Jurnal Schematic Diagram

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Cop r ri g;llI © 1F.-\C \ la ,, - \fa c hin ~ Sr,"· " ".

Oulu . Finla"d. I' IXX


N. de Oliveira Junior, K. Parreiras Polanczyk da Rocha
and W. de Padua Paula Filho
of COIII/III /Pr Srii'll Cf. T il l' Federal [ 'lIi lll'rs it\, of Millas Gl'rais,
Dr/m/fllll' " /
P .(). Box 702 - lC 30 16 1 - Btlv H U/1W II /I', M illllJ GPr{J is, B razil

Abstract . EDDIE is an interactive Qraphic editor for schematic

capture and netlist Qeneration. Its workinQ model embodies a
metaphorical description of the real world of the circuit
desiQner . The desiQner requests functions by makinQ phrases which
consist of simple selections of icons . Any function can be chosen
at any time; every function validates all the actions previously
processed. EDDIE is completely specified and is currently beinQ
implemented .
Keywords. Computer-aided circuit desiQn; computer Qraphics;
computer interfaces ; man-machine systems; VLSI desiQn;

1 . INTRODUCTION a chip, no breadboardinQ is possible and

simulation is mandatory. Normally, the
notation used in such simulators to
The first part of the desiQn cycle of an describe the circuits to analyze is
eletronic circuit or system includes its textual ; that is, siQnals and components
funct i onal specification and the in the circuit have to be duly identified
translation to 10Qical/electrical levels . in a written text, accordinQ to the rules
Basically, the desiQner creates the of the input lanQuaQe adopted by the
circuit by preparinQ a document called simulator to be used. When performinQ the
scheaatic dia9raa, where the circuit is layout Qeneration, the desiQner may use
considered as a set of components, from software tools and, in this case, he may
VLSI buildinQ blocks down to resistors and also need a textual description, written
transistors, interconnected throu9h in a previously determined format. This
siQnals. The schematic diaQram is textual description of the circuit,
essentially Qraphic . Components are containinQ all the information needed for
represented by Qeometric shapes with the simulation and layout Qeneration
previously defined meaninQ, and siQnals phases, is called the netlist . Manual
are represented by polYQonal lines . An preparation of the netlist, startinQ from
example of a circuit schematic diaQram may a schematic diaQram, is a tiresome and
be seen in fiQure 1. error-prone task. The desiQner has to name
all siQnals and components present in the
FFl FF2 FF) diaQram, payinQ attention to possible
errors of transcription and duplication of
names of siQnals and components. The
correctness of the simulation and layout
Qeneration phases depends upon the
consistency of the information that
appears in the netlist. This consistency
0 Q 0 Q PIo4 may be much improved by a tool which
allows the Qraphical edition of diaQraas
CK and the automatic Qeneration of their
net list.
This paper presents such a tool,
'----+-o(iG3 f - - f - - - '
describinQ, in a concise manner, the
specification of EDDIE (Editor de
DiaQramas EsquemAticos - Schematic DiaQram
Edi tor) .
FiQ. 1 . Schematic diaQram example .
The EDDIE editor is a sub-system of the
After this phase, and before the next one, AIPIM (Ambiente InteQrado para Projeto
the production of physical descriptions Interativo de Microcircuitos - InteQrated
such as the layout, the desiQner may need Environment for Interactive DesiQn of
to test the 10Qic and electrical behaviour Microcircuits) system under developaent
of his circuit, 100kinQ for errors, such throuQh a joint project conducted by the
as: wronQ interconecction of components, Research and Development Center (CPqD) of
conditions of siQnal path, etc. For this TELEBRAS (Brazilian Federal
task, there are several simulators (MASCOT Telecommunications HoldinQ) and the
(Da Costa,1986) , HILO (Genrad,1983) , Computer Science Departament (DCC) of the
etc ... ) ; if the circuit beinQ desiQned is Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
The purpose of this joint project is the b) to establish a common terminoloQY and
desiQn and implementation of a CAD system desiQn environment view that miQht allow
for inteQrated circuits, especially an effective participation of a community
standard-cell or Qate-array ASICs employed of users in the requirements definition
in telecommunication systems . EDDIE task . ConcerninQ this point, it was
itself, however, is a Qeneral-purpose observed that the metaphor has stimulated
editor for schematic diaQrams of lumped- the creativity of users wh o had never used
parameter circuits and systems . a similar system, and permitted those who
did to sUQQeat improvements, which were
The remainder of this paper describes not simply the reproduction of features of
EDDIE's operating and proQramminQ systems they knew;
environment, its workinQ model, its screen
layout, and ends with a conclusion where c) to allow the environment model to be
the main difficulties found durinQ the customized toward the users. Alth o uQh
specification procedure are discussed . entities such as directories and files
take part in the a c tual environment of the
users, they preferred to have them
2. INTERACTIVE DESIGN ENVIRONMENT replaced by real - life entities such as
cabinets, slips, papers etc., in order to
EDDIE stores in the AIPIM database completly hide the operatinQ system .
(Polanczyk,19B6) the data representinQ the
Qraphic information of the several d) to reduce the number of operators
schematic diaQrams edited in it, as well necessary to implement all the functions
as the data representing their designed . Through the iconic
connectivity 1nformation. Its function representation of modeled objects it was
called EXCON ("Extrator de Conectividade") possible to use then as operands. An
(Connectiv1ty Extractor) extracts the example is the operator MOVE, which can
connectivity of such diaQrams, QeneratinQ, perform several different actions with
in the same database, the netlist which Qraphic entities or schematics in the
may be used by systems such as the database depending upon its operands .
PLACEMENT sub - system (Trillo,1986) and by AlthouQh the effects of these actions on
the HILO simulator (Genrad, 19B3) . EDDIE is the database may differ considerably, they
beinQ implemented in Microsoft Pascal. The all share a common intuitive idea of
desiQn environment is the PC-DOS motion .
(equivalent to MS-DOS) operatinQ system .
We describe below the entities, the
The database shall be aeceased throuQh a environment and the workinQ tools desiQned
set of previously defined routines. Such for EDDIE.
routines are specified in
(Polanczyk,19B5), tOQether with the 3 . 1. Entitiee In order to help desiQn
conceptual model of the EDDIE view of the accordinQ to hierarchical methodoloQies,
AIPIM database. the MACRO entity was defined . A MACRO is
the eimplest Qeometric shape which defines
The followinQ hardware is currently a (loQical or electrical) function . An
employed: example of a MACRO may be seen in FiQure
- IBM Professional Graphichs Display (640 2.
X 480 X B) and IBM PC- AT microcomputer
with 20 MB hard disk;
RST . /1
- BAUSCH ~ LOMB - DMP29 plotter .
R 0 .:~>'
5 0
The EDDIE workinQ model resulted fr o m the
observation of the desiQner environment : ClK -
the objects used by him and the actions -
which he performs with su c h objects . From
this observation, new entities were
defined, as well as objects and workinQ
tools, that allow the preparation of
schematic diaQrams usinQ hierarchic desiQn FiQ. 2 . MACRO examples.
methodoloQies (Fontenelle) and the use of
the facilities avaiable in the available Macros make up the list of available
co mputati o nal resour c es. building blo c ks for schematic diagrams
co mposit1on . Instances o f macr o s w1th1n
The basic ideas o f the mo del are, somewhat diaQrams are called COMPONENTS. (Examples:
in the style of Macpaint (Kaehler ,19B3) , resistorlO, or57, ffd34, ffrs63, etc . ) . A
embodied 1n a metaphor macro may have one, more than one or zero
(Newman, 19B1) , ( Foley,19B2) throuQh which a versions of internal design . This internal
workinQ envir o nment is represented and the desiQn represents, stru c turally , the
objects of the designer's world are function which the macro synthesizes .
related to a set of command language Macr o s may be classified lnto tw o
icons . The decision of describing the different types: STANDARD and DESIGN
workinQ model of EDDIE by means of a Macros . A STANDARD MACRO has one sole
metaphor and to desiQn its set of tools as internal desiQn and the deslQner may NOT
icons was taken considerinQ the followinQ chanQe it (nor the macr o 's external
aims: shape) . The functions assiQned to standard
a) to ease the overall understanding of macros correspond to models of buildinQ
EDDIE by new users, thus minimizinQ their blocks available to a Qiven technoloQY,
total learninQ time; su c h as those c o rrespondinQ to models
A User·friend ly Editor for Schematic Diagrams :14 1

implemented in simulators and/or layout enouoh to move it to a SLIP. If the

functions alreadY oenerated and tested selected SLIP already exists. it is
(example: standard cells). updated . When the MACRO function is
activated. a standard shape is put on the
A macro is a DESIGN MACRO. when the PAPER and the user can move it by chanoino
desioner himself defines its shape and its its center. or increase its size in order
internal desion(s); he may chanoe it at to bound the part of the diaoram which is
any time. thereby creatino his own ooino to become its internal desion.
additional set of buildino blocks. Subordinate functions: CENTER KEY. SIZE
In order to capture connectivity Intermediate functions: ZOOM. PAN.
information. the SOLDER entity was
defined. Graphically. a solder is ".1.2. OBJECTS: allows the instantiation
represented by a marker. which appears as of standard and desion macros . Once the
a dot. It determines the looic connection name of the macro is provided. it is
between polyoonals and component pins. possible to place instances of it on the
component pins and component pins. and PAPER. Considerino the state of a REPEAT
polyoonals and polyoonals. Given this KEY. on or off. every oiven point may
information. it is possible to extract the determine a new position for an instance(
netlist of the circuit. REPEAT KEY - OFF) or a position of a new
instance ( REPEAT KEY = ON ) . The keyboard
is used to enter the name of the macro.
3.2. Environaent Metaphorically. the because the total number of available
followino objects form the proposed macros (256) is too laroe for a menu. The
workino environment : a) paper sheets; b) a UNDO function deletes placed components in
drawino board; c) a cabinet with drawers; inverse order.
d) a rack. Subordinate functions: REPEAT KEY. UNDO.
Intermediate functions: ZOOM. PAN.
The schematic diaorams of the circuits
prepared by the desioner are edited in ".1.3. NAMES: sets or chanoes names of
PAPER SHEETS. A paper sheet contains one components. pins of desion macros and
sole schematic diaoram. Each paper (or sionals . It is a post-fixed function
diaoram) is described. briefly. in a label (Foley.1982); when it is requested. EOOIE
SLIP. asks the name of each selected object.
Only sional names are positioned by the
The DRAWING BOARD is the place where the user. Components and macro pin names have
papers are placed. one at a time. for a a pre-determined relative place. Usino the
workino session . To this drawino board are NEXT function the user may name the next
associated the Cartesian axis X and Y. selected object; with the UNDO function.
each subdivided into 5.000 identifiable the processino of NAMES is interrupted.
positions. Subordinate functions: NEXT. UNDO.
The CABINET constitutes the EOOIE vision ...1.... POLYLINE: allows the drawino of
of the AIPIM Database. It is subdivided polylines connectino components. The
into drawers. each of them correspondino drawino mode is determined by the position
to a certain project . The drawers store of a 90HKEY and a 90VKEY. Two consecutive
the papers of the circuits related to the points of the polyline are connected by a
project represented by them. straioht line. when both of the 90?KEYS
are off. or by two perpendicular lines. if
Available in the RACK are the EOOIE one of the keys is on . If 90HKEY is on.
workino tools. that is. the menu of EOOIE the line which starts at the first oiven
functions. point is horizontal; otherwise. if the
90VKEY is on. the line which starts at the
Tools The tools were modelled in a first point is vertical. These keys can be
manner consistent with the metaphore used turned on or off at any time durino the
to describe the workino environment. They execution of the POLY LINE command. The
may be orouped accordino to three UNDO command eliminates each oiven point
different function: editino functions. in inverse sequence. Every point is
control and auxiliary functions. and attracted by a solder. component pin or
applicative functions . Some of these polyline. in this priority order. This is
functions work with the cooperation of done to ease the capture of connectivity
other functions which are classified as information.
interaediate functions and subordinate Subordinate functions: 90HKEY. 90VKEY.
functions. Interaediate functions are UNDO.
always available to be invoked. Intermediate functions : ZOOM. PAN.
Subordinated functions are made available
only when related functions are requested. ".1.5. LIST OF PARAMETERS: oives access to
the list of parameters of selected
... FUNCTIONS components and sionals • allowino the
chanoe of parameter values. When
We describe. hereinafter. in brief. each requested. it hiohliohts each selected
of the functions provided in the EOOIE component and sional and shows its
prototype. parameter list. Hence. a new value for
every pointed parameter is asked. The NEXT
".1. Editino Functions and UNDO function work in the same manner
as in the function NAMES.
Subordinate functions: NEXT. UNDO.
".1 . 1 . MACRO: allows the definition of a
desion macro. EOOIE does not have a macro ".1.6. SOLDER: allows the user to
editor. i.e .• it is not necessary to establish the connection amono two or more
chanoe papers to define or update a desion polylines or between a polyline and a
macro. To store a defined macro it is component pin. All connections must be

34 2 :--I . d e O li ve ira Ju n io r , K. Pa rreiras Pula ncn k cia Koc ha an d \\'. d e P;l<iLl;! Pa\ da Filh"

marked by a solder. There are solders DISTANCE KEY .

which are automatically put by EDDIE when Intermidiate functions: ZOOM. PAN .
polyline points are attracted by component
pins or other polylines, but they are 4.1.17 . INCORPORATES: explodes selected
never automatically removed. SOLDER works components. incorporatino their internal
in the same manner as the function design to the schematic diagram being
OBJECTS, regarding the use of REPEAT KEY edited.
and UNDO .
Subordinate functions: REPEAT KEY. UNDO . 4 . 1.18. MOVE: allows the execution of
Intermediate functions: ZOOM. PAN . updates in the circuit by moving selected
objects or accessing stored diagrams .
4 . 1.7. BLOCK: allows the user to Syntactic valid clauses are :
determine. throuoh the boxino of a portion < SLIP > + MOVE + < DRAWING BOARD > : loads
of the schematic diagram. objects that are a s c hematic diagram for editino;
to be selected. de-selected. copied or < SLIP > + MOVE + < GARBAGE >: deletes
moved and drawn . The box is defined by schematic diagrams from the database;
providino the endpoints of its secondary < SLIP > + MOVE + < BLANK SLIP >: renames
diagonal . Only one block may be defined at a schematic diagram;
Subordinated functions : UNDO. VECTOR > : translates the selected objects
Intermidiate functions : ZOOM. PAN. on the PAPER;
4 . 1.8. INTERNAL DESIGN VISIBILITY SWITCH : deletes the selected objects ;
allows the viewino of the internal desion < DRAWING BOARD > + MOVE + < SLIP >:
of selected components. stores in the database schematic diaoram
which is being edited .
4.1.9 . COPY: allows the execution of Subordinate functions: GARBAGE. UNDO.
chanoes in the circuit by copyino selected DRAWING BOARD.
objects or accessino stored diagrams . Intermediate functions : ZOOM. PAN. SLIP
Syntactic valid clauses are: VISIBILITY SWITCH .
< SLIPl > + COpy + < SLIP2 >: copies to
SLIP2 the schematic diaoram associated 4.1.19 . PAN: redefines the center of the
with SLIPl in the database; viewing window relatively to the drawing
< SELECTED OBJECTS > + COpy + < DISTANCE board. which results in a panning effect .
VECTOR >: replicates the selected objects It works as a key; when it is turned on.
on the PAPER . every supplied point establishes a new
Subordinate functions: UNDO. cent er for the viewing window . A panning
Intermediate functions : ZOOM. PAN . operation can be quickly performed using
an auxiliary pan area (see section 5) .
4 . 1 . 10. SELECT: selects all objects just by pointing there to the new viewing
defined by a block, or permits an window center .
individual selection of objects when no
block is marked . 4 . 1 . 20 . ZOOM: permits to observe in detail
Intermediate functions : ZOOM. PAN. a certain portion of the schematic diagram
(ZOOM-IN operat i on) . or to view a larger
4.1.11. DE-SELECT: de-selects all objects portion of the schematic diagram (ZOOM-OUT
defined by a block. or permits an operation) . When the ZOOM function is
individual de-selection of objects when no requested. a square frame is shown in the
block is marked . screen. Through the CENT ER KEY and the
Intermediate functions: ZOOM, PAN. SIZE KEY it is possible to adjust this
frame . Once it is ad j usted, it is enough
4.1.12. DRAW : allows the drawing of all or to request IN or OUT to perform a ZOOM- IN
part of the schematic diaoram - determined or a ZOOM-OUT . In a ZOOM-IN, the portion
by the BLOCK function. It produces a file which is inside the frame is exploded o n
in the Virtual Device Metafile format. the screen . In a ZOOM-OUT. the portion of
that can be plotted or printed. the schematics which is being presented is
compressed into the frame and the
4.1.13. QUIT : ends up a workino session. surrounding part of schematics is shown in
the screen . A prior feedback of a ZOOM-OUT
4 . 1.14 . BRUSH: redraws the portion of the operation is presented in the pan area for
schematic diaoram which is beino displayed each adjusted frame . This helps the user
in the drawing area. removino side effects t o be aware of the portion not visible of
of prior operations. as if it were a the diagram which is going to be presented
cleanino brush. after the ZOOM-OUT, and to feel h ow
expensive the operation will be .
4 . 1.15. GRID VISIBILITY SWITCH: fills the Subordinate functions : CENTER KEY. SIZE
whole drawing area with points which KEY. ZOOM-IN, ZOOM-OUT .
represent the intersection of the vertical
and horizontal lines of a defined regular 4.2. Control and auxiliary functions
4.2.1 . ATTRIBUTES : permits the change of
4.1.16. GRID: allows grid definition . modal atributes used by EDDIE during a
While processing this function . each given working session (example: COLOR, STYLE OF
point is interpreted by EDDIE dependino on LINE . SIZE OF TEXT). It works as a key
the state of the INTERSECTION KEY and that . when turned on, shows the present
DISTANCE KEY . If the INTERSECTION KEY is state of each attribute. and makes them
on . the orid is translated till the point available for changing .
becomes part of it . If the DISTANCE KEY is
on. the grid is updated with new distances 4.2.2. SLIP VISIBILITY SWITCH : displays in
in x and y directions. determined by the the drawing area the SLIPS which
oiven point and a reference point . correspond to all schematics stored in the
Subordinate functions : INTERSECTION KEY . database. allowing operations such as
A L se r-fri e ndh' Editor fo r Sche malit: Diag rams 343

removal of a diaQram from the database, users are to be able to set them throuQh a
Qeneration of diaQram copies, etc. confiQuration file; this was also
requested by them.
4.2.3. HELP: supplies information relative GroupinQ 10Qically related functions
to the mode of operation of EDDIE improved function searchinQ. Beyond this,
functions . "muscle memory" was stimUlated. since the
screen areas are fixed, the menu is not
tree-structured, does not have more than
4 . 3. Applicat1ve functions one paQe and the locator device (tablet)
returns absolute coordinates .
4 . 3 . 1. FIND: permits the search of a
component or siQnal by its name. All The adoption of an iconic representation
hierarchical levels of the diaQram are intended to minimize function recoQnition
searched . effort . but the success of this point
depends upon the desiQn of the icons. This
4.3.2 . SNL (SiQnal Net List): identifies was done in a joint work with visual
the componentes interconnected throuQh a proQrammers of a School of Fine Arts; the
certain siQnal. resultinQ desiQn which is to underQo a
phase test can be seen in fiQure 4 at the
4.3.3. EXCON: Qenerates the netlist of a end of this paper.
schematic diaQram .
Motion effects and color codinQ were used
to ensure EDDIE ' s concision of prompts and
5. DESIGN OF THE EDDIE SCREEN feedback . Activated functions are
hiQhliQhted 1n the menu by apparently
The screen presented to the desiQner is placinQ them on a hiQher plane than the
divided into the followinQ areas (see others . This effect is achieved drawinQ
fiQure 3): its shadow, which results in a motion
effect that draws user attention. Color
E[(E IiI CP.,DIT[~ - DCtM!I;
CIIJ codinQ was
done observinQ
red to express
actions and Qreen to encouraQe users to QO

B on .


ITI The interaction scheme of each of the
functions was desiQned to minimize the
number of steps and the necessary
CIIJ memorization for the performance of an
activity (Newman, 1981) , (Foley,1982) ,
0 (SprouI1.1985) . The MOVE and
functions, for example, operate in an in-

Z fixed scheme (Foley,1982): <what> +

MOVE (or COpy) + <where to>. In this way,
the desiQner will always know that, after
FiQ. 3. EDDIE'S Screen. selectinQ the MOVE or COPY function, only
the <where to> operand must be informed.
1- DRAWING AREA : shows the portion of the Such functions perform editinQ operations
drawinQ board in which the desiQner is or manaQement operations on diaQrams in
workinQ . the database, dependinQ upon the operand
2- MESSAGE AREA: used for messaQe display . supplied : <SLIP>+ MOVE + <GARBAGE> means
3- MENU AREA: shows the functions deletion of the diaQram described by the
available in EDDIE . <SLIP> from the database.
4- PAN AREA: portion of the screen which An operand of a function may be a point, a
shows, in scale, the whole drawing board . menu object (example : GARBAGE. DRAWING
ThrouQh it, the designer has a feedback of BOARD, etc.) or an object which is drawn
the portion of the circuit which is beinQ 1n the circuit (example: components,
displayed in the drawing area . It is used, polYQonals or part of polygonals, etc . ).
also, for implementation of the PAN In order to be considered as operands of
function and ZOOM-OUT prior feedback; any function, objects must be selected.
5- SUBORDINATE FUNCTIONS AREA: area This is done throuQh the SELECT function.
employed by functions which can only be
used under the control of other functions . DurinQ a workinQ session it is possible to
select a function at any time. The
The main Qoal in the screen desiQn was to selection of a function indicates the end
improve readability, ease of function of the previous function which was beinQ
identification and search, and executed, and causes all alterations
effectiveness of EDDIE's prompts and performed by it to be stored in the
feedbacks . database (implicit confirmation scheme
Foley , 1982) . It is possible to cancel such
Readability was improved by increasinQ the alterations by immediately selecting the
visibility of the boundaries between UNDO function . During the execution of a
screen areas throuQh color selection and function, UNDO eliminates intermediate
liQht/dark contrast, enhanced by a sharp steps (for example, the last point
black fillet. eolor selection was made supplied in a polygonal, or the last
considerinQ the results described in object positioned on the circuit).
(Frome,1984) . MessaQes, texts, objects and
icons were displayed in black. BackQround UsinQ adequately the functions
colors, however , were decided by the available in EDDIE, the desiQner may edit
users, who preferred those with low as many schematic diaQrams as he wishes
luminance and saturation level. Besides, during a working session.
344 :-< . d e O li\ e ira ./llllior. K. PalTeiras Polanczy k da Rocha and W. de Padu a Pa llia Filho

CONCLUSIONS function to be performed. Considerino

separately the interation scheme of each
The whole specification work was made function. criteria such as learnino time.
based upon interviews with the desioners recall time. short-term memory load and
of the TELEBRAS CPqD. adoption of desion lono-term memory load were . when possible.
strateoies recommended by Newman.198l and minimized. The in-fixed operatino scheme
Foley.1982. analysis of similar systems. of functions MOVE and COPY are examples of
such as SYMGRAPH (Chancellor.1984). study it.
of human factors in interaction
techniques - (Foley.1984). (Frome.1984) The motor process was restricted to two
and the experience indicated in used input devices: tablet and keyboard.
Kaehler.1983 . Most of desioners had The whole dialoo starts with the selection
practice in usino the AGS/860 system only . of a menu icon. and the keyboard is used
- AGS/860.l982 and Vianna.1983 - which is only when textual information is requested
a workstation dedicated to the preparation by some function . Controllino keys such as
of inteorated circuits layouts . Therefore. the REPEAT. CENTER or SIZE KEYS mioht have
some of the functions which implement been mapped onto the tablet puck buttons.
editino facilities were based upon said minimizino the motor process. This was not
system . The interactions schemes prepared done in the prototype revision. in order
for each function desioned for EDDIE were to be able to use the tablet with the
documented in Oliveira.1985a and stylus. should this device prove more
Oliveira.1985b . adequate in other aspects .

Concernino human-fac tors. it was attempted Durino the specification task the need for
to minimize the time required by more adequate tools for expression of the
perceptual. coonitive and motor processes operation dynamics of each function was
- Foley . 1984 . felt. We have used state diaorams as
proposed in Foley.1982. and we conclUded
Perceptual processes were carefully that its usefulness lies mainly in the
treated in EDDIE since all of its possibility of advance ckeckino of the
interation techniques focus on visual time and the restrictions necessary to
perception; all functions are requested perform a task . Our primary ooal was to
via selection of icons. Iconic minimize the number of states. which were
representation . plannino of the screen not few . Doino this we were minimizino the
lay-out and color encodino. as seen in lono-term memory load in the coonitive
section 5. were used to improve visual process . Minimization of the total number
perception . of arcs was. however. carefully performed.
since this restricts the operation scheme
Coonitive processes were olobally improved of the function. We deleted from the state
by modelino the workino environment with a diaoram drawino those ar c s necessary to
metaphor which requires from new users the express the fact that users could choose
development of simplified information any function at any time in an implicit
structures: tasks attributed to the acceptance scheme. This was done simply to
operatino system were completely hidden. permit an easier analysis of the state
and a real-life desion environment was diaorams. State diaorams were also useful
reproduced in such a way that circuit in the software documentation .
desioners recoonize in EDDIE their usual
entities and workino tools. This ooal was Finally. with an operational version
achieved. since the desioners were able to expected for December. 1987 . EDDIE is
effectively participate of the ooino to be tested in a real-life
specification task. whether they had demandino des ion environment at TELEBRAS.
already have a previous experience with Users shall then be able to pass judoement
CAD or not . Examples of it are the on its friendl i ness.
followino features that contribute to user
friendlines :
it is possible to build Desion Macros BIBLIOGRAPHY
without needino a separate symbol editor ;
the internal desion of the Macros
always fits their symbol outline when the CAMPOS.I.M . (1986) . AIPIM Ambiente
INTERNAL DESIGN VISIBILITY SWITCH is Inteorado para Projeto Interativo
turned on. makino possible to observe a de Microcircuitos. Proceedinos of the
sional thouoh all desion hierarchical I SBMicro Annual Conoress. Campinas .
levels; pp. 351-360 .
· the names of sionals and components are NEWMAN. W.M. and R. F . Sproull. (1981) .
automatically provided by default. When Principles of Interactive Computer
oiven by the user. they are always ckecked Graphics . McGraw-Hill. Japan.
in order to be unique in the whole FOLEY . J .0 . and A. Van Dam . (1982) .
diaoram ; Fundamentals of Interactive Computer
the oenerated HILO description of the Graphics . Addison-Wesley. Readino.
circuit includes all individual macro Massachusetts.
descriptions used in all hierarchical SPROULL. R.F.. W.R . Sutherland and
levels ; M. K.Ullner . (1985). Device-
· the Sional Net List function; independent Graphics. McGraw-Hill. New
· the EXCON function . which provides a York.
HILO description of all hierarchical POLANCZYK. K. P. (1985) . Banco de Dados
levels. EDDIE/EXCON. Technical report . DCC-
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The implicit acceptance and explicit DA COSTA. E.M . and K.G . Nichols . (1980) .
rejection scheme for all commands MASCOT. lEE . Proceedinos 127. 6 (Dec.
minimizes the steps needed to perform 1980) .
complete activities. i.e. tasks that GENRAD Inc .. (1983) . HILO-2. User's Manual
require the utilization of more than o ne Release Level 2.3A. santa clara,
A L'se r-fri endh' Editor for Schemati c Diag ram s 345

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FONTENELLE, L.O . C . . Projeto de Circuitos
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CHANCELLOR Computer Corporation.
SymOraph Reference Manual Version 1.2
3 . 0 . Mountain View,
(1984) .

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FOLEY, J . D., V.L.Wallace and P.
(1984). The Human Factors of Computer
Graphics Interaction Techniques . IEEE
- Computer Graphics and Applications,

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... :....1'".: :••• r~:•••
....... ;"1 :

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Vol . 4, Nr . 6, November.
AGS/860. (1982). User's Manual. Version
sL ___ J 7L ___ J
3.1. Document Nr . A-20825. Applicom
Publications Services, USA, October .
VIANNA, M.. (1983). Manual do AGS/860.
Documento de Circula~ao Interna
(Internal Document), CPqD-TELEBRAS,
Campinas, May.
OLIVEIRA, N. J . and Karla P . P.. (1985) .
EDDIE : um editor de Diaoramas
ESQuem~ticos dedicado ao auxl1io do
projeto de Circuitos Inteorados .
Relat6rio Tecnico . DCC-ICEx-UFMG,
1985 .
OLIVEIRA, N. J . and Karla P.P .. (1985).
ESQuema de Intera~ao Detalhado das
Fun~5es Aplicativas do Editor GrAfico
EDDIE. Relat6rio Tecnico. DCC-ICEx-
UFMG, 1985.
TRILLO, J.L.R . . (1986). Um Posicionador de
Celulas Padrao em Layouts de Circuitos
Inteorados . Proceedinos of the I
SBMicro Annual Conoress, Campinas. pp.
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FROME, F . S .. (1984) . Improvino Color CAD
Systems for Users: Some Suooestions
for Human Factors Studies. IEEE
Desion ~ Test. February . pp.18-27 .

Acknow1edQe.ents - This work was funded by

a orant from TELEBRAS-CPQD .
The icons and EDDIE's screen layout were
desiQned by Eduardo Luls Luppi and his
team to whom we are indebted.

FiQ. 4 . EDDIE's icons

1) QUIT; 2) SOLDER; 3) ZOOM ; 4) ZOOM-IN

11) HELP 12) MOVE 13) BRUSH 14) SLIP UP
17) POLYLINE 18) 90VKEY 19) 90HKEY
22) FIND 23) REPEAT KEY 24) COpy 25) DRAW
34) LICS (*) 35) ATRIBUTES (*)
(*) The desiQn of these icons were not
:\. de Oliyeira.J illlior. K. Parrciras Polancnk da Rocha and \\". de Padua Paula filh"

The following screen dumps sequence 4) The REPEAT KEY was turned on and a
illustrates the work.ing of the solder position for a new solder was supplied .

1) The SOLDER command was selected in the

menu area .

• •

5) The REPEAT KEY was turned off; an UNDO
operation was requested and the last
positioned solder was erased . Now. a new
position for the drawn solder can be
2) The subordinate commands REPEAT KEY and informed.
UNDO became available in the subordinate
functions area and the posItIon for the
solder was supplied.

6) A new position for the drawn solder was
3) A new position was supplied and. since
REPEAT KEY was off. the place of the
solder in the drawing was changed.

,\ l'scr· lril' lldh Editor for Schematic Diagram s 347

7) Another UNDO o~eratlon was reQuested

and the solder was erased from the


8) Another UNDO operation was reQuested
and the selection of solder command was

\ '.

9) Instead of requesting an UNDO
operation. another co mmand could be
selected and . In this case. the solder
wo uld remain in the drawing . The
processin<;J of the new selected command is
about to start.

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