Ict Animation NC II 20151119
Ict Animation NC II 20151119
Ict Animation NC II 20151119
Observe a class where there are students with special needs.
1. Were you able to identify one student in the classroom with special need? ______ Yes;
____No. If yes, what special need is that? _______________________
1.1 Write down your observations about his/her behavior.
1.2 Discuss, with your classmates the methodology or technique the teacher used I an
effort to get this student with special need to participate in the class activities; or to
get a response from him/her.
2. If you were not able to identify a student with special need, did you observe one or two
students who stood out as quite different from the rest? In what way/ways, Describe
how they are different from the rest of the students.
Name: _________________________________
Date: _________________
1. Consider a situation where you are a teacher in basic education, and you have one
student who has ADHD. Let us assume, that he cannot keep still in his seat, bullies his
seatmate, and runs around the room at any time. For two class sessions, you plan on
having a group work. How will you deal with this student with ADHD and make sure he
participates in the group activity?
2. In your class, you have two students who are poorly performing, They cannot read,
much less comprehend what they read. In what ways will you be able to improve their
reading comprehension?
Name: _________________________________
Date: __________________
B. Draw line/s connecting the classroom activity/environment and the special need addressed.
(There might be more than one special need addressed by one activity.)
3. Self-
4. Definition of
5. Rewards and
Name: ____________________________
Date: _______________
A. Imagine a situation where you are a Grade 6 Teacher. And you are planning on a
Science project that your school will submit for a prestigious competition. What will you
do to get the students involved in the project and see it to the finish?
B. Observe a class lesson or a group work being done by students in the classroom.
Observe the behaviors of the students involved in the group work. Can you identify
those who are highly motivated to finish the work? Why do you say they are highly
motivated to learn? Cite your reasons.
Name: ______________________________
Date: _______________
B. Select statement that correctly describes the relationship between needs and
1. One has to always satisfy his basic needs (like physiological) first before he can
work toward fulfilling hid higher-order needs.
2. The more a person works hard to achieve a goal, if that goal is very important to
his existence.
3. Students learn better, if they are allowed to control over their choices in
4. The teacher should see to it that his students are motivated for their
performance to improve.
5. Punishment is a better way than rewards to motivate students to study their
6. Alma is studying hard to become the valedictorian of her class, because of her
innate desire to excel.
7. Motivation is like a force that engages one to work hard in pursuing a goal.
8. Students need to be inspired to learn so that on their own they will strive to get
good grades.
9. Students will be able to pursue their goals even without being motivated to do
Following is a classroom situation. First, Identify what problem in motivation is and
second, give your suggestion on how to address the problem.
The class which has been divided into four groups, A, B, C and D are getting ready to do
an experiment in science. Each group has been assigned a leader. After giving the instructions,
Group A and D, immediately started to work. The members of Group B and C, just sat there and
seemed not to know how to start the activity. Group B members were pointing at each other as
to who should start, but nobody wanted to. In Group C, the leader was active, but the other
members were not doing anything to participate in the activity.
1. How do you characterize the motivation level of Group B members to do and finish the
experiment? What could be the “problem” as why they could not start the activity?
Advance as many reasons as possible.
2. What could be the “problem” in Group C? What can be done in Group C so the
members will help the group leader with the activity?
3. Describe the level of motivation of members of Groups A and D. It appears that the
group members have a high level of motivation. Think of factors that contributes to the
level of motivation the groups exhibited.
4. What can you suggest to be done so that Groups A and D will persist in finishing the
Name: __________________________
Date: _____________
Assume you are a teacher and you would like your students to engage in project-based lessons
and activities, because you believe in the benefits of cooperative and experiential learning.
Suggest some techniques to sustain the students’ level of motivation to finish the project.
Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________
2. In determining problems in motivation, what factors should you consider if you want to
get a good idea of problems in students’ motivation.
1. Observe a science class in high school. While doing the observation, focus on the
following points.
1.1 Describe the methodology used by the teacher. Experimental or lecture?
1.2 Note or write down the questions of the teacher to the students.
1.3 Determine the nature of the questions according to De Bono’s Thinking Hats. Also
take note of the kinds of students’ responses to the questions.
1.4 Note specifically if the teacher asked blue hat and green hat questions.
2. Evaluate the extent to which the students were given opportunities for developing their
metacognitive thinking skills.
3. Do another observation on a Values Education class, using the same guide points in No.
1. Compare your results here with your first observation.
Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________
2. For each item, give your reason/s why you think that practice is good one. If you think it
is not a good one, , how should that practice be done?
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________
1. What makes cognition different from metacognition? Explain. What are the similarities
of these two cognitive skills?
1. Observe two classes in two different subjects. Take note of the following:
The class activities conducted
The questions asked by the teacher
The direction of the exchange of communication between teacher and
How the teacher led the students to answer questions or solve a problem
2. Compare the two classes based on the above points. Evaluate which of the classes
have more opportunities for developing cognitive and metacognitive abilities of the
Name: _________________________
Date: _____________
2. Piaget’s theory of intellectual development contends that cognitive skills grow and
develop with age. Therefore it is expected that concrete thinking characterizes early
staves of development; while abstract thinking is associated with later stage of
development. What is the implication of this theory to the development of cognitive
skills of students?