Elementary Lesson Plan: - (Weekly Activity)

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Elementary Lesson Plan

Prepare: sol-mi; ta and ta-ti Date: Rotation 15-17

Present: Grade: Kinder & First
Practice: fast vs slow; vocal exploration; steady beat

S Obj. Song/Rhyme Process Fam/ Conc/ Diff. Mat/

P or Activity New Relax Strat. Vis
- (Weekly activity):
Warm-up Wake-up body
“This is my Slide whistle for vocal exploration
Vocal ___ voice.” “This is my ____ voice.” F
exploration (whisper, shouting, talking, singing, loud, soft, high,
and low)

-If student is shy, have student echo sing teacher

Arioso Land Favorite -Possibly have students echo sing the student’s
School name after them. F

-Have students move around the room to both songs

-Discuss which is fast and which is slow and what
they sounds like
Fast vs.
Slow Masterworks Sabre Dance: N
Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqg3l3r_DRI

The Swan:

Students will use the SMART board to put the icons

Fast vs. Icons that are fast in the fast column and the icons that
Slow move slow in the slow column. N

-Students will pair up, two per instrument (6 people

Xylos Bickle on instruments)
S-M Bockle -Practice holding mallets and how to strike the bars
qsd on hands
-FC “Will you be my friend” N
-Other students will play the game (odd # of
students; kids will march to the beat and when the
song is over; students will go to the nearest partner;
student will pick a student to go out with them)

*Hey, hey, look at me, I am ______ you can see!

Hey, Hey *Hey, hey, look at me, make yourself look just like
S-M Look at me! F
-Sing the song and then have the students echo.
-Have the students be the leader and have students
echo them.

-Review rhyme & play game

qsd Bee Bee
Bumblebee   -Have students clap out the word pieces F
_x__Singing _x__Instruments ___Style (dynamics, tempo, phrasing, etc.
_x__Moving ___Listening __x_Group work
___Reading ___Improvisation ___Other:
_x__Notating ___Composition
___Solo singing ___Analysis/evaluation
___Partwork ___Form

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