International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
1Chandrashekhar Singh College of Pharmacy, Kaushambi, Allahabad, (U. P.), India; 2Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth
Deemed University, Erandwane, Pune411038, Maharashtra State, India; 3Sagar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sironja, Sagar
(M.P.) 470228, India; 4Shri Ram Institute of Technology (Pharmacy), Jabalpur, 482003, (M.P.), India Email:
Received: 25 March 2010, Revised and Accepted: 24 April 2010
Present investigation deals with the preparation and characterization of floating drug delivery system (FDDS) of acyclovir containing polyvinyl
pyrrolidon (PVP), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) as the polymers and sodium bicarbonate as a gas
generating agent, to reduce floating lag time. The FDDS tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. Five formulations were developed
which differed in the ratio of polymers. Formulations AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, and AV5 were composed of PVP, PVA and HPMC in the ratio of 1:1:1,
2:1:1, 3:1:1, 4:1:1 and 5:1:1 respectively. All the formulations were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, drug content uniformity,
buoyancy studies, swelling index and in vitro drug release study. Estimation of acyclovir in the prepared FDDS was carried out by extracting
drug in double distilled water and measuring the absorbance at 256 nm. In vitro drug release study was performed using United State
Pharmacopoeia (USP) 23 type 2 dissolution test apparatus employing paddle stirrer at 50 rpm using 900 mL of double distilled water
maintained at 37ºC ± 0.5ºC as the dissolution medium. On the basis of evaluation parameter formulation AV4 selected as developed
formulation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the FDDS may be exploited successfully for the delivery of drugs such as acyclovir.
Keywords: Gastro retentive drug delivery, Tablets, Sustained drug delivery, In vitro drug release
INTRODUCTION administered orally, sufficient bioavailability and prolongation of
the effective plasma level occasionally can not be obtained. Also
Oral delivery of drug is the most preferable route of drug delivery
reflected in the recent scientific patent literature, an increased
due to the ease of administration, patient compliance and
interest in novel dosage forms which possesses not only a
flexibility in formulation, etc1. Conventional drug delivery systems
mechanism for controlled release of the drug but also controlled
achieve as well as maintain the drug concentration within the
gastrointestinal transit time exists today in academic and
therapeutically effective range needed for treatment only when
taken several times a day. This results significant fluctuations in industrial research groups8.
drug levels2. Several technical advancements have led to the Acyclovir is a guanine analogue antiviral drug used for the
development of many novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) that treatment of herpes simplex virus. Its oral bioavailability is 10‐
could revolutionize method of medication and provide a number 20% with a plasma elimination half life of 1‐2 hours 9. Acyclovir
of therapeutic benefits. The most important objectives of these has absorption window in duodenum and small intestine 10. After
NDDS are: (a) preferably a single dose for the whole duration of
peroral administration the bioavailability of acyclovir is only 20%
treatment. (b) Site specific drug delivery, thus minimizing or
compared to intravenous route, remaining 80% of the drug can be
eliminating side effects 3.
detected in the faeces. After repeated peroral dosing of small
Presently, to develop a single dose therapy for the whole duration amounts of acyclovir the bioavailability can be enhanced 11,12.
of the treatment has focused attention on controlled or sustained These facts indicate that the drug is only absorbed from the upper
drug delivery systems. Sustained release describes a drug delivery part of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and increasing its gastric
system with delayed and/or prolonged release of drug. It also residence time may enhance bioavailability of acyclovir.
implies delayed therapeutic action and sustained duration of Therefore, acyclovir is selected as a model drug for the design of a
therapeutic effect whereas controlled release implies a FDDS with a view to improve its oral bioavailability.
predictability and reproducibility in the drug release kinetics 4,5. In
other words, sustained release dosage forms provide medication Present investigation deals with the preparation and
over an extended time period whereas controlled release systems characterization of floating drug delivery system of acyclovir
attempt to control drug concentration in the target tissue. containing polyvinyl pyrrolidon, polyvinyl alcohol and hydroxy
propyl methyl cellulose as the polymers and sodium bicarbonate
FDDS is one of the most accepted sustained NDDS. The FDDS can as a gas generating agent, to reduce floating lag time. The FDDS
be retained in the stomach and assists in improving the oral tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. Five
sustained delivery of drugs that have an improving the oral
formulations were developed which differed in the ratio of
sustained delivery of drugs that have an absorption window in a
polymers. Formulations AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, and AV5 were
particular region of the gastrointestinal tract. These systems help
composed of PVP, PVA and HPMC in the ratio of 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 3:1:1,
in continuously releasing the drug before it reaches the absorption
4:1:1 and 5:1:1 respectively.
window, thus ensuring optimal bioavailability. Several approaches
are currently used to prolong gastric retention time. These MATERIALS AND METHODS
includes floating drug delivery systems, swelling and expanding
systems, polymeric bioadhesive systems, high density systems, Materials
and other delayed gastric emptying devices 6.
Acyclovir was received as a gift sample from Modern Labs (Indore,
During the last decade, many studies have been performed India). HPMC K4M was received as a gift sample from Colorcon
concerning the sustained release dosage form of drugs, which have Asia Pvt Ltd (Goa, India). Poly vinyl pyrollidone K30 (PVP K30),
aimed at the prolongation of gastric emptying time (GET). The GET Polyvinyl alcohol and sodium bicarbonate were purchased from S.
has been reported to be from 2 to 6 hours in humans in the fed D. Fine Chemicals (Mumbai, India). All other ingredients were of
state7. Accordingly, when a sustained release dosage form is laboratory grade.
Gupta et al.
Int J Appl Pharma, Vol 2, Issue 3, 2010, 710
Methods minutes, blotted with filter paper to remove the water present on
the surface and weighed accurately 17. Percentage swelling index
Prepration of FDDS (SI) was calculated by using the formula SI = (Wet weight – Dry
All the ingredients were accurately weighed and sieved through Weight / Dry weight) X 100.
sieve no. 60. In order to mix the ingredients thoroughly, drug and all In vitro dissolution study
the excipient except the lubricants (magnesium stearate and talc)
were blended geometrically in mortar and pestle for 15 minutes and In vitro dissolution study of FDDS of acyclovir were carried out in
granulated using (polyvinyl pyrrolidon) PVP K30 dissolved in USP 23 type 2 dissolution test apparatus (Electrolab), employing a
sufficient isopropyl alcohol by passing through sieve no.12. Granules paddle stirrer at 50 rpm using 900 mL of 0.1N HCL as dissolution
were dried at 45°C for 4 h. The dried granules were sized through medium, at 37ºC ± 0.5ºC as dissolution medium. One tablet was
sieve no. 18 and lubricated by adding magnesium stearate and talc. used in each test17. The dissolution profile of all the batches was
Tablets were compressed on a single punch tablet machine using flat fitted to zero‐order (Eq. 1), first‐order (Eq. 2), Higuchi (Eq. 3), and
surfaced, round shaped punches of 12 mm diameter13. Hardness of Korsemeyer‐peppas (Eq. 4) models to ascertain the kinetic
the tablets was maintained around 5 kg/cm2. modeling of drug release18.
Characterization of fdds R = k1t (1)
Hardness and friability test k t
log UR = 2 (2)
The crushing strength (Kg/cm²) of tablets was determined by using
Monsanto type hardness tester14. Friability was determined by R = k3t 0.5 (3)
weighing 10 tablets after dusting, placing them in the friabilator
(Roche Friabilator) and rotating the plastic cylinder vertically at 25 R = k 4 t n (4)
rpm for 4 min15. After dusting, the total remaining weight of the
Where R and UR are the released and unreleased percentages,
tablets was recorded and the percent friability (PF) was calculated
respectively, at time (t); k1, k2, k3, and k4, are the rate constants of
using formula PF = (Weightoriginal – Weightfinal) / Weightoriginal X 100.
zero order, first order, Higuchi matrix, and Peppas‐Korsmeyer
Uniformity of weight and drug content model, respectively.
Uniformity of weight was determined with the help electronic RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
balance. Uniformity of drug content was determined by taking 5
FDDS of acyclovir were developed using various proportions of
tablets in a glass mortar and powdered; 100 mg of this powder
PVP, PVA and HPMC as the polymers. Sodium bicarbonate used as
was placed in a 100 mL stoppard conical flask 15. The drug was
a gas generating agent, to reduce floating lag time. The FDDS
extracted in double distilled water with vigorous shaking on a
tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. Five
mechanical shaker (100 rpm) for 5 hours and filtered into 50 mL
formulations were developed which differed in the ratio of
volumetric flask through cotton wool and filtrate was made up to
polymers. Formulations AV1, AV2, AV3, AV4, and AV5 were
the mark by double distilled water through filter, further
composed of PVP, PVA and HPMC in the ratio of 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 3:1:1,
appropriate dilution were made and absorbance was measured at
4:1:1 and 5:1:1 respectively (Table 1). The evaluation parameter
256nm using double distilled water as blank solution by UV‐
(Table 2) such as hardness were in the range of 4.2 to 5.4 Kg/cm²,
Visible double beam spectrophotometer (EI, India) 16.
The friability of all tablets were less than 1% i.e. in the range of
Buoyancy studies 0.62 to 0.79%. The percentage deviations from the mean weights
of all the batches of prepared FDDS were found to be within the
The in vitro buoyancy was characterized by floating lag time and prescribed limits of Indian Pharmacopoeia. The average drug
total floating time. The test was performed using a USP 23 type‐2 contents were found between 98.51 to 101.84%. The floating lag
dissolution test apparatus (Electrolab) using 900 mL of double time was found to be in between 121 to 182 second with a floating
distilled water at paddle rotation of 50 rpm at 37ºC ± 0.5ºC. The time of 24 hours. The swelling index was found to be in the range
time required for the tablets to rise to the surface of the of 41.43 to 69.16. In vitro dissolution study of FDDS of acyclovir
dissolution medium and the duration of time the tablets was carried out in USP 23 type 2 dissolution test apparatus,
constantly floated on the dissolution medium were noted as employing a paddle stirrer at 50 rpm using 900 mL of 0.1N HCL as
floating lag time and floating time, respectively 6. dissolution medium, at 37ºC ± 0.5ºC. One tablet was used in each
Swelling Index test at predetermined time interval; 5 mL of the samples were
withdrawn by means of a syringe fitted with a prefilter. In vitro
The individual tablets were weighted accurately and kept in 50 mL dissolution results (Fig. 1) were 63.54 to 71.56% in 8 h, this may
of double distilled water. Tablets were taken out carefully after 60 be due to the composition of FDDS.
Table 1: Composition of FDDS formulations
Ingredient AV1 AV2 AV3 AV4 AV5
Acyclovir (mg) 400 400 400 400 400
PVP (mg) 66.66 100 120 133.33 142.85
PVA (mg) 66.66 50 40 33.33 28.57
HPMC (mg) 66.66 50 40 33.33 28.57
Sodium bicarbonate (mg) 75 75 75 75 75
Magnesium stearate (mg) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Talc (mg) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Table 2: Evaluation of FDDS formulations
Formulation Code Hardness Friability Average weight Drug content Swelling Floating Lag Floating
Kg/ cm² % W/W (mg) % index time (Sec) time (hrs)
AV1 4.8 0.69 676 98.51 45.48 181 24
AV2 5.4 0.79 681 100.84 69.16 126 24
AV3 4.2 0.68 671 99.65 54.17 124 24
AV4 4.9 0.62 679 99.31 41.43 121 24
AV5 4.5 0.65 691 101.22 56.05 182 24
Gupta et al.
Int J Appl Pharma, Vol 2, Issue 3, 2010, 710
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time in h
Fig. 1: In vitro drug release study of formultions AV1 to AV5
The release mechanism of acyclovir from these floating acyclovir in 0.1 N HCL were calculated using PCP Disso Version 3
formulations was also evaluated on the basis of theoretical software (Pune, India) and are reported in Table 3. Release
dissolution equations including zero‐order, first‐order, Higuchi pattern of acyclovir from all floating formulations followed zero‐
matrix and Peppas‐Korsmeyer kinetic models. The regression order model, which may be due to the composition of the
coefficients and rate constants from in vitro release profiles of formulations.
Table 3: The regression coefficients and rate constants for in vitro release study of floating drug delivery systems.
Formulation Zeroorder model Firstorder model HM model PK model
r k1 r k2 r k3 r k4
AV1 0.9786 14.5673 0.8734 ‐0.1278 0.9793 11.6841 0.9609 16.0981
AV2 0.9865 15.5763 0.8799 ‐0.1296 0.9809 11.2426 0.9698 17.1516
AV3 0.9914 15.8942 0.8845 ‐0.1134 0.9838 12.2837 0.9787 18.0139
AV4 0.9985 16.5382 0.8839 ‐0.1243 0.9823 12.4262 0.9702 18.5191
AV5 0.9934 16.2583 0.8799 ‐0.1219 0.9798 12.2847 0.9796 18.2749
*H‐M, indicates Higuchi matrix; P‐K, Peppas‐Korsmeyer; r, indicates correlation coefficient; k1‐k4, rate constants of zero‐order, first‐order,
Higuchi matrix, Peppas‐Korsmeyer; AV1 to AV5 different floating drug delivery systems.
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