Seminar Paper2nizam
Seminar Paper2nizam
Seminar Paper2nizam
1.1 Introduction
Machinery and robotic design has become the important thing to help human in daily
life work. Nowadays, we have heard a lot of problem about the insufficient nurses either at
government hospitals or private hospitals. This is because the increasing of people and hospital
in this country. The nurses we have now have much of burden to manage their patient which is
increasing day by day. Speaking to those who have suffered from knee injuries, back disorder,
surgeries, and older nurses, concluded that they might face difficulties in pushing or pulling
heavy patient on the stretcher. A Smart Stretcher will help nurses to locate the patient without
follow them and will reduce their burden. Using this stretcher, the patient can go someplace
like X-ray room without nurse follows them. So this will save time and the nurses can do
another job or attend the other patient. PIC16F877A is use as microcontroller and functions as
brain to control the system. Its motor driver circuit is preparing with L293D. The lead acid
battery is use as the input power supply +12 V, 2.2 Amp. This battery is connecting to the
voltage regulator to supply 5V to the microcontroller. 12V will connect through the motor
driver and the current supply must be enough to generate dc motor.
Design and construction of a Smart Stretcher for Medical Industries requires a broad
range of engineering skills such as electronics design, mechanical design, program design and
how the student approach complex engineering problems. To build this project we need know
how to build the sensor circuit, comparator circuit, controller circuit and motor driver circuit.
A smart Stretcher robot is divided into two main parts, namely the software and the
hardware. For the software, PIC16F877A micro controller will be use for system controller for
this robot. While on the hardware side, a circuit will be built and connected to sensors and
motors. For this project a better of reflective sensor is to use Infrared Light (IR) and NPN
transistor, as less much less interferences. The control has 6 modes of operation, turn left/right,
forward/reverse, and stop. The actual action is caused by controlling the direction/speed of the
two motors (the two back wheels), thus causing a turn. Two motors as a output will control by
motor driver that connected to the PIC16F877A. The actual implementation is a behavior based
(neural) control with the sensors providing the inputs.
1.3 Objective
2.1.1 Avoidance and Light Follower Robot by Ibrahim bin Ahmad Zamani (2005/2006)
This robot is programmed to act as light follower robot and had an adaptive ability to
avoid obstacles, enabling it to explore into large or small room despite having an obstacle in
surrounding. This robot will allows the robot to move into brighter areas, enabling detect
rooms with light. The robot uses ultra sonar sensors as well as two contact switches (bumper)
mounted at the front of the robot, which are used for collision detection. Two DC motor was
used to move the robot and the natural character of motor which exhibits high speed rotation
was reduced by the usage of the right ratio gearbox and this will provide adequate torque to
drive loads.
2.1.2 Line Following Robot by Priyank Patil Department of Information Technology K. J. Somaiya
College of Engineering Mumbai, India
This robot uses IR sensors to sense the line, an array of 8 IR LEDs (Tx) and sensors (Rx), facing the
ground has been used in this setup. The output of the sensors is an analog signal which depends on the
amount of light reflected back, this analog signal is given to the comparator to produce 0s and 1s which
are then fed to the micro C. The resistance of the sensor decreases when IR light falls on it. A good
sensor will have near zero resistance in presence of light and a very large resistance in absence of light.
The smart stretcher has two DC motor on both sides for movement and direction. It is
important to have geared motors, as normal DC motor cannot provide enough torque to move
the robot, especially when starting from static position. For the wheels, the common will use.
The wheel must has enough grip to the ground must choose the one with the appropriate size.
2.3 Sensors and input Filtering
For this project a better of reflective sensor is to use Infrared Light (IR) and NPN
transistor, as less much less interferences. IR is kind of light that humans cannot see and this is
nice when we do not want people to see the sensor. For this transistor, it will allow current to
pass when there is infrared light reflected on it. However it will limit the current when there is
no infrared light being reflected on it.
Figure 1: (a) IR sensor schematic diagram, (b) dark surface appears the signal is
Controller Interface Motor
Another part linking the controller part and motor are use to drive a motor. The circuit
will need higher current (>0.5A). This is way beyond the current that our normal
microcontroller port can provide (20mA-0.5A). So the motor interface is there to avoid drawing
too much current from our microcontroller and spoiling the electronic circuit. . Thus, the
microcontroller will give instructions to the motor interface while the motor interface provides
enough power to drive the motor. L293 motor driver are use for the project.
L293 series of motor drivers is ideal for driving small current DC motor. It is small and
versatile for small robotic projects. One of advantage of the L293 series of motor drivers is that
it has internal thermal shutdown to prevent it from overheating and spoiling the chip.
A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.
It may use an electromechanical mechanism, or passive or active electronic components. Depending on
the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages. With the exception of passive
shunt regulators, all modern electronic voltage regulators operate by comparing the actual output
voltage to some internal fixed reference voltage. Any difference is amplified and used to control the
regulation element in such a way as to reduce the voltage error. This forms a negative feedback control
loop, increasing the open-loop gain tends
to increase regulation accuracy
but reduce stability.
PIC16F877A is a good flash microcontroller that has many features a 40-pin DIP package.
This flash microcontroller may be programmed and erased instantly, without the need for a UV
light source, to speed program testing. Reprogram ability offer a highly flexible solution today’s
ever-changing market demands, where product updates and modifications are routinely carried
out in the field.
Figure 5: PIC16F877A
3.0 Methodology
To develop a project, it will start by introducing a typical development cycle in the most
general terms. Then it will focus on the particular aspects that pertain to the design of logic
circuits. The flowchart in figure 3.1 depicts a typical design process.
Required Product
Define specification
Initial design
Simulation Redesign
Design correct?
Minor errors?
Meets Specification?
Finished Product
Figure 6: Flowchart of design process
Planning is one of the most important things in developing a project because it involving
processes those related with project title from the beginning until the end. It also use as
guideline for project implementation. At this stage, the title PSM is choosing after have a
discussion with the supervisor. From the discussion that have done, the problem statement
have been identified for develop this project. The objective and also the scope of limitation also
have been identified. The hardware and software part will use in this project have been
identified at this stage.
Through this phase, the information of robot application is gathered. This analysis
phases also cover briefly studying about software and hardware development.
Figure 9: Line Sensor Circuit
The line sensor at figure 3.3 is designed to takes advantage of the infra red reflective
object sensor to sense the black tape line; when the sensor is above the black tape line the infra
red beam will not reflected back to the photo transistor and the photo transistor will turn off, if
the sensor is on the white surface than the infra red beam will reflected back to the photo
transistor and the photo transistor will turn on.
A comparator circuit at figure 3.4 compares two voltage signals and determines which
one is greater. The result of this comparison is indicated by the output voltage: if the op-amp's
output is saturated in the positive direction, the non-inverting input (+) is a greater, or more
positive, voltage than the inverting input (-), all voltages measured with respect to ground.
Figure 10: Comparator Circuit
In this design phase, the overall project is designed with the specification that has been stated.
This involves specifying the design of the sensor circuit. Controller circuit, motor driver circuit and
Figure 3.5 below show the controller circuit for this project. Form the figure, there are 2
switches. One switch is for on and off the robot and another one switch is for reset function.
The input will be through the RB0, RB1 and RB2 and will be managed by the PIC16F877 follow
as the program that we write into it. Then the output will be sending to motor driver circuit to
drive the motor.
Figure 11: Controller Circuit
In this project, the L293D motor driver contains two H-bridge circuits that are suitable
for driving small DC motors. The motor driver IC is simpler to use and fault-find than using
individual transistors and resistors. Also to control the direction and speed of the dc motor, and
the free-wheeling diode bridge is connected across the motor to protect the transistors from
the induced back emf of the coils in the motor.
In this design phase, the overall project is designed with the specification that has been
stated. This involves specifying the design of the sensor circuit. Controller circuit, motor driver
circuit and programming.
For this project, these components combined with the op-amp will give us inputs
according to the position of the line on the track. DC motors that connected through
microcontroller will be the outputs. The different combination input will show a different output. The
table below will show us relationship between input and output
At the end of this project, the Smart Stretcher for Medical Industries model will be able
to function perfectly. For all component circuit block include sensor circuit, driver circuit and
controller will be functional properly. The sensor will detect the line and give a signal to the
stretcher. It also can carry load not more than 3 kg and also can achieve all the objectives and
scopes. The load that is being delivered will not affect its movement.
5.0 Conclusion
As the conclusion, the project concentrates on designing of Smart Stretcher for Medical
Industries hardware and development programming for this project. The project will use
MPLAB for develop a programming and Proteus for simulation. Through all research, revision
books and virtual references, project development was started by means of hardware and
software implementation. Then the values from measurements were compared to the
theoretical calculation is bit a same.