Packaging Logistics Design PDF
Packaging Logistics Design PDF
Packaging Logistics Design PDF
1. Introduction
The necessity of developing successful new products to face the fast-spinning, global market and to
stay competitive is by no means news for companies today [Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper 2002]. The
pressure is further amplified by shorter product life-cycles, diminished brand loyalty along with higher
customer expectations. These issues have the result that contractors are forced to eliminate the debug,
repair, and rework cycles if they are to stay competitive and continue to grow [Hoffman 1998]. The
distributional performance is also crucial when a new product is to be delivered to its customer. But
even though the product design has a great impact on logistics performance in the supply chain the
distribution is usually considered very late in the product development process [Bjrnemo et al. 2000].
As a consequence, the product will not be designed to withstand the hazards and demands in the
supply chain. The gap that arises between product characteristics and these demands can be
unnecessarily big and has to be bridged by the packaging which usually is developed after the product
design is decided upon. This makes the packaging design limited by the product design as well as by
the logistical system [ten Klooster 2002].
1.1 Logistic demands
The aim of logistics, in the context of supply chain management, is to move and locate inventory,
internally as well as externally, to achieve preferred time, place, and possession benefits at the lowest
cost. The product and packaging design have a great impact on logistics efficiency. By taking in
logistics demands (e.g. material handling, transportation modes, postponement strategies, warehousing
etc.) in the design process, major cost and time reductions can be made [Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper
1.2 The role of packaging
Packaging is a necessity for the containment and protection of products from the environment but also
for the protection of the environment from the products. In addition to marketing, protection and
containment, the packaging also enables more efficient distribution and storage of products, which
means that the packaging can help to reduce costs and cut lead-times in the supply chain. Tailor-made
packaging and product design can also contribute to a reduction of packaging waste. [Bjrnemo et al.
2000; ten Klooster 2002]
1.3 Packaging and logistics considerations in the product development process
Packaging is usually a prerequisite for every product but also an important logistics activity because it
is the packaged product that is transported, stored, carried, etc in the supply chain. The packaging
design has the ability to facilitate logistics activities but the potential is usually not fully utilized
because of product design limitations [Saghir 2004]. Several authors [e.g. Saghir 2004] emphasize the
importance of packaging considerations in the product development process as this affects logistics
performance. Few attempts, however, have been made to actually suggest how this should be realized.
In order to confront this issue Klevs & Saghir [2004] presented the Design For Packaging Logistics
approach, inspired by Ulrichs & Eppingers DFM approach [2000]. However, this attempt has not
been tested empirically.
1.4 Purpose of the paper
The purpose of this paper is to bridge the gap between disciplines of engineering design, packaging
and logistics by empirically testing the Design For Packaging Logistics approach, suggested by Klevs
& Saghir [2004], based on the product development process of IKEA.
The paper is an empirical paper supported by a literature review within concurrent engineering,
logistics and packaging.
2. Method
The paper is based on a literature review within packaging, logistics and Concurrent Engineering, with
a focus on DFX-methodologies together with empirical data. The empirical data have been collected
through a single case study at IKEA.
According to Yin [2003, p.13], a case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a
contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Yin [2003] claims that a single case can be the
appropriate research design when the case represents a unique or extreme case.
IKEA is a product and packaging developing company which has control over a large part of its
supply chain. This makes it possible to study the impact of product and packaging design decisions in
the supply chain. IKEA has also been recognized as one of the worlds most successful retailers and
its success has been described as a result of a winning packaging and logistics strategy [Bowersox &
Closs 2002].
Drawing on previous descriptions of IKEA, it can be seen as a unique case, hence motivating the
choice of a single case study. Although the results can not be generalized statistically, they are to be
seen as a first step within the areas of product development, packaging and logistics; an interface with
very few contributions [Bjrnemo, Jnson, & Johnsson 2000].
2.1 The data collection
The author was offered a guest desk at the open-plan office of Business Area 50 at IKEA of Sweden,
which made it possible to make direct observations. The main data collection methods have been
interviews, review of internal and external documents, passive participation in product development
meetings, informal coffee-break meetings, observations in stores (including the sales area,
unpacking operations and warehousing) and distribution centres. These data have been supplemented
with information from the companys intranet and with interviews with a former manager at the
packaging department. Having access to multiple sources of evidence is, according to Yin [2003], a
good technique for improving construct validity. The interviews have been open-ended as well as
semi-structured, starting with the open-ended interview in order to acquire a broader view and make it
possible to sharpen and expand the questions. The informants include product developers, packaging
technicians, product technicians, strategic purchasers , supply planners and employees in the stores
and DCs.
The materials that resulted from the data collection have been compiled in a case study database and
reviewed by key informants at Packaging Concept (a packaging competence function at IKEA of
Sweden) and BA50 (a business area at IKEA of Sweden).
The DFX approaches in logistics are quite diverse, and range from a supply chain perspective to a
company internal perspective. Some aspects are, however, shared, i.e. the opportunity to reduce costs
and lead times. The authors also point out the difficulty of quantifying the benefits that can be
achieved when implementing the suggested approach. Packaging considerations are included in some
of the DFX approaches, but it is somewhat unclear if this is the concern of the logisticians, the product
developers or someone else due to the multidisciplinary characteristics and complexity of packaging.
3.1 Design For Packaging Logistics
The need for taking in packaging and logistics considerations during the product development process
was identified by Klevs & Saghir [2004]. Based on empirical findings and a comprehensive literature
review, they presented a conceptual DFX model, called Design For Packaging Logistics. The idea was
to elucidate the product design factors influencing the packaging logistics activities in the supply
chain in order to enhance the likelihood of successful product development. However, the authors did
suggest that this model would need to be empirically tested.
4. Case description
IKEA was founded in 1943 and started as a mail-order firm. The first IKEA store was inaugurated in
1958 in lmhult, Sweden. Today there are about 216 IKEA stores in 33 countries/regions, of which
192 are owned by the IKEA group. The IKEA group has 84000 co-workers in 44 countries and uses
about 1500 suppliers in 55 countries (year 2004).
Significant for IKEA is that the end-consumers are used as manpower in terms of picking products
from the warehouse storage racks in the store, arranging home distribution and carrying out the final
assembly operations. Another distinguishing feature of IKEA is that they have control over the supply
chain from the supplier to the end-consumer.
4.1 IKEA of Sweden
IKEA of Sweden is a part of the IKEA group located in lmhult (in the south of Sweden) and it is
here the main product development activities take place. IoS has 11 Business Areas (BA) which are
responsible for product and packaging development of their particular collections.
Purchasing Co-ordination
Business Steering
The product
teams at the BA
Competence Functions
= Packaging competence
Figure 1. The organization of IKEA of Sweden (the organisation of the product development teams is
inspired by Ulrich & Eppinger [2000, p.27]
The BAs are supported by centralized functions e.g. Distribution Services. Distribution Services is a
logistics competence function which focuses on logistics issues at a strategic level. Packaging Concept
is a part of Distribution Services and its mission is to develop and maintain the overall packaging
strategy at IKEA. Packaging Concept has its own packaging technicians who carry out large
packaging projects for the BAs but they also support the packaging technicians located in the BA with
packaging related issues. Figure 1 illustrates the organization of IKEA of Sweden and where the
packaging competence is located. As the figure illustrates, the packaging competence is
centralized/decentralized which has been recognized a great advantage for packaging awareness in the
organization [Klevs 2005].
4.2 Product development at BA50
The products of BA50 include plants and outdoor furniture; frames and pictures; and Collections, e.g.
Christmas and Easter decorations. The basic product development teams of BA50 consist of a product
developer, a purchasing strategist, product technicians and a packaging technician. The purchasing
strategists are grouped according to materials which makes them experts in potential suppliers for a
specific product material The same goes for the product technicians, i.e. they are grouped based on
product materials. These members are part of the team from the initial design briefing to the
presentation of the finished product concept. Other members of the team who are involved
occasionally during the development process are supply planners, the commercial manager, store
support, etc. The product development process at BA50 can be described in five steps; Product
Planning, Design Briefing, Design Review, Pre-product Council, and Product Council (see Figure 2).
suppliers and another for Asian suppliers. The reasons for doing two packaging versions are that the
pallet sizes differ, and in Asia the products are usually manually packaged while many European
suppliers have automatic packaging lines.
The PD process
Pr oposed design
Supply Chain
with design
6. Conclusions
Using the Design For Packaging Logistics approach on the product development process of IKEA
elucidates how packaging and logistics considerations are integrated in the product development
process through the involvement of packaging and logistics competence. The DFPL approach can be
used with few modifications on the IKEA case. As the DFPL approach is based on literature and on
gleanings from case studies, it can be concluded that IKEA is at the cutting edge when it comes to
packaging and logistics in the product development process.
IKEA is a unique company, not only for possessing such great power over its supply chain but also for
including packaging and logistics in its product development process. IKEA is continuously working
for the enhancement of logistics performance in its supply chain, and improved packaging and product
design are one way to reach this goal. The organization of IKEA is also continuously changing to
support logistics and packaging competence. However, IKEAs uniqueness should not be seen as a
hindrance. It is the authors belief that many features of the DFPL approach can, and should, be
applied to other product developing companies. In general, every product needs packaging, so many
issues that IKEA is struggling with are most certainly similar to issues faced by other product
developing companies. IKEA has the advantage of being to measure, and benefit from (!), new
packaging and supply chain solutions. But it is the authors belief that even companies with little
control over the supply chain can benefit from a more holistic perspective. The idea of product
development is for a company to go from a business opportunity to land in the shopping cart of the
consumer in order to stay competitive on the market. This requires market knowledge, product design
expertise as well as extensive knowledge in packaging and logistics. When there is little insight into
supply chain demands, and packaging knowledge is poor, logistically-friendly products are unlikely to
be developed.
The DFPL approach can not be used to compensate for the lack of packaging and logistics
professionals in the product development process, it should rather be used to point out the need for,
and justify, these competences and how they can be used during product development.
6.1 Concluding remarks
The DFPL approach is by no means a static model or framework. It can, and should, not be applied on
other companies without modifications. It is the authors intention to continue to further refine and
develop the DFPL approach on other product developing companies. This can be done by studying
both companies where packaging development is integrated in the product development process and
companies where it is not. The impact packaging decisions have on supply chain performance can
then be studied and the model may be refined. However, the purpose of the DFPL approach is not to
be a model applicable without modifications, it should rather be seen as a source of inspiration and a
tool to elucidate the impact product and packaging design has on logistics efficiency in the supply
chain. Developing the packaging concurrently with the product and with a constant dialogue with the
other team members almost certainly guarantees better product design trade-offs. The DFPL approach
can be a tool to reach that goal.
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Jenny Klevs, MSc ME, Tech.Lic.
Ph.D. Student
Institution of Design Sciences/University of Lund, Department of Packaging Logistics
P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Tel.: +46 46 222 3943
Fax.: +46 46 222 8060