Build Your Profitable Farm

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The 2019 pre-convention workshop

OFFMA presents
Build Your Profitable Farm
with Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith owns Champoeg Creamery & Pastured Meats
in Oregon. A 75 acre diversified farm selling raw milk, pork,
chicken and beef direct to consumers. She founded 3 Cow
Marketing, an online marketing /training company when she
realized the struggle farmers face when trying to build a farm
business that supports them instead of breaks them.

Building Your Profitable Farm is a one day workshop where

Charlotte shares hands-on strategies and tactics she has used to
start and grow into a profitable farm. She’ll show you what is
working and what is not in today’s modern marketing world.

Some of the things participants will learn during the work-

 How to identify ideal customers willing to pay your
prices and value what you sell
 How to communicate a solution to your customers’
 How to avoid burnout and stay motivated year after year

You’ll walk away with a 12 month marketing plan that pro-

vide the foundation you need to start and grow a profitable
If you have a smaller operation or are new to direct farm mar-
keting this workshop is ideal for you. Don’t miss this oppor-

Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 9:30am to 4:30pm

Marriott Gateway to the Falls, Niagara Falls , ON
Investment cost: OFFMA Members $85 + HST
OFFMA Team Rate(3) $230 + HST
Non-members $150 + HST
Lunch and refreshments included.

This project is funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Build Your Profitable Farm
with Charlotte Smith
Registration Form
Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Marriott Gateway to the Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario

Name 1:____________________________________________________

Name 2:____________________________________________________

Name 3:____________________________________________________

Business Name: _____________________________________________

Ph: ___________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________

Registration deadline— February 8, 2019

Space is limited, so book your seat TODAY!
Workshop Cost:
OFFMA Members _____ x $85.00 = ________

OFFMA Member Team (3) _____ x $230.00 = ________

Non-members _____ x $150.00 = ________

TOTAL ________ (1)

Banquet Tickets:
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at the Marriott
OFFMA Members: ______x $48 = ________(2)

subtotal - workshop & banquet (1+2) = _________

Add HST (13%) = _________

TOTAL = _________
Payment Options:
□ Mastercard, □ VISA, □ cheque made payable to OFFMA
Card# ____________________________________Expiry date: ___________________

Signature: _______________________Printed Name on card:_____________________

Mail form to: OFFMA, Box 250 Gormley Post Office, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0
Fax form to: OFFMA at 647-556-7254, OR scan and send to

Details are also available on the Members Only Facebook Page.

Note: No refunds will be provided for cancellations

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