The BMI India Retail Report
The BMI India Retail Report
The BMI India Retail Report
The BMI India Retail Report has been researched at source, and features latest-available data
covering retail sales growth and future prospects, including consumer spending and private
sector investment. We also examine the level of development and potential for growth of the retail
sector, the commercial initiatives of major players, changing consumer demographics that
influence demand and the regulatory environment. Key sub-sectors include mass grocery retail,
autos, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, computers and consumer electronics. The report
provides 5-year industry forecasts through end-2013, company rankings and competitive
landscapes covering leading multinational and national Retail companies; and analysis of latest
industry news, trends and regulatory developments in India.
• Benchmark BMI's Independent 5-year Retail Industry Forecasts for India to test other
views – a key input for successful budgeting and strategic business planning in the Indian
Retail market.
• Target Business Opportunities & Risks in India through our reviews of latest industry
trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments.
• Exploit Latest Competitive Intelligence & Company SWOTS on your competitors and
peers through company rankings by sales, market share and ownership structure –
includes multi-national and national companies.
Executive Summary
Summary of BMI's key industry forecasts, views and trend analysis, regulatory changes, major
investments and projects, and significant multinational and national company developments.
Market Overview
Analysis of recent developments in the local retail market, including data on retail penetration,
review period growth trends and the size of core retail sub-sectors; with special focus on the
activities of the market's leading players.
Analysis of market growth drivers, including 5-year projections (to end-2013) for headline
indicators. Industry indicators covered include:
Total retail sales (US$bn), retail sales per capita (US$), retail sales as a % of GDP, consumer
spending per capita (US$), consumer price index (%), organised retail sales (US$bn), organised
retail sales per capita (US$), organised retail sales as a % of GDP and organised retail sales as a
% of retail sales total.
BMI forecasts for all headline macroeconomic indicators, including real GDP growth (%), private
sector spending (US$bn, %), investment(US$bn, %), inflation (%), fiscal balance (% of GDP),
trade balance (US$bn), current account (US$bn) and external debt (US$bn); with a special focus
on demographic data affecting the local retail industry (population growth, age, gender, income).
BMI's sub-sector specific analysis of the local retail sector, evaluating specific issues affecting
individual retail channels, including mass grocery retail, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals,
computers, consumer electronics and automotives; contains market size and 5-year growth
forecasts for specific retail sectors. Data includes Mass Grocery Retail Sales (US$bn) and
breakdown by store type (supermarkets, hypermarkets, discount stores, cooperatives,
convenience stores); passenger car and commercial vehicle sales (units, US$bn); Over-the-
counter drug market sales (US$bn, % of total market) and breakdown (US$mn) by drug type
(analgesic, cough and cold, digestives, skin treatments, vitamin and minerals); PC sales (US$bn),
software sales (US$bn), gaming device sales (US$mn), video and audio sales (US$mn), mobile
handset sales (US$mn).
BMI's regional comparative analysis of the retail sector, evaluating sector-specific issues, such as
market maturity and ease of distribution, within the broader Country Risk context, including each
state’s overall economic and political stability.
Executive Summary
The new BMI India Retail report predicts that total retail sales will grow from less than US$300bn
in 2007 to almost US$711bn by 2013. Strong underlying economic growth, population expansion,
the increasing wealth of individuals and the rapid construction of organised retail infrastructure
are key factors behind the forecast growth. As well as an ever-expanding middle- and upper-class
consumer base, there will also be opportunities in India’s tier II and tier III cities. The greater
availability of personal credit and a growing vehicle population that provides improved mobility
also contribute to a trend towards annual retail sales growth of 18% in US dollar terms.
India’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP) was US$1.17trn in 2008. Average annual GDP
growth of 6.5% is predicted by BMI to 2013. With population increasing from 1.19bn in 2008 to an
estimated 1.27bn by 2013, GDP per capita is predicted to grow nearly 59% by the end of the
forecast period, reaching US$1,563. Our assumption of consumer spending per capita is for an
increase from US$594 in 2008 to US$1,104 by 2013.
The growth in the overall retail market will be driven, in large part, by the explosion in the
organised retail market. By this, we mean the familiar Western concept of chain outlets,
department stores, supermarkets, etc. According to Investment Commission of India (ICI) data,
this segment in 2006 accounted for US$12.1bn of sales, or 4.6% of the total retail segment. BMI
forecasts that organised retail sales will reach US$76.2bn by 2013, representing 10.7% of the
The second factor is the success that local firms have had in developing the modern concept.
Domestic retailers such as Reliance Industries and Pantaloon will continue to invest heavily in
growing their store networks and improving their in-store offerings, and the impact they have had
on growth will only be boosted further with the arrival of expansion-oriented multinationals.
Mass grocery retail (MGR) sales in India are forecast to undergo explosive growth over the
forecast period. BMI predicts that sales through modern retail outlets will increase by 777.4% to
reach US$27.2bn in 2013. This phenomenal forecast is a consequence of India’s dramatic and
rapid shift from independently owned small-scale retail to large-scale modern outlets; although it
must also be noted that this growth is forecast to come from a very low starting point.
Retail sales for the BMI universe of Asian countries in 2008 were an estimated US$2.04trn. China
and India alone in 2008 accounted for almost 93% of regional retail sales, with their combined
share expected to reach 94% by 2013. Growth in regional retail sales for the period 2008 to 2013
is put by BMI at 105%, or an annual average 17.6%. China should experience the most rapid rate
of growth, followed by Indonesia and India. For India, the estimated 2008 market share of 17.5%
is expected to decrease to 16.9% by 2013.
Table of Contents:
Chapter - Automotives
Market Overview
Table: China'''s Autos Production And Sales, 2006-2013
Industry Forecast Scenario
Table: India'''s Autos Production And Sales, 2006-2013
Table: India'''s Autos Trade, 2005-2012
Table: Economic Contribution Of India'''s Autos Sector, 2005-2012