Base Paper
Base Paper
Base Paper
ABSTRACT: The one of most challenging problem is the replica attack in static wireless sensor network. Also every
sensor nodes are physically captured. These nodes are reprogramming and replicated in large number of replicas.
Which may dynamically occupy the network Thus far different ways to detect the replicas? Most of the sensor nodes
required high costs hardware like as:"Global Positioning System”. In general, Sensor nodes are low price as compared
to GPS hardware. On this paper, we proposed "Low Priced and Energy-Efficient Detection of Replicas in Static
Wireless Sensor Network”. On this proposed solution not required any internal hardware such as: GPS. Good
performances as compared to exiting system. We show that the proposed solution saves the lot of energy than exiting
Wireless sensor network are provides two different technologies such as: computation and communication. It consists
of large number of sensing devices also support for: Physically and Environmental conditions like: Humidity,
Temperature, Pressure, Sound etc.Data collected by sensing devices and also transmitted to the destination .It also
known as base station or sink. WSN’s have various security challenges as compared to traditional network. The sensor
nodes generally support for tamper resistances behind the hardware. It also spread in insecure environments. where
they are not grunted to capture and compromise attack. These replicas can be used for various launch stealth attack
depending on the attackers motives. The such as listen secretly to private on network communication or controlling the
source areas. This type of attack is also known as "Replica attack".
Accordingly, without using hardware like: GPS, we design low price replica detection solution for static wireless
sensor network by using "Bloom Filter" and "Sequential delivery algorithm”. Neighbouring nodes IDs also presented
with constant size by using Bloom Filter. “Bloom Filter Output" (BFO): uses for proof. The in this methods slowly
increase traffic between the neighbouring node and randomly selected nodes ,then exiting system generates heavy
traffic by transmitting proofs form the starting. The entire result shows that the proposed solution is more energy
efficient than exiting system.The contribution of purposed solution as follows:low price solution: 1) The proposed
solution also reduces the cost of building wireless Sensor Network replica detection. 2) Efficient - energy detection:
energy efficiency is important in wireless sensor network. we consider node in environment are often non rechargeable
and hence availability depends on energy efficiency support for large scale.[1]
In the past decade, internet of things (IoT) has been a focus of research. Security and privacy are the key issues for IoT
applications, and still face some enormous challenges.[1] In order to facilitate this emerging domain, we in brief
review the research progress of IoT, and pay attention to the security. By means of deeply analysing the security
architecture and features, the security requirements are given. On the basis of these, we discuss the research status of
key technologies including encryption mechanism, communication security, protecting sensor data and cryptographic
algorithms, and briefly outline the challenges.[1]
The low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware components in unshielded sensor-network nodes leave them vulnerable to
compromise. With little effort, an adversary may capture nodes, analyse and replicate them, and surreptitiously insert
these replicas at strategic locations within the network. Such attacks may have severe consequences; they may allow
the adversary to corrupt network data or even disconnect significant parts of the network.[3] Previous node replication
detection schemes depend primarily on centralized mechanisms with single points of failure, or on neighbourhood
voting protocols that fail to detect distributed replications. To address these fundamental limitations, we propose two
new algorithms based on emergent properties (Gligor (2004)), i.e., properties that arise only through the collective
action of multiple nodes. Randomized multicast distributes node location information to randomly-selected witnesses,
exploiting the birthday paradox to detect replicated nodes, while line-selected multicast uses the topology of the
network to detect replication. Both algorithms provide globally-aware, distributed node-replica detection, and line-
selected multicast displays particularly strong performance characteristics. We show that emergent algorithms
represent a promising new approach to sensor network security; moreover, our results naturally extend to other classes
of networks in which nodes can be captured, replicated and re-inserted by an adversary.[3]
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are often deployed in hostile environments where an adversary can physically
capture some of the nodes, first can reprogram, and then, can replicate them in a large number of clones, easily taking
control over the network.[4] A few distributed solutions to address this fundamental problem have been recently
proposed. However, these solutions are not satisfactory. First, they are energy and memory demanding: A serious
drawback for any protocol to be used in the WSN-resource-constrained environment. Further, they are vulnerable to
the specific adversary models introduced in this paper. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, we analyze
the desirable properties of a distributed mechanism for the detection of node replication attacks. Second, we show that
the known solutions for this problem do not completely meet our requirements. Third, we propose a new self-healing,
Randomized, Efficient, and Distributed (RED) protocol for the detection of node replication attacks, and we show that
it satisfies the introduced requirements. Finally, extensive simulations show that our protocol is highly efficient in
communication, memory, and computation; is much more effective than competing solutions in the literature; and is
resistant to the new kind of attacks introduced in this paper, while other solutions are not.[4]
Sensor nodes that are deployed in hostile environments are vulnerable to capture and compromise. An adversary may
obtain private information from these sensors, clone and intelligently deploy them in the network to launch a variety of
insider attacks.[6] This attack process is broadly termed as a clone attack. Currently, the defences against clone attacks
are not only very few, but also suffer from selective interruption of detection and high overhead (computation and
memory). In this paper, we propose a new effective and efficient scheme, called SET, to detect such clone attacks. The
key idea of SET is to detect clones by computing set operations (intersection and union) of exclusive subsets in the
network. First, SET securely forms exclusive unit subsets among one-hop neighbours in the network in a distributed
way. This secure subset formation also provides the authentication of nodes’ subset membership. SET then employs a
tree structure to compute non-overlapped set operations and integrates interleaved authentication to prevent
unauthorized falsification of subset information during forwarding. Randomization is used to further make the
exclusive subset and tree formation unpredictable to an adversary. We show the reliability and resilience of SET by
analysing the probability that an adversary may effectively obstruct the set operations. Performance analysis and
simulations also demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more efficient than existing schemes from both
communication and memory cost standpoints.[6]
Wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to the node clone attack because of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor
nodes, and uncontrolled environments where they are left unattended.[7] Several distributed protocols have been
proposed for detecting clone. However, some protocols rely on an implicit assumption that every node is aware of all
other nodes’ existence; other protocols using an geographic hash table require that nodes know the general network
deployment graph. Those assumptions hardly hold for many sensor networks. In this paper, we present a novel node
clone detection protocol based on Distributed Hash Table (DHT). DHT provides good distributed properties and our
protocol is practical for every kind of sensor networks. We analyse the protocol performance theoretically. Moreover,
we implement our protocol in the OMNeT++ simulation framework. The extensive simulation results show that our
protocol can detect clone efficiently and holds strong resistance against adversaries.[7]
Existing System:
WSNs have encountered a variety of security challenges, as compared to traditional networks, because the
sensor nodes generally lack hardware support for tamper-resistance and are often deployed in physically
insecure environments, where they are vulnerable to capture and compromise by attackers. A harmful
consequence of a node compromise attack is that once an attacker has acquired the credentials of a sensor,
he/she can fabricate replicas with these credentials and then surreptitiously insert them at selected target
Positions within the network.
System Architecture:
Sensor networks are usually designed and deployed for a specific application. They are scalable with a minimal effort.
Network topology changes frequently in WSN due to energy depletion, channel fading, node failure and damage.
Sensor nodes are self-configurable and they are densely deployed in the target area. Battery is the only source of energy
for most of the sensing devices. Most of the applications of WSN are data centric and the data-flows within the network
obey many-to-one traffic pattern. Due to higher node density, data redundancy may exist in the network.
1. Node Formation:
Neighbouring node IDs are presented with a constant size using a Bloom filter. The Bloom filter output (BFO) is
used as a proof. A newly deployed node generates different proofs according to the collected neighboring nodes
ID’s until collecting the entire neighboring node ID’s. The proofs are delivered to a randomly selected node in the
networkATmega168 Microcontroller.[6]
2. Find Attacker:
With regard to this attack, it is assumed that an attacker captures only a small fraction of nodes in the network
because capturing a large fraction may not require replicas any more, and it may be more costly and detectable. It
is reasonable to assume that an attacker captures only a few nodes and obtains secret information from the captured
4. Validation of Node
The RDB-R consists of three stages: proof generation, proof delivery, and proof validation. Henceforth, we explain
the three stages with new deployment node A, the neighboring node C, and the witness node U. In the First Stage a
proof for identifying a replica is created and updated in a newly added node.
1. The strategy disperses traffic over the entire network, resulting in small packet loss and considerable energy
2. We show that the proposed solution provides a high detection ratio as well as short detection time for
detecting replicas without the use of GPS, as com-pared to existing schemes.
3. The proposed solution is more energy-efficient than existing schemes
In this paper, we proposed a low priced and energy-efficient solved to detect duplicate node for static wireless sensor
network. Proposed does not use any additional hardware. Where existingsystem need of expensive hardware like as
GPS receiver. Proposed solution use exhibits duplicate node or good performance than existing scheme. When one or
more replicas detects within the short duration time and increase the high performance also gain the less energy.
In this paper conclude that the duplicates nodes in Wireless sensor networks are detected by
using a new Static testing technique called sequential probability. Using this technique the settlement made with the
sensor nodes .nodes is detected efficiently in mobile sensor networks.
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