PVC Technical Manual

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PVC Pressure Pipe & Fittings

Technical Manual

ISO 9001
Lic 570

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems
Minimum pack quantities apply to all products, orders will automatically be adjusted to minimum pack quantities or multiple.

Limitation of Liability
This product catalogue has been compiled by Vinidex Pty Limited (“the Company”) to promote better understanding of the technical aspects of the Company’s
products to assist users in obtaining from them the best possible performance. The product catalogue is supplied subject to acknowledgement of the following
conditions: 1 The product catalogue is protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or in part without
prior consent in writing by the Company.. 2 Product specifications, usage data and advisory information may change from time to time with advances in research
and field experience. The Company reserves the right to make such changes at any time without further notice. 3 Correct usage of the Company’s products
involves engineering judgements, which can not be properly made without full knowledge of all the conditions pertaining to each specific installation. The
Company expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person whether supplied with this publication or not in respect of anything and all of the consequences
of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether whole or part of the contents of this publication. 4 No offer to trade, nor any
conditions of trading, are expressed or implied by the issue of content of this product catalogue. Nothing herein shall override the Company’s Condition of
Sale, which may be obtained from the Registered Office or any Sales Office of the Company. 5 This product catalogue is and shall remain the property of the
Company, and shall be surrendered on demand to the Company. 6 Information supplied in this product catalogue does not override a job specification, where
such conflict arises; consult the authority supervising the job. © Copyright Vinidex Pty Limited..

Introduction 3

Manufacture 4

Quality Assurance 6

Research And Development 6

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

From Modest Beginning to

Australia’s Leader

Vinidex Pty Limited is Austra-
lia’s leading manufacturer of
PVC pipes.
From its modest beginnings in
Sydney in 1960, the company
has grown dynamically with
factories now located in
Sydney, Melbourne, Perth,
Brisbane, Townsville and
Wagga. Supply depots are Vinidex pressure pipes and design. They are referred to as
maintained in Adelaide, Dar- fittings combine the unique ‘pressure’ or ‘non-pressure’
win, Launceston and Mildura. physical properties of PVC applications.
Vinidex pipe and fitting polymer with the most This manual covers pressure
systems are used in a broad advanced manufacturing applications with particular
cross-section of applications techniques and will continue emphasis on general water
including: to meet the exacting demands supply. Other applications
of the water supply industry include irrigation, industrial,
• Water, wastewater and in Australia and a growing and pumped sewerage mains.
drainage number of overseas countries, It provides state-of-the-art
• Irrigation well into the 21st century. information on material char-
• Mining and industrial acteristics and performance,
• Plumbing pipe selection and system
• Gas
PVC Pipe - World Leader design procedures, installation
• Communications PVC pipe is the world’s most recommendations and detailed
• Electrical widely used medium for product specification data for
conveyance of fluids. both pipe and fittings. To date
Vinidex is the most experi- After centuries of use of this is the most comprehensive
enced company in Australia ancient materials such as technical manual published in
in the supply of PVC pipes clay, lead, iron and more Australia on PVC pressure pipe
for mains water reticulation recently steel, Ductile Iron and systems.
and was the first to produce asbestos cement, PVC has, in
a rubber ring jointed pressure a comparatively short 50 years,
pipe. Early Vinidex rubber ring invaded all of the traditional
joint installations include: applications of these materials
1966, with the Victorian Rural to become the premier pipe
Water Commission (previously material, measured by length
State Rivers and Water Supply or value, in the world today.
Commission) The product has well recog-
1967, with the New South nised advantages of immunity
Wales Department of Public to corrosion, chemical and
Works for water supply micro-/macro-biological
projects. resistance, hydraulic capacity,
ease of handling and installa-
Vinidex pressure pipe and tion together with toughness
fittings are manufactured from and flexibility to withstand
high quality PVC polymer. abuse. Its widespread applica-
Vinidex specifications exceed tions are largely attributable to
the requirements of the various these features.
national and state specifying Pipe applications fall into two
authorities and Standards broad categories primarily
Australia. determined by the dominance
of either internal pressure or
external loading over

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Weighing Mixing Batching Extruder Head & Die Sizing Bath

Raw Material

Figure 1.1 Typical Pipe Extrusion Line

MANUFACTURE the blend to be conveyed to The pipe is pulled through the

intermediate storage (4) where sizing and cooling operations
Basically, PVC products are even temperature and density by the puller or haul-off (9)
formed from raw PVC powder consistency are achieved. at a constant speed. Speed
by a process of heat and pres- The heart of the process, control is very important
sure. The two major processes the extruder (5), has a when this equipment is used
used in manufacture are temperature-controlled, zoned because the speed at which
extrusion for pipe and injection barrel in which rotate precision the pipe is pulled will affect the
moulding for fittings. “screws”. Modern extruder wall thickness of the finished
Modern PVC processing screws are complex devices, product. In the case of rubber
involves highly developed carefully designed with varying ring jointed pipe the haul-off
scientific methods requiring flights to control the compres- is slowed down at appropriate
precise control over process sion and shear, developed intervals to thicken the pipe in
variables. The polymer material in the material, during all the area of the socket.
is a free flowing powder, which stages of the process. The An in-line printer (10) marks the
requires the addition of sta- twin counter-rotating screw pipes at regular intervals, with
bilisers and processing aids. configuration used by all major identification according to size,
Formulation and blending are manufacturers offers improved class, type, date, Standard
critical stages of the process processing. number, and extruder number.
and tight specifications are The PVC dryblend is metered An automatic cut-off saw (11)
maintained for incoming into the barrel and screws, cuts the pipe to the required
raw materials, batching and which then convert the dry length.
mixing. Feed to the extrusion blend into the required “melt” A belling machine forms a
or moulding machines may state, by heat, pressure and socket on the end of each
be direct, in the form of “dry shear. During its passage along length of pipe (12). There are
blend”, or pre-processed into a the screws, the PVC passes two general forms of socket.
granular “compound”. through a number of zones For rubber-ring jointed pipe,
that compress, homogenise a collapsible mandrel is used,
and vent the melt stream. whereas a plain mandrel is
Extrusion (Figure 1.1) The final zone increases the used for solvent jointed sock-
Polymer and additives (1) pressure to extrude the melt ets. Rubber ring pipe requires
are accurately weighed (2) through the head and die set a chamfer on the spigot, which
and processed through (6) which is shaped according is executed either at the saw
the high speed mixing (3) to the size of the pipe required station or belling unit.
to blend the raw materials and flow characteristics of the The finished product is stored
into a uniformly distributed melt stream. Once the pipe in holding areas for inspection
dry blend mixture. A mixing leaves the extrusion die, it is and final laboratory testing
temperature of around 120°C sized by passing through a and quality acceptance (13).
is achieved by frictional heat. precision sizing sleeve with All production is tested and
At various stages of the external vacuum. This is inspected in accordance with
mixing process, the additives sufficient to harden the exterior the appropriate Australian
melt and progressively coat layer of PVC and hold the pipe Standard and/or to specifica-
the PVC polymer granules. diameter during final cooling tions of the purchaser.
After reaching the required in a controlled water cooling After inspection and ac-
temperature, the blend is chambers (8). ceptance, the pipe is stored to
automatically discharged into a await final dispatch (14).
cooling chamber which rapidly
reduces the temperature to
around 50°C, thereby allowing
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

The pipe is pulled through the tions of the purchaser. termined “shot size”. During
sizing and cooling operations After inspection and ac- this action, pressure and heat
by the puller or haul-off (9) ceptance, the pipe is stored to “plasticise” the material, which
at a constant speed. Speed await final dispatch (14). now in its melted state, awaits
control is very important injection into the mould.
when this equipment is used For oriented PVC (PVC-O)
because the speed at which pipes, the extrusion process All this takes place during the
the pipe is pulled will affect the is followed by an additional cooling cycle of the previous
wall thickness of the finished expansion process which shot. After a preset time
product. In the case of rubber takes place under well defined the mould will open and the
ring jointed pipe the haul-off and carefully controlled finished moulded fitting will be
is slowed down at appropriate conditions of temperature ejected from the mould.
intervals to thicken the pipe in and pressure. It is during the
the area of the socket. expansion that the molecular The mould then closes and
An in-line printer (10) marks the orientation, which imparts the the melted plastic in the front
pipes at regular intervals, with high strength typical of PVC-O, of the barrel is injected under
identification according to size, occurs. high pressure by the screw
class, type, date, Standard now acting as a plunger. The
number, and extruder number. Injection Moulding plastic enters the mould to
An automatic cut-off saw (11) form the next fitting.
cuts the pipe to the required PVC fittings are manufactured
length. by high-pressure injection After injection, recharge
moulding. In contrast to con- commences while the moulded
A belling machine forms a tinuous extrusion, moulding fitting goes through its cooling
socket on the end of each is a repetitive cyclic process, cycle.
length of pipe (12). There are where a “shot” of material is
two general forms of socket. delivered to a mould in each
For rubber-ring jointed pipe, cycle.
a collapsible mandrel is used,
whereas a plain mandrel is PVC material, either in dry
used for solvent jointed sock- blend powder form or granular
ets. Rubber ring pipe requires compound form, is gravity fed
a chamfer on the spigot, which from a hopper situated above
is executed either at the saw the injection unit, into the
station or belling unit. barrel housing a reciprocating
The finished product is stored screw.
in holding areas for inspection
and final laboratory testing The barrel is charged with the
and quality acceptance (13). required amount of plastic
All production is tested and by the screw rotating and
inspected in accordance with conveying the material to the
the appropriate Australian front of the barrel. The position
Standard and/or to specifica- of the screw is set to a prede-

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

QUALITY ASSURANCE Product Testing • Light transmission tests

- This test is conducted
Vinidex is committed to the Products are examined and to ensure that PVC pipes
philosophy of Total Qual- tested to ensure compliance have sufficient opacity to
ity Management. All Vinidex with the relevant Australian prevent growth of algae
manufacturing sites are Standard. Pipe production is in the water conveyed. It
certified to AS/NZS ISO 9002, fully traceable and test results is a type test for a given
“ Quality systems- Model for are recorded for all extrusion formulation and pipe wall
quality assurance in produc- and moulded products. thickness.
tion, installation and servicing.”
Vinidex was the first PVC pipe The tests specified in Austra- • Joint pressure and
manufacturer in Australia to lian Standards can be divided infiltration tests
be awarded the prestigious into two main categories, - Elastomeric ring joints
StandardsMark product type tests and quality control are subjected to both an
certification. Since that time, tests. Type tests are tests that internal hydrostatic pres-
StandardsMark certification are carried out to verify the sure test and an external
has been achieved by Vinidex acceptability of a formulation, pressure or internal
for products to various process or product design. vacuum test in order to
Australian Standards, including They are repeated whenever ensure a satisfactory joint
AS/NZS 1477, PVC pipes and any of these factors changes. design.
fittings for pressure applica- Dimensional checks and qual-
tions, AS/NZS 4765, Modified ity control tests are routinely • Processing tests - A
PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pres- conducted at regular intervals number of tests are con-
sure applications and AS 4441 during production. The follow- ducted in accordance with
Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes ing is a brief summary of the Standards to ensure the
for pressure applications. tests included in AS/NZS 1477, manufacturing process is
AS/NZS 4441(Int) and AS/NZS consistent and repeated.
From the raw materials enter- 4765 and their significance to
ing the factory to the delivery pressure pipes and fittings. RESEARCH AND
of the finished product, the DEVELOPMENT
Vinidex emphasis on quality • Effect on water - This is a
and customer service ensures series of type tests carried Vinidex has gained interna-
performance that exceeds the out in order to demonstrate tional recognition as leaders
requirements of industry and that the pipe or fitting does in PVC processing technology
standards. not have a detrimental and product performance
effect on the quality of evaluation. New and existing
drinking water. It assesses materials and products un-
Raw Material the effect of the pipe dergo continuous examination.
All raw materials for Vinidex or fittings on the taste, Advancements in polymer and
products must meet detailed odour and appearance of processing technology are
specifications and suppliers water as well as the health closely monitored.
are required to conform aspects due to growth of
to strict quality assurance microorganisms and leach- Vinidex regards its commit-
standards. ing of toxic substances. ment to research and develop-
ment as part of its investment
• Vinyl chloride monomer in the future of the company,
Production Process test- This requirement is its customers and Australia.
Control to ensure that the residual
Production processes are VCM in PVC material does
enumerated, closely specified not exceed safe limits.
and continuously monitored
and recorded. Inspection
and control are exercised by
properly trained personnel
using calibrated equipment.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Different Types of Polyvinyl Chloride 2
Comparison Between OPVC, MPVC and Standard PVC 3
Typical Properties 4
Mechanical Properties 6
Evaluated Temperatures 7
The Chemical Performance of PVC 8
Other Material Performance Aspects 9
Chemical Resistance of PVC - Performance Chart 11
Chemical Resistance of Various Elastomers - Performance Chart 30

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems
Minimum pack quantities apply to all products, orders will automatically be adjusted to minimum pack quantities or multiple.

Limitation of Liability
This product catalogue has been compiled by Vinidex Pty Limited (“the Company”) to promote better understanding of the technical aspects of the Company’s
products to assist users in obtaining from them the best possible performance. The product catalogue is supplied subject to acknowledgement of the following
conditions: 1 The product catalogue is protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means in whole or in part without
prior consent in writing by the Company.. 2 Product specifications, usage data and advisory information may change from time to time with advances in research
and field experience. The Company reserves the right to make such changes at any time without further notice. 3 Correct usage of the Company’s products
involves engineering judgements, which can not be properly made without full knowledge of all the conditions pertaining to each specific installation. The
Company expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person whether supplied with this publication or not in respect of anything and all of the consequences
of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether whole or part of the contents of this publication. 4 No offer to trade, nor any
conditions of trading, are expressed or implied by the issue of content of this product catalogue. Nothing herein shall override the Company’s Condition of
Sale, which may be obtained from the Registered Office or any Sales Office of the Company. 5 This product catalogue is and shall remain the property of the
Company, and shall be surrendered on demand to the Company. 6 Information supplied in this product catalogue does not override a job specification, where
such conflict arises; consult the authority supervising the job. © Copyright Vinidex Pty Limited..

POLYVINYL CHLORIDE of plasticisers. Other types of PVC-O is manufactured by a

(PVC) PVC are called CPVC (PVC-C) process which results in a
(chlorinated PVC), which has preferential orientation of the
Polyvinyl chloride is a a higher chlorine content and long chain PVC molecules in
thermoplastics material oriented PVC (PVC-O) which the circumferential or hoop
which consists of PVC resin is PVC-U where the molecules direction. This provides a
compounded with varying are preferentially aligned in a marked enhancement of
proportions of stabilisers, particular direction. properties in this direction.
lubricants, fillers, pigments, In addition to other benefits,
plasticisers and processing PVC-U (unplasticised) is hard ultimate tensile strength up to
aids. Different compounds of and rigid with an ultimate double that of PVC-U can be
these ingredients have been tensile stress of approximately obtained for PVC-O. In
developed to obtain specific 52 MPa at 20°C and is resistant applications such as pressure
groups of properties for to most chemicals. Generally pipes, where well defined
different applications. How- PVC-U can be used at stress directionality is pres-
ever, the major part of each temperatures up to 60°C, ent, very significant gains in
compound is PVC resin. although the actual strength and/or savings in
temperature limit is dependent materials can be made.
The technical terminology for on stress and environmental
PVC in organic chemistry is conditions. Typical properties of PVC-O
poly (vinyl chloride): a polymer, are:
i.e. chained molecules, of vinyl PVC-M (modified) is rigid and Tensile Strength of PVC-O -
chloride. The brackets are not has improved toughness, 90 MPa
used in common literature and particularly in impact. The Elastic Modulus of PVC-O -
the name is commonly elastic modulus, yield stress 4000 MPa
abbreviated to PVC. The and ultimate tensile strength
common terminology is used are generally lower than Property enhancement by
throughout this publication. PVC-U. These properties molecular orientation is well
Where the discussion refers depend on the type and known and some industrial
to a specific type of PVC pipe, amount of modifier used. examples have been produced
that type will be explicitly for over thirty years. In more
identified as detailed below. PVC (plasticised) is less rigid; recent times, it has been
Where the discussion is has high impact strength; is applied to consumer products
general, the term “PVC pipes” easier to extrude or mould; has such as films, high strength
will be used to cover the range lower temperature resistance; garbage bags, carbonated
of PVC pipe materials in this is less resistant to chemicals, beverage bottles and the like.
manual. and usually has lower ultimate
tensile strength. The variability The technique for applying
Different Types of from compound to compound molecular orientation to PVC
in plasticised PVC is greater pipes was pioneered during
Polyvinyl Chloride
than that in PVC-U. the 1970’s by Yorkshire
The PVC compounds with Imperial Plastics and in fact the
the greatest short-term and PVC-C (chlorinated) is similar earliest trial installations were
long-term strengths are those to PVC-U in most of its proper- made in 1974 with 100 mm
that contain no plasticisers and ties but it has a higher tem- pipe by the Yorkshire Water
the minimum of compounding perature resistance, being able Authority, United Kingdom.
ingredients. This type of PVC to function up to 95°C. It has a Vinidex commenced
is known as UPVC or PVC-U. similar ultimate stress at 20°C production in a pilot PVC-O
Other resins or modifiers and an ultimate tensile stress pipe plant in early 1982
(such as ABS, CPE or acrylics) of about 15 MPa at 80°C. and PVC-O pipes were first
may be added to UPVC to installed in Australia in 1986.
PVC-O (Oriented PVC) is Since that time, Vinidex have
produce compounds with sometimes called HSPVC (high
improved impact resistance. continued to develop and
strength PVC). PVC-O pipes expand the PVC-O product
These compounds are known represent a major
as modified PVC (PVC-M). range in commercial
advancement in the technology production under the
Flexible or plasticised PVC of the PVC pipe industry.
compounds, with a wide registered trade name
range of properties, can also Supermain®.
be produced by the addition

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Comparison Between Design Stress. PVC-O and PROPERTIES OF PVC

OPVC, MPVC and PVC-M pipes operate at a
higher design stress than General properties of PVC
Standard PVC compounds used in pipe
standard PVC-U pipes as a
PVC-O is identical in result of their reduced safety manufacture are given in
composition to PVC-U and factor and in the case of Table 2.1. Unless otherwise
their general properties are PVC-O, higher strength in the noted, the values given are for
correspondingly similar. The hoop direction. standard unmodified
major difference lies in the formulations using K67 PVC
mechanical properties in the Elasticity and Creep. PVC-O resin. Some comparative
direction of orientation. The has a modulus of elasticity values are shown for other
composition of PVC-M differs up to 24% higher than normal pipe materials. Properties of
by the addition of an impact PVC-U in the oriented thermoplastics are subject
modifier and the properties direction and a similar modulus to significant changes with
deviate from standard PVC-U to standard PVC-U in other temperature, and the
depending on the type and directions. The elastic modulus applicable range is noted
amount of modifier used. of PVC-M is marginally lower where appropriate.
The following comparison is than standard PVC-U. Mechanical properties are
general in nature and serves subject to duration of stress
to highlight typical differences Impact Characteristics. PVC-O application, and are more
between pipe grade materials. exceeds standard PVC-U by a properly defined by creep
factor of at least 2 and up to 5. functions. More detailed data
Tensile Strength. The tensile PVC-M also has greater impact pertinent to pipe applications
strength of PVC-O is up to resistance than standard are given in the design
twice that of normal PVC-U. PVC-U. Impact performance section of this manual. For
The tensile strength of PVC-M tests for PVC-M pipes focus data outside of the range of
is slightly lower than standard on obtaining a ductile failure conditions listed, users are
PVC-U. characteristic. advised to contact our
Technical Department.
Toughness. Both PVC-O and
Weathering. There are no
PVC-M behave in a
significant differences in the
consistently ductile manner
weathering characteristics of
under all practical
circumstances. Under some
adverse conditions, in the
Jointing. PVC-U and PVC-M
presence of a notch or flaw,
pipes can be jointed by either 0.02µm
standard PVC-U can exhibit
rubber ring or solvent cement
brittle characteristics.
joints. PVC-O is available in
Safety Factors. The Design of rubber-ring jointed pipes only. Clusters of PVC Molecules
PVC pipes for pressure ap- PVC-O cannot be
plications involves prediction solvent-cement jointed.
of long term properties and
application of a safety factor.
As in all engineering design,
the magnitude of the safety
factor reflects the level of
confidence in the prediction Molecular Entanglements of PVC Pipe
of performance. The greater
confidence in predictable
behaviour for the new
generation materials PVC-M
and PVC-O has the benefit
of allowing a lower factor of
safety to be used in design.

Direction of Orientation

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Typical Properties
Table 2.1 Properties of PVC

Property Value Conditions and Remarks

Physical properties
Molecular weight (resin) 140,000 cf: K57 PVC 70,000
Relative density 1.42 - 1.48 cf: PE 0.95 - 0.96, GRP 1.4 - 2.1,
CI 7.20, Clay 1.8 - 2.6
Water absorption 0.12% 23°C, 24 hours cf: AC 18 - 20% AS1711
Hardness 80 Shore D Durometer, Brinell 15,
Rockwell R 114, cf: PE Shore D 60
Impact strength - 20°C 20 kJ/m2 Charpy 250 µm notch tip radius
Impact strength - 0°C 8 kJ/m2 Charpy 250 µm notch tip radius
Coefficient of friction 0.4 PVC to PVC cf: PE 0.25, PA 0.3

Mechanical properties
Ultimate tensile strength 52 MPa AS 1175 Tensometer at
constant strain rate cf: PE 30
Elongation at break 50 - 80% AS 1175 Tensometer at
constant strain rate cf: PE 600-900
Short term creep rupture 44 MPa Constant load 1 hour value cf: PE 14,
ABS 25
Long term creep rupture 28 MPa Constant load extrapolated 50 year value
cf: PE 8-12
Elastic tensile modulus 3.0 - 3.3 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds cf: PE 0.9-1.2
Elastic flexural modulus 2.7 - 3.0 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds cf: PE 0.7-0.9
Long term creep modulus 0.9 - 1.2 GPa Constant load extrapolated 50 year
secant value cf: PE 0.2 - 0.3
Shear modulus 1.0 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds
G=E/2/(1+µ) cf: PE 0.2
Bulk modulus 4.7 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds
K=E/3/(1-2µ) cf: PE 2.0
Poisson’s ratio 0.4 Increases marginally with time
under load. cf: PE 0.45

Electrical properties
Dielectric strength (breakdown) 14 - 20 kV/mm Short term, 3 mm specimen PE 70-85
Volume resistivity 2 x 1014Ω.m AS 1255.1 PE > 1016
Surface resistivity 1013 - 1014 Ω AS 1255.1 PE > 1013
Dielectric constant (permittivity) 3.9 (3.3) 50 Hz (106 Hz) AS 1255.4
Dissipation factor (power factor) 0.01 (0.02) 50 Hz (106 Hz) AS 1255.4

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Thermal properties
Softening point 80 - 84°C Vicat method AS 1462.5 (min.
75°C for pipes)
Max. continuous service temp. 60°C cf: PE 80*, PP 110*
Coefficient of thermal expansion 7 x 10-5/K 7 mm per 10 m per 10°C
cf: PE 18 - 20 x 10-5, DI 1.2 x 10-5
Thermal conductivity 0.16 W/[m.K] 0 - 50°C PE 0.4
Specific heat 1,000 J/[kg.K] 0 - 50°C
Thermal diffusivity 1.1 x 10-7 m2/s 0 - 50°C

Fire performance
Flammability (oxygen index) 45% ASTM D2863 Fennimore Martin
test, cf: PE 17.5, PP 17.5
Ignitability index 10 - 12 (/20) cf: 9 - 10 when tested as pipe
AS 1530 Early Fire Hazard Test
Smoke produced index 6 - 8 (/l0) cf: 4 - 6 when tested as pipe
AS 1530 Early Fire Hazard Test
Heat evolved index 0
Spread of flame index 0 Will not support combustion.
AS 1530 Early Fire Hazard Test


PE Polyethylene
PP Polypropylene
PA Polyamide (nylon)
CI Cast Iron
AC Asbestos Cement
GRP Glass Reinforced Pipe

Conversion of Units

1 MPa = 10 bar = 9.81 kg/cm2 = 145 lbf/in2

1 Joule = 4.186 calories = 0.948 x 10-3 BTU = 0.737 ft.lbf
1 Kelvin = 1°C = 1.8°F temperature differential

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Mechanical Properties The Stress Regression Line A safety factor is then

applied to the MRS to obtain a
For PVC, like other The consequence of creep is maximum operating stress for
thermoplastics materials, that pipes subjected to higher the pipe material which is used
the stress /strain response is stresses will fail in a shorter to dimension pipes for a range
dependent on both time and time than those subjected to of pressure ratings. In Europe
temperature. When a constant lower stresses. For pressure and Australasia, the ISO design
static load is applied to a pipe applications, long life point of 50 years, or 438,000
plastics material, the resultant is an essential requirement. hours, is adopted. In North
strain behaviour is rather Therefore, it is important that America, the design point of
complex. There is an pipes are designed to operate 100,000 hours has historically
immediate elastic response, at wall stresses which will been used. This design point is
which is fully recovered as ensure that long service quite arbitrary and should not
soon as the load is removed. lives can be achieved. To be interpreted as an indication
In addition there is a slower establish the long term of the expected service life of
deformation, which continues properties, a large number of a PVC pipe. The stress regres-
indefinitely while the load is test specimens, in pipe form, sion line is traditionally plotted
applied until rupture occurs. are tested until rupture. All of on logarithmic axes showing
This is known as creep. If the these separate data points are the circumferential or hoop
load is removed before failure, then plotted on a graph and a stress versus time to rupture.
the recovery of the original regression analysis performed.
dimensions occurs gradually The linear regression analysis
over time. The rate of creep is extrapolated to obtain
and recovery is also influenced the 97.5% lower prediction
by temperature. At higher limit failure stress at the design
temperatures, creep rates tend point which must exceed
to increase. Because of this a minimum required stress
type of response, plastics are (MRS).
known as viscoelastic

Typical Stress Regression Curves

* For MPVC, the 50 year specification point is a 97.5% lower confidence limit point to ensure that the minimum factor of safety is obtained.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Creep Modulus
For PVC, the modulus or
stress/strain relationship must
be considered in the context of Creep in Tension at 20OC
the rate or duration of loading
and the temperature.

A universal method of data

presentation is a curve of
strain versus time at constant
stress. At a given temperature,
a series of curves is required
at different stress levels to
represent the complete picture.
A modulus can be computed
for any stress/strain/ time
combination, and this is
normally referred to as the
creep modulus.

Such curves are useful, for

example, in designing for
short and long term transverse
loadings of pipes.

Tests conducted in both

England and Australia have
shown that PVC-O is stiffer, i.e.
it has a higher modulus, than
standard PVC-U by some 24%
for equivalent conditions in the
oriented direction. From other
work, there appears to be no
significant change in the axial

Elevated Temperatures

Pressure Ratings at Reversion

Elevated Temperatures
The mechanical properties of The term “reversion” refers to
PVC are referenced at 20°C. dimensional change in plastics
Thermoplastics generally de- products as a consequence of
crease in strength and increase “material memory”. Plastics
in ductility as the temperature products “memorise” their
rises and design stresses must original formed shape and if
be adjusted accordingly. they are subsequently dis-
torted, they will return to their
See Section on Design for the original shape under heat.
design ratings for pipes at
temperatures other than 20°C. In reality, reversion proceeds
at all temperatures, but with
high quality extrusion it is of no
practical significance in plain
pipe at temperatures below
60°C and in PVC-O pipe at
temperatures below 50°C.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

The Chemical Factors Affecting Chemical Although PVC-O is

Performance of PVC Resistance chemically identical to
standard PVC-U, rates of
PVC is resistant to many A number of factors can affect attack may vary and this
alcohols, fats, oils and the rate and type of chemical material is not recommended
aromatic free petrol. It is also attack that may occur. These for use in chemical environ-
resistant to most common are: ments or for chemical
corroding agents including conveyance.
inorganic acids, alkalis and Concentration. In general, the
salts. However, PVC should not rate of attack increases with In most environments, the
be used with esters, ketones, concentration, but in many chemical performance of
ethers and aromatic or cases there are threshold PVC-M is expected to be
chlorinated hydrocarbons. PVC levels below which no similar to standard PVC-U.
will absorb these substances significant chemical effect will However, where concentrated
and this will lead to swelling be noted. chemicals are to be in
and a reduction in tensile prolonged contact with PVC-M
strength. Temperature. As with all or elevated temperatures
processes, the rate of attack are likely, it is recommended
Chemical Attack increases as the temperature that some preliminary testing
rises. Again, threshold should be carried out to
Chemicals that attack plastics temperatures may exist. determine the suitability of the
do so at differing rates and in material.
differing ways. There are two Period of Contact. In many
general types of chemical at- cases rates of attack are slow Sewage Discharges
tack on plastic: and of significance only with
sustained contact. PVC will not be affected by
1. Swelling of the plastic anything that can be normally
occurs but the plastic returns Stress. Some plastics under found in sewerage effluent.
to its original condition if the stress can undergo higher However, if some illegal
chemical is removed. However, rates of attack. In general PVC discharge is made then most
if the plastic has a is considered relatively chemicals are more likely to
compounding ingredient that insensitive to “stress attack the rubber ring
is soluble in the chemical, the corrosion”. (common to all modern pipe
plastic may be changed systems) than the PVC pipe.
because of the removal of this Considerations for PVC Pipe Because of modern pollution
ingredient and the chemical controls on sewage discharges
itself will be contaminated. For normal water supply
PVC can be safely used in any
work, PVC pipes are totally
2. The base resin or polymer municipal sewerage network
unaffected by soil and water
molecules are changed by including areas accepting
chemicals. The question of
crosslinking, oxidation, industrial effluent.
chemical resistance is likely to
substitution reactions or chain arise only if they are used in
scission. In these situations the unusual environments or if they
plastic cannot be restored by are used to convey chemical
the removal of the chemical. substances.
Examples of this type of attack
on PVC are aqua regia at 20°C For applications characterised
and wet chlorine gas. as food conveyance or
storage, health regulations
should be observed. Specific
advice should be obtained on
the use of PVC pipes.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Resistance of OTHER MATERIAL Weathering and Solar

Joints PERFORMANCE Degradation
When considering the The effect of “weathering” or
performance of pipe materials Permeation1 surface degradation by radiant
in contact with chemical energy, in conjunction with the
environments, it is important The effect on water quality due elements, on plastics has been
not to overlook the effect of to the transport of well researched and
the environment on the jointing contaminants from the documented.
materials. In general, solvent surrounding soil through the
cement joints may be used in pipe wall or rubber ring must Solar radiation causes changes
any environment where PVC be considered where gross in the molecular structure of
pipe is acceptable. However, pollution of the soil has polymeric materials, including
separate consideration may occurred in the immediate PVC. Inhibitors and reflectants
need to be given to the rubber vicinity of the pipe. are normally incorporated in
ring. the material which limits the
For permeation to occur process to a surface effect.
Chemical attack on rubbers through the pipe wall, the Loss of gloss and
can occur in two ways. chemical must be a strong discolouration under severe
Swelling can occur as a result solvent or swelling agent for weathering will be observed.
of absorption of a chemical. PVC such as aromatic or
This can make it weaker and chlorinated hydrocarbons, The processes require input of
more susceptible to ketones, anilines and energy and cannot proceed if
mechanical damage. On the nitrobenzenes. Permeation the material is shielded, e.g.
other hand, it may assist in through PVC is insignificant for under-ground pipes.
retaining the sealing force. alcohols, aliphatic
From a practical point of
Alternatively, the chemical hydrocarbons, and organic
view, the bulk material is
attack may result in a acids.
unaffected and performance
degradation or change in under primary tests will show
the chemical structure of the The mechanism of permeation
depends on the effective no change, i.e. tensile strength
rubber. Both types of attack and modulus.
are affected by a number of concentration (activity) of the
factors such as chemical chemical contaminant. At
However, microscopic
concentration, temperature, lower concentrations,
disruptions on a weathered
rubber compounding and permeation rates are so slow
surface can initiate fracture
component dimensions. The that permeation may be
under conditions of extreme
surface area exposed to the considered insignificant. Thus,
local stress, e.g. impact on
environment may also in the majority of cases, PVC
the outside surface. Impact
influence the severity of the pipe is an effective barrier
strength will therefore show a
attack. against permeation of soil
decrease under test.
See the chemical resistance tables
for guidance on chemical resistance At high chemical
of rubber materials commonly used in concentrations (activity >0.25)
pipe seals. a different mechanism applies
and both the PVC pipe and
water quality may be adversely
affected in a short time. This
corresponds to a gross spill or
leak of the chemical in close
proximity to the pipe.

It should be noted that rubber

rings are generally considered
more susceptible to perme-
ation than PVC and should be
considered separately.
1. Berens, Alan R., “Prediction of Organic Chemical Permeation Through PVC Pipe,” Journal American Waterworks Association, Denver, CO (Nov. 1985) pp. 57-65.
Vonk, Martin W., “Permeation of Organic Soil Contaminants Through Polyethylene, Polyvinylchloride, Asbestos Cement and Concrete Water Pipes,” Some Phenomena
Affecting Water Quality During Distribution: Permeation, Lead Release, Regrowth of Bacteria, KIWA Ltd., Neuwegen, The Netherlands (Nov. 1985) pp. 1-14.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Protection against Solar reduces, with an increasing Microbiological Effects

Degradation number of cross-links between
molecules. This results in PVC is immune to attack by
All PVC pipes manufactured some changes in mechanical microbiological organisms
by Vinidex contain protective properties: normally encountered in
systems that will ensure under-ground water supply
against detrimental effects for • A marginal increase in and sewerage systems.
normal periods of storage and ultimate tensile strength.
installation. Macrobiological Attack
• A significant increase in
For periods of storage longer yield stress. PVC does not constitute a food
than one year, and to the source and is highly resistant
• An increase in modulus at to damage by termites and
extent that impact resistance
high strain levels. rodents.
is important to the particular
installation, additional In general, these changes Effect of Soil Sulphides
protection may be considered would appear to be beneficial.
advisable. However, the response of the Grey discolouration of
material at high stress levels under-ground PVC pipes may
This may be provided by
is altered in that local yielding be observed in the presence
under-cover storage, or by
at stress concentrators is of sulphides commonly found
covering pipe stacks with an
inhibited, and strain capability in soils containing organic
appropriate material such as
of the article is decreased. materials. This is due to a
hessian. Heat entrapment
Brittle-type fracture is more reaction with the stabiliser
should be avoided and
likely to occur, and a general systems used in processing.
ventilation provided. Black
reduction in impact resistance It is a surface effect, and in no
plastic sheeting should not be
may be observed. way impairs performance.

Above-ground systems may be These changes occur

protected by a coat of white or exponentially with time, rapidly
pastel-shade PVA paint. Good immediately following forming,
adhesion will be achieved with and more and more slowly as
simply a detergent wash to time proceeds. By the time the
remove any grease and dirt. article is put into service, they
are barely measurable, except
Material Ageing in the very long term.

The ultimate strength of PVC Artificial ageing can be

does not alter markedly with achieved by heat treatment
age. Its short-term ultimate at 60°C for 18 hours. PVC-O
tensile strength generally undergoes such ageing in the
shows a slight increase. orientation process and its
characteristics are similar to
It is important to appreciate a fully aged material, but with
that the stress regression greatly enhanced ultimate
line does not represent a strength.
weakening of the material with
time, i.e. a pipe held under
continuous pressure for many
years will still show the same
short-term ultimate burst
pressure as a new pipe.

The material does, however,

undergo a change in
morphology with time, in that
the “free volume” in the matrix

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Table 2.1: Performance Chart - Chemical Resistance of PVC

Important Information Sources for Chemical Abbreviations

Resistances of PVC
The listed data are based on S Satisfactory
results of immersion tests on Source 1 Resistance
specimens, in the absence of The Water Supply Manual L Limited Resistance
any applied stress. ln certain for PVC Pipe Systems, First
circumstances, where the Edition, Vinidex Tubemakers U Unsatisfactory
preliminary classification Pty Limited, 1989 Resistance
indicates high or limited dil.sol. dilute aqueous solution
resistance, it may be Source 2 at a concentration
necessary to conduct further Chemical Resistance Guide equal to or less than
tests to assess the behaviour For Thermoplastic Pipe and 10%
of pipes and fittings under Fitting Systems, Vinidex
Tubemakers Pty Limited sol. Aqueous solution at a
internal pressure or other concentration greater
stresses. then10% but not
Source 3
Variations in the analysis of the ISO/TR 10358 Technical saturated
chemical compounds as well Report: Plastic Pipes and sat.sol. saturated aqueous
as in the operating conditions Fittings-Combined solution prepared at
(pressure and temperature) can Chemical-resistance 20°C
significantly modify the actual Classification Table, First
Edition, International tg-g technical grade, gas
chemical resistance of the
materials in comparison with Organisation for tg-l technical grade, liquid
this chart’s indicated value. Standardisation, 1993
tg-s technical grade, solid
It should be stressed that Source 4 work.sol. working solution of
these ratings are intended only Chemical Resistance, Volume the concentration
as a guide to be used for initial 1- Thermoplastics, Second usually used in the
information on the material Edition, Plastics Design industry concerned
to be selected. They may not Library, 1994 susp. Suspension of solid in
cover the particular application a saturated solution at
Source 5 20°C
under consideration and the
Chemical Resistance Data
effects of altered temperatures
Sheets, Volume 1-Plastics,
or concentrations may need to
Rapra Technology Limited,
be evaluated by testing under
specific conditions. No guar-
antee can be given in respect
of the listed data. Vinidex
reserves the right to make
any modification whatsoever,
based upon further research
and experiences.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

ACETALDEHYDE CH3CHO 100 25 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 2

60 3 2 3
100 3
- AQUEOUS SOLUTION 40 25 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 3 2 2 1 3
100 1 2
ACETIC ACID CH3COOH ≤25 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 3 3
100 1 1 1
30 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 2 3
100 1 1 2
60 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
60 2 1 1 1 3
100 2 2 2 3
80 25 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 2 3 3 1 3 3
100 3 2 2 3 3 2
- GLACIAL 100 25 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2
60 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 3
100 3 3 3 3 3
ACETIC ANHYDRIDE (CH3CO)2O 100 25 3 2 1 3 3 2 1
60 3 2 2 3 3
100 3 3 3
ACETONE CH3COCH3 10 25 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 3
60 3 3 1 3 3 3
100 3 1 3 3 3
100 25 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 3
60 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
100 3 3 3 3 3
ACETOPHENONE CH3COC6H5 nd 25 1 1 3 1
60 3 1
ACRYLONITRILE CH2CHCN technically pure 25 1 1 2 3 2
60 3 1 1 3 2
100 3
ADIPIC ACID (CH2CH2CO2H)2 sat. 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ALLYL ALCOHOL CH2CHCH2OH 96 25 2 1 1 1 1 2
60 3 2 1
100 1 3
ALUM AI2(SO4)3.K2SO.nH2O dil 25 1 1 1 1 1
AI2(SO4)3.K2SO4.nH2O sat 25 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1
ALUMINIUM AICI3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1 2
- FLUORIDE AIF3 100 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- HYDROXIDE AI(OH4)3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- NITRATE AI(NO2)3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- SULPHATE AI(SO4)3 deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

AMMONIA NH3 deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

sat 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1
- DRY GAS 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
- LIQUID 100 25 2 1 1 1 1 1 3
60 3 1 1 1 3
AMMONIUM CH3COONH4 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
- ACETATE 60 2 1 1 1 2 1
100 1 1
- CARBONATE (NH4)2CO3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE NH4CI sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1 1
- FLUORIDE NH4F 25 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
100 3 3
- HYDROXIDE NH4OH 28 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
- NITRATE NH4NO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
100 1 1 1 1
- PHOSPHATE DIBASIC NH4(HPO4)2 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 2
100 1 2
- PHOSPHATE META (NH4)4P4O12 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- PHOSPHATE TRI (NH4)2HPO4 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2
- PERSULPHATE (NH4)2S2O8 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- SULPHIDE (NH4)2S deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
- SULPHYDRATE NH4OHSO4 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
AMYLACETATE CH3CO2CH2(CH2)3CH3 100 25 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 3
60 3 2 2 3 3 3
100 2 3 3 3
AMYLALCOHOL CH3(CH2)3CH2OH nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
100 1 1 1 1
ANILINE C6H5NH2 all 25 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1
60 3 2 1 2 3 3
100 3 3 1
- CHLORHYDRATE C6H5NH2HCI nd 25 2 2 2 1 3 1
60 3 2 2 3
100 3 2 3 2

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

ANTIMONY SbCI3 100 25 1 1 1 1 1

- TRICHLORIDE 60 1 1 1
ANTHRAQUINONE suspension 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQUA REGIA HC+HNO3 100 25 2 3 3 2 2 2
60 2 3 3 2
100 3 2
ARSENIC ACID H3AsO4 deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 2 1 1
80 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
100 2 1 2 3 1 1
BARIUM all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CARBONATE BaCO3 60 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE BaCl2 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
- HYDROXIDE Ba(OH)2 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2 1
- SULPHATE BaSO4 nb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHIDE BaS sat 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
BEER comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
BENZALDEHYDE C6H5CHO nd 25 3 2 3 1 3 1 3
60 3 2 3 2 3 1 3
BENZENE C6H6 100 25 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
100 3 3 3 2
- LIGROIN 20/80 25 3 3 3 3
60 3 3 3 3
- MONOCHLORINE C6H5Cl technically pure 25 3 2 1 1
BENZOIC ACID C6H5COOH sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 2 1
100 3 1 3 1
BENZYL ALCOHOL C6H5CH2OH 100 25 1 1 1 1 3 1 2
60 2 2 1
BLEACHING LYE NaOCl+NaCl 12.50% 25 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
Cl 60 2 2 1
BORIC ACID H3BO3 deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
BRINE comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
BROMIC ACID HBrO3 10 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
100 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

BROMINE Br2 100 25 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1

- LIQUID 60 3 3 3 1 3 3 1
100 3 1 3 3 1
- VAPOURS low 25 2 3 3 1 2 3 1
60 3 3 1 1
BUTADIENE C4H6 100 25 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 1 3 3 1 3
AQUEOUS 60 3 1 1
concentrated 25 2 2 2 1 1
60 3 3 2 1
BUTANE C4H10 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GAS 60 1 1
BUTYL CH3CO2CH2CH2CH2CH3 100 25 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2
- ACETATE 60 3 3 3 1 3 3
100 3 2 3 3 3
- ALCOHOL C4H9OH 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
100 2 2 1 2
- PHENOL C4H9C6H4OH 100 25 2 3 3 1 1 3 2
60 2 3 3 1
BUTYLENE GLYCOL C4H6(OH)2 100 25 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1
BUTYRIC ACID C2H5CH2COOH 20 25 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 3
100 3 3
concentrated 25 3 3 3 1 3 2 2
60 3 3 3 3
100 3 3
CALCIUM Ca(HSO3)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- BISULPHITE 60 1 1 1 1
- CARBONATE CaCO3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORATE CaHCl nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE CaCl2 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- HYDROXIDE Ca(OH)2 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 2 2
100 2
- HYPOCHLORITE Ca(OCl)2 sat 25 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
100 2
- NITRATE Ca(NO3)2 50 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- SULPHATE CaSO4 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- SULPHIDE CaS sat 25 1 2 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 1
CAMPHOR OIL nd 25 1 3 3 1 1
60 3 3 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

CARBON CO2 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- DIOXIDE 60 2 1 1 1 1 1
- GAS 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
- DISULPHIDE CS2 100 25 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 1 3 3 3
100 3 1 3 3 3
- MONOXIDE CO 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- TETRACHLORIDE CCl4 100 25 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 1
60 3 3 3 1
CARBONIC ACID H2CO3 sat 25 1 1 1
- DRY 100 25 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- WET all 25 1 1 1
60 2 1
CARBON OIL comm 25 1 3 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1
CHLORAMINE dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CHLORIC ACID HClO3 20 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 3 3 1 1
100 3 1 1 3
CHLORINE Cl2 sat 25 2 1 2 3 1
60 3 1
- DRY GAS 10 25 1 3 1 1 3 1
60 2 3 1 1
100 25 2 3 1 1 3 1
60 3 3 1 1 1
- WET GAS 5g/m3 25 1 3 3
60 3 3
10g/m3 25 2 3 1 3
60 2 3 1
66g/m3 25 2 3 1 3
60 2 3 1
- LIQUID 100 25 3 3 3 1 3 3 1
60 3 1
CHLOROACETIC ACID ClCH2COH 85 25 1 2 1 1 3 2 1
60 2 3 3 1 3
100 3 1 3 3
100 25 1 3 1 3 3
60 2 3 3 3 3
100 3 3 3 3 3
CHLOROBENZENE C6H5Cl all 25 3 3 1 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 2 3 3 3
CHLOROFORM CHCl3 all 25 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 2
60 3 3 1 3 3
100 3 1 3 3

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

CHLOROSULPHONIC ClHSO3 100 25 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 2

ACID 60 3 3 3 3 3
100 3 3 3
CHROME ALUM KCr(SO4)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
CHROMIC ACID CrO3+H2O 10 25 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 3 2 1 1
100 3 3 1
30 25 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 3 3 1 1 3 3
100 3 2 1 3 3
50 25 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1
60 2 3 3 1
100 3 2 2
CHROMIC SOLUTION CrO3+H2O+H2SO4 50/35/15 25 1 3 3 1
60 2 3 3 1
CITRIC ACID C3H4(OH)(CO2H)3 50 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQ. SOL. min 60 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 2
COPPER CuCl2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1
- CYANIDE CuCN2 all 25 3 1 1 1
60 3 1 1
- FLUORIDE CuF2 all 25 1 1 3 1 1 1
60 1 1 3 1
- NITRATE Cu(NO3)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE CuSO4 dil 25 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 3 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
COTTONSEED OIL comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
60 1 1 1 1
CRESOL CH3C6H4OH £90 25 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1
60 3 1 3 3
>90 25 3 2 1 3 3 3 2
60 3 1 3 3
60 3 2 3 2 1
CYCLOHEXANE C6H12 all 25 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1
60 3 2 1 3 3
100 2
CYCLOHEXANONE C6H10O all 25 3 1 1 3 2 3
60 3 3 2 3 3
100 3 3 3 3
DECAHYDRONAFTALENE C10H18 nd 25 1 1 3 1 3 1
60 1 2 3 1 3
DEMINERALIZED WATER 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
DEXTRINE C6H12OCH2O nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

DIBUTYLPHTALATE C6H4(CO2C4H9)2 100 25 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 2

60 3 3 3
ACID 60 2 2 2 3
DICHLOROETHANE CH2ClCH2Cl 100 25 3 3 1 1 3 3
60 3 3 1
DICHLOROETHYLENE ClCH2Cl 100 25 3 3 2 1 3 1 1
60 3 3 1
DIETHYL ETHER C2H5OC2H5 100 25 3 3 1 1 3 2 3
60 3 3 1 3 3 3
DIGLYCOLIC ACID (CH2)2O(CO2H)2 18 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
DIMETHYLAMINE (CH3)2NH 100 25 2 1 2 2 3 2
60 3 2 2 3 3
DIOCTYLPHTHALATE all 25 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 3
60 3 2 2 3 3
DISTILLED WATER 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1 1
DRINKING WATER 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
ETHERS all 25 3 3 3 2 2
60 3 3 3 3
ETHYL CH3CO2C2H5 100 25 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 3
- ACETATE 60 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
100 3 3 3 3 3
- ALCOHOL CH3CH2OH nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 1 1 2 1
100 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE CH3CH2Cl all 25 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 2
60 3 3 1 3
- ETHER CH3CH2OCH2CH3 all 25 3 3 1 3 2 2 3
60 3 3 3 3 3
ETHYLENE ClCH2CH2OH 100 25 3 1 3 3 3
- CHLOROHYDRIN 60 3 2 3 3
100 3
- GLYCOL HOCH2CH2OH comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 3 1 1 2 1
FATTY ACIDS nd 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FERRIC FeCl3 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 2 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
- NITRATE Fe(NO3)3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE Fe(SO4)3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

FERROUS FeCl2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE FeSO4 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FERTILIZER ≤10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FLUORINE GAS - DRY F2 100 25 2 2 3 1 3
60 3 3 3
FLUOROSILICIC ACID H2SiF6 32 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 3
100 1 1
FORMALDEHYDE HCOH 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3
100 1 2 3
FORMIC ACID HCOOH 50 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3 2
100 1 2 3
100 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3
60 3 1 1 1 2 2 3
100 1 3 3
FRUIT PULP AND JUICE comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FUEL OIL 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 2 1 1
comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 2 2 1 1
60 3 2 2
GAS EXHAUST all 25 1 1 1 1
- ACID 60 1 1
- WITH NITROUS VAPOURS traces 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
GAS PHOSGENE ClCOCl 100 25 1 2 2 1 1
60 2 2 2 3
GELATINE 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
GLUCOSE C6H12O6 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
GLYCERINE HOCH2CHOHCH2OH all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQ.SOL 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
GLYCOGLUE 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQUEOUS 60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
GLYCOLIC ACID HOCH2COOH 37 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
HEPTANE C7H16 100 25 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
60 2 3 3 3 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

FERROUS FeCl2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE FeSO4 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FERTILIZER ≤10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FLUORINE GAS - DRY F2 100 25 2 2 3 1 3
60 3 3 3
FLUOROSILICIC ACID H2SiF6 32 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 3
100 1 1
FORMALDEHYDE HCOH 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3
100 1 2 3
FORMIC ACID HCOOH 50 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3 2
100 1 2 3
100 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3
60 3 1 1 1 2 2 3
100 1 3 3
FRUIT PULP AND JUICE comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
FUEL OIL 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 2 1 1
comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 2 2 1 1
60 3 2 2
GAS EXHAUST all 25 1 1 1 1
- ACID 60 1 1
- WITH NITROUS VAPOURS traces 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
GAS PHOSGENE ClCOCl 100 25 1 2 2 1 1
60 2 2 2 3
GELATINE 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
GLUCOSE C6H12O6 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
GLYCERINE HOCH2CHOHCH2OH all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQ.SOL 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
GLYCOGLUE 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AQUEOUS 60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
GLYCOLIC ACID HOCH2COOH 37 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
HEPTANE C7H16 100 25 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
60 2 3 3 3 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

HEXANE C6H14 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 3

60 2 2 2 1
HYDROBROMIC ACID HBr ≤10 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
100 3 1 2 3
48 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
100 3 1 2 3 3
HYDROCHLORIC ACID HCl ≤25 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
100 1 1 1 3 3 1
≤37 25 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
60 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
100 2 1 1 3 2
HYDROCYANIC ACID HCN deb 25 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 3 3
HYDROFLUORIC ACID HF 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
100 3 1 2 2
60 25 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 3 3 1 3
100 3 1 2 2
HYDROGEN H2 all 25 1
60 1
HYDROGEN H2O2 30 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- PEROXIDE 60 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1
50 25 1 2 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 1
100 1
90 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 1 2 2 1
100 1 3
- SULPHIDE DRY sat 25 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3
- SULPHIDE WET sat 25 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 3
HYDROSULPHITE ≤10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1
HYDROXYLAMINE (H2NOH)2H2SO4 12 25 1 1 1 1 1
SULPHATE 60 1 1 1 2
ILLUMINATING GAS 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
IODINE I2 3 25 2 1 1
- DRY AND WET 60 3 1
- TINCTURE >3 25 2 2 1 1 1 1
60 3 3 3 1
ISOCTANE C8H18 100 25 1 2 2 1 1 3
60 3 1 3
ISOPROPYL (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 100 25 2 2 2 1 3 3
- ETHER 60 3 3 3 3
- ALCOHOL (CH3)2CHOH 100 25 1 1 1
60 2 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

LACTIC ACID CH3CHOHCOOH ≤28 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

60 2 1 1 2 1
100 1 2 1
LANOLINE nd 25 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 2 1
LEAD ACETATE Pb(CH3COO)2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1 1
LINSEED OIL comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 1 1 1 1
LUBRICATING OILS comm 25 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 2 1 1
MAGNESIUM MgCO3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CARBONATE 60 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE MgCl2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- HYDROXIDE Mg(OH)2 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- NITRATE MgNO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE MgSO4 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
MALEIC ACID COOHCHCHCOOH nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 2 1
MALIC ACID CH2CHOH(COOH)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 1 1
MERCURIC HgCl2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1
- CYANIDE HgCN2 all 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
MERCUROUS NITRATE HgNO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
MERCURY Hg 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
METHYL CH3COOCH3 100 25 1 1 3 2
- ACETATE 60 1 3
- ALCOHOL CH3OH nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
60 1 1 2 1 2
100 2 1 2
- BROMIDE CH3Br 100 25 3 3 3 1 1
60 3 1
- CHLORIDE CH3Cl 100 25 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 2
60 3 3 1
100 3 1 3
- ETHYLKETONE CH3COCH2CH3 all 25 3 1 1 2 3 1 3
60 3 2 2 3 3 3

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

METHYLAMINE CH3NH2 32 25 2 1 1 2 1
60 3 2
METHYLENE CH2Cl2 100 25 3 3 3 1 3 2
CHLORIDE 60 3 3 2 3
100 3 3 3
METHYL CH3COOSO4 50 25 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
100 3 2 3 3
100 25 1 3 3 1 1 2
60 2 3 3
100 3 3 3
MILK 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
MINERAL ACIDOULOUS nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WATER 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
MOLASSES comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 1 1
100 2 1 2 2
NAPHTA 100 25 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 3 3 3 1 1
NAPHTALINE 100 25 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 1
60 2 3 1
100 3 1 3
NICKEL NiCl3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
- NITRATE Ni(NO3)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
100 2 1
- SULPHATE NiSO4 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
NITRIC ACID HNO3 anhydrous 25 3 3 2 3 1
60 3 3 3 3
100 3 3 3 3
20 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 2 1 1 1
100 3 1 1 2 1
40 25 1 2 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 3 1 1
100 3 1 1 3 3
60 25 1 3 2 1 1 3 2
60 2 3 3 1 1 3 3
100 3 1 1 3 3
98 25 3 3 3 1 3 3 3
60 3 3 3 1 3 3 3
100 3 2 3 3 3
NITROBENZENE C6H5NO2 all 25 3 1 1 3 2 3 2
60 3 2 2 1 3 3 3
OLEIC ACID C8H17CHCH(CH2)7CO2H comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
60 1 2 2 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

OLEUM nd 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 3 3 3 3
- VAPOURS low 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 3 3 3
hight 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 3 3 3
OLIVE OIL comm 25 1 1 1 2 1
60 2 3 1 1 1
OXALIC ACID HO2CCO2H 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 2 1 1 1
100 2 2 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 2 1 1 1
100 3 3 1 1
OXYGEN O2 all 25 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 3 1 1
OZONE O3 nd 25 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 3 3 2 3
PALMITIC ACID CH3(CH2)14COOH 10 25 1 1 1 1 2 1
60 1 3 1 1
70 25 1 1 1 2
60 1 3 3 1 3 1
PARAFFIN nd 25 1 3 1
60 2 2 1 1
- EMULSION comm 25 1 2 3 1 1 1
60 1 2 3 1
- OIL nd 25 1 1 1
60 1 3 1
PERCHLORIC ACID HClO4 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 2 1 1 1 3 1
70 25 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
60 2 2 1 3 1
PETROL 100 25 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
- REFINED 60 1 3 1
- UNREFINED 100 25 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
60 1 3 1
PHENOL C6H5OH 1 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
100 3 1 1
≤90 25 2 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 3 3 1 1
100 3 1 1
PHENYL HYDRAZINE C6H5NHNH2 all 25 3 2 2 1 3 3 1
60 3 2 2 1 3 2
- CHLORHYDRATE C6H5NHNH3Cl sat 25 1 1 1 1
60 3 3 3 2

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

PHOSPHORIC H3PO4 ≤25 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

- ACID 60 2 1 1 1 3 1 1
100 1 1 2 1 1
≤50 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
100 1 1 2 2 1
≤85 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 1 2 1 1
100 1 1 2
- ANHYDRIDE P2O5 nd 25 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 1 3
PHOSPHORUS PCl3 100 25 3 1 1 1 3 1
PHOTOGRAPHIC comm 25 1 1 1 1
- DEVELOPER 60 1 1 1
- EMULSION comm 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
PHTHALIC ACID C6H4(CO2H)2 50 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 3 1 1 1 1
PICRIC ACID HOC6H2(NO2)3 1 25 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 3 1
>1 25 3 1 3 1 1 1 1
60 3 1 3 1 2 2 1
POTASSIUM K2CrO7 40 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- BICHROMATE 60 1 1 3
- BORATE K3BO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1
- BROMATE KBrO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- BROMIDE KBr sat 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- CARBONATE K2CO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 2 1
- CHLORIDE KCl sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- CHROMATE KCrO4 40 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- CYANIDE KCN sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2 1
- FERROCYANIDE K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- FLUORIDE KF sat 25 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- HYDROXIDE KOH ≤60 25 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 1 2 1 3
100 1 3 1
- NITRATE KNO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

- PERBORATE KBO3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1

60 1 1
- PERMANGANATE KMnO4 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 2 1
- PERSULPHATE K2S2O8 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
- SULPHATE K2SO4 sat 25 1 1 1 2 1
60 1 1 1 1 3
PROPANE C3H8 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- GAS 60 1
- LIQUID 100 25 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1
60 1
PROPYL ALCOHOL C3H7OH 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
PYRIDINE CH(CHCH)2N nd 25 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 3
60 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
RAIN WATER 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
SEA WATER 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1 1
SILICIC ACID H2SiO3 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
SILICONE OIL nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 3 2 1
SILVER AgCN all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CYANIDE 60 1 1 1
- NITRATE AgNO9 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1 2
- PLATING SOLUTION comm 25 1 1 1 1
60 1
SOAP high 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SODIC LYE £60 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
SODIUM CH3COONa 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
- ACETATE 60 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
- BICARBONATE NaHCO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
- BISULPHITE NaHSO3 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 3
100 2 1 1
- BROMIDE NaBr sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 3
- CARBONATE Na2CO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2
100 2

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

- CHLORATE NaClO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 2 1
- CHLORIDE NaCl dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 3 1 1
- CYANIDE NaCN all 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- FERROCYANIDE Na4Fe(CN)6 sat 25 1 1 1 3 3
60 1 1
- FLUORIDE NaF all 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 2 2
100 3
- HYDROXIDE NaOH 60 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2 1 3
100 1 3 1 3
- HYPOCHLORITE NaOCl deb 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
60 2 2 1
- HYPOSULPHITE Na2S3O3 nd 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- NITRATE NaNO3 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
- PERBORATE NaBO3H2O all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- PHOSPHATE di Na2HPO4 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
- PHOSPHATE tri Na3PO4 all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 1
- SULPHATE Na2SO4 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
- SULPHIDE Na2S dil 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 2
sat 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2 1
- SULPHITE NaSO3 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 2 1
STANNIC CHLORIDE SnCl4 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
STANNOUS CHLORIDE SnCl2 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
STEARIC ACID CH3(CH2)16CO2H 100 25 1 2 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
SUGAR SYRUP high 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

SULPHUR S 100 25 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 2 1 1
- DIOXIDE AQUEOUS SO2 sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 3
- DIOXIDE DRY all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
100 3 1 1
- DIOXIDE LIQUID 100 25 2 1 3 1
60 3 2 3
- TRIOXIDE SO3 100 25 2 3 3 1 2
60 2 3 3
SULPHURIC ACID H2SO4 ≤10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1 2 1 1
≤75 25 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
60 2 2 2 1 3 1
100 2 1 2 3 2 1
≤90 25 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 2 2 1 1
100 3 1 3 1
≤96 25 2 2 3 1 1 2 1
60 3 2 3 2 3 3
100 3 3 3 3
- FUMING all 25 2 3 3 3 1
60 3 3 3 3
100 3 3 3
- NITRIC AQUEOUS H2SO4+HNO3+H20 48/49/3 25 1 3 3 1
SOLUTION 60 2 3 3 1
100 3 1
50/50/0 25 2 3 3 1 1
60 3 3 3 1 1
100 3 1
10/20/70 25 1 2 2
60 1 2 2
TALLOW EMULSION comm 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 2 2
TANNIC ACID C14H10O9 10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
TARTARIC ACID HOOC(CHOH)2COOH all 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 2
TETRACHLORO CHCl2CHCl2 nd 25 3 2 2 1 3 2
- ETHANE 60 3 3 3 2
- ETHYLENE CCl2CCl2 nd 25 3 2 2 1
60 3 3 3
TETRAETHYLLEAD Pb(C2H5)4 100 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2
TETRAHYDROFURAN C4H8O all 25 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 2
60 3 3 3 2 3 3
100 3 3 3 3
THIONYL CHLORIDE SOCl3 25 3 3 3 3 3 1
THIOPHENE C4H4S 100 25 3 2 2 3 3
60 3 2 3 3

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Conc. Temp. uPVC PE PP PVDF PVC/C NBR EPM FPM
(%) (°C)

TOLUENE C6H5CH3 100 25 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 2

60 3 3 3 1 3 3 3
100 3 1 3 3 3
TRANSFORMER OIL nd 25 1 1 1 3 1
60 2 2 2
TRICHLOROACETIC CCl3COOH ≤50 25 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
ACID 60 3 2 1 2 3
TRICHLOROETHYLENE Cl2CCHCl 100 25 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 1
60 3 2 3 1 3 3
TRIETHANOLAMINE N(CH2CH2OH)2 100 25 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1
60 3 3
TURPENTINE 100 25 2 2 3 1 1
60 2 3 3
UREA CO(NH2)2 ²10 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
33 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
URINE nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1
URIC ACID C5H4N4O3 10 25 1 1
60 2 2
VASELINE OIL 100 25 1 1 1 1 3 1
60 3 2 2 1 3
VINYL ACETATE CH3CO2CHCH2 100 25 3 1 3 2 1
60 3 3 3
100 3 3
WHISKY comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
WINES comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
100 1
WINE VINEGAR comm 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 2 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 1
ZINC ZnCl2 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1
100 2 1 1
- CHROMATE ZnCrO4 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- CYANIDE Zn(CN)2 all 25 1 1 1 1
60 1 1
- NITRATE Zn(NO3)2 nd 25 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1
- SULPHATE ZnSO4 dil 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1
sat 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 1 1 1 1 1

Class 1: High Resistance Class 2: Limited Resistance Class 3: No Resistance.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Table 2.2: General Guide for Chemical Resistance of

Various Elastomers (Rubber Rings)
Important Information Sources for Chemical Resis-
tances of Rubbers
The listed data are based on
results of immersion tests on Source 1
specimens, in the absence of Chemical Resistance Data
any applied stress. ln certain Sheets, Volume 2-Rubbers,
circumstances, where the Rapra Technology Limited,
preliminary classification 1993
indicates high or limited Source 2
resistance, it may be Handbook of PVC Pipe Design
necessary to conduct further and Construction, Third
tests to assess the behaviour Edition, Uni-Bell PVC Pipe
of pipes and fittings under Association, 1993
internal pressure or other
stresses. Abbreviations
Variations in the analysis of the Material and Designation
chemical compounds as well
as in the operating conditions NR Natural Rubber
(pressure and temperature) can
significantly modify the actual NBR Nitrile Rubber
chemical resistance of the CR Polychloropene
materials in comparison with (Neoprene)
this chart’s indicated value.
SBR Styrene Butadiene
It should be stressed that Rubber
these ratings are intended only EPDM Ethylene Propylene
as a guide to be used for initial Diene Monomer
information on the material S Satisfactory Resistance
to be selected. They may not
cover the particular application L Limited Resistance
under consideration and the U Unsatisfactory
effects of altered temperatures Resistance
or concentrations may need to
be evaluated by testing under
specific conditions. No
guarantee can be given in
respect of the listed data.
Vinidex reserves the right to
make any modification
whatsoever, based upon
further research and

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Temp. (°C) Conc. NR NBR CR SBR EPDM


- glacial 20 L L U L L
ALUMINIUM -chloride AICI3 20 10 S S S S S
-sulphate AI2(SO4)3 20 S S S S S
AMMONIUM -hydroxide NH4(OH) 20 35 S S S S S
-sulphate (NH4)2SO4 20 50 S S S S S
BARIUM -chloride BaCI2 20 S S S S S
-hydroxide BaOH2 20 S S S S
-sulphate BaSO4 20 S S S S
BUTANOIS (butyl alcohols) C4H9OH 20 S S S S S
CALCIUM -chloride CaCI2 20 S S S S S
-hydroxide CaOH2 20 S S S S S
-hypochlorite 20 U U U S
-nitrate 20 S S S S
CELLOSOLVE (2-ethoxyethanol) 20 L L L U L
CHLORIDE -dry gas Ci2 20 U U U U U
CHROMIC ACID (plating soln) CrO3 + H2O 20 U U L U U
COPPER -acetate 20 L L L S
-chloride CuCI2 20 S S S S
-cyanide 20 S S S S
-sulphate CuSO4 20 S S S L S

Resistance: S = Satisfactory L = Limited U = Unsatisfactory

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Temp. (°C) Conc. NR NBR CR SBR EPDM


ETHANOL (ethyl alcohol) CH3CH2OH 20 S S S S S
ETHYL -benzene 20 U U U U U
-acetate 20 U U U L
-chloride CH3CH2CI 20 U U U U L
-ether 20 U U U
ETHYLENE -bromide 20 U U U U U
-dichloride 20 U U U U L
-glycol (ethanediol) HOCH2CH2OH 20 S S S S S
FERRIC -chloride FeCI3 20 S S S S S
-nitrate 20 S S S S S
-sulphate 20 S S S S S
FURFURALDEHYDE (furfural) 20 U U U U S
20 36 L S S L L
HYDROGEN -peroxide H2O2 20 35 S S S S S
20 87 U U U U S
-sulphide H2S 20 U U S U S
iSO-OCTANE (2,2,4-trimethylbentane) C8H18 20 U S L U U
ISOPROPYL -alcohol (CH3)2CHOH 20 S S S S S
-chloride 20 U U U
-ether 20 L L U U
LEAD -acetate Pb(CH3COO)2 20 10 S S S S S
-nitrate 20 S S S S S
-sulphamate 20 L S L S
MAGNESIUM -carbonate MgCO3 20 S S S S S
-chloride MgCL2 20 S S S S
-hydroxide MgOH2 20 L S L S
-sulphate MgSO4 20 S S L S
MANGANESE -sulphate 20 S S S S S
MURCURIC -chloride HgCi2 20 S S S S S
METHYL -alcohol (methanol) CH3OH 20 S S S S S
-bromide (bromomethane) CH3Br 20 U U U U U
-ethyl ketone CH3COCH2CH3 20 U U U U S
METHYLENE -chloride CH2CI2 20 U U U U U
NICKEL -chloride NiCI2 20 S S S S S
-sulphate NiSO4 20 S S L S
20 70 U U U U U
PARAFIN -emulsion/oil 20 U S L U U

Resistance: S = Satisfactory L = Limited U = Unsatisfactory

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Chemical Formula Temp. (°C) Conc. NR NBR CR SBR EPDM


PHOSPHORIC -acid H3PO4 20 85 S U S S S

POTASSIUM -cyanide KCN 20 S S S S S
-floride KF 20 S S S S S
-hydroxide KOH 20 50 S S S L S
-permanganate KMnO4 20 25 L S S L S
-nitrate KNO3 20 S S S S S
-sulphate K2SO4 20 S S S S S
SODIUM -carbonate NA2CO3 20 10 S S S S S
-chloride NaCI 20 25 S S S S S
-cyanide NaCN 20 S S S S S
-hydroxide NaOH 20 10 L S S S S
20 S S S S S
-hypochlorite NaOCI 20 20 S S S L S
-nitrate NaNO3 20 S L S L S
-nitrite NaNO2 20 S S S S S
-perborte 20 L L L S
-peroxide 20
-phosphate 20 S S S S S
-silicate 20 S S S S
-sulphate Na2SO4 20 S S L S
-thiosulphate 20 L S L S
STANNIC CHLORIDE (Tin (IV) Chloide) SnCI4 20 S S S S S
20 70 U U L U S
20 96 U U U U U
ZINC -acetate 20 L L U S
-chloride ZnCI2 20 S S S S S
-sulphate ZnSO4 20 S S L S

Resistance: S = Satisfactory L = Limited U = Unsatisfactory

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems

Basis Of Design Flow Charts 4
Other Pipe Flow Formulas 5
Relating Roughness Coefficients 6
Effect of Varying Parameters 7
Roughness Consideration 8
Form Resistance to Flow 9
Worked Examples 11
Flow Charts 14
Static Stresses 24
Dynamic Stresses 25
Maximum Service Temperature 30
Pressure Rating 30
Expansion and Contraction 32
Unsupported Collapse Pressure 35
Examples of Class Selection for Buckling 39
Celerity 40
Pipe Response 41

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Pressure Thrust 42
Velocity Thrust 43
Thrust Blocks 43
Vertical Thrusts 44
Air Valves 45
Scour Valves 45


Installing Pipes on a Curve 45
Joint Deflection 46
Bending of Pipes 46

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Minimum pack quantities apply to all products, orders will automatically be adjusted to minimum pack quantities or multiple.

Limitation of Liability
This product catalogue has been compiled by Vinidex Pty Limited (“the Company”) to promote better understanding of the technical aspects
of the Company’s products to assist users in obtaining from them the best possible performance. The product catalogue is supplied subject
to acknowledgement of the following conditions: 1 The product catalogue is protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced
in any form or by any means in whole or in part without prior consent in writing by the Company.. 2 Product specifications, usage data and
advisory information may change from time to time with advances in research and field experience. The Company reserves the right to make
such changes at any time without further notice. 3 Correct usage of the Company’s products involves engineering judgements, which can not
be properly made without full knowledge of all the conditions pertaining to each specific installation. The Company expressly disclaims all and
any liability to any person whether supplied with this publication or not in respect of anything and all of the consequences of anything done
or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether whole or part of the contents of this publication. 4 No offer to trade, nor any
conditions of trading, are expressed or implied by the issue of content of this product catalogue. Nothing herein shall override the Company’s
Condition of Sale, which may be obtained from the Registered Office or any Sales Office of the Company. 5 This product catalogue is and shall
remain the property of the Company, and shall be surrendered on demand to the Company. 6 Information supplied in this product catalogue
does not override a job specification, where such conflict arises; consult the authority supervising the job. © Copyright Vinidex Pty Limited.

This section covers Series 1 pipes are generally As Supermain pipes achieve
specification, selection and coloured white and Series 2 their performance enhance-
design considerations for pipes are generally coloured ment from molecular orienta-
PVC-U, PVC-O and PVC-M light blue. tion, it is possible to vary the
pressure pipe systems. mechanical properties by
This standard covers Series changing the orientation level.
AUSTRALIAN 1 pipes in sizes from DN 10 AS4441 (Int) covers a range of
upwards with solvent cement PVC-O pipe materials, classi-
joints or rubber ring joints fied by their Minimum Required
Australian Standards for PVC (Polydex) and Series 2 (Vinyl Strength or MRS value. The
pipes cover composition, Iron) pipes from DN 100 with material class is related to the
dimensions, performance rubber ring joints. MRS as shown in the table
and marking requirements below
for pipes, fittings and joints. AS/NZS 4441 - Oriented
Pipes are designated by their Material MRS (MPa)
PVC (OPVC) pipes for
nominal size (DN) and their Class
pressure applications
nominal pressure rating or 315 31.5
class at 20°C (PN). Standards AS/NZS 4441 is an adoption of 355 35.5
generally cover more than the International Standard ISO
400 40
one size range with different 16422 with some additional
outside diameters. These are requirements for Australia and 450 45
identified in the marking on the New Zealand. AS/NZS 4441 500 50
pipe and sometimes by colour. has specifications for two
Special purpose colours for diameter series. Material class for a given
specific applications may also pipe can be identified by the
be used, such as purple for These are: marking on the pipe. Vinidex
recycled water. specialises in the higher
• ISO series. These pipes material classes of PVC-O.
For a given diameter series and are known as Supermain
nominal size, the mean outside International pipes and
diameter is specified and the fully comply with both AS/
AS/NZS 4765 (Int.) -
wall thickness increases with NZS 4441 and ISO 16422; Modified PVC (PVC-M)
increasing pressure rating. and pipes for pressure
• Series 2. These pipes applications
The standard effective length are compatible with the
of PVC pipes is 6m although Australian Cast/Ductile Series 1 (Vinidex Hydro® Series
other lengths, up to 12m, may Iron pipe outside diameter 1) and Series 2 (Vinidex Hydro®
also be available. series and are known as Series 2) PVC-M pressure
Supermain. Supermain pipes are covered by AS/NZS
Pipes are supplied with an in- pipes meet the material 4765. Series 1 pipes have
tegral socket for either solvent and performance require- either solvent cement joints or
cement or rubber ring 1 jointing ments of both standards rubber ring joints.
or as plain-ended pipes for and the dimensional
jointing with couplings. requirements of AS/NZS Series 2 pipes have rubber
4441. ring joints only. Sizes start
The following Australian Stan- Supermain Series 1 pipes for from DN 100 for both series.
dards specify requirements for drinking water applications are Vinidex Hydro® Series 1 pipes
PVC pressure pipes. coloured white. Supermain Se- for drinking water applications
ries 2 pipes for drinking water are coloured white. Vinidex
AS/NZS 1477 - PVC pipes applications are coloured light Hydro® Series 2 pipes for
and fittings for pressure blue. Other colours may be drinking water applications
applications used for different applications are coloured light blue. Other
for both Series such as purple colours may be used for differ-
AS/NZS 1477 covers two size for recycled water and cream ent applications for both Series
ranges of PVC-U pipes. Series for pressure sewer pipes. such as purple for recycled
1 is a metric size range and water and cream for pressure
Series 2 is compatible with the Both series are available in sewer pipes.
outside diameter of Australian rubber ring joints only.
cast and ductile iron pipes.

1. Current Australian Standard terminology is “elastomeric ring joint”, however the simpler term “rubber ring joint is used
throughout this manual
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

SELECTION OF PIPE There are, however, many For situations involving high
DIAMETER AND CLASS factors which must be costs of down-time and repair,
considered when determining a higher factor should be used.
The pipe diameter and class the severity of service and
of PVC pipes is selected by the appropriate class of pipe. These considerations are
consideration of the required In some instances, standard discussed in detail later in this
hydraulic capacity and the factors of safety may be too section.
expected operating conditions. conservative, in others too
For determination of the flow risky. The final choice is up to
capacity, it is the mean internal the designer in the light of his
diameter or bore which is the knowledge of his particular
significant dimension. The situation.
mean bore for pipes to Aus-
tralian Standards is calculated Amongst the factors to be
as mean OD minus twice the considered are:
mean wall thickness. Along
with other relevant dimensions, 1. Operating pressure
the mean bore of PVC-U, characteristics:
PVC-O and PVC-M pipes is a) Maximum steady state or
tabulated in the product data static pressures.
section of this manual b) Dynamic conditions,
frequency and magnitude of
Australian Standards classify pressure variations due to
PVC pipe into pressure classes system operation or demand
shown in Table 3.1. Note variation.
that not all of these classes
apply to all product ranges. 2. Temperature:
Consult the relevant standard The stress capability of PVC is
for applicable classes. This temperature dependent.
classification is intended to
provide a first order guide to 3. Other load conditions:
the duty for which the pipes Earth loads, traffic loads,
are intended. These working bending stresses,
pressures incorporate a suit- installation loads, expansion
able factor of safety to ensure and contraction stresses and
trouble free operation under other mechanical loads.
average service conditions.
4. Service life required:
For short-term projects,
e.g. mining, a life of 5 to 15
Table 3.1 Maximum Working Pressure years could be appropriate;
for irrigation, possibly 15 to
PN Meters head (MPa) 30 years; for municipal water
4.5 46 0.45 supplies, 30 to 100 years.
6 61 0.6
5. Factor of safety:
8 81 0.8
Dependent largely on the
9 91 0.9 likelihood and consequences
10 102 1.0 of failure, and the number of
12 122 1.2 unknowns. Basic factors of
12.5 127 1.25
safety built into Australian
Standards for PVC pipes are
15 153 1.5
applied at the design point of
16 163 1.6 50 years. For PVC-U to AS/
18 184 1.8 NZS 1477 the standard safety
20 204 2.0 factor is 2.145, for PVC-O, it is
1.6 and for PVC-M it is 1.42

2.For PVC-U, the safety factor is applied to the mean extrapolated stress whereas for
PVC-O and PVC-M it is applied to the 97.5% lower confidence limit.
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Basis Of Design Flow
Vinidex flow charts, as detailed The Colebrook-White transi-
in the following pages, relate tional flow function is used to
the percentage hydraulic evaluate the friction factor, i.e.
gradient to the diameter, 1 =
[ k +
2 log10 2.51 [
discharge and flow velocity f 3.7D Re f
of PVC-U, PVC-O and PVC-M
pressure pipelines.
PVC-O and PVC-M pipes Note: The first term in brackets
have a larger internal bore relates to surface roughness.
than standard PVC-U for a The second term in brackets
given size and pressure class, relates to viscous effects
thus providing increased flow
capacity. This may allow a = VD
smaller size to be chosen
for a given application or, for
reduced pumping costs to
be realised in a size for size
The flow charts are based on
Re = Reynolds Number
Darcy’s expression for energy
loss in pipes, i.e. k = Colebrook-White
roughness coeff. (m)

Hydraulic = H = f V v = Kinematic viscosity of


Gradient L H 2g water (m2/s)

H = uniform frictional head loss (m)
L = pipe length (m)
f = Darcy friction factor
V = velocity of flow (m/s)
D = pipe internal diameter (m)
g = gravitational acceleration

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Depending on the nature of the Examples Other Pipe Flow

surface of a pipe and the Formulas
velocity of fluid that it is 1. What is the hydraulic gradi-
carrying, the flow in a pipe ent (H/L) and Velocity (V) in DN Other pipe flow formulas
will either be rough turbulent, 100, PN 12 Series 1 PVC-U include:
smooth turbulent or most pipe flowing at 10 L/s?
probably somewhere in a) The Manning formula:
between. From the Series 1 PN 12 flow

chart, locate intercept of DN H
V= 1
The Colebrook-White transition 100 line (East /West) and nR L
equation incorporates the Discharge (Q) for 10 L/s (SW/
smooth turbulent and rough NE). b) The Hazen-Williams formula:
turbulent conditions. For a Trace back along hydraulic
smooth pipe the first term in gradient line (NW/SE) to find 0.63 ] H
V = 0.849 C R
the brackets tends to zero and H/L = 1.3 m/100 m From
the second term predominates. Diameter/Discharge intercept, Where:
For a rough pipe the first term trace (South) to find V = 1.25 n = Manning roughness
in the brackets predominates, m/s. coefficient
particularly at flows with a
high Reynolds Number. This 2. What hydraulic gradient C = Hazen-Williams roughness
equation is therefore of almost is required to achieve a flow coefficient
universal application to velocity of 1 m/s in a DN 300 R = Hydraulic radius (m)
virtually any surface PN 9 Series 1 PVC-U pipe? (R = D/4 for a pipe flowing full)
roughness, pipe size, fluid or
H/L = Hydraulic gradient (m/m)
velocity of flow in the turbulent From the Series 1 PN 9 flow
range. chart, locate intercept of DN
Though both formulas do not
300 line (East/West) with veloc-
Substituting for f in the Darcy give the same accuracy as
ity V = 1 m/s (North/South).
equation notes that: the Colebrook-White equation
Trace back along hydraulic
over a wide range of flows they
gradient line (NW/SE) to find
Q = flow velocity x pipe internal are often used in hydraulics
H/L = 0.25 m/100 m.
area because of their comparative

Q = discharge (m3/s)

This leads to the following

expression upon which the
flow charts are based.

πD2 2gDH log D [
Q= 10
4 L k + 2.51q
3.7 2gDH

This Colebrook-White based

formula is now recognised by
engineers throughout the world
as the most accurate basis for
hydraulic design, having had
ample experimental
confirmation over a wide range
of flow conditions.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Relating Roughness Coefficients

Knowing k the equivalent roughness coefficients n and C for the
other two formulas can be compared as follows:

D [
1 -1/6

n = 5.04D 2g log10 k + 2.51v

3.7 2gD H

D [
C = 5.64D

2g log10
L k + 2.51v
3.7 2gD H

Table 3.2 Equivalent Roughness Coefficients

ID k v H/L n C
(m) (m) (m2/s) (m/m)
0.20 0.003 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0082 154

0.015 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0084 151

0.03 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0086 147

0.15 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0096 132

0.3 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.01 123

0.6 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.011 113

0.45 0.003 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0084 156

0.015 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0086 152

0.03 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0088 148

0.15 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0099 132

0.3 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.011 123

0.6 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.011 114

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Effect of Varying Manufacturing Diameter

Parameters Tolerance

For a given discharge Q, the Vinidex pressure pipe is manu-

friction head loss H developed factured in accordance with
in a pipeline will vary with the Australian Standards which
following parameters: permit specific manufacturing
tolerance on both its mean
Parameter Set Value outside diameter and wall
Water 20oC thickness. Hence the mean
temperature bore of a pipe is given by:
Small changes mean diameter Mean bore = Dm 2 T
mean OD mean wall
in pipe diameter (Australian thickness
The “Size DN” lines on the flow
Roughness k = 0.003mm
coefficient chart correspond to the mean
bore of that size and class
Designers should use their of pipe. (See product data
own discretion as to whether section)
or not it is appropriate to vary
these parameters. However, it is conceivable that
a pipe could be manufactured
Water Temperature with a maximum OD and a
The viscosity of water decreas- minimum wall thickness within
es with increasing temperature. approved tolerances. In this
As the temperature increases case, the discharge will be
the friction head will decrease. more than that indicated by the
charts. Similarly, a pipe with a
An approximate allowance minimum OD and a maximum
for the effect of the variation wall thickness will have a lower
in water temperature is as discharge than indicated.
For a given discharge the
Increase the chart value of the variation in friction head loss
hydraulic gradient by 1% for or hydraulic gradient due to
each 2 °C below 20 °C. this effect can be of the order
Decrease the chart value of the of 2% to 10% depending on
hydraulic gradient by 1% for the pipe size and class. For
each 2 °C above 20 °C. pipe sizes greater than DN 100
this variation is usually limited
to 6% for a PN 18 pipe.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Roughness Example
What is the corrected Hydrau-
The value of k, the roughness Engineers who wish to adopt lic Gradient for roughness
coefficient, has been chosen higher values of k should coefficient of 0.015 if the H/L
as 0.003 mm for new, clean, take into account some of the read from the charts was 0.25
concentrically jointed Vinidex above effects in relation to m/100 m for a DN 300 pipe
pressure pipe. This figure for their particular circumstances. and a velocity of 1 m/s? (see
k agrees with recommended The maximum suggested value example 2, design.6)
values given in Australian is 0.015 mm. Table 3-3 lists
Standard AS 2200 (Design the percentage increase in the From Table 3.3 correction
Charts for Water Supply and hydraulic gradient for typical factor is 2.8%.
Sewerage). It also is in line k values above 0.003 mm for
with work by Housen1 at the various flow velocities. Corrected H/L = 1.028 x 0.25
University of Texas which = 0.257m.
confirms that results for PVC
pipe compare favourably with Table 3.3 Percentage Increase in Hydraulic Gradient for Values of k higher than
accepted values for smooth
pipes for flows with Reynolds’
Number exceeding 10 4. Size Flow velocity k = 0.006 k = 0.015
DN (m/s) (mm) (mm)
Roughness may vary
within a pipeline for a variety 50 0.5 0.6% 2.3%
of reasons. However, in water
supply pipelines using clean 1.0 1.0% 3.8%
Vinidex PVC pressure pipe
these effects are minimised if 2.0 1.6% 6.2%
not eliminated and k can be
4.0 2.7% 9.8%
reliably taken as being equal to
0.003 mm. 100 0.5 0.5% 2.0%

Factors which may result in a 1.0 0.9% 3.3%

higher k value include:
2.0 1.5% 5.5%
• Wear or roughening due to
conveyed solids. 4.0 2.4% 8.8%
• Growth of slime or other
200 0.5 0.4% 1.8%
incrustations on the inside.
• Joint irregularities and 1.0 0.8% 2.9%
deflections in line and
grade. 2.0 1.3% 4.9%

Note: Significant additional 4.0 2.2% 7.9%

losses can be caused by de-
sign or operational faults such 300 0.5 0.4% 1.6%
as air entrapment, sedimenta-
1.0 0.7% 2.8%
tion, partly closed valves or
other artificial restrictions. 2.0 1.2% 4.6%
Every effort should be made 4.0 2.0% 7.4%
to eliminate such problems.
It is not recommended that 450 0.5 0.4% 1.5%
k values be adjusted to
compensate, since this may 1.0 0.6% 2.5%
lead to errors of judgement
concerning the true hydraulic 2.0 1.1% 4.3%
4.0 1.9% 6.9%

1. HOUSEN, “Tests find friction Factors in PVC pipe”. Oil & Gas Journal Vol. 75, 1977

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Form Resistance to Flow fittings are usually small com- i.e. loss in pressure head
pared with the friction losses in
In a pipeline, energy is lost long pipelines. However, they
wherever there is a change in may contribute a significant V2
cross section or flow direction. part to the total losses in short HL (m) = K
These energy losses which oc- pipeline systems with several
cur as a result of disturbances fittings.
to the normal flow show up as
pressure drops in the pipeline. It can be shown that form Where:
losses in pipes may be V = velocity (m/s) from the flow
These “form losses” which expressed as a constant chart
occur at sudden changes multiplied by the velocity head: K = resistance coefficient
in section, at valves and at (from Table 3.4)

Table 3.4 Resistance Coefficients for Valves, Fittings and Changes in Pipe Cross Section

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Example Table 3.5 Value of Darcy Friction

Factor f at Flow Velocity of 1 m/s and
Roughness Coefficient 0.003 mm
What is the head loss in a DN
100 short radius 90° elbow ID (m) Friction Factor f
when the flow velocity is 1m/s?
0.5 0.021

(Table 3.4) K = 1.1 for a short 0.10 0.018

radius elbow
0.15 0.0165

Head loss HL = K V2 0.20 0.0158

= 1.1 x 12 0.30 0.0146
2 x 9.8
= 0.06m 0.45 0.0135

Hence for any pipeline system

the total form resistance to With increasing flow velocity,
flow can be determined by f will decrease.
adding together the individual
head losses at each valve, At V = 4 m/s, t is approximately
fitting or change in cross 75% of the above values, i.e.
section. the values in the table above
are conservative.
Equivalent Length (Le)
Form losses in fittings, valves,
etc., are sometimes expressed What is the equivalent straight
in terms of an ‘equivalent pipe length of a DN 100 short
length’ of straight pipe which radius 90° elbow?
has the same resistance to Le = KD = 1.1 x 0.096 = 5.9m
f 0.018
flow as the valve or fitting. By
equating the form loss
expression to the Darcy K = 1.1 (Table 3.4)
formula for energy loss in D = 0.096m (product data section)
pipelines f = 0.018 (Table 3.5)

i.e. HL = K V = f Le
2g D 2g

the ‘equivalent length’ Le is

given by
Le = KD

As a general rule the

‘equivalent length’ method is
not preferred as the value of
the friction factor f depends
not only on the Colebrook-
White roughness coefficient
chosen but also on the
particular pipe size and
velocity of flow (see Table 3.4).

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Worked Examples Example 2: Gravity Main

A pipeline 6.5km long is

Example 1: Gravity Main
required to deliver a flow of at
Water is required to flow at a discharge of 36,000 litres per hour
least 30L/s. The storage tank at
from a storage tank on a hill to an outlet 3 km away.
the pipeline inlet has a minimum
The difference in water level between the tank and the discharge
water level 45m higher than
end is 48m.
the outlet. Pipe is required to
be selected from the Series 2
diameter range. What size and
class of Vinidex pipe should be

Try Vinidex Hydro.

Discharge = 25L/s

Hydraulic Gradient =
H 40
= x 100 = 0.6m/100m
L 6500
1. What size and class of 2. Now that the pipe has been
Vinidex PVC-U pipe is selected, check actual flow.
required? Using PN 6 flow chart find
From the Vinidex Hydro Series 2
the intersection of DN 100
flow chart, find the intersection
2. What is the flow velocity and line and Hydraulic Gradient =
of Q=30 L/s and H/L=0.6. Read
actual discharge? 1.6m/100m.
off the nearest larger pipe size
which gives DN 200.
Discharge Q = 36,000 L/s = 10 L/s Velocity V = 1.41m/s
(Bottom scale)
The maximum pressure is 45m;
Hydraulic Gradient =
discharge Q = 12.8L/s therefore, a PN 6 pipe would be
H 48m suitable.
= x 100 = 1.6m/100m (Left hand scale)
L 3,000m
= 46,080L/h
Using the flow chart, find the
1. Minimum Class required is
intersection of the DN 200, PN 6
PN 6. From flow chart: find
with H/L = 0.6. Read of the flow
intersection of
velocity from the bottom scale
Q = 10 L/s (Left hand scale) and the actual flow rate from
and H/L = 1.6 (Top scale) the left hand scale. This gives V
= 1.43 m/s and Q =54 L/s.
Read off nearest larger pipe
DN 100 (Right hand scale).
Therefore DN 100, PN 6 pipe is

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Example 3: Pumping Main

and Form Losses

A pumping line is required to Try PN6 PVC-U pipe.

deliver 35 L/s from a low level
dam to a high level holding Discharge Q = 35L/s (Left hand scale).
tank. The length of the line is
5 km. The maximum level of This intersects the 1m/sec velocity line (Bottom
the holding tank is 100 m and scale) at approximately DN 200 pipe. Try DN200
the minimum level of the dam and DN225:
is 60 m. To avoid the need for Size DN Flow velocity Hydraulic gradient
sophisticated water hammer (Bottom scale) (Top scale)
control gear, the engineer
wishes to restrict flow velocity 200 0.99 m/s 0.36m/100m
to a maximum 1 m/s. 225 0.81 m/s 0.22m/100m

1. The size and class of Calculate friction head in pipelines

Vinidex PVC-U pipe Size DN Pipe friction head
2. The form head losses due 200 0.36 x 5000m/100m = 18m
to valves and fittings.
225 0.22 x 5000m/100m = 11m
3. The head required at the

1. The pipe friction Head

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

2. Form head losses

a) DN200 pipe.
V2 = 0.992 = 0.05m
First calculate velocity head 2g 2 x 9.8

Valve or fitting K value Head loss

(Table 3.4) (m)
Hinge disc foot valve 15.00 15.00 x 0.05 = 0.75
(with strainer)

2 Gate valves (fully open) 0.2 2 x 0.2 x 0.05 = 0.02

1 Reflux valve 2.50 2.50 x 0.05 = 0.125

4 x 90o elbows 1.10 4 x 1.10 x 0.05 = 0.220

2 x 45 elbows
0.35 2 x 0.35 x 0.05 = 0.035

1 square outlet 1.00 1.00 x 0.05 = 0.050

Total form head losses = 1.2m

b) DN 225 pipe. Form head losses = 0.72m

3. Total pumping head = pipe friction + form + static

head losses head

Static head = difference in level storage tank to dam

= l00m - 60m = 40m

Size Friction + form + static + Total

DN head losses head head
200 18m + 1.2m + 40m + 59.2m

225 11m + 0.7m + 40m + 51.7m

It can be seen that PN 6 PVC-U pipe is required. The effect of
valves and fittings in a system such as this is far outweighed by
the pipe flow friction and static head losses. The most efficient and
economic choice would be the DN 200 pipeline, giving a pumping
head of 59.2 m and a flow velocity of 0.99 m/s.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Charts
Flow Chart for Vinidex Hydro® PVC-M Pressure pipe Series 2 – PN6, PN9, PN12, PN16 AS/NZS 4765

Head Loss - Meters Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge - Litres per Second (L/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
4.0 5
4 4
3 3.0 3
2 2
Flow Chart for Supermain® PVC-O Pressure pipe Series 2 – PN12, PN16 AS4441

Head Loss - Meters Head of Water of per 100 meters of Pipe




0.90 1.5 0.90

0.80 0.80
0.70 15 0.70

0.60 0.60

0.50 0.50

1.0 0.40


0.30 0.30

0.20 0.20


0.10 0.10
0.09 0.09
0.08 0.08
0.07 0.07
0.06 0.06
0.05 0.05
0.04 0.04
0.03 0.03
0.02 LO 0.02
Y m/
0.01 0.01
.009 .009

.008 .008
.007 .007
.006 .006
.005 .005
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000
Discharge - Litres per Second (L/s)


Flow Chart for Vinyl Iron PVC Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN6, PN9, PN12
Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for Vinidex Hydro® PVC-M Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN6, PN9, PN12 AS/NZS 4765
Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe
Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 - PN4.5 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe
Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

Velocity (m/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN6 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

Velocity (m/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN9 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

Velocity (m/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN12 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

Velocity (m/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN15 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

Velocity (m/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flow Chart for PVC-U Pressure pipe Series 1 – PN18 AS 1477

Head Loss – Metres Head of Water per 100 meters of Pipe

Discharge – Litres per Second (L/s)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

and alternatively, for pipe
Static Stresses design,
The hydrostatic pressure
capacity of PVC pipe is related Tmin =
2S + P
to the following variables:
1. The ratio between the outer T = wall thickness (mm)
diameter and the wall thick- Dm = mean outside diameter (mm)
Dmean = Diameter the mid wall (mm)
ness (dimension ratio). P = internal pressure (MPa)
2. The hydrostatic design S = circumferential hoop stress
stress for the PVC material. (MPa)
3. The operating temperature.
4. The duration of the stress These formulas have been
applied by the internal hydro- standardised for use in design,
static pressure. routine testing and research
work and are thus applicable
The pressure rating of PVC at all levels of pressure and
pipe can be ascertained stress. They form the basis
by dividing the long-term for establishment of ultimate
pressure capacity of the material limitations for plastic
pipe by the desired factor of pipes by pressure testing.
safety. Although PVC pipe can
withstand short-term hydro- For design purposes, P is
static pressure applications taken as the maximum allow-
at levels substantially higher able working pressure with s
than pressure rating or class, being the maximum allowable
the performance of PVC pipe hoop stress (at 20 C) given
in response to applied internal below:
hydrostatic pressure should be
based on the pipe’s long- term
PVC-U pipes up to DN150 11MPa
By international convention,
the relationship between the DN175 PVC-U pipes and larger 12.3MPa
internal pressure in the pipe,
the diameter and wall thick- Material Class 400 Oriented PVC
pipes (PVC-O)
ness and the circumferential
hoop stress developed in the Material Class 450 Orientated PVC
wall, is given by the Barlow pipes (PVC-O)
Formula, which can be ex-
Material Class 500 Orientated PVC
pressed in the following forms: pipes (PVC-O)

2TS 2TminS Modified PVC pipes (PVC-M) 17.5MPa

P = =
Dmean (Dmmin - tmin)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Dynamic Stresses Definitions

PVC pressure pipes are Surge Diurnal pressure changes
designed on the basis of a For the purposes of this Diurnal pressure changes are
burst regression line for pipes document, surge is defined gradual pressure changes
subjected to constant internal as a rapid, very short-term which occur in most distribu-
pressure. From this long term pressure variation caused tion pipelines as a result
testing and analysis, nominal by an accidental, unplanned of demand variation. It is
working pressure classes are event such as an emergency generally accepted that diurnal
allocated to pipes as a first shutdown resulting from a pressure changes will not
indication of the duty for which power failure. Surge events are cause fatigue. The only design
they are suitable. However, characterised by high pressure consideration required for this
there are many other factors rise rates with no time spent at type of pressure fluctuation
which must be considered, the peak pressure. is that the maximum pressure
including the effects of should not exceed the pres-
dynamic loading. Whilst most Fatigue sure rating of the pipe.
gravity pressure lines operate In contrast, fatigue is associ-
substantially under constant ated with a large number of Surge design
pressure, pumped lines repetitive events. Many materi- It has long been recognised
frequently do not. Pressure als will fail at a lower stress that PVC pipes are capable of
fluctuations in pumped mains when subjected to cyclic of handling short-term stresses
result from events such as repetitive loads than when far greater than the long-term
pump start-up and shutdown under static loads. This type loads upon which they are
and valves opening and of failure is known as (cyclic) designed. That is, PVC pipes
closing. It is essential that the fatigue. For thermoplastic can cope with higher pressures
effects of this type of loading pipe materials, fatigue is only than they are designed for
be considered in the pipeline relevant where a large number provided the higher pressures
design phase to avoid prema- of cycles are anticipated. The are of only a short duration.
ture failure. important factors to consider However, this characteristic
are the magnitude of the stress feature is not utilised in
The approach adopted for pipe fluctuation, the loading design in Australia and design
design and class selection frequency and the intended recommendations advise that
when considering these events service life. Where large the peak pressure should not
depends on the anticipated pressure fluctuations are exceed the nominal working
frequency of the pressure predicted, fatigue design might pressure of the pipe. This
fluctuation. For frequent, be required if the total number recommendation is based on
repetitive pressure variations, of cycles over the intended the fact the pipes should not
the designer must consider the lifetime of the pipeline exceeds be considered in isolation but
potential for fatigue and design 25,000. For smaller pressure as part of a system. Whilst
accordingly. For random, cycles, a larger number of the pipes themselves might
isolated surge events, for cycles can be tolerated. be capable of withstanding
example, those which result occasional, short duration
from emergency shutdowns, Pressure Range exposure to pressures in
the designer must ensure that Pressure range is defined as excess of the design pressure,
the maximum and minimum the maximum pressure minus the same assumption may not
pressures experienced by the the minimum pressure, includ- apply to the pipeline system.
system are within acceptable ing all transients, experienced
limits. by the system during normal Where the generation of nega-
operations tive pressures is anticipated,
the possibility of transverse
buckling should be considered.
This topic is addressed

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Fatigue design This type of experimental Recommended fatigue cycle

The fatigue response of data inevitably has a degree factors for PVC-U, PVC-M and
thermoplastics pipe materials, of scatter and it has been PVC-O are given in Table 1
particularly PVC, has been Australian practice, after below:
extensively investigated 302:3- Joseph (3), to adopt the lower
13. The results of laboratory bound for design purposes.
studies can be used to estab- This approach is retained here
lish a relationship between because it ensures the design
stress range, defined here as has a positive safety factor
the difference between the and recognises that pipelines
maximum and minimum stress may sustain minor surface
(see Fig 2), and the number of damage during installation,
cycles to failure. From these which could promote fatigue
relationships it is possible to crack initiation. Note that for
derive load factors that can fatigue loading situations, the
be applied to the operating maximum pressure reached
pressures, to enable selection in the repetitive cycle should
of an appropriate class of pipe. not exceed the static pressure
rating of the pipe.

Recommended fatigue cycle factors for PVC-U, PVC-M and PVC-O are given in Table 1 below:

Total Cycles Approx No. Cycles/day for 100y life Fatigue Cycle Factors, f

26,400 1 1 1 1

100,000 3 1 0.67 0.75

200,000 5.5 0.81 0.54 0.66

500,000 14 0.62 0.41 0.56

1,000,000 27 0.5 0.33 0.49

2,500,000 82 0.38 0.25 0.41

5,000,000 137 0.38 0.25 0.41

10,000,000 274 0.38 0.25` 0.41

Using Table 1, the Maximum Cyclic Pressure Range for a given class of pipe can be calculated
from the following formula:

PN x
MCPR = f

Charts plotting the MCPR versus the number of cycles for a range of pressure classes of PVC-U,
PVC-M and PVC-O pipes are plotted here 302:PVC-U , 302:PVC-M or 302:PVC-O or as PDF
versions. 302:PVCUpdf, 302:PVCMpdf, 302:PVCOpdf

Procedure which are expected to occur. the pipe lifetime

To select the appropriate pipe Determine the required service Find the intersection point
class for fatigue loading, the life and calculate the total between the horizontal and
following procedure should be number of cycles which will vertical lines.
adopted: occur in the pipe lifetime Select the pipe class that
Using the appropriate chart bounds the region of this
Estimate the likely pressure for 302:PVC-U , 302:PVC-M or intersection point as the
range, i.e., the maximum pres- 302:PVC-O ; draw a vertical minimum required for these
sure minus the minimum pres- line from the x-axis at ΔP and a fatigue conditions.
sure. Estimate the frequency or horizontal line from the y-axis
the number of cycles per day at the total number of cycles in

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Example The maximum pressure

experienced indicates that a
A sewer rising main has a minimum class of PN 9 will be
pump pressure, including required. A fatigue analysis is
static lift and friction losses, of now needed in order to
400 kPa. When the pump starts determine suitability or
up, the pressure rises rapidly otherwise of PN 9.
to 800 kPa before decaying
exponentially to the static In this system, the pressure
pumping pressure. On pump range is 700 kPa. The pump
shut down, the minimum will start up approximately
pressure experienced by the 292,000 times in a 100 year
system is 100 kPa. On average, lifetime. However, the
the pump will start up 8 times exponential cycle pattern
per day. A minimum life of 100 means that this should be
years is required. doubled for design purposes.
Therefore, the system should
be designed to withstand
approximately 584,000 cycles
in a 100 year lifetime.

Using Table 1 to determine the fatigue load factors for PVC pipes at 5.8 x 105 cycles gives the
following class selection:
Material Fatigue Cycle Factor, f Maximum Cyclic Pressure Range Minimum Pipe
(Table 1) (MPa) Class Selection
PVC-U 0.6 PN9 = 0.9 x 0.6 = 0.54 <DP PN12

PN12 = 1.29 x 0.6 = 0.72 <DP

PVC-M 0.4 PN16 = 1.6 x 0.4 = 0.64 <DP PN18

PN18 = 1.8 x 0.4 = 0.72 <DP

PVC-O 0.54 PN12.5 = 1.25 x 0.54 = 0.675 <DP PN16

PN16 = 1.6 x 0.54 = 0.86 <DP

The graphical procedure is demonstrated below for PVC-U. Using the charts for PVC-U (see
211:PVC-U) , draw a vertical line from the pressure range on the x axis and a horizontal line from
the number of cycles on the y axis. Find the intersection of these two lines and read off the pipe
pressure class that bounds this region. In this example, the intersection point lies in the region
bounded by the PN12 curve so PN 12 is required for PVC-U pipe for fatigue loading.

The fatigue analysis thus

determines that although PN 9
is adequate for the maximum
pressure, a minimum PN 12 pipe
is needed for PVC-U, PN18 for
PVC-M and PN16 for PVC-O, in
order to cope with fatigue

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Definition of Pressure Complex Cycle Patterns would not be degraded in

Range and effect of Surges fatigue performance at higher
In general, a similar technique temperatures.
For simplicity, the pressure may be applied to any situation
range is defined as the where smaller cycles exist in It follows that, while normal
maximum pressure minus the addition to the primary cycle. derating principles must be
minimum pressure, including Empirically crack growth applied in class selection for
all transients, experienced is related to stress cycle static pressures, (ductile burst),
by the system during normal amplitude according to (II)3.2. no additional temperature
operations. The effect of Thus n secondary cycles of derating need be applied for
accidental conditions such as magnitude nn, may be deemed dynamic design.
power failure may be excluded. equivalent in effect to one ie. Select the highest class
This is illustrated in the figure primary cycle, ,,0 arrived via:-
Ds0 )
where n = a) Static design including
temperature derating; or
b) Dynamic design as covered
For example a secondary cycle herein.
of half the magnitude of the
primary cycle:

) 3.2
2 = 9.2
This figure also illustrates the n=
definition of a cycle as a repeti-
tive event. In some cases, the so it would require 9 secondary
cycle pattern will be complex cycles to produce the same
and it may be necessary to effect as one primary cycle.
also consider the contribution If they are occurring at the
of secondary cycles. same frequency, the effective
frequency of primary cycling
Pumping systems are frequent- is increased by 1.1 for the
ly subject to surging following purpose of design
the primary pressure transient
on switching. Such pressure Effect of Temperature
surging decays exponentially,
and in effect the system is Joseph notes that the available
subjected to a number of minor data indicates that there is
pressure cycles of reducing no evidence of a change in
magnitude. In order to take response of PVC fatigue crack
this into account, the effect of growth rates with temperature,
each minor cycle is related to at least in the lower tempera-
the primary cycle in terms of ture region where results are
the number of cycles which available. This is logically
would produce the same crack consistent with known fatigue
growth as one primary cycle. behavior, since the propensity
to propagate a crack reduces
According to this technique, a with increasing ductility which
typical exponentially decaying results in yielding and blunting
surge regime is equivalent to 2 of the crack tip and a reduction
primary cycles. Thus for design in local stress intensity. Thus
purposes, the primary pressure one would expect that PVC,
range only is considered, with with increasing ductility and
the frequency doubled. decreasing yield strength,

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Safety Factors Design Hints Fittings

The tabulated fatigue cycle To reduce the effect of C fittings present a problem
factors represent the lower dynamic fatigue in an worthy of special consider-
bound of test data generated installation, the designer can: ation. Complex stress patterns
from a number of different in fittings can ‘amplify’ the
sources over the last few years 1. Limit the number of cycles apparent stress cycle. An
on commercially produced by: apparently harmless pressure
PVC pipes. The mean line for cycle can thus produce a
a. Increasing well capacity for
this data is approximately half damaging stress cycle leading
a sewer pumping station;
a log decade higher than this, to a relatively short fatigue life.
and the relationship assumes b. Matching pump
no threshold stress level at low performance to tank size to This factor is particularly
stress amplitudes and long eliminate short demand severe in the case of branch
times. cycles for an automatic fittings such as tees, where
pressure unit; or amplification factors up four
It is therefore considered times have been noted. The
c. Using double-acting float
conservative and no additional condition can be aggravated
valves or limiting starts on
safety factor need be applied further by the existence of
the pump by the use of
in general. However, where stress cycling from other
a time clock when filling a
the magnitude or frequency of sources, for example bending
dynamic stresses cannot be stresses induced flexing under
estimated in design with any 2. Reduce the dynamic range hydraulic thrust in improperly
reasonable degree of accuracy, by: supported systems.
appropriate caution should
a. Eliminating excessive water
obviously be applied. This Prudence therefore dictates
hammer; or
judgement is in the hands of that a suitable factor of safety
the designer. 3. Using a larger bore pipe to be applied to fittings in as-
reduce friction losses sessing class requirements.
Whilst it is always possible to It is recommended that the
predict the steady operating following factors be applied to
conditions with good accuracy, the design dynamic pressure
it will occasionally be the case, cycle for fittings:
in complex systems, that it
is impossible to predict the Tees Equal Dx3/4D Dx1/2D Dx1/4D
extent of surge pressures. In Safety Factor 4 3 2 1.5
such circumstances, relatively
low cost surge mitigation tech-
niques, for example the solid Bends 90° short 45° short 90° long 45° long
state soft-start motor control-
Safety Factor 3 2 2 1.5
lers should be considered. It is
of course recommended that
actual operating conditions for
Reducers Dx3/4D Dx1/2D Dx1/4D
all systems should be checked
by measurement, as a matter Safety Factor 1.5 2 2.5
of routine, when the system is
commissioned. Should surge
pressure amplitudes in the Adaptors & Couplings Equal Size Wyes
event exceed expected levels, Safety Factor 1 6
it is relatively easy matter to
retrofit control equipment to
ensure that they are kept in

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

A golf course watering scheme
is designed to operate at 0.70 Maximum Service For lower operating tem-
MPa. Balanced loading will Temperature peratures, the 20°C ratings are
ensure no pump cycling during used, even though properties
routine watering. However, the PVC-U and PVC-M pipes are such as tensile strength are
system is to be maintained on suitable for use at service greater. As the temperature
standby with a jockey pump temperatures up to 50°C. For decreases, it is advisable to
for hand watering purposes PVC-O pipes, the maximum take additional care to avoid
and this will cut in and out continuous operating tem- impact damage as the impact
at 0.35 and 0.75 MPa. With perature should be limited to strength decreases with
normal usage and leakage 45°C. Note that for all pipes temperature. Sub-zero operat-
this may occur every half hour conveying drinking water, ing temperatures are specialist
on average for twelve hours a compliance with the cold water applications (see PVC pipes in
day. A twenty-five year life is requirements of AS/NZS 4020 low temperature applications)
required. is only valid up to 40°C and the and reference can be made to
Water Services Association of the Vinidex Technical Depart-
The pressure cycle is 0.4 MPa. Australia (WSAA) recommend ment.
Allow 20% for water hammer that water supply systems be
but no surging is likely in this limited to this value. For temperatures greater than
type of system. Total dynamic 20°C, the maximum working
cycle 0.48 MPa. The total life Pressure Rating pressures of PVC pipes should
cycles predicted is 25 x 365 x Mechanical properties of PVC be reduced. The following
25 = 228,000. Using the table, are temperature dependent. table gives the recommended
the MCPR of a PN 9 pipe is Nominal working pressures are maximum operating pressures
0.64. Therefore, PN 9 pipe is determined at 20°C. for PVC-U, PVC-M and PVC-O
satisfactory (PN 9 is required to pipes.
cope with normal operational
pressure). For fittings the effec-
tive dynamic cycle is
Table 3.6 Maximum allowable operating pressures (MPa) for pipe pressure classes (PN)

Equal Tees : 4 x 0.48 = 1.92 Pipe Maximum Allowable pressure (MPa)

MPa Material
Elbows 90° : 3 x 0.48 = 1.44 Temp 4.5 6 9 10 12 12.5 15 16 18 20
MPa °C
30° 0.39 0.52 0.78 0.87 1.04 1.09 1.31 1.39 1.57 1.74
PN 18 fittings are suitable for
only 1.8 MPa effective dynamic 35° 0.36 0.47 0.71 0.79 0.95 0.99 1.19 1.26 1.42 1.58
range. Equal tees may not
have an acceptable life in this 40° 0.32 0.42 0.63 0.70 0.84 0.88 1.05 1.12 1.26 1.40

system. 45° 0.29 0.38 0.58 0.64 0.77 0.80 0.96 1.02 1.15 1.28

Solution: Reduce the dynamic 50° 0.26 0.35 0.52 0.58 0.70 0.73 0.87 0.93 1.04 1.16

range or reduce the frequency

or the periods on standby.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Temperature Rating of PVC Pipe This approximation is reason-

able provided the temperature
variations from the mean do
not exceed ± l0°C which is
generally the case for pipes
buried below 300 mm.

For most underground

water supply systems, the
overall mean temperature
from meteorological records is
appropriate for class selection
purposes, since this represents
the mean of the annual and
diurnal sinusoidal temperature
The material temperature Tm = 2Tw + Ts
under consideration is the 3 For systems subjected to
average temperature of the Where: larger variations, the tempera-
pipe wall under operational Tm = mean material ture for rating purposes should
conditions. temperature be taken as the maximum
Tw = water temperature less 10°C. However, the peak
In most instances it may Ts = soil temperature temperature should not exceed
be assumed that the pipe 60°C.
temperature is equal to the t should be noted that the
elevated temperature of the pressure condition where Example
fluid being carried. flow is stopped should also A reticulation system is to be
be checked. In this event, installed in a town with a mean
Where a temperature differ- water temperature and outside ground temperature at pipe
ential exists between the fluid temperature will equalise depth of 20°C. The December-
in the pipe and the external February average is 25°C.
environment, the operating Temperature can also be Although diurnal variations
temperature may be taken as averaged with respect to time. occur with air temperatures
the mean of the internal and up to 40°C during heatwave
external pipe surface tempera- The average temperature periods, water temperatures
tures. may be considered to be the and ground temperatures at
weighted average of tem- pipe depth do not exceed the
For the usual case of turbulent peratures in accordance with mean of 27°C. A 50 year life is
flow of fluid inside the pipe, the percentage of time spent required at the standard factor
the inside surface temperature at each temperature under of safety.
may be taken as the tempera- operational pressures:
ture of the fluid. The rate of Weighted average
heat transfer across the wall of tm = t1 L1 + t2 L2 + ... + tn Ln temperature:
a PVC pipe is low, and pro-
vided the exterior of the pipe where Ln = proportion of life tm = 25(3/12) + 20.5(6/12) +
is well ventilated, the external spent at temperature tn 15(3/12)
surface will be near ambient. = 6.25 + 10.25 + 3.75 =
Where heat transfer to or from 20.25°C
the surrounding material is
very slow, the external surface Therefore, use rating for 20°C.
temperature will be near to that This is the same result as
of the internal surface. taking the mean.

It may be necessary in critical For a more sophisticated

cases to establish surface approach, refer to ISO 13760:
temperature characteristics by Plastics pipes for conveyance
experiment. For the situation of of fluids under pressure -
a buried pipeline with flowing Miner’s rule - Calculation
water, an appropriate ‘rule of method for cumulative dam-
thumb’ is: age.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Expansion and 1. Find difference between

Contraction maximum and minimum
All materials expand and i.e. 28°C - 18° C = 10°C.
contract with changes in
temperature and PVC has a 2. Check chart above for
relatively high rate of change. expansion per metre.
10° C = 0.7 mm.
The coefficient of thermal
expansion is 7 x 10-5/°C. 3. Multiply answer by total
length of line
A handy rule is 7 mm change 0.7 x 150 = 105 mm
in length for every 10 metres
for every 10°C change in This means the pipe will
temperature contract approximately 0.1
metres when in service.
Methods of providing for
A 150 metre line of PVC pipe is
thermal expansion or
being installed with the
contraction will depend on
temperature at 28°C. The
the nature of the installation
service temperature will be
and whether it is above or
18°C. What allowance has to
below ground. (See Installation
be made for expansion?

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure


RESISTANCE In ground subject to earth
Plastics generally show movement or in areas af-
excellent performance under fected by underground mining,
abrasive conditions. The main pipes can be subjected to
properties contributing to this longitudinal stresses. These
are the low elastic modulus stresses can occur anytime
and coefficient of friction. This after installation and result in
enables the material to “give” axial stress in the pipe. Whilst
and particles tend to skid PVC pipes are capable of
rather than abrade the surface. absorbing significant strains it
is advantageous to use rubber
Well known low friction materi- ring jointed pipe in these areas.
als such as Teflon, Nylon and The pipe MUST be correctly
Polyurethanes show outstand- installed to the witness mark
ing characteristics. Economics, position. All Vinidex rubber
however, are a major factor ring pipes are designed to
and PVC’s performance in the absorb some ground strain
context of wear rate/unit cost and movement in the pipe joint
is excellent. Factors affecting can accommodate a certain
abrasion are complex and it is amount of the strain associ-
difficult to relate test data to ated with mine subsidence.
practical conditions.

The Institute for Hydromechan- Each joint’s ability to take

ic and Hydraulic Structures strain can be calculated from
of the Technical University of the equation:
Darmstadt in West Germany M = 3SL + TD + 1.5 a ΔtL
tested the abrasion resistance
of several pipe products. where:
Gravel and river sand were
the abrasive materials used in M = total axial movement
concrete pipe, glazed vitrified within the socket while
clay pipe and PVC piping, with still maintaining the seal
the following results: (mm)
S = ground strain (mm/m)
L = length of pipe (m)
T = permitted socket deflection
Concrete (unlined) Measurable wear at 150,000 cycles D = outside diameter of the
Vitrified Clay (glazed lining) Minimal wear at 260,000 cycles. Accelerated
spigot (mm)
wear after glazing wore off at 260,000 cycles. a = coefficient of thermal
expansion for PVC
PVC Minimal wear at 260,000 cycles (about equal to (8.1 x 10 - 5/°C) *
glazed vitrified clay, but less accelerated than
virtified clay after 260,000 cycles) Δt = maximum temperature
variation (22°C)

* Note, this value of the

coefficient of thermal
expansion of PVC is used by
the Mine Subsidence Board.
Elsewhere, 7 x 10-5/°C is used.

The witness mark is positioned

to allow the optimum combina-
tion of insertion/extraction
without overstressing the pipe
or losing seal.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Table 3.7 Allowable Ground Strain (%) for Series 1 spigot and socket PVC-U and PVC-M
pipes (3 & 6 meter lengths) mm/m

Pipe Size DN
Length 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 225 250 300 375 450

3m 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 11

6m 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5

Table 3.8 Allowable Ground Strain (%) for Series 2 spigot and socket PVC-U and PVC-M
pipes (3 & 6 meter lengths) mm/m

Pipe Size DN
Length 100 150 200 225 250 300 375

3m 4 5 10 9 10 9 11

6m 2 2 4 4 4 4 5

Table 3.9 Allowable Ground Strain (%) for Series 2 spigot and socket Supermain® pipes
(3 & 6 meter lengths) mm/m

Pipe Size DN
Length 100 150 200 225 250 300 375

3m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

6m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

These tables assume that the ground strain is uniformly transferred along the pipe.
Pothole subsidence or large localised fissures may result in damage to the pipe or joint.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

TRANSVERSE Unsupported
BUCKLING Collapse Pressure
A pipe subjected to pressure The unsupported critical
externally (or vacuum buckling pressure sustainable
internally) is subject to a by a pipe can be calculated
potential stability problem. from:
For any given diameter/wall 24EI103 kPa
Pc =
thickness ratio, there is a (1 - v2)Dm3
critical collapse pressure at
which the pipe wall will Where:
commence to buckle inwards. Where E = the effective elastic
The failure mode is unstable, material modulus (MPa)
i.e. the more it buckles the less
resistance to buckling, and so v= Poisson’s Ratio for the
total collapse occurs rapidly. material which may be taken
as 0.4 for PVC-U and PVC-M
Situations where pipe buckling and 0.45 for PVC-O
may arise are comparatively I= moment of inertia of the
rare, but in certain circum- cross-section of the pipe wall
stances this can be a (mm4/mm) (= t3/12 for a pipe of
controlling factor on selection uniform section t)
of pipe class.
Dm= diameter of the pipe
taken at the neutral axis of the
wall cross section (mm)
This may also be expressed in
terms of the pipe ring-bending
stiffness as:
24 x S kPa
Pc =
(1 - v2) c

Sc = Calculated
ring-bending stiffness
(kPa) (see Table 3.10)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Since the ring-bending stiff- Table 3.10 Minimum calculated stiffness, Sc, for PVC pressure pipes (kPa)
ness is broadly constant for AS/NZS AS/NZS AS/NZS AS/NZS AS/NZS AS/NZS
a particular class of pipe, the 1477 1477 4675 4441 4441 4441
collapse pressure is indepen-
dent of diameter and can be PN PVC<=150 PVC>150 PVC-M PVC-O 400 PVC-O 450 PVC-O 500
computed for each class. Note,
4.5 2.3 1.6 - - - -
however, that PVC-U pressure
pipe to AS/NZS 1477 has 6 5.4 3.9 2.6 - - -
different dimension ratios for
9 18.3 13.1 4.3 - - -
small bore and large bore (DN
175 and over) pipes. Calcu- 12 43.3 31.0 10.1 - - -
lated minimum ring-bending
12.5 - - - 5.2 3.7 2.7
stiffnesses are tabulated in
Table 3.10: 15 84.5 60.5 19.7 - - -

16 102.6 73.4 23.9 10.2 7.8 5.2

18 146.1 104.5 34.0 - - -

20 200.4 143.3 - - - 10.2

NOTE The stiffness values The stiffness is related to the

above are calculated on effective modulus, which varies
the basis of minimum wall with the loading condition
thickness at any point . Since (short or long term), and also
the stiffness is a function of with temperature. For long
the mean wall thickness, it is term loading and/or elevated
statistically not possible for temperatures, the critical
these values to be realised in buckling pressure should be
practice, and the real stiffness multiplied by a correction
will be significantly greater. factor to take the variation
Based on known process in modulus into account.
capabilities the mean wall Appropriate values of the
thickness could reasonably temperature/loading time
be expected to be at least correction factor are given in
5% above minimum and the Table 3.11.
stiffness correspondingly 16%
higher than the figures above.

Table 3.11 Temperature / Loading time Correction Factors

Loading term 20OC 30OC 40OC

Short Term - e.g. water surges (seconds/minutes) 1 0.96 0.93

Medium Term - e.g. concrete work (hours) 0.81 0.75 0.66

Long Term - (day/month) 0.69 0.63 0.56

Permanent - e.g. ground water (50 years) for PVC-U and PVC-M 0.37 0.28 0.18

Permanent - e.g. ground water (50 Years) for PVC-O 0.44 0.33 0.22

The critical collapse pressures for standard PVC-U, PVC-O and PVC-M pipes for a range of
operating conditions are shown in the following graphs.

NOTE: Pipe wall thickness has a major influence on the critical buckling pressure.
Therefore PVC-O and PVC-M pipes will not have the equivalent resistance to unsupported
collapse as PVC-U pipes of the same pressure class.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Unsupported Collapse Pressures for PVC Pipes

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Effect of Ovality For shallow burial, full

support is not developed since
Initial Ovality of a pipe will reduce the critical buckling pressure. buckling can occur by vertical
The reduction can be calculated by multiplying the critical lifting of the soil cover.
buckling pressure, Pc, by a correction factor, C1 which is AS/NZS 2566.1 specifies that
calculated as follows: for cover heights less than
0.5m, Pc be used to
For an oval pipe with, evaluate the potential for
dD ,
C1 = 1 - D 2
D =
( buckling. Where cover heights
D (1+D)
are greater than or equal to
where: 0.5m, the greater of Pc and Pb
should be used. In both cases,
dD = the difference between the maximum outside diameter and an appropriate factor of safety
the mean outside diameter; and needs to be incorporated.
D = the mean outside diameter

Values for C1 are summarised in the following table: Factors of Safety

The equations and graphical
Diametral Deflection % 0 1 2 5 10 representations predict actual
Reduction factor, C1, on Pc 1.0 0.91 0.84 0.64 0.41
collapse pressures. Except
for the use of a theoretical
calculated stiffness based
Note that these reductions apply to inherent initial ovality as on minimum wall, no factor
distinct from induced ovality, i.e., where ovality has been induced of safety is incorporated and
by some external (constant strain) source, as in deflection designers should decide
induced by soil loadings, the pipe is already in a state of elastic on an appropriate factor
strain, and the resistance to buckling is degraded far less. In this based on service conditions,
case, the correction factor C2 is used as given in the following consequences of failure and
table: predictive uncertainty.

Diametral Deflection % 0 1 2 5 10 AS/NZS 2566.1 specifies a

factor of safety of 2.5 unless
Reduction factor, C1, on Pc 1.0 0.99 0.97 0.93 0.86 an alternative is specified by
the designer. A lower factor
of safety should only be
Supported Collapse Pressure specified where conditions and
performance can be predicted
Support against buckling is provided by end constraints, fittings with confidence. For example,
or special purpose stiffening rings at intervals around the pipe. in a calculation of unsupported
Effective support reduces as distance from a stiffened section buckling of a pipe under
increases and should be considered zero at a distance of seven vacuum, a factor of 1.5 may be
diameters. appropriate.

A buried pipe derives support against buckling from stable soil

surround. The effective buckling pressure may be computed
Pb = (SD x 10-3)1/3 x (Et)2/3 x 103 kPa

Where Et is the soil modulus in MPa. For values of Eo, refer to

AS/NZS 2566.1.

As for Pc, Pb should be multiplied by a temperature/loading time

factor if required - see table 3.11.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Examples of Class will be 4 metres. A sewer Note that water hammer pres-
Selection for Buckling pipe Class SH (PN 6) can sure may be positive or nega-
sustain 4 metres of con- tive. Both can be detrimental
• A PVC-U submarine sewer crete but has no factor of to pipe systems; not only
rising main DN 150 is to safety. Use Class SEH or pipes, but pumps, valves and
be laid across a lake. Inlet PN 9 pressure pipe. Alter- thrust supports can be dam-
and outlet well levels are natively, fill the pipe with aged. Negative pressures can
at lake maximum water water during the pour. The cause ‘separation’ (vacuum
level. Internal and external net pressure differential is formation), with very high posi-
static heads are more then 60 kPa and a factor tive pressures on ‘rejoinder’
or less balanced under of safety of 1.7 is provided (collapse of the vacuum). For
steady state conditions. on PN 6. Alternatively, pour these reasons, water hammer
However, negative surging in two stages, at least one should be eliminated as far as
on pump shut down is hour apart. possible.
probable, resulting in up to
10 metres negative head • A DN 150 PN 16 PVC-O Water hammer pressures can
differential. In view of the 500 pipe is to be installed be reduced by:
consequences of failure, a in an area where the insitu
factor of safety of at least material is sandy clay. The • Controlling and slowing
2 is suggested. For short embedment material will valve and pump operations
term conditions, a PN 6 be sand and cover height • Reducing velocities by
pipe has Pc = 14 m and will be 1m. A water ham- using larger diameter pipes
PN 9 Pc = 46 m. Use PN9. mer analysis has shown • Using pipe materials with
that accidental event lower elastic modulus
• A DN 300 PVC-U line is laid may result in a negative • Astute layout of network,
in saturated clay alongside pressure of -9m. Check valves, pumps and air
a tidal estuary at a depth that in this case there is an valves
of 4 metres. During con- adequate factor of safety • Fast-acting pressure relief
struction or maintenance, against buckling. Using valves, e.g. Neyrtec (Trade
the pipe may be empty. AS/NZS 2655.1 and the mark of Alsthom Interna-
Assuming a saturated soil trench and soil conditions, tional Pty Ltd
density of 2000 kg/m3, an an Et value of 6.3MPa is For further information contact
external pressure of 80 kPa derived. From the equa- Sofraco International Pty Ltd,
is developed. This would tion, Pb = 590kPa. There- Sydney, Australia)
be considered a permanent fore, there is an acceptable
condition and a factor of factor of safety. It is beyond the scope of this
safety of 3 is advisable. PN manual to give a complete
9 has Pc = 8 m. Use PN 12. description of water hammer
analysis and mitigation.
• PVC-U irrigation pump However, it is appropriate
suction line DN 200 to highlight some important
is required to sustain aspects related to PVC pipes.
continuous operation at -5 WATER HAMMER
metres. Temperature of the Water hammer is a temporary
supply can be up to 30 5°C change in pressure in a
during hot spells. pipeline due to a change in the
velocity of flow in a pipe with
• Unlike pressure rating respect to time, e.g. a valve
where the average opens or closes or a pump
temperature is considered, starts or stops. Accidental
peak conditions are events such as a pipe block-
significant for buckling. In age can also be a cause. The
this situation PN 9 has Pc effects are exacerbated by:
= 10 m, giving a factor of
safety of 2, which should 1. fast closing/stopping
be adequate. valves/pumps
2. high water velocities
• A DN 150 PVC-U drainage 3. air in the line
pipe is to be encased in 4. poor layout of the pipe
a concrete column. The network, positioning of
maximum pour height pumps, etc.
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Celerity is the speed (expressed in metres per second) that the
pressure waves travel in a closed circuit. This should not be
confused with the velocity of the water.

This is a function of the pipe geometry (dimension ratio) and

material and may be estimated from:

a = 103 (m/s)
( 1 D
W +
k AE

where: W = density of fluid (water = 1,000) (kg/m3)

A = cross-sectional area of the wall of the pipe per unit length
(mm2/mm) = wall thickness for plain wall pipes
D = mean diameter of the pipe (mm)
k = the bulk modulus of the fluid (2150 for water) (MPa)
E = the elastic modulus for the pipe (see Table 3.10) (MPa)

The wave celerity induced in PVC pipes are shown in Table 3.12.
As PVC has a celerity about one third that of metallic pipes,
analyses for metallic pipes should not be used to check PVC
Table 3.12 Dimension Ratio (DR) and Celerity (a)
PVC Sizes Up To and Sizes DN175 and PVC-O All sizes
Including DN150 Larger
MRS/PN DR a (m/s)
PN DR a (m/s) DR a (m/s)
400/12.5 40.0 309
4.5 48.9 252 54.7 239
500/16 40.0 309
6 36.7 290 41.0 274
500/20 32.0 344
9 24.4 351 27.3 333

12 18.3 402 20.5 381

PVC-M All sizes
15 14.7 445 16.4 423
PN DR a (m/s)
16 13.8 458 15.4 436
6 46.0 252
18 12.2 483 13.7 460
9 38.9 273
20 11.0 506 12.3 482
12 29.2 313

15 23.3 348

16 21.9 359

18 19.4 379
For buried pipes, increase the wave celerity (a) by 7%

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

The advantage of a low celerity can be demonstrated by

Joukowsky’s Law, which gives an estimate for the water hammer
pressure rise due to instantaneous valve closure.

P = W a • ∆V (Pa)

where: ∆V= change in flow velocity (m/s)

This equation should NOT be used for design purposes. Water

hammer analysis is fairly complex and computer analysis by a
competent consultant is recommended wherever it is suspected
that water hammer may be significant.

Pipe Response
Selection of class should be based on peak operating pressures
including water hammer. Control devices may be useful in reduc-
ing peak pressures and enable a more economic pipe class to be

The response of the pipe to occasional abnormal pressures, for

example due to the failure of protective devices, is important.

PVC has a high factor of safety on short term stress effects, and
is able to withstand occasional events at higher than normal
pressures. This advantage should be considered when deter-
mining the validity of basing a design purely on the pressures
induced by events that may be rare in the design lifetime, e.g.
power failure on a pump.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

THRUST SUPPORT Table 3.13 Pressure Thrust at Fittings in kN for each 10 meters Head of Water
Series 1 pipe
An imbalanced thrust is Size Area Bends Tees
developed by a pipeline at:
DN (mm2) 11 1/4o 22 1/2o 45o 90o Ends
Direction changes (> 10°), e.g. 15 363 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.04
tees and bends.
Changes in pipeline size at 20 568 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.06
reducers. 25 892 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.09
Pipeline terminations, e.g. at
blank ends and valves. 32 1410 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.14

40 1840 0.04 0.07 0.14 0.26 0.18

The support system or soil
must be capable of sustaining 50 2870 0.06 0.11 0.22 0.40 0.28
such thrusts. 65 4480 0.09 0.17 0.34 0.62 0.44

Pressure thrust results from 80 6240 0.12 0.24 0.47 0.87 0.61
internal pressure in the line
100 10300 0.20 0.39 0.77 1.43 1.01
acting on fittings. Veloc-
ity thrust results from inertial 125 15500 0.30 0.59 1.16 2.15 1.52
forces developed by a change
150 20200 0.39 0.77 1.52 2.80 1.98
in direction of flow. The latter is
usually insignificant compared 200 40000 0.77 1.53 3.00 5.55 3.92
to the former.
225 49400 0.95 1.89 3.71 6.85 4.84

Pressure Thrust 250 61900 1.19 2.37 4.65 8.58 6.07

The pressure thrust developed 300 78400 1.51 3.00 5.88 10.87 7.69
for various types of fittings can
375 126000 2.42 4.82 9.46 17.47 12.36
be calculated as follows:

Blank ends, tees, valves

Series 2 pipe
f = AP 10-3
Size Area Bends Tees
Reducers and tapers
f = (A1-A2) P 10-3 DN (mm2) 11 1/4o 22 1/2o 45o 90o Ends

100 11700 0.23 0.46 0.89 1.65 1.17

f = 2 A P sin(ϕ/2) 10-3 150 24800 0.48 0.96 1.89 3.50 2.47

where: 200 42500 0.83 1.65 3.24 5.99 4.24

f = resultant thrust force (kN) 250 52900 1.04 2.06 4.04 7.47 5.28
A = area of pipe taken at the
OD (mm2) 300 93700 1.84 3.66 7.17 13.25 9.37
P = design internal pressure 375 142700 2.80 5.57 10.92 20.18 14.27
ϕ= included angle of bend

The design pressure used

should be the maximum
pressure, including water
hammer, to be applied to the
line. This will usually be the
field test pressure.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Velocity Thrust
Applies only at changes in direction of flow:

F = W A V2 • 2 sin(ϕ /2) • 10^-9^ (kN)

where: A = cross sectional area of pipe taken at the inside

diameter (mm2)
W = density of fluid (water = 1,000) (kg/m3)
V = velocity of flow (m/s)

Thrust Blocks
Concrete thrust blocks are usually required to transfer unbal-
anced forces in buried pipelines to the surrounding soil. See
Installation Guidelines for construction of thrust blocks.

To determine the bearing area of the thrust block required, divide

the resultant thrust by the bearing capacity of the soil.

The bearing capacity of the soil is dependent on the mode of

failure. For deep situations, compressive characteristics will
govern and a guide to the appropriate design bearing loads is
given in Table 3.14.

For shallow cover, shearing slip failure can occur and bearing
loads are very much reduced. For cover less than 600 mm, or
less than three pipe diameters, or if the ground is potentially
unstable, e.g. embankment conditions, a complete soil analysis
should be carried out.

Slip failure may be avoided by extending the thrust block

downwards with reinforcement against bending loads.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Table 3.14 Safe Compressive Bearing Load

Soil description USBR Soil Soil Bearing Strength (kN/m2)

Classification for cover height *h
see ASTM D2478

0.75m 1.0m 1.25m 1.5m

Well graded gravel-sand mixtures, well graded GW,SW 57 76 95 114

sands, little or no fines

Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mix- GP,SP 48 64 80 97

tures, Poorly graded sands, little or no fines

Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, silty GM,SM 48 64 80 96

sands, sand-silt mixtures

Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, GC,SC 79 92 105 119

Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures

Inorganic clays of low to med plasticity, grav- CL 74 85 95 106

elly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays

Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty ML 69 81 93 106

or clayey fine sands

Organic clays of medium to high plasticity OH 0 0 0 0

Rock 240 240 240 240

*h = height of soil cover measured from centreline

Example Vertical Thrusts

Thrust block design for a DN100 Tee
operating at 120 m head in clayey sand For resultant upward forces, the mass
soil, *h=1.0m. of the thrust block plus any soil directly
above the pipe can be taken as the
Resultant force = 1.01 x 12 = 12.1 kN counterbalancing force, provided
(Table 3.13) the overburden can reasonably be
expected to remain there for the life
Bearing Area = 12.1 / 92 = 0.13 m2 time of the pipeline. It is often better to
(Table 3.14) bury the pipe deeper than to add more
concrete to counterbalance an upward
That is, a bearing area 0.25 m high and thrust.
0.55 m wide would be suitable.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

AIR AND SCOUR allow the debris to be taken stabilisation, load bearing
VALVES from the invert of the pipe. In overlay or slab protection.
the absence of specific design
Air Valves criteria, the following sizes are It should be noted that cover
generally acceptable. of less than 1.5 diameters may
All water contains dissolved result in flotation of empty
Table 3.16 Recommended Scour Valve
air. Normally this would Size pipes under wet conditions.
be about 2% but it can Low covers may also result in
Size DN Scour Valve Sze
vary largely depending on pipe “jacking” (lifting at verti-
temperature and pressure. Air Up to 100 80 cally deflected joints) when
trapped in the line in pockets is pressurised.
100 - 200 100
continually moving in and out
of solution. 200 - 450 150 Also see Vinidex Technical
Note “Flexible Pipe in Road-
Air in the line not only reduces ways”.
the flow by causing a restric- SOIL AND TRAFFIC
tion but amplifies the effects LOADS
of pressure surges. Air valves Loads are exerted on buried BENDING LOADS
should be placed in the line at pipe due to: Under bending stress PVC
sufficient intervals so that air pipe will bend rather than
can be evacuated, or, if the line • Soil pressures break. However, the following
is drained, air can enter the • Traffic loads precautions are very important
line. • Superimposed loads
For normal water supply 1. In below-ground
Air valves should be placed systems, laid in accordance installations, the pipes must
along the pipeline at all high with the installation guidelines have uniform, stable
points or significant changes in the Pressure Pipe Instal- support. (See Installation
in grade. On long rising grades lation section, the minimum Section - Below Ground
or flat runs where there are no depths of burial (cover) stipu- Installation)
significant high points or grade lated in AS 2032 (see Table 4.2) 2. In above-ground
changes, air valves should should be observed. Under installations, proper,
be placed at least every 500 - these conditions and up to a correctly spaced supports
1,000 metres at the engineer’s maximum of 6 metres cover, must be provided. (See
discretion. soil and traffic loadings are of Installation Section - Above
Table 3.15 Recommended Air Valve Size
little significance and design Ground Installation)
calculations are not warranted. 3. In above-ground installation,
Size DN Air Valve Sze
This applies to all classes of pumps, valves and other
Up to 100 25 Single pipe. heavy appendages must be
supported independently.
100 - 200 50 double For depths shallower than
200 - 450 80 double those recommended, traffic Installing Pipes on a
loading may be of significance.
Scour Valves At greater depths, soil loadings When installing PVC piping,
may control selection of pipe some changes in the align-
Scour valves are located at class. In these instances, ment of the pipe may be
low points or between valved lighter pipe classes may not achieved without the use of
sections of the pipeline. Their be suitable and specific design direction-change fittings such
function is to allow periodic calculations and/or special as elbows and sweeps. Deflec-
flushing of the lines to remove construction techniques may tion at rubber ring joints or
sediment and to allow the line be required. Wet trench condi- other mechanical joints and/or
to be drained for maintenance tions may also require further controlled longitudinal bending
and repair work. investigation. of the pipe, within acceptable
limits, can achieve the small
The scour valve should be For design purposes, AS/NZS direction changes in the
sized to allow a minimum 2566.1 sets out procedures to pipeline, required to accom-
scour velocity of 0.6 m/s to be adopted. modate natural land gradients
be achieved in the main pipe. or to avoid obstacles.
Scour tees over nominal size Special construction tech-
100 should be offset tees to niques can involve backfill

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Joint Deflection Bending of Pipes

The allowable angular deflec- Small diameter PVC pipes are
tion at the pipe joint varies sufficiently flexible to allow
depending on the manufactur- some bending of the pipe
ing tolerances of the spigot barrel in order to install on
and the socket but for design a curve. Deflection through
purposes all Vinidex rubber bending is not practicable, due
ring joints can be assumed to to the large forces required,
allow a maximum deflection for pipe sizes above about DN
of 1T. This is approximately 200 particularly for the higher
equivalent to a 100mm offset pressure classes.
for a 6m pipe. In most circum-
stances, the required change The amount of bending that
in direction can be taken up can be applied is limited by the
over several pipe lengths, axial flexural stress and strain
perhaps in combination with levels induced in the pipe,
pipe bending. Tighter curves which must be acceptable,
can be achieved by cutting in combination with other
pipes to insert more joints, stresses and strains, for long
and/or the use of PVC cou- term service. Vinidex recom-
plings that effectively double mends that for pipe under
the deflection available. pressure, the bending radius
should not be less than 300
Note that this angular deflection is times the diameter.
only available when pipes are jointed
to the witness marks. If pipes are
pushed to the back of the socket,
movement of the spigot is restrained
and the deflection is severely

The effective radius of

curvature obtainable for
various pipe lengths is given in
table 3.17

Table 3.17 Effective radius of curvature for 1o deflection at the joint

Pipe length Approximate offset Radius of curvature

m mm m

12 200 688

9 150 516

6 100 344

4 70 229

3 50 172

2 35 115

1 20 57

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Cutting 2
Solvent Cement Joints 2
Rubber Ring Joints 7
Use of Other Brand Fittings 10
Jointing Pipes with Couplings 10
Flanged Joints 11
Threaded Joints 11
Compression Joints 11
Connection to Other Materials 11
Tapping Saddles 11
Live Tapping 12
Dry Tapping 12
Direct Tapping 12
Transportation of PVC Pipes 12
Storage of PVC Pipes 12
Preparing the Pipes 13
Preparing the Trench 13
PVC Pipes Under Roads 15
Pipeline Buoyancy 15
Expansion and Contraction 15
Electrical Earthing 15
Thrust Blocks 17
Pipelines on Steep Slopes 17

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

General Considerations 17
Supports 18
Metal Detectable Tapes 21
Trace Wires 21
Audio Detection 21

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Minimum pack quantities apply to all products, orders will automatically be adjusted to minimum pack quantities or multiple.

Limitation of Liability
This product catalogue has been compiled by Vinidex Pty Limited (“the Company”) to promote better understanding of the technical aspects
of the Company’s products to assist users in obtaining from them the best possible performance. The product catalogue is supplied subject
to acknowledgement of the following conditions: 1 The product catalogue is protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced
in any form or by any means in whole or in part without prior consent in writing by the Company.. 2 Product specifications, usage data and
advisory information may change from time to time with advances in research and field experience. The Company reserves the right to make
such changes at any time without further notice. 3 Correct usage of the Company’s products involves engineering judgements, which can not
be properly made without full knowledge of all the conditions pertaining to each specific installation. The Company expressly disclaims all and
any liability to any person whether supplied with this publication or not in respect of anything and all of the consequences of anything done
or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether whole or part of the contents of this publication. 4 No offer to trade, nor any
conditions of trading, are expressed or implied by the issue of content of this product catalogue. Nothing herein shall override the Company’s
Condition of Sale, which may be obtained from the Registered Office or any Sales Office of the Company. 5 This product catalogue is and shall
remain the property of the Company, and shall be surrendered on demand to the Company. 6 Information supplied in this product catalogue
does not override a job specification, where such conflict arises; consult the authority supervising the job. © Copyright Vinidex Pty Limited.

JOINTING should not be used with other • Type ‘G’” gap filling for
PROCEDURES thermoplastic materials. parallel or low interference
pressure and non pressure
Cutting The following procedure joints (clear)
should be strictly observed • Priming fluid for use with
During manufacture pipes for best results. The steps all solvent cements (red
are cut to standard length by and precautions will allow priming fluid, red label &
cut-off saws. These saws have easy and efficient assembly lid)
carbide-tipped circular blades of joints. Users may refer to
which produce a neat cut AS/NZS 2032 - Installation of Always use the correct solvent
without burrs. UPVC pipe systems, for further cement for the application.
However, pipes may be cut on Solvent cement jointing is
site with a variety of cutting Incorrect procedure and short a ‘chemical welding’, not a
tools. These are: cuts will lead to poor quality gluing process. The priming
joints and possible system fluid cleans, degreases and
• Proprietary cutting tools - failure. removes the glazed surface
These tools can cut, deburr thus preparing and softening
and chamfer the pipe in the surface of the pipe so that
one operation. They are the the solvent cement bonds
Solvent Cement Joint the PVC. The solvent cement
best tools for cutting pipe.
• A portable petrol-driven Principles softens, swells and dissolves
‘quick cut saw - This is the spigot and socket sur-
Sockets on Vinidex pressure faces. These surfaces form a
quick and easy to use . pipes and fittings for solvent
However, care must be bond into one solid material as
cement jointing are tapered, they cure.
taken and some deburring ensuring the right level of
will be required interference. This may not
• Air-driven tools - This Note: PVC-O pipes are not
apply to all pipes and fittings, suitable for solvent cement
produces a neat, clean cut. particularly from other coun-
It does, however require a jointing.
tries which may have a low
compressor. interference joint requiring a
• A hand saw and mitre gap filling solvent cement.
box - This saw produces
a square cut but requires Vinidex offers three types of
more deburring. It takes solvent cements formulated
comparatively more time specifically for pressure and
and effort and requires a non-pressure applications.
stand. They are colour coded, along
with the primer, in accordance
The use of roller cutters is not with AS/NZS 3879:
• Type ‘P’ for pressure,
including potable water
installations, designed
Solvent Cement Joints
to develop high shear
strengths with an interfer-
Vinidex recommends Vinidex
ence fit (green solvent,
solvent cements and priming
green print & lid)
fluid for use with Vinidex
• Type ‘N’ for non-pressure
PVC pipes and fittings, thus
applications, designed
ensuring a complete qual-
for the higher gap filling
ity system. Vinidex premium
properties needed for
solvent cements and priming
clearance fits (blue solvent,
fluid are specially formulated
blue label & lid)
for PVC pipes and fittings and

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure


1 Prepare the pipe

Before jointing, check that the pipe has been cut square and
all the burrs are removed from the inside and outside edge.
Remove the sharp edge from the outside and inside of the
pipe with a deburring tool. Do not create a large chamfer that
will trap a pool of solvent cement. Remove all dirt, swarf, and
moisture from spigot and socket.

2 Witness mark the pipe

It is essential to be able to determine when the spigot is fully
home in the socket. Mark the spigot with a pencil line (‘wit-
ness mark’) at a distance equal to the internal depth of the
socket. Other marking methods may be used provided that
they do not damage or score the pipe.

3 ‘Dry fit’ the joint

‘Dry fit’ the spigot into the socket, check the pipe for proper
alignment. Any adjustments for the correct fit can be made
now, not later. For pressure pipes, the spigot should interfere
in the socket before it is fully inserted to the pencil line. Oval-
ity in the pipe and socket will automatically be re-rounded in
the final solvent cementing process, but heavy-walled pipe
may give a false indication of the point of interference. Do not
attempt to make a pressure pipe joint that does not have an
interference fit. Contact Vinidex if this occurs.

4 Prepare with priming fluid

Dry, degrease and prime the spigot and socket with a lint-free
cloth (natural fibres) dampened with Vinidex priming fluid or
the Qwik Prime® applicator.
Table of recommended brush selection

5 Brush selection Diameter of Recommended

The brush should be large enough to apply the solvent ce- pipe size of brush
ment to the joint in a maximum of 30 seconds. Approximately mm mm
one third the pipe diameter is a good guide. Do not use the 15, 20, 25, use brush
brush attached to the lid for pipes over 100mm in diameter. 32, 40, 50 supplied
Decanting is not advisable, and excess should never be 65, 80 25
returned to the can. For large diameter pipes, it may be
100, 125 38
necessary to decant to an open larger vessel for a large brush
to be used, in this case decant for one joint at a time. 150 50
200 63
225, 250 75
300, 375 100

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

6 Apply solvent cement

Using a suitably sized brush, apply a thin even coat of solvent
cement to the internal surface of the socket first. Solvents will
evaporate faster from the exposed spigot than from the socket.
Special care should be taken to ensure that excess solvent
cement isn’t built up at the back of the socket (pools of solvent
will continue to attack the PVC and weaken the pipe). Then apply
a heavier, even coat of solvent cement up to the witness mark on
the spigot. Ensure the entire surface is covered. A ‘dry’ patch will
not develop a proper bond, even if the mating surface is covered.
An unlubricated patch may also make it difficult to obtain full

7 Inserting the spigot

Make the joint immediately, in a single movement. Do not stop
halfway, since the bond will start to set immediately and it will
be almost impossible to insert further. It will aid distribution of
the solvent cement to twist the spigot into the socket so that it
rotates about a 1/4 turn whilst (not after) inserting, but where this
cannot be done, particular attention should be paid to uniform
solvent application.

8 Push the spigot home

The spigot must be fully homed to the full depth of the socket.
The final 10% of spigot penetration is vital to the interference
fit. Mechanical force will be required for larger joints. Be ready
in advance. Pipe pullers are commercially available for this
purpose. Polyester pipe slings are very useful for gripping a pipe,
in order to apply a winch or lever.

9 Hold the joint

Hold the joint against movement and rejection of the spigot for
a minimum of 30 seconds. Disturbing the joint during this phase
will seriously impair the strength of the joint.

10 Wipe off excess solvent cement

For a neat professional joint wipe off excess solvent cement ,
with a clean rag, immediately from the outside of the joint.

11 Do not disturb the joint

Once the joint is made, do not disturb it for five minutes or rough
handle it for at least one hour. Do not fill the pipe with water for
at least one hour after making the last joint. Do not pressurise the
line until fully cured.

12 Cure the joint

The process of curing, is a function of temperature, humidity
and time. Joints cure faster when the humidity is low and the
temperature is high. The higher the temperature, the faster the
joints will cure. As a guide, at a temperature of 16°C and above,
24 hours should be allowed, at 0°C, 48 hours is necessary.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Precautions to Achieve an Open Time

Effective Joint
Vinidex Type P and N solvent
Make sure that the end of each cements satisfy the long term
pipe is square in its socket pressure test procedure of AS/
and in the same alignment and NZS 3879 requiring an open
grade as the preceding pipes time of 3 minutes. Open time
or fittings. is the time from the beginning
of solvent application until the
Create a 0.5mm chamfer, as a jointing of the parts.
sharp edge on the spigot will
wipe off the solvent and reduce Important: In the field,
the interface area. Remove all allowable open time can vary
swarf and burrs so that filings considerably because weather
cannot later become dislodged conditions can influence
and jam taps and valves. the drying time of solvent
cements. Each joint should be
Do not attempt to joint pipes at completed immediately.
an angle. Curved lines should
be jointed without stress, and
then curved after the joint is Adverse Weather
cured. Support the spigot clear
of the ground when jointing, High temperature and air
this will avoid contamination movement will radically
with soil or sand. increase the loss of solvents,
and solvent cement jointing
An unsatisfactory solvent should not be performed when
cement joint cannot be re- the temperature is more than
executed, nor can previously 35°C. Some form of protection
cemented spigots and sockets should be provided when
be re-used. To affect repairs, jointing in windy and dusty
cut out the joint and remake or conditions.
use mechanical repair fittings.
When jointing under wet and
very cold conditions, make
Correct Solvent Quantity sure that the mating surfaces
are dry and free from ice, as
The correct amount of solvent moisture may prevent the
is a uniform self-levelling layer solvent cement from obtaining
without runs, achieved by its maximum strength.
experience and judgement.
Too much solvent will form
pools and continue to attack Storage
and weaken the pipe. Too
little solvent will require you Keep the containers stored be-
to brush out excessively, the low 30°C. The solvent cement
solvent will quickly evaporate lids should be tightly sealed
with vigorous brushing. when not in use to prevent
evaporation of the solvent. Do
Take care not to spill solvent not use solvent cement that
cement onto pipes or fittings. has gone cloudy or has started
Accidental spillage should be to gel in the can. Do not use
wiped off immediately. solvent cement after the ‘use
by’ date shown on the can,
the chemical constituents can
change over a long period,
even in a sealed can.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Safety Average number of joints

per 500ml
Forced ventilation should be
used in confined spaces. Do The following table provides an
not bring a naked flame within indication as to the number of
the vicinity of solvent cement joints that are made per 500ml
operations. Spillage onto the container of priming fluid and
skin should be washed off im- solvent cement.
mediately with soap and water.
Should the solvent cement
Size Priming Solvent
get in the eyes, wash them
with clean water for at least DN fluid cement
15 minutes and seek medical (mm)
15 1050 300

20 625 175
Priming Fluid
25 450 130
If poisoning occurs, contact a
doctor or Poisons Information 32 325 95
40 250 70
If swallowed, do not induce
vomiting - give a glass of 50 150 42
65 125 35
For further safety information,
80 100 30
refer to Material Safety Data
Sheet available from Vinidex. 100 70 25

125 60 20
Solvent Cement
150 45 15
If poisoning occurs, contact a
doctor or Poisons Information 200 25 10
225 15 7
If swallowed, and more than
15 minutes from a hospital, 250 12 6
induce vomiting preferably
300 12 5
using Ipecac Syrup APF.
375 12 5
For further safety information,
refer to Material Safety Data
Sheet available from Vinidex.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Rubber Ring Joints Table 4.1 Rubber Ring Spigot Dimensions

(a) Series 1 - Socketed pipe (b) Series 2 - Socketed pipe

Jointing rings are supplied
with the pipe, together with Size Approx. Witness Size Approx. Witness
a lubricant suitable for the DN length mark DN length mark
purpose. Other lubricants may
not be suitable for potable
(mm) of Lw (mm) of Lw
water contact and may affect chamfer (mm) chamfer (mm)
the ring. They should not be Lc Lc
substituted without specific (mm) (mm)
knowledge of these effects.
50 6 76 100 12 105
The ring provides a fluid seal in
the socket of a pipe or fitting 65 8 82 150 14 127
and is compressed when
80 10 86 200 18 171
the spigot is passed into the
socket. Check the label on the 100 11 97 225 21 180
pipe socket. Series 1, Series
2, sewer rings or rings from 125 13 109 250 23 191
other manufacturers cannot be
interchanged. Sewer rings may 150 14 116 300 28 211
contain a root inhibitor and
must not be used for potable 200 17 140 375 36 226
water lines. These rings can be
easily identified by their two 225 18 150
coloured dots; pressure rings
250 20 176
have only one coloured dot.
300 23 187

Chamfering 375 28 212

Vinidex PVC pipes for rubber

ring jointing are supplied with When a pipe is cut, a witness mark should be pencilled in. Care
a chamfered end. However, should be taken to mark the correct position.
if a pipe which has been cut
in the field is to be used for For the correct chamfer lengths and witness mark positions,
making a rubber ring joint, the consult the Joint Assembly and Control Dimensions Table for the
spigot end must be chamfered. relevant pipe type. Where two witness mark positions are given,
Special chamfering tools are both should be marked on the pipe and the joint made so that
available for this purpose, but one mark remains visible.
in the absence of this equip-
ment a body file can be used
provided it does not leave any
sharp edges which may cut the
rubber ring. Do not make an
excessively sharp edge at the
rim of the bore and do not chip
or break this edge.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure


1. Pipes may be jointed out of

the trench but it is prefer-
able that connections be
made in the trench to
prevent possible “pulling”
of the joint.
2. Clean the socket, espe-
cially the ring groove. Do
not use rag with lubricant
on it.
3. Check that the spigot end,
if cut in the field, has a
chamfer of approximately
12° to 15°. Insert the
rubber ring into the groove
with the colour marking on
the ring facing outwards.
The rubber ring is correctly
fitted when the thickest
cross section of the ring
is positioned towards the
outside of the socket and
the groove in the rubber
ring is positioned inside
the socket. Note that large
diameter Hydro PVC-M
pipes incorporate a Rieber
joint with a non remove-
able rubber ring that is
pre-installed in the factory.
4. Run your finger around
the lead-in angle of the
rubber ring to check that
it is correctly seated, not
twisted, and that it is
evenly distributed around
the ring groove.
5. Clean the spigot end of
the pipe as far back as the
witness mark.
6. Apply Vinidex jointing
lubricant to the spigot end
as far back as the witness
mark and especially to the
chamfered section.

Note: Keep the rubber ring

and ring groove free of jointing
lubricant until the joint is
actually being made.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

7. Align the spigot with the

socket and apply a firm,
even thrust to push the
spigot into the socket. It
is possible to joint 100 mm
and 150 mm diameter
pipes by hand. However,
larger diameter pipes such
as 200 mm and above may
require the use of a bar
and timber block as
illustrated. Alternatively, a
commercially available pipe
puller may be used to joint
the pipes.
8. Brace the socket end of the
line so that previously
jointed pipes are prevented
from closing up
9. Inspect each joint to ensure TYPICAL RING CROSS-SECTION
that the witness mark is
just visible at the face of
each socket.
10. Pipe joints must not be
pushed home to the
bottom of the socket.
They must go no further
than the witness mark. This BAR & BLOCK JOINTING
is to allow for possible
expansion of the pipe.
Polydex PVC and cast iron
fittings use the same
rubber ring as Polydex pipe
and jointing procedures are
identical. See note p.
4-8211:l2 on other brand
11. If a pipe joint is homed
too far, it may be withdrawn Hint: If excessive force is
immediately, but once the required to make a joint, this
lubricant is dry (which may mean that the rubber ring
takes only a few minutes in has been displaced. To check
hot weather) mechanical placement of the ring without
aids are required to pull the having to dismantle the joint,
joint apart. a feeler gauge can be inserted
12. With mechanical assis between the socket and pipe
tance, rubber ring joints to check even placement of
can be recovered and the ring.
re-made years after the
original joint was made.
New rubber rings should
be used and care should
be taken to ensure that
there is no damage to pipe
or socket.

If the joint is likely to be

dismantled in the future the
task is much easier if silicone
lubricant is used.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Jointing Pipes with The diagram below indicates

Couplings the correct pipe positions in
the coupling.

To simplify the jointing process

it is suggested that the initial
joint made with the coupling is
carried out before the pipe is
placed in the trench.

1. Clean the socket of the Pipeline Fittings

coupling and spigot of the
pipe. Vinidex Superlink ductile iron
2. Apply Vinidex jointing fittings have been designed
lubricant to the spigot of with deep sockets to be
the pipe as far back as the suitable for PVC pressure
witness mark and espe- pipes in all situations.
cially to the chamfered
section. Align the spigot The depth of sockets on
with the coupling and pipes and fittings must be
apply a firm even thrust to sufficient to accommodate the
push the spigot into the axial movements due to the
coupling. For this joint, combined effect of a number
ensure that the spigot is of factors, such as thermal
inserted until the witness contraction and Poisson
mark is no longer visible. contraction which occurs when
It is possible to joint the a pipe is pressurised. The
150mm pipe by hand. It Poisson effect is more
may be found helpful to significant for PVC-M and
brace the coupling against PVC-O pipes because of
a solid vertical surface.The their higher operating stress.
second joint is made with Vinidex Superlink® ductile iron
the coupling of the pipe fittings have socket lengths
already in the trench. adequate for all situations and
3. Use the same technique as are recommended for use with
before but only insert the PVC pipe.
spigot into the coupling
sufficiently to leave one Use of Other Brand
witness mark visible at the Fittings
face of the coupling. This
is necessary to allow for A variety of other cast/ductile
possible expansion of the iron, bronze, aluminium, steel
pipe after installation. ABS and PVC fittings may be
used with Vinidex PVC pipes.
If a joint is inserted too far, it In most cases the fittings have
may be withdrawn immedi- sockets that are shorter than
ately, but once the lubricant pipe sockets. When the socket
is dry (which only takes a is too short for the spigot to be
few minutes in hot weather) inserted to the witness mark,
mechanical aids are required the pipe should be fully homed
to pull the joint apart. and special precautions should
be taken during construction
Ensure the coupling to be to ensure that no contraction
jointed is supported to prevent of the pipe will be taken up at
closing of preceding couplings. these joints, i.e. it should be
taken up at other joints.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Flanged Joints the amount of tape accord- Connection to Other

ingly. Under no circumstances Materials
The main functions of a should the thread bottom
flanged joint is to create a against a stop on either the A wide range of adaptors to
demountable joint, to connect male or female fitting. joint PVC pipes and fittings
valves and vessels where to pipes and fittings of other
strength in tension is required, 2. Hand tighten initially. materials is available.
or to joint to other materials. Usually a further two more
turns are sufficient to See Product Data section for
The three types of flanges effect a seal. Tighten only more details
available are: just enough to seal, plus
half a turn more. SERVICE CONNECTIONS
1. Full-faced PVC socketed Note. Over tightening will over
flanges. stress the fitting. Avoid using Tapping Saddles
2. PVC socketed stub flanges serrated grip tools particularly
with loose PVC or metal on the plain barrel of fittings or Only tapping saddles
backing rings. pipes. complying with AS/NZS 4793
3. Tapered cores with either - Mechanical tapping bands
metal or PVC flanges. 3. If a threaded connection for waterworks purposes and
is made to a metal fitting, designed for use with PVC pipe
Flange joints require gaskets it is preferable that the male should be used. These saddles
to seal them. In high stress thread be PVC. For female should:
situations, metal backing PVC fittings special care
plates or flat washers are also should be taken to avoid 1. Be contoured to fit around
required to spread the force overstressing. the pipe, have an “O” or
and prevent damage to the “V” seal and not have lugs
flange. Bolts should not be GOLDEN RULE or sharp edges that dig in.
over tightened. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN 2. Have a positive stop to
Epoxy-coated aluminium or avoid overtightening of the
ductile iron flange adaptors are Compression Joints saddle around the pipe.
also available.
There are various types of Tapping saddles, which
compression joints available employ U-bolt fastenings, are
Threaded Joints for use with PVC pipes. (See not suitable for PVC pipes.
Section 5 for details.) In Tapping clamps with full face
or normal water supply principle all of these effect a flat gaskets have no diameter
purposes, the cutting of seal by mechanical compres- control and the high force
threads on PVC pipes is not sion of a rubber ring by means required to seal may crush the
an acceptable practice. A of threaded caps or bolted end pipe. Plastic and reinforced
moulded threaded adaptor plates. Because immediate plastic units should be used
should be used. (See Section 5 pressurisation is possible such only with specific recommen-
for details.) joints are generally preferred dation from the supplier that
for repair work. they have been tested for use
When making threaded joints with the pipe material.
the following points should be They are also used frequently
observed:- for final connections in difficult The maximum hole size that
situations where slight mis- should be drilled in a PVC pipe
1. A thread sealant is alignment cannot be avoided. for tapping purposes is 50
recommended and the only mm, or 1/3 the pipe diameter,
acceptable material is When making compression whichever is smaller.
PTFE (TEFLON) tape. joints the manufacturers’
Hemp, grease or solvent recommendations should
cement should never be be followed. Over-tightening
used. should be avoided. It may be
found advantageous to use a
Test the ‘fit’ of the joint, lubricant on the rubber ring.
particularly when connecting
to other materials or to other
manufacturers’ fittings. Judge

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

This does not prevent the Note: A spade bit is not Storage of PVC Pipes
connection of larger branch suitable for drilling PVC pipes.
lines via tapping saddles, Pipes should be given
provided the hydraulic loss adequate support at all times.
through the restricted hole size Pipes should be stacked in
Direct Tapping
is acceptable. layers with sockets placed at
Vinidex does not recommend alternate ends of the stack and
For larger branches generally, direct tapping (threading of with the sockets protruding.
a tee is preferred. the pipe wall) for PVC pressure
lines. Horizontal supports of about
Holes should not be drilled into 75 mm wide should be spaced
PVC pipe: not more than 1.5 m centre-
HANDLING AND to-centre beneath the pipes to
1. Less than 300 mm from a provide even support.
spigot end.
Vertical side supports should
2. Closer than 500 mm to PVC pipe is very robust, but also be provided at intervals
another hole on a common still can be damaged by rough of 3 m along rectangular pipe
parallel line. handling. Pipes should not be stacks.
thrown from trucks or dragged
3. Where significant bending over rough surfaces. Plastic For long-term storage (longer
stress is applied to the pipe. piping becomes more suscep- than 3 months) the maximum
tible to damage in very cold free height should not exceed
weather so extra care should 1.5 m. The heaviest pipes
Live Tapping be taken when the temperature should be on the bottom.
is low.
Various tools are available
Crated pipes, however, may be
to allow live tapping of a line Since the soundness of any stacked higher provided that
using a specially adapted pipe joint depends on the the load bearing is not taken
tapping band. condition of the spigot and the directly by the lower pipes.
socket, special care should In all cases, stacking should
The tapping band should be be taken not to allow them to be such that pipes will not
fitted to the pipe and correctly come into contact with sharp become distorted.
tightened. A specially adapted edges or protruding nails.
main cock for live tapping
If it is planned to store pipes
should be fitted to the tapping
in direct sunlight for a period
saddle using PTFE tape and a Transportation of in excess of one year, then
drilling machine fitted with a
“shell” cutter or hole saw. The PVC Pipes the pipes should be covered
with material such as hessian,
hole is drilled and the tapping While in transit pipes should be placed so as to not restrict the
flushed. The hole saw is then well secured and supported. circulation of air in the pipes
withdrawn and the main cock Chains or wire ropes may be which has a cooling effect.
sealed. The tapping machine used only if suitably padded to Coverings such as black
is removed along with the hole protect the pipe from damage. plastic must not be used as
cut-out and the main cock Care should be taken that the these can greatly increase the
plunger or cap is then fitted. pipes are firmly tied so that the temperatures within the stack.
sockets cannot rub together.
Dry Tapping Pipes should not be stored
Pipes may be unloaded from close to heat sources or hot
The procedure is the same as vehicles by rolling them gently
above except that the hole can objects, eg., heaters, boilers
down timbers, care being steam lines or engine exhaust,
be drilled before the main cock taken to ensure that the pipes
is fitted. It is also possible to or against reflective metal
do not fall onto one another fences which may concentrate
dry tap using a twist drill with or onto any hard or uneven
razor sharp cutting edges heat.
ground to an angle of 80°.
Removal of the swarf, however,
is more difficult and wherever
possible the use of a hole saw
is recommended.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

BELOW-GROUND Table 4.2 Recommended Trench Widths

Size Minimum Maximum
(See also AS 2032) DN (mm) (mm)
Preparing the Pipes (mm)
Before installation, each pipe 100 320 800
and fitting should be inspected
to see that its bore is free from 125 340 825
foreign matter and that its
150 360 825
outside surface has no large
scores or any other damage. 200 425 900
Pipe ends should be checked
to ensure that the spigots and 225 450 925
sockets are free from damage.
250 480 950
Pipes of the required diameter
and class should be identified 300 515 1000
and matched with their respec-
375 600 1200
tive fittings and placed ready
for installation.
Unstable Conditions
Where a trench, during or after excavation, tends to collapse
Preparing the Trench or cave in, it is considered unstable. If the trench is located,
PVC pipe is likely to be dam- for instance, in a street or a narrow pathway and it is therefore
aged or deformed if its support impractical to widen the trench, support should be provided for
by the ground on which it is the trench walls in the form of timber planks or other suitable
laid is not made as uniform shoring.
as possible. The trench bot-
tom should be examined for Alternatively the trench should be widened until stability is
irregularities and any hard reached. At this point, a smaller trench may then be excavated in
projections removed. the bottom of the trench to accept the pipe. In either case do not
exceed the maximum trench width at the top of the pipe unless
Trench Widths allowance has been made for the increased load.

A trench should be as narrow Trench Depths

as practical but adequate
to allow space for working The recommended minimum trench depth is determined by the
area and for tamping the side loads imposed on the pipe such as the mass of backfill material,
support. It should be not less the anticipated traffic loads and any other superimposed loads.
than 200 mm wider than the The depth of the trench should be sufficient to prevent damage
outside diameter of the pipe to the pipe when the anticipated loads are imposed upon it.
irrespective of soil condition.

Wide Trenches
For deep trenches where
significant soil loading may
occur, the trench should not
exceed the widths given in
the Table 4.2 without further

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Table 4.3 Minimum Cover

Sands containing fines, and
clays are difficult to compact
Loading Cover, H (mm) and should only be used where
it can be demonstrated that
No vehicle loading 300 appropriate compaction can
be achieved.
Vehicular loading:-
Variations in the hard bed
not roadways 450 should never exceed 20% of
the bedding depth. Absolute
sealed roadways 600
minimum underlay should be
unsealed roadways 750 75 mm. It may be necessary to
provide a groove under each
Embankments 750 socket to ensure that even
support along the pipe barrel is
Construction equipment loading 750 achieved.

Pipe Side Support

Minimum Cover
Material selected for pipe side
Trenches should be excavated to allow for the specified depth
support should be adequately
of bedding, the pipe diameter and the minimum recommended
tamped in layers of not more
cover, overlay plus backfill, above the pipes. Table 4.3 provides
than 150 mm. Care should
recommendations for minimum cover.
be taken not to damage the
The above cover requirements Bedding Material exposed pipe and to tamp
will provide adequate evenly on either side of the
protection for all classes of Preferred bedding materials pipe to prevent pipe distortion.
pipe. Where it is necessary are listed in AS 2032 as
to use lower covers, several follows: Unless otherwise specified,
options are available. the pipe side support and pipe
1. Suitable sand, free from rock overlay material used should
1. Use a high quality granular or other hard or sharp be identical with the pipe
backfill, eg crushed gravel or objects that would be bedding material.
road base. retained on a 13.2 mm sieve.
2. Use a higher class of pipe 2. Crushed rock or gravel of Pipe Overlay
than required for normal approved grading up to a
pressure or other maximum size of 14 mm. The pipe overlay material
considerations. 3. The excavated material may should be levelled and tamped
3. Provide additional structural provide a suitable pipe in layers to a minimum height
load bearing bridging over underlay if it is free from of 150 mm above the crown of
the trench. Temporary steel rock or hard matter and the pipe. Care should be taken
plates may be used in the broken up so that it contains not to disturb the line or grade
case of construction loads. no soil lumps having any of the pipeline, where this is
dimension greater than critical, by excessive tamping.
75 mm which would prevent
adequate compaction of the

The suitability of a material

depends on its compactability.
Granular materials (gravel or
sand) containing little or no
fines, or specification graded
materials, require little or no
compaction, and are preferred.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Backfill Pipeline Buoyancy contraction to occur. Provided

joints are made to the witness
Unless otherwise specified, Pipe, under wet conditions, mark in the first instance,
excavated material from the can become buoyant in the and contraction is taken up
site should constitute the trench. PVC pipe, being lighter approximately evenly at each
back-fill. than most pipe materials, joint, there is no danger of loss
should be covered with of seal. A gap between witness
Gravel and sand can be sufficient overlay and backfill mark and socket of up to 10
compacted by vibratory material to prevent inadvertent mm after contraction is quite
methods and clays by tamping. flotation and movement. A acceptable.
This is best achieved when the depth of cover over the pipe
soils are wet. If water flooding of 1.5 times the diameter is Further contraction may be
is used and extra soil has usually adequate. observed on pressurisation
to be added to the original of the line (so-called Poisson
backfill, this should be done Expansion and contraction due to circum-
only when the flooded backfill Contraction ferential strain). Again this is
is firm enough to walk on. anticipated in joint design and
When flooding the trench, care is quite in order.
Pipe will expand or contract
should be taken not to float the
if it is installed during very
hot or very cold weather, so
it is recommended that the Electrical Earthing
PVC Pipes Under Roads final pipe connections be
PVC piping is a non-conduc-
PVC pipes can be installed made when the temperature
tive material and cannot be
under roads in either the of the pipe has stabilised at a
used for earthing electrical
longitudinal or transverse temperature close to that of
installations or for dissipating
direction. the backfilled trench.
static charges. Local authori-
ties, both water and electrical,
The type of rock / granular When the pipe has to be laid
should be consulted for their
materials specified for road in hot weather, precautions
subgrades have a very high should be taken to allow for
soil modulus and offer excel- the contraction of the line
which will occur when it cools INSTALLING PIPES ON A
lent side support for flexible
pipes as well as minimising to its normal working tempera- CURVE
the effects of dead and live ture.
When installing pipes on a
loads. This represents an ideal curve, the pipe should be
structural environment for PVC For solvent cemented systems,
jointed straight and then laid
pipes. the lines should be free to
to the curve. Bending of pipes
move until a strong bond has
is achieved in practice after
Consideration should be given been developed (see Solvent
each joint is made, by later-
at the time of installation to Cement Jointing Procedures)
ally loading the pipe by any
ensure: and installation procedure
convenient means, and fixing
should ensure that contraction
in place by compacted soil,
1. Construction loadings are does not impose strain on
or appropriate fixings above
allowed for; newly made joints.
ground. The technique used
2. The pipes are buried at depends on the size and class
sufficient depth to ensure For rubber ring jointed pipes,
of pipe involved, as clearly
they are not disturbed during if contraction accumulates
the forces required to induce
future realignments or over several lengths, pull-out
bending vary over a very large
regrading of the road; and of a joint can occur. To avoid
3. Minimum depths of cover this possibility the preferred
and compaction techniques technique is to back-fill each
For buried lines in good soil,
are observed. length, at least partially, as
the compaction process can
laying proceeds. (It may be
be used to induce bending as
See also Vinidex Technical required to leave joints ex-
illustrated below. Bending aids,
Note - Flexible pipe in road- posed for test and inspection.)
crowbars etc. must always be
ways. www.vinidex.com.au padded to prevent damage to
It should be noted that rubber
pipes. Permanent point loads
ring joint design allows for
are not acceptable.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Table 4.4 Maximum deflection angles, centre

displacements and end offsets for 6m PVC pressure pipes.

Size Force applied at Forces applied at quarter

DN centre span points
Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.
deflection displace- end deflection displace- end
Significant bending moments angle ment offset angle ment offset
should not be exerted on rubber
ring joints, since this introduces deg mm mm deg mm mm
undesirable stresses in the
spigot and socket that may be Minimum radius of curvature/diameter ratio 300
detrimental to long term perfor-
mance. To avoid this, reaction Series 1
supports should be placed diameters
adjacent to the socket rather
than on the sockets. For buried 15 23 470 1200 34 650 1800
pipes this also allows the joint
to be left open for inspection 20 18 380 950 27 520 1400
during testing. Because of this 25 14 300 740 21 410 1100
restriction, the length available
for bending is less than the 32 11 240 580 17 330 900
full length of the pipe. It is also
not practicable to maintain a 40 9.9 210 520 15 290 790
constant radius of curvature by
application of point load forces. 50 7.9 170 410 12 230 630

The calculations shown in Table 65 6.3 130 330 9.5 180 500
4.4 are derived from beam theory
80 5.4 110 280 8.1 160 420
and assume a 5m bending length
for calculation of the deflection 100 4.2 88 220 6.3 120 330
angle. For other pipe lengths or
loading configurations, see the 125 3.4 71 180 5.1 98 270
Design Section for the relevant
formulae. 150 3.0 63 160 4.5 86 240

Solvent cement jointed pipes 175 2.4 50 130 3.6 69 190

may be curved continuously,
200 2.1 44 110 3.2 61 170
ie., bending moments may be
transmitted across the joints, Series 2
but bending may be applied diameters
only after full curing, 24 hours
for pressure and 48 hours for 100 3.9 82 200 5.9 110 310
non-pressure joints. For solvent
cement jointed pipelines, the 150 2.7 56 140 4.0 78 210
angular deflection figures should
be increased by 20% 200 2.1 43 110 3.1 59 160

Note: Beam theory is applicable to small deflections and figures

for small bore pipes with centreline displacements greater than
5% of span should be treated as very approximate

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Thrust Blocks ABOVE-GROUND

Underground PVC pipelines (See also AS 2032)
jointed with rubber ring joints
require concrete thrust blocks General Considerations
to prevent movement of the
pipeline when a pressure load In above ground installations,
is applied. In some circum- pipes should be laid on broad,
stances, thrust support may smooth bearing surfaces
also be advisable in solvent wherever possible to minimise
cement jointed systems. stress concentration and to
Uneven thrust will be present prevent physical damage.
at most fittings. The thrust
block transfers the load from PVC pipe should not be laid
the fitting, around which it is on steam lines or in proxim-
placed, to the larger bearing ity to other high temperature
surface of the solid trench wall. surfaces.

Where a PVC pressure pipeline

Construction of Thrust is used to supply cold water
Blocks to a hot water cylinder, the last
two metres of pipe should be
Concrete should be placed made of copper and a non-
around the fitting in a wedge Pipelines on Steep return valve fitted between the
shape with its widest part Slopes PVC and copper line to prevent
against the solid trench wall. pipe failure.
Some forming may be neces- Two problems can occur when
sary to achieve an adequate pipes are installed on steep Where connections are made
bearing area with a minimum slopes, i.e. slopes steeper than to other sections or to fixtures
of concrete. The concrete mix 20% (1:5). such as pumps or motors, care
should be allowed to cure for should be taken to ensure that
seven days before pressurisa- 1. The pipes may slide downhill the sections are axially aligned.
tion. so that the witness mark Any deviations will result in
positioning is lost. It may undue stress on the jointing
A thrust block should bear be necessary to support fittings which could lead to
firmly against the side of the each pipe with some cover premature failure.
trench and to achieve this, it during construction to
may be necessary to hand trim prevent the pipe slipping. If a pipeline is subjected to
the trench side or hand exca- 2. The generally coarse backfill continuous vibration such as
vate the trench wall to form a around the pipe may be at the connection with a pump,
recess. The thrust acts through scoured out by water it should be connected by a
the centre line of the fitting movement in the backfill. flexible joint or, if possible, the
and the thrust block should Clay stops or sandbags system should be redesigned
be constructed symmetrically should be placed at to eliminate the vibration.
about this centre line. (See appropriate intervals above
Thrust Support for design of and below the pipe to stop The pipe must be adequately
thrust block size.) erosion of the backfill. supported in order to prevent
sagging and excessive distor-
PVC pipes and fittings should Where bulkheads are used, tion. Clamp, saddle, angle,
be covered with a protective one restraint per pipe length, spring or other standard types
membrane of PVC, polyeth- placed adjacent to the socket, of supports and hangers may
ylene or felt when adjacent is considered sufficient for all be used where necessary.
to concrete so that they can slopes. Pipe hangers should not be
move without being dam- over-tightened. Metal surfaces
aged. (See Setting of pipes in should be insulated from the
concrete) pipe by plastic coating, wrap-
ping or other means.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

A build up of static electricity

on the outside surface of PVC
pipes can occur. Where there
is a risk of explosion, such as
in some mining applications,
safety precautions may be

Brackets and Clips
For either free or fixed pipeline
supports using brackets or
clips, the bearing surface
should provide continuous
support for at least 120° of the Straps

Placement of Supports This procedure also allows
Straps Careful consideration should for possible differential
Metal straps used as supports be given to the layout of piping movement between the
should be at least 25 mm and its support system. Even pipeline and concrete
wide, either plastic-coated or for non pressure lines the ef- structure.
wrapped in a protective mate- fects of thermal expansion and
rial such as nylon or PE sheet. contraction have to be taken It must be borne in mind,
If a strap is fastened around a into account. In particular, the however, that without a
pipe, it should not distort the layout should ensure that ther- compressible membrane;
pipe in any way. mal and other movements do stress transfer to the
not induce significant bending concrete will occur and may
Free Supports moments at rigid connections damage the concrete
A free support allows the pipe to fixed equipment or at bends section.
to move without restraint along or tees.
its axis while still being sup- 3. Expansion joints coinciding
ported. To prevent the support For solvent-cement jointed with concrete expansion
from scuffing or damaging pipe any expansion coupling joints should be provided
the pipe as it expands and must be securely clamped to accommodate movement
contracts, a 6 mm thick layer with a fixed support. Other due to thermal expansion or
of felt or lagging material is pipe clamps should allow for contraction in the concrete.
wrapped around the support. movement due to expansion
Alternatively, a swinging type and contraction. Rubber-ring Anchorage at Fittings
of support can be used and jointed pipe should have fixed It is advisable to rigidly clamp
the support strap, protected supports behind each pipe at valves and other fittings
with felt or lagging, must be socket. located at or near sharp
securely fixed to the pipe. directional changes,
Setting of Pipes in Concrete particularly when the line is
Fixed Supports When PVC pipes are encased subjected to wide temperature
A fixed support rigidly con- in concrete, certain variations.
nects the pipeline to a struc- precautions should be taken:-
ture totally restricting move- 1. Pipes should be fully With the exception of
ment in at least two planes of wrapped with a solvent-cement jointed
direction. Such a support can compressible material, couplings, all PVC fittings
be used to absorb moments such as felt, with a minimum should be supported
and thrusts. thickness of 5% of the pipe individually and valves should
diameter, i.e. 5 mm for a be braced against operating
100mm diameter pipe. torque.
2. Alternatively, flexible (rubber
ring) joints should be
provided at entry to and exit
from the concrete as shown.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Table 4.5 Recommended Maximum

Spacing of Supports for all Classes of
Pipe for Water

Size Support
DN Spacing
(mm) Horizontal Vertical
(m) (m)

15 0.60 1.20 Expansion Joints Vertical Installation

For above-ground installations Generally, vertical runs are
20 0.70 1.40 with solvent cement joints supported by spring hangers
provision should be made in and guided with rings or
25 0.75 1.50 the pipeline for expansion long U-bolts which restrict
and contraction. If the ends movement of the rise to one
32 0.85 1.70
are constrained and there is plane. It is sometimes helpful
40 0.90 1.80 likely to be significant thermal to support a long riser with a
variation, then a rubber ring saddle at the bottom.
50 1.05 2.10 joint should be installed at
least every 12 m to allow for Where a PVC pipeline is to
65 1.20 2.40 movement within the pipeline. pass through or is to be built
into a floor or wall of a build-
80 1.35 2.70 ing, allowance should be made
Support Spacing
The spacing of supports for for it to move without shearing
100 1.50 3.00
a PVC pipeline depends on against any hard surfaces or
125 1.70 3.40 factors such as the diameter without causing damage to the
of the pipe, the density of the pipe or fittings.
150 2.00 4.00 fluid being conveyed and the
maximum temperature likely An annular space of not less
175 2.20 4.40 to be reached by the pipe than 6 mm should be left
material. around the pipe or fitting.
200 2.30 4.60 This clearance should be
Table 4.5 from AS 2032, shows maintained and sealed with a
225 2.50 5.00
the support spacing in metres flexible sealant such as loosely
250 2.60 5.20 for PVC pipe carrying water at packed felt, a rubber convolute
20°C. These spacings do not sleeve or other suitable flexible
300 3.00 6.00 allow for additional extraneous sealing material.
loadings. These spacings are
also acceptable for PVC-O If the pipeline has to pass
and PVC-M pipes. However, through a fire-rated wall,
Thrust Anchorage for the same class of pipes, appropriate fire stop collars
A solvent-cement jointed should be installed.
PVC-O and PVC-M will show
PVC pipeline will not usually
increased deflection between
require thrust anchorage, but When a fire breaks out, the
the supports. Since deflections
the designer should take into fire stop collar will expand and
are very small, this increase
consideration any stress on the seal off the pipe, thus prevent-
will not usually be of functional
fittings. As pipe diameter or ing fire from spreading by
working pressure increases it is means of the pipe access hole.
good practice to install thrust Because fire stop collars seal
If temperatures are in excess
anchors where necessary. A off the pipe they must not be
of 20°C the horizontal spacing
rubber-ring jointed pressure used on the water supply lines
should be reduced by 25%
pipeline requires anchorage required for fire fighting.
for every 10°C above 20°C. At
at all joints, at changes in
60°C, continuous horizontal
direction and at other positions
support is required.
where unbalanced pressure
forces exist.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

Protection from Solar line up to pressure because the tightness of the test section.
Degradation pipe expands slightly. This testing is based on the
Although PVC pipe can be known relationship between
installed in direct sunlight, it AS 2032 recommends that the creep strain and time.
will be affected by ultra-violet pressurised pipe should be al-
light which tends to discolour lowed to stand for a minimum Re-pressurise the pipe and
the pipe and can cause a loss period of 15 minutes without maintain the pressure for 5
of impact strength. No other make up pressure. Where the hours by successively pumping
properties are impaired. If joints are available for inspec- in sufficient water at the same
the pipe is to be installed in tion, and there is no evidence temperature (±3°C) as the
continuous direct sunlight, it is of leaks after 15 minutes, the water in the pipeline. Measure
advisable to paint the exterior pipeline is deemed to have and record the volume (V1) of
with a white or light-coloured passed the test. water required between the
PVA paint. second and third hour. Mea-
Where joints are not acces- sure and record the volume
sible, measure the amount of (V2) of water required between
TESTING AND water required to re-pressurise the fourth and fifth hour. The
COMMISSIONING the section. Where the make- pipeline is deemed to have
up water does not exceed the passed the test if the following
The pipeline may be tested allowance in the equation 4.1 equation is satisfied:
as a whole or in sections, below, the pipeline is deemed
depending on the diameter and to have passed the test. The V2 =0.55 V1 + Q (4.2)
length of the pipe, the spacing make-up water is not a leakage
between sectioning valves or allowance. It is normal for a Where Q is the allowable
blank ends and the availability pressure drop to occur as the make-up water from (4.1)
of water. remaining air goes into solution It should be borne in mind
and some further expansion of that static pressure testing
Pipelines should be bedded the pipe occurs. does not necessarily simulate
and backfilled, but with the pressures developed under
joints left uncovered for operating conditions, and
inspection before and after Q =0.14 LDH (4.1) in order to obtain adequate
testing if possible. testing of all parts of the line
Where: it may be desirable to divide it
All thrust supports for fit- Q = allowable make-up water into sections.
tings and valves must be (l/h)
finished and the concrete
properly cured (the minimum L = length of the test section FLUSHING
time is seven days). Blank ends (km) Following successful testing,
installed temporarily should be D = nominal diameter of the the line should be thoroughly
adequately supported to take pipe (m) flushed and dosed with a
the pressure thrust. sterilising agent such as
H = average test head over the chlorine. Local authority
Fill the pipeline with water and test length (m) requirements should be
remove air from the system followed.
as far as possible. Allow the This simple test above should
temperature to stabilise. suffice if the pipe is well sup-
Pressurise the system. ported by soil. If however, the
Selection of field test pressures allowable make up water level
is related to the system operat- is exceeded, it does not neces-
ing conditions. A maximum sarily mean that the pipeline
test pressure of 1.25 times the has a leak. Viscoelastic creep
system design pressure, mea- of the pipe can give result in a
sured at the lowest point in the drop in pressure even if there is
system, is specified although no leak, particularly for higher
the test pressure should not strain pipes such as PVC-M
exceed 1.25 times the PN of and PVC-O if the soil compac-
the lowest rated component in tion levels are not high. In this
the system. Additional water situation, further testing will
will be required to bring the be required to verify the leak

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure


PIPES Several excellent audio leak
detectors are now available.
Because PVC is a One type requires an acoustic
non-magnetic and signal to be introduced to
non-conductive material, the pipe at some convenient
direct location by magnetic location, e.g. a hydrant. A
and electronic means is not tuned detector is then used
possible. Several techniques to locate the pipeline. These
are appropriate. units are still effective with high
background noise levels.
Metal Detectable Tapes
The use of metal detectable A second type picks up the
tapes is now common. These sound of turbulence from
offer the dual facility of a flowing water in the pipe. This
colour-coded early warning must be done in the absence
visual marker during excava- of extraneous background
tion and traceability of the pipe noise, particularly traffic
when the precise location is sounds. Skilled operators can
not known. also pinpoint the location of
fittings. The equipment can
The tape is placed on top of also be used for detecting
the pipe surround material and underground leaks.
can later be located by using
simple metal detectors operat-
ing in the 4 - 20 MHz range at
depths ranging to 450 - 600
mm depending on equipment.

Trace Wires
Trace wires are useful where
pipes are buried significantly
deeper. The trace wire is usu-
ally laid under the pipe, to
avoid damage, and when a
suppressed current is applied
it can be detected at depths up
to 3 metres using commercially
available inductive detectors.

Suitable trace wires are the

vinyl-coated single copper
wire conductors for convey-
ance of an electric current.
Disadvantages of the system
are that both ends of the wire
have to be accessed to apply
the current, and if the wire is
broken the system cannot be

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

AS 1477 Series 1 (including Polydex) 4
AS/NZS 1477 Series 2 - Vinyl Iron 5
Supermain Product List 6
AS 4765 Series 1 Hydro PVC-M pipe 8
AS 4765 Series 2 Hydro PVC-M pipe 9
Solvent Cement Joint 10
Polydex Series 1 PVC-U Rubber Ring Joint 12
Vinyl Iron Series 2 PVC-U Rubber Ring Joint 14
Hydro Series 1 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint 15
Hydro Series 2 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint 17
Supermain Series 1 PVC-O Rubber Ring Joint 19
Supermain Series 2 PVC-O Rubber Ring Joint 20
Priming Fluid 21
Solvent Cement 21
Jointing Lubricant 21
Rubber Rings 22
Solvent Cement Fittings 23
Polydex Fittings 41

Ductile Iron Fittings 53

Tapping Bands 72
Hydrants and Valves 73
Ancilliary Products 81

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Minimum pack quantities apply to all products, orders will automatically be adjusted to minimum pack quantities or multiple.

Limitation of Liability
This product catalogue has been compiled by Vinidex Pty Limited (“the Company”) to promote better understanding of the technical aspects
of the Company’s products to assist users in obtaining from them the best possible performance. The product catalogue is supplied subject
to acknowledgement of the following conditions: 1 The product catalogue is protected by copyright and may not be copied or reproduced
in any form or by any means in whole or in part without prior consent in writing by the Company.. 2 Product specifications, usage data and
advisory information may change from time to time with advances in research and field experience. The Company reserves the right to make
such changes at any time without further notice. 3 Correct usage of the Company’s products involves engineering judgements, which can not
be properly made without full knowledge of all the conditions pertaining to each specific installation. The Company expressly disclaims all and
any liability to any person whether supplied with this publication or not in respect of anything and all of the consequences of anything done
or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance whether whole or part of the contents of this publication. 4 No offer to trade, nor any
conditions of trading, are expressed or implied by the issue of content of this product catalogue. Nothing herein shall override the Company’s
Condition of Sale, which may be obtained from the Registered Office or any Sales Office of the Company. 5 This product catalogue is and shall
remain the property of the Company, and shall be surrendered on demand to the Company. 6 Information supplied in this product catalogue
does not override a job specification, where such conflict arises; consult the authority supervising the job. © Copyright Vinidex Pty Limited.
Product Data

PRODUCT DATA PIPE Wall Thicknesses Joints

Wall thickness of PVC pipes AS/NZS 1477 Series 1 PVC
A wide range of standard are referenced by their “Pres- pipes and VINIDEX-HYDRO®
PVC pressure pipes are sure Class” or PN designation. Series 1 PVC-M pipes employ
manufactured by Vinidex to Within each diameter series a two jointing systems:
suit the variety of applications. number of standard Classes
For large projects, it is also are available. In general, pipes Solvent Cement Joint
possible to manufacture within a particular class are A chemically “welded” joint
custom-designed pipes, for characterised by a constant with capability of supporting
example for specific ratings or “dimension ratio” (mean axial thrust. Available in
lengths. diameter/wall thickness), for all sizes to DN 300, but especially
sizes, in accordance with the suited to smaller diameter
Full details of dimensions of design rules specified in the above ground systems.
all sizes, classes and joint above Standards. For further
types are given in the following information and guidance in Rubber Ring Joint
tables. Toleranced dimensions selection of size and class, A rubber ring joint system
are shown for key dimensions please refer to our Design providing a flexible joint with
subject to quality control. Guidelines. capability of axial and angular
Other dimensions, and those movement. Simple, error-free
shown as “nominal”, are Lengths installation makes this joint
provided for information only. The standard effective length suited to larger diameter
of all pipes is six metres, with underground work.
Diameters one end socketed (belled) Sizes DN 50 and larger.
Diameters of PVC pipes are for jointing purposes. Other
referenced by their “Nominal lengths, up to 12m may also AS/NZS 1477 Series 2 VINYL
Size” or simply “Size” (symbol be available in some products. IRON® pipes, AS/NZS 4441
DN, in accordance with Plain-ended pipes for jointing PVC-O Supermain® Series 1
international practice), which with couplings are also used. and Series 2 pipes and Series
represents the approximate 2 Vinidex Hydro® PVC-M pipes,
diameter in millimetres. employ rubber ring joints only.
Actual external and internal
di¬ameters are given in the
standard dimension tables.

Two standard diameter ranges

are manufactured:

1. Series 1: Metric pipe sizes

which are compatible with
International Standards
Organisation (ISO) R161
in sizes DN 125 and larger.
Colour: white
2. Series 2 : has diameters
compatible with Ductile Iron
(Dl) pipes in sizes DN 100
and larger. Colour: blue
or purple for recycled water

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data
AS 1477 Series 1 SCJ and Polydex RRJ PVC-U pipe
Mean Mean Mean Product Product
Size Class Length Mass
OD Bore Wall Code Code
DN PN (m) (kg/lgth)
Dm Di Tp SCJ Polydex
15 21.35 15 18.3 1.55 6 0.8 - -
18 17.8 1.8 6 0.9 13510 -
20 26.75 12 23.7 1.55 6 1 13520 -
15 23 1.9 6 1.3 13540 -
18 22.4 2.2 6 1.5 13550 -
25 33.55 9 30.5 1.55 6 1.3 13560 -
12 29.8 1.9 6 1.6 13570 -
15 29 2.3 6 2 - -
18 28.1 2.75 6 2.3 13590 -
32 42.25 9 38.5 1.9 6 2 13600 -
12 37.5 2.4 6 2.6 13610 -
15 36.4 2.95 6 3.1 13630 -
18 35.4 3.45 6 3.7 13640 -
40 48.25 6 45.2 1.55 6 1.9 13650 -
9 44.1 2.1 6 2.6 13660 -
12 42.8 2.75 6 3.4 13680 -
15 41.6 3.35 6 4 - -
18 40.5 3.9 6 4.8 13700 -
50 60.35 6 56.8 1.8 6 2.8 13710 -
9 55.2 2.6 6 4.2 13720 16010
12 53.7 3.35 6 5.3 13740 16020
15 52.2 4.1 6 6.4 - -
18 50.5 4.95 6 7.6 13760 -
†65 75.35 4.5 72 1.7 6 4 - -
6 71 2.2 6 4.3 14500 -
9 68.9 3.25 6 6.4 14510 16060
12 67 4.2 6 8.2 14520 16070
15 65.1 5.15 6 10.5 - -
18 63.2 6.1 6 12.8 14530 -
80 88.9 4.5 84.9 2 6 4.6 14540 -
6 83.7 2.6 6 6.1 14550 16100
9 81.3 3.8 6 8.8 14560 16110
12 79 4.95 6 11.5 14570 16120
15 76.7 6.1 6 13.9 - 16130
18 74.6 7.15 6 16.2 14590 -
100 114.3 4.5 109.3 2.5 6 7.5 14600 -
6 107.8 3.25 6 10 14610 16150
9 104.6 4.85 6 14.7 14620 16160
12 101.7 6.3 6 20 14630 16170
15 98.8 7.75 6 23 - 16180
18 96 9.15 6 27 14650 16190
†125 140.2 4.5 134.1 3.05 6 11.3 14660 -
6 132.2 4 6 15.1 14670 16200
9 128.4 5.9 6 22.3 14680 16210
12 124.9 7.65 6 28.5 14690 16220
15 121.3 9.45 6 20.5 - -
18 117.7 11.25 6 44.6 - -
For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data
AS 1477 Series 1 (including Polydex) - 6 metre lengths (cont …)
Mean Mean Mean Product
Size Class Length Mass Product
OD Bore Wall Code
DN PN (m) (kg/lgth) Code SCJ
Dm Di Tp Polydex
150 160.25 4.5 153.4 3.45 6 15 14710 16250
6 151.3 4.5 6 20 14720 16260
9 146.9 6.7 6 29 14730 16270
12 142.7 8.8 6 38 14740 16280
15 138.7 10.8 6 46 - 16290
18 134.7 12.8 6 58 14760 16300
155 168.25 4.5 161.3 3.5 6 16 - -
6 158.7 4.8 6 22 - -
9 154.2 7.05 6 31 - -
12 149.9 9.2 6 40 - -
15 145.6 11.35 6 48 - -
18 141.4 13 45 6 60 - -
175 200.25 4.5 192.5 3.9 6 22 - -
6 190.1 5.1 6 29 - -
9 185.2 7.55 6 42 - -
12 180.6 9.85 6 55 - -
15 176 12.15 6 67 - -
18 171.5 14.4 6 78 - -
195 219.1 4.5 209.7 4.7 6 29 - -
6 206.7 6.2 6 38 14794 -
9 200.8 9.15 6 56 14796 -
12 195.2 11.95 6 72 14798 -
15 189.5 14.8 6 92 - -
18 184.2 17.45 6 112 - -
†200 225.3 4.5 216.7 4.3 6 26 - 16320
6 213.8 5.75 6 35 14830 16330
9 208.5 8.4 6 51 14840 16340
12 203.1 11.1 6 67 14850 16350
15 198 13.65 6 81 - -
18 192.9 16.2 6 95 - 16370
†225 250.35 4.5 240.8 4.8 6 33 - 16380
6 237.7 6.35 6 44 14890 16390
9 231.7 9.35 6 63 14900 16400
12 225.8 12.3 6 82 14910 16410
15 220 15.2 6 101 - -
18 214.4 18 6 118 - -
†250 280.4 4.5 269.7 5.35 6 41 - 16440
6 266.2 7.1 6 55 - 16450
9 259.4 10.5 6 80 - 16460
12 252.9 13.75 6 104 - 16470
15 246.4 17 6 127 - -
18 240.1 20.15 6 149 - -

For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †

+ Obsolete

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data
AS 1477 Series 1 (including Polydex) - 6 metre lengths (cont …)
Mean Mean Mean Product Product
Size Class Length Mass
OD Bore Wall Code Code
DN PN (m) (kg/lgth)
Dm Di Tp SCJ Polydex
†300 315.45 4.5 303.4 6.05 6 53 - 16500
6 299.5 8 6 69 - 16510
9 292 11.75 6 101 15010 16520
12 284.5 15.5 6 133 15020 16530
15 277.3 19.1 6 161 - -
18 270 2 22 65 6 190 0 - -
†375 400.5 4.5 385.2 7.65 6 86 - 16540
6 380.3 10.1 6 113 - 16550
9 370.7 14.9 6 166 - 16560
12 361.2 19.65 6 216 - -
15 352 24.25 6 264 - -
18 343 28.75 6 310 - -
For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †


AS/NZS 1477 Series 2 - Vinyl Iron - 6 metre lengths
Mean Mean Mean
Class Length Mass Product
Size DN OD Bore Wall
PN (m) (kg/lgth) Code
Dm Di Tp
100 121.9 12 108.5 6.7 6 22.5 17260
16 104.3 8.8 6 29.1 17270
18 102.4 9.75 6 32.2 17280
20 100.3 10.8 6 35.1 17290
150 177.4 12 157.9 9.75 6 47.8 17300
16 152 12.7 6 61.5 17310
18 149.1 14.15 6 67.8 17320
20 146.1 15.65 6 74.1 17330
†200 232.2 12 209.3 11.45 6 74.1 17340
16 202.2 15 6 95.3 17342
225 259.25 12 233.7 12.8 6 92.4 17390
16 225.7 16.8 6 119.4 17393
250 286.7 12 258.1 14.05 6 112.2 17350
16 249.2 18.5 6 144.9 17354
300 345.35 12 311.4 17 6 163.5 17360
16 300.9 22.25 6 210.3 17364
375 426.2 12 384.4 20.9 6 247.8 17379
16 371.2 27.5 6 321 17382
For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Supermain® Product List

• Note that some sizes may not be available from all Vinidex locations. Please check availability
with your nearest Vinidex office.
• Supermain® pipes are supplied in standard 6 metre effective lengths.
• The product description includes the material classification and pipe colour. eg; SUPER-
MAIN355W refers to PVC-O material MRS 355 and colour white.
• The pipe colours are; W=white, B=blue, P=purple, C=cream, G=grey

Supermain® PVC-O International Series Pipe

• International Series pipes are designated by Outside Diameter (OD) in accordance with ISO
convention. These pipes have the characters “iso” printed after the pipe diameter in the product
• The equivalent Nominal Bore (Series 1) dimension is shown in the table below for reference only.
Diameter PN Product Description  Nominal Bore   comment
DN160 10 17535  160iso PN10 SUPERMAIN355W 6M 150 mm  available
DN225 10 17534  225iso PN10 SUPERMAIN355W 6M 200 mm not available
DN250 10 17533 250iso PN10 SUPERMAIN355W 6M 225 mm available 
DN280 10 17532 280iso PN10 SUPERMAIN355W 6M 250 mm  available
DN315 10 17531 315iso PN10 SUPERMAIN355W 6M 300 mm  available
DN160 12.5 17528 160iso PN12.5 SUPERMAIN450W 6M 150 mm  available
DN225 12.5 17529 225iso PN12.5 SUPERMAIN450W 6M 200 mm  not available
DN250 12.5 17530 250iso PN12.5 SUPERMAIN450W 6M 225 mm  available
DN280 12.5 17527 280iso PN12.5 SUPERMAIN450W 6M 250 mm  available
DN315 12.5 17526 315iso PN12.5 SUPERMAIN450W 6M 300 mm  available

For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office.

Super i Rubber Rings to suit Supermain® International Series Pipe

Diameter Description Comment
DN160 83311 160iso/150S1 SUPERi DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN225 83312 225iso/200S1 SUPERi DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN250 83313 250iso/225S1 SUPERi DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN280 83314 280iso/250S1 SUPERi DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN315 83315 315iso/300S1 SUPERi DH RR SBR dual hardness

For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Supermain® PVC-O Series 2 Pipe

Diameter PN Product Description  application/colour Stiffness
DN100 12.5 17220 100 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN100 16 17221 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN100 16 17222 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN100 16 17491 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN450B 6M potable water / Blue SN10
DN100 16 17236 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN500G 6M / Grey
DN100 12.5 17497 100 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN100 16 17496 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN100 16 17495 100 PN16 SUPERMAIN450C 6M pressure sewer / Cream SN10
DN150 12.5 17225 150 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN150 16 17226 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN150 12.5 17229 150 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN150 16 17227 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN150 16 17492 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN450B 6M potable water / Blue SN10
DN150 16 17489 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN450P 6M recycled water / Purple SN10
DN150 12.5 17228 150 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400G 6M / Grey
DN150 16 17246 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN500G 6M / Grey
DN150 16 17498 150 PN16 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN200 12.5 17230 200 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN200 16 17231 200 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN200 20 17493 200 PN20 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue SN11
DN200 12.5 17401 200 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN200 16 17232 200 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN200 16 17252 200 PN16 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN200 20 17490 200 PN20 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream SN11
DN225 12.5 17240 225 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN225 16 17241 225 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN225 20 17494 225 PN20 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue SN11
DN225 16 17245 225 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN225 12.5 17251 225 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400G 6M / Grey
DN225 16 17253 225 PN16 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN250 12.5 17450 250 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN250 16 17455 250 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN250 20 17456 250 PN20 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue SN11
DN250 16 17473 250 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN250 16 17456 250 PN16 SUPERMAIN500G 6M / Grey
DN250 16 17474 250 PN16 SUPERMAIN500C 6M pressure sewer / Cream
DN300 12.5 17460 300 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400B 6M potable water / Blue
DN300 16 17464 300 PN16 SUPERMAIN500B 6M potable water / Blue
DN300 12.5 17472 300 PN12.5 SUPERMAIN400P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN300 16 17466 300 PN16 SUPERMAIN500P 6M recycled water / Purple
DN300 16 17467 300 PN16 SUPERMAIN500G 6M / Grey

For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Vinyl Iron Rubber Rings to suit Supermain® Series 2 Pipe

Diameter Description Comment
DN100 83291 100 VINYL IRON S2 DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN150 83296 150 VINYL IRON S2 DH RR SBR dual hardness
DN200 83300 200 VINYL IRON S2 RR SBR
DN225 83303 225 VINYL IRON S2 RR SBR
DN250 83305 250 VINYL IRON S2 RR SBR
DN300 83308 300 VINYL IRON S2 RR SBR

AS 4765 Series 1 Hydro® PVC-M pipe

Mean Mean Mean
Class Length Mass Product Product
Size DN OD Bore Wall
PN (m) (kg/lgth) Code SCJ Code RRJ
Dm Di Tp
100 114.3 6 108.4 3 6 17025
9 107.5 3.4 6 10 17040 17035
12 105.6 4.4 6 13 17050 17045
15 103.6 5.4 6
18 101.7 6.3 6
†125 140.2 6 133.2 3.5 6 17055
9 131.9 4.2 6 14 17060
12 129.5 5.4 6 19 17065
15 127.2 6.5 6
18 124.8 7.7 6
150 160.25 6 152.4 4 6 17070
9 150.9 4.7 6 19 17085 17080
12 148.4 6 6 24 17095 17090
15 145.6 7.35 6
18 142.8 8.8 6
†200 225.3 6 214.4 5.5 6 17100
9 212.5 6.4 6 38 17115 17110
12 208.6 8.4 6 48 17125 17120
15 204.8 10.3 6
18 200.9 12.2 6
†225 250.35 6 238.2 6.1 6 17130
9 236.3 7.1 6 48 17135
12 232 9.2 6 60 17140
15 227.7 11.4 6
18 223.4 13.5 6
†250 280.4 6 267 6.7 6 50 17145
9 264.6 7.9 6 57 17150
12 259.9 10.3 6 74 17155
15 254.9 12.8 6
18 250.4 15 6

For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

AS 4765 Series 1 Hydro PVC-M pipe (cont …)

Mean Mean Mean Product Product
Class Length Mass
Size DN OD Bore Wall Code Code
PN (m) (kg/lgth)
†300 315.45 6 300.5 7.5 6 62 17160
9 298 8.8 6 73 17165
12 292.4 11.6 6 93 17170
15 287 14.3 6
18 282 17 6
375 400.5 6 381.5 9.5 6 101 17175
9 378.2 11.2 6 115 17180
12 371.4 14.6 6 157 17185
15 364.4 18.1 6
18 357.8 21.4 6
450 500.5 6 476.9 11.8 6 153 17171
9 472.9 13.8 6 179 17172
12 464.3 18.1 6 234 17173
15 455.4 22.6 6
18 447.3 26.6 6
500 560.5 6 534.2 13.2 6 201 17415
9 529.6 15.5 6 235 17416
12 520 20.3 6 308 14717
575 630.5 6 601.1 14.7 6 252 17418
9 596 17.3 6 295 17419
12 585 22.8 6 388 17420
For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †

AS 4765 Series 2 Hydro® PVC-M pipe

Mean Mean Mean
Size Class Length Mass Product
OD Bore Wall
DN PN (m) (kg/lgth) Code
Dm Di Tp
100 121.9 12 112.5 4.7 6 15 17181
16 109.7 6.1 6 19 17182
18 108.6 6.7 6 21 17183
20 107.2 7.3 6 23 17184
150 177.4 12 164.2 6.6 6 30 17185
16 610.1 8.7 6 39 17186
18 158.2 9.6 6 44 17187
20 156.2 10.6 6 48 17188
†200 232.2 12 215.2 8.6 6 52 17189
16 209.8 11.3 6 66 17190
225 259.25 16 234.2 12.6 6 82 17194
250 286.7 12 265.2 10.5 6 79 17197
16 258.8 13.7 6 100 17198
300 345.35 12 320.1 12.7 6 116 17201
16 312.4 16.5 6 145 17202
375 426.2 9 402.6 11.8 6 130 17206
12 395.1 15.6 6 170 17207
16 386.4 19.9 6 222 17208
450 507 6 483.2 11.9 6 162 17411
9 479.1 14 6 190 17412
12 470.3 18.4 6 249 17413
16 458.7 24.2 6 325 17414
For availability of all products in this Table, please contact your nearest Vinidex office, particularly
products marked †
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data


Solvent Cement Joint Assembly and Control Dimensions

Not all sizes and classes are

available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

For Internal diameter, Di and pipe wall thickness, Tp, refer to the relevant tables for PVC-U or Hydro PVC-M pipe. Socket
wall thickness Ts is not less than 90% Tp.

DN PN Dm Min Dm Max Dr Nom Dm Nom Ds Nom Ls Nom

15 15 21.2 21.5 21 21.7 24.5 38
18 “ “ “ “ 24.9 “
20 12 26.6 26.9 26.4 27.2 29.9 38
15 “ “ ‘’ “ 30.6 “
18 “ “ “ “ 31.1 “
25 9 33.4 33.7 33.2 34 36.7 38
12 “ “ “ “ 37.4 “
15 “ “ “ “ 38.1 “
18 “ “ “ “ 38.9 “
32 9 42.1 42.4 41.9 42.7 46 38
12 “ “ “ “ 46.9 “
15 “ “ “ “ 47.9 “
18 “ “ “ “ 48.8 “
40 6 48.1 48.4 47.9 48.7 51.4 51
9 “ “ “ “ 52.4 “
12 “ “ ‘’ “ 53.6 “
15 “ “ “ “ 54.7 “
18 “ “ “ “ 55.7 “
50 6 60.2 60.5 60 60.8 64 64
9 “ “ “ “ 65.4 “
12 “ “ “ “ 66.8 “
15 “ “ “ “ 68.2 “
18 “ “ “ “ 69.6 “
65 6 75.2 75.5 75 75.8 79.7 64
9 “ “ “ “ 81.6 “
12 “ “ “ “ 83.3 “
15 “ “ “ “ 85 “
18 “ “ “ “ 86.7 “
80 4.5 88.7 89.1 88.5 89.4 92.9 76
6 “ “ “ ‘’ 94 “
9 “ “ “ “ 96.2 “
12 “ “ “ “ 98.2 “
15 “ “ “ “ 100.3 “
18 “ “ “ “ 102.2 “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Solvent Cement Joint Assembly and Control Dimensions (Cont....)

DN PN Dm Min Dm Max Dr Nom Dm Nom Ds Nom Ls Nom
100 4.5 114.1 114.5 113.7 115 119.4 102
6 “ “ “ “ 120.8 “
9 “ “ “ “ 123.7 “
12 “ “ “ “ 126.3 “
15 “ “ “ “ 128.9 “
18 “ “ “ “ 131.4 “
125 4.5 140 140.4 139.6 140.9 146.3 127
6 “ “ “ “ 148.1 “
9 “ “ “ “ 151.5 “
12 “ “ “ “ 154.7 “
15 “ “ “ “ 157.9 “
18 “ “ “ “ 161.1 “
150 4.5 160 160.5 159.6 161 167.2 127
6 “ “ “ “ 169.1 “
9 “ “ “ “ 173 “
12 “ “ “ “ 176.8 “
15 “ “ “ “ 180.4 “
18 “ “ “ “ 184 “
200 4.5 225 225.6 224.5 226.1 233.9 152
6 “ “ “ “ 236.4 “
9 “ “ “ “ 241.3 “
12 “ “ “ “ 246.1 “
15 “ “ “ “ 250.7 “
18 “ “ “ “ 255.2 “
225 4.5 250 250.7 249.4 251.3 260 178
6 “ “ “ “ 262.8 “
9 “ “ “ “ 268.2 “
12 “ “ “ “ 273.5 “
15 “ “ “ “ 278.6 “
18 “ “ “ “ 283.7 “
250 4.5 280 280.8 279.4 281.6 291.2 203
6 “ “ “ “ 294.4 “
9 “ “ “ “ 300.4 “
12 “ “ “ “ 306.3 “
15 “ “ “ “ 312.1 “
18 “ “ “ “ 317.8 “
300 4.5 315 315.9 314.3 316.7 327.6 254
6 “ “ “ “ 331.1 “
9 “ “ “ “ 337.8 “
12 “ “ “ “ 344.6 “
15 “ “ “ “ 351 “
18 “ “ “ “ 357.5 “
375 4.5 400 401 399.1 401.9 415.7 330
6 “ “ “ “ 420.1 “
9 “ “ “ “ 428.7 “
12 “ “ “ “ 437.3 “
15 “ “ “ “ 443.9 “
18 “ “ “ “ 451.9 “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Polydex AS 1477 Series 1 PVC-U Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.

Dm Dm Di Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L1 L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Dso Nom
Min Max Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
50 6 60.2 60.5 56.8 65.1 78.5 1.6 2 1.7 1.6 8 50 25 96 6 81
9 “ “ 55.2 67 80.1 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.4 11 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 53.7 68.9 81.8 3.1 3.6 3.5 3.1 14 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 52.2 71.1 83.4 3.8 4.4 4.5 3.8 17 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 50.5 73.2 85.1 4.6 5.3 5.5 4.6 21 “ “ “ “ “
65 6 75.2 75.5 71 81.1 95.6 2 2.4 2.1 2 10 51 27 101 8 88
9 “ “ 68.9 83.7 97.7 3 3.5 3.3 3 14 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 67 86.1 99.6 3.9 4.5 4.4 3.9 18 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 65.1 88.6 101.5 4.8 5.5 5.6 4.8 22 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 63.2 91.2 103.4 5.7 6.5 6.8 5.7 25 “ “ “ “ “
80 6 88.7 89.1 83.7 95.5 110.7 2.4 2.8 2.5 2.4 12 52 30 106 10 95
9 “ “ 81.3 98.3 113.1 3.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 16 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 79 101.3 115.6 4.6 5.3 5.2 4.6 21 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 76.7 104.3 118 5.7 6.5 6.6 5.7 25 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 74.6 107.3 120.1 6.7 7.6 8 6.7 29 “ “ “ “ “
100 6 114.1 114.5 107.8 122.8 138.9 3 3.5 3.3 3 15 58 33 117 13 106
9 ‘’ “ 104.6 126.5 142.1 4.5 5.2 5 4.5 21 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 101.7 130.1 145.1 5.9 6.7 6.7 5.9 26 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 98.8 134 148.1 7.3 8.2 8.5 7.3 32 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 96 137.8 151.1 8.6 9.7 10.3 8.6 37 “ “ “ “ “
125 6 140 140.4 132.2 150.3 170.2 3.7 4.3 4 3.7 22 63 37 133 13 125
9 “ “ 128.4 154.8 173.9 5.5 6.3 6 5.5 29 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 124.9 159.3 177.6 7.2 8.1 8.1 7.2 36 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 121.3 164 181.3 8.9 10 10.3 8.9 43 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 117.7 169.6 184.9 10.6 11.9 13 10.6 50 “ “ “ “ “
150 4.5 160 160.5 153.4 169.3 187.5 3.2 3.7 3.4 3.2 16 63 40 134 14 123
6 “ “ 151.3 171.9 189.6 4.2 4.8 4.6 4.2 21 “ “ “ “ “
9 ‘’ “ 146.9 176.8 194.1 6.3 7.1 6.9 6.3 29 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 142.7 182.2 198.4 8.3 9.3 9.4 8.3 36 “ “ “ “ “
15 ‘’ “ 138.7 187.6 202.5 10.2 11.4 11.9 10.2 44 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 134.7 193.2 206.5 12.1 13.5 14.5 12.1 52 “ “ “ “ “
200 4.5 225 225.6 216.7 235.8 258.5 4 4.6 4.3 4 23 66 47 152 20 144
6 ‘’ “ 213.8 238.7 261.3 5.4 6.1 5.7 5.4 29 “ “ “ “ “
9 “ “ 208.5 244.6 266.3 7.9 8.9 8.7 7.9 40 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 203.1 250.6 271.5 10.5 11.7 11.7 10.5 50 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 198 256.8 276.3 12.9 14.4 14.8 12.9 61 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 192.9 263.2 281.1 15.3 17.1 18 15.3 72 “ “ “ “ “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Polydex AS 1477 Series 1 PVC-U Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions (Cont...)
Dm Dm Di Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L1 L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Dso Nom
Min Max Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
225 4.5 250 250.7 240.8 262.2 282.7 4.5 5.1 4.8 4.5 26 80 50 170 22 154
6 “ “ 237.7 265.4 285.7 6 6.7 6.4 6 32 “ “ “ “ “
9 “ “ 231.7 272 291.3 8.8 9.9 9.6 8.8 45 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 225.8 278.7 296.9 11.6 13 13 11.6 57 “ “ “ “ “
15 ‘’ “ 220 285.6 302.5 14.4 16 16.5 14.4 69 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 214.4 292.7 307.7 17 19 20 17 82 “ “ “ “ “
250 4.5 280 280.8 269.7 293.3 326.2 5 5.7 5.3 5 29 69 55 175 25 164
6 “ “ 266.2 296.9 329.6 6.7 7.5 7.1 6.7 37 “ “ “ “ “
9 “ “ 259.4 304.3 336 9.9 11.1 10.8 9.9 51 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 252.9 311.8 342.2 13 14.5 14.5 13 64 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 246.4 319.5 348.4 16.1 17.9 18.4 16.1 78 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 240.1 327.4 354.4 19.1 21.2 22.4 19.1 92 “ “ “ “ “
300 4.5 315 315.9 303.4 331 369.4 5.7 6.4 6 5.7 33 80 60 190 28 174
6 “ “ 299.5 335.1 373 7.5 8.5 8 7.5 42 “ “ “ “ “
9 “ “ 292 343.3 380.2 11.1 12.4 12.2 11.1 57 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 284.5 351.8 387.4 14.7 16.3 16.4 14.7 73 “ “ “ “ “
15 “ “ 277.3 360.5 394.2 18.1 20.1 20.8 18.1 88 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 270.2 369.5 401 21.5 23.8 25.2 21.5 104 “ “ “ “ “
*375 4.5 400 401 385.2 418.1 461.3 7.2 8.1 7.6 7.2 42 82 80 205 28 206
6 “ “ 380.3 423.3 465.9 95 10.7 10.1 9.5 52 “ “ “ “ “
9 “ “ 370.7 433.7 475.1 14.1 15.7 15.4 14.1 72 “ “ “ “ “
12 “ “ 361.2 444.4 484.1 18.6 20.7 20.7 18.6 92 “ “ “ “ “

*Deflection joint: 2.5 degrees lateral deflection capability.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Vinyl Iron AS 1477 Series 2 PVC-U Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and
Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.

De De Di Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L1 L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Dso Nom
Min Max Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
100 12 121.7 122.1 108.5 136.4 154.7 6.3 7.1 6.7 6.3 27 40 40 103 12 105
16 “ “ 104.3 141 158.7 8.3 9.3 9 8.3 35 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 102.4 143.2 160.5 9.2 10.3 10.1 9.2 38 “ “ “ “ “
20 “ “ 100.3 145.4 162.5 10.2 11.4 11.2 10.2 42 “ “ “ “ “
150 12 177.1 177.6 157.9 198.2 219.3 9.2 10.3 9.7 9.2 39 47 49 124 13 127
16 “ “ 152 204.8 224.9 12 13.4 13 12 50 “ “ “ “ “
18 “ “ 149.1 208.2 227.7 13.4 14.9 14.7 13.4 55 “ “ “ “ “
20 “ “ 146.1 211.6 230.5 14.8 16.5 16.4 14.8 61 “ “ “ “ “
200 12 231.9 232.5 209.3 257 287.3 10.8 12.1 11.4 13 52 91 62 188 21 171
16 “ “ 202.2 264.6 294.1 14.2 15 8 15.2 17 6 63 “ “ “ “ “
225 12 258.9 259.6 233.7 286.7 317.8 12.1 13.5 12.7 12.1 62 85 65 187 24 180
16 “ “ 225.7 295.3 325.4 15.9 17.7 17 15.9 74 “ “ “ “ “
250 12 285.8 286.6 258.1 316.6 350 13.3 14.8 14.4 13.3 62 97 71 208 27 191
16 “ “ 249.2 326 358.2 17.5 19.5 18.8 17.5 76 “ “ “ “ “
300 12 344.9 345.8 311.4 382.1 421.3 16.1 17.9 17 16.1 76 77 82 206 32 211
16 “ “ 300.9 393.5 431.3 21.1 23.4 22.7 21.1 92 “ “ “ “ “
375 6 425.7 426.7 404.6 450 492 10.2 11.4 10.4 10.2 66 97 84 229 38 226
9 “ “ 394.3 460.6 501.8 15.1 16.8 15.7 15.1 82 “ “
12 “ “ 384.4 471 511.2 19.8 22 20.9 19.8 97 “ “
16 “ “ 371.2 485.2 523.8 26.1 28.9 28 26.1 118 “ “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Hydro® AS 4765 Series 1 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.
For Internal diameter, Di, refer to the relevant tables for Series 1 Hydro PVC-M Pipe
Dm Dm Dso Dro Tp Ts Tr L4 Lc Lw
Min Max Nom Nom Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom
100 6 114.1 114.5 120.3 136.5 2.5 3.4 2.6 2.5 117 13 95
9 ‘’ “ 121.2 137.3 2.9 3.9 3.1 2.9 “ “ “
12 “ “ 123.2 139.1 3.8 4.9 4.1 3.8 “ “ “
15 “ “ 125.3 140.9 4.7 6 5.2 4.7 “ “ “
18 “ “ 127.5 142.7 5.6 7 6.3 5.6 “ “ “
125 6 140 140.4 148.6 167 3 4 3.2 3 133 13 107
9 “ “ 149.9 168.2 3.6 4.7 3.9 3.6 “ “ “
12 “ “ 152.4 170.4 4.7 6 5.1 4.7 “ “ “
15 “ “ 155 172.6 5.8 7.2 6.4 5.8 “ “ “
18 “ “ 157.7 174.8 6.9 8.5 7.8 6.9 “ “ “
150 6 160 160.5 168.4 186.6 3.4 4.5 3.6 3.4 134 14 114
9 ‘’ “ 169.9 188 4.1 5.3 4.4 4.1 “ “ “
12 “ “ 172.8 190.4 5.3 6.6 5.7 5.3 “ “ “
15 ‘’ “ 175.7 193 6.6 8.1 7.2 6.6 “ “ “
18 “ “ 178.9 195.8 11.1 13.3 12.4 11.1 “ “ “
200 6 225 225.6 236.6 258.8 4.8 6.1 5 4.8 152 20 138
9 “ “ 238.6 260.8 5.7 7.1 6 5.7 “ “ “
12 “ “ 242.7 264.2 7.5 9.2 8.1 7.5 “ “ “
15 “ “ 246.9 267.8 9.3 11.2 10.2 9.3 “ “ “
18 “ “ 251.3 271.4 11.1 13.3 12.4 11.1 “ “ “
225 6 250 250.7 263.3 283 5.4 6.8 5.7 5.4 170 22 148
9 “ “ 265.3 284.8 6.3 7.8 6.7 6.3 “ “ “
12 “ “ 269.8 288.8 8.3 10.1 9 8.3 “ “ “
15 ‘’ “ 274.5 292.8 10.3 12.4 11.3 10.3 “ “ “
18 “ “ 279.4 296.8 12.3 14.7 13.7 12.3 “ “ “
250 6 280 280.8 295.4 326.7 6 7.4 6.3 6 175 25 174
9 “ “ 297 328.9 7.1 8.7 7.5 7.1 “ “ “
12 “ “ 302 333.3 9.3 11.2 10 9.3 “ “ “
15 “ “ 307.6 338.1 11.6 13.9 12.9 11.6 “ “ “
18 “ “ 312.5 342.1 13.7 16.3 15.3 13.7 “ “ “
300 6 315 315.9 332.1 367.4 6.7 8.3 7.1 6.7 190 28 185
9 “ “ 334.8 369.8 7.9 9.6 8.4 7.9 “ “ “
12 “ “ 340.7 375 10.5 12.6 11.4 10.5 “ “ “
15 “ “ 346.6 380 13 15.5 14.3 13 “ “ “
18 “ “ 352.7 385 15.5 18.4 17.4 15.5 “ “ “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Hydro AS 4765 Series 1 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions (Cont...)
Dm Dm Dso Dro Tp Ts Tr L4 Lc Lw
Min Max Nom Nom Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom
*375 6 400 401 420.1 462.3 8.6 10.4 9.3 8.6 205 28 206
9 “ “ 423.4 465.3 10.1 12.2 11 10.1 “ “ “
12 “ “ 430.6 471.7 13.3 15.8 14.8 13.3 “ “ “
15 “ “ 438.1 478.1 16.5 19.6 18.7 16.5 “ “ “
18 “ “ 445.7 484.3 19.6 23.1 22.5 19.6 “ “ “

*Deflection joint: 2.5° lateral deflection capability

Rieber Joints
Dm Dm Dso Dro Tp Ts L4 Lc Lw
Min Max Nom Nom Max Min Nom Nom Nom
450 6 500 501 524 - 10.7 12.9 11.2 283 35 255
9 “ “ 528.2 - 12.6 15 13.3 “ 43 “
12 “ “ 537.3 - 16.6 19.6 17.8 “ 43 “
15 “ “ 546.6 - 20.6 24.5 22.5 “ 43 “
500 6 560 561 586 - 12 14.3 12.6 293 37 266
9 “ “ 590 - 14.1 16.8 14.9 “ 44 “
12 “ “ 600 - 18.6 21.9 19.9 “ 44 “
575 6 630 631 659 - 13.4 16 14 317 42 288
9 “ “ 664 - 15.8 18.7 16.7 “ 53 “
12 “ “ 675 - 20.9 24.6 22.4 “ 53 “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Hydro® AS 4765 Series 2 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.
For Internal diameter, Di, refer to the relevant tables for Series 2 Hydro PVC-M Pipe

Parallel Sockets
De De Dso Dro Tp Ts Tr L4 Lc Lw
Min Max Nom Nom Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom
100 12 121.7 122.1 131.5 148.9 4.1 5.3 4.4 4.1 101 12 103
16 “ “ 134.5 152.4 5.4 6.6 6 5.4 “ “ “
150 12 177.1 177.6 191 212.1 5.9 7.3 6.4 5.9 122 15 125
16 “ “ 195.5 215.9 7.8 9.5 8.6 7.8 “ “ “
200 12 231.9 232.5 250 280.4 7.7 9.4 8.3 7.7 195 21 169
16 “ “ 255.9 285.4 10.2 12.3 11.3 10.2 “ “ “
225 6 258.9 259.6 272.3 303.9 5.6 7 5.9 5.6 184 16 178
9 “ “ 274.3 305.7 6.5 8 6.9 6.5 21 “
12 “ “ 279 309.9 8.6 10.4 9.3 8.6 21 “
16 “ “ 285.7 315.5 11.4 13.7 12.6 11.4 “ 21 “
250 6 285.8 286.6 300.4 334.6 6.1 7.6 6.4 6.1 205 17 189
9 “ “ 302.9 336.8 7.2 8.8 7.6 7.2 “ 23 “
12 “ “ 308.1 341.4 9.5 11.5 10.2 9.5 23 “
16 “ “ 315.2 347.4 12.5 14.9 13.8 12.5 23 “
300 6 344.9 345.8 362.8 402.8 7.4 9.1 7.8 7.4 204 22 209
9 “ “ 365.6 405.4 8.7 10.6 9.2 8.7 “ 28 “
12 “ “ 372 411 11.5 13.8 12.4 11.5 28 “
16 “ “ 380.5 418.2 15.1 17.9 16.7 15.1 28 “
375 6 425.7 426.7 447.4 488.7 9.1 11 9.6 9.1 226 27 224
9 “ “ 451 491.9 10.7 12.9 11.3 10.7 36 “
12 “ “ 458.7 498.7 14.2 16.9 15.2 14.2 36 “
16 “ “ 469.6 507.9 18.7 21.1 20.6 18.7 36 “
450* 12 506.5 507.5 544 - 16.8 19.9 18 289 44 260
16 “ “ 556 - 22.2 26.1 24.4 “ 44 “
*Rieber Joint

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Hydro® AS 4765 Series 2 PVC-M Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions (Cont...)
Deflection sockets
De De Angle Dso Dro Tp Tp Tr L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max (°) Nom Nom Min Max Min Nom Nom Nom
100 12 121.7 122.1 5 131.5 148.9 4.1 5.3 4.1 101 12 103
16 “ “ “ 134.5 152.4 5.4 6.6 5.4 “ “ “
150 12 177.1 177.6 3.5 191 212.1 5.9 7.3 5.9 115 15 130
16 “ “ “ 195.5 215.9 7.8 9.5 7.8 “ “ “
200 12 231.9 232.5 3.43 250 280.4 7.7 9.4 7.7 219 19 176
16 “ “ “ 255.9 285.4 10.2 12.3 10.2 “ “ “
225 6 258.9 259.6 3.5 272.3 303.9 5.6 7 5.6 211 17 186
9 “ “ “ 274.3 305.7 6.5 8 6.5 “ 21 “
12 “ “ “ 279 309.9 8.6 10.4 8.6 “ 21 “
16 “ “ “ 285.7 315.5 11.4 13.7 11.4 “ 21 “
250 6 285.8 286.6 3.5 300.4 334.6 6.1 7.6 6.1 196 17 198
9 “ “ “ 302.9 336.8 7.2 8.8 7.2 “ 23 “
12 “ “ “ 308.1 341.4 9.5 11.5 9.5 “ 23 “
16 “ “ “ 315.2 347.4 12.5 14.9 12.5 “ 23 “
300 6 344.9 345.8 4 362.8 402.8 7.4 9.1 7.4 239 22 221
9 “ “ “ 365.6 405.4 8.7 10.6 8.7 “ 28 “
12 “ “ “ 372 411 11.5 13.8 11.5 “ 28 “
16 “ “ “ 380.5 418.2 15.1 17.9 15.1 “ 28 “
375 6 425.7 426.7 3 447.4 488.7 9.1 11 9.1 246 29 237
9 “ “ “ 451 491.9 10.7 12.9 10.7 “ 36 “
12 “ “ “ 458.7 498.7 14.2 16.9 14.2 “ 36 “
16 “ “ “ 469.6 507.9 18.7 21.1 18.7 “ 36 “

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Supermain® AS 4441 Series 1 PVC-O Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.

Supermain® Series 1 International Series PVC-O 355

De De Di Dso Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L1 L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max Nom Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
160 10 160 160.5 152.7 168.7 193 3.5 4.1 3.7 3.5 16 88.5 56 156 8 128
225 10 225 225.7 214.7 237.4 264.5 5 5.7 5.3 5 23 89 65 167 12 156
250 10 250 250.8 238.6 263.9 293.6 5.5 6.3 5.9 5.5 26 90 69 173 13 166
280 10 280 280.9 267.2 295.5 327.1 6.2 7.1 6.6 6.2 29 91 77 183 15 183
315 10 315 316 300.8 332.2 365.1 6.9 7.8 7.3 6.9 32 94 82 192 17 198

Supermain® Series 1 International Series PVC-O 450

De De Di Dso Dro Tp- Tp- Ts Tr L1 L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max Nom Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
160 12.5 160 160.5 152.7 168.7 193 3.5 4.1 3.7 3.5 16 88.5 56 156 8 128
225 12.5 225 225.7 214.7 237.4 264.5 5 5.7 5.3 5 23 89 65 167 12 156
250 12.5 250 250.8 238.6 263.9 293.6 5.5 6.3 5.9 5.5 26 90 69 173 13 166
280 12.5 280 280.9 267.2 295.5 327.1 6.2 7.1 6.6 6.2 29 91 77 183 15 183
315 12.5 315 316 300.8 332.2 365.1 6.9 7.8 7.3 6.9 32 94 82 192 17 198

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Supermain® AS 4441 Series 2 PVC-O Rubber Ring Joint Assembly and

Control Dimensions
Not all sizes and classes are
available in all states. Consult
your local Vinidex office.

Note: The mean diameter is the mean of any two diameters at right angles. Pipe ovality is controlled at the time of
manufacture within limits specified in AS/NZS 1477. Ovality measurements in the field may vary from those limits.

Supermain® Series 2 PVC-O 400

De De Di Dso Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max Nom Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
100 12.5 121.7 122.1 115.4 129 147.6 3 3.5 3.2 3 79.9 38 140 9 128
150 12.5 177.1 177.6 167.9 187.6 209.1 4.4 5.1 4.7 4.1 76.4 47 151 14 144
200 12.5 231.9 232.5 220.1 245.5 276.2 5.7 6.5 6 5.7 76.3 60 171 15 168
225 12.5 258.9 259.6 245.6 274 305.5 6.4 7.3 6.8 6.4 78.3 63 178 16 178
250 12.5 285.8 286.6 271.4 302.4 336.4 7 7.9 7.4 7 78.1 68 186 17 189
300 12.5 344.9 345.8 327.4 365.2 405 8.5 9.6 9 8.5 74.1 80 201 21 201

Supermain® Series 2 PVC-O 450

De De Di Dso Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max Nom Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
100 16 121.7 122.1 114.5 129.9 148.4 3.4 4 3.6 3.4 79.9 38 140 9 128
150 16 177.1 177.6 166.9 188.7 210.1 4.9 5.6 5.2 4.9 76.4 47 151 14 144
200 16 231.9 232.5 218.6 247 277.6 6.4 7.3 6.8 7.4 76.3 60 171 15 168
225 16 258.9 259.6 244.1 275.6 306.9 7.1 8.1 7.6 7.1 78.3 63 178 16 178
250 16 285.8 286.6 269.5 304.4 338.2 7.9 8.9 8.4 7.9 78.1 68 186 17 189
300 16 344.9 345.8 325.3 367.4 407 11.7 13.1 12.5 11.7 74.1 80 201 21 201

Supermain® Series 2 PVC-O 500

De De Di Dso Dro Tp Tp Ts Tr L2 L3 L4 Lc Lw
DN PN Min Max Nom Nom Nom Min Max Min Min Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
100 16 121.7 122.1 122.1 129 147.6 3 3.5 3.2 3 79.9 38 140 9 128
150 16 177.1 177.6 177.6 187.6 209.1 4.4 5.1 4.7 4.1 76.4 47 151 14 144
200 16 231.9 232.5 232.5 245.5 276.2 5.7 6.5 6 5.7 76.3 60 171 15 168
225 16 258.9 259.6 259.6 274 305.5 6.4 7.3 6.8 6.4 78.3 63 178 16 178
250 16 285.8 286.6 286.6 302.4 336.4 7 7.9 7.4 7 78.1 68 186 17 189
300 16 344.9 345.8 345.8 365.2 405 8.5 9.6 9 8.5 74.1 80 201 21 201

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

JOINTING MATERIALS Vinidex Priming Fluid - Red

Priming Fluid Product
Code Size Carton
Vinidex Priming Fluid is 82341 250ml 36
specially formulated for 83242 500ml 20
cleaning Vinidex PVC 82343 1 litre 6
solvent-cement spigots and 82344 4 litre 4
sockets prior to jointing. The
82345 20 litre 1
fluid is applied with a cloth
to both the spigots and the
Qwik-Prime® Priming Fluid and Applicator System
sockets. Vinidex Priming fluid
is colour coded red and is Product Carton
Description Size
Code Quantity
manufactured in accordance
82347 Priming 500ml 24
with AS/NZS 3879 Fluid
82346 Applicator 20
Note: Other priming fluids
may not be compatible with Vinidex Type P Solvent Cement - Green
Vinidex Solvent Cements and
Product Carton
should not be substituted. Code Size Quantity
82420 125ml 36
Solvent Cement
82422 250ml 36
Vinidex Solvent Cements
are available in different 82424 500ml 20
formulations depending on 82426 1 litre 12
the application applications. 82428 4 litre 4
These are colour coded in
accordance with AS/NZS 3879 Vinidex Type G Gap Filling Solvent Cement
and identified as follows: Product Carton
Code Quantity
1. Type P - for pressure 30432 1 litre 8
pipe joints with a tapered or
interference fit is colour Jointing Lubricant
coded green This lubricant is a specially formulated organic preparation
enabling easy jointing of rubber ring joint pressure pipe and is
2. Type G - gap filling for
supplied with pipes and fittings as standard procedure. The use
parallel or low interference
of petroleum based greases or other substitutes may affect the
pressure and non pressure
ring or potability of the water supply and cannot be
joints is clear
3. Type N - for non pressure
applications is colour This lubricant dries after a short period of time and the joint
coded blue. cannot be easily dismantled. For situations where it may be
necessary to dismantle the rubber ring joint after assembly, the
use of silicone-based jointing lubricant is recommended. Where
it is necessary to joint in wet conditions, it may also be
advantageous to use silicone lubricant.

If dismantled, joints should be fitted with new rings.

Vinidex Standard Lubricant

Product Carton
Code Quantity
82350 500ml 24
82360 1 litre 12 Vinidex Antibacterial Lubricant
82370 2 litres 6 Product Carton
Code Quantity
82393 500ml 36
82395 1 litre 24

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Priming Fluid Solvent

Cement and Jointing
Lubricant Coverage
The approximate number of joints
that may be primed or jointed with
one litre is as follows:
Size Priming Solvent Jointing
DN Fluid Cement Lubricant
15 2100 600
20 1250 350
25 900 260
32 650 190
40 500 140
50 300 85 170
65 250 70 150
80 200 60 120
100 140 50 100
125 120 40 75
150 90 30 60
155 85 25 60
195 60 17 50
200 50 25 50
225 30 15 45
250 25 13 40
300 25 10 30
375 17 10 25

Rubber Rings
Rings marked with two These have the shapes shown
coloured dots are sewer rings to the right.
containing a chemical root
inhibitor. They may also vary Rubber rings are manufactured
dimensionally from pressure and tested in accordance with
rings and should not be AS 1646 “Elastomeric Seals for
interchanged. Each ring has Waterworks Purposes”.
a painted mark on its front
edge. This mark must face out Depending on the particular
of the socket when the ring is specification, the rubber used
inserted. is either natural rubber (white
dot), Styrene Butadiene rubber
Two general types of sealing (SBR) (blue dot) or
ring are employed for Vinidex Polychloroprene (Neoprene)
rubber ring jointed pressure (red dot). Unless otherwise
pipe, the Modified Anger/ specified, natural rubber will
Polydex ring and the deflection be supplied for pressure pipe.
ring for later design joints
incorporating deflection

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data


Solvent Cement Fittings
Fittings in the Vinidex Solvent
Cement Pressure range are
Size DN Manufacturing Standard PN
manufactured in compliance
with Australian Standard 15 to 150 AS/NZS 1477 18
AS/NZS 1477, to pressure 200 ISO draft & DIN 8063 9
class PN 18 rating. Certain 155 (6”) BS 4346 9
exceptions apply, as noted for
individual fittings. In particular,
some fittings are sourced
internationally; in general the
following specifications apply:

All dimensions in the following tables are in millimeters.

Standard Spigot and Socket Dimensions

*Spigot Socket
Nom Outside Spigot Nom Mouth Nom Root
Size Minimum Wall Thickness Socket
Diameter Length Diameter Diameter
DN tp Length
De Lsp Di Dr Lso
15 1.6 21.4 25.4 21.7 21 17
20 2 26.8 25.4 27.1 26.3 19.3
25 2.5 33.6 26.6 34 33.1 22
32 3.2 42.3 31.8 42.6 41.7 27
40 3.6 48.3 34.9 48.7 47.7 30
50 4.5 60.4 38.1 60.8 59.7 36
80 6.7 88.9 51.5 89.6 88.1 50
100 8.6 114.3 63.5 115 113.3 60
125 10.6 140.2 - 141 139.1 83
150 12.1 160.3 90 161 159 87
200 12.5 225 119 226 225 118.5
155 (6”) 12.7 168.3 91.5 169.1 167 89
195 (8”) 10.3 219.1 - 219.6 218.9 115.5

*Note: Spigoted fittings are designed for use only with other moulded sockets and NOT
with pipe sockets. Moulded fitting sockets are shorter than pipe sockets. Although their
OD’s are stated here, spigots have a marginal outside taper to facilitate manufacture.
Note, spigot length may vary.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 2 Valve Take Off Adaptors

The spigot end of this fitting is solvent cement jointed to the socket of another fitting. The tapered
male threaded end provides a connection for PVC, brass or galvanised wrought iron threaded
valve-type fittings.

Note: These fittings should not be jointed to solvent cement pipe sockets. Care should be taken
not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size DN C S H L
Code SP x TH
33890 15x15 15.4 18 7 51.4
33900 20x15 15.4 18 7 51.4
33910 20x20 20.1 19.5 7 52.9
33920 25x15 15.4 16.9 6.7 51.2
33930 25x20 20.1 19.5 6.8 53.9
33940 25x25 25.2 39.2 7.8 57.5
33950 32x15 15.4 16.9 6.7 56.4
33960 32x20 20.1 19.5 6.8 59.1
33970 32x25 25.2 22.1 7 61.9
33980 32x32 32.5 25.5 8 66.3
34000 40x20 20.1 19.5 6.8 62.2
34010 40x25 25.2 22.1 7.8 65.8
34020 40x32 32.5 25.5 8 69.4
34030 40x40 41 24.4 9 69.3
34050 50x20 20.1 19.5 6.8 65.4
34060 50x25 25.2 22.1 7.8 69
34070 50x32 32.5 24.4 7.8 71.3
34080 50x40 37.6 24.6 8.8 72.5
34090 50x50 51.1 29 8.6 76.7
34100* 80x50 50 29 8.6 88
34110* 80x80 69.7 34 19.5 158.5
34130* 100x80 69.7 34 19.5 158.5
34140* 100x100 90 40.5 20 184.5
*These fittings are fabricated from other moulded fittings.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 3 Faucet Take Off Adaptor

The spigot end of this fitting is solvent cement jointed to the socket of another fitting. The female
threaded end provides a connection for male BSP threads such as spray nozzles.

Note: These fittings should not be jointed to solvent cement pipe sockets. See Note Page 23. Care
should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size DN C S L
Code SP x TH
34150 15x15 17.1 18 41.7
34160 20x15 17.1 18 42.1
34170 20x20 22.4 19.5 45.2
34190 25x20 22.4 19.5 46.4
34200 25x25 27.8 22.1 49.6
34220 32x20 22.4 19.5 57.8
34230 32x25 27.8 22.1 54.8
34240 32x32 34.3 25.5 57.8
34260 40x20 22.4 19.5 54.7
34270 40x25 27.8 22.1 57.9
34280 40x32 34.3 25.5 60.9
34290 40x40 39.4 24.4 64.2
34320 50x25 27.8 22.1 61.1
34330 50x32 34.3 25.5 70
34340 50x40 39.4 24.4 67.4
34350 50x50 49.5 29 67.4
34360* 80x50 49.5 29.4 82.4
34370* 80x80 83 35 160
34380* 100x50 50 29.4 92
34390* 100x80 83 35 178
34400* 100x100 117 41.5 189
*These fittings are fabricated from other moulded fittings.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 5 Reducing Bushes

This fitting is used for solvent cement jointing into the socket of a fitting such as a CAT 7 coupling
or a CAT 19 tee to give a reduction in bore. It is most often used as an alternative to a reducing
coupling (CAT 8) in situations where space is a problem.

Note: These fittings should not be jointed to pipe sockets.

Product Size C L
Code DN
34420 20x15 16.8 21
34430 25x15 16.1 24.7
34440 25x20 21.9 24.5
34450 32x25 26.8 33
34460 40x25 31 31
34470 40x32 34.7 31.6
34480 50x25 27 36.9
34490 50x40 41.3 36.8
34500 80x50 56.2 51.5
34510 100x50 57.4 61.5
34520 100x80 85 61.5
34530 150x100 107 89
34580* 200x150 132.2 121.5
*PN 9 fitting

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 6 Caps
Caps are solvent cemented to the end of a pipe or fitting spigot to provide line termination. They
can also be used to temporarily prevent the entry of dirt and foreign matter into a pipeline.

Product Size L
Code DN
34590 15 25.8
34600 20 29.7
34610 25 34.3
34620 32 50
34630 40 46.6
34640 50 58.4
34650† 65 72
34660 80 78
34670 100 92
34680 125 133
34690 150 135
34705* 200 160

*PN 9 fitting † PN 12 fitting

CAT 7 Couplings

Couplings are used for the solvent cement jointing of two lengths of PVC pipe.
Product Size C L
Code DN
34730 15 18.4 39
34740 20 24.1 43.5
34750 25 30.2 49 0
34760 32 36.6 69.5
34770 40 45.4 65.5
34780 50 56.6 77
34790* 65 66 110.5
34800 80 85.5 104.5
34810 100 110 124.5
34820 125 131.5 185
34830 150 149.5 190
30404* 200 215 238
*PN 12 fitting

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 8 Reducing Couplings

Reducing couplings are used for the solvent cement jointing of two different sizes of PVC pipe.

Size DN
Product socket x C L
Code socket
34880 20x15 16.5 45.5
34890 25x15 17.4 51
34900 25x20 21.1 51.5
34920 32x20 23 62.5
34930 32x25 25.3 67
34940 40x15 15.8 58
34950 40x20 23.5 64
34960 40x25 26.9 60
34970 40x32 38.4 71.5
34990 50x20 25 71
35000 50x25 29.3 78.5
35010 50x32 37 82
35020 50x40 42 74.3
35030† 65x50 51 104
35035* 80x40 41.2 99
35040 80x50 57.6 99
35050 80x65 66.5 120
35060 100x50 57.5 104
35070 100x80 86.6 123
35080 125x80 81.5 167.5
35090 125x100 106 172
35100 150x100 107.5 183
*Fabricated from other moulded fittings. † PN 12 fitting

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 10 45°Elbows

Elbows are used to provide 45° changes in direction in pipelines. They

are often employed in confined space situations in place of CAT 12, 45°

Product Size C L
Code DN
35180 15 17.5 33
35190 20 23.7 34.5
35200 25 30 39.5
35210 32 38.8 44.5
35220 40 47.9 40
35230 50 60 46
35240† 65 68.5 64
35250 80 78.7 81.5
35260 100 102.2 95
35280† 150 155 125
35290* 155 163 129
30388* 200 218 181

*PN 9 fitting; † PN 12 fitting

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 12 Bends (Fabricated)

CAT 12 bends are manufactured to AS/NZS 1477

Bends are used in pipelines to allow changes in direction. They are most often used in situations
where space is not a problem, e.g. when laid in a large trench. They have significantly better flow
characteristics compared to moulded elbows.

Note: These fittings have pipe sockets and should not be jointed to spigoted moulded fittings.

Product Size Class A Bore(Nom) L(min) Radius(Nom)

Code DN
38850 15x90° 18 352 18.3 38 305
38860 20x90° 18 352 22.4 38 305
38870 25x90° 18 352 28.1 38 305
38880 32x90° 18 371 35.4 38 305
38890 40x90° 18 371 40.5 51 305
38900 50x90° 12 383 53.7 64 305
38920 65x90° 12 479 67.5 64 365
38950 80x90° 12 477 79 76 356
38970 100x90° 12 628 101.7 102 457
38990 125x90° 12 1085 124.9 127 635
39000 150x90° 12 1085 142.7 127 635
39047 200x90° 12 1730 206.6 152 1200
38670 20x60° 18 220 22.4 38 305
38680 25x60° 18 220 28.1 38 305
38690 32x60° 18 220 35.4 38 305
38700 40x60° 18 232 40.5 51 305
38710 50x60° 12 218 54.3 64 305
38740 80x60° 12 400 79 76 356
38750 100x60° 12 502 101.7 102 584
38760 125x60° 12 796 124.9 127 635
38770 150x60° 12 885 142.7 127 635
38480 20x45° 18 172 22.4 38 305
38490 25x45° 18 172 28.1 38 305
38500 32x45° 18 172 35.4 38 305
38510 40x45° 18 185 40.5 51 305
38520 50x45° 12 210 53.7 64 305
38540 65x45° 12 243 67.5 64 365
38550 80x45° 12 343 79 76 584

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 12 Bends (Continued)

Product Size Class A Bore(Nom) L(min) Radius(Nom)

Code DN
38560 100x45° 12 358 101.7 102 584
38570 125x45° 12 776 124.9 127 635
38580 150x45° 12 776 142.7 127 635
38620 200x45° 12 1000 204.6 254 1200
38290 20x30° 18 129 22.4 38 305
38300 25x30° 18 129 28.1 38 305
38310 32x30° 18 129 35.4 38 305
38320 40x30° 18 142 40.5 51 305
38330 50x30° 12 154 53.7 64 305
38340 65x30° 12 190 67.5 64 365
38350 80x30° 12 239 79 76 584
38360 100x30° 12 279 101.7 102 584
38370 125x30° 12 588 124.9 127 635
38380 150x30° 12 652 142.7 127 635
38100 20x22½° 18 103 22.4 38 305
38110 25x22½° 18 103 28.1 38 305
38120 32x22½° 18 103 35.4 38 305
38130 40x22½° 18 115 40.5 51 305
38140 50x22½° 12 128 53.7 64 305
38150 65x22½° 12 185 67.5 64 365
38160 80x22½° 12 199 79 76 584
38170 100x22½° 12 247 101.7 102 584
38180 125x22½° 12 548 124.9 127 635
38190 150x22½° 12 599 142.7 127 635
38215 200x22½°o 18 76 22.4 38 305
37910 20x11¼° 18 76 22.4 38 305
37920 25x11¼° 18 76 28.1 38 305
37930 32x11¼° 18 76 35.4 38 305
37940 40x11¼° 18 83 40.5 51 305
37950 50x11¼° 12 102 53.7 64 305
37970 65x11¼° 12 108 67.5 64 365
37980 80x11¼° 12 140 79 76 584
37990 100x11¼° 12 170 101.7 102 584
38000 125x11¼° 12 508 124.9 127 635
38010 150x11¼° 12 572 142.7 127 635
38025 200x11¼° 12 730 206.6 178 1800

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 13 90° Elbows

These are moulded fittings, which are used to provide 90° bends in pipelines. They are most often
employed in confined space situations in preference to CAT 12 90° bends.

Product Size DN C L
35330 15 15.5 43.3
35340 20 20.6 43
35350 20x15 15.4 42.8
35360 25 26.8 46.3
35370 25x15 15.2 46.3
35380 25x20 20.5 46.3
35390 32 39.7 52
35400 40 45.7 57.7
35410 50 57.7 69.9
35420 65 74.8 87.4
35430 80 78.4 98.6
35440 100 101.5 137.3
354601 150 143 182.9
354702 155 163 178
30381 4
200 217 241
(1) PN 12; (2) BS4346 Class D; (3) BS4346 Class C; (4) PN 9

CAT 15 90° Faucet Elbows

The faucet elbow is used to provide a female BSP connection. In irrigation it is used as a means of
connecting a threaded riser pipe to an underground pipeline.

Note: PVC threads should never be overtightened. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for

Product Size DN *C L S
35510 15x15 15.5 43.1 25.1
35520 20x15 20.9 43 24.9
35530 20x20 20.7 43 23.4
35540 25x15 26.9 46.4 24.7
35550 25x20 26.9 46.4 22.9
35560 25x25 26.8 46 24.7
35570 32x32 39.1 49.7 22.1
35580 40x40 44 59 30

*Smaller Bore

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 16 Flanges

Flanges are used to bolt PVC pipes to pumps and valves etc. Flanged disconnectable fittings
provide capability for maintenance and future changes to the pipeline.

The 50, 80, 100, 150, 195, 200 and 300 sizes are “stub” or short face flanges as opposed to the
large full face flanges of other pipe sizes.

Refer to “Cast Iron Fittings” for further details on flanges.

Vinidex recommends the use of a metal backing ring with all flanges of 50 mm nominal size and
over. (See Cat 16A.) Large washers should be used with bolts and nuts on smaller flanges. Do not

Product Size C L N T
Code DN
35620 25 29 33.5 114.5 13.5
35630 32 36.8 34.1 121.4 13.5
35640 40 41.2 40.1 133.6 13.5
35651 50 54.5
35660† 65 66.3 67.1 169.1 14
35671 80 81.5
35681 100 103.8
35690 125 128 100 253 19.4
35701 150 146
35730* 200 209 125 272 31.5
35735* 225
35738* 250
35740* 300 297 180.5 380 40

† PN 12 fitting
*This product is an imported stub flange, not to AS1477 so dimensions may vary at times. Designated PN 9.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 16A Metal Backing Ring for Flanges

This galvanised mild steel backing ring has the effect of transferring the load from the flange
attachment bolts to the total face of the flange. Flange backing rings conform to the drilling pattern
of AS 2129 - Table E (Flanges for Pipes, Valves and Fittings) unless otherwise specified.

Product Size Hole No of

Code DN Dia Holes
83500 50 80 150 8 114 18 4
83510 65 100 166 10 126 18 4
83520 80 109 185 10 146 18 4
83530 100 140 215 10 178 18 8
83540 125 170 255 12 210 18 8
83550 150 203 280 12 235 22 8
83560 200 252 335 12 292 22 8
83590 300 360 455 12 406 26 12

CAT 16B Flange Gasket

A flange gasket is a sealing gasket located between the PVC flange and its mount. It is
manufactured in elastomeric and is 3.2 mm thick. Any specific requirement should be stated when

Product Size No of
ID OD Hole Size
Code DN Holes
83620 50 60.3 150 18 4
83640 80 88.9 185 18 4
83650 100 114.3 215 18 4
83780 125 139.7 255 18 8
83670 150 168.3 280 22 8
83680 200 215 335 22 8
83830 300 302 455 26 12

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 17 Valve Sockets

The valve socket is solvent cement jointed to a pipe spigot. The male-threaded end of the valve
socket provides a connection for a PVC, brass or galvanised wrought iron threaded valve-type

Note: Care should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size C H L S
Code DN
35760 15 14.5 6.6 48 16
35770 20 19 6.8 46.7 19.6
35790 25 24.2 8 58.5 22.1
35800 32 31.5 8 60.5 24.7
35810 40 36.5 8.9 56 24.5
35820 50 46.3 8.6 74.5 29
35830 65 62.5 10 92.5 28.5
35840 80 69.5 19.7 94.5 34.5
35850 100 90 20 112.5 41

CAT 18 Faucet Sockets

The faucet socket is solvent cement jointed to a pipe spigot. The female-threaded end of the
faucet socket provides a connection for a faucet tap fitting or a spray nozzle.

Note: Care should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size C L S
Code DN
35870 15 17 47 15.7
35880 20 22 50.2 18.5
35890 25 28.2 56.2 21.5
35900 25x15 17 50 15.7
35910 32 34.3 62.6 26.3
35920 40 39.2 69 29.2
35930 50 49.3 72.3 29.2
35950 80 82.8 95 35
35960 100 107.5 112.5 41.5

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 19 Tees

Tees provide a branch at 90° from a main line. Available in equal or reducing branches.
See also tapping saddles.

Product Size C C1 L L1
Code DN
35980 15x15 15.5 15.5 43.2 43
35990 20x15 20.4 15.5 42.9 42.7
36000 20x20 20.4 20.4 42.9 42.7
36010 25x15 26.7 15.6 46.2 46
36020 25x20 26.7 20.7 46.2 45.8
36030 25x25 26.7 26.7 46.2 46.1
36040 32x15 33.4 17 52.9 44.7
36050 32x20 41.5 20 48 45.8
36060 32x25 41.5 25 48 45.8
36070 32x32 41.5 41.5 52 52
36080 40x15 38.6 16.8 58.9 49.5
36090 40x20 47.5 20 50.9 49
36100 40x25 47.5 25 50.9 49
36110 40x32 38.6 33.5 58.9 59
36120 40x40 47.5 47.5 58 58
36130 50x15 48.3 16.8 74.2 54.4
36140 50x20 59.5 20 57 55.1
36150 50x25 59.5 25 57 55.1
36160 50x32 48.3 33.7 74.2 69.4
36170 50x40 48.3 39.3 74.2 72.5
36180 50x50 59.5 59.5 70 70
36200† 65x65 67.5 67.5 92.25 92
36210 80x25 78.5 29.8 98.2 79.6
36220 80x32 78.5 38.7 98.2 83
36230 80x40 78.5 38.8 98.2 86.6
36240 80x50 78.5 54 98.2 89.5
36250 80x80 78.5 78.5 98.2 98.6
36260 100x25 106 27 95 100.5
36270 100x50 106 55 95 100.5
36280 100x80 106 87 111 127
36290 100x100 107.3 107.3 131 129
36330† 150x100 143 101.5 158 153
36340† 150x150 143 143 172 172
36350* 155x155 167.8 167.8 175.5 175.5
30393* 200x200 220 220 233 233

† PN 12 fitting (o) Fabricated from other moulded fittings; *Not to AS 1477 PN 18

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 21 Faucet Tees

Faucet tees are used mainly in irrigation pipelines. The female thread in the tee branch provides a
connection for a threaded riser pipe.

Note: Care should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.
Product Size C C1 L L1 S
Code DN
36390 15x15 15.5 15.5 43.2 43 17.1
36400 20x15 20.5 15.5 43 42.4 17.1
36410 20x20 20.5 20.5 43 42.4 20
36420 25x15 26.8 15.5 46.2 46.2 17.3
36430 25x20 26.8 20.5 46.2 46.2 19.7
36440 25x25 26.8 26.7 46.2 46.2 23.6
36450 32x15 33 15.5 52.5 35 16
36460 32x20 41.7 20 48 45.8 19.7
36470 32x25 41.7 26 48 45.8 22.8
36480 40x15 38 15.5 58.5 37.5 16
36490 40x20 47.7 20 50.9 49 19.7
36500 40x25 47.7 26 50.9 49 22.8
36510 50x15 48 15.5 74 47 16
36520 50x20 59.7 20 57 55.1 19.7
36530 50x25 59.7 26 57 55.1 22.8

CAT 22 Unions

Unions are used to join together two sections of PVC pipe. In industrial applications they are used
as an alternative to a flange in situations where future inspection of lines is anticipated. Easily
assembled and disassembled, they can be used in pipeline repair situations.

Note: This fitting is not intended to provide for angular misalignment. Do not overtighten.

Product Size (Assembled)

Code DN H
36550 15 17.3 55.9 25.8 68
36560 20 21.6 63 18.2 68
36570 25 27 70.2 18.1 75
36580 32 33.8 82.6 18.5 81.5
36590 40 40 96.5 22 91.5
36600 50 48.8 111.1 22.2 97.5

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 23 Threaded Plugs

Threaded plugs are used as blank-offs for female threaded fittings.

Note: Care should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size C F L S
Code DN
36620 15 14.6 27 25 18
36630 20 17.8 32 26 19.1
36640 25 24.1 39.6 30 22.2
36650 32 31.8 50 32.4 24.4
36660 40 35.5 55.5 37.2 28.5
36670 50 45.5 70 37.7 28.5
36680 80 70 105 53.5 33.5
36690 100 Solid 134 68.5 43

CAT 24 Threaded Bush

Threaded reducing bushes are used mostly in irrigation applications to reduce the size of faucet
elbows, faucet tees and faucet sockets so that they can receive smaller sized faucet fittings.

Note: Care should be taken not to overtighten. Refer to our Installation Guidelines for procedures.

Product Size C F L S S1
Code DN
36720 25x20 20.2 39.2 30.1 20 22.2

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT 28 Asbestos Cement and Cast Iron Adaptors*

These fittings are used to adapt PVC pipe spigots to asbestos cement, cast iron or ductile iron pipe
sockets. The socket end is solvent cement jointed to the pipe spigots.
Product Size C G L F Type
Code DN
36790 100 105.4 101.6 181 121 2
36800 150 151 87 97 176.7 1
36810 155 151 85 97 176.7 1

CAT 29 Reducing Sleeve

A reducing sleeve is used to adapt 155 fittings to a 150 line. This should be done by solvent
cement jointing the sleeve to the 150 pipe spigot first.
Product Size DN C L
36830 155x150 145.7 90

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Quick Repair PVC Compression Coupling

This fitting is a “wet” or quick repair joint for small bore pressure lines. It is also used in
demountable installations in laboratories, workshops and chemical processing plants. The
advantage of this fitting is that pressure can be restored to the system immediately after
installation. The compression coupling is slipped along the pipe to the desired position and the
nuts are then tightened. Lubricant should be used on the pipe.

Note: Care must be taken not to overtighten. This fitting is rated Class 12.

Product Size DN Dimension L

Code (sealed)
36850 15 85
36860 20 92
36870 25 108
36880 32 117
36890 40 122
36900 50 135
36910 80 215
36920 100 240

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Polydex Fittings

Polydex rubber ring jointed fittings are fabricated from extruded pipe and/or moulded fittings, with
factory assembled soIvent cement bonded joints where required. They are supplied complete with
rubber rings.

Rubber ring joints are dimensionally identical to pipes.

Polydex fittings are manufactured to Class 12 rating unless noted otherwise.

CAT P4 Polydex Socket - Socket x Solvent

Cement Spigot
Product Size DN L
41000 50 170
41010 80 200
41020 100 240
41040 150 300
41060 200 370
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P4S Polydex Spigot - Spigot x Solvent

Cement Spigot

Product Size DN L
41110 50 170
41130 100 240
41150 150 300
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P6 End Cap - Socketed

Product Size DN L- Max
41210 50 182.4
41220 80 258
41230 100 283.5
41240 150 351
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P6S End Cap - Spigoted

Product Size DN L- Max

41320 100 283.5
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P7 Coupling - Socket x Socket

Produce Size DN L-Max

41380 50 345
41390 80 405
41400 100 485
41410 150 600
41427 200 850
41432 250 850
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P8 Reducing Coupling -

Socket x Socket
Produce Size DN L-Max
41470 80 x 50 385
41480 100 x 50 430
41490 100 x 80 455
41495 150 x 80 550
41500 150 x 100 580
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P8S Reducing Coupling -

Socket x Spigot

Product Size DN L-Max

41590 80x50 385
41600 100x50 450
41610 100x80 475
41620 150 x 100 600
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P10 45° Elbow Coupling -

Socket x Socket

Product Size DN A
41820 50 180
41830 80 230
41840 100 273
41850 150 339

Dimensions (mm)

CAT P10S 45° Elbow Coupling -

Socket x Spigot

Product Size DN A
41900 50 180
41910 80 230
41920 100 273

Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P12 Long Radius Bend -

Socket x Socket
Product Size DN A - 11¼° Radius R
41980 50 229 305
41990 80 305 356
42000 100 355 457
42010 150 482 635
42030 200 648 1200
42052 300 900 1800
A - 22½°
42070 50 254 305
42075 65 368 356
42080 80 330 356
42090 100 406 457
42100 150 533 635
42120 200 635 1200
42135 300 900 1800
A - 30º
42160 50 280 305
42170 80 355 356 Size DN A - 60° Radius R
42180 100 432 457 43350 50 330 305
42190 150 585 635 43360 80 457 356
42210 200 853 1200 43370 100 560 457
42225 225 1035 1800 43390 150 787 635
42230 300 1178 1800 43410 200 1240 1200
A - 45º 43418 300 1750 1800
42250 50 305 305 A - 90º
42255 65 420 305 43450 50 430 305
42260 80 406 356 43455 65 560 356
42270 100 508 457 43460 80 610 356
42280 150 660 635 43470 100 762 457
42300 200 1026 1200 43490 150 1040 635
42310 225 1200 1800 43520 200 1730 1200
42320 250 1229 1800 43535 225 2351 1800
42330 300 1280 1800 43540 300 2386 1800
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P12S Long Radius Bend -

Socket x Spigot

Product Size DN A - 11¼° Radius R

43560 50 229 305
43570 80 305 356
43580 100 355 457
43590 150 482 635
43605 200 648 1200
A - 22½°
43640 50 254 305
43650 80 330 356
43660 100 406 457
43670 125 500 635
43680 150 533 635
43700 200 585 1200
43710 250 853 1800
A - 30º
43740 50 280 305
43750 80 355 356
43760 100 432 457
43770 150 585 635
43810 200 853 1200
A - 45º
43830 50 305 305
43840 80 406 356
43850 100 508 457
43855 125 546 635
Product Size DN A - 90° Radius R
43860 150 660 635 Code
43880 200 1026 1200 44010 50 430 305
43890 225 1229 1800 44020 80 610 356
A - 60º 44030 100 762 457
43920 50 330 305 44040 125 978 635
43930 80 457 356 44050 150 1040 635
43940 100 560 457 44070 200 1730 1200
43950 150 787 635 44085 250 2386 1800
43995 200 1256 1800 44090 300 2386 1800
Dimension ‘A’ for Varying Bend Angles (mm)

Size Bend Angle

DN 11¼° 22½° 30° 45° 60° 90°
50 229 254 280 305 330 430
80 305 330 355 406 457 610
100 355 406 432 508 560 762
125 482 533 585 635 787 1040
150 482 533 585 660 787 1040
*195 610 737 812 965 1143 1625
*200 610 737 812 965 1143 1625

For bend radius R, refer to CAT 12

*Note: These sizes are rated Class 9.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P13 90° Elbow -

Socket x Socket
Product Size DN A
44110 50 200
44120 80 247
44130 100 312
44150 150 385

Dimensions (mm)

CAT P13S 90° Elbow -

Socket x Spigot

Product Size DN A
44210 50 200
44220 80 247
44230 100 312
44240 150 385

Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P16 Flanged Socket

Product Size DN L
44290 50 175
44295 65 214
44330 80 205
44310 100 246
44320 150 311
44340 200 300
44360 225 350
44367 250 400

Dimensions (mm)

CAT P16S Flanged Spigot

Product Size DN L
44380 50 175
44390 80 205
44400 100 246
44410 150 311
44440 200 370
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P17 Valve Socket

Product Size DN L
44480 50 207
44490 80 237
44500 100 292
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P17S Valve Spigot

Product Size DN L
44510 50 207
44520 80 237
44530 100 312
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P18 Faucet Socket

Product Size DN L
44540 50 204
44550 80 238
44560 100 292
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P18S Faucet Spigot

Product Size DN L
44570 50 204
44580 80 238
44590 100 312
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P19 Tees -

Socket x Socket
Product Size DN A B
44600 50 x 25 187 55
44610 50 x 50 208 208
44620 80 x 32 246 83
44630 80 x 50 246 221
44640 80 x 80 246 246
44660 100 x 50 275 233
44670 100 x 80 292 264
44680 100 x 100 298 298
44690 150 x 50 360 281
44700 150 x 80 360 297
44710 150 x 100 360 326
Dimensions (mm)

CAT 19S Tees -

Socket x Spigot
Size DN A B
50x50 198 198
80x50 278 213
80x80 278 278
100x50 321 258
100x80 321 258
100x100 321 319
150x50 380 298
150x80 380 349
150x100 380 359
150x150 380 380
*195x50 529 387
*195x80 529 438
*195x100 529 447
*195x150 529 463
*195x195 529 529
*200x50 529 387
*200x80 529 438
*200x100 529 447
*200x150 529 563
*200x200 529 529
Dimensions (mm)

*Note: These sizes are rated Class 9

195 spigoted version not available

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P19F Flanged Branch Tee -

Socket x Socket
Product Size DN A B
45010 100 x 100 298 203
45030 150 x 100 360 221
45040 150 x 150 385 297
Dimensions (mm)

CAT 19FS Flanged Branch Tee -

Socket x Spigot
Product Size DN A B
45090 100 x 80 291 189
45100 100 x 100 298 203
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P21 Faucet Tees -

Socket x Socket
Product Size DN x A B
Code Thread
45170 50 x 20 187 75
45180 50 x 25 187 84
45230 80 x 25 246 104
45245 80 x 40 246 117
45250 80 x 50 246 120
45265 100 x 20 275 122
45270 100 x 25 275 125
45290 100 x 50 275 131
45300 100 x 100 298 250
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P21S Faucet Tees -

Socket x Spigot
Product Size DN x A B
Code Thread
45340 50 x 20 187 75
45360 50 x 32 208 100
45380 50 x 50 208 107
45450 100 x 50 275 131
45460 100 x 80 298 218
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P26 Tapped End -

Product Size DN x L
Code Thread
45510 100 x 50 327
45520 100 x 80 407
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P26S Tapped End -

Product Size DN x L
Code Thread
45600 50 x 20 221
45640 80 x 25 276
45660 80 x 80 238
45700 100 x 50 347
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

CAT P28 Cast Iron Adaptor -

Product Size DN x L
Code Thread
45800 100 354
45810 150 309
Dimensions (mm)

CAT P28S Cast Iron Adaptor -


Size DN L
100 371
150 210
Dimensions (mm)

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Ductile Iron Fittings

A large range of ductile iron fittings is available to suit PVC

pipes, and those most commonly used for construction and
maintenance of PVC pipelines are detailed in this section.

Vinidex SUPERLINK®® I and SUPERLINK®® II fittings have deep

sockets with push-fit rubber ring seals. Different rings are used
to ensure the fittings are compatible with both AS/NZS 1477
Series 1 (Polydex) and AS/NZS 1477 Series 2 pipe sizes. Series 1
pipe uses a lip seal ring and Series 2 pipe The ‘T’ type ring as
illustrated below. Care should be taken to ensure the correct ring
is used with each fitting and pipe series.

Fittings from other suppliers employ different rubber rings.

These rings are not interchageable.

Fittings are manufactured and tested in accordance with
AS/NZS 2280 for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. Sock-
eted SUPERLINK®® I fittings are rated PN 35 and SUPERLINK®®
II fittings are rated PN 16.

All fittings are cement lined in accordance with the requirements

of the above Standards. Fittings are also available with FBE
coating for superior corrosive resistance.

Where mentioned throughout this section, size 155 and 195 can
be supplied compatible with imperial sized PVC pipes, 6” and 8”
respectively, now obsolete

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Unless otherwise stated, flanges of all cast iron fittings supplied
in sizes 80 to 375 inclusive comply with Australian Standard 2129
Table C.

Pressure Ratings
The following table shows working and maximum hydrostatic
test pressures for cast iron flanges. Note that when the pipe
class required is PN 12 or less there is generally no need to
specify a flange heavier than Table C.

Maximum Hydrostatic Test

Flange Type Working Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)
AS 2129 Table D 0.7 1.4
AS 2129 Table C* 1.2 2.4
AS 2129 Table E 1.4 2.8
AS 2129 Table F 2.1 4.2
* Flanges are normally manufactured to this table unless otherwise stated.

Flange Dimensions
Table C - AS 2129 (1.2 MPa Working Pressure)
Size DN 80 100 150 200 225 250 300 375
Flange Outside Diameter (D) 185 215 280 335 370 405 455 550
Flange Thickness (t) 19 22 22 25 25 25 29 32
Pitch Circle Diameter (P) 146 178 235 292 324 356 406 495
Number of Bolts 4 4 8 8 8 8 12 12
Bolt Size And Thread M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24
Bolt Length 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 89
Blank Flange Mass (kg) 5 7 11 18 21 - 39 -

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Dimensions (Cont...)
Table E - AS 2129 (1.4 MPa Working Pressure)
Size DN 80 100 150 200 225 250 300 375
Flange Outside Diameter (D) 185 215 280 335 370 405 455 550
Flange Thickness (t) 19 22 22 25 25 25 29 32
Pitch Circle Diameter (P) 146 178 235 292 324 356 406 495
Number of Bolts 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 12
Bolt Size & Thread M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24
Bolt Lengths 64 64 76 76 76 76 89 89

Table F - AS 2129 (2.1 MPa Working Pressure)

Size DN 80 100 150 200 225 250 300 375
Flange Outside Diameter (D) 205 230 305 370 405 430 490 580
Flange Thickness (t) 19 22 25 29 29 29 32 35
Pitch Circle Diameter (P) 165 191 260 324 356 381 438 521
Number of Bolts 8 8 12 12 12 12 16 16
Bolt Size & Thread M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24 M27
Bolt Lengths 64 64 76 76 89 89 89 102

Table D - AS 2129 (0.7 MPa Working Pressure) - Normally Used for Gas Pipe
Size DN 80 100 150 200 225 250 300 375
Flange Outside Diameter (D) 185 215 280 335 370 405 455 553
Flange Thickness (t) 19 19 21 22 25 25 25 29
Pitch Circle Diameter (P) 146 178 235 292 324 356 406 495
Number of Bolts 4 4 8 8 8 8 12 12
Bolt Size & Thread M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24
Bolt Lengths 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 89
N.B. Tables C and D Flanges and Flanges to Table 5 of AS 1488 (Cast Grey
Iron Fittings for Pressure Pipes) all have identical face dimensions.

Equivalent Metric to Imperial Bolts for Flanges

Metric Size M12 M16 M20 M24 M27
Imperial (inch) Size 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Socketed Bends

11¼° socket-socket bends

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a f - socket L W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
77617 - 100 30 152 8 120 150 11
77676 - 150 35 190 9 128 163 15
77796 - 200 35 203 10 150 185 24
77851 - 225 45 229 10 160 205 35
77916 - 250 45 254 10 160 205 38
77976 - 300 50 305 11 170 220 50
78035 - 375 65 381 12 190 255 78.6
- 77584 100 30 152 8 120 150 6.6 DN

- 77588 150 35 190 9 128 163 15

- 77618 200 35 203 10 150 185 24 L
b f

- 77855 225 45 229 10 160 205 35

22½° socket-socket bends

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a f - socket L W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
77626 - 100 45 152 8 120 165 12
77686 - 150 55 190 9 128 183 17
77806 - 200 55 203 10 150 205 30
77861 - 225 65 229 10 160 225 38
77926 - 250 70 254 10 160 230 50
77986 - 300 80 305 11 170 250 53.4
78606 - 375 100 381 12 190 290 87.8
81596 - 450 115 457 13 - 115 140 22.5°

- 77585 100 45 152 8 120 165 7

a f
- 77589 150 55 190 9 128 183 11.2 b
- 77621 200 55 203 10 150 205 30
- 77865 225 65 229 10 160 225 45.2

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

45° socket-socket bends


a b

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a f - socket L W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
77646 - 100 80 152 8 120 200 13
77706 - 150 95 190 9 128 223 21
77826 - 200 100 203 10 150 250 38
77881 - 225 115 229 10 160 275 44
77946 - 250 125 254 10 160 285 64
78006 - 300 145 305 11 170 315 62.4
78070 - 375 185 381 12 190 375 102
81598 - 450 215 457 13 - 215 176
- 77586 100 80 152 8 120 200 8
- 77590 150 95 190 9 128 223 12.5
- 77623 200 100 203 10 150 250 38
- 77885 225 115 229 10 160 275 44
- 77945 250 125 254 10 160 285 64

90° socket-socket bends


a b

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a f - socket L W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
77667 - 100 165 152 8 120 173 17
77726 - 150 205 190 9 128 214 27
77846 - 200 220 203 10 150 230 46
77901 - 225 250 229 10 160 260 60
77966 - 250 275 254 10 160 285 85
78026 - 300 325 305 11 170 336 81.2
78607 - 375 405 381 12 190 417 131.1
81602 - 450 480 457 13 - 493 30
- 77587 100 165 152 8 120 173 9.2
- 77591 150 205 190 9 128 214 14.4
- 77631 200 220 203 10 150 230 46
- 77905 225 250 229 10 160 260 60

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Flanged Bends

11¼° flange-flange bends

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a No of D W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (kg)
b 11.25º
77609 - 100 152 152 8 4 215 12
77672 - 150 190 190 9 4 280 25 r

77797 - 200 203 203 10 8 335 38

81657 - 225 229 229 10 8 370 -
77917 - 250 254 254 10 8 405 38
78617 - 300 305 305 11 12 455 48.6 D

22½° flange-flange bends

Product Code
Product Code 22.5º
PN 16 b r a No of D W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (kg)
77863 - 225 229 229 10 8 370 40 a
77927 - 250 254 254 10 8 405 50
78618 - 300 305 305 11 12 455 53.4 DN

45° flange-flange bends

a 45º


Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a No of D W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (kg)
78610 - 225 229 229 10 8 370 10
78613 - 250 254 254 10 8 405 12
78619 - 300 305 305 11 12 455 62.4

90° flange-flange bends

Product Code
Product Code PN 16 b r a No of D W
PN 35 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (kg) D

78611 - 225 330 330 10 8 370 10 r

78615 - 250 356 254 10 8 405 10

a 90º b
78621 - 300 406 305 11 12 455 10

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

90° duckfoot bends flange-flange PN16 DN

Product W r a No. of D A h W b
Code (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
78630 100 305 - 8 4 215 23 297 10
77723 150 263 - 8 8 280 24 333 25 c
78631 200 - - 9 8 335 32 - 10

Hydrant bends socket-flange PN16

Product a h b f -socket No. of D A L1 W
Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
78235 150 x 80 - - - - 8 280 24 - 57
78207 100 x 80 133 216 203 - 4 215 23 363 + f = 32

Washout bends socket-flange PN 16

Product b r a f -socket No. of D A L1 L2 W

Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
77661 100 x 100 152 152 8 120 4 215 23 272 175 32
77715 150 x 100 190 190 8 128 8 280 23 318 213 57

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data



socket-socket tees f L


Product Code Product Code

PN35 PN16 h L a a1 f -socket L1 - total W
SUPERLINK® SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
78307 100 x 100 195 210 8 8 120 450 20
78316 150 x 100 225 230 9 8 128 486 30
78326 150 x 150 250 290 9 9 128 546 36
78366 200 x 100 250 230 10 8 150 530 39
78376 200 x 150 275 290 10 9 150 590 48
78386 200 x 200 275 340 10 10 150 640 58
77597 100 x 100 195 210 6 8 120 450 11.8
77598 150 x 100 225 230 6 8 128 486 15.8
77599 150 x 150 250 290 6 9 128 546 19.4
77693 200 x 100 250 230 6 8 150 530 39
77694 200 x 150 275 290 6 9 150 590 48
77695 200 x 200 275 340 6 10 150 640 58
78397 225 x 100 265 240 10 8 160 560 54
78410 225 x 150 290 300 10 9 160 620 65
78416 225 x 200 290 350 10 10 160 670 72
78426 225 x 225 305 380 10 10 160 700 80
78436 250 x 100 280 240 10 8 160 560 62
78446 250 x 150 305 300 10 9 160 620 77
78456 250 x 200 305 350 10 10 160 670 81
78461 250 x 225 320 380 10 10 160 700 88
78476 250 x 250 320 410 10 10 160 730 94
78395 225 x 100 265 240 10 8 160 560 54
78405 225 x 150 290 300 10 9 160 620 65
78415 225 x 200 290 350 10 10 160 670 72
78425 225 x 225 305 380 10 10 160 700 25
78435 250 x 100 280 240 10 8 160 560 62
78445 250 x 150 305 300 10 9 160 620 77
78455 250 x 200 305 350 10 10 160 670 81
78465 250 x 225 320 380 10 10 160 700 88
78475 250 x 250 320 410 10 10 160 730 94
78486 300 x 100 310 240 11 8 170 580 75
78494 300 x 150 335 300 11 9 170 640 80
78506 300 x 200 335 350 11 10 170 690 85
78509 300 x 225 350 380 11 10 170 720 92
78526 300 x 250 350 410 11 10 170 750 105
78536 300 x 300 375 490 11 11 170 830 118
78632 375 x 200 375 360 12 10 190 740 0
78634 375 x 225 390 390 11 10 190 770 1
78636 375 x 250 390 420 11 10 190 800 10
78637 375 x 300 415 500 12 11 190 880 -
78638 375 x 375 415 610 12 12 190 990 -
81604 450 x 200 - - 13 - - - 177
81606 450 x 225 - - 13 - - - -
81608 450 x 250 430 420 13 10 - 420 10
81610 450 x 300 455 500 13 11 - 500 -
81612 450 x 375 485 610 13 12 - 610 -

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data


Socket-socket-flange tees
f L f

Product Code
Product Code PN16 h L a a1 f-socket No. of D A L1 total
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm)
79307 100 x 80 195 210 8 8 120 4 215 23 450
78915 100 x 100 195 230 8 8 120 4 215 23 470
77592 100 x 80 195 210 8 8 120 4 215 23 450
77593 100 x 100 195 230 8 8 120 4 215 23 470
79317 150 x 80 225 210 9 8 128 8 280 24 466
78935 150 x 100 225 230 9 8 128 8 280 24 486
78945 150 x 150 250 290 9 9 128 8 280 24 546
77594 150 x 80 225 210 9 8 128 8 280 24 466
77595 150 x 100 225 230 9 8 128 8 280 24 486
77596 150 x 150 250 290 9 9 128 8 280 24 546
79327 200 x 80 250 210 10 8 150 8 335 32 510
78995 200 x 100 250 230 10 8 150 8 335 32 530
79017 200 x 150 275 290 10 9 150 8 335 32 590
79002 200 x 200 275 340 10 10 150 8 335 32 640
77696 200 x 80 250 210 10 8 150 8 335 32 510
77697 200 x 100 250 230 10 8 150 8 335 32 530
77698 200 x 150 275 290 10 9 150 8 335 32 590
77699 200 x 200 275 340 10 10 150 8 335 32 640
79337 225 x 80 265 220 10 8 160 8 370 33 540
79036 225 x 100 265 240 10 8 160 8 370 33 560
79046 225 x 150 290 300 10 9 160 8 370 33 620
79056 225 x 200 290 350 10 10 160 8 370 33 670
79066 225 x 225 305 380 10 10 160 8 370 33 700
79335 225 x 80 265 220 10 8 160 8 370 33 540
79030 225 x 100 265 240 10 8 160 8 370 33 560
79045 225 x 150 290 300 10 9 160 8 370 33 620
79055 225 x 200 290 350 10 10 160 8 370 33 670
79065 225 x 225 305 380 10 10 160 8 370 33 700
79347 250 x 80 280 220 250 80 160 8 405 38 540
79086 250 x 100 280 240 280 240 160 8 405 38 560
79096 250 x 150 305 300 305 300 160 8 405 38 620
79106 250 x 200 305 350 305 350 160 8 405 38 670
79116 250 x 225 320 380 320 380 160 8 405 38 700
79126 250 x 250 320 410 320 410 160 8 405 38 730
79345 250 x 80 280 220 250 80 160 8 405 38 540
79085 250 x 100 280 240 280 240 160 8 405 38 560
79095 250 x 150 305 300 305 300 160 8 405 38 620
79105 250 x 200 305 350 305 350 160 8 405 38 670
79115 250 x 225 320 380 320 380 160 8 405 38 700
79125 250 x 250 320 410 320 410 160 8 405 38 730
79357 300 x 80 310 220 310 220 170 12 455 32 560

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Socket-socket-flange tees (Cont...)

Product Code
Product Code PN16 h L a a1 f-socket No. of D A L1 total
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm)
79146 300 x 100 310 240 310 240 170 12 455 32 580
79155 300 x 150 335 300 335 300 170 12 455 32 640
79166 300 x 200 335 350 335 350 170 12 455 32 690
79176 300 x 225 350 380 350 380 170 12 455 32 720
79186 300 x 250 350 410 350 410 170 12 455 32 750
79196 300 x 300 375 490 375 490 170 12 455 32 830
78731 375 x 80 350 230 350 230 190 12 550 42 610
78639 375 x 100 350 250 350 250 190 12 550 42 630
78641 375 x 150 - - - - 190 12 550 42 380
78643 375 x 200 375 360 375 360 190 12 550 42 740
78645 375 x 225 390 390 390 390 190 12 550 42 770
78646 375 x 250 390 420 390 420 190 12 550 42 800
78648 375 x 300 415 500 415 500 190 12 550 42 880
78649 375 x 375 415 610 415 610 190 12 550 42 990
81616 450 x 100 390 250 390 250 - 12 640 45 250
81618 450 x 150 - - - - - 12 640 45 -
81620 450 x 200 - - - - - 12 640 45 -
81622 450 x 225 - - - - - 12 640 45 -
81624 450 x 250 430 420 430 420 - 12 640 45 -
81628 450 x 300 455 500 455 500 - 12 640 45 -
81631 450 x 375 485 610 485 610 - 12 640 45 -

Spigot-spigot tees a¹
Product DN h(mm) L(mm) a(mm) a1(mm) W (kg)
78308 100 x 100 178 432 8 8 15
78317 150 x 100 203 432 9 8 15
78328 150 x 150 203 432 9 9 15
78650 200 x 100 241 457 10 8 -
78378 200 x 150 241 482 9 10 25
78388 200 x 200 241 534 10 10 25

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Spigot-spigot-flange tees

Product h L a a1 W
Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) D
78651 100 x 80 178 432 8 8 10
T a¹
78911 100 x 100 178 432 8 8 25 h

78939 150 x 100 203 432 9 8 32

78948 150 x 150 203 432 9 9 33
78998 200 x 100 241 457 10 8 44 L

79000 200 x 150 241 482 9 10 -

79018 200 x 200 241 534 10 10 65
78653 225 x 100 254 457 10 8 -
78655 225 x 150 254 457 10 9 -
78657 225 x 200 254 534 10 10 -
78659 225 x 225 254 558 10 10 -
78660 250 x 100 267 457 10 8 -
78661 250 x 150 267 534 10 9 -
78662 250 x 200 267 558 10 10 -
78664 250 x 225 267 558 10 10 -
78665 250 x 250 267 610 10 10 -
78666 300 x 100 305 457 11 8 -
78668 300 x 150 305 610 11 9 -
78670 300 x 200 305 636 11 10 -
78672 300 x 225 305 636 11 10 -
78674 300 x 250 305 636 11 10 -
78676 300 x 300 305 660 11 11 -
78678 375 x 100 305 559 12 8 -
78680 375 x 150 305 559 12 9 -
78682 375 x 200 356 736 12 10 -
78684 375 x 225 356 736 12 10 -
78686 375 x 250 356 736 12 10 -
78688 375 x 300 356 736 12 11 -
78690 375 x 375 356 812 12 12 -

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Flange-flange-flange tees



Product h L total a a1 No. of D A W

Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (kg)
78899 80 x 80 6 6 4 185 18 5
78906 100 x 80 178 356 8 8 4 215 23 25
78306 100 x 100 178 356 8 8 4 215 23 -
78691 150 x 80 9 8 8 280 24 -
78319 150 x 100 203 406 9 8 8 280 24 30
78949 150 x 150 203 406 9 9 8 280 24 25
78692 200 x 80 10 8 8 335 32 -
78999 200 x 100 241 484 10 8 8 335 32 25
79009 200 x 150 241 484 10 9 8 335 32 80
79019 200 x 200 241 484 10 10 8 335 32 -
79038 225 x 100 254 508 10 8 8 370 33 -
78406 225 x 150 254 508 10 9 8 370 33 65
78696 225 x 200 254 508 10 10 8 370 33 -
78422 225 x 225 254 508 10 10 8 370 33 -
78699 250 x 100 267 534 10 8 8 405 38 85
78447 250 x 150 267 534 10 9 8 405 38 -
78702 250 x 200 267 534 10 10 8 405 38 -
78704 250 x 225 267 534 10 10 8 405 38 -
79124 250 x 250 267 534 10 10 8 405 38 94
78707 300 x 100 305 610 11 8 12 455 32 50
78708 300 x 150 305 610 11 9 12 455 32 -
78710 300 x 200 305 610 11 10 12 455 32 -
78712 300 x 225 305 610 11 10 12 455 32 -
78714 300 x 250 305 610 11 10 12 455 32 -
79199 300 x 300 305 610 11 11 12 455 32 -
78717 375 x 100 356 738 11 11 12 550 42 -
78719 375 x 150 356 738 12 9 12 550 42 -
78721 375 x 200 356 738 12 10 12 550 42 -
78723 375 x 225 356 738 12 10 12 550 42 -
78725 375 x 250 356 738 12 10 12 550 42 -
78727 375 x 300 356 738 12 11 12 550 42 -
78729 375 x 375 356 738 - 12 12 550 42 -

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Scour tees socket-socket-flange

f L f h

Product a a1 h L No. of D A L1 total W
DN socket
Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
79605 100 x 80 8 8 200 200 120 4 215 23 440 30
79615 150 x 80 9 8 225 210 128 8 280 24 466 33
79635 200 x 80 10 8 250 210 150 8 335 32 510 46
79665 225 x 100 10 8 265 240 160 8 370 33 560 55
79675 250 x 100 10 8 280 240 160 8 405 35 560 56
79683 300 x 100 11 8 310 240 170 12 455 32 580 86
78730 300 x 150 - - - - 170 12 455 32 - -
79705 375 x 150 12 9 375 310 190 12 550 42 690 134
Note: Scour Tees 200mm and below require an 80mm Sluice Valve Fl-Fl to
complete the assembly, sizes 225mm and above require a 100mm Sluice Valve.

Hydrant branch tees socket-spigot-flange

Product Code a a1 c h L W T
PN16 DN (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
79307 100 x 80 8 8 105 195 310 20.8
79317 150 x 80 9 8 105 225 310 36.8
79327 200 x 80 10 8 105 250 325 40
77592 100 x 80 8 8 105 195 310 11.5 f L f
77594 150 x 80 8 8 105 225 310 15.8
77696 200 x 80 10 8 105 250 325 40
78732 100 x 80 8 8 105 195 310 -
78733 150 x 80 9 8 105 225 310 10
78734 200 x 80 10 8 105 250 325 10

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data


Socket-socket tapers
Product Code a a1 L1 L total W
PN35 DN f - socket
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
79747 150 x 100 9 8 170 426 128 16
79756 200 x 100 10 8 295 595 150 49
79766 200 x 150 10 9 170 470 150 28
79776 225 x 100 10 8 365 685 160 34
aD ad
79786 225 x 150 10 9 235 555 160 31
79796 225 x 200 10 10 110 430 160 62
79806 250 x 100 10 8 425 745 160 75
79816 250 x 150 10 9 300 620 160 68
79826 250 x 200 10 10 175 495 160 68 f L f
79836 250 x 225 10 10 115 435 160 68
79844 300 x 100 11 8 555 875 160 67.4
79849 300 x 150 11 9 425 765 170 88
79856 300 x 200 11 10 300 640 170 90
79866 300 x 225 11 10 240 580 170 75
79876 300 x 250 11 10 180 520 170 98
78737 375 x 100 - - - - 190 -
78738 375 x 200 12 10 495 875 190 80
78740 375 x 225 12 10 435 815 190 178
79916 375 x 250 12 10 375 755 190 25
81649 375 x 300 12 11 245 625 190 40
81636 450 x 100 - - - 380 190
81638 450 x 200 - - - - - -
81640 450 x 225 - - - - - -
81642 450 x 250 13 10 565 - - -
81644 450 x 300 13 11 435 - - -
81646 450 x 375 13 12 250 - - -

Spigot-spigot tapers
Product Code a a1 L1 S L total W
PN35 DN (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
78742 150 x 100 9 8 170 100 370 -
78743 200 x 100 10 8 295 115 525 -
78744 200 x 150 10 9 170 115 400 -

Flange-flange eccentric tapers

Product Code a a1 L1 No. of D A L total W
PN16 DN (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
78745 100 x 80 8 8 165 4 215 23 211 10
78746 150 x 80 9 8 298 8 280 24 346 10
78747 150 x 100 9 8 235 8 280 24 283 16
78748 200 x 100 10 8 368 8 335 32 432 -
78749 200 x 150 10 9 248 8 335 32 312 -


PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Flange-flange concentric tapers


D Dn

Product Code a a1 L3 No. of D A L total W

PN16 DN (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
79736 100 x 80 8 8 165 4 215 23 211 25
78750 150 x 100 9 8 235 8 280 24 283 -
78751 200 x 100 10 8 368 8 335 32 432 20
78752 200 x 150 10 9 248 8 335 32 312 -
78753 225 x 100 10 8 432 8 370 33 498 -
78755 225 x 150 10 9 311 8 370 33 377 -
78757 225 x 200 10 10 190 8 370 33 256 -
78759 250 x 100 10 8 495 8 405 38 571 -
78761 250 x 150 10 9 375 8 405 38 451 -
78763 250 x 200 10 10 254 8 405 38 330 -
78764 250 x 225 10 10 190 8 405 38 266 -
78766 300 x 100 11 8 629 12 455 32 693 -
78768 300 x 150 11 9 508 12 455 32 572 -
78770 300 x 200 11 10 387 12 455 32 451 -
78772 300 x 225 11 10 324 12 455 32 388 -
78774 300 x 250 11 10 260 12 455 32 324 -
78776 375 x 100 12 8 - 12 525 42 84 -
78778 375 x 200 12 10 584 12 525 42 668 -
78780 375 x 225 12 10 521 12 525 42 605 -
78782 375 x 250 12 10 457 12 525 42 541 -
78784 375 x 300 12 11 337 12 525 42 421 40
78786 450 x 100 13 8 - - 640 45 90 -
78788 450 x 200 - - - - 640 45 90 -
78790 450 x 225 13 10 - - 640 45 90 -
78792 450 x 250 13 10 660 12 640 45 750 -
78794 450 x 300 13 11 540 12 640 45 630 -
78796 450 x 375 13 12 356 12 640 45 446 -

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data


Socket-socket connector
f f
Product Code
Product Code PN35 a f- Socket L1 W
PN 16 DN
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
80216 100 8 120 255 12
80226 150 9 128 271 18 a

80246 200 10 150 315 32

77641 100 8 120 255 12
77643 150 9 128 271 25
77648 200 10 150 315 28
80256 225 10 160 335 38
80266 250 10 160 335 -
80276 300 11 170 355 47
78833 375 12 190 395 -
78834 450 13 - 15 -
80255 225 10 160 335 -

Socket-flange connector
Product Code
Product Code PN35 a f- Socket L1 W
PN35 DN A f
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
80095 80 8 - 15 25
80106 100 8 120 255 12
80116 150 9 128 271 17
80136 200 10 150 315 28
77632 100 8 120 255 7.1
77633 150 9 128 271 17
77634 200 10 150 315 28
80146 225 10 160 335 40
80156 250 10 160 335 50
80166 300 11 170 355 60
78835 375 12 190 395 79.4
78836 450 13 - - -
80144 225 10 160 335 40

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Flange-spigot connectors

Product Code
Product Code PN16 a S - spigot L1 (total) No. of D A
SUPERLINK® (mm) (mm) (mm) Holes (mm) (mm)
80149 225 10 115 230 8 370 33
80159 250 10 115 230 8 405 38
80169 300 11 115 255 12 455 32
78838 375 12 140 280 12 550 42
78839 450 13 140 280 12 640 45
77639 225 10 115 230 8 370 33



Ready Tap Connectors

Product Code L 150°

Product Code PN35 W L2
81240 100 x 4 x 20 Outlets 12 DN
81243 100 x 4 x 25 Outlets -
78840 100 x 1 x 50 Outlets 10
81242 150 x 4 x 20 Outlets 12
81244 150 x 4 x 25 Outlets -
78841 150 x 1 x 50 Outlets -
81472 - -
77649 100 x 4 x 20 Outlets 7.62
80217 100 x 1 x 50 Outlets 12
77650 150 x 4 x 20 Outlets 7.62
80227 150 x 1 x 50 Outlets 12

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Flex and Uni Couplings

Product Description DN W (kg)

80338 80 Uni-coup (84-106) SS NC 80 10
80366 100 VX FLEX (109-133) SS NC 100 12
80353 150 VX FLEX (157-183) SS NC 150 23
80370 200 VX FLEX (218-242) SS NC 200 19
80391 225 Uni-coup (242-268) SS NC 225 54
80413 250 Uni-coup (266-292) SS NC 250 60
80421 300 Uni-coup (324-350) SS NC 300 69
80440 375 Uni-coup (410-436) SS NC 375 5

Varigib Couplings
Product DN W (kg)
80337 80 -
80357 100 12
80365 150 9.5
80379 200 15
80398 225 3
80414 250 60
80419 300 69

End Caps
Product C (height a
DN a(m) L(mm) W (kg)
Code mm) D DN

80548 100 8 120 150 8

80553 150 9 120 200 11
80560 200 10 130 260 18 L

80567 225 10 130 285 25

80574 250 10 130 315 32
80581 300 11 130 370 38
80586 375 12 165 465 96
78842 450 13 165 545 5

Tapped End Caps

Product a L C W
Code (mm) (mm) (height mm) (kg)
87575 100 8 135 150 3
78843 100 8 135 150 10


PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Blank Flanges

Product B No. of D A
DN W (kg)
Code (mm) Holes (mm) (mm)
80590 80 108 4 185 18 8 B
80591 80 x 50 108 4 185 18 8
80595 80 x 25 108 4 185 18 8
80593 100 138 4 215 23 10
80596 100 x 50 138 4 215 23 10
80594 150 192 4 280 24 12
78844 200 248 8 335 32 10
78845 225 277 8 370 33 10

Hydrant Risers
Product y (width)
DN L(mm) W (kg)
Code (mm) a
80811 80 x 100 106 100 7
80821 80 x 150 106 150 8 y DN

80831 80 x 225 106 225 9

80841 80 x 300 106 300 10
80851 80 x 375 106 375 11
80861 80 x 450 106 450 13
80867 80 x 600 106 600 15
78852 80 x 150 106 150 10
80894 100 x 100 122 375 8.5
80895 100 x 150 122 450 8
80901 100 x 225 122 525 10
80903 100 x 300 122 600 10
80905 100 x 375 122 - 10
80907 100 x 450 122 - 10
80909 100 x 600 122 - 10
80920 100 x 300 122 - 11

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Tapping Bands

Tapping Bands - Ductile Iron for Series 1 PVC

77479 150 3/4” 1 6.06
77480 150 1” 1 5.96
77481 150 1 1/4” 1 6.06
77482 150 1 1/2” 1 6.31
77483 150 2” 1 6.01

Tapping Bands Tapping Bands - Gunmetal for Series 2 PVC

Gunmetal for Series 1 PVC


77385 100 x 20 1
77387 100 x 25 1
77389 100 x 32 1
77391 100 x 40 1
PRODUCT DN PACK QTY 77393 100 x 50 1
77384 100 x 20 1 77399 150 x 20 1
77386 100 x 25 1 77401 150 x 25 1
77388 100 x 32 1 77408 150 x 32 1
77390 100 x 40 1 77402 150 x 40 1
77392 100 x 50 1 77407 150 x 50 1
77398 150 x 20 1 77421 200 x 20 1
77400 150 x 25 1 77423 200 x 25 1
77403 150 x 32 1 77425 200 x 32 1
77404 150 x 40 1 77427 200 x 40 1
77406 150 x 50 1 77429 200 x 50 1
77420 200 x 20 1 77433 225 x 20 1
77422 200 x 25 1 77434 225 x 25 1
77424 200 x 32 1 77437 225 x 32 1
77426 200 x 40 1 77438 225 x 40 1 8
77428 200 x 50 1 77442 225 x 50 1 8
81648 225 x 20 1 77445 250 x 20 1
77435 225 x 25 1 78892 250 x 25 1 10
77436 225 x 32 1 78893 250 x 32 1
77439 225 x 40 1 78894 250 x 40 1
77440 225 x 50 1 77453 250 x 50 1
77446 250 x 20 1 78895 300 x 20 1
77450 250 x 25 1 77460 300 x 25 1 4.67
77454 250 x 32 1 78896 300 x 32 1
77455 250 x 40 1 78897 300 x 40 1
77452 250 x 50 1 78898 300 x 50 1
78888 300 x 20 1 85121 375 x 20 1
78889 300 x 25 1 85122 375 x 25 1
78890 300 x 32 1 85123 375 x 32 1
78891 300 x 40 1 85124 375 x 40 1
77464 300 x 50 1 85125 375 x 50 1 10
PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Hydrants and Valves

Spring Hydrants
Product Code DN (kg)
80940 80 14
80954 100 14

Swash Hydrants Hydrant Landing Valve

Product Code DN Product Code DN
(kg) (kg)
80940 80 14 80963 65 5
80954 100 14 NOTE: Includes Cap and Chain -
NOTE: Nylon coated. Qld Round Thread

Hydrant - Pillar Dual Outlet

Hydrant Temporary End
Product Code DN
W (kg)
Product Code DN (kg)
80958 100 5
78853 100 10
78854 150 1
78855 200 1 Hydrant - Plastic Cap & Chain
Product Code DN (kg)
Hydrant Dust Cap Q0341 QRT 65 1

Product Code (kg)
80968 5

Shutoff Paddle - Stainless Steel

Product Code DN (kg)
78856 100 10
78857 150 10
78858 200 10

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Sluice and Gate Valves and Accessories

Sluice Valves Resilient Seated, Flange - Flange PN 16

Product Code DN (kg)
81452 80 27
81600 225 15
81635 250 145
81710 300 367
78872 375
78873 450
81467 80 27
81601 225 90
81559 225 85
81675 250 125
81560 250 145
81711 300 168
81561 300 192
81727 375
81726 375 25
78874 450 750

NOTE: Manufactured to AS2638.2

Sluice Valves Resilient Seated, Socket - Socket PN 16

Product W
Code (kg)
81450 80
81651 225 10
81666 250 263
81685 300 3
78875 375 1
78876 450 240
80951 80 31
81592 225 85
81556 225 85
81667 250 145
81557 250 145
81700 300 192
81558 300 192
81725 375 25
78877 450

Sluice Valves Resilient Seated, Spigot - Spigot PN 16

Product Code DN (kg)
81504 100 25
81544 150 55
81506 100 41
81547 150

NOTE: Manufactured to AS2638.2

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Sluice Valves Resilient Seated, Socket - Flange PN 16

Product Code DN (kg)
81576 100 26.3
81577 150 51.2

Brass Gate Valves

Product Code Description DN (kg)
81473 Brass Gate Valve FI “T” Handle BSP 25 1
81461 Brass Gate Valve FI “T” Handle BSP 50 2
81295 Brass Gate Valve FI Hand Wheel BSP 40 2
81345 Brass Gate Valve FI Hand Wheel BSP 50 0

Valve Extension Spindles

Product Code Length (kg)
81773 150 25
81781 300 2
81772 375 21
Q4745 450 1
Q4744 600 1

NOTE: Cast DI/ Nylon Coated

Valve Extension Spindles (Fabricated)

Product Code DN (kg)
Q4754 650 1
Q4746 750 1
Q4942 1000 1

Valve Retainer Straps - Stainless Steel

Product Code DN (kg)
77540 100 4
77539 150 6
81403 200 0.6
81404 225 0.6
81406 250 0.6

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Ferrules and Ball Valves

Ferrules - Standard
Product Code (a)mm (kg)
81200 20 0
81205 25 0
81210 32 0
81650 40 10
78101 50 1

Ferrules - TPFNR (Plain)

Product Code (a)mm (kg)
81201 20 0.9
81204 25 1.2
78846 32 0

Ferrules - TPFNR (Complete with Bonnet)

Product Code (a)mm (kg)
81653 20 10
81654 25 10
81655 32 10
81207 40 0.3
81208 50 0.3

Ferrules - TPFNR (Complete with Bonnet and Poly Outlet)

Product Code (a)mm (kg)
81265 20 x 25 1.45
81266 25 x 32 1.75
81269 50 x 63 1

Ferrules - Bend (MI BSP)

Product Code (a)mm (kg)
81225 20 0
81230 25 0
81238 32 0
81231 40 0.3
81232 50 0.3

Ferrules - TPFNR (Compression)

Product Code (a)mm (kg)
78847 20 0
78848 25 0
78849 32 0
78850 40 1

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Ball Valves
Product Code Description (kg)
82056 KIT 20 PE Connection (VIC) 0.5
81396 Main 20 MI - 25 PE Valve 0.5
78886 20 R/Angle 10
81394 Service Conn Kit (QLD) 1
81333 20 DZR Brass Ball Valve PE-FI Plasson Nut 0.15
81334 20 DZR Brass Ball Valve PE-MI Plasson Nut 0.15

Ball Valve Cover

Product Code (kg)
81013 1

Air Valves

Air Release Valves - Water

Product Code Description DN Type (kg)
80986 Automatic BSPM Plastic 25 Double ARV 1-A 0.3
80985 Automatic BSPM Plastic 50 Double ARV 2-KA 1.5
81910 Automatic BSPM Automatic Bronze Body 50 Double ARV 2-B-KA 35
81905 Kinetic BSPM Plastic 25 Single ARV 1-K 5
81076 Kinetic BSPM Plastic 50 Single ARV 2-K 1
81080 16 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 50 MPC-SH-050-16 11.3
81081 25 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 50 MPC-SH-050-25 13.3
81048 16 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 80 MPC-SH-080-16 17.3
81082 25 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 80 MPC-SH-080-25 19.3
81083 16 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 100 MPC-SH-100-16 26.3
81084 25 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 100 MPC-SH-100-25 28.3
81085 16 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 150 MPC-SH-150-16 93.3
81086 25 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 150 MPC-SH-150-25 95.3
81087 16 BAR - Iron, FBE Coated 200 MPC-SH-200-16 97.3

Air Release Valves - Stainless Steel Body For Sewerage

Product Code DN (kg)
81088 S/S, Combined, Fl or BSP 50 ARV-3-N-050-T/D 2
81089 S/S, Combined, Fl or BSP 80 ARV-3-N-080-T/D 3
81090 S/S, Combined, Fl or BSP 100 ARV-3-N-100-T/D 5

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Surface Fittings and Boxes

Covers, Surrounds and Plastic Surface Boxes

Product Code Description (kg)
81023 Valve Surround Collar Plastic 3
81028 Valve Surround Collar Concrete 5
81031 Hydrant Surround Collar Plastic 4.6
81029 Hydrant Surround Collar Concrete 5
81063 Valve/Hydrant Cover Grey 2
81062 Valve/Hydrant Kit Base Plate 5
81067 Valve Cover Kit Grey - Gold Coast CC 15
81069 Hydrant Cover Kit Grey - Gold Coast CC 15
81004 Valve Box Poly & Blue Lid - CROWS NEST 1
81073 Hydrant Box Poly & Yellow Lid - CROWS NEST 1
80978 Valve Box Poly & Purple Lid - GCCC 8
80977 Hydrant Box Poly & Purple Lid - GCCC 8
78860 Hydrant Surround Collar Concrete - Victoria 1
78859 Valve Surround Collar Concrete - Victoria 10
81032 Hydrant Box & Surround POT - Sydney 19.6
81033 Valve Box & Surround POT - Sydney 15.6
81034 Hydrant Box & Surround REC - Sydney 10
81035 DI Hydrant Flange - Heavy Duty 6.1
81036 Valve Box & Surround REC - Sydney 10
81037 Hydrant Box & Surround POT - Gosford 10
81038 Valve Box & Surround POT - Gosford 10
81043 DI Shroud Collar 5

Meter Box
Product Code Description (kg)
81468 Black Poly Meter Box 1
Poly Meter Box Black/
60114 1
Green Lid

Surface Box - Valves

Product Code Description (kg)
82061 Surround - Recycled Plastics 1
81053 Recycled Plastics - Metro (Grey) 7
81054 Recycled Plastics - Regional Hinged Lid (Grey) 11
Recycled Plastics - Regional Hinged Lid
81052 11
81058 Flushing Assembly Box 4
81059 Flushing Assembly Box Lid 1.5

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Surface Box - Hydrants

Product Code Description (kg)
81056 Hydrant Pit Collared - PE 6
81057 Hydrant Pit Lid - PE 2
81055 Recycled Plastics - Regional Hinged Lid 12
71480 Street Chamber Pit 21
78884 Light Duty Street Chamber Lids 10
78885 140mm Concrete Spacer 10

Cast Iron Boxes

Product Code Description (kg)
80981 Hydrant Box c/w Lid 32
80979 Hydrant Box 5
81015 Hydrant Box Lid “FH” (BCC) 6.5
80990 Hydrant Box Lid “FH” 5
81006 Hydrant Box Lid “AV” 2
80991 Hydrant Box Lid “SV” 1.5
80982 Valve Box c/w Lid 25
81002 Hyd. Box Lid Blank 30
78865 Fireplug Cover c/w Lid 10
78866 Fireplug Lid Only 1
80984 Valve Cover c/w Lid 32
78867 Valve Lid Only 1
78868 Cover Access - Hinged Meter 10
78869 Cover Access - Hydrant 10
78870 Cover Access - Stop Tap 1
78871 Cover Access - Sluice Valve 10

Marker Posts
Product Code Description (kg)
80755 Wooden Marker Post Yellow 1200x100x50 4
80763 Wooden Marker Post White 1200x100x50
80814 Wooden Marker Post Yellow 1500x125x50 5
80813 Wooden Marker Post White 1500x125x50 5
82060 Marker Post White SV/FP 3
82059 Hydrant - Post Red Top 45o 3
81065 Hydrant - Post Metal Yellow 1
81066 Valve - Post Metal Blue 2
85186 Scour Valve - White 3
85185 Air Valve - White 3
85187 Bend - White 3

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Marker Plates

Product Code Description Marking (kg)
80746 Marker Plate Scour Valve B/W “S” 1
80747 Marker Plate Fire Hydrant (BCC) “HP” 1
80753 Marker Plate Fire Hydrant B/W “H” 1
80756 Marker Plate Air Valve “A” 1
80761 Marker Plate Sluice Valve B/W “V” 1
80762 Marker Plate Fire Hydrant B/Y “H” 1

Kerb Markers
Product Code Description Marking (kg)
80745 Brass Kerb Marker Side Drain “SD” 0.05
80760 Brass Kerb Marker Telstra “T” 0.1
80765 Brass Kerb Marker Electricity “E” 0.1
80766 Brass Kerb Marker Water “W” 0.1
80767 Brass Kerb Marker Sewer “S” 0.1

Marker Plates - NSW

Product Code Description Marking (kg)
82062 Marker Plate 75 x 125 “H” 0.1
82063 Marker Plate 75 x 125 “SV” 0.1
82064 Marker Plate 75 x 250 “ScV” 0.1
82065 Marker Plate 75 x 250 “AV” 0.1
82066 Marker Plate 75 x 250 “HP” 0.1
82067 Marker Plate 75 x 250 “HR” 0.1
82068 Marker Plate 75 x 300 “RSV” 0.1
82069 Marker Plate 75 x 300 “RHP” 0.1
82070 Marker Plate 75 x 300 “RHR” 0.1
82071 Marker Plate 75 x 300 “RAV” 0.1
82072 Marker Plate 75 x 300 “RScV” 0.1

Road Reflectors
Product Code Description (kg)
79372 Yellow Triangular Pavement Marker 0.01
79374 Hydrant Blue 1
79375 Valve Yellow 1
79376 Bitumen Adhesive Patch 1

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Ancilliary Products

Marker Tapes - Detectable

Product Code Colour Size / Marking (kg)
59025 BLUE 100 x 250m - Drinking Water Below 5
84618 BUFF 100 x 250m - Sewer Below 5
84619 GREEN 100 x 250m - Watermain Below 5
84620 PURPLE 100 x 250m - Recycled Watermain Below 5

Thrust Restraints
Product Code Description (kg)
82058 Thrust Block - Recycled Plastic 2
82057 Wedge - Recycled Plastic 1

Thread Seal Tape

Product Code Description
81792 Thread Tape

Brass Plugs
Product Code Description
81041 20mm Brass Plug
81042 25mm Brass Plug

Gasket, Nuts & Bolts Set - Galvanized Table C

Product Code DN (mm)
80770 80 16 x 65
80772 100 16 x 65
80775 150 16 x 75
80776 200 16 x 75
80777 225 16 x 75
80778 250 20 x 90
80779 300 20 x 90
80785 375 24 x 100

NOTE: Comprising required number of Nuts, Bolts and Washers as

per Class 16 of AS4087.

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Gasket, Nuts & Bolts Set - Stainless Steel

Product Code DN (mm)

80771 80 16 x 65
*80812 80 16 x 75
80773 100 16 x 65
80774 150 16 x 75
80768 200 16 x 75
80787 225 16 x 75
80769 250 20 x 90
80793 300 20 x 90
80781 375 24 x 100
NOTE: Comprising required number of Nuts, Bolts and Washers as per
Class 16 of AS4087.

Nickel Anti-Seize
Product Code Description
82351 5ml cw Brush

Ductile Rubber Rings - Series 1

Product Code DN
82686 100
82687 150
86288 200
82690 225
82689 250
82691 300
85166 375

Ductile Rubber Rings - Series 2

Product Code DN
82692 100
82694 150
82698 200
82699 225
82700 250
82710 300
85167 375
85168 450

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure
Product Data

Ductile Iron Pipe

Product Code DN Class (kg)
81809 100 PN35 135
81756 100 Flange Class
81812 150 PN35 212
81798 150 Flange Class 212
81834 200 PN35 326
81832 200 Flange Class

DI Pipe Sleeving
Product Code Size / Colour Length (kg)
81768 100mm Blue 30 Lengths/roll 8.5
81758 150mm Blue 25 Lengths/roll 23.9
81759 200mm Blue 20 Lengths/roll 23.7

Puddle Flanges
Product Code DN
Q4463 100 Puddle Flange
81416 150 Puddle Flange
79597 100 x 2500 Lg Fl - Sp Pipe cw PUDFL

South Australian Boundary Connections - Copper Inlet Riser

Product Code DN
85169 20
85170 40

Ratchet Spanner - M24 & M19

Product Code Size
99398 M24 & M19

Easy Chamfer
Product Code Description
69477 Easy Chamfer Tool

Water Meters
Product Code DN Description
Q4846 20 BCC M160 Manifold Meter
Q4844 25 BCC V100 DCV Water Meter
Q4845 32 BCC V100 DCV Water Meter

Meter Stop Tap

Product Code Description
78887 25 R/Angle

PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure Pipe Systems PVC Pressure

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