A01 045
A01 045
A01 045
1. Acetic Anhydride Density d 20
20 1.0838; d 20 1.3290; d −79
20 1.277;
d 15 50
4 (1.0870) up to d 4 (1.0443), see [1]
Refractive index n20
D 1.39038
Acetic anhydride [108-24-7], (CH3 CO)2 O, was n16
322nm 1.4174
first prepared by C. Gerhardt in 1852 by the n667.8nm 1.3897, see [2]
H NMR absorption see [3]
reaction of benzoyl chloride with molten potas- UV absorption
sium acetate. Today it is one of the most impor- maximum 217 nm
tant organic intermediates and is used widely in Specific heat capacity
(23 – 122 ◦ C) 1.817 J/g
both research and industry. Heat of vaporization
at 18.5 ◦ C 496.5 J/g
at 137 ◦ C 276.7 J/g
Heat of combustion at constant volume
1.1. Physical Properties at 25 ◦ C 1804.5 kJ/mol
Thermal conductivity
at 25 ◦ C 2.215 mJ cm−1 s−1 K−1 [4]
Acetic anhydride, C4 H6 O3 , M r 102.09, mp Electric conductivity
−73.1 ◦ C, bp 139.5 ◦ C (at 101.3 kPa), is a col- at 20 ◦ C 2.3×10−8 Ω−1 cm−1 [5]
Dielectric constant
orless liquid with a pungent odor and is strongly at 20 ◦ C 20.5
lachrymatory. The most important physical data Viscosity
are given below. at 15 C 0.971 Pa s
at 30 ◦ C 0.783 Pa s
(for temperature dependence, see [2], [6])
Critical pressure 4680 kPa Cubic expansion coefficient
Critical temperature 296 ◦ C
at 18 ◦ C 1.13×10−9 K−1
Vapor pressure
Adiabatic compressibility
constant 4.86×108 cm2 /N
t, ◦ C 20 40 60 80 100 120
p, kPa 0.4 1.7 5.2 13.3 28.7 53.3 Molecular refraction 22.38 cm3
where R, R = H or alkyl.
Amines. Aliphatic amines usually react
without heating. Aniline gives acetanilide
(→ Aniline), the acetyl group of which pre-
vents oxidation during subsequent nitration.
The reaction of ketones with acetic anhy-
N-Acetylation generally occurs faster than the
dride using boron trifluoride as a catalyst gives
acetylation of OH groups. Therefore partial
β-diketones [16]. Triacetylmethane [815-68-9]
acetylation of compounds with several func-
can be synthesized directly from isopropenyl
tional groups is possible. Examples of such
acetate, acetic anhydride, and aluminum chlo-
reactions are the production of N-acetylamino
ride catalyst [17]. In the same way, unsaturated
acids, such as N-acetylmethionine-S-oxide (1)
methyl ketones can be produced by acetylation
[10] and of N-acetylanthranilic acids (2) [11].
of olefins with acetic anhydride in the presence
of zinc chloride as catalyst [18]:
Acetylation of Salts. Various salts react Production of Mixed Diacyl Peroxides. Di-
with carboxylic acid anhydrides in the same acyl peroxides can be made by the reaction of
way as the corresponding free acids [26]: oxygen with mixtures of aliphatic aldehydes and
acetic anhydride in the presence of sodium ac-
Li-C ≡ CR + (CH3 CO)2 O etate [37]:
→ CH3 CO-C ≡ CR + CH3 COOLi
If R has an α-hydrogen atom available, the cor- Alkyl cyanides can be made by dehydrating
responding vinyl acetate forms by elimination aldoximes with acetic anhydride [49].
of acetic acid. The temperature required for the RCH=NOH + (CH3 CO)2 O −→ RCN + 2 CH3 COOH
reaction can be lowered by adding catalysts [43–
45]. Acetic anhydride serves as a dehydrating agent
in a large number of cyclization reactions.
The strongly exothermic reaction requires ef- aldehyde is introduced at the top of this column.
ficient cooling. For this purpose, the addition of The condensates from both the cooler (b) and
low-boiling solvents has been found to be of as- the column (c) are distilled to obtain the prod-
sistance. Methyl and ethyl acetates are favored uct. Acetaldehyde is recovered from the branch
because they form azeotropic mixtures with wa- stream (d) of the non-condensable gas. The other
ter (but not with acetic acid or acetic anhydride) part of the gas flow is supplemented with air and
and hence allow a rapid, continuous separation returned to the reactor.
of the water formed in the reaction. The ratio
of acetic anhydride to acetic acid in the product
depends on the ratio of ethyl acetate to acetalde-
hyde in the initial mixture (Table 1).
Table 1. Formation of acetic anhydride by oxidation of acetaldehyde
20 : 80 80 13.5
30 : 70 80 57
60 : 40 80 64 Figure 5. Acetaldehyde oxidation
70 : 30 80 68.5 a) Reactor; b) Condenser; c) Column; d) Branch
stream (acetaldehyde recovery from non-condensable gas);
In practice, a 1 : 2 mixture of acetaldehyde e) Pump
and ethyl acetate is oxidized with the addition of Both towers and vessels are suitable as reac-
0.05 to 0.1 % cobalt acetate and copper acetate tors if the heat of reaction can be dissipated. The
at 40 ◦ C; the ratio of Co:Cu is 1:2. The ratio of process of Distillers Co. [69] is shown in Fig-
acetic anhydride to acetic acid obtained is 56:44, ure 6 as an example. The off-gas contains com-
whereas on oxidizing in the absence of ethyl ac- bustible low-boiling products, such as acetalde-
etate this ratio is only 20:80 [16]. The optimiza- hyde, and solvents, such as methyl acetate and
tion of other reaction conditions can also lead to ethyl acetate. These can be flared off.
an increase in the acetic anhydride-acetic acid
ratio. For example, at 55 ◦ C and atmospheric
pressure, a ratio of 80:20 was achieved [70]. At
a higher temperature (62 – 90 ◦ C, 200 – 300 kPa,
acetaldehyde concentration in the final mixture
of up to 40 %) a ratio of 75:25 was obtained at
high aldehyde conversion [71].
Other suitable low-boiling solvents are
Figure 6. Reactor for the acetaldehyde oxidation (Distillers
methylene chloride, diisopropyl ether, cyclohex- Co.)
anone, or ethylidene diacetate. Nonvolatile es- a) Reactor tubing; b) Cooling bath; c) Separator; d) Circu-
ters also can be used as diluents, provided they lation pump
do not have to be removed from the reaction
zone. These include alkyl benzoates and alkyl
phthalates [72].
The acetaldehyde oxidation is illustrated in 1.3.3. Carbonylation of Methyl Acetate
Figure 5 by the process of Usines de Melle [73].
The gas mixture containing oxygen and acet- The thermal decomposition of acetic acid to
aldehyde is pumped into the reactor (a). The ox- form ketene requires a large amount of energy,
idation takes place in the liquid phase and in a disadvantage of the conventional process for
the presence of catalysts. The reactor effluent is the production of acetic anhydride. Moreover,
sent through a water-cooled condenser (b) con- processes based on synthesis gas have been de-
structed as a separator; non-condensable gases veloped that allow the manufacture of products
are sent to the packed column (c). Fresh acet- from coal that were hitherto produced from oil.
An important example is the acetic acid produc-
10 Acetic Anhydride and Mixed Fatty Acid Anhydrides
tion process developed by Monsanto (→ Acetic The methyl acetate is dried with acetic an-
Acid). hydride [77] and is sent to a reactor (b) lined
In 1973 Halcon patented the carbonylation of with Hastelloy. Carbon monoxide is compressed
methyl acetate in the presence of a rhodium cata- (a) to the reaction pressure and then added.
lyst to form acetic anhydride [74]. However, the The reaction proceeds continuously at 175 ◦ C
first plant (Eastman-Kodak Co., in Kingsport, in the presence of a catalyst consisting of
Tenn., USA) using this process was not put into RhCl3 · 3 H2 O, CH3 I, and LiI. The considerable
operation before 1983. Because no exact de- amount of heat generated by the reaction is re-
scription of the process has so far been available, moved by heat exchange and is used both for
the following details are based upon information preheating methyl acetate and for the production
from the patent literature. of low-pressure steam. The unreacted carbon
Methyl acetate is carbonylated to acetic an- monoxide leaves the top of the reactor, is freed
hydride in the liquid phase at a temperature of of condensable gases (methyl iodide, methylac-
160 – 190 ◦ C and at a carbon monoxide partial etate, acetic anhydride, acetic acid, and ethyli-
pressure of 2 – 5 MPa: dene diacetate) by cooling (f), and is then recir-
culated. However, part of the circulating gas is
separated from the main stream to avoid buildup
of inert gases, which may be present in the car-
The starting material, methyl acetate, can be bon monoxide. The side stream is washed (g)
produced by esterification of acetic acid with with a countercurrent of pure acetic anhydride;
methanol. However, the methyl acetate obtained in this way, the loss of methyl iodide in the off-
as a byproduct of the acetic acid synthesis from gas can be kept below 0.1 % [78]. This acetic
methanol and carbon monoxide is used prefer- anhydride is combined with the top condensate
ably. from the reactor (b), supplemented with fresh
Catalysts. Rhodium [74] and nickel com- catalyst as required, and recirculated. The liquid
pounds [75], activated by CH3 I, HI, LiI, I2 , or reaction product leaving the reactor is expanded
other iodides, are particularly appropriate as cat- and subjected to flash distillation (c) [78]. To
alysts. Rhodium catalysts have about a tenfold prevent catalyst decomposition, this distillation
higher activity than nickel catalysts. The selec- is performed in a carbon monoxide-hydrogen at-
tivity is higher than 95 % for both catalysts. Their mosphere at about 500 kPa [79]. At the bottom
activities and lifetimes are increased by mix- of the evaporator (c) a stream of liquid contain-
ing the carbon monoxide used for the synthesis ing the catalyst is separated and recirculated into
with 2 – 7 % hydrogen. Chromium compounds the carbonylation reactor. The vapor leaving the
have been used to shorten the induction phase of top of the evaporator is condensed and passed
the reaction [74]. Kinetic investigations on the over adsorbers (d) to remove traces of rhodium
rhodium system have shown that the reaction is and iodine compounds.
zero order with respect to the methyl acetate and The raw anhydride is purified by distillation
carbon monoxide concentrations [76]. As possi- in three consecutive and continuously operating
ble byproducts, only acetic acid and ethylidene columns (e). In the first column, methyl iodide
diacetate are mentioned. and methyl acetate are distilled overhead and
The process also can start from dimethyl ether recirculated to the carbonylation reactor. In the
[74]. In this case, dimethyl ether is first car- second column, acetic acid is distilled overhead.
bonylated to methyl acetate, which is then con- The bottom product is distilled in a third column
verted to acetic anhydride by using more carbon to acetic anhydride of 99 % purity. The bottom
monoxide in the same reactor: product of the third column contains ethylidene
diacetate and unidentified high-boiling compo-
nents. To further reduce the iodide content of the
pure anhydride, a solution of potassium acetate
in acetic anhydride is added to the top of the
Process Description. The carbonylation column [80].
method is illustrated by the Halcon process, Other processes. Other processes and cata-
shown schematically in Figure 7. lysts for the carbonylation of methyl acetate have
Acetic Anhydride and Mixed Fatty Acid Anhydrides 11
been patented by various companies: Hoechst water, which is determined by the Karl Fischer
[81] (rhodium catalyst), Air Products and Chem- method.
icals Co.[82] (rhodium catalyst), Mitsubishi Gas In the aniline method [85], the total acid con-
and Chemical Co. [83] (nickel catalyst), and tent is first determined. After addition of aniline
Rhône-Poulenc [84] (nickel catalyst). Several to a second sample, the aniline number is es-
patents also describe the carbonylation of esters tablished with alkali and the acetic anhydride
of higher alcohols and carboxylic acids. This re- content determined from the difference.
action results in the formation of the correspond- A rapid determination of the anhydride con-
ing mixed anhydrides [74], [83]. tent can be obtained from the refractive index.
Environmental problems do not arise. The If the temperature remains constant to within
off-gas from the acetic anhydride production ± 0.05 ◦ C, the precision obtainable is ± 0.2 %.
contains large quantities of carbon monoxide, Gas chromatography also is recommended for
some inert gases (nitrogen, rare gases, and car- purity determination. Analytical methods are
bon dioxide), and traces of hydrogen, methane, discussed in detail in [86].
methyl iodide, and methyl acetate. It can be
burned. There are no problems with waste water.
1.5. Quality Specifications
Acetic anhydride is marketed with more than
1.4. Analysis 95 % purity; the normal product is over 98 %
pure, but it is marketed also as over 99 % pure.
A very reliable method for determining the con- The color number (APHA) should be below 10
tent of acetic anhydride consists of mixing sto- (DIN 53409). The nonvolatile part should not
ichiometric quantities of the sample and water, exceed 0.003 %. The product also should con-
then heating carefully to reflux temperature. Af- tain as few substances as possible that reduce
ter completion of the reaction, two drops of con- permanganate. According to American Chem-
centrated sulfuric acid are added, and the mix- ical Society specifications, for example, a 2 g
ture is boiled for 20 min to insure that the last sample should not decolorize 0.4 ml of a 0.1 N
traces of the anhydride have reacted. The an- potassium permanganate solution within 5 min.
hydride content is calculated from the unused In particular applications, the impurities that
12 Acetic Anhydride and Mixed Fatty Acid Anhydrides
can be oxidized by potassium chromate are also 3) Explosives, particularly hexogen production
of interest. They may not consume more than (see Section 1.2.2.).
200 ppm of oxygen. The contents of phosphate, 4) The production of certain types of brake flu-
sulfate, chloride, aluminum, and iron may not ids.
exceed 1 ppm each. Heavy metals should be ab- 5) The production of auxiliaries for drilling flu-
sent. ids.
6) The detergent industry, for the produc-
tion of cold – bleaching activators such as
1.6. Storage and Transportation tetraacetylethylenediamine [12].
7) The dyeing industry, where acetic anhydride
For storage and transportation of pure acetic an- is used chiefly in mixtures with nitric acid as
hydride, tanks made of aluminum, stainless steel a nitrating agent. Here, the solvent and de-
(18 % Cr, 8 % Ni, and 2 % Mo), or polyethylene hydrating properties of acetic anhydride are
normally are used, although glass or enamel con- used.
tainers also may be employed. Iron is highly re- 8) In the preparation of organic intermediates,
sistant to acetic anhydride, provided moisture is such as chloroacetylchloride, diacetyl perox-
excluded. Therefore it is possible to use iron in ide, higher carboxylic anhydrides, acetates,
the production and workup in certain instances, and the boron trifluoride complex.
for example, in pumps and tanks. 9) In the production of pharmaceuticals, such as
Because there are no international arrange- acetylsalicylic acid, p-acetylaminophenol,
ments for the storage of dangerous goods, acetanilide, acetophenacetin, theophyllin,
the specifications of individual countries must acetylcholine chloride, sulfonamides, a
be observed. Also, acetic anhydride (EG-no. number of hormones and vitamins, and the x-
607−008−00−9) is subject to various industrial ray contrast agent 2,4,6-triiodo-3,5-diacetyl-
working regulations, for example, Appendix I, amidobenzoic acid.
no. 1.1 of the EEC Guidelines. 10) In the food industry, mainly in the acetylation
of animal and plant fats, in order to obtain the
Transportation. IMDG-Code, class 8, UN- desired solubilities; in the production of ace-
no. 1715; United Kingdom: Blue Book: Corro- tostearins, the edible packing materials; and
sive, IMDG-Code E 8018; United States: DOT to clarify plant oils.
Safety Act, Title 46 and Title 49; Cor. M; Eu- 11) Flavors and fragrances (production of esters
rope: RID, ADR, and ADNR: class 8, no. 21 e and cumarin).
(from 1985: class 8, no. 32 e), RN 801, 2801, and 12) Herbicides such as metolachlor (Dual) and
6801, respectively. International air transporta- alachlor (Lasso).
tion: IATA-DGR, class 8, UN-no. 1715, RAR
art. no. 9, Cor. M.
2. Mixed Fatty Acid Anhydrides
1.7. Uses 2.1. Physical Properties
Acetic anhydride is used chiefly as an acetylat- Important mixed anhydrides, that is, anhydrides
ing and dehydrating agent; it is used on a large with two different fatty acid radicals, are com-
scale for the acetylation of cellulose. Other areas piled in Table 2. The lower anhydrides can be
of application for acetic anhydride are: distilled partly undecomposed at reduced pres-
1) The production of poly(methylacrylimide) sure. At high temperature they disproportion-
hard foam, where acetic anhydride is used ate fairly rapidly into the symmetrical anhy-
for binding the ammonia that is liberated on drides. Only acetoformic anhydride distills (at
conversion of two amide groups to an imide 127 – 130 ◦ C) at normal pressure, although with
group. partial decomposition to acetic acid and car-
2) Acetylated plastic auxiliaries, such as glyc- bon monoxide. The first four mixed anhydrides
erol triacetate, acetyl tributyl citrate, and have odors very similar to pure acetic anhydride;
acetyl ricinolate. acetic isovaleric anhydride has a fruitlike odor.
Acetic Anhydride and Mixed Fatty Acid Anhydrides 13
Table 2. Mixed fatty acid anhydrides
1961 1971 1974 1979 1980 1981 1982 1989 1990 1996 2001
United States 571 686 741 567 481 778 830 1000 1160
Germany∗) 32 47 74 91 85 77 76 108 112
Japan 33 96 115 114 150 145 144 205 1160
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Wollmann, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 381 (1971) collective vol. II, Wiley-Interscience, New
247. York 1943, p. 622.
23. G. Gattow, H. Schwank, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 50. M. Tsuda, H. Tanaka, K. Ikeda, J. Chem. Soc.
382 (1971) 49. Japan, In. Chem. Sect. 73 (1970) 1888.
24. J. G. Dawber, Chem. Ind. 23 (1964) 973. 51. P. L. Southwick, Synthesis 12 (1970) 628.
25. J. Leleu, Cah. Notes Doc. 83 (1976) 281. 52. G. T. Nikisin, J. N. Ogibin, J. A. Palanuer, Izv.
26. R. Finding, U. Schmidt, Angew. Chem. 82 Akad. Nauk SSSR 11 (1967) 2478.
(1970) 482; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 9 53. B. F. Goodrich Co., DE-AS 1 086 683, 1953
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27. J. D’Ans, J. Mattner, Chem. Ztg. 74 (1950) 54. W. R. Edwards, K. P. Kamman, J. Org. Chem.
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