Editorial: Germ Cell Tumors: Updates On Epidemiology, Biology, and Treatment Considerations

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Advances in Urology
Volume 2018, Article ID 4821084, 2 pages

Germ Cell Tumors: Updates on Epidemiology, Biology, and
Treatment Considerations

Aditya Bagrodia ,1 Costantine Albany,2 and Timothy A. Masterson 3

Department of Urology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Division of Medical Oncology, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Department of Urology, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Aditya Bagrodia; aditya.bagrodia@utsouthwestern.edu

Received 15 April 2018; Accepted 15 April 2018; Published 19 August 2018

Copyright © 2018 Aditya Bagrodia et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Germ cell tumors (GCTs) are the most common solid tu- mandatory for these young cancer survivors who have
mors in young men. GCTs represent a rare oncologic success a whole life to live. Fung and colleagues comprehensively
story with 5-year cure rates exceeding 98% for early-stage characterize complications associated with GCT treatment.
tumors and 80% for patients with metastatic disease, at- The incidence and pathophysiology underlying common
tributable to the integration of surgery, cisplatin-based adverse effects such as cardiovascular disease, secondary
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Despite the excel- malignancies, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and neurotoxicity
lent clinical outcomes in testicular GCTs, significant chal- are reviewed, as are recent developments in understanding
lenges and opportunities exist, as GCTs represent the most genetic predisposition for adverse consequences and ways to
life years lost for nonpediatric malignancies [1]. ameliorate them. Huddart and Reid describe the clinical
There is certainly room for improvement in managing experience with adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with
patients with germ cell tumors, and it is critical that the high-risk Stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors.
urology, oncology, and radio-oncology communities do not Supporting evidence for why one cycle of bleomycin, eto-
rest on the laurels of past successes. We must understand poside, and cisplatin (BEP) in the adjuvant setting is
and modify socioeconomic differences that underpin germ emerging as the optimal adjuvant chemotherapy regimen for
cell tumor epidemiology and outcomes in order to narrow patients with stage IB disease is provided in the context of
treatment gaps. preserving oncologic control and minimizing dose-
Special considerations for patients with pediatric and dependent chemotherapy-associated adverse effects.
adolescent GCTs must also be recognized to improve out- On the surgical end of the spectrum, Daneshmand and
comes among this subgroup. In this special issue, Amatruda colleagues provide the rationale and early experience with
et al. review the unique considerations of pediatric patients retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) for patients
with GCTs, including demographic factors, histologic with small volume metastatic seminoma in an effort to avoid
characteristics, treatment specifics, and emerging molecular toxicities associated with either radiotherapy or chemo-
data. Saltzman and Cost provide insights in treating ado- therapy, which are the treatment modalities typically used to
lescents with GCTs, including clinicopathologic outcomes, manage these patients. In another effort dedicated to
psychosocial support requirements, fertility and hypo- minimizing treatment-related morbidity, Pierarazio et al.
gonadism concerns, and transitional care needs. describe the state of the literature concerning techniques and
Further, in this issue, considerable attention is appro- outcomes for robotic-assisted retroperitoneal lymph node
priately dedicated to mitigating treatment-associated mor- dissection. Importantly, the authors note importance of
bidity in patients with GCTs. Minimizing short, ensuring oncologic outcomes is not compromised as this
intermediate, and long-term treatment-related toxicity is technology continues to develop. Cary and Masterson
2 Advances in Urology

delineate the role of modified template retroperitoneal

lymph node dissection in the primary and post-
chemotherapy setting, again demonstrating the commit-
ment to avoid treatment toxicity, including retrograde
ejaculation following RPLND while maintaining excellent
cancer control. The authors review various templates and
essential patient-selection characteristics, particularly when
considering modified templates in the postchemotherapy
Among patients with cisplatin-resistant disease, Feld-
man and colleagues discuss the ongoing clinical trial of
conventional-dose salvage chemotherapy versus high-dose
chemotherapy with stem cell support (NCT02375204) and
the background literature supporting the need for this
important trial. Chovanec and colleagues report on the
preclinical work suggesting a role for immunotherapy in
GCTs as well as early clinical experience in this exciting
Last but certainly not least, Hamilton et al. describe their
experience with risk-adapted surveillance in patients with
GCT. This exciting research aims at individualizing the
intensity of follow-up for patients with early-stage GCT to
reduce both radiation exposure and costs associated with
long-term surveillance.
In conclusion, it is our privilege to guest edit this special
issue on germ cell tumors that highlights contemporary
work in the field of GCTs. We are grateful to the experts in
the field that provided their invaluable insight. This par-
ticular issue makes us optimistic that the future is bright for
the optimal and refined management of patients with germ
cell tumors.

Aditya Bagrodia
Costantine Albany
Timothy A. Masterson

[1] J. W. Horm and E. J. Sondik, “Person-years of life lost due to
cancer in the United States, 1970 and 1984,” American Journal
of Public Health, vol. 79, no. 11, pp. 1490–1493, 1989.


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