G143 - 13th January 2019 - Baptism of The Lord

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Good News!

Catholic Parish of St Mary & St Thomas More

2 Hallcourt Crescent, Cannock , WS11 0AB
Parish Priest: Fr Peter Weatherby tel: 07766 335591
Deacons : Rev Michael Vickery, Rev Paul Hender
13th January 2019 • The Baptism of the Lord Parish Sister: Sr Jacinta Mariette / Sr Sebastian
Welcome to everyone at Mass today, especially if you are Stafford Hospital Chaplaincy: 01782 676400
new to our church or haven't been to Mass for some time. New Cross & Cannock Hospital Chaplains: 01902 695098
Practising Catholics, clear in conscience that they are St Mary’s Centre (Meals and Functions) 01543 579364
properly prepared, may receive holy communion. Others priest@cannockcatholic.org & www.cannockcatholic.org
are invited to come forward for a blessing. If so, please Cafod Representative : Jo Burrowes
place your hand on your heart to indicate this to the priest, Safeguarding: Jo Burrowes & Ann Hinsley
deacon or minister. (Birmingham Diocesan Trust: Reg Charity No. 234216)

Masses, Intentions & other services
 A voice came from heaven …

Check mass intentions online at bit.ly/mass-intentions
This Sunday is the EU citizens resident in
13th January • Baptism of the Lord • Baptism Family Mass. Members of the UK will soon have to
Sat 12 5pm David O’Toole RIP St Thomas More Scouts register for settled status
Sun 13 8am Sean Costello RIP will parade, and the here after Brexit. This will
10.30am John & Kathleen Murphy RIP children from both schools have a significant impact
preparing for confirmation on the Church in this
Mon 14 No Mass in February will make their country, including
Tue 15 7pm Paul Glynn RIP (Birthday Remembrance) act of commitment as will parishioners, schools and
Wed 16 9.15am Leanne Lister RIP (School Mass) also the first holy very many priests and
Thu 17 9:15am Neil Wilkinson RIP communion children from religious. A statement
1.45pm Holy Souls (at St Thomas More School) St Mary’s School. There is from the Bishops about
Fri 18 9.15am Anne Costello (intentions) no Children’s Liturgy this this can be found here:
Sat 19 10am Agnes & Patrick Brown RIP weekend, and there will be bit.ly/2M8r11L.
a second collection for the Government information
20th January • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time • Joy Parish Development Fund can be found here: gov.uk/
Sat 19 5pm Baby Archie Edwards RIP (Carpet Fund). settled-status-eu-citizens-
Sun 20 8am Patrick & Margaret Tyrell RIP families. EU citizens
The Week of Prayer for
10.30am Jean Golik RIP should make themselves
Christian Unity begins on
aware of the requirements
Friday 18th January.
Saints & Holy Days Thu St Antony (Abbot); Sat St of the settlement scheme
Resources can be found
Wulstan now. These new laws will
here bit.ly/2spROOm.
not apply to citizens of the
Children’s Liturgy (usually) Sunday at 10.30am Mass The contactless terminal Irish republic.
Exposition (Holy Hour) Saturdays 9am to 9.50am is now available for
Diocesan Education
donations to parish funds
Baptisms 13th January George James Edge Service: A Day for
(but not yet for second Practising Catholics
Rosary 8.50am before Mass on Thursday and Friday collections and Gift Aid). Aspiring for Leadership
The machine is set to Positions in Catholic
Morning Prayer 9.40am Saturday receive £2, but you can Schools in the Diocese.
increase this to £5 or £10 bit.ly/2TEsikD
Confessions usually Sat 9-9.50am, 10.30-11am,
4.30-4.50pm. by tapping the button. Church cleaners needed
Marian Mary (Marie) - you only need help once
Parish Income 6th January £528 (£225 Gift Aid), every six weeks. Please see
Murray of Hednesford,
Development Fund gift Aid £100. Thank you! Gill Dockery.
who recently died, will be
Diocesan Newsletter for January: bit.ly/2smYNY2 known to many Love and Marriage A
parishioners. Her funeral Thanksgiving Mass to
Second Collections This weekend: Parish Development
will take place at Our Lady celebrate love and
Fund; 20 Jan CTF retiring collection; 10 Feb Parish
of Lourdes. Her body will marriage will be held at St
Development Fund; 24 Feb CTF retiring collection. A full
be received into Church on Chad's Cathedral on
list of second collections can be found here: bit.ly/
January 16th at 4pm, and Sunday 3 February, led by
the funeral will be on Archbishop Bernard
Finance Committee meets on Wed 23rd January in the January 17th at 12pm. May Longley. To find out more
Presbytery. she rest in peace. see bit.ly/2sjrZ2m
APF (Missio) boxes will be collected during January. Homeless Sunday 27 Jan
Service 6pm at Chadsmoor
Fund raising meeting on Monday Jan 14th at 7pm in the Methodist.
Community Centre

Please submit notices and items for publication to Fr Peter by hand, by text 07766 335591 or by email to priest@cannockcatholic.org
13th January 2019• The Baptism of the Lord
St Mary’s Centre 01543 579364 Please Pray … Marriott, Billie Wyles, Maria
Wacławski, Catherine
Sunday Carvery 12-4pm £6.95 … The Holy Father's Prayer Holloway, Bernard Deakin,
Wednesday Carvery 5.30-8pm 2 for £10 Intention: That young Iris Robertson, Mary Casey,
Thursday 5.30-8pm 2 for £10 (OAP £4 each)
people, especially in Latin Christine Rogers.
Friday 5.30pm-8.30pm from 2 for £10
@cannockrcclub America, follow the example ... for those undergoing or
All functions catered for of Mary and respond to the recovering from treatment or
call of the Lord to otherwise in particular need
St Mary’s Club 01543 579364 @cannockrcclub communicate the joy of the of our prayers: Anne
Kitchen staff wanted, must be willing to work Gospel to the world. Costello, Vincent Dockery,

weekends and evenings … for all those who are Peter Garnett, Hannah
persecuted for their faith, Newborough, Peter Clamp,
Bar staff wanted, must have experience, reliable
that they will be given Kevin O’Mahony, LeeAnn
and willing to work evenings and weekends
courage and hope to Lister, Ray Bishop, Audrey
Franki Valli sold out! persevere George, Mitek Karasinska,
Follow the latest news about St Mary’s Club on … for all victims of abuse, Geoff Tipping, Fred
twitter: @cannockrcclub and for all those involved in Houghton, Josie Riley, James
the work of the Independent B, Helen, Michelle & Chris
Inquiry into Child Sexual Bell
Journey in Faith Abuse (IICSA)
The Holy Souls
Deepen your knowledge of the faith. … for our country, the
This course is suitable for all adults who wish government and all involved …. for the departed souls of
in the difficult discussions our parish and our families
to know more about the Catholic faith, and
and negotiations which have … for those who have died
especially anyone who is thinking of becoming
come about after the recently: Tom Murphy, Molly
a Catholic. Again, we are using professionally
referendum to leave the Dawes.
produced tv quality video courses from CaFE European Union: that there … for those with
(Catholic Faith Exploration). may be wisdom and a anniversaries about this
concern for all in society, time: 13th James Erangey,
Tuesdays at Centenary Hall, especially the most James Golding, Norma
Our Lady of Lourdes, Hednesford vulnerable Rowley, 14th Clifford Jackson,
… for the sick or 15th John Murphy, David
Tuesday 7pm Mass, 
 housebound: Brendan Brice, 16th Margaret Pilmore,
7.30pm Meeting Shannon, Don McCulloch, 17th James Wright, Rev
Mary Rowley, Helen Pawłak, William GD Sykes, Clare
The Sacraments Kath Turner, Stella Skillen, Breeze, 19th Norah Pilmore,
January 22nd Why Sacraments? Winifride Haynes, Annette James Gansley, 20th Annie
January 29th Baptism Mason, Doris Crabb, Joanne Wright, Beryl Cranney,
February 5th Confirmation Jeavons, Nicola McCulloch, Daniel Ball, Tom Kilgallon,
Celia Hurdiss, Dee Fellows, Mary Elliot.
February 19th The Eucharist
David Holt, Theresa Hadley,
Dr Peter Hayward, Fr Pat
Believe - Reflections on the Creed Farrelly, June Weatherby. … for New Year & New Term.
February 26th: Why we believe
… for those in our parish … for family and friends!
March 5th: How we believe receiving communion at … for our schools, their staff
March 12th: The Almighty Father home: Mary Kirby, Norah and pupils
March 19th: The Lord Jesus Christ Perry, Peter Clamp, Don and
March 26th: The Holy Spirit and the Church Breeda Hinton, Gerry
April 5th: The Coming Kingdom
Full rota is at bit.ly/cannockparishrota

Readers Ministers Readers Ministers
 Readers Ministers

ROTAS Sat 5pm Sat 5pm Sun 8am Sick Visiting Sun 10.30am Sun 10.30am
Counters Stole Washing

Eileen Clancy, D Gleve, S

Jan 13th Sheila Bullivant Team 4
Julie Kennedy, Michael Weatherby, S E. Clancy, 

Baptism Colman D Bruce & C Hunt Schools M & B Briggs Pat Wilson
Pat Johnston, Burrowes Clancy, E G. Dockery
of the Whitelay G Dockery
Teresa Smith Sargeant
A Gaughan, Team 5
A & R Hinsley Michael
Jan 20th Stephen Clancy, David M Harris & Amy Doug Bruce
M Harris, A Spencer,
D&M Seavers Pat Wilson
Sunday 2 Jo Burrowes Korzonek Prtichard Cath Hunt
Sister, C V Brookes,
Hibberts David Gleve
Facebook: facebook.com/cannockcatholic | Twitter: @cannockcatholicWhitelaw
| Parish Calendar: bit.ly/cannockcal
M Tym

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