Autogenous Soft Tissue Grafting For Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgical Reconstruction

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Received: 15 June 2019 Revised: 27 July 2019 Accepted: 10 August 2019

DOI: 10.1002/JPER.19-0350


Autogenous soft tissue grafting for periodontal and peri-implant

plastic surgical reconstruction
Giovanni Zucchelli1,2 ∗ Lorenzo Tavelli1 ∗ Michael K. McGuire1,3,4
Giulio Rasperini1,5 Stephen E. Feinberg6 Hom-Lay Wang1
William V. Giannobile1,7

1 Department of Periodontics & Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
2 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
3 Private practice, Houston, TX, USA
4 Department of Periodontics, University of Texas, Dental Branch Houston and Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
5 Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
6 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
7 Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering and Biointerfaces Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Correspondence Abstract
William V. Giannobile, Najjar Professor This state-of-the-art review presents the latest evidence and the current status of auto-
of Dentistry and Chair, Department of
Periodontics and Oral Medicine; University
genous soft tissue grafting for soft tissue augmentation and recession coverage at
of Michigan, School of Dentistry, 1011 North teeth and dental implant sites. The indications and predictability of the free gingi-
University Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109- val graft and connective tissue graft (CTG) techniques are highlighted, together with
1078, USA.
Email: their expected clinical and esthetic outcomes. CTGs can be harvested from the max-
illary tuberosity or from palate with different approaches that can have an impact on
∗ Giovanni Zucchelli and Lorenzo Tavelli
graft quality and patient morbidity. The influence of CTGs on soft tissue thickness
contributed equally to this work.
and keratinized tissue width are also discussed.

autogenous grafts, autografts, dental implants, gingival recession, periodontal, soft palate, soft tissue

in periodontal plastic surgery procedures since the 2015 AAP

Regeneration Workshop,5,6 while presenting insights on the
emerging field of peri-implant soft tissue plastic surgery.
A soft tissue graft harvested from the palate with the over-
Since its early introduction over 50 years ago,1 soft tis- lying epithelium is defined as the free gingival graft (FGG),
sue grafting has been increasingly used in clinical practice and it was first introduced for increasing keratinized tissue
for augmenting tissue thickness, re-establishing an adequate developmentally missing or lost.1 The healing events and the
width of keratinized tissue, correcting mucogingival defor- principles affecting the outcomes of an FGG that has been
mities, and improving esthetics, at teeth and dental implant extensively investigated,7,8 may have contributed to the
sites.2–4 The present manuscript provides the latest evidence high predictability of this procedure. Several features were
J Periodontol. 2020;91:9–16. © 2019 American Academy of Periodontology 9

F I G U R E 1 A through E) Free gingival graft at lower central incisors. A) baseline; B) immediately postoperative; C) 5-months postoperative;
D) coronally advanced flap; E) 6-months postoperative showing the complete root coverage of the recession defects together with increased
keratinized gingiva. F through K) Free gingival graft around a posterior implant with minimal keratinized mucosa on the buccal aspect.
F) baseline; G and H) flap preparation and suturing to the periosteum; I and J) free gingival graft sutured to the periosteum and to the adjacent soft
tissue; K) 6-month healing

suggested as risk factors for the outcomes of FGG; these and gingival thickness in the presence of mucogingival
include but are not limited to: improper preparation of the defects2 (Figs. 1A through 1E). The long-term efficacy of
recipient site, inadequate graft size and thickness, poor an FGG compared with contralateral untreated sites has
adaptation to the recipient bed and failure to stabilize the been assessed by Agudio et al. that observed the stability (or
graft.8 As it has been shown that FGG undergoes a significant coronal migration) of the gingival margin and the preven-
shrinkage (around 30%) during the healing process,9,10 a tion (or worsening) of gingival recessions (GRs) after the
graft wider than the site needing soft tissue augmentation has FGG; however, untreated contralateral sites were associated
to be harvested, and this may account for the postoperative with increased recession depth or development of GRs.15
discomfort and complications reported at the donor site.11,12 Regarding its use in root coverage, Cortellini et al. introduced
More recently, several authors have focused on the shrinkage a modification of the conventional approach (“partially
of FGG compared with apically positioned flap alone or epithelialized FGG”) in the lower anterior area to overcome
graft substitutes, such as collagen matrix or acellular dermal the esthetic deficiencies that have been reported and to
matrix (ADM).10,13 These studies confirmed a significant increase the percentage of mean root coverage, facilitating
shrinkage of all the graft materials, with FGG showing a at the same time an ideal repositioning of the alveolar
greater capacity of increasing the keratinized tissue width mucosa.16
(KTW), however with a higher patient morbidity, increased The importance of possessing an adequate width and
surgical time, and poor color match with the surrounding thickness of keratinized tissue seems to be crucial both for
tissue.10,13 It has been also reported that FGG stabilization natural teeth and dental implants.17,18 Indeed, similarly to
with cyanoacrylate may decrease not only the shrinkage teeth lacking KTW that were found to be more prone to
of the graft, but also pain discomfort compared with the further attachment loss,18 a deficiency of (or minimal) kera-
conventional stabilization by suturing.14 One of the main tinized mucosa around implants has shown to hinder patient
indications of FGG is to re-establish an adequate KTW oral hygiene, leading to higher soft tissue inflammation,

mucosal recession, and attachment loss.19 Although the role While the FGG retains its original appearance of the palatal
of KTW in maintaining peri-implant health is not uniformly soft tissue at the recipient site41 and may result in poor esthetic
accepted,20 several trials showed that soft tissue augmentation integration and a scar tissue-like texture,3 the CTG is able to
using FGG was effective in reducing mucosal inflammation, increase soft tissue volume and quality, as well as provide
patient discomfort, and facilitating optimal plaque control a harmonious gingival margin.3,27 Nevertheless, during the
around implants lacking keratinized tissue width (KTW).21,22 last decade, the improvement of the techniques and the intro-
Moreover, it has been reported that peri-implant soft tissue duction of the microsurgical approach, consisting of mag-
thickness can also affect marginal bone loss.17 A recent nification, illumination, micro-instruments, and new suture
meta-analysis by Thoma et al., concluded that soft tissue materials, has contributed to the greater predictability of root
augmentation by autogenous grafts is the most predictable coverage procedures.42 This led Chambrone and Pini Prato to
technique for maintaining peri-implant health by increasing speculate that flap preparation and management are the more
KTW and thickness (Figs. 1F through 1K).23 Indeed, having crucial elements in root coverage.42
at least 2 mm of KTW was found to demonstrate a protective In addition, it was demonstrated that CAF + CTG pro-
effect on peri-implant health24 and implants with < 2 mm vides superior outcomes compared with CAF alone only
of KTW were more prone to develop peri-implant biologic when the gingival thickness is ≤0.8 mm (i.e., thin gingival
complications in erratic compliers.25 Lastly, it should be phenotype).36 Therefore, it has been suggested that the
recognized that the FGG is also used for increasing vestibular selective use of CTG for sites presenting with gingival
depth and KTW before implant reconstruction. thickness <1 mm and KTW ≤1 mm is preferred.43,44
Contrastingly, when treating peri-implant soft tissue dehis-
cence, the use of CTG is highly recommended, regardless of
3 THE CON N E C T I V E T I SSU E keratinized mucosa width or thickness,45,46 while autogenous
GRAFT graft substitutes are often used for increasing tissue thick-
ness and minimizing the postoperative mucosal recession dur-
According to Zuhr et al., the introduction of connective tissue ing immediate implant placement47 or at the time of implant
grafts (CTG)26 and the increasing changeover from the FGG uncovering.48,49
to the CTG presents the transition from traditional mucogin- Several harvesting approaches, such as the trap-door,
gival surgery to periodontal plastic surgery.3 While traditional the single incision, and parallel incisions technique have
mucogingival approaches were aimed primarily at increasing been proposed for obtaining a CTG from the palate.3,50
the KTW, the principal goal of modern periodontics should These methods were mainly aimed at achieving a healing
embrace the ultimate esthetic outcomes.3,27 There is exten- by primary intention by preserving a primary palatal flap
sive evidence that a CTG is the technique of choice in treat- that is then sutured to the donor site after harvesting. These
ing gingival/mucosal recessions at teeth and implant sites28–30 approaches were initially considered the gold standard as
(Fig. 2), for increasing soft tissue thickness,31 masking discol- they accompanied less postoperative morbidity than the FGG
ored roots or visible implant components,3 as well as interden- that result in a secondary intension healing.11,12
tal papilla reconstruction32 (Table 1). However, it has been demonstrated that CTG can be
Several techniques either with a CTG or other graft obtained by harvesting and de-epithelializing FGG, with sim-
substitutes have been proposed for the treatment of gingival ilar patient discomfort compared with the traditional trap door
recessions, such as the coronally advanced flap (CAF), technique, if the FGG donor site is protected.50 More recently,
lateral rotational flap, semilunar flap, tunnel technique, or several approaches claiming to minimize patient morbidity
the vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access (VISTA) and enhancing palatal wound healing after FGG harvesting
technique.27,33,34 Among them, CTG-based approaches were proposed51,52 (Table 2).
demonstrate the strongest potential of achieving complete It has been speculated that the harvesting technique may
root coverage, together with better esthetic results.27,28,35 It also affect the quality of the graft, being a CTG derived
has been speculated that the CTG acts as a biologic filler, from de-epithelialization of FGG mainly composed of lam-
improving the adaptation and the stability of the flap to the ina propria, while a CTG from conventional harvesting
root during early wound repair.36 As a result, the gingival approaches (i.e., deep palate) is richer in glandular and adi-
phenotype becomes thicker and the potential of achieving pose tissue.2,3,50,53 This dissimilar nature of the graft renders
complete root coverage is higher.37 In the presence of an a CTG distinctively different from the FGG by being firmer,
increased soft tissue thickness, the coronal migration of more stable, and easier to manage than a CTG that is harvested
the gingival margin over time, a phenomenon defined as from a deep palate.50,53 Furthermore, since CTG can promote
“creeping attachment,” can also occur.29 This may explain the keratinization of the overlying epithelia,54 it has been sug-
the trend toward stability of the gingival margin over time of gested that the adipose and glandular tissue of the graft may
recession defects treated with CTG.38–40 act as barriers to the plasmatic diffusion and vascularization

FIGURE 2 A through E) Coronally advanced flap and connective tissue graft for the treatment of an isolated gingival recession in a lower
canine. A) baseline; B) split-full-split flap preparation; C) a connective tissue graft harvested from the palate was sutured over the root surface. Note
the de-epithelialization of the anatomical papillae; D) flap coronally advanced and sutured; E) 6-month healing with complete root coverage. F
through K) Soft tissue dehiscence at an implant site treated with a surgical-prosthetic approach and a connective tissue graft. F) baseline; G) the
crown was removed and the thinner abutment was placed for facilitating the growth of the interdental soft tissue; H) 1 month after the abutment
replacement, a split-thickness flap was elevated at the implant site; I) a connective tissue graft harvested from the palate was sutured to the
de-epithelialized papillae; J) flap closure; K) 6-month healing showing the complete resolution of the soft tissue dehiscence (adapted with
permission from Periodontology 2000)45

TABLE 1 Indications for autogenous soft tissue grafts

Autogenous graft Intension healing Indication References
Free gingival graft Primary KTW augmentation around teeth Agudio et al. 200972
Peri-implant KTW augmentation Roccuzzo et al. 2016,21 Oh et al. 201722
Increasing vestibulum depth Yadav et al. 201473
Secondary Root coverage Cortellini et al. 2012,16 Zucchelli and De Sanctis
Ridge augmentation Urban et al. 201975
Connective tissue graft Primary Root coverage Zucchelli et al. 2010,50 Stefanini et al. 201844
Peri-implant soft tissue thickness Cairo et al. 2017,62 Zeltner et al. 201749
Immediate implant placement Frizzera et al. 2018,76 Zuiderveld et al. 201847
Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence Mazzotti et al. 2018,45 Zucchelli et al. 201829
Secondary Ridge augmentation Akcali et al. 201577
KTW, keratinized tissue width; FGG, free gingival graft; CAF, coronally advanced flap.

TABLE 2 Factors affecting patient morbidity and wound healing site, palatal sensory dysfunction, infection, and/or increased
of the palatal donor site after free gingival graft harvesting surgical time.11,63 In particular, prolonged intraoperative and
Factors that may Graft dimension (height ≤4 mm, postoperative bleeding from the palate is not a rare event
reduce the width <14 mm, and thickness regardless of the technique performed.11 Several cadaver stud-
postoperative <2 mm)50,51,78,79 ies have been conducted to investigate the course of the greater
morbidity Thickness of the palatal mucosa >4 mm78 Use palatine artery and its branches.64,65 However, the anatomy of
of diode laser for the harvesting and for
the palatal vault, age, sex, population, and the variability of
wound irradiation80
these vessels prevent making a definitive conclusion and pro-
Protective material on the donor site:
• Collagen sponge and cyanoacrylate50,51,79 viding universal guidelines for a “safe” palatal harvesting.66
• Biologics: platelet-rich plasma81 and On the other hand, it is generally accepted that a soft tissue
platelet-rich fibrin82,83 harvesting should be limited from the region of the canine
• Ozone therapy84 to the palatal root of the first molar3 (or even to the second
molar/tuberosity area), and therefore, the availability of the
• Hyaluronic acid52
autologous graft may be inadequate when treating multiple
Factors that may Graft dimension (height >4 mm, width ≥14 mm
augmentation sites. In addition, the thickness of the palatal
increase the and thickness >2 mm)50,51,78,79
mucosa is another potential limiting factor for palatal harvest-
postoperative Thickness of the palatal mucosa ≤4 mm78
morbidity ing, as minimal residual soft tissue thickness over the bone
Factors that may Use of biologic agents (platelet-rich plasma,81
has been related to a greater analgesic consumption.50 A thin
accelerate platelet-rich fibrin,82,83 and topical palatal mucosa may also enhance the risk of over-thinning
wound healing erythropoietin85 ) the primary flap (when performing the trap-door, envelope, or
Hyaluronic acid52 parallel incisions techniques) which has been associated with
Ozone therapy84 wound sloughing and increased patient morbidity.50 Lastly,
Advanced glycation end-products86,a autogenous soft tissue grafting requires a second surgical
a Based on preclinical animal models. site and increases surgery duration, which has been related
to higher postoperative pain and swelling.11,67 In this sce-
during the first phase of healing, and also impair their ability nario, it is not surprising that studies using subjective-reported
to induce epithelial keratinization.55,56 qualitative measures have shown patient preference toward
The maxillary tuberosity presents a promising alternative approaches avoiding the harvesting of tissue from a sec-
donor site to the palate for soft tissue harvesting, providing ond surgical site.61,68 Similarly, clinicians have demonstrated
lower patient morbidity,57 while containing more lamina pro- increased interest in graft substitutes, such as ADM69,70 or
pria and less submucosa than a CTG harvested from the deep collagen matrix.62,71
lateral palate.58 However, it is still unclear to which extent the
composition of the graft influences the outcomes of mucogin-
gival surgery. The limited evidence available from the 5 CONC LU SI ON S
literature suggests that the nature of CTG can play a role in
determining the soft tissue thickness and KTW,57,59 but does Significant evidence supports the use of autologous soft tis-
not directly affect the amount of root coverage.50,57 Molecular sue grafting for periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgical
analyses also confirmed different cellular and tissue behaviors reconstruction for soft tissue health and esthetics. While the
of CTGs harvested from the maxillary tuberosity compared free gingival graft technique is still considered the approach
with the palate.60 Given its tendency for a hyperplastic of choice for increasing soft tissue thickness and keratinized
response, it may be suggested that CTG from the tuberosity tissue/mucosa at teeth and dental implant sites, connective
may be used for increasing soft tissue volume and KTW, when tissue graft-based techniques provide the greatest predictabil-
esthetics are not the primary goal.56 ity for achieving complete root coverage (or soft tissue
dehiscence coverage), together with high esthetic results.
4 L I M I TAT I O N S , Adequate tissue thickness and keratinized tissue width seem
COMPLICATI O N S, A N D PAT I E N T to be crucial factors for peri-implant health. Autogenous
PERSPECTIVE RELATED TO graft-based techniques can be considered the most effective
PA LATA L HARVESTING in achieving peri-implant soft tissue augmentation.

Patient morbidity has been reported as one of the major

shortcomings of an autologous soft tissue graft harvesting
procedure.61,62 In addition, further postoperative complica- The authors do not have any financial interests, either directly
tions have been described, including hemorrhage at the donor or indirectly, in the products or information associated

with this manuscript. This work was partially supported by 15. Agudio G, Cortellini P, Buti J, Pini Prato G. Periodontal conditions
the University of Michigan Periodontal Graduate Student of sites treated with gingival augmentation surgery compared with
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term study. J Periodontol. 2016;87:1371-1378.
related to this review.
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