Brazilian Airworthiness Directive: Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - Brazil
Brazilian Airworthiness Directive: Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - Brazil
Brazilian Airworthiness Directive: Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - Brazil
Form F-900-04E
CONTINUATION OF AD No.: 2007-03-02R2 - AMENDMENT 39-1250 PAGE No.: 2/3
(2) Perform a detailed inspection (DET) looking for signs of interference of the door lock handle
with the aft edge liner assembly:
(i) If any interference is found, rework the aft edge liner assembly according to Embraer Service
Bulletin (SB) No. 190-50-0006 before further flight;
(ii) If no interference is found, rework the aft edge liner assembly according to Embraer SB
No. 190-50-0006 within the next 150 flight cycles;
(3) Remove the aft surround trim lining to perform a detailed inspection (DET) for signs of damage
of the lateral roller fitting on the forward and aft cargo door frames at the fuselage according to
Embraer ASB No. 190-52-A018:
(i) If any damage is found, replace the lateral roller fitting with another one bearing the same
part number (P/N) before further flight;
(ii) If no damage is found, no immediate corrective action is required.
(c) At intervals that do not exceed 150 flight cycles after 16 Mar. 2007, the effective date of the original
issue of this AD, repeat the inspections required by item (b)(3) above.
(d) After accomplishing item (b) above, the visual inspection of item (a) above is no longer necessary.
(e) Within the next 5000 flight cycles after 21 Oct. 2008, the effective date of the revision 1 of this AD,
perform the following actions on the fore and aft cargo doors:
(1) Relocate the cargo door closed indication sensor according to Embraer SB No. 190-52-0023
original issue, or further revisions approved by the ANAC;
(2) Modify the cargo door lock handle mechanism and replace cargo door roller fittings P/N
170-92569-401 and P/N 170-85452-401 by new ones, according to Embraer SB No. 190-52-0027
original issue or further revisions approved by ANAC.
(f) Within the next 365 days after 21 Oct. 2008, the effective date of the revision 1 of this AD, or
within the next 365 days after accomplishment of item (e) above, whichever occurs later, revise the
Airplane Maintenance Program to include the operational (OPC) and functional (FNC) checks, of the
fore and aft cargo doors, in accordance with the Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM) tasks
52-31-20-720-801-A/500, 52-31-00-710-801-A/500, 52-32-20-720-801-A/500 and 52-32-00-710-801-A/500,
dated 15 July 2008, at repetitive intervals that do not exceed 6000 flight hours.
(g) The accomplishment of the item (e) above constitutes the terminal action to the repetitive inspections
required by the item (c) above. The accomplishment of the item (f) above constitutes the terminal
action for this AD.
NOTE 1: For the purpose of this AD, a detailed inspection (DET) is: “An intensive examination of a
specific item, installation or assembly to detect damage, failure or irregularity. Available
lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at an intensity deemed
appropriate. Inspection aids such as mirrors, magnifying lenses, etc., may be necessary.
Surface cleaning and elaborate access procedures may be required.”
NOTE 2: For the purpose of this AD, a functional check (FNC) is: “A quantitative check to determine if
one or more functions of an item performs within specified limits”
NOTE 3: For the purpose of this AD, an operational check (OPC) is: “A task to determine if an item is
fulfilling its intended purpose. Since it is a failure finding task, it does not require quantitative
The detailed instructions and procedures to accomplish this AD are described in the
Embraer Alert Service Bulletin No. 190-52-A018, and in the Embraer Service Bulletins Nos.
190-50-0006 original issue, 190-52-0023 original issue and 190-52-0027 original issue, or in their further
respective revisions approved by the ANAC.
Record compliance with this AD in the applicable maintenance log book.
Form F-900-04E
CONTINUATION OF AD No.: 2007-03-02R2 - AMENDMENT 39-1250 PAGE No.: 3/3
For additional technical information, contact:
National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)
Aeronautical Products Certification Branch (GGCP)
Av. Cassiano Ricardo, 521, Bloco B, 2º andar, Parque Residencial Aquarius
Fax: 55 (12) 3797-2330
12246-870 – São José dos Campos - SP, BRAZIL.
For acquisition, contact:
National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)
Publications Branch
R. Santa Luzia, 651, 2º Mezanino, Centro
Fax: 55 (21) 3814-6929
20030-040 – Rio de Janeiro - RJ, BRAZIL.
NOTE: Original in Portuguese language signed and available in the files of the Aeronautical Products
Certification Branch (GGCP) of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).
Form F-900-04E