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10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations d 115

and qpp AL E ^1x þ 2d^2x Þ ÿ f^ ¼ 0
¼ ðÿ2 d 2x
qd^2x 2 L2

In matrix form, we express Eqs. (3.10.26) as

( ) ( )
d^1x f^1x
qpp AE 1 ÿ1 0
¼ ÿ ¼ ð3:10:27Þ
qfdg L ÿ1 1 d^2x f^

or, because f f^g ¼ ½^kŠfdg,

^ we have the stiffness matrix for the bar element obtained
from Eq. (3.10.27) as
AE 1 ÿ1
½^kŠ ¼ ð3:10:28Þ
L ÿ1 1

As expected, Eq. (3.10.28) is identical to the stiffness matrix obtained in Section 3.1.
Finally, instead of the cumbersome process of explicitly evaluating pp , we can
use the matrix differentiation as given by Eq. (2.6.12) and apply it directly to Eq.
(3.10.19) to obtain

¼ AL½BŠT ½DŠ½BŠfdg
^ ÿ f f^g ¼ 0 ð3:10:29Þ

where ½DŠT ¼ ½DŠ has been used in writing Eq. (3.10.29). The result of the evaluation
of AL½BŠT ½DŠ½BŠ is then equal to ½^kŠ given by Eq. (3.10.28). Throughout this text, we
will use this matrix differentiation concept (also see Appendix A), which greatly sim-
plifies the task of evaluating ½^kŠ.
To illustrate the use of Eq. (3.10.20a) to evaluate the equivalent nodal loads for a
bar subjected to axial loading traction T^x , we now solve Example 3.12.

Example 3.12

A bar of length L is subjected to a linearly distributed axial loading that varies from
zero at node 1 to a maximum at node 2 (Figure 3–28). Determine the energy equiva-
lent nodal loads.

Figure 3–28 Element subjected to linearly varying axial load

116 d 3 Development of Truss Equations

Using Eq. (3.10.20a) and shape functions from Eq. (3.10.9), we solve for the
energy equivalent nodal forces of the distributed loading as follows:
8 9
x^ >
>1 ÿ >
( ) ðð >
ð L<
f f^0 g ¼ ¼ ½NŠ fT^x g dS ¼ fC x^g d x^ ð3:10:30Þ
f^2x S1
0 >
> x^ > >
: ;
8 2 9L
C x^ C x^3 >
> >
> >
< 2 3L =
> C x^3 >
: ;
3L 0
8 9
> CL > >
< 6 >
> =
¼ ð3:10:31Þ
> CL 2 > >
: ;
where the integration was carried out over the length of the bar, because T^x is in units
of force/length.
Note that the total load is the area under the load distribution given by
1 CL 2
F ¼ ðLÞðCLÞ ¼ ð3:10:32Þ
2 2
Therefore, comparing Eq. (3.10.31) with (3.10.32), we find that the equivalent nodal
loads for a linearly varying load are
f^1x ¼ F ¼ one-third of the total load
^ 2
f2x ¼ F ¼ two-thirds of the total load
In summary, for the simple two-noded bar element subjected to a linearly varying
load (triangular loading), place one-third of the total load at the node where the dis-
tributed loading begins (zero end of the load) and two-thirds of the total load at the
node where the peak value of the distributed load ends. 9

We now illustrate (Example 3.13) a complete solution for a bar subjected to a

surface traction loading.

Example 3.13

For the rod loaded axially as shown in Figure 3–29, determine the axial displacement
and axial stress. Let E ¼ 30  10 6 psi, A ¼ 2 in. 2 , and L ¼ 60 in. Use (a) one and (b)
two elements in the finite element solutions. (In Section 3.11 one-, two-, four-, and
eight-element solutions will be presented from the computer program Algor [9].
3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations d 117

Figure 3–29 Rod subjected to triangular

load distribution

(a) One-element solution (Figure 3–30).

Figure 3–30 One-element model

From Eq. (3.10.20a), the distributed load matrix is evaluated as follows:

fF0 g ¼ ½NŠ T fTx g dx ð3:10:34Þ

where Tx is a line load in units of pounds per inch and f^0 ¼ F 0 as x ¼ x^. Therefore,
using Eq. (3.1.4) for ½NŠ in Eq. (3.10.34), we obtain
8 9
> x
ð L< 1 ÿ > >
fF0 g ¼ fÿ10xg dx ð3:10:35Þ
0 >
> x > >
: ;

ÿ10ð60Þ 2 >
8 9 8 9 8 9
> ÿ10L 2 10L 2 > ÿ10L 2 >
> >
 > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

F1x < 2 3 = < 6 = < =
or ¼ ¼ ¼
F2x >
> ÿ10L 2 >
> > ÿ10L 2 >
> > > ÿ10ð60Þ 2 >
> >
: >
; > : >
; > : >
3 3 3
or F1x ¼ ÿ6000 lb F2x ¼ ÿ12;000 lb ð3:10:36Þ

Using Eq. (3.10.33), we could have determined the same forces at nodes 1 and 2—that
is, one-third of the total load is at node 1 and two-thirds of the total load is at node 2.
118 d 3 Development of Truss Equations

Using Eq. (3.10.28), we find that the stiffness matrix is given by

1 ÿ1
k ð1Þ ¼ 10 6
ÿ1 1
The element equations are then
6 1 ÿ1 d1x ÿ6000
10 ¼ ð3:10:37Þ
ÿ1 1 0 R2x ÿ 12;000
Solving Eq. 1 of Eq. (3.10.37), we obtain
d1x ¼ ÿ0:006 in: ð3:10:38Þ
The stress is obtained from Eq. (3.10.14) as
fsx g ¼ ½DŠfex g
¼ E½BŠfdg
( )

1 1
¼E ÿ
L L d2x
d2x ÿ d1x
6 0 þ 0:006
¼ 30  10
¼ 3000 psi ðTÞ ð3:10:39Þ

(b) Two-element solution (Figure 3–31).

Figure 3–31 Two-element model

We first obtain the element forces. For element 2, we divide the load into a uni-
form part and a triangular part. For the uniform part, half the total uniform load is
placed at each node associated with the element. Therefore, the total uniform part is
ð30 in:Þðÿ300 lb=in:Þ ¼ ÿ9000 lb
and using Eq. (3.10.33) for the triangular part of the load, we have, for element 2,
( ð2Þ ) ( ) 
ÿ½12 ð9000Þ þ 13 ð4500ފ

f2x ÿ6000 lb
¼ ¼ ð3:10:40Þ
ÿ½12 ð9000Þ þ 23 ð4500ފ ÿ7500 lb
3.10 Potential Energy Approach to Derive Bar Element Equations d 119

For element 1, the total force is from the triangle-shaped distributed load only and is
given by
2 ð30 in:Þðÿ300 lb=in:Þ ¼ ÿ4500 lb

On the basis of Eq. (3.10.33), this load is separated into nodal forces as shown:
( ð1Þ ) ( ) 
3 ðÿ4500Þ

f1x ÿ1500 lb
¼ 2
¼ ð3:10:41Þ
f 3 ðÿ4500Þ
ÿ3000 lb

The final nodal force matrix is then

< F1x = < ÿ1500

8 9 8 9
F2x ¼ ÿ6000 ÿ 3000 ð3:10:42Þ
: ; : ;
F3x R3x ÿ 7500

The element stiffness matrices are now

1 2 1 2
2 3 2 3
AE 1 ÿ1 1 ÿ1
k ð1Þ ¼ k ð2Þ ¼ ¼ ð2  10 6 Þ
L=2 ÿ1 1 ÿ1 1
The assembled global stiffness matrix is
1 ÿ1 0
2 3
6 4 lb
K ¼ ð2  10 Þ ÿ1 2 ÿ1 5 ð3:10:44Þ
0 ÿ1 1
The assembled global equations are then

1 ÿ1 0 < d1x = < ÿ1500 =

2 38 9 8 9

ð2  10 6 Þ4 ÿ1 2 ÿ1 5 d2x ¼ ÿ9000 ð3:10:45Þ

d3x ¼ 0
: ; : ;
0 ÿ1 1 R3x ÿ 7500

where the boundary condition d3x ¼ 0 has been substituted into Eq. (3.10.45). Now,
solving equations 1 and 2 of Eq. (3.10.45), we obtain
d1x ¼ ÿ0:006 in:
d2x ¼ ÿ0:00525 in:
The element stresses are as follows:

Element 1

d1x ¼ ÿ0:006
1 1
sx ¼ E ÿ
30 30 d2x ¼ ÿ0:00525
¼ 750 psi ðTÞ ð3:10:47Þ
120 d 3 Development of Truss Equations

Element 2
( )
d2x ¼ ÿ0:00525

1 1
sx ¼ E ÿ
30 30 d3x ¼ 0
¼ 5250 psi ðTÞ ð3:10:48Þ

d 3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution d

to Exact Solution for Bar
We will now compare the finite element solutions for Example 3.13 using one, two,
four, and eight elements to model the bar element and the exact solution. The exact
solution for displacement is obtained by solving the equation
1 x
u¼ PðxÞ dx ð3:11:1Þ
AE 0
where, using the following free-body diagram,

we have PðxÞ ¼ 12 xð10xÞ ¼ 5x 2 lb ð3:11:2Þ

Therefore, substituting Eq. (3.11.2) into Eq. (3.11.1), we have

1 x 2
u¼ 5x dx
AE 0
5x 3
¼ þ C1 ð3:11:3Þ
Now, applying the boundary condition at x ¼ L, we obtain
5L 3
uðLÞ ¼ 0 ¼ þ C1

or 5L 3
C1 ¼ ÿ ð3:11:4Þ
Substituting Eq. (3.11.4) into Eq. (3.11.3) makes the final expression for displacement

u¼ ðx 3 ÿ L 3 Þ ð3:11:5Þ
3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution d 121

Figure 3–32 Comparison of exact and finite element solutions for axial displacement
(along length of bar)

Substituting A ¼ 2 in.2 , E ¼ 30  106 psi, and L ¼ 60 in. into Eq. (3.11.5), we obtain
u ¼ 2:778  10ÿ8 x3 ÿ 0:006 ð3:11:6Þ
The exact solution for axial stress is obtained by solving the equation

PðxÞ 5x 2
sðxÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ 2:5x 2 psi ð3:11:7Þ
A 2 in 2
Figure 3–32 shows a plot of Eq. (3.11.6) along with the finite element solutions
(part of which were obtained in Example 3.13). Some conclusions from these results
1. The finite element solutions match the exact solution at the node
points. The reason why these nodal values are correct is that the
element nodal forces were calculated on the basis of being energy-
equivalent to the distributed load based on the assumed linear
displacement field within each element. (For uniform cross-sectional
bars and beams, the nodal degrees of freedom are exact. In general,
computed nodal degrees of freedom are not exact.)
2. Although the node values for displacement match the exact solution,
the values at locations between the nodes are poor using few elements
(see one- and two-element solutions) because we used a linear
displacement function within each element, whereas the exact solution,
Eq. (3.11.6), is a cubic function. However, because we use increasing
122 d 3 Development of Truss Equations

Figure 3–33 Comparison of exact and finite element solutions for axial stress (along
length of bar)

numbers of elements, the finite element solution converges to the exact

solution (see the four- and eight-element solutions in Figure 3–32).
3. The stress is derived from the slope of the displacement curve as
s ¼ Ee ¼ Eðdu=dxÞ. Therefore, by the finite element solution, because
u is a linear function in each element, axial stress is constant in each
element. It then takes even more elements to model the first derivative
of the displacement function or, equivalently, the axial stress. This is
shown in Figure 3–33, where the best results occur for the eight-
element solution.
4. The best approximation of the stress occurs at the midpoint of the
element, not at the nodes (Figure 3–33). This is because the derivative
of displacement is better predicted between the nodes than at the
5. The stress is not continuous across element boundaries. Therefore,
equilibrium is not satisfied across element boundaries. Also, equilib-
rium within each element is, in general, not satisfied. This is shown in
Figure 3–34 for element 1 in the two-element solution and element 1
in the eight-element solution [in the eight-element solution the forces
are obtained from the Algor computer code [9]]. As the number of
elements used increases, the discontinuity in the stress decreases across
element boundaries, and the approximation of equilibrium improves.
Finally, in Figure 3–35, we show the convergence of axial stress at the fixed end
ðx ¼ LÞ as the number of elements increases.
3.11 Comparison of Finite Element Solution d 123

Figure 3–34 Free-body diagram of element 1 in both two- and eight-element

models, showing that equilibrium is not satisfied

Figure 3–35 Axial stress at fixed end as number of elements increases

124 d 3 Development of Truss Equations

However, if we formulate the problem in a customary general way, as described

in detail in Chapter 4 for beams subjected to distributed loading, we can obtain the
exact stress distribution with any of the models used. That is, letting f^ ¼ k^d^ ÿ f^0 ,
where f^0 is the initial nodal replacement force system of the distributed load on
each element, we subtract the initial replacement force system from the k^d^ result.
This yields the nodal forces in each element. For example, considering element 1 of
the two-element model, we have [see also Eqs. (3.10.33) and (3.10.41)]
ÿ1500 lb
f^0 ¼
ÿ3000 lb
Using f^ ¼ k^d^ ÿ f^ , we obtain
" #( ) ( )
2ð30  10 6
Þ 1 ÿ1 ÿ0:006 in: ÿ1500 lb
f^ ¼ ÿ
ð30 in:Þ ÿ1 1 ÿ0:00525 in: ÿ3000 lb
( ) ( )
ÿ1500 þ 1500 0
¼ ¼
1500 þ 3000 4500

as the actual nodal forces. Drawing a free-body diagram of element 1, we have

Fx ¼ 0: ÿ 12 ð300 lb=in:Þð30 in:Þ þ 4500 lb ¼ 0

For other kinds of elements (other than beams), this adjustment is ignored in practice.
The adjustment is less important for plane and solid elements than for beams. Also,
these adjustments are more difficult to formulate for an element of general shape.

d 3.12 Galerkin’s Residual Method and Its Use d

to Derive the One-Dimensional Bar
Element Equations
General Formulation
We developed the bar finite element equations by the direct method in Section 3.1 and
by the potential energy method (one of a number of variational methods) in Section
3.10. In fields other than structural/solid mechanics, it is quite probable that a varia-
tional principle, analogous to the principle of minimum potential energy, for instance,
may not be known or even exist. In some flow problems in fluid mechanics and in
mass transport problems (Chapter 13), we often have only the differential equation
and boundary conditions available. However, the finite element method can still be

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