Department Vision
To establish a world class academy for Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Department Mission
Curriculum development with state-of-the-art technologies
Pursue research interests of Manufacturing and Industrial engineering
Consultancy in design, Manufacturing and industrial engineering
Industry-Institute interaction
Equipping Laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment
1. Select suitable machining process for suitable materials
2. Select optimum parameters for the respective machining process
3. Summarizes the merits and demerits of the non-traditional manufacturing process
Metal Cutting Technology: Introduction to metal cutting - tool nomenclature and cutting forces -
thermal aspects of machining - tool materials - tool life and tool wear - traditional and
nontraditional machining – high speed machining
Mechanical Processes: Ultrasonic Machining - Water Jet Machining - Abrasive Jet Machining -
Abrasive Water Jet Machining - Ice Jet Machining - Magnetic Abrasive Finishing
Thermal Processes: Electric Discharge Machining - Laser Beam Machining - Electron Beam
Machining - Plasma Beam Machining - Ion Beam Machining
1. Bhattacharya "Metal Cutting Theory and Practice”, New Central Book Agency (p) Ltd.,
2. Boothroy .D.G. and Knight. W.A "Fundamentals of Machining and Machine tools", Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1989.
3. Hassan Abdel – Gawad El-Hofy "Advanced Machining Processes", McGraw, New York, 2005.
4. Wellar, E.J. "Non-Traditional Machining Processes", Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Publications, 2nd Edition, Michigan, 1984.
5. Metals Handbook. Vol. 16, Machining. Materials Park; OH: ASM International, 1995.
6. Kalpakjian, S “Manufacturing Process for Engineering Materials”, MA:Addison-Wesley, 1997.
7. Brown, J “Advanced Machining Technology Handbook”, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
8. McGeough, J “Advanced Methods of Machining”, London. New York: Chapman and Hall, London,
9. Rumyantsev, E and Davydov, A “Electrochemical Machining of Metals”, Moscow:Mir Publishers,
1. State of Art in Tooling in Manufacturing and Inspection
2. Design and Develop tooling for Flexible Manufacturing
3. Design and Develop Automated Inspection Systems
Flexible Tooling –Tooling for Forming- Evolution of Dies, Forging, Bending and Drawing and
Extrusion Processes- Tooling for Casting processes –Mechanization –Flexible tooling in Non
Traditional Manufacturing
Tooling for Micro Manufacturing-Tooling for Physical and Mechanical joining Processes-
Tooling for CMM-Tool handling Robots.
Principles of Gauging - New concepts for gaging, inspection, checking, machine vision, and
robotic testing. Smart Inspection Systems - Techniques and Applications of Intelligent Vision -
Stages of automated visual inspection (AVI) and "smart" inspection systems- examples
Application of conventional and artificial intelligence techniques in AVI. AVI process, from
illumination, image enhancement, segmentation and feature extraction, through to classification,
and includes case studies of implemented AVI systems-Robots in Automated Inspection
Tutorial: Design of Tooling Layout for Automats, Die Design, Modular Fixture Design
Practice: Exercises in CMM and Robots for Inspection
1. Mikell P Groover Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems
John Wiley and Sons 2012
2. Stephen Murphy In-Process Measurement and Control: 32 (Series Manufacturing Engineering
and Materials Processing) CRC Press 1990
3. Boothroyd, G. (2005). Assembly automation and product design (Vol. 536). Boca Raton, FL:
Taylor & Francis.
4. Stanley L. Robinson, Richard Kendall Miller Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance 1989
CRC Press
5. Duc T. Pham and R J Alcock Smart Inspection Systems: Techniques and Applications of
Intelligent Vision Academic Press
6. Black, J. Temple. The Design of the Factory with a Future. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1991
3 0 0 3
1. Discriminate the knowledge of principles, operations and applications of different casting
and welding processes
2. Analyze the effects of process parameters on the quality of cast and weld products
3. Select the NDT techniques for the evaluation of cast and weld components
Welding processes classification, arc welding processes- solid state welding processes, plasma
arc welding and ultrasonic welding - Resistance welding process- different types weld joints,
welding positions. Brazing, soldering and adhesive bonding, process principles & applications.
Electron beam welding, laser beam welding, Hybrid welding– explosive welding – diffusion
bonding – high frequency induction welding –twin wire active TIG welding-A-TIG welding- Hot
wire TIG welding- Weld Surfacing & cladding.
Friction Surfacing, Friction stir spot welding, Explosive Welding, Welding of Ni and Ti based
alloys, Friction welding with Cu interlayer.
Magnetically impelled arc butt (MIAB) welding - under water welding -Welding of Cu, Al, Ti
and Ni alloys – processes, difficulties, microstructures, defects and remedial measures -
Hydrogen embrittlement – Lamellar tearing – Residual stress – Distortion and its control .
Heat transfer and solidification - Analysis of stresses in welded structures – pre and post welding
heat treatments – weld joint design – welding defects-Inspection & testing of weld joints - Safety
aspects in welding.
For Understanding:
Casting basics - design for moulding and casting -advanced moulding and casting processes.
Castingdefects – Inspection and testing of casting
1. Dr.R.S.Parmer "Welding processes and Technology" Khanna Publishers.
2. H.S.Bawa "Manufacturing Technology-I" Tata Me Graw Hill Publishers New Delhi, 2007.
3. S.V.Nadkami, Modem Arc Welding Technology, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
4. CORNU.J. Advanced welding systems – Volumes I, II and III, JAICO Publishers,1994.
5. LANCASTER.J.F. – Metallurgy of welding – George Alien & Unwin Publishers, 1980
6. Carry B., Modern Welding Technology, Prentice Hall Pvt Ltd., 2002
7. P .L. Jain “Principles of foundry Technology" Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
1. M.J. Madou, “Fundamentals of Micro Fabrication”, CRC Press, 2002
2. V.K.Jain, “Introduction to Micromachining”, Narosa Publishing House, 2010
3. Mark J. Jackson, “Micro Fabrication and Nano machining”, Taylor and Francis, 2006
4. Serope Kalpakjian, “Manufacturing Engg. and Technology”, Pearson Education, 2005
5. Yi Qin, “Micro-Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Elsevier Publication,2010
Plastic instability in biaxial tension, Plastic instability using old Hill’s Yield theory, Plastic
instability using latest Hill’s Yield theory, Plastic instability using Bassni’s yield theory
Anisotropy in sheet metals, Hill’s Anisotropic Plasticity theory, Special cases, Generalization of
Hill’s criterion, Bassani’s Yield theory, M-K analysis for imperfect sheets, Upper bound
theorem, Plane strain, Simple indendation, Compression between smooth plates, Upper bound
Slab analysis, Sheet drawing, Wire/rod drawing, Direct compression in plane strain, Sticking
friction at interface, Axisymmetric compression, extrusion, Cold rolling theory of strip or plate
Slip line filed theory, Governing stress equations, Properties of SLF, Velocity equations,
Derivation of Velocity diagram, Simple stress boundary conditions, Thick walled cylinder under
internal pressure solution by SLF method, Processes, Theory of plasticity for porous materials.
1. Hosford W.F and Caddell, R.M, “Metal Forming Mechanics and Metallurgy”, Prentice Hall, 1983.
2. Narayanasamy R., “Theory of Plasticity”, Ahuja Publications, 2000.
3. W.Johnson&P.B.Mellor “Engineering Plasticity” McGraw Hill.
FMS Introduction and Description - Objectives and Benefits of FMS - Basic Components of
FMS and their integration in the data processing systems - Types of FMS - FMS Layouts –
Types of Flexibility - FMS design criteria- Group Technology – Cellular manufacturing -
Differences between FMC and FMS
FMS Software Structure, Functions and Description - General Structure and Requirements -
Activities and Functions to be Performed by FMS Software - Requirements of FMS Software -
Types of FMS Software Modules - Computer Simulation - Functions of an FMS Host Computer
– Distributed systems in FMS – Part program preparation
1. H.K. Shivanand, M.M.Benal, V.Koti, “Flexible Manufacturing System”, New Age International
Publishers, 2006
2. Mikell P Groover, “Automation Production systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Prentice
3. Paul Ranky, “The Design and Operation of FMS”, IFS publication. 1983.
4. David J Parrish, “Flexible Manufacturing”, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 1990
Review of manufacturing processes, need for numerical solution – Review of basic concepts of
numerical methods
FE solution for Steady state and transient problems. FE procedure for non-linear problems -
Material and geometric non-linearities – solution using implicit and explicit methods
Lagrangean and Eulerian formulations for modelling of machining, rolling, forging, drawing.
ALE elements
Thermal modeling for induction hardening, arc welding, cooling of castings – deduction of
cooling rate and metallurgical transformations.
1. M.Asghar Bhatti “Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures” John Wiley & sons,
2. Lewis R.W.Morgan, K, Thomas, H.R. and Seetharaman, K.N. The Finite Element
Method in Heat Transfer Analysis, John Wiley, 1994.
3. Edward R Champion Jr, “Finite Element Analysis in Manufacturing Engineering”, McGraw Hill,
4. Prakash M. Dixit, Uday S. Dixit”Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes”, 1st Edition,
2008, Springer Verlog.
5. Lars-Erik Lindgren, “Computational welding mechanics” , 1st Edition, 2007, CRC Press,
Manufacturing of PMC material– Lay-up, Autoclave Molding filament Winding, Pultrusion, etc..
Machining of polymeric composite material, Forming methods for Polymers and polymeric
composite material- component design consideration.
Application of Polymers and PMC material- Automotive Industry- Marine Industry- Materials
Handling- Chemical Industry- Electrical & Electronics Industry- Aerospace Industry-
Biomedical field.
1. Mein Schwartz., “Composite Materials Handbook”, McGraw Hill, 1984
2. “ASM Hand book on Composites”, Volume 21, 2001
3. “Handbook of Plastics Joining- A Practical Guide”, Plastics Design Library, 13 Eaton Avenue,
Norwich, New York 13815.
4. Leonard Hollaway “Handbook of Polymer Composites for Engineers”, British Plastics Federation.
5. Edward Arnold, “Process Selection from design to manufacture”, 1997.
1. Identify the effect of heat treatment in alloying elements
2. Apply surface modification techniques
3. Find the defects occurring in heat treated parts
Iron - Carbon Equilibrium Diagram: Effect of alloying element on properties of steel and heat
treatments. Types and application of heat treatments in manufacturing Industries.
TTT & CCT diagram for steels-Various heating media used for heat treatment, furnaces,
Temperature and atmosphere control- Selection of furnace for heat treatment.
Heat Treatment Processes: Annealing – Normalising, Hardenability studies, Jominy end quench
test, Grossman's experiments - Tempering, Austempering and Martempering. Thermomechanical
Heat Treatment of Non-Ferrous Metals and Specific Alloy steels: Heat treatment of gray irons,
white irons (malleabilising) and S.G.irons. Austempering of S.G.Iron. Defects: Defects in heat
treated parts, causes and remedy Design for heat treatment.
1. Rajan and Sharma "Heat Treatment Principles and Techniques" – Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, 2004.
2. Prabhudev, K H., "Handbook of Heat Treatment of Steels", Tata - McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New
Delhi, 2000.
3. VijendraSingh,"Heat Treatment of Metals", Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi, First edition 1998.
4. American Society for Metals, "Metals Handbook Vol.4", ASM Metals Parks, Ohio, USA, 2001.
5. Karl-Erik Thelning, "Steel and its Heat Treatment", Butterworths London, second edition 1984.
6. Novikov I, "Theory of Heat Treatment of Metals", MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1978.
1. Apply the knowledge of welding in Heavy Engineering
2. Apply the knowledge of welding in Automotive Industries
3. Apply the knowledge of welding in Nuclear Power
Application of welding in heavy engineering: Boiler manufacture - boiler drum, water wall
panels, headers, economizers. Heat exchangers.
Application of welding in oil & gas industries: orbital pipe welding, welding consumables,
fabrication codes, inspection &testing, acceptance criteria.
Application of welding in Nuclear Power: Materials, processes, fabrication codes, inspection &
testing, reasons for stringent quality control measures.
Application of welding in automotive industries: Thin sheet welding, selection of materials and
welding processes, inspection and testing procedure, acceptance criteria.
1. American Welding Society, 'Guide for Steel Hull Welding', 1992
2. Gooch T. S; 'Review of Overlay Welding Procedure for Light Water Nuclear Pressure Vessels',
American Welding Society, 1991
3. Winter Mark H, 'Materials and Welding in Off-Shore Constructions', Elsevier, 1986
4. Welding Institute Canada, 'Welding for Challenging Environments', Pergamon Press, 1996.
5. Mishra, R.S and Mohoney, M W, Friction stir welding and processing, ASM 2007.
Fundamentals of laser –lasing action- properties - spectrum and wavelength –wave length chart-
types of laser- modes of operation-continuous mode-pulsed mode-laser components - interaction
of laser radiation with materials-long pulse and short pulse interaction.
Fiber Laser and UV Laser based marking - micromachining solutions - laser shock loading -
basics - applications - laser safety - danger - safety limits - eye and skin - class four safety
arrangements - electric hazards - fume hazards.
1. Identify various parts of machine tools
2. Apply various design aspects of spindles and bearings
3. Reduce vibration and chatter developing on machine tools
Metal cutting machine tools and their specifications - machine beds and columns - relative
merits of different types of beds and columns - design of beds and columns -force on cutting
Types of slideways and design of slideways - wear adjustments in slideways, surface treatment
for slideways.
Design of spindles – example for lathe, drilling machine and milling machine, Design of bearing-
example for lathe, drilling machine and milling machine, choice of bearings.
Types of drives for machine tool – step and stepless – speed and feed mechanisms – kinematic
diagrams. Typical examples for drives in advanced machine tools.
Machine tool vibration – types - effect of undeformed chip thickness variations, rake and
clearance angle variations - stability of cutting operation - regenerative chatter - testing of
machine tools for alignment and accuracy - standard test charts.
1. Sen and Bhattacharya, “Principles of Machine Tools”, New Central Book Agencies, 1975.
2. Boothroyd,G., “Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools”, McGraw Hill, 1985.
3. Acherkan,, “Machine Tool Design”, Vol. 2 & 3, MIR Pub, 1973
Rubber - additives - applications. Stages in raw rubber and latex rubber technology - Processing
of rubbers –Manufacturing techniques - tires - belts - hoses - foot wears - cellular products -
cables. Manufacture of latex based products
Glass - characteristics - application - glass making - Glass forming machines - hollow wares flat
glasses, fiberglass, bulbs, bottles, heat absorbing glasses, amber glass and their manufacturing
methods, general plant layouts for manufacture of different types of glasses.
1. Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology – Plastics, Rubber, Blends, and Composites, Tata-Mcgraw
hill, 1989.
2. J.L.White, Rubber Processing Technology, Materials and Principles, Hanser
Publishers, 1995.
3. E. B. Shand, Glass Engineering Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1958.
4. Kingery, w d &etc Introduction to ceramics 2ndedtion, John Wiley & Sons publ 2004
5. ASM Handbook, Vol. 21 Composites, 2001 Lubin, Handbook of Composites, Springer, 1st Edition,
1. Classify the mechanical properties of materials
2. Relate the various forming process
3. Apply the knowledge in formability
Crystal structure, Slip planes, Slip systems and Formability, Close packed planes and directions,
Tensile test, Yielding behavior, True stress, strain, Strain hardening, Dislocations, Tensile
instability, Constitutive material relationships, Strain rate and sensitivity, Volume constancy
principle, Mass constancy principle
Effect of Mohr’s circle on Formability, Formability of low carbon steels, Automobile grade
Effect of grain size on Formability, Effect of second phase particles on formability
Formability of Carbon - Manganese steels, Micro alloy steels, HSLA steels, I.F steels, Dual
phase steels, etc., Formability of Stainless steels
Diffused necking and localized necking in tensile test, Super plasticity and its applications, Deep
drawing and deep drawability of sheet metals, Defects in deep drawing
Cold working, Hot working and Warm working, Recrystallization, Forming Limit Diagram,
Workability of materials.
1. George Krauss, “Steels; Processes, Structure& Performance”, ASM International, The Materials
Information Society, 2005
2. Narayanasamy R., “Metal Forming Technology”, Ahuja publications, New Delhi, 2000.
3. S.Kalpakjian, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials”, Addison Wesley Pub. Co.,
1. Identify the crystal structure of various materials
2. Analyse the type of fracture in materials
3. Categorize the behavior of creep and fatigue in materials
Introduction, Stress and strain relations, mechanical testing, Elements of plasticity, the flow
curve, Strain hardening, Strain rate and temperature dependence of flow stress.
Plastic deformation, slip in crystals, dislocations, and dislocation motion. Twins, strengthening
mechanisms, grain boundaries, solid solution strengthening and strain hardening.
Fracture, types of fracture, brittle fracture, Griffith theory of brittle fracture of material, ductile
fracture, notch effects, and fracture mechanics.
Fatigue, the S-N curve, low and high cycle fatigue, structural features, surface effects, Creep,
stress rupture test, structural changes, creep mechanisms and super plasticity
1. Dieter, G. E., “Mechanical Metallurgy”, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill. 1988
2. Courtney, T.H., “Mechanical Behavior of Materials”, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill. 1990
3. Meyers, M.A. and Chawla, K.K., “Mechanical Behavior of Materials”, Prentice Hall. 1999
4. R.W.K., “The Plastic Deformation of Metals”, Edward Arnold..
1. Classify the composite materials
2. Categorize the properties of composite materials
3. Apply the knowledge of matrix in composite materials
Micro and Macro mechanics of a lamina: four elastic moduli – Rule of mixture, ultimate
strengths of unidirection lamina - Hooke’s law - number of elastic constants - Two – dimensional
relationship of compliance & stiffness matrix.
1. Mein Schwartz, “Composite Materials Hand Book”, McGraw Hill, 1984.
2. Autar K. Kaw, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, CRC Press, 1994.
3. Rober M Joness, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, McGraw HIll,1982.
1. Select appropriate non-destructive techniques
2. Apply surface modification techniques
3. Compare the merits of various non-destructive techniques
Visual Inspection : Fundamentals of Visual Inspection - metallic materials, raw materials and
welds - Inspection objectives, inspection checkpoints, sampling plan, inspection pattern etc.
classification of indictions for acceptance criteria - Codes, Standards and Specifications
(ASME,ASTM,AWS etc.)-Capabilities, Limitation and Applications
Liquid Penetrant Testing: Principles - types and properties of liquid penetrants - developers -
advantages and limitations of various methods - Control and measurement of penetrant process
variables - Limitation and Applications
1. American Metals Society, "Non-Destructive Examination and Quality Contro!"Metals Hand Book,
Vol. I 7, 9th Ed, Metals Park, OH, 1989.
2. Krautkramer, Josef and Hebert Krautkramer, "Ultrasonic Testing of Materials", 3rd Ed, Newyork,
Springer-verlag, 1983.
3. A. Goswami, "Thin film fundamentals", New age international (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
4. Birchan, D, "Non Destructive Testing", Oxford University Press, 1977.
1. Describe the overview of different kinds of smart materials and their applications
2. Describe the various fabrication processes of smart materials and MEMS
3. Deliberate the fundamentals of mechanics for design of smart materials
Introduction to smart materials and MEMS: an overview- scaling issues in MEMS -Micro
sensors, some examples –Micro actuators, some examples– Micro systems – Examples of smart
Smart composites - piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, magnetic materials -Electro
and magneto-statics, Electro active polymers and electrostrictive materials - measurement
techniques for MEMS.
Fabrication processes - Structure of silicon and other materials Silicon wafer processing; Thin-
film deposition, Lithography, Etching, LIGA, Micromachining, Thick-film processing, Smart
material processing.
Mechanics of materials- Stresses and deformation: bars and beams - Micro device suspensions:
lumped modeling -Residual stress and stress gradients - Thermal loading; bimorph effect -
Vibrations of bars and beams - Gyroscopic effect
1. Engineering analysis of smart material systems, Donald J. Leo, John Wiley Sons.
2. Smart material systems: model development, R.C. Smith, SIAM.
3. S.D. Senturia, Microsustem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
4. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacture, McGraw Hill, 2002.
5. V.K. Varadan, K.J. Vinoy, and S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and
Development Methodologies, Wiley, 2006.
Physical vapor deposition (PVD): Ion plating- Sputter deposition- Reactive deposition-
Magnetron sputtering- Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)- Ion implantation- Electron beam
technology- Applications.
Thermal Spraying Techniques- Flame Spraying, Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS), Vacuum
Plasma Spraying (VPS), Detonation-Gun Spraying (D-GUN), High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF)
Laser surface engineering- Laser transformation hardening - Laser remelting- Laser alloying-
Laser cladding- Laser ablation- Pulsed laser deposition- Laser doping - Laser crystallization-
Laser surface texturing- Laser shock peening.
1.Tadeusz Burakowski, Tadeusz Wierzchon, “Surface Engineering of Metals-Principles, equipment and
technologies”, CRC Press, 1999.
2. Lech Pawlowski, "The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings", 2nd Edition, John Wiley
& Sons, 2008.
3. William M. Steen, Jyotirmoy Mazumder, “Laser Material Processing”, 4th Edition, Springer Verlag,
1. Apply the knowledge of tribology in industries
2. Identify the friction and its effect
3. Identify the surface textures
Friction - classification - Adhesion theory of friction - Elastic, plastic and visco - elastic effects
in friction - rolling friction - friction of materials - alloys - ceramics - polymers - Interface
temperature of sliding surfaces - measurement.
1. I.M. Hutchings, “Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials”, Elsevier Limited, 1992.
2. G. W. Stachowiak, A. W. Batchelor, “Engineering Tribology”, Elsevier Limited, 2005.
3. K.C. Ludema, “Friction, wear, lubrication: A text book in tribology”, CRC Press, 1996.
4. Bharat Bhushan, “Principles and applications of tribology”, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
5. Bharat Bhushan, “Nanotribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction”, Springer, 2008.
3 0 0 3
Nature of production- Strategic, Tactical and Operational decisions considering values and
ethics- General discrete location-allocation problems - features and formulations. Facility
location models - Median model - Distribution model - Brown and Gibson model, Min-max
algorithm, Gravity location algorithm.
Operations scheduling - Flow shop - n jobs –Johnson's rule, N-Jobs M machine, CDS heuristics,
Palmer heuristics- Assembly Line Balancing- Project Scheduling-CPM-PERT-crashing of
project network with cost trade off
Material Requirement Planning (MRP) - working of MRP - master production scheduling - Lot
sizing in MRP system-rough cut capacity planning -capacity requirement planning, Introduction
to ERP and softwares.
Concept of supply management and SCM, Flow in supply chains, Key issues in supply chain
management, Decision phases in supply chain, concept of quality management – standards for
quality management - Taguchi method of quality control.
1. Buffa, Sarin “Modern Production Management”, 8th Edition, John Wiley, 1987.
2. Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operations”,
Prentice Hall India, 3rd Edition, 2007
3. Douglas C.Montgomery, “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”, 2nd Edition , John Wiley
& sons, 1991
1. Define the principles of optimum design
2. Apply surface modelling techniques
3. Analyze production systems at operation level
Principles of optimum design - CAD optimization techniques, design for manufacture and
assembly, principles of computer aided engineering, application of CAD, rapid prototyping,
concurrent engineering.
Computer aided manufacturing, programming and interface hardware – computer aided process
monitoring - adaptive control, on-line search strategies, computer-aided process planning.
1. Radhakrishnan P & Kothandaraman C.P, “Computer Graphics and Design”, Dhanpat Rai& Sons,
2. Groover M P, “Automation, Production System and Computer Aided Manufacture”, Prentice Hall,
3. William M Newman & Robert Sproul, “Principle of Interactice Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill,
4. Ibrahim Zeid, “CAD/CAM Theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, 1991
3 0 0 3
1. Apply and interfere the application of statistical methods in manufacturing processes.
2. Identify the causes of process variation through statistical process control.
3. Apply the experimental design concepts in manufacturing process for problem solving
Full factorial models, Response surface modeling and process optimization, Analysis of Process
robustness, Case studies
1. Montgomery, Douglas C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. 5th Ed. New York, NY: Wiley,
2. Montgomery, Douglas C. Design and Analysis of Experiments. 5th Ed. New York, NY: Wiley, 2004.
1. Apply various design rules in manufacturing processes 3 0 0 3
2. Evaluate the process by design guidelines for optimum design
3. Analyze design alternatives in the manufacture of components
Design process - General Design rules for manufacturability – DFX - basic principles for
economical production - creativity in design. Materials: Selection of materials for design
developments in material technology - criteria for material selection.
Review of various casting processes, selection of casting process, - general design considerations
for casting - casting tolerances - use of simulation in casting design – product design rules for
sand casting.
Overview of various machining processes - general design rules for machining - Dimensional
tolerance and surface roughness - Design for machining - Ease - Redesigning of components for
machining ease with suitable examples. General design recommendations for machined parts.
Redesign for manufacture and case studies: Identification of uneconomical design - Modifying
the design. Design for assembly fits in the design process, general design guidelines for manual
assembly, development of the systematic DFA methodology
1. Assembly Automation and Product Design/ Geoffrey Boothroyd/ Marcel Dekker Inc., NY, 1992.
2. Engineering Design - Material & Processing Approach/ George E. Deiter/McGraw Hill Intl. 2nd
Ed. 2000.
3. Product Design for Manufacturing and Assembly/ Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst & Winston
Ansthony Knight/CRC Press/2010.
4. James G. Bralla, "Hand Book of Product Design for Manufacturing", McGraw Hill Co, 1986.
5. Design for Manufacturing-Carrado poli-Elsevier Science and Technology Books-2001.
Need for Automation, Hydraulic & Pneumatic system Comparison – ISO symbols for fluid
power elements, Hydraulic, pneumatics system – Selection criteria. Hydraulic system
components selection and specification-characteristics – Linear actuator– construction. Reservoir
capacity, heat dissipation, accumulators - standard circuit symbols, circuit (flow) analysis.
Direction, flow and pressure control valves-operating-characteristics-electro hydraulic servo
valves-types, characteristics and performance.
Electrical control of pneumatic and hydraulic circuits-use of relays, timers, counters, Ladder
Programmable logic control of Hydraulics and Pneumatics circuits, Sensors, PLC ladder diagram
for various circuits, motion controllers, use of field busses in circuits. Electronic drive circuits
for various Motors.
1. Antony Esposito, Fluid Power Systems and control Prentice-Hall, 1988
2. Herbert R. Merritt, Hydraulic control systems, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork, 1967
3. Dudbey.A.Peace, Basic Fluid Power, Prentice Hall Inc, 1967
4. Peter Rohner, Fluid Power logic circuit design. The Macmillan Press Ltd.,London, 1979
5. E.C.Fitch and J.B.Suryaatmadyn. Introduction to fluid logic, McGraw Hill, 1978.
6. W.Bolton, Mechatronics, Electronic control systems in Mechanical and ElectricaEngineering Pearson
Education, 2003.
7. Peter Rohner, Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design, Mcmelan Prem, 1994.
1. Understand the challenges and advancements of product development process
2. Execution of various phases of product development
3. Development of environmentally friendly products/processes
Product development process – various phases, Reverse engineering and redesigning product
development process, Illustrations of product development process, S-curve, new product
Gathering customer needs, organizing and prioritizing customer needs, establishing product
function, FAST method, establishing system functionality. Tear Down and Experimentation-
Tear down method, post teardown report, benchmarking and establishing engineering
specifications, product portfolios.
Design for the Environment: DFE methods, life cycle assessment, weighted sum assessment
method, techniques to reduce environmental impact – disassembly, recyclability,
remanufacturing regulations and standards.
1. Kevin Otto and Kristin Wood, ―Product Design – Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New
Product Development‖, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Karl T Ulrich and Steven Eppinger, ―Product Design and Development‖, McGraw Hill, 2011, Fifth
Feedback devices– interpolators - tooling for CNC– point-to-point and contouring systems –
DNC-Adaptive Control – ACO and ACC systems- graphical numerical control.
1. YoramKoren, "Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems", McGraw Hill Book Co.
New Delhi, 1986.
2. Mikell P. Groover, “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”,
Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
3. Radhakrishnan P., "Computer Numerical Control Machines", New Book Agency, Calcutta, 1991
4. Kundra T. K., Rao P. N., and Tiwari N. K., "CNC and Computer Aided Manufacturing", Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1991.
5. Fitzpatric.M., “Machining and CNC Technology”, McGraw Hill, 2004
1. Understand the importance of time compression technologies
2. Selection of appropriate technology for the application
3. Exposure to RP software packages
Introduction- Need for the compression in product development, History of RP systems, Survey
of applications, Growth of RP industry, Classification of RP systems.
Principle, process parameters, process details and applications of various RP processes - Stereo
lithography systems, Laser Sintering, Fused Deposition Modeling, Laminated Object
Manufacturing, Solid Ground Curing, Laser Engineered Net Shaping, 3D Printing, Laser
Melting, Cladding.
Rapid Tooling: Indirect rapid tooling Direct rapid tooling , soft tooling Vs hard tooling, Rapid
Manufacturing Process Optimization- Factors influencing accuracy, data preparation errors, part
building errors, errors in finishing, influence of part build orientation.
Software for RP: STL files, overview of solid view, magics, mimics, magics communicator, etc.,
internet based softwares, collaboration tools.
1. Pham D T and Dimov S S, "Rapid Manufacturing", Verlag, 2001.
2. Paul F Jacobs, "Stereo lithography and other RP&M Technologies", SME, 1996.
3. Terry Wohlers, "Wohlers Report 2001", Wohlers Associates, 2008.
4. Prasad H and Badrinarayanan, K S, “Rapid Prototyping and Tooling”, SPI-Pageturners, Bangalore,
India, 2013.
Robot and its peripherals - sensors, machine vision - image processing & analysis - application
of artificial intelligence, voice communication - robot control units - motion controls.
1. Richard D Klafter, Thomas A Chmielewski & Michael Negin, “Robotic Engineering – An
Integrated Approach”, Prentice Hall, 1994.
2. Deb, S.R., “Robotic Technology and Flexible Automation”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1994.
3. Fu & Gonzales, “Industrial Robotics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1988.
Basic Concepts of reliability –Reliability and Quality –Failures and Failure modes – Causes of
failures and unreliability- Maintainability and Availability- Mathematical Expressions - Laplace
Transform application in reliability.
Reliability analysis – Mathematical models – Designing for higher reliability– Reliability and
Cost - Failure Data Analysis –MTTF in integral form- Numerical analysis.
1. Srinath.L.S, "Reliability Engineering", Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd., 1991.
2. Collacott,R.A. "Mechanical Fault Diagnosis & condition monitoring", Chapman and Hall London,
3. Balagurusamy.E, "Reliability Engineering", Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 1984.
4. Birolini.A, "Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice", Springer-Verlag Publishers, Germany,
2004, Fourth Edition.
3 0 0 3
1. Identify the general dimensioning techniques
2. Apply the principles of tolerencing in Manufacturing
3. Calculate the optimum material requirement
Properties of the surface , Principles for tolerancing and geometrical tolerancing- Symbols-
Definitions of geometrical tolerances-Tolerance zone-Form of the tolerance zone- Location and
orientation of the tolerance zone-Width of the tolerance zone-Length of the tolerance zone-
Common tolerance zone- Datums- Axes and median faces- Screw threads, gears and splines -
Angularity tolerances and angular dimension tolerances-Twist tolerance.
1. Gene R. Cogorno “Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design”, McGraw-
2. Georg Henzold “Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Design, Manufacturing and
Inspection-A Handbook for Geometrical Product Specification using ISO and ASME Standards”,
Elsevier, Second edition
3. Bryan R. Fischer “Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis” Advanced Dimensional
Management, Sherwood, Oregon, U.S.A., Marcel Dekker,Inc.
4. ASME “Dimensioning and Tolerancing”, Y14.5M-1994 [REVISION OF ANSI Y14.5M-1982
1.Develop Manufacturing Models of Discrete event systems
2.Generation of Uncertainty using Random numbers and Random Variates
3. Perform Input, Output Analysis: Verification & Valediction of Models and Optimization
Introduction to systems and modeling - discrete and continuous system - Monte Carlo
Simulation. Simulation of Single Server Queuing System. Simulation of manufacturing shop
Simulation of Inventory System
1. Jerry Banks & John S.Carson, Barry L Nelson, “Discrete event system simulation” ,Prentice Hall
2. Law A.M, “Simulation Modelling and Analysis”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. NarsinghDeo, “ System Simulation with Digital Computer”, Prentice Hall
4. Pidd, M, “Computer Simulation in Management Science”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3 0 0 3
Basic concepts of Artificial intelligence and expert systems - System Components - System
architecture and Data flow – System Operations.
Knowledge based system for material selection – Intelligent process planning system. Intelligent
system for equipment selection - Intelligent system for project management & factory
Scheduling in manufacturing – scheduling the shop floor – Diagnosis & trouble shooting.
The role of Artificial Intelligence in the factory of the future – Intelligent systems.
1. Kenneth R.Baker, “Introduction to sequencing and scheduling”, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
2. Richard W. Conway, William L.Maxwell and Louis W. Miller,“Theory of Scheduling”, Dover
Publications, 2003.
3. Andrew Kussiak, “Intelligent Manufacturing Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1990.
4. Simons, G.L, “Introducing Artificial Intelligence”, NCC Pub, 1990.
5. Rich,E., “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill, 1986.
EIA Methods –CML, EI 95 and 99, ISO 14001 EMS and PAS 2050 standards, Environmental
Impact parameters - Interactions between energy and technology and their implications for
environment and sustainable development.
Design for recycling – Eco friendly product design methods – Methods to infuse sustainability in
early product design phases – Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Sustainability.
Life Cycle Assessment of products using GaBi package
Sustainable Product Development – Developing environmentally friendlier products
1. G. Atkinson, S. Dietz, E. Neumayer, ― “Handbook of Sustainable Manufacturing”. Edward Elgar
Publishing Limited, 2007.
2. D. Rodick, “Industrial Development for the 21st Century: Sustainable Development Perspectives”, UN
New York, 2007.
3. Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F. and Boyd, J.A., “An Introduction to Sustainable Development”, Earthscan,
London, 2007.
4. P. Lawn, “Sustainable Development Indicators in Ecological Economics”, Edward Elgar Publishing
5. S. Asefa, “The Economics of Sustainable Development”, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment
Research, 2005.
3 0 0 3
Financial analysis – cash flows for project appraisal- Investment evaluation using capital
budgeting techniques - net present value, profitability index internal rate of return, payback
period, accounting rate of return
1. Prasanna Chandra, “Projects – Planning, Analysis, Financing, Implementation and Review”, Tata
McGraw Hill,4th Ed, 1997
2. S.Choudry “Project Management”, Tata McGraw Hill,27th Ed, 2006
3. John M Nicholas, “Project Management for Business and Technology”, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education Asia, 2001
1. Recognize the importance of Product Life Cycle Management
2. Realize potential for Collaborative Product Development and digital manufacturing in
contemporary manufacturing applications
3. Competence to develop PLM strategy and conduct PLM assessment
Introduction to Product Life Cycle Management(PLM)- Definition, PLM Lifecycle model, Need
for PLM, Opportunities and benefits of PLM, Components and Phases of PLM, PLM feasibility
Developing a PLM strategy and conducting a PLM assessment- Strategy, Impact of strategy,
implementing a PLM strategy, PLM initiatives to support corporate objectives. Infrastructure
assessment, assessment of current systems and applications
1. Antti Saaksvuori, Anselmi Immonen, “ Product Lifecycle Management”, Springer, 2005
2. John Stark, “Product lifecycle management: 21st century paradigm for product realization”,
Springer 2006 London, 3rd printing -2006. 441 pp., ISBN: 1-85233-810-5.
3. Michael Grieves, “Product lifecycle management: Driving the next generation of Lean thinking”,
McGraw-Hill, 2006
4. Kari Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, “Product Design & Development”, McGraw Hill
International Edition, 1999