Smart Grid Research Paper

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Murdoch University

Final Year Project Report


Micro-grids with Distributed Generators in an Edge-of-Main

Grid Scenario

Prepared By: Milambo Majwi

Student ID: 30454301
Supervised By: Dr. Greg Crebbin


This thesis investigates the dynamic behaviour and transients of a sub-system when
operating in two scenarios: Grid-connected mode, and islanding mode. The sub-system
consists of two distributed generators (DGs). One DG is modeled using a rotating
synchronous machine fitted with a governor to represent a diesel generator, while the
other is modeled using a DC voltage source and a converter to represent a photovoltaic
(PV) energy source. The distribution network also consists of a grid connected source
known as the main grid. During normal operation, the supply of electricity to the
connected loads is shared among the three energy sources, the DGs supplying about 80
percent of the loads and the rest are supplied by the main grid. When the main grid is
disconnected from the network, supply to the connected loads is shared by the two DGs.
The PV energy source system is equipped with real and reactive power control
mechanisms that minimize islanding transients and maintain angle stability and voltage
quality of the network. The study includes examples of micro-grid transient analysis
carried out in the past. This is followed by the study of how transient analysis can be
carried out in PowerFactory software.

The simulation studies show that the electronic power control system in a PV generator is
capable of maintaining the angle stability of a micro grid in response to transient
conditions. These transients may result from changes in power demands from connected
loads or severe islanding events. The diesel generator through the use of a governor
responds to supply the required power to the system when the PV has reached its
maximum supply limits. The diesel generator acts as a back-up to the PV supply.

I would like to thank Dr. Greg. Crebbin who was my supervisor for the time and support
he gave to me during the whole period of working on this project. He always encouraged
me to work within the stipulated time in satisfactory ways. I would also wish to thank all
the other engineering lecturers who have been so supportive to help me attain all that I
have learnt at Murdoch University since the beginning of my studies. I thank my
coordinator for the Thesis Professor Parisa Arabzadeh Bahri for allowing me to perform
the tasks covered in this paper. I also thank Dr. Srinivas Shastri for the help and support
he gave when I was working on my final report. I would like to thank my family and my
fiancee Exildah Haaninga for their support towards completion of my studies. Finally I
would like to thank Murdoch University for offering me the environment conducive for
studies and all supportive materials whenever I needed them.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Project scope ................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Project Objectives ......................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Thesis Organisation ...................................................................................................... 8
2.0 Background ................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Micro-grid ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Advantages of Micro-grids .................................................................................. 10
2.1.2 Micro-grid Transient Analysis ............................................................................. 10
2.1.3 Micro-grid Island Operation Example ................................................................. 11
2.1.4 Micro-grids Control Methods .............................................................................. 14
2.1.5 Micro-grid Real and Reactive Power Control ..................................................... 15
2.2 Renewable Energy Resources ..................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Advantages of Renewable Resources .................................................................. 16
2.3 Photovoltaics ............................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Photovoltaic System Design ................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 PV Generator Control System ............................................................................. 19
2.4.1 Energy Storage Types .......................................................................................... 21
2.5 Diesel generator .......................................................................................................... 26
2.5.1 Internal Combustion (IC) Engine System ............................................................ 27
2.5.2 Operation of a Diesel Generator in a Micro-grid ................................................. 27
2.5.3 Diesel Generator Output power ........................................................................... 28
3.0 Network Models.......................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Component Models in PowerFactory[33]. .................................................................. 29
3.1.1 Defining Nodes .................................................................................................... 30
3.1.2 Defining lines ....................................................................................................... 30
3.1.3 Defining Loads..................................................................................................... 31
3.1.5 Defining Synchronous Generator ........................................................................ 32
3.2 PV Model in PowerFactory ........................................................................................ 33
3.3.1 Inverter models .................................................................................................... 34

3.3.2 PQ Inverter Control.............................................................................................. 34
3.5.1 Transformer.......................................................................................................... 38
3.5.2 Diesel Generator Model ....................................................................................... 38
3.5.3 PV Generator Model ............................................................................................ 39
4.0 Simulation Studies ...................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Grid Connected Mode ................................................................................................. 41
4.1.1 Response when main grid connected ................................................................... 43
4.2 Pre- Planned Islanding ................................................................................................ 43
5.0 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 48
References ......................................................................................................................... 50
Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 52

Table of Figures

Figure 1able of tables .......................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 Micro-grid single line diagram [3] ..................................................................... 12
Figure 3 Voltage waveforms during islanding [3] ............................................................ 13
Figure 4 Active and Reactive Power during islanding [3] ................................................ 14
Figure 5 Basic control of Active and Reactive Power [4] ................................................ 15
Figure 6 PV Real power controller ................................................................................... 20
Figure 7 Reactive power controller................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 Kinetic energy storage system [19] .................................................................... 22
Figure 9 Micro-grid with Flywheel storage system [25] .................................................. 23
Figure 10 Flywheel inverter P and Q[25] ......................................................................... 24
Figure 11 Micro-grid with flywheel Schematic Layout [25] ............................................ 25
Figure 12 Typical Diesel Generator [21] .......................................................................... 26
Figure 13 Diesel generator reactive power [24] ............................................................... 28
Figure 14 Diesel generator speed [24] .............................................................................. 29
Figure 15 PQ inverter control system [3] ......................................................................... 35
Figure 16 Frequency versus active power droops[26] ...................................................... 36

Figure 17 Schematic diagram of a ‘Composite Frame’ for a hydro power plant ............. 37
Figure 18 Single-line diagram of the study[31] ............................................................... 41
Figure 19 Response to added load (L4) at t = 1 s.[31]...................................................... 42
Figure 20 Pre-planned islanding at t = 0:8 s. .................................................................... 44
Figure 21 Defining a subplot ............................................................................................ 47
Figure 22 Adding variables to a graph .............................................................................. 48

Table of Tables

Table 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Photovoltaics ................................................ 18

Table 3 Line parameters.................................................................................................... 30
Table 4 Synchronous generator model ............................................................................. 32
Table 5 PV elements ......................................................................................................... 33
Table 6 Transformer parameters ....................................................................................... 38
Table 7 Diesel generator parameters................................................................................. 39
Table 8 PV parameters ...................................................................................................... 39

1.0 Introduction

This project investigates the dynamic behaviour and transients of a distribution

subsystem with multiple distributed energy resources (DERs), including photovoltaic
(PV) energy sources, when disconnected from the main grid. The distributed subsystem is
known as a micro-grid. A micro-grid is a portion of a power system which includes one
or more Distributed generating (DG) units capable of operating either in parallel with or
independent from a large main grid, while providing continuous power to multiple
connected loads [2]. Distributed energy resources are constructed on the basis of de-
centralized generation of electricity close to consumption sites. The use of distributed
generators as energy sources has increased because DGs are considered to be more
reliable and economical compared to the traditional single generator serving a various

1.1 Project scope

The project scope is:
1. Investigating the characteristics and behaviour of Micro-grids
• Formation of micro-grids in detail
• Transient analysis
• Control mechanisms used in micro-grids in both connected and isolated
2. To investigate the requirements and limitations of various renewable energy
sources that may be incorporated within a micro-grid
3. To develop Network Models for a micro-grid that enable the study of dynamic
effects, especially the effects that can occur when a micro-grid is disconnected
from the main grid (islanding events). These network models will include;
• System component models
• Control models (PQ and V-f controllers)

4. Perform simulation studies that will predict transient performance of the micro-grid
in a range of islanding scenarios.

Owing to limited time, the main areas that will be investigated are;
 Micro-grid formation
 Transient analysis of Micro-grids and
 Simulation studies

1.2 Project Objectives

The objectives of this project are to:

• Analyse the behavior and transients of a micro-grid due to changes in the
operation modes
• Investigate the stability of the micro-grid when it is connected to the utility and
isolated from the main grid and distributed energy resources are used to supply
connected loads
The three stages of the project are:
1. Formation of a micro-grid
2. Study of network model
3. Simulation studies

1.3 Thesis Organisation

This report has three main chapters

Chapter 2: Will discuss formation of micro-grids, analysis and implementation. This
part will only cover micro-grid information relevant to the project. This will be support to
the experimentation and implementation studies to be covered in the tasks that will
Chapter 3: Will discuss simulations studies. This part will cover how transient analysis
is set up and carried out in PowerFactory.
Chapter 4: Conclusion of the project

2.0 Background

Changes in regulatory and operational climate of traditional electric utilities and the
introduction of smaller generating systems, including micro-turbines, photovoltaics, and
fuel cells, have opened new opportunities for electricity users to generate power on site
[2]. These changes have seen the emergence of smaller Distributed Generating systems
(DGs) that are erected at sites where the energy they provide is used locally. The smaller
energy sources are a promising option to meet growing customer needs for economic and
reliable electric power supply. Distributed generating systems also include energy
storage, and load control. The use of distributed energy sources is regulated through the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 1547 for Distributed
Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems. This standard ensures that
interconnected systems will not affect the operation of the main grid should problems
arise on the grid.

2.1 Micro-grid
A micro-grid is formed when an electrical region capable of autonomous operation is
islanded from the remainder of the grid; e.g. a distribution substation along with its
feeders that service both DG units and local loads. An islanding event can be caused by
disturbances such as faults, or by pre-planned switching events. A micro-grid is expected
to remain operational after islanding, and meet the energy demand from connected loads
during the autonomous operation. After disconnection from the main grid, the micro-grid
experiences transients. The size of these transients depend on three factors; the pre-
islanding operating conditions, the type of the event that initiated islanding, and the type
of DG units within the micro-grid.
The key feature of a micro-grid is its ability to separate and isolate itself from the utility
during a main grid disturbance with little disruption to the loads within the micro-grid.
When the utility grid returns to normal, the micro-grid automatically resynchronizes and
reconnects itself.

2.1.1 Advantages of Micro-grids
The technical benefits of micro-grids are an implementation of distributed generation to
improve the distribution system service quality and increase power system reliability [8].
In addition, other advantages of micro-grids are listed below;
• A Micro-grid can be used to meet the increasing growth in demand by providing
new generation (distributed energy resources). This means that system upgrades
would have been required to meet growing load can be postponed or avoided.
This means that micro-grid DGs would be used instead of making expansions to
the existing transmission and distribution line.
• Distributed generators are used to perform special task for micro-grid operation
such as reactive and active power control, corrections for voltage sags and system
imbalances [10].
• The flow of power between a micro-grid and the utility grid can be controlled to
meet availability, efficiency and economic targets.
• Micro-grid controllers use local information to control the system. Since there is
no need for communication between distributed energy sources, the control
structure does not add unreliable common points of failure [1].

2.1.2 Micro-grid Transient Analysis

Transient analysis is performed to investigate the behaviour of system parameters such as

power, voltages and frequency in response to changes in operating conditions of a
distribution network. An example of such changes is that which occurs when a system
generator is disconnected from the distribution network through a circuit breaker for
service. Transient analysis is important because it gives the response of the system during
changes from one steady state to another.

The event been studied in this report happens when the main grid is isolated from the
network and distributed generators are used to provide the full amount of power to the
critical loads. The micro-sources are interfaced with the network by means of power
electronics inverters. In general, there is a DC voltage source which must be converted to

an AC voltage or current source at the required frequency, magnitude and phase angle to
match those of the network. When these electronic controls are used, the problems that
arise include: speed of response of micro-sources, load sharing and tracking among the
distributed resources, reactive power flow, power factor control and steady state and
transient stability [11].

2.1.3 Micro-grid Island Operation Example

The micro-grid operation example shown below describes the dynamics of the micro-grid
when isolated from the main grid. It illustrates what happens to system power and
voltages when distributed generators are used to supply electric power to the network.
This example will be used to support the transient analysis of a PV source that will be
covered in next part of the report.

An industrial plant with motor loads of between 38 to 112 KW is used in this example
[3]. The plant operates on a total power rating of about 1.6 MW. The main loads are
motors and two large synchronous machines are used. Figure 1 below shows a single line
diagram for the industrial plant. A 132 KV main grid line provides power to the motors
through a 33 KV feeder consisting of overhead lines and underground cables. The plant
has three main feeders; two at 415V each and one at 2.4KV. The loads on the 415V
feeders are critical loads and must continue to be served if grid power is lost.

Induction machine clusters (M8 and M9) are connected to buses 8 and 9 with capacitive
voltage support. These machines are modeled as fixed loads with a pf. of 0.85. The two
micro-sources are also connected to buses 8 and 9 to provide power and voltage in the
absence of main grid supply. Each micro-source is rated at 600 KVA and provides both
power injection and local voltage. The micro-source power supply is approximately one
half the total Power under grid-connected operation.

Figure 1 Micro-grid single line diagram [3]

To simulate islanding operation, it is assumed that the ratings of the micro-sources are
not adequate to supply the total load. With the two micro-sources operating, the voltages
on buses 8 and 9 are regulated at 1 pu. and the total loss in the lines is 6KW. The two
480-V feeders supply critical loads, and the M7 load on bus 7 can be disconnected by
opening breaker S2. At t= 10 seconds the switch S1 trips isolating the main grid from the
distribution system and the Micro-grid moves from main grid-connected to island
operation. At the same time, the non-critical feeder is disconnected using S2. The
waveforms for bus 8 and 9 voltages during the switch to island mode are shown in
Figures 2 (a)-(b) respectively, while (c) shows the 33-kV feeder voltage. There is only a
small change from the sinusoidal steady state; the change only lasts for less than a cycle.

Figure 2 Voltage waveforms during islanding [3]

The Active and Reactive power transients during the transition from main grid to island
operation are shown in figure 3 (a)-(b) respectively. The two micro-sources take up the
loss of main grid power. Both machines increase their power output which depends on
the respective connected loads: The machine with lighter load at bus 9 increases its
output by about 56% while the machine on bus 8 increases about 32% to meet the new
load demands (see Figure 3(a)). On the other hand Reactive power injection is reduced by
48%, but holds the voltages at 1 pu. Power regulation takes place very rapidly, and
steady-state power is restored within one second [4, 6].

Figure 3 Active and Reactive Power during islanding [3]

2.1.4 Micro-grids Control Methods

Micro-grid control is achieved through the use of power electronics. Micro-grid controls
should be designed in a way to allow an increase in the number of existing Distributed
Generators without a need to change the operation of the present equipment. A micro-
grid should be capable of being isolated and reconnected to the main grid without causing
power flow disturbances to the existing system loads. The control should be able to
monitor and regulate reactive power, real power, system voltage and frequency. Control
systems used in micro-grids do not require communication between the Distributed
Generators. Each DG Controller must be able to respond effectively to system changes
without requiring data from other DGs or locations of the network.

2.1.5 Micro-grid Real and Reactive Power Control

The two basic types of micro-sources are: DC sources, such as fuel cells, photovoltaic
cells, and battery storage; and high-frequency AC sources, such as micro-turbines which
have to be rectified. In both types, the DC produced is converted using a voltage inverter.
Figure 4 below shows the general model for a micro-source. The model contains three
basic elements: prime mover, DC interface, and voltage source inverter. The micro-
source is connected to the micro-grid through an inductor. The voltage source inverter is
used to control both the magnitude and phase of its output voltage (V).

Figure 4 Basic control of Active and Reactive Power [4]

The vector relationship between the inverter voltage (V), and the local micro-grid voltage
(E) with the inductor’s reactance, X, determines the flow of real and reactive power (P,
Q) from the micro-source to the micro-grid. The relationship between P and Q are shown
in the equation below. For small changes, P is predominantly dependent on the power
angle (δ) and Q is dependent on the magnitude of the inverter’s voltage, V. These are the
relationships that lead to the development of a basic feedback loop for the control of
output power and bus voltage (E), through regulation of reactive power flow.

Equation 1 Active and Reactive Power Relationships [4]

2.2 Renewable Energy Resources

The term renewable energy covers a variety of power generation sources. Generally, it
refers to electrical power derived from renewable resources such as solar or wind energy,
as opposed to use of resources such as coal or uranium. The most common forms of
renewable energy available include: solar power, wind power and micro-hydro power.
An energy source qualifies to be called a renewable resource if it is replenished by
natural process faster than the rate of using it. This makes renewable energy sources
different from traditional sources of energy like coal and oil that will eventually run out.
Renewable energy resources also reduce emission of Green House Gases into the
atmosphere [12].

Most local areas use energy sources such as Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind turbines. Wind
generating facilities are the fastest renewable resource to install and interconnect to the
main grid. Wind generation however, present significant operational and planning

2.2.1 Advantages of Renewable Resources

There are many advantages to the use of renewable energy sources. There are also some
disadvantages. Some of the advantages of renewable energy sources are as follows [15]:

• Renewable energy sources are derived and replenish quickly from nature
and usually do not pollute our environment when used to generate
• The environment is kept clean of pollutants when sun and wind are used as
sources of electricity generation. Other natural resources, such as water, are
• Solar energy sources the can fit into existing buildings and they do not
affect land use.
• Biomass electricity is produced through the energies from wood,
agricultural and municipal waste. It helps save on landfill waste.
• Hydroelectric energy uses water (which is readily available in most parts of
the world) to produce power, this makes it the most reliable of all the
renewable energy sources
• Wind energy uses the power of the wind to produce electricity, which is
generally free.

2.3 Photovoltaics
Renewable energy sources have almost unlimited supply of energy and not much of the
energy from these renewable resources is used for power generation. For example, there
is much of energy received from the sun and only a small amount of this energy is used
for power generation. There are many technologies used for conversion of renewable
energy sources to heat and electricity but the most used ones are the Photovoltaic (PV)
Generators. Although the energy source (sun) used by PV generators is free, the price of
PV electricity is higher than that generated from fossil fuel sources. However, due to
growing environmental awareness and incentives, there is an increase in the use of PVs
as a local source of electricity. The following part of this report discusses PV generation
in detail [3, 19].

Photovoltaics generate direct current (DC) electrical power measured in watts or

kilowatts from semiconductors when they are illuminated by photons. As long as there is
sun shine, the PV element generates electricity and when the sun sets, the generation

stops [18]. The supply of electricity can only continue if the design includes a storage
facility, which will be covered later in this report. The two main areas of application for
PV generators are; power supply for off-grid professional devices and supply systems
(e.g. telecommunication equipment, solar home systems) and, large-scale electricity
generation as a substitute for non renewable energy resources.

Table 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Photovoltaics

Advantages of PV Disadvantages of PV
Fuel source is vast and infinite

Uses natural energy source(the sun)

which does not contribute to climate sunlight is a relatively
change low density energy

Low operation costs (no fuel)

Not many moving parts
Ambient temperature operation(no extra High(installation)
artificial required) costs
High reliability in modules (>20 years) Poorer reliability of
Modular (small or large increments) auxiliary elements
Quick installation including storage
Can be integrated into new or existing Lack of widespread
building structures commercially
available system
Can be installed at nearly any point of integration and
use installation so far
Daily output peak may match local
demand Lack of economical
High public acceptance efficient energy
Excellent safety record storage

2.3.1 Photovoltaic System Design

In designing a photovoltaic system, the first task is normally to determine the load to be
supplied. After the load has been determined, the amount of battery back-up is
determined if storage is required in the application of the PV. Once a battery is selected,
the size of the Photovoltaic Array must be determined. Then electronic components of the
system, such as charge controllers, inverters and maximum power point trackers are
selected. And finally, the balance of system (BOS) components are selected, including
the mounting for the array, the wiring, switches, fuses, battery compartments and
lightning protection. Detailed calculations of load determination and battery sizing are
discussed in [15, 16]. One of the major challenges faced by PV supply systems is storage
of generated electricity. The following part of the thesis addresses this challenge in detail.

2.3.2 PV Generator Control System

The PV energy source active power is controlled using a frequency-droop characteristic

shown and discussed in detail in [29]. The control system performs two major tasks: to
dynamically adjust the real power output of the unit, and a frequency restoration
algorithm to adjust the system frequency after transients [31]. Figure 5 below shows the
block diagram of Real power controller. The input to the block diagram is the locally
measured frequency of the micro-grid (Ws) which is compared with the main grid
frequency (Wb). The output from the real power generation controller is the reference
signal for the d-axis current controller id(ref) which corresponds to the difference
between the real power output of the PV (PDPV) and calculated reference power (Pref).

Figure 5 PV Real power controller[30]

The PV reactive power control system is based on a bus-voltage regulation strategy

during the grid-connected mode and then is switched to a voltage-droop characteristic for
the islanding operation. Figure 6 shows the block diagram of a Reactive power controller.
The reactive power system for islanding mode opposes the variations in the PV bus
voltage through a pre-set V-Q curve [30]. The output of the reactive power generation
controller is the reference signal for the q-axis current controller iq (ref). The d- and q-
axis current controllers are used to control the instantaneous values of the converter AC-
side current components (idPV and iqPV) respectively.

Figure 6 Reactive power controller [30]

2.4 Need for Energy Storage

Micro-grids encounter many problems during operation. Some of these problems are due
to normal load and supply changes, also when switching from grid-fed to islanding mode.
To regulate voltage and frequency within the limits of the main grid system, temporary,
rapid-response power supply is required. This is not a problem in traditional electricity
generators because of their high kinetic energy that compensates the frequency
fluctuations. On the other hand DGs possess relatively low kinetic energy to power
fluctuations in the Micro-grid. Fast response Voltage Source Controllers (VSC) is
required to overcome fluctuation problems. The combination of the VSC and energy
storage can also control the frequency and phase angle of the Micro-grid during the
resynchronization with the main grid [19].

2.4.1 Energy Storage Types

There are many types of energy storage devices that could be used to provide transient
support; these include batteries and flywheels. And also ultra-capacitors are used for
storage. Twenty eight-cell ultra-capacitors can provide up to 12.5 kW for a few seconds.

A high-speed Flywheel energy storage is considered to be more favourable because of its
low cost, steady state losses, energy density, power density and cycling capability. An
example of a high speed flywheel is shown in figure 7 below [3].

Figure 7 Kinetic energy storage system [19]

The main component of the high-speed flywheel is a high mass composite cylinder that is
wound using a combination of carbon and glass fibre. The carbon layer makes the rotor to
rotate at high speeds as the glass layer providing the extra mass. The centre bore of the
cylinder is loaded with permanent magnet powder that provides the magnetic medium for
the motor generator. A corresponding three-phase stator completes the motor generator
design. The rotating cylinder operates within a high vacuum to minimize drag losses, and
the rotor can operate at a maximum speed of 37 800 rpm, store up to 14MJ of energy and
transfer power at up to 200 KW. The high-speed energy storage system is connected on
the DC side of the VSI. It monitors the DC link voltage and adjusts the power supply into
the VSI when there is need [19]. The application of the flywheel is described below.

The example below illustrates the application of a flywheel as an energy storage device.
This flywheel is used at the University of Manchester Micro-grid as energy storage. The
overall storage system is nominally rated at a 20kVA, although the flywheel and power
electronics are rated much higher (100kW) for safety purposes. Figure 8 below shows the
single line diagram of the flywheel when connected to a micro-grid. The AC/DC inverter
(flywheel inverter) in figure 8 can be designed to allow the interfacing of the flywheel
storage system to the remaining micro-grid network, or the interface may be fed from a
shunt connection of the power supply (representing the DC link of a source of generation)
or it may feed a DC load bank (emulating a load). When disconnected from the main grid
through breakers 1 and 2, the system is in islanding operation. Breaker 1 is opened to
represent a loss of mains condition, while breaker 2 is under the control of the Micro-grid
controller system.

Figure 8 Micro-grid with Flywheel storage system [25]

Figure 9 below shows real and reactive power flows from the flywheel energy storage
unit before and after reconnection to the main unit. Although there is some noise on the
trace, it can be seen that about 400W of real power and 2kVAr of reactive power are
required before mains connection to balance the mismatch between generation and load
in the islanded micro-grid and to move the voltage and frequency of the micro-grid to
that of the main grid. Reconnection occurs at 6.5 seconds and the load mismatch is
supplied from mains and the flywheel net power injected decreases to zero.

Figure 9 Flywheel inverter P and Q[25]

The schematic diagram shown in figure 10 below is the arrangement of the network
where the flywheel energy storage device described above is used.

Figure 10 Micro-grid with flywheel Schematic Layout [25]

Some micro-grids where PV generators are used as distributed generators are no

equipped with storage facilities. In such cases other sources of energy are used as back-
up electricity which can be used to supply electricity in the absence of the sun. And also
PV energy sources are normally supported by other sources such as Diesel generators to
be able to sustain the required electricity to the connected loads when the main grid is
disconnected from a distribution system. The following section briefly describes the
design and operation of a Diesel Generator.

2.5 Diesel generator
The Diesel Generator discussed in this part of the thesis is meant to supplement power
supply to the system network in case of a shortfall by the PV source. The diesel generator
is used with the PV to supply the connected loads when the main grid is isolated from the
distribution system. In other words, the diesel generator is used as a back-up to the PV

A diesel generator consists of an internal combustion (IC) engine and a synchronous

generator coupled on the same shaft. A diesel generator is typically either a permanent
magnet or wound-field synchronous machine. If a permanent magnet is used, the front
end consists of a rectifier and a voltage-source converter to provide the necessary AC
voltage at the desired frequency [20]. When a wound-field generator is used, it requires
an exciter and a voltage regulator to control the AC voltage produced by the machine. No
inverter is required because the generator produces AC voltage at a required frequency as
long as the speed of the shaft is closer to the required value. Although this type of
generator is less expensive because it does not use an inverter, the dynamics of the prime
mover cannot be decoupled from the output of the generator.

Figure 11 below shows the typical structure of a diesel generator used in this project.

Figure 11 Typical Diesel Generator [21]

2.5.1 Internal Combustion (IC) Engine System

In the distribution network of this thesis, the response of the diesel generator
(synchronous Machine) will be slower in comparison to that of the PV source because the
later has a power electronic inverter. A detailed modelling of a mechanical governor used
in small engine systems has been described in [21] and the required features of the engine
model is the use of a pure time delay to represent the time it takes for a fuel command to
result in torque applied to the shaft. This time delay depends on the shaft rotational speed
and number of active cylinders in the engine. The relationship between the steady state
fuel input and engine torque can be deducted from the torque fuel map. The friction
losses are assumed to be proportional to the speed of the shaft.

2.5.2 Operation of a Diesel Generator in a Micro-grid

In order to be able to operate a diesel generator in a micro-grid, modifications in the

governor control and voltage regulator control need to be made. The rotor angle observer
is developed from the measured rotor position that enables the estimation of the speed
and converts stator terminal quantities into synchronous reference frame on the rotor. The
reference commands of the speed and bus voltage are obtained from the real power –
frequency droop and reactive power-terminal voltage droop curves (not shown here). The
mechanical governor is replaced by an electronic actuator that uses a PWM command to
vary the fuel input to the engine. The speed controller output is a PWM signal with a
variable duty ratio. The voltage regulator controls the output of the brushless exciter by
varying the input current of the exciter machine. The regulator controls the input current
of the exciter machine and decouples it from the speed of the machine. These points are
covered in detail in [21]. The calculations used to model the synchronous machine
electrical dynamic characteristics were not covered in this thesis but can be obtained from

After islanding, the two distributed generating units will share power according to their
power frequency droop curves. As the diesel generator droop is more than the droop of
the PV energy source (because the later uses an inverter), the power variation in the
system will be picked up earlier by the PV source. Once the PV electricity source reaches

its maximum power limit, the frequency in the system will be governed by the diesel
generator. During this time the dynamics of the mechanical governor will result in
oscillations of the speed of the diesel generator and frequency of the micro-grid. When
the voltage regulator in the diesel generator does not match the speed command in its
control, the oscillations will be transferred onto the system bus voltage. This can only be
eliminated by designing a new control system of the diesel generator.

2.5.3 Diesel Generator Output power

The behaviour of a Diesel generator when used as a distributed generator in a micro-grid

is discussed below. Figure 12 shows the behaviour of a diesel generator reactive power
at the time of turning it on. When a diesel generator is turned-on, there is a fluctuation in
the output power which stabilises after about 2.5 seconds (in this particular case) of
having switched on the machine [24]. The reactive power induced from the diesel
generator into the distribution network is controlled by the governor of the generator.

Figure 12 Diesel generator reactive power [24]

The changes in the reactive power output takes place during the start of the generator till
the time that it attains its full speed. From figure 8, After 2.5 seconds, when the speed of
the generator becomes stable, the induced reactive power to the distribution network
stabilises. Figure 13 below shows the behaviour of a diesel generator speed which
increases with time and stabilises after 2.5 seconds. For more details see [24].

Figure 13 Diesel generator speed [24]

3.0 Network Models

3.1 Component Models in PowerFactory[33].
PowerFactory software is used for simulation of small and large power system models.
The main elements that are used to design single line diagrams can be chosen from the
drawing toolbox by dragging them in the main graphical area. In this section of the thesis
each element that will be used later part for transient analysis in PowerFactory will be
described in detail. The elements include: Nodes, Lines, Loads, Transformers and Diesel
generator (represented by synchronous generator with a governor in PowerFactory).
Figure 1 in appendix B below shows all the elements in PowerFactory in the Drawing
Toolbox window.

The Drawing Toolbox can only be accessed if the graphic freeze mode is off and
changes to the existing single line diagram can only be made when the graphic freeze
mode is ON.

3.1.1 Defining Nodes

The two types of node elements used in PowerFactory are Terminals ( ) and Busbars

( ). Terminals are the simplest nodes representation and are used in cases where
neither generators nor transformers were connected. PowerFactory gives many
alternatives for the representation of a busbar such as, Single Busbar System with Tie
Breaker, Double Busbar System etc. After placing a Busbar to the single line diagram and
double clicking on it a pop up dialogue for the required data will appear and data is typed
in the provided areas. See the procedures in appendix B

3.1.2 Defining lines

Lines in DigSILENT PowerFactory are represented as one-to-one connection between

two nodes of the design. The symbol ( ) is used to represent a line. Using this
symbol and left clicking on the appropriate nodes a connection between them is made.
Lines are represented by an ElmLne object in the database which can be edited after
double-clicking on the line. In order to model a line in PowerFactory, the cable
specifications shown in the table 2 below need to be known. See also the PowerFactory
procedure in library block in appendix B.

Table 2 Line parameters

Line Specifications
Length of the line
Cable Rated current
Positive Sequence Impedance
Positive Sequence Reactance
Zero Sequence Resistance
Zero Sequence Reactance
Earth-Fault Current
Earth-Factor, Magnitude
Earth Factor, Angle

This action is shown in appendix B. A line type is defined either as a predefined type
from the PowerFactory Library (Select Global Type… option) or a user defined type
(New Project Type… option).

3.1.3 Defining Loads

Loads in PowerFactory are selected with the ( ) button from the Drawing Toolbox
and dragging this symbol to the Busbar or the Terminal that are connected into the line
diagram. By carrying out this action an ElmLoad object is created in the database which
describes the load. A load can be edited by double clicking on it, and information about its
active and reactive consumption should be known and typed in parts provided in the
PowerFactory block. The equivalent resistance should also be known. Additional information
such as voltage and frequency for a static load model representation can be defined by
selecting the New Project Type… option.

3.1.4 Defining Transformers

DigSILENT PowerFactory has many types of transformers [33]. The available transformers

include: Two-Winding Transformer ( ), Two-Winding-Neutral Transformer ( ),

Three-Winding Transformer ( ), Boosting-Transformer ( ) and Auto-Transformer

( ). The High voltage and Low voltage side rated voltages of a transformer should be
known to be able to model a transformer in PowerFactory. Normally the size of a transformer
used in a power system is dependant of the estimated of size of the load. This transformer
data is found on manufactures’ data sheet. A chosen Transformer can easily be connected to
the right busbar by dragging it in the single line diagram and left clicking on the selected
nodes. This action creates an ElmTr2 object in the database as shown in figure 6 in appendix
B If a Transformer is incorrectly connected between its high and low voltage sides, an error

message appears. The wrong connection can be corrected by use of Flip Connection button
will reverse the connections.

Transformers are defined either as a predefined type from PowerFactory Library or a user
defined type. When user defined type is used, information about the rated power, the rated
voltages, the short circuit voltage and the ratio X/R must be defined.

3.1.5 Defining Synchronous Generator

The ( ) button from the Drawing Toolbox is used to represent a Synchronous generator.
The synchronous generator (representing diesel generator) is modeled in PowerFactory when
the elements shown in table 3 below are known.

Table 3 Synchronous generator model

Rated Power
Rated Voltage
Transient Time Constant (Td')
Sub-transient Time Constants (Td", Tq") in seconds
Transient Reactances (xd')
Sub-transient Reactances (xd') in per-unit values
Sub-transient Time Constants (Td", Tq") in per unit values
Acceleration Time Constant
Stator Resistances
Leakage Reactances

When the Synchronous generator is placed to the busbar that is connected, the ElmSym
object is created in the database. After this action, the model has to be edited in the following

Basic data has to be assigned in ElmSym object. This data describes the name of the
machine, if it acts as a motor or as a generator, the mode of the local voltage controller
(power factor/ voltage) and the reactive power limits. See the procedures in appendix B

The generator type is defined either as a predefined type from PowerFactory Library or a user
defined type. If the user defined type is used, information about the rating of the machine, the
inertia characteristics.

3.2 PV Model in PowerFactory

Photovoltaic generator is modeled in PowerFactory software using the elements available

its library. For transient analysis studies, the PV can be successfully modeled in
PowerFactory when the elements shown in table 4 are known.
Table 4 PV elements
Converter Type
Rated DC-Voltage
Rated Power
Switching Frequency
Equivalent Impedance

The main elements that are used to model a PV energy source in PowerFactory are
described in appendix B. Each element discussed below is located in the PowerFactory
library and the drawings shown in each description are same to those in the software

3.3 Control Models

3.3.1 Inverter models

Micro-grid Inverter interface model can be designed from two possible control strategies

• PQ inverter control; in this control strategy, the inverter is used to supply a

given active and reactive power according to a given set-point
• Voltage Source Inverter control logic: the inverter is controlled to supply the
load with pre-defined values for voltage and frequency. Depending on the load,
the VSI real and reactive power output is defined.

Control functions used to model PQ inverter control and Voltage Source Inverters for
dynamic behaviour analysis in a micro-grid are discussed below.

3.3.2 PQ Inverter Control

Distributed Generators use control systems to keep their real and reactive power output
constant. These types of controllers are known as PQ Controller. When a PQ control
system is used, a micro-source behaves like a voltage-controlled current source. A PQ
Inverter Control forces an inverter to inject all the available power into the grid [3]. The
amount of injected reactive power is defined locally or by the supervisory control. The
terminal voltage is measured and broken down to its direct and quadrature components.
Figure 14 shows the PQ inverter control.

Current components in phase (i act) and in quadrature (ireact) are computed based on a
method presented in [3] for power calculation in single-phase inverters. Power variations
in the Micro-source induce a DC link voltage error, which is corrected through the
regulator (PI-1) by adjusting the magnitude of the active current output delivered to the
grid, while reactive power output is controlled through (PI-2) regulator by adjusting the
magnitude of the inverter reactive current output.

Figure 14 PQ inverter control system [3]

3.3.3 Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) Model

The Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) control model behaves like a synchronous machine,
controlling both voltage and frequency of the AC system [28]. The VSI acts as a voltage
source with the magnitude and frequency of the output voltage controlled through droops
as described in detail in [27].

W= W0 – KP × P
V= V0 – KQ × Q

P is the inverter active output

Q is the inverter reactive power output
KP and KQ are droop slopes positive quantities

W0 and V0 are the idle values of the angular frequency and voltage, which correspond to
the inverter angular frequency and terminal voltage at no load conditions, respectively.
When a VSI is interconnected with an AC system, characterized by an angular frequency

Wgrid and terminal voltage Vgrid, both voltage and frequency references are externally
imposed [8]. When this happens, the desired output powers P1 and Q1 can be obtained in

the VSI output by adjusting the idle values of the angular frequency and voltage as shown
in the equations below:

W01 = Wgrid + KP × P1
V01 = Vgrid + KQ × Q1
Figure 15 shown below, illustrates the procedure of the idle frequency case being
discussed above. To understand the operation of the VSI one needs to read various
literatures written to illustrate the design and applications of this control mechanism. The
detailed discussion of this control can be obtained in [26].

Figure 15 Frequency versus active power droops [26]

3.4 Defining Control Models in PowerFactory

The more important element in designing a control model in PowerFactory is the

‘Model/Block Definition’ which consists of the controller definition or specific
preconfigured units such as generators. The examples of ‘Model/Block Definitions’
include: Excitation System, Power System Stabilizer and Hydro Governor, described in
detail in [33]. The term ‘Model/Block Definition’ is a general definition of a controller
which is not linked with a specific power plant. Inputs and outputs of these models are
connected to define the integrated general control model for a power plant, the
‘Composite Frame’. Figure 16 below shows a schematic diagram of a ‘Composite
Frame’ for this hydro power plant.

Figure 16 Schematic diagram of a ‘Composite Frame’ for a hydro power plant [32]

The general control of a power plant consists of individual controllers (Model /Block
Definition). The ‘Composite Frame’ and ‘Model /Block Definition’ are located either in
the local or in the global library. Now these general models should be linked with specific
generators of the network. This is achieved through the use of the Composite Model that
acts as a definition of a Composite Frame. The Composite Model consists of slots to
which controllers or predefined elements can be assigned (Common Models). The
Common model acts as a Model /Block Definition with a set of parameters for a specific
power plant.

3.5 Component Models

3.5.1 Transformer
The simulation study uses four different sizes of transformers.
The voltage ratings of the transformers used are as shown in the table 5 below. The rated
power for each transformer is also indicated. The equivalent impedances are lumped and
are as shown beside each transformer in the single line diagram. The 185mm, square
cables could be used for distribution lines in the system. See datasheet in appendix A.

Table 5 Transformer parameters

HV -Side
Location (KV) LV -Side Power
Grid 132 33 KV 100MVA
Feeder 1 33 415V 1.0MVA
Feeder 2 33 2.4KV 3.75MVA
Feeder 3 33 415V 1.5MVA

3.5.2 Diesel Generator Model

The diesel generator is modeled as a Single- Mass Synchronous machine. The generator
is equipped with excitation and governor. The excitation system compensates for voltage
variations on the generator terminal from the pre-set values. This is achieved through
controlling field voltage applied to the generator field winding. The operation of the
governor is based on a frequency-power relation to regulate deviations in the generator
speed caused by transient disturbances. For more details see [30]. The component models
of the diesel generator that is used in transient simulation studies are shown in table 6

Table 6 Diesel generator parameters
Power 5MVA
Voltage 33KV
Ra 0.0052pu XIS 0.2 pu
Xd 2.86 pu Xq 2.0 pu
Xd' 0.7 pu Xq' 0.85 pu
Xd" 0.22 pu Xq" 0.2 pu
Tdo' 3.4 s Tdo 0.01 s
Tqo 0.05 s H 2.9 s

3.5.3 PV Generator Model

The PV generator used in simulations the next chapter is represented by a three phase
multi-level converter. The DC side of a converter is connected to a DC voltage source.
The control of the converter is maintains system reactive and active power. The
parameters of the PV used are shown in table 7 below.

Table 7 PV parameters
7 cascaded
Converter inverter
Rated Voltage 33KV
Rated Power 2.5MVA
Frequency 1260HZ
Impedance .01 + j0.15 pu

4.0 Simulation Studies
Figure 17 below shows a single line diagram used to illustrate the transient analysis of a
micro-grid. This design and the parameters used were obtained from IEEE Standard 399-
1997 [32]. There have been some modifications to the original diagram and parameters to
suit the purpose of the study involved. The single line diagram consists of three electric
energy sources. The main grid rated at 132-kV, 1000-MVA, and the two distributed
generators: Diesel Generator rated at 5-MVA, and a PV Source rated at 2.5 MVA. The
diesel generator is represented by a synchronous rotating machine equipped with
excitation and governor control to represent a Diesel generator. The PV energy source is
equipped with a voltage source converter as an interface between the DC voltage source
and the distribution network. The PV controls enable it to meet active and reactive power
requirements at different operation conditions. The PV source is also equipped with an
energy storage facility. The control mechanisms used for the two DGs have been
discussed in previous parts of the report.

The distribution system consists of a 132 KV main grid which is modelled as a generator.
The 132 KV main grid is connected to three feeders through a 33 KV step down
transformer. The 13.8 KV bus is fitted with a 1.5-MVAr fixed shunt-capacitor bank for
power factor improvement. The 33 KV bus is also connected to the two micro-grid DGs
in the lower section of the distribution system. Loads with linear and non linear
characteristics are supplied by the 33 KV bus through their respective distribution
transformers that step down the voltage further to match connected loads.

The studies of transient analysis in this section will cover two scenarios: Operation of the
micro-grid when connected to the main grid, Operation of the micro-grid on a pre-
planned islanding condition.

Figure 17 Single-line diagram of the study [31]

4.1 Grid Connected Mode

The purpose of studying this operation condition of the micro-grid is to show that the
voltage controlled source PV can be controlled to provide regulation of voltage and/or
reactive power at its terminal to meet the requirement of the sensitive loads shown at bus
3 in Fig. 18. When the micro-grid is still connected to the main grid, real power outputs
from both DGs are set at pre-specified values. All the changes in the power consumption
by connected loads are supplied by the main grid. At the beginning, 90 percent of the
connected loads were supplied by the two DGs, and the remainder got its power from the
main grid. At time t= 1 second, the load L4 is connected to the system to illustrate the

response of the two DGs and main grid to the changing power consumption. The
response of the distribution system to this change in the load is shown in figure 19

Figure 18 Response to added load (L4) at t = 1 s. [31]

4.1.1 Response when main grid connected

The PV energy source responds through its q-component control by injecting reactive
power into the network to maintain the voltage at bus 3. This action also results into the
injection of reactive power into the main grid because the DGs are still connected to the
main grid, see figure 19 (e). In figure 19 (d) it is shown that the PV source is the only DG
that adjusts its injected power to maintain the bus voltage to the critical loads. The
voltage change at bus 3 is about 1percent, while as we move further away from the point
where the new load (L4) is introduced, the changes in bus voltages are lower that 1
percent. See figure 19 (b) and(c).

4.2 Pre- Planned Islanding

The objective of carrying out a pre-planned islanding scenario study is to investigate the
transient behavior of the micro-grid due to a preplanned islanding scenario. During the
normal operation of the distribution system, the two DGs supply 88% of the total system
load and 12% is supplied by the main grid. At time t= 0.8 seconds, the main breakers are
opened to disconnect the main grid (69 KV) supply from the distribution system.

The PV real power supply increases from 0.5 to 1.5 MW and the diesel generator adjusts
itself through the governor to supply the rest of the real power demand. The PV supply
maintains the bus voltage at bus 3 by controlling its injected power. Figure 19 shows the
micro-grid response to system transients resulting from pre-planned islanding. The
response times of the real/reactive power controllers are less than 50 ms. after 0.85
seconds, the operation of the two DGs stabilize and the two continue sharing the load.
There is a variation in system frequency due to transients but it settles after the response
of the control system. The magnitude of a transient disturbance also depends on the
location of the system disturbance. The closer the act the act to that causes islanding to
the generator source, the more the impact of the transient. In addition, the larger the
system faults current level the more instability the system becomes when responding to a
change in the operation condition.

Figure 19 Pre-planned islanding at t = 0:8 s.[31]

4.3 Transient Analysis in DigSILENT PowerFactory

The first action performed before running a transient simulation is to set up the initial
conditions. These initial conditions are based on the load flow calculations where all

system variables were calculated. To perform system initialization, the button ( ) is

selected and the window appears where several settings are defined. See the
PowerFactory library figure 28 in appendix C. The user chooses the desired simulation
method, which maybe one of the following: ‘Root Mean Square (RMS) vs.
Electromagnetic Transient (EMT)’, the network representation (Balanced vs.
Unbalanced), the simulation time step sizes, and the maximum error during iterations.
When initial conditions are determined, the simulation can be carried out by selecting

( ) and can be stopped at a desired time by clicking ( ).

4.3.1 Creating Transient Simulation Plots

When performing simulations hundreds (many) of variables are changing with time and
thus before plotting, a selection of the signals necessary for the analysis must be
performed. The selection of signals is performed by creating results objects for the
elements which are important for a selected study, for example generators, busbars, lines
and loads. If for instance the variables of generator 471G1 are important for the studies.
These can be used through a new result object by first selecting the generator and then by
selecting ‘DefineVariable then Set (Sim)’. This action will create a new result object which
is stored in ‘Study Case\All Calculations’. At this stage the result object does not include any

result variables. To edit the result object the user clicks on the button ( ) or selects
‘Data Manager - Study Case - All calculations’ and then select ‘Edit’ for the preferred
element. This action creates a new window with all the variables contained in 471G1 as
shown in figure 7 appendix C.

For Transient analysis, the variables are grouped in different variable sets which include:
Bus Results, Signals and Calculation Parameters. The variables found in these are
presented in the ‘Available Variables’ part. The selection of a variable is performed by
double clicking on the name of the variable and the variable appears in ‘Selected
Variables’ field. These selected variables are stored in the result object and can be plotted
during simulations.

The graphs that are made can be inserted in ‘Virtual Instrument Panel’ where they are
stored and displayed when required. To insert a new ‘Virtual Instrument Panel’, a

( ) button is chosen and then is ‘Virtual Instrument Panel’ selected. The number of

graphs in the new page is determined by selecting a ( ) symbol from the main
toolbox. This action is followed by the step of assigning the variables that are of interest
into the plots, which is performed by double clicking on them, and a new window pops
up which appears as shown in figure 20 below. Double click on the ‘Element’ will show
all the defined results objects and the user can select the one required to be plotted.
Variables are selected by double clicking on the ‘Variable’ column which will display all
the variables contained in this result object. Parameters such as, color, line style and line
width can be adjusted through the other columns.

Figure 20 Defining a subplot[33]

More than one variable can be included in the same graph by double clicking on the
curve number and then by selecting ‘Append Rows’ see figure 21.

Figure 21 Adding variables to a graph[33]

The main graphical toolbox also consists of the following editing tools for the graphs:

- The ( ) and ( ) can be used to scale the plot in x and y axis


- Specific areas of the plots may be adjusted using buttons ( ) or ( )

- Graphs may be edited using ( )

- New subplots can be inserted into the existing ones using ( ) button.

5.0 Conclusion
This thesis investigates the dynamic behaviour and transients of a sub-system when
operating in two scenarios: Grid-connected mode, and islanding operation. The micro-
grid consists of two distributed generators (DGs). One DG is modeled using a rotating
synchronous machine fitted with a governor to represent a diesel generator, and the other
is modeled using a DC voltage source and a converter to represent a photovoltaic (PV)

energy source. The distribution network also consists of a grid connected source known
as the main grid. During normal operation, the supply of electricity to the connected loads
is shared among the three energy sources with the DGs supplying 80 percent of the loads
and the rest are supplied by the main grid. When the main grid is disconnected to the
network, the supply to the connected loads is shared by the two DGs. The PV source
system is equipped with real and reactive power control mechanisms that reduces
islanding transients and maintain angle stability and voltage quality of the network. The
study includes examples of micro-grid transient analysis systems and at the end the study
of how a transient analysis can be carried out using PowerFactory software. In the
absence of the fast control of the electronically interfaced PV energy source, the micro-
grid would experience angle instability and continuous transients to the network during

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APPENDIX A- Micro-grids

Specifications of a 185mm squared cable that could be used in distribution lines

APPENDIX B- Network Models

Figure 22 Drawing Toolbox window[33]

Defining Nodes

Figure 23 Busbar definition[33]

By selecting ( ) button at Type field a specific type of a Busbar can be selected from
the available types or a new type can be defined which can be used for the similar
busbars in the system, see figure..

Figure 24 Busbar type definition[33]

Defining Lines in PwerFactory

Figure 25. Line definition[33]

The required electrical data such as Nominal voltage, resistance, inductance and
susceptance per km are entered in the provided parts in the line type. See in figure 5

Figure 26. Line type definition[33]

Defining Transformer in PowerFactory

Figure 27 Transformer definition[33]

APPENDIX C- Transient Analysis Simulations

Transient Simulation Initial Conditions

Figure 28 Transient Simulation Initial Conditions window[33]

Figure 29 Variable set window[33]


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