A Research and Solution Proposal For Reactive Power Problems in North Cyprus Industries

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A Research and Solution Proposal for Reactive Power Problems in North Cyprus

Özgür C. Özerdem1 Samet Biricik2

Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus

oozerdem@neu.edu.tr, 2sbiricik@neu.edu.tr

Abstract This paper presents common power quality problems

prevalent in Northern Cyprus due to Reactive Power.
Quality of electrical energy is an important issue which has
to be considered carefully. This paper examined the basic 2. Measurement of Power Quality
power quality problems and made a comparative study on
the solutions of one of the most important power quality The Data given in this study was measured with “C.A. 8335
problem “compensation of reactive power” in Northern Qualistar Plus”, three phase electrical network analyzer using
Cyprus. In this study conversional methods are used. For the DataWiever® Software given in figure 1. They were
analyzing Reactive Power problems, Bozkaya Mine measured from 05th of December 2008. Although all waveforms
company power systems are investigated as a pilot case of were recorded, there were complications with current
reactive power problems in North Cyprus. waveforms. The C.A.8335 Qualistar Plus measures current
waveforms by sampling voltage induced by current transformers
1. Introduction (CTs) that have a ratio of 6500/5. The big drives for the motor
have circuit breaker (CB) panels from which drive protection is
Identifying problems in an electrical network before any implemented each panel has two CTs of its own; one for the
extensive damage occurs is advisable for any power system. drive over current protection and the other for the display for
Monitoring of power quality is not necessary for the accurate panel monitoring facilities. These CTs themselves have ratio of
operation of sensitive equipment; it also serves in identification 200/5 each. The C.A. 8335 was connected after one of these
of unnecessary energy losses in a power system which leads to CTs. Again in terms of monitoring purposes on the CB panels,
minimizing the expenditures, especially for mines. The power Voltage Transformers (VTs) use the C.A. 8335.
quality problems occur due to different reasons. Voltage sags
are generally caused by faults (short circuit) on the system [1].
Overloads can be another cause although it can be termed as
being an under voltage phenomenon or a voltage step the other
causes of sags also occur when large motors start [2]. Motors
have the undesirable effect of drawing several times their full
load current while starting. This high reactive current (5-7 times
of rated current) from the supply during the starting process lost
for about 30 cycles. This sudden rise of current flow through the Fig. 1. The C.A.8335 Qualistar
network impedance results in the voltage sag at the terminal bus.
The sag magnitude mainly depends on the starting motors power 3. Collected Data before Compensation
rating the network impedance and the system source strength
[3]. Voltage sag (dip) is a power quality problem that is The following Current wave forms were recorded due to
prevalent in any power system. It is said to be one of the main motors starting. Figure 2 show the results in current magnitude,
problems of power quality. It is a decrease of the RMS voltage during induction motor starting before compensation.
or current to between 0.9 and 0.1 per unit (pu) at the power
frequency for a duration of ½ a cycle to 1 minute [4]. Phase
jumps occur due to the difference of X/R ratio the source and
that of the faulted feeder [5].
AC electrical machines and other inductive loads used in
industry draw reactive power from the line. The reactive power
causes overloading effects on the line, circuit breakers,
transformers, relays and insulations. Reactive power cannot be
transformed into mechanical power. In addition, the reactive
power also increases the dimension of cables used in the
transmission line. Therefore, the structure of all equipments
used in the line has to be strong enough to carry the huge weight
of the cables. Therefore, the cost of the system is increased, and Fig. 2. Irms of phases before compensation
the efficiency of the system is reduced. To reduce the cost and to
improve the efficiency, the reactive power drawn from the line
has to be decreased by supplying it from some other source.

Fig. 6. Manage project diagram

Fig. 3. Total power analyzing before compensation Figure 7 show the results in current magnitude, after
Figure 3 shows Active power (P) analysis shows that the
total active power is 200 kW .The total reactive power (Q) is
260 kVAr. and Apparent power (S) reaches 325 kVA when
inductive loads are applied to the power system before
compensation. Power factor was 0.56 as given in figure 4, which
is not an acceptable level.

Fig. 7. Irms of phases after compensation

Power analysis after compensation shows that the average

total active power (P) is 200 kW. Apparent power (S) reaches
200,06 kVA when inductive and capacitive loads are applied to
power system, as shown in figure 8.

Fig. 4. Power factor of phases before compensation

4. Power Factor Correction with Mechanical Switched


Capacitors are practical and economical power factor

improvement devices. As stated previously, all inductive loads
produce inductive reactive power. Capacitors on the other hand
produce capacitive reactive power, which is the exact
complement of inductive reactive power. In this instance, the
current peak occurs before the voltage peak, leading by a phase
angle of 90 degrees. Careful selection of capacitance is required, Fig. 8.Power Analysis of phases after compensation
to cancel out totally the inductive reactive power. The system is
build practically as seen in Figure 5. Figure 8 also shows the measured total reactive power (Q)
of phases. It can be seen that reactive power compensation
works fine in steady state. The reactive power of each line is
quite close to zero point the deviation approximately 5 kVAr.
Figure 9 shows power factor of phases during compensation.

Fig. 5.Mechanical switched compensation system

The required system of reactive power compensation is

designed for Bozkaya Mine Company as seen in Figure 6.

Fig. 9.Power factor of phases during compensation

5. STATCOM Simulation with MATLAB 6. Conclusions

The system was simulated for the reactive power In North Cyprus, the demand of electrical energy keeps
compensation using the MATLAB. For this a power system increasing. For this reason, electric energy prices increase. But
similar to the case analyzed practically was modeled and in recent decades, the quality and price of electric energy should
simulated. The MATLAB model is given in figure 10. be in optimum level.
In power systems, active power should be supported by
reactive power for power system requirements. Reactive power
is due to loaded generators and transmission lines. The
technique of reactive power generation at load side is called
Compensation. Unfortunately, electrical energy authorities in
TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) did not set rules
or regulations for compensation. As a result of this, voltage
drop, harmonics, over voltage, noises and unnecessary reactive
power on lines often occur. In fact, these cause lack of quality
on electricity. This work represents pilot design to overcome
these problems in industries.
As a proposed solution, mechanical switched capacitors are
Fig. 10. MATLAB model with STATCOM used. After the system was integrated to Bozkaya Ltd, the
measurements were repeated. Figure 8 showing reactive power
The figure 11 gives the active and reactive power graphs was reduced. Therefore, power factor increased up to 0.99, as
before STATCOM application and figure 12 after STATCOM shown in figure 9, which meets the international standard.
application. By doing required regulations in Northern Cyprus and
Capacitor banks can help the motor to get back to the applying similar projects to other industrial areas, the energy
normal speed after starting. However, the capacitor banks are efficiency could increase which will support economy.
usually switched by mechanical contactor. A STATCOM, in
Contrast can provide power support immediately in changing 7. References
load. This power support includes both and reactive power.
Although the STATCOM is usually supposed to provide [1] Dugan R.C., McGranaghan M.F., Santoso S., Beaty H. W.,
reactive power support, cause an active power flow from the ‘’Electrical Power Systems Quality’’, McGraw-Hill
converter to the network. In the converter control system, a PLL Companies, Inc., New York 2003M.
works on the positive sequence component of the ac side bus [2] Mansoor A., Collin E. R., Morgan R. L., ‘’Effect of
flux. Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags on Adjustable Speed Drive,’’
Textile, Fiber, and Film Industry Technical Conference,
1997, IEEE 1997 Annual, 1997
[3] J. Wu, T. Saha, “Simulation of Power Quality Problems on
a University Distribution system”, Power Engineering
Society Summer Meeting, 2000. IEEE, Volume: 4, 2000,
Pages: 2326-2331 vol. 4
[4] IEEE Standards Board, “IEEE std 1159-1995, IEEE
Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power
Quality”, IEEE, Inc., New York June 1995
[5] H. J. Bollen, P. Wang, N. Jenkins, "Analysis and
Consequences of the phase jump Associated With A
Voltage Sag ", Power System Computation Conference,
Dresden, Germany, August 1996
Fig. 11. Reactive(Q) and Active (P) powers without STATCOM [6] Samet Biricik, “A Research and Solution Proposal for
Reactive Power Problems in North Cyprus Industries”,
Master thesis, Near East Univ., Nicosia, Turkish republic of
Northern Cyprus, 2009.
[7] Ö. C. Özerdem, S. Biricik, “Development of a Solution for
Reactive Power Problems in North Cyprus Industries,”
EMO Bilim Journal of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers,
vol.2, Pages: 48-50, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
August 2009.

Fig. 12. Reactive (Q) and Active (P) powers with STATCOM


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