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Pedicle Connective Tissue Graft With Novel Palatal Tunneling

Alain H. Romanos,*†‡ Nicolaas C. Geurs,* and Ramzi V. Abou-Arraj*

Introduction: Implant esthetics can be compromised with a lack of hard and/or soft tissue in the anterior maxilla. Soft-
tissue augmentation is often a crucial step in optimizing esthetic outcomes. Palatal pedicle soft-tissue grafts present a ver-
satile option and have a high survival potential. This case series presents a pedicle connective tissue graft technique with novel
palatal tunneling as an additional tool for implant site development. It has multiple indications, including complete socket clo-
sure, augmentation of soft-tissue volume, enhancement of gingival papillae, and treatment of peri-implant defects.
Case Series: In the first case, the pedicle graft was performed to achieve soft-tissue closure over a socket preserva-
tion site that was fully dehisced on the facial aspect. This procedure allowed for protecting the bone graft and developing the
soft tissue for implant placement 4 months later. The second case was more challenging because of an ankylosed maxillary
central incisor presenting with a severe gingival discrepancy. After tooth extraction and hard-tissue reconstruction, a pedicle
graft was used at the time of implant placement to augment the soft tissue over the facial dehiscence of the implant in com-
bination with a bone graft.
Conclusions: The novel palatal tunneling in this technique improved the positioning of the pedicle graft at the recip-
ient site. It also preserved the integrity of the mucosa palatal to the defect site by minimizing the protuberance that resulted at
the site of pedicle rotation. Soft-tissue height and volume were found to be increased. Clin Adv Periodontics 2013;3:191-
Key Words: Dental implants; esthetics, dental; maxilla; pedicle flap; tissue grafts.

Background hard-tissue augmentation techniques have been proposed

to reconstruct the integrity and shape of the deficient
Hard- and soft-tissue reconstruction of the anterior maxilla
ridge.3,4 Simultaneously, various mucogingival procedures
has gained particular interest with the progression of
implant dentistry. To prevent or correct the inevitable have been described to address the soft-tissue deficiencies
ridge reduction that takes place after tooth extraction,1,2 and the increased esthetic concerns. Enhancement of peri-
implant soft tissue can be performed at multiple treatment
stages: 1) socket preservation; 2) immediate or conven-
* Department of Periodontology, University of Alabama School of Dentistry, tional implant placement; 3) second-stage implant surgery;
Birmingham, AL.
4) after delivery of implant-supported restoration; and 5)

Private practice, Beirut, Lebanon. treatment of peri-implant disease. Numerous techniques

Department of Periodontology, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon. addressing these indications mainly through autogenous
soft-tissue options have been advocated in the literature.5-18
Submitted December 5, 2012; accepted for publication February 12, At the time of socket preservation or immediate implant
placement, several treatment options are available to
doi: 10.1902/cap.2013.120125 achieve socket closure and augment the soft-tissue volume

Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 191


and contour. Free gingival grafts (FGGs) have been whereas the other socket walls were intact. The dimensions
described as a viable therapy to achieve soft-tissue closure of the socket orifice were measured and considered for ped-
of extraction sockets after immediate implant placement icle graft preparation in the following steps. A single pala-
or socket grafting procedures.8,11,16 These grafts are tal incision design19 was placed from the mesial aspect of
harvested from the palate to fit the custom size of the tooth #3 to the midpalatal aspect of tooth #6. Care was
socket orifice. FGGs were found to integrate at the taken to stop the incision one tooth distal to the defect site
recipient sites in 74% to 92.3% of cases.11,16 Similarly, (tooth #7). The length of this incision was calculated to
free connective tissue grafts (FCTGs) are obtained from achieve complete closure of the palato-facial size of the
the palate and used to seal socket defects. Their main socket and to extend at least 3 mm under the facial tissue.
differences with FGGs include tucking the graft under the Similar to a subepithelial CT graft, the pedicle graft was
facial and palatal soft-tissue margins and expecting donor dissected at the coronal, distal, and apical aspects, leaving
site wound healing by primary intention. However, the mesial side attached (Fig. 2a). The width of the graft
healing of FCTGs at the recipient site is similar to that was calculated to match the mesio-distal size of the socket.
of FGGs, relying completely on a socket vascularization Using an Orban periodontal knife,x a tunnel was created
source.7 Conversely, pedicle palatal soft-tissue grafts have under the palatal mucosa, connecting the donor site to
been described as advantageous alternatives to free grafts the socket orifice. A polyglactin 910‖ 5-0 suture was used
in the closure of socket grafting and immediate implant at the distal end of the pedicle graft to aid in sliding it under
sites.12,13,15,17 Rotated split- and full-thickness palatal flaps the created tunnel and into the socket space (Figs. 2a and
were found to achieve predictable bone formation around 2b). A collagen membrane was trimmed to cover the facial
peri-implant dehiscence defects.12 Meanwhile, the palatal dehiscence, and a freeze-dried bone allograft was placed
subepithelial connective tissue (CT) flap technique was in the socket (Figs. 2c through 2e). The pedicle was then
presented with minimal partial flap necrosis. The tech- adapted over the grafting materials and fitted under the
nique involved elevating a full-thickness palatal flap after facial mucosa. Using a polyglactin 910 5-0 suture, horizon-
a paramarginal straight incision from the molar area to tal mattress and simple interrupted sutures were placed
the extraction site, dissecting a CT graft from the coronal, over the pedicle at the socket orifice and for primary clo-
apical, and distal aspects, and rotating it over the socket sure at the donor site (Fig. 2f).
toward the facial aspect.13 A modification of this method Healing was uneventful in the immediate postoperative
consisted of flipping the pedicle graft over the defect period (Fig. 3). Site reentry was performed at 4 months
instead of rotating it.17 Although both techniques showed postoperatively for implant placement and immediate tem-
improved clinical outcomes, they also resulted in a soft-tissue porization (Figs. 4a through 4c). Adequate bone and soft
protuberance palatal to the defect site, corresponding to the tissue quantity and quality were noted. A dental implant
site of pedicle rotation or flipping. This case series presents was placed in an optimal position and immediately tempo-
a pedicle CT graft technique with novel palatal tunneling as rized (Figs. 4d through 4f). A permanent restoration was
an alternative treatment modality to enhance soft-tissue placed 6 months later. Evaluation of results up to 2 years
volume and coverage of socket grafting and implant sites. postoperatively reveals high gingival esthetic outcomes at
site #7 (Fig. 5).
Clinical Presentation, Management,
Case 2
and Outcomes
A 19-year-old systemically and periodontally healthy male
Patients 1 and 2 presented to a private practice limited to peri-
presented to the periodontist (AHR) office with an anky-
odontics and implant dentistry in Beirut, Lebanon (AHR).
losed tooth #8 that was retained 4 mm apical to tooth
Their treatment extended from 2007 to 2011. Both patients
#9 (Fig. 6a). At time of presentation, the patient was under-
provided written informed consent before treatment began.
going orthodontic treatment. Dental history revealed an
avulsion of tooth #8 caused by an accident at age 12 years.
Case 1 The tooth was repositioned back into the socket after the ac-
The patient was a healthy 47-year-old male who presented cident. The tooth became ankylosed and preserved its initial
with a fractured tooth #7. During an apicoectomy attempt, position within the growing maxilla. At age 19 years, two lat-
a root fracture was noted and the patient was referred to eral cephalometric radiographs taken 6 months apart were
the periodontist (AHR) for tooth extraction and implant superimposed and found to be identical, indicating the end
placement. At the time of periodontal evaluation, the patient of growth. The patient was then referred for tooth extraction
presented with moderate edema and erythema of the alveo- and implant placement. Severe gingival discrepancy was noted
lar mucosa on the facial aspect of tooth #7 and a mucosal between the maxillary central incisors; however, the inter-
tear over tooth #6 with residual silk sutures (Fig. 1a). A proximal bone height was adequate on the adjacent teeth.
periapical radiograph revealed adequate bone height on The apical position of the tooth imposed an esthetic challenge
the adjacent teeth (Fig. 1b). that required multiple surgical therapies.
After local anesthesia and a minimally invasive extrac-
tion of tooth #7, the socket was curetted and inspected. x
Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL.

A complete facial bony dehiscence was encountered, VICRYL, Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson, Somerville, NJ.

192 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 Novel Pedicle Connective Tissue Graft Technique

FIGURE 1 Case 1. 1a Maxillary right lateral

incisor (tooth #7) at initial presentation after an
aborted apicoectomy attempt. 1b Periapical
radiograph showing apical lesion and normal
crestal bone level.

FIGURE 2 Case 1. 2a Pedicle graft dissected from the palate through a single incision design and channeled through the mucosal tunnel with a suture. 2b
Facial view showing pedicle length. 2c Resorbable barrier shaped to cover the facial bony dehiscence. 2d and 2e Placement of bone particulate graft into
socket defect. 2f Pedicle positioned to cover the graft material and tucked under the facial gingival margin, achieving complete soft-tissue closure; suture
placement at donor site and over the pedicle for stabilization.

FIGURE 3 Case 1. 3a and 3b Uneventful healing at 2 days postoperatively. 3c and 3d Complete clinical healing at 3 weeks postoperatively.

As a first phase of treatment, tooth #8 was extracted, limited vertical gain, whereas adequate interproximal bone
leaving a severe localized horizontal and vertical ridge de- height was still encountered on the adjacent teeth (Figs. 7a
fect that was addressed using a ramus block graft (Figs. 6b through 7c). A pedicle CT graft was dissected from the mid-
through 6f). Four months later, the site was reentered for palatal aspect of tooth #3 to the distal aspect of tooth #7
implant placement. After the elevation of a trapezoidal fa- and handled in a similar manner as in case 1 (Figs. 7d
cial flap, the ridge revealed adequate horizontal gain and through 7f). A dental implant was placed in an optimal

Romanos, Geurs, Abou-Arraj Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 193

FIGURE 4 Case 1. 4a through 4c Mature soft-tissue healing at 4 months postoperatively showing adequate soft-tissue height and ridge contour. 4d Papilla-
preservation facial flap and implant placement in an optimal three-dimensional position. 4e Periapical radiograph at time of placement confirming proper
implant positioning. 4f Immediate implant temporization and flap repositioning with 5-0 polyglactin 910 sutures.

FIGURE 5 Case 1. 5a Final outcome at 1 year after implant placement with definitive restoration in place. 5b Periapical radiograph showing stability of crestal
bone 2 years after implant placement. 5c Soft-tissue esthetics maintained at 2 years after implant placement in the anterior maxilla.

three-dimensional position, which created a 4-mm facial Postoperative instructions were similar for both pa-
dehiscence (Fig. 8a). Autogenous bone chips, deproteinized tients. Amoxicillin (500 mg) was prescribed three times
bovine bone mineral, and a resorbable barrier were se- a day for 1 week. Pain control was managed with non-
lected to treat the peri-implant defect (Figs. 8b through steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Chlorhexidine (0.12%)
8d). The pedicle graft covered all the grafting materials, was also prescribed twice per day for 2 weeks postopera-
and primary flap closure was obtained at the recipient tively. The patients were seen at 1-, 2-, and 3-week follow-
and donor sites (Figs. 8e and 8f). up visits, including removal of sutures and oral hygiene
Augmenting the soft-tissue volume allowed for a reso- instructions. Wound healing at the recipient and donor
lution of the esthetic discrepancy until the implant was sites was uneventful.
uncovered at 6 months postoperatively (Fig. 9a). After
another 3-month temporary phase (Fig. 9b), a permanent Discussion
implant restoration was placed. Although a 0.5-mm dis- Soft-tissue enhancement has numerous indications in im-
crepancy of the gingival margins of the central incisors plant therapy. It begins with developing the extraction site,
is noted, significant enhancement of gingival esthetics continues at the time of implant placement and second-stage
was achieved in this challenging case using a combi- implant surgery, and proceeds after implant restoration in
nation of hard- and soft-tissue ridge augmentations the treatment of peri-implant disease. Various autogenous
(Fig. 9c). soft-tissue options have been described for these purposes in
Video 1 demonstrates harvesting and management of the literature. Palatal pedicle grafts were successfully used
this novel pedicle CT graft technique in a patient whose at time of socket preservation and/or implant place-
informed written consent was obtained. ment.12,13,15,17 These pedicle options have improved

194 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 Novel Pedicle Connective Tissue Graft Technique

FIGURE 6 Case 2. 6a Ankylosed maxillary right central incisor (tooth #8) creating an esthetic discrepancy of 4 mm in height. 6b Trapezoidal facial flap and
tooth extraction. 6c Residual bony defect lacking in ridge height and width at site #8. 6d Ramus block fixated at site #8 with two titanium miniscrews. 6e
Autogenous bone chips, deproteinized bovine bone mineral, and acellular dermal matrix allograft placed over the ramus block. 6f Coronally advanced flap
achieving primary closure at site #8.

FIGURE 7 Case 2. 7a Improved clinical situation 4 months postoperatively. 7b Minimal exposure of ramus block at facial aspect of edentulous site. 7c
Trapezoidal flap elevation and debridement of non-integrated part of the block graft. Horizontal bone gain was noted, interproximal bone height was
maintained, and vertical bone gain was minimal. 7d Dissection of pedicle graft after a single palatal incision extending from the mesial aspect of the first molar
to the distal aspect of the tooth distally adjacent (tooth #7) to the implant site (tooth #8). 7e Pedicle graft elevated from the donor site except for the mesial
aspect. 7f Pedicle graft pulled through the created mucosal tunnel into the implant site.

vascular supply and stability at the recipient sites when com- technique. The clinical observation in the present case se-
pared with free grafts. The subepithelial CT pedicle tech- ries reveals significant gains in soft-tissue height and volume
niques13,17 were shown to provide a greater amount of tissue, of treated sites. Several advantages can be attributed to this
achieve soft-tissue closure at donor and recipient sites, and novel modification. Although all existing palatal pedicle
cause minimal postoperative morbidity. options dissect the mucosa directly palatal to the defect
This case series presents a novel pedicle CT technique by site, the present technique preserves the integrity of that
incorporating a palatal tunnel through which the pedicle is mucosa by stopping the single incision one tooth distal
channeled to the recipient site. More than 100 patients to the defect site. This allows for the creation of a tunnel
were successfully treated by the authors using this under the mucosa palatal to the defect area. This tunnel

Romanos, Geurs, Abou-Arraj Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 195

FIGURE 8 Case 2. 8a Implant placement according to ideal three-dimensional position leading to a coronal facial dehiscence. 8b Placement of autogenous
bone chips at the peri-implant defect. 8c Deproteinized bovine bone mineral particles used as a contour bone graft. 8d Placement of a resorbable barrier
secured with the implant cover screw. 8e Pedicle graft positioned over barrier at crestal and facial aspects. No sutures were required because of improved
stabilization by the palatal tunnel. 8f Coronally advanced flap and primary soft-tissue closure.

FIGURE 9 Case 2. 9a Patient smile line 6 months after implant placement. 9b Gingival line symmetry restored between central incisors after implant
temporization. 9c Two-year follow-up presentation demonstrating resolution of gingival margin discrepancy with final restoration in place.

contributes to the vascular supply of the pedicle, whereas a soft-tissue protuberance at the site of pedicle rotation,
the overlying palatal mucosa stabilizes the graft in the de- which is normally encountered in other techniques that fully
sired position over the defect site. Therefore, suturing the elevate the palatal flap. Partial necrosis of the pedicle grafts
pedicle graft is not required for proper positioning, was noted in only 4% of all treated cases. Nevertheless,
although sutures to approximate wound margins over the authors consider this treatment option more time
the pedicle are usually placed. In addition, this novel tun- consuming and technique sensitive than existing pedicle
nel modification significantly minimizes the formation of graft modalities. n

196 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 Novel Pedicle Connective Tissue Graft Technique

Why are these cases new j To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pedicle CT graft
information? technique that describes a palatal tunneling.
j Multiple advantages can be attributed to this novel technique:
1) improved stability of pedicle graft; 2) no need to suture pedicle graft
in position; 3) minimal to no protuberance of the palatal mucosa at the
site of pedicle rotation; and 4) preservation of soft-tissue integrity and
blood supply of palatal mucosa at the defect site.

What are the keys to successful j Refrain from extending the palatal single incision to the defect site.
management of these cases? j Prepare the pedicle graft longer and wider than the actual dimensions
of the defect.
j Use caution when dissecting the pedicle at the curvature of the palate

in the canine region to avoid fenestration of the palatal mucosa.

j Use a suture to help in channeling the pedicle through the tunnel.

What are the primary limitations to j Minimal thickness of the palatal mucosa
success in these cases? j Multiple defect sites in the anterior maxilla
j Underestimating the graft dimensions required to cover the defect site

Acknowledgment CORRESPONDENCE:
Dr. Ramzi V. Abou-Arraj, University of Alabama at Birmingham, SDB 412,
The authors report no conflicts of interest related to this 1919 7th Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35294-0007. E-mail:
case series.

Romanos, Geurs, Abou-Arraj Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 197

placement. Description of the surgical procedure and clinical results.

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198 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2013 Novel Pedicle Connective Tissue Graft Technique

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