Form Th-1 National University of Sciences & Technology Master'S Thesis Work Formulation of Guidance and Examination Committee

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Formulation of Guidance and Examination Committee
Name: Malik Naveed Akhter Regn No. 206206
Department: Dept. of Biomedical Engr. Specialization: BME
Credit Hour Completed: 18 GPA/CGPA: 3.75
Course Work Completed

S.No Code Title Core/Elective CH Grade

1. BMES-811 Signals & Images in Med. Core 3 A
2. BMES-812 MDDS Core 3 A
3. BMES-814 Neural Engineering Elective 3 A
4. BMES-842 Advanced Biomaterials Elective 3 B
5. BMES-813 Biomedical Instru. Core 3 A
6. BMES-821 HAP Core 3 B+

Date:_____________________ Students Signature_________________

Thesis Committee
1. Name Dr. Jawad Aslam Signature:_________________
Department: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
2. Name: Dr. Omer Gillani Signature:_______________________
Department: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
3. Name: Dr. Asim Waris Signature:_______________________
Department Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
4. Name: Dr. Mohsin Jamil Signature:_______________________
Department: Dept. of Robotics and Intelligent Systems Engineering

___________________ _____________
(Head of Department) (Associate Dean)
Dated:_______________ Dated:_________
Distribution ______________
 1 x Copy to Exam Branch, HQ NUST
 1 x Copy to PGP Dte, HQ NUST Dean / Principal
 1 x Copy to Exam Branch, Respective
Institute Dated:_______
Annex ‘A’ to Form TH-1

National University of Sciences & Technology


1. Name : Malik Naveed Akhter 2. Regn No. 206206

3. Department / Discipline: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering

4. Institute: SMME

5. Thesis Topic: Design and Fabrication of soft exoskeletal glove.

5. Brief Description/Abstract:

Patients suffering from spinal cord injury cannot perform basic everyday activities. To

6. Level of Research Already Carried Out on the Proposed Topic:

Robotic exoskeletons exist for restoration of hand functions after SCI but they are mostly

metal which are bulky and rigid.

7. Reasons / Justification for Selection of The Topic:

The main focus of this research is to develop a soft exoskeleton which is easy to wear and

comfortable for the patient.

8. Objectives:

Design and fabrication of a wearable silicone glove with tendon-based actuation

mechanism that provides enough pinching and grasping force to perform Activities of

Daily Living

9. Relevance to National Needs:

10. Advantages:

11. Areas of Application:

Annex ‘B’ Form TH-1
Proposed Timeline for Research
Rules/Regulation Awareness
 Are you aware of your last date to complete _____________________
thesis (without Rector’s extension)
 Are you aware of the regulations and schedule YES
of the University for MS programmes?
 Are you aware of the plagiarism policy? YES
 Have you read the HEC Policy on PG YES
 Did you receive a copy of the PG Handbook? YES
 Have you attended any MS/PhD thesis seminar NO
 If Yes, No of thesis / seminar -

Proposed Timeline

Ser Activity To be completed by

1 Development of test model for proof of concept December, 2018
2 CAD model and analysis January, 2019
3 Fabrication of 1st prototype February, 2019
4 Beta Testing March, 2019
5 Fabrication of final product April, 2019
6 Clinical Trials May, 2019

_________________ ___________________
(Student’s Signature) (Supervisor’s Signature)
Name: Malik Naveed Akhter Name Dr. Jawad Aslam
Regn No. 206206 Date: ___________________
Note: Any change in the proposed timeline is to be intimated to the PGP Dte by
submitting fresh Annex ‘B’ to TH-1

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