Scientology To Bryan Seymour
Scientology To Bryan Seymour
Scientology To Bryan Seymour
Bryan Seeymour
Seven Neetwork
52 Martin n Place
Sydney NSW
N 2000
Once agaain you havee proven thatt you are parrt of a biasedd anti-religioous/anti-Scieentology group.
It is amazzing that a leetter I send to
t the CEO of
o a companyy co-owned by Disney eends up in Toony
Ortega’s hands and yours.
Both of you,
y along withw Leah Reemini and Miike Rinder, hhave one ageenda and onne agenda aloone:
to spread
d hate and religious intolerance abou
ut Scientologgy for profit. There has bbeen one resuult—
violence toward our parishioners
p s and Church
Seveen Network 2 JJanuary 13, 22019
A maan with an arrsenal of gunns and policee insignia waas jailed for threatening to “assassinnate”
our Church
C leadeer. When queestioned by authorities,
a tthe man saidd one of the iinspirations for
his th
hreats was “tthe King of Queens
Q lady
y.” [Leah Rem mini] (He w was jailed forr multiple
A maan smashed thet front win ndow of the Church of S Scientology U U.S. headquarters and
threattened to kill the leader of
o our religio
on. He was aarrested, placced under maandatory meental
healthh supervision and conviccted of felonnies for the vvandalism annd the threat. Yet, Leah
Remiini put this criminal
c on her
h show afteer his convicction and gavve him a plaatform to sprread
his haate.
We have whistleblowers who havee reported thaat the produccers coach paaid sources too exaggerate,,
distort or lie about theeir experiencees with the Church.
C No onne should tollerate hate sppeech generaating
violence. Our warniings that “liives are bein ng endangerred” were b blatantly ign nored. A&E E’s
program m stirs up reeligious intolerance, hattred and vioolence again nst innocentt people. N Now a
young man
m just starrting out in life has beeen killed.
Stop parrticipating in
n a hate cam
mpaign, Bryaan. You, tooo, are puttin
ng lives at rrisk.
Karin Po
Church of
o Scientolog
gy Internatio