NDIFOR - Internship Report Draft
NDIFOR - Internship Report Draft
NDIFOR - Internship Report Draft
Offered by
I, Dolvie Mansindoung Ndifor, declare that this report has been written by me and has not
received any previous academic credit at this or any other institution.
........................................................ …………………………………………
First of all, I thank the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Buea, for having
the internship program included in the curriculum. This gave me an opportunity to get some
field experience before completion of my studies, hence preparing me for the work environment.
I heartily thank Mr. Xiehui Eric, Mr. Pusuma Leboh, and Mr.Jack Xiaodanjie (my mentor and
field supervisor respectively), Mr. Tangyuan, Mr. Epair Emmanuel, Mr. Ndi Desmond, Mr.
Fomumbod Nicol, Mr. Boris Ngosso, Mr. Taguia Arnaud, and all other team members, for their
technical assistance, advice, unrelenting efforts and unending support, throughout my stay at
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
My gratitude also goes to my academic supervisor, Dr. Ekonde Sone, for all the efforts he put in
to ensure that my work was well done.
I also thank my parents, Mr. Ndifor Victor and Mrs. Ndifor Dorothy, who have always been
there for me, unfailingly supporting and encouraging me throughout my internship.
I thank all my friends and loved ones. I may not be able to show my gratitude enough, but God in
His abundant kindness will see you through life’s journey.
Above all, I thank God Almighty for his Grace and blessings throughout this period, and in my
life as a whole.
List of Figures
Figure 5.17 : WAN connection ..................................................................................................... 47
Figure 5.18: General VAS profile configuration for internet ....................................................... 47
Figure 5.19 : WAN Interface parameters ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.20 : WAN connection configuration .............................................................................. 48
Figure 5.21: Voice service interface configuration ....................................................................... 49
Figure 5.22: Configuration of SIP service .................................................................................... 49
Figure 5.23 : Add voice user ......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 5.24 : General VAS Profile ............................................................................................... 50
Figure 5.25: Configuration of Voice user ..................................................................................... 51
Figure 5.26 : WAN connection configuration .............................................................................. 51
Figure 5.27 : Enable IGMP for IPTV Transmission ..................................................................... 52
Figure 5.28: WAN interface configuration ................................................................................... 52
Figure 5.29 : Adding the service port ........................................................................................... 53
Figure 5.30 : Binding ONT to a general VAS profile................................................................... 53
Figure 5.31 : Select ONT VAS Profile ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.32 : Configure the ONT VAS Services .......................................................................... 54
Figure 5.33 : Internet Service Configuration ................................................................................ 55
Figure 5.34 : Voice Service configuration .................................................................................... 55
Figure 5.35 : Voice user parameters ............................................................................................. 56
Figure 5.36 : IPTV Configuration ................................................................................................. 56
Figure 5.37 : Loading the configurations into the ONT ............................................................... 57
Figure 5.38 : Download service and line profiles into OLT ......................................................... 57
Figure 5.39 : Choose specific OLT ............................................................................................... 58
Figure 5.40: Optical Power Meter ................................................................................................ 58
List of Tables
List of Photographs
List of Symbols/Abbreviations
OMCI: ONT Management and Control Interface protocol
The work documented in this report pertains to industrial training carried out at HUAWEI
Technologies Co. Ltd. which is done in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Bachelor of
Engineering in telecommunications engineering at the University of Buea.
This report contains seven chapters. Chapter one gives a brief introduction of the company,
objectives and purpose for which the training was done. The following chapter gives History of
Passive Optical Network (PON) systems with emphasis on the Gigabit PON (GPON) system and
its advantages over other broadband systems.
The subsequent chapters contain a few improvements to the system, an overview of a GPON
Fiber To The Home (FTTH) network, a summary of the procedure used in carrying out the work
(MSAN commissioning and FTTH service configuration) done during the internship.
Access networks based on Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) has been proven to be the most promising
fixed internet access service. Gigabit- capable PON systems are now being deployed to support
broadband optical access services. The purpose of the training is to deliver data, voice and video
services at high broadband speeds over optical fiber lines, to users. The last two chapters present
solutions to the various problems encountered on the field and a conclusion on the internship and
future scope of study.
1. Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... i
2. Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................... ii
3. List of Figures.................................................................................................................................. iii
4. List of Tables .................................................................................................................................... v
5. List of Photographs ........................................................................................................................ vi
6. ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... ix
7. CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................ x
8. CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................ 1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Overview of The Company ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Subject of the Report ................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Project Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3
9. CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................... 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 5
2.1. History of PONs (Passive Optical Networks) ............................................................................. 5
2.2. Types of PON systems available................................................................................................ 6
2.3. ACCESS NETWORK..................................................................................................................... 9
2.4. GPON Working Principe .......................................................................................................... 16
2.5. Advantages of GPON over other fixed broadband Technologies ........................................... 21
2.6. Disadvantages of GPON over other Fixed Broadband Technologies ...................................... 22
2.7. APPLICATIONS OF THE GPON SYSTEM .................................................................................... 22
10. CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................................... 25
3. IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM ................................................................ 25
3.1. Power Saving: ............................................................................................................................... 25
3.2. Long-reach PON ...................................................................................................................... 26
11. CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................................ 28
4. GPON FTTH ................................................................................................................................ 28
4.1. Overview of FTTX .................................................................................................................... 28
4.2. GPON FTTH Service Configuration .......................................................................................... 29
4.3. VLANs and Ports ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.4. ONT Profiles ............................................................................................................................ 31
12. CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................................... 32
5. METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 32
5.1. Site Survey............................................................................................................................... 32
5.2. Commissioning ........................................................................................................................ 32
5.3. FTTH SERVICE CONFIGURATION ON iManager U2000 ........................................................... 38
13. CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................ 59
6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................................ 59
6.1. Commissioning of outdoor MSANs ......................................................................................... 59
6.2. FTTH Deployment :.................................................................................................................. 60
14. CHAPTER SEVEN...................................................................................................................... 62
7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE OF STUDY ............................................................ 62
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
1.1. Overview of The Company
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Type Private
Founded 1987
Website www.huawei.com
1.1.4. Department
Access Network is that part of the network which connects subscribers to their immediate
service provider. That is, how the services to be provided can be distributed to the end
users, or how the services can be accessed.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
This write up is about a high-speed broadband access network (Gigabit Passive Optical
network (GPON)). The access mode/system used to obtain or to deliver high-speed broadband
services within a GPON, is a Fiber To The x (x: Home, Building, Curb, Node) system.
Huawei, as the main project contractor company, is currently working on Camtel’s NBN
(National Broadband Network). The main objective of this project is to create a large capacity
network which supports high bandwidth transmission in order to deliver higher quality of
services (data, voice and video), multiplexed over a single optical fiber. This network is
generally referred to as FTTx - Fiber to the x (i.e. Home, Building, or Node) network. The
latter is to amend the problems faced with ADSL (copper lines) such as limited bandwidth,
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
transmission speed and the distributed nature of the network topology(i.e. in the previous
network, one piece of hardware was dedicated to the delivery of a particular service offering).
CAMTEL is the number one carrier in Cameroon and the only diversified carrier which has
more than 120,000 fixed users and 100,000 CDMA mobile users. In the CAMTEL network,
there are a lot of PSTN switches that have existed for more than 20 years. It is difficult to add
new services and expand new users. Most of the network devices, which include internet
IGW, IP core switches and access DSLAM, are old and of low capability. These devices
cannot adapt to the increase in services and users, and it is difficult to manage and maintain
them. CAMTEL thus saw a need to use new devices and build a new NBN network to
upgrade the existing system. Rolls and rolls of fiber optic cables are being installed all over
the country. Eventually, the NBN will replace the old copper networks that we currently use
for our home phone and broadband services.
Better suit the environment, as data speeds are not affected by bad weather and/or
extreme heat, the way existing copper lines are.
Provide better stability of voice and video calls.
Provide faster download and upload options
Deliver a higher capacity than existing ADSL, thus enabling multiple users to share a
better experience.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
2.1. History of PONs (Passive Optical Networks)
A passive optical network (PON) is a fiber network that brings optical fiber cabling and
signals all or most of the way to the end user. The passive simply describes the fact that
optical transmission has no optical amplifiers, regenerators, power requirements or active
electronic parts once the signal is going through the network. Such networks cost significantly
less than those using active components.
The main disadvantage is a shorter range of coverage limited by signal strength. While an
active optical network (AON) can cover a range to about 100 km (62 miles), a PON is
typically limited to fiber cable runs of up to 20 km (12 miles). PONs are also called fiber to
the home (FTTH) networks.
The typical PON arrangement is a point to multi-point (P2MP) network where a central
optical line terminal (OLT) at the service provider’s facility distributes TV, voice or Internet
services to as many as 16 to 128 customers per fiber line. Optical splitters, passive optical
devices that divide a single optical signal into multiple equal but lower-power signals,
distribute the signals to users. An ONU terminates the PON at the customer’s home. The
ONU usually communicates with ONT, which may be a separate box that connects the PON
to TV sets, telephones, computers, or a wireless router. The ONU/ONT may be one device.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
In the basic method of operation for downstream distribution on one wavelength of light from
OLT to ONU/ONT, all customers receive the same data. The ONU recognizes data targeted at
each user. For the upstream from ONU to OLT, a TDM technique is used where each user is
assigned a timeslot on a different wavelength of light. With this arrangement, the splitters act
as power combiners. The upstream transmissions, called burst-mode operations, occur at
random as a user needs to send data. The system assigns a slot as needed. Because the TDM
method involves multiple users on a single transmission, the upstream data rate is always
slower than the downstream rate. [1]
Over the years, various PON standards have been developed. They have essentially the same
theoretical capacity at the optical level, and the general technology is the same. The
differences are in the specifications and upper layer protocols. [2]
The first PON systems that achieved significant commercial deployment had an electrical
layer built on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM, or "cell switching") for long-haul packet
transmission and were called “APON”. These are still being used today, although the term
"broadband PON" or BPON is now applied. APON/BPON systems typically have
downstream capacity of 155 Mbps or 622 Mbps, with the latter now the most common.
Upstream transmission is in the form of cell bursts at 155 Mbps. [3] BPON also uses ATM
encapsulation but supports superior features and higher speeds. Standardized by the ITU-T.
A rival activity to GPON is Ethernet PON (EPON), which uses Ethernet packets instead of
ATM cells. EPON should be cheaper to deploy, according to supporters, but it has not
garnered the level of acceptance of GPON, so it is not clear how EPON will figure in the
future of broadband access. [3]
It is a PON standard developed by IEEE. Based on the Ethernet standard 802.3, EPON 802.3
specifies a similar passive network with a range of up to 20 km. It uses WDM with the same
optical frequencies as GPON and TDMA. The raw line data rate is 1.25 Gbits/s in both the
downstream and upstream directions. The network is sometimes referred to as Gigabit
Ethernet PON or GEPON.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The successor to APON/BPON is GPON, which has a variety of speed options ranging from
622 Mbps symmetrical (the same upstream/downstream capacity) to 2.5 Gbps downstream
and 1.25 Gbps upstream. GPON is also based on ATM transport. GPON is the type of PON
most widely deployed in today's fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks in new installations and
is generally considered suitable for consumer broadband services for the next 5 to 10 years.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Summary on PON
Telecommunications companies use PONs to provide triple-play services including TV, VoIP
phone, and Internet service to subscribers.
The benefit is much higher data rates that are essential to video distribution and other Internet
services. The low cost of passive components means simpler systems with fewer components
that fail or require maintenance.
PONs are growing in popularity as the demand for faster Internet service and more video
grows. GPON is the most popular in the U.S. EPON systems are more prevalent in Asia and
Europe. [3]
• GPON supports Triple play services (data, voice and video), providing competitive
all-service solution.
• GPON supports high-bandwidth transmission to break down the bandwidth bottleneck
of the access over twisted pair cables, so as to satisfy the requirements of high-
bandwidth services, such as IPTV and live TV broadcasts.
• GPON supports the long-reach (up to 20 km) service coverage to overcome the
obstacle of the access technology over twisted pair cables and reduce the network
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
• With complete standards and high technical requirements, GPON supports integrated
services in a good way.
• GPON is the choice of large carriers in the international market.
There are 4 types of users to connect to the access network; they are FTTH, FTTB, FTTC and
P2P. The detailed description is as follows:
FTTH, which connects fiber to the user’s home. We will deploy one ONT in the home,
and connects the MSAN by GPON.
FTTB, which connects fiber to enterprise buildings. MXU deployed in the enterprise
office, and connects the MSAN by GPON.
FTTC, which connects cable to user home. We will deploy one XDSL HG in the home,
and connect MSAN by ADSL2+.
P2P, which connects some special customers, may be enterprise, school, government or
other. [4]
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The OLT is connected to the ONU or ONT via a network of fiber cables, splitters and other
passive components (ODN).
The OLT is the main element of the network and it is usually placed in the Local Exchange
and it’s the engine that drives FTTH system. They provide the boundary between customer
interfaces and the transport network. The most important functions that OLT perform are
traffic scheduling, buffer control and bandwidth allocation. OLTs typically operate using
redundant DC power (-48VDC).
Why MSANs?
Before MSAN's were developed a telecommunications operator would have had one piece of
hardware dedicated to delivery of a particular service offering. For example:-
-A telephone switch for voice services
-IP-DSLAM for Internet services
-PDH Multiplexer for digital leased lines
-ATM/SDH switch or multiplexer for the back-haul of traffic
Each of the above service offerings would have required its owns rack space, power supply
and cabling as well as potentially a different skill set for each offering in terms of
configuration, operation and management.
This is a costly model. Each service requires its own dedicated hardware, software, OAM and
skills to function.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The overall result being increased Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational
Expenditure (OPEX).
MSAN's overcome many of these service limitations by integrating multiple network
functions into a single platform.
Customer facing services such as traditional voice, DSL and leased line services can be
provisioned as well as new emerging IP based services such as optical Ethernet, VoIP and
Video on Demand (triple-play services) all delivered from the same hardware. [5]
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
A device used to provide efficient connections between optical fibers and optical
communication devices, or among optical communication devices. The ODF is generally used
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
It is a network of optical fibers that connect between an OLT and one or more ONUs,
using passive optical devices such as FDTs and FATs. [6]
These devices split incoming light and distribute the light among multiple
fibers, or in the reverse direction combine multiple light streams onto a single
Optical splitters are classified as passive because there are no active electrical
components. Thus the device is not sensitive to temperature or other elements
that would be problematic for electrical component entry.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The optical splitter can be seen as an optical junction box. One side of the box
is the fiber that connects to the telco exchange (OLT), and on the other side are
up to 64 fibers, each of which connects to a customer premise. [8]
This is an outdoor device that contains level-1 splitters in the ODN. The rest of the
splitters (level-2) are located in the FAT. The FDT is connected at the upper end to the
iODF and to the FAT at the lower end, closer to the users’ premises.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Picture 2.6 : (a) Inside the FAT (b) Pole mounted FAT
• ONUs terminate the optical stream, and convert the signal into electrical format for
transmission to the customer premise
• ONUs would tend to be located in weather reinforced street/pole cabinets, and ONTs
would be located at customer premises. [8]
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Data Multiplexing
GPON uses optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) so a single fiber can be used for
both downstream and upstream data. A laser on a wavelength (λ) of 1490 nm transmits
downstream data. Upstream data transmits on a wavelength of 1310 nm. If TV is being
distributed, a wavelength of 1550 nm is used.
While each ONU gets the full downstream rate of 2.488 Gbits/s, GPON uses a time division
multiple access (TDMA) format to allocate a specific timeslot to each user. This divides the
bandwidth so each user gets a fraction such as 100 Mbits/s depending upon how the service
provider allocates it.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The upstream rate is less than the maximum because it is shared with other ONUs in a TDMA
scheme. The OLT determines the distance and time delay of each subscriber. Then software
provides a way to allot timeslots to upstream data for each user.
Figure 2.8 : (a) Upstream Data (TDMA mode). (b)Downstream data (Broadcast mode)
The typical split of a single fiber is 1:32 or 1:64. That means each fiber can serve up to 32 or
64 subscribers. Split ratios up to 1:128 are possible in some systems.
As for data format, the GPON packets can handle ATM packets directly. ATM packages
everything in 53-byte packets with 48 for data and 5 for overhead. GPON also uses a generic
encapsulation method (GEM) to carry other protocols. It can encapsulate Ethernet, IP, TCP,
UDP, T1/E1, video, VoIP, or other protocols as called for by the data transmission. Minimum
packet size is 53 bytes, and the maximum is 1518. AES encryption is used downstream only.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
GEM: In the GPON system, a GPON encapsulation mode (GEM) frame is the
smallest service-carrying unit and the most basic encapsulation structure. All service
streams are encapsulated into the GEM frame and transmitted over GPON lines. The
service streams are identified by GEM ports and every GEM port is identified by a
unique Port-ID. The GEM port is used to identify the virtual service channel that
carries the service stream between the OLT and the ONU. It is similar to the VPI/VCI
of the ATM virtual connection.
GEM Port: the minimum unit for carrying services.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
For a given ONU, the number of supported T-CONTs is fixed. The ONU
autonomously creates all the supported T-CONT instances during ONU activation.
The OLT discovers the number of T-CONT instances supported by a given ONU.
To activate a T-CONT instance to carry upstream user traffic, the OLT has to establish
a mapping between T-CONT instance and an ALLOC_ID, which has been previously
assigned to the ONU via PLOAM messages (Physical Layer Operations,
Administration and Maintenance). Any ALLOC_ID assigned to the ONU, including
the default ALLOC_ID, can be associated with single user traffic T-CONT.
1. Type 1: This T-CONT is of fixed bandwidth type and mainly used for services
sensitive to delay and high priority like VOIP.
2. Type 2 and Type 3: Both T-CONTs are of guaranteed bandwidth types and mainly
used for video services and data services of higher priorities.
3. Type 4: This T-CONT is of best-effort type and mainly used for data services such as
Internet and services of low priority which do not require high bandwidth.
4. Type 5: This T-CONT is of mixed type, involving all bandwidth types and bearing all
-Based on the mapping scheme, service traffic is carried to different GEM ports and
then to different T-CONTs. The mapping between the GEM port and the T-CONT is
flexible. A GEM Port can correspond to a T-CONT; or multiple GEM Ports can
correspond to the same T-CONT.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Some services – POTS, for example – require essentially constant upstream bandwidth, and
the OLT may provide a fixed bandwidth allocation to each such service that has been
provisioned. DS1 and some classes of data service may also require constant upstream bit
rate. But much data traffic – internet surfing, for example – is burst and highly variable.
DBA is a methodology that allows quick adoption of users' bandwidth allocation based on
current traffic requirements and it is especially good for dealing with bursty upstream traffic.
GPON uses TDMA for managing upstream access by ONUs, and at any one point in time;
TDMA provides unshared timeslots (upstream bandwidth over time) to each ONU for
upstream transmission.
DBA allows upstream timeslots to shrink and grow based on the distribution of upstream
traffic loads. DBA functions on T-CONTs, which are upstream timeslots, and each is
identified by a particular ALLOC_ID. An ONU must have at least one T-CONT, but most
have several T-CONTs, each with its own priority or traffic class, and each corresponds to a
particular upstream timeslot on the PON. Without DBA support on the OLT, upstream
bandwidth is statically assigned to T-CONTs, which cannot be shared, and can be changed
only through a management system. [10]
Why DBA?
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
-Users can enjoy higher-bandwidth services, especially those requiring comparatively greater
change in terms of the bandwidth.
The OLT manages the GPON ONUs through the OMCI protocol.
OMCI is a configuration and transmission channel defined in the GPON standard. A
dedicated GEM port is set up between the OLT and the ONUs for transmitting the
OMCI messages.
After the ONU registration, the OMCI channel is set up. The OLT controls the
multiple ONUs connected to it through this OMCI channel.
The OMCI protocol supports the configuration of offline ONUs. The ONUs need not
store the configuration, which facilitates service provisioning.
A new framing mechanism called GEM can encapsulate both Ethernet and TDM
traffic on a GPON link.
GPON supports both upstream and downstream traffic at gigabit speeds. The G.984
specification defines GPON downstream speeds at either 1.25 or 2.5 Gbps and
upstream speeds of either 155, 622, 1.25 or 2.5 Gbps (both big leaps over existing
BPON systems). Most of the telecom service providers in North America have
adopted 2.5 Gbps downstream and 1.25 Gbps upstream as the standard speeds for
GPON provides better traffic management and security schemes with the new GPON
GPON will be able to support the emerging demand for switched digital video and
GPON helps drive network convergence:
In the last decade, there has been a lot of talk about broadband and VoIP services, but
few deployments because the enabling technologies were not proven and the last mile
infrastructure for broadband applications lacked sufficient bandwidth. Recently, the
enabling technologies for broadband and VoIP have become more mature. The growth
demand for HDTV with emerging IPTV creates a much bigger bandwidth requirement
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
into each premise. FTTP is the next major push for service providers to offer high-
quality triple-play services. GPON is seen as the technology choice to deliver FTTP
by the telecom companies because it can provide higher bandwidth, better QoS and
enhanced scalability when compared to other PON technologies.
Also, traditional TDM voice traffic is moving to IP packets and TV signals are moving
to digital MPEG packets. Most of broadband applications are packet-based, but have a
much lower margin of profit for the service providers when compared to traditional
voice services. Today’s overlay and traditional circuit-based infrastructure will
become less optimal for the new packet-based services as the profit margin decreases.
The vision of network convergence is coming back to reduce the cost of the existing
network with the focus on packet-based technologies like bridging, VLAN and MPLS.
They have less range than an active optical network, meaning subscribers must be
geographically closer to the central source of the data.
GPON also makes it difficult to isolate a failure when they occur. On the other hand,
because the bandwidth in a PON is not dedicated to individual subscribers, data
transmission speed may slow down during peak usage times in an effect known as
Latency quickly degrades services such as audio and video, which need a smooth rate
to maintain quality.
There are two possible ways to handle voice services—H.248 or SIP. The H.248-based POTS
voice service uses packetized voice frames and signaling to emulate a subscriber loop. An
external or integrated voice gateway system maps packetized voice and voice-signaling
frames to an interface on Class 5 switches.
The voice media channel is cut through all the way to the Class 5 switch as soon as the end
user goes off hook. All call progress tones and CLASS features are served from the switch
directly and passed transparently through the GPON access network.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Telecom companies plan to eventually replace their current circuit-switched Class 5 switches
with packet-based Soft switch platforms. Customer analog lines with RJ-11 connections from
the ONT will perform a TDM-to-VoIP function. The VoIP will be carried over Ethernet and
GEM in the GPON link and the voice traffic in IP packets across the network to the Soft
The primary role of SIP is to allow the caller and the called parties to contact each other and
set up, modify, and end various types of communication sessions such as voice calls and
video conferencing. The protocol components mentioned above deliver messages embedded
with the SDP protocol to define their content and characteristics and complete a SIP session.
2.7.2. GPON Data Applications
The primary GPON data application is high-speed Internet access via the 10/100/1000Base-T
Ethernet connections from the ONT. These are standard data connections and are compliant
with ANSI/IEEE 802.3.
For business DS1 private line applications, GPON uses either CES or traditional SONET for
transport. E-Line and E-LAN services are also possible business-oriented services that
provide a point-to-point transparent Ethernet connection via the GPON system.
2.7.3. GPON Video Applications
The delivery of television services over PON networks is accomplished using one of two
approaches: video overlay or IPTV.
In the video overlay model, a separate 1550 nm optical wavelength is used on the fiber to
transport video services between the OLT at the CO, or head end, and the ONT at the
subscriber location. In the IPTV model, video services are transported as digital data in the
same digital stream with other voice and data services on the fiber.
The video overlay approach uses WDM to combine the video and other optical transport
signals onto a single fiber. The video wavelength (at 1550 nm) carries a broadband analog RF
signal containing all TV signals and is independent of any other wavelength used for the PON
itself. Some carriers initially chose to deliver broadcast video using an RF overlay network.
The second model for providing TV services is over an IPTV network. Signal transport is
initiated automatically when a viewer selects a channel, triggering a request for service back
to the system CO.
The IPTV model operates as a bandwidth-on-demand system. When more than one viewer on
the PON is watching the same program, the signal need only be sent once over the PON, and
multicast techniques are used to connect to the single transport stream as many subscribers as
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
are viewing this signal. IGMP snooping/proxy is required to be supported in the OLT and
ONT to provide bandwidth efficiency in the access network.
Also, this approach is more cost-effective than the overlay model because it does not require a
separate optical overlay network and all the RF modulators and ONT receivers associated
with it.
GPON is seen as the choice of the future to deliver high-bandwidth and multiple broadband
services in the access network. GPON is also seen as a means to a packet-based converged
network under unified network management. The IEEE VLAN tagging and bridging model is
used initially to provide aggregation and switching services to residential and business
customers. However, there is a limitation on protection, fault tolerance and scalability when
the bridged Ethernet model is used. As the core network migrates to an MPLS-based network,
it makes more sense to extend MPLS and PW support to the edge of the network, and
eventually to the end point of the network.
The vision of network convergence is driven by packet-based services and the need for
CAPEX and OPEX savings. The evolution of technology and applications is beginning to
erase the barriers between different networks. Service providers can regain customers by
bundling voice, data, and video services together.
The need for a low cost, operationally efficient, and service performance guaranteed network
creates a lot of challenges for service providers and equipment vendors. The next-generation,
packet-based transport market is still in its early stages. However, the increased penetration of
new packet-based broadband wire line technologies such as GPON can help to push the
reality of network convergence even closer.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
3.1. Power Saving:
In the face of high energy costs and climate change concerns, power saving starts to play a
central role in the design and operation of information and telecommunication equipment.On
average a GPON access point is active only about 15 percent of the time, means to be in the
idle mode for about 85 percent. Therefore it is important to reduce the power consumption in
idle mode.
Two low power modes are described below:
Sleep Mode:
The basic idea behind a sleep mode for GPON is to switch off all PON related circuitry,
including optics, relevant packet processing, and storage engines when no traffic has to be
transmitted. An ONT/ONU decides to request to enter sleep mode based on status indicators,
such as traffic flow activity, UNI status, upper layer activity control messages or external
connected device indicators. In case the OLT grants the sleep mode request, the ONT/ONU
stops processing any kind of data for a configured time period derived from the GPON frame
counter. The OLT can prolong the sleeping period by putting waking ONTs back to sleep via
a broadcast OAM message. A sleeping ONT can at any time request to wake-up if upstream
traffic is waiting for transmission.
An ONU in operation can request sleep mode by sending a sleep request PLOAM message to
the OLT. The OLT can place the ONU in sleep mode by responding with a unicast sleep
approval PLOAM message containing the duration of sleep. On reception the ONU enters
sleep mode and wakes up after expiration of the sleep duration receiving all data the OLT has
buffered during the sleeping. The OLT can send ONUs back to sleep by broadcasting a sleep
cycle PLOAM message. At any time, an ONU detecting activity can request to wake-up by
sending a wake-up request PLOAM message to the OLT, which needs to approve with a
unicast wake-up approval PLOAM.
Power Shedding:
This mode offers the capability of shutting down unnecessary services in a power failure
event in order to preserve a certain number of hours (e.g. 8) of battery power for defined
minimum services (lifeline). The feature is modeled by UNI and could be extended to include
ONT/ONU core functions to achieve notable power saving even when on AC power.
A possible power saving mode based on power shedding could include the following features:
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
•ONU monitors the status of the UNIs based on reliable indicators such as physical link
activity (e.g. loss of signal, loss of carrier) independent of the service layer
•UNI related core functions can be switched off in case the UNI is switched off
•GEM ports (excluding OMCI port) pertaining to switched off UNIs can be disconnected,
stopping the flow into the ONT core functions and reducing traffic processing cycles.
Disconnected ports stay provisioned and can be connected on UNI request.
Power shedding is more effective than sleeping, since it mainly affects the PON related
circuitry and not so much UNIs and SoC functions. An ONU sleeping 80% of the time would
reduce the power consumption by 30% (3 Watts savings).
The efficiency of power shedding depends heavily on the traffic assumed. In the evaluation
below, it is assumed that the voice interface is used 5% and the data interface 20% of the
time. Under these conditions, 60% of the power can be saved (6 Watts savings). Aggressive
power shedding is twice as effective as the sleep mode. When combining both methods, 80%
of the power could be saved.
A suggested breakdown on the cost of the FTTH network is the use of more splitters. Splitters
and WDMs are worth the savings in fiber networks because adding more fiber to the network
would increase installation and thereby construction costs. Splitters do indeed save costs
because one splitter can substitute for many fibers connected point-to-point.
3.2.Long-reach PON
A single-sided extender enhancing the optical transceiver function of the OLT keeps the ODN
passive and allows for a limited budget increase.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
4.1. Overview of FTTX
The term FTTx is used to state how far a fiber run is (depending on where the PON
terminates). In FTTH, x is for home. You may also see it called FTTP (fiber to the
premises). Another variation is FTTB for fiber to the building. These three versions define
systems where the fiber runs all the way from the service provider to the customer.
In other forms, the fiber is not run all the way to the customer. Instead, it is run to an interim
node in the neighborhood. This is called FTTN for fiber to the node. Another variation is
FTTC, or fiber to the curb. Here too the fiber does not run all the way to the home. FTTC and
FTTN networks may use a customer’s UTP copper telephone line to extend the services at
lower cost. For example, a fast ADSL line carries the fiber data to the customer’s devices.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
-User VLAN is used to map the service type of the user’s side.
GEM port
-GEM port is used to carry traffic streams between the OLT and ONU
Service VLAN
-Service VLAN represents different kinds of services which are used in the
upper-layer network.
Service port
-Create a connection between the traffic of user’s side (user-VLAN) and the traffic of upper-
layer network (s-VLAN).
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
4.4.ONT Profiles
DBA Profile
A DBA profile describes the GPON traffic parameters. A T-CONT is bound to a DBA profile
for dynamic bandwidth allocation, improving the upstream bandwidth usage rate.
A line profile describes the binding between the T-CONT and the DBA profile, the QoS mode
of the traffic stream, and the mapping between the GEM port and the ONT-side service.
A service profile provides the service configuration channel for the ONT that is managed
through OMCI.
A service profile describes the ability of the ONT such as type of the port, quantity of the port
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The various tasks/activities carried out, and their procedures, are presented in this chapter.
5.1.Site Survey
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Ensure That:
-The power cable and ground cable are connected properly and are in good contact.
-The power cable, ground cable, and power distribution switch are labeled properly,
clearly and in an orderly manner.
-The connectors of the external ground cables and protection ground cables of the
cabinet are connected properly, without any damage.
Check the serial port cable for local maintenance, the network cable, optical fiber and
subscriber line, and ensure that:
-The physical position of the interconnection port of the upper layer device is correct.
-The upper layer device works in the normal state and can be used in the
Software package:
Ensure that the related files in the software package for the commissioning are
complete and the version of the software package is correct.
Software Commissioning tools:
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
-Check whether all the commissioning tools are available e.g. HyperTerminal: used
for logging in to the MSAN through the CLI. The tool is embedded in the Windows
-IPOP, Tera Term, etc. Requirements
1 Cables One serial port cable Used to connect the maintenance terminal to the
(one end is a RJ-45 MSAN for maintenance through the serial port.
network port connector
used to connect to the
board and the other
end is a DB-9 female
connector used to
connect to the
maintenance terminal)
Some spare optical Used to measure the optical power, service access,
fibers and upstream transmission.
3 Auxiliary One optical power Used to check the mean launched power, input
device and meter optical power, and other power values.
One optical attenuator Used to attenuate the input optical signal. It is used
on the port that receives the optical signal during
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
MSAN Commissioning
This is the process by which an MSAN (which is already installed, is complete or near
completion) is tested to verify if it functions according to the design objectives or
specifications. This is to ensure that the stand-alone MSAN works in the normal state.
After the hardware installation, a stand-alone MSAN should be commissioned to ensure that
the stand-alone MSAN works in normal state.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
OR: A serial port cable (one end is RJ-45 network port connector and the other is a
DB-9 female connector) could be used to connect the terminal to the console (CON)
port of the control board.
Logging into the System (through the serial port):
-A HyperTerminal application (e.g. IPOP, Tera Term) has to be installed.
-The parameters for the HyperTerminal (bits per second, flow control, parity, etc.)
should be configured.
-After configuring the parameters, press ENTER and provide the username and
password, according to the messages on the console.
Maintenance and management of the device can be done after logging in, through the
serial port.
Check the status of the MSAN Boards, by running the display board 0 command, to
query the status of all the boards, so as to ensure that all boards are Online and not in
Fault state.
Loading the Script:
The commands in the script can be run in batches by loading the script instead of
running the commands one by one. This decreases the time for configuring the service
and improves the efficiency for configuring the service, which facilitates the
Save the data
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
To ensure that the MSAN is on air (i.e. connected to the rest of the network), the LED
light associated to the uplink port has to be GREEN and then execute the ping <ip
address>command to ensure that the MSAN can see all other devices in the network.
The U2000 supports not only unified management of multi-domain equipment but also
unified management at the element and network layers. The U2000 has revolutionized
the layer-based management mode to meet the management requirements for
transforming from the existing vertical network to the flattened horizontal network.
The U2000 is a unified network management system (NMS) for multiple domains that
aim to minimize operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and to bring more network
benefits to carriers
The configuration of the FTTH services is done through the U2000, for easier
management and maintenance.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Right Click
Name it and
define the
type of DBA
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Right Click
Name it and define the Committed Information Rate (CIR), in other words bandwidth.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Define the
Right Click
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Name it and verify the properties (VlAN as Mapping mode and GEM Port CAR as
Qos Mode)
Goto Line, on T-CONT Info add a T-CONT and give a DBA profile
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
DBA Profiles
On the T-CONT
created RIGHT
choose ADD
GEM Port
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Fill in the properties of this GEM port and add its GEM connection
Choose a CAR
profile, ETH as
Service Type and
Encryption ON
Fill in the parameters of the GEM connection and Redo the T-CONT, GEM port and
GEM connection operation for the various VLANs required
adding T-
Ports and
untill all
services and
VLANs are
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Still in the Access Profile Management; for the GPON Profile option add a global
profile in the GPON Service Profile Tab. Name it and configure it.
Choose the
number of each
type of port on
the ONT, ie
2POTs,4ETH etc
Multi-cast Mode: IGMP Snooping
Multicast foward Mode : Untag
Go to UNI PORT tab and configure each of the ports with respect to the VLAN data
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
VLAN switch
Connect the ONT to the OLT port and make sure the latter is well connected with no
LOS alarm; according to the following image
Picture 5.2: (a) ONT on air and (b) ONT not on air
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Confirm the
ONU on the port
of the slot where
it is e.g 0/2
Go to Access profile Management and on the PON profile of the Navigation tree,
choose ONT VAS Profile. On the General ONT VAS Profile, Add an ONT general
VAS Profile
Internet service
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Voice service
Go to Services and Configure the Voice Service
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Configure the
interface of the
voice service Signalling protocol:SIP
DTMF Method :Inband
Addressing WAN Interface: WAN
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Service type:
HSI or VoiP VLAN Choice:Stacking
ONT side
configuration; user
VLAN; 10 for
20 for VoIP
Outer VLAN:1031(OLT) Inner
And 30 for IPtv,
VLAN:10 or 20 or 30 (Service VLAN)
service type: Multi-
Service VLAN
, and ONT GEM
port; 11 for Internt
12 for IPTV
And 13 for VoIP
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Right click
on ONT
Configure Value
Added Services
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Internet Service
Voice Service
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Choose the
WAN with
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
Choose the
specific OLT and
click OK
Labelling of fiber before connections were made to their respective devices. For
example, the labels at the router are different from those at the MSAN and iODF.
Optical Power Measurements (using an OPM). This was done in order to ensure that
the received signal power is in the required range (between -13dB and -28dB) and to
know whether there is any signal received, especially during troubleshooting.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The following problems where faced and solutions found as discussed below:
After configuring the uplinks of the MSANs, to ensure that the PE (Provider Edge) router is
connected to or can see the MSAN in the network, and that it can be accessed or seen by all
other devices in the network, I ran the ping <ip address> command on each of the MSANs
whose uplinks I configured.
Problems faced:
1. The uplink LEDs of some MSANs where OFF, implying that the links are DOWN.
2. One of the outdoor MSANs which was OFF (not electrically powered), indicated ON
at the router (the routers have LEDs which are ON when a link is UP, and OFF when
a link is DOWN).
Another outdoor MSAN which was powered, with uplink LED ON, indicated OFF at
the router.
3. A number of sites linked to a common C.O, were not able to “ping” the router or see
other devices in the network.
A. Very low or no optical signal power received at the MSAN due to fiber cut (s) or
power attenuation.
B. Wrong or incomplete configuration of the MSAN uplink boards.
C. Poor fiber splicing
D. Fiber connections within the C.O altered and/or poorly done. Some fibers (patch
cords) may have been wrongly labeled and connected to the wrong ports.
Solutions to:
Problem 1
An optical power meter was used to measure the optical power received at the MSAN. In
some sites, there was no power received (0dBm) due to cut (s) in the fiber along the ODN
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
In other sites, the signals received were too weak to be interpreted by the MSAN. This is as a
result of optical attenuation along the PON due to poor fiber splicing or bending of fiber
beyond the minimum bending radius.
Those in the transmission department, in charge of splicing, were alerted and action was taken
to solve the problem.
In one of the MSANs, the SNMP configuration was omitted from the configuration script, and
thus the uplink could not be up until it was configured.
The fibers from both MSANs were interchanged at the level of the router thus one MSAN
was receiving signals intended for the other, and vice versa.
Problem 3
The fiber connections between the router and the iODF, in the C.O, were poorly done. I
referred to the original data plan for the connections, and then I disconnected all the previous
patch cord connections, re-labeled them and reconnected them accordingly.
The ports on the router which correspond to the outdoor MSANs that were DOWN, came UP.
(DOWN=LED off and UP=LED on).
Returning to the respective outdoor MSAN sites, the uplink ports of some MSANs came UP
(indicated by a green LED). I reran the ping command and most of them where OK.
The MSANs can be accessed and added to the iManager U2000, for management purposes.
6.2.FTTH Deployment :
Problem faced:
One of our customers could not access the voice and data services.
Solution Attempts:
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
-I Went to the customer’s residence with a member of my team and measured the optical
power received (using an Optical Power Meter (OPM)) at the level of the pig-tail fiber that
connects to the user’s ONT.
-The power received was 0dBm, implying that no optical signals where received at the user’s
home, and thus no services.
-An OTDR was used to detect any fiber cut (s) along the network, after which a cut was
discovered and solved.
-The voice service was not yet okay after splicing the fiber where the cut was.
Going through the voice service configuration file within the ONT, I discovered that after the
upgrade of telephone numbers from 8digits to 9 digits, the user’s telephone number was not
upgraded as well.
I added a “2” before the previous number, in the configuration file and saved it
-Going through the configuration of the data service on the ONT, I discovered that the LAN
ports were disabled, so I enabled them.
- A voice call was made to that number and I could get the dial tone and talk with someone on
the other end. Thus the voice service was okay.
-I opened my browser and connected wirelessly to the ONT. I could browse the internet thus,
the data service was okay.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The FTTH project, although not yet complete, is working as required and has been successful
so far. 8 VIP users have access to the FTTH network (the IPTV service is not yet available) so
far, with a projection of connecting about 800 users by the end of March.
In the five months that I spent in Huawei, I gained considerable knowledge in the
telecommunication field, both practical and theoretical.
Carriers cannot easily predict what applications will be critical for consumers and business
users in five years but an important part of the appeal of FTTH access networks is that they
will provide ample bandwidth for 5, 10 and even 20 years or more.
1) 10 GPON would increase the speed of a single electrical broadband feed to 10G;
2) WDM-PON would use wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) to split each signal into
32 branches.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
The latest version of GPON is a 10-Gigabit version called XGPON, or 10G-PON. As the
demand for video and over the top (OTT) TV services has increased, there is an increasing
need to boost line rates to handle the massive data of high-definition video. XGPON serves
this purpose. The ITU standard is G.987.
XGPON’s maximum rate is 10 Gbits/s (9.95328) downstream and 2.5 Gbits/s (2.48832)
upstream. Different WDM wavelengths are used; 1577 nm downstream and 1270nm
upstream. This allows 10-Gbit/s service to coexist on the same fiber with standard GPON.
Optical split is 1:128, and data formatting is the same as GPON. Maximum range is still 20
km. XGPON is not yet widely implemented but provides an excellent upgrade path for service
providers and customers.
It is still early, but one general trend we see is more interest in 10 Gbps GPON for business or
enterprise services. There’s an expectation that GPON, because of the way it was standardized
by FSAN and the ITU, is a little more stringent in meeting service level agreements.
There are a number of alternatives on how to do 10G. It depends on your confidence level in
your optics and your assumptions about span design. If you want to maintain 20 km and 32-
way splits, you have to increase your launch power on 10G or have very good receiver
designs that can handle signals with low receive levels. There’s going to be varying points of
view from technology companies: increase power, reduce split ratios, shorten distances, have
really good receiver designs (or combinations of those things) or go to parallel modulations. A
lot of different approaches will be suggested, and it will boil down to: What’s your
assumption of [outside plant] span design? Do you still think you have to meet 20 km and 32-
way splits? That was driven very much by a North American model — typical suburbia. If
you think your main markets are going to be high-density big cities in Asia or Europe, 32-way
splits with 20 km may not make sense.
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON
[2]Joe Trost, “An Overview of GPON in the Access Network”, November 14, 2008
[5] http://www.lanode.com/products/msans-multi-service-access-nodes.html
[7] Mahmoud M. Al-Quzwini, “Design and Implementation of a Fiber to the Home FTTH
Access Network based on GPON”
[8] Antony Pius KG S7, ECE. Govt. Engg. College, Wayanad, “Gpon FTTH Marketing and
[10] https://sites.google.com/site/amitsciscozone/home/gpon/gpon-fundamentals
[13] www.huawei.com
[14] Cedric Lam, “Passive Optical Networks, Principles and Practice”, Elsevier 2007
High-Speed Broadband Access based on GPON