Easa Ad BR-1999-02-01R7 1

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AD No.: 1999-02-01R7 Effective Date: 06 May 2024

The following Brazilian Airworthiness Directive (AD), issued by the Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) in accordance with
provisions of Chapter IV, Title III of Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica - Law No. 7,565 dated 19 December 1986 - and Regulamento
Brasileiro da Aviação Civil (RBAC) 39, applies to all aircraft registered in the Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro. No person may operate an
aircraft to which this AD applies, unless it has previously complied with the requirements established herein.

[corrected in 11 Oct. 2024]

AD No. 1999-02-01R7 - EMBRAER / 39-1548.

This Airworthiness Directive (AD) applies to all Embraer S.A. EMB-145 aircraft models in
operation, except the EMB-135 aircraft models.
This AD cancels and supersedes the AD No. 1999-02-01R6 – Amdt 39-1027, dated 21 jul.
2004, and is being issued to correct the visual inpection task number referenced in the previous AD.
It has been found the occurrence of broken rod ends of the aileron PCA in different aircraft,
either at the aileron or at the wing structure connection points, and, posteriorly, several failures have also
occurred in the aileron PCA fittings at the wing side.
After AD 1999-0201R6 was issued it was identified that the visual inspection task number
referenced on requirement (c) of that AD (AMM TASK 27-12-01-212-002-A00, " Aileron PCA Rod
Ends/Fitting, Lugs for Integrity and General Condition") was incorrect. This revision 7 is being issued to
replace the task reference to MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-212-002-A05.
Since this condition may occur in other airplanes of the same type and affect flight safety, a
corrective action is required. Thus, sufficient reason exists to request compliance with this AD in the
indicated time limit.
Visual inspection for structural integrity and implementation of reinforcements in the
aileron PCA rod ends and fittings; and installation of a new PCA.
Required as indicated below, unless already accomplished.

Formulário F-900-04F 10674738 SEI 00066.003898/2024-99 / pg. 1

Repetitive Inpections
(a) For aircraft with PCA P/N 394900-1003, 394900-1005 or 394900-1007: from 21 jul.
2004 (effectivity date of AD 1999-02-01, revision 6), in intervals as especified on item (a)(3) below,
perform a repetitive visual inspection of all rod ends and fittings in each PCA (RH and LH) at the aileron
and wing structure connection points, using a mirror and flashlight, in accordance with Embraer Service
Bulletin No. 145-27-0054 Rev. 2, or further revisions approved by ANAC.

1. If any rod end is found cracked or failed, the PCA must be replaced by a new one
P/N 418800-1003, 418800-9003, 418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or
418800-9007, in accordance with Embraer Service Bulletin No. 145-27-0062,
original issue, or further revisions approved by ANAC.
2. If any PCA fitting in the wing or aileron side is found cracked or failed, replace it
by a new reinforced wing or aileron side PCA fittings in accordance with Embraer
Service Bulletins Nos. 145-57-0019 Rev. 1 or 145-27-0061 Rev. 1, as applicable, or
further revisions approved by ANAC.
3. The intervals of accomplishment for the repetitive visual inspection of all rod ends
and fittings in each PCA (RH and LH) at the aileron and wing structure connection
points are as follows:

(i) For aircraft equipped with PCA P/N 394900-1003 or 394900-1005, at intervals
not exceeding 25 flight hours or 3 operating days, whichever occurs later;

(ii) For aircraft equipped with PCA P/N 394900-1007, at intervals not exceeding
100 flight hours or 14 operating days, whichever occurs later.

(b) For aircraft with PCA P/N 394900-1003, 394900-1005, 394900-1007, 418800-1001,
418800-1003, 418800-9003, 418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or 418800-9007: from 21 jul.
2004 (effectivity date of AD 1999-02-01, revision 6), before the aircraft completes 6000 operating cycles,
install the new fittings and reinforcements in accordance with Embraer Service Bulletin Nos. 145-57-0019
Rev. 1 and 145-27-0061 Rev. 1, or further revisions approved by ANAC.
(c) For aircraft equipped with new ailerons PCA P/N 418800-1001, 418800-1003, 418800-
9003, 418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or 418800-9007, in conjunction with the new PCA
fittings and reinforcement provisions referred on item (b) above, from 21 jul. 2004 (effectivity date of AD
1999-02-01, revision 6), perform visual inspections in accordance with MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-
212-002-A05 every 500 flight hours

(d) Terminal action

Aircraft equipped with new aileron PCA P/N 418800-1001, 418800-1003, 418800-9003,
418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or 418800-9007, PCA and damper fittings and reinforcements,
and aileron damper P/N 41012130-103 or 41012130-104, installed in production line or by incorporation
of the Embraer Service Bulletins Nos. 145-27-0063, original issue (damper installation), 145-27-0061
Rev. 1 (aileron damper fitting and reinforcement installation), 145-57-0019 Rev. 1 (wing damper fitting
installation) and 145-27-0062, original issue (PCA installation), or further revisions approved by ANAC,
are no longer subjected to the provisions of this AD provided the visual inspection of the PCA and damper
terminals and fittings at the wing and aileron sides, for structural integrity, established in the EMB-145
MRB document for every 1000 flight hours, are implemented.

(e) Material incorporated by reference

The detailed instructions and procedures to accomplish this AD are described in the
Embraer Service Bulletins Nos. 145-27-0054 Rev. 2, 145-27-0061 Rev. 1, 145-27-0062, original issue,
145-27-0063, original issue, and 145-57-0019 Rev. 1, or further revisions approved by ANAC.
(f) Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC)
Formulário F-900-04F 10674738 SEI 00066.003898/2024-99 / pg. 2
A different method or a different compliance time, with the requirements of this AD, may
be used if approved by the Manager of the Continuing Airworthiness Technical Branch (Gerência Técnica
de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada - GTAC).

Register the incorporation of this AD in the applicable maintenance records.

For additional technical information, contact:
National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)
Continuing Airworthiness Technical Branch (GTAC)
Rua Doutor Orlando Feirabend Filho, nº 230
Centro Empresarial Aquárius – Torre B – Floors 14 and 15
Parque Residencial Aquárius
ZIP 12246-190 – São José dos Campos – SP.
E-mail: pac@anac.gov.br



Head of Airworthiness Department

N O T E : Original in Portuguese language available at the Continuing Airworthiness

Technical Branch (GTAC) of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).

Referência: Processo nº 00066.003898/2024-99 SEI nº 10674738

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AD No: 1999-02-01R7 Effective Date: 06 May 2024

AD No. 1999-02-01R7 - EMBRAER / 39-1548.
​This Errata is issued to correct a printing error in the original English version of this
Airworthiness Directive in section REASON and paragraph (c).

After AD 1999-0201R6 was issued it was identified that the visual inspection task number
referenced on requirement (c) of that AD (AMM TASK 27-12- 01-212-002-A00, "Aileron PCA Rod
Ends/Fitting, Lugs for Integrity and General Condition") was incorrect. This revision 7 is being issued to
replace the task reference to MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-212-002-A00.

After AD 1999-0201R6 was issued it was identified that the visual inspection task number
referenced on requirement (c) of that AD (AMM TASK 27-12- 01-212-002-A00, "Aileron PCA Rod
Ends/Fitting, Lugs for Integrity and General Condition") was incorrect. This revision 7 is being issued to
replace the task reference to MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-212-002-A05.

Paragraph (c):
For aircraft equipped with new ailerons PCA P/N 418800-1001, 418800-1003, 418800-
9003, 418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or 418800-9007, in conjunction with the new PCA
fittings and reinforcement provisions referred on item (b) above, from 21 jul. 2004 (effectivity date of AD
1999-02-01, revision 6), perform visual inspections in accordance with MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-
212-002-A00 every 500 flight hours.

For aircraft equipped with new ailerons PCA P/N 418800-1001, 418800-1003, 418800-
9003, 418800-1005, 418800-9005, 418800-1007 or 418800-9007, in conjunction with the new PCA
fittings and reinforcement provisions referred on item (b) above, from 21 jul. 2004 (effectivity date of AD
1999-02-01, revision 6), perform visual inspections in accordance with MRB-145/1150 TASK 27-12-01-
212-002-A05 every 500 flight hours.

Formulário F-900-07F 10674235 SEI 00066.003898/2024-99 / pg. 4

Please modify the original AD text and attach this Errata to it.



Head of Airworthiness Department

NOTE: Original in Portuguese language available at the Continuing Airworthiness Technical Branch
(GTAC) of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)

Referência: Processo nº 00066.003898/2024-99 SEI nº 10674235

Formulário F-900-07F 10674235 SEI 00066.003898/2024-99 / pg. 5

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