Climacell 707

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Instructions for use

Cooling incubator
with controlled humidity

CLIMACELL 111, 222, 404, 707

Congratulations on obtaining the new cooling incubator with controlled humidity. It is intended for
applications where change of sample temperature and relative humidity in various time modes is
The temperature run is controlled by a modern microprocessor (Fuzzy-Logic) with a digital display and
a PT 100 thermostat sensor. This system ensures high accuracy of temperature regulation and reliability
of the tempering process.
The units comply with the technical and legislative requirements and have been designed in accordance
with the respective EN standards. The units are made of high quality materials using the latest technology.
Each unit undergoes a careful output control.
If you follow the instructions mentioned here, the unit will become your reliable and powerful partner.
Now these advantages will be available just for you. This unit will help you to solve your everyday problems
and will certainly become a powerful assistant for you. This unit is very easy to use; nevertheless, we
recommend you to read the Instructions for use carefully to be able to use all the advantages of this unit
and had complete knowledge for its optimal use.
12. 4. 2011
1 GENERAL NOTES..............................................................................................................................3
2 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................3
2.1 UNPACKING AND CHECK.......................................................................................................................3
2.2 BEFORE PUTTING INTO OPERATION........................................................................................................3
2.3 OPERATION..............................................................................................................................4
2.4 PERMITTED LOADS..............................................................................................................................4
2.5 WIRING AND OTHER CONDITIONS..........................................................................................................4
3.1 GENERAL VIEW...................................................................................................................................5
3.2 USEFUL SPACE...................................................................................................................................5
3.3 CONNECTOR RS-232C FOR PROTOKOL PRINTER......................................................................................6
3.4 OPERATING PANEL.............................................................................................................................6
4 FUNCTION AND OPERATING..........................................................................................................6
4.1 CONNECTING TO THE WATER SOURCE AND DRAIN......................................................................................6
4.2 CONNECTING TO THE ELECTRIC NETWORK...............................................................................................7
4.3 SWITCH THE UNIT ON..........................................................................................................................7
4.4 GENERAL SETUP OF CLIMACELL..............................................................................................................7
4.4.1 ACTIVATING THE SERVICE MODE...................................................................................................7
4.4.2 SERVICE 01 – STORING P1 – P6 ....................................................................................................7
4.4.3 SERVICE 02 – RESTORE/UPLOAD THE PROGRAMS FROM THE CHIP CARD TO THE UNIT..................................7
4.4.4 SERVICE 03 – SET THE REAL TIME AND DATE.....................................................................................8
4.4.5 SERVICE 04 – SET INTERVAL ON PRINTER.........................................................................................8
4.4.6 SERVICE 05 – SELECT LANGUAGE...................................................................................................8
4.4.7 SERVICE 06 – SETTING OF THE INNER SOCKET (OPTIONAL) AND FAN SWITCHING......................................8
4.4.8 SERVICE 07 – SETTING THE SAFETY THERMOSTAT.............................................................................8
4.4.9 SERVICE 41 – SETTING THE TEMPERATURE LIMIT..............................................................................9
4.4.11 SERVICE 58 – DOOR BLOCKING...................................................................................................10
4.4.12 SERVICE 62 – ALARM SETTING ...................................................................................................10
4.4.13 SERVICE 64 – P6 PROGRAMME SHIFTING.......................................................................................10
4.4.14 SERVICE 09 – CANCELING THE SERVICE REGIME.............................................................................10
4.4.15 SETTING THE EXPOSURELIGHTING................................................................................................10
4.4.16 SERVICE 60 – RACKS WITH EXPOSURE LIGHTING - PHOTOVALUES SETTING.........................................11
4.4.17 SETTING THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN PROGRAMS P1 – P4.................................................................13
4.5 PROGRAM P1...................................................................................................................................16
4.5.1 SET P1....................................................................................................................................16
4.5.2 LCD READ OUT SHOWN..............................................................................................................16
4.5.3 START P1.................................................................................................................................16
4.5.4 INFORMATION ON THE SET PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S RUNNING................................................17
4.5.5 STOP PROGRAM P1...................................................................................................................17
4.6 PROGRAM P2..................................................................................................................................17
4.6.1 SET P2....................................................................................................................................17
4.6.2 LCD READ OUT SHOWN...............................................................................................................17
4.6.3 START P2................................................................................................................................17
4.6.4 INFORMATION ON THE SET PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S RUNNING...............................................17
4.6.5 STOP P2..................................................................................................................................17
4.7 PROGRAM P3.................................................................................................................................17
4.7.1 SETTING THE PROGRAM P3..........................................................................................................17
4.7.2 LCD READ OUT SHOWN..............................................................................................................18
4.7.3 START P3................................................................................................................................18 P3 AND SEGMENT 1 IN THE GRAPH ARE ACTIVE.......................................................................18 P3 AND SEGMENT 2 IN THE GRAPH ARE ACTIVE, THE SEGMENT 1 IS OVER....................................18 P3 AND THE THIRD SEGMENT IN THE GRAPH ARE ACTIVE........................................................18
4.7.4 INFORMATION ON THE SET PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S RUNNING.............................................18
4.7.5 STOP P3..................................................................................................................................18
4.8 PROGRAM P4.................................................................................................................................. 18
4.8.1 SETTING THE PROGRAM P4........................................................................................................19
4.8.2 SET THE SEGMENT FOR T1.........................................................................................................19 SET TEMPERATURE T1....................................................................................................19 SET THE DELAY TIME OF T1...............................................................................................19 READ OUT OF T1 AND THE DELAY TIME................................................................................19 SET THE RAMP AT T1.......................................................................................................19 READ OUT OF T1 AND THE RAMP..........................................................................................20 SET THE FAN SPEED AT THE TEMPERATURE T1.......................................................................20
4.8.3 SET THE SEGMENTU T2...............................................................................................................20 SET THE TEMPERATURE T2.................................................................................................20 SET THE DELAY TIME OF T2................................................................................................20 READ OUT OF T2 AND THE DELAY TIME.................................................................................20 SET THE RAMP AT T2........................................................................................................20 READ OUT OF T2 AND THE RAMP.........................................................................................20 SET CYCLES FOR P4........................................................................................................20 READ OUT OF CYCLES FOR P4..........................................................................................20 SETTING THE VENTILATOR AND RH AT THE TEMPERATURE T2....................................................20
4.8.4 START P4................................................................................................................................21 S1 IS ACTIVE, TEMPERATURE IS HEADING TOWARDS T1.........................................................21 S2 IS ACTIVE, T1 IS REACHED, DELAY TIME AT T1 IS RUNNING...............................................21 S3 IS ACTIVE, TEMPERATURE IS HEADING TOWARDS T2.........................................................21 S4 IS ACTIVE, T2 IS REACHED, DELAY TIME AT T2 IS RUNNING..................................................21
4.8.5 INFORMATION ON THE SET PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S RUNNING.............................................21
4.8.6 STOP P4..................................................................................................................................21
4.9 PROGRAM P5.................................................................................................................................22
4.9.1 DESCRIPTION OF P5 AND ITS CONTROL...........................................................................................22
4.9.2 EXAMPLE OF P5 SETTING............................................................................................................23
4.10 PROGRAM P6.................................................................................................................................23
4.10.1 DESCRIPTION OF P6 AND ITS CONTROL...........................................................................................23
4.10.2 PROGRAMME SETTING................................................................................................................24
4.10.3 PROGRAMME START...................................................................................................................25
4.10.4 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE............................................................................................................26
4.10.5 AUTOMATIC SHIFTING OF P6 PROGRAMME BEGINNING IN CYCLING.................................................26
4.10.6 MANUAL SHIFTING OF P6 PROGRAMME BEGINNING - USER SERVICE 64...............................................26
4.10.7 EXAMPLES OF P6 PROGRAMME SETTING.....................................................................................26
4.10.8 SUMMER/WINTER TIME...............................................................................................................27
4.11 MEASURED VARIABLES DISPLAYING DURING THE PROGRAMME RUN........................................................28
4.12 ERROR MESSAGES..........................................................................................................................28
4.13 PRINTING THE PROTOCOL..................................................................................................................29
4.14 CHECKING THE FUNCTION OF THE SAFETY THERMOSTATS..........................................................................30
4.15 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS....................................................................................................................30
4.15.1 DOOR OPENING CONTROL..........................................................................................................30
4.13.2 KEYBOARD BLOCKING................................................................................................................30

5 MAINTENANCE OF THE CASE AND OVERHAUL......................................................................31

5.1 EXCHANGE OF THE DOOR SEAL.............................................................................................................31
5.2 CONTAINER FOR COLLECTING THE CONDENSED WATER STEAM....................................................................31
5.3 CLEANING THE COOLING INCUBATOR.....................................................................................................31
5.4 STEAM GENERATOR..........................................................................................................................32
5.5 INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS...........................................................................................32
6 TECHNICAL DATA............................................................................................................................33
6.1 C HAMBERS .......................................................................................................................33
6.2 SHELVES WITH EXPOSURE LIGHTING.................................................................................................34
7 WARRANTY AND SERVICE.............................................................................................................35
8 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE.........................................................................................................35
9 HOW TO ELIMINATE WRAPPINGS AND A UNIT OUT OFF SERVICE......................................35
10 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................................35
10.1 INNER LIGHTING.............................................................................................................................35
10.2 BUSHINGS OF DIAMETER 25, 50, 100 MM.............................................................................................36
10.3 LOCKABLE DOOR.............................................................................................................................36
10.4 LEFT DOOR....................................................................................................................................36
10.5 INDEPENDENT SENSOR PT100............................................................................................................36
10.6 SUPPORTIVE SW FOR PC ..................................................................................................................36
10.6.1 RECORDING SW - WARMCOMM - FOR PC UNDER WINDOWS.............................................................36
10.6.2 RECORDING PRINTING SW - PRINTER ARCHIV - FOR PC UNDER WINDOWS.................................................36
10.7 POTENTIAL- FREE CONTACT FOR ALARM REPORTS.................................................................................36
10.8 THE INER SWITCHED SOCKET.........................................................................................................36
10.9 EXPOSURE LIGHTING A) IN THE DOOR, B) ON THE SHELVES......................................................................37
10.11 TEMPERATURE RANGE FROM -9,9 °C.................................................................................................37
10.12 PROTECTION OF THE PROGRAMME SETTING BY A CHIP CARD................................................................37
10.13 SIGNALING OF THE DOOR OPENING.................................................................................................37
10.14 DOOR BLOCKING............................................................................................................................37
Instructions for use

The cabinets of volumes 404 and 707 should
be lifted by means of delivered hooks, the rolls
The unit CLIMACELL should be used in are designed for local moving, not for longer
applications, in which changing the temperature transport.
in a sample in range from 0 °C to 99.9 °C and The standard delivery consists of the
the relative humidity (RH) from 10 % to 95 % in temperature cabinet:
various time modes is needed. Ɣ two sieves,
CLIMACELL may be used in several ways, so Ɣ one chip card SO for setting the safety
please, read this manual carefully. thermosta
MMM’s cooling incubators CLIMACELL are Ɣ three chip cards for storing the set programs
equipped with a microprocessor control with the hose for connecting the input water
following features: Ɣ hose for connecting the input water
1. Fuzzy-logic temperature controller and a (order No.: 0671574),
thermo-sensor PT 100. Ɣ hose for outlet of the waste water
2. Humidity control by PID regulator with fuzzy (order No.: S461762),
logic and a humidity capacity sensor. Ɣ distilled water unit (order No. R026721)
3. 4 preset programs P1 to P4, 2 programs P5
and P6 to set containing up to 40 steps. 2.2 BEFORE PUTTING INTO OPERATION
4. Electronic timer with different time modes,
see description of programs (page 10). Ɣ CLIMACELL has been designed in
5. Adjustable fan speed from 10 to 100 % in accordance with the requirements of EU
10 % - steps. Directives no. 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/
6. Printing the protocol with real temperature EC and tested individually according to EN
and time values via interface RS 232 C. 61010 -1.
7. Chip card reader to store data P1 - P6 and to Ɣ Before the device is put into operation
8. Foil covered touch buttons for easy stand motionless in an operating
programming. 32 digit LCD display, position for 2 hours.
illuminated. All parameters seen at once. To
your information, the display is already set Before starting the work with this unit
up to be used in product ranges coming out please study the instructions for use
in future. carefully!
CLIMACELL is manufactured of high grade Put the material on the device sieves only;
materials with the latest technology and is never put them on the device bottom!
The inner chamber housing as well as the
unit will be placed, must correspond to the
shelves are made of stainless steel. The coating
weight of the unit itself plus the weight of
is water based, gray on top of galvanized zinc
the maximum charge (see chapter 6 -
coated sheet metal, safe for the environment. Technical parameters).
covering, which could cause a danger of
INSTRUCTIONS objects out of the unit.
2.1 UNPACKING AND CHECK materials which could give such stuff off
may be inserted into the units!
After unpacking the unit, please, check, whether
the unit and its facilities are complete and Unit is not designed for warming of liquids.
undamaged. The units may not be used in an
An eventual damage must be immediately HQYLURQPHQWZLWKDULVNRIÀDPPDEOH
reported to the transporting company. or explosive substances (such as
During the manipulation – in case of lifting the anaesthetics) presence.
cabinet etc. – the cabinet cannot be hold by the
rail or door. Every mounting and demounting of the
unit’s parts may be carried out only after
disconnecting the unit from the mains by

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 3
Instructions for use

pulling the supply cord out of the socket. The tightness and quality of the hoses
connection with the generator body should
Ɣ Installation of the unit is carried out by be run over daily.
connecting to the mains and connecting
to the water source and the drain. If the device is used in another that
Parameters of the electric connections VSHFL¿HGZD\WKHSURWHFWLRQSURYLGHGE\
DUHVSHFL¿HGLQFKDSWHU2.4 - Electric the device could be impaired.
installation and other conditions.
If the unit is not used for a longer time, 2.4 PERMITTED LOADS
disconnect it from the mains by pulling the
connecting cord out of the socket. size weight [kg]/tray total weight [kg]
111 20 50
The mains cord must not come into contact
with hot parts of the unit. 222 30 70
404 30 100
Protection of the heating cabinet, its 707 50 130
surroundings and the processed material
against inadmissible temperature
exceeding is ensured by a protective 2.5 WIRING AND OTHER CONDITIONS
thermostat corresponding to EN 61010-2-
010. Basic data for connection:
connection: 1x115V/50(60)Hz;
space saving and provided with braked
(standard types are marked with bold face)
wheels. The cooling incubator must stand
RSHUDWLRQFRXOGEHLQÀXHQFHGQHJDWLYHO\ Protection against dangerous contact - I
Minimum distance of the rear and side wall External circuits isolation:
of the unit from other objects and walls is – double isolation
100 mm, from the upper wall it is 400 mm. Type of unit plug:
Shifting the upper sheet of the inner – as a standard CEE-7/VII, IEC-83/CH,
chamber out and in must be carried out 16 A/250 V (or another according to the type)
carefully, there is a danger of cutting the Socket protection:
chamber seal through as a consequence of – 10 A - 32 A (acc. tech. parameters in the Operating
careless manipulation. instructions of the unit)
Protection IP 20
As CLIMACELL is connected to water according to
supply and drain, place the unit in a room EN 60529:
(IEC 664 - EN 61010):
After the device is installed to the desired
– II in case of pollution degree 2
place, turn the wheels and apply the
Fuses on the rear Blow-out fuse T
brakes on them. The front wheels shall be wall of the upper 16A/1500
turned onward and the rear ones backward (extension) piece
parallelly to the device sides to stabilize the Ambient conditions:
device as much as possible both onward – ambient temperature: +5 °C to +40 °C
and backward. – max.relative humidity: 80 % at 31 °C
– maximal altitude: 3000 m
Check regularly the protective thermostat
function (see chapter Checking the
Protective Thermostat Function in the
Service Instructions).
If the unit operates with a temperature
higher than 70 °C, take a special care
when opening the door. As there is the
set RH kept in the chamber, hot steam is
generated, which can cause a scald.

4 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

8. Mains connector
9. Fuses GT 632316 T16/A1500
10. Interface for printing the protocol (RS 232C)
THE COOLING 11. Exposure lighting in the door – option
12. Position of the inner socket - optional
INCUBATOR WITH 13. Pump connector
CONTROLLED 14. Waste vessel with a pump
15. Generator vessel
HUMIDITY 16. Steam output from the generator (steam input in
the chamber)
17. Drain of waste water
3.1 GENERAL VIEW 18. Water input from the tank (sieve)
19. Protective thermostat sensor
20. Sensor PT 100
21. Relative humidity sensor
22. Set of the steam generator.


Useful space - see the illustration. in the
following picture, where X(H) = X(D) = 10 %
of the chamber depth, X(Š) = X(W) = 10 % of
the chamber width, X(V)1 = X(H) = distance of
the bottom shelf to the bottom of the chamber.
The required temperature accuracy from the
par. Technical parameters can be only achieved
DIN 12 880 – marked with heavy lines in the
picture, the light lines mark the inner walls of the
chamber). (It means that over the highest shelf
the values of the chapter Technical parameters
are not obligatory).
X (V)2

X (H)

X (V)1

X (Š)

1. Mains switch
2. Control panel
3. Plastic body of the regulator
4. Condenser
5. Compressor (coolant R134a)
6. Cooling snakelike tubing – 6a, 6b
7. Heating bodies in the heating space

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 5
Instructions for use

3.3 CONNECTOR RS-232C 8. Indicator light heating - shines: state of

temperature regulator - heating active
FOR PROTOCOL PRINTER 9. Indicator light cooling - shines: state of
temperature regulator - cooling active
1 2 3 4 5 10 Indicator light – failure
11. Indicator light of safety thermostat - shines:
6 7 8 9 temperature surpassed the limit set on the
safety thermostat - heating is off / see paragraph
4.1.8 Set safety thermostat
12. Display
Fig. 6: Connector for protocol printer 13. Port for inserting the chip card
9 pin Canon connector on the case Position on the display: Program: displaying the
Pin Signal Segment: partial or full graphic representation of the
2 RXD program coarse
3 TXD °C: temperature display
Ÿ: temperature display
: fan speed display in % (steps of 10 %)
25 pin Canon connector in the printer RH: % relative humidity
: setting-up intensity of exposition light in the
Pin Signal door
3 RXD descriptions in text.

20 DSR
Interface parameters: FUNCTION AND
Parita: none Function of individual indicator lamps and
Databit: 8 control keys is described in chapter
Devices connected with of connector
in chapter 3.4 - Control panel.
be approved by a competent testing
3.4 OPERATING PANNEL The water source is a plastic container
8 9 10 11 12 13
with distilled water.
Unpack the container and:
Program Segment °C - Connect the cable connector of the pump to
* the corresponding socket on the rear wall of
RH 5 6
the CLIMACELL upper (extension) piece;
- Connect the hose (washing machine-like) to
W STOP OFF the generator’s container water input (pos.
18). Connect the other end of the hose to the
ATTENTION! Do not forget the sealing on both
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 hose ends and the sieve which is inserted in the
water inlet.
1. Key of activation of setting-up mode - Slide on the waste hose to the waste water
2/4. Cursor steering turning to the left/right
3. Setting-up value in parameter
output (pos. 17) and secure it by means of
5. Key starting the program a draw band; place the other free end in the
6. Switch (ON - on, OFF - stand by) drainage;
7. Indicator light - shines after switching on the - Fill in the container with distilled water.
switch CLIMACELL is then ready for operation.

6 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

(Note: The maximum waste water pumping level 4.4.1 ACTIVATING THE SERVICE MODE
is 115 cm; the minimum level of distilled water
above the immersion pump is 25 cm.) Press simultaneously buttons ŸŹfor 2 seconds.
- The hose for water input or output from LCD shows Service 01. By pressing the button Ż
the generator must not be bent, choked, DŹyou can change between the single service
- It is recommended to install CLIMACELL 4.4.2 SERVICE 01 – STORING P1 - P6
drainage. With help of this service you can store programs
- Check water quantity in the container once in P1 – P6 on the chip card. Before storing the
a week at least. parameters to the chip card it necessary to insert
the right card to the unit panel. These cards can
4.2 CONNECTING TO THE ELECTRIC be ordered optionally.
NETWORK Make sure that the chip card is in the card
Compare the nominal voltage and power input reader!
with the power supply. If the supply parameters START/STOP pressing.
comply with the unit’s parameters, connect the The display shows: “P1 ÷ 6 → MMM CCard”.
plug to the supply socket. Save by X/W pressing. Correct saving is
“Done” shown on the display. Press START/
STOP again to enter another service.
Set the mains switch, which is placed on the If the read out on the LCD is „Bad MMM CCard“,
panel of exceeding port, to the I position. Press check the chip card and repeat the procedure.
ON/OFF. An indicator above the button lights
up. The device is ready for operation. Continue 4.4.3 SERVICE 02 – RESTORE/UPLOAD
according the points given below.
LCD shows all parameters for your convenience CARD TO THE UNIT
at onc.e. Cursor is placed below all 32 digits
of LCD in a so called cursor line and is always With help of this service you can record the
placed only below one of the digits. programs P1 – P6 stored on the chip card
again to the unit’s memory. The programs in the
Program Segment °c memory will be recorded over (erased). Make
sure the chip card is in the ON/OFF card reader.
START/STOP pressing. The display shows:
“P1 ÷ 6 → MMM CCard”. Save by X/W pressing.
RH 5 6
by a message “Done” shown on the display.
32 znakĤ
(32 digits) „Done“ on LCD. Press START/STOP again to
enter another service. If the read out on the LCD
Parameter change:
is „Bad MMM CCard“, check the chip card and
Move the cursor horizontally by pressingŻŹ
Change the parameter above the cursor by repeat the procedure.
Use the original chip card only provided by the
CLIMACELL® – MMM’ s product – offers a 16 may not be used.
make them active, there are fundamental inputs
required. To achieve this the following service
mode containing 7 different services is here.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 7
Instructions for use


AND DATE Printer=1 ... Printer Citizen
Printer=2 ... Thermoprinter DPT 6333-V.24
Pressing START/STOP you enter the service.
Terminate and close the service by START/STOP
Set the real time and date by pressing buttons
ŻŹDQGŸTo quit the service press START/
STOP again. Data on the display are in the
following form: ho:mi_day:month:year. 4.4.6 SERVICE 05 – SELECT LANGUAGE
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pressing START/STOP you enter the service.
Scope D F m t : _ R R R R - To select the language use buttonŸTo quit the
service press START/STOP again.
12 13 14 15 16
Cursor on the position 6: with the keyŸselection
of the date separator. The possible options are SWITCHING
dash (-), slash (/), dot (.), colon (:). The implicit A) Switching times setting
value is dash. With the key Ż back into the date With help of this service you can set the time of
setting mode. the inner socket periodic switching on and off.
Cursor on the position 7: with the keyŸselection Press START/STOP to enter the service.
of the date format. The possible option for Czech
On the bottom line of LCD there is a read out:
language are YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-DD-MM,
“on: XXPP off: YYQQ“, where
MM-DD-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY. The implicit
XX is the number of time units during which the
value is YYYY-MM-DD (Czech), YYYY-MM-DD
socket is on for a part of a period (00 – 99)
(English), JJJJ-MM-TT (German), AAAA-MM-JJ
YY is the number of time units during which the
(French). With the key Ź back into the date
socket is off for a part of a period (00-99)
setting mode.
PP time units for switching on (min or hr)
QQ time units for switching off (min or hr)
To print protocols device can be set up (optional) If XX = 00, the socket will never be on, if XX  00
with a printer, which is connected by a cable and YY = 00, the socket is on all the time after
to the printer interface – see par. Printing the the start.
protocol. Enter the service by START/STOP and B) Setting the fan run after the programme
set the interval: termination
3UHVVLQJŸVHOHFWRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJFKRLFHV Leave the “inner socket” setting by means of
- switched over to PC (application of SW - a) “Prog” – the fan runs only during the P1-P6
WarmComm – data are sent to PC) run;
- interval 10 s b) “TXX°C” – the fan keeps running after the
- interval 01 min programme termination till the temperature
- interval 01 h decrease below the preset value XX °C;
By pressing Żmove the cursor to the position c) “Door” - the fan keeps running after the
10/01 seconds, minutes or hours. By pressing programme termination and switches off after
Ÿyou can change the printer interval within the the door opening (applied only for units with a
following range: closed door sensor);
- 10 to 50 s (step 10 s) d) “alws” – the fan keeps running till the cabinet
- 01 to 59 min (step 1 min) is switched off by the ON/OFF button.
- 01 to 12 h (step 1 h)
Enter the printer menu by a subsequent cursor The safety thermostat serves for safety of the
move to the display edge. temperature cabinet, its surroundings and
the treated material from suppressing the set

8 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

temperature or from the temperature drop 4.4.9 SERVICE 41 – SETTING OF THE

below the set limit (i.e. prevents damaging or TEMPERATURE LIMIT
destroying the material samples in case of
damaging the temperature regulator or in case of Asserts only in such program segments, where
an unintentional setting the chamber temperature is regulated on the constant temperature (ramps
higher- or lower-, than the appropriate sample is are not watched).
able to endure). Before the start:
Following legend is on the display: “Service 41”
By pressing START/STOP enter the service.
and “Tolerance tepl.”
On the lower line of the display –
After the start:
at the position 9, 10 (symbols ZZ on display)
Following legend is displayed on the lower line of
– set the by you selected lower temperature limit
(adjustable in the range from –5 °C to +39 °C),
“+XX.X°C -YY.Y°C”, where “XX.X” is the upper
at the position 12, 13, 14 (symbols XXX on
temperature deviation (0 to + 20) and “YY.Y” is
the display) – set the upper temperature limit
the lower temperature deviation (- 20 to 0). If
(adjustable in the range from 0 °C to +199 °C),
during the program course such situation occurs,
(minimal deviation from the set regulated
when the temperature in the chamber is lower
temperature is “ƒ& 
than the adjusted temperature minus the lower
at the position 16 (symbol Y on the display) set deviation, the process stops and the fault 2 is
the safety thermostat type 3 – complies with announced. If during the program course such
class 3 according to EN 61010 (i.e. in case of situation occurs, when the temperature in the
suppressing the set temperature in the chamber chamber is higher than the adjusted temperature
the thermostat will switch the heating bodies plus the upper deviation, the process stops and
off, the control light safety thermostat switches the fault 3 is announced. On the end of the lower
on, the acoustic alarm starts up, the report on line, the fault character could be adjusted by the
the display “Safety Thermost.” is altered with Y/N switch. Y=critical fault, the initial setting is
the previous date, the unit does not heat, even “Y”.
if the control light heating lights. After the drop
You could cancel the service by the START/
of the temperature in the chamber under the set
safety thermostat limit goes the unit on with the STOP button.
operation – for example the heating is switched
on. The control light safety thermostat switches 4.4.10 SERVICE 56 – ADJUSTABLE
off, the acoustic alarm is still active and the report MONITORED DEVIATION OF THE RH
on the display “Safety Thermost.” is altered with VALUE FROM THE ADJUSTED
the data about actual state – these two data can
be cancelled by pressing START/STOP. Similar After the Service 56 start, on the lower line of the
events – in a mirror symmetrical form- occur display will appear “Toleran.RH +-XX%“.
in case of a temperature drop below the lower The value XX is adjustable within the range
temperature limit, cooling is switched off instead 5 to 20 % RH, it is also possible to adjust 0
of heating.) (zero means that the function is switched off),
the value other than zero means the growth of
Insert the chip card SO (safety thermostat). the monitored deviation. During the deviations
into the reading unit on the control panel monitoring, the fault 17 could occur – low RH, or
DQGFRQ¿UPWKHVHWWLQJRIWHPSHUDWXUHDQG fault 18 – high RH; these faults are announced
thermostat type by pressing X/W. Wait till under the condition that the deviation duration is
“Performed” is displayed; then remove SO longer than 80 seconds. On the end of the lower
chip card (protective thermostat). line, the fault character could be adjusted by the
Quit the service by another pressing START/ Y/N switch. Y=critical fault, the initial setting is
STOP. “N“.
Note: If a program is started, whose set The whole course. Immediately after the start,
temperature is outside the limits given by setting the RH is evaluated; there is monitored the
the safety thermostat, the display reports error 05 deviation value (if it is adjusted in Service 56).
– error of setting the safety thermostat. The monitoring could be temporarily switched
off for one hour so that you press X/W within 3
Check of the safety thermostat function seconds after the start; thereby is avoided the
is described in chapter Function of safety useless fault announcing during the humidity
thermostats. increasing phase. After the second pressing of
X/W, the monitoring is switched on again.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 9
Instructions for use

If the monitoring is switched off, it is indicated by operator will be informed acoustically about any
the sign “Z” blinking on the display in the rotating subsequent door opening again.
symbol position.
This service is available only in devices equipped
with the door blocking function. The programme start will be shifted to a new time.
For more details, see Programme P6.
Open the service by pressing START/STOP.
Select one of the following possibilities by means
1. “Inactive” – the door is unblocked SERVICE REGIME
permanently; Cancel the service regime by pressing START/
2. “Manual” – the door can be blocked/unblocked STOP. Now you can select and start the
by means of buttons ŻDQGŹ programs.
3. “Automatic” – the door is blocked
automatically after lapse of certain set time. 4.4.15 SETTING THE EXPOSURE LIGHTING
The period of time can be set within the range
from 2 to 9 seconds. Unblock the door by Programs P1 - P6
means of the buttons ŻDQGŹ. Concerning extension of following chapters:
You can select “C” on the last position of the Setting the program P1
display. In such case, the door can be unblocked Setting the program P2
only after the SO card is inserted. Setting the program P3
Setting the program P4 – segment T1
S e r v i c e 5 8 Setting the program P4 – segment T2
A u t o m . a f t e r 2 s C Description of the program P5 and its control
Description of the program P6 and its control.

4.4.12 SERVICE 62 – ALARM SETTING BySUHVVLQJŻŹplace the cursor to the position

Ɓand by pressingŸselect the lighting.
The service allows alarm switching on or off
P1 to P4: after reaching the set temperature
under the following situations:
in the just adjusted horizontal segment – or at
a) Unit switching on;
P3 also at the time delayed period – there is
b) Unit error;
possible to set the illumunation at steps of
c) Erroneous button pressing by the operator;
10 % of maximum illumination. 0 % (totally off)
d) Button pressing;
is at display shown as „OFF“, 100 % is shown
e) Programme start;
as „ON“. The illumination is constant during the
f) Programme end;
whole time as the segment continues.
g) Door opening during a programme run (only
in units equipped with a door switch). 33 there is possible to set the illumination at
steps of 10 % of maximum illumination at every
Enter the service by pressing START/STOP. (horizontal or cross) segment. 0 % (totally off) is
The individual options can be displayed by at display shown as „OFF“, 100 % is shown as
means of ŻŹ button. The cursor is in the „ON“.
rightmost position. Switch over by means of Ÿ
button between 0 (the alarm is off) and 1 (the a) Door lighting (one type of the lighting
alarm is on). source):
Terminate the service by pressing START/STOP. Rough lighting quantity in the VIS range from
400 to 700 nm (while 100 % and 22 °C are
Note: Door opening is signalled only in units preset) on the level of the chamber entry (in
equipped with a door switch. If the alarm is the middle of the entry area) – measured
switched off and the door is opened during with the luxmeter sensor positioned upright
the programme run, the display will show to the falling beams. White daylight 4000 °K,
is switched on, it sounds in addition to the CLC 111: 10 kLux r5 %, CLC 222: 10 kLux r
displayed message. The alarm can be cancelled 5 %, CLC 404 and 707: 13 kLux r 5 %
temporarily by pressing any ŻŸŹ button. By
the door closing, the alarm is renewed; i.e. the

10 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

b) Shelf lighting (one type of the lighting - The overall time (tVi or tUV) is displayed in
source): minutes, hours, and days.
See the chapter 6 Parameters, table 6.2. When checking the measured values during the
programme operation (see chapter 4.11), the light
4.4.16 SERVICE 60 – RACKS WITH variables are displayed in the following way:
EXPOSURE LIGHTING – - Actual value of the visible light (e.g.“L-Vis1” if
PHOTOVALUES SETTING the irst channel measures the visible light) in
There are two possibilities how to set the lighting: - Actual value of the ultraviolet light (e.g.
A) No possibility to control the illuminated “L- UV_2 if the second channel measures the
shelves: Cumulated light doses and overall UV light) in mW/cm2,
times at the individual shelves can only be - Cumulative visible light dose (e.g. “eVi1”) if
kluxh kilolux-hours),
Service 60 selection:
- Cumulative ultraviolet light dose (e.g. “eUV2”)
S e r v i c e 6 0 if the second channel measures the UV light)
in mWh/cm2 (milliwatt-hours per one square
P h o t o v a l u e s s e t . centimetre)
- Overal exposure time (e.g. tVi1, tUV2) in
Displaying examples after Service 60 activation:
minutes, hours and days.
S e r v i c e 6 0 B) Illuminated shelves control allowed:
1 : e V i 1 6 . 3 Parameters for the control of the individual
shelves lighting can be displayed/set/zeroed, or
S e r v i c e 6 0 printed.
2 : t U V 0 d 0 0 h 0 0 m Position 1: Rack with lighting is selected;
possibilities: 1, 2, or 3
(the racks are numbered from the top, i.e. the
S e r v i c e 6 0 highest rack has the number 1); position 14
then will show the exposure type (UV, Vis – the
3 : -
exposure type is set at the factory or by the
service technician – see the Service Instructions,
Explanatory notes: Service Technician Menu).
- Select the measuring channel (1 to 3) by
PHDQVRIŸRQWKHVHFRQGOLQH¿UVWSRVLWLRQ Position 3: The displayed parameter is selected;
The given variable type or sign “ -“ (dash) is possibilities:
displayed after the colon if the channel is not a) T-W: Required time of switching on the given
measuring any light variable. rack exposure in the format hhh:mm (hours
- Select the type of variable displayed by means and minutes);
RIŸRQWKHVHFRQGOLQHWKLUGSRVLWLRQ7KHUH b) T-X: Actual time of switching on the given rack
are the following possibilities: “e” (exposure) exposure in the format hhh:mm (hours and
or “t” (time). The variable displayed is zeroed minutes),
by X/W pressing. If both the exposure and c) e-W: Rack without a photosensor: The input
time have to be zeroed, exposure (e) must be H[SRVXUHYDOXHLQDGH¿QHGUHIHUHQFHSRLQW
displayed and X/W pressed, and then time (t) measured by external measuring device (kLux
must be displayed and X/W pressed again. for Vis exposure, mW/cm2 for UV exposure).
- The second line, fourth position displays Rack with a photosensor: Overall required
either “UV” or “Vi” depending on whether exposure dose (kLuxh for Vis lighting, mW/
the ultraviolet (UV) or visible (Vi) light cm2h for UV lighting),
measurement has been set on this channel. d) e-X : Total exposure dose.
The type of the measured light variable is set Rack without lighting: The dose is calculated
by the manufacturer or service technician. as a product of e-W and T-X (kLuxh for Vis
- The cumulated dose is displayed in kiloLux- exposure, mW/cm2h for UV exposure). Rack
hours (eVi if visible light is measured) with a photosensor: The dose is an integrated
or miliwatt-hours/cm2 (eUV if UV light is measured value.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 11
Instructions for use

e) Printout: Last protocol printing (started by X/W

\ 1 T - W 0 6 0 : 0 0 V i s
1 0 0 O n
Position 7-12: Setting of T-W and e-W
parameters. \ V i s = O f f U V = O n
1 3 7 8 9 11 12 14 1 0 0 1 0 0 O n
S e r v i c e 6 0 8. After the required time (required dose) is
1 : T - W 0 6 0 : 0 0 V i s reached, the light on the rack is switched off,
which is displayed on the display including
the number of the rack and type of exposure,
S e r v i c e 6 0 and a question whether to continue, i.e. start
2 : P r i n t o u t U V measurement of the subsequent dose, is
displayed as well.
T-W parameter can be set to any value ranging - In racks with photosensors, the e-X dose is
between 000:00 and 999:58. The time setting increased according to the instantaneous
to 999:59 is understood as a continuously exposure measured. Teroing of T-X and e-X, if
LQGH¿QLWHO\ VZLWFKHGRQOLJKWLQJ GLVSOD\HGLQ any, must be performed individually.
form oo:oo). - If there is any in-process dose in the moment
T-X and e-X parameters may be zeroed only (by of the program run starting (T-X time is not
pressing X/W). zero but has not reached the required value
yet), such dose measurement is continued
Procedure: till the required T-W time is reached or the
1. Set the required temperature and/or humidity programme interrupted.
in the selected programme (P1 is the most - If there is any dose terminated in the moment
suitable but any other can be used as well). of the program run starting (T-X time has
Set the exposure to 100 % (ON). reached the required T-W value), T-X and
2. Determine the required exposure dose. e-X parameters are zeroed and new dose
3. Set the dose or time of the required dose. measurement is started.
a) Racks without photosensors: - The previous two points are also applied
- Set T-W time in Service 60 to a non-zero in case of an automatic start after a power
value; supply failure.
- Start the programme; wait till the required - Any rack lighting can be permanently
temperature is reached when the lighting is switched on by setting the T-W time to 999:
switched on; 59 (displayed and printed as oo:oo); this can
- Measure the exposure on the rack by be applied for racks both with and without
means of an external measurer; photosensors.
- Calculate the required time of the dose as - Any rack lighting can be permanently switched
a ratio of the required dose and measured off by setting the T-W time to zero. In racks
exposure; with photosensors, both parameters must be
- In Service 60, enter the calculated time zeroed to switch the lighting permanently, i.e.
to the T-W parameter and the measured both the required time T-W and the required
exposure to the e-W parameter; dose e-W.
b) Rack with installed photosensor: - If both parameters, T-W and e-W, are non-
- Zero the T-W parameter in Service 60; zero on the rack with photosensors (but T-W
enter the required exposure dose to the e- has not been set to oo:oo), e-W parameter
W parameter. is decisive for the dose termination (T-W
4. Zero both parameters T-X and e-X in Service SDUDPHWHUKDVQRLQÀXHQFHRQWKHGRVH
60 (by X/W pressing). measurement).
5. Start the selected programme. - If e-W parameter is zero on the rack with
6. After the required temperature is reached, the photosensors, but T-W time is not zero, the
lighting is switched on and measurement of dose will be terminated in the moment when
the exposure time (dose) starts. the measured time T-X reaches T-W value.
7. By means ofŻRUŹbuttons, you can - The last protocol of each rack can be
display (on the upper line of the display) all subsequently printed in the user mode of
parameters during the programme run: T-W, Service 60. In a not terminated dose, the
T-X, e-W, e-X, and the state of Vis and UV paragraph “End of measurement” will not be
lighting switches (On, Off). printed.

12 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

- After language switching in Service 5, the 4.4.17 SETTING THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY
same protocol can be printed in another
- To print a protocol, the printer must be During the setting of temperature and time in the
switched on in the user service 04 (recording given horizontal segment set the required value
mode). of relative humidity in 1 %-steps in the range of
- In CLC-L device, RH will also be printed on RH between 10 % and 90 % at the position of RH
the protocol in addition to the temperature at on the lower line of the display – with limitations
the beginning and end of the dose. given in diagram in paragraph 4.4.18 - Setting
the operating conditions of temperature and
Examples of protocol printouts: relative humidity and their limitations.
'RVHVSHFL¿HGE\H;SDUDPHWHU Rise to the set RH starts after reaching the set
---------------------------------------------------------- temperature.
Zacatek mereni: Measur.start: Switch off the RH regulation during the run of the
22-06-2009 11:52 22-06-2009 11:52 program with the already set RH value according
T = 29.9°C T = 29.9°C to the following example: If the cabinet operates
Konec mereni: Measur. end: e.g. at 20 °C and 86 % RH, depress X/W and put
22-06-2009 11:58 22-06-2009 11:58
the cursor to the position of RH units, set 9, go to
T = 29.9°C T = 29.9°C
Pozadovana davka: Required exposure: the position of RH tens and set the further value
1.50 kLx 1.50 kLx over 9 – this position is OFF.
Celkovy cas: Total time:
000:06 000:06 4.4.18 SETTING THE OPERATING
Celkove osvetleni: Total exposure:
1.51 kLxh 1.51 kLxh
----------------------------------------------------------- AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND
22-06-2009 12:00 22-06-2009 11:59
Relation between the operating temperature
JMENO: NAME: (T °C) and the operating relative humidity
(RH %) in setting the operating parameters of the
Podpis: Signature: cabinet is shown by the enclosed diagram. The
hatched surface is limiting the area of achievable
'RVHVSHFL¿HGE\7;SDUDPHWHU operating parameters.
---------------------------------------------------------- a) Common chamber without exposure lighting

Zacatek mereni: Measur.start: 100

22-06-2009 11:17 22-06-2009 11:17
T = 29.9°C T = 29.9°C
Konec mereni: Measur. end: 80

22-06-2009 11:27 22-06-2009 11:27 70

T = 29.9°C T = 29.9°C 60
000:10 000:10
Celkovy cas: Total time: 40

000:10 000:10 30
Celkove osvetleni: Total exposure: 20
2.71 kLxh 2.71 kLxh
Datum: Date: 0

22-06-2009 11:50 22-06-2009 11:51 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 T(°C)

JMENO: NAME: b) Chamber with an exposure light in the door

If the unit is supplied with a lighting in the
Podpis: Signature:
door, different diagram shall apply (see
If the cabinet is supplied with the door lighting,
a different diagram is valid, see hereafter:

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 13
Instructions for use

A constant temperature and a constant value
of RH is required.

70 P 1=
temperature and RH until the unit is switched off.

4.5.1 SET P1

Put cursor to the position Program with help of
ŻŹand switch to P1 with help of Ÿ
Set the temperature at the position °C between 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 T(°C)
and 99.9 °C in steps 0.1 °C Place the cursor on
the lower line of the display and set the ventilator
c) Chamber with an exposure light on the shelves
The maximum available RH quantities are rate at the position to a value from 10 % to
limited in a unit with shelves provided with 100 % in 10 %-steps (% of maximum rate) and
an exposure light; the quantities depend on RH between 10 % and 90 % with limitations given
the chamber volume and decrease with the in diagram in paragraph 4.4.18 - Setting the
number of lighted shelves. operating conditions of temperature and
See the illustrative graph and other data in the relative humidity and their limitations.
chapter 6 Parameters; table 6.2.
Do not reduce the ventilator rate if not necessary.
regulation of temperature and RH negatively!


P t
S °c

P1 / – 00 . 0 00 : 00

RH 5 6

4.5.3 START P1
Press START/STOP, a sound will appear and the
d) Chamber with inbuilt sensors of UV and VIS clockwise.
light photometric quantities See the following LCD read out:
In this model, the temperature in the chamber m
P t
S °c

/ –
(with regard to the working temperature of
sensors of min. 0 °C and max. 60 °C) is
limited as follows: The adjustable temperature
*1 °C °C . °C h h : mm
If any breakdown occurs and the regulatory 100
sensor registers another than permitted
RH 5 6
temperature, error 2 or 3 is announced and
optical and acoustic alarm is switched on. Digit 1 (windmill running) = program running
Digit 7 to 10 = actual temperature in °C.
Digit 12 to 16 = time from the start in hr:min.
As soon as the set values are reached, then run
down time is shown.

16 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use


PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S Press START/STOP, a sound will appear and the
Press X/W and all information on the set clockwise.
parameters are shown at once. All possible See the following LCD read out:
parameters in all possible programs can be set Program Segment °c

/ – / °C °C . °C
including the one which is presently active, as
long as the change is effective. *2 h h : mm
4.5.5 STOP PROGRAM P1 100
Press START/STOP again.
RH 5 6

4.6 PROGRAM P2 °C°C°C = actual temperature

hh:mm = time passing from the start till
reaching the preset temperature. As soon as
time starts to be counted and the rise of RH to
the preset value is reached, time remaining
the set value starts at the same time.
till the programme end is displayed. After the
After the end of the operation the heating and programme is ended, the temperature in the
other active functions are switched off. chamber and the text “End” are displayed.
Both the programme end indication and the
P2= temperature in the chamber disappear after any
The unit operates at the set temperature and RH panel key pressing.
till the expiration of set time (max. 9999 h).
With help of buttons ŻŹput the cursor to the
position Program and switch to the program P2. See paragraph 4.5.4.
Set the temperature at the position °C. Move the
cursor to the position Ÿ and set the run down 4.6.5 STOP P2
time between 00hr:00min to 9999 h.
Set the ventilator rate at the position to a
value from 10 % to 100 % in 10 % -steps (% of
maximum rate) and RH between 10 % and 90 % 4.7 PROGRAM P3
with limitations given in diagram in paragraph 7KHGHOD\HGVWDUWEHJLQVDIWHUWKHGH¿QHGUXQ
Setting the operating conditions of temperature down time has been reached.
and relative humidity and their limitations. [The function starts CLIMACELL for example at
the weekend. Thus your goods are ready on the
Do not reduce the ventilator rate if not necessary.
regulation of temperature and RH negatively! The device starts running after the delayed time
has run down (max. 9999 min) and the unit
4.6.2 LCD READ OUT SHOWN operates at the set temperature. The duration of
the set temperature can be limited or unlimited in
Program Segment °c
P2 / – / 00 . 0 00 : 00
– – – – 4.7.1 SETTING THE PROGRAM P3
100 By means of ŻŹset the cursor to the position
– Program and come over to the program P3. By
RH 5 6 means of ŻŹ place the cursor in the graph to
the segment 1, by which the segment is activated
(eventually change the position of the cursor by

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 17
Instructions for use

means of Ÿ). Set the time of delayed start 00 P3 AND SEGMENT 2 IN THE GRAPH
By means of ŻŹ place the cursor in the graph
segment of the graph _/¯. Set the temperature
LQWKH¿HOGVƒ& Place the cursor to the position
Ÿ and set the time of operation between
00h:00min to 99 h 59 min or unlimited ’’ VHW
WKHLQ¿QLW\in the following way: set 99 h, put the
cursor to the nine in units and depressŸ)Place
the cursor to the position and set the SEGMENT 2
ventilator rate between 00 to 100 %, then set the °C°C°C = actual temperature
required relative humidity between 10 % and 90 hh:mm = time running from the start till the set
% at the position RH – with limitations given in temperature has been reached.
diagram in paragraph Setting the operating
conditions of temperature and relative humidity
and their limitations. P3 AND THE THIRD SEGMENT IN THE
Do not reduce the ventilator rate if not necessary.
regulation of temperature and RH negatively!


Program Segment °c

P3 – / – 00 . 0 00 : 00 SEGMENT 3
– – – – – –
100 The preset temperature has been reached. If
– the procedure duration is unlimited, the time
passed is displayed. If the procedure duration is
RH 5 6 limited, the time remaining till its end is displayed.
After the programme ends, the temperature in
4.7.3 START P3 the chamber and the text “End” are displayed.
Both the programme end indication and the
Press START/STOP, a sound will appear and temperature in the chamber disappear after any
running clockwise. See the following LCD read
Program Segment °c See paragraph 4.5.4.

* 3 – / – °C °C . °C h h : mm 4.7.5 STOP P3
100 Press START/STOP.

RH 5 6 4.8 PROGRAM P4
With two temperature levels T1 and T2, with
první segment controlled rate of temperature variation (ramps),
with setting the RH for each temperature level
°C°C°C = actual temperature and with cycling option.
hh:mm = the programmed time, counting down
towards zero.

18 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

T1 T2 segment is zero. For successful inserting of the

cycling process into an already started process
it is essential that at the moment of the start
P4 = “cXX” is shown on the display, where XX is the
Operates at 2 temperature levels T1 and T2, the number of intended runs of the whole sequence.
dwell time on the level T1 is limited, on the level E.g. number two means, that the sequence is
T2 can be limited or unlimited. carried out and then repeated completely, i.e. it
runs twice around. If “cXX” is not shown on the
display at the moment of the start and there is
4.8.1 SETTING THE PROGRAM P4 shown data on time or on the ramp of the actually
Index: displayed program instead, the whole sequence
T0 = initial chamber temperature runs once and is not repeated, i.e. there are no
T1 = temperature level 1 cycles.
T2 = temperature level 2
Digit 11 on LCD, placed between temperature 4.8.2 SET THE SEGMENT FOR T1
and dwell time values, shows the following
information: SET TEMPERATURE T1
r = ramp value, can be set on digits 12 – 16
and corresponds with temperature change Put cursor to the position Program and switch
speed in °C/min to P4. By pressing ŻŹ place the cursor on the
max. value is +3.20 °C/min, when T0 < T1 graph and make sure that T1 (/¯\_) is activated.
max. value is –1.0 °C/min, when T0 > T1 If not, activate it with buttonŸ
If r = 00.0, no ramp active! Change to the position °C - setting the temperature
(The numerical value of the ramp has an - and set the temperature between.
orientation character, the real speed can
be affected by the amount of goods in the SET THE DELAY TIME OF T1
chamber and maximum speed of temperature
change may not be met, taking the limited Move cursor to the digit 11 on LCD and ask
heating power into account) for parameters by pressing ŸEither „r“ or „t“
t = time available in position Ÿ will appear (see above). Select „t“. Move to the
(00h:00min – 99 h 59 min), at T2 the dwell position Ÿ
and set the dwell time between
time can be unlimited 00 hr:00 min and 9999 min.
c = cycles shown in position Ÿ , digits 12 – 13 on
LCD (available only at T2, if the dwell time is READ OUT OF T1 AND THE DELAY TIME
Program Segment °c

P4 / – / – 00 . 0 t 00 : 00
Possible number of cycles is 02 to 99
(eventually’which is the next position after
99 - the cycling is possible on condition, that the
– – – – – – – –
temperature drops below the value T0 after the
end of interval on T2). 100
The value of cycle number is a global value that

RH 5 6
does not relate to individual segments, it relates
to the complete programmed sequence. It can
be displayed while displaying any segment on SET THE RAMP AT T1
the display, however it does not concern only Return the cursor to the digit 11 on LCD and by
the displayed segment, but the whole sequence!
The minimum number of cycles is 1. If only one pressing Ÿselect „r“. Switch to the position Ÿ
cycle is selected, the programme runs as if it was and set the required ramp (max. value
started without cycles. The programme can be +3.20 °C/min for T0 < T1). If the ramp is not
started by pressing START/STOP. Whichever needed, leave „r“ on 0.00. In this case the
segment is actually displayed, the programme temperature will be changed at maximum
accordance to T0 and T1 relation.
The program can be started by depressing
START/STOP; no matter which segment is
shown on the display, the program always runs
from the segment 0 or 1, if the time of the zero

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 19
Program Segment °c Return the cursor to the digit 11 on LCD and by
P4 / – / – 00 . 0 r +/- 0 . 00 pressing button Ÿselect „r“. Switch to position
Ÿ and set the required ramp (max. value
100 +3.20 °C/min for T1 < T2). If the ramp is not
needed, leave „r“ on 0.00. In this case the
temperature will be changed at maximum
RH 5 6
accordance to T1 and T2 relation. SET THE FAN SPEED AT THE
Place the cursor at the position and set the Program Segment °c

P4 / – / – 00 . 0
ventilator rate between 10 to 100 %. Then set the
required relative humidity between 10 % and 90 r +/- 0 . 00
% at the position RH – with limitations given in
diagram in paragraph Setting the operating
conditions of temperature and relative 100
humidity and their limitations.
RH 5 6

Do not reduce the ventilator rate if not necessary. SET CYCLES FOR P4
regulation of temperature and RH negatively! Return the cursor to the digit 11 on LCD and with
Ÿselect „c“. Switch to the position Ÿ , set the
4.8.3 SET THE SEGMENT FOR T2 number of cycles between 02 and 99 (eventually
’which is the next position after 99. SET THE TEMPERATURE T2 The number of cycles means, how many times
will the cycle run, i.e. value 03 means, that at the
Place the cursor on the graph and make sure that HQGRIWKH¿UVWF\FOHZLOOEHWKHZKROHSURFHVVVWLOO
T2 (/¯\_) is activated. If not, activate with help twice repeated. Cycles will not be used in case „c“
of ŸChange to the position °C – setting of the is not on LCD in the moment of start.
temperature – and set the temperature. READ OUT OF CYCLES FOR P4 SET THE DELAY TIME T2 Program Segment °c
Put the cursor on the digit 11 on LCD and ask
for parameters by pressing ŸEither „t“ or „r“ or P4 / – / – 00 . 0c 01
„c“ will appear. Select „t“. Enter the position Ÿ 100
and set the delay time between 00hr:00min and
9999 h, or unlimited ’:’ VHWWKHLQ¿QLW\in the
following way: set 9999 h, put the cursor to the RH 5 6

Program Segment °c Place the cursor at the position and set the
P4 / – / – 00 . 0 r +/- 0 . 00 ventilator rate between 10 to 100 %. Then set the
required relative humidity between 10 % and 90
% at the position RH – with limitations given in
100 diagram in paragraph. Setting the operating
conditions of temperature and relative
RH 5 6 humidity and their limitations.

20 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use S3 IS ACTIVE, TEMPERATURE IS

Do not reduce the ventilator rate if not necessary.
Program Segment °c

* 4 / – / – °C °C . °C
regulation of temperature and RH negatively! h h : mm
4.8.4 START P4 100
If cycling is required, „c“ must be on LCD when
starting the program. = S3
Press START/STOP, a sound will appear and the
clockwise. See the following LCD read out: hr:min = time running since the end of T1 till it
reaches T2.
The graph shows the actual state of the program.
Program Segment °c

* 4 / – / – °C °C . °C
P4 =
Program Segment °c RH 5 6

* 4 / – / – °C °C . °C h h : mm = S4/T2
100 °C°C°C = actual temperature
hh:mm = in case the time of the procedure is
unlimited the time of running is shown, in case of
RH 5 6 the limited time the rest of this time is shown.
= S1
°C°C°C = actual temperature PARAMETERS DURING THE DEVICE’S
hh:mm = time since start to reaching T1.
Program Segment °c 4.8.6 STOP P4

* 4 / / – °C °C . °C h h : mm Press START/STOP.

RH 5 6

= S2/T2
°C°C°C = actual temperature
hh:mm = dwell time at T1 running down towards

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 21
Instructions for use



t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 tn=max.40
tn=max 15

T4 S5 Sn
T5 T6
S2 S3
S4 S6 S7 F G H I
T1 T2
S0 S1

t A: P5 name of the program

B: XX number of the set segment
The program consists of 41 segments. Segment C: X type of the set segment:
LVIRUWKHGHOD\HGVWDUWLWLVGH¿QHGRQO\E\ x time of the zero segment is set to zero,
the time t0. If t0 is 0, there is no delayed start. segment will be skipped over
Segments 1 to 40 are of the same qualities, each > not the last, the end length - see E
>l the last, the end length - see E
time or speed (ramp), fan rotation speed and D: XX . X required temperature of the set segment
depending on the type of the unit also by relative (! the end temp.)
humidity and chamber light. E: TXX : XX required length of the set segment, deciding
Each of the segments 1 to 40 can be set as the is the ramp, or
ODVWDQGWKHLQ¿QLWHWKDWLVDIWHUWKHHQG 5“;;; required length of the set segment, deciding
temperature Ti has been reached, and is the time, or
simultaneously after the time ti is over either the tXX : XX the ramp = required speed of the set
SURJUDPLV¿QLVKHGRUIROORZHGE\DQRWKHUF\FOH segment, deciding is the time, or
Each of the segments 1 to 40 can be set as U“;;; the ramp = required speed of the set
VHJPHQWPXVWEH¿QLVKHGE\START/STOP cXX the number of cycles of the whole program
button. F: XXX the fan speed of the set segment
If the cycle selection is active on LCD at the G: XX disengaged
program selection - E: cXX, the program comes I: XX . XX the month and day at the moment
(impossible to be set in P5)
again to the start after the last segment is over
number of program cycles corresponds with the
number behind the letter “c“. The segment 0 can A B C D E
be counted into the cycle as well even when it is
zero. The rise to the set RH starts after reaching
the set temperature.
Range of parameters:
time t0 0 hr 0 min to 9999 h
time t1 to t40 0 hr 0 min to 9999 h or
ramp r1 to r40 0 to 3.2 °C/min for heating
–1.0 to 0 °C/min for cooling A: 5 the rotating symbol and the program
temperature T1 to T140 0.0 to 99.9 °C
B: X the number of the relevant segment
fan speed V1 to V40 10 to100 % with 10 % steps
C: X the type of the set segment:
relative RH1 to RH40 10 % to 90 % with 1 % steps > not the last,
>| the last, the end length - see E
light L1 to L40 0 % (OFF) to 100 % (ON) ’WKHODVWLQ¿QLWHOHQJWK
with 10 % steps
D: XX . X the temperature in the chamber at the
number of C 1 to 99 (eventually’which moment
cycles is the next position after 99

22 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

E: XX : XX the segment time at the moment - hours, P 5 0 1 ! 2 0 . 0 T 0 0 : 0 0

minutes all segments - counting down from 1 0 0 5 0 O N
the set value towards zero, in case of an
up from zero in case the time is higher than P 5 0 3 ! 2 0 . 0 T 0 1 2 0 :
9999 hr. >>:>> is indicated
1 0 0 5 0 O N
F: XXX the fan speed of the set segment
G: XX disengaged
H: XXX the light at the moment P 5 0 4 ! 0 4 . 0 T 0 0 : 0 0
P5 programme continuation after the preset 1 0 0 6 0 O F F
parameters change or after the programme
interruption: P 5 0 5 >| 0 4 . 0 T 4 8 : 0 0
1) The programme runs, for example, in c 0 0
segment 5. You want to change the setting 1 0 0 6 0 O F F
in the segment that has already passed (e.g.
segment 4) or in a segment that will run (e.g. Caution!
segment 6). Press X/W, change the setting In time and temperature setting in programme
according to your needs. Meanwhile, the 5, it is recommended to observe the following
programme continues running in segment 5. principles:
Wait for several seconds. The programme If you need to change the temperature in an
returns from the setting mode to the working already set chain of segments, pay attention to
segment 5 and continues working. whether the nature (rising or decreasing) and/or
2) The programme runs, for example, in the subsequent or preceding ramps (marked “R“
segment 5. You want to change the setting or “t“) are in accord with the expected change. If
in the running segment 5. Press X/W and not, cancel the ramp and set it again only after
change the setting of segment 5 according the temperature setting.
to your needs. Wait for several seconds. The 7KHVHJPHQWWHPSHUDWXUHVKDOOEHVHWDW¿UVW
programme returns from the setting mode to and only then the ramp. If the ramp (“R“ or “t“) is
the beginning of the working segment 5 and decisive for the segment, then we should switch
3) The programme is running. Power supply temperature.
is interrupted – either by the main device When setting a chain of segments, we should
switch, or in the supply mains. After the power proceed from the lower segment to the higher
supply is restored, the device continues one.
automatically from the same point as before
interruption. 4.10 PROGRAM P6
4) When switching off by START/STOP or
ON/OFF and re-switching on, the programme 4.10.1 DESCRIPTION OF P6 AND ITS
will start running from the very beginning.
Fan run after the programme end:
The fan run can be set in Service 06. Immediate T
fan switch-off after the programme end has been
preset in all models equipped with a fan. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 tn=max.40
tn=max 15


T4 S5 Sn
Requirement: Operation for 5 working days T5 T6
T3 S4 S6 S7
S2 S3
under temperature of 20 °C, RH = 50 %, light T1 T2
S0 S1
100 %, 2 weekend days under temperature of
4°C, RH = 60 %, light off. This mode of operation
is to be repeated cyclically with maximum (valid for products since 22.04.2009).
SRVVLEOH¿QDOUHSHWLWLRQV P6 programme works with segments the duration
of which is determined by real time and calendar
Setting in program P5
P 5 0 0 x - - . - 0 0 : 0 0 P6 programme consists of 41 segments and
1 0 0 5 0 O F F follows strictly the real time, i.e. follows the set
programme independently of the time of start,

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 23
Instructions for use

power supply failures, restarts after an error, etc. Each of the segments 1 to 40 can be set as the
The segment 0 (so-called “delayed start“) is ODVWDQGLQGH¿QLWHRQHLHWKHSURJUDPPHPXVW
compulsory and time and year is set in it; it can be terminated at this segment by the START/
even be set to the past and means the STOP button.
“programme beginning“. The segments 1 to 40 If there is an active selection of cycles on the
have equal properties; each of them is display in the moment of the programme start,
determined by the ¿QDO temperature, time or (see the Figure Display – programme selection
speed (ramp), ventilator rotation speed, relative – E: cXX), then – during the programme run –
humidity (RH) and, according to the device the device will shift to the beginning again after
model, by the exposure lighting of the chamber termination of the last segment and the whole
as well. programme is repeated. The overall number of
If cycling is switched on, the segment end times the whole cycle courses equals to the numerical
are shifted after the end of each cycle (forward value after the letter “c“.
one duration of the programme). The control The cycles number value is related to the whole
of parameters during the device run (after X/W programmed sequence. It can be displayed in the
pressing), therefore, shows updated parameters. presence of any segment but it does not relate
The whole P6 programme (all segments at once) to the displayed sequence only, but to the whole
can be shifted by means of Service 64 by any sequence!
time interval both to the future and past and there The minimum number of cycles is 1. If only one
is no need to rewrite all segments before a new cycle is selected, the programme will run as if it
start of the programme. was started without cycles.
The programme can be started by the “Start”
button. It will always be started from segment 1
4.10.2 PROGRAMME SETTING (if the zero segment time is zero) regardless
Segment 0 is compulsory, i.e. it cannot be of the segment displayed. However, it is of key
switched off. This condition is necessary for importance for successful inclusion of cycling
GH¿QLQJERWKWKHSURJUDPPHEHJLQQLQJDQG in the activated process that the display must
overall duration, which is necessary for cycling. show “c XX” at the moment of the programmed
When setting the delayed start, year is set in the sequence start, where XX is the number of
bottom line. The programme start thus can be set intended courses of the whole sequence. For
even to the past. Year is always displayed at the example, the number 2 means that the sequence
same place (7th position on the bottom line); the will be carried out and then repeated once more.
sequence month-day (DD-MM or MM-DD) is set If there is not “c XX” displayed at the moment
in Service 3 of switching on by means of the START/STOP
button, but time or ramp of the actually displayed
P 6 0 0 > 2 2 . 5 0 9 : 0 0 segment are displayed, the whole sequence will
1 0 0 2 0 0 9 1 8 - 0 2 run only once.
The time is not determined as a segment
or duration but it is determined by the hour, minute,
P 6 0 0 > 2 2 . 5 0 9 : 0 0 day, and month of its end, i.e. by the real time.
1 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 2 - 1 8
If the set time and date of the segment is lesser
than the time and date of the previous segment,
In other segments, RH and/or lighting is set in the segment will end no sooner than in the
the bottom line. Years will be calculated at the subsequent year. The actual time and date
programme start, e.g. (including the year) must be set to the system
P 6 0 1 > 2 2 . 5 0 9 : 0 0 (regulator) in the service mode. Rising to the set
1 0 0 O F F O N 1 8 - 0 2
relative humidity starts after the set temperature
is reached.
Range of parameters:
P 6 0 1 > 2 2 . 5 0 9 : 0 0
time t1 to t40 each of segments up to a
1 0 0 O F F O N 0 2 - 1 8 year
ramp r1 to r40 0 to 3.2 °C/min for heating
Each of the segments 1 to 40 can be set as –1.0 to 0 °C/min for cooling
the last one, i.e. after the end temperature Ti is
reached and, at the same time, time ti lapses, temperature T1 to T40 0.0 to 99.9 °C
either the programme ends or the subsequent fan speed V1 to V40 10 to 100 % with 10 % steps
cycle follows. relative RH1 to RH40 10 % to 90 % with 10 % steps

24 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

light L1 to40 0 % (OFF) to 100 % (ON) C: X the type of the set segment:
with 1 % steps > not the last,
number of C 2 to 99 (eventually’which >| the last, the end length - see E
cycles is the next position after 99 ’WKHODVWLQ¿QLWHOHQJWK
D: XX . X the temperature in the chamber at the
E: XX : XX the segment time at the moment - hours,
SELECTION minutes all segments - counting down from
A B C D E the set value towards zero, in case of an
up from zero in case the time is higher than
9999 h >>:>> is indicated
F: XXX the fan speed at the moment (%)
G: XX disengaged (%)
H: XXX the light at the moment (%)
F G H I When setting the time and temperature in
programme 6, the following principles should be
A: P6 name of the program
B: XX number of the set segment
If there is a need to change the temperature in
C: X type of the set segment:
an already set chain of segments, pay attention
x time of the zero segment is set to zero, to whether the nature (rising or decreasing) and/
segment will be skipped over or the subsequent or preceding ramps (marked
> not the last, the end length - see E “R“ or “t“) are in accord with the expected
>l the last, the end length - see E change. If not, cancel the ramp and set it again
only after the temperature setting.
D: XX . X the required temperature of the set
segment (! the end temp.)
and only then the ramp. If the ramp (“R“ or “t“) is
E: TXX : XX the hour and minute of the set segment
end, deciding is the ramp, or decisive for the segment, then we should switch
5“;;; the hour and minute of the set segment WRWLPH ³7³RU³U³ DW¿UVWLIZHZDQWWRFKDQJHWKH
end, deciding is the time, or temperature.
tX . XX the ramp = required speed of the set When setting a chain of segments, we should
segment, deciding is the time, or proceed from the lower segment to the higher
U“;;; the ramp = required speed of the set one.
segment, deciding is the ramp, or
cXX the number of cycles of the whole program
F: XXX the fan speed of the set segment
G: XX disengaged After the programme starting (by the START/
H: XXX the light of the set segment STOP button or order from WC3), years of other
I: XX . XX month and day of the set segment end segment will be calculated and the test of the last
segment time will be then performed.
DISPLAY - RUNNING OF THE PROGRAM Three situations may occur:
1. The actual time is lower than the zero
A B C D E segment time – waiting phase is started; the
whole programme will run.
2. The actual time is higher than the zero
segment time but lower than the last segment
time – all segments that should be terminated
at the given time will be skipped and that
segment which corresponds to the actual one
F G H will be started. Duration of such segment will
be adapted (shortened) so as to terminate at
the set time ; LCD displays the time remaining
A: 6 the rotating symbol and the program to the segment end.
number 3. The actual time is higher than the zero
B: X the number of the relevant segment segment time – warning audible signal
(Operator Error) sounds and the programme
does not start.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 25
Instructions for use

4.10.4 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE S e r v i c e 6 4

After a power supply failure, the following 0 9 : 0 0 2 0 0 9 - 0 2 - 1 8
situations may occur:
1. Programme without cycles; the actual time
is lower than the last segment time. Those S e r v i c e 6 4
segments that should already be terminated 0 9 : 0 0 2 0 0 9 - 1 8 - 0 2
will be skipped, duration of the actual segment
will be adapted (shortened). or
2. Programme without cycles; the actual time S e r v i c e 6 4
is higher than the last segment time. The 0 9 : 0 0 0 2 - 1 8 - 2 0 0 9
programme will be terminated (all segments
will be skipped because the programme or
“ended“ during the power supply failure); LCD S e r v i c e 6 4
displays “End of P6“.
3. Programme with cycles; the actual time is 0 9 : 0 0 1 8 - 0 2 - 2 0 0 9
lower than the last segment time. See point Any parameter can be changed (a year can
1 above. The programme will continue with a be changed by one year forward or backward
shortened “actual“ segment; subsequent cycle as compared to the actual year) and by X/W
runs normally. pressing, the programme will be shifted by the
4. Programme with cycles; the actual time difference between the new and original segment
is higher than the last segment time. The time (“Done” is displayed).
appropriate number of P6 programme S e r v i c e 6 4 *
durations so that the programme could
D o n e
continue. The operation then is like in point 3
above. The programme can be shifted both forward and
backward. Time (hh:mm) is always displayed
4.10.5 AUTOMATIC SHIFTING OF P6 at the beginning of the line; date is displayed
PROGRAMME BEGINNING IN in a format chosen in the user service 3 (i.e. 4
possibilities of the sequence year-month-day).
CYCLING This differs from the segment 0 setting where the
After each cycle is terminated, the programme \HDULVDOZD\VDWWKH¿UVWSODFH
forward by one programme duration). When 4.10.7 EXAMPLES OF P6 PROGRAMME
checking the parameters during the programme
run by X/W pressing, the actual P6 setting is
displayed. After the last cycle or programme Example 1: Day and night phase with equal
without cycling ends, the parameters will not temperature
be shifted, i.e. the last parameters according Requirement: Constant temperature 22 °C,
to which the programme was running are constant humidity 70 % RH, light ON from 9:00
always displayed after the programme end or AM till 5:00 PM, light OFF from 5:00 PM till 9:00
interruption (with or without cycles). $0RIWKHQH[WGD\LQGH¿QLWHQXPEHURIF\FOHV
Programme start on 18.02.2009 at 9:00 AM. At
4.10.6 MANUAL SHIFTING OF P6 the programme start, the display must show the
PROGRAMME BEGINNING - USER setting „c oo“(cycling activation).
SERVICE 64 P 6 0 0 > - - . - T 0 9 : 0 0

Durations of all segments remain unchanged. 1 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 2 : 1 8

S e r v i c e 6 4
P 6 0 1 > 2 2 . 0 T 0 9 : 0 0
S h i f t i n g p r o g P 6
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8
After the programme is started (START/STOP –
see), time and whole date of the zero segment
P 6 0 1 > 2 2 . 0 T 0 9 : 0 0
are displayed.
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8

26 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

P 6 0 2 > 2 2 . 0 T 1 7 : 0 0 in which it would be if the programme run had

not been interrupted, i.e. day and night phase
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8
with breaks at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM will be
P 6 0 3 >| 2 2 . 0 T 0 9 : 0 0
c 0 0 Example 3: Week cycle
Requirement: 5 working days per week –
1 0 0 7 0 O F F 0 2 . 1 9 operation at the temperature 20 °C, RH = 50 %,
Example 2: Day and night phase with different light 100 %, 2 weekend days at the temperature
temperatures 4 °C, RH = 60 %, light off; this course shall be
Requirement: Temperature 25 °C, humidity 70 % repeated cyclically for 99 times.
RH, light ON 100 % from 9:00 AM till 5:00
PM; temperature 22°C, humidity 70%RH, light Setting in P6 programme
OFF from 5:00 PM till 9:00 AM of the next day, Start on Monday 30.10 at 08:00 AM
LQGH¿QLWHQXPEHURIF\FOHV P 6 0 0 > - - . - 0 8 : 0 0
Programme start on 18.02.2009 at 9:00 AM. At 1 0 0 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 0 0
the programme start, the display must show the
Monday morning at 08:15 AM
setting „c oo“(cycling activation)
P 6 0 1 > 2 0 . 0 T 0 8 : 1 5
P 6 0 0 > - - . - 0 9 : 0 0
1 0 0 5 0 O N 1 0 . 3 0
1 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 2 : 1 8
Saturday morning at 08:00 AM
P 6 0 1 > 2 5 . 0 0 9 : 0 0 P 6 0 2 > 2 0 . 0 T 0 8 : 0 0
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8 1 0 0 5 0 O N 1 1 . 0 4

Saturday morning at 08:15 AM

P 6 0 1 > 2 5 . 0 0 9 : 0 0 P 6 0 3 > 0 4 . 0 T 0 8 : 1 5
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8 1 0 0 6 0 O F F 1 1 . 0 4

P 6 0 2 > 2 5 . 0 1 7 : 0 0
Monday morning at 08:00 AM
P 6 0 4 >| 0 4 . 0 T 0 8 : 0 0
1 0 0 7 0 O N 0 2 : 1 8
c 9 9
1 0 0 6 0 O F F 1 1 . 0 6
P 6 0 3 > 2 2 . 0 1 7 : 0 0
Note: The 15-minute delay between 8:00 AM
1 0 0 7 0 O F F 0 2 : 1 8
and 8:15 AM was chosen on condition that it is
P 6 0 4 >| 2 2 . 0 0 9 : 0 0 temperature to another If it is not the case, an
c 0 0 experimentally ascertained delay must be set.
1 0 0 7 0 O F F 0 2 . 1 9 The printer will print RH OFF in segments 0, 1,
and 3.
- The programme can be started at any time
between 9:00 AM on 18.2.2009 and 9:00 AM
on 19.2.2009 without any adjustment of the 4.10.8 SUMMER/WINTER TIME
SURJUDPPHGH¿QLWLRQ The regulator does not take account of the
- If the required programme is to be started time changes. When the time is changed to the
after 9:00 AM on 19.2.2009, the date only is summer/winter time, the user must change the
to be changed in Service 64 (the programme time manually in Service 3, or the time can be set
duration is 24 hours, i.e. all times will remain); in a remote way. The programme of the recording
the actual time should be taken into account. WarmComm 3-F SW synchronizes the regulator
If the programme is to be started before 9: time with the time of a PC, if connected, with an
00 AM, the start should be set to the previous installed recording SW (the set regulator time
date; otherwise, the waiting segment begins equals the PC time). Any time change during the
(delayed start) and the cabinet will start to SURJUDPPHUXQKRZHYHUGRHVQRWLQÀXHQFHLWV
temper no sooner than at 9:00 AM. When course because the durations of the segments
starting after 9:00 AM, the date in Service 64 are calculated only at the programme start (and
is simply set to the actual date. in the examples above, the day and night phase
- In case of a power supply failure, the will be changed at 6:00 PM and 10:00 AM).
programme will always continue in that time

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 27
Instructions for use

To match the times fully, the programme must Error 05 protective thermostat setting. See
be restarted either by stopping and immediate service 07 in the instructions for use.
starting, or by power supply failure simulation (by The error can be caused by starting a
the power supply switch). programme whose temperature is out
Service 64 – P6 programme start shifting thermostat setting, or by a HW defect.
The whole P6 programme (all segments at once) Error 10 controlling programme.
can be shifted by any time interval both to the Call the service.
future and past. The setting is described in the Error 11 communication
P6 programme description. Call the service.
4.11 MEASURED VARIABLES DISPLAYING connected, broken, or short-circuited
Error 15 *) defective humidity probe
In devices with a greater number of measured Call the service
variables, all variables cannot be displayed at Error 17 **) humidity is below the preset lower limit
once. Their values may be displayed during the See service 56 in the instructions for
RUŹEXWWRQ7KHJLYHQYDULDEOHLVGLVSOD\HGIRU Error 18 **) humidity is above the preset lower limit
several seconds. Its displaying can be extended See service 56 in the instructions for
by repeated Ÿ pressing. use
temperature sensor: connected, broken, or short-circuited
Call the service.
1. Cycle: xx/yy where xx means the number of Error 20 *) door cannot be blocked
the just running cycle; yy is the overall See service 58 and chapter 10.14 in
number of the preset cycles the instructions for use.
2. Temp_1 Regulatory sensor temperature [oC] Error 21 *) door cannot be unblocked
3. Humid RH [%] See service 58 and chapter 10.14 in
4. Temp_2 Flexible sensor temperature [oC] the instructions for use.
5. T_Sfty_Th Protective sensor temperature Error 22*) level indicator SL1 was not
[oC] (if the control of the difference between disconnected during preparation of
the measured temperature and the regulatory deaeration
sensor has been preset). Check the vacancy of the waste water
outlet; otherwise, call the service.

4.12 ERROR MESSAGES Error 23*) level indicator SL1 was not connected
during deaeration
Error messages are placed on LCD and have the Check the water level in the tank;
following meaning: check whether the pump is not
vented (move it several times under
Error 00 PT 1 (regulatory sensor) – not the water to release the air) and the
connected, broken, or short-circuited. sieve blocked (see chapter 3.1 in
Call the service. the instructions for use - note 18);
Error 01 37 ÀH[LEOHVHQVRUD ±QRW otherwise, call the service.
connected, broken, or short-circuited. Error 24*) level indicator SL1 was not
Call the service. disconnected during the condensate
Error 02 temperature is below the preset lower discharge
limit. See service 41 in the instructions Check the vacancy of the waste water
for use. outlet; otherwise call the service
Error 03 temperature is above the preset lower Error 25 *) – level indicator SL1 was not
limit. See service 41 in the instructions FRQQHFWHGGXULQJ¿OOLQJ
for use. Check the water level in the tank;
check whether the pump is not vented
Error 04 protective thermostat is activated; (move it several times under the water
heating is disconnected. See service to release the air); otherwise, call the
07 in the instructions for use. service.
Error 26 *) steam generator cannot be pressurized
Try to start it again; otherwise, call the

28 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

Error 27 37 ÀH[LEOHVHQVRUG ±QRW unit starts running automatically in the same
connected, broken, or short-circuited way as in case of the fall-out loss of electrical
Call the service. energy and the operation continues from
Error 28 great temperature difference between the point of interruption. In this case another
the regulatory sensor and protective eventual “soft” error will be signalized both
thermostat acoustically and optically.
Call the service. If “soft” errors occur repeatedly, please inform
*) ......... This is a soft error your service organization.
**)........ Error type may be set by the user.
The difference between the soft error and the 4.13 PRINTING THE PROTOCOL
hard one is, that after the soft error occurs and DPT 6333 printer is recommended for records
is reported the whole running process is not printing. Other types can be used as well, such
stopped, only the system is eliminated, whose as CITIZEN, model iDP 3110-24 RF-A. Printing
element has been detected as defective, in into a PC application (Printer Archiv) is allowed
case of CLIMACELL it is steam generator. Other as well.
systems continue their controlled function By setting the printer interval you give the time
– heating, cooling, ventilator, lighting. If such an intervals of printing actual values of temperature
error occurs – the regulator (without interrupting in the chamber. Length of this interval is
the operation) informs – acoustically and optically displayed in the head of the protocol.
by means of display – the operator. The acoustic Printer interval can be set - see paragraph Basic
signal is the same as in case of the hard error, Setting, point Service 04.
the optical signal differs (from reporting the hard 1. Connect the printer to the device by means
HUURU E\ÀLFNHULQJRIWKHDSSURSULDWHPHVVDJH of a cable with a serial connector (RS-232C);
on the display. In case of hard error it is shown use the printer socket (on the rear side of the
permanently. extension piece/device). Then connect the
The soft error is used, because its cause can other end of the cable to the connector in the
be removed by a simple correction and it is not rear part of the printer. Connect the printer
necessary to interrupt the running process. E.g. to the electric power mains by means of an
the hose of the drain from the steam generator adapter. Some types require a switch on the
is rolled up improperly, which prevents the water right side of the printer to be switched on.
to go out when turbidity is removed, on the other The POWER and SEL indicators light up. The
hand it is not necessary to interrupt the running printer is in the ON-LINE mode. Paper is fed
process by a hard error. by pressing the LF button (in the OFF-LINE
,ID³VRIW´HUURURFFXUV\RXFDQSURFHHGLQ mode only, i.e. after the SEL button pressing
following ways: – the SEL indicator turns off. To renew the
1) By depressing X/W only the acoustic signal ON-LINE mode, the SEL button must be
is suppressed so that it does not disturb. The pressed – the SEL indicator lights up). The
humidity generating elements are blocked, printer can print in the ON-LINE mode only!
the unit does not regulate the humidity. Other 2. Follow Service 04 – Printing Interval Setting
functions are kept and controlled. and set the required interval either up or
2) By depressing START/STOP down.
- both the acoustic signal is suppressed There is a head printed by the printer, the
- and the humidity generating elements head comprises: type of unit, set temperature,
are unblocked. During the “soft” error the eventually set ramp, number of cycles,
button START/STOP has not the function ventilator rate, RH, light and the selected
of stopping the operation. After depressing printing interval. Below the head following
START/STOP, if the soft error cause values are printed:
is eliminated, the unit can continue the time since the start of the program, real
operation inclusive the humidity. If another temperature in the chamber (below eventually
error occurs in future, it will be signalized only WHPSHUDWXUHRQWKHÀH[LEOHVHQVRU 5+
optically, not acoustically.
A new head is printed if:
3) By disconnecting the unit from mains and
- the cooling incubator is started
connecting it again (e.g. with the main switch)
- some parameter has been changed
during the operation the elements of the
humidity automatics are initialized and the

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 29
Instructions for use

3. You can stop the printing by setting the If the alarm is switched on, it sounds in addition
printing interval to Printer off. to the displayed message.
4. In case of a mains fall-out and restoring the The alarm can be cancelled temporarily by
VXSSO\DJDLQWKHUHLVĺ0DLQVIDOORXWSULQWHG pressing any ŻŸŹ button. By the door closing,
The printing intervals start to be counted since the alarm is renewed; i.e., the operator will be
the moment of restoring the current supply. informed acoustically about any subsequent door
5. In case of fall-out of the printer or switching opening again.
the printer off there is no report printed after The fact of the door opening during the
the switching on or restoring the supply. programme run is registered in the connected
DPT-6333-V24 does not require any microswitch printer record or in the SW WarmComm record in
setting by the user. the connected PC.
Setting the DIP microswitches of the printer See also Service 62 – Alarm Setting.
CITIZEN iDP 3110: the second DIP microswitch
from the left is in the upper position, the other 4.15.2 KEYBOARD BLOCKING
three ones are in the lower position OFF.
The keyboard can be blocked (to prevent
Setting the DIP microswitches of the printer
an incidental activation of some function) by
concurrent pressing the X/WDQGŻŹEXWWRQV
OFF / ON / OFF (from the left to the right).
Unblocking is performed in the same way.
Setting the DIP microswitches of the printer
OFF / OFF / ON / OFF (from the left to the right).
After any change of setting, the printer must be 5 MAINTENANCE OF
switched off and on either by the switch, or by
disconnecting from the power supply. THE CASE AND
A different type of the printer must be adjusted
with the help of the printer´s manual and the data OVERHAUL
on the interface RS232C shown on the case.
4.14 CHECKING THE FUNCTION OF THE Pull out the seal all around starting at the bottom
SAFETY THERMOSTATS middle. Fit the new seal onto the folded edge of
the chamber starting at the bottom middle. The
a) Protective thermostat of the chamber seal “clicks in“ between the chamber and the
According to the procedure described in Service outer casing.
07 – Setting the safety thermostat, set the limit To check the seal take a piece of paper and
temperature 85 °C and FRQ¿UPZLWKWKHFKLSFDUG put it between the door and the chamber. Pull it
SO. In P1 set the temperature 80 °C and start out slowly, a rather strong resistance should be
the program. After reaching the set temperature noticeable.
wait ca. 10 minutes, stop the program and
The door is adjustable at four points:
enter the Service 07; in Service 07 set the limit
– in the left upper part by means of bolts and
temperature to 70 °C, FRQ¿UPWKHVHWWLQJZLWK
nuts – sketch position 3
the chip card SO. The unit operates according to
– in the left lower part by means of bolts and
the description in Service 07 - Setting the safety
nuts – sketch position 4
thermostat: on the display “Safety thermost” etc.
– in the right upper part by means of internal
b) Protective thermostat of the steam hexagon screw – sketch position 2
generator – in the right lower part after loosening the
This checking should be performed by the screw with internal hexagon adjusting in front-
service technician once in a year at least. back direction of the door hinge is possible
– sketch position 1.
4.15 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS In the apparatus of the volume of 22 there is
only one adjustable screw in the side of the door
4.15.1 DOOR OPENING CONTROL locking device. Adjust the door so that when
closed the rubber sealing of the chamber would
The door opening is signalled as follows: ¿WWRWKHVKHHWRIWKHÀRDWLQJGRRUDORQJWKH
If the alarm is switched off and the door is whole perimeter. To check it up place a sheet of
opened during the programme run, the display paper between the sealing and the metal sheet of

30 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

to take the paper out against a small resistance.


5.2 CONTAINER FOR COLLECTING THE After cleaning the unit put it together by following
CONDENSED WATER STEAM the reverse procedure. Take care that the
bottom and side walls are shifted behind the
During the operation of the cabinet, especially four projections in the front part of the chamber.
in case of higher humidity, a condensate can be In case of leakage of some contaminated stuff
collected in the lower part of the space between into the chamber the user is responsible for a
the inner glass door and the outer door. proper decontamination of all contaminated
The collecting container is hung under the surfaces with a suitable and approved
chamber opening on the outer chamber jacket. disinfecting agent. Before using another cleaning
or decontamination method, with the exception
During the operation of the cabinet with built-
of the by us recommended methods, the user
in exposure lighting some air humidity can
should consult the producer, whether the
condense on the inner glass surface of the outer
considered method could not cause a damage to
door in the cooling mode. The air humidity pours
the device.
down onto a shaped sheet provided with an
outlet to the collecting container.
(The collecting container is hung under the
chamber opening on the outer chamber jacket.)
The collecting container inlet passes to the steam Intactness of hoses and tightness of hose
generator. connection (supply hose from the tank and waste
water hose) must be checked once in a year
5.3 CLEANING THE COOLING INCUBATOR as well as the unblocked condition of the sieve
placed at water inlet from the storage tank (see
Cleaning must be carried out only after cooling chapter 3.1 position 18). The remaining parts of
down of the unit and after disconnecting the the generator shall be checked by the service
cord from the mains. Clean the inner walls with technician.
water and detergent, eventually with appropriate
chemical stuffs; outer surface of the unit should
be cleaned only with a cloth wetted by water with
detergent. Abrasive agents could cause scoring
of sheets. If you wish to clean also the external
chamber jacket, remove the inner chamber walls
in following way:
Shift the upper chamber wall out of the unit,
remove the side walls, bottom and rear wall.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 31
Instructions for use


The heat unit cabinets are intended to work in
a basic/normal environment. The manufacturer
recommends a one-year inspection period unless
the local regulations require otherwise.
Inspection activities:
Check of the electrical equipment, especially
the power supply, the terminal clamps and
the protective clamp. Undamaged state of the
conductors insulation (e.g. due to rubbing,
conductors in the clamps. The resistance of the
protective connection shall be < 0.1 Ohm; the
resistance of the power supply shall not be taken
into account.
If the cabinet is placed in another environment,
the inspection must be performed in accordance
with the local standards.
A service overhaul depends on an agreement
between the customer and the service

32 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

Technical data volume cca l 111 222 404 707
Inner dimensions
Chamber, stainless steel width cca mm 540 540 540 940
depth cca mm 370 520 520 520
height cca mm 530 760 1410 1410
Volume of the steam space cca l 163 299 524 876
Tray racks max. No 7 10 19 19
stainless steel *) standard equipment pcs. included 2 2 2 2
Min. distance between cm 70 70 70 70
Maximal weight of the per tray max. kg/ tray 20 30 30 50
load *) inside the oven max. kg /rack 50 70 100 130
Number of doors outer and inner door No 1/1 1/1 1/1 2/2
External dimensions width cca mm 760 760 1010 1460
(including door and handle) depth cca mm 640 790 790 790
height cca mm 1100K 1330K 1910K 1910K
Dimensions of the packed width cca mm 830 860 1080 1540
device depth cca mm 730 830 860 860
(three layers carton) height (incl.palette) cca mm 1280 1510 2100 2100
Mass net cca kg 104 135 233 273
brut cca kg 120 156 261 305
Electricity max. power **) W 2050 2100 3150 3400
mains 50/60 Hz V 230 230 230 230
Protective system IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Technical data
Working temperature from 0.0 °C to °C 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9
Temperature accuracy at 10 °C accuracy in FFD “ ƒ& <0,5 <0,5 <1 <1
space <0,5 <0,5 <1 <1
at 37 °C FFD “ ƒ& <0,2 <0,3 <0,3 <0,4
accuracy in time
Heating/up time to
37 °C from the ambient min 24 25 26 27
Cooling/down time from 22
°C to 10 °C min <21 <21 <21 <21

Recovery time after at 37 °C min 4 4 4 4

1 min. door open at 50 °C min 4 4 4 4
Relative humidity range % 10 - 90 10 - 90 10 - 90 10 - 90
Accuracy Tchamber•ƒ& accuracy in time FFD “ 5+ <2 <2 <2 <2
Heat emission at 37 °C cca W 70 97 123 148
Noise level of the complete dB 46 50 56 58

parameters see section Electric connections. There occurs temperature and humidity variation in case of regular
turbidity removal during the operation
**) compressor + condenser + electromagnetic valves + ventilator (s) + steam generator heating.

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 33
Instructions for use


Parameter CLC 111 CLC 222 CLC 404 CLC 707

Width x depth x height of the shelf (mm) 539 x 350 x 90 539 x 500 x 123 539 x 500 x 123 939 x 512 x 93
Max. number of shelves in the chamber 2 2 3 3
Overall input power 75 120 120 180
(W/1 shelf)
Fluorescent tube length/diameter (cm/mm) 45 / 26 45 / 26 45 / 26 45 / 26
$SSOLFDEOH9,6VRXUFH ÀXRUHVFHQWWXEH  400 - 700 nm// 2700/3000/4000/6000°K
range//colour temperature
$SSOLFDEOH89VRXUFH ÀXRUHVFHQWWXEH  300 - 400nm// maximum 350 nm
VIS exposure parameters
Tube type (power input//W/pc) Luxline Plus-colour temperature 4000°K // 15 W
/LJKWLQJ N/X[“  16,5 18 18 20
In the middle of the shelf below the
source, in the distance of 10 cm from the
light source
UV exposure parameters
Tube type (power input//W/pc) Black light blue BLB // 15W
Lighting (mW/cm2“  5 5 5 5
In the middle of the shelf below the
source, in the distance of 10 cm from the
light source
Working temperature range (°C)
The shelves are switched on.
Humidity is not controlled.
1 shelf 0 - 99,9 0 - 99,9 0 - 99,9 0 - 99,9
2 shelves 15 - 99,9 15 - 99,9 --- ---
3 shelves --- --- 8 - 99,9// 8 - 99,9//
Working temperature range (°C)
The shelves are switched on.
Humidity is controlled.
1 shelf 10 - 90 10 - 90 10-90 10 - 90
2 shelves 17 - 90 15 - 90 --- ---
3 shelves --- --- 15 - 90 15 - 90
Controlled relative humidity range (% RH)
The shelves are switched on.
(Applicable for the temperature range 15-50°C)
1 shelf 10 -75 10 - 75 10 - 85 10 - 85
2 shelves 10 - 60 10 - 60 --- ---
3 shelves --- --- 10 - 60 10 - 60
Working temperature range (°C)
The shelves are switched off.
Controlled // Uncontrolled humidity.
0 – 99,9// 10 - 90
Controlled relative humidity range (% RH)
The shelves are switched off.*)
10 - 90
Level of protection IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65
Number of connectors (pc/1 exposure 2 2 2 4

All data apply to an empty chamber (without samples on the screens) and the ambient temperature of
The actual quantities of the photometric quantities during the experiment must be measured by an
independent measuring device.

34 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

7 WARRANTY AND transported and stored in original wrapping. If you

send the device back (for reparation or change in
SERVICE case of reclamation), use the original wrapping.
Otherwise you overtake the responsibility for
Warranty is guaranteed by MMM for satisfactory event. damaging during the transport and the
delivery and functioning of the ovens within the producer will reclaim compensation for event.
contractual regulations and the period of the additional reparations. Device can be stored in
warranty. the ambient temperatures of 0 °C to 40 °C.
damages due to normal wear and tear, chemical
or physical attack, excessive overload, incorrect
handling or due to the ovens being used in a way
in which it was not intended to be used, WRAPPINGS AND A
particularly in case of non-observance of
the enclosed Instructions for use, incorrect UNIT OUT SERVICE
installation resp. start-up by the customer or
a third party, as well as in the case of damage a) pallet – in a refuse incinerating plant
to the system caused by foreign objects or b) cardboard – waste for recycling
inadequate maintenance and repairs. c) unit out off service:
If you send the unit back to the manufacturer (for For the European Union Member Countries:
example for a repair or if you claim to change If the user stops to use the labelled product, and
it) use the original wrapping. Otherwise you are the product will become useless for him
responsible for a possible damage by transport
and the manufacturer will claim a compensation
for repairing the damages caused by transport. then the product must not be disposed
For a proper connecting to the mains follow the in municipal waste and is subjected to the
technical data and the Instructions for use. regime in compliance with the national rules on
For the correct connection of the ovens to the liquidation of electrical and electronic equipment,
power supply the technical data and Instructions corresponding to WEEE (Waste Electric and
for use are to be observed. Electronic Equipment) Directive in version force
(in the Czech Republic it is Waste Law No.
Important: 185/2001 Code of Law) in version in force).
MMM (the producer) covers the safety and Please, ask for detailed information about correct
technical qualities of the oven only in case liquidation of electrical and electronic equipment
the repairs and adjustments are done by the by your seller or supplier.
producer or by an organization commissioned by
the producer and the components are replaced For countries outside of European Union:
with parts allowed by the producer and of the The symbol given above is valid only in
MMM standard. European Union countries. Please, ask for
detailed information about correct liquidation of
MMM recommends the user of the unit to require electrical and electronic equipment by authorities
DSURWRFRORIWKHUHSDLULQJ¿UPDERXWDUWDQG in your country or by your seller of electrical
range of procedures, eventually report about equipment.
changes of the nominal data or working range,
With your questions as to the service, please,
contact: 10 OPTIONAL
STORAGE Inner space is illuminated with thermo-resistant
bulbs - their switch is placed on the door.
Device will be prepared for transport by a
competent person (who also disconnects
the device from the mains). Device must be

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 35
Instructions for use

10.2 BUSHINGS OF DIAMETER cabinet and to send reports of excessive values

25, 50, 100 MM The instructions for the programme use are
The bushings are normally placed cca in the supplied with the installation programme.
middle of the side (right or left) wall of the Hardware requirements: Common PC with an
chamber. The bushes are metallic, closed with operational software Windows 2000, XP and
a special plastic plug from the outer side, which higher. One free port RS 232 (COM) is required
enables passing through of wires etc. from the for each connected device. The maximum length
outer space to the chamber. Recommendation: of the connecting cable is 15 m.
the used unit should be provided with a bushing
with corresponding dimensions, if user wishes to 10.6.2 RECORDING PRINTING SW -
measure temperature or RH inside the chamber PRINTER ARCHIVE - FOR PC
by means of sensors, that are connected with
an independent measuring device by means UNDER WINDOWS
of wires; the user pulls the wires through the The Printer Archive programme serves for text
bushing. recording from the device print outlet. It serves
as a direct substitution of a physical printer.
and the programme offers more possibilities of
The lock is placed on the upper part of door‘s the recorded data handling including archiving
surface near the closing mechanism. or printing on a table PC printer. Hardware
requirements: Common PC with an operational
10.4 LEFT DOOR software Windows 95 and higher. One free port
RS 232 (COM) is required for each connected
This is the symmetric mirror version of the right device. The maximum length of the connecting
door. The cabinet of 404 liter is not delivered in cable is 15 m. For more detailed information
this version. about HW, ask the seller.


material temperature measurement in the It‘s outlet is placed in the connector in the rear
chamber. Up to four sensors can be connected. foot, a voltage up to 24 V/ 1A can be connected
Temperature measured by the said sensors to it.
is displayed at the time position. Time and
temperatures are displayed in turns and the
individual sensors are distinguished by letters. 10.8 THE INNER SWITCHED SOCKET
When printing on the printer, each record The socket is placed inside the chamber on the
FRQVLVWVRIVHYHUDOOLQHV7KH¿UVWOLQHVWDUWLQJ side wall. Details of the switching control see par.
the regulator’s sensor; other lines starting with 06, connection and other details are given in the
Connecting the connector to the built-in
1 TO
The program WarmComm is designed to record PLUG
VIDLICE L1 (230V/1A)
the temperature course in the ovens/incubators. 2
Data obtained during the regulation are displayed 3
in a diagram (with time on the horizontal axis and
measured data on the vertical axis). The plug must be connected only by a person
The program enables to follow the regulation on- ZLWKDVXI¿FLHQWTXDOL¿FDWLRQ:KHQWKH
OLQHWRVWRUHWKHUHJXODWLRQFRXUVHWRD¿OHRQD plug is plugged in and out of the socket, or
GLVFDQGWRYLHZWKHDOUHDG\VWRUHG¿OHVWRVHQG when manipulated with the inner equipment,
e-mails in case of not receiving data from the CLIMACELL must be switched off (the mains

36 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
Instructions for use

switch in the position-„0“). The socket-plug 10.13 SIGNALLING OF THE DOOR

contact must be tightened in order to prevent OPENING
disfunctioning of the protective system.
$IWHUGLVFRQQHFWLQJWKHVRFNHWSOXJFRQWDFW¿W Door opening during the programme run is
carefully the protection covers on the socket and signalled both on the display and audibly. The
the plug so that impurities and humidity would not acoustic signalling which is started when the
get inside. door is opened can be suppressed temporarily
10.9 EXPOSURE LIGHTING A) IN THE is closed and re-opened, the acoustic signal is
switched on again,

a) Fluorescent exposure lighting is placed in the 10.14 DOOR BLOCKING

door. Its intensity can be controlled from 0 %
to 100 % by 10 %. Details can be found in the In this model, an electrically controlled
chapter Basic Setting, point lighting Setting mechanism is used to block unintentional door
– Door Lighting Model. opening. The mechanism remains in its position
even after the device is switched off. If the
E 6KHOYHVZLWKÀXRUHVFHQWH[SRVXUHOLJKWLQJDUH position sensor is not in accord after the blocking
placed in the chamber. Its intensity can be mechanism transfer, either the error 20 (“Locking
controlled from 0 % to 100 % by 10 %. Details impossible”) or 21 (“Unlocking impossible”) is
can be found in the chapter Basic Setting, announced.
point Setting the Lighting – Shelves Lighting
Model. SERVICE 58 enables you selecting between two
methods of blocking:
10.10 MEASUREMENT OF UV AND 1. Manual: door blocking/unblocking – by
VIS EXPOSURE LIGHTING 2 seconds. If you are trying to block an open
PHOTOQUANTITIES IN THE door, the device will warn you by a long peep.
CHAMBER 2. Automaticky - after the door closing and pre-
set period of time lapsing. You can unblock
Inside the chamber, there are photosensors that
the door manually as described in point 1.
measure the UV and VIS lighting. Their values
The door will be blocked during the running
are shown on the display. Conditions of their use
program only. After the door is unblocked, you
– see the chapter Basic Setting.
will have a pre-set period of time for the door
opening. If you do not open it, the door will be
10.11 TEMPERATURE RANGE FROM blocked again after the pre-set period of time
- 9.9 °C (2 to 9 seconds) elapses.
This option may only be used if RH regulation The door blocking is indicated on the display
is switched off; RH regulation may be activated E\ÀDVKLQJVLJQ³´8QEORFNLQJFDQEH
from +10°C and up. conditioned by SO card insertion (see Service
This option cannot be used in combination with 58).
the door exposure lighting both in ON and OFF
mode and shelves exposure lighting in the ON
Blocked door may not be opened forcibly. The
blocking system can be damaged mechanically.
If there is a need of an emergency door opening
10.12 PROTECTION OF THE PROGRAMME (e.g. in case of power failure), follow the
SETTING BY A CHIP CARD Emergency Door Opening.
The parameters of the selected programme may
only be changed after an SO card inserting. The
programmes may be selected arbitrarily but their
parameters may not be changed (temperature,
time, ...). If the card is not inserted, the
programmes are marked with lower-case letters
on the display (p1 to p6); after the chip card is
inserted, they are displayed in capital letters (P1
to P6).

CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV 37
Instructions for use

Emergency door opening 2. To push in the arrow direction and thus to

(use it only in case of failure or power failure) push away the blocking rod (10 -15 mm is
enough). In case of standard model – of the
1. To insert a thin object (screwdriver, rod etc.) right door in the arrow direction, in case of
through the air hole of the door (in the bottom the non-standard model – of the left door – it
door surface) under the angle of ca 45 ° in the would be reversely (always in the direction
distance of ca 90 mm from the door edge. from handle to the door hinges).

3. To open the door by means of the door

handle If it would be not possible to move
away the blocking rod of the door – see
above, then it would be necessary to
unscrew the whole blocking mechanism
underneath (4x M4 screws) and to push it
away as a whole. After such intervention,
the service work is necessary (backward
blocking mechanism assembly).

38 CLIMACELL_np_en_1104_mmm_V2.02_B2V_MTV
We: MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH, Semmelweisstrasse 6
D-82152 Planegg / München

declare on our own responsibility that the product:

climatic chamber
trade name: CLIMACELL
model: CLIMACELL 111, 222, 404, 707

description of the equipment:

electrically heated and cooled laboratory incubator intended for material heating and cooling in the temperature range
from 0 °C to 100 °C with controlled humidity in the range from 10 % to 90 % of RH

meets all the provisions of the Directives no. 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC, which apply to him.

Standards applied:
EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-010,
EN 61326-1

Year in which the CE marking was affixed: 2001

Brno 2009-10-01

Ing. Milan Krajcar

Manufactured in the EU

MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH

Semmelweisstrasse 6
D-82152 Planegg

T. +49 89 89 92 26 20
F. +49 89 89 92 26 30

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