Improving Teaching and Learning Through Chemistry Education Research: A Look To The Future
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Chemistry Education Research: A Look To The Future
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Chemistry Education Research: A Look To The Future
The complexity of chemistry has implications for the melts and then burns. The distinction between elements and
teaching of chemistry today. That chemistry is a very complex compounds cannot be easily made from this activity without
subject is shown from the research on problem solving and resorting to explanations using molecular models representing
misconceptions that has dominated the field during the past compounds and elements.
15 years. For almost any topic that is taught in introductory A similar situation exists with the distinction between
chemistry courses, research on the identification of misconcep- physical and chemical change. When fourth, fifth, and sixth
tions has been conducted. Reviews of chemistry misconceptions grade children in a Saturday Science program at Indiana
include those by Andersson (1), Gabel and Bunce (2), Griffiths University were asked to describe the difference, many children
(3), Krajcik (4), Nakleh (5), Stavy (6 ), and Wandersee, included the concept of reversibility in their answer. Students
Mintzes, and Novak (7). said that physical changes were reversible and chemical
A study by Bodner (8) based on the work of Osborne changes were irreversible. The appropriate response, that
and Cosgrove (9) adds insight on how widespread miscon- chemical changes result in the formation of new substances
ceptions are. Bodner asked incoming graduate students with with different characteristic properties, was never mentioned.
undergraduate majors in chemistry the following question: Misconceptions such as the above might be linked to
“Assume that a beaker of water on a hot plate has been boiling the high density of chemistry concepts in elementary science
for an hour. Within the liquid, bubbles can be seen rising to textbooks (10). This makes learning them difficult, and
the surface. What are the bubbles made of?” (p 385). Bodner results in too few examples being given from which children
found that 70% of the students answered water vapor, steam, might make inferences. For example, in one elementary text-
or molecules of water. However almost 20% suggested that book series, the following statements are included in the in-
the bubbles contained air or oxygen, and 5% that it was a troduction to chemical change, perhaps leading to the idea
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases. Many of these students of irreversibility (11, p 182):
had misconceptions similar to those of elementary school Often there are basic changes in matter. For example, a
children as reported by Osborne and Cosgrove. cake is made from sugar, flour, and other materials. You
Students possess these misconceptions and solve problems can tell the physical properties of these materials. But once
using algorithms because of the complex nature of chemistry the cake is made, there is no way to change it back to
concepts and because of the way the concepts are taught. In the materials of which it is made. The same is true of an
this paper, the complexity of chemistry concepts and the iden- egg. Once it is cooked, there is no way to change it back.
tification of instructional barriers are discussed in terms of When matter changes in this way , it changes chemically.
current learning theories, and recommendations for teaching Its properties change, and a new kind of matter is formed.
to improve students’ conceptual understanding are made. From statements such as the above, children may con-
clude that all chemical changes are irreversible because only
Barriers to Learning Chemistry two examples were given, and both were irreversible. This
may even be reinforced by their limited prior knowledge
Many of the concepts studied in chemistry are abstract,
about the reversibility of physical changes such as changes of
and are inexplicable without the use of analogies or models.
state. As in the case of distinguishing between elements and
Consider some of the first concepts presented in many science
compounds, it would appear to be more appropriate to explain
texts for children in elementary school. These include such
the differences between chemical and physical change using
concepts as element and compound, and chemical and physical
molecular models.
change. The distinction between an element and a compound
generally taught to children at the phenomenon or macroscopic Complex Nature of Chemistr y: Threefold Represen-
level is that elements cannot be decomposed by ordinary tation of Matter
chemical means, whereas compounds can be. However, the
activity used to make the distinction is abstruse. If common The above description of children’s initial instruction in
materials such as salt, water, sugar, and sulfur are heated with a chemistry points to the complexity of the nature of chemistry.
burner flame to demonstrate the differences, nothing happens Matter, which is observed and can be studied on the macro-
to the salt, the water boils away (said by children to disappear), scopic level, can also be described on the microscopic level,
the sugar decomposes (said by children to burn), and the sulfur and sometimes in so doing, the explanation appears to be
more definitive. To complicate matters more, chemists can
*This report is a modification of the presentation made at the represent both the macroscopic and the microscopic levels
Fourteenth International Conference on Chemical Education, symbolically through the use of chemical symbols, chemical
Brisbane, Australia, in July, 1996. formulas, and chemical equations. As Johnstone (12) has
**Email: gabel@indiana. edu. indicated, the nature of scientific concepts and the threefold
school chemistry, 45 or 70% said that it was the laboratory included concrete, sugar, Pepsi, milk, and all of the above.
activities. Perhaps if laboratory experiments were linked more In the U.S. sample only 48% gave a correct answer (sugar).
effectively to the “lecture” or replaced the lecture, student About 40% indicated that all of the materials were substances.
learning would be enhanced. More research is needed such In Israel, when the test was translated into Hebrew there was
as that by Johnstone and Letton (22) on how to make the no equivalent word for substance so substance was translated
laboratory experience a more effective one. For example, we as “pure matter”, and about 83% got the item correct. Other
need to research the effectiveness of using Vee diagrams (23) languages also have words whose scientific meaning differs
in place of traditional laboratory reports. (Students using Vee from their meaning in everyday usage. Again, this problem
diagrams write a condensed lab report on the right side of is not necessarily related to the complexity of chemistry per
the V and link the their findings to concepts, principles, and se, and can be solved by carefully defining terms and by se-
theories previously learned on the left side of the V.) The lack lecting appropriate vocabulary.
of learning from laboratory experiences is not dependent on
the complexity of the discipline of chemistry, but is one that Structure of the Discipline
we have created ourselves by failing to realize how little In addition to the complex nature of chemistry, the
students are learning from laboratory experiences the way they structure of chemistry itself may be an instructional barrier.
are commonly structured. Several questions must be asked. Does chemistry have one
set structure, and if so, what is it? A logical structure of
Unfamiliar Materials
chemistry based on composition and structure, energy, and
The use of unfamiliar materials in chemistry instruction time, has been proposed by Jensen (27 ). Is this structure
appears to be an additional barrier to conceptual understand- of the discipline an appropriate structure for instruction?
ing, one that is unwittingly overlooked by textbook authors Examination of textbooks shows that a variety of instructional
and chemistry teachers. When students do not recognize the structures exist. A common one is to present more theoretical
name of a chemical with which they are dealing, they are not concepts of atomic theory and bonding that are best explained
learning on the macroscopic level. The strings of letters on the microscopic level first, before presenting descriptive
comprising the names of unfamiliar chemicals are merely non- chemistry at the macroscopic level. To those who already
interpretable symbols. This makes learning more abstract. understand a great amount of chemistry (textbook authors)
Students live in a macroscopic world of matter, things this structure appears to make sense. There are, however,
that have mass and occupy space. Unfortunately, however, unanswered questions. How important is this structure in
students do not perceive chemistry as related to their sur- teaching chemistry to neophytes? Does atomic structure need
roundings. They frequently think of chemicals as dangerous to be taught at the beginning of the chemistry course, as it
materials with strange-sounding chemical names (24). Problems commonly is, to make learning more effective? Some concepts
at the ends of chapters are seldom about sugar, salt, wax, or are needed throughout the entire study of chemistry, such as
lipstick. The chemical names that are used are frequently not moles, molecules, substances, and solutions. The careful work
familiar to students so there is no way they can even imagine in the area of the conceptual structure of the chemistry
the physical properties of the material being considered. This curriculum by de Vos, van Berkel, and Verdonk (28) provides
is made very evident in some commercials on U.S. television a framework for teaching chemistry based on continuity of
where ice cream producers have children read the names of conceptual understanding. Yet as they point out, this is
the ingredients. In Brand A (sponsored by the commercial) frequently not followed because of current societal demands
the listed ingredients are cream, sugar, and fruit, whereas on the curriculum. Are structures such as those incorporated
Brand B consists of chemicals that the children stumble over in ChemCom (29), Chemistry in Context (30), ChemLinks
in reading the ingredient list. and the ModularCHEM Consortia materials (31), and in New
A study by Phelps (25) indicates that using materials Traditions modules (32), in which chemistry is introduced
familiar to college students has beneficial effects for both in relevant contexts, equally or more effective? An examination
majors and nonmajors. Not only is the learning on the more of how persons learn provides answers to these questions and
familiar macroscopic level, but students appear to be more others about the barriers to learning chemistry.
motivated to learn about things related to their everyday life.
Conceptual Understanding of Chemistry
Use of Language and the Information Processing Model
Another barrier to understanding chemistry that is not The way students learn chemistry can be explained us-
related to the threefold representation of matter given by ing an information processing model recently featured in
Johnstone (12) is the use of language (26 ). In English, we are Newsweek (33) and represented schematically by Johnstone
very familiar with expressions in which words in common (34) as shown in Figure 2. New information from the senses
usage have a different meaning from their meaning when enters the working or short-term memory, which has a limited
applied to chemistry. For example, we say, “the coffee is capacity. This information either is lost or passes into the long-
strong,” rather than “the coffee is concentrated,” or “the candy term memory. Whether the fact or concept is retained depends
melts in your mouth,” rather than “the candy dissolves in on its complexity and the space available in short-term
your mouth.” In the USA the word “substance” is frequently memory. For example, it is easier to remember short number
used as a synonym for matter and it is necessary to say “pure sequences than long sequences. Taking notes and repeating
substance” to reduce the ambiguity. In the international study telephone numbers appears “to extend” short-term memory.
by Dori et al. (13), teachers were asked to select the material The information that passes into long-term memory interacts
that was a substance from a group of five materials. These with information already stored there as part of an expanding
network of concepts; it may serve as a linkage between smaller Students have also developed a vernacular vocabulary of
networks to produce larger networks or it may remain in words that have a dual meaning and for which only the
isolation. common meaning is stored in long-term memory. Hence,
Many chemistry concepts are very abstract. If there is for students to be successful in chemistry, the meaning of
nothing in long-term memory to which a new concept can be words such as substance, melt, dissolve, and burn will need
related, then it will either not be stored, or it will be stored as a to be defined from the scientific viewpoint. Otherwise when
single entity. Hence, if something does exist to which the new these words are used in instruction, the student will be
concept can be related, then learning occurs. It is thought thinking one thing, the instructor another.
that analogies can take on this function, but in order to be The building of concept networks in long-term memory
effective, the students must understand the analogy and see the also has significance in considering the structure of chemistry
link between the concept being taught and the preexisting, as a discipline. Experienced chemists think in terms of atoms
familiar concept in long-term memory. These thought patterns and molecules, and introductory courses are frequently struc-
existing in long-term memory can be represented by concept tured to build the world from the particulate level to the macro-
maps. Novices in a given subject area have very simple maps scopic level. Ideally atoms and molecules provide explanations
containing concepts that may contain “misconceptions” from for the way matter behaves. It would appear to be more con-
a scientific point of view. Experts in the field have very complex sistent with the way people learn for students to study the
and well-connected maps. When one part of the map is familiar macroscopic world first, and then explain that world
triggered by an outside stimulus, the expert is privy to an using the particulate nature of matter. In this way new concepts
enormous number of related concepts. Some of the evidence are anchored on the concepts of a preexisting network in long-
for this relates to the way experts solve problems. They think term memory. Perhaps this approach would help eliminate
for a period of time and then retrieve much information. A some chemistry misconceptions.
novice, on the other hand, brings out disconnected pieces of In terms of short-term memory, the limited space available
information. Learning science consists of making intricate suggests that the three ways of representing matter not be
networks in long-term memory more consistent with accepted introduced simultaneously to novice learners. However, once
scientific thought. they are introduced, students should be given numerous
The information processing model of learning helps to opportunities to relate the three representations so that
explain the barriers to learning chemistry that were identified multiple linkages are formed in long-term memory. Chemistry
earlier: the complex nature of chemistry concepts, the threefold appears to be very complex to the novice learner because there
representation of matter, practical work, unfamiliar materials, are many concepts that can be observed at the macroscopic
language, and the structure of the discipline. level, but can only be explained at the particulate level. In
First consider barriers to learning associated with long- the minds of many students, there is no connection between
term memory. These include using unfamiliar materials and the macroscopic, particulate, and symbolic levels. This may
using language that has both a common and a scientific have been what happened with the graduate students tested
meaning. Although it is possible for isolated information to by Bodner (8). They knew chemistry in each mode, but there
be added to long-term memory, more effective learning occurs were no linkages.
when new information is linked to information that is already The limited space in short-term memory also explains
stored there. Existing networks are then expanded, and a why the use of unfamiliar chemicals, and our current mode
person can have the exhilaration of seeing how concepts fit of laboratory work, makes learning difficult. If a word or a
together to make sense of the world. Novice chemists, chemical species is unfamiliar, it will take up a much larger
whether at the elementary or college level, are familiar with space in short-term memory than something familiar because
matter as the ordinary objects that surround them. Taking an inordinate amount of time must be taken to make sense
this into consideration, chemistry instruction should be based of it. The same is true with laboratory work. As Johnstone (12)
on the familiar macroscopic world. For example, using phenom- indicated, if an experiment contains what he terms “noise”
ena such as melting ice cream and margarine and comparing (e.g., unessential information such as directions on how to
these to the melting of ice will be a more meaningful initial set up elaborate instrumentation), students must try to make
experience than melting mothballs. Using multiplication and sense of this, and this occupies space in short-term memory.
division to solve simple problems might be more conceptually
meaningful than creating a new system of calculation known Constructing Knowledge in a Social Context
as the “factor-label method”.
The way students process new information is affected
by the setting in which they learn. Today’s students learn in
P Storage
a variety of situations. They acquire knowledge by using com-
e puters, reading books, listening to lectures, doing laboratory
r F Interpreting
Storing Sometimes
Events c i Rearranging activities, and participating in discussions. Use of the infor-
e branched
Observations l Comparing
p mation processing model to restructure instruction, although
Instructionns t Storage Retrieving Sometimes as
t e Preparation separate
i r
necessary, is insufficient to stimulate student learning.
n Working Space The following example is given as an illustration of how
Long Term many students learn in today’s classrooms.
Feedback Loop Chris was a gifted and talented student who had been
for Perception Filter
enrolled in a special school in the USA since grade 6. After four
Figure 2. Information processing model (after Johnstone, A. H. years in the program, he took a special chemistry course for
J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 262–268). gifted students in grade 10. As part of an action research
project (35), a high school chemistry teacher who was learning understanding only after they have considered their current
interview techniques interviewed Chris during the summer understanding. This is facilitated through social interaction
following his special chemistry course. The teacher had a with their instructors, other students, or perhaps a computer.
Ziploc bag containing a small pile of baking soda and an open This interaction can be concerned with the introduction of
vial of vinegar. He flattened the bag with his hand to remove conflict situations that help students create dissatisfaction with
the air, sealed the bag, and tipped over the vial so the vinegar their current views, modification of current views (partial
mixed with the baking soda. Simultaneously the interviewer restructuring) using concept substitution or analogies (16, 17,
was explaining to Chris what he was doing. 40, 41), or reflection on the meaning of text through self-
Chris had undoubtedly seen this demonstration before. explanation (42, 43). In the case of Chris, who substituted
It is a very common one, performed at almost every grade memorization for thinking, reflection and social interaction
level in every school in the USA. The interviewer asked Chris were probably not part of his learning experiences.
this question. What gas is being produced in the bag? Chris Both the information processing model and social
said, “Carbon.” The interviewer was rather taken aback and constructivist theory must be considered when examining
asked the question a second time thinking that perhaps he had learning in the 21st century. One without the other will not
not hear the entire response. This time Chris’s response was produce conceptual learning. Without reflection on informa-
“Carbon, my teacher always told me that carbon is produced tion in long-term memory, any misconceptions present remain
in cases like this.” unaddressed and additional information enters long-term
The reason why Chris had no idea that carbon dioxide, memory in a memorized mode as a separate entity. With
not carbon, was the gaseous product of the reaction between reflection, students examine misconceptions in light of new
baking soda and vinegar may be understood using the informa- information, revise their existing understanding, and re-store
tion processing model described earlier. Perhaps Chris had not it in a more integrated way that is in better accord with ac-
made the linkage between the macroscopic level (carbon’s cepted scientific thinking. With reflection on what is already
color compared with that of carbon dioxide) and the symbolic stored in long term memory, new information entering the
level in the balanced equation, and these levels were isolated memory is linked to information already present to form
information in long-term memory. However, another pos- integrated networks that enhance problem solving.
sible reason that he failed to think about the situation and
depended on his memory for the answer was that chemistry Chemistry Education Research for the 21st Century
was presented to him as something to be memorized rather
than to be understood. It is difficult to predict what learning will look like during
As indicated by Osborne (36 ), social constructivism has this coming century, but there are some indicators of what
enabled the development of some innovative teaching can be expected. John Petersen, a U.S. futurist and author of
strategies that would assist Chris and other students in the The Road to 2015, predicted that the future will involve a
learning of chemistry. Although few scientists accept the revolution of scientific ideas (44 ). He indicates that the
tenets of radical constructivism that knowledge does not growth of scientific knowledge is proceeding at a revolutionary
represent reality (37) and that knowledge is socially negotiated rather than an evolutionary rate, changing at an exponential
(38), most accept the social constructivist view described by rate rather than linearly. New technology is also expanding
Driver and Oldham (39). The sketch by Krajcik (4) shown in rapidly. Although it took 20 years for telephones to be owned
Figure 3 provides a commonly held current view on how stu- by a million people, it has only taken three years for personal
dents learn. According to this position, students construct new computers to reach this level of ownership. Petersen believes
that there will be a power shift away from force and money to
information and knowledge as the commodities of the future.
Students describe their own understanding Educators already know the power of the World Wide Web and
the avenues this opens up for learning. Today entire curriculum
projects such as the National Science Teachers Association’s
Students restructure own understanding
Scope, Sequence & Coordination Program (45) for secondary
Students and Students exposed Students science can be downloaded from the Web and teachers can
teachers exchange to conflict situations construct new
and clarify through discrepant understanding print out those units they wish to use in their classrooms.
understandings events
Petersen indicates that computers and telephone communi-
cations will replace boom boxes and will be as commonplace
as paper was at the turn of the 20th century. In addition,
Students apply new understanding
there is every indication that classrooms are becoming more
Students construct diversified, more international, and more heterogeneous in
new linkages
between concepts terms of students’ backgrounds, needs, and interests.
Unfortunately, chemistry education research in the 20th
century has had little influence on the way chemistry is taught.
Students compare new understanding
The changes that have occurred in textbooks during the past
with prievious understandings four decades have not been driven to any great extent by re-
search findings. Although chemistry education researchers
Figure 3. Social constructivist model (NOTE: From “Developing Students’ have identified common misconceptions for almost every
Understanding of Chemical Concepts”, by J. S. Krajcik, 1994, in topic taught in introductory science courses, probably nine
The Psychology of Learning Science, p 130. Copyright 1994 by out of ten instructors are not aware of these misconceptions
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Reprinted with permission.) or do not utilize ways to counteract them in instruction.
Will this change in the 21st century? Perhaps as instruc- All the aforementioned examples refer to chemistry con-
tors more often administer conceptual exams such as the one tent. Research is also needed on how diverse groups best learn
recently published by the American Chemical Society Exams chemistry in various educational settings. Opportunities for
Institute (19), they will realize the need to change instruc- research in the 21st century abound, and some of the foun-
tional practices. Because human beings have developed over a dation is already in place. Chemistry education researchers
long period of time, the way students learn in the 21st century need to think of the future and move forward in the areas
will not differ dramatically from the way they learn today. Time that will be of greatest importance in the 21st century. Con-
for reflection and cognitive conflict will still be important, currently, there is a need to focus on ways to incorporate cur-
and concepts will be learned more efficiently if they are struc- rent research findings into the teaching and learning of chem-
tured in certain ways. However, the settings will change, and istry today.
this will call for research by chemistry educators using the
aforementioned models and theories, or perhaps new ones Literature Cited
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