Resume Teacher

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155 Copperpond Rise SE Calgary, AB

I believe that all students have the right to learn and be encouraged to use their imagination.
Through inclusive education techniques students should be able to develop and learn in ways
they feel comfortable and confident. The creation of a safe and inspirational classroom
environment will foster the learning outcomes of all students and encourage them to continually
ask questions and grow as individuals.

Bachelor of Education- Elementary (Humanities Minor) Expected Graduation Spring 2019

Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB

Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Art History Graduated December, 2012

University of Victoria, Victoria BC

Holy Trinity Academy

High School, Okotoks AB Graduated June, 2007

Mount Royal University President’s Honor Roll 2018-2019

Mount Royal University Dean’s Honour Roll 2017-2018

Jason Lang Scholarship 2018-2019

Alberta Completion Incentive Grant 2012 & 2018

Teck Resources Limited Scholarship 2011 & 2012

Alexander Rutherford Heritage Fund Scholarship 2005 & 2006

Millennium Alberta Rural Incentive Bursary 2007

Honors with Distinction (Jr. & Sr. High School) 2004-2007

Early Child Care Certification (Level 2) 2018
First Aid (Level C) 2018

SMART Board Workshop ` 2015

Cyber Bullying Workshop 2016

Calgary Public Library Workshop 2017

Wee Reads Mentor Certificate 2016

Grade 6-Altadore School-Calgary Board of Education 2019

● Full time practicum experience from January to April in which I will be able
to build on my ability to unit plan, assess, differentiate and co-teach.
● Develop and facilitate lessons independently and cooperatively with a
partner teacher.

Grade 4 GATE-Louis Riel School-Calgary Board of Education 2017

● Full time 5 week practicum in which I was able to teach 50%. Through the
mentorship of my mentor teachers I was able to develop my ability to
assess and plan mini units.
● Learned and practiced a variety of differentiation and UDL techniques to
help foster student learning in the unique GATE environment.

Grade 1-St.Peter School-Calgary Catholic 2017

● Developed confidence in writing lesson plans that fit into the whole unit.
● Built an awareness and appreciation for the diversity of students in the
classroom and started to feel more comfortable in my ability to differentiate
my lessons according to student needs.

Grade 1-Buchanan School- Calgary Board of Education 2016

● Developed lesson planning experience and built confidence teaching in front

of the class. Developed and facilitated several mini lessons.
● Observed classroom management practices and obtained many resources in
lesson planning, assessment and maintenance of daily routines.

Grade 2-Sacred Heart School-Calgary Catholic 2016

● Developed confidence teaching in front of the class as well as my skills writing

lesson plans.
● Planned and and facilitated ELA lessons

Grade 1/2-Cranston School-Calgary Board of Education 2015

● 10 week observational placement to help build confidence in an elementary

Preschool Teacher

Kids U | April 2018-Current

I teacher in a Reggio Emilia inspired classroom. My students are between the ages of 3 and 5 and I co-teach with
other teachers in our classroom. I am responsible for planning activities and creating lesson plans that match the
designed theme of the classroom that encourage students to work on their social skills, numeracy, literacy and


Monica Woodward | December 2015-October 2017

I was responsible for two children under the ages of 10. I picked them up from school, drove them to their extra-
curricular activities and tutored them in their school work. I was also responsible for dinner and bath time before
parents came home from work. During the summer, I planned and facilitated all day activities that were designed to
keep the children active and entertained.

Respite Aid Worker

Rhonda Sullivan | September 2015-December 2015

I was responsible for taking a 19-year-old out of the house daily for a few hours. We went for drives, to the zoo,
swimming and for walks. His mother wanted him to get some fresh air, meet people and socialize. He was non-verbal
and ate through a tube in his stomach. He required supervision and aid to eat and walk. I would feed him on a
schedule and return him home at the end of the day.

Child Care Assistant

Children’s Place Child Care Center | April 2015-September 2015

I worked with children in an out of school program and there were up to 30 children in my room. I prepared breakfast
and drove them to school. I was also responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the room and planning activities for
the children. During the summer months, I was responsible for planning and carrying out the summer camps and field

Calgary Board of Education

Calgary, AB | Current

Volunteered in various CBE schools, helping chaperoning field trips, run Wee Read sessions with students, and aid in
classroom activities.

Royal BC Museum
Victoria BC | June 2012

Coordinator for Camp Dino kids program. Responsibilities included organizing and caring for groups of children who
attended the day camp, planning the days’ activities, organizing and executing an exhibition of the kids’ crafts for
parents at the end of the camp.

Downright Canadian Theater Company

Okotoks, AB | September-November 2004

Stage manager for local theatre company. Responsibilities included casting, prop and costume design as well as the
operation of lighting and sound during the production. Acted as primary assistant to both the director and producer.


Reading- travelling back in time, to a new world or learning about new concepts helps me develop my own ideas and
connect with others

Travelling- I enjoy experiencing and learning about new cultures which helps me expand my views on the world

Hiking- being a part of nature helps me feel like a part of the world and allows me time to think about life and what is

Photography- capturing important moments in my life allows me to continually re-live and appreciate what life has
offered me.

Monica Woodward |Nanny Employment | 403-560-1853

Lynne Ursenbach | Mentor Teacher |1-403-616-2812 (cell) | 1-403-777-7650 (work) | Letter of Reference

Jill Metcalfe | Mentor Teacher | 1-403- 777-7650 (work) | Letter of Reference

Melissa Hackett | KidsU Preschool Program Supervisor | 1-587-351-0898 (work) | 1-403-619-2859 (cell)

Louise McIlhargy | KidsU Lead Teacher | 1-403-604-6605 (cell) | |Letter of


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