The Qanon Tracking Files

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The document defines terms related to government organizations and legal processes like indictments, treason, and declassification. It also outlines different sections that will be tracked like civilian indictments, supreme court rulings, leaks, and OIG reports.

Some terms defined include civilian, non-civilian, indictment, sealed indictment, treason, FVEY, FISA, and declas.

The different sections that will be tracked include civilian indictments, non-civilian indictments, supreme court rulings, branch terminations, leaks, acts of treason, foreign acts of treason, FVEY documents, FISA documents, declassified documents, OIG reports, and military tribunals timeline.

The Qanon Tracking Files

Last Updated March 24, 2019

This document was created on November 11, 2018 in response to Q Posts

2481-2487 and 2489. These posts listed placeholders for file directories to
be tracked and recorded for posterity. Post 2489 is concerned only with
aspects of the OIG Report (to be issued). This document will be continually
updated with the current date at the top of the document. Some definitions
are in order.

Civilian: Any person that is not an employee of the government including

federal, state, local, military, police, and fire fighters.
Non-civilian: Any person that is an employee of the government, military,
or police at any level of federal, state, or local.
Indictment: An indictment is a formal accusation of a felony, issued by a
grand jury based upon a proposed charge, witnesses' testimony and other
evidence presented by the public prosecutor (District Attorney). It is the
grand jury's determination that there is enough evidence that the defendant
committed the crime to justify having a trial voted by a grand jury. In order
to issue an indictment, the grand jury doesn't make a determination of guilt,
but only the probability that a crime was committed, that the accused
person did it and that he/she should be tried. Each indictment can contain
up to 93 individuals. Individuals can also be named in more than one
Sealed Indictment: An indictment that is sealed from being made public
until the defendant(s) are arrested. This is necessary when large gangs
need to be arrested at once and no one is tipped off.
Treason: The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the
government of the United States of America to which the offender owes
allegiance or to kill or personally injure the President or the President’s

FVEY: Abbreviation for Five Eyes which is an intelligence alliance

comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the
United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA
Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.
FISA: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 is a United States
federal law which establishes procedures for the physical and electronic
surveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence information" between
"foreign powers" and "agents of foreign powers" suspected of espionage or
terrorism. The Act created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
(FISC) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants by federal law
enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Declas: Code for the declassification of government documents whereby
they become available for public reading.
OIG: Office of Inspector General. Congress enacted the Inspector General
Act of 1978 to ensure integrity and efficiency in government. Both the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Act and the Office of Inspector
General (OIG) were established by Congress in 2002. The OIG is led by an
Inspector General who is appointed by the President and subject to Senate
confirmation. The OIG mission is to provide independent oversight and
promote excellence, integrity, and accountability within DHS.
Civilian Indictments
Non-Civilian Indictments
Supreme Court Rulings Regarding Challenges
Supreme Court Rulings Regarding USA vs Defendant
Branch Terminations
Acts of Treason with Support Articles
Foreign Acts of Treason
FVEY Public Documents
FISA Public Documents
General Declassified Documents
Special Declassified Documents
OIG Report & Findings

No data yet
OIG Report: FBI, DOJ, and MSM Collusion

No data yet
OIG Report: Executive Branch and (FBI, DOJ, DOD, DIA,
CIA, MSM) Collusion

No data yet
OIG Report: Foreign ASST_D1

No data yet
OIG Report: Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss

No data yet
OIG Report: FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS

No data yet

Defense Investigative Service

Defense Intelligence Staff

Defense Information System

OIG Report: Umbrella SPY & Targeting

No data yet
OIG Report: OTR_C

No data yet
Military Tribunals Timeline

[8/25/18] John McCain: Executed for Treason, Multiple Crimes Against Humanity
[11/30/18] George H. W. Bush: Executed for Treason, Multiple Crimes Against
Mysterious Deaths/Suicides

[7/10/2016] Seth Rich: Employee of Democratic National

Convention (DNC) who is purported to have leaked information to
Wikileaks to affect the 2016 Presidential Election. The DNC
claimed Russian hacking as the culprit, but insiders say that Seth
delivered a hard drive to Wikileaks with all the data on it. Seth
was mentioned in Q Post 85 indicating 2 individuals responsible
were MS-13 and they were eliminated after the hit.
[2/7/2018] John Perry Barlow: Helped develop SecureDrop as a
means for whistleblowers to deliver information to news outlets in
a safe and secure manner. SecureDrop was purported to be
infiltrated and stolen by the CIA as a means to give their 4 AM
talking points to their media puppets. The deaths of Barlow and 2
others involved was necessary to cover their tracks.
[3/16/2019] Alan Krueger: Economist who worked at the highest
levels of government, his last position being under Obama. He
was mentioned in Q Post 3130. His family reported his death to
be a suicide.

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