A01 269
A01 269
A01 269
Adipic Acid
Michael Tuttle Musser, E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Sabine River Laboratory, Orange, Texas 77631,
United States
(11) or succinic acid from subsequent reaction in a continuously circulated loop of nitric acid
with nitric acid. Copper metal is added to the ni- mother liquor (NML) that passes through the en-
tric acid to inhibit these reactions. In systems tire system, as shown by the bold line.
containing a relatively high steady-state con-
centration of the nitrosoketone (3) or the tau-
tomeric oximinoketone, a Beckmann-type rear-
rangement leads to 5-cyanopentanoic acid (12)
in minor amounts. This material is slowly hy-
drolyzed to adipic acid.
0.1 – 0.4 MPa. To this is fed the recycled lution of aqueous 1,6-hexanediamine to make
NML, the KA feed material, the makeup nylon salt.
acid containing 50 – 60 % nitric acid and the Other improvements of the conventional pro-
copper – vanadium catalyst [20], [21]. Resi- cess have been described [37], especially in con-
dence time in (a) is less than 5 min. In some facil- nection with separation and recovery of the diba-
ities, the effluent is passed through a second re- sic acid byproducts [38–41]. The crude adipic
actor (b) at elevated temperature (110 – 120 ◦ C) acid is refined to varying degrees, depending
[22]. This high-temperature converter (b) can upon the end use, but usually is recrystallized
be used to complete the reaction and reduce from water. Destruction of impurities by reflux-
the amount of impurities which need to be re- ing in 60 % nitric acid containing dissolved
moved through crystallization. The reaction is vanadium has been claimed to produce high-
very exothermic (6280 kJ/kg) and normal heat- quality product [42].
exchanger surfaces tend to frost, leading to loss
of temperature control. Several different reactor
designs have been patented which aid in remov- 4.2. Butadiene-Based Routes
ing the heat of reaction and minimizing energy
usage in the process [23–28]. An excess of re- In the early 1970s, BASF began an extensive re-
cycled NML to KA feed stream of at least 3 : 1 search program on producing dimethyl adipate,
and up to 1000 : 1 is maintained to control the a diester that could be hydrolyzed to adipic acid.
reaction and improve the yield [21]. The process involved carbomethoxylation of bu-
The product stream is passed through a tadiene with carbon monoxide and methanol to
bleacher (c), in which excess dissolved nitro- give methyl 3-pentenoate using a cobalt catalyst
gen oxides are removed with air and sent to and pyridine at high-pressure [43]. The methyl
the absorber (d), where they are reabsorbed and 3-pentenoate was then separated from byprod-
recovered as nitric acid. The off-gas from the ucts by distillation. The second carbomethoxy-
absorber can be used to initiate the oxidation lation to give dimethyl adipate occurs at lower
at lower temperatures by passing it through the pressure but requires a lower pyridine to cobalt
KA feed stream before it is fed to the oxidizer ratio [44]. The hydrolysis of the diester to adipic
[29–31]. Removal of the NOx from the off-gas acid and methanol is a high-yield catalytic pro-
by scrubbing with KA has also been described cess [45]. The overall yield from butadiene ap-
[32]. The water produced in the process is then pears to be about 70 %. It is believed this process
removed in a concentrating still (e) that is usu- has been demonstrated on a pilot-plant scale, but
ally operated under vacuum. The concentrated not yet commercialized.
product stream is either recycled to the reactor In the mid-1980s, DuPont also began a major
with diversion of a portion to product recovery program on a butadiene-based route. In contrast
or passed to product recovery prior to recycle of to the BASF diester route, it involved the direct
the NML filtrate. Crude adipic acid is removed dihydrocarboxylation of butadiene to adipic acid
from the NML loop by crystallization (f) fol- (Fig. 3). The first step [46], which can be cat-
lowed by subsequent filtration or centrifugation alyzed by palladium, rhodium, or iridium, leads
(g) [33–35]. A portion of this effluent stream, to largely 3-pentenoic acid (12). The second
which contains high concentrations of glutaric step [47], catalyzed by rhodium or iridium gives
acid, succinic acid, and byproducts, is processed adipic acid (13), 2-methylglutaric acid (14), and
to recover the vanadium and copper catalysts and 2-ethylsuccinic acid (15). The advantage of this
remove the byproduct acids. Metal recovery is process was that the 2-methylglutaric and 2-
usually accomplished by ion exchange [36]. The ethylsuccinic acids could be isomerized to adipic
crude adipic acid from the first crystallizer (g) acid by the same catalyst system [48]. The cata-
is dissolved and recrystallized at least one addi- lyst seems to require a halide promoter, such as
tional time before proceeding to a dryer (h) and hydroiodic acid. The solvent for this process is
a cooler (i). If the adipic acid is not needed in usually a saturated carboxylic acid, such as pen-
dry form, the crystals from the centrifuge/filter tanoic acid, which is a byproduct of the process.
(g) can be dissolved in water and added to a so- Since the late 1980s most major chemical com-
Adipic Acid 5
panies have issued numerous patents on varia- acid to cyclohexene and subsequent oxidation
tions of these butadiene based routes [49–51]. of the resulting ester with nitric acid [67]. For-
mation of adipic acid derivatives by electrolytic
coupling of acrylates has also been described
5. Byproducts
The major byproducts of nitric acid oxidation
of KA are glutaric acid [110-94-1] and succinic
acid [110-15-6], and minor amounts of pen-
tanoic acid and hexanoic acid are also formed. In
commercial operations, the nitric acid reaction
medium (NML) contains high concentrations of
glutaric and succinic acids, resulting from the
recycling of the mother liquor after crystalliza-
tion of the adipic acid. A portion of this stream is
Figure 3. Hydrocarboxylation of butadiene to adipic acid
diverted and processed separately to remove the
byproduct acids and recover nitric acid and the
copper and vanadium catalysts. Early commer-
cial processes discarded these byproduct acids.
4.3. Other Routes However, most companies now recover these
acids either as a mixture of dibasic acids (DBA)
In addition to the commercial two-step air/nitric or convert them to dibasic esters (DBE) for a
acid oxidation of cyclohexane and the carboxy- variety of uses.
lation/carbomethoxylation of butadiene, sev- Following the removal of the copper and
eral other processes have been investigated. vanadium by ion exchange and distillation of
Research at Monsanto on palladium halide the nitric acid in water, methanol can be added
catalyzed dicarbonylation of 1,4-disubstituted to convert the acids to their methyl esters. Then
2-butenes was reported in early 1984 [52]. the esters are distilled to give a mixture or the
This process produces adipic acid from 1,4- individual esters [69–71].
dimethoxy-2-butene, carbon monoxide, and pal- Sometimes the acids are removed by distil-
ladium chloride at 100 ◦ C after the resulting un- lation to produce a mixture of acids and anhy-
saturated dimethyl ester has been hydrogenated drides, especially glutaric anhydride [108-55-4]
and hydrolyzed. and succinic acid [108-30-5] [72–76]. Separa-
The one-step oxidation of cyclohexane with tion of the individual acids by crystallization
nitric acid [53], [54], nitrogen dioxide [55], or and extraction with organic solvents has been
air has been described. The one-step all-air ox- described [77], [78]. Other means of separat-
idation of cyclohexane is economically very at- ing the byproduct acids include addition of in-
tractive and has been heavily researched. Early organic salts [79], a C1 – C6 primary alkylamine
work was performed by Gulf Research and De- [80], or urea [81], and extraction by a ketone
velopment [56–58], Asahi Chemical Industries solvent [82].
[59], [60], and others [61]. For example, cyclo-
hexane is oxidized in one step to adipic acid in
70 – 75 % yield, in the presence of a cobalt ac-
etate catalyst in acetic acid as solvent [59]. More 6. Quality Specifications
recently, there has been renewed interest in this
work, and several patents have been issued to Commercial adipic acid is one of the purest
Redox Corporation and Bayer. [62–65]. large-scale manufactured chemicals because of
Adipic acid can be produced by ozonolysis of the stringent requirements of its major con-
cyclohexene [66] or by addition of a carboxylic sumer, the synthetic fibers industry. The U.S.
6 Adipic Acid
FDA has approved adipic acid as a food additive. 298 – 300 ◦ C (at 101.3 kPa), 154 ◦ C (at 1.3 kPa),
Because essentially all adipic acid manufactur- fp 2.4 ◦ C, n25 25
D 1.4370, d 4 0.9599, an inter-
ers use a nitric acid oxidation process, impurities mediate in the manufacture of the other major
are similar. Purity is affected mostly by varia- nylon 66 component, 1,6-hexanediamine. The
tions in the synthesis of the KA intermediate original production process involved conversion
and in the extent of adipic acid recrystallization of the acid to the dinitrile by liquid- [87] or
and purification. Some typical specifications for vapor-phase dehydration [88] of the ammonium
food-grade adipic acid are: color, APHA equiva- salt in the presence of phosphoric acid or a
lence (Hazen) 10 max., water 0.2 % max., ash on boron – phosphorus catalyst. Although this was
ignition 10 ppm max., iron 1.0 ppm max., adipic the predominate technology used for adiponi-
acid content 99.6 % min. [83]. trile production in the past, it is no longer used
Procedures for analysis of food-grade adipic by any major nylon 66 producers.
acid are described in [84]. General methods for Other routes which have been used include a
water (Karl Fischer), color in methanol solutions process by Celanese, which in the 1960s and
(APHA), iron, and other metallic impurities in 1970s avoided manufacturing adiponitrile by
commercial acid have been summarized [85]. producing 1,6-hexanediamine from ammonoly-
Resin-grade adipic acid frequently has limits for sis of 1,6-hexanediol, which in turn was made
succinic (ca. 50 ppm) and caproic (ca. 30 ppm) by the hydrogenation of adipic acid [89]. This
acids, and for hydrocarbon oils (ca. 15 ppm). adipic acid based route was shut down around
Carboxylic acids can be determined by gas chro- 1980. In 1948, DuPont introduced, and for sev-
matography of their esters or by liquid chro- eral years operated, a process based on furfural
matography of the free acids [86]. Total nitro- [90]. From 1951 to 1983, DuPont operated a bu-
gen can be determined by chemical reduction tadiene chlorination process [91]. The interme-
and distillation of ammonia from an alkaline so- diate 1,4-dichloro-2-butene was converted to 3-
lution. Hydrocarbon oil may be determined by hexenedinitrile with sodium cyanide and then
IR analysis of a halocarbon extract of a solution hydrogenated to adiponitrile. Current adiponi-
of the salt. trile manufacture is based on either propylene
or direct hydrocyanation of butadiene.
In 1965 Monsanto introduced a process in-
7. Storage and Transportation volving the electrolytic coupling of acrylonitrile
[92]. This process, or variations of it, is also used
Adipic acid is conveyed pneumatically or me- in the United Kingdom and Japan. DuPont be-
chanically from the drying equipment to the stor- gan the direct hydrocyanation of butadiene in
age or shipping container. These containers may 1972 [93]. Now all DuPont adiponitrile pro-
be aluminum or stainless steel railroad hopper duction, including a joint venture with Rhône-
cars, trucks, plastic bags, or drums. Principal Poulenc (now Rhodia) in France, uses this tech-
hazards in handling adipic acid are the danger nology. The process consists of a two step hy-
of dust explosion and skin or mucus membrane drocyanation, catalyzed by a nickel(0) phos-
irritation on exposure to the dust. Particle size phite complex and promoted by certain Lewis
control and flow characteristics are also impor- acids [94–96]. The mixture of isomeric pente-
tant factors due to the tendency of adipic acid nenitriles and methylbutenenitriles produced in
that contains excessive fines to cake during stor- the first step is isomerized to predominately 3-
age. and 4-pentenenitrile [97–99]. Subsequent anti-
Markovnikov addition of hydrogen cyanide to
the pentenenitriles produces adiponitrile.
8. Derivatives Other routes that have been revealed in-
clude chemical dimerization of acrylonitrile to
8.1. Adiponitrile 3-hexenedinitrile [100–102] and hydrocyana-
tion of butadiene with a copper halide cata-
The most important derivative of adipic lyst to yield 3-pentenenitrile [103], followed
acid is adiponitrile, 1,6-hexanedinitrile, 1,4- by disproportionation to dicyanobutenes and
dicyanobutane, [111-69-3], M r 108.14, bp
Adipic Acid 7
butenes. Finally, another dimerization route to molecular mass polyester polyols having hy-
adiponitrile involves the addition of acryloni- droxyl end groups are used with polyisocyanates
trile to 2-methyleneglutaronitrile in the presence to produce polyurethane resins.
of zinc or cobalt complexes and a Lewis base
Table 1. Boiling points of adipic acid esters
[104]. The dimer is then hydrocyanated to 1,2,4-
butanetricarbonitrile followed by dehydrocya- Ester p, kPa bp, ◦ C
nation to 3-hexenedinitrile [105].
Monomethyl [627-91-8] 1.3 158
Dimethyl [627-93-0] 1.7 115
Monoethyl [626-86-8] 0.9 160
Diethyl [141-28-6] 1.7 127
8.2. Other Derivatives Di-n-propyl [106-19-4] 1.5 151
Di-n-butyl [105-99-7] 1.3 165
Di-2-ethylhexyl [103-23-1] 0.67 214
Salts. Adipic acid forms alkali metal and am- Di-n-nonyl [151-32-6] 0.67 230
monium salts that are water-soluble and alka- Di-n-decyl [105-97-5] 0.67 244
line earth salts that are only moderately soluble.
Their solubilities in 100 g of water are: diammo-
nium salt [3385-41-9] 40 g (14 ◦ C), disodium Anhydrides. The usual form of the anhy-
salt [7486-38-6] 59 g of hemihydrate (14 ◦ C), dride produced by dehydrating adipic acid is the
dipotassium salt [19147-16-1] 65 g (15 ◦ C), cal- linear, polymeric form [2035-75-8]. Distillation
cium salt [22322-28-7] 4 g of monohydrate of the polymeric anhydride is said to produce the
[18850-78-7] (13 ◦ C), 1 g of anhydrous salt monomeric cyclic form, which is very unstable
(100 ◦ C). and reverts readily to the linear, polymeric an-
The most common salt is poly(1,6- hydride.
hexanediammonium hexanedioate), produced
by interaction of adipic acid with 1,6- Amide. The diamide, C6 H12 N2 O2
hexanediamine. This water-soluble salt, the pre- [628-94-4], mp 228 ◦ C, is practically insoluble
cursor to nylon 66, is readily shipped or stored in cold water. It has been traditionally prepared
prior to the final polyamidation, which occurs from the dimethyl ester by treatment with con-
with the removal of water. The chemistry of this centrated ammonium hydroxide or by heating
step has been reviewed [106]. the diammonium salt of adipic acid in a stream
of ammonia. Other substituted amides can be
Esters and Polyesters. The esters and prepared from amines by the usual synthetic
polyesters of adipic acid constitute the largest methods.
non-polyamide market for adipic acid. Esters
made from long-chain alcohols are used as
plasticizers and lubricants, while those from 9. Uses
short-chain alcohols are used primarily as sol-
vents. Refluxing adipic acid with methanol in About 80 % of worldwide adipic acid consump-
the presence of an acid catalyst can produce tion is used for the manufacture of nylon 66
monomethyl adipate, along with the diester. fibers and resins. This is down from about 87 %
Electrolysis of the salt of the monoester (Kolbe in 1981. Table 2 summarizes consumption in
synthesis) produces dimethyl sebacate, another three major regions of the world. A small amount
polyamide precursor. The boiling points of some of adipic acid is still used captively to produce
esters are listed in Table 1. The esters dissolve adiponitrile.
readily in most organic solvents. While dimethyl Large amounts are converted to esters for
adipate is the most commonly used solvent, di- use in plasticizers, lubricants and in a variety
2-ethylhexyl adipate is the most widely used of polyurethane resins. The monomeric esters
plasticizer. Other simple adipate plasticizers in- are important plasticizers for poly(vinyl chlo-
clude the n-octyl, n-decyl, isodecyl, and isooctyl ride) and other resins, while polymeric esters
esters. More complex polymeric plasticizers, are used when unusually high plasticizer lev-
prepared from glycols, account for a little less els are required. Polyurethane resins employing
than half the adipic acid based plasticizers. Low adipic acid are produced from polyisocyanates
and polyester polyols (adipates). These are used
8 Adipic Acid
Table 3. Worldwide adipic acid capacity as of January 1999 [113]
in specialty foams, lacquers, adhesives, surface
coatings and spandex fibers for stretch-wear. Region Capacity, 103 t/a Major producers
(capacity, 103 t/a)
Table 2. Adipic acid consumption, 10 t/a [107–110]
North America 1058 DuPont (740), Solutia
United States Western Europe Japan (295), Allied (23)
Western Europe 841 Rhodia (280), BASF
1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 (260), DuPont (220),
Bayer (55), Radici
Nylon 66 611 629 267 225 35 34 (60), UCB
fiber Far East 70 Asahi (120), DuPont
Nylon 66 115 193 86 110 23 26 (115), China (139),
resin Korea (70)
Plasticizers 30 38 21 24 13 14 Others 115
Polyurethane 38 39 28 45 18 13
Miscellaneous 17 23 66 88 19 17
Production. Adipic acid production is dom-
Adipic acid is added to gelatins and jams as inated by nylon 66 fiber and resin manufacture;
an acidulant and to other foods as a buffering as a result, the economic picture for the acid
or neutralizing agent. It is also used to mod- is strongly dominated by the markets for these
ify the properties of unsaturated polyesters for materials. Less than 15 % of U.S. production
use in reinforced plastics and alkyd coatings. is sold on the merchant market, essentially for
Polyamide – epichlorohydrin resins employing non-nylon uses. This ratio is higher in Western
adipic acid are used to increase the wet strength Europe and Japan. The synthesis of adiponi-
of paper products. Other miscellaneous appli- trile from adipic acid, once significant, is no
cations are in the adhesives, insecticide, tanning longer used by any major manufacturers. How-
and dying, and textile industries. Adipic acid and ever, it continues to a very limited degree in some
mixed dibasic acids (DBAs) are being used as Eastern European countries. The non-nylon uses
buffers in flue gas desulfurization treatment in for adipic acid have grown at about 6 % per
power plants [111]. year since 1970. Production costs closely paral-
lel raw material prices (cyclohexane and ammo-
nia), which in the late 1990s have fallen with the
10. Economic Aspects decline in crude oil prices. The largest growth
rate for adipic acid, as well as nylon 66, is in
Capacities. Total worldwide annual capac- China and the Far East. The projected growth
ity for adipic acid was 2.5 × 106 t/a in 1999 (Ta- rate in the United States and Western Europe
ble 3). Although this reflects only a 15 % growth is expected to be slow, so the supply/demand
in capacity since 1980, it also reflects the shut- picture should remain relatively constant for the
ting down of several adiponitrile plants which next few years.
had used adipic acid as a starting material, thus
making it available for other uses. The North
American capacity was 1.06 × 106 t/a, or 42 % 11. Toxicology and Occupational
of the total, whereas Western Europe accounted Health
for 35 %, produced mainly by the United King-
dom, France, Germany and Italy. Imports and Adipic acid is a minor irritant of low oral tox-
exports have become significant. In 1995 U.S. icity. The lowest published lethal dose (LDLo)
exports were 71 × 103 t [112] or 8.5 % of U.S. is 3600 mg/kg (rat, oral), LD50 275 mg/kg (rat
consumption. This is up from 1.2 % in 1979 or mouse, i.p.), LD50 1900 mg/kg (mouse, oral)
[113]. Since 1970, U.S. consumption of adipic [114]. Some delayed body weight increases and
acid has increased by 80 %, or about 3 % per changes in certain enzymes and in urea and chlo-
year. Growth rates are expected to remain at ride level in the blood were observed in chronic
about 3 % per year through 2000. Regional ca- feeding tests [115]. No teratogenic activity was
pacities are shown in Table 3, along with annual detected in studies with pregnant mice [116].
capacities for the major producing companies. In metabolism studies with rats fed 14 C-labeled
Adipic Acid 9
adipic acid, both unchanged adipic acid and nor- 7. W. Hentzchel, J. Wislicenus, Liebigs Ann.
mal metabolic products were detected in the Chem. 275 (1983) 312.
urine [117], [118]. 8. G. Vavon, A. Apchie, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 43
Exposure of the mucous membranes (eyes, (1928) 667.
respiratory tract) produces irritation; prolonged 9. J. W. Hill, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 52 (1930) 4110.
exposure to the skin can be drying or irritating. In 10. W. F Stahl: “Organic Chemicals A-A1,” in
case of spills or leaks, personnel should be pro- Chemical Economics Handbook , SRI
tected from inhalation or excessive skin contact. International, Menlo Park, Calif., 1996,
Dusting should be controlled and static sparks
11. DuPont, US 2 557 282, 1951 (C. Hamblett, A.
should be avoided. Water may be used to flush MacAlevy).
the area. 12. DuPont, US 2 703 331, 1953 (M. Goldbeck, F.
Although no TLV or MAK has been estab- Johnson).
lished, the airborne exposure should be less than 13. H. Godt, J. Quinn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 78
that of an organic nuisance dust: ACGIH (1979) (1956) 1461 – 1464.
8-h TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust) and 8-h TWA 14. D. van Asselt, W. van Krevelen, Recl. Trav.
5 mg/ m3 (respirable dust) (OSHA TLV is 15 Chim. Pays Bas 82 (1963) 51 – 56, 429 – 437,
mg/ m3 for total dust). Toxicity data from rep- 438 – 449.
resentative types of adipic acid derivatives are 15. D. van Asselt, W. van Krevelen, Chem. Eng.
shown in Table 4. Sci. 18 (1963) 471 – 483.
16. I. Y. Lubyanitskii, R. Minati, M. Furman,
Table 4. Toxicity data for adipic acid derivatives [119]
Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.) 32 (1962)
Derivative Oral LD50 Inhalation Other LD50 , mg/kg 294 – 297.
(rat) mg/kg LC50 (rat, 17. I. Y. Lubyanitskii, Zh. Obshch. Khim. 36
4 h), mg/m
(1962) 3431
Adiponitrile 300 1710 50 (guinea pig, 18. I. Y. Lubyanitskii, Zh. Prikl. Khim.
s.c.) (Leningrad) 36 (1963) 819 – 823.
Di-2-ethylhexyl 9110 – 900 (rat, i.v.)
19. Ullmann, 5th ed., A1, 271.
Dimethyl – – 1809 (rat, i.p.) 20. BASF, US 3 564 051, 1971 (E. Haarer, G.
adipate Wenner).
Adipamide 500
Magnesium – – 180 (mouse, i.v.)
21. BASF, GB 1 092 603, 1969 (G. Riegelbauer,
adipate A. Wegerich, A. Kuerzinger, E. Haarer).
22. DuPont, US 3 359 308, 1967 (O. Sampson)
23. ICI, US 3 754 024, 1973 (F. Foster, P. Hay).
24. ICI, US 3 950 410, 1976 (J. Lopez-Merono).
25. ICI, US 3 997 601, 1976 (P. Langley).
12. References 26. ICI, GB 1 366 082, 1974 (J. Lopez-Merono).
27. ICI, DE 2 435 387, 1973 (P. Langley).
General References 28. F. Hearfield, Chem. Eng. (London) 1980
1. W. F. Stahl: “Organic Chemicals A-AI,” in no. 361, 625 – 627.
Chemical Economics Handbook , SRI 29. SU 433 784, 1971 (Y. A. Lubyanitskii).
International, Menlo Park, CA, 1996, 30. El Paso Products Co., US 3 673 245, 1972 (S.
608.5000A – 608.5001P. Mims).
2. M. Sittig: Dibasic Acids and Anhydrides, 31. Chem. Werke Hüls, US 3 761 517, 1973 (H.
Noyes Development Corp, Park Ridge, NJ, Rohl, W. Eversmann, P. Hegenberg, G.
1966, p. 35 – 50. Hellemanns).
3. Kirk-Othmer, 4th ed., 1, 466 – 493. 32. ICI, GB 1 510 397, 1976 (F. Foster, N.
4. Ullmann, 5th ed., A1, 269 – 278. Hutchinson, D. Potter).
33. DuPont, US 2 713 067, 1955 (C. Hamblett).
Specific References 34. Vickers-Zimmer, US 3 476 804, 1969 (F.
5. V. Luedeke in J. McKetta, W. Cunningham Bende, H. Vollinger, K. Pohl).
(eds.): Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing 35. Vickers-Zimmer, US 3 476 805, 1969 (H.
and Design, vol. 2, Marcel Dekker Inc., New Vollinger, K. Pohl, F. Bende).
York 1977, p. 128 – 146. 36. Monsanto, US 3 186 952, 1965 (D. Brubaker,
6. Ullmann 5th ed. A1, 259. D. Danly).
10 Adipic Acid
37. Celanese, US 3 965 164, 1976 (J. Blay). 68. Monsanto, GB 1 447 772, 1976 (C. Campbell,
38. Celanese, US 3 983 208, 1976 (J. Blay). D. Danly, W. Mueller).
39. ICI, GB 1 470 169, 1977 (B. Darlow, R. Chase, 69. El Paso Products Co., US 4 316 775, 1982 (W.
J. Peters). Nash).
40. ICI, GB 1 480 480, 1977 (A. Bowman). 70. El Paso Products Co., DE 3 043 051, 1982 (N.
41. Asahi, US 3 673 068, 1972 (M. Seko, A. Cywinski).
Yomiyama, T. Miyake, H. Iwashita). 71. DuPont, US 3 991 100, 1976 (S. Hochberg).
42. BASF, DE 2 624 472, 1977. 72. ICI, US 4 191 616, 1980 (B. Baker).
43. BASF, US 4 550 195, 1972 (H. W. Schneider, 73. Allied Chem., FR 1 347 525, 1963 (J. Benfield,
K. Schwirten, R. Kummer, R. Platz). R. Belden).
44. BASF, US 4 310 686, 1982 (H. W. Schneider, 74. ICI, US 3 511 757, 1970 (W. Costain, B.
R. Kummer, J. Taglieber, F. J. Weiss). Terry).
45. BASF, US 4 310 686, 1982 (W. Gerbert, P. 75. BASF, US 3 564 051, 1971 (E. Haarer, G.
Magnussen, V. Schumacher, W. Praetorius, H. Wenner).
76. DuPont, CA 707 340, 1965.
77. DuPont, US 3 338 959, 1967 (C. Sciance, L.
46. DuPont, US 5 145 995, 1991 (P. M. Burke).
47. DuPont, US 5 218 144, 1993 (E. M. Atadan).
78. Monsanto, US 3 329 712, 1967 (D. Danly, G.
48. DuPont, US 5 292 944, 1994 (E. M. Atadan,
H. S. Bruner). 79. Asahi, JP-Kokai 115 314, 1979 (J. Nishikido,
49. DSM, WO 9 518 089, 1995 (J. G. DeVries, A. Tomura, Y. Fukuoka).
C. B. Hansen). 80. BASF, DE 3 002 256, 1981 (W. Rebofka, G.
50. Monsanto, US 4 433 166, 1984 (F. W. Paulik, Heilen, W. Klink).
T. C. Singleton, W. H. Urry). 81. Asahi, US 4 146 730, 1979 (J. Nishikido).
51. Rhône-Poulenc, US 5 312 974, 1994 (P. Denis, 82. Veba-Chemie, DE 2 309 423, 1974 (H.
F. Metz, R. Perron). Heumann, W. Hilt, H. Liebing, M. Schweppe).
52. Chem. Eng. News 62 (1984) 28 – 29. 83. E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co., Adipic Acid
53. DuPont, US 3 306 932, 1967 (D. D. Davis). Product Bulletin E-18722, Wilmington, Del.,
54. Monsanto, US 3 654 355, 1972 (W. Mueller, C. 1983, p. 1.
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