Jurnal Schematic Diagram
Jurnal Schematic Diagram
Jurnal Schematic Diagram
34 2 :--I . d e O li ve ira Ju n io r , K. Pa rreiras Pula ncn k cia Koc ha an d \\'. d e P;l<iLl;! Pa\ da Filh"
removal of a diaQram from the database, users are to be able to set them throuQh a
Qeneration of diaQram copies, etc. confiQuration file; this was also
requested by them.
4.2.3. HELP: supplies information relative GroupinQ 10Qically related functions
to the mode of operation of EDDIE improved function searchinQ. Beyond this,
functions . "muscle memory" was stimUlated. since the
screen areas are fixed, the menu is not
tree-structured, does not have more than
4 . 3. Applicat1ve functions one paQe and the locator device (tablet)
returns absolute coordinates .
4 . 3 . 1. FIND: permits the search of a
component or siQnal by its name. All The adoption of an iconic representation
hierarchical levels of the diaQram are intended to minimize function recoQnition
searched . effort . but the success of this point
depends upon the desiQn of the icons. This
4.3.2 . SNL (SiQnal Net List): identifies was done in a joint work with visual
the componentes interconnected throuQh a proQrammers of a School of Fine Arts; the
certain siQnal. resultinQ desiQn which is to underQo a
phase test can be seen in fiQure 4 at the
4.3.3. EXCON: Qenerates the netlist of a end of this paper.
schematic diaQram .
Motion effects and color codinQ were used
to ensure EDDIE ' s concision of prompts and
5. DESIGN OF THE EDDIE SCREEN feedback . Activated functions are
hiQhliQhted 1n the menu by apparently
The screen presented to the desiQner is placinQ them on a hiQher plane than the
divided into the followinQ areas (see others . This effect is achieved drawinQ
fiQure 3): its shadow, which results in a motion
effect that draws user attention. Color
E[(E IiI CP.,DIT[~ - DCtM!I;
CIIJ codinQ was
done observinQ
red to express
actions and Qreen to encouraQe users to QO
B on .
ITI The interaction scheme of each of the
functions was desiQned to minimize the
number of steps and the necessary
CIIJ memorization for the performance of an
activity (Newman, 1981) , (Foley,1982) ,
0 (SprouI1.1985) . The MOVE and
functions, for example, operate in an in-
Concernino human-fac tors. it was attempted Durino the specification task the need for
to minimize the time required by more adequate tools for expression of the
perceptual. coonitive and motor processes operation dynamics of each function was
- Foley . 1984 . felt. We have used state diaorams as
proposed in Foley.1982. and we conclUded
Perceptual processes were carefully that its usefulness lies mainly in the
treated in EDDIE since all of its possibility of advance ckeckino of the
interation techniques focus on visual time and the restrictions necessary to
perception; all functions are requested perform a task . Our primary ooal was to
via selection of icons. Iconic minimize the number of states. which were
representation . plannino of the screen not few . Doino this we were minimizino the
lay-out and color encodino. as seen in lono-term memory load in the coonitive
section 5. were used to improve visual process . Minimization of the total number
perception . of arcs was. however. carefully performed.
since this restricts the operation scheme
Coonitive processes were olobally improved of the function. We deleted from the state
by modelino the workino environment with a diaoram drawino those ar c s necessary to
metaphor which requires from new users the express the fact that users could choose
development of simplified information any function at any time in an implicit
structures: tasks attributed to the acceptance scheme. This was done simply to
operatino system were completely hidden. permit an easier analysis of the state
and a real-life desion environment was diaorams. State diaorams were also useful
reproduced in such a way that circuit in the software documentation .
desioners recoonize in EDDIE their usual
entities and workino tools. This ooal was Finally. with an operational version
achieved. since the desioners were able to expected for December. 1987 . EDDIE is
effectively participate of the ooino to be tested in a real-life
specification task. whether they had demandino des ion environment at TELEBRAS.
already have a previous experience with Users shall then be able to pass judoement
CAD or not . Examples of it are the on its friendl i ness.
followino features that contribute to user
friendlines :
it is possible to build Desion Macros BIBLIOGRAPHY
without needino a separate symbol editor ;
the internal desion of the Macros
always fits their symbol outline when the CAMPOS.I.M . (1986) . AIPIM Ambiente
INTERNAL DESIGN VISIBILITY SWITCH is Inteorado para Projeto Interativo
turned on. makino possible to observe a de Microcircuitos. Proceedinos of the
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· the names of sionals and components are NEWMAN. W.M. and R. F . Sproull. (1981) .
automatically provided by default. When Principles of Interactive Computer
oiven by the user. they are always ckecked Graphics . McGraw-Hill. Japan.
in order to be unique in the whole FOLEY . J .0 . and A. Van Dam . (1982) .
diaoram ; Fundamentals of Interactive Computer
the oenerated HILO description of the Graphics . Addison-Wesley. Readino.
circuit includes all individual macro Massachusetts.
descriptions used in all hierarchical SPROULL. R.F.. W.R . Sutherland and
levels ; M. K.Ullner . (1985). Device-
· the Sional Net List function; independent Graphics. McGraw-Hill. New
· the EXCON function . which provides a York.
HILO description of all hierarchical POLANCZYK. K. P. (1985) . Banco de Dados
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The implicit acceptance and explicit DA COSTA. E.M . and K.G . Nichols . (1980) .
rejection scheme for all commands MASCOT. lEE . Proceedinos 127. 6 (Dec.
minimizes the steps needed to perform 1980) .
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... :....1'".: :••• r~:•••
....... ;"1 :
: ;!::!. ... ,;! : L- .... :
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The following screen dumps sequence 4) The REPEAT KEY was turned on and a
illustrates the work.ing of the solder position for a new solder was supplied .
• •
5) The REPEAT KEY was turned off; an UNDO
operation was requested and the last
positioned solder was erased . Now. a new
position for the drawn solder can be
2) The subordinate commands REPEAT KEY and informed.
UNDO became available in the subordinate
functions area and the posItIon for the
solder was supplied.
6) A new position for the drawn solder was
3) A new position was supplied and. since
REPEAT KEY was off. the place of the
solder in the drawing was changed.
,\ l'scr· lril' lldh Editor for Schematic Diagram s 347
8) Another UNDO operation was reQuested
and the selection of solder command was
\ '.
9) Instead of requesting an UNDO
operation. another co mmand could be
selected and . In this case. the solder
wo uld remain in the drawing . The
processin<;J of the new selected command is
about to start.