Development Length & Splices of Reinforcement

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Niveen Lutfi

April - 2007
 Notation

a = Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block as defined in, mm

Ab = area of individual bar, mm2
As = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement , mm2
Atr = total cross sectional area of all transverse reinforcement that is within the
spacing s that crosses the potential plane of splitting through the
reinforcement being developed, mm²
Av = area of shear reinforcement within a distance s, mm2
bw = Web width, or diameter of circular section, mm
c = Spacing or cover dimension, mm
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension
reinforcement, mm
db = nominal diameter of bar
√f'c = square root of specified compressive strength of concrete
fct = average splitting tensile strength of light –weight aggregate concrete, MPa
fy = Specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, MPa
fyt = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement, MPa
ktr = Transverse reinforcement index, mm
= Atrfyt/10sn (constant 10 carries the unit MPa)
ℓa = additional embedment length at support or at point of inflection, mm
ℓd = development length, mm
= ℓdb x applicable modification factors
ℓdb = Basic development length, mm
ℓdh = development length of standard hook in tension, measured from critical
section to outside end of hook (straight embedment length between critical
section and start of hook [point of tangency]plus radius of bend and one bar
diameter), mm
ℓhb x applicable modification factors
ℓhb = Basic development length of standard hook in tension, mm
Mn = nominal moment strength at section, N-m
= Asfy(d – a/2)
n = maximum centre-to-centre spacing of transverse reinforcement within
ℓd, mm
s Number of bars or wires being developed along the plane of splitting
Vc = nominal shear strength provided by concrete, N
Vs = nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, N
Vu = factored shear force at section, N
βb = ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total area of tension reinforcement at

= strength reduction factor



The design of beam is based on the assumption that no slippage will occur between the
reinforcement and the concrete when a load is applied. In other words, it is assumed that
the steel will undergo the same tensile and compressive deformation as the concrete to
which it is bonded.

For the steel to deform in conjunction with the concrete, the concrete must exert shear-
type stresses, termed bond stresses.

If such bond stresses did not develop, the steel would remain unstressed and would not
contribute the bending strength of the cross section. A bending failure will then occur in a
sudden brittle manner when the tensile stresses in the concrete reached the modulus of
rupture, the concrete behaving as no steel were present.



Figure 1 Failure due to lack of bond between concrete and steel;

∆ = distance bar slips at each end.


1- Chemical adhesion.
2- Friction.
3- Bearing of the bar deformation against concrete.


The development length is defined as that length of embedment necessary to

develop the full tensile strength of the bar controlled by pullout or splitting.

With reference to figure 2, the moment and therefore the steel stress is maximum at
point a and zero at the supports. If the bar stress is fs at a, then the total tension force
Abfs must be transferred from the bar to the concrete in the distance ℓ by bond forces.
To fully develop the strength of the bar, Abfy, the distance ℓ must be at least equal to the
development length of the bar and then no bond failure will occur.
That is, the beam will fail in bending or shear rather than by bond failure.


Figure 2 Development length

So the main requirement for safety against bond failure is that the length of the bar from
any point of given stress (fs or at most fy ) to its nearby free end must at least equal to its
development length.

2. ACI – 2002 Provisions :


a. Basic Equation for Development of Tension Bars

 
 
 9 fy  
d   d b
 10 f c  c  K tr  
  d 
  b 
In which the term (c + Ktr)/db shall not be taken greater than 2.50.

In the above expression terms are defined and values established as follows:
α = reinforcement location Horizontal reinforcement so placed that
factor more than (300 mm) of fresh concrete is 1.3
cast in the member below the development
length or splices
Other reinforcement 1.0
β = coating factor Epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover less
than 3db or clear spacing less than 6db 1.5
All other epoxy-coated bars or wires 1.2
Uncoated reinforcement 1.0
However, the product of αβ need not be taken greater than 1.7
γ = reinforcement size factor (No. 19) and smaller bars and deformed 0.8
(No. 22) and larger bars 1.0
λ = lightweight aggregate When lightweight aggregate is used 1.3
concrete factor However, when fct is specified, λ shall be
permitted to be taken as √f'c / 1.8fct but not 1.0
less than
When normal-weight concrete is used 1.1
c = spacing or cover dimension, mm
Use the smaller of either the distance from the
centre of the bar to the nearest concrete surface or
one-half center-to-center spacing of the bars being
Ktr = transverse reinforcement index = Atrfyt / (10sn)
It shall be permitted to use Ktr = 0 as a design simplification even if transverse
Reinforcement is present.

b. Simplified Equations for Development Length :

No. 19 and smaller bars No. 22 and larger bars

Clear spacing of bars
developed or spliced ≥ db,
clear cover ≥ db, and stirrups  12f y    3f y  
 d  d
or ties throughout ℓd not less  25 f   b  5 f  b
 c   c 
than the code minimum
Clear spacing of bars being
developed or spliced ≥ 2db, Same as above Same as above
and clear cover ≥ db
other cases  18f y    9f y  
 d  d
 25 f   b  10 f   b
 c   c 

But ℓd shall not be less than 300 mm

1. We may easily construct simple, useful expressions. For example, in all structures
with normal weight concrete (λ = 1.0), uncoated reinforcement (β = 1.0), No.22 or
larger bottom bars (α = 1.0) with f'c = 30 MPa and Grade 420 reinforcement, the
equations reduce to:

d  d b  46d b
5 30


d  d b  69d b
10 30

2. Reduction in development length shall be permitted where reinforcement in a flexural

member is in excess of that required by analysis by a factor equal to
(As required / As provided).


If beam's dimensions are limited so that a tension bar cannot be extended in a straight
line a distance equal to the required development length, a hook may be added to provide
additional anchorage capacity. Depending on the particular configuration of the structural
member, either a 90° or 180° bend may be used to form a hook.

The 180° hook is mostly suited to shallow members; the 90° hook is often used when
horizontal reinforcement in one member is to be made continuous with vertical
reinforcement in a second member.

a. Standard Dimensions

db db

Critical section Critical section

4db No. 10 to No. 25

12db 4db or
60 mm min. 5d b No. 29, No. 32 & No. 36

6d b No. 43 & No. 57

dh dh

(a) (b)

Figure 3 Dimensions of standard hooks: (a) 90° hook, (b) 180° hook

b. Development Length for Hooked Deformed Bars in Tension

A. Development length ℓdh for hooked bars with fy equal to 420 MPa 100db/√f'c
B. Modification factors applied to ℓdh
Bar yield strength
Bars with fy other than 420 MPa fy / 420
Concrete cover
For No. 36 and smaller bar hooks with side cover (normal to
plane of hook) not less than 60 mm, and for 90° hooks with 0.7
cover on bar extension beyond hook not less than 50 mm
Ties or stirrups
For No. 36 and smaller bars hook enclosed vertically or horizontally
with ties or stirrups spaced along the full development length ℓdh not 0.8
greater than 3db, where db is diameter of hooked bar
Excess reinforcement
Where anchorage or development for fy is not specifically required, A s required
reinforcement in excess of that required by analysis A s provided
For epoxy-coated bars 1.2
For other bars 1.0
For lightweight aggregate concrete 1.3
For normal-weight concrete 1.0


A. Basic development length ℓdb ≥ dbfy/4√f'c
≥ 0.04dbfy
B. Modification factors to be applied to ℓdb
Excess reinforcement
Reinforcement in excess of that required by analysis A s required
A s provided
Spirals and ties
Reinforcement enclosed within spiral reinforcement not
less than 6 mm diameter and not more than 100mm pitch 0.75
or within no. 13 ties spaced at not more than 100mm on


a. Lap Splices in Tension

Minimum length of lap for tension lap splices shall be as required for Class A or B splices,
but not less than 300 mm, where :

Class A splice……………………………………1.0 ℓd
Class B splice……………………………………1.3 ℓd

Where ℓd is the tensile development length for the specified yield strength fy .

Conditions for which Class A or Class B is applicable are listed below:

A s required Maximum percent of As spliced within

A s provided required lap length
50 100
Equal to or greater than 2 Class A Class B
Less than 2 Class B Class B

No reduction in development length is allowed when the area of steel supplied is
greater than area of steel required.

b. Compression Splices

Compression lap splices length shall be:

For fy ≤ 420 MPa 0.07fydb

For fy > 420 MPa (0.13fy – 24)db

But not less than 300 mm

For f'c < 20 MPa, length of lap shall be increased by one-third.

When bars of different sizes are lap spliced in compression, splice length shall be the
larger of either development length of larger bar, or splice length of smaller bar.

c. Special Splice Requirements for Columns

The column splice should satisfy requirements for all load combinations for the column.
Frequently, the basic gravity load combination will govern the design of the column itself,
but a load combination including wind or seismic loads may induce greater tension in
some column bars, and the column splice shall be designed for this tension.

Where the bar stress due to factored loads is compressive, lap splices shall conform to
the previous equations, considering, where applicable, the following:

1. In tied reinforced compression members, where ties throughout the lap splice length
have an effective area not less than 0.0015hs, lap splice length shall be permitted to be
multiplied by 0.83, but lap length shall not be less than 300 mm. Tie legs perpendicular to
dimension h shall be used in determining effective area.

2. In spirally reinforced compression members, lap splice length of bars within a spiral
shall be permitted to be multiplied by 0.75, but lap length shall not be less than 300 mm.

Where the bar stress due to factored loads is tensile and does not exceed 0.5fy in tension,
lap splices shall be Class B tension lap splices if more than one-half of the bars are
spliced at any section, or Class A tension lap splices if half or fewer of the bars are spliced
at any section and alternate lap splices are staggered by ℓd .

Where the bar stress due to factored loads is greater than 0.5fy in tension, lap splices
shall be Class B tension lap splices.



Complete collapse of a beam well occur suddenly if the ends of the positive steel
extending into a simple support or into a point of inflection are not properly anchored
and slip out. Although the moment is zero at these points and the stress in the steel is
low, the bond stresses, a function of the rate at which the moment is changing rather
than a function of the absolute value of moment, may be large. The rate at which the
moment changes is related to the shear, which is maximum at a simple support and
often high at a point of inflection. To prevent a local bond failure, ACI Code 12.11.3
requires the diameter of the positive reinforcement to be limited so that,
 Mn 
  a at point of inflection 
 Vu 
d   
1.3 n   a at simple support 
 Vu 
 
ℓa not exceed 12db or d at point of inflection. If hook is used it must be converted to
an equivalent length of straight bar with the same anchorage capacity.


a. Theoretical Points of Cutoff or Bend

In the design of typical continuous beam of constant depth, the areas of flexural steel
are computed at all points of maximum positive and maximum negative moment. If
these areas of steel are run continuously throughout each region of positive or negative
moment, the beam will be over designed at all points except those where the moment is
maximum. Although this is certainly safe, it is often desirable, particularly in heavily
reinforced members, to terminate a portion of the steel when the moment decreases
significantly. This reduction in steel reduces the volume of reinforcement, the expensive
component, and lowers the cost of the member. In addition the reduction in congestion
produced by terminating excessive bars facilitates the flow of concrete into all regions of
the forms and permits improved compaction.

One or more bars can be terminated at the theoretical cutoff point, at which the moment
produced by the factored loads reduces to the moment capacity of the cross section
reinforced with the continuing bars. Normally the designer terminates 50 to 60 percent
of the steel area sized at the point of maximum moment.

According to ACI Code 8.3, uniformly loaded, continuous reinforced concrete beams of
fairly regular span may be designed using moment coefficients. When such coefficients
are used in design, cut-off and bend points may be found from the following graphs:

Figure 4 Location of points where bars can be bent up or cut off for simply
supported beams uniformly loaded

Figure 5 Approximate Locations of points where bars can be bent up or down
or cut off for continuous beams uniformly loaded and built integrally with their
supports according to the coefficients in the ACI Code

Alternatively, if moments are found by frame analysis rather than from ACI moment
coefficients, the location along the span where bending moment reduces to any
particular value (e.g., as determined by the bar group after some bars are cut off), or to
zero, is easily computed by statics.

b. Practical Considerations and ACI requirements:

If negative bars L are to be cut off they must extend a full development length ℓd beyond
the face of support. In addition, they must extend a distance d or 12 db beyond the
theoretical point of cutoff defined by the moment diagram. The remaining negative bars
M (at least one-third of the total negative area) must extend at least ℓd beyond the
theoretical point of cutoff of bars L and in addition must extend d, 12db, or ℓn/16
(whichever is greatest) past the point of inflection of the negative-moment diagram.

If the positive bars N are to be cut off, they must project ℓd past the point of theoretical
maximum moment, as well as d or 12 db beyond the cutoff point from the positive-
moment diagram. The remaining positive bars O must extend ℓd past the theoretical
point of cutoff of bars N and must extend at least 150 mm, into the face of the support.

Face of
support CL of span


of bars O

point for

Theoretical Inflection
negative point for
Moment moment (-As)
of bars M

Greatest of d, 12db,
n /16 for at least 1/3
of (-AS)

d or 12db

Bars M

Bars L
Bars N

Bars O
d or 12db

150 mm for at least 1/4 of (+AS ) d

(1/3 for simple spans)

Figure 6 Bar cutoff requirements of the ACI Code

c. Shear Requirements at Cutoff Points in Tension Zones

When bars are cut off in a tension zone, there is a tendency toward the formation of
premature flexural and diagonal tension cracks in the vicinity of the cut end. This may
result in a reduction of shear capacity and a loss in overall ductility of the beam.
ACI Code 12.10 requires special precautions, specifying that No flexural bar shall be
terminated in a tension zone unless one of the following conditions is satisfied:

1. The shear Vu due to factored loads must not exceed two-thirds of the
available shear strength of the cross section;
Vu ≤ ⅔ Ф (Vc + Vs)

2. For No. 36 and smaller bars, the area of steel supplied by the
continuing bars must be twice that required for moment at the cutoff point, and the
shear due to factored loads must not exceed three-fourths of the shear capacity of
the cross section;
As,sup ≥ 2As,req
Vu ≤ ¾ Ф (Vc + Vs)

3. Extra stirrups, in addition to those required for shear and torsion, are
supplied. They are to be positioned along each terminated bar for a distance of
three-fourth the effective depth of the member from the cutoff point. The area of the
additional stirrups Av is not to be less than
In addition the spacing s of the additional stirrups is not to exceed d/8βb

It may be evident that the determination of cutoff or bend point in flexural members is
complicated and can be extremely time-consuming in design. It is important to
recognize that the overall cost of construction will be increased very little if some bars
are slightly longer than absolutely necessary, according to calculation, or as dictated
by ACI Code provisions. In addition, simplicity in construction is a desired goal, and
can, in itself, produce compensating cost saving. Accordingly, many engineers in
practice continue all positive reinforcement into the face of the supports the required
150 mm. and extend all negative reinforcement the required distance past the points of
inflection, rather than using staggered cutoff points.

3. BS 8110 Provisions:


a. General

The anchorage bond lengths are calculated based on the following equation:

fb= Fs/πФeℓ does not exceed fbu=β√fcu

fb is the bond stress
Fs is the force in the bar or group of bars
ℓ is the anchorage length
Фe is the effective bar size which, for a single bar is equal to the bar size and, for
a group of bars in contact equal to the diameter of a bar of equal total area
fbu is the design ultimate anchorage bond stress
β is a coefficient dependent on the bar type

b. Anchorage of Column Starter Bars in Bases or Pile Caps

The compression bond stresses that develop on starter bars within bases or pile
caps do not need to be checked provided:

a) the starters extend down to level of the bottom reinforcement .

b) the base or pile cap has been designed for moments and shears in
accordance with BS Code 3.11


a. Minimum Lap Splices

The minimum lap length for bar reinforcement should be not less than 15db or
300 mm, whichever is the greater, and for fabric reinforcement should be not less
than 250 mm.

b. Laps in Beams and Columns with Limited Cover

Where both bars at lap exceed size 20 and the cover is less than 1.5 times the size
of the smaller bar, transverse links should be provided throughout the lap length. At
the lap the links should be at least one-quarter the size of the smaller bar and the
spacing should not exceed 200 mm.

c. Design of Tension Laps

The length should be at least equal to the design tension anchorage length
necessary to develop the required stress in the reinforcement. Lap lengths for
unequal size bars may be based upon the smaller bar.

The following provisions also apply:

1. where a lap occurs at the top of a section as cast and the minimum cover is less
than the size of the lapped reinforcement, the lap length should be increased by
a factor of 1.4

2. where a lap occurs at the corner of a section and the minimum cover to either
face is less than twice the size of the lapped reinforcement or, where the clear
distance between adjacent laps is less than 75 mm or six times the size of the
lapped reinforcement, whichever is the greater, the lap length should be
increased by a factor of 1.4

3. in cases where both conditions a) and b) apply, the lap length should be
increased by a factor of 2.0

d. Maximum amount of Reinforcement in a Layer Including

Tension Laps

At laps, the sum of the reinforcement sizes in a particular layer should not exceed
40% of the width of the section at that level.

e. Design of Compression Laps

The length should be at least 25% greater than the compression anchorage length
necessary to develop the required stressing the reinforcement. Lap lengths for
unequal size bars may be based upon the smaller bar.

Values for lap lengths are given in the following table as multiples of bar size.

Ultimate anchorage bond lengths and lap lengths as multiple of bar size
Reinforcement types Grade Grade 460
250 Plain Plain Deformed Deformed Fabric
type 1 type 2
Concrete cube strength 25
Tension anchorage and lap length 43 79 55 44 34
1.4 x tension lap 60 10 77 62 48
2.0 x tension lap 85 157 110 88 68
Compression anchorage length 34 63 44 35 28
Compression lap length 43 79 55 44 34
Concrete cube strength 30
Tension anchorage and lap length 39 72 50 40 31
1.4 x tension lap 55 100 70 56 44
2.0 x tension lap 78 143 100 80 62
Compression anchorage length 32 58 40 32 25
Compression lap length 39 72 50 40 31
Concrete cube strength 35
Tension anchorage and lap length 36 67 47 38 29
1.4 x tension lap 51 93 65 52 40
2.0 x tension lap 72 133 93 75 57
Compression anchorage length 29 53 38 30 23
Compression lap length 36 67 47 38 29
Concrete cube strength 40
Tension anchorage and lap length 34 62 44 35 27
1.4 x tension lap 48 87 61 49 38
2.0 x tension lap 68 124 81 70 54
Compression anchorage length 27 50 35 28 22
Compression lap length 34 62 44 35 27


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