. to thatare unacceptable shall be either
repaired or deemed not to comply with this standard. Marking, allnon-destructive testingmethods.
Permanent marking of the vessel alongside welds shall be Where flaws repeatedly occur that are acceptable in
used to provide reference points for the accurate location accordance with thisclause but outside theacceptance
of the seam with respect to the test report. The method levels of specified in BS 4870 and BS 4871 for procedure
marking shall be agreed between the purchaser and the and welder approval, the reasons for this shall be
manufacturer (see table1.5).Stamping shall not be used investigated and appropriate corrective action taken to
where it may have a deleterious effect on the material in improve future welding performance.
service (for low temperature applications see D.5.2). Category 7 and category 2 constructions. If any Reporting of non-destructive testing examinations. flaws present do notexceed the levels specified in tables
5.7(1), 5.7(2) or 5.7(3), the weld shall beaccepted without General.The following general information shall
be given on reports. further action.
NOTE. Details for vessels intended for operating in the creep
(a) The date and time of the examination and report. range may require special consideration.
(b) The name(s) and qualifications(e.g. PCN Category 7 construction. When acceptance levels*
certificate category and reference number) of the different from those given in tables 5.7(1), 5.7(2)or 5.7(3)
personnel responsible for the examination and the have been established for a particular application and are
interpretation. suitably documented, it is permissible for them to be
(c) Identification of thevessel and seam under adopted by specific agreement between the purchaser,
examination. the manufactuer and the Inspecting Authority
(see table 1.5).
(d) Brief description of jointdesign, material, welding
process and heat treatment employed (if any).
Similarly particular flaws* inexcess of those permitted in
(e) Cleaning and surface preparation or dressing prior tables 5.7(1), 5.7(2)or 5.7(3) are permitted to beaccepted
to non-destructive testing. by specific agreement between the purchaser, the
manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority after due
consideration of material,stress and environmental
factors in each case (see table 1.5).
For example see PD 6493

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BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 6 6 9 0 3 9 5 L B B 942 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7 (1) Radiographic acceptance levels

Abbreviations used:
e is theparent metal thickness.In the case of dissimilar thicknesses e applies to the thinner component;
W is the width of imperfections;
I is the lengthof imperfections;
I#I is thediameter of imperfections;
c is the mean length of the circumferential weld.

Imperfection type L Permitted maximum

Cracks and lamellar tears Not permitted

Lack of root fusion

Lack of side fusion Not permitted
Lack of inter-run fusion

Lack of root penetration Not permitted

(a) Isolated pores (or individual pores in a group)Ø S el4 and

Ø 3.0 m m f o re up to and including
50 m m
Ø 4.5 m m f o re over 50 mm up to and including
75 m m
Ø 6.0 m m f o re over 75 m m

(b) Uniformly distributed or localized porosity 2% by area* for e S 50 mm and pro

rata for greater thicknesses

(c) Linear porosity Unless it can be shown thatlack of fusion orlack of

penetration is associated with this defect (which is not
permitted) it should be treatedas for individual pores in a

(dl Wormholes isolated / ~ 6 m m , w ~ 1 . 5 m m

u) (e) Wormholes aligned As linear porosity

9 (f) Crater pipes As wormholes isolated

(a) Individual and parallel to major weld axis Main butt I = e s 100 m m
NOTE. Inclusions to be separated on the welds W= el10 S 4 mm
major weld axis by a distance equal to or
greater than the lengthof the longer andthe Nozzle and Inner half of Outer quarters of
sum of the lengths of the inclusions shall not
branch attach-. cross section cross sectio
exceed the total weldlength.
ment welds

W= el4 G 4 m m W = el8 S 4 m m

I = -C
S 100mm ' =C i IOornm

(b) Individual and randomly oriented As isolated pores

(not parallelto weld axis)

(c) Non-linear group As localized porosity

Area to be considered should be the length of the weld affected by porosity, but not
less than 50 mm, multiplied by the
maximum widthof the weld locally.
NOTE 1. The simultaneous presenceof more than one typeof allowable flaw withina given lengthof weld is permitted and each
type should be individually assessed.
NOTE 2. 'Inner half' of cross section refers to the middle region, the remainer being the 'outer quarters'.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS+5500 94 m 3624669 0395389 889 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Category 2 construction (see figure5.7).The If these checks indicate that the
t w o additional areas
locations selected under shall be deemed t o be are acceptable then the original sample shall be
representative of the welds on which they are placed. An assessed in accordance with5.7.2.4. If outside these
examination ofan intersection shall be representative of requirements, thearea shall berepaired, re-examined by
t w o welds. A defect detected on the circumferential seam the same non-destructive testing methods and
shall be representative of the whole circumferential seam. reassessed in accordance with5.7.2.4.
A defect detected on the longitudinal seam shall be The route to be followed in the event of various
representative of the whole longitudinal seam. A defect imperfections being found shall be
as shown in
detected on a nozzle or branch weld shall be figure 5.7.
representative of a group of tenless or nozzleor branch
welds. Acceptance levels (reassessment of category 2
and 5.7(3).Planar defects. If
(a) Tables 5.7(1), 5.7(2) construction). The acceptance levels given in tables
any defects are presentin the samples examined, the 5.7(1), 5.7(2) and 5.7(3), except as modified by tables
total length of the welded seam represented by each 5.7(4) and 5.7(5), shall be applied.
10 % sample shall be examined by the same non-
5.7.3 Repair of welds. No rectification, repair or
destructive testing methods andassessed in
modification shall be made without the approval of the
accordance with which permits some
purchaser and Inspecting Authority (see table 1.5).
relaxation in non-planar defects.
Unacceptable imperfections shall be either repaired or
(b) Tables 5.7(1),5.7(2)and 5.7(31.Non-planar deemed not to comply with this standard. Repair welds
defects. If there are no planar defects but the sample shall be carried out to an approved procedure and
contains defects in excess of the maximum as given subjected to the same acceptance criteria
as original
in tables5.7(1), 5.7(2) and 5.7(3), two further random work.
checks shall be made on the represented welds.
These random checks shall beassessed against
tables 5.7(1), 5.7(2) and 5.7(3).


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

10 % NDT
Assess against table5.7(1), 5.7(2) or 5.7(3)
I 1 1
Pass Fail Fail
I defects
Non-planar ( (b)) defects
Examine t w o
additional areas
Assess against table5.7(1),5.7(2) or 5.7(3)
I Fail
Pass I
I Examine 1O0 %
I against

I 1
Fail (a)
Repair allplanar and/or other
non-permitted plus non-planar
defects accordingto 5.7.3
Assess against5.7.2.4
Return to point
(a) and repeat

Figure 5.7 Partial non-destructive testing(NDT) category 2 constructions


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7(2) Ultrasonic acceptance levels applicable to ferritic steels and weld metals in thethickness
range 7 mm to 100 mm inclusive
Abbreviations used:
e is theparent metal thickness.In thecase of dissimilarthicknesses, e applies to the smaller thickness;
h is the throughwall dimension of flaw;
W is the width offlaw;
I is the length of

Echo response height Type of indication (see NOTE 1) Maximum permitteddimensions

(mm) (mm)

Greater than DAC All Nil

50 % t o 100 Yo DAC Threadlike (Th) Greater of

{(DAC - 6 dB) to DAC) ¡.e. h < 3 eor c 5
Is -

Volumetric (VI) wor Ic 5

¡.e. h 2 3

Planar longitudinal (PI) Lesser of

¡.e. h 2 3 /seors5
20 % t o 100 % DAC Planar surface (PS) I s 5
{(DAC - 14 dB) to DAC} (see note2) -
¡.e. h 2 3 -

Multiple (M) I,worhs5

(see note 3)

Isolated (Is) Is5

¡.e. h < 3

20 % t o 50 % DAC Threadlike (Th) Is e

{('DAC - 14 dB) t o (DAC - 6 dB)} ¡.e. h c 3

Volumetric (VI) wor I s e

¡.e. h 2 3

Planar longitudinal (PI) Is e

¡.e. h 3 3 2
Planar transverse (Pt) Is5
¡.e. h 3 3

Less than 20 % of DAC Al I No limit

{less than (DAC- 14 dB)}

NOTE 1. The following definitionsapply to the types of indication covered in table 5.7(2)
Planar longitudinal (Pl): indication having a planar nature, which lies parallel to, or closely-parallel to, the weldaxis
(e.g. longitudinal crack, lack of side-wall fusions, lack of inter-run fusion).
Planar transverse (Pt): indication having planar nature, which lies transverse to the weldaxis (e.g. transverse crack).
Planar surface(PS): indication of PI or Pt, which lies within 25 % of e or 6 m m (whichever is the smaller) of the nearest surface,
where e is theparent metal thickness or, in the case of dissimilar joined thicknesses, the smaller thickness (e.g. longitudinal and
transverse cracks, lack of side-wall fusion, lack of root fusionand lack of rootpenetration).
Multiple (M): group or cluster of indications in which individualindications cannot be resolved at the reference sensitivity (see
note 3) (e.g. group orcluster of cavities or inclusions).
Volumetric (VI): indications having measurable length and/or width and measurable through-wall dimension, and which cannot
be classified as planar (e.g. linearor globularcavity or inclusion).
Threadlike (Th): indication having measurable length but nomeasurable width orthrough-wall dimension, and which cannot be
classified as planar (e.g. linear inclusion).
/solated point (Is): indication having no measurable dimension and which can be resolved at thereference sensitivity from
neighbouring indications. (It is not possible to define from the ultrasonic information alone whether an isolated point indicationis
actually apore, inclusion, short crack or smallarea of lack of fusion.)
NOTE 2. Indications shall be disregarded only byagreement between the manufacturer and theInspecting Authority.
NOTE 3. Where adjacent, linearly-aligned inclusions are separatedby a distance of less than twice the length of the longest
inclusion, they shall be consideredas continuous. Thetotal, combined length shall be assessed against the appropriate flaw size
criteria in table 5.712).

5/1 O
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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m 3624bb9 0395392 373 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7(3) Visual and crack detection acceptance level

Imperfection Remarks Limits for imperfections


Planar Not permitted

Porosity As cavity type defects in table5.7(1)

Bad fit-up, An excessive or insufficient gap h G 0.5 m m +,

fillet welds between the parts to be joined max. 2 m m

Gaps exceeding the appropriate limit

may in certain cases be compensated
for by a corresponding increase
in the throat

Undercut Smooth transition is required Long imperfections: not permitted

Short imperfections: h c 1.0 m m
E l

Excess weld metal Smooth transition is required For b > 20 mm, then h S 1 m m +
max. 0.5 m m
For b G 20 mm, then h G 3 m m

Excessive h G 1 m m + O.lob,
convexity maximum 3 m m


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511 1
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BSI Esa5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395393 20T
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7(3) Visual and crack detection acceptance level (continued)

Imperfection Remarks Limits for imperfections


Fillet weld having a For many applications a throat h S 1 m m c 0.30a,

throat thickness thickness greater than the nominal max. 5 m m
greater than the one may not be cause for rejection
nominal value

Actual weld

Fillet weld having a A fillet weld with an apparent throat Long imperfections:
throat thickness thickness smaller than that specified not permitted
smaller than the should not be regarded as being
nominal value imperfect if the actual throat thickness Short imperfections:
with a compensating greater depth of h S 0.3 m m +,
penetration complies with the max. 1 m m
specified value

Nominal weld
.-Actual weld

Excessive h S 1mm + 0.3b,

penetration max. 3 m m


511 2
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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7(3) Visual and crack detection acceptance level (concluded)

Imperfection qemarks Limits for imperfections


Linear misalignment See 4.2.3

Incompletely filled Smooth transition is required Long imperfections:

groove not permitted

Sagging Short imperfections:

h S,
max. 1.5 m m

~ _ _ _ _

Excessive asymmetry It is assumed that an asymmetric h S 2 mm + 0.20a

of fillet weld Fillet weld has not been expressly


Root concavity Smooth transition is required h S 1.5 m m

Shrinkage groove

Overlap Not permitted

Poor restart Not permitted

Stray flash or arc See


NOTE. The definitions of short imperfections and long imperfections are as given in 3.3 and 3.4 of BS EN 25817 : 1992.

511 3
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BSI BS*5500 94 Lb2Ybb9 0395395 O82 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

of category 2 construction)
Table 5.7(4) Radiographic acceptance levels (reassessment
NOTE. The symbols are
as defined in table
5.7 (1).

Imperfection type Permitted maximum

(a) Isolated pores (or individual pores in a


(b) Uniformly distributed or localized porosity 2 % by area


(c) Solid inclusion, individual and parallel to Main butt welds I = 2 e w = el4 S 4 mm

major weld axis
NOTE. Inclusionsto be separated on the major weld Nozzle and branch Inner half of Outer quartersof
axis by a distance equalto or greater than
the length attachment welds cross section cross section
of the longer inclusion and aggregate length
not to
exceed thetotal length. W= e/2 S 4mm W= e/4 S 4 mm
I , < c/2 < 100mm /sc/4< 100mm

(d) Solid inclusions, non-linear group 4 % by area*

* Area to be considered should be the length of the weld affected by porosity, but not less than 50 mm, multiplied by the
maximum width of the weld locally.

Table 5.7(5) Ultrasonic acceptance levels (reassessmentof category 2 construction)

NOTE. The symbols and notesare as defined in table 5.7(2)

Echo responseheight Type of indication Maximum permitteddimension

(mm) (mm)

Greater than DAC All Nil

50 % t o 100 % DAC Threadlike (Th) I < 10

{(DAC - 6 dB) toDAC) ¡.e. h < 3

Volumetric (VI) w o r 1s 10
¡.e. h 2 3

Planar longitudinal (PI) Is5

¡.e. h z 3

20 % t o 100 % DAC Planar surface (PS) Is 5

{(DAC - 14 dB) toDAC1 ¡.e. h > 3

Multiple (M) I, wor h S 10

Isolated (Is) Is 10
¡.e. h < 3

20 % t o 50 % DAC Threadlike (Th) Is 2e

{(DAC - 14 dB) t o (DAC - 6 dB)) ¡.e. h < 3

Volumetric (VI) w o r Is 2e
¡.e. h 3 3

Planar longitudinal (PI) Is -

¡.e. h 3 3 2

Planar transverse (Pt) Is 5

¡.e. h 3 3

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSr5500 9 4 m Lb24bb9 0395Lqb T L 9 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5.8 Pressure tests Adequate venting shall be ensured beforedrainage,

5.8.1 General. A pressure test shallbe carried out on all particularly in thecase of large thinvessels, to prevent
vessels constructed in accordance with this standard to collapse.
demonstrate, as far as it is possible with a test of this If it is considered by the purchaser or the
nature, the integrity of the finished product. The first manufacturer that there would be undue risk of brittle
pressurization shall be carried out under controlled fracture in testing at the temperature ofavailablethe test
conditions with appropriate safety precautions. Some fluid avessel which would otherwiseappear to be suitable
permanent dilation of a vessel is likely on first for the specifiedservice, it is permissible t o elevate the
pressurization but this possibility needs special test temperature to an agreed value (see5.8.2.2 and
consideration only where fine dimensional tolerances are table 1.5). This value shall not exceed the design
specified for the finished vessel, in whichcase the effects reference temperature obtained from figure D.3( ) or 1
of fabrication on the property values assumed for design D.3(2) as appropriate for the material impact test
purposes shall be taken into account where appropriate. temperature of the shell material.
5.8.2 Basic requirements Where it is not practicable to pressure test a Where practicable (see5.8.2.5)the finished complete vessel due to itssize or mode of manufacture,
vessel, ¡.e. after post-weld heat treatment,if any, shall, in the test procedure for the whole or parts of the pressure
the presence of the Inspecting Authority, withstand vessel shall be subjectt o agreement between the
satisfactorily such of the following pressure tests as may purchaser, the manufacturerand the Inspecting Authority
apply. a t the design stage (see table 1.5).
(a) 'Standard' hydraulic test for acceptance where the Each chamber of multi-compartmentvessels
required thickness of all
pressure parts can be consisting oftwo or more separate chambers shall be
calculated. See 5.8.3. subject to the 'standard' test pressure specified in 5.8.5
(b) Pneumatic test for acceptance where the required without support from pressure any
in adjoining chamber.
thickness of allpressure parts can be
calculated, but Where, however, common dividing walls
are designed for

where theuse of liquid testing mediais not practicable. specific differential

pressures and provided that thisis
See 5.8.4. clearly stated on the drawings and on the manufacturer's
plate, it is permissible for exceptions to be agreed
(c) Proof hydraulic test where the required thickness between the purchaser and the manufacturer
cannot be determined by calculation. See 5.8.6. (see table 1.5).
(d) Combined hydraulic/pneumatic test. See 5.8.7. When any chamber of a multi-compartment The proceduret o be followed shall be agreed vessel isdesigned for vacuum conditions, account shall be
beforehand, preferably at the design stage, between the taken of this in determining the pressure t o be appliedt o
purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5) and shall the chamber under test.
be suchas to minimize the risk t o personnel in the event of Vessels which have been repaired subsequentt o
failure of the vessel during test. Consideration shall be the pressure test shallbe re-subjected to the specified
given to factors such as the testfluid, the size andlocation pressure test after completion of the repairs and any after
of the vessel under test and its position relative to other heat treatmentunless specifically agreed between the
buildings, plant, public roads and areasopen to the public purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5).
and other equipment and structures in the vicinity. This
agreed procedure shall defineany areas at risk during the All temporary pipes and connections and blanking
test andh o w these are to be controlled. devices shall be designed to withstand the 'standard' test
pressure determined in accordance with 5.8.5. Unless otherwiseagreed between the purchaser
and the manufacturer (see table 1.5) the pressure in the5.8.2.10 Care shall be taken to ensure that thevessel, its
vessel under test shall begradually increased t o a value of supports and foundations can withstand the total load
5 0 % of the specified test pressure; thereafter the that will be imposed on them during the test.
pressure shall be increased in stages of approximately No vessel undergoing pressure testing shall be
10 % of the specified test pressure until isthis reached.A t subjected toany form of shock loading, e.g. hammer
no stage shall the vessel be approached for close testing.
inspection until the pressure has been positively reduced 5.8.3 Hydraulic testing
to a level lower than that previously attained. The The 'standard' test pressure determined in
pressure(s) at which the vessel will be approached for
accordance with5.8.5 shall beapplied.
close inspection shall be specified in the testprocedure.
Such pressure(s) need not exceed design pressure but, if Water shall normallybe used as the pressurizing
in excess of thisfigure, shall not exceed 95 % of the agent.
pressure already attained and held fora t least 15 min. NOTE l . To avoid the riskof freezing it is recommendedthat the
temperature of the water during test the should be not less than
The requiredtest pressure shallbe maintained for not less 7 "C. Howeverif the temperatureof the water during the
than 30 min except in thecase of vessels lessthan 500 m m test is expected to be lower than this, special precautions
diameter and 1O mm thickwhen it is permissibleforthetest may be necessary to prevent such freezing especially in
small diameter branch connections.
period tobe the subject of agreement (see and table
1.5).Duringthetestthevesselshallexhibitnosignofgeneral NOTE 2. Attention is drawn to the need to control the chloride
content of testwater in the case of austenitic stainless steel
plastic yielding.
On completion of the hydraulic test, release of the NOTE 3. Where other liquidsare used, additional precautions
pressure shall be gradual and from the top of vessel.
the may be necessary depending on the natureof the liquid.

'Guide Notes on Safe Use of Stainless Steel

in Chemical Process Plant', paragraph1.4 Institution of Chemical Engineers.

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21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS+5500 9 4 m 1624669 0395397 955 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Vessels and connections shall be properlyvented where

before thetest pressure isapplied toprevent the formation p is the design pressure;
of air pockets.
fa is the nominal design strength value (¡.e. category 1 or
5.8.4 Pneumatic tests(see also 5.8.7and 5.8.8) 2) for thematerial, or its nearest equivalent,at test Pneumatic testing is potentially a much more temperature from thedesign strength tablesof this
dangerous operation than hydraulictesting and ispermitted standard;
only to be carried out
subject to the following conditions. ft isthe nominaltime-independent design strength value
(a) Eitheron vesselsofsuch designand construction that (¡.e. category 1 or 2) for thematerial, or its nearest
it is not practicable for them to be filled with liquid, or on equivalent, atthe design temperature,or atthehighest
vessels for use in processes that cannot tolerate trace temperature at which time-independentdesign
liquids and where the removal of such trace liquids is strengths are given in the design strength tables ofthis
impracticable. standard if thisis lower than the design temperature;
(b) After consultationat the design stage (seetable 1.5) t is the nominal thickness of the section under
with the Inspecting Authority and other relevant safety consideration;
authorities on the adequacy of safety the precautions
c is the corrosion allowance.
proposed by the manufacturer toensure that as far as
possible noperson is exposed to injury should vessel
the In the case where thevessel to be tested comprises a number
fail during thetest operation, andof any special of non-connected parts (e.g. a heat exchanger) each part
precautions to minimize the risk of such failure, and with shall be tested independently with the appropriate
written approval by theInspecting Authority before the 'standard'test pressure in each case. Where thevessel
test of the procedurespecified in 5.8.2, with particular comprises a number of interconnected sections with
reference to the following: different 'standard'testpressures, the test pressureshall be
(1) the adequacy of blast protection; not less than the lower bound test pressureas determined
(2) the extent area
of cleared fortest safety purposes; by the following procedure:

(3) the degree of confidence in stress analysis of (a) determine pt for each section of the vessel in
vessel details; accordance with;

(4) the adequacy of any non-destructive testing

(b) designate the highestand lowest values so
carried outbefore the test; determined as ptHand ptLrespectively;

(5) the resistance of thevessel materials tofast (c) where ptHd 1.35 x design pressure, the lower bound
fracture; test pressure =

(6) the procedure to prevent local chilling during where > 1.35 x design pressure, the lower bound test
filling and emptying of thevessel; pressure = 1.35por ptLwhichever is higher.

(7) the extent of remote monitoring provided during The general membrane stress in any part of the
test. vessel during test shall notexceed 90 % of the minimum
specified yield or proofstress of the material. The 'standard' test pressure determined in
NOTE.Vessels mayhaveto bedesigned speciallytocomplywith this
accordance with 5.8.5 shall be applied. requirementwhereitisproposedtocarryoutthetestwiththevessel The test arrangementshall be such that the in a different orientationto that in which it is designedto operate,
temperature of thegas entering thevessel isnot lower than andior with a pressurizing medium which is denser than the design
the agreed testtemperature.
NOTE 1. Attention is drawn to the fact thatif the gas pressure is let Where at the time of manufacture the operating
down to the vessel under testfrom high pressure storage, its conditions of avessel are not known, e.g. in thecase of
temperature will fall. vessels made forstock, the hydraulictest pressureshall be
NOTE2. Attention is also drawnto the possibilityof condensation that pressure which will generate a membrane stress of not
occurring within the vessel. less than 85 % of the minimum specified yield or proof
stress Priortothe pneumatictesting vessels
of allwelds not of the materialat the test temperature.
non-destructively tested in accordance with shall be Normally where avessel is lined orcoated by a
tested by magnetic particle and/or dyepenetrant methods. processwhichcouldimpairtheintegrityofthestructure,e.g.
5.8.5 'Standard' test pressure glass lining, or weld cladding, the 'standard' pressure test
shall be performed after completion of thisprocess. The test pressure for hydraulic, pneumatic and
Alternatively, for other than weld clad vessels, it is
combined hydraulic/pneumatictests shall, exceptwhen
permissible toreduce the 'standard' test pressure after
otherwise stated elsewhere in 5.8, be not less than the
completion of lining to not less than 1.1 times design
'standard' test pressure, pt, determined as follows.
pressure provided that the 'standard' test pressureas
For category 1 and category 2 construction: calculated in accordance with has been applied

pt = 1.25
[ p

For category 3 constructiol1:

"X -
before lining. Where reasonably practicable, single wallvessels
subject to operation under vacuum conditions shall be

tested under vacuum or applied external pressure to
pt= 1.25
[ P -X-
simulate vacuum conditions. Where practicable, the
external pressureonthevessel undertest, whether resulting
or from vacuum in the vessel or from applied externalpressure,
pt = 1.5~ shall be 1.25 times thedesign external pressure, but in no
whichever is higher case shall it be less than thedesign external pressure.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Where a test under vacuum or applied external pressure permanent is set provided that there is no evidence of
not reasonablypracticable, single wallvessels subject to general distortion of the vessel.
vacuum shall be given an internal pressure test at a gauge If the strain indicating coating technique given
pressure of1.5 bar' except where the maximum possible in is adopted, the onsetof yielding on (outside]
vacuum is limited by antivacuum valves or other suitablesurfaces shall be considered to indicate significant
means. In the latter case the internal test pressure shall beyielding.
a matter of agreement (see and table1.5). NOTE. The apparent difference criteria
in is to allow for the fact
NOTE. In special cases where the vessel designedfor vacuum that the greatest strains normally
occur on the insidesurface of
duty would not withstand this internal pressure test without the vessel.
overstrain or where the stability of the vessel under vacuum duty The highest pressure which is applied shall be
requires to be proven,alternative testing methods shouldbe
agreed between the purchaser, the manufacturer and the maintained for the time sufficient to permit inspection in
InspectingAuthority. accordance with Where the inner vessel of a jacketed vessel is Where the strain gauge technique given
designed t o operate at atmospheric pressure or under in is adopted,strain readings shall be taken as
vacuum conditions, the test pressure need only be applied the pressure is increased. The pressure shall be increased
to the jacket space. In such casesp shall be taken as the by stepsof approximately 10 % until the 'standard' test
differential design pressure between the jacket and the pressure,p,, is reached or until significant general yielding
inner vessel for the purpose of calculating pt (see occurs. Strain readings shall be repeated during unloading.
also Should the plot of strain versus pressure during the The applied test pressure shall include the application of pressure and unloading show evidence of
amount of any static head acting at the point under non-linearity it is permissible for pressure
the reached t o
consideration. be reapplied not more than five times until the loading and
unloading curves corresponding to t w o successive
5.8.6 Proof hydraulic test pressure cycles substantiallycoincide. Should A proof testing procedure to be followed for coincidence not beattained, the pressurepv
vessels (or vessel parts) of which the strength cannot (see shall be takenas the pressurerange
satisfactorily be calculated (see 3.2.2) shall be agreed corresponding to the linear portion of the curve obtained
(see and table 1.5). during the final unloading. The procedure shall specify the method to be used If the 'standard' testpressure, Pt, is reached and
during the test to determine strain and inelastic behaviour. a linear pressure/strain relationshipobtained, the
It is permissibleto adopt either of the following methods.expected design pressure shall be considered to be
(a) Straingauge technique. Before the test is begun or
any pressure hasbeen appliedto the vessel, strain If the final test pressure is limited to a value less
gauges of electrical resistanceor other types shall be than the 'standard' test pressure, pt, or thepressure range
affixed to both the inside and outside surfaces of the corresponding to the linear portion of the pressure/strain
vessel. The number of gauges, their positions and their iecord (see5.8.6.5) is less thanp,, the designpressure
directions shall be chosen so that principal strains and shall be calculated from the following equation:
stresses can be determined at all points of interest. The 1
type of gauge and the cementing technique shall be
chosen so that strains up to 1 % can be determined.
(b) Strain indicating coating technique
P is the designpressure;
( 11 The vessel shall be subjected t o pressure not
exceeding: PY is the pressure at which significant yielding occurs
or the pressurerange corresponding to linear
PX -f xa __t pressure/strain behaviour of most highly strained
ft r-c part of vessel during final unloading;
(see for nomenclature). t
(2) After therelease of this pressure the outside C
surface in the areas not covered by the design rules are as defined in
shall be coated with a substance which will indicate
the onset of yielding. fa J
NOTE. Where strain indicatingcoating techniques are used, it is Where the strain indicating technique given
recommended that a control specimen should beprepared under in is appliedto the outside surface ofvessel:
simulatedtest conditions andstrained to the onset of yield in
order to demonstrate the ability of thelacquer to indicatefirst (a) if the 'standard' test pressure is reached without
yield under the test conditions. significant yielding, the expected design pressure shall
be considered to be confirmed; Pressure shall be applied gradually until either the
'standard' testpressure for the expected design pressure (b) if significant yielding occurs at a pressure less than
is reached or significant yieldingany
of part of thevessel the 'standard' testpressure, the design pressure shall
occurs. be calculated from the equation
When either of these pointsreached,
is the pressure shall NOTE. In the case of vessels subject to severe cyclic service it
not be further
increased. may be necessary to give considerationto the maximum
equivalent stress range determined from the strain gauge
If the strain gauge technique given5.8.6.2(a)
in is adopted, readings (see appendix C).
it is permissiblet o disregard any indication of localized
1 bar = 1 O5 N/m2 = 0.1 N/mm2 = 1 O0 kPa.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5.8.7 Combined hydraulic/pneumatictests. In cases hydraulic, pneumatic or combined hydraulic/pneumatic

partly filled with test.
where it is desired to test a vesselis that
liquid, the pneumatic pressure shall be applied above the5.8.9Vessel nameplate.Each pressure vessel shall have
liquid level and at no point of the vessel shall the totala permanently attached nameplate showing:
pressure applied during the test
cause the general (a) the number and date of this British Standard, ¡.e.
membrane stress to exceed 90 % of the yield or proof BS 5500 : wxyz where wxyz is the year of publication
stress of the material. of this issue of the specification;
All the relevant requirements 5 .8.1t o 5.8.5shall apply
of (b) the name of the manufacturer;
to the conduct of combined hydraulic/pneumatic tests. (c) the manufacturer's serial number identifying the
5.8.8 Leak testing vessel; I t is sometimesdesirable t o carry out agas leak (d) the design pressure;

test before the hydraulic or pneumatic test. It is (e) the design temperature;
permissible t o use other approved methods subject to (f) the hydraulic or pneumatic test pressure;
agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer
(see table 1.5). (9) the date of manufacture;
NOTE. Reference may be madeto BS 3636. A test for this (h) the identifying rnarkof the Inspecting Authority;
purpose may be applied to any vesselwithout observing the (i ) any statutory markingrequired.
requirements applyingto pneumatic acceptance tests, providing
the test pressure doesnot exceed 10 % of the design pressure. A facsimile of this nameplate shall be prepared and is permissiblet o carry out pressure testing with submitted to the purchaser in accordance
air orgas up to1. I times the designpressure on any 5.8.10 Final inspection.A n internal and external
vessel thathas satisfactorily withstood the 'standard' examination of the completed vessel shall be carried out
prior to despatch and the marking on the vessel shall be

Marking BS 5500 : wxyz on or in relation t o a product represents a manufacturer's declaration of conformity, ¡.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirementsof the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely the
responsibility of the person making the claim.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix A which, on the basis of a shakedownanalysis satisfies

A.3.1.2, will be less or equal to the loadgross
for plastic
Recommendationsfor design where loadings and deformation.
components are not covered by section three
A list of references dealing with analysis
limit of various
A.l General. This appendix gives design criteria for stressconfigurations is given in A.5.
systems resulting from the application of loads and/or Where the it is impracticable to perform plasticanalysis,
use of components or types of component not covered elastic analysis may be employedas detailed inA.3.2
explicitly by section three (see 3.2.2 or appendixB).The (covering A.3.3 and A.3.4) t o demonstrate compliance
intention ist o ensure that in such circumstances the with thiscriterion; alternatively strain measurements may
design basis isconsistent with that underlying the rules be made on the actual vessel during pressure and load
specified in section three. Formal analysis in accordance tests.
with this appendixis only requiredin the case of A.3.1.2 Incrementalcollapse. The stress systems imposed
significant additional loadings or loadings from
should shakedown to elastic action within the first few
components significantly different from those covered in
operating cycles. The operating loads to be considered
section three. Relevant experience of similar designs may
include pressure and all loadings of the type listed 3.2.1in
be considered in deciding whether an analysis is
where relevant.
In demonstrating conformance with this criterion a
A.2 Notation.For the purposes of this appendix the shakedown analysis (e.g. see G.2.6) should preferably be
following symbolsapply.

e is the thickness of main vesselsection;

In cases where loads change sign during the cycle it
/?,IT, corresponds to the minimum valuere^ of or Rp0.2 should be demonstrated (e.g. seeA. that the total
(/?,,,,o for austenitic steels) specified for grade
the of range of maximum stress due to the range loadsofdoes
material concerned at a temperature T(tested in not exceed twice the yield stress of the material (2 x Rev,).
accordance with BS 3688); Alternatively elasticanalysis as detailed inA.3.2 may be
f is the design strength listed in table
2.3; employed (coveringA.3.3 and A.3.4).
NOTE. If it is required to evaluate thelimits in this appendix A.3.1.3 Buckling. For components or loadings associated
for category3 vessels, the value offmay be takenas that with substantial compressive stress buckling should not
permitted for vessels of categories 1 and 2 providedthat
of the point under occur under a combined load
there are nowelded seams in the vicinity less than twice the design
consideration. combined load at design temperature. Care should also be
is the value obtained from applicable design fatigue taken t o avoid buckling under test conditions. The design
curve (see appendix C) for specified number of and test combinedloads areto includepressure and
cycles of condition being considered; simultaneous loadings of the type listed 3.2.1
in in
conjunction with permissible fabrication imperfections.
fm is the general primary membrane stress intensity;
Where significant compressive stresses are present the
fL is the local primary membrane stress intensity; possibility of buckling should be investigated to satisfy
fb is the primary bending stress intensity; this criterion and the design modified necessary.
if While
is the secondary stress intensity; generally it is not possiblet o do this by elastic analysis a
relevant criterion for cases where compressive stresses
fP is the peak stress intensity; are due to highly localized loads is given in A.3.3.

fl are the principal stresses required to determine For compressive general primary membrane
stress, see
f2 stress intensities; A.3.5.
f3 A.3.1.4 Fatigue. The need or otherwise for a fatigue
R is the mean radius of main vessel
section; analysis should be determined by application of appendix
V is Poisson's ratio. C.

A.3 Non-creepconditions. The criteriain A.3.1 t o A.3.6 A.3.2 Demonstration of design acceptabilityby stress
apply for design temperatures at which the design analysis. A.3.3 and A.3.4 give alternative criteria for
strength given in table 2.3 is independent of time. demonstrating the acceptability of design on the basis of
stresses estimated by the method givenappendix
in G or
A.3.1 General criteria by other suitable elasticanalysis.
A.3.1.I Gross plastic deformation.There should be the The criteria inA.3.3 apply only t o local stresses in the
same theoretical margin against gross plastic deformation vicinity of attachments,supports, etc., and are generally
for all design detailsas that provided against gross plastic more conservative than those A.3.4 in in that any bending
deformation in major membrane areas. For this purpose stresses which occur at such locations are not treatedas
the required margin against gross plastic deformation secondary stresses.
may be assumed be to ReIT,/f for materials covered in
The criteria inA.3.4 are intended for general application in
table 2.3. For other materials the value for the nearest
cases outside the scope of A.3.3. If design acceptability
equivalent materialin table 2.3 should be assumed.
has been based on A.3.3 then theuse of A.3.4 is not
In establishing conformity with this criterion required.
investigations should take account of plastic behaviour. If
It is the intent ofA.3.3 that the criteriacan be applied
the theory of plastic limit analysis is employed,the limit
using only data which is presented in this standard. When
load may be taken as the load producing gross plastic
A.3.4 is implemented, then more extensive analysis may
deformation, although this may be a conservative
well be required together with use the of references not
estimate. It is alsosafe, though possiblyconservative, t o
embodied in this standard.
assume that aload, which does not change sign and

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

A.3.3 Specific criteria for limitedapplication. The criteria in smallest principal stressa t a given point. Tension stresses
A.3.3.1 to A.3.3.3 provide stress limits for elastically are considered positive and compression stresses are
calculated stresses adjacent to attachments and supports considered negative.
and tonozzles and openings whichare subject to the A. Gross structuraldiscontinuity.A gross structural
combined effects of pressure and externally applied loads. discontinuity is a source of stress or strain intensification
NOTE. If the loaded nozzlearea or opening isless than 2.5 V% that affects a relatively large portion of a structure has
from another stress concentratingfeature, stresses as calculated a significant effect on the overall stress or strain pattern or
in accordance with appendix G become unreliableand some on the structureas a whole.
other method of assessingthe total stress, for examplefinite
element stress analysis orproof test, is required. Examples ofgross structural discontinuitiesare end to
A.3.3.1 Attachments andsupports. For these limits to shell and flange to shell junctions,
nozzles and junctions
apply the loadedarea has to have a dimension in the between shells of different diameters or thicknesses.
circumferential direction not greater than one-third of theA. Localstructuraldiscontinuity. A local structural
shell circumference. The stresses adjacent
to theloaded discontinuity is a source of stress or strain intensification
area due to pressure acting in the shell may beastaken that affects a relatively small volume of material and does
the shell pressure stresses without
any concentrating not have a significant effect on the overall stress or strain
effects due to the attachment. pattern or on the structureas a whole.
Under the design combined load the following stress Examples of local structural discontinuities
are small fillet
limits apply: radii, small attachments and partial penetration welds.
(a) the membrane stress intensity should exceed
not A. Normalstress. The normal stress is the
1.2f; component of stress normal to the plane reference;
of this
(b) the stress intensity due to the sum of membrane and is also referredt o as direct stress.
bending stresses should not exceed 2f. Usually the distribution of normal stress is not uniform
A.3.3.2 Nozzles andopenings. For these limits to apply the through the thickness of part, a so this stress is considered
nozzle or openinghas t o be reinforced in accordance t o be made up in turn tof
w o components one of which is
with 3.5.4. uniformly distributed andequal to theaverage value of
stress across the thickness of the section under
The maximum stress intensity adjacent to nozzlethe or
consideration, and the other of which varies with the
opening due to internal pressure may be obtained
location across the thickness.
from G.2.5 in thecase of sphericalshells, or fromEnquiry
Case No. 5 5 0 0 / 1 9 for cylindricalshells. A. Shear stress. The shear stress is the component
Under the design combined load the stress intensity dueof stress acting in the planereference. of
to the sum of membrane and bending stresses should A.
not Membrane stress. The membrane stressis the
exceed 2.25f. component of stress that is uniformly distributed and
A.3.3.3Additionalstress limits. Where significant equal to the average value of stress
across the thickness
compressive membrane stresses are present the of the section under consideration.
possibility of buckling should be investigated and the A. Primarystress. A primary stress is a stress
design modified if necessary (see A.3.1.3). In cases where produced by mechanical loadings only and so distributed
the external load is highly concentrated, an acceptable in the structure that no redistribution of load occurs as a
procedure would be to limit the sum of membrane andresult of yielding. It is a normal stress, or ashear stress
bending stresses (total compressive stress)any in developed by the imposed loading, that is necessary t o
direction at the point 0.9 to of the specified minimum yield satisfy the simple laws of equilibrium of external and
point of the material. internal forces and moments. The basic characteristic of
this stress is that it is not self-limiting. Primary stresses
Where shear stress is present alone, it should notexceed
0.5f. The maximum permissible bearing stresses should that considerably exceed the yield strength will in
not exceed1.5f.
failure, or at least in gross distortion. A thermal stressis
not classifiedas a primarystress. Primary stress is divided
A.3.4 Specific criteria for general application (except into 'general' and 'local' categories. The local primary
buckling). The recommendations ofA.3.4.1 t o A.3.4.4 stress is defined in A.
provide the criteria for acceptability of design onbasis the
Examples ofgeneral primary stressare:
of elastic stressanalysis. The analysis should take
account of gross structural discontinuities (e.g. nozzles, (a) the stress in a circular cylindrical or a spherical shell
changes in shell curvature), but not of local stress due to internal pressure or to distributedloads; live
concentrations due to changes in profile such as fillet (b) the bending stress in the central portion of a flat
welds. head duet o pressure.
The rules require the calculated stresses to be grouped A. Primary localmembrane stress. Cases arise in
into five stress categories (see A.3.4.2) and appropriate which a membrane stress produced by pressure or other
stress intensitiesfm,fL, fb,fg and f p t o be determined from mechanical loadingand associated with a primary and/or
the principal stresses f , , f2 and f3 in each category, using a discontinuity effect produces excessive distortion in the
the maximumshear theory offailure. Appropriate limits transfer of load to other portions of the structure.
are given for the stress intensities so calculated. Conservatism requires that such a stress be classified as a
A.3.4.1 Terminology primary local membrane stress even though
it has some
characteristics of a secondary stress. A stressed region
A. Stress intensity. The stress intensityis twice the
may be considered as local if the distance over which the
maximum shear stress, ¡.e. the difference between the
stress intensity exceedsl . 1 f does not extend in the
algebraically largest principal stress and the algebraically

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

meridional direction more than0.5 v%, and if is not closer category are those definedin A. and are produced
2.5 v% t o another region
in the meridional direction than by pressure and other mechanical loads, but excluding all
where the limits of
general primary membrane stressare thermal and peakstresses. The stress intensityf~ is the
exceeded. average value of these stressesacross the thicknessof
A n example of a primary local stress
is the membrane the section under consideration and is limited to1.5f.
stress in a shell produced
by external loadand moment at A. General orlocal primary membrane plus primary
a permanent support or atnozzle
a connection. bending stress category. The stresses falling within the
A. Secondarystress. A secondary stress is a normal general or local primary membrane plus primary bending
stress or ashear stress developed by the constraint of stress categoryare those defined inA., but the
adjacent parts orby self-constraint of a structure. The stress intensity value f b , V m + f b ) or ( f +~f b ) is the highest
basic characteristic ofa secondary stressis that it is value of thosestresses acting across the section under
self-limiting. Local yieldingand minor distortions can consideration excludingsecondary and peakstresses. f b is
satisfy the conditions that cause the stresst o occur, and the primary bending stress intensity, which means the
failure from one application of the stressis not to be component of primary stress proportional to the distance
expected. from centroid of solid section. The stress intensity fb,
V,, + f b ) or ( f L+ f b ) is not toexceed 1.5f.
An example of secondary stress is the bending stress at a
gross structural discontinuity. A. Primary plussecondary stress category. The
stresses falling within the primary plus secondary stress
A. Peakstress. The basic characteristic of a peak
category are those defined inA., plus those of
stress is that it does cause
not any noticeable distortion
A., produced by pressure, other mechanical loads
and is objectionable only as a possible source of a fatigue and general thermal effects. The effects of gross
A stress that is not highly
crack or a brittle fracture.
structural discontinuities, but not of local structural
localized falls into this categoryit is
if of a type that cannot
discontinuities (stress concentrations), should included. be
cause noticeable distortion.
The stress intensity value (f,,, + f b + f g )or ( f L+ f b + fg)is the

Examples of peak stress are: highest value of thesestresses acting across the section
(a) the thermal stress in the austenitic steel cladding ofunder considerationand ist o be limited to 3.0f(see also
a carbon steelvessel; note 1 t o figure A.3).
(b) the surface stresses in the wallvessel
of a or pipe A. category. The stresses fallingwithin
produced by thermalshock; the peak stress category are a combination of all primary,
a local structural discontinuity.
(c) the stress at secondary and peak stresses produced by specified
operating pressures and other mechanical loadsand by
A.3.4.2 Stress categories andstress limits.A calculated general and local thermal effects and including the effects
stress depending upon the type of loading and/or the of gross and local structural discontinuities. The stress
distribution of such stress will fall within one of the five intensity is the highest value of these stresses acting at
basic stress categories defined in A. t o A. any point across the thickness of the section under
For each category, a stress intensity value is derived for a consideration. The allowablevalue of this stress intensity
specific condition of design. To satisfy the analysis thisis dependent on the range of the stress difference from
stress intensity should fall within the limit detailed for which itis derivedand on the number of times it is to be
each category. applied. The stress intensityis t o be compared with the
A. Generalprimary membrane stresscategory. The allowable value obtained by the methods of analysis for
stressesfalling within thegeneral primary membrane cyclic operation when fatigue analysis is required
stress categoryare those definedas general primary according t o appendix C.
stresses in A. and areproduced by pressure and Figure A.3 and table A.3have been included to guide the
other mechanicalloads, but excludingall secondary and designer in establishing stress categories for some typical
peak stresses.The value of the membrane stress intensity cases and stress intensity limits for combinations of stress
is obtained by averaging these stresses across the categories. There will be instances when reference to
thickness of the section under consideration. The limiting definitions of stresseswill be necessary t o classify a
f mis the allowable stress
value of this stress intensity specific stress condition to a stress category. A.
value fexcept as permitted in this appendix. explains the reason for separating them into two
A. Localprimary membrane stress category. The categories 'general' and 'secondary' in the case of thermal
stresses falling within the local primary membrane stressstresses.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

W a ,
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3 3



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B S I BS15.500 94 m 1624669 0395204 915 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

A. Thermalstress. Thermal stress isExamples

a general
of thermalstress are:
self-balancing stress produced by a non-uniform
(1) the stress produced by an axial thermal gradientin
distribution of temperature or by differing thermal
a cylindrical shell;
coefficients ofexpansion. Thermal stressis developed in a
solidbodywhenever a volumeofmaterialisprevented (2) thestressproducedbythetemperaturedifference
from assuming the size and shape that it normally should between a nozzle and the shell to which it is attached.
under a change in temperature. (b) Local thermal stressis associated with almost
For the purpose of establishing allowable stresses, the complete suppressionofthe differential expansion and
following two types of thermal stress are recognized, thus produces no significant distortion. Such stresses
depending on the volume or area in which distortion should be considered only from the fatigue standpoint
and are therefore classifiedas peak stressesin table A.3
takes place.
and figureA.3.
(a) General thermal stress is associated with distortion
of the structurein which it occurs. If a stress of thistype, ExamPles of local thermal Stress are:
neglecting stress concentrations, exceeds twice the ( 1) the stress in a small hot spot a vessel
in wall;
yield strength of thematerial, the elasticanalysis may (2)the thermal stress in a cladding material which has
be invalidand successive thermal cycles may produce a coefficient of expansion different from that of the
incremental distortion. This type is therefore classified base metal.
as secondary stressin table A.3 and figure A.3.

Table A.3 Classification of stresses for some typical cases

Vessel component Location Origin of stress Type of stress Classification

Internal pressure General membrane

Cylindrical or Shell plate fm
spherical shell remote from Gradient through plate fg
discontinuities thickness

Axial thermal gradient Membrane


Any shell or end

r Junction with
head or flange

Any section
Internal pressure

External load or

General membrane

across entire moment, or internal averaged across full

vessel pressure section. Stress component fm
perpendicular to cross

External load or Bending across full

moment section. Stress component fm
perpendicular t o cross

Near nozzleor External load or Local membrane fL

other opening moment, or internal Bending fg
pressure Peak (fillet or corner) ftl

Temperature difference Membrane

between shell andend Bending

Dished end or Crown Internal pressure Membrane ffn

conical end Bending fb

Knuckle or Internal pressure Membrane f L'

junction to Bending fg

Flat end Centre region Internal pressure Membrane fm

Bending fb
Junction to Internal pressure Membrane fL
shell Bending fg

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table A.3 (concluded)

Vessel component Location Origin of stress Type of stress Classification

Perforated end or Typical Pressure Membrane (average fm

shell ligament in a through cross section)
uniform Bending (average through fb
pattern width of ligament, but
gradient through plate)
Peak fD


Isolated or Pressure fg
atypical Bending fP
ligament Peak fP

Nozzle Cross section Internal pressure or General membrane

perpendicular external load or (average across full
t o nozzle axis moment section). Stress fm
component perpendicular
to section

External load or Bending acrossnozzle fm

section moment

Nozzle wall Internal pressure General membrane fm

Local membrane fL
Bending fg
Peak fP

Differential expansion Membrane


Cladding Differential expansion Membrane fP

Bending fP

Thermal gradient Bending (component of

through plate thickness stress proportional to
distance from centre)
Peak (component of stress
departing from linear
component fg)

A V Stress concentration fP
(notch effect)

.* Consideration should alsobe given to the possibility of buckling and excessivedeformation in vessels with large

A.3.4.3 Value ofPoissonS ratio. The value ofPoisson’s curve (b), in terms of K, where K = p e / p y s sboth as defined
ratio to be
used should beas follows. in 3.6.4, equations (3.24) and (3.25). S and fare as defined
(a) In evaluating stresses for comparison withany in uz is as defined inB.3.2.
stress limits other than those allowable under fatigue NOTE. See also Enquiry Case No. 5500/34.
conditions, stresses should be calculated anon elastic A.3.6 Wind and earthquakeconditions. All allowable
basis using the elastic value of
Poisson’s ratio. tensile stresses and stress intensities (membrane or
(b) In evaluating stresses for comparison with the bending, primary or secondary) may be increased bya
allowable stress limits associated with fatigue factor of 1.2 when wind and earthquake loadings are
conditions, the elastic equations shouldused,be except calculated in accordance with 8.5 and B.6;wind and
that the numerical value substituted for Poisson’s ratioearthquake loadings need not be assumed to act
should be determined from the following: simultaneously. Limitations on compressivestresses in

v=0.5 - 0.2
fa I
not less than 0.3.

A.3.5 Limit for longitudinal compressive general

A.3.1.3, A.3.3.3and A.3.5 are not herebyrelaxed.
A.4 Creep conditions. Comprehensive design criteria for
components in the creep range cannot yet begiven. In the
meantime the requirements specified in section three
membrane stress. The longitudinal compressive stress oz should beapplied, but see note to3.2.4.
is not to exceed Asf where A is obtained from figure3.6(3)

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Issue 1, January 1994

A.5 Bibliography ROBINSON, M., and GILL, S.S. Limit analysis of flush radial
ERBATUR,F. H., KIRK,A. andGILL, S. S. Plastic behaviour of and oblique cylindrtcalnozzles in spherical pressure
oblique flushnozzles in cylindrical pressurevessels: an vessels. Part 2,Application of results in a design
experimental investigation.Pressure Vessels&Piping, procedure. Pressure Vessels & Piping, 1973,l. 233-244.
1 973,1,93-
1 18. DINNO,K. S. and GILL, S. S.A method for calculating the
ROBINSON M.,KIRK,A. and GILL, S. S. An experimental lower bound limit pressure for thickshells of revolution
investigation into the plastic behaviour of oblique flush with specific reference t o cylindrical vessels with
nozzles in spherical pressurevessels. InternationalJournal torispherical ends. InternationalJournalofMech. Sciences,
of Mech. Sciences, 197 1,13,4
1 -61. 1974,16,415-427.
ROBINSON, M., and GILL, S. S. A lower bound to the limit DINNO, K. S. A lower boundanalysis for the calculation of
pressure of a flush oblique cylindrical branch in a sphericallimit pressure for a thick spherical vessel with a radial
pressure vessel. InternationalJournal of Mech. Sciences, cylindrical nozzle. InternationalJournal of Mech. Sciences,
1972,14(NO91,579-601. 1974,2,75-94.
ROBINSON, M.,and GILL,S. S. Limit analysis of flush radial DINNO,K. S. and GILL, S. S. A lower bound limit pressure
and oblique cylindricalnozzles in sphericalpressure analysis for the oblique intersection of a flush cylindrical
vessels. Part 1, A parametric survey of results.Pressure nozzle and the torus of a cylindrical vessel with a
Vessels & Piping, 1 973,1, 199-23
l. torispherical end. JournalofStrainAnalysis, 1974,9(No

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Appendix B T is the torque acting about shellaxis at transverse

Recommendations for cylindrical, spherical and
W is the axial force on shell (positive if tensile) at
conical shells under combined loadings, including
transverse section considered (this force exludes
wind and earthquakes pressure load);
B.lGeneral Ri is the inside radius of shell a(for
conical shell, inside
B.1.1 This appendix deals with the determination and radius measured normalt o axis of shell at the
maximum permittedvalues of general primary membrane transverse sectionconsidered);
stress intensity for cylindrical, spherical and conical
shells e is the shell thickness (before adding corrosion
(excluding very flattened cones) subject to combinations allowance);
of loads in addition
t o internal pressure. D is the mean diameter of spherical or cylindrical
The loadings consideredare a bending moment acting in a section ofshell;
plane containing the shell axis (e.g.due to wind loading ina is thesemi-apex angle of conicalshell;
the case of a vertical vessel or weight loading in a @ is the angle included by normal to shell at transverse
horizontal vessel), an axial force (e.g. due to weight in a section consideredand shell axis (spherical shell
vertical vessel) and a torque about the vessel axis only);
(e.g. from offset piping and wind loads). I3 is the angle included by plane of action of moment
The relaxations permitted for wind and earthquake M and an axial plane through point considered
loadings under B.5 (and 3.2.7) do not apply to the (spherical and conicalshells only);
compressive stress limits given inA.3.5. The latter limits f is the nominal design strength;
are also applicable tovessels under external pressure. (Je is the circumferentialstress, positive if tensile;
8.1.2 The limits given in this appendixare applicable t o (J2 is the meridional stress (longitudinal in a cylindrical
regions remote* from shell discontinuities such as shell), positive iftensile;
changes incurvature, openings, stiffeners, etc., and 5 is theshear stress;
remote from the points of application of the additional fl are the principal stresses in a plane tangential to
loads (e.g.supports). For the treatment of the stresses f2 shell surface, positive if tensile.
local to pointsof application of load and shell
discontinuities under combinedloads B.3 Equations for principal stresses and components
see appendix A. thereof
B.1.3 The general approach is that, with wind and B.3.1 Principalstresses. The principal stressesf l and f 2 ,
earthquake loadsexcluded, the stress intensity according acting tangentiallyto the shell surface
a t the point under
to the maximum shear stress criterion should nowhere consideration, should be calculated from the following
exceed the designstress. For this purpose the equations:
compressive stress in the thickness direction (radial fl =0.5[~e + (J,+ ~ ( U -O + 4r2]
stress) is assumed to 0be. 5 ~A. n increased levelis + O, - i ( a e - gZl2 + 4t2]
f2 = 0 . 5 [ ~ 0

permitted when wind and earthquake
Limits for compressive stresses
loads are included.
are also included to guard
NOTE. In these equations (J,
and should be substituted with
( J ~

correct signs.
against buckling.
B.3.2 Stress components. The stress components00, (J,
B.1.4 The shell thickness should never be less than that and t should be calculated from the following equations.
required for internalpressure in,
(a) Cy/indricalshe/l(see figure B.3(1))
and for cylindrical, spherical and conical shells
B.1.5 It is not possible to give explicit equations for
thickness under combined loading and a solution by trial
and error isnecessary. Moreover, it is necessary to
(2Ri + e)e
(J, W
n(2Ri + ele

n(2Ri eI2e
+ +
determine the location of the maximum equivalent
membrane stressand, if buckling is a possibility, the 2T
T =
location (which may not be coincident) of the region of n(2Ri + eI2e
maximum bucklinghazard. NOTE 1. The positive directions of W and M areas shown in
B.1.6 The calculation should be performed for the figure B.3(1).
combinations of load expected service.
in The thickness NOTE 2. The positive and negative signs before termthe
containing M refer to points A and B (see figure B.3(1))
may be dictatedby loads acting when the vessel is not respectively.
under pressure. Conditions during pressure test should be
NOTE 3. The directionof Tand sign of shear stresszare
the subject ofspecial consideration. immaterial.
8.2 Notation. For the purpose of this appendix the NOTE 4. All stress components should be calculated for pointsA
following symbolsapply. and B.
p is the design (internal) pressure, defined in 3.2.3;
M is the bending moment on shell actingin a plane
containing shell axis, at transverse section

Remote means‘at a distance not less than vm,

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(b) Spherica/she//(see figure B.3(2)) NOTE 2. For a cylindrical shell subjectedto internal pressure, a
bending momentM and axial force W(without an applied torque),
the stress intensity may be determined directlyfrom the stress
component as follows:
Oe - OZ
uz + 0.5~
Og + 0.5~
In these expressions and O, should be substitutedwith
correct signsand p should be substituted with a positive sign.
8.5 Calculation of wind and earthquake loading.I n
4M 1 it is necessary t o
order t o calculate wind loadings
x cos e
+ ( x(2Ri + eI2esin3@
X- determine:
(a) the geographical location of the vessel and relevant
z =( 4M maximum wind speed and the effects of topography,
x(2Ri + eI2esin3@ height and environment;
(b) factor for the life of vessel;
(c) force coefficient, depending on shape and height/
diameter ratio.
NOTE l . The positive directions ofM and Ware shown in Information and guidance on the use of these factors and
figure 8.3(2). CP 3: Chapter V: Part 2.
conditions is contained in
NOTE 2. Note that 8 is measuredfrom the point whereM Reference may also be made to Building Research
induces maximum meridional tension. Establishment Digest No. 119, The assessment of wind
loads, HMSO, July 1970.
NOTE 3. The two components of shear stress should be treated
as positive and additive, irrespective of the direction
of T. The factorS3 in CP 3 : Chapter V : Part 2 (the statistical
NOTE 4. All stress components should be evaluated a t points in factor) should be taken as unity, correspondingto the fifty
therangeO=OtoO=180". year wind. Where table 14 of CP 3 : Chapter V: Part 2 :
1972 gives alternativevalues of the force coefficient Cf,
(c) Conicalshell(see figure B.3(3)) the higher value should be taken.
0 8 =-X-
PRi 1 Special consideration may need t o be given to tall slender
e COSU vertical vessels which might be subject to aerodynamic
P62 oscillation by wind forces.

(2Ri + elecosa
) 'X + If the frequency of shedding of eddies coincides with the
natural frequency of thevessel, critical conditions can
arise. These effects should be investigated for
height/diameter ratios of10 or greater.
BRE Digest No. 1 19 gives information on eddy shedding

+ (d2Ri
+ eI2e
' x cose frequency. Methods for finding the natural period of
vibration invessels can be found in the following
z =( 4M
x(2Ri eI2e
x tana sin e
+ 1 + FREESE,C. E. Vibrations of vertical pressure
J. Engng. Ind. 1959, February.

DEGHETO andLONG.Check towers for dynamic stability.

+ x(2Ri+ eI2e Hydrocarbon Processing. 1966,45(2).
For vesselshaving a large D/e ratio there may be risk of
NOTE. The notes to (a) and(b) apply, but reference should also
be made to figure B.3(3). shell instability due to high localized
pressure. This aspect
should be investigated in such cases, particularly foran
8.4 General primary membranestress intensity. The
empty vessel.
stress intensity acting at the point considered should be
taken as the numerically greatest of the following: 6.6 Calculation of earthquake loading.The stress limit
given inA.3.6 is applicable in
cases where it is agreed that
f l - f2 earthquake loads can be treated as equivalent static loads
fi +0.5~ and where the probable incidence of the 'design'
f2 +0.5~ earthquake is not greater than that of the wind loading
given in B.5.
NOTE 1. In these expressionsf , and f , should be substituted
with correct signsandp should be substituted with a positive


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Section considered

Figure B.3(1) Stresses in a cylindrical shell under combined loading


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Issue 1, January 1994

Section considered


// \\

Figure B.3(2) Stresses in aspherical shell under combined loading

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Figure B.3(3) Stresses in a conical shell under combined loading


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Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix C C.1.6 In general, a detailed fatigueanalysis need not be

made when the design is based on previousand
Recommendations forthe assessment of vessels satisfactory experience of strictly comparable service, or
subject to fatigue when all other conditions in C.1.6.1 to C.1.6.6 are
C.l General satisfied.

C.1.1 During service, important parts ofpressure vessels C.1.6.1 The expected (design) number of fullrange
may be subjected to cyclic or repeatedstresses. Such pressure cycles, including start-up and shut-down, does
stresses can be caused by the following: not exceed the number of cycles in the applicable fatigue
curve (figureC.2.1) corresponding toan allowable
(a) periodic temperature
amplitude S, value of three times the design strength
(b) restrictions of expansion or contraction during value f found in table2.3 for the material at the operating
normal temperaturevariations; temperature.
(c) applications or fluctuations pressure;
of C.1.6.2 The expected (design) pressure range during
(d) forced vibrations; normal operation*, excluding fullrange pressure cycles,
does not exceed the quantity:
(e) variations in external
Fatigure failure will occur during
service if the endurance 1 Sa
limit of the steel
is exceeded for the particular level of 3 f
cyclic or repeatedstress. where
C.1.2 When the expected number of cycles of stress p is the
design pressure;
during the service life any
of integral part of a pressure S, is the value obtained from the applicable design
vessel may exceed theendurance limit, the levelof cyclic fatigue curve (figureC.2.1) for the specified
stress and/or the expected number of cycles should be number of significant pressure fluctuations;
reduced to fall reasonably within the limit. f is thedesignstrengthvaluefortheoperating
C.1.3 Corrosive conditionsare detrimental to the temperature.
endurance of mildsteels, ferritic alloy steels and If the specified number of significant pressure fluctuations
aluminium alloys. Fatigue cracks may occur under such exceeds 5 x l o 6 , the S, value at numberof cycles
conditions a t low levels of fluctuation of applied stress. N = 5 x lo6 may beused. Significant pressure fluctuations
Since the tensile strength has little or no effect upon the are those for which the range exceeds the quantity:
fatigue strength under corrosive conditions, the use of, for
example, high strength steels in severe corrosion fatigue
1 s
-P -
service will offer no advantage unless the surface is 3 f
effectively protected from the corrosive medium. Where where
corrosion fatigue is anticipated it is especially desirable t o S is the value of S, for 5 x 1 O6 cycles.
minimize therange of cyclicstresses and t o carry out
C.1.6.3 The temperature difference degrees in Celsius
inspection at sufficiently frequent intervals to establish
between any t w o adjacent pointst of the vessel during
the pattern of behaviour.
normal operation" and during start-up and shut-down
C.1.4 A detailed analysis of the cyclic stresses ain operations does notexceed S,/2,5
pressure vessel and interpretation in terms of satisfactory
service lifeis usually tedious and time-consuming. When
S, is the value obtained from the applicable design
such estimatesare required, the purchaser should inform
fatigue curve (figure C.2.1) for the specified
the manufacturer. The manufacturer should arrange for
number of start-upand shut-down cycles;
the calculations to be made, the purchaser having access
to any part of the calculations relating to the final y is thevalueoftheinstantaneouscoefficientof
assessment. thermal expansion at the mean value of the
temperatures at the two points;
There is evidence that out-of-roundness can produce
significant bending stresses in cylindrical shells. It may be E is the modulus of elasticity at the mean value of
necessary t o consider suchstresses in the detailed fatigue the temperaturesa t the two points.
analysis. C.1.6.4The range of temperature difference in degrees
C.1.5 There is alack of data on the influence of creep on Celsius between any t w o adjacent pointst of the vessel
the endurance of steel and aluminium under cyclic stress. does not change during normal operation* by more than
Where a pressure vessel is intended for cyclic operation the quantityS,/2€y, where S, is the value obtained from
within the creeprange, the design conditions should be the applicable design fatiguecurve (figure C.2.1) for the
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, total specified number of significant temperature-
having regardto the available service experience and difference fluctuations.A temperature-difference
experimental information. fluctuation is considered significant if its total
exceeds the quantityS/2E), where S is the value of S,
The information inC.1.6 relates topressure vessels that
obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve (figure
operate at temperatures below the creep range.
C.2.1) for 5 x 10 6 cycles.

Normal operation is defined as anyset of operating conditions, other than start-up ana shut-down,
which are specifiedfor the vessel
to perform its intended function.
t Adjacent pointsare defined aspoints which are spacedless than the distance2\Refrom each other, whereR and e are the mean
radius and thickness respectively of the vessel, nozzle, flange or other component
in which the pointsare located.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

C.1.6.5 The specified full range of mechanical loads, times, with transient stresses included, and that the
excluding pressure but including piping reactions, does calculated value of the alternating stress intensity be
not result in load stresses whose range exceeds S, the proportional to the actual strain amplitude. To evaluate
value obtained from the applicable design fatigue curve the effectof alternating stresses of varying amplitudes, a
(figure C.2.1) for the total specified number of significant linear damage relation is assumed C.2.3.5.
load fluctuations. If the total specified number of C.2.2 Loadings to be Considered.All loadings that cause
significant load fluctuations exceeds 5 x lo6,the S, value fluctuations in stress should be considered in the fatigue
at 5x 1O6 may beused. A load fluctuation is to be assessment. These include pressure cycles and
considered t o be significant if the total excursion of loadfluctuations, temperature differencechanges, mechanical
stress-intensity exceeds the value of S, obtained from the loading andloads that are due to testing the vessel when
applicable design fatigue curve forx 1 5O6 cycles. such testingis additional to that required by this standard.
If the operation does not meet the conditions of a
C.2.3 Design for cyclic loadings
C.2 or
fatigue analysis should be made in accordance with
a fatigue test should be made in accordanceC.4.with C.2.3.1 When principal stress direction does not change.
For any case in which the directions of the principal
C.1.6.6 If the following details are used in fabrication of stresses at the point being considered do not change
the vessel, the permissible number of cycles should be during thecycle, the following steps should be followed to
50 % of that obtained from the applicable design fatiguedetermine the alternating stress intensity.
(a) Principalstresses. Consider the values of the three
nozzle details: see figures E.2( 1 O)(b) and (c), E.2(1 1)(a) principal stresses at the point versus time for the
and (b), E.2(12)(a) and (b); complete stresscycle, taking into account both the
pad reinforcement:see figures E.2(19), E.2(20)(a) and gross and local structural discontinuities and the
(b), E.2(21 )(a) and(b), E.2(22)(a) and (b), E.2(23)(a) and thermal effects which vary during thecycle. These are
(b); designated ul, u2 and u3 for later identification.
socket welded and screwed couplings: see figure (b) Stress differences. Determine the stress differences
E.2(25)(a), (b) (except iii) and (c); S 1 2=u1- 02, S23 = u2 - 03, S3, = u3 cl,versus time -
tubeplate to shell connections: see figure E.2(38)(b); for the complete cycle. In (c) the symbol Sv is usedt o
represent any one of these three stress differences.
flat plates: seefigures E.2(34)(j), (k), (I) and (m).
(c)Alternatingstress intensity. Determine the extremes
As an alternative, these details are permissible provided
that a detailed fatigue analysis in accordancewith this
of the range through which each stress difference (Sg)
fluctuates and find the absolute magnitude of this range
appendix is made and that the calculated number of
for each SF Call this magnitudeSriiand letSalt#=0.5SrF
cycles isequal to or greater than the required design
The alternating stress intensity, Salt,is the largest of the
number ofcycles.
Salt values.
C.2 Analysis for cyclic operation
C.2.3.2 When principalstress direction changes.For any
C.2.1 Allowable amplitude of alternating stresses. The case in which the direction of the principal stresses at the
conditions and procedures C.1.6 of and C.2.3 are based on point being considered does change during the stress
a comparison of peak stresses with strain-cycling fatigue cycle, the range of fluctuation is to be determined from the
data. The strain-cycling fatigue data are represented by stress differences in order to find the full algebraic range.
the design fatigue curves of figures C.2.1 and C.3.1. These In somecases it may be necessary to try different points
curves show the allowable amplitude, S, of the in time to find the one that results in the largest value of
alternating stress component (one-half of the alternatingthe alternating stress intensity.
stress range) plotted against the number of cycles. This
C.2.3.3 Stress Concentration and fatigue strength reduction
stress amplitude is calculated on the assumption of elastic
factors. A t local structural discontinuities, the appropriate
behaviour and thus has the dimensions ofstress, but it
normal stresses (seeA. should be multiplied by an
does not represent a real stress when the elastic range is
appropriate stress concentration factor or fatigue strength
exceeded. The fatigue curves are obtained from the
reduction factor in calculating the peak stress. Stress
uniaxial strain-cycling data in which the imposed strains
concentration factors and fatigue strength reduction
have been multiplied by the elastic modulus and a design
factors may be determined from the references given in
margin has been provided, so as t o make the calculated
C.9. A stress concentration factor of one may be used for
stress intensityand amplitude and the allowable stress
amplitude directly comparable.Figure C.2.1 has been
a dressed smooth butt weld. A stress concentration factor
of at least2.5 should be used for the toe an of
derived from tests on flush-ground butt welded
butt or fillet weld. For a contour dressed fillet weld, the
testpieces, and so recognizes that a ground-flush butt or
stress concentration factor is dependent upon the local
repair weld may be present at almost any location in a
geometry. The designer should ensure that the conditions
vessel. Figure C.3.1, for bolting, is based on data from
of C.5 are observed when determining fatigue strength
smooth machinedtestpieces, since bolts do not normally
reduction factors from technical literature, for example [ 11
contain welds. The curveshave been adjusted, where
and [2]*.
necessary, t o include the maximum effects of mean
stress, which is the condition where the stress fluctuatesC.2.3.4 Use of designfatigue curve. Multiply Salt(as
about a mean value that is different zero. from As a determined inC.2.3.1 or ( by the ratio of the
consequence of thisprocedure, it is essential that the modulus of elasticity given on the design fatigue curve to
recommendations ofC.2.3.2 and C.2.3.4 be satisfied at all the value used in the analysis. Enter the applicable design

The numbersin square brackets used throughout

this appmdix relate to the bibliographic references given
in C.9.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

fatigue curve at this value on the ordinate

axis and find the (b) The maximum value of the service stress a t the
corresponding number of cycles on the axis of abscissae. periphery of the bolt cross section (resulting from direct
If the operational cycle being considered is the only one tension plus bending and neglecting stress
which produces significant fluctuatingstresses, this is the concentrations) should not exceed 2.7Sb where Sb is
allowable number of cycles. the design stress-intensity value for the operating
C.2.3.5 Cumulative damage. If thereare t w o or more types temperature (in N/mm2), if the highest of the fatigue
of stress cycle which produce significantstresses, their design curves given in figure
C.3.1 is used. (The 2.0Sb
cumulative effect should be evaluated as follows. limit for direct tension
is unchanged.)

Designate the specified number of times each that type of (c) Threads should be of'V' atype, having a minimum
stress cycle of types1,2,3, etc., will be repeated during thread rootradius no smaller than7.5 x 1O-2 mm.
the life of the vessel n l , ng, " 3 , etc. In determiningn t , ng, (dl Fillet radiia t the end of the shank should be such that
" 3 , etc., consider the super-position of cycles of various the ratio of fillet radius shank
to diameter is not
less than
origins that produce a total stress-difference range 0.060.
greater than the stress-difference ranges of the individual (e) The fatigue strength reduction factor
used in the
cycles. less than 4.0.
fatigue evaluation should be not
For each type of stress cycle determine the alternating C.3.2 The bolts should be acceptable for the specified
stress intensity,Salt,by the procedures C.2.3.1
of or cyclic application ofloads and thermalstresses provided
C.2.3.2. Call these quantitiesSalti, Salt2,Salt3,etc. the cumulative usage factor, U,as determined inC.2.3.5
For each value, Salt1,Saltg, Salt3,etc., use the applicable does notexceed 1 .O.
design fatigue curve to determine the maximum number C.3.3 Unless it can be shown by analysis of test data that
of repetitions that would be allowable if this type of cycle a lower value isappropriate, the fatigue strength reduction
O were the only one acting. Callthese values N I ,Ng. N3, etc.
For each type of stress
factor used in the fatigue evaluation of threaded members
cycle, calculate the usage factors, should be notless than 4.0.
U,,U2,U3,etc.,fromU,=nl/N1,Ug=np/Np,U3=n3/N3, C.4 Fatigue test for cyclic operation
C.4.1 Basic assumption. As pointed out inC.2.1, the
Calculate the cumulativeusage factor, U, from U = U 1 + U2 general procedure in fatigue evaluationis based on the
+U3 +... etc. use of strain-controlled fatigue data. The resulting fatigue
U,should notexceed 1 .O.
The cumulative usage factor, design curve may be a composite curve. In the low cycle
C.2.3.6 Fatigue analysis of planar features, e.g. unwelded range the stress amplitude is primarily a function of the
lands and defects. Cyclic loads duringservice can cause true fracture strain multiplied by the elastic modulus. In
the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks from the high cycle range the stress amplitude is, as a matter of
planar features.A fatigue analysis based onlinear elastic convenience, made equalto theendurance limit.
fracture mechanics may be used to estimate the amount This method should result in families of curves rather than
of propagation. Examples of the appropriate analysis the curves shown in figuresC.2.1 and C.3.1, which are
techniques are contained in [3]. based on a fairly large number of tests on steels with a
C.3 Fatigue analysisof bolts large range in material properties. However, due to the
it was found that only the
very wide scatter of test points,
C.3.1 Unless the vessel on which they are t o be installed
lower limit curves shown could justified.
satisfies all the conditions ofC.1.6 and thus requires no
The method therefore discriminates against a number of
fatigue analysis, the suitability of bolts for cyclic operation

should be determined byan appropriate procedure. steels, particularly against those in the high strength

O Figure C.3.1 gives fatigue limits for boltst w ino basic

strength categories, with minimum specified tensile
range. To permit a better evaluation of the fatigue strength
of such materials, or whenit is desired t o use higher peak
stresses than can be justified by the methods given C.2 in
strength either above or below 686 N/mm2.
and C.3 and the fatigue curves (figures C.2.1 and C.3.1)
The limits for bolts in the lower of these categories arethe adequacy of a part to withstand cyclic loading may be
intended forgeneral use with the methods of C.2.3 and an demonstrated by means of a fatigue test. The fatigue test
appropriate stress concentration factor (see C.3.3). should not be used, however, as justification for exceeding
The limits for bolts in the upper strength category should the allowable values of primary or priman/-plus-secondary
only be used in the following circumstances. stresses.
(a) The bolting material should be a low alloy steel C.4.2 Testcomponent. The test component (or portion)
having the following mechanical properties determined should be constructed of material having the same
in accordance withBS 18. composition as the material in the prototype component
(specifiedminimum): 540 N/mm2to and be subjected to mechanical working and heat treating
980 N/mm2 so as to produce equivalent mechanical properties. It is
essential to maintain geometrical similarity, at least in
strength: 690 N/mm2to
those portions whose ability to withstand cyclic loading is
1 130 N/mm2
being investigated and in those adjacent
areas that affect
Minimum elongation
at 1 2 % o n a g a u g e the stresses in the portion under test.
length of5.65 6;
Failure isdefined as a propagation of a crack through the
Values of the design stress for bolting material are given entire thickness, such as would produce a measurable
in table value at the maximum operating leak in a pressure-retaining member. The test component
temperature S, should be used in the fatigue (or portion) should withstand the following number of
I assessment. cycles before failure occurs.

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BSI BS*5500 94 m 3624667 03'35235 7T0
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

The minimum number of cycles (hereinafter referred as to surface finish expressed in micromillimetres
test cycles) which the component is to withstand and the arithmetic average (AA).
magnitude of the loading (hereinafter referred as to
the K, is the factor for the statistical variation in test
loading) to be applied to the component during test, results=1.220-(0.044 x number of replicate
should be determined by multiplying the design service tests).
cycles by a specified K,, and the design service loads by
No value ofKsi,K,f, or K, less than 1.O may be used in
K,. Values of these factors should be determined from a
calculating K,.
composite fatigue curve constructed as described in
c.4.3. C.4.3.4 Additional K-factors can be found in technical
literature, covering other conditions. The designer will also
C.4.3 Construction of test fatigue curve. The test fatigue
be faced with conditions for which data are not available,
curve is drawn from the applicable original fatigue curve.
in whichcase the K-factorshave t o be developed from
It is less conservative than the original curve order
in t o
tests as described in C.5.
compensate for the higher allowable stresses.
C.5 Determinationof fatigue strength reduction factors
C.4.3.1 Construct the test fatigue curve by multiplying the
values of S, of the original curve by the factorK, C.5.1 A reduction in fatigue strengtha of component, as
(see C.4.3.2) and drawa new fatiguecurve, S ,, through defined in thisstandard, is dueto thepresence of a
these pointsas shown in figureC.4.3. Next, construct a 'notch', which may actually be notch,a or may be a
second fatigue curve by multiplying the values N inof the change in crosssection, more or less
abrupt, with
original curve by K, (see C.4.3.2) and draw a second transition section of different curvatures. It may be
fatigue curveS, through these pointsas shown in figure attachments forsupports, or it maybe penetrations into
C.4.3. The test fatigue curve S, is constructed, using the the shell, in the form of drilledholes and weldednozzles
higher segments of S,, and S,, as shown in figure C.4.3. with varying diameters and corner radii.
C.4.3.2 Assume the service conditions for the prototype C.5.2 The fatigue strength reduction factor should
vessel to beS, and N,defined by point A on the original preferably be determined by tests on 'notched' and
curve. Project point A vertically and horizontally to points 'unnotched' specimens and calculated as the ratio of the
D and C on the test curves S,. The segment ofS, between unnotched stress to the notched stress for failure.
the t w o points C andD embraces all allowable C.5.3 The test part should be fabricated from the same
combinations ofK, and K,. The values for a point B material and should be subjected to the same heat
determine the following corresponding values of K, and treatment as the component.
K,: C.5.4 The stress level in the specimen should exceed
ordinate B the limit set byA.3.4.2, and should be such that failure
K, =
ordinate A does not occur less
in than the total design number of
abscissa B cycles, with a minimum of 1000.
, =
abscissa A C 5 5 The configuration, surface finish and stress state of
Test loadingP, =K, x design servicecycles. the specimen should closely simulate those expected in
the components. In particular, the stress gradient should
Test cyclesN, = K, x design service cycles. not be more abrupt than expected in the component.
The designer thereforehas available a choice of test C.5.6 The cyclic rate should be such that appreciable
cycling conditions ranging from: heating of the specimen does not occur.
point D, where K, = ordinateD/ordinate A, K;, = 1, C.6 Cyclic thermal stresses
signifying a maximumincrease of load amplitude and no
change in number of cycles; C.6.1 Pressure vessels that operate at elevated or subzero
to temperatures should be heated or cooled slowly and
point C, where K, = 1, K, = abscissaD/abscissa A, should be efficiently lagged to minimize temperature
signifyingan increase ofnumberofcyclesandno gradients in theshells. Rapid changes of shell temperature
changeofloadamplitude,whencomparedwiththe should be avoided duringservice.
fatigue design requirements of the prototype
vessel. C.6.2 The vessels should be able to expand and contract
C.4.3.3 The values of K, and K, are the multiples of without undue restraint.
factors which account for the effects of size, surface C.6.3 Providing the conditions ofC.6.1 and C.6.2, and
finish, cyclic rate, temperature and the number of replicate those ofC.1.6.4 and C.1.6.5, are observed,estimates of
tests performed. They should be determined as follows: thermal stresses duet o temperature changes need not be
K , =Ksi x K,f x K, but shouldnever be allowed to be specially considered.
less than 1.25. C.6.4 The use of pad type reinforcement or partial
K, = (K,)4.3 but should never be allowed to beless than penetration joints is not suitable cases
for where thereare
2.6. significant temperaturegradients, especially when these
are of a fluctuating nature.
C.7 Forced vibrations. Pulsations ofpressure,
KSI is the factor for the effect ofsize on fatigue life wind-excited vibrations or vibrations transmitted from
=1.5-0.5(LM/LP), where LM/LP is the ratio of plant (e.g. rotating or reciprocating machinery) may cause
linear model size to prototypesize. vibrations of piping or local resonance of the shell of a
KSf is the factor for the effect of surface finish pressure vessel. In most cases these cannot be
=1.175-0.175(SFM/SFP) where (SFM/SFP) is anticipated at the design stage. I t is therefore advisablet o
the ratio of model surface finish to prototype make an examination of plant following initial start-up. If

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BSI BS*5500 94 3624669 0 3 9 5 2 3 6 637 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

such vibration occurs and is considered t o be excessive, of interest, anduse those values
stresses at the locations
the source of the vibration should be isolated or stiffening,when entering the appropriate fatigue design curve.
The main innovation in theBS 5500 fatigue design
of the local vibration. C.2.1)
method is that its primary design curve (see figure
C.8 Comparison of general philosophyof appendix C is based on data from strain controlled fatigue tests of
with other codes. Thegeneral philosophy of appendixC is specimens containing a ground-flush butt weld. Even a
similar to that proposedISO/DIS
in 2694 the draft ground-flush butt weldhas lower fatigue properties than
international standard for pressure
vessels, being drafted parent material, so that basing the design on ground-flush
by the International Organization for Standardization butt weld data recognizes that virtually any location in a
(ISO), and which in turn was based on the philosophy pressure vessel may contain a ground-flush repair weld.
adopted in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers The design curve lies four standard deviations beneath the
(ASME) codes. mean experimentalline. This gives a safety factor relative
The strainranges at the various stress concentrating to the mean of about 15 on life or2.2 on stress, since the
features, such as openings and attachments, are design curve isagain presented in terms of a hypothetical
a t the
calculated for all the cyclic loadings envisaged elastic alternatingstress. The design curvehas been
design stage. If there is only one significant type of shown tohave a satisfactory margin of safety when
loading, then the maximum permitted number of loading compared with data from a number of pulsating pressure
cycles is read directly from the appropriate fatigue design fatigue tests of full size and model pressure tests, whereas
curve. Where thereis more than one type loading,
of a design curves based on plain specimen data can have
linear damage model is used to calculate a cumulativevirtually no safety margin for some of the pressure vessel
usage factor by summing the ratio of the design number data.
of cyclesto the design curve permitted number of cycles C.9 Bibliography
for each type ofloading. The design is unsatisfactory if the
l . PETERSON, R. E., Stress Concentration Design Factors,
cumulative usage factor exceeds unity. John Wileyand Sons, New York, 1953.
Data from uniaxial strain controlled fatigue tests form the
2.FORREST,P. G.,Fatigue ofMetais, Pergamon Press,
basis of the fatigue design
curves. For convenience,the London, 1963.
Salt,a hypothetical elastic
design curves actually plot
alternating stress (obtained by multiplying the strain 3. Proc. of Conf. on Practical Application of Fracture
ranges byone-half of Young's Modulus), versus the Mechanics toPressure Vessel Technology, Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, London, 1971.


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BSI BSX5500 9 4 m 3624669 0395237 573 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



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BSI BS*5500 94 m 1 b 2 4 b b 9 0395218 4 0 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


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E S 1 BS*5500 74 m 3624669 0395239 3Yb m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

S,, curve





Nvalues (log scale)

Figure C.4.3 Construction of test fatiguecurve

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 D L b 2 4 b b 9 0395220 Ob8 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix D
Requirements for ferritic steelsin bands MO to M4 0.2 Application.
vessels required to operate below O "C
inclusive for D 2 1 The following additional requirements shall apply to
D.l Introduction the design, materials and inspection ofvessels which have a
D.l.l The requirements specified in thisstandard, as minimum design temperature, OD, less than 0°C. Figures
amplified by thisappendix, are intended to provide criteria D.3(1)and D.3(2)specify the design reference temperature
forthe avoidance of brittle fracture. They take into account depending upon thereference thickness andthe material
good engineeringpractices which have developed in the impact test temperature for theas-welded andthe post-weld
pressure vessel and other industries ensure
to that materials heat treatedconditions respectively.
and design detailsare adequate to resist brittle fracture These requirements shallapply to all pressure parts ana
under the design conditions specified. Therequirements attachments welded thereto but not non-pressure
to parts
also takeinto account a broad spectrum of results from such as internal baffles, etc. provided thatthese are not
experimental testdata. attached t o a pressure part by welding and are not otherwise
0.1.2 Where it is found difficult to meet the requirementsof an integral part of
a pressure part. The application of this
this standard using the criteriaspecified, alternative appendix is limited to ferritic steels in categories MO to M4
methodsof assessment, e.g.fracture mechanics as outlined inclusive as specified in table2.3 of thisstandard exceptthat
in appendixU are permitted to beused by agreement rimming steels shall not beused at minimum design
between thepurchaser, the manufacturerand the Inspecting temperatures belowO "C.



-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 O 10 20

Materlal Impact testtemperature Oc

Figure D.3(1) Permissible design reference

temperaturelreference thickness/material impact test
temperature relationships for as-welded components(see also D4.1 note 2).

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BSI BSx5500 94 m 1624667 0395223 T T 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 O 10 20

Material impact test temperature OC

Figure D.3(2) Permissibledesign referencetemperature/referencethickness/material impact test

temperature relationships for post-weld heat-treated components (see also D4.1 note 2).

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L624669 0395222 930 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

D.3 Definitions D.3.3 Reference thickness. The reference thickness is the

thickness to beused in figures D.3( 1 ) and D.3(2) and shall
D.3.1 Design reference temperature.The design reference
be determinedas follows depending upon the type of
temperature OR is the temperature to be usedin figures
D.3(1 ) and D.3(2)for determining the suitability of
materials for resisting brittle fracture. D.3.3.1 Butt weldedcomponents. The reference thickness
of each component shall be taken as the thickness of the
D.3.2 Design reference temperature adjustment.The
component under consideration at the edge of the weld
design referencetemperature,OR, shall not be greater than
the minimum design temperature adjusted, as
appropriate, as follows: NOTE. In this clause, thickness refersto the nominal thickness
including corrosion allowanceof the item as ordered.
8 R d 8D+8S+8C+6H Applications where the actual thickness used exceeds this value
by more than the normal manufacturing tolerance, or where
where thicker material has been substituted for thatordered, will be the
81, is the minimum design temperature as defined subject of special consideration.
in 3.2.5; D.3.3.2 Weld neck flanges,plate and slip-on (or hubbed)
8, is an adjustment depending on the calculated flanges, tubeplates andflat ends. The reference thickness
membrane stress, as follows: shall be the greater of one-quarter the thickness of the
8, is O " C when the calculated membrane stress
is flange, tubeplate or flatend, or the thickness of the branch
equal to orexceeds 2 f / 3 ; or shell attached thereto (see figuresD.3(3)and D.3(4)).
Os is + 1O "C when the calculated membrane stress
is If the distance from theflange, tubeplate or flat end to the
equal t o or exceeds 5 0 N/mm2 but does not butt weldis not less than four times the thickness of the
exceed 2 f / 3 ; butt weld, the reference thickness for the as-welded
condition shall be the thickness a t the edge of the weld
8, is + 50 ' C when the calculated membrane stress
does not exceed 5 0 N/mm2. In thiscase the
membrane stress should take account of internal The reference thickness of tubeplates having tubes
and externalpressure, static headand self weight. attached by welding shall be taken
as not less than the
tube thickness.
oc is an adjustment depending upon the construction
category: NOTE. Where the shellto tubeplate joint is stress relievedbut the
tubeAubeplate joint is as-welded, this may affect the selection of
8, is O 'C for category 1 vessels; materials for the tubeplate.
Oc is -1 O "Cfor category 2 vessels; D.3.3.3 Branches, nozzlesand compensating plates.The
6~ is -20 "C for category 3 vessels; reference thickness of each component shall be
OH is an adjustment in applications whereall plates determined separately by considering only the thickness
incorporating sub-assembliesare post-weld heat of that Component. Where butt-welded inserts are used,
treated (PWHT) before they are butt-welded the reference thickness shall correspondto the thickness
together, but the main seams are not subsequently at the edge of the weld preparation.
post-weld heat treated. In these applications 8, D.3.3.4 Tubes. The reference thickness shall be that
is+ 15 "C. the nominal thickness of the tube including corrosion
NOTE. In cases where the calculated membrane stress can vary allowance.
with the minimum design temperaturee.g. auto-refrigeration D.3.3.5 Attachments. Attachments welded directly to a
during depressurization, the coincident values of 8, and Os should
be evaluated, allowing, where appropriate,for the possibilityof pressure Component shallbe regarded as part of the
repressurization while stillcold ( hydraulicoverfill).The pressure component, and the reference thickness shall be
condition that results in thelowest value ofQ, should be used for that of the shell or of the attachment at the point of
the purpose of selection of materials. The material impact test attachment whichever is thicker. Intermediate
temperature is the temperature determined in accordance
attachments, (see figureD.5(2))shall be employed where
with D.4 at which figure D.3.(1)or 0.3(2)is enteredto give the
minimum design reference temperature the of material for any it is required to attach non-critical components to the
given reference thickness, or the maximum reference thickness shell.
for an! given design reference temperature. Alternatively, if the Unweldeditems. Unwelded items shallbe taken
minimum design reference temperature and the reference
thickness areknown figure D.3( 1) or 0.3(2)can be usedto as stress relievedand the reference thicknessshall be
determine the required material impact test temperature. taken as one-quarter of the thickness of the item.


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BSI BS*5500 94 W 1624669 0395223 8 7 7 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


(a) Slip-on and plate flanges

Fixed tubeplate or flat end

Shell L,
K i"-,

. I..

Fixed tubeplate or flat end
1 -

(b) Fixed tubeplates and flat ends

NOTE. For as welded andpost-welded heat treated conditions, use the greater
of e,/4 or e, in figures D.3(1) and

Figure D.3(3)Reference thickness: slip-on and plateflanges, tubeplates and flat

ends a

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSr5500 9 4 L624669 0395224 703 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Weld neckflange Fixedtubeplate or flat end

I \

As welded L 4e2 Usegreatestof e 1 / 4 , e2 or e3 infigureD.3(1).

L > 4e2 Use greater of e2 or e3 in figure D.3( 1 ) or use e 1 / 4 in figure D.3(2), whichever is more
Post-weldheat treated Use greatest of e 1 / 4 , e2 or e3 in figure D.3(2).

Fixed tubeplate
or flat end
Fixed tubeplate
1 or flat end

1:4 slope-
J=7 ""_ I

""_" -4

. e, I

A s welded Usegreaterof e 2 / 4 or e3 infigureD.3(1 ) or use e 1 / 4 infigureD.3(2),whicheverismore

Post-weldheat treated Use greater of e 1 / 4 or e3 in figure D.3(2).

Figure D.3(4) Reference thickness: weld neckflanges, tubeplates and flat


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BSI BS*5500 94 1624669 0395225 6 4 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

D.4 Material impact testrequirements Table D.4.2 Design reference temperaturefor

These requirements relate to the resultsCharpyof testson V- heat exchanger tubes ("C)
notched testpieces of 10 mm, 7.5 mm, 5 m m or 2.5 m m
width, tested in accordance with the requirements of the Thickness
BS 3059: 320,360,440
BS 3606: 320,400,440
relevant material specification for parent metal and in
accordance with BS 131 : Part 2 and this appendix for weld
As welded Welded + PWHT Unwelded
metal. It is permissible to adopt impact test temperatures - -~
other than thosespecified in therelevant material 10 -1 5 -3 O -7 O
specification. Unless statedotherwise a minimum specified 8 -2 o -3 5 -7 5
impact energy is the average of the results tests
of made on 6 -2 5 -40 -80
three test pieces. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant 4 -40 -5 5 -9 5
material specification, no individualvalue ispermitted tobe 2 -5 5 -7 O -1 10
less than 70 % of thespecified minimum average value.
NOTE. Alternative toughness requirements may be established by D.4.3 Welds.When materials to be joined by welding are
referenceto appendix U when so agreed between purchaser and
manufacturer. not required by this standard to be impact tested, then
impact testsare not required to be undertaken on the
D.4.1 Plates, forgings, castings and tubes (except heat welding procedure test plates and production weld test
exchanger tubes). The material impact test temperature isplates are not required. Where impact tested materials are
the temperature at which the requirements of to be by
joined welding the following requirement shall be
table D.4.1(1) are met. met.
D.4.3.1 Weld testplates. As detailed in thisclause,
Table 0.4.1(1) Impactrequirementsfor plates, additional Charpy V-notch impact tests shall be made on
procedure and production weldtest plates produced in
forgings, castings and tubes
accordance with section five and appendix O.
Specified minimum Required impact energy valueat the All test specimens shallbe prepared after the test plates
tensile strength material impact test temperature have been givena heat treatment thatis the sameas that
10mmx 10mmx 10mmx
which will be applied to vessel.
the In thecase of
10mm 7.5mm 5mm 2.5mm production test plates the purchaser is permitted to
specify that the plates
be heat treated with the vessel.
N/mm2 J J J J (a) Procedure testplates. Impact testsare required on
< 450 27 22 19 10 procedure test plates except when the purchaser is
2 450 40 28 32 15 prepared to accept the authenticated results of previous
tests of the same procedure.
NOTE 1. Where a material specification does not specify the (b) Production weldtestplates. Production weld test
temperature at which the requiredimpact value will be achieved, plates shall be provided when the minimum design
the values specified may be convertedin the range of Charpy temperature OD is within 20 "C of the design reference
V-energy 20 J to 47 J on the basis of
1.5 J per 'C; e.g. 20 J at
O 'C may be regarded as equivalentto 27 J at+5 "C. temperature o,,
or when required by the purchaser.
Impact testing of production test plates
is not required
NOTE2. For non-impacted tested grades of standard steels listedin in thecase of welds in materials less than1O m m thick.
table 2.3 it may be assumedthat asatisfactory impact value has
been achieved at+20 "C. (See however NOTE (18) in table 2.3which D.4.3.2 Positions of impact test specimens. All specimens
bans certainsteelsfor applications below O "Cand NOTE (19) which shall be cut transverseto the weld with axisthe of the
requires certain steels to be impact tested, to the requirements of notch perpendicular to the surface ofplate.the The tests
table D.4.1(1)if they are to be used belowO "C, whether or not
impact testingis normally required.) shall be done on sets of three specimens.
Impact testing is not required for materials 10 mm and thinner (a) As-welded vessels. Weld metal t e s t pieces shall be
provided that the design reference temperature isnot lower than cut so that one face of the specimen is substantially

the corresponding valuesin table D.4.1(2). parallel to, and within 3 mm of, the top surface of the
weld (see figure D.4( 1 )).
Table D.4.1(2)Design reference temperature NOTE. Test pieces may also be takenfrom theroot of the
weld, a t the purchaser's request,but these should be
Thickness information purposes only.
mm As welded I PWHT
(b) Sfress relievedvessels. The number of sets of tests
10 -1 5 "C -30 "C on the weld metal shall be relatedto the thickness of
8 -20 "C -35 "C the test platesas follows:
6 -25 "C -40 "C Plate thickness Number of sets
4 -40 "C -55 "C Up to30 m m 1
G2 -55 "C -70 "C 30 m mt o 62 m m 2
Over 62 m m 3
A t least one set of test pieces shall
be taken with the
D.4.2 Heat exchanger tubes. The design reference
notch at the root of the weld (two if the is root
temperature for heatexchanger tubes shall notbe lower
so as t o
ill-defined). The other sets shall be distributed
than those given in table
give a measureof the properties at different positions
The design reference temperature for B S 3606 : 243,
through the thickness (see figureD.4(2)).
245 and 261 grades shall be 1 O "C higher than those in
table D.4.2.

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BSI BS*5500 94 H L624669 0395226 586 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(c) Heat affectedzone s. No impact testS are specifi ed

for the heat affected
zone when multi-runprocesses are
used with heat inputs between1 kJ/mm and 5 kJ/mm.
If a heat input outside this
range is used and the weld
has not been normalized, the heat affectedzone shall be
impact tested. Where impact tests are specified on the
heat affectedzone, the specimens detailed in (a) and (b)
shall be duplicated but with their notches located in theFigure D.4(3) Location of Charpy V-notch specimensin
heat affectedzone and 1 m m t o2 mm from the fusion heat affected zone
boundary. Individual specimens shall be etched to show
the fusion boundaryand heat affectedzone so as to
D.5 Design, manufacture and workmanship
ensure accurate location of the notch. (See
figure D.4(3).) D.5.1 Design
D.4.3.3 Requiredimpact values. The required minimum D.5.1. I A s a general rule each design shall allow for
average impact value and the impact test temperature for sufficient flexibility andbe as simple as possible.
each set of specimens notched in the weld metal or heat The occurrence of rapid changes in temperature likely to
affected zone and taken from a procedure test shall be give
the rise to severe temperature gradients shallbe
same as those in table D.4.1(1). avoided but where thisis not possible, consideration shall
D.4.3.4 Retests. If the specifiedaverage impact value is be givent o special design details.
not attained or if one specimen only shows aless value NOTE. A typical desirable design detail is given in figure
than the specified minimum individual value, then three as an illustration.
additional specimens shall be selected from a position D.5.1.2 Details that will produce local
areas of high stress,
similar to that from which the set of specimens under e.g. lugs, gussets producing discontinuous stiffeningand
consideration was taken. The average value of the six abrupt structuralchanges, shall not be permitted.
specimens shall be notless than the specified minimum Discontinuous stiffeners or continuous stiffeners attached
average value andnot more than two specimens shall by tack or intermittent welding shall benotused. Saddle
show values below the specified minimum average value, supports forvessels shall not be welded directly
only one of which is permitted to be below the specified to vessels; doubling plates shall always be used (see
individual value.

3 mm maximum D.5.1.3 Pipe supports and anchors shall be attached toan

encircling mechanically separatesleeve.
NOTE. Screwed connectionsand socket-welded valvesand
fittings should preferably notbe used.
D.5.1.4 Nozzles and complicated structural attachments
shall be welded to shell plates in the workshop
and be
considered as a separate subassembly, which may also be
a of
evaluated individually with regard to the desirability
Figure D.4(1)Location of Charpy V-notch specimens
in separate heat treatment.
weld metal (as-welded vessels) Welded tubesheet to shell and flat end Plate to
shell attachments shall be generally in accordance with

figures E.2(35) to E.2(40) inclusive. Such attachments
shall conform to figure E.2(37)(a) or ( b ) , the prolongation
of the tubeplate to provide a bolting flange being optional.
D.5.2 Manufacture. All materials used shall be as
specified. Pieces of plate, etc., of uncertain origin shall
not beused evenfor apparently unimportant items.
Hard stampingis only permitted for the purposes of plate
identification and in any case shall be keptt o a minimum.
Only round nosed stamps shall be used. Marking for
vessel identification is specified in 5.8.9.
D.5.3 Heat treatment ofcomponents after forming. All
plates thathave been cold formed toan internal radius
less than 1 O times the plate thickness (more than%5
deformation) shall be given a normalizing treatment
Cold formed dished ends with flanges shall be normalized;
plates thatare cold pressed to form the segments a of
sphere or a hemispherical end shall be normalizedif the
radius is less than 1 O times thethickness, and in all other
I cases except where the manufacturer produces evidence
that the forming technique used does not significantly
Figure D.4(2) Location of Charpy V-notch specimens
in change the impact properties.
weld metal (stress relieved vessels)

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B S I BSa5500 9Y W 3b24bb9 0395227 4 1 2 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Pipe that has been locally bent(with or without local

less than 1 O times the
heating) to an internal radius
outside diameter of the pipeshall be normalized.
D.5.4 Welding
Because the notch ductility of weld deposit depends upon
the techniqueused, the procedure usedin making the
Unless it can be demonstrated that the temperature production joints shall be the same
as that used for the
control during the forming operation is equivalent to the weld procedure test subject to the variables permitted
normalizing procedure, ferritic steel parts thathave been BS 4870 : Part l .
hot formed shall always be normalized afterwards.

I Vessel wall

I ll 1 I

/ sleeve
Locating flange

Figure D.5(1) Example of detail for avoidance of severe thermal gradients


whichever is

--r- Pressure shell
t- \
Pressure shell
(a) (b)

Figure D.5(2)Examples of details for attaching non-critical componentsto pressure shell


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix E (b) circumferential butt welds where the second

side is
inaccessible for welding (see figure
Recommendations forwelded connections of
pressure vessels (c) butt welds using the submerged
arc welding
process (see figureE. 1(3));
E.l Typical detailsfor principal seams (dl butt weldsfor manual inert gas welding (see figure
The details indicated in thisclause have given satisfactory E. l(4));
results under specific manufacturing conditions and are
(e) circumferential lap welds (for category 3 vessels
included forgeneral guidance. Modification may be
only) (see figureE.1(5));
required to suit particular manufacturing techniques and
all details adoptedhave t o be shown by the manufacturer (f) typical full penetration joint preparations for

to produce satisfactory results by the procedure specified one-sided welding only: aluminium and its alloys (see
in section four and section four A. figure E.1(6));
Where no root gap is shown it is intended that the joints (9) typical full penetration joint preparations for
be close butted.For requirements governing the use of two-sided welding only: aluminium and its alloys (see
backing stripssee figure E. 1(7));
The following detailsare given: (h) typical full penetration joint preparations for
one-sided welding with temporary backing or
(a) butt welds using the manual metal-arc process (see
permanent backing: aluminium and alloysits (see figure
figure E. 1( 1 1);
E. l(8)).

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B S I BSr5500 74 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395229 295 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure Joint Name Application

- ~ ~~~~ ~

(a) (1) 6Oom in. Double-welded Longitudinal and circumferential butt

butt joint with welds in plates not more than 20 mm
single 'V' thick.
The 'V' should be on the inside of small
diameter vesselsas shown in (2)opposite.
A = 1.5 mm wheree, is less than10 mm
Second side cul out t o
soundmetal before welding A=3mmwhereeSis10mmorover

-1. Outside
(2) For

Double-welded Longitudinal and circumferential

IO" butt joint with welds in plates where the thickness is
single 'U' greater than20 mm

Secondside cut out to
sound metalbefore welding

Double-welded Longitudinal and circumferential

butt joint with welds where the thickness is greater than
double 'U' 20 mm

Second side cut out to

sound metal before
welding lOmm

- 3O"
Single-welded butt
joint with backing
strip (see
Longitudinal and circumferential butt
Backing strip to be removed after
except where otherwisepermitted in
accordance with

Indicate either tack or
continuous weld to suit
opelaling condltions

Weld dimensionsare minima.

Platethicknesse, IB I C

7.5Over to 12 16 1 9

Over 12 9 9

Figure E.1(1) Typical weld preparations for butt weldsusing the manual metal-arcprocess


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EI2 Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSlr5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395230 T 0 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figur' Joint Name Application

70° Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates havinga thickness

joint with 'V' not greater than16 mm
groove, without
backing strip

IO0 Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates having a thickness

I", joint with'U' greater than 16 mm
groove, without
backing strip

Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates up to 20 mm thick

joint with'U' where the second side is inaccessiblefor
groove, without welding. Initial pass to be made by the TIG
backing strip wocess with inert gas backing

I.Smmto2.5&$ ~
L I . 5 m m - 0.8 m m

Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates over20 mm thick

joint with 'U' where the second side is inaccessiblefor
groove, without welding. Initial pass to be made by the TIG
backing strip process with inert gas backing

2 oc Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates over20 mm thick

F""- -41 joint with 'U' where the second sideis inaccessiblefor
i1,1.5mm t o 2.5mJ
groove with welding. Initial pass to be made by theTIG
consumable root process with inert gas backing


Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates not exceeding 10 mm

90 o'bo joint with 'V' thickness
groove, without
backing strip

Single-welded butt Butt weldsin all thicknesses of plate

joint with backing
strip (see
1 - I
See figureE.l ( l ) ( d )for dimensions

Figure E.1(2) Typical weld preparations for circumferential welds where the
second side is inaccessible forwelding

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994
Figure Joint Name Application

Joggle joint May be used for shell to shell and headto shell
(excluding coneto shell) connections provided
(a) the contents are not corrosive;
(b) the material is restricted to BS 5500
grade MO or M l with a specifiedminimum
Avoid sharp break tensile strengthnot exceeding 460 N/mm2;
(c) the greaterof the thicknesses being joined
Depth o f does not exceed 16 mm;
offset = e, (d) that whenthe flanged section of a dished
head is joggled, the joggle shallsufficiently
clear of the knuckle radius to ensure that the

inside edge of the circumferential seam is at least
diameter 12 mmclear of the knuckle;
(e) that whena shellwith a longitudinalseam
is joggled:
( 1 ) the weldsare ground flush internally and
externally for a distance of approximately
50 mm prior to joggling with noreduction of
plate thickness; and
(2) on completion of joggling thearea ofthe
weld is subjectedto magnetic crack
detection or dye penetrant examination and
is provento be free of cracks;
(f) the offset sectionwhich forms the weld
backing is a close fit within itsmating section
round the entire circumference (machining of
the mating spigot of the offset section is
permissible provided the thickness remaining
as backing material is nowhere less than 75 %
of the original thickness);
(g) the profile of the offset is maintained and is
not allowed to deteriorate through continuous
production; theform of the offset issmooth a
radius without sharp corners;
(h) that oncompletion of welding the weld
has asmooth profile and fills thegroove to the
full thickness of the plate edges being joined;
(i) that the junctionof the longitudinal and
circumferential seams are radiographed and
found to be free from significant defects;
(j) that heat treatmentas necessaryis carried
out on the basis of design considerations and
in accordancewith figures D.2(1) and D.2(2).

*This limitapplies to weld preparation only;weld should be dimensionedto comply with (h) in
the application column.
Figure E.1(2) (concluded)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
E S 1 BSX5500 9 4 m L624669 0395232 8 8 T
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure Joint Name Application

(a) 70’ Double-welded Butt welds in plates
butt joint with 10 mmand thicker.
double’V’ Second side neednot be
cut backto sound metalif
both rootpasses
r, max. penetrate

e,(inmm) 10 15 20 25 40 50 65

rf(inmm) 6 6 8 8 10 12 16

Single-welded butt Butt welds in plates

joint with single ‘V’ 4.5 mm to 40 mm thick.
and a temporary Joint welded using
backing bar temporaty copper

e, (in mm) 4.5 10 15 20 25 40

A (in degrees) 45 4560(min.)

60 60

Single-welded butt Butt welds between

45O joint with manual plates 10 mm to 65mm
metal-arc backing thick. Manual metal-arc
laid and cut back before
submerged arc welding

e,(in mm)

A (in mm) 4.5

Figure E.1(3) Typical weld preparations for butt weldsusing the submerged arcwelding process



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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 74 m 1624667 0375233 7 L b
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure Plate thickness Edge preparation Remarks

1 mmto2mm Inert gas backing or backing bar maybe used


3 mm be used (see4.3.6.2)
Backing bar should

3 mm Either a backing bar or argon backing should

be used. There should be no access for air to
the back of the weld (see4.3.6.2)

4 mm 1 or 2 runs Frequently a filler rod isnot used for the first

run. Wherethe back of the joint cannot be
dressed after welding, argon backing should
be used, and there should be no access for air
to the back ofthe weld (see

6 mm
6 2 or 3 runs If no backing bar is used, cut back to sound
metal and add sealing run (see

I.5rnm to 2 . 5 m m A

6 mm Cut back afterfirst run to sound metal before

welding underside

I . 5 m m to 2 . 5 m m

3 mm Butt welds in plate not exceeding 3 mm thick

Double operator single pass vertical TIG

3 mm t o 6 mm Butt weldsin plate between 3 mm and 6 mm

90' thick
Double operator single pass
vertical TIG

2 . 5 m m to 3 m m

Figure E.1(4) Typical weld preparations for butt weldsusing the manual inert gas arc welding
for austenitic
stainless and heatresisting steels only

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS85500 94 m L624669 0395234 652 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue I , January 1994

Figure Joint Name Application

Circumferential joints only

Double full-fillet lap Not exceeding 16 mm plate.

ioint Category 3 vessels only.
Permittedfor shell to end connections
provided that theweld is clear ofthe
knuckle at the end

e is the thickness of thinner plate joined

Single full-fillet lap Not exceeding 14 mm plate.

joint with plug weld Plugs to be proportioned to take 20 % of
total load.
Category 3 vessels only

e is the thickness of thinner plate joined

2e 2/29 e

e is the thickness of thinner plate joined

Figure E.1(5) Typical weld details for circumferential lap joints


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BSI BS*5500 99 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395235 599
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Material thickness Edge preparation Remarks

Up to 3 mm Suitable fora.c. argon TIG, d.c. heliumTIG

and pulsed MIG. Penetration from one side
only duringwelding can be achieved
(Manual or mechanized)

3 mm to
6.3 mm Suitable for a.c.TIG and pulsed
Controlled penetration possible
(Manualor mechanized)

3mmto4mm Suitable for rolled or positional fixed pipes

,R 6.4 mm using a.c. TIG.
Controlled penetration possible


4 mm upwards Suitable for rolled or positional fixed pipes

using a.c. argon TIG.
Controlled penetration possible

6.3mm to 9.5 mm
1 1 2.5 mm ) Suitable for rolled pipes
pulsed MIG.
with a.c. TIG or

Controlled penetration possible. Root faces

radiused slightly

NOTE. These joint preparationsare designedto permit a controlled penetration bead

to be achieved on one-sided joints where
accessibility to the underside is restricted.
Pipejoints preparationsare alsoincluded.

Figure E.1(6) Typical full penetrationjoint preparations for one-sided welding only: aluminium andits alloys

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1 9 9 4
Issue 1, January 1 9 9 4

Material thickness Edge preparation Remarks

6.3mm to9.5 mm Suitable for two run procedures (onerun from

each sidewithout back cutting). Conventional
MIG or d.c.helium TIG may be used
(Manual or mechanized)

9.5mm to12.7 mm
Siahtina ‘V W Suitable for two run procedures (one run each
side without backcutting).Conventional MIG
d.c. helium TIG may be used
(Manual welding or mechanized)

Sighting ’ V m

6.3mm to12.7 mm 3 mm root face

Back chipped and sealed.
recommended when helium and helium +
argon mixtures are used.
Conventional MIG only
(Manual or mechanized)

6.3 mm to
25.4 mm (a) No back cutting required. Use 3 mm root
face for argon MIG and4 mm root faces
when helium+argon mixture or helium is
used with conventional MIG
(b) Back cutting of reverse sidewhen
2 m m to &mm required using 2mm root face only
(Manual or mechanized)

12.7 mm to
25.4 mm One run from each side.
Sighting V
Mechanized welding recommended.
High currentapplications, helium, argon, or
helium +argon mix.
(a) Root faceat up to 9 mm up to 19 mm

(b) Root faceat 15mm in excess of 19 mm

Sighting V’@

4.8 m m to 6.3mm Double operator TIG a.c.with argon.

/ Vertical-up welding.
Root gap of 1.5m m may be tolerated

6.3mm to
12.7 mm Double operatorTlG a.c. with argon.
Vertical-up welding.
Root gap of 1.5 mm may be tolerated

NOTE. These joint preparations are designed primarily for the use oftwo-sided procedures which may involve eithertwo or moreweld
cutting and a sealweld are also given.
runs without back cutting on reverse side. Alternatively, procedures involving back
Figure E.1(7) Typical full penetration joint preparationsfortwo-sided welding
only: aluminium and its alloys

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSX5500 9 4 H I1624669 0395237 3bL H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Material thickness Edge preparation Remarks

Up to 3 mm Temporary backed, suitablefor a.c. TIG.

pulsed MIG,d.c. helium TIG and conventional
(Manual or mechanized)

3 mm to
4.8 mm Use 2 mm gap with conventional MIG
4 mm gap with TIG and pulsedMIG.
Permanent backing
(Manual or mechanized)

4.8 mm to12.7 mm Temporary backingwith conventional MIG or

a.c. argon TIG.
(a) Nil rootface with 3 mm root gapforTlG
(b) 2 mm root facewith 2 mm rootgap for
(Manual or mechanized)

4.8 mm to12.7 mm Permanent backed using conventional MIG.

For a.c. argon TIGnil root faceswill suffice
(Manualor mechanized)

9.5 mm to 19 mm High current MIG welding. Argon shielded.

Temporary backing bar.
la) Root facefor 9.5 mm thickness: take
6.3 mm
:b) Root facefor thickness in excess of
3.5 mm: increase to 9 mm
:Mechanized recommended)

NOTE. Thejoint preparations are designed where temporary or permanent backing systems are required

Figure E.1(8) Typical full penetration joint preparationsfor one-sided welding with temporarybacking or
permanent backing: aluminium and its alloys

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSa5500 9 4 m Lb24bh9 0395238 2T8 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

E.2 Typical examples of acceptable weld details dictated by special welding techniques or design
E.2.1 General. This clause is basedupon annex G of ISO/ conditions.
DIS 2694". The drawings are intended to convey E.2.4.1 Weldprofiles. The weld profiles (for example bevel
recommendations in regard to connections welded angles, root radiiand root faces) recommendedare
manually by the metal-arc process in steel pressure indicated by letters and numbers in circles or squares,
less than 5 mm. They
vessels with a shell thickness of not which refer to the profiles shown in figure E.2( 1). They are
are also generallysuitable for aluminium connections designed t o provide correct conditions for welding and t o
welded byan appropriate process provided that groove facilitate the depositionof sound weld metal in the root of
angles are increased to suit the welding process applied the joint. Thisis particularly important in the case of
(see note3 to figureE.2( 1)).The following types of single-bevel and single-J welds and, where theseare
connections are covered. given as alternatives, it is recommended in general that
preference be givento the latter where the depth or throat
(a) Branches without added compensation rings
thickness of the weldexceeds about 16 mm.
(1) set-on branches (see figuresE.2(4) to E.2(1O));
(2) set-in branches (see figuresE.2( 11) toE.2( 16)); E.2.4.2 Buttjoints. In cases where full penetration butt
(3) forgedbranchconnections(seefiguresE.2(17) joints are indicated, it is intended that they should be back
and E.2(18)). chipped or gouged and back welded,or alternatively that
the welding procedure should be such as to ensure sound,
(b) Branches with added compensation rings positive root penetration.
(1) set-on branches (see figureE.2( 19));
E.2.4.3 Weldsizes.The size of the welds,¡.e. throat
(2) set-in branches (see figures E.2(20)to E.2(23)).
thicknesses, have been proportioned t o develop the full
(c) Studded connections and couplings strength of the parts joined.
( 1 butt-welded
E.2.4.4 Modifications. Cases may well arise where sound
modifications maybe made with advantage:
(2) socketwelded and screwedconnections(see
(a) to the weld profiles to suit
figure E.2(25)).
welding techniques;

(d) Flanges (see figure E.2(26) to E.2(28)).

(b) to the weld sizes to suit designand
(e) Jacketed vessels (see figures E.2(29) to E.2(33)). service conditions.
( f ) Flat ends and covers (see figure 7(34)). I t is recommended, however, that such modificationsbe
(9) Tubeplate to shell connections
(see figures E.2(35) approved by a competentengineer.
to E.2(40)). E.2.5 Notes applicable t o the various types of
(h) Flat end connections (flanges) (set! figure E.2(26)). connections shown in figures E.2(4) to E.2(40)
E.2.5.1 The dimensionsand shape of the detail chosen
NOTE. Typical examplesof arc welded tube t o tubeplate joints
are given in appendix
T. can influence the feasibility and/or efficiency of ultrasonic
examination. This may also be a function of the equipment
E.2.2 Purpose. The purpose of this clause is to exemplify and timeavailable. Where ultrasonic examinationis
sound and commonly accepted practiceand not to specified, these factors should be given due consideration.
promote the standardization of connections that may be
E.2.5.2 When weldsare made fromone side only,the
regarded as mandatory or to restrict developmentany in
penetration bead is to have a smooth contourand be flat
way. A number of connections have been excluded which,
or slightly convex.
whilst perfectlysound, are restricted in theiruse to certain
applications, firms or localities. Furthermore, is it E.2.5.3 The useof ring-type compensationis not suitable
appreciated that it will be desirable t o introduce for cases where thereare severe temperature gradients,
amendments and additions in the future to reflect especially when theseare of a fluctuating nature (see
improvements in welding procedures and techniques as appendix C).
they develop. E.2.5.4 When ring-type reinforcementis used,the
material used for the ringt oisbe of the same nominal
E.2.3 Selection of detail. The connections recommended
strength as that of the shell.
are not considered tobe equally suitable for all service
conditions, noris the order in which they are shown E.2.5.5 When partial penetration jointsare used, root
indicative of their relative mechanical characteristics. In defects may be present and these cannot always be
selecting the appropriate detail to use from theseveral detected or interpreted by means of non-destructive
alternatives shown foreach type of connection, testing. Theuse of partial penetration joints is not suitable
consideration should be given to the manufacture and for cases where thereare severe temperature gradients,
service conditions that pertain. especially when these are of a fluctuating nature (see
appendix C).
It is t o be noted that forvessels subject to internal
corrosion, only those connections that are suitable for E.2.5.6The use of socket weldedand screwed couplings,
applying a corrosion allowance should be used. Certain such as those shown in figure E.2(25), is limited toa
types, such as those incorporating internal attachment by maximum of 50 mm in nominal diameter, when these
fillet weldsonly, do not lend themselves to this and their connected directly to the
use on internal corrosive duties shouldbe discouraged. E.2.5.7 The selection of details for partsvessels
involving jacketed constructionis of a special nature, and
E.2.4 Weld profile and size. The limitations quoted in
this should be borne in mind in selecting appropriate
weld profilesand sizes are basedon commonly accepted
sound practice, but they maybe subject to modifications

" In preparation.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

E.2.5.8 When spigots designed to permit butt welded connections and the sizes of welds employed may be
connections between sub-components (e.g. figures influenced byseveral factors in the operational conditions
E,2(27)(a), E.2(37) and E.2(39)) are not produced by for which the vessel is designed. For general guidance in
means of forging, attention is drawn t o the necessity of this appendix weld sizes have beenshown for the various
ensuring that the through thickness properties are connections recommended, based on the concept that the
adequate for the design. welded joints should develop the full strength in tension of
This should be demonstrated by obtaining a t least 2 5 % the branch radial to the shellas indicated in figure
reduction in areafrom three representative test pieces E.2(3)(a) and (b). general,
In it should therefore be
from the plate ainplane perpendicularto the plate unnecessary t o apply larger welds than those shown.
surface. In addition, the spigot and adjacent region of the The simple, though approximate, assumption has been
plate should be subjected to appropriate non-destructive accepted that the total throat thickness of the welds
testing to confirm the absence of lamellar defects after should equal twice the branch thickness. It has also been
the completion of welding and post-weld heat treatment. assumed that the welds should be reasonably
E.2.5.9 When ultrasonic inspection is required, i t may be symmetrical about the mid-thickness of the connection.
necessary to examine the welded connection between the I t is further recommended that, when the branch
branch and shell prior to fitting the compensation ring. thickness exceeds half the thickness of the shell, full
penetration joints should be used with fillet welds equal in
E.2.5.10 These details are not suitable where crevice
total throat thickness 20 to % of the shell thickness as
corrosion rnay occur.
shown in figure E.2(3)(c) and (d). This additional throat
E.2.5.11 Although the figure indicated is intended for thickness is recommended to compensate for the relative
another purpose, i t is considered that the form of practical difficulty of applying perfectly sound welds in
preparation illustrated is suitable for the connection nozzle connections and of applying non-destructive tests
between the shell and a flat end. for their examination. These additional fillet welds are also
When cut edgesare not sealed by welding and are intended to provide reasonable
a geometric profile, and for
exposed in service, they are to be inspected for laminar practical reasonsa minimum dimension of6 m m has been
defects which maycause leakage. applied to the fillet weldsize.
E.2.5.12 These weld details are recommended only for There rnay be service conditions for which smaller welds
shell thicknesses up to 16 mm in carbon and carbon are adequate. In suchcases, when subject to study by a
manganese steels with R, (see K.2) not exceeding competent engineer, the weldsizes may bereduced.
432 Nlmm2 or up to 25 mm for austenitic material. E. Gap between branch andshell. It is recommended
E.2.5.13 Acceptable only for grade MO and M I materials. that the gap between the branch and shell should not
This type of weld is liable to cracking of the root runs in exceed the following:
thick sections and should be restricted to thicknesses up to (a) 1.5 mm for branch diameters up to 300 mm;
50 mm unless subject to specially agreed welding or
procedures. (b) 3 mm in othercases.
E.2.5.14 These details are acceptable only for grade MO Wider gaps increase the tendency to spontaneous
and M I materials, and either shell or pad thicknesses up cracking during welding particularlyas the thickness of
t o 38 mm. the parts joinedincreases.
E.2.5.15 These details are subject to specific fatigue E. Removal of internalsharp edge in branch bore.It
restrictions, see C.1.6.6. will be noted that the internal edges in the bores of set-in
E.2.6 Notes applicable to branches in figuresE.2(4) to branches are shown radiused becausea stress
E.2(25). concentration occurs at this point. This precaution is
E.2.6.1 Sections. The drawings of the recommended recommended when the branch connection is fully
connections show a transverse section (see detailA, stressed or subjected to fatigue, but may notbe necessary
figure E.2(2))and a longitudinal section (see detail where these conditions do not obtain.
figure E.2(2)). E. Preparation of hole in shell.
In the case of set-in
E.2.6.2 Weldsizes. The sizesof the weldshave been branches of the types shown in figures E.2( 12)(a) to
proportioned to develop the full strength of the parts E.2(15)(b)inclusive, the hole in the shell may be and cut
joined. See also E.2.4.3, E.2.4.4 and E. profiled in two waysas follows.
E.2.6.3 Weldprofiles. While both single-beveland single-J B and D may be constant
(a) The depth of the grooves
welds have been shown as acceptable in the smaller around the holeas shown in figure E.2(3)(e).
This, the
sizes, in general the latterare t o be preferred because of normal case, is the concept upon which the drawings
the sounder root conditionsobtained, and it is have been prepared, for examplesee figure E.2( 12)(b).
recommended that single-bevel welds be limitedsize in to (b) The roots of the weld grooves may be plane,in one
about 15 mm in depth. See also E.2.4.1 and E.2.4.2. as for example when theyare machine bored, in which
E.2.7 Notes applicableto branches without case the depths of the grooveswill vary around the hole
compensation rings in figures E.2(4) to E.2(18). as shown in figure E.2(3)(f).
E.2.7.1 Set-on branches. Consideration should be given to E.2.8 Notes applicableto branches with added
the necessity for examining the shell plate for laminationscompensation rings in figuresE.2(19) to E.2(23).
around the branch hole when set-on branches are used. E.2.8.1 General. Compensation rings should be a close fit
E.2.7.2 Set-in branches to the shell and 'tell-tale'
holes should be providedin
E. Weldsizes. The type of branch to shell


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EI1 2 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 Lb24bbS 0395240 9 5 b m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

E.2.8.2 Set-in branches E. rings. Set-in branches with

E. Gap between branch andshell. It is recommended single compensation ringshave been shown with the
that the gap between the
branch, shell andalso the rings on the outside of shell,
the which is the normalcase
Compensation ring should not
exceed the following: (see figures E.2(20)(a)
to E.2(22)(b)). Similar connections
(a) 1.5 mm for branch diameters up300
to mm; may be used for the attachment of internal compensation
or rings in the formed ends of pressurevessels and in
(b) 3 m m in othercases. spherical vessels.

Wider gapsincrease the tendency to spontaneous E.2.9 Notes applicableto jacketedvessels in figures
cracking during welding particularly
as the thickness of E.2(29)to E.2(33).It is recommended that the gap
the parts joined
increases. between the shell of the vessel and the jacket or blocking
ring should notexceed 3 mm. Widergaps increase the
tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding,
particularly as the thickness of the parts joined


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BSI BSlr5500 9L4b 2 4 b b073 7 5 2 4 1 i392
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

a = 50" min.
S, =
S2 =


g2 =
=I 1.5mmto2.5mm
1.5 mm to2.5 mm
when t < 9.5 mm

when t 3 9.5 mm

a = 15"tO 35"
S, = 2mmto3mm
S, = 2mmto3mm
g1 = 1.5mmto3mm
g2 = (Seenote21
b = Oto3mm
r = 6mmto13mm

NOTE 1. These recommendations have been included for general guidance. Discretion should be usedin applying the maximum and
minimum dimensions quotedwhich are subjectto variation according to the welding procedure employed (for example size and type
of electrodes) and also
to the position in
which the welding is carried out.
NOTE 2. It isrecommendedthat inno case should the gap between the branch and shell exceed 3 mm. Wider gaps increasethe
tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly the as thickness of the parts joined increases.
NOTE 3. The details are applicable
in principle to aluminium pressure vessels,but inpractice the groove angle a should be increasedto
a minimum of 45".

Figure E.2(1) Standard welddetails


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSa5500 94 m l b 2 4 b b 7 0395242 7 2 9 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure E.2(2)Transverse and longitudinal sections

of branch connections


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E S 1 B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb24bb9 0395243 6 6 5 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Weld sizes

(b) (See also figure E.2(12)(b))


(c) (See also figure E.2( 14)(a)) (dl (See also figure E.2( 14)(b))

Figure E.2(3) Weld detailsfor set-in branches


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Ell6 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 74 W Lb24hh7 0375244 5TL m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L = t / 3 min. but not less than 6 mm

Preference should be given to the detail shown in (b) if t exceeds about 16 mm


but not less than 6 mm


Figure E.2(4)Set-on branches (seeE.2.4.2)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

/ L = r/3 min. but notless than 6 mm


See E.2.5.1,
E.2.5.2 (a) Single root run technique

I l

L = f/3 min. but notless than 6 mm

(b) Double root run technique

NOTE. The backingring should beof the same nominal compositionas that of the vessel shell. Care shouldbe taken to ensure close
fitting of the backing rings
which should be removed after welding. After
the removal of backing rings, the surface should be ground
smooth and examinedfor cracks by dye penetrants, magnetic, or other equivalent methods.

Figure E.2(5)Set-on branches

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
L624669 0395246 374 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

B4 or J4
83 See E 2.4 1

Alternative detail

1.5 mm to2.5 mm
i L = t / 3 min. but not less than 6 mm

See E.2.5 1

84 or J4

Alternative detail

L = r/3 min. but not less than 6 mm


NOTE. Thesedetails are recommended only where the bore of the branch is
readilyaccessible for welding. Thejoint should be
back-gouged from the side most accessible and suitable
for this purpose, generally the outside.

Figure E.2(6) Set-on branches (see E.2.4.2)


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EI1 9
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS+5500 94 m Lb24bbS 0395247 200 m
BS 5500 : 1994
issue 1, January 1994

root gap

Finished bore size

N o weld root gap

Finishedsizeboredafterwelding cl L = t / 3 min.butnot less than 6 mm


NOTE. Joints generally used for small branch shell

to diameter ratios.

Figure E.2(7) Set-on branches


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSX5500 9 4 D L624669 0395248 L47 D
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994
, t , L
T l “ 3 mm min.


L = 10 mm to

Finished size bored

after welding J

to 13 mm

Compensation stub


NOTE. Joints generally usedfor small branchto shell diameterratios

Figure E.2(8) Set-on branches


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L = 10mmto13mm

I r--- 1
"- 1

See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.2

i L = lOmmto13mm

Compensation stub


NOTE. Joints generally used for small branch

to shell diameter ratios.

Figure E.2(9)Set-on branches (see E.2.4.2)


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€122 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L = t / 3 but not less than 6 m m

mm max.

(a) For nozzles up to approximately 100 mm bore See E 2.5 1, E 2 5.2 J

See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.2,

E.2.5.12, E.2.5.15

A = 5rnm

(c) For nozzles over50 mm bore and upto and including 150 mm bore, andwith a wall thickness over6 mm

NOTE. Generally usedfor the attachmentof nozzles to thick-walled shells.

Figure E.2(10) Set-on branches (seeE.2.4.2)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS+5500 9q m Lb2qbb9 0395253 7 3 1 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


See E.2.5.1, €2.5.5,
€2.5.12, E.2.5.15

f = t
QI D : t
r = 13 mm max.


NOTE. Generally used whent i s less than T/2, For small diameter branches, attention drawn
is to the details shown in figure E.2(25)
which may provide a preferable solution.

Figure E.2(11) Set-in branches: fillet weldedconnections

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

F = 6 mm mln. 10
13 mm max.
B . F = t

I J 4 o r B4
See E 2 4.1 See E.2.5.1,E.2.5.5,

F = 6 mm min. to
13 mm max.
B . F = t

NOTE. Generally used when t i s approxlmately equal to T / 2 .

Figure E.2( 12) Set-in branches: partial penetration butt weldedconnections


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSa5500 94 m 3b24bb9 0395253 5 0 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

"See E.2.5.1 and

F , = T / 1 0 min. or 6 mm whichever is larger

-See E.2.5.1 and

NOTE Generally used when t i s greater thanT / 2 .

Figure E.2(13) Set-in branches: full penetration connections (seeE.2.4.2)


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El2 6 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSX5500 9 4 H L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395254 440 m
ßS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

F , = T / 1 0 min. or6 mm whichever is larger

t 4


J3 or 83
see E.2.4.1

F2 = T/5 min. or6 mm whichever is larger

NOTE. Generally usedwhen tis greater thanT / 2 .

Figure E.2(14)Set-in branches: full penetration connections (see


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 7V m 1624667 0395255 387 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

S = 1.5 mmto2.5mm
F , = T/10 min. or6 mm whichever is larger

J 1 or 81
see E.2.4.1

S = 1.5mmto2.5mm
F2 = T/5 min. or 6 mm whichever is larger


Figure E.2(15)Set-in branches:full penetration connectionswith asymmetricalbutt joints (seeE.2.4.2)

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El28 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 90 3 9 5 2 5 b 2L3 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L = t / 3 min. but notless than 6mm

T = 16mmmax.

L = t / 3 min. but notless than 6mm

T = 25mmmax.

NOTE. As a general recommendation, all set-in branches should be welded on the inside the shell
of asshown in figures E.2(1 1)(a) to
E.2( 15)(b) if
they are accessiblefor the purpose, otherwise preference should be given to set-on branch connectionsshown in figures
E.2(4)(a) to E.2(1 O)(c). However,the connections shown in figure E.2(16)(a)and E.2(16)(b)are consideredto be acceptablebut only if
assurance can beprovided that thewelding procedure employed
will ensure sound and consistent root conditions
with uniform

Figure E.2( 16) Set-in branches: full penetration connectionswelded from one side only


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B S I BSa5500 94 D Lb24bb7 0375257 L 5 T
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.2


NOTE 1. Conventional butt joints are used

to weld theforged branch connection tothe shell and branch, andmay notnecessarily beof
the form shown.
NOTE 2. Forging should be to good practice and within the correct rangetemperature
of for the materialsused.

Figure E.2(17)Forged branch connections (see

E.2.4.1 and E.2.4.2)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B SBIS * 5 5 0 0 94 Lb2Ybb9 0395258 0 9 6 9
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

The parallelportion should be

sufficiently long to permit
satisfactory radiographic examination

\ SeeE251. E252

See E . 2 5 1, E 2 5 2.

NOTE. Conventional butt joints are usedto connect the forgingto the shell and maynot necessarily be of the
form shown. See
also E.2.4.1and E.2.4.2.These forgings connecting branchesto shells are usedwith various forms of profile.

Figure E.2( 18) Forged branch connections


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSa5500 94 m Lb24667 0395257 T22 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L = t / 3 min. but notless than 6 m m

IO mm min.

See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.2, E.2.5.3, I For shellto branch connectionsee figures E.2(3)to E.2( IO)
E.2.5.4. E.2.5.9 and E.2.5.12

Consideration may begiven to this detail
as the required weld size increases
J4 or B4
See E.2.4.1

Figure E.2(19) Set-on brancheswith added compensation rings


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€132 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

4-44 Emin
= 10mm

I ' /
I 1'' L For shell t o b r a nj cohl n t s , s e e
L-L--J frgures
E.Z(l11 t o E.2(16)
See E.2.51, E.2.5.3,E.2.5.4,
E.2.5.9 , E.2.5.14 and E.2.5.15

- Consideration may be given t o t h i s
detail as the required weld size
increases 1 -


See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.3, E.2.5.4

E.2.5.9 ,E.2.5.14 a n d E.2.5.15

B + F = f- or Tr w h i c h e v e r IS the

L _ h " _

Figure E.2(20)Set-in branches with added compensationrings


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EI3 3
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 7 03752bL bBO
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

B +F2 = t min.
E = 10 mm min.
@+F2) +the smaller of the two values
of€or(Tr+f,) = 2tmin.

Consideration may be givento this detail

as the requiredweld size increases
I D + thesmaller of the two values of €or
( T r + R = 2tmin.


Figure E.2(21)Set-in branches with added compensationrings


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El34 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ES1 ElSr5500 9 4 m l b 2 4 b b 9 03952b2 517 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.3,

E.2.5.4, E.2.5.5, E.2.5.9,
E.2.5.12 and E.2.5.15
Weld sizes
WhenTr> t (B,+F,) = t
J4 or B4 E = t
See E.2.4.1 (B2+F2) = t
WhenTr < t (B,+F,) = Tr
E = Tr
(BZ+F2) = 2t - Tr
WhenT < t (B,+F2) = T
In the case of (b)for (B2+ F2)
substitute D

Consideration may be given to

this detail as the requiredweld
size increases See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.3,
E.2.5.4, E.2.5.5, E.2.5.9,
E.2.5.12 and E.2.5.15


Figure E.2(22)Set-in branches with added compensationrings

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S IB S * 5 5 0 0 74 m Lb24669 0375263 453 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

I E = 10mm min.

See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.3,

E.2.5.4, E.2.5.9, E.2.5.14
and E.2.5.15

(b) (See also figure E.2(22)(a))

Figure E.2(23) Set-in branches with added compensation rings

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 M L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395264 39T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

6 mm min.

See E.2.5.1'
\ 6 mm min.

See E.2.5.1,
I F"-\50" rnin
, 6 m m rnin.

See E.2.5.1,
17 Conventional
butt joint
) (>~- I

Butt welded studded connections (see

The ring should

The gap shouldnot exceed 3 mm atany point

The boreshould be such

that there sad de qua te
accessibilltv forsound
deposltlon of the
Internal fillet

Fillet welded studded connections (see E.2.5.12)

NOTE 1. Fillet welded details are not recommended if the vessel is subjected to pulsating loads when preference shouldbe given to
the details shown in (a)to (dl.
NOTE 2. The sizes of the fillet welds should be based on the loads transmitted paying due regard to all fabrications and service
requirements, but inany case shouldnot be lessthan 6 mm.
NOTE 3.Eachfillet weld should have a throat thickness not less than 0.7 times the thicknessof the shell or pad whichever is the lesser.
Figure E.2(24)Studded connections (see also

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395265226 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Weld d Tmax.
O = 2xd

r M a x . 10mm but not greater than V 2

I”To+al thickness of shell plate plus weld has to be

adequate for number of threadsrequired

Each fillet weldshould

have a throat thickness
not less than 1.L times
the thickness of the
F branch or coudina
I which ever is iesse‘r.

Coupling tobranch joint

I l

I .

NOTE 1. Small couplings (i) to (¡v) inclusive may be attached

to shells by the connections shown above and by any other appropriate
joint shown in figures E.2(4)to E.2(16).
NOTE 2. For all sketches see E.2.5.6 and E.2.5.15
NOTE 3. For all sketches except for (a) and (b) (iii) see E.2.5.12
connections (see also
Figure E.2(25) Socket welded and screwed

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B S I BS*5500 94 L624669 0395266 L62 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

t Generally machined after welding

Weld sizes
B = t
c = t
A = ?(min.)after machining flangeto
final thickness
(See note 1)

r- "r
To project when
assembled for welding

See E.2.5.5 "


\ (a) Face and back welded flange

\- Generally machined after welding

Weld sizes
B = t
c =r
A = 1/2 t but 5 mm min. afte!r machining
flange to final thickness
(See note1 I

(b) Bore and back welded flange

NOTE 1. The clearancebetween the bore of the flange andthe outside diameter of the
vessel shouldnot exceed 3 mm at any point and
the sum of the ciearances diametrically opposite should
not exceed 5 mm.
NOTE 2. The connections shown here are applicable as flat end connections, but see also E.2.5.11.

Figure E.2(26)Flanges


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B S I BS+5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 03952b7 O T 9 m

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Various forms of profileare used


Conventionalbutt joints


7 forms Alternative
(a) Welding neck flange

Weld sizes NOTE.The connection shown i n (b)

B = ? is applicable as a f l a t end connection,
c =r but see also E.2.5.11
A = 1/2?but5mm
min. after machining flange
to final thickness
(See note1 to figure E.2 (26))

Conventionalbutt joint

(b) Welding
neck flange from plate) I

'. 1
figure E.2(26)(a))

(C). Lapped-type flange

Figure E.2(27)Flanges

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BSI B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m L624669 0395268 T35 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

before welding ,
cl$ 1



I F2 = 0.7 tmin.
F, = t (min.), but should not exceed
13 mm. See alternative details
in figure E.2(26)(a)and (b)

(a) Hubbedflange

Generally machinedafter welding

I /
> See E.2.5.5, E.2.5.12

See note
F, = 0.7 t min.
F, = t (min.), but should not exceed
13 mm. See alternative details
in figureE.2(26)(a) and (b)

(b) Filletweldedflange

NOTE. The clearance between the bore of the flange and the outside diameter of the shell or branch shouldnot exceed 3 mm at any
point andthe sum of the clearances diametrically opposite shouldnot exceed 5 mm.

Figure E.2(28)Flanges


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BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 9Y m L b 2 Y b b 9 0375269 971 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



Y , + Y, 2 1.5r, or 1.5rs
(whichever is smaller)

Figure E.2(29)Jacketed vessels: typical vessel/blocking ring attachments

(see E.2.5.1, E.2.5.5and E.2.5.7;fornotation,see3.11.3)


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B S I BSX5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 90 3 9 5 2 7 0b 9 3

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Y Minimum throat
dimension = r,

ngated to
I I maintain
throat dimension)


Alternative typesof butt jointmay be used,but

- the welding procedure has to be suchas to
See E.2.5.1, E.2.5.2,
E.2.5.7 \ 1 ensure soundpositive root penetration

r =4mm
b = 3mm

See E.2.5.1,
E.2.5.5 and

b = 6mm

NOTE 1. For(a) and (b),Y >0.7t,; these are recommendedfor type 1 jackets where r, 6 16 mm
NOTE 2. For (c), Y 2 0.83t,; this is suitable for both types 1 and 2jackets where r, 16 mm.
NOTE 3. For (e), ( R and ( g ) ,suitable for both types 1 and2jackets.

Figure E.2(30) Jacketedvessels: typical blocking ring/jacket attachments

(see E.2.5.1, E.2.5.5andE.2.5.7;fornotation,see3.11.3)

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m Lb2Ybb9 0395271 5 2 T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

4 Min. 2tc
but need not
exceed 15 mm



note 4 note 4

NOTE l . For (a), Y = t,; this is recommendedfor type 1 jackets only.

NOTE 2. For (b), Y = 0.7& for type 1 jackets and Y = 0.83?,for type 2 jackets. This is recommended where fi 16 mm.
NOTE 3. For (c)and (dl, Y = 1 .25tcfor type 2 jackets. For type1 jackets afillet weld( Y = 0.7tC)may be used.
NOTE 4. For the sealer ring to shell welds and jacketto sealer ring welds (if any) the welding procedure should ensure sound root

Figure E.2(31) Jacketed vessektypical sealer rings

(seeE.2.5.l.E.2.5.5and E.2.5.7;fornotationsee3.11.3)

To projectwhen
set for welding
Ground flush

Flush type branch attachment

using a block (left-hand side) or
backing rings (right-hand side)
All linear dimensions arein millimetres.

Figure E.2(33) Jacketedvessels: typical throughconnections

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 W L624669 0395272 4bb W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(a) Welded from one side only


[b) B u t t joints (see E.2.5.8) [c) B u t t joints (see E.2.5.8)

Figure E.2(34) Flat ends covers (see E.2.5.1)


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S U 5 5 0 0 9 4 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395273 3T2 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(d) Welded from one side only (e) Welded from both sides
b 2 2ecvl or e
- 1.5 mm, whichever is less. b 3 2eCyl or e- 1.5 mm, whicheveris less.
W 2 0.7ecv, or5 mm, whicheveris less. W 3 0.7ec,, or 5mm, whichever is less.

Category 3 construction only.


(f) Welded from bothsides (see E.2.5.1) (9) Welded from both sides
Penetration weldb 3 6 mm. Penetration weldsb 3 ecvl.
Throat of fillet weld W b 0.25ecvl or5 mm.


-i-- l'

(h) Welded from both sides

I l

(i) Welded from one side only

b 3 ecvl b 2 2ecvl

Category 3 construction only. Category 3 construction only.

NOTE l . Restricted to steels with minimum specified tensile strengths6 460 N/mm2.
NOTE 2. For details ofweld preparations (J1 etc.) see figure E.2(1).
NOTE 3. Details as shown in figure E.2(30)(f) and (9) may also be usedfor category 3 construction.

Figure E.2(34) (continued) (see E.2.5.1)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B ~ I BSt5500 9Y L b 2 4 b b 9 0395274 239 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


NOTE.This form ofconstruction is not
to be used on vessels
with an internal
diameter exceeding610 mm.

I t,+gmm min.

I l







Ring to be weldedto flat plate

before machiningto ensure
3 mm good fit
Not less than 3 mm at
any position round the

3 m m min.

t not less than Zt,

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395275 L75 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

B4 or J4
See E.2.5.5 See E.2.4.1

Alternative shell to tubeplate joint with

partial penetration

Weld size. F = 0.7t min. If texceeds 16 mm, the shell should be bevelled
as shown in the alternative sketch above or consideration
should be given to the full penetration joint shown in (b).
L = r/3 but notless than 6 mm
V /
, ,/ '
/ / / /
/ I

/ I




Figure E.2(35) Tubeplate to shell connections: accessiblefor welding on both sides of the shell

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSt5500 94 Bb24bb9 0 3 9 5 2 7 6 001 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

See E.2.5.2. E.2.5.5

Alternative shellto tubeplate joint with

partial penetration

Weld size. F = 0.7 t min. If texceeds 16 mm, the shell shouldbe bevelled asshown in thealternative sketch above or
considerationshould be given to the full penetration joint shown in (b).
I tr r--------- 1
Conventional butt joints / II """"" J
but see E.2.4.1, E.2.4.2
""""_. I
"""""""" -1
"""I""" """J

L = t / 3 but notless than 6 mm

Figure E.2(36)Tubeplate to shell connections:accessible for welding from outside of shell only


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 74 m 1624667 0375277 T 4 8 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

I 1
/ c """"
" " tI
Conventionalbutt joints but see E.2.4.1, I I
E.2.4.2 4
'. "
'"""_ 1
I"""" "" /-"'
NOTE. When using these details, special care should be to
ensure that the tubeplate is
not laminated.

Figure E.2(37) Tubeplate to shell connections: accessible for welding on both sides of shell (see E.2.5.8)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

/ r---------- -l
See E.2.5.12 ,
Weld sizes
D = 0.7 t min.
\ /
b = 6 mm min.
B = 30" min. "~ .- .___

L = t / 3 or 6 mm whichever
is larger

,". """"J

(a) Accessible for welding on both sides of shell

Weld sizes
L = t / 3 but notless than 6 mm
/ ~-"""-l
I l
g = 5 mm min. 4 - - - -

- - - - J


See E.2.5.10, E.2.5.12 and E.2.5.1'-3 I 1; i


- -1
I //////A i \

1 "
I -7
l I
l I
I- - " 1
Fillet weld may be


(b) Accessible for welding on outside of shell only.(This detail is recommendedfor non-corrosive operating conditlonsonly).

Figure E.2(38)Tubeplate to shell connections

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


c \ I
I' I


-m O

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I B S r 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0395280 5 3 2
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Weld sizes

F = 5 m m min.

L S'

Weld sizes
L = TJ3 or 6 m m whichever is larger

Figure E.2(40) Tubeplate t o shell connections


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSr5500 94 m 1624669 0395283 479 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix F (b) Add toit the full sectional

area of that part of the
stem which projects inside the shell up to a distance
Recommendations for an alternative design from the inside surface of theshell.
method for compensation using area
replacement (c) Add toit the sectional area of the fillet welds on both
sides of theshell.
F.l This method of compensation is widely used and (d) Add to it the area obtained by multiplying the
experience has proved it t o be satisfactory for a wide difference between the actual shell thickness and the
range of applications. However, because of the simplified unpierced shell thickness Tby length S.
nature of thecalculations, its use is limited
in to
previously established applications. Its suitability for the Where achievement of an adequate area Y is not
calculation of reinforcement for large openings veryinthin practicable using this method, additional reinforcement is
to be providedin accordance withany of the typical
shells is open to question and for shells awith mean
diameter t o thickness ratioO f l a > 200 this methodis arrangements shown in figure E.2(18), E.2(19), E.2(20),
restricted to openings and branches with internal E.2(2 1 ) or E.2(22) orby using an alternative method
mutually agreed between the purchaser, the manufacturer
diameters not exceeding one third of the mean diameter
and the Inspecting Authority. In all cases the limitations
of theshell.
of shall apply, taking H,for the purposes
F.2 This method of compensation takes account of the of (b), as the smaller ofdi/2 or
cross-sectional area of locally disposed material, including
the attachmentwelds, in excess of the minimum criteria i ( m e a n diameter of theshell)(T,+ T p )
for plateand branch thicknessesas shown in figureF.2(a) where
and (b),thebranchthicknessbeingincreasedwhere
T, is the actual thickness of the shellplate;
required as shown in figuresE.2(8),E.2(14) and E.2(18).
For Compensation of openingswithout a branchsee figure
r, is the actual thickness of the branch wall; and
Tp is the actual thickness of the added reinforcement
on the outside of the shell plate.
Area X should be calculated as the product of the inside
radius of the branch or opening and the thickness Twhich In thiscase the sectionalarea of the additional
reinforcement and its attachment welds is to be taken into
would be required for the shell it were
if entirely unpierced
account within the confines of dimensions N and S, S
by tube or other holes.
being as shown in figure F.2 and N being amended to
Area Y should be measured in a plane through axis the of equal the smaller of the values two 2.5Ta or (2.5ta+ Tp).
the branch parallel to the longitudinal axis of the drum and
should be calculated as follows.
Where material having a lower allowable stress than that
of the shell or end is taken as compensation, its effective
(a) For that part of the branch which projects outside area should be assumed to be reduced in the ratio of the

the shell, calculate the full sectional area of the stem up allowable stresses at the design temperature. No credit is
t o a distance Nfrom the actual outer surface of the shell to be taken for the additional strength of material ahaving
plate, and deduct from it the sectionalarea which the higher stressvalue than that in the shell or end plate.
stem wouldhave if its thickness were calculated in
accordance with equation(3.1) in, disregarding
the minimum thickness from table 3.5.4(1).

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BSI BSX5500 9 4 m 1624669 0395282 305
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L" I

(a) Set-through branch

(b)Set-on branch

(c) Opening

The area Y R should not beless than thearea X

T and tare the thicknesses calculated by the equations for

pressure loading onlyin 3.5.1 t o 3.5.3 for the appropriate
shape of sections; N is the smaller of thet w o values 2.5t,
and 2.5Ta; and S is the greater of the two values
(Ta+ 75) m m and d i / 2 .
Where reinforcement is achieved by taking account of
cross-sectional area, compensation is considered
adequate when the compensating area Y is equal t o or
greater than thearea X requiring compensation.

Figure F.2 Compensation of welded branch or

standpipe or opening


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix G The methods inG.2.2cover the determination of stresses

a t the edge of the loaded areas (G.2.2.1),stresses away
Recommendations formethods of calculationof from theedge of the loaded area ( deflections
stresses from local loads,thermal gradients, etc. in a cylindrical shell dueto the application of radial load
G.l General
Details are given inG.2.3 of how to treat circumferential
This appendix, which has been updatedin accordance moments (G.2.3.1)and longitudinal moments(
with the recommendations in [22]*, deals with methods of order to determine the maximum stresses at the outer
calculating stresses due to local attachments on pressure edge ofthe actual loadedarea (G.2.3.3)and the rotation of
vessels in some commoncases. The determination of the attachment due to the application of these moments
stress intensities from calculated stresses and stress ( a cylindricalshell.
limits is coveredin appendices A andB.
Stresses duet o local loadsand moments applied to
Although it is also impracticable in view of the many spherical shells through attachments includingnozzles$
variables involvedt o provide charts foruse in the design are dealt with in G.2.4 t o G.2.6.
and analysis of pad reinforcednozzles, references t o some A method is given in G.2.4for calculating stresses and
work in thisfield, which has been published in a form deflections due to radial loads (G.2.4.2)and stressesand
consistent with the approach in this standard, have been deflections and slopes duean toexternal moment
included [33 t o 351. (G.2.4.3)when applied to a spherical shell. G.2.5 and 6.2.6
Although a simplified method for estimating transient deal with the method of calculating stresses arising at a
thermal stresses ata pressure vessel nozzle is included,it nozzle/shell junction due to applicationpressure, of
is not considered practicable to provide design charts for external load and external moment to a spherical shell.
more general use in estimating thermal stresses because The methodis based on the analysis given in [25].
of the large number of variables involved [22]). (seeThe Additional information based on [27] is supplied on the
designer will therefore have to treat each vessel on an method of calculating shakedown conditions (G.2.6)and a
individual basis, and consider the thermal stresses which shell/nozzle junction due to any combinationpressure, of
arise, during both transient and steady state operation, external load and external moment.
according to the duty that vessel
the hast o perform.
The application of the data to the treatment of thrusts due
Where a comprehensive stress analysis is not justified,
to thermal forces in pipework which may be connected to
the various components of thermal stress in the most branches is discussed inG.2.7; its application to the
highly stressed regions of the vessel can be considered design of supports is treated 6.3. in
separately. Theseare the stresses brought about by the
following: The data are presented in the form of charts in terms of
non-dimensional functions of the variables so that any
(a) the local through thickness temperature gradient; convenient system of consistent units may used. be
(b) the axisymmetric component of the mid-wall G.2.1.2Notation. For the purposes ofG.2.1 to 6.2.4 the
temperature distribution throughout the structure;
following symbols apply.
(c) the non-symmetric componentof the mid-wall
is the half length of side square of loading area
temperature distribution;
(in mm);
(d) the variation in through thickness temperature
is the half side of equivalentsquare loading area
gradient throughout the structure.
(in mm);
The bendingand membrane components of the local
is the half length of rectangular loading area in
thermal stress, when added to the stresses at the same
longitudinal direction (in mm);
position due to local loads and stresses
the due t o internal
pressure, should satisfy the criteria of appendix A. is the half length of rectangular loading area in
Attention isalso drawn to the recommendations given in circumferential direction (in mm);
appendix C to avoid fatigue cracking. is the axial length of loadingarea for an external
longitudinal moment (see figure G.2(21)) (in mm);
G.2 Local loads on pressure vesselshellst is the circumferential length of loading
area for an
6.2.1 General external circumferential moment (see figure This clause is concerned with the G.2(20)) (in mm);
effect on the shellof a pressure vessel of local forcesand is the distance from centre of applied load to
moments which may come from supports, equipment mid-length of vessel (in mm);
supported from the vessel, or from thrusts from pipework is the modulus of elasticity (in N/mm2);
connected tobranches. Limits on vessel/attachment
is the resultant longitudinal stress (in N/mm2);
geometry, without which the methods given may be
unreliable, arealso stated. is the resultant circumferential stress (in N/mm2);
Stresses duet o local loads and moments applied to is the rotation of a fitting by an external moment (in
cylindrical shells through attachments, includingnozzlest, radians);

are dealt with inG.2.2 and G.2.3. is the slope of branch due to external moment;

The numbersin square brackets used throughout

this appendix relateto the bibliographic references given
in G.5.
t An abbreviated procedure has been derived [43].
t 3.5.4 gives a basic design procedure
for branches in bothcylindrical and spherical vessels under pressure
which requires referenceto
this appendix in certain cases (see The procedure specified
in 3.5.4for vessels and cylinders is based on considerations of
shakedown under pressure loadingas described in appendix L.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S r 5 5 0 0 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0375284 L88 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

K I ,K2 are constants; 0 isthepolar Co-ordinate of point on a spherical

vessel (in radians);
is the length of cylindrical part of shell (in mm);
@ is the cylindrical Co-ordinate of a point in the vessel
is the equivalent length of shell (in mm);
wall (inradians);
is the external moment applied to branch or fitting
g7 is the angle formed by the radius through point A
(in Nmm);
and the radius to the line load (see figure G.2(9)(a))
is the longitudinal or meridional bending moment (in radians).
per unit circumference (in Nmm/mm);
G.2.2 Radial loads on cylindrical shells. The methods in
is the circumferential bending moment per unit
this clause are not considered applicable cases
in where
length (in;
L is lessthan its radius
the length of the cylinder r
is the longitudinal membrane force per unit (see [30]).This applies eithert o an open-ended cylinderor
circumference (in N/mm); a closed-ended cylinder where the stiffness is appreciably
is the circumferential membrane force per unit modified from the case considered. For off-centre
length (in N/mm); attachments the distance from the end of the cylinder to
the edge of the attachment should be not lessr / than
is the mean radius of cylinder or sphere (in mm); 2.
In addition theC g / r ratio should notexceed that given in
is the mean radius of branch (in mm);
figure G.2(0), depending on the value of r/tfor the vessel
is the position in shell at which
force, moment or (see sectionA.3.2 of [30]). This is because in shells thin
deflection is required; the longitudinal axis is relatively flexible and free to
is the wall thickness of shell (in mm); deform in relation to the transverse axis, causing the latter
defines thearea over which the load is distributed; to carry a disproportionate share of theload. The
applicability of the methods to thick shells is also limited in
is the external load distributed
over the loading
specific cases by the range values against which
r / tof
area (in N);
data is given.
is the longitudinal distance of a point in the vessel
For valuesof C,/r > 0.25. the data should be used with
wall from the centre of a loadingarea (in mm);
caution (see2.3 of [22]).
is the deflection of cylinder at load or at any point
These restrictionsapply only in relation to the method of
of a sphere (in mm);
analysis in thisappendix. They arenot intended for
is the deflection of cylinder or sphere at positionspractical cases where experimental or other evidence may
detailed inG.2.3.4and G.2.4.3 (in mm);

O .25





y = " 9
Figure G.2(0) Restriction on vessel/attachment geometry (seeG.2.2. and G.2.3)

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

support the validity of the design falling outside thesedie out rapidly away from the loaded area, this is
restrictions. equivalent t o assuming that the loaded area is remote
In cases where the applicabilityof the method given in from the ends.
this clause may be in doubt further data may be found inG. Off-centre loading. If the loadedarea is a
1301. distance dfrom the centre of the length vessel of a of Stresses at the edge of the loaded area. The length L, the deflections, bending moments and
maximum stressesare at the edge of the loaded area. membrane forces may be assumed toequal be to those in
Figure G.2(1) shows a cylindrical vessel subjected to a a vessel of length L, loaded at its L, is called
radial load distributedover a central rectangulararea the equivalent length and can be found from:
2c, x 2c0. 4d2
The cylindrical shell wallof the vessel is assumed to be L
simply supported at the ends, which means that the radial
Figure G.2(2)shows a cylindrical shell loaded in this way
deflections, the bending moments and the membrane
and figureG.2(3)gives a graphof LJL against d/L which
forces in the shell wallare assumed to bezero there. Since
can be usedtofind L,.
the stresses and deflection due to the loadare local and


""" -+

~ ~~

Figure G.2(1) Vessel with central radialload

l I
l I
" " - 7

l 1
L-, 1

e 9 2 " L/Z -

Figure G.2(2) Vessel with radial load out

of centre

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



O. 5

O. 2s

O .i .2 3 .4

for finding equivalent lengthL,

Figure G.2(3) Graph Determination of stresses. The resultant and C, are known. The moments and membrane forces
longitudinal stressin the shell is given
by: are found by interpolation from the graphs of figures
G.2(5),G.2(6), G.2(7), G.2(8).
Each of the four graphs each
in set is for a given value of
the ratio2C,/L and has curves for fourvalues of the ratio
The resultant circumferential stress
is given by: c,/c,.
The circumferential momentMgis found from figure
G.2(5).The longitudinal moment M, is found from figure
N, and N, are positive for tensile membrane
stresses. G.2(6).The circumferential membrane force N, is found
from figureG.2(7).The longitudinal membrane force N, is
M, and Mo are positive when theycause compression at found from figureG.2(8).
the outer surface of the
A moment is consideredas positive ifit causes
These quantities depend on the ratios: compression at the outside of vessel.
axial length
load - 2CX A membrane force is considered
as positive ifit causes

length L tension in thevessel wall.
and G. Effectof internal and external
pressure. A
circumferentiallengthofloaded area 2C, conservative result is obtained for total stresses if the
- stresses dueto the pressure are simply added to those
axial length of loadedarea 2CX due to local radial loads calculated in clause.
For a radial or a circular
area of radiusr,, C, and C, should This method cannot be used for vessels under external
be takenas 0.85r0. pressure because the deflection due to the radial load
For anoblique nozzle or ellipticalarea C, and C, should be always increases the out-of-roundness of the shell. For
taken as 0.42 x the majorand minor axis of the the same reasonit should not be applied t o a cylindrical
intersection of the shell
or area as appropriate. shell subject to an axial compressive loadas well as a
Non-dimensional functions ofeach can beexpressed in radial load. In thesecases the deflection due to the radial
terms of the non-dimensional group: load should be found as in and the effect thereof

64 Lr ,:( assessed in relationt o shape requirements specified in3.6

for suchvessels. Appendix M is intended foruse with
deflections due to shape imperfections and may not
The numerical factor64 is a scale factor without always be conservativewith estimated deflections due to
theoretical significance and the value of expression
the local loads.
G.2(4)when r, t
can be found by calculation or from figure


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Issue 1, January 1994


Figure G.2(4) Chart for finding 64


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BSI B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m L624669 0395288 823 m
ES 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3


0.2 0.2

o. I o. I

O n
0.4 I IO too 1000 -0.4 I 10 I O00

64 1w2
t i -

64 ter r 64 t i(3' r

NOTE. 64
- -
is found from figure G.2(4).

Figure G . 2 ( 5 )Cylindrical shells with radial load: circumferential moment per millimetre width (see

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 9 4 W Lb2Ybb9 0395289 7 b T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.3 0.3

- NI,
0.2 0.2

0.1 o. I

0.4 I IO 100 1000 0.4 I IO IO0 IO00

0.3 O.3

M, 3
0.2 0.2

o. I o. I

0.4 I IO 100 1000 0.4 I IO 100 1000

NOTE. 64 - -
: ( y 2
is found from figure G.2(4).

Figure G.2(6) Cylindrical shells withradial load: longitudinal momentper millimetre width (see G.2.2)

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Issue 1, January 1994

-0.3 -0.3

Nd W

-0.2 -0.2

"O. I I

0.4 I IO too 1000 0.4 I IO IO0 IO00

64 L(&)'
t r

64 <(L)'
t r

is foundfrom figure G.2(4)

Figure G . 2 ( 7 )Cylindrical shells with radial load: circumferential membrane force per millimetre width (see


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E S 1 BS+5500 74 3 b 2 4 b b 7 0375273 318 9
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

-0.2 -0.2

-0.15 -0.15
- N,t
-0. I -0.I

-0.05 -0.05

0.4 I IO 100 1000 0.4 I IO 100 1000

5 2c, = 0.4
- 0.15

0.4 I 10 100 1000

t r 64 t '(".)' r

is found from figure G.2(4).

Figure G.2(8)Cylindrical shells with radial load: longitudinal membrane force per millimetre width (see

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E S 1 B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395292 2 5 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.2.2 Stresses away from the edge of the loadedarea. Consider a radialline load of length2C,, applied at the
Although the maximum stresses occur at the edge of the mid-length of a thin cylinderas shown in figure G.2(9)(a).
load, it is necessary to find those at other positions whenThe maximum stresses due to this load at points away
is required. from it are on the circumference passing through its
the effect of one load at the position of another
This happens: mid-length as A in thefigure. The radius through A makes
(a) when longitudinal or circumferential moments are an angle 91 with theline of theload.
resolved as in G.2.3; The moments and membrane forcesA, at M,,M, Np N,
can be found from the graphs of figures G.2(9), O), G.2( 1
(b) when loads are applied close together,e.g. if a
G.2( 1 1) and G.2( 12) in which the functions
M,/W, M,/W,
bracket is fixed close to a branch.
Not/Wand N,t/Ware plotted against the

In general the effect of one load at the position of another
non-dimensional group$ l r / C x .
can be disregarded when the distance between the
The diagram showing the load and its geometry, as figure
centres of the loaded areas isgreater thanKlCd for loads
G.2(9)(a),is repeated oneach chart for convenience.
separated circumferentially or K2C, for loads separated
axially, where K I and K2 are found from tableG.2.2.2 and Line loads are, of course, unusual in practice, and loads
C, and C, are for the greater load. distributed overan area having an appreciable
circumferential width2C, are treated as follows.
Table G.2.2.2 Values of K 1 and K2 M,/W, M,/W, N $ t / W
(a) Find the value of the function
or Nxt/Wat theedge of the load for the knownvalues of

64: t 2CX
K1 K2
C&, and 2Cx/L from the graphs in figures G.2(5),
G.2(6), G.2(7) and G.2(8).
(b) Enter the corresponding graph in figure G.2(9),
0.4 0.0 1 8 8 G.2(10),G.2(11)orG.2(12)atthisvalue.
0.05 6 8 The intercept on the curve 2C,/L for gives a value of
0.2 3 4 q 1 r / C x=Z, e.g. if 64(r/t)(Cx/r)2= 10, 2Cx/L = 0.01 and
0.4 1.5 2 c&,= 1. Figure G.2(5) givesM @ / W =0.1 85. Entering
figure G.2(9) at M,/W= 0.1 85 givesZ= 0.55 2Cx/L for
10 0.0 1 3 8 = 0.01 as indicated by the dotted lines in the left-hand
0.05 2.5 8 graph of figure G.2(9).
0.2 1.5 3 of M o / W a t A is then found by substituting
(c) The value
0.4 1.5 2 (@lr/Cx+ Z - C+
,), for the actual value @,r/C,
of in the
same graph.
200 0.0 1 5
The other quantities Mx/W,N&W, and N,t/Wcan be
4 found in the same way. This method is used in order to
0.2 2.5 avoid theuse of a separate set of four charts for each
0.4 1.75 value ofCo/Cx considered.
Diagrams for circumferential bending moments and
3200 All values Negligible 2.5
forces are printed up the page to distinguish them from
those for longitudinal moments and forces which
NOTE. The value of the non-dimensionalfactor 64 -
can be found from figure G.2(4).
-' printed across the page.
When the centre of the load is awayfrom the mid-length
G. Variation of stress round thecircumference. No of thecylinder, the equivalent lengthL,, found as in
exact analytical treatment of the variation of stress roundG.2.2.1, should be substituted for
L in allcases.
the circumference away from the edge of the loaded area
For variation of stress along the cylinder tdue
o radial
is available.The following treatment is an approximation loading see G.
sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. For an
experimental verification of seeit [ 171.

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BTI P S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L624669 0395294 O27 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994



Longitudinal 0.3
momentperunit .
circumference at
A = M, 0.25

+ o. 2 0.2

+ O .15 o.1


O 2 4 6 8 10 12


O i 2 3 4 5 6

NOTE. These charts apply inany consistent systemof units.

Figure G.2(IO)Longitudinal moment fromradial line load variationround circumference (seeG.


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m 1624669 0395296 9 T T
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994




+ 0.05
O 2 4 6 10 12

per unit circumference


NOTE. These charts apply In any consistent systemof units.

Figure G.2(12) Longitudinal membrane force from radial line load variationround circumference (see G.

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BSI BSX5500 9 4 m 1624669 0395297 83b m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1 , January 1994

G. Variation of stress alongthe cylinder. Considera G.2.2.3 Deflections of cylindricalshells due to radial loads.
radial lineload, W, distributed over a length 2Cx as shown
O in figure G.2( 13)(a).
The deflections of a cylindrical shell due to a local are
required for:

Values of M,, M, N, and N, at A can be found from the (a) finding the movement aofvessel shell due to the
graphs of figures G.2( 13). G.2(14), G.2(and 15)G.2(16) in thrust ofa pipe connected to
which the functionsM,/W, M,/W, Not/Wand Nxt/Ware
(b) finding the rotation aofbranch due to a moment
plotted againstx/C, for givenvalues of 64/r/t) (Cx/r)2 and
applied by a pipe connected to it. (See
The deflection of the shell due to a radialisload
a function
The resultantstresses in the shella t A are given by: of the non-dimensional parameters r/t, iSEr/Wand L/r
which is givenby the full lines in the charts
as follows:
circumferential stress, f p = N, -k __
6 4
t t2 figure G.2( 17) (a) values
for of r/t between 15 and 40;
figure G.2(17) (b) values
for of r/t between 40 and 100;
Nx 6Mx values of r/t greater than 1OO.
figure G.2( 18) for
longitudinal stress, f x = - f-
t t2 For a centralload, L is the actual length of the
The values forx/Cx less than 1.O, for which no curvesare For a load out ofcentre, L is the equivalent lengthL, found
plotted, fall within the loaded
lengths, and the curves as in G.2.2.1.
should not be extended into this region. values
The for For a point load, the valueof Gfr/Wis givenby the fullline
x/Cx = 1 correspondto the maximum stresses found fromfrom the appropriate horizontal L/r line in the top
figures G.2 (51, G.2(6), G.2(7)and G.2(8) forC&, = O. right-hand extension of each diagram as in the example
The diagram showing the load and its geometry
as figure with figureG.2( 17).
O G.2(13)(a) has been repeated on each chart for
For a load distributed oversquare
a of side2C. the valueOf
aEr/Wis given by a line joining the intersections of the L/r
Diagrams for circumferential bending moments and and C/r lines in the top right-hand and bottom left-hand
forces are printed up the page to distinguish them from extensions ofeach diagram as shown by the dotted line
those for longitudinal moments and forces whichare and example on figure G.2(18).
printed across the page. The deflection due to a load distributedover a Circular
For a load distributedover an area 2Cxx 2C, the area of radius r,, is approximately the sameas that for a
moments and membrane forces atany value of x/C, are square of side 1 .7r0.
reduced in the same ratio as the correspondingvalues at over a rectangular
The deflection due to a load distributed
the edge of the load found from figures G.2(5), G.2(6), area 2Cx X 2C, is approximately the sameas that for an
G.2(7) and G.2(8),¡.e. in theratio: equivalent square of side 2C1 where CI is obtained as
value for actualCJC, I

Cl =l'C,C, when C, > C, (G.1)

value forC,/C, =O Cl = (C,)0.93 x (C,)0.07 when C, > C, (G.2)
(or from figure G.2(19))
Example. A vessel is 2.5 m diameterx 6 m longx 12 m m
thick. A radial loadWis applied toan area 3 0 0 m msquare Equation (G.1)applies to a rectangular area in which the
at the mid-length of the shell.
Find the circumferential long axis is parallelto theaxis of the cylinder.
moment a t a position600 mm from the centre of the Equation (G.2)applies to a rectangular area in which the

loaded area measured along theaxis of the vessel. long axis is circumferential.
For a lineload, interpolating in figure G.2( 13):
M@/W= 0.054 atx/C, = 4
From figure G.2(5) at the ends of a line load when
C,/C, = O, 64(r/t)(Cx/r)2 = 90, and 2Cx/L =
0.05, M,/W= 0.1 53
and when C,/Cx = 1.O, Mg/W= 0.072
:_when the load
is distributed over an area 3 0 0 m m
M g / W a t x = 0 . 0x5 ___
4 = 0.025
O. 153
:.the circumferential momenta t x=O.O25W.

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E S 1 B S X 5 5 0 0 74 D 1624667 0395278 7 7 2 D
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BSI BS*5500 74 m Lb24bb9 O395299 609 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

O 175



o .IO
O ,075

0.05 I

O . 025

n I
O 1 2 3 4 5 6

Longitudinal momentper unit

circumference a t A = M X

0.05 O .0 2 5

0.04 o .o2

O . 03 O . 015
/M, n/l,
0.02 o. o1

o. o1 O. 005

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 O 1 3 4 5

NOTE. These charts applyin any consistent system

of units.

Figure G.2(14) Longitudinal moment due to a radial lineload variation along cylinder (see

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BSI BS+5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395300 L50 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

o O
+ +


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 1624669 0 3 9 5 3 0 3 097
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L L X 1
1 c
-0.1751 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i



- 0.075



"O 2 4 6 8 10


- .I 5

- O .125
- 0.1


- .O 5

- 0.025

O 2 4 6 8 10

NOTE. These charts apply in any consistent system

of units.

Figure G.2(16) Longitudinal membraneforce due to i

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BSI BSa5500 9 9 m l b 2 4 6 6 9 0395302 T23 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994




.I- al





8O 80 8
t - r 0 m

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

NOTE l . For valuesof r / t less than 1O0 see figure G.2(17).

NOTE 2. Values of 6 are exclusiveof the deflection of the whole
shell as a beam --``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Figure G.2(18) Maximum radial deflectionof a cylindrical shell subjected

to a radial loadW
uniformly distributedover a square2Cx 2C

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(b) When C#is greater than C,

Figure G.2( 19) Graphs for finding the square 2C1 x 2C1 equivalent to a rectangularloading area 2Cxx 2Cd


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B S I BSX5500 74 m Lb24667
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.3 External momentsapplied to cylindrical shells. loaded area for a circumferential moment. These can be
External moments can
be applied to the shell ofvessel
a neglected if the value K2,
of from tableG.2.2.2,
byaloadonabracket or bythereactionatabracket corresponding to the value 2Cx/L
of for a longitudinal
support. moment, or that of K1 corresponding to the value of X,/¿
For design purposes external moments
are considered as for a circumferential moment, lessis than 5.0. Otherwise
described in G.2.3.1 to G.2.3.4. they are found as follows.
The resultsare not consideredapplicable in cases where (a) For a longitudinal moment
the length of the cylinder, L, is lessthan itsradius r (see (1 Take x/Cx = 5.0and obtainvalues for a radial line
[30]). For off-centre attachments the distance from the load from figuresG.2(13). G.2(14), G.2(15) and
end of the cylinder to the edge of the attachment should G.2(16). It may benecessary t o use different values of
be not less than r/2. L, (see G.2.2.1)for the two resolved loads if the
In addition, the ratiosC0/2r (G.2.3.1) and C,/r (G.2.3.2) moment is distributed overan area which is not small
should notexceed those given in figure G.2(0), depending compared with its distance from the
nearer end of the
on thevalue of r/tfor the vessels. vessel.
For corresponding values of C x / rand CJ2r > 0.25 the (2) Correct thesevalues for a total circumferential
data should be used with caution (see[22]). width equal to 2Cq as in the example inG.
These restrictionsapply only in relation to the method of
analysis in thisappendix. They arenot intended for
practical cases where experimental or otherevidence may
support the validity of the design falling outside these

O restrictions.
In cases where the applicability of the method given in
this clause may be in doubt further data may be found in
G.2.3.1 Circumferentialmoments.A circumferential
moment applied to a rectangular area Cox 2Cx (see figure
G . 2 ( 2 0 ) )is resolved into two opposed

f W=- acting on rectangles of sides 2Cg x 2Cx,

where C, = -c
l3 which are separated by a distance of
__between centres. For a roundbranch C, = 1.7r0 = 2Cx.
G.2.3.2 Longitudinalmoments.Similarly, a longitudinal
moment, applied toan area 2C9 x C, (see figure G.2(21))
+ 2 G / 3 4
resolved intot w o opposed loads:
1.5M Figure G.2(20) Circumferential moment
*W=- acting on rectangles of sides 2C, x 2Cx,
O where C,=
2,which are separated by a distance of
__ between centres. For a round branchC, = 1.7r0= 2C0.
3 Maximumstresses. The maximum stresses due t o
the moment occur at the outer edges of the actual loaded
area. The circumferential and longitudinal moments and
membrane forcesare given by:
Mg = M91 - Mg2
Mx = M x 1 - Mx2
N, = Ng1 - N92
Nx = Nx1 - Nx2
The quantities with subscript are 1 equal to those for a
load Wdistributedover an area of 2C, x 2Cx and are found
from figuresG.2(5), G . 2 ( 6 ) ,G.2(7) and G.2(8).
Quantities with subscript2 are equal to thosedue t o a
similar load at a distancex=5Cx from the centre of the
loaded area for a longitudinal moment aort an angle of
41 = 5 A f r o m the radius through the centre of the
r Figure G.2(21) Longitudinal moment


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

(b) For a circumferential moment The values interpolated from figures G.2( 13)G.2(
to 16)
( 1 ) Find the values at the edge of the loading
area 2C, denoted by subscript3, are:
x 2Cx from figures G.2(5), G.2(6), G.2(7) and G.2(8). MQ3/W= 0.065;M,3/W= 0.01 2; N$3t/W=+ 0.025;
(2) Enter the corresponding graph in figure G.2(9), NX3t/W = - 0.085.
G.2( IO), G.2( 11) or G.2( 12)
a t this value. The
intercept on the curve for2C,/f gives a value of Quantitv Valuesfor Figure Correction factor=
C& =o value forCJC, = 3
@ r =Z.
1 value forC,/C,= O
(3) The values for quantities with subscript are
2 then
given by the ordinate for
323 0.255 G.2(5) 0.09 =0.353
W 0.255
= 2+ Z from the same graph
fi T. 0.1 6 G.2(6) = 0.475
L x L x 0.1 6
G.2.3.4 Rotation due to externalmoments. I t is sometimes
-0.1 55
required to find the rotation of a branch or bracket due to a -0.18 G.2(7) -= 0.861
moment applied toit. This is given approximately by W -0.1 8
36 1 for a circumferential moment or -0.14
i=- -0.1 7 G.2(8) -=0.824
Co W -0.1 7
38 1 for a longitudinal moment,
where 6 , is the deflection produced by
one of &
!!!! = + 0.065 x 0.353 = 0.023
the equivalent loads W = ~ or ~ acting on an
0 r-
L o Lz
area of 2C, x 2C, as defined in figure G.2(20) or G2(21);
~ = + 0 . 0 2 5 x 0 . 8 6 =0.0215
is found from figures G.2( 17) and G.2(18). W
Example. A vessel is 2.5 m diameterx 4 m longx 12 mm
thick; E = 1.86 x lo5 N/mm2. = + 0.01 2x 0.475 = 0.005
Find the maximum stress due to a longitudinal moment of
1.13 x 1O6 Nvnm applied to a branch 350 mm diameter
at = - 0.085 x 0.824 = - 0.070
the mid-length, and theslope of the branch. W

C, = -
c, =0.85x 175 150mm

(L ):

2 M -W 2- $2 = 5650 (0.09 - 0.023)

1.5M 1 . 5 ~1 . 1 3 l~o 6

W=*---"=* =2
N 5650 = 5650 x 0.067 = 379
cz 2 x 150
= 5650 (0.076 - 0.0057)
Wacts on an area 2C, x 2C,, where C,=
-= 50 mm
6 = 5650 x 0.0703 = 396

For this area: =

- = 3; - =
C, 50
__ = 0.04
N *- -
t (
W W)
C, 2 r 1250
--5650 ( - 0.1 55 - 0.021 5)

From figure G.2(4),64

= 470 x - 0.07 = - 33 N/mm

The direct effectof each load W is found by interpolating
for CdC, = 3.0 in the chartsof figures G.2(5), G.2(6),G.2(7) Maximum circumferentialand longitudinal stresses can
and G.2(8)for 2Cx/L = 0.025 which gives: then be determined in accordance withG. These
M ~ ~ / W = 0 . 0 9 ; M x ~ / W = 0 . 0 7 6 ; N , ~-t /0.155;
W= will appear as both compressive and tensile
/Vx1 t/W= - O. 14. depending on which edge of the loadedarea is being
The effectof one load at the outer edge of the other is
( r / t )(C,/rI2 = 1O,x/Cx = 5.0
found by interpolating for 64
and 2C,/f = 0.025 in the charts of figures G.2(13),
*2 6M
G.2(14), G.2(15) and G.2(16) for a radial line load, and
= - 6.92 f 15.8 ( Wpositive)
multiplying the results by a correction factor for the
:. Maximum circumferentialstress = k 22.72 N/mm2
circumferential width of the load as in G.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

GI24 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS*5500 9 4 W 1 b 2 4 b b 9 0395307 505 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form case: Load

Clause 6.2.3Circumferential moment on cylindrical shell
Sign convention: N,, N@are tensile when +ve
M, M a cause compression in the outer surface when +ve
with I r +ve in the direction shown;fy and fa are tensile when +ve

Shell mean radius Shell

length Offset from centre Moment
r= t= lined= M, =
I l

For nozzle or Nozzle mean radius Co= 1.7r0 =

circular pad r, = C, = 0.85r0=

For rectangular pad C,= circumferential length=

C, = X (axial length)=

r -

o L


64; ($) 2=

From tableG.2.2.2. K1 =
T If K I 5.0, assume Mm3, No:,and N,? = O
MX7, I
m I
From G.2(5) From figureG . 2 ( 6 ) From figureG . 2 ( 7 ) From figureG . 2 ( 8 )
W i t h 5 as above !!%L Mx 1 - "
No1f - - W-
C, W W W 4- W
From figureG . 2 ( 9 ) From figureG . 2 ( 1 0 ) From figureG.2( 1 1) From figureG . 2 ( 12)
Z= d1r - Qlr -
c, c,
A + Z =
With figure From G.2(9) From figureG.2( 1O )
Mx2 -
From figureG . 2 ( 1 2 )
Nx2t -
0 -
N, W N t N t
Longitudinal stress
at D
fx= ~
6Mx -

G * H -
' (see
at D
* (inside)
E f F -
NOTE 2 )

From figure From figure G.2(17) 61 =

G.2(19)(a) or figure G.2( 18)
Fore, C,
5 --
C@ 61Er -

E = W
From figure From figure G.2( 17) 61 =
G.2(19)(b) orfigure G.2(18)
For C, > C,
CI -
c, 61 Er -

E = W
NOTE 1. Position D corresponds to quadrants Q, and Q, in figure G.2(21b).
NOTE 2. To ensure correct summation on page G/29 letters have been inserted here for the stress components and their signs.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards GI25
Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S IB S r 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb2Ybb9 0395308 4 4 1 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form case: Load

Clause G.2.3Longitudinal moment on cylindricalshell
Sign convention:N , N, are tensile when +ve
Mx,M, cause compression in the outer surface when+ve
f xand f, are tensile when +ve
with M,+ve in the direction shown; ~

Shell mean radius Shell thickness Shell length Offset from centre
r= t= L= line d=

For nozzleor Nozzle mean radius C$ = 0.85r0 =

circular pad C, = 1.7r0 =

For rectangular pad C,= % (circumferential length)=

C, = axial length =

~ 64; ):( =

Ï From tableG.2.2.2, K2 = If K2 < 5.0, assume M,,, MxTN d 2 and Nx2= O

From figure G.2(5) From
W i t h 2 as above A= Mx1 - N,lt - %-


From figure G.2(5) From

WithA=O Moo - Mx0 - ~ NdOt = W --
c, W - W W W
Correction factor (C)
M =
tI Mx A
N = Nx1 -
C= A 1 - "

Mn0 Mx0 Nd0 1x0

From figure G.2( 13) FromfigureG.2(14)FromfigureG.2(15)FromfigureG.2(16)
With"= 5 !?!!e= Mx3 - N03t - Nx3t -
N t
x3 xc -
1 0 9 - N d x c
Nx2t - - X3" x ~ c
w w w w w w
- -

- -- --
Longitudinalstress N, (inside) 6 M x - - (inside)
fX -- ~ Ik ~
- K i L
t (outside) $ (outside)
NOTE 2 )

f*= "i N
SM, =
I i J - (inside)
From figure c1 - From figure G.2(17) 61 =
For C, > C, G.2(19)(a) c
1 = or figure G.2( 18)
- r
E =
From figure From figureG.2(17) 61 =
G.2(19)(b) or figure G.2( 18)
For C, > C,

NOTE 1. Position A corresponds to quadrants Q, and Q, in figure G.2(21b).
NOTE 2. To ensure correct summation on page G/29 letters have been inserted here for the stress components and their signs.
COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSm5500 94 m 1624669 0395309 388 m BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Nx + 6 4 assigned a letter. These numbers should be entered into

Longitudinal stress= - - ___
GI29 in accordance with the convention shown.
t t2
NOTE l . The signsof FR,F,, ML,M, and MT are posltive when
= - 2.75 k 16.5 (Wpositive)
they actin the directlon shown the in figure G.2(2 1 b).
.: Maximum longitudinal stress= k 19.25 N/mm2 NOTE 2. N, and N@are positive for tensile membrane stresses
Slope due to moment. For this area C,/Cx = 3, and from and M, and Mmare positive when they cause compressive
stresses on the outer surface the of shell. Stressesf, and f, are
C1 positive when tensile, and negative when compressive. This is in
figure G.2(19)(b) the half side of the equivalent square
=2.8Cx= 140 mm. accordance with G.
In figure G.2( 17)(b): NOTE 3. The letters A to D apply to the stresses resultingfrom a
C1/r=Oo.l12; radial loadFR.When FR is positive, A and C represent positive
numbers in quadrantQ, on the inside and B and C represent
L/r = 3.2; negative numbers in quadrant Q, on the inside.
r/t = 100;
NOTE 4. Absolute values of shear stressare used in the table.
whence d€r/W= 17 O00 This is because the actual shear stress pattern is complex and
1 . 7 1O4x565O
~ because the formulae forshear stress due to shear force are
:_ 6, = = 0.4 1 4 approximate.
1.86~ 105x 1250 NOTE 5. At the nozzle 0.d. where a compensation pad is fitted,
36 1
or at the edge of a load on an attachmentor support, distribute
and fromG.2.3.4, the slopei= __ N , M,, N, and M x as in G.3.1.5. For a nozzle with a pad, an
c, aAditional hoop moment is to be added to M, as in G.2.7.

- 3 x 0.414
= 0.004 1 4 radians
G.2.3.5 Summation of maximum stressesdue to localloads
on a cylindrical shell
G. General. Although the exact location of the
stresses calculatedin G.2.3.1 t o G.2.3.4 is not known the
stresses may be considered to lie within the1 80 sectors
shown below. The sign of the stress in one sector is
known tobe reversed in the opposite sector.
Stress of one sign Stress of oppositesign

Figure G.2(21b) M a x i m u m stresses a t a nozzle or
attachment ona cylindrical shell

G. Stress formulae. Pressure stress formulae,

(a) At nozzle 0.d.
NOTE l . The formula applies in both the longitudinal and
circumferential directions.
(b) In the shell plus pad at the edgea loaded
of area.
( 1) Circurnferentially.
Stress of oppositesign Stress o f one sign (2) Longitudinally.
Longitudinal moment Circumferential moment fp=pD/4Tr= _.
Figure G.2.(21a) Sector stresses of pad, attachment or
(c) In the shell at the edge
By dividing the loaded area into quadrants and
( 1) Circumferentially.
summing the maximumstresses in each quadrant, a
maximum combined stress is obtained. The method for PD
fP-." 2 T,- - -,
this is shown in the worksheet on page G/29.The
stresses due to pressure are combinedwith those due ( 2 ) Longitudinally.
to the local loads. The combined stresses and stress PD =
f "

intensities areassessed against the allowable values '-4T, "

specified in A.3.3. where
T,= actual shell plate thickness
The stress components should be inserted into the table
T,= pad thickness
according to thecorrect convention.To define this
T,= T, t T,
convention, each stress calculatedin the worksheets
GI25 and G/26, including its algebraic sign, has been

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994 BSI BS*5500 94 m l b 2 4 b b 9 0395330 O T T m
Issue 1, January 1994

I Suggested working form

1 Load
case: Nozzle o.d./pad o.d./
loaded area dimensions'
Clause G.2.3.5Summationof Shell thickness/
maximum stresses dueto local loads shell + pad thickness.
on a cylindrical shell
Shear force FL Shell ¡.d.
Torsion momentMT Design pressure
Circumferential momentMC Design stress( f )
Longitudinal momentML Yield stress

Circumferent/alstresses. Quadrant Ql a2 a3 Q4

Inside Inside Outside Outside
Inside Outside

Membrane component(N@/?)due to:

1 Radial load A A A A A AA A
2 Circumferential moment E E E E -E -E -E -E
3 Longltudinal moment l I -I -I -I -I I I
4 Sub-total dueto local loads
5 Pressure ( f p from G.
6 Sub-total (fe,,,)
Bending component(6Mq /Q) due to:
7 Radial load B -B B -B -B B -B B
8 Circumferential moment F -F F -F -F F -F F
9 Longitudinal moment J -J -J J -J J J -J
10 Sub-total ( f $ b )
11 Totalcircumferential stress ( f @)
Membrane component( N x / ?due
) to:
I Radial load C CC C C CC C

1 l 3 Circumferential moment G G G G -G -G -G -G
14 Longitudinal moment K K -K -K -K -K K K
1 15 Sub-total dueto local loads
~ 16 Pressure (fpfrom G.
17 Sub-total ( f x m )
Bending component1 6 M x / t 2 )due to:
18 Radial load 3 -D -D D -D D D -D
19 Circumferential moment i -H H -H -H H -H H
20 Longitudinal moment -LL -L -L L L -L
21 Sub-total ( f x b )
22 Totallongitudinal stress (r,)
Shear stresses (from G. to:
23 Torsion moment
24 Circumferential shear force
25 Longitudinal shear force
26 Totalshearstress ( T )
t Check of total stress intensity (membrane+
bending)to A.3.3.1 and A.3.3.2
29 f2 -fl
l- Maximum total stress intensity= maximum absolute value in rows27,28 and 29= ,

Allowable stress at nozzle=2.25f= ,or at edge of a compensationpad, attachment or support= 2f=

Check of buckling stressto A.3.3.3
30 Row 4 +row 1O if row 4 is compressive
31 ROW 15 +row2 1 if row 15 is compressive
Maximum compressive stress in rows 30 and 31 = .
Allowablestress=-0.9 x yieldstress = .
At edge of compensation-pad, attachment or '
support, check of membrane stress intensity
to A.3.3.1 *
fim= [ f @ m + f x m + V'(fpm-fxm)2+4r21/2
I 33
fzm= [ f g m + f x , - l ( ( f $-fxm)2+4T2]/2
,r - 4
1 I I
Maximum membrane stressintensity= maximum absolute value in rows32.33 and 34 = .
Allowable stress = 1.2f= .
Delete as appropriate

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards GI28 Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9 4 W 1624667 0375311 T36 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Suggested working form: Load case: D -5 N - 1 at nozzle 0.d. Nozzle o . d . / W 219mm

example A kx&daa-

Clause G.2.3.5 Summation of Radial LoadFR 4410 N /-

maximum stresses due to local loads shell+pad thtckness' 23 mm
Shearforce Fc 6600 N
on a cylindrical shell
(Revisedin accordancewith Shearforce FL 6600 N Shell ¡.d. 2494 m m
EC 5500/84) Torsion momentMT 8900000 N-mm

Design pressure 1.1 N/mm2

circumferential momentMC 3 630O00 N m m Design stress(f) 151.6N/mm2
Longitudinal momentML Nmm Yield stress 3 630000 227.4 Nimm'
Circumferential stresses Quadrant Q1 Qz a3 Q4

- Outside
Inside Outside
Inside Outside
Inside Outsid,

Membranecomponent(NJt) dueto:
1 Radial load 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
1.3 1.3 1.3 1.:
2 Circumferential moment -9.4 -9.4 -9.4 -9.4
9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4
3 Longitudinal moment -7.8 -7.8 7.8 7.8
7.8 7.8 -7.8 -7.E
4 Sub-total due to local loads -15.9 -15.9 -0.4 -0.4 18.5 18.5 3.0 3.c
5 Pressure (f,from G. 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1
6 Sub-total (fJ 107.2 107.2 122.7 122.7 141.6 141.6 126.1 126.1
Bending component(SM,/?) due to:
7 Radial load -7.2 7.2 -7.2 7.2 -7.2 7.2 -7.2 7.2
8 Circumferential moment 68.4 -68.4 68.4 -68.4 -68.4 68.4 -68.4 68.4
9 Longitudinal moment 35.9 -35.9 -35.9 35.9 -35.9 35.9 35.9 -35.9
10 Sub-total (f9J 97.1 -97.1 25.3 -25.3 -111.5 111.5 -39.7 39.7
11 Total circumferential stress
C),f 204.3 10.1 148.0 97.4 30.1 253.1 86.4 165.6
Membranecomponent(N,/t) due to:
12 Radial load 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
13 Circumferential moment -9.4 -9.4 -9.4 -9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4
14 Longitudinal moment -2.9 -2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 -2.9 -2.9
15 Sub-total dueto local loads -11.0 -11.0 -5.2 -5.2 13.7 13.7 7.8 7.a
16 Pressure(@fromG. 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1
17 Sub-total (fx,) 112.1 112.1 117.9 117.9 136.8 136.8 130.9 130.9
Bending component(SM,/?) due to:
18 Radial load -5.1 5.1 -5.1 5.1 -5.1 5.1 -5.1 5.1
19 Circumferential moment 42.5 -42.5 42.5 -42.5 -42.5 42.5 -42.5 42.5
20 Longitudinal moment 42.1 -42.1 -42.1 42.1 -42.1 42.1 42.1 -42.1
21 Sub-total (fxb) 79.5 -79.5 -4.7 4.7 -89.7 89.7 -5.5 5.5
22 Total longitudinal stress (fx) 191.6 32.6 113.2 122.6 226.5
47.1 125.4 136.4
Shearstresses(fromG. dueto:
23 Torsion moment 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
24 Circumferentialshearforce 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
25 Longitudinal shear force 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 o .a
26 Total shear stress
( T ) 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8
Checkoftotal stress intensity(membrane
+bending)toA.3.3.1 andA.3.3.2
27 207.3 34.5 149.3 124.3 49.5 254.8 126.6 167.3
28 188.6 8.2 111.9 95.7 27.7 224.9 85.3 134.9
29 f2 - fl -18.7 -26.2 -37.4 -28.6 -29.9
-21.7 -41.3 -32.4
Maximum total stress intensity = maximum absolute value
in rows 27,28 and 29= 254.8 (acceptable).
Allowablestressat nozzle = 2.25f= 3 4 1 . 1 , 2 , : 'f 3&?+
Checkof buckling stresstoA.3.3.3
30 Row 4+ row O1 if row
31 -0.5 -9.9
- Rowl5+row21ifrow15iscompressive -90.5
Maximum compressive stressin rows 30 and 31= -1 13.
Allowable stress= -0.9 x yield stress = -204.7 (acceptable)
At edgeof compensation pad, attachment or
support,checkof membranestress intensity
to A.3.3.1*

33 f2,=[f,,+f,,-v(f,,-f,,)'+4T2]/2 not applicable
34 fan - f1m
Maximum membrane stress intensity= maximum absolute valuein rows 32,33 and 34 = 146.4
- Allowablestress = 1 2 f = 181.9
Dele as appropriate

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards G/29
Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24669 03953112 9 7 2 m
BS 5500 : 1994

Issue 1, January 1994

#eAee&/pad o.d./
400 mm
Radial FR 441 O N Shell thickness/
- I- 13 mm
6600 N
on a cylindrical shell
force FL 6600 N Shear
Shell ¡.d. 2494 mm
8900000 Design pressure 1.1N/mm2
Mc 3630000 Circumferential
Design stress ( fmoment
) 151.6 N/mm2
ML Yield stress moment 227.4 N/mm2
3630000 Longitudinal

Circurnferentialstresses. Quadrant Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Inside Outside
Inside Outside
Inside Outside
Membrane component(N@ / t ) due to:
1 Radial load 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
2 Circumferential moment -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9
3 Longitudinal moment -1 5.7 -1 5.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 -1 5.7 -1 5.7
4 Sub-total dueto local loads -22.4 -22.4 9.0 9.0 26.8 26.8 -4.6 -4.6
5 Pressure ( f p from G. 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5
6 Sub-total (f@,,,) 83.1 83.1 1 14.5 1 14.5 132.3 132.3 100.9 100.9
Bending component(6Md / t 2 ) due to:
7 Radial load -9.8 9.8 -9.8 9.8 -9.8 9.8 -9.8 9.8
8 Circumferential moment 76.8 -76.8 76.8 -76.8 -76.8 76.8 -76.8 76.8
9 Longitudinal moment 34.5 -34.5 -34.5 34.5 -34.5 34.5 34.5 -34.5
10 Sub-total ( f @b ) 101.5 -1 01.5 32.6 -32.6 -121.1 121.1 -52.2 52.2

11 Totalcircumferentialstress ( f g ) 184.5 -1 8.4 147.0 81.9 1 1.2 253.4 48.7 153.1
Membrane component( N x / t )due to:
12 Radial load 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
13 Circumferential moment -1 3.4 -1 3.4 -1 3.4 -1 3.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4
14 Longitudinal moment -6.5 -6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 -6.5 -6.5
15 Sub-total dueto local loads -1 6.5 -1 6.5 -3.6 -3.6 23.2 23.2 10.3 10.3
16 Pressure (fp from G. 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8
17 Sub-total (fxm) 36.3 36.3 49.2 49.2 76.0 76.0 63.1 63.1
Bending component( 6 M x / t 2 )due to:
18 Radial load -4.7 4.7 -4.7 4.7 -4.7 4.7 -4.7 4.7
19 Circumferential moment 30.8 -30.8 30.8 -30.8 -30.8 30.8 -30.8 30.8
20 Longitudinal moment 36.3 -38.3 -36.3 36.3 -36.3 36.3 36.3 -36.3
21 Sub-total ( f x b ) 62.3 -62.3 -1 0.2 10.2 -71.7 71.7 0.8 -0.8
22 Totallongitudinalstress (rx) 98.6 -26.1 39.0 59.4 4.3 147.8 63.9 62.3
- -
Shear stresses (from G. due to:
23 Torsion moment 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
24 Circumferential shear force 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
?5 "ongitudinal shear force 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 ~ 0.8 0.8
!6 rotal shear stress ( T ) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3
- ~ _ _ _
:heck of total stress intensity (membrane
- bendindto A.3.3.1 and A.3.3.2 I
!7 184.8 -1 6.5 147.2 82.7 13.3 253.6 65.0 153.3
!8 98.4 -28.0 38.9 58.6 2.2 147.6 47.5 62.1
!9 '2 - f 1 I -86.4 -1 1.6 108.4 -24.2 -11.1 -1 06.0 -1 7.5 -91.1
- 1
Jlaximum total stress intensity= maximum absolute valuein rows 27,28 and 29 =253.6.
Uowable stress - ,-at edge of a compensation pad, attachment orsupport=2k303.2 (acceptable).
:heck of buckling stressto A.3.3.3
10 3ow 4 + row 1O if row 4 iscompressive 79.0 -1 23.9 -56.8 47.6
$1 l o w 1 5 + row 21ifrow 1 5 is compressive 45.8 -78.9 6.63.8
Maximum compressive stressin rows 30 and 31 = -1 23.9.
Uowable stress= -0.9 x yield stress= -204.7 (acceptable)
4t edgeof compensationpad, attachment or
upport, check of membrane stress intensity
:o A.3.3.1'
12 jm=[fgm+fxm+ .\i(fg,-fx,)z+4T21/2 83.5 83.5 114.8
114.8 132.6 132.6 101.4 101.4
13 5m=[f@m+fx,-t'(f@m-fxm) 2 + 472 ]/2 35.9 35.9 48.9 48.9 75.7 75.7 62.6 62.6
14 Pm - f 1 m -47.6 -47.6 -65.9 -65.9 -56.9 -56.9 -38.7 -38.7

in rows 32,33 and 34 = 132.6 (acceptable).

Aaximum membrane stressintensity= maximum absolute value
181.9 .

Delete as appropriate
From G. fp= 106.1 circumferentially andfp = 53.0 longitudinally, andfrom G. f p = 'I 05.5 circumferentially and
toMT=2.7. due to F, = 0.8 andFL= 0.8.
fp= 52.8 longitudinally. From G., shear stress due
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B S I BS*5500 94 m 1624669 0375313 807 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Shear stress formulae. Due to: A deflection is considered positive if itis away from the
(a) torsion (MT) centre of the sphere.
These forces and moments and the deflection of the shell
due to the loadcan be found in terms of the
non-dimensional parameters:
(b) circumferential shear force (Fc)
S= ~

1 5
(c) longitudinal shear force (FL) and

--~2FL l .82r0
- _.
- u= ~

=doTl $ 5
NOTE l . In general the shear forces rnay be neglected but where These two factors can be found quickly from the chart in
required the formulae shown rnay be used. Formulae G. figure G.2(22),given x, r, and the ratior/t.
and G. are from W R C 107. do is the outside diameter of
the nozzle or pad,and T, = T, a t the nozzle0.d. and T, = T, a t a pad The charts in6.2.4.2 and G.2.4.3(figures G.2(24)t o
0.d. G.2(28))give graphs of non-dimensional functions of
6.2.4 Local loadson spherical shells, rigid attachments. these deflections, forcesand moments plotted against the
The methods in this
clause are not consideredapplicable parameter S for givenvalues of u which have been derived
r o / r is larger than one-third.
in cases where the ratio from [ 3 ] and 191. Thisclause is concerned with The full curves each
in set of graphs give conditionsa t the
the stresses and deflections due to local radial
loads or edge ofthe loadedarea where u = s . The most
moments on spherical shells. Because theseare local in unfavourable combinationof bending and direct stresses
character and die out rapidly with increasing distance is usually foundhere.
from the point ofapplication, the data can be applied to The dotted curves for particular
values of u give conditions
local loads on the spherical parts pressure
of vessel ends a t points in the shell away from the edge
of the loaded
as well as to completespheres. r, and u is thereforeless
area where x is greater than
For convenience, the loads are considered as acting on a than s.
pipe of radiusr, which is assumed t o be a rigid body fixed Since the chartsare non-dimensional they can be usedin
to thesphere. This is the condition for the majority of any consistent system of units.

practical cases.
The stresses anddeflections found from these charts will
Loads applied throughsquare fittings of side 2C, can be be reduced by the effect of internal pressure but this
treated approximately as distributed over a circle of radius reduction is small and can usually be neglected in practice
r. =C,. (See [8] and [9].)
Loads applied through rectangular brackets sides of 2C, G.2.4.2Stresses and deflections due to radialloads. Figure
and 2C$ can be treated approximatelyas distributed over G.2(23)shows aradial load applied to a spherical shell
r. =
a circle of radius vGC,+, through a branch of radius r,.
The following forcesand moments are set up in the wall of
The deflections, moments and membrane forces due to
the vessel byany local load or moment.
the load Wcanbe found as follows from figuresG.2(24)
(a) Meridional momentM,: acting per unit width on a and G.2(25).For explanation of these curves see G.2.4.3.
normal section, formed by the intersection of shell withFor an example of theiruse see G.2.4.4.
a cone of semi-vertex angle (a) Deflection from figure G.2(24)and the relation:
$=sin-l 5 (seefiguresG.2(23)and G.2(26)) Wr
r d=ordinate of curvex -

(b) Circumferential moment Md: acting per unit width on Et2

a meridional section passing through the axis of the (b) Meridional moment M, per unit width from figure
shell and the axis of the branch. G.2(25)and the relation:
(c) Meridional membrane force: acting per unit width on M, = ordinate ofM, curve x W.
a normal section as for the meridional moment M,. (c) Circumferential momentMg per unit width from
(d) Circumferential membrane force: acting per unit figure G.2(25)and the relation:
width on a meridional sectionas defined for the Md= ordinate ofM, curve x W
circumferential momentM$.
(d) Meridional membrane force N, per unit width from
A moment is considered as positive ifit causes figure G.2(25)and the relation:
compression at the outside of vessel.
N, = ordinate ofN, curve x W / t .
A membrane force is considered as positive if it causes
(e) Circumferential membrane force N, per unit width
tension in thevessel wall.
from figureG.2(25)and the relation:
N, = ordinate ofNmcurve x W / t .

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B S I BS*5500 94 W 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0395314 745 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Values of -



x r0
- or -
r r
Figure G.2(22)
Chart for finding S and u


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B S I BS*5500 9 4 3 6 2 4 6 6093 9 5 3 3b58 3
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


Figure G.2(23)
Spherical shell subjectedto a radial load

- 0.3

- 0.2
6 -
- 0.1

O 0.5 10 1.5 2 .o 2.5 3.0 3.5 L .O


Figure G.2(24) Deflections of a spherical shell subjected

to a radial loadW

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B S I BS+5500 9 4 m Lb24bb903953Lb 5LB m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994





L n




O -

x O

1 I




v, 0

lu Ln
-. c Ln O m Q
O O O 4 9

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B S I BSX5500 9 4 3 6 2 4 b b093 9 5 3 3 7 454 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.4.3 Stresses, deflections andslopes due to an externaì Thle slope of the branch due to the external moment
moment. Figure G.2(26) showsan external moment found from:
applied to a spherical shell through a branch of r,.radius . 6 ,&
In thiscase the deflections, moments and membrane
forces depend on the angle O as well as on the distancex
where 61 is the maximum deflection at the edge of the
from theaxis of the branch. They can be found as follows
from figures G.2(27) and G.2(28). For explanations of -
these curvessee G.2.4.1. i'

(a) Deflections from figure G.2(27) and the relation: M 1'; ordinate of full curve in
61 =-
- €9 X figureG.2(27)forx=r,

6=ordinate of curvex
McosO J: lM
(b) Meridional momentM, per unit width from figure
G.2(28) and therelation:
M cos O
M, = ordinate ofM, curve x ~

(c) Circumferential moment M, per unit width from
figure G.2(28) and the relation:
M cos O
M$= ordinate ofM#curve X ~

(dl Meridional membrane force N, per unit width from

figure G.2(28) and the relation:
M cos 8
N, = ordinate of N, curve x ~

tV F
(e) Circumferential membrane force N, per unit width
from figure G.2(28)and the relation:
M cos O
N@ = ordinate ofNd curve x ____
Equal and opposite maximumvalues of all the above
¡.e. where O
quantities occur in the plane of the moment,
=o" and O = 180".
(see figure G.2(26)) Figure G.2(26) Spherical shell subjected to an
external moment


- 0.3

Et2 -0.2

- 0.1

"O 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 .o 2.5 3 .O 3.5 4 .o

G.2(27) Deflections of a spherical shell subjected to an external moment


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B S I BSf5500 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395338 390 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


c o -.
I I I, l a I


c v!
al N





R Ln

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0 3 9 5 3 3 9 2 2 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.4.4 Examples Wr

When deflection = - 0.022 -= load of4500 N is applied t o a sphere2.5 m Et2
diameter and 12.5 m m thick through a branch150 m m
diameter. ( E = 1.86 x lo5N/mm2). - 0.022 X 4500 X 1250
= - 0.004 25 m m
Find the deflectionand the stresses:
(a) next to the
branch; G.2(25) gives:
Interpolating similarly in figure
(b)225 mm from the centre of the branch.
- - 0.01; 2 = + 0 . 0 0 5 ;
r - 1250 = loo;" - 75 = 0.06 W W
t 12.5 r 1250
N t
= - 0.04; -@-=+0.015;
(a) Next to the branch W W
S = u= 1.O9 (from figureG.2(22)) W hence the:
G.2(24)= - 0.145,
Ordinate of full curve in figure meridional momentM, = - 45;
Wr circumferential momentM$=+22.5;
:. Deflection = - 0.145 x -
Et2 N, = - 14.4 N/mm;
meridional membrane force
- 0 . 1 4 5 ~ 4 5 0 0
~ =0.0281 m m N$=+ 6.25 N/mm
circumferential membrane force
1 . 8 6 ~105x(12.5)2 The resulting meridional stresses

Ordinate of full G.2(25)=+ 0.067

M, curve in figure - 14.4
+ 6x45
O .: Meridional Mx=+O.067W= 301
at the outsidef, =

( 12.5p

Ordinate of fullM@curve in figureG.2(25)=+ 0.02 = - 1.15 + 1.73=+ 0.58 N/mm2

:. Circumferential momentM$=+O.O2W= at the insidef, = - 1.1 5 - 1.73= - 2.88 N/mm2
90 N,mm/mm The resulting circumferential stresses
Ordinate of full N, curve in figureG.2(25)= - 0.1 1
+ 6.25
6 x 22.5
.: Meridional membrane forceN,=
- 0.1 1 W at the outside fq =
12.5 ( 12.5)2
t =+ 0.5 - 0.865 = - 0.365 N/mm2
-- - 0.1 1 X 4500
= - 39.6 N/mm f$ =+ 0.5 + 0.865 =+ 1.365 N/mm2
at the inside
12.5 Hence the deflection and stresses dueto the load
Ordinate of fullN$ curve in figure G.2(25)= - 0.034 negligible a t 225 mm from the centre of branch,
-0.034W - - 0.034 X 4500 which illustrates the local nature ofstresses.
.: N$ = -
t 12.5 G. moment of 1.13 x 1O5 is appliedto the
= - 12.2 N/mm branch in exampleG. the maximum
The resulting meridional stresses are given by: deflection, the maximumstresses next to thebranch, and
the rotation of the branch
due to this moment,
N, + SMx - 39.6
6 X 301 +

lo5 N/mm2.
if E= 1 . 8 6 ~
X- - ~

t t 12.5 2.5p
2 (1
:. At the outsidef, = - 3.1 7 - 1 1.5= - 14.67 N/mm2 r r
As before- = 100; 2-= 0.06, and, next to the
(compression) t r
At theinside f , = - 3.17 + 1 1.5 =+ 8.33 N/mm2 S = u = 1.O9 (from figureG.2(22)).
(tension) The maximum stressesand deflection are a t O = O;
The resulting circumferential stresses
are given by: .._ COS e= I
N$ 6M$ --- 12.2 6 X 90 p-
f @ -- "
t 2 12.5
( 12.5)*
McosO l/ 7
From figureG.2(27)6 = - 0.1 7 x
:. At theoutside f$= - 0.98 - 3 . 4 6 -
~ 4.44 N/mm2 Et2
(cornpression) - - 0.17~ 1 . 11 3
0 5~x 1 x 10
A t the insidefe = - 0.98 + 3.46 =+ 2.48 N/mm2 1.86~ 105x(12.5)2
(tension) :. Maximum deflection= - 0.0066 mm
(b) 225 m m from the centre ofthe branch The deflection at0 = 180", on the oppositeside of the
branch, will be + 0.0066 mm.
u = 1.O9 as before;- = -
225 --0.18; from figure G.2(22) From figureG.2(28)
r 1250
S = 3.25
M cos 0
Meridional momentM, = O. 175 x ~

Interpolating between the dotted curves -in figure v'rt

G.2(24)at u = 1.O9 and S = 3.25 gives: - 0 . 1 7 5 ~ 1 . 1l o
O " 6Et2
- 0.022
158 N,mm/mm


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BSI BS*5500 94 m L624669 0395320 T 4 9 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

M cos H higher in the nozzle wall than in the

vessel shell, especially
Circumferential momentMd= 0.055 x T for very thin nozzles. Theseare not considered for the
Grt reasons stated in [31].
= 49.6
G. Notation. For the purposes ofG.2.5 and G.2.6.
M cos H which are applicable to radialnozzles only,the following
Meridional membrane forceN,= - 0.129 T
t t ' rt symbols apply:
= - 9.3 N/mm K is a factor;
M cos 8 M a t nozzle (in
is the external moment applied
Circumferential membrane force - 0.039-;
= - 2.81 N/mm P is the internal pressure (in N/mm2);

The maximum stresses are the resulting meridional O a t nozzle (in N);
is the radial thrust applied

stresses givenby: R is the mean radius of spherical shell (in mm);


12.5 (I2.5)2 t

6M, - - 9.3
- ___ *-6 X 158 r
is the meanradius of nozzle (in mm);
is the shear load applied atnozzle (in N);
.: at the outsidef x = - 0.74 - 6.04= T' is the local wall thickness shell,
of adjacent to
- 6.78 N/mm2 (compression) nozzle (in mm);
at the insidef,= - 0.74+ 6.04=+5.3 N/mm2 t is the wall thicknessof nozzle (in mm);
(tension) r i%
P is the non dimensional parameter = - 1-
will be:
The slopeof the branch dueto this moment R 1' T'
grnax is the maximum stress due to local loading (in
6 =
L 0.0066
-= 8.8 x 1Ow5 radians N/mm2);
r0 75 00 is the circumferential stress (in N/mm2);
o2 is the meridional stress (longitudinal in a cylindrical
G.2.5 Local loads on sphericalshell/nozzle attachments shell) (in N/mm2);
G.2.5.1 General. is the yield stress in simple tension (in N/mm2);
G. Introduction. The method of calculating local "

m,mo are the external moment shakedown factors;

stress levelsa t a nozzle junction is based on data given in "

P.Po are the internal pressure shakedown factors;

[25]. Using this datait is possible to estimate the "

maximum stress which can occur sphere/nozzleat a Q,Qo are the radial thrust shakedown factors.
attachment due to the application of internal pressure, Maximum stress at a sphere/nozzle junctiondue to
thrust, external momentand shearforce. The method application of internalpressure. Figure G.2(29) gives plots
covers both flush and protruding nozzles. In the original of stress concentration factors (s.c.f.s) against the
work thenozzle length is treated as semi-infinite without non-dimensional parameterp for various nozzle/shell wall
any restriction on its length. is,It however, considered t/7"ratios for flush nozzles. The maximumstress,,,,o , is
necessary to stipulate a lower limit on the internal then calculated by multiplying the s.c.f. thus obtainedby
protrusion equal to Nozzles with internal protrusion t'2rt. the nominal pressure stress given by-,
PR .
less than t 2 r - f should be treatedas flush nozzles. In this
way some additional conservatismwill be introduced for PR
omax= s.c.f. x -
those protrudingnozzles where the internal projection
does not satisfy this recommendation.
Figure G.2(30)gives similar plots for protruding
All the stress concentration factors given in figures
G.2(29)to G.2(36)inclusive are based on the maximum Before using figureG.2(30) a check should be made to
principal stress theory. ensure that the internalnozzle protrusion is equal to or
greater thant'2r-7;if it is not,figure G.2(29)should be
The stress concentration factors given G.2.5.2
used as for a flushnozzle for obtaining thes.c.f.
to G.2.5.7 are based on data obtained for a sphereof
constant thickness T: whereas in practice T'is looked G.2.5.3 Maximum stressat a sphere/nozzlejunction due to
upon as the local shell thickness adjacent to nozzle,
the application cf radialload or thrust. Figure G.2(31) gives
the main vessel being of a smaller thickness7.For these plots ofs.c.f. against the non-dimensional parameterpfor
curves to be valid the thickness
of the shell should not be flush nozzles. The maximum stressis calculated by
reduced to Twithina distanceH as defined in3. multiplying thes.c.f. obtained from figureG.2(31)by:
Work in progress shows that when vessel the thickness is
reduced fromT ' t o Tat a distanceH f r o m the nozzle,
2nrT' v T'

higher stresses than those given in figures G.2(29)to 0

G.2(36)inclusive may occur for small values of p and high urnax
= s.c.f. x -
values of t/T'. Further guidance cannot be given at the
present stage. Figure G.2(32)gives similar plots for protruding
This procedure provides a method of computing Before using figureG.2(32) a check should be made to
maximum stresses which occur in the shell rather than inensure that the internalnozzle protrusion is equal t o or
the nozzle. In some instances calculated stresses may begreater thant'2Z.;if it is not,figure G.2(31)should be
used as for a flushnozzle for obtaining thes.c.f.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.5.4Maximum stress at a sphere/nozzle junction due to G.2.5.6Maximum stress at a sphere/nozzle junction under
application of externalmoment. For flush nozzles the combinedloading. For a conservative estimate of the
maximum stress at sphere/nozzle
a junction can be stresses occuring under the action of combined loading
determined by using figure G.2(33).The first step is to the maximum stresses obtained from each of the
read off the s.c.f. for the appropriate vesselnozzle individual loadings should be added together. This will
geometry. The maximum stress is then obtained by always be conservative because the maximum stresses
multiplying thes.c.f. thus obtained by the factor: for individual loadings may occur at different locations and
M - different directions (aoand/or oz).
- JE,
G.2.5.7 Stresses away from the loadedarea. The method
nr2T T'
given in G.2.5.1 and G.2.5.6 for calculating local stresses
omax= s.c.f. x -
nr2r J; at asphere/nozzle junction caters for the maximum
stress levels only. No information is given on stresses
Figure G.2(34)gives similar plots for protruding
nozzles. away from the loaded area.
Before using figureG.2(34)a check should be made to Stress distributions in the vicinity of sphere/nozzle
ensure that the internalnozzle protrusion isequal t o or junction are required in cases where other loadedareas
greater than $E;
if it is not,figure G.2(33)should be are in the proximity to the one under consideration. It is
used as for a flushnozzle for obtaining thes.c.f. proposed t o use the data already available in 6.2.4 to
G.2.5.5 Maximum stress at a sphere/nozzle junction due to determine thesestresses. The assumption here isthat,
application ofshearload. Figure G.2(35)should be used for although the magnitudes of local stresses may differ, the
determining thes.c.f. for flushnozzles. The maximum plot ofstress level versus distance from loaded area
stress, u,,,, is then calculated by multiplying the s.c.f. remains basically similar. The stress distribution away
obtained in the first step by the factor S/2nrT', ¡.e.: from the loaded area can then be calculated by the
procedure outlined inG.2.4 and the values so obtained are
omax= s.c.f. x - to be multipliedby a factorK, where K is the ratio ofurnax,
2nrT' as determined inG.2.5, to the stress a t the edge of the
Figure G.2(36)gives similar plots for protruding nozzles. attachment, as calculated in G.2.4, where applicable.
Before using figureG.2(36)a check should be made to This method is conservative, butan alternative approach
ensure that the length of the internal nozzle protrusion is is available in[ 2 3 ] .

equal t o or greater thand 2 r t ; if it is not,figure G.2(35)
should be used as for a flushnozzle for obtaining thes.c.f.

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B S I BSs5500 94 Lb24669 0395322 811 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

0.0 1 0.10 1.0 10.0

R T '
Figure G.2(29)
Maximum stress in sphere for internal pressure (flush nozzles)


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G /40 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9 4 E L624667 0375323 758 E
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

O Thrust loading is Q

O 0.01 o .1 1.0 10.0

Figure G.2(31) Maximum stress in sphere for thrust loading (flush nozzles)

A Thrust loading is Q



Figure G.2(32)
Maximum stress in sphere for thrust loading (protruding nozzles)

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B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L624669 0395324 694 m
BS 5500 : 1994
I s s u e 1, January 1994

p= -
- a
Figure G.2(33)
Maximum stress in spherefor moment loading (flushnozzles)


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395325520 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994





0.01 o .I 1.o 10.0

Figure G.2(35)Maximum stress in sphere for shearloading (flush nozzles)

Figure G.2(36)
Maximum stress in sphere for shear loading (protrudingnozzles)


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BSI BS*5500 94 Lb24669 0 3 7 5 3 2 b 4b7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G 2 6 Spherical shells: shakedown loads for radial The pressure shakedown factor can be defined as the
nozzles ratio of the nominal pressure stress in the spherical shell
G.2.6.1 General, to the value of yield
stress in the spherical shell to the
value of yield stress in simple
tension, ¡.e.:
G.2.6.1.I Introduction. All the shakedown loads given
in G.2.6.2 t o G.2.6.5 are based on the maximumshear (G.3.)
stress criteria. L I O,

For vessels subjected t o cyclic loading, be it pressure, G.2.6.3 Shakedown factorforradial thrust at
a nozzle. The
radial load, external moment orany combination ofthese, relevant shakedown factors for flush and protruding
it is essential t o have a knowledge of the shakedown limit nozzles subjected toradial loads (radialwith respect to the
in ordert o prevent plastic cycling or incremental collapse. vessel) shouldbe determined from figuresG.2(39),
By keeping the cyclic loadings within the shakedown G.2(41)and G.2(43)and from figuresG.2(40), G.2(42)and
limits it ensures that, after initial plastic deformation, G.2(44)respectively.
further deformationwill be in the elastic range, ¡.e. the
The radial thrust shakedown factor can be defined
vessel has 'shaken down' to purely elastic behaviour. The
method given does not necessarily imply a limited plastic
deformation before shakedownis achieved.
The shakedown conditionscan occur after different G.2.6.4 Shakedown factor for externalrnornent. Figures
numbers ofcycles depending on the cyclic conditions and G.2(39), G.2(41) and G.2(43)should be used for
stress level; in certain cases, the plastic deformation calculating the moment shakedown factor m for flush
before shakedown might be significant. nozzles. Forprotruding nozzles the corresponding plots for
The method of predicting shakedown factors for internal the shakedown factor are given in figures G.2(40), G.2(42)
pressure, radial nozzle thrust and external moment at a and G.2(44).
vessel/nozzle junction in G.2.6.2 t o G.2.6.5 is based on The moment shakedown factor can be defined
data given in[27]. From the data shakedown factors for
flush and protruding nozzles can be estimated for each of (G.5)
the aforementioned individual loading conditions.
Before using the relevant figures for the protruding
Where the various loading conditions occur
nozzles, a check should be carried out on nozzle
the inner
simultaneously a simple formulais given that considers
projection. If this less
is than $=then the corresponding
the interaction betweenany of these loading conditions
plots for flushnozzles should be used in determining the
(see [27]).
necessary shakedown factor.
No clear distinction betweena flush and a protruding
nozzle is given.It is considerednecessary to stipulate a G.2.6.5 Interaction between shakedown factors under
cornbinedloading conditions.For the case of the combined
lower limit on the length of nozzlethe internal protrusion
loading condition,[27] gives the following equation so
equal to t 2 7 t . Nozzles with internal protrusionless than
that the overall shakedown condition is obtained:
12;; should be treated as flush nozzles. By doing so,
some additional conservatismwill be introduced for those
protruding nozzles where the internal projection does not
Po 40 mo
satisfy these recommendations.
In this equation thevalues of (70 and E , are read off Po,
The shakedown factorsgiven in G.2.6.2 to are from figureG.2(37)to figureG.2(44) inclusive for the
based on data obtained for a sphere of constant thickness appropriate vesseVnozzle geometry,w h i l e r q a n d iñ are
T', whereas in practice T'is looked upon as the local shell as derived from the relevant equations (G.3), (G.4)and
thickness adjacent to the nozzle, the mainvessel being of (G.5).
smaller thicknessT. For these curves to be valid the
Where the conditions are such that the relationship given
thickness of the shell should not be reduced to T'within a
by equation (G.6)is not satisfied then a revised
distance H as defined in3.
nozzle/shell geometry (increasedvessel shell or branch
G. Notation. For the purposes ofG 2 6 the symbols wall thickness) shouldbe used and the procedure
are as defined in G.2.5. repeated until equation(G.6) is fulfilled.
G.2.6.2 Shakedown factor for internal pressureloading.
Figures G.2(37)and G.2(38)should be used for
determining the shakedown factors under internal
pressure conditions for flush and protruding nozzles


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E S 1 BSX5500 74 Zb24hb9 0375327 3 T 3 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Figure G.2(37)
Shakedown valuesfor pressure loading (flush nozzle)

Figure G.2(38)
Shakedown valuesfor pressure loading (protruding nozzle)


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 W 1 L 2 4 b b 9 0395328 23T W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994





21.5 f l
I Thrust’

;:Il I


0.01 0.10 1.0 O

Figure G.2(39)Shakedown valuesfor thrust andmoment loadings (flush nozzle)






0.10 I

Figure G.2(40)Shakedown valuesfor thrust and moment loadings (protruding nozzle)

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B S I BSa5500 9 4 m Lb24bb9 0395329 L76 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

- 5.0

:lush nozzle (t/T/ =0.50j 1

. 3.0



0.5 I
- 2.0

- 1.0

I1 -0
I 0.10 1.0 .o
Rr T '
Figure G.2(41) Shakedown valuesforthrust and moment loadings (flush nozzle)


2 .o 4.0
1.5 i 3.0

I 2 .o

0.5 1.0

-10 ,o
p =-
r T '

Figure G.2(42) Shakedownvalues for thrust and moment loadings (protruding nozzle)

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395330 998 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


2 .o
Moment/ L.O

1.5 3.0

t 2.0

0.5 1.o

10.10 O

Figure G.2(43)
Shakedown values for thrust and moment loadings (flush nozzle)





0.10 1.0 P

Figure G.2(44)
Shakedown valuesfor thrust and moment loadings (protruding nozzle)

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BSI BS*5500 74 3624669 0 3 9 5 3 3 3 8 2 4 D
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.2.7 The effectof external forces and moments at to liquid hammeror surging of the
(dl shock loads due
branches. Large external forcesand moments can be vessel contents;
applied to the branches vessels
of by the thermal (e) forces due to differential expansion between the
movements of pipework. vessel and its supports.
The stresses duet o these are likelyto be greatly Notation. For the purposes of6.3 the following
overestimated if the forces in the pipe system
are symbols apply.
determined by assuming that the connection to the vessel is the area of effectivecross section of stiffener
is equivalent toan anchor in the pipe system. from horizontalvessel (in mm2);
More accurate values of the terminal forces and moments is the distance fromsaddle support to adjacent
can be found if the deflection due to a unit radial load and end of cylindrical part (in mm);
the slopes due to unit longitudinal and circumferential
is the mean depth of dished end of vessel
moments distributedover the area of the branch and its
(in mm);
reinforcement are known.
is the axial width saddle
of support (in mm);
These can be found for a given vessel and branchby the
= b l + 10t
methods given in6.2.2.3and 6.2.3 for cylindricalvessels
and by methods given inG.2.4.2 and G.2.4.3 for spherical is the distance from centroid of effective
area of
vessels. Experiments in theUSA, discussed in[ 171. have stiffener to shell (in mm);
shown that slopes and deflections calculatedin this way are constants;
are sufficiently accurate for practical purposes except that is the half length of rectangular loading
area in
the slope of a branch due to a circumferential moment is longitudinal direction (in mm);
about 75 %of thecalculated value because of the effect
is the half length of rectangular loading
area in
of local stiffening by the metal of the branch.
circumferential direction (in mm);
When theloads from the pipeworkare known, the local
stresses in the vessel shell
can be found by the methods is the distance from centroid of effective
area of
given inG.2, except that, in a branch withan external stiffener to tip of stiffener (in mm);
compensating ring of thickness t2 subject to a is the distance from centroid of effective
area of
circumferentialmoment there is anadditional stiffener to tip of stiffener in longitudinal
circumferential moment in the shell at the edge of the direction (in mm);
N,t2/4 and [ 171 recommends that this
reinforcing ring to is the distance from centroid of effective
area of
amount should be added to the value M$ofcalculated stiffener to tip of stiffener
in circumferential
in G.2.3. direction (in mm);
These correctionsapply only to circumferential moments is the mean diameter of the
vessel (in mm);
and are due to the effect of the rigidity of the attachment
is the perpendicular distance from the line of the
of the branch whichhas little influence on the effect of
reaction to the centroid of the weld
longitudinal moments.
(in mm);
The tension at the inside of the shell due to the local
is the modulus of elasticity (in N/mm2);
circumferential bending momentM$ is addedto the
circumferential membranestress due t o internal pressure, is the nominal design stress (in N/mm2);
but this stress will not be present whenvessel
the is under are the resultant stresses in horizontal vessel
hydraulic test. due t o mode of support (in N/mm2);
is the nominal stress in dished end calculated
G.3Supports and mountings for pressurevessels in section three (in N/mm2);
G.3.1 General considerations for supports

is the resultantof horizontal forces acting on

G.3.1.1 Introduction. This clause and G.3.2 and G.3.3 are vertical vessel (inN);
concerned with the supports for pressure vessels and the in least cross
is the resultant horizontal force
supports for fittings carried from the shell or ends of the section ofsaddle support (inN);
vessel, with regard to their effect on vessel.
the The
is the second moment of area of effective cross
structural design of supports is not included because it
section of stiffening ring (in mm4);
can be dealt with by the usual methods of structural
design. Convenient references for these are [40] and [41]. K I . . Kll are constants;
The supports of vessels and of fittings carried by the shellL is the length of cylindrical part
of vessel (in mm);
produce local moments and membrane forces in the I is the length of part of shell of horizontal
vessel wall whichcan be treated by the methods given assumed to act with a ring support (in mm);
in 6.2. Notes and cross-references for applying these to
M1 is the bending moment in horizontal ring girder
various types of supportare included.
above its own support (in Nmm);
The supports of vessel
a should be designed to withstand is the bending moment in horizontal ring girder
all the externalloads likelyto be imposed on it in addition midway between its supports (in Nmm);
to the dead weight of the vessel and contents. These
loads may include: M3 is the longitudinal bending moment in horizontal
vessel midway between its supports (in Nmm);
(a) superimposed loads;
M4 is the longitudinal bending moment in horizontal
(b) wind loads on exposedvessels; vessel at its supports (in Nmm);
(c) thrusts or moments transmitted from connecting is the longitudinalor meridional bending
pipework; M
moment per unit circumference (in;

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0 3 9 5 3 3 2 7 6 0 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

is the circumferential bending moment per unit B is theheightoftheresultant of horizontal

length (in; forces acting on vessel above its supports
is the longitudinal membrane force per unit (in mm);
circumference (in N/mm); Z is thesectionmodulusofeffective cross section
of ring support for horizontal vessel (in mm3);
is the circumferential membrane force
per unit
length (in N/mm); 8 is the
included angle of saddle support
(in degrees);
is the internalpressure at equator (horizontal
centre line of vessel) (in N/mm2); 91 is the angle betweenradiusdrawntopositionof
support and vertical centre linevessel
in vessel shell(inN/mm2);
is the shear stress
(in degrees).
is the shear stress invessel end (in N/mm2); G.3.1.3 Reaction at the supports. The reactionsa t the
is the mean radius
of cylindrical part of vessel supports of a vessel can be foundby the ordinary methods
(in mm); of statics except in thecase of long horizontalvessels
is the inside radius of cylindrical part of vessel supported at more than two positions.
(in mm); The reactions at the supports of vessels subject to heavy
base of skirt support of vertical external loads may need to be examined for the following
is the radius of
vessel (in mm); conditions:
is the meanradius of horizontal ring girder or of (a) working conditions, including full wind load
ring support (in mm); loads due to pipework;
is the thickness of
vessel shell (in mm); (b) test conditions, including full wind
load, if any, and
forces due to the 'cold pull of
up'any pipes that will
is the thickness of reinforcing plate mm);
remain connected to the vessel during tests;
is the thickness of ring stiffeners (in mm);
(c) shut-down conditions, vessel empty, and exposed to
is the thickness of vessel end (in mm); full windload, if any, and the forces due to 'cold pull up'

is the maximum twisting moment in horizontal in the pipe system connected to it. It is essential to
ring girder (in; provide anchor bolts if thereanisupward reaction to
is the average weight of verticalvessel per any support underany of these conditions.
millimetre height (in N/mm); The theoretical reactions at the supports of long horizontal
is the weight ofvessel (in N); vessels supported a t more than two positionscan be
found by the methods used for continuous beams but the
is the maximum reaction at support N(in
calculated valuesare always doubtful because of
is the distance from support of horizontal ring settlement of the supports and initial errors of roundness
girder to nearest point of maximum twisting of or straightness in the vessel.
moment (in mm);
is the distance of the external load from the are fitted to the shells of
pressure vessels to support either the vessel or some
vessel wall (inmm);
structure whichhas t o be carried from it. Typical brackets
are shown in figureG.3(1).

Welded with fillet weld ta vessel all round

v Vessel wall


' Backin

(a) Bracket for vessel support (b) Bracket for external load

Figure G.3( 1 ) Typical brackets

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B S I BS*5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0395333 bT7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

The brackets themselvesare designed by the ordinary loaded area 2Cx x 2Cp is given by the following procedure.
methods usedfor brackets supporting beamsin structural (a) Find the maximum moments M, and M, and the
engineering. maximum membrane forces N, and N, for the same
A bracket always appliesan external moment to the shell loading appliedt o a cylinder of thickness( t + t l )from
equal to W1 a. the charts inG.2.2.2 for a radial load or from
G.2.3 and
The effect of this moment on the shell can be found by the G.2.2.3 for a moment.
method given in G.2.3. I f the local stresses found in this (b) Find the resultant stresses due to these by assuming
way are excessive, a reinforcingplate, designed as that the vessel wall and the reinforcing plate share the
described inG.3.1.5, should be fitted between the bracket moments Mgand M, in proportion to the cubes of their

and the vessel wall. thicknesses and the membrane forces N, and N, in
In addition to the vertical loads, the brackets supporting a direct proportion to their thicknesses.
vertical vessel may be subject to tangential forces dueReinforcing
to plates for spherical
vessels and the spherical
thrusts and moments transmitted from pipework. Such parts of vessel ends can be designed by applying the
brackets impose a circumferential moment on the vessel charts inG.2.4.2 and in the same way.
wall in addition to the longitudinal moment. The stresses The deflection at a support or fitting provided awith
due to this can be calculated and added to the others but reinforcing plateis approximately equal to the sum of the
ring or skirt supports
are preferable incases of this type. deflections of the wall aofcylinder orsphere of thickness
G.3.1.5 Reinforcingplates. Reinforcing platesare required ( t + t l ) loaded over the actual loaded
area, and of the wall
when the localstresses in the vessel shell foundas of a cylinder orsphere of thicknessr loaded over the area
described inG.2 for the connection of a support or of the reinforcing plate. These are found fromG.2.2.3 for
mounting is excessive. Figure G.3(2)shows a typical cylinders orG.2.4.2 and G.2.4.3 for spheres and spherical
reinforcing plate applied atocylinder. parts of vessel ends.
The stresses in thevessel wall at the edgeof the The slope duet o an external moment can be found from
reinforcing plate are approximately equal to those the deflection calculatedin this way by the method given
calculated by assuming the load or moment to be in G.2.3 and G.2.4.
distributed over the whole area of the reinforcing plate Experimental work, discussed in [17], has shown that
2d, x 2d0 and proceeding as described in G.2.2.1 for a there is some stress concentrationnear the sharp corners
radial load or in6.2.3for a moment. of rectangular reinforcing plates. Rounded cornersare
A safe approximation for the maximum stresses in the therefore preferable.
reinforcing plate, which occur at the edges of the actual

Figure G.3(2) Reinforcing plate on cylindrical shell

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 9q
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

6.3.2 Supports for vertical vessels. This clause is assumption leads to overdesign in the
case of tallvessels
concerned with the design of supports for vertical
vessels with large overturning moments because the effect of the
except where the conventional methods of simple appliedelasticity of the foundation, which produces
an additional
mechanics can be used directly. resisting moment,is neglected.
The design of brackets used to connect the vessel to its Suitable design procedures for such
cases aregiven in
supports is given in G.3.1.4. [I 61.
G.3.2.1Skirtsupports. Skirt supportsare recommended G. stressesat skirt supports.The
for large vertical vessels because theydo not lead to presence ofa skirt support reduces the discontinuity
concentrated localloads on theshell, they offerless stresses at the junction of the bottom and the vessel wall.
constraint against differential expansion between the part
of thevessel under pressure and its supports, and they A procedure for calculating the actual discontinuity
reduce the effect of discontinuity stresses at the junctionstresses andalso the design of skirt supports vessels for
of the cylindrical shell and the bottom see (but[ 181 subject t o severe cyclic loading dueto thermal stresses is
and [ 2 2 ] ) . given in [ 181.
Skirt supports shouldhave at least one inspection supports for vertical vessels. It is often
convenient to support vertical vessels from steelworkby
opening to permit examination of the bottom ofvessel the
means ofa ring support in a convenient position on the
unless thisis accessible from below through supporting
shell as shown in figureG.3(4).
framing. Such openings may need to be compensated.
Skirt supports may also be applied to spherical vessels Such a ring support corresponds to one flange of a bolted
and to the spherical parts of vessel ends. The local joint with the 'hub' of the flange extending on both sides
stresses dueto skirt supports in these positions should be and with the couple due to the bolts replaced by that due
calculated as in G.2.4. to the eccentricity between the supporting force and the
vessel wall. Its thickness can therefore be determined by Overturning moments on skirt supports.A t any adapting the equations 3.8 in and the associatedfigures.
horizontal sectionof a skirtsupport, the maximum load
The stresses should be determined
as for an integral

per unit lengthof the skirt circumferenceis given by:
flange (see3.8.3.4)except that one-half of the flange
design moment only shall be used in calculating the
N, = w ff __~
i =stress x thickness of skirt longitudinal hub stress S.,
2nr r?
The stresses calculated in this way should exceed not the
If thereis a negative value of N, anchor bolts willbe allowable values for the stresses in flanges specified
necessary because there willbe a net moment of in
M = Wrl - F v tending to overturn the vessel about the
All ring supports of this type should rest on some form of
leeward edge of the skirt support flange.
continuous support or on steelwork as indicated in figure
For small vessels the anchor boltscan be designed on the G.3(5).They should not be used to connect vessels
assumption that the neutral axis of the bolt group lies directly to leg or column supports, but should rest on a ring
along a diameter of the supportflange, but this girder or other steelwork joining the tops of the columns.

B ~

Figure G.3(4)Typical ring support

Figure G.3(5)Typical steelwork underring support

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BS*5500 9 4 m l 1 b 2 4 b b 90 3 9 5 3 3 5 47T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.3.2.3Leg supportsfor vertical vessels. Leg supports for G.3.2.4 Ringgirders. The supporting legs of large vertical
vertical vessels can, in general, be designed by the usual vessels and sphericalvessels are often connected to a
methods of appliedmechanics, e.g. those described in vessel shell. In some designs
ring girder that supports the
chapter XXlll of [6]. the lower part of a skirt supportis reinforced to form a ring
They should always be arranged as close to the shell
as girder. Figure G.3(7)shows a typical ringgirder. Such
the necessary clearance for insulation will permit. girders are subject to torsion
as well as bending and
require special consideration.
If bracketsare used to connect the legs to the vertical wall
of thevessel as in figureG . 3 ( 6 )they should be designed When the supporting columns are equally spaced, the
as described inG.3.1.4 and fitted with reinforcing plates if bending and twisting moments in the ring girder can be
required. found from the following data, taken from[20].
Short legs, or legs braced to resist horizontalforces, may No. of legs 4 6 8 12
impose asevere constraint on a vessel wall due to Load on
differences in thermalexpansion. This constraint can be w/12
each w/a
leg W/6W/4
avoided by using brackets on the vessel wall provided Max. shear
with slottedholes t o allow for expansion. In addition, the in ring
mechanical loads at the points of support should be girder W/24W/16 w/12
assessed and the local stresses due to these determined
M1/Wr2 -0.034 2 -0.014 8 -0.008 27 -0.00365
using the charts of 6.2.4. Reinforcing pads designed as in
M2/Wr2 $0.017 6 +0.007 51 +0.004 15 +0.001 90
G.3.1.5 should be fitted necessary.
x/r2 0.335 0.222 O. 166 0.111
Reinforcing pads
T / Wr2 0.005 3 0.001 5 0.00063 0.000185
if necessary A bending moment causing tension at the underside of
the girder is taken
as positive. The torsion in the girder
zero at the supports and midway between them and the
This distance bending moment iszero at the points of maximum torsion.
t o be as small


f I-
Figure G.3(6) Leg supports for vertical vessels


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B S I Bf*5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395336306 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


Points of
B.M.= O

Figure G.3(7)Typical ring girder


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B S I BSx5500 94 L624667 0375337 242 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

6.3.3 Supports and mountings for horizontal vessels" Maximum vessel stresses can occur when the vessel is General. Horizontal vessels are subject to full of liquid but not subject to internal pressure (see [19]
longitudinal bending moments and localshear forces due and [ Z I ] ) and this loading condition should be
to the weight of their contents,
as well as t o local stresses investigated.
at supports and fittings. In thecase of large-diameter thin-walledvessels, the
They are conveniently supported on
saddles, rings or leg most arduous conditions can occur during filling.
supports (see figure G.3(8)). However, the methodspresented, based on the full
condition, produce designs which are satisfactory for the
When vessels are supported at more than two cross
partially full condition.
sections the support reactions are significantly affected by

small variations in the level of supports,
the the The includedangle of a saddle support( B in figure
straightness and local roundness of the vessel shell and G.3(8)(a)) should normally be within range the
the relative stiffness of different parts of the vessel 120" 6 B 150". This limitation, which is imposed by
against local deflections. Support tat w o cross sectionsis most codes ofpractice, is an empirical one based on
thus to be preferred even if this requires stiffening of experience
the of largevessels. Saddle anglesoutside this
support region of thevessel (see [ 191). range would require careful consideration.
Ring supportsare preferable t o saddle supports for When the supports are nearthe ends of the vessel
vessels in which support at more than crosstwo sections (A r / 2 ) the stiffnesses of the ends tend to maintain
is unavoidable and for vacuumvessels. It may be circular support cross sections and the shell is to said
necessary t o provide ring supports for heavy fittings or stiffened by the ends.
structures supported from the vessel. NOTE. A range of standardized saddle supports weldedto
pressure vessels isincluded in [42].
Vessels designedto containgases or liquids lighter than
water should be designed as vessels full of water when Longitudinalbending moments.Figure G.3(9)
they are to be hydraulically tested. shows theloads, reactions and longitudinal bending
The use of leg supportsonly, as in figure G.3(8)(c), should moments ina vessel resting on two symmetrically placed
be confined to smallvessels in which the longitudinal saddle supports. The bendinn moments are given by the
bending stressesare small compared with the axial stress following'equations (see[ I i a n[37]):
due to the working pressure, and the local stresses due to at mid-span

the support reactions (found from 6.2)can be kept within 2(/.2 - b2)
acceptable limits.
W1L 4A
Mountings and brackets fitted to the vessel to support M3= - (G.7) "

external loads should be designed

The shell thickness should not
as described in 6.3.1.
be less than that required
a t supports
3L 41
for internal pressure in

G.3.3.2Saddlesupports. Figure G.3(8)(a) shows a A (r2- b2)
horizontal vessel fitted with saddle supports. The methods L 2AL
given in6.2 are not strictly applicable to loaded areas M4= - WIA 1- (G.8)
extending over the large proportion of the total 4b
circumference of thevessel which is usual for saddle 3L
supports. A positive bending moment found from these equations is
The following treatmentis based onan empirical analysis one causing tension at the lowest point of the shell cross
presented in[ 191 and extended based on experience with section. The moment M4 may be positive vessels
in of
large-diameter thin-walled vessels with diameter to large diameter with supports near the ends because of the
thickness ratios up to the order of 1250 : 1. The analysis effect of hydrostaticpressure (seefigure G.3(9)).
applies t o saddles and rings welded to the vessel. In cases When L/r and b/r are known, these reduce to:
where doubtarises, the method to be used in computing
M3= W , (C,L-A)
stresses due to support loads, etc.,should beagreed
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
C , is a factor obtained from figure G.3(1
O), and
Loose rings orsaddles depend critically upon fit for their
effectiveness and requireanalysis by alternative
computational methods (see [28]).
The methodgives approximate values of stress which, where C2 a i d C3 are factors obtained from figureG.3( 11).
together with the appropriate stress limits, provide Similar expressions for the longitudinal bending moments
reasonable basis for design for non-cyclically loaded can be obtained by the ordinary methods of statics for
vessels. vessels in which the supports
are not symmetrically
In the case of vessels with significant cyclic loading, a placed.
rigorous analysisis required (see [28], [32], [38] and [39]).

For a derivationof the basic equations and constantsin this clause see[37]

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BSI BS*5500 94 m Lb24bb9 0395338 L89
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 atmid-span. The resultant at the lowest point of the cross section
longitudinal stresses at mid-span due to pressure
Pmr M3
the areby given f*= -+- (G.lO)
at the highest point
of the cross section 2t nr2t
These equationsare based on simple beam theory which
(G'9) assumes that cross sections remain circular.
The calculated tensile and compressive stresses should
not exceed thevalues permitted inA. and A.3.5.

(a) Saddle supports

1 2 1W1
(b) Ring supports

/ -

Figure G.3(8) Typical supports for horizontal vessels

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

- L
2 2

Load unit =
length ~ 2w1 -"W
36 \ 46
"4 k\ I
I 3

Hydrostatic r I \
loads on ends

2 W1r
Ai+ I

" - wr
L+- L+-
- 3
4 - I

Support centre line

(a) Loads and reactions

! I I

W ( r 2 - 62)
- intensity
Load w

I w1 I

Beam model of vessel

W1 - WA - --2bw - W1
I 3

E (b) Shear force diagram

t I

Positive values of M4 are obtained for the following forms

and proportions:
ends flat A/r 0.707
ends with 1O % knuckleradius A/r < 0.44
semi-ellipsoidal ends 2:l ratio A/r 0.363
M4 is always negative for hemispherical
The dimension3b/8 is anapproximation for the distance
of gravity of the
from the tangent plane to the centre
dished end and its contents for all ranges of dished end
covered by this standard.

Figure G.3(9) Cylindrical shell actingas beam over supports

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B S I B S r 5 5 0 0 94 m Lb24669 0 3 9 5 3 4 0 8 3 7 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


I I I I I I I I I I 1 O
1 .o 2 .o 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10 15 20

Factor G.3(10) Factor for bendingmoment at mid-span

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994




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BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 94 W Lb2Ybb9 0395342 bOT
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G. Longitudinalstresses at the saddles. Longitudinal G. Tangentialshearingstresses. Tangential shearing

stresses at the saddles depend upon the local stiffness of stresses are given by the following equations.
the shell in theplane of the supportsbecause, if the shell (A >r/2):
(a) Shell not stiffened by vessel end
does not remain round under load, a portion of the upper

part of its crosssection, as shown diagrammatically in

- 2A
figure G.3( 12).is ineffective against longitudinal bending

(see [ 191).
The resultant longitudinal stresses due to pressure and
weight should be evaluated tat w o positions as follows. This equation does not apply when> L/4, A but such
(a) Either proportions are unusual.
(i) at the highest point of the cross section when the (b) Shell stiffened by end of vessel (A <r/2). In this case
shell is stiffened by rings or by proximity ofends, the there are shearing stresses in both the shell and vessel
i.e.A 6 r / 2 ; end. They aregiven by:
(i¡) near the equator when the shell is unstiffened. (i) in the shellq=- K3
In bothcases (i) and (¡i) the stress is given by: rt 14) (G.

(G.ll) (i¡) in the endq e =K4

fie (G.15)
The values of K3, K4 and the allowable tangential
(b) At the lowest point of the cross section: shearing stressvalues are given in tableG.
The thickness of the saddle plate should not be included
when using equations (G.13) to (G.15).
Table factors K3 and Ka and
Values ofK1 and K2 are given in table G. allowable tangential shearing stresses
The thicknessof the saddle plate should not be included in
the equations. Condition Saddle angle Vessel shell Vessel end
The calculated tensile and compressive stresses should O (degrees) K3 K4
not exceed the values permitted inA. and A.3.5.
A >r/2 and shell 120 1.171 -
unstiffened by rings 0.958 135-
This area is ineffective
0.799 150-
against longitudinal bending
in an unstiffened shell A > r/2 and shell 120 0.31 9 -
stiffened by rings 135 0.31 9 -
in plane ofsaddles 15 0 0.31 9 -

A > r/2 and shell 120 1.171 -

stiffened by rings 135 0.958 -
adjacent t o saddles 150 0.799 -

Shell 120 0.880 3.40 1

135 0.654 3.344
by end 150 0.485 3.295
of vessel
120 0.880 3.880
135 0.654 3.654
150 0.485 3.485
Figure G.3(12) Portion of shell ineffective against

I t
longitudinal bending
Allowable tangential Vessel shell Vessel end
shearing stresses
(see note 1)
Table G. Design factors K I and K2
IDesign 0.8f orO.OG€t/r 1.25f-fn(,)
Condition Saddle angle
H (degrees) whichever is the (see note 2)
Shell stiffened by end or 120
rings, ¡.e.A <r/2 or 135 NOTE l . Allowable tangential shearing stress valuesare derived
rings provided 150 from strain gauge tests on large vessels (see [ 191) and experience
with large-diameter thin-walled vessels.
Shell unstiffenedby end 120 NOTE 2. The nominal maximum tensile stress in the headdue to
or rings, ¡.e.A >r/2 and 135 internal pressure, fn,d)can befound fromfigure using
no rings provided 150 appropriate values of hJD and e/D to give p / f and hence
f"(d) =p/(p/fJ.
where e IS the vessel end thickness before adding corrosion

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BSI B S S 5 5 0 0 74 H 3624669 0 3 9 5 3 4 3 546 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 Figure G.3(13) shows If the width of this plate is not

less than 62 and it subtends
the circumferential bending moments diagrammatically. an angle not less than(0 + 12"), the reduced stresses in
Circumferential stresses should be calculated using the the shell at the edge of saddle
the can be obtained by
equations given inG. G. substituting ( t +tl),the combined thickness of shell and
f6, f7and
numerical values of the circumferential stresses saddle plate, for r in equations(G.16) to
(G.18). b2 is
fsfound using theseexpressions should notexceed 1.25f. assumed t o be unchanged.
Unless the saddle is welded tovessel, f5
the the value of The stresses in the shella t the edge of the saddle plate
should notexceed Asfas defined inA.3.5. should be checked using equations (G.17) and (G. 18). The
saddle angle 0 may now include the angle of thesaddle
When the saddle is welded to the vessel the value of f5
should not exceedf.
plate up to but not exceeding + 12". The value oft should
be takenequal to the shell thickness; 62 is assumed to be
G. The circumferential unchanged.
stresses are calculated as follows.
If the stresses
are unacceptable then the width and/or
(a) At the lowest point
of the cross section: the includedangle of the saddle should be increased and
the calculationsrepeated, or alternatively provide rings
r,= - K5W1
~ (G.16) and carry outan analysis in accordancewith G.
It has recently been shown that peak stresses in the shell
(b) At the horn of saddle
the (see figure G.3(8)(a)): at the horn of the saddle
can be reduced by introducing
L - W1 3K6w1 some flexibility into the
saddle design in the region of the
for- 2 8,f6= --P (G.17) saddle horn (see [28] and [32]).
r 4tb2 23
Table G. Design factor K6
L - W1 12KeWlr
for - < 8,f6= -- (G.18)
r 4tb2 Lt2 A /r O (degrees)
where 62 = bl + 1Ot.
Unless the saddleis welded to thevessel values of K5 120 165135 15 0
should correspond to those given in table
G. for
rings adjacent to
saddle. When thesaddle is welded to the < 0.50 0.0059 0.0079
vessel K5 may be taken as one-tenth of this value.
ValuesforK6 are given in tableG. 3 1.00 0.031 6 0.0238
0.0413 0.052
These stresses may be reduced ifnecessary by extending
NOTE. For 0.50 A / r < 1.00values of K, should be obtained by
the saddle plateas shown in figureG.3(14). It is linear interpolationof the values in this table.
recommended that the thickness of the saddle plate in
of the shell
this case should be equal to the thickness
Maximum bending
moment oneach
ring stiffener
=Ma= ~ K6 w1 r


(a) For no stiffener or (b) For ring stiffeners

O for ring stiffener in
plane of saddle
adjacent t o saddle

Figure G.3(13) Circumferential bending moment diagrams


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table!S of constants C

, C5 K5 K7 and K8

Ring in plane of saddle Rings adjacent to saddle

Internal ring Internal rings External rings
(see figure G.3(15)(a)) (see figure G.3(15)(b)) (see figure G.3(15)(c))

150 165 120 150 135 135

-1 -1 +1 $1 +1 -1
+1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +l
- - - - 0.760 0.71 1 0.673 0.71 1
0.0528 0.041 3 0.0355 0.0471 0.0581 0.0238
0.047 10.031 6

0.323 0.248 0.271
0.219 0.277 0.303 0.248

NOTE. Intermediatevalues of K, K7 and K, may be obtained by

linear interpolation.

(a) Simple saddle support
1 Parts'of
offer no
appreciable resistance

to forceH

H=KgW1 Parts of saddle

this line offer no
appreciable resistance
(b) Saddle support with extended plate to forceH

Figure G.3(14) Saddle supports

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G. Shellstiffened by rings (see figure G.3(15)).The I

equations for calculating circumferential stresses are
given in (a) and (b) following. Positive values denote
tensile stresses and negative values denote compression.
Values of C,, C, K7 and Kg are given in table thickness
G. The effective cross-sectional area, a, of the
stiffener (or stiffeners) and the portion of the shell that can
be assumed t o act with it (them) is indicated by the
shaded areas in figure G.3(15).
The second moment ofarea, I , is taken about theX - X
axis parallel to the axis of the shell and through the
centroid of the shaded area. With an extended saddle
plate (see G. and figure G.3(14))the combined (a) Ring stiffener in plane of saddle
thickness ( t + f,) may be used for t i n figure G.3(15)(a)
when calculating the stresses a t the horn of the saddle.
If the extended saddle plate subtends an angle not less
than (0 + 12') the stresses f7 and f8 can be obtained from
equations (G.19) and (G.20) using K7 and K8 values
corresponding to saddle angle of (0 + 12').
The stiffeners shown in figure G.3(15)are of rectangular
section. Stiffeners of other sections may be used i f
When several stiffeners are used, as in figure G.3(15)(b)
and (c), the values of I and a are for the sum of the shaded
When two ring stiffeners are being used these should be l-4 bl+lOtQx<r

placed adjacent to thesaddle and can be welded t o either (b) Internal ring stiffeners adjacent to saddle
the inside or the outside of the shell as shown in figure
G.3(1.5)(b)and (c).
The axial length of shell between the stiffeners should be
not less than b1 plus 10 times the shell thickness and nor
more than the mean radius of the shell. In thiscase a
further check on the magnitude of f6 should be made
assuming the value Kg, of from tableG., is that for
A / r d 0.50.
(a) A ring in the planeof the saddle
of the saddle, in theshell:
At the horn
C4K7 W l r c K8W1
f, = "

I a (G.19)

saddle in the flange or tip of the ring

A t the horn of the
remote from the shell:

(G .20)
(c) External ring stiffeners adjacent to saddle
(b) Rings adjacentto the saddle
Figure G.3(15) Typical ring stiffeners
At the lowest point of the cross section:

- K5Wl
___ (G.21)
Near theequator, in the shell:


Near the equator, in the flange or tip of the ring remote

from theshell:

f8 =
c&7 rd K8 w1
I a (G.23)

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m L b 2 4 b b 9 039534b 255
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G. Design ofsaddles.The widthbl of steel saddles It canbe assumed that a length of shell /(= + \'z
(see figureG.3(8)(a))should be chosen to satisfy the contacting width of support) acts with the ring support to
circumferential stress limitsas defined by equations form a combined section and that, r2 is the radius through
(G.16)t o (G.23),where applicable. For most cases a width the centroid of this section, Z is the least section modulus
equal t o -(where D is the mean diameterof the and a is the effectivearea of the section. The constants
vessel in mm) will be satisfactory. K l o and K11 are found from tableG.3.3.3.
The minimum section at the low point saddle of a (see
figure G 3 1 4 ) ) has t o resist a force H equal t o the sum of Table G.3.3.3 Values of K l o and KI 1
the horizontal components of the reactions on one-half of
Angle K,O Kl 1
the saddle. The effective cross section resisting this load
should be limited to the metal cross section within a
distance equal to r/3 below the shell and the average 30 0.075 0.4 1
direct stress on this cross section should be limited to 35 0.065 0.40
two-thirds of the allowable design stress. 40 0.057 0.39
H = KgW1 45 0.049 0.38
50 0.043 0.37
55 0.039 0.36
where 8" 120 135 150 165
60 0.035 0.35
Kg 0.204 0.231 0.259 0.288 65 0.030 0.34
70 0.025 0.32
The upper and lower flanges of a steel saddle should be75 0.020 0.3 1
thick enough to resist the longitudinal bending
over the 80 0.017 0.29
web or webs due to the bearing loads
as in any machine 85 0.015 0.27
support. The web should be stiffened against buckling due
90 0.01 5 0.25
t o vertical shear forces as for structural beams, and
against bending due to longitudinal external loads on the The stress in the ring f l o should not exceedf. In thecase
vessel. of category 1 and 2 vessels the ringsare in general of the
One saddle of each vessel should be provided with some same materialas the vessel and constructed to the same
form of sliding bearing or rocker in the following cases: category as the vessel with the f value obtained from table
2.3. In thecase of the rings associated with category 3
(a) when steelsaddles are welded to the vessel shell;
vessels, it is considered acceptablet o use the
(b) whenlarge movements due either to thermal corresponding category 1 and 2 vessel fvaluesas given in
expansion or to axial strain in a long vessel
are table 2.3, provided the radial weld seams joining the
expected. segments of the rings are located in the region of low
G.3.3.3 Ring supports for horizontai vessels. Ring supports bending stress in the rings. The distribution of the bending
for horizontalvessels, as shown in figureG.3(8)(b),are moment in a typical ring support is shown in [37].
used whereit is important toensure that the shell of the Where the ring is made ofa different material from that of
vessel close to the supports remains round under load. the vessel, the f value for the weaker material should be
This is usually the
case for: used. For mild steel ring girders used on category 3
(a) thin-walledvessels likely to distortexcessively due vessels and not subject to above ambient temperatures, it
to their own weight; [40]. In
is acceptablet o use the allowable stresses from
(b) long vessels requiring supporta t more than two this case the ring should be designedas a separate
positions. structure without the benefit of the length ofshell.
The longitudinal bending moments in the shell and the Unless a vessel with ring supports works at atmospheric

corresponding stresses can be found in the same as way temperature and pressure, at least one ring support has t o
for saddle supports from equations(G.7) t o (G.12). be provided with some form of sliding bearing at its
connection to the foundation or supporting structure.
The tangentialshear stresses in the shell adjacent to the
ring supportare given by: NOTE. The values of Klo and K11 are derived from the absolute
maximum circumferential moment and the absolute maximum

) (ZE)
9W1 L -2.4 direct force in a ring supportas shown infigure G.3(8)(b).The
influence of shear forces the in ring due to reactions W1/2is not
q=( *
(G.24) taken into account and the designer shouldsatisfy himself that
the ring section is sufficient in cross-sectionalarea and lateral
stiffness to resist these forces.It is not necessaryto take into
The allowable tangential shearing stress values are given consideration secondary shell bending stresses induced by the
in table G. rigidity of, for example, a support ring, whenevaluating, except
where fatigue is a governing criterion when the permissible
The maximum circumferential stress in the ring, due t o stress is a matter for individualconsideration.
dead loads, isgiven by:
K1O W V Z + K11 W1
f l o= (G.25)
Z a

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.4 Simplified methodfor assessingtransient is the modulusof elasticity (in N/m2);

thermal stress at a pressure vesselnozzle shear force (inN);
G.4.1 Introduction. Itis often necessary to consider the is the surface heat transfer coefficient
stresses thatwill arise at the junction of nozzle
a with a (in W/(m2.K));
cylindrical or spherical shell when the fluid contained in is the surface heat transfer coefficient at the
the vessel is subject t o a rise or fall in temperature. The branch inner surface (in W/(m2.K));
value of thesestresses may decide the number of
is the surface heat transfer coefficient at the
temperature transients which can be accommodated
shell inner surface (in W/(m2,K));
without therisk of fatigue failure or, alternatively, the
stress levels may dictate the rates of temperature is the conductivity of
vessel material
variation which can safely be permitted. (in W/(m.K));
During such variation in operating conditions, shell and are branch thermal factors (from figures
branch materialwill be subject to stresses developed by G.4(3)and G.4(4));
transient through-thickness temperature distribution. The G.4(3)
are shell thermal factors (from figures
intensity of these stresses will be dependent upon the rate and G.4(4));
of fluid temperaturerise or fall, the surface heat-transfer are branch and shell mean temperature
coefficient andalso upon the metal thicknesses and factors (from figureG.4(5));
is the mean temperature difference factor;
Since the thickness of branch and shell will usually be
= k/ht;
dissimilar, therewill be differential expansion of the
branch and shell during the transient, which will produce shear moment (inN.m);
additional discontinuitystress. = dolt2;
A rigorous stressanalysis would need the use of finite is the mean radius of branch m);
element computer methods which, in the case of a branch is the outer radius of branch (in m);
on a cylindricalshell, would involve a complex
is the innerradius of branch (in m);
three-dimensional approach.I t would be difficult to be
equally precise in specifying the heat transfer rates is the mean radius of shell (inm);
operating, which have beenshown experimentally to vary is stress (in N/m2) (see text for specific
considerably around the circumference of branches in symbols);
cylinders. The cost of one such rigorous analysis would be
is the branch thickness (in
prohibitive in mostcases and usually the designer will
need to considerseveral transient operating conditions. is the shell thickness (in
Of more value ingeneral pressure vessel workare more is the fluid temperaturerise from startof
simple methods whichgive realistically conservative transient (inK);
maximum stress levels foruse in a fatigue assessment. is the inner surface temperature (in
G.4.2 Outline of the suggested design method. The is the outer surface temperature (in
method described inG.4.3 t o G.4.6first uses well known is the mean temperature (inK);
analytical methods for determining through-thickness
is the discontinuity of edge rotation;
temperature distribution and stresses in the branchand
shell material during a fluid transient. average
The is the coefficient of linear expansion
temperature ofeach component is then used in a (in m/(m.K));
thin-shell discontinuityanalysis at the junction of branch is the radial discontinuity;
and shell. The total stress is taken to be the sum of the (in S ) ;
is the time from start of transient
temperature and discontinuity stress.
is the density of the material (in kg/m3).
The solution yields a conservative estimate ofgross the
section stresses from which the maximum equivalent G.4.3.2 Derivation of method. Consider a
stress intensity can be calculated. In applying the resultscylinder-to-sphere assembly as shown in figureG.4(1)
in a fatigueanalysis, stress concentration factors would with a fluid subject to a rise in temperature on inside.
be appliedto allow for the effect of welds or local Assume that heat transfer coefficients (hband h,) apply at
geometry. the branch and shell inner surfaces. The fluid velocity in
Graphs and tables are included which reduce the overall the branch will usually be greater than that in the shell and
solution to the simple use of thermaland stress factors hb may be several times
larger than h,. During a ramp rise
which are applied in a final set of stress equations. in temperature the time-temperature behaviour of branch
and shell material will be similar to that shown in figure
6.4.3 Notation and derivation of method G.4(2).
G.4.3.1 Notation. For the purposes of6.4 the following Branch and shell material away from the discontinuity will
symbols apply. be subject to thermal stress proportional to the difference
a l , a2, a3 are branchinfluencecoefficients;
between the surface temperature (Ti or T,) and the mean
A A2, A 3 are shellinfluencecoefficients; temperature (Tm).These through-thickness temperature
c,, c2, C, are stress factors (from tables G.4(I ) , stresses will generally be different in branch andshell.
G.4(2), G.4(3),G.4(4)); Solutions are given in[29] for stresses in a flat plate
C is the
J/(kg.K)); subject to a ramp rise in fluid temperature at one surface.
d is the
of (in


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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 9 4 m L624669 0395348 028 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Taking Poisson's ratio as equal t o 0.3, these solutions may junction mayalso be written, and stresses will be directly
be plotted in the form of figuresG.4(3)and G.4(4),where proportional to the difference in mean temperature
S, = - KlEaTf between the two parts. A general expression for
discontinuity stress may therefore be written as:
S, = K ~ E u T ~
S, = KdC,EaTf
Si and S, are the thermal stresses at inner and outer
surfaces. where Kd is equalto the difference between the
The values ofK1 and K2 are plotted in figuresG.4(3)and temperature factorsKb and K, given by figureG.4(5)and
G.4(4)against the parameters: C, represents factors for the various component stresses
in the assembly. The values of C, for arange of
de branch/shell geometries have been computed and are
N= -
t2 given in tablesG.4(1 ), G.4(2), G.4(3)and G.4(4).

k be given by combining the

The total stresses will
m= - discontinuity stresses with those due to
ht (Si
through-thickness transient temperature distribution
where and S), and may be represented by a general set of stress
d = k/cp. equations as given in6.4.4.
l ] ,curves may be drawn G.4.4Total stress equations
Also, from the solutions given [ in
as shown in figureG.4(5)which give the ratio rise
of in G.4.4.1Junction stresses
mean metal temperature to the rise in fluid temperature
(a) Shell
(T,/Tf) using the same parameters N and m.
Inner surface
Assuming that the thermal expansion of the branch and
the shell opening is proportional to the respective
metal temperatures, the radial discontinuity introduced at
the junction would be
6 = (Kb - K,) arTf meridional
where Kb and K, are obtained from figuresG.4(5).
In addition to the relative horizontal displacement of the
t w o parts, a rotational discontinuity(V) will also be
produced by edge rotation of the shell opening. Outer surface
In an actual construction these discontinuities will be
removed byshear forces ( F ) and moments (M)acting at
the junctionand their values would be given by the
(al +AI)F+(ag+Az)M=6
(a2 +A2)F+ (a3 + A 3 ) M = V
where a, and A , are deflections and rotation influence
coefficients for branch and shell respectively.values
The (b)Branch
of a, may be obtained from simple thin-cylinder bending Inner surface
theory; values ofA,, referring to a pierced hemisphere circumferential
may be more conveniently obtained from thin-shell
computer analysis.
In practice the 'free' rotation at the edge of the shell
opening would be small and would anyin casetend to longitudinal
reduce thevalues of discontinuity force and moment. If
the value Vis therefore taken to zero,
be the equations S;, = [KdCZ - k,] EaTf
offer a more simplesolution, giving somewhat
conservatively highvalues of F and M. Outer surface
Taking Poisson's ratio as 0.3, inserting equations for
and letting C=R/T, S=r/R, Z = T h , a non-dimensional
solution of the equations will be given by:

F - D1
€6 D

M - D2 where
E6T D Kd = Kb - K, G.4(5))
(read from figure
where K I ,K2, k l , k2 are temperature factors from figures
D1 = A3/C2 + 8.54(CS)0.522.5 G.4(3)and G.4(4)for shell( K ) and branch ( k )
D2 = A2/C - 3.33(CS)Z2 C l , C2, C3 are stress factorsfrom tablesG.4(1), G.4(2)
D = D1(2.6(CSZ)'.5+ A l ) - Oz2 and G.4(3).
Using the calculatedvalues of junction forceand moment,
equations for stresses in the branch
and shell at the

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

maximum equivalent
occur at the junction between branch and shell to which
refer. = [Kd(0.644C2 - c4) - k l ] EaTf
Maximum bending stress in the branch may occur at a
distance 0.62 V
z from the junction. At this point the total Outer surface
thermalstresseswillbegivenbyequationsin G.4.4.2. circumferential stresses
Inner surface

where C4 is a stress factor from table

Figure G.4(1) Nozzle geometry

Time -

Figure G.4(2)Transient fluid andmetal temperatures

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? !

9 0-
O o

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

G.4.5 Use and limitationsof the method. The final stress

O equations should provide designer
a with a simple means
of estimating stressranges in a branch dueto thermal
m= - =
ht 2850
x 0.05

cycling. Although based upon the analysis of the k l = 0.14 (from figure G.4(3))
rotationally symmetric cylinder-to-sphere connection, the k2= 0.08 (from figure G.4(4))

results should be sufficiently accurate for inuse

Kb=0.82 (from figure G.4(5))
fatigue assessment of branches in cylindrical shells.
Since ro/G = 1.4 (¡.e. ro/G > l . 1)
The analysisfor through-thickness temperature stress is
based upona flat-plate solution and is reasonably 15 0
accurate for cylinders where ro/riis lessthan about 1 .l. kl (corrected)=- k l =0.17
For branches thicker thanthis, the stress factor(kl)may
be multiplied by the ratior/G for a conservative result. Kd = K b - K, = 0.52
Calculate geometric factors (Cl,
The analysisfor discontinuity stress will give conservative C2,C-J
results since it neglects the effects of edge rotation R/T= 15,r/R=O.l,Z=T/t=2.0
produced by anyaxial temperature gradient on the branch C1 = 0.26 (from table G.4( 1) )
and by temperature gradient through the shell wall. Both
effects would in practice tendreduce to the junction C2 = 0.70 (from table G.4(2))
forces and moments. C3 = 0.1 3 (from table G.4(3))
Such a simple type analysis
of cannot, of course, predict Calculate total thermalstress
the peak stresses which would occur due to local changes Rise in fluid temperature(Tf) = 200 K
O in geometry at the junction and the designer would need
to apply appropriate stress concentration factors before
€ = 2 1 x lo4 MN/m2
applying stress results in a fatigue analysis. a = 12.6 x 1OW6 m/(m.K)
In practicaluse the tabulated stress factors CI, C2, C3 and €aTf=21 x 1 2 . 6 ~ 2 10-1
0 ~ =530MN/m2
C4 will be found to as plot
fairly straight lines against the Shell:
various parameters, and interpolation for intermediate Total stress Stress
factor (MN/rn2)
geometric ratios can be made with reasonable accuracy.
G.4.6 Worked example
Problem. A branch 300 mm mean diameter and 50 mm
Shi = 0.52 (0.26 +
0.3 x 0.7
-0.32 ~ )
thick is welded to a steel vessel 3 m diameter and = - o.157 - 83.2
100 mm thick. The contained fluidis subject to a ramp

(047 1
in temperature of 200“C in 1O min. Theaverage heat
transfer coefficients to shell
and branch are estimated as S,i=0.52 “0.13
=-0.296 - 157.2
570 W/(m2.K) and 2850 WAm2.K) respectively.
Calculate thermal stress in the assembly at the end of the
Take: 4
k=41.5 W/(m.K) = 0.248 131.4
c=420 J/(kg.K)
P = 7700 kg/m3
d= - = 41.5 = 1 . 2 8 10-5m2/s
( O71
= - 0.01 9 - 9.9
cp 420 x 7700
Calculate thermal factors(KI, K2, kl,k2, Kd)
At end of transient O = 600s Branch:
Total stress Stress
Shell: factor (MN/m2)

dtJ 1.28~
10-5x600 S’hi = 0.52 [0.26 (0.3 X 0.7)
N= -= = 0.77
- 1.O] - o.17 = - 0.446 - 236.4
T2 (O. 112

m= -= 41’5 ~0.73 S’,;= (0.52 X 0.7) - O. 17 = 0.194 102.8
hT 570~0.1
KI =0.32 (from figure G.4(3))
K2 = O. 14 (from figure G.4(4)) S’ho = 0.08 + 0.52 [0.26-
K, = 0.30(from figure G.4(5)) (0.3 X 0.7) - 1.O] = - 0.41 4 - 219.4
S’Io = 0.08 - (0.52 X 0.7) = - 0.284 - 150.5
d# 1.28 x 1 x 600
N= -= = 3.1
t2 (0.05)*

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue I , January 1994

From thisanalysis the maximum stress intensity would Otherwise, anda t other locations,it may benecessary
occur a t the inner surface of the branch and would
equal: t o apply additional peak stress factors to allow for weld
S,,, = 236.4+ 102.8 = 339.2 N/mm2 geometry.
In this example, if the inner surface of a weld at the branch If temperature cycling coincides with
pressure changes
t o shell junction may be considered to be ground flush then any stresses due pressureto should be added to the
then the designlife, due to thermal cyclingalone, would be cOmwnentstresses given above, before calculatingthe
obtained by enteringthe fatiguedesign curve (see figure maximum stress intensity in accordance with C.2.3.
C.2.1) a t a value of alternating stress of
+S,,, (see C.8).

Table G.4(1) Circumferential stress factor C1

R / T = 15

r/R I 1z z==5 4 I 1z2==32 I Z=1.5 I Z=1 I Z=0.66 I Z=0.5

0.05 0.20 0.29 0.36 0.46 0.57 0.66
o. 1 0.18 0.26 0.32 0.40 0.50 0.59
0.2 0.14 0.20 0.27 0.32 0.39 0.48 0.56
0.3 0.1 6 0.22 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.49 O. 57
0.4 0.17 0.23 0.3 1 0.37 0.43 0.50 0.57
O. 5 8 0.1
0.14 0.24 0.33 0.38 0.44 0.5 1 0.58

R/T= 50

r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 z=2 Z = 1.5 z=l

0.08 0.05 0.1 1 0.1 5 0.22 0.2 6 0.34
o.1 0.09 0.1 1 0.16 0.2 2 0.26 0.33
0.2 0.10 0.14 0.1 9 0.26 0.30 0.50
0.35 0.43
0.3 0.11 0.15 0.2 1 0.27 0.33 0.38
0.52 0.45
0.4 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.30 0.35 0.39
O. 5 0.14 O. 18 0.24 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.49 O. 56

R / T = 1O0
r/R z=5 z=4 2=3 2 = 2 z = 1 2 =1.5 Z = 0.66 Z=0.5
0.05 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.1 9 0.23 0.30 0.39 0.47
o. 1 0.08 0.1 1 0.15 0.21 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.45
0.2 0.1 o 0.1 3 0.18 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.4 1 0.48
O. 3 0.12 0.15 0.2 1 0.35 0.44
0.32 0.26 0.50
0.4 0.12 0.1 7 0.22 0.28 0.35 0.39 0.46 0.53
O. 5 0.13 0.18 0.24 0.42 0.37 0.49
0.32 0.55


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table G.4(2) Bending stressfactor C,


ti t
R / T = 15


o. 1
z = 5z = 3
1.1 1
Z= 1.5
O. 52
f Z = 0.66

- 0.04
Z = 0.5

0.3 1.41 1.25 1.o0 0.58 0.3 1 0.04 - 0.07 - 0.08

1.39 0.4 1.24 0.98 0.56 0.29 0.03 - 0.08 - 0.09

O. 5 1.22 1.38 0.97 0.55 0.28 0.02

1 - 0.09 -0.10

R / T = 50

r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 z=2 Z = 1.5 Z=1 Z = 0.66 Z = 0.5

0.05 1.50 1.36 1.12 0.70 0.41 o. 13 0.01 - 0.02
o.1 1.45 1.30 1.O4 0.60 0.32 0.07 -0 - 0.05
0.2 1.41 1.26 0.99 0.56 0.29 0.03 - 0.07 - 0.08
0.3 1.23 1.38 0.97 O. 54 0.28 0.01 - 0.09 -0.10
0.4 0.97 1.23 O.1.38
54 0.28 0.01 - 0.09 -0.10
O. 5 1.21 1.37 0.27 0.54 0.0
1 -0.10 -- o.1 1
O 1

R / T = 1O0

r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 z=2 Z= 1.5 z=l Z = 0.66 Z=0.5

0.05 1.47 1.32 1.O6 0.63 0.35 0.09 - 0.01 .-0.03
o. 1 1.43 1.26 0.99 0.55 0.28 0.04 - 0.05 - 0.06
0.2 1.40 1.24 0.97 0.54 0.27 0.02 - 0.08 - 0.09
0.3 1.39 1.23 0.97 0.54 0.27 0.02 - 0.08 -0.10
0.4 1.38 1.22 0.96 0.54 0.27 0.0 1 - 0.09 -0.1 1

O. 5 1.37 1.21 0.95 0.54 0.27 0.01 -0.10 - 0.1 1

Table G.4(3) Meridional stress factor C3

R / T = 15
~ _ _
r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 z=2 Z = 1.5 z=1 Z = 0.66 Z = 0.5
0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.29 0.37 0.44
o. 1 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.1 6 0.2 1 0.29 0.35
0.2 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1o 0.1 4 0.20 0.25
O 0.3
0.1 1
0.1 5
O. 5 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.1 3
R / T = 50

r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 z=2 Z= 1.5 z= 1 Z = 0.66 Z = 0.5

0.05 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.1o 0.13 0.18 0.25 0.3 1
o. 1 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.1 8 0.23
o.2 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 2 0.15
O. 3 0.0 1 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.1 1
O. 5

R / T = 1O0
0.0 1
0.0 1
0.0 1
I 0.02

0.13 0.1 8

O 0.2
O. 3 I 00100; 0.09
0.1 1
0.04 0.05

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BS 5500 : 1 9 9 4
Issue 1, January 1994

Table G.4(4) Branch bending stress factor C4

1 1 1 1 1 1.1
R / T = 15

r/R 2=5 z=4 z=2 zZ==31.5 z=1 Z = 0.66 Z = 0.5

0.05 1 .o0 0.85 0.94 0.20 0.27 0.38 0

: ij 0.53 ::I;
0.23 0.970.35 0.48 0.59 0.78
0.22 0.94 0.34 0.46 0.58 0.76
O.5 0.25
0.870.940.33 0.45 0.57 0.75
R / T = 50

r/R z=5 z=4 z=3 2=2 Z = 1.5 z=l Z = 0.66 Z = 0.5

0.05 1 .o2 0.96 0.86 0.68 0.56 0.43
o.1 1 .o0 0.82 0.93
0.65 0.53 0.41
0.2 0.98 1 0.79 0.9 0.61 0.50 0.39
O.3 0.96 0.77 0.89
0.59 0.48 0.36 0.29 0.25

0.4 0.76 0.88
0.58 0.95 0.46 0.35 0.27 0.23
O.5 0.94 0.88 0.76 0.57 0.45 0.33 0.26 0.22 O
R / T = 1O0
r/R z=5 z=4 z=2 Z = 1.5 z=l 2 = 0.66 Z = 0.5
0.05 1 .o1 0.95 0.67 0.56 0.44 0.35 0.30
o.1 0.99 0.92 0.64 0.53 0.42 0.30 0.35
0.2 0.97 0.90 0.61 0.50 0.39 0.27 0.32
O.3 0.97 0.89 0.59 0.48 0.37 0.25 0.28
0.4 0.94 0.89 0.58 0.46 0.35 0.28 0.24
O.5 0.94 0.85 0.75 0.57 0.45 0.34 0.22 0.26


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BSI BS*5500 94 Lb24669 0395357 030

BS 5500 : 1 9 9 4
Issue 1, January 1 9 9 4

e G.5 Bibliography
1. ESHBACH.Handbook of engineering fundamentals.
21. FORBES,P. D. and TOOTH, A.S. An analysis for twin
saddle supported unstiffened cylindricalvessels. Joint
British Conference on Stress Analysis, 1968.

2. TIMOSHENKO,S. Theory of elastic instability. 2nd

McGraw Hill, 1961. methods of calculating stresses due to local loads and
local attachmentsof pressure vessels. 1969. PD 6439.
3. DONNELL, L. H. and WAN,C. C. Effect of imperfections on
buckling of thin cylinder under axial compression. J. appl. 23. BIJLAARD, P. P. Stresses in sphericalvessels from
Mech. 1950, March. radial loads and external moments acting on a pipe. 1959.
Weld. Res. Coun. Bull. No. 49.
4. SEIDE,P. Ax¡-symmetrical buckling of circular cones
under axial compression. J. appl. Mech. 1956, December, 24. BIJLAARD,P. P. Stresses in sphericalvessels from local
625. loads transferred by pipe. a 1960. Weld.Res. Coun. Bull.
No. 50.
5. HARRISand LEYLAND. Conical vessels subject to external
pressure. Trans. l. Chem. E. 1952: 30,65-74. 25. LECKIE, F. A. and PENNY, R. K. Solutions for the stresses
in nozzles in pressurevessels. 1963. Weld.Res. Coun.
6. SIEMON,K. Pressure vessel manual. EdwardsBros., Bull. No. 90.
26. RODABURGH,E. C., WITT, F. J. and CLOUD, R. L. Stresses
7. FREESE,C. E. Vibrations of verticalpressure vessels.J. a t nozzles in sphericalshells loaded with pressure,
Engng. lnd. 1959, February. moment and thrust. 1966. U S . Atomic Energy
8. BIJLAARD, P. P. Local stresses in spherical shells from Commission Phase Report No. 2.

O radial or momentloadings. Weld. J. (Research

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27. LECKIE, F. A. and PENNY, R. K. Shakedown loads for
radial nozzles inspherical pressure vessels.lnsr. J. Solids
9. BIJLAARD, P. P. On the stresses from local
loads on andstructures. 1967: 3. 743.
spherical pressure vessels and pressure vesselheads. 28. WILSON, J. D. and TOOTH, A. S. The support of
1957. WeldingResearch Council BulletinNo. 34. unstiffened cylindricalvessels. 2nd Int.Conf. Pressure
IO. BIJLAARD,P. P. Stresses from radialloads in cylindrical Vessel Technol. ASME. 1973.
pressure vessels. Weld. J. 1954: 33,615s-623s. 29. HEISLER, M. P. Transient thermal stresses in slabs and
P. P. Stresses from radial loads and external circular pressurevessels. J. appl. Mech. 1953.
moments in cylindrical pressurevessels. Weld. J. 1955, 30. WICHMAN, K. R., HOPPER,A.G. and MERSHON, L.J.Local
December, 608s-617s. stresses in spherical and cylindrical shells due to external
J., NARDO,S. V. and POHLE,
F. V. loadings. 1965. Weld.Res. Coun. Bull. No.107.
Deformation and stresses in circular cylindrical shells 31. ROSE, R. T. New design methodsfor pressure vessel
caused by pipe attachments. Part 1, Summary of nozzles. The Engineer,214, July 20, 1962, p. 90.
investigation. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory.
32. DUTHIE,G. and TOOTH, A. S. The analysis of horizontal
Schenectady. 1953. KAPL-921.
cylindrical vessels supported by saddles welded to the
13. HOFF,N. J., KEMPNER, and J. POHLE, F. V. Line load vessel-a comparison of theory and experiment. 3rd Int.
applied along generators of thin-walled circular cylindricalConf. P.V. Tokyo 1977.

shells of finite length.O.appl. Math. 1954: X1(4), 41 1-425.

33. KANNAS, A., KITCHING,R. and GILL,S. S. A design
14. KEMPNER, J., SHENG, J. and POHLE, F. V. Tables and procedure for pad reinforced flush nozzles in spherical
curves for deformationand stresses in circular cylindrical pressure vessels. /nt. J. Pres. Ves. Piping, 1978,6, 2.
O shells under localized loadings. J. aeronaut. Sci. 1957,
February, 11 9-129.
34. ASHTON,J. N., MCINTYRE, H. and GILL,S. S.A design
procedure based on limit analysis for a pad reinforced
15. SHOESSOW, G. J., and KOOISTRA, L. F. Stresses ina nozzle in a spherical pressure vessel.lnr. J. Mech. Sc¡.,
cylindrical shell due nozzle
to or pipe connection.Trans. 1978,20,747-757.
A.S.M.E.,67, 1945.A-107.
35. SOLIMAN,S. F. and GILL,S. S. Stress concentration
16. GARTNER, l.A. Nomograms for the solution of anchor factors for integral and pad reinforced nozzles in spherical
bolt problems. Petroleum Refiner. 1951, July. pressure vessels subjected t o radial load and moment. /nt.
17. BIJLAARD,P. P. and CRANCH,E. T. Stresses and J. Pres. Ves.Piping, 1979,7,275-307.
deflections due to local loadings on cylindrical shells. 36. Hsu, I. M., KETTLEWELL, J. and GILL,S. S. Shear loading
Weld. J. (Research Supplement). 1960, July. of pad reinforcednozzles in sphericalpressure vessels-a
18. WEIL, N. A. and MURPHY, J. J. Design andanalysis of theoretical investigation. lnt. J. Pres. Ves. Piping, 1980,8,
welded pressure vessel skirt supports.J. Engng. lnd. 1960, 4 6 1-486.
February. 37. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Stresses in horizont
19. ZICK, L. P. Stresses in large horizontal cylindrical saddles: a
cylindrical pressure vessels supported on twin
pressure vessels on twosaddle supports. Weld.J. derivation of the basic equationsand constants used in
(Research Supplement).1951, September. G.3.3 of BS 5500. 1982. PD 6497.
20. KETCHUM, M. S. The design ofwalls, bins and grain 38. DUTHIE,G., WHITE,G .C., TOOTH,A. S. An analysis for
elevators. McGraw Hill, 1929. cylindrical vessels under local loading-application to
saddle supported vessel problems. J. Strain Analysis.
1 982,17, 1 57- 1 67.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ElSI B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m 3624669 0395358 T77 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Stresses in horizontal storage vessels-a comparison of details (dimensions).Part 2. Specification forsaddle
theory and experiment.J. Strain Analysis.1982,17, supports for horizontal cylindricalpressure vessels. 1983.
Specification for the A simplified approach to
use of structural steel in building. BS 449. calculating stresses due to radial loadsand moments
41. INSTITUTE applied
OFWELDING. Handbook for welded structural t o branches in cylindrical pressurevessels.J.
steelwork. Strain Analysis.198 1, 16, No. 4.


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BSI BS*5500 94 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395359 903 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix H H.4.4 Where the major pressure part does not require
post-weld heat treatment but the minor pressure part
Recommendationsfor post-weld heat treatment
of does, then special consideration should be given t o ensure
dissimilar ferritic steel joints technical acceptability,e.g. buttering of the minor
component with the consumable adopted for the buttered
NOTE. It is essential that individualclauses of this appendix are
not read in isolation. component and, separate post-weld heat treatment of the
buttered component.
H.l Basic conditions. The recommendations in this
appendix are based on the following conditions. H.5 General considerations
(a) Post-weld heat treatment should be compatible H.5.1 Where the post-weld heat treatment
is being
with the parent materials being welded. carried out between different material groups in the higher
temperature range, the average temperature of the
(b) Post-weld heat treatment should be compatible
assembly should be heldas near to the minimum as is
with the relative importance of the pressure parts being
Using the example given H.3.1,
in if group HT2 is the
(c) The weld metal should be compatible with the
ruling component, then the target is approximately
post-weld heat treatment. The materials have been 640 "C.
classified into five groups (as shown in table H.l), the
minimum temperature for post-weld heat treatment inH.5.2 Where post-weld heat treatmentis being carried
each group being constant. Alternative post-weld heat out between different material groups in the lower
treatments to those listed in table H.l should take into temperature range, the average temperature of the
account the basic conditions(a), (b) and (c). assembly should be held as near to the maximum as is
O H.2 Welds between materialgrades within a group
Using the example given H.3.1,
in if group HT1is the
H.2.1 The post-weld heat treatment of welds between ruling component, then the target is approximately
material grades within a groupis permissible. 610 "C.
H.2.2 Where a weldis made between dissimilar pressure
H.5.3 Where the time at temperature of a part of lower
parts within the same group, the consumablesare to be
alloy content being post-weld heat treated at a higher
appropriate to either of the materials.
temperature is greater than 60 min more than it would
H.3 Welds between material gradesfrom different normally receive if heat treated in its normal temperature
groups range, this should be the subject of agreement between
H.3.1 The post-weld heat treatmentof welds between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
material grades in different groups should be permissible H.5.4 The manufacturing sequence and post-weld heat
where T l ' - Tz'' is not greater than O1"C, T,' being the treatment operations should be so arranged as to
lower temperature of the material grade requiring the minimize the amount of degraded material.
higher temperature post-weld heat treatment and Tz"
H.5.5 Assemblies involving welds from three or more
being thehigher temperature of the material grade
different groups requiring simultaneous treatment are t o
requiring the lower temperature post-weld heat be avoided.
Table H . l Classification of materials
Example. Post-weld heat treatment following welding
group H T I t ogroup HT2 materials: Material Post-weld heat
treatment Group
T l ' = 630 "C, 72" = 620 "C temperature
T l ' - TZ'' = 10 "C which is permissible.
Grade T m T, T2
H.3.2 Where the temperature differenceT,'- T2" is
greater than 1O"C, such joints should be the subject of "C "C
agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. M0,Ml Carbon and carbon580 620 HT1
H.3.3 Where a weld is made between pressure parts in manganese steel
M5 3%Ni 580 620
materials belongingto differentgroups, the consumables
should be chosen from the range of consumables M2 CMo 630 670 HT2
appropriate to the group that controls the post-weld heat MnCrMoV" 630 670
treatment. M7 1Cr%Mot 630 670
1%Cr%Mot 630 670
H.4 Pressure part controlling post-weld heat M9 2 % C r l MOS 630 670
treatment temperaturerange for materials from
different groups M7 1Cr%Mo§ 650 700 HT3
H.4.1 Where a weld is between pressure parts ofequal
importance, post-weld heat treatment should be in the M 8 %Cr%Mo'/V 680 720 HT 4
higher temperaturerange (see H.5.1). M9 2%Crl Mot 680 720
H.4.2 Where a weldis between pressure parts of differing M 9 2XCrl Mo4 710 750 HT5
importance, the post-weld heat treatment should be asfor M10 5Cr%Mo 710 750
the majorpressure part (seeH.5.1 and H.5.2).
Refers to 271 and 281 type steels (see table 2.3).
O H.4.3 Where a weld is between
a structural part and a
pressure part, the post-weld heat treatment should as
t For optimum high temperature properties.
$ For high tensility.
for the pressure part. 5 For maximum softening.

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B S I BSW5500 94 W L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395360 625 W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix J this riskmay, by agreement between the appropriate

parties, be coveredby the fitting of additional valve(s).
Recommendations for pressure relief protective

devices For direct operated safetyvalves in liquid service (see

figure J.1) the required discharge capacity of the valve
When considering the safety valve characteristics and the may not bereached until an overpressure of2 5 % above
system requirements, the relationship between the the setpressure is reached when the valve will achieve full
design pressure and the permitted accumulated pressure lift. To ensure that the maximum accumulated pressure
in avessel (or system) will be dictated by the given in3.1 3.2.1is not exceeded, valves in liquidservice
requirements of3.13.2 and 3.13.3.The relationship with should be set at a lower pressure than those ingas or
the setpressure and overpressure at which the safety vapour service. A reasonable margin is required between
valve attains its certified capacity
is illustrated in the normal operating pressure of the vessel andreseat the
figure J.l. pressure of the valve and as a result the normal operating
For direct operated safety valves gas in or vapour service pressure may beas much as 22 % below the design
(see figureJ.1) the required discharge capacity should be pressure of thevessel. If thispressure margin is
achieved at an overpressure not exceeding10 % above unavailable, it may be possible to install a larger capacity
the setpressure. Following discharge the valve will reseatvalve togive the required discharge capacity a t an
within therange 5 % t o 10 % below the set pressure overpressure of less than 25 %of the
set This
providing thatit is correctly adjusted. The normal larger valve would not achieve full lift and its selection
operating pressure of the system should be below the would require discussion with the valve manufacturer.
reseat pressure,the difference being chosen on the basis Safety valves certified a t 1O % overpressure may be
of the probable variations in operating pressure due to considered as an alternative.
process factors and the tolerance on cold differential test NOTE. Further information maybe found in the following
pressure. American Petroleum Institute publications, which are available
from the Sales Department,BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes
With assisted and supplementary loaded safety valves, MK146LE.
failure of the assist mechanism, or of the supplementary
API RP 520 Recommended practicefor the design and
load t o be released may result in the valve remaining installation of pressure relieving systems
closed untila pressure higher than the desired set refineries
pressure is reached.If the integrity of the assist API RP 521 Guide for pressure relief and depressurizing system
mechanism orrelease of the supplementary load cannot See alsoBS 5908 which calls up these API publications and
be assured, the setpressure of the valve should be such other reference documents.
that, in the event failure,
of the required capacity will still
be achieved at the desired accumulation. Alternatively,

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BSI BS*5500 94 W Lb24bb9 0 3 9 5 3 b 3 5 b l W
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

pPVr vreeessssssueuerl rel e Safety valve


design pressure
____ R e l i e v i n gp r e s s u r e
r e g u l a t epdr e s s u r e f

Accumulation Overpressure

Design pressure Set pressure


i Reseat pressure

Normal operating
pressure 4

(a) Safety valvewith 1O % overpressure (gasor vapour service)

Max. permitted
r e g u l a t e dp r e s s u r e Relievingpressure


D e s i g np r e s s u r e

- 90 -
Set pressure

- 85-

Normal operating
& "
o i
Reseat pressure

7: -75-

(b) Safety valvewith chosen 25 % overpressure (liquid service)

Figure J.l Typical pressure term relationships

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BSI BS*5500 94 3624667 0395362 4 T 8 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix K These values show some differences from the properties

specified in previousstandards, which were based on
Requirements forthe derivation of material individual assessments of the data then available. The
nominal design strengthsfor construction category procedure described inBS 3920 is essentially empirical
1 and 2 vessels and properties derivedby it are regarded as characteristic
values (to be used for quality control purposes as specified
K.1 General. This appendix describes the principlesused
in the relevant materials standards) rather than as critical
to derive the nominal design strengths given in 2.3 table
properties in the design context. Nevertheless, it is
which, unless otherwise stated, are related to the relevant
reasonable and convenientt o base permissible design
property values given in the following British Standards.
strengths directly on these characteristic yield/proof
BS 1501 : Part 1 : 1980 stress values unless this would result in design strengths
BS 1501 : Part2 : 1988 Plates for which there is no justification in terms of previous
BS 1501 : Part 3 : 1990 experience and current understanding of structural
BS 1502 : 1982 Sections and bars behaviour. Thishas been done except in a few cases,
BS 1503 : 1989 Forgings which are identified in table 2.3, where design strengths
BS 1504 : 1976 Castings based on the simple relationships specified K.3.2 in
BS 3059 : Part 1 : 1987 and K.3.3 would have resulted in an unwarranted
BS 3059 : Part 2 : 1990 reduction orincrease in the strength levels that have
BS 3601 : 1987 previously been established for the materials in question.
BS 3602 : Part 1 : 1987
BS 3602 : Part 2 : 1991 Pipes and tubes The time-independent design strength criterla may be
BS 3603: 1991 applied t o materials not listed inK . l provided that they
BS 3604 : Part 1 : 1990 comply with2.4.2.Values ofRe(nfor such materialsare to

BS 3604 : Part 2 : 1991 be verified by tests in accordance with BS 3688 a t the

BS 3605 : 1973 appropriate temperature, unless the values were derived
BS 3605 : Part 1 : 1991 in accordance with BS 3920.
BS 3606 : 1978 K.3.2 Carbon, carbon manganese andlow alloy steels
Appropriate amendments to this appendix will be issued The following strengthsapply.
as necessary to cover future revisionsof the above (a) Material with specified elevated temperature
standards or additions t o table 2.3.
( 1) Up toand including 50 "C:
K.2 Notation. For the purposes of thisappendix the
following symbols apply.
f E = LR o r - Rrn (K.1)
R, is the minimum tensile strength specified for the 1.5 2.35
grade of material concerned at room temperature
whichever gives the lowervalue.
(tested in accordance with BS EN 10002-1).
(2) 15 0 "C and above:
R, is the minimum value of specified yield strength
for the grade of steel concerned at room
fE= (K.2)
temperature (tested in accordance with
BS EN 10002-1).
whichever gives the lower
Where a standard specifies minimumvalues of re^
(3) Between 5 0 "C and 150 "C : fE has been basedon
or R, 0.2 (R,,,o for austenitic steels) these
values are
linear interpolation between values obtained from
taken as corresponding t o R,.
equations ( K . l ) and (K.2).
Re(n corresponds to the minimum value ReL of or
(b) Material withoutspecified elevated temperature
R, 0.2 (R,,,o for austenitic steels) specified for the
values (see note)
grade of material concerned a t a temperature T
BS 3688).
(tested in accordance with ( 1 Up toand including5 0 "C:
SR^ is the mean value of the stress required to produce
rupture in timet (at temperatureT ) for thegrade of f E = LR o r - R, (K.3)
steel in question (tested in accordance with 2.35
BS 3500). whichever gives the lower
fE is the nominal design strength corresponding to the (2) 150 "C and above:
short-term tensile strength characteristics.
f~ is the nominal design strength corresponding to the fE= R e o O r R m (K.4)
creep characteristics. 1.6 2.35
f is the nominal design strength which has been taken whichever gives the lower
as the lesser of f Eand f F . (3)Between 5 0 "C and 150 "C : f Ehas been based on
K.3 Time-independent design strength linear interpolation between values obtalned from
K.3.1 General. The British Standards listed inK . l that equations (K.3)and (K.4).
have been revised in or after
1978 specify minimum NOTE. Values ofße,n have beentaken as equal to those specified
values derived, in for otherwise similar materials having specified elevated
elevated temperature yield/proof stress
temperature values except where:
most cases, in accordance with the procedures specified
(a) no valuesof ß e ( n are available; or
in BS 3920 : 1973.
(b) the deslgn strengthsin table 2.3 for slmllar matertals havlng

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E S 1 BS*5500 94 H L b 2 4 b b 9 0 3 9 5 3 b 3 334 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

speclfied elevated temperature values are

not directly based on K.4 Time-dependent design strengths. The
specified values ofR,,,; or time-dependent design strength is given by.
(c) the resultant valuesfor fEwould be less than those
indicated by establishedand successful past practicefor SRt
equivalent materials. fF= ~ (seenotes)
In such cases, design strength values have been basedon 1.3
consideration of past practice in equivalent materials, and/or NOTE l. The appropnate.SRr properties agreed by
properties of equivalent materialsin otherproduct forms, subcommittee 10 of Technlcal Committee 17 of IS0 have been
andior values permitted forequivalent materials in other used wherever possible. These do not necessarily correspond to
national standards. those specifiedin the British Standards listed in K . l .
In general, time-dependent values are not given for materials that
K.3.3 Austenitic stainless steels are unsultable, or are unlikelyto be used,in the creep range (see.
The following strengths apply. however, general note to b table 2.3).
NOTE 2. In most cases, the .SRt properties agreed byIS0 for
(a) Material with specified elevated temperature values lifetimes inexcess of 1 0 0 O 0 0 h have beenobtained by extended
( 1) Up toand including 5 0 "C: extrapolation of time (more than three tlmes on actual data), and
those towards the upper end of the temperature range by
extended stress extrapolatlon. Tabulated design strengths that
(K.5) are significantly lower than values well established by experience
are identified by notes5 and 6 to table 2.3which permit values up
to 10 % higher to be used provldedthat fitness for continued
(2) 150 "Candabove: service reviews (see 3.2.4)are instituted attwo-thirds of the
agreed designlifetlme. Conversely, tabulated design strengths
that are significantly higher than previously permitted are
fE= - (K.6) identified by note 7 to table 2.3whlch requires design strengths
1.35 to be reduced by1 O % unless fitness for continued servlce
whichever gives the lower value. reviews are brought forward as already detalled.
( 3 )Between 5 0 "C and 150 " C f E has been based on K.5 Aluminium a n d a l u m i n i u malloys. Design strengths
linear interpolation between values obtained from were determined as follows:
equations (K.5) and (K.6). (a) time-independent design strength: RPo.,/l .5
(b)Material withoutspecified elevated temperature (b) time-dependentdesignstrength: .
values (seenote) SRr( 1O0 000)/1.3
( 1 ) Up toand including 5 0 "C: These are criteria relevant
to theannealed materials listed
for welded construction.

f E = LR o r -R, (K.7)
NOTE l. RpO,,IS the expectedmlnlmum value determined by
1.5 2.5
R,,, mm. = R p o 2sample x R, mm.
whichever gives the lower value
(2) 150 ' C and above: sample
NOTE 2. .SRt ( 1 00 000) was obtamed by extrapolatmg 1 O O00 h
Rem test data.
fE= ~
1.45 2.5 NOTE 3.Pending further consideration of the available data,
allowable stresses for heat treated materialsH9 and H30.
whichever gives the lower value. intended for non-welded parts, were not increased beyond l. 1
tlmes those llsted in table2 of BS 1500 : Part 3 : 1965 (now
(3) Between 50 and 150 "c "c:
fE has beer?based on withdrawn),
linear interpolation between values obtained from
equations (K.7)and (K.8).
NOTE. Values of Rein have been taken as equal to those
specified for otherwise similar material having specified
elevated temperature values, except that where no such ß e ,
values are available design strength values have been base2
on conservative interpretation of other available information.


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B S I BSa5500 94 m L624669 0395364 270 W

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix L (now obsolescent), and experimental results indicateit is

a reasonable approach [2]. For larger branch tovessel
Guidance on the basis of the design charts for diameter ratio (d/D > 0.3). an axisymmetric analysis is
openings and branches (see 3.5.4) not sufficiently realistic. Protrudingnozzle designs are
unlikely to beused, and specificrules are not given.For
NOTE. For the purposes of this appendix the symbolsare as
flush designs, s.c.f. values havebeen based onan
defined in
empirical formula derivedby Money [3] in 1966 from a
L.l Introduction. The design curves have been produced review of experimentally determined stresses, and
from consideration of the requirement to avoid subsequently revisedt o take account of some more
incremental plastic strain during repeated pressure recent results, e.g. those of Findlay, Moffat and Spence
loading of the vessel. The method is closely related to that
[4]. In the intermediate range, 0.2 < d/D 0.3, linear
incorporated inBS 151 5 (now withdrawn) and BS 391 5 interpolation is used to avoid possible step changes in
(now obsolescent), buthas been extendedto cater for thickness requirements for certain small changes in
large diameter flush branches in a cylindrical shell. branch diameter. For branches in cylindricalshells, the
A distinction is drawn between openings or branches thatmaximum allowable stress is not set a t a unique value but
are closely pitched and those that can be treated as allowed tovary according to the estimated shakedown
isolated. For isolated openings andbranches, a limited factor for the geometry (¡.e. ratio of the maximum
amount of plastic deformation in the most severely shakedown pressure to the minimum pressure to cause
stressed regions cansafely be permitted during initial yielding). Thisis related to thes.c.f. by a formula derived
operating cycles. A residual stress distributionis by Macfarlaneand Findlay [5] in a simplified theoretical
established and subsequent structuralresponse is entirely analysis assuming a Tresca yield criterion.
elastic. This 'shakedown' behaviour is achieved by L . 3 Design factors. Theidealized nature of the
controlling the maximum stress (calculated on a linear mathematical models used in the calculations makes it
elastic basis) in the region of the branch. For multiple prudent tohave a factor of safety between the design
openings orbranches, the primary requirementis to limit pressure and the maximum pressure for which the theory
the ligament stresses in the vessel. predicts that shakedown will occur. The factor C is
L.2 Isolated openings and branches incorporated in the design charts for purpose. this When C
L.2.1 Branches in sphericalshells. Theoretical stress is taken as 1.1 (the maximum value permitted) is a
concentration factors(s.c.f.), defined as the ratio of the 1 O % margin on pressure. Smaller
values of C result in
maximum direct stress component to the circumferentialmore branch reinforcement,and may be used to cater for
stress in the unpierced shell, are used. They aregiven in mechanical loads that may be present in addition to
reports by Leckie and Penny[ 11' and are derived from thin normal pressure loading.
shell analyses. This means that very local effects arising Pipework can exert considerable forcesand moments a t
for example from fillet weld details are not represented, terminal pointS.The effect can only be accurately qualified
although thegross behaviour of the structure is well by a full computeranalysis of all anticipated operating
predicted. I t is found that, where the vessel shell has conditions. However,experience suggests that, for well
uniform thickness T, in the region of the branch (or designed and correctly erected piping systems, the
opening), the theoreticals.c.f. can, to a good combined pressureand pipework stressesa t the vessel
approximation, be obtainedas a function of the branch to intersection will notexceed the maximum stress due to
shell thickness ratio fr/Trand design pressurealone by more than 1 O %. This is
accommodated in the design charts by choosing the
d /O
the parameter p = - i- independently of the particular factor C = 1.O.
D t 2Tr Under high temperature conditions, creep may interact
values of d/D and D/T,for the range considered. For a with the shakedown process in a complex manner
fixed vessel diameter, increasing the thicknessT, reduces depending upon the operationalcycle. A more
the general stress level in the shell so permitting an conservative design should thereforebe adopted by
intrinsically highers.c.f. t o be used without exceeding the taking the maximum value of C as 1.0 for any such
shakedown limit. The allowable maximum, elastically application.
calculated stressis set at 2.25 times the allowable stress L.4 Multiple branches. Where the minimum pitcha in
in the unreinforcedshell. Hence a set of curves can be group of openings or branches is less than the limit
plotted giving the required branch to shell thickness ratiospecified in3., the design rules are based on the
tr/Tr as a function of thep parameter and the shell long establishedarea replacement concept. Inorder to
thickening. avoid undesirableand unwarranted changes in thickness
L.2.2 Branches in cylindricalshell.Where :he ratio of the at an arbitrary pitch, a transition range is provided where
diameter of the branch (or opening) to the diameter of linear
the interpolation is used between the requirements for
vessel is small (d/D 0.21, s.c.f. values from isolated branchesand those of full area replacement.
axisymmetric cylinder/sphere analyses are used as L.5 Flush nozzlesin cylindrical shells.A more detailed
approximations for the cylinder/cylinder geometries with account of the derivation of the method with particular
the samepand f,/Tr parameters. This follows the practice reference to flushnozzles in cylindricalshells is given ina
established by BS 151 5 (now withdrawn) and BS 391 5 paper by Lewis andPrice [ S ] .


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L624669 0395365 107 m

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

L.6 Bibliography. 4. FINDLAY,G.E., MOFFAT, D.G. and SPENCE,J. Proc. 4th Int.
l.LECKIE, F.A. and PENNY,R.K. 1963. Weld.Res. Coun. Conf. Experimental stressanalysis. Cambridge. 1970.
Bull. No. 90. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Paper 5.
2. ROSE, R.T. Pressure vessel research towards better 5. MACFARLANE, W.A. andFINDLAY,G.E. Proc. Instn. Mech.
design. Proc. Symp. 1962. Institution of Mechanical Engrs. 1972: 186. Paper 4.
Engineers. 6. LEWIS,D.J. and PRICE,R.H.A shakedown approach to
3. MONEY,H.A. ASME Meeting, Dallas. September 1968. the reinforcementof flush branches in cylindrical
Paper 68-PVP-17. vessels below the creep range. CEGB Report No.

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B S I BSX5500 94 W L b 2 4 b b 9 0395366 043 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix M where

Guidance on safe external working pressure for

cylindrical sections outside
the circularity limits
specified in3.6

NOTE. For the purposesof this appendix the symbols are as

defined in 3.6.
Methods of calculating the permissible design pressure
pm(,,) is the valueof p m determined from item (b)
specified in 3.6apply only to cylinders that
are circular t o
of using the appropriate harmonic value
within 0.5% on radius. The following procedureenables a
n as used in the summation to evaluate
conservative estimatet o be found for the collapse
pressure of cylinders whichexceed this tolerance. 2 N-1
The allowablepressure consistent with3.6is t o be
an= - 1
N r=Q
determined using the following formula:
P R 0.005 2 N-1
P(allowable)= 3+
Pa bn= -
1 Rrcosrnq5 for all values of n # N / 2
4 N
. -- 1
P, is the allowable pressure from 3.6for an
bn= -
2 '

R,cosrnq5 when n = N / 2
O W,,,,,
otherwise similar cylinder within0.5% tolerance;
is the maximum departure from mean
N r=O

Pq is the lower bound estimate to the collapse N is the number of measurements of radius R,
pressure, ¡.e. the lowest value ofp at any
location r (see 3.6.8) at which:
- +q,r Q sf,and
Pq 1.5Pa

NOTE. Calculation of Pq requires trial and error
methods or a systematlc Iteration to determine obr.
and hence the maximum value of p . at each locatlon
r. To be readily practicable it requires asmall
computer (see example 3 of Enquiry Case 5500/52).

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B S I BS+5500 94 L b 2 4 b b 9 0395367 T B T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix N
Not allocated

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Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix P P.3 Additional limitations. All plates are to be solution

treated priorto forming.
Recommendations for stainless steel components
@ with higher
stresses The completedvessel isto be tested to a pressure,
at leastequal to:
test Pt.

P.1 General. This appendix is additional to table 2.3 for

the use of higher design strengths than those given in that
table for common grades of stainless steel plate in
but not greater than:
accordance withBS 1501 : Part 3 andBS 1449 and is
intènded for applications where the dominant loading is Pt = 1.3 Px - x 5)
internal pressure and where some nominal change in the
shape of a component can be tolerated as a result of a
t, ( 2
pressure test. where
The useof higher design strengths, up to values the given
in tableP.l, is t o be limited to the calculation of design P is the
design pressure;
thicknesses in accordance with the following clauses in fa is the design strength a t 50 "C from table P. 1;
the body of this standard: ft is thedesignstrengthatdesigntemperature
3.5.1 Cylindrical and spherical shells from table P.l;
3.5.2 Domed ends ta is theactualwallthicknessofshell and ends;
3.5.3 Conical ends and truncated cones tc is theminimumwallthicknessofshelland
3.5.4 Openings and branch connections ends calculated in accordance with 3.5.1,3.5.2
or 3.5.3 with the design strength ft but
P.2 Construction categories. Components designed on excluding corrosion allowance;
are t o be in
the basis of these higher design strengths
construction category1 or 2 subject to the following C is the
limitations: The thickness of components covered by clauses other
Construction Maximum Temperature limits than 3.5.1, 3.5.4. e.g. flanges,flat covers
thickness category Upper Lower and components subject to external pressure has to be
mm "C determined on the basis of the normal design strength
30 400 none a design pressure equal t o P t / l .3.
given in table 2.3 and
2 12.5 150 none

Table P . l Design strength values (in N/mm2)


BS 1501 : Part 3-321 S31 159 172 147 140 134 121 124 129

BS 1501 : Part 3-347 S31 176 166 156 148 140 135 132 130

* Use of materials in accordance with BS 1449 is permissible only withinthe thickness and temperature limits detailed in this
appendix for construction category 2 components and subject to the provision bythe steel supplier of a report covering (a) the
ladle analysis of the material supplied and(b) the results of the mechanical testsas required by BS 1449.

P/ 1
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B S I BS*5500 74 m Lb24bb7 0395369 8 5 2 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

production test plates and tested and

assessed in
Appendix O
accordance with that standard except where otherwise
Recommendations for preparation and testing of stated in0.2.2t o Q.2.7.
production controltest plates Production factors result in a scatter of mechanical test
results which may occasionally fall below agreedthe
Q.l Preparation of production control test plates
specification level. This is recognized in the
(see 5.4.1)
recommendations given in0.2.3, 0.2.6 and 0.2.7.
Q.l.1 The materialused for the test plates should comply
0.2.2 Test temperatures.The tests should be conducted
with the same specification as that used in the
a t room temperature except in the case of impacttests,
construction of thevessel and should be manufacturedby
where required, for vessels to operatea t low temperature.
the same steel making process. The plates should be of
the same nominal thickness as the shell and preferably 0.2.3 A l l weld tensile test.The following additional
selected from the same batch of material as that used in recommendations shouldapply.
fabricating thevessel. The tensile strengthand yield stress values
The test plates should be sufficiently
large to allow for the determined on the production test plate, aresatisfactory
preparation ofall the specimens required in table 6 of provided theyexceed 9 0 % of the minimum specified
BS 4870 : Part 1 : 1981 and forany additional specimens values for the parent metal.
that may be required. any
In case the length of the plates The amountby which the tensile strength or yield
should be notless than 350 mm. stress mayexceed the specified minimum value for the
0.1.2 When a vessel includes one or more longitudinal parent metalis subject t o agreement between the
seams the test platesshould, wherever practicable, be purchaser and the manufacturer.
attached to the shell plate on one end of one so that
seam The reduction inarea should be notless than

the edges to be welded in the test are plate

a continuation 3 5 % f o rcarbon and carbon manganese steelsand not
and duplication of the corresponding edges of the less than the minimum specified for the parent metal in
longitudinal seams. The weld metal should be deposited the in case of alloy steels.
the test plates continuously with the weldingof the 0.2.4 Transverse bend test(for plateless than 1 O m m
corresponding longitudinal seamso that the welding thick). Face bend tests should be conducted with the
process, procedure and technique are the same. When it surface corresponding with the outer surface ofvessel the
is necessaryto weld the test plates
separately, the in tension. Root bend tests should
be conducted with the
procedure used should duplicate thatused in the surface corresponding with the inner surface of the vessel
construction of thevessel. in tension. On completion of the test, no crack or other
Where difficultiesare encountered with electroslag welds defect at the outer surface of the test specimen should
in transferring from seams with different curvatures
(e.g. have a dimension greater than 1.5 mm. Slight tearing at
from a cylinder to a flat coupon plate) the test plate maythe edges of the test specimen should not constitute
be weldedseparately, either immediately before or failure of the test.
immediately after the welded seam, using the same 0.2.5 Side bend test (for plate exceeding1O mm thick).
welding parameters. On completion of thetest, no crack or other defect at the
When test platesare required for circumferential welds outer surface of the test specimen should
have a
they may be welded separately from vessel
the providing dimension greater than 3 mm. Slight tearing at the edges
the techniqueused in their preparationduplicates, as far of the test specimen should not constitute failure of the
as possible, the procedureused in the weldingof the test.
appropriate seams in thevessel. 0.2.6 Macro- andmicro-examination. The specimen
0.1.3 Care should be takento minimize distortion of the should be prepared for macro-examination, and for
test plates during welding.If excessive distortion occurs, micro-examination when the necessity for the latter has
the test plate should be straightened before post-weld been agreed between the manufacturer and the
heat treatment. At no time should the test plates be purchaser. The specimen should be located in material
heated to a temperature higher than used that or to be which has not been affected by flame cutting operations.
used for the final heat treatment of the vessel. The weld should be sound, ¡.e. free from cracks and
The preheat, interpass temperature, intermediateand substantially free from discontinuities such as slag
post-weld heat treatments of test plates should be theinclusions and porosity, to an extent equivalent to that
same as for production welding. At the option of the given in table5.7 (1). The hardness survey should include
manufacturer the test plates may be non-destructively the parent metal and heat affected zone on each side of
tested in the same manner as the production weld. anyIf the weldas well as the weld metal and the results should
defects in the weld ofa test plateare revealed by be recorded in the production test reports.
non-destructive testing, their position should be clearly The results obtained from hardness
a survey should be
marked on the plate and test specimens should be considered satisfactory provided they do exceednot
selected from such other parts of the test as plate
may be O % of the maximum specified value for the procedure
1 1
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the test.
Inspecting Authority. 0.2.7 Impact tests.Charpy V-notch impact tests, when
0 . 2 Destructive testingof production control test required, should be considered satisfactory provided the
plates (see5.4.11 average and individual results from one production test
0.2.1 Testrecommendations. Specimens in accordance plate exceeds 9 0 % of the minimumaverage and
with table 6 of BS 4870 : Part 1 : 1981 should be cut from

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BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 94 m l b 2 4 b b 9 0395370 574 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

individual specified values for the procedure tests, and the 0.3 Retests
average of all production test plate results for the vessel or Where tests do not comply withQ.2, the following retests
group of vessels, exceed 110 % of the minimum average should be made:
andindividualspecified values fortheproceduretests.(a) Tensile.Tworetestsshouldbemade.
NOTE. For example, assumea specified minimum average
requirementof 40 J permitting an individual minimum (b) Bendtests. Two retestsshould be made.
requirementof 28 J (see D. one production (c) lmpact tests. Seeappendix D.
test platewith values 36J/26 J (90 % of minimum average
requirement/gO % of individualminimumrequirement) would be Shouldany Of the retests failto with the
satisfactory provided the average
of the results of alt test plates welded seams representedby these tests should be
on the vessels exceeds44 J/31 J ( 1 10 % of minimum average deemed not to comply with this standard.
requirement/l 10 %of individual minimum requirement).

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B S I B S X 5 5 0 0 74 3 6 2 4 b b093 9 5 3 7 3 400 m
BS 5500 : 1894
Issue 1, January 1994

m Appendix R Example
( a1 Design:
Guidance onadditional information for flat ends
and flat plates given: D = 1200mm
ecyl = 1 0 m m
In the design of a flat plate forming a head or end of a
p = 0.15N/mm2
cylinder, it is necessary t o consider both the plate itself
and the stresses in the cylinder. The minimum allowable f = 150N/mm2
value of C(0.41) in figure 3.5.5(3) provides a margin 1.5 of then: ecylo = pD/2f = 0.6 mm
against gross plastic deformation of the plate in the simply p / f = 0.001
supported case (with a slightly higher margin if edge
support is included). The sloping lines (C> 0.41) ensure and:
that the maximum stress in the cylinderis lessthan or ( 11 Using figure 3.5.5(3) to evaluate
equal t o 2.7f. Thisis to be compared with the 3 f allowed in ecyl/ecylo = 17
appendix A and provides some abilityt o accept additional
C = 0.585
e = 0.585 x 1200 u'Ö== 22.2
The maximum stress in the cylinder is longitudinal, and on
(2) assuming C = 0.41 (permissible provided e/eCyl
the inside surface adjacent to head. the The following
equations (taken from [l]') were used in the calculation of
Cforfigure 3.5.5(3) and should be used in computer e = 15.56 m m (say
programs in preference t o a curvefit (though an iterative = 1.6
procedure to find is e then required). The equations may (b) Stress calculation:
also beusefulinafatigue analysis, whenloads are
take the design (aI(2):
combined, or to find the allowable pressure for a given
design. Fora graphical representation of the equations D = 1200mm
and further discussion (see[Z]). The maximum stress in ecyl = 1 0m m
the cylinder, S, is given by: e = 16mm
S= I x (pD/2ecyl) p = 0.1N/mm2
where then:a = 1.6
p is the pressure; b = 1200/10=120
D is the mean diameter of cylinder;
eCyl is the wall thickness of
e is the thickness of
I = % +
= 33.07

3 3 . 0 7 ~ 0 . 1 51200
~ = 298N/mm2
C l a 3 - C2a + C ~ L I '+. ~C4ab + C5b/a S =
I=% +
( C6a3 + C7a + Cs/a + C9b0.5 + C l ~ a ~ / b ~ , ~ 2 x 10
Thus S is only 2f. confirming that the stress in the
cylinder is not controlling.
a = e/ecyl
b = D/ecyl
l . WATTS,G.W. and LANG, H.A. The stresses in a pressure
C1 = 2.943 vessel with a flat headclosure.
c, = 3.74 Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engr., 1952,74,1083- 1O9 l.
c3 = 1.0 2. ESDU: Engineering Sciences Data Item No 66010.
c4 = 0.909
C5 = 0.385
C6 = 1.907
C7 = 4.848
c8 = 1.027

Cg = 2.667
CIO= 5.875

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BSI BS*5500 94 D Lb2Ybb9 0395372 347 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix S
Guidance onoptional documentationfor supply with vessel
This appendix lists some of the documentation which a manufacturer is required to generate in accordance with the
provisions of this standard but which ishe not required to supply for record purposes in accordance1.5.2.
Purchasers wishing to retain permanent copies of any such documents should define their requirements in the purchase
order usingthis, or an equivalent, checklist.
Item 1If required

l . Design calculations (3.2)

2. Material test certificates(1.4.2,2.1.2)
3. Records of heat treatments carried out during fabrication
finished vessel
4. Records identifying specific location of each batch of material in finished vessel
5. Records of: welding procedure tests(5.2)
welder approval tests
weld production tests (if required)
6. NDT records: parent material(5.6.2)
welds (5.6)
components prepared for welding (5.6.3)
welds (5.6)
7. Records of dimensional checks against specified tolerances
8. Detailed records of pressure test (5.8)
9. Records of checks made to verifyany special purchaser requirements (table1.5)t

Essential details of pressure test are given in the Certificate of Compliance.

t e.g. special tolerances, 'finger-printing'.

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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix T
Recommendationsfor arc welded tubeto tubeplate
T . l Joint selection
T . l . l General. The type of joint selected for welded tube I
to tubeplate connections may be influenced by
consideration of the allowable joint load (see 3.9.6) but is
more often determined by consideration of the possibility
and consequences ofleaks developing inservice. Because
of the small cross section of weld metal involved, minor l
weld defects may lead leakage
to in service as a result of
corrosion or propagationby in-service stresses.
The assurance of weld quality by volumetric
non-destructive testing (e.g. radiography or ultrasonics)
may be difficult for most types of tube to tubeplate joint,
and particular attention should therefore be given to
NOTE 1 . Typical dimensions.
controlling the factors that can influence tube to tubeplate
weld quality. These include joint geometry, method of P= t max.
welding, quality control in manufacture and leak testing. Minimum distance between tubes=2 t.
Examples of typical joint configurations are given in NOTE 2.Typical welding methods.
figures T.5(1) to T.5(8) showing weld details have that (a) TIG plus filler or manual metal arc where t = 2.6 mm min
given satisfactory results under specific manufacturing (b) TIG without filler where t= 2.6 mm max. (see T.2.4).
conditions. Modifications may be required to suit (c) Single layer weld.
particular manufacturer's techniques, but all details
adopted are t o be shownby the manufacturer tohave FigureT.5(1) Tubeto tubeplate connections,
produced satisfactory results using the procedures tube end fusion
specified in section four.
T.1.2 Weldprocedure tests. The testing ofweld
procedures specifiedin 5.2 should be in accordance
BS 4 8 7 0 : Part 3.
with 1
T.1.3 Approval testing of welders. Approval testing of
welders or operators involved with mechanized or
automatic welding,as specified in 5.3, should be in
accordance with BS 487 1 : Part 3. I
T.1.4 Weldingplus tube expansion. Tube expansion after
welding should be considered when:
(a) corrosive andscale producing media may
concentrate in thecrevice; or l
(b) severe vibration of the tubesis likely; or
(c) good heat transferis required between tube and
Tube expansion is not performed for stength purposes 4
(see table3.9.61,
but tubes expanded for the full depth of
the tubeplate willhave increased ligament efficiency NOTE 1. Typical dimensions.
(see W =t
Minimum distance between tubes= 3 t.
NOTE 2. Typical welding methods.
(a) TIG with filler or MMA where t=2.6 mm min.
(b) TIG without filler where t=2.6 mm max. (see T.2.4).
(c) Single layer weld.
NOTE 3. Special features
Provides minimal distortion of tubeplate

FigureT.5(2) Tube to tubeplate

castellated weld


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BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994


NOTE 1. Typical dimensions.

W = t min.
P = 1.5 r min. NOTE 1. Typical dimensions.
Minimum tube wall2.6 mm. Wmin.=2 ?orligament mm whichever
~ is less
Minimum distance between tubes 2.5 tor 8 mm whichever 2
is least. Wmax.= 5 mm.
NOTE 2. Typical welding methods. R max.= 5 mm.
(a) Manual metalarc.
D = t.
(b) TIG +filler. P=2.5forTIG welding, and 5for MMAwelding.
(c) MIG/MAG for multilayer welds only.
Weld stop/start NOTE 2. Typical welding methods.
positions shouldnot be coincident.
(a) Manual metal arc throughout.
(d) Single or multilayer weld.
(b) TIG plus filler throughout.
Figure T.5(3) Tube to tubeplate connections, (c) Combination of TIGand manual metalarc.
plain fillet weld NOTE 3.Multilayer weld.
Weld stop/start positions should not
be concident.

Figure T.5(5) Tube to tubeplate

groove plus fillet weld

NOTE 1. Typical dimensions.

D =0.5 t t o 1 ?formechanized welding;?+1.5 mm for
manual welding.
r = 1 .O mm min.
Minimum distance between tubes = 2 t.
NOTE 2. Typical welding methods.
(a) TIG +filler.
(b) TIG without filler (seeT.2.4).
(c) Single layer weld.

Figure T.5(4) Tube to tubeplate connections,

front face borefillet weld --``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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E S 1 B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0395375 05b m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

NOTE l . Typical dimensions.

Wmin.=2 tor mm whichever is less.

Wmax.= 5 mm.
Rmax.=l tto1.5t.
D = 0.8 t min. (Chosento ensure designminimum throat thickness Tafter welding).
P=O +0.8mm.
NOTE 2. Typical welding methods.
TIG: manual or mechanized with filler.
NOTE 3. Multilayer welding.

Weld stop/start positions shouldnot be concident.

Figure T.5(6)Tube to tubeplate

connections, grooveweld

Weld set up completed Typical weld

NOTE l.Dimensions.
Subject to agreement,
NOTE 2. Typical welding methods.
Only specially designed mechanized TIG equipment can be used. During welding, the backi:ubeplate in thevicinity of thejoint
of the
must be protectedby flux or inert gas.
Single layer (pass) weld.
NOTE 3. Special features
High reliabilityin service is possible.
Crevice free welds are obtained.
Ultrasonic examinationof the tubeplatefor subsurface laminations is desirable
for carbon steel.
Figure T.5(7) Tube to tubeplate
connections, back face inset bore
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BSI BSa5500 94 Lb24669 0 3 9 5 3 7 b T92

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Typical completed weld

Weld set up
NOTE l . Dimensions.
Subject to agreement.
NOTE 2 . Typical welding methods.
Only specially designed mechanized TIG equipment can be used. During welding, theback of thetubeplate in the vicinity of the joint
must be protected by flux or inert gas.
Single layer(pass) weld.
NOTE 3 Special features
High rsliability in serviceis possible.
Crevice free welds are obtained.
Ultrasonic examination of the tubeplatefor subsurface laminationsis desirable for carbon steel.
Figure T.5(8) Tube to tubeplate connections, back face stub bore weld

T.2 Tube to tubeplate joints preparation for weldingthree equally spaced teeth to throw burrs from the
T.2.1 General. The tube holes should be free from burrs tubeplate hole towards the tube provided the burr depths
are sufficiently shallow to
and be in accordance with the tolerances permitted in the be fused during welding.
approved drawing. Tube holes for front face welds shouldT.2.3 Mechanized welding. For mechanized welding
have their edgesa t the back face of the tubeplate processes, machine settingsand meter readings should
chamfered or radiused 2tom m approximately. be checked at the starteachof shift toensure that they
Both faces of the tubeplate, holes the and the tubes are in accordance with those detailed in the approved
should be free from dirt, grease, scale and other foreign welding procedure.
matter when theyare assembled.To avoid possible T.2.4 Autogenous welding. Autogenous welds maybe
damage duringassembly, or entrapment of contaminants, susceptible t o variable penetration due to cast to cast
baffle and support plate holes should be free from burrsvariations in some materials. This may require a revision
and effectively cleaned prior t o the commencement of of the weld procedure and further weld procedure tests
tube threading. Immediately prior t o assembly, tubeplates being carried out on representative material.
should be thoroughly cleaned and degreased using a T.2.5 Expansion of weldedjoints. Where expansion after
solvent that does not leave a residue. The ends ofthe welding is specified for tube to tubeplate welds, it should
tubes thatare t o be welded should be cleaned and

not be carried out until after the successful completion of

degreased with a suitable non-residue forming solvent the low-pressure test.
both inside andout, for a length equal to the tubeplate
Expansion ist o be donewith the object of sealing the back
thickness plus25 m m or 1 O 0 mm whicheveris the
face crevice in the tube hole. Tube wall thinning should be
smaller. Chloride free solvents should be used for
controlled toa predetermined range that will ensure that
austenitic steels.
the expansion remains tight under design conditions, but
For welding by the TIG process, the outside ends of the not so great as t o cause crackingof the welds or tubes.
tubes should be cleaned t o bright metal for a minimum The expanded region should be within 3 mm from the
distance of 15 mm. back of the tubeplate 1to O mm from the weld fusion line.
T.2.2 Positioning of tubes. Prior to welding of tube to T.2.6 Preheatprior to welding. The preheating of
tubeplate joints, light expansion with taper expanders may tubeplates is difficult apply,
to maintain and control.
be used to locate the tubes. This expansion should be Sufficient temperature measurement should be made to
controlled to prevent the tube hole gap being completely demonstrate that preheat and interpass temperatures are
closed beyond the weld as this cangive riseto weldfaults. not less than those specifiedin the approved welding
No lubricant should be used during expansionensure to procedure. Because of the difficulty preheating,
cleanliness of the weld preparation. consideration should be given to eliminating preheat by
Special punches mayalso be employed to secure tubes touse of low hydrogenprocesses, austenitic filler metal or
the tubeplate,e.g. the punch may be designedenable
to austenitic clad tubeplates.
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B S IB S * 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0395377 929 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

T.3 Post-weld heat treatment with T.4.2 to T.4.4. The optional tests detailed T.5.2
Post-weld heat treatment of complex assemblies such as t o T.5.5 should be employed only by agreement between
welded tube end connections may present difficulties and the purchaserand the manufacturer. The various testing
so, where applicable, consideration should be given to options for joint designs shown in figures T.5(1) to T.5(8)
methods of eliminating post-weld heat treatment are summarized in table T.4.
including the possibleuse of austenitic fillermetals, the T.4.2 Visualexamination. All welds shouldbe visually
use of extra low carbon ferritic filler metals or use
the of examined and should comply with the requirements of the
tubeplates clad with austenitic or extra-low carbon weld procedure welds as defined in BS4 8 7 0 : Part 3 in respect
metal. of defects that can be revealed by visualinspection, unless
Where post-weld heat treatment employed,
is the heating otherwise agreed.
and cooling rates should be controlled to avoid the T.4.3 Dyepenetrant orpneumatic testing. Before hydraulic
and excessive tube distortion. testing weldsare t o be subjectt o either:
possibility of weld fractures
Adequate tube supportto limit tube distortion should be (a) a shell side pneumatic test at 0.5 bar with the welds
considered at the design stage. being examined forleaks using soapy water, or leak
The post-weld heat treatment procedure should define detection methods agreed between the purchaser and
charging temperature, heating and cooling rates, soak the manufacturer; or
time and temperature for removal from the furnace. For (b) a dye penetrant test in accordance with BS 6443;
fixed tubeplate heat exchangers consideration should be the welds and tube wall adjacent to the weld should be
given to the stresses that may arise due to temperature free fromcracks, lack of fusion or surface porosity.
differentials between tubes and shell or tubes and
All unacceptable defects revealed should be repaired and
tubeplate, and sufficient temperature measurement
retested. This testing allows the discovery and repair of

points should be defined to monitor and control
weld defects before hydraulic testing allows water into
temperature differentials.
the tube to tubeplate crevice.
T.4 Essential testingof tube to tubeplate joints
T.4.4 Hydraulic test. Hydraulic testing should be in
T.4.1 General. Irrespective of vesselcategory, tube to accordance with 5.8.3, and the tubeplate welds examined
tubeplates welds should be tested in accordance for leaks.

the suitability of joint types for optional tests

Table T.4 Tube to tubesheet joints: essential tests and
Weld detail 1 Essential testsfor alljoints I Optional tests (seeT.5)
Visual Preliminary Hydraulic Intermediate leak test Radiography I Final leak test
Inspection pneumatic
teak test
(see T.4.3(a) or
dye pen T.4.3(b)
(seeT.4.2) (see T.4.4) 1 (see T.5.2) 1 lseeT.5.4) 1 (see T.5.3)

T.5( 1 ) 1 applicable
Not I practicable
Not I
T.5(2) I Not
applicable 1 Not
T.5(3) 1 Where
specified 1 Not
practicable 1
T.5(4) applicable
Not practicable
Required Required Required
T.5(5) Where specified

T.5(6) 1 Where
specified 1 Not

T.5(7) ~ Not
applicable I Where
specified ~

T.5(8) i Not
applicable 1 Where

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BSI BS*5500 94 Lb24bb9 0395378 Bb5

ES 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

T.5 Optional tests t o be employed and the extent of radiography should be

T.5.1 General. When agreed between the purchaser and agreed between purchaserand manufacturer.
the manufacturer one or more of the tests detailed T.5.5 Production controltestpieces. Where production
in T.5.2 to T.5.5 may be carried out. control testpieces are specified, the frequency of testing
T.5.2 Inter-run testing. Tests detailed in T.4.3(a) is to be agreed between the purchaser and the
or T.4.3(b) may be carried out between
runs for multilayer manufacturer. The production control test piece will
welds. consist of a representative tube to tubeplate and weld
designed to facilitate correct positioning of the welding
NOTE.Care should be taken afterany inter-run testing toensure
that the joint is adequately cleanedto prevent contaminationof head.
subsequent runs. Certain materialsare subject to cast to cast variations in
T.5.3 Finalleak testing. After completion of the hydraulic autogenous welding and test piece materials should be
test detailed inT.4.4, a sensitive tracergas leak test may representative of the production material.
be carried out at a pressure not exceeding the design Production control welds for manual welds are not
pressure, the method of test and the acceptance criterianormally employed butunless otherwise agreed, they
being as agreed between the purchaser and the should comply withBS 4 8 7 0 : Part 3.
manufacturer. Testing is to be in accordance with BS 4 8 7 0 : Part 3 or
NOTE. Useful guidance on leaktesting can befound in Section V BS 4 8 7 1 : Part 3 except that radiographyis not required,
of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. the weld being sectioned and subject to visual
T.5.4 Radiography. If radiographyis used for inspection of assessment only. When production control test pieces are
back-face welds (figures T.5(7) and T.5(8)), unless unsatisfactory, acceptance of the welds represented will
otherwise agreed the acceptance standards are to beas be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the
specified in BS 4 8 7 0 : Part 3. The radiographic technique manufacturer.


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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395379 7 T L m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix U the weldcentre-line and in parent material. Further tests

sampling heat affectedzone regions mayalso be specified
Guidance on the use of fracture mechanics analysesparticularly when fatigue or some other in-service crack
growth mechanism may be significant.
U . l General procedure
This standard specifiesrequirements whichare intended to When HAZ tests are specified special considerations are
avoid brittle fracture during operation
and during pressure necessary with regard to theplacement of the notchand
metallurgical sectioning subsequent to testing.
testing. Howeverthese requirements apply only to a limited
range of steels andthe combined requirements for limiting U.1.2 For materials notcovered by appendix D, a similar
stresses and weld defects with certain notch ductilities may level of tolerance to fracturecan be obtained by specifying
be unduly conservative in somecircumstances. fracture toughness requirements determined from the use
Afracture mechanicsanalysisasspecified in PD6493 may be of PD 6493 with inputs of
an equivalent stress (or strain) of
used as a basis for determining the suitability of particularfour times the yield magnitude
and assuming a through
vessels for their intended duty when so agreed between thickness flaw of total length equal to 10 mm.
purchaser, manufacturer andinspecting authority for the U.1.3 If non-destructive testing methodsare employed
following steels: which allowaccurate sizingof defects, these values,
(a) those not currently covered by appendix D; together with information on the stress stateof the critical
regions in thevessel, can be used with PD 6493 procedures
(b) those cases where appendix D cannot be adhered to;
to specify more accurate toughness requirements than
(c) where defects outside the requirements of table
5.7 determined in accordance with appendixD and U.1.2.
are detected;
U.1.4 For materials which are covered by appendix D but
(d) where itis proposed touse MO and M l materials in where theCharpy energy requirements cannot be met, a
thicknesses greaterthan permitted by table fitnessfor purposeanalysis as specified in this appendix
without post-weld heat treatment. be employed to assess the integrity of the vessel.
Such analyses areto be undertaken generallyin accordance U.1.5 Afitnessfor purposeanalysis can also be employed to
with the followingrequirements. identify the ability to tolerate
specific defectsoutside the
U . l . l Fracture toughness properties should be obtained in requirements of table 5.7. In thiscase the testing ofsurface
accordance with BS 5447, PD 6493 andlor BS 5762 notched fracture toughness specimens maybe more
procedures on fullthickness single edge notched bend appropriate to identifythe toughness of specific regions in
specimens with fatiguecracks located through thickness on which thedefects are situated.

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BSI BSX5500 9 4 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 0395380 4 1 3 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Appendix V V.4 Inspection and non-destructive testing

Requirements for testing andinspection of V.4.1 The inspection and non-destructive testing of the
serially produced pressure vessels first vessel in a series shall be witnessed by the Inspecting
Authority as follows.
V . l Application ( 1 O0 %) shall be
(a) The whole length of all welds
This appendix specifies requirementsfor the construction, examined by the method specified in and an
inspection, testing and certification of serially produced assessment of any flaws shall be consistent
vessels (see V.2.1).It applies onlyt o vessels madein with
compliance with the following. (b) The dimensionsshall be checked to ensure
(a) The design and construction of the
vessel, except conformity with the approved design drawings.
where otherwise specifiedin thisappendix, is to (c) A pressure testin accordance with 5.8.2 shall be
category 2 of BS 5500in MO and M I materials only. carried out.
(b) The design pressureof thevessel does not exceed 30 V.4.2 A t least 20 %of the weld length of the first vessel of
bar and, the product of that pressure and the capacity ofeach batch shall be examined by the method specified

the vessel (pv) does not exceed 10000 b.L. The vessel in Assessment of any flaws shall be consistent
diameter does not exceed 1.5 m, the nominal length with table5.7( 1 ) and, witnessed by the Inspecting
(between tangents) does not exceed 3.5 m and the shell Authority.
thickness doesnot exceed 15 mm. The design V.4.3 Except as permitted byV.4.4, each subsequent
temperature lies in the range 300 "C to -10 "C (see 3.2.4 vessel produced shall be examined by the manufacturer
and D.3.2). and assessed in accordance with table 5.7(1)as follows.
(c) All type A main welds (see5.6.4) are welded bya (a) The whole length of all welds associated with
mechanized oran automatic welding process. nozzles shall be inspected using either a magnetic
(d) Vessels identification numbers contain the suffix 'V' particle or a dye penetrant method.
to denote that they have been manufactured in (b) Each longitudinal and circumferential weld shall be
accordance with thisappendix and the standard. radiographed or ultrasonically examined once per vessel
V.2 Definitions with a minimum sample length of 150 m m and witha
minimum of1O % of the finished weld per shift. This
V.2.1 Serialproduction. The manufacture of identical 1 O S: examination shall include'T' joints such that1 O %
vessels to a common approved design using the same of the 'T' joints per shift
are examined.
manufacturing procedure.
(c) A t least 1 O %of the lengthof other attachment
Vessels with variations in length, nozzle position, number welds shall be examined using either magnetic particle
of nozzles and supporting locations are considered as part or dye penetrant inspecting methods.
of the same series, subject to the confirmation of the
V.4.4 By agreement between the manufacturer and the
design acceptability by the Inspecting Authority.
Inspecting Authority, the examinations in accordance
V.2.2 Batch of vessels A part of aseries where the with V.4.3(b) and V.4.3(c) may be reduced from 1O YOt o
welding of the main seams and branch welds has been not less than 5 % if the test resultsare consistently
essentially continuous.A stoppage in vessel production satisfactory. Production shall be considered satisfactory if
greater than five consecutive days requiresthe not more than3 unacceptable defects were found in the
designation of a new batch. immediately previous 1 O0 non-destructively tested
NOTE. Stoppages or break-downs requirmg resettingof the samples of the batch.
welding machine constitutea break in continuity. Adjustmentsto
the welding machinewithin the welding procedure limitations do V.4.5 If not less than fourand not more than ten of the
not qualifyas resetting the welding machine. same unacceptable defects are found in the immediately
previous 1O 0 non-destructively testedsamples, then the
V.3 Quality assurance inspecting frequencyshall:
Before production commences, a detailed manufacturing (a) be maintained at1 O YOif the inspecting frequency
and quality plan shall be prepared by the manufacturer was 1 O %;
and submitted to an Inspecting Authority for approval. (b) be increased to1 O % if the inspecting frequency
This plan shall indicate the inspectionor sampling points was 5 %.
and the frequency of testing. Provision shall be made Where more than1O of the same unacceptable defects
within the plan for rejectedor re-worked components to are found in the immediately previous 1O0
be re-inspected.The quality plan shall ensure the non-destructively tested samples, then the inspecting
following. frequency shall be increased 20 to % and maintained at
(a) The materials used in the manufacture of the this level until the number of unacceptable defects in the
vessels complywith the materials standardsas immediately previous 1O0 non-destructively tested
specified. samples is less than eight, at which the frequency may be
(b) All variables in the manufacturing procedures that reduced to the1 O %specified In V.4.3(b) and V.4.3(c).
affect the integrity of the vessel
are specified, monitored V.4.6 Every vessel shallbe pressure tested by the
and controlled. manufacturer, in accordancewith 5.8.5 and witnessed by
(c) The testing and examination of the vessel is doneat the Inspecting Authority at their discretion.
least at the frequency given
in this standard, using V.4.7 The Inspecting Authority shall carry out surveillance
appropriate test methods. during production and testing,
t o ensure that the
(d) The inspection functions within the company
are manufacturer produces and inspects vessels in
clearly prescribed. accordance with the manufacturing and quality plan.
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E S 1 BSr5500 94 m 3624669 0395383 35T m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

V.5 Acceptance criteria V.6 Marking

V.5.1 /so/ateddefects. If a defect is found during the The Inspecting Authority shall inspect vessels
all before
partial non-destructive testing ofvessel,
a re-examination despatch t o ensure that the marking conforms 5.8.9
to of
and repair shall be in accordancewith However, the standard. Thevessels shall be marked'BS 5500V' to
defects found in'T' joint regions of thevessel examined denote that they have been manufactured in accordance
shall be regardedas representing the seam in which they with thisappendix.
are located. Where some time elapses between pressure testand
V.5.2 Multiple defects despatch, e.g. stock vessels, the Inspecting Authority shall
satisfy themselves that no deterioration or damage
V.5.2.1 If a recurrence of the same type of unacceptable
occurred in the interim period. Where a temporary
defect (see table 5.7(2)) is found in that vessel seam
nameplate has been attached the Inspecting Authority
when the whole of the seam is inspected, as required
shall ensure that the permanent plate conforms in all
by, then thevessels produced immediately before
respects to 5.8.9.
and afterit in the batch shallalso havethe same weld
seams examined in accordance with V.5.1. V.7 Documentation
V.5.2.2 If no unacceptable defectsare found in the A Certificate of Compliance shall be issued for each batch
appropriate seams of thoset w o vessels, no furtherspecial of vessels (see 1.4.4).The certificate shall state
clearly the
examinations shall be carried out. serial numbers of the vessels covered. The reasonsfor any
V.5.2.3 If unacceptable defectsare found in either of the missing numbers in the series shall be clearly stated.
preceding or followingvessels, then furthervessels in Where vessels in a batchare allocated to different
sequence shall be assessed in accordance with V.5.1 until purchasers, a separate copy of the certificate shall be

a vessel with no unacceptable defects is found. issued t o each purchaser.
Records of manufacture described in1.5.2 of the
standard shall not be supplied to the purchaser
specifically requested.

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BSI BSJ5500 94 M 1624669 0395382 296

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Annex AA The material specification shall specify the

composition limits for all constituents, heat treatment
Supplement to BS 5500 and the appropriate mechanical properties for
Requirements for aluminium and aluminium acceptance and other purposes.
alloys in thedesign and construction of Mechanical properties a t room temperature shall
unfired fusion welded pressure vessels be specified for acceptance tests in accordance with
BS 18 covering:
This annex should be readin conjunction with the main
body of the standard,so as to convert it into one the tensile strength range,
applicable to aluminium and aluminium alloy unfired the minimum0.2 % proof stress (Rp),
fusion welded pressurevessels. This annex lists the the specified minimum percentage elongationa t
sections of the main text applicable to and those not fracture, referred to a gauge length of 5.65 Go*or
applicable to the design and construction of aluminium 50 mm, shall be appropriate to the type of material
and aluminium alloy pressure vessels. In addition the with a lower limit of5 %.
annex contains clauses specifict o such vessels which For materials that will be used at temperatures
replace the corresponding clauses of the main text in
above 50 "C, tensile data shall be provided from which
O this context. Cross-references areto the relevant clauses
of this annex unless otherwise stated.
the expected minimum tensile strength and minimum
0.2 % proof strength at the operating temperature can
be established. If the operating temperature equalsor
Section one. General exceeds 100 "C, stress rupture data shall be available for
determining the design strength and design lifetime.
See main text. to Main text is not applicable.
2.3.3 Aluminium magnesium alloys. Pressure vessels i n
Section two. Materials aluminium alloys containing3.0 % or more of
2.1 Selection of materials magnesium for use at temperatures above65 "C shall
be constructed only from material supplied in the
See main text.
annealed (O)condition.
2.2 Materials for low temperature NOTE. Extended serviceof alloys containing 3.0 % or more
applications magnesium at temperatures above65 "C can result in grain
boundary precipitation of Mg-Alintermetallic compounds
See main text. which corrode in some process fluids leading to disintegration
in weldareas. Alloys of thistype should not be used at

2.3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys temperatures above65 "C unless tests or service experience
2.3.1 Materials covered by British Standards have demonstrated that they are suitable for specific duty. Permissible materials complying with the
appropriate British Standards shall be as given in table Section three. Design
e 2.3. Non-destructive testing requirements shall be
specified in5.6.2. The design strength values given in table

2.3 are
See main text.

appropriate to materials, thicknesses and formas Section four. Manufacture and workmanship
It is
specified in the relevant British Standards listed.
4.1 General aspects of construction
permissible touse other thicknesses of the same form
or other product forms, the minimum tensile properties 4.1.1 General. See main text.
being established either by reference to the material 4.1.2 Material identification. See main text
specification or by arrangement with the material 4.1.3 Order of completion of weld seams. See main text.
supplier. If the minimum values of Rpo,2and R, are less
than those given in table 2.3 for the same temper or
4.1.4 Junction of more thantwo weldseams. Main rext
condition, the design strengths that are not time- is not applicable.
dependent shall be reduced proportionatelyas follows:
(a) materials 1050A, 3103, 6060/6063 and 6082 in ratio
of actual minimum&IR, in table 2.3;
(b) other materials in ratio of actual minimum
Rpo,2/Rpo,2in table2.3.
2.3.2 Materials not covered by British Standards Other materials as specified in 2.1.2.l(b)of the
main text shall comply with the general requirements
O t o

* S, is the originalcross-sectional area of the gauge length of the tensile test specimen.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI B S X 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0 3 9 5 3 8 3 L22 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 2.3 Design strength values (N/mm*):aluminium and aluminium alloys

Material standards, Condition Minimum Minimum

T Values of ffordesign temperatures ("C)
BS references tensile 0.2 % proof not exceedin t
BS 1470 to BS 1475 strength* stress' - - - --
and BS 4300 ßm Rp0.2 50 75 1O0 125 150 175 200
N/mm2 N/mm2
- -
1050A O 55 - 11 11 10 10 10 9 8

3103 O 90 - 23 22 22 20 20 18 17

3003 * O 96 34 23 23 23 21 17 12 10

525 1 O 160 60 40 40 40 40 33 29 22

5454 O 215 80 53 53 53 52 34 28 22

5154A § O 215 85 57 (57) I

5083 4 O 275 I25 83 (83) I

6061 7 T6 280 !25 93 93 92 86 74 54 41

6061 7 T6 welded 165 - 55 55 55 54 51 43 32

6063 7 ** T6 185 I60 62 60 58 51 38 27 15

6063A T6 230 I90 77 75 72 63 47 33 19

6063 1
T6 welded 120 - 40 40 40 38 36 22 14

6082 T6 280 !40 93 88 83 71 60 47 33

6082 T6 welded 165 - 55 55 55 54 51 43 32

- ~

* See
t General note (b) to table 2.3 of the main text applies.
* This alloy is theA.A.A. designation not at present listed in British Standards
0 See 2.3.3.
II See 2.3.3.Alloys of thistype should not be used at temperatures above65 "C, unless tests or service experience have
demonstrated that they are suitable for thespecific duty.
1These alloys are suitable only for tubetype welded attachments (e.g. weld neck flanges) not subject to severe weld restraint.
** Extrusions and forgings upto 150 mm thick.

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BSI BS+5500 94 1624669 0395384 O69
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

4.2 Cutting, forming and tolerances provided that the jointis non-destructively tested after
forming by a method agreed between the purchaser
4.2.1 Cutting of material
and the manufacturer (see table 1.5 of the main text). Method. All material shall be cut tosize and Cold forming. If the inside radius of curvature of
shape preferably by machining, chipping or plasma-arc
a pressure part is less than10 times the thickness, an
cutting. However, for platesless than 25 m m thick, it is
appropriate heat treatment to reduce the effects of cold
permissible touse cold shearing provided that the cut
work may be applied by agreement between the
edges are dressedback mechanically by not less than
purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5 of the
1.5 mm to provide a suitable surface to permit a
main text).
satisfactory examination of the edges prior to welding.
10 m m thick, which
It is permissible for plates less than Forming.
are coldsheared, not to be dressed where the cut edges Aluminium hot forming.Aluminium plates to
are to be subsequently welded. be treated or hot worked shall be heated uniformly in a
Surfaces that have been plasma-arc cut shall be dressed neutral or oxidizing atmosphere, without flame
back by machining to remove severe notches and scale. impingement, to a temperature not exceeding 450 "C.
Edges that are plasma-arc cut shall be dressed back by Deformation shall not be carried out after the

a machining for a distance of1.5 m m unless the temperature of the materialhas fallen below 300 "C.
manufacturer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of theLocal heating shall not beused.
Inspecting Authority that the material has not been Aluminium cold working.It is permissible to
adversely affected by the cutting process (see table 1.5 soften aluminium that has been cold worked when the
of the main text). purchaser and the manufacturer agree that the extent of Examination of cut edges.Before carrying out the cold working is sufficientto necessitate treatment
further work, cut surfaces and heat affected zones shall (see table 1.5 of the main text).
be examined for defects, including laminations, cracks The requirements for any softening treatments shall be
and inclusions. subject to agreement between the purchaser and the
Visual methods may be supplemented by appropriate manufacturer (see table1.5 of the main text).
non-destructive testing techniques when agreed Manufacture of shell plates and ends. See main
between the purchaser and the manufacturer (see 5.6.3 text.
and table 1.5 of the main text). Examination of formed plates.See main text.
Major defects shall be notified to the Inspecting 4.2.3 Assembly tolerances. See main text.
Authority and the method of their rectification agreed
between the purchaser and the manufacturer (see 4.2.4 Tolerances for vessels subjectto internal pressure.
table 1.5 of the main text). See main text.
Any material damaged in the process of cutting to
size 4.2.5 Tolerances for vessels subject
to external
and preparation of edges shall be removed by pressure. See main text.

a machining or chippingback to undamaged metal.

4.2.2 Forming of shell sectionsand end plates General. Prior to forming, a visual examination
4.3 Welded joints
4.3.1 General. See main text.
of all plates shall be carried out, followed by 4.3.2 Welding consumables. Welding consumables (e.g.
measurement of the thickness. wire, electrodes, flux, shielding gas) shall be the same
Plates shall be formed to the required shape by any type as those used in the welding procedure. Filler rods
process provided that the quality of the material is not and wires shall comply with BS 2901 : Part 4 and shall
impaired. It is permissible to apply an effective heat be stored in accordance with the suppliers'
treatment following the forming operation to restore the recommendations. The selection of filler rod or wires
mechanical properties to their specified values. shall be appropriate to the parent alloy(s) (see BS 3019 :
By agreement, the manufacturer may be required to Part 1 and BS 3571 : Part 1).
demonstrate that the forming and heat treatment In all cases where filler metals do not match parent
operations have not rendered the material unsuitable metal compositions, or where alternative filler metals
for the intended service (see table 1.5 of the main text). are to beused, the purchaser shall be satisfied that the
As far as is practicable, all hot and cold forming shall be combination to be usedis suitable for the service
done by machine; local heating or hammering shall be conditions (see table1.5 of the main text).
used only by agreement between the purchaser and the Main text is not applicable.
manufacturer (see table1.5 of the main text). Main text is not applicable.
Lubricant remaining after any forming operation shall Main text is not applicable.

a be removed by a suitable chemical cleaning process

that will not impair the quality of the material. Plates welded prior to hot or cold forming.
It is Main text is not applicable.

permissible to butt weld plates together prior to forming


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BSI B S S 5 5 0 0 74 m 1624667 0375385 TT5
BS 5500 : 1 994
Issue 1, January 1994

4.3.3 Preparation of plate edges and openings See main text. See main text. Not less than two layers of weld metal shall be See main text. deposited at each weld attaching branch pipes, flanges
and pads except where the particular welding procedure After edges of the plates have been prepared for
has been agreed between the purchaser and the
welding they shall be given a thorough visual
manufacturer (see table1.5 of the main text).
examination for cracks, laminations, inclusions or other
defects. It is permissible to supplement visual methods When welding stops for any reason, care shall be
with non-destructive testing techniques when this is taken when restarting to ensure proper fusion and
agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer penetration between the weld metal and previously
It is permissible to
(see table 1.5 of the main text). deposited weld metal.
restore general deficiency of any plate edge by weld
metal deposition. The method to be used shall be
' agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
4.4 Heat treatment
(see table 1.5 of the main text). 4.4.1 Preheat requirements
4.3.4 Assembly for welding. See main text. Heating prior to welding aluminium is not
4.3.5 Attachments andthe removal of temporary normally considered necessary. Where preheating is
attachments required it shall be specified in the weld procedure. The
preheat temperature depends upon the type of joint, the Attachments. See main text.
metal thickness, the alloy and the heat input to each Removal of attachments. See main text. weld run. Attachments of dissimilar aluminium alloys.It is NOTE. As a generalguide temperatures in excess of 150 "C
permissible to attach dissimilar aluminium alloy should not benecessary.
attachments directly to the shell. Compatible filler The temperature shall be checked during the
metals shall be used in an approved procedure. period of application using appropriate methods(e.g.
4.3.6 Butt joints thermocouples, contact pyrometers or temperature
indicating coatings). Where coatings are employed they Butt welds between platesof unequal thickness.
shall not be applied to fusionfaces.
See main text. Main text is not applicable. Backing strips. Permanent backing strips shall
not be used for longitudinal welds.It is permissible to Main text is not applicable.
weld circumferential butt joints in tubes with temporary, 4.4.2 Normalizing: ferriticsteels. Main text is not
permanent or consumable backing rings only by applicable.
agreement between the purchaser and the 4.4.3 Post-weld heat treatment
manufacturer (see table1.5 of the main text). For aluminium the detailsof any post-weld heat
Where a backing strip is to beused, the material shall treatment shall be agreed between the purchaser and
be such thatit will not adversely influence the weld. the manufacturer (see table1.5 of the main text).
Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and theNOTE. Stress relieving heat treatment is not normally
manufacturer, backing strips shall be carefully removed necessary or desirable for aluminiumpressure vessels.
prior to any special non-destructive tests on the joint Main text is not applicable.
(see table 1.5 of the main text). Main text is not applicable.
4.3.7 Welding: general requirements Main text is not applicable. All fusion faces shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil
or other foreign substances and oxide films removed to Main text is not applicable.
give a clean metal surface. Such cleaning shall extend 4.4.4 Methods of heat treatment. Main text is not
for a distance of12 mm from theedge of each fusion applicable.
face. 4.4.5 Post-weld heat treatment procedure.Main text is
Filler materials for TIG-welding shall be cleaned not applicable.
immediately before use. Filler wire for MIG-welding
shall be protected from contamination during use and,
in particular, between shifts. 4.5 Surface finish See main text. See main text. Each run of weld metal shall be thoroughly
cleaned before the next run is deposited. All scratch
brushes shall be of stainless steel and shall be used
only on aluminium. See main text. Arcs shall be struck only where weld metal is to
be applied or in the fusion path.

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0 3 9 5 3 8 b 931 H
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Section five. Inspection and testing 5.3 Welder and operator approval
5.1 General 5.3.1 Approval testing of welders and operators shall be
conducted, recorded and reported in accordance with
Each pressure vessel shall be inspected during
BS 4871 : Part 2.
construction. Sufficient inspections shall be made to
ensure that the materials, construction and testing 5.3.2 See main text.
comply in all respects with this standard. Inspection by 5.3.3 See main text.
the Inspecting Authority shall not absolve the 5.3.4 See main text.
manufacturer from his responsibility to exercise such
quality assurance procedures as will ensure that the
requirements and intent of this standard are satisfied. 5.4 Production control test plates
The Inspecting Authority shall haveaccess to the works 5.4.1 Production control test plates shall be prepared
of the manufacturer at all times during which work
is in and tested in accordance with 5.4. The required number
progress, and shall be at liberty to inspect the shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser
manufacture at any stage and to reject any part not and the manufacturer (see table 1.5 of the main text).
complying with this standard. The Inspecting Authority 5.4.2 The material used for the test plates shall comply
shall have the right to require evidence that the designwith the same specificationas that used in the
standard. construction of thevessel.
The Inspecting Authority shall notify the manufacturer The plate shall be of the same nominal thickness as the
before construction begins regarding the stages of the shell and should preferably be selected from the same
construction at which special examinations of materials batch of material as that used in fabricating the vessel.

will be made, and the manufacturer shall give The test plates shall be sufficiently large to allow for the
reasonable notice to the Inspecting Authority when suchpreparation of all the specimens required in table 5.4,
stages will bereached, but this shall not preclude the and for any additional specimens that may be required.
Inspecting Authority from making examinations at any The minimum width shall be in accordance with the
other stages, or from rejecting material or workmanship following values:
whenever they are found defective. Minimum of plate
NOTE. Table 5.8.10 is included in thissection for guidance width (each of
purposes only. two plates)
Up 6 mm 250 m m
5.2 Approval testing of fusion welding Over 6 m m u p t o and including 13 m m 300 m m
procedures Over 13 mm up to and including25 m m 450 m m
5.2.1 Approval testing of welding procedures shall be Over 25 mm up to and including51 m m 600 m m
conducted, recorded and reported in accordance with However, if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
BS 4870 : Part 2, except as stated in 5.5. the Inspecting Authority that the equalization
For fusion welding methods other than MIG and TIG temperature of the test plates has not exceeded
O (e.g. plasma arc or electron beam) the general principles approximately 100 "C during welding* it is permissible
of BS 4870 : Part 2 shall be complied with. to reduce these widths to the following values (see
5.2.2 The manufacturer shall supply a list ofall the table 1.5 of the main text):
welding procedures required in the fabrication of the Minimum of plate
width (each of
vessel, together with test pieces which are
two plates)
representative of the various thicknesses and materials
to be used to prove each welding procedure. The tUop and
including 6 mm 150 m m
production and testing of these test pieces shall be Over 6 m m 250 m m
witnessed by the purchaser or his Inspecting Authority
except that, incases where the manufacturer can
furnish proof of previously authenticated tests and
results on the same type of joint and material within the
permitted variables of BS 4870 : Part 2, he shall be
deemed exempt from any further tests.
5.2.3 Main text is not applicable.
5.2.4 Main text is not applicable.
5.2.5 Main text is not applicable.
5.2.6 Main text is not applicable.

'This may be achieved by applying suitable temperature indicating paints to the outeredges (remote from the weld) of the test
plates before welding. It is suggested that an 80 "C indicator and a 120 "C indicator be employed on each plate.

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BSI BS*5500 9 4 m L624669 0395387 878 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.4 Number of test specimens for weld (see table 1.5 of the main text).
procedure approval ancd production control On completion, specimens in accordance with table5.4
tests shall be cut from the production test plates and tested in
accordance with 5.5.
Test specimen Double- Branch
sided attachment
butt welds 5.5 Details of destructive tests for procedure,
joints welder and production control testing
5.5.1 Test requirements. Weld procedure and
Macro-examination production control testing shall be in accordance with
Transverse tensile§ BS 4870 : Part 2 and table 5.4, except where otherwise
Side bend (for stated in 5.5. Approval testing of welders shall be in
material at least accordance with BS 4871 : Part 2, except where
10 m m thick) otherwise stated in5.5.

Fillet weld fracture 5.5.2 Test temperature. The tests shall be conducted at
room temperature.

5.5.3 Transverse tensile test. For weld procedure and
5 For plates up to10 mm thick, two tensile tests are required;
for plates 10 mm thick and over, either one tensile
test and one production control testing, transverse tensile tests shall
side bend test, or twotensile tests are required. The
two be in accordance withBS 4870 : Part 2. For welder
specimens shall be at least 150 mm apart. approval, such testing is optional but if required by the
NOTE 1. When more than one specimenof a particular type is purchaser (see table 1.5 of the main text) shall be in
required thespecimens are to be taken as far apart as possible. accordance with BS 4870 : Part 2.
NOTE 2. For welder and operator approval testing see
BS 4871 : Part 2 and BS 4870 : Part 4. 5.5.4 Bend test. Bend tests shall be in accordance with
BS 4870 : Part 2 and BS 4871 : Part 2 as appropriate.
5.4.3 When a vessel includes one or more longitudinal 5.5.5 Macro- andmicro-examination. The specimen
seams the test plates shall, wherever practicable, be shall be prepared for macro-examination, and for micro-
attached to the shell plate on one end of one seam
so examination when the necessity for the latter has been
that the edges to be welded in the test plate are a agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser
continuation and duplication of the corresponding (see table 1.5 of the main text).
edges of the longitudinal seams. The weld metal shall The weld shall be sound,¡.e. free from cracks and
be deposited in the test plates continuously with the substantially free from discontinuities suchas porosity,
welding of the corresponding longitudinal seamso that to an extent equivalent to that given in table5.7.
the welding process, procedure and technique are the 5.5.6 Retests. Retests shall be as specified by BS 4871 :
same. When it is necessary to weld the test plates Part 2 for weld approvals and as specified by BS 4870 :
separately, the procedure used shall duplicate that used Part 2 for weld procedure and production control
in the construction of the vessel. testing.
When the test plates are required for circumferential Should any production control retest specimens not
welds, it is permissible to weld them separately from comply with the requirements, the welded seams
the vessel providing the technique used in their represented by these tests shall be deemed not to
preparation duplicates, as far as possible, the procedure comply with this standard. If any retest specimens fail
used in the welding of the appropriate seams in the during weld procedure approval testing the cause of
vessel. failure shall be established and the whole procedure
5.4.4 Care shall be taken to minimize distortion of the test shall be repeated.
test plates during welding. If excessive distortion
occurs, the test plate shall be straightened before post-
weld treatment. At no time shall the test plates be 5.6 Non-destructive testing
heated to a temperature higher than that used or to be 5.6.1 General. See main text.
used for the final heat treatment of vessel,
the if any 5.6.2 Parent materials. Acceptance standards for defects
(see 4.4.3). revealed by non-destructive testing of unwelded parent
At the option of the manufacturer it is permissible for materials shall be subjectto agreement between the
the test plates to be non-destructively tested in the manufacturer and the purchaser, and/or the Inspecting
same manner as the production weld. If any defects in Authority (see table 1.5 of the main text). Where repairs
the weld of a test plate are revealed by non-destructive by welding are authorized, non-destructive testing
testing, their position shall be clearly marked on the techniques for the repair and subsequent acceptance
plate and test specimens shall be selected from such standards shall also be subject to agreement between
other parts of the test plate as may be agreed upon the manufacturer and the purchaser, and/or the
between the manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority Inspecting Authority (see table1.5 of the main text).

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S S 5 5 0 0 74 m L b 2 4 6 6 7 0375388 704
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5.6.3 Components prepared for welding. See main text. 5.6.5 Choice of non-destructive test methods for welds
5.6.4 Non-destructive testing of welded joints Internal flaws. See main text. Components to construction category'I (see Surface flaws. The choice of method for surface
table 3.4 of the main text). With the exceptionof crack detection depends on material. Magnetic methods
materials and thicknesses permitted for construction are not suitable for aluminium alloys.It is permissible to
category 2, the final non-destructive testing shall be employ one of the following:
carried out afcer completion of any post-weld heat (a) visual examinstion supplemented by ax 2 or x 5
treatment required (see4.4.3). magnification glass; Examination for internal flaws.The full length (b) dye penetrant examination;
of all full penetration butt welds including the welds of
(c) eddy current methods;
forged butt welded nozzles shall be examined by
radiographic and/or ultrasonic methods. Unless by agreement with the purchaser and/or the Inspecting
otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the Authority (see table 1.5 of the main text).
manufacturer (see table 1.5 of the main text), the full Radiographic techniques. Normally radiographic
length of all other welds(e.g. nozzles and branches) in examination shall be in accordance with BS 3451.

a or on pressure parts shall be examined by ultrasonic Because several techniques with differing sensitivities
and/or radiographic methods where the thickness of theare detailed in BS3451, it is necessary to specify for
thickest part to be welded exceeds 40 m m . each particular application which technique is required Examination for surface flaws.The full length to be used. For thicknesses up to50 m m X-ray
of all welds other than full penetration butt welds shall techniques shall normally be used.It is permissible to
be examined in accordance with5.6.5.2. Full penetration use other techniques provided it can be demonstrated
butt welds shall be examined by these methods when to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority that
agreed between the manufacturer, the purchaser and adequate sensitivity can be obtained (see table1.5 of
the Inspecting Authority (see table 1.5 of the main text). the main text).
Defects revealed by non-destructive testing shall be Marking and identificationof radiographs. See
assessed in accordance with5.7. main text. Components to construction category 2 (see Ultrasonic techniques. It is permissible touse
table 3.4 of the main text). At least10 % of the length of ultrasonic examination generally in accordance with
all full penetration butt welds, including the welds of BS 3923: Part 1, provided due allowance is made for
forged butt weldednozzles, shall be examined by different calibration tests due to the changed sound
radiographic and/or ultrasonic methods. Such velocity.
examination shall include each intersection of Before carrying out ultrasonic examination of welds, the
longitudinal and circumferential seams. Foreach adjacent parent metal shall be ultrasonically examined
longitudinal and circumferential seam and foreach to establish the thickness of the material and to locate
forged butt weldednozzle there shall be at least one any flaws which may prevent effective examination of

a radiograph, or where ultrasonic testing is specified, at the weld.

least a 200 mm length shall be examined. Magnetic particle techniques. Main text is not
At least 10 % of the lengthof all other welds shall be applicable.
examined by the penetrant method. It is also Penetrant techniques. See main text.
permissible to examine full penetration butt welds by
these methods when agreed between the purchaser, the Surface condition and preparation for non-
manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority (see table 1.5 destructive testing. See main text.
of the main text). Marking, all non-destructive testing methods.
In addition, when openings occur in, or within12 m m Permanent marking of the vessel alongside welds shall
of, welded seams, such seams shall be examined each be used to provide reference points for the accurate
side of the opening for a distance not less than the location of the seam with respect to the test report. The
diameter of the opening. Defects revealed by non- method of marking shall be agreed between the
destructive testing shall be assessed in accordance with purchaser and the manufacturer (see table1.5 of the
table 5.7. main text). Stamping shall not be used on vessels
intended for low temperature service or where
Where a particular examination reveals defects in
stamping may have a deleterious effect on the material
excess of the levels given in table5.7 all welds in service.
represented by the original examination shall be
examined by the same non-destructive testing method Reporting of non-destructive testing
and the resultsassessed in accordance with5.7. examinations. See main text. Examination for internal flaws. See main text. Examinationforsurfaceflaws. See maintext. Components to construction category
3. Main
text is not applicable.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

5.7 Acceptance criteria forweld defects 5.8 Pressure tests

revealed by visual examination and 5.8.1 General. See main text.
non-destructive testing 5.8.2 Basic requirements. See main text.
5.7.1 General. Subject to the recommendations of 5.8.3 Hydraulic testing. See main text.
appendix C, the main constructional welds of pressure
5.8.4 Pneumatic tests. See main text.
vessels shall comply with5.7.2. It is permissible for
other joints suchas tube to tubeplate welds to be the 5.8.5 'Standard' test pressure. See main text.
subject of special requirements agreed between the 5.8.6 Proof hydraulic test
purchaser and the manufacturer (see table 1.5 of the A proof testing procedure to be followed for
main text). vessels (or vessel parts) of which the strength cannot be
5.7.2 Qualitycontrol level of acceptance. The defect satisfactorily calculated (see3.2.2 of the main text) shall
acceptance levels given in table5.7 shall be imposed be agreed (see5.8.2.2 and table 1.5 of the main text).
during fabrication as a means of quality control. With Before the test is begun or any pressure has
the exception of inclusions these are, for practical been applied to the vessel, strain gauges of electrical
purposes, the sameas those adopted for welder resistance or other types shall be affixed to both the
approval and procedure approval inBS 4870 : Part 2 inside and outside surfaces of thevessel. The number of
and BS 4871 : Part 2.When inclusions are greater than gauges, their positions and their directions shall be
those permitted in these two standards, but less than chosen so that principal strains and stresses can be
those permitted in table5.7, or where defect acceptance determined at all points of interest. The type of gauge
is based on5.7.3.2 or, the reasons for the and the cementing technique shall be chosen so that
occurrence of such defects shall be investigated. strains u p t o1 % can be determined. Main text is not applicable. Pressure shall be applied gradually until either Main text is not applicable. the 'standard' test pressure for the expected design Main text is not applicable. pressure is reached or significant strain of any part of
the vessel occurs. Main text is not applicable.

When either of these points is reached, the pressure
5.7.3 Assessment of defects. Defects shall be assessed
shall not be further increased.
according to one or other of the alternatives
in to Defects that are unacceptable shall be deemed It is permissible to disregard indication of localized
not to comply with this standard or be repaired. permanent set provided that there is no evidence of
general distortion of the vessel. If defects do notexceed the levels specified in
table 5.7 the weld shall be accepted without further The highest pressure which is applied shall be
action. maintained for the time sufficient to permit inspection in
accordance with of the main text.
NOTE. Details for vessels intended for service in the creep
range may require special consideration. Strain readings shall be takenas the pressure is When acceptance levels* different from those increased. The pressure shall be increased by steps of
permitted in table5.7 have been established fora approximately 10 % and unloaded between steps, until
particular application and are suitably documented, it is the 'standard' test pressure pt is reached or until
permissible for them to be adopted by specific significant general strain occurs. Strain readings shall
agreement between the purchaser, the manufacturer be repeated during unloading. Should the plot of strain
and the Inspecting Authority after due consideration of versus pressure during the application of pressure and
material, stress and environmental factors (see table unloading show evidence of non-linearity it is
of the main text). permissible for the pressure reached to be reapplied not
more than five times until the loading and unloading It is permissible to accept particular defects" in
curves corresponding to two successive pressure cycles
excess of those permittedin table 5.7 by specific
substantially coincide. Should coincidence not be
agreement in the same wayas in
attained, the pressureP, (see of the main text)
5.7.4 Repair of welds. No rectification, repair or shall be takenas the pressure range corresponding to
modification shall be made without the approval of the the linear portion of the curve obtained during the final
purchaser (see table1.5 of the main text). unloading.
Unacceptable defects shall be either repaired or
deemed not to comply with this standard. Repair welds
shall be carried out toan approved procedure and
subjected to the same acceptance criteria as original

*For example see PD 6493.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.7 Acceptance levels

Abbreviations used:
e is the parent metal thickness.
In the case of dissimilar thicknesses
e applies to the thinner component;
wis the width of defect;
/is the length of defect;
h is the height of defect;
4 is the diameterof defect;

Defect type' r Permitted maximum

Cracks and lamellar tears
Lack of root fusion
Lack of side fusion Not permitted
Lack of inter-run fusion
Lack ofroot penetration
Category 1 Category 2
(a) Isolated pores(or individual poresin a group) @ max. 3 mm (grade D) Such cavities may be accepted
@ <
e/4 without limit provided
representative mechanical
(b) Uniformly distributed or localized porosity e 3 mm Scattered,grade A specimens from production test
e > 3 mm up to 6 mm Scattered Plates complywith requirements
grades A and B
v) e > 6 mm Scattered grades A to B
.-5 plus isolated, gradeC not more in
number thane/2 per o l00mm2of
5 radiographic areat
(c) Linear porosity Linear indications parallelto the axis ofthe weld may indicate lack of
fusion orlack of penetration and are thereforenot permitted
(d) Wormholes isolated 1 6 3 m m w G 1.5rnm -
(e) Wormholes alisned As linear porosity
(f) Crater pipes
Not permitted
(9) Surface cavities
(a) Oxide inclusions, linear Not permitted
(b) Oxide inclusions, diffuse Isolated patchespermitted provided that they do
not exceed e/4 or
3 mm max. in average diameterand providedthat they are not repetitive
(c) Tungsten inclusions No limit except that they shallnot be accompanied by oxide inclusions
o and that the max. diameter of individual inclusions does
not exceed e/4
co or 3 mm max.
(d) Copper inclusions Not permitted
(a) Insufficient weld size
(b) Overlap Not permitted
(c) Shrinkaae arooves and root concavitv
~~ ~~

(d) Undercut Slight intermittent undercut permitted, should not exceed

approximately 0.5 mm

(e) Excess penetration h < 3 mm. Occasional localslight excess is allowable
(f) Reinforcement shape The reinforcement shall blend smoothly with the parent metal and
dressing is notnormally required provided the shape doesnot interfere
with the specified non-destructive testing techniques
(9) Linear misalignment See 4.2.3 of the main text

For definitions ofdefects, see BS 499 : Part 1. See below for definitions of uniform porosity:
'scattered' is defined as ?to0.25t per square centimetre (where t =metal thickness in millimetres).
~ ~

Grade of uniform porosity

Approx. average diameter
of pores

A 0.4
B 0.8
C 1.5
D 3 or greater

t Area is the product of length and width of an envelope encloslng the affected volume of weld metal measured on a plane substantially to theparallel
face (¡.e. as seen on a radiograph).
NOTE. The significant dimension of a defect in terms of its effect on service performance is the height or through thickness dimension.
If ultrasonic flaw
detection is employed,it is probable that defect indications of
very minor cross sectionwill be obtained.In interpreting the requirements of this table, such
indications having a dimension h of 1.5 mm or less should be dtsregarded unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer, the purchaser and the
Inspecting Authority.

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994 See main text. See main text. Main text is not applicable.
5.8.7 Combined hydraulic/pneumatic tests.See main
5.8.8 Leak testing. See main text.
5.8.9 Vessel nameplate. See main text.
5.8.10 Final inspection. An internal and external
examination of the completed vessel shall be carried
out prior to despatch and the marking on the vessel
shall be checked (see table5.8.10).

Table 5.8.10 Principal stagesof inspection

Stages of inspection Responsible party Remarks Clause reference

Examine materials at product Inspecting Authority When required by the purchaser Section t w o
maker's works, select test pieces
and witness the appropriate
mechanical tests

Correlate the material certificates of Manufacturer and The manufactureris responsible for 1.5.2
mechanical tests and chemical Inspecting Authority forwarding the certificates to the of the main text
analyses with the materials and Inspecting Authority
check them with the specifications

Identify material and witness Manufacturer and Origin of material to be demonstrated4.1.2

transfer of identification marks Inspecting Authority from available recordst o the of the main text
manufacturer's works satisfaction of the Inspecting
Authority andany transfer of
identification marks in
manufacturer's works to be

Visually examine material for flaws, Manufacturer Examination by Inspecting Authority
laminations, etc. Check thickness is optional

Examine material cut edges and Manufacturer and Examination by Inspecting Authority
heat affectedzones Inspecting Authority is optional

Approve weld procedures to be Inspecting Authority Inspecting Authority to witness tests5.2

employed unless the procedures are

Approve welders and operators Inspecting Authority Inspecting Authority to witness tests5.3
unless the weldersand operators are
already approved

Witness production weld tests Inspecting Authority When required by the purchaser 5.4


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Table 5.8.1O (concluded)

Stages of inspection Responsible party Remarks Clause reference

Examine welded joints after cold Manufacturer Examination by Inspecting Authority
forming is optional

Examine plates after forming Manufacturer Examination by Inspecting Authorityî

is optional

Examine set up of seams for Manufacturer and Examination by Inspecting Authority 4.3.4
welding, including dimensional Inspecting Authority is optional of the main text
check, examination of weld
preparations, tack welds, etc.

Inspect secondside weld Manufacturer and Examination by Inspecting

preparation after the first
side weld Inspecting Authority Authority is optional of the main text
is completed and rootcleaned. This
is applicableto main seams where
manual or semi-automatic welding
from both sides is employed

Examine non-destructive test Inspecting Authority The manufacturer is responsible for
reports before and/or after presenting the reports to the of the main text
post-weld heat treatment as Inspecting Authority
required by the procedure and
consider acceptability of any

Check all main dimensions on Manufacturer and The Inspecting Authority should 4.2.4, 4.2.5
completion of fabrications Inspecting Authority witness these checks. This stage mayof the main text
be omitted if the vessel
is t o be heat

Check post-weld heat Manufacturer and The Inspecting Authority should carry4.4.3
treatment procedure Inspecting Authority out this check when required

Check all main dimensions on Manufacturer and 4.2.4, 4.2.5

Inspecting Authority to witness these
completion of manufacture Inspecting Authority checks of the main text

Witness pressure test and where Manufacturer and 5.8

necessary record the amountof any Inspecting Authority
permanent set

Examine completed vessel before Manufacturer and 5.8.9, 5.8.10

despatch. Check marking Inspecting Authority of the main text


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSa5500 9Y m Lb2qbb9 0395393 071

BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Index fatigue
analysis not required C.1.6
analysis of bolts c.3
abrasion, allowance for 3.3.4 corrosion interaction C.1.3
access openings 3.12 creep interaction C. 1.5
aluminium and aluminium alloys annex AA design aPP. c
approval flanges
non-destructive testing operator 5.6.1 bolting requirements
non-destructive testing procedure 5.6.1 design full-face 3.8.4
weld procedures 5.2 design narrow-face 3.8.3
welder and operator 5.3 design reverse full-face 3.8.7
attachments 3.7 design reverse narrow-face 3.8.6
dissimilar metals design seal welded 3.8.5
removal of temporary split ring
welding types

backing strips flat ends

bolting additional design equations aPP. R
design stress values table design 3.5.5
fatigue analysis c.3 forming ofsections and plates 4.2.2
brackets G.3.1.4 fracture mechanics analysis aPP. u
branch compensation gasket
see opening compensation contact surfacefinish table
branches, minimum thickness material factors table 3.8.3(2)
cast components heads see domed ends
design stress limits heat treatment
quality specification methods 4.4.4
certificate of compliance (Form X) 1.4.4 normalizing 4.4.2
certification, non-destructive testing personnel 5.6.1 preheat 4.4.1
cladding see lining post-weld heat treatment 4.4.3
coatings see lining hemispherical ends
combined loadings hydraulic pressure test 5.8.3
compensation see opening compensation
cones identification, materials 4.1.2
external pressure 3.6.3 impact test, requirements D.4
reinforcement at largeend Inspecting Authority, responsibilities 1.4.3
reinforcement at small end inspection openings 3.12
thickness for internal pressure 3.5.3 inspection requirements 5.1.2
construction categories 3.4.1 internal structures 3.7
corrosion iacketed vessels
allowance 3.3.2 design 3.1 1
assessment 3.3.1 pressure test
fatigue interaction C.1.3 weld details E.2.9
inspection access 3.12
creep, fatigue interaction C.1.5 leak testing 5.8.8
cutting of material 4.2.1 ligament efficiency of openings
cylinders lining
combined loading general 3.3.3
external pressure 3.6.2 pressure test
internal pressure loads, for design consideration 3.2.1
local loads see local loads local loads
general G.2.1
defects see welding defects moments on cylinders G.2.3
definition of parties 1.3 pipework G.2.7
design pressure 3.2.3 radial loads on cylinders G.2.2
design stress limits 3.4.2 rigid attachments on spheres G.2.4
design temperature spheres/nozzles G.2.5
maximum 3.2.4 sphereshozzles shakedown G.2.6
minimum 3.2.5 local post-weld heat treatment 4.4.4
dimensional checking see tolerances low temperature
dissimilar materials, post-weld heat treatment aPP. H design D.5.1
distortion, due to welding manufacture D.5.2
documentation, completion report materials 2.2
domed and bolted ends 3.5.6 material requirements D.4
domed ends reference thickness 0.3.3
external pressure 3.6.5 to 3.6.7 requirements
internal pressure aPP. D
shape limitations magnetic particleexamination
dye penetrant examination manholes 3.1 2
earthquake loading B.6 information supplied by 1.5.2
ellipsoidal ends optional documentation aPP. S
erosion, allowancefor 3.3.4 responsibilities 1.4.2
exclusions to scope 1.1.4 marking
external pressure non-destructive testing
cones 3.6.3 transfer after cutting 4.1.2
cylinders 3.6.2 materials
cylinders outside tolerance aPP. M additional forcategory 3 construction table 2.3A
domed ends 3.6.5 to 3.6.7 C,CMn and alloy steels not toBS 2.3.2
spheres 3.6.4 C, CMn and alloy steels to BS 2.3.1

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BS*5500 9 4 m Lb24bb9 0395394 T 0 8 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

design strength values table 2.3 screwed connections

design stress derivation aPP. K serially produced vessels, testing and ilIspec:tion aPP. v
identification 4.1.2 socket welded connections
low temperature application 2.2 spheres
requirements for non-pressure parts 2.1.3 combined loading
requirements for pressure parts 2.1.2 external pressure 3.6.4
internal pressure
nameplate 5.8.9 local loads seelocal loads
non-destructive testing split ring flanges
general requirements 5.6.1 stainless steel, higher design stresses aPP. P
methods 5.6.5 stress corrosion 3.3.1
operator approval 5.6.1 stress systems, generalcriteria
parent materials 5.6.2 aPP. A
studded connections
procedure approval 5.6.1 supports 3.7
techniques 5.6.6 brackets G.3.1.4
welded joints 5.6.4 general design G.3.1
normalizing, ferritic steels 4.4.2 horizontal vessels G.3.3
nozzle vertical vessels G.3.2
compensation see opening cornpens;ation surface finish 4.5
minimum thickness
transient thermal stresses G.4 tack welds
test water recommendations
outside diameterhside diameter range 3.2.2 thermal cutting of materials
opening compensation threaded connections
area replacement aPP. F tolerances
basis of charts app. L assembly 4.2.3
external pressure vessels under external pressure
groups of openings vessels under internal pressure 4.2.4
internal pressure torispherical ends
limitations tube to tubeplate welds
reinforcing pads aPP. T
pierced ends fixed 3.9.4
plate floating head 3.9.3
edge cutting 4.2.1 limitations 3.9
edge preparation 4.3.3 perforated plate characteristics 3.9.2
forming 4.2.2 tube and shell stresses 3.9.5
visual examination tube joint end load 3.9.6
pneumatic pressure test 5.8.4 tube joint welds am. T
preheating 4.4.1 U-tubed 3.9.3
preparation plate edge 4.3.3 ultrasonic examination
pressure protection see non-destructive testing
capacity 3.13.2 unequal thickness plate,welding
devices app. J
general requirements 3.13.1 vacuum protection see pressure protection
setting 3.13.3 ventilation, reinforcing plates
pressure test visual examination, plates
general requirements 5.8.2
hydraulic 5.8.3 weld defects
jacketed vessels acceptance levels table 5.7(1)
linings assessment 5.7.2
pneumatic 5.8.4 repair 5.7.3
pressure 5.8.5
weld seam
proof test 5.8.6
vacuum vessels junction 4.1.4
production control test plates 5.4 order of completion 4.1.3
preparation and testing welding
aPP. Q agreement for commencement 4.3.1
proof pressure test 5.8.6
purchaser approval of procedures 5.2
information supplied by 1.5.1 assembly 4.3.4
responsibilities 1.4.1 attachments 4.3.5
post-weld heat treatment 4.4.3 butt joints 4.3.6
dissimilar metals consumables 4.3.2
aPP. H details for non-principal seams E.2
methods 4.4.4 details for principal seams E.l
tube to tubeplate joint edge preparation 4.3.3
app. T general requirements 4.3.7
qualification non-destructive testing
of non-destructive testing personnel 5.6.1 see non-destructive testing
of welders 5.3 unequal thickness plates
welder and operator approval 5.3
radiography see non-destructive testing welds
reinforcing pads general design 3.10.1
ventilation hole non-principal seams 3.10.3
relief devices see pressureprotection principal seams 3.10.2
repair of welds 5.7.3 tack
saddles, design G. wind loading 8.5
safety valves aPP. J


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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI B S t 5 5 0 0 9 4 1624669 0395395 9 4 4 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Publications referred to BS 1502 Specification for steels for fired and unfired
pressure vessels: sections and bars
See also references given in A.5, C.9, G.5, L.6 and appendix R.
BS 1503 Specification for steel forgings for pressure
NOTE. Where standards areidentified as being withdrawn, purposes
reference should be made to the foreword.
BS 1504 Specification for steel castingsfor pressure
BS 18 Methods for tensile testing of metals (including purposes
aerospace materials) (withdrawn)
BS 1506 Specification for carbon, low alloy and stainless
BS 21 Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings steel bars and billets for bolting material to be
where pressure-tight joints are made on the used in pressure retaining applications
threads (metric dimensions)
BS 1510 Steels for use in the chemical, petroleum and
BS 131 Methods for notched bar tests allied industries (low temperature supplementary
Part 2 The Charpy V-notchimpact test on metals requirements to BS 1501-1506) (withdrawn)
BS 1515 Fusion welded pressure vessels for use in the
BS 449 Specification for the use of structural steel in chemical, petroleum and allied industries
building (withdrawn)
BS 470 Specification for inspection, access and entry BS 1560 Circular flangesfor pipes, valves and fittings

openings for pressure vessels (Class designated)
BS 499 Welding terms and symbols BS 1580 Specification for Unified screw threads
Part 1 Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal Parts 1 & 2 Diameters X in and larger
Part 2 Specification for symbols for welding BS 2594 Specification for carbon steel welded horizontal
cylindrical storage tanks
BS 639 Specification for covered carbonand carbon
manganese steel electrodes for manual metal-arc BS 2600 Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt
welding joints in steel
Part 1 Methods for steel 2 mm up to and including
BS 799 Oil burningequipment 50 mm thick
BS 806 Specification for design and construction of Part 2 Methods for steel over 50 mm up toand
ferrous piping installations for and in connection including 200 mm thick
with land boilers BS 2654 Specification for manufacture of vertical steel
BS 903 Methods of testing vulcanized rubber welded non-refrigerated storage tankswith
Part A26 Determination of hardness butt-welded shells for the petroleum industry
BS 1113 Specification for design and manufacture of BS 2901 Filler rods and wires for gas-shielded arc welding
water-tube steam generating plant (including Part 4 Aluminium, aluminium alloysand
superheaters, reheaters and steel tube magnesium alloys
economizers) BS 2910 Methods for radiographic examination of fusion
BS 1123 Safety valves, gauges and fusibleplugs for welded circumferential butt joints in steel pipes
compressed air or inert gas installations BS 2915 Specification for bursting discs and bursting disc
BS 1134 Assessment of surface texture devices
Part 1 Methods and instrumentation BS 3019 TIG welding
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip Part 1 Specification for TIG welding of aluminium,
Part 1 Carbon and carbon-manganese plate, sheet magnesium and their alloys
and strip BS 3059 Specification for steel boiler and superheater
Part 2 Specification for stainless and heat-resisting tubes
steel plate, sheet andstrip Part 1 Specification for lowtensile carbon steel
BS 1,470 Specification for wrought aluminiumand tubes without specified elevated temperature
aluminium alloys for general engineering properties
purposes: plate, sheet andstrip Part 2 Specification for carbon, alloy and austenitic
BS 147 1 Specification for wrought aluminiumand stainless steel tubeswith specified elevated
aluminium alloys for general engineering temperature properties
purposes -drawn tube BS 3228 Procedures for obtaining properties of steel at
BS 1.47 2 Specification for wrought aluminiumand elevated temperatures
aluminium alloys for general engineering Part 2 Rupture strength (withdrawn)
purposes -forging stock and forgings BS 3381 Specification for spiral wound gaskets for steel
BS 1473 Specification for wrought aluminiumand flanges to BS 1560
aluminium alloys for general engineering BS 3451 Methods of testing fusion welds in aluminiumand
purposes - rivet, bolt and screw stock aluminium alloys
BS 1474 Specification for wrought aluminiumand BS 3500 Methods for creep and rupture testing of metals
aluminium alloys for general engineering BS 3571 MIG welding
purposes: bars, extruded round tubes and Part 1 Specification for MIG welding of aluminium
sections and aluminium alloys
BS 1475 Specification for wrought aluminiumand BS 3601 Specification for carbon steel pipes and tubeswith
aluminium alloys for general engineering specified room temperature properties for
purposes - wire pressure purposes
BS 1500 Specification for fusionwelded pressure vessels BS 3602 Specification for steel pipes and tubesfor pressure
for general purposes (withdrawn) purposes: carbon and carbon manganese steel
BS 1501 Steels for pressure purposes with specified elevatedtemperature properties
Part 1 Specification for carbon and carbon- Part 1 Specification for seamless and electric
manganese steels: plates(withdrawn) resistance welded including inductionwelded
Part 2 Specification for alloy steels: plates tubes
Part 3 Specification for corrosion-and heat- Part 2 Specification for longitudinally arc welded
resisting steels: plates, sheet and strip tubes

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I BSx5500 94 m L b 2 4 6 6 9 039539b 880 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

BS 3603 Specification for carbon and alloysteel pipes and BS 5044 Specification for contrast aid paints used in
tubes with specified low temperature properties magnetic particle flaw detection
for pressure purposes BS 5046 Method forthe estimation ofequivalent diameters
BS 3604 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: in the heat treatment of steel
ferritic alloy steel with specified elevated BS 5135 Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon
temperature properties manganese steels
Part 1 Specification for seamless and electric
resistance welded tubes BS 5276 Pressure vessel details(dimensions)
Part 2 Specificationfor longitudinally arc welded Part 1 Specification for davits for branch covers of
tubes steel vessels
Part 2 Specification for saddle supports for
BS 3605 Austenitic stainless steel pipesand tubes for horizontal cylindrical pressure vessels
pressure purposes Part 4 Standardized pressure vessels
Part 1 Specification for seamless tubes
BS 5289 Code of practice. Visual inspection of fusion
BS 3606 Specification for steel tubes for heat exchangers welded joints
BS 3636 Methods for proving the gas tightness of vacuum BS 5387 Specification for vertical cylindrical welded
or pressurized plant storage tanksfor low-temperature service:
BS 3643 IS0 metric screw threads double-wall tanks for temperatures down
Part 1 Principles and basic data to -196 "C
BS 3688 Methods for mechanical testingof metals at BS 5447 Methods of test for plane strain fracture toughness
elevated temperatures(withdrawn) of metallic materials (withdrawn)
BS 3692 Specification for I S 0 metric precision hexagon BS 5762 Methods for crack opening displacement (COD)
bolts, screws and nuts. Metric units testing (withdrawn)
BS 3799 Specification for steel pipe fittings, screwed and BS 5908 Code of practicefor fire precautions in the
socket-welding for the petroleum industry chemical and allied industries
BS 3915 Specification for carbon and low alloy steel BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building
pressure vessels for primary circuits of nuclear BS 5996 Methods for ultrasonic testing andspecifying
reactors quality grades offerritic steel plate
BS 3920 Derivation and verificationof elevated BS 6072 Method for magnetic particle flaw detection
temperature properties for steel products for
pressure purposes BS 6443 Method for penetrant flaw detection
BS 3923 Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds BS 6759 Safety valves
Part 1 Methods for manual examination of fusion Part 1 Specification for safety valves for steam and
welds in ferritic steels hot water
Part 2 Specificationfor safety valves for
BS 3971 Specification for image quality indicators for compressed air or inertgases
industrial radiography (including guidance on Part 3 Specificationfor safety valves for process
their use) fluids
BS 4080 Specification for severity levelsfor discontinuities BS 7257 Methods for radiographic examination of fusion
in steel castings welded branch and nozzle joints in steel
BS 4124 Methods for ultrasonic detection of imperfections BS 81 10 Structural use of concrete
in steel forgings
BS EN Tensile testing of metallic materials
BS 4190 Specification for I S 0 metric black hexagon bolts, 10002-1 Part 1 Methodof test at ambient temperature
screws and nuts
BS EN Specification for hot rolledproducts of non-alloy
BS 4300 Wrought aluminiumand aluminium alloys for 10025 structural steels and their technical delivery
general engineering purposes (supplementary conditions
BS EN Arc-welded joints in steel. Guidance on quality
BS 4360 Specification for weldable structural steels 25817 levels for imperfections
BS 4504 Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings CP 3 Code of basic data for the design of buildings
(PN designated) Chapter V Loading
BS 4741 Specification for vertical cylindrical welded steel Part 2 Wind loads
storage tanksfor low-temperature service: PD 6439 A review of the methods of calculating stresses
single-wall tanks for temperatures down to -50 "C due to local loads and local attachments of
BS 4870 Specification for approval testing of welding pressure vessels

procedures PD 6493 Guidance on methods for assessing the

Part 1 Fusion welding of steel (withdrawn) acceptability of flawsin fusion welded structures
Part 2 TIG or MIG welding of aluminium and its
alloys (withdrawn) PD 6497 Stresses in horizontal cylindrical pressure vessels
Part 3 Arcwelding of tube to tube-plate joints in supported on twinsaddles: a derivation of the
metallic materials basic equations and constants used in G.3.3 of
Part 4 Specificationfor automatic fusion welding BS 5500 : 1982
of metallic materials,including weldingoperator PD 6550 Explanatory supplement to BS 5500 : 1988
approval 'Specification for unfired fusionwelded pressure
BS 487 1 Specification for approval testing ofwelders vessels', section three 'Design'
working to approved welding procedures Part 1 Domed ends (heads)
Part 1 Fusion welding of steel (withdrawn) Part 2 Openings and branch connections
Part 2 TIGor MIG welding of aluminiumand its Part 3 Vessels under external pressure
alloys (withdrawn) Part 4 Heat exchanger tubesheets
Part 3 Arc welding of tube to tube-plate joints in I S 0 1302 Technical drawings - Method of indicatingsurface
metallic materials texture on drawings
BS 4882 Specification for bolting for flanges and pressure IS01 Pressure vessels
containing purposes DIS 2694*

In preparation

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
IV 21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
B S I B S * 5 5 0 0 94 m 1624669 0395397 717 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue I, January 1994

American Petroleum Industry RP 520 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Guide Notes on

Recommended practicefor the design and Safe Use of Stainless Steel in Chemical Process
installation of pressure relieving systems in Plant
refineries ASME Vlll ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code. Rules for
American Petroleum Industry RP 521 Guide for div
1 the construction of pressure
pressure relief and depressurizing systems

COPYRIGHT 2003; British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards Document provided by IHS Licensee=ExxonMobil/1890500101, User=, 01/19/2003
21:02:31 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
BSI BSr5500 9Y W L b 2 4 b b 9 0395398 653 m
BS 5500 : 1994
Issue 1, January 1994

Health and SafetyExecutive. Standards Significant to Health and Safety at Work

Engineering Equipment and MaterialsUser's Association Publication 143 Recommendations for Tube End Welding.
Tubular Heat Transfer Equipment. Part 1Ferrous Materials
Building Research Establishment Digest No. 1 19. The assessment
of loads
SOEHRENS, J.E. The design of floating heads for heat
exchangers. Pressure Vessel and PipingDesign. Collected
Papers 1927 to 1959, ASME
WEILL, N.A. and MURPHY,J.J. Design andanalysis of welded pressure vessel supports.
Trans. ASME J.Eng. for Ind.
1960, February: I
BERG MAN, D.J. Temperature gradients for skirt supports of vessels.
hot Trans.ASME J.Eng.forInd. 1963, May: 2 1 9
GARDNER, K.A. Tubesheet design-A basis for standardization-l. Delft, 1969. Proc. 1st ¡nt. Conf.on Pressure Vessel
MEIJERS, p. Plates with doubly periodic pattern of circular holes leaded in plane
Stress or in bending.Delft, 1969
Proc. 1st int.Conf. on Pressure Vessel Technology
MURRAY, N.W. and STUART, D.G. Behaviour of larger taper hub flanges. Symposium pressure
on vessel research
towards design. I.Mech.E., 1961
FREESE, C.E. Vibrations of vertical pressurevesse1s.J. Engng. lnd. 1959, February
towers for dynamic stability. Hydrocarbon
Processing. 1966,45(2)
TEIXEIRA, M.A. McLEISH,R.D. and GILL, S.S. A simplified approach to calculating stresses todue
radial loads and
pressure vessels.J.StrainAnal,, 16, No. 4, 1981
moments applied to branches in cylindrical
COE, F.R. Welding steels without hydrogen
cracking. The Welding Institute
Mild steel for pressure equipmentsub-zero
at temperatures. Brit. Weld.J. 1964, March
GALLETLY, G.D. and AYLWARD, R.W. Buckling under external pressure of cylinders with either torispherical or
hemispherical endclosure. C l 8 7 / 7 2 Proc. 1.Mech.E. Conf. December 1 9 7 2
KENDRICK, S.B. Collapse of stiffened cylinders under external pressure.
C l 90/72 Proc. 1.Mech.E. Conf.
December 1972
NEWLAND, C.N. Collapse of domes under externalpressure. C191/72 Proc. 1.Mech.E. Conf. December 1972

Referred to in the foreword only. --``,``````,,``,,``,```,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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BSI BSx5500 9 4 m Lb2qbb9 0395399 57T m
BS 5500 : 1994

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