Pre Board PROF - ED 2014answer Key

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1. According to Cooley, the ability of children to visualize themselves through the eyes of others and imagine how
they appear to others is called
a. personality
c. superego
b.looking glass self
d.presentation of self
Sociology Cooley's "The Looking Glass Self"
The looking-glass self is a popular theory within the sociological field known as symbolic
interactionism. It explains a formation of self-image via reflection.
2. Which statement best characterizes the socialization process?
the first five years of childs life is crucial in personality formation
b.socialization is a continuous life-long process
culture makes its deep influence during early childhood
d. the church play a crucial role in the socialization process
Socialization process
Socialization is a lifelong process in which an individual learns the essentials of society. Socialization is a process
of learning norms, rules, regulations, values and attitudes of society. It is a lifelong process which starts from
childhood till to the death of a person. Socialization is a vital process of learning through which the society exists.
Each and every society socializes its members according to its own values. For example, if a baby enters in
American society, he/she socializes according to the characteristics of American society. In the same way, the
children of Russian societies are being socialized according to the characteristics of Russian societies. A man
learns ways of attitudes, behaviors, languages, and cultures of a society through the process of socialization.
3. When we say Cebuanos are thrifty and industrious, and Bicolanos are friendly people, we are making use
a. stereotypes
c. prejudice
b. ethnocentrism
d. Epithets
Feisty.Seductive.Intelligent. Used to describe individuals, the preceding adjectives pose no particular problem.
Used to describe groups of people, however, these same adjectives may constitute stereotypes. What is a
stereotype? Stereotypes are qualities assigned to groups of people related to their race, nationality and sexual
orientation, to name a few. Because they generalize groups of people in manners that lead to discrimination and
ignore the diversity within groups, stereotypes should be avoided.
4. Becoming a doctor is an example of
a. ascribed
acquired or assigned arbitrarily (as at birth) <ascribed social status>
c. attained
brought to or marked by a high degree of development or refinement : finished
5. Freuds term for the part of the personality that operates on the pleasure level, seeking immediate gratification, is
a. Id
c. libido
b. Superego
d. Ego
According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, personality is composed of three elements.
These three elements of personality--known as the id, the ego and the superego--work together to create complex
human behaviors.
The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This aspect of personality is
entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviors. According to Freud, the id
is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.The id is driven by
the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs.
The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego
develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real
world. The ego functions in both the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind.The ego operates based on
the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the id's desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways.
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we
acquire from both parents and society--our sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making
judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five.
6. Who called religion as the opium of the people?
a. Max Weber
A founding figure of the field of sociology, Thesis of the "Protestant Ethic"
Ideas on bureaucracy
b. Karl Max
c. Robert Bellah
a distinguished sociologist of religion who sought nothing less than to map the
American soul, in both the sacred and secular senses of the word, died on July 30 in Oakland,
Calif.Professor Bellahs best-known books include The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in
Time of Trial (1975), Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life (1985)
and Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age (2011).
d. Emile Durkheim considered by many to be the father of sociology. He is credited with making
sociology a science, and having made it part of the French academic curriculum as "Science Sociale".
During his lifetime, Emile Durkheim gave many lectures, and published an impressive number of
sociological studies on subjects such as religion, suicide, and all aspects of society.
Marx's theories about society, economics and politics, which are collectively known as Marxism, argue that all society progresses through
the dialectic of class struggle. He was heavily critical of the current socio-economic form of society, capitalism, which he called the
"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie," believing it to be run by the wealthy middle and upper classes purely for their own benefit, and predicted
that it would inevitably produce internal tensions which would lead to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system, socialism.
Under socialism, he argued that society would be governed by the working class in what he called the "dictatorship of the proletariat." He
believed that socialism would eventually be replaced by a stateless, classless society called pure communism.

7. Even among identical twins, brothers and sisters, teachers should not compare abilities because
a. every individual is unique
b. comparisons can arouse the feeling of hostility and anger
c. comparisons can lead to unnecessary pressures
d. all of these
Although every person has unique DNA (except for the identical twins), identification of people is not
based on the sequencing of someone's genome. Instead, analysis of mitochondrial DNA in a region of a
displacement-loop (D-loop or control region) or of short tandem repeats (STRs) is used for identification
purposes. D-loop analysis is used for individual identification in forensic analysis. This is possible due
to the polymorphisms of such sequences resulting from substitutions of base pairs during DNA
replication process
Read more:
8. The lowest IQ indicated in the intelligence scale isa. moron
c. idiot
b. imbecile
d. feeble-minded
Original IQ Rating Scale
As described previously, Mr. Lewis Terman was the originator of the term of the IQ in 1916. He presented the IQ
rating scale in different categories as under:
IQ Ratings of Over 140 - Genius or near genius
IQ Ratings of 120 to 140 Highly intelligent
IQ Ratings of 110 to 119 Very intelligent
IQ Rating of 90 to 109 Normal or average intelligence
IQ Ratings of 80 to 89 Dullness
IQ Rating of 70-79 Borderline deficiency
IQ Ratings Under70 Definite feeble-mindedness
In psychology, an idiot has the least intelligence on the IQ scale (this now is equivalent to someone who
is mentally retarded or the more politically correct mentally challenged); an imbecile is not quite as dumb as
an idiot and is now considered equivalent to moderate retardation; a moron is then the highest level of
intelligence for someone who is mentally retarded, thus considered as being mildly mentally retarded.
Specifically, those who have an IQ between 0 and 25 are idiots; IQs between 26 and 50 are considered
imbeciles; and those who have an IQ between 51 and 70 are considered morons.

Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

9. What is the basis for moral action to resolve the argument wherein one believes that cheating is moral while
another believes otherwise?
a. It is better to cheat than to repeat.
b. Majority of the students are doing it anyway.
c. It is unfair to study very hard while others are cheating.
d. The end does not justify the means.
Prov. You can use bad or immoral methods as long as you accomplish something good by using them. (Not
everyone agrees with this idea.) Lucy got money for the orphanage by embezzling it from the firm where
she worked. "The end justifies the means," she told herself. The politician clearly believed that the end
justifies the means, since he used all kinds of nefarious means to get elected.It is something that you say
which means that in order to achieve an important aim, it is acceptable to do something bad Unfortunately,
we'll have to cut down the forest to make space for the golf course, but I feel the end justifies the means.
10. Which of the following is the basis of Marias pronouncement I believe in Jesus Christs resurrection because
the bible says so?
a. Emotion
b. Intuition
c. Authorityis derived from the Latin word auctoritas, meaning 'invention', 'advice', 'opinion', 'influence', or
d. Belief
11. Which faculty of the person is used when one allows his/her friend to cheat out of pity?
a. Senses
b. Intellect
c. Emotion,a complex experience of consciousness, bodily sensation, and behaviour that reflects the
personal significance of a thing, an event, or a state of affairs.
d. Will
12. In what way does values education help in the persons strengthening of the will?
a. By allowing the person to learn from his/her whims.
b. By strengthening the persons appetitive will to follow what is good and resist evil.
c. By giving the person absolute freedom to follow his/her will.
d. By giving the person full responsibility of his/her immature decisions.
13. According to Socrates, what must be transformed first if one wishes to transform the world?
a. Family
b. Himself
c. Other
Socrates is described as having neglected his own affairs, instead spending his time discussing virtue,
justice, and piety wherever his fellow citizens congregated, seeking wisdom about right conduct so that he
might guide the moral and intellectual improvement of Athens. Using a method now known as the Socratic
dialogue, or dialectic, he drew forth knowledge from his students by pursuing a series of questions and
examining the implications of their answers. Socrates equated virtue with the knowledge of one's true self,
holding that no one knowingly does wrong. He looked upon the soul as the seat of both waking
consciousness and moral character, and held the universe to be purposively mind-ordered.
14. Pre-marital sex is commonly practiced in Western Countries, but considered bad in the Philippines; what is good
for them is bad for us. This means that culture is
a. adaptive
c. shared
b. dynamic
d. relative- Having pertinence or relevance; connected or related
a. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human
work and thought.
b. These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or
population: Edwardian culture; Japanese culture; the culture of poverty.
c. These patterns, traits, and products considered with respect to a particular category, such as a field, subject, or
mode of expression: religious culture in the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.
d. The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization.

Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

15. Remembering is made more effective by
a. Repetition
b. Visualization
c. Meaningfulness and understanding
d. Intensity
16. Filipino Catholics celebrate fiestas, novenas in honor of their saints, or as a form of thanksgiving; this practice is
part of
a. folkways (Sociology) sociol traditional and customary ways of living
b. folktales - The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.
c. folklore- The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.
The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture.Also called folkloristics.
d. none of these
17. The way a child talks, walks, or uses gestures may have been learned from a model he had been exposed to.
This is according to the theory of:
a. connectionism
b. operant conditioning
c. classical conditioning
d. social learning
18. Thorndike Law of Readiness claims that the:
a. teacher must either wait for readiness or accept the present level of readiness and be satisfied with a
lower learning rate in introducing any new learning experience
b. teacher must wait for the readiness of her students
c. teacher must accept the present level of readiness and be satisfied with the lower learning rate in
introducing any new learning experience
d. teacher must understand the students level of readiness
19. After the sounding of the bell is paired off a number of times with the presentation of meal powder, the bell
alone is observed to elicit salivation response known as the:
a. unconditional response
b. conditioned stimulus
c. conditional response
d. unconditioned stimulus
20. In the classroom, teachers are said to reinforce the kind of behavior they want to see through praise, smiles,
marks, reward and the like. This situations exemplifies:
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. Lewins topological theory
d. Cognitive field theory
21. Bruners Theory on learning states that intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation. Which of the
following statement below is the best example of intrinsic motivation?
a. a student has a desire to learn a subject because it is worth knowing
b. a student learns because of the use of reward and punishment
c. a student wants to learn because his goal is to graduate with honors
d. a student learns because he wants to prove that he is intelligent
22. Which of the following is false about the Cognitive Field Theory?
a. sees learning as a stimulus-response interaction
b. focuses on the cognitive structure of man as basis for learning
c. centers on the life space as source of learning
d. does not emphasize reinforcement
23. Values are caught and not taught. This due to the fact that children learn from what they observe from adults.
This shows the natural tendency of children known as:
a. competition
c. imitation
b. curiosity
d. rivalry
24. The domain of learning, which caters to the development of skills of the child.
a. affective
c. objectives
b. cognitive
d. psychomotor
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

25. Learning is further strengthened when there are similarities in the topics or subject matters to be learned.
a. Law of Belongingness
c. Law of Exercises
b. Law of Effect
d. Law of Readiness
26. If the Christian has the Bible and the Islam has the Quran as Holy Scriptures, what do you call the Sacred of
Text of Hinduism?
a. Veda
Any of the oldest and most authoritative Hindu sacred texts, composed in Sanskrit and
gathered into four collections.
b. NirvanaNirvana
Buddhism The ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion.
Hinduism Emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment.
- An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.
c. Karma
d. Analects- Selections from or parts of a literary work or group of works. Often used as a title.
27. He postulated that both human heartedness and propriety should operate in a scheme of five human relationships
like between father and son; between brothers; between husband and wife; between friends and between rules
and subjects.
a. Buddha
c. Lao Tzu
b. Confucius
d. Tagore-Indian writer noted for his collection of poetry Gitanjali (1912), based on
traditional Hindu themes. He won the 1913 Nobel Prize for literature
28. Life is full of conditions. As much, man is always confronted with alternative wherein he must decide based on
his prudence. But he must take full responsibility for the consequences that his decision might bring. This is the
maxim of ____.
a. essentialism
c. pragmatism
b. existentialism
d. utilitarianism-The ethical theory proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill that all action should be
directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.The belief that the value of a
thing or an action is determined by its utility.
29. The name of this Oriental religion means submission to God.
a. Christianity
c. Islam
b. Hinduism
d. Judaism-The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual
and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmud.
30. Know thyself was the dictum of this Greek thinker who was condemned to die by drinking hemlock.
a. Aristotle
c. Socrates
b. Plato
d. Thales
31. It is something, which is chosen from alternatives, acted upon and enhances the creative integration and
development of human personality.VALUES
-A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable
-the study of values, as those of aesthetics, ethics, or religion
32. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom
to know the difference was the well known prayer of ____.
a. Saint Augustin- one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramatic conversion to
Christianity he became bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa; St. Augustine emphasized man's need for
grace (354-430)
b. Saint Dukec. Saint Francis
d. Saint Matthew- - (New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally considered to be the author of the
first Gospel
33. It is the belief that mans soul is imprisoned in his earthly body and can escape only from such bondage through
an endless series of birth.
a. Veda
b. Transmigration- Transmigration of the soul or reincarnation, a spiritual belief
c. Karma
d. Nirvana
34. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their
claims they have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries unite! were the concluding statements of the __.
a. Russian Constitution
b. Magna Carta
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

c. Communist Manifesto- a socialist manifesto written by Marx and Engels (1842) describing the
history of the working-class movement according to their views
d. Das Kapital
35. The great educational achievement of the medieval period, which created an academic world, is _____.
a. scholasticism
c. Chantry schools
b. venture school
d. the University
36. What statement is INCONSISTENT with what are advocated by progressive educators?
a. The cosmos that confronts the learner is continually undergoing change
b. Educational aims are not fixed and final.
c. Education is the constant reconstruction of experience.
d. Educational concerns are focused on the supernatural world of eternity.
37. According to this theory, human activities are based on association between stimuli and responses.
This theory has been called S R bond. These terms refers to:
a. connectionism theory
-association theoryConnectionism (Edward Thorndike) The learning theory of
Thorndike represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology:
law of readiness
law of effect
conditioning theory
38. In the transfer of learning, this theory asserts that the skill or training gained in the study of one subject will
improve the performance of the same skill in the study of another subject. This theory is known as .
a. mental discipline
b. theory of generalization
c. theory of identical elements
d. theory of configuration
Thorndike continued his study of transfer, and eventually formulated the Theory of Identical Elementsprevious
learning facilitates new learning only to the extent that the new learning task contains elements identical to those in the
previous task.
39. Emotion is the primitive matrix from which all later mental powers are developed. This theory is known
a. Cannon-Dana theory-Emotion is the result of the action and reaction of the cerebral cortex and the
b. Emergency or conflict theory
c. James-Lange theory- Proposed independently by psychologist William James and physiologist Carl
Lange, the James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that emotions occur as a result of physiological
reactions to events.According to this theory, witnessing an external stimulus leads to a physiological
reaction. Your emotional reaction depends upon how you interpret those physical reactions. For
example, suppose you are walking in the woods and you see a grizzly bear. You begin to tremble and
your heart begins to race. The James-Lange theory proposes that you will interpret your physical
reactions and conclude that you are frightened ("I am trembling, therefore I am afraid.")
d. Evolutionary theory
40. In Piagets concrete operational stage, what is it that children CAN NOT do?
a. reasoning applied to specific example
b. doing mentally what was just physically done
c. classifying objects into different sets
d. imagining the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation
41. Which according to Jocano is strength of the Filipino people?
a. sense of national pride
b. sense of humor
c. sense of historical or national identity
d. sense of commitment to nationalistic ideas
42. Who among the following is genuinely nationalistic? The citizen who
a. works overseas for the education of his children
b. uses his skills and capital to generate jobs in the countryside
c. sings the National Anthem will all his heart
d. salutes the flag as it is raised during the flag ceremony
43. According to Piagets theory, in which development stage can the child do symbolic thinking and go beyond
the connection of sensory information and physical action?
a. pre-operational
c. formal operational
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

b. concrete operational

d. sensorimotor

Stages of Cognitive Development. Piaget identified four stages in cognitive development:

Sensorimotor stage (Infancy). In this period (which has 6 stages), intelligence is demonstrated through
motor activity without the use of symbols. Knowledge of the world is limited (but developing) because
its based on physical interactions / experiences. Children acquire object permanence at about 7 months
of age (memory). Physical development (mobility) allows the child to begin developing new intellectual
abilities. Some symbollic (language) abilities are developed at the end of this stage.
Pre-operational stage (Toddler and Early Childhood). In this period (which has two substages),
intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, language use matures, and memory and
imagination are developed, but thinking is done in a nonlogical, nonreversable manner. Egocentric
thinking predominates
Concrete operational stage (Elementary and early adolescence). In this stage (characterized by 7 types of
conservation: number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area, volume), intelligence is demonstarted through
logical and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects. Operational thinking
develops (mental actions that are reversible). Egocentric thought diminishes.
Formal operational stage (Adolescence and adulthood). In this stage, intelligence is demonstrated
through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. Early in the period there is a return to
egocentric thought. Only 35% of high school graduates in industrialized countries obtain formal
operations; many people do not think formally during adulthood.
44. Which of the 3 id, ego, and superego, consist(s) of instincts?
a. ego
c. ego & superego
b. superego
d. id
The id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. It consists of all the inherited (i.e.
biological) components of personality, including the sex (life) instinct Eros (which contains the libido),
and aggressive (death) instinct - Thanatos.
The id is the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to
the instincts. The personality of the newborn child is all id and only later does it develop an ego and
45. Dr. Y teaches in a remote multigrade class. His principal and supervisors seldom visit him. He teaches
when he feels like teaching and not when he does not feel like teaching. What trait of a good teacher does he
a. emotional intelligence
b. independent study
c. relating to people
d. deciding to follow one path only
46. According to Kohlbergs theory of moral development individual progress from stage to stage by:
a. interacting with those whose moral reasoning is at higher level
b. resolving critical and conflicting psycho-social issues
c. exhibiting socially acceptable behavior
d. seeking approval and avoiding punishment
e. seeking pleasure
47. Mr. X banged the door when he entered the classroom while the pupils waited nervously to greet him. He was
tense and harsh the pupils. Later, he tried to encourage t hem to participate but the children remained quite in
their seats. Which can be best explained the situation?
a. the impact of the non-verbal and verbal messages of the teacher is the same
b. the teachers verbal communication has not be interpreted correctly by the pupils
c. the teachers verbal and non-verbal messages are contradictory
d. the pupils perceptions of the teachers non-verbal behavior did not change
48. Described by Sigmund Freud, when a daughter becomes too attached to her father and consider her mother a
a oedipal complex- a complex of males; desire to possess the mother sexually and to exclude the father;
said to be a source of personality disorders if unresolved
b electra complex- (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal the sexual attachment of a female child to her father.
c Achilles heel
d. persecution complex
During the phallic stage, the primary focus of the libido is on the genitals. At this age, children also begin to discover
the differences between males and females.
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

Freud also believed that boys begin to view their fathers as a rival for the mothers affections. The Oedipus complex
describes these feelings of wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father. However, the child also
fears that he will be punished by the father for these feelings, a fear Freud termed castration anxiety.
The term Electra complex has been used to described a similar set of feelings experienced by young girls. Freud,
however, believed that girls instead experience penis envy.
Eventually, the child begins to identify with the same-sex parent as a means of vicariously possessing the other parent.
For girls, however, Freud believed that penis envy was never fully resolved and that all women remain somewhat
fixated on this stage. Psychologists such as Karen Horney disputed this theory, calling it both inaccurate and
demeaning to women. Instead, Horney proposed that men experience feelings of inferiority because they cannot give
birth to children.
49. A student collapsed in her Social Studies class. It was found out that he did not eat her lunch. What principle is
shown in this situation?
a physiological need c. safety needs
b somatotonic
d. psychological needs
50. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public schools to enroll in
private school at the governments expense?
a. Government Assistance Program
c. Educational Service Contract System,
b. Study now Pay later
d. National Scholarship Program
51. _____was the 1980s foremost educational issue.
a. Bilingual Education
c. Accountability
b. Values Education
d. Mainstreaming
52. Jose Rizal said that national redemption can be achieved by ______.
a. Gaining economic recovery
b. Stabilizing political situation
c. Opening our doors to foreign influence
d. Upgrading the quality of the Filipinos through education
53. A foreigner who studying here in the Philippines was turned-off by the Filipinos lack of punctuality and poor
word choice
a. Ethnocentrism- belief in the intrinsic superiority of the nation, culture, or group to which one belongs,
often accompanied by feelings of dislike for other groups
b. Colonial mentalityc. Xenocentrism- is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of
one's own. The concept is considered a subjective view
d. Culture shock
54. If you are a wise voter, you would vote ____.
a. A candidate who has the making of a public servant
b. A neighbor who is closest to you in times of need
c. A candidate who helped you by giving cash
d. A godfather who gave your father a job
55. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do that?
a. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her parents.
b. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up.
c. No, abortion is immoral.
d. Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to the
absence of a father
56. This constitutional provision is the full and partial integration of the capable deaf and blind students in the
classroom. This is an illustration of _______________.
a. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students.
b. Academic freedom
c. Providing citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youths.
d. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education.
57. The difference between Christian and Muslim marriage, the former being monogamous and the latter being
polygamous is called _____.
a. Ethical Relativism- the belief that morality is relative to the society where it exists and that its criticism
and evaluation are irrelevant
b. Enculturation
the process by which a person adapts to and assimilates the culture in which he lives.
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

c. Acculturation
The modification of the culture of a group or individual as a result of contact with a
different culture.The process by which the culture of a particular society is instilled in a human from
infancy onward.
d. Cultural relativism
58. In the Philippine culture, the term bahalana implies:
a. Lack of self-reliance
b. Willingness to take risks

c. Lack of foresight
d. Indolence

59. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
a. Watson
c. Chomsky
b. Gardner
d. Piaget
American linguist and political theorist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of
generative grammar, set forth in Syntactic Structures (1957). US linguist and political critic. His theory
of language structure, transformational generative grammar, superseded the behaviourist view of
Leonard Bloomfield
60. A teacher rewards a child for doing things correctly. This technique is called:
a. Conditioning
c. Chaining
b. Fading
d. Reinforcement
61. Teachers Professionalism Act is ___________.
a. RA 7836
b. RA 4670

c. RA 7722
d. RA 9293

62. What should teachers teach students to eradicate bullying among kids in school?
a. Full development of talents
c. Respect for the dignity of persons
b. Athletic skills
d. Full development of physical power
63. Which among the words below does not prevent the emergence of truth which the learners and teachers are in
search of?
a. Mindset
c. Open mind
b. Mask
d. Defense
64. A research was conducted about the future dreams of Filipino children. Nobody said that they want to be a
citizen of another country. This finding shows _____.
a. Inferiority of other nationalities
c. Superiority of other nationalities
b. Superiority of the Filipino
d. Filipinos sense of national pride
65. Confucius supports _____ when he said that there should be no distinction of classes in education.
a. A Moral recovery program
c. Education for all
b. B. Back to Basics
d. Values education
66. The curriculum is designed this way to provide for individual differences.
a. some degree of flexibility is provided
b. minimum learning competencies are included
c. realistic and meaningful experiences are provided
d. social skills are emphasized.
67. What a teacher should do if students are misbehaving in class?
a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor
b. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct in the whole class
c. Make a report to the parents about their childrens misbehavior
d. Set the rules for the class to observe
68. If a teacher believes in the concept of education that makes every individual a useful citizen to the
state, then, he is influenced by the concept of:
a. Conformity
c. Humanitarianism
b. Security
d. Utilitarianism
69. Teenagers stealing school equipment is becoming a common problem in community schools. What is
the implication of this incidents?
a. Inability of schools to hire security guards
c. Prevalence of poverty in the community
b. Deprivation of Filipino schools
d. . Communitys lack of co-ownership
70. What is an inappropriate method in teaching young children?
a. Individual differences are expected and accepted c.
c. Isolates skill development
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

b. Integrated teaching-learning
d. Positive guidance technique
71. What statement would inspire fresh graduate to cling unto his ideals on being a teacher?
a. Introduction of educational innovations
c. Pressure of work
b. Support of living models
d. High salary
72. Based on the results of the survey conducted by Hirsch-Pasek, et al in 1989, there are harmful effects
caused by giving highly academically oriented early childhood education program. What is a proper
recommendation to solve this issue?
a. Give children the total freedom to do as they please inside the classroom
b. Do not give assessment activities for pre-school students
c. Plan engaging academic lessons
d. Do not engaged students in highly structured direct instruction in pre-school
73. If a teacher believes that a childs mind in TABULA RASA, then the teacher will most likely to engage
the students in ______ process for them to learn.
a. Sensory impressions
c. Reflection
b. Reasoning
d. Metacognition
74. . _______ is the weakness of the Montessori approach.
a. Foster development of the cognitive skills
c. . Emphasizes verbal interaction
b. Foster independence
d. Neglects childrens social development
75. Jean Jacques Rousseau said that everyone is essentially good. This view can help a teacher when ___.
a. Dealing with misbehaving students
c. Teaching the students some values
b. Helping the fast learners in class
d. knowing the students potentials
76. Development tasks are to be learned by the individual at each stage of development. If these tasks are not
developed at an early stage, this may cause problems in later years.
Arrange the following tasks according to the stages when they occur in ones life span.
Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system.
Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values.
Learning to distinguish right from wrong.
Taking on civic responsibility.





Personality continues to develop throughout a person's life. The stages of development build on one
another; difficulties arise when unmet needs from the preceding stages are present. Development is
based on the individual's psychological and physiological makeup as well as parenting and society.
Read more :
To strengthen teacher education the Teacher Education Council created under R.A. No. 7764 will choose a
private or public college engaged in pre-service continuing formal and non-formal education of teachers in
strategic places in each region of the country, based on certain criteria. This will be called___________.
a. Department of Teacher Education
c. Teacher education Center of Excellence
b. Teacher Education Commission
d. Commission on Teacher Education
This system of learning includes ways and methods which are used in preserving and building certain traditions
within cultural communities. This refers to _________.
a. indigenous learning system
c. cultural learning system
b. non-formal learning system
d. multi-level learning system
The operation Return to the Basic saw its embodiment in the ________.
a. National Elementary Achievement Test c. New Secondary Education Curriculum
b. New Elementary School Curriculum
d. National Secondary Achievement Test
Which instructional material/s is/are MOST fit in contextualized learning?
a. Pictures
b. TV
d. Field trip
For an effective presentation of Article XIV of the Philippine Constitution, which is MOST appropraiate?
a. Learning circles
Independent study
b. Team game
d.Direct instruction
Which does a pupil use when she sings a concept to a familiar tune in order tune in order to help himself commit
the concept to memory?
a. ABC song
c. Piggyback song
b. Rap
I want the fast learners in my class to do self-directed learning. What strategy will I use?
a. Collaborative learning
Problem-based learning
b. Metacognition
Social dialogue
The lesson is on the PROS and CONS of the governments all out war against the MILF. Mr. Palaroan wants to
do high level thinking and to develop a view of the all out war from different perspectives. Which technique will
be most appropriate?
a. Simulation
c.Panel discussion
b. Lecture
Role playing
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

85. Teacher L demonstrated to the class how to focus the microscope, after which the students were asked to
practice. Which teacher prompting is least intrusive? Teacher L ________.
a. Held the hand of a student and with her hand holding the students hand adjusted the mirror
b. Pointed to the mirror and made an adjusting gesture with her hand
c. Reminded the class to first adjust the mirror
d. Adjusted the mirror
86. My problem is there are too many topics to cover and I may not able to finish them all before classes end in
March. Which approach when used can help solve my problem?
a. Thematic
Experimental approach
b. Constructive
d.Direct instruction
87. If you make use of the indirect instruction method, you begin your lesson with __________.
a. Guided practice
b. A review of previous days work
c. Advance organizers that provide an overall picture of the lesson
d. Independent practice

88. A School Division Superintendent was enthusiastically lecturing on the Accreditation Program for Public
Elementary Schools ( APPES ) its benefits and demands. Thinking of its many demands, most of the school
heads were not very happy about it and the older ones were whispering we have every reason to retire
soon.What does this tell about change process?
a. Leader ship can affect the desired change in persons despite opposition from the persons themselves
b. People resist change for no reason
c. People tend to resist to change
d. Resistance to change is insurmountable
89. In which phase/s of change, according to Kurt Lewin, do you feel the pain?
a. Transition
b. Unfreezing
d. Transition and refreezing
90. In self-directed learning, to which extent should a teachers scaffolding be?
a. To the maximum, in order to extend to the student all the help he needs
b. To the degree the student needs it
c. To the minimum, to speed up the development of the students sense of independence
d. None, to force the student to find his way and learn faster by himself
For a more authentic application and evaluation of learning, which method is commended?
a. Laboratory
b. Inquiry
Question and answer
92. I make my students teach each other in a Pair, Think, Share manner. Which technique I employ?
a. Mnemonic device
c.Active review
b. Peer teaching
Hands-on activities
93. If I do brainstorming in class effectively, I succeed in ___________.
a. Making the class arrive at the best solution to a problem
b. Getting the correct answer to a convergent question
c. Generating many ideas
d. Making the class evaluate their answers
94. Which approach makes you think of your thinking?
a. Constructivist
b. Integrative
95. When I teach, I often engage myself in brainstorming. Which one do I AVOID?
a. Increase creativity
c.Selectively involve pupils
b. Break down barriers
generate many ideas
96. I use a technique to assess my class knowledge on the lesson before I proceed. Which is this technique? The use
of ___________.
a. Brainstorming
c.a review
b. A story board
an anticipation/reaction guide
97. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-serving training, presented the situated learning theory and
encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in class. Which did she NOT encourage her colleagues to do?
a. Apprenticeship
Learning as it normally occurs
b. Authentic problem solving
d.Decontextualized teaching
98. You arrive at knowing by the rethinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thinking come?
a. Realist
c. Idealist
b. Empiricist
d. Experimentalist
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

99. After reading and paraphrasing Robert Frosts Stopping by the Woods on Snowy Evening. Mr. Marquez asked the
class to share any insight derived from the poem. In which domain in blooms taxonomy of objectives is the term
a. Analysis
b. Application

C. Comprehension
D. Synthesis

100. On what theory is the sequencing of instruction anchored?

a. B.F Skinners
b. Banduras social learning theory
c. Gagnes hierarchical theory
d. Thorndikes law of effect

101. A common complaint of teachers about pupils is this: You give them assignment, the following day they
come without any. You teach them this today, ask them tomorrow and they dont know. It is as if there is nothing
that you taught them at all, Basedo the theory of information processing, what must teachers do to counteract
pupils forgetting?

Punish every child who cant give correct answers to questions,

Work for meaningful learning by connecting lesson to what pupils know.
Reward every child who remembers past lessons.

a. III only
C. II and III
b. I and III
D. II only
102. When small children call all animals dogs, what process is illustrated, based on piagets cognitive
development theory?
a. Accommodation
C. Reversion
b. Conservation
D. Assimilation
103. Based on Banduras theory, which conditions must be present for a student to learn from a model..?


II. Retention

III. Motor reproduction

IV. Motivation

a. I and II
C. I. II and IV
b. I. II and III & IV
D. III and IV
104. Two identical beakers A and B are presented to the child. Teacher pours the liquid from B to C which is taller
and thinner than A and B but has equal capacity with B. Teacher asks if the beakers A and C have the same
amount of liquid the. Child says NO and points to C as the beaker that has more liquid. In which cognitive
developmental stage is the child?
a. Concrete operational stage
b. Pre-operational stage
c. Sensorimotor stage
d. Formal operational-stage
105. According to Tolmans theory on purposive behaviorism, learning is goal-directed, what is its implication to
a. Set as many objectives as you can
b. Stick to your lesson objectives no matter what happens.
c. Evaluate lessons based on your objectives
d. Make the objectives of your lesson clear and specific
106. You arrange the rows of blocks in such a way that a row of 5 blocks is longer than a row of 7 blocks, if you ask
which row has more, grade 1 pupils will likely say that it is the row that makes the longer line. Based on Piagets
cognitive development theory, what problem is illustrated?
a. Conservation problem
C. Accommodation problem
b. Authentic problem
D. Egocentrism problem
107. If a teacher asks more higher-order questions, he has to ask more__________________ questions.
a. Fact
B. convergent
b. close
C. concept
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

108. Misdemeanor has a ripple effect This implies that as a classroom manager a teacher ____________
a. Reinforces positive behavior
b. Responds to misbehavior promptly
c. is consistent in her classroom management practice
d. counts 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student
109. Based on Edgar Dales Cone of Experience. which activity is farthest from the real thing?
a. Watching demo
b. Attending exhibit
D. Viewing images
110. The students of Teacher Y scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on the subject, or look at related topics
the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s does teacher Ys class have?
a. Teaching machines
C. Video disc
b. CD
D. Videotaped lesson

111. Which is an INAPPROPIATE way to manage off-task behavior?

a. Redirect a childs attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to work
b. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate
c. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence.
d. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task
112. To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be________
a. Confident
C. Analytical
b. Businesslike
D. Buddy-buddy
113. Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculation on numerical data?
A. Database
C. Microsoft Word
B. Spreadsheet Program
D. Microsoft Powerpoint
114. Kounin claims That with-it-ness is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What is one
sign of With-it-ness?
A. Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work
B. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively
C. Knowing where instructional materials are kept
D.Aware of whats happening in all parts of the classroom
115. Which characteristics must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aids?
A. Stimulate and maintain student interests
B. Suited to the lesson objective
C. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting
D. New and skillfully made
116. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by___________
A. Telling them the importance of good grades
B.Giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance
C. Making them feel you know what you are talking about
D. Reminding your students your authority over them again and again
117. What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions between activities?
A. Allow time for the students to socialize in between activities
B. Have a materials already at the start of the activity.
C. Assign fewer exercises to fill the allotted time.
D. Wait for students who lag behind
118. Teacher S uses the low-profile classroom control technique most of the time. What does this imply?
A. She is reactive on her disciplinary orientation
B. She manages pupils personalities
C. She reacts severely to a misbehaving student
D. She stops misbehavior without discrupting lesson flow
119. Which priority criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?
A. Novelty
C. Attractiveness
B. Cost
D. Appropriateness
120. Which learning activity is MOST appropriate if a teachers focus is attitudinal change?
A. Field Trip
C. Role Play
B. Exhibit
D. Game
121. Teacher II strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion which of these student
needs is she trying to address? The need to____________
a. Show ones oral abilities to the rest of the class
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

b. Feel significant and be part of the group
c. Get everything and be part of the group
d. be creative
122. Instead of a teacher giving this comment to a student response. Youre on the wrong Track!. What should a
teacher do?
a. Change the question to an easier one
b. Redirect the question by calling another student to recite
c. Probe to redirect the response into a more productive one
d. Pause, ask the question, lecture, then ask the question again.

123. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature (s) apply(ies)?.
I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professional and experts.
II. Interested groups(teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the curriculum.
III. Consensus building is not necessary
a.III only
b. I, II, III
a. I, II
b. I, III
124. I want my student to develop the ability to look at a problem from various perspectives. Which approach will
be MOST fit?
a. Behaviorist approach
b. Computer-based Education
c. Modular approach
d. Cognitive Approach
125. If my approach to my lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate my lesson?
Copying notes
a. III, IV
c. I. II. III. IV
b. I, III ,IV
d. II, III , IV
126. School curriculum reflects the worlds economic and political integration and industrialization. What does
these point to in curriculum development?
a. The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum development
b. The trend toward globalization and localization
c. The trend toward participatory curriculum development
d. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-oriented
127. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What though is impressed on your students?
a. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face-to-face interaction.
b. Students success depends on the success of the group
c. Students individually evaluate how effectively their group worked
d. The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual
128. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard. As though it is the only education technology
a. . Isolated use
c. Variety
b. Flexibility
d. Uniformity
129. Which statement applies CORRECTLY to Edgar Dales Cone of Experience?
a. The farther you are from the base. The more direct the learning experience
b. The farther you are from the bottom. The more direct learning the experience
c. The closer you are from the base. The more indirect the learning experience
d. The closer you are from the base. The more direct the learning experience
130. When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective, What is an application of
this principle?
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

a. Appeal to students sense of imagination
b. Use multisensory aids
c. Make your students touch the instructional materials
d. Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important senses in learning
131. Which is a classroom application of the theory of operant conditioning?
a. Help students see the connectedness of facts, concepts and principles
b. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation
c. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response
d. Make students learn by operating manipulatives.
132. I want to teach concept, patterns, and abstractions, which method will be MOST appropriate?
a. Discovery
C. Direct instruction
b. Indirect instruction
D. Problem solving
133. Teacher A teaches English as a Second Language, She uses vocabulary cards, Fill-in-the-blank sentences.
Dialogues, dictation and writing, exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping based on the
information, Which of the following is a valid conclusion?
a. , The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk
b. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills
c. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner
d. The teacher is applying Blooms hierarchy of cognitive learning

134. Teacher A, an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lesson is order to ___________
a. Introduce a new lesson
b. reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
c. provide his pupils with a sense of continuity
d. determine who among his pupils are studying
135. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary teaching. Which
strategy did I use?
a. Reading writing activity
b. Thematic Instruction
c. Unit method
d. Problem centered learning
136. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class
officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates. Limited period for
campaign and rules for posting campaign materials. Ect. Which of the following did the School use?
e. Symposium
C. Role Playing
f. Simulation
D. Philips 66
137. Which are effective methods in teaching student critical reading skills?
Interpret editorialsals
Read and interpret three different movie reviews
Read a position paper and deduce underlying assumptions of the position papers
a. II and III
b. I and III
c. I and II
d. I. II And II
138. Here is a test item
The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine government. Defend or
refute this position.
Under what type of question does this test item fall?
a. Low level
c. Analysis
b. Evaluative
d. Convergent
139. When I teach, I often engage in brainstorming. Which do I avoid?
a. Break down barriers
b. Increase creativity
c. Generate many ideas
d. Selectively involve pupils
140. Which technique in cooperative learning is used when new information is divided equally among all group
members and each student teaches his/her portion to the other group members?
a. Roundrobin
b. Think-Pair-Share
141. Teacher D used the direct instruction strategy. Which did she do last?
a. Guided student practice
Reviewing the previous days work
b. Feedback
Independent practice
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

142. For direct instruction which does NOT belong?
a. Demonstration method
deductive method
b. Inductive method
Drill method
143. I want to use the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will I follow?
Reviewing the precious days work
Guided student practice
Independent practice
Presenting and structuring
144. To make our children little scientists, which method(s) should we employ more often?
I. Inquiry
Problem solving






a. II and III
I and III
b. I and II
I, II and III
For which lesson objective will you use the direct instruction method?
a. Appreciate Miltons Paradise Lost
b. Use a microscope properly
c. Become aware of the pollutants in the government
d. Distinguish war from aggression
For a more authentic application and evaluation of learning, which method is commended?
a. Laboratory
b. Inquiry
Question and answer
I make my students teach each other in a Pair, Think, Share manner. Which technique I employ?
a. Mnemonic device
c. Active review
b. Peer teaching
Hands-on activities
For value education, which technique is MOST appropriate?
a. Simulation
Conflict story
b. Brainstorming
Panel discussion
To encourage introspection, which teaching method is MOST appropriate?
a. Process
b. Cognitive
Cooperative learning
To give opportunity for bonding and sharing, which can be of help?
The use of ____________.
a. Constructivist approach c.
a. Discovery approach
b. Cooperative learning approach
Exploratory approach
With indirect instruction in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Experiential method
Discovery method
b. Lecture-recitation
Inductive method
When we do brainstorming in class, we are expected to ______________.
Involve everyone
Build understanding and ownership
Expand the range of options
Increase creativity
a. I and II
I only
b. I, II, III and IV
I, II, and IV
Teacher A, an experienced teacher, does daily review of part lesson. Why?
a. To reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
b. To introduce a new lesson
c. To determine who among his pupils are studying
d. To emphasize the relationship between lessons
If I want my students to develop reading comprehension and learning strategies, which one should I employ?
a. Cooperative learning
Reciprocal teaching
b. Mastery learning
Peer tutoring
Which is a graphic presentation of numerical data?
a. Venn diagram
c. Attribute wheel
b. Spider map
The direct instructional model is appropriate when a teacher needs to_________.
a. Teach creative making
b. Disseminate information that is readily available from texts or workbooks
c. Develop the students critical thinking
d. Develop the students critical and creative thinking
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

157. To teach your students how to cook a recipe effectively, which method should you use?
a. Questioning
b. Discovery
158. If I do brainstorming in class effectively, I succeed in ___________.
a. Making the class arrive at the best solution to a problem
b. Getting the correct answer to a convergent question
c. Generating many ideas
d. Making the class evaluate their answers
159. Which approach makes you think of your thinking?
a. Constructivist
b. Integrative
160. When I teach, I often engage myself in brainstorming. Which one do I AVOID?
a. Increase creativity
Selectively involve pupils
b. Break down barriers
generate many ideas
161. I use a technique to assess my class knowledge on the lesson before I proceed. Which is this technique? The
use of ___________.
a. Brainstorming
a review
b. A story board
an anticipation/reaction guide
162. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-serving training, presented the situated learning theory and
encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in class. Which did she NOT encourage her colleagues to do?
a. Apprenticeship
Learning as it normally occurs
b. Authentic problem solving
d. Decontextualized teaching

163. Teacher S teaches a lesson in which students must recognize that is the same as 0.25. They use this
relationship to determine that .15 and .20 are slightly less than . Which of the following concept/s is/are being
a. Place value of decimals
b. Numeration skills for decimals and relationships between fractions and decimals
c. Relationships between fractions and decimals
d. Numeration skills
164. In which of the following would programmed learning to be most likely to be found?
a. In a class divided into small groups
b. Independent study
c. In dyadic groups
d. In a class where teacher tries to individualize instruction
165. I want to engage my students in small group discussions. Which topic lends to a lively discussion?
a. The meaning of the law of supply and demand
b. Rules on subject-verb agreement
c. The law of inertia
d. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet
166. The following are characteristics of interdisciplinary teaching EXCEPT ____________.
a. Allows learners to see connectedness between things
b. Provides learning opportunities in a real-world context
c. Eliminates boundaries between content area
d. Discussion from a single perspective
167. Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how well my students can speak extemporaneously?
a. Writing speeches
b. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
c. Performance test in extemporaneous speech
d. Display of speeches delivered
168. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which particular
skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher J give?
a. Standardized test
b. Placement
c. Diagnostic
d. Aptitude test- A standardized test designed to measure the ability of a person to develop skills or
acquire knowledge.
Types of Tests
Standardized tests compare students' performance to that of a norming or sample group who are in the same grade or
are of the same age. Students' performance is communicated in percentile ranks, grade-equivalent scores, normal-curve
equivalents, scaled scores, or stanine scores.Examples: Iowa Tests; SAT; DRP; ACT
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

A student's performance is measured against a standard. One form of criterion-referenced assessment is the benchmark,
a description of a key task that students are expected to perform.Examples: DIBELS; Chapter tests; Driver's License
Test; FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test)
Survey tests typically provide an overview of general comprehension and word knowledge. Examples: Interest
surveys; KWL; Learning Styles Inventory
Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic tests assess a number of areas in greater depth.Examples: Woodcock-Johnson; BRI; "The Fox in the Box"
Formal Tests
Formal tests may be standardized. They are designed to be given according to a standard set of circumstances, they
have time limits, and they have sets of directions which are to be followed exactly.Examples: SAT; FCAT; ACT
Informal Tests
Informal tests generally do not have a set of standard directions. They have a great deal of flexibility in how they are
administered. They are constructed by teachers and have unknown validity and reliability. Examples: Review games;
Static (Summative) Tests
Measures what the student has learned. Examples: End-of-chapter tests; Final examinations; Standardized state tests
Dynamic (Formative) Tests
Measures the students' grasp of material that is currently being taught. Can also measure readiness. Formative tests
help guide and inform instruction and learning. Examples: Quizzes; Homework; Portfolios
169. With the current emphasis on self-assessment and performance assessment, which is indispensable?
a. Numerical grading
Letter grading
b. Paper-and-pencil test
Scoring rubric

170. With grading practice in mindin a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?
a. All students having average grades
b. A large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades
c. A large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades
d. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high grades
171. In a grade distribution, what is meant by teachers severity error?
A teacher _____________.
a. Tends to look down on students answers
b. Uses tests and quizzes as punitive measures
c. Tends to give extremely low grades
d. Gives unannounced quizzes
172. When I am engaged in an external criticism in a historical research, what am I occupied with? The
__________ of the document.
a. Author
b. Accuracy
173. Which method goes with qualitative research?
a. Experiment
c. participant observation
b. Structured observation
d. Quasi-experiment
174. With projective personality test in mind, which does NOT belong?
a. Word Association Test
Sentence completion task
b. Interview
d. Thematic Appreciation Test
175. When a delinquent, failing student comes to you for help and asks you for extra work so he can cope, what is
ethical for you to do?
a. Give him the extra work he is asking, then if he passes quality work, give him a passing mark
b. Make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult for him to learn a lesson
c. Extend the needed assistance in solving the students difficulties, not necessarily by giving the extra
work that he is asking
d. Give an easy extra work so he can really be help to pass
176. Which of the following is assumed under the doctrine of IN-LOCO PARENTIS?
a. Students should be under parents control
b. Students are not yet ready to handle full adult responsibility
c. Parent s have the primary duty to educate their children
d. Students are prone to commit infractions of disciplinary conduct
177. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage to teeth. Much as he
wants to share the products of his research, he could not because of the harassment from all sides. Which right is
a. Right to make a livelihood
right to property
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

b. Right to ones honour
Academic freedom
178. Teacher A, a young high school teacher, senses that the oldest student in the class, Student Z, is attracted to
her. The attraction is becoming mutual. Is there anything unethical?
I.None, unless Teacher A gives preferential treatment to Student Z
II.None, there is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It is what we do with it that
makes it ethical or unethical
III.There is. The attraction is the beginning of the unethical action.
a. III
II and III
b. I and III
I and II
179. The following are good techniques to avoid burnout EXCEPT ________.
a. Learning to tolerate some things and ignore others
b. Doing lesson plans and marking homework during lunch periods to avoid doing work at home
c. Focusing on small positive events
d. Learning to separate yourself from your students problems at the end of the day
180. As a parent and at the same time a teacher, which of the following will you to do to
show your cooperation to a PTA project in your school to be financed with the proceeds of
the sales of the school canteen where food prices are a little bit higher?
a. Bring food for you and your children, but always make it point to buy in the school
b. Buy all your food in the school canteen but request for a discount
c. Bring food enough for you and your children but do not eat in the canteen
d. Buy all your food from the school from the school canteen even if you cannot afford
to do everyday
181. How can you help a habitual borrower of money get rid of his habit?
a. Let him do something for you in return for the money you lent him
b. Direct him to others
c. Do not lend him anymore
d. Ask for a collateral for the cash he is loaning
182. The singing of the National anthem in schools as in an offshoot of the philosophy of
a. Nationalism
b. Pragmatism
c. Naturalism
d. Socialism
183. Social development means that acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with
a. Social expectation
b. Stereotyped behavior
c. Social insight
d. Universal norms
184. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who :
a. Encourage pupils to ask questions
b. Prescribes what pupils should do
c. Is open to suggestions
d. Ask open ended questions
185. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Essentialist
b. Perennialist
c. Progressivist
d. Reconstructionist
186. The constitutional provision on language has the following aims EXCEPT.
a. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in regional school
b. To maintain English as a second language
c. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
d. To make Filipino the national language & medium on instructions & communication
187. The tendency to emphasize so much on school beautification to the detriment of pupils
performance illustrates the :
a. Filipinos lack of seriousness
b. Filipinos lack of reflection
c. Filipinos sense of humor
d. Filipinos love for porma
Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

188. According to the Code of Ethics, teachers are expected to have integrity. Which one BEST defines integrity?
A.The unity between ignorance and reality
B. The unity of mans deeds, words, thoughts and realities
C. The unity of mans social, political and physical aspects
D. The relationship between virtue and conduct
189. The law that established the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority is ______.
a. R.A 7796
B. R.A.7722
C. R.A. 7836
D. R.A 9155
190. The establishment of the complete, adequate and integrated system of education is in accordance with _.
a. R.A 7722
B. R.A. 4670
C. PD 6-A
D. Batas Pambansablg. 232
191. Who should be involved in the bottom up management in the school system?
a. Parents
B. Students
C. Teachers
D. All of these
192. According to the Code of Ethics for teachers, the nursery of the citizens of the country is the _________.
a. family
B. school
C. government
D. church
193. The Philippine curriculum started to develop from pre-Spanish period. Which is NOT a
characteristics of
education during the pre-Spanish era?
a. Vocational training-oriented
b. Structured
The Basic Education Curriculum integrates the subjects taught in school. Which
concept does not fit to this description?
a. More flexible
c.More compartmentalized
b. Less prescriptive
More integrated
195. Which program is DepEds vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and nongovernment sectors to support programs based on DepEds menu of assistance
a. Child-Friendly School system
b. Every Child A Reader Program
196. Which DepEd test do out-of-school youths and adults take enable them to enroll in
college if they pass it?
a. National Achievement Test
c. National College Entrance Examination
b. National Secondary Achievement Test
d. Accreditation and Equivalency
197. Which is compulsory for children of school ages as stated in the 1987 Philippine
a. Special education
Elementary education
b. Elementary and Secondary education
Pre-elementary education
198. What is referred to as the looking glass self of Colley?
a. It is how others look at myself
c. It is how I look at myself through the
eyes of others
b. It is how I influence others
d. It is how others affect me
199. Bernadette, a senior high school student, claims that what she does is what her
conscience dictates as right. Based on Kohlbergs theory on moral development, in which
moral development stage is Bernadette?
a. Punishment and obedience stage
Universal ethics stage
b. Law and order stage
Social contract stage
200. Arielle describes Teacher M as fair, caring and approachable. Which power does
Teacher M possess?
a. Legitimate power
referent power
b. Expert power
reward power


Jewish A. Merin,Ed.D

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