Chubb Environmental Report PDF
Chubb Environmental Report PDF
Chubb Environmental Report PDF
Environmental Report
About Chubb
Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company.
With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and
personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental
health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. As an
underwriting company, we assess, assume and manage risk with insight and discipline.
We service and pay our claims fairly and promptly. The company is also defined by its
extensive product and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptional
financial strength and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limited is
listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P
500 index. Chubb maintains executive offices in Zurich, New York, London and
other locations, and employs approximately 31,000 people worldwide. Additional
information can be found at:
Chubb Environmental Report
Chubb and the Climate change is an important and serious
issue for the global insurance industry
Chubb’s solutions also include
coverages for premise-based exposures,
At a Glance related risks posed by such change. projects, as well as “green building”
consulting services and a property
With operations in 54 countries and policy that enables greener rebuilding
territories, Chubb’s business and after a loss. In addition, Chubb provides
operating models are exposed to the incentives and discounts to certain
full impact of global climate change. At property customers for environmentally
Chubb, we recognize that a changing friendly behaviors.
climate affects everyone — our customers,
employees, shareholders, business
partners and the people who live and
work in the communities we serve.
The company has had a formal program to
Chubb’s Corporate Environmental
measure, record and reduce greenhouse
Program is now in its eleventh year.
gas (GHG) emissions in its own operations
We continue to be on the forefront in
since 2006. Between 2006 and 2012,
addressing environmental issues and
a period that preceded ACE Limited’s
the implications of climate change for all
January 2016 acquisition of The Chubb
areas of our business. We are proud of the
Corporation, GHG emissions at ACE were
progress we have made and are committed
reduced 27% per employee, far exceeding
to taking further steps to make meaningful
the original goal of an 8% reduction per
improvements in the environment.
employee. From 2015 to 2017, Chubb
reduced absolute global GHG emissions by
11%. The company will continue to deploy
Products & Services successful approaches for GHG emissions
reduction, including installing energy-
As a global insurance company, assessing efficient lighting and equipment and more
risk is a core competency and strength efficient use of office space.
for Chubb. The company is a leader
in developing insurance products and
risk management services that facilitate
market-based solutions to environmental Philanthropy
and climate-related issues. Today,
The environment is a priority in Chubb’s
Chubb is among the world’s largest
corporate philanthropy.
global underwriters of environmental
liabilities and pollution risks. In the U.S.,
Chubb supports communities around
Chubb is also a leader in meeting the
the world in which our employees
insurance and risk engineering needs of
live and work through our established
clean technology companies, including
philanthropic entities and via company-
renewable and alternative energy
sponsored volunteer initiatives. For
providers, manufacturers and software
example, grants from the Chubb charitable
and hardware companies.
foundations have helped preserve
sensitive lands and habitats across the
U.S. and around the world, finance green
business entrepreneurs, and support
educational programs that promote a
healthy and sustainable environment.
The reduction from 2015 to 2017 in
absolute global GHG emissions.
the CDP’s climate change
program ranking
Number of trees the company has
planted through its Environmental
Risk Business’s sponsorship of
Number of acres of threatened lands and waters in the U.S. Chubb has
American Forests’ ReLeaf Program helped save through its support of The Conservation Fund
since 2007
Number of years
of Chubb’s The proportion of the Global
Corporate Cleantech 100, the top private
Environmental innovation companies in
Program clean tech, insured by Chubb
Perspective on
Climate Change
At Chubb, our business involves providing Global insured losses from catastrophe
clients with insurance and reinsurance events were the highest-ever recorded in
protection from the impact of natural a single year. It was the second costliest
catastrophes, including weather events North Atlantic hurricane season since
that are more frequent or severe. Over 2005. Last year was also a record year for
time, we’ve seen an increasing trend wildfires. Major wildfires across the globe
in extreme weather events — floods, resulted in combined insurance losses of
drought, heat waves and hurricane $14 billion, the highest ever.
intensity — and recognize that climate
change is a contributor. Many of these natural catastrophes are
affecting human environments that
Chubb recognizes that a changing climate are now more densely populated and,
affects everyone — customers, employees, therefore, more vulnerable.
shareholders, business partners and the
communities we serve. In his 2017 letter Global sea levels are also rising at an
to shareholders, Evan Greenberg, Chubb accelerated rate and, as the National
Chairman and CEO, wrote, “The evidence Aeronautics and Space Administration
of climate change is immediately has reported, global sea levels rose about
apparent, profound and disturbing. It can 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last
be found in its extremes — from drought century. However, the rate of this increase
to flooding — with rising sea levels and has doubled that of the last century2.
warmer oceans likely contributing to
large wind events that contain more In addition, since 1950 in the U.S., the
moisture or creating weather patterns number of record high temperatures has
favorable to massive wildfire conditions.” been increasing, while the number of low
temperature events has been decreasing.
According to a 2018 Swiss Re Sigma According to the World Meteorological
study, total global economic losses from Organization’s 2017 Statement on Global
natural and man-made disasters were Climate, 2017 was one of the world’s three
$337 billion, almost double the losses in warmest years on record3.
2016 and the second highest on record1.
1 Swiss Re Sigma Study No 1/2018, Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2017; a year of record-breaking losses
2 Environmental Protection Agency, Climate Change Indicators in the United States: Sea Level – Updated August 2016
7 3 World Meteorological Organization, Statement on the State of Global Climate in 2017; WMO-No. 1212
4 World Health Organization, Fact Sheet on Climate Change and Health; Feb., 2018
Recent research from the National As a leading insurer, Chubb continues
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to implement innovative ways to
has stated that because of increasing engage with its policyholders and other
temperatures, ideal wildfire conditions constituencies in managing climate
have resulted in large fires impacting change risk. These include:
the Western part of the U.S. As stated
in Chubb’s Annual Report, in 2017 • Advising policyholders in catastrophe-
we experienced the largest wildfire prone areas of the potential risk
in California history by both the management benefits of mitigation,
amount of acreage destroyed (288,000 including the transition away from such
acres) and the amount of insured loss areas
(approximately $9 billion), with estimated • Providing innovative risk-mitigating
industry insured losses for all California insurance solutions to companies that
wildfires likely exceeding $12 billion. must operate with climate change risks
• Providing risk engineering services to
The impact of global climate change
help clients mitigate supply chain and
extends beyond natural disasters and
weather events in ways that are a direct global operations risks from exposures
threat to human health. For example, related to a changing climate
the World Health Organization’s July • Working with governmental agencies
2017 Fact Sheet on Climate Change and on mutually beneficial insurance
Health notes that between 2030 and capacity solutions in catastrophe-prone
2050, climate change is expected to cause areas
approximately 250,000 additional deaths • Consulting with policyholders on a
per year from malnutrition, malaria, targeted basis regarding their own
diarrhea and heat stress4. carbon footprint management
Managing Risk Managing risk is core to Chubb. Standard
& Poor’s rating of Chubb’s enterprise risk
to the developing risk exposures attributed
to climate change. Since the earth’s
Chubb recognizes
that a changing
climate affects
everyone —
partners and the
we serve. natural catastrophe losses and this has analysis ranges from the known (based
led to an overall rise in the industry’s on definitive historical loss experience)
perception of risk. to the hypothetical (based on a probable
maximum loss (PML) calculation).
The natural catastrophes of 2017 included
both modeled and non-modeled losses.
For example, the insurance industry’s
flood models for Houston did not
correctly anticipate the extent of flood
Chubb incorporates risk mitigation
risk: the city suffered three one-in-100
services through its risk management
year floods in an 18-month period,
and site surveys, specification of terms
including Hurricane Harvey. As Mr.
and conditions in policies and the
Greenberg has noted, “Models provide an
development of sound underwriting
organized framework for thinking; they
guidelines into the underwriting of
don’t represent truth.”
catastrophe-exposed products (e.g.,
property, energy, marine or crop
The lessons learned from such events —
coverage). Chubb’s modeling and
new assessments of building performance
underwriting approach allows for risk —
and improved understanding of how a
and hence price — differentiation across
convergence of conditions can increase
our client base.
losses in a severe catastrophe — enable us
to incorporate the latest knowledge in our
Clients that mitigate risk — through
modeled loss estimates.
retrofitting buildings to comply with
updated building codes, installation
Chubb accounts for the potential impact
of hurricane shutters and relocating
of catastrophe and climate risks on the
exposures away from coastlines and
company’s own facilities and operations.
flood plains — will have lower insurance
Direct risk to Chubb’s business operations
costs than those that do not. Chubb also
exists if such weather events occur
makes use of terms and conditions, such
where Chubb has offices. Severe weather
as sub-limits, coverage restrictions and
events have tested Chubb’s business
deductibles, to ensure appropriate risk
continuity program and operations
selection and potentially reward certain
have functioned effectively. Chubb’s risk
policyholder behavior.
Chubb invests
continually to
upgrade and
refine its risk
management tools
for catastrophes
such as floods and
Our Products Chubb is committed to developing
insurance products and risk management
• Green property insurance
• Political risk and trade credit
Environmental Liability Insurance reporting via phone, web or mobile whitepapers that provide perspectives to
device and has demonstrated it can both businesses on emerging risks and insights
Chubb is fully aware that specialized reduce environmental damage and lower into how to manage these risks to avoid
environmental risks present a unique claim costs by as much as 20% to 25%. future environmental exposures. Titles
combination of scientific, political and include: Electronic Waste: Managing the
financial factors that require specific Chubb’s product line also includes Environmental and Regulatory Challenges;
technical expertise and local knowledge. catastrophe management coverage, Agricultural Businesses Face Unrecognized
As environmental regulation and which handles the cost of services to Environmental Risks and New Business
awareness has increased, coverages for maintain and restore public confidence Models, Technology Raise Professional
environmental liabilities are growing following an environmental catastrophe. Liability Risks for Contractors.
in demand, not only from traditional Outside the U.S., the company’s
“polluting” industries, such as energy core environmental products are
and chemical companies, but also from sold through Chubb Global Markets
Renewable Energy Initiative
other organizations that own land or at Lloyd’s of London. Among the
have potential liability. These include broad range of bundled/unbundled
The renewable energy sector is another
governments, real estate owners and environmental engineering and risk
major product area for Chubb, particularly
developers, manufacturers, agricultural minimization services available for Chubb
in light of the increased global attention
entities and global consumer brands. Environmental Risk insureds are:
on climate change. The desire to develop
Chubb monitors more than 3,400 clean, efficient alternative sources of
environmental regulations awaiting • Evaluation of existing waste
energy is leading to the planning and
attention from legislators and regulators management protocol/disposal site
construction of renewable energy projects
around the globe, all with the potential selection
around the world.
to alter how commercial clients conduct • Evaluation of existing mold, asbestos
their business. These include both new and lead management plans
These projects take many different
initiatives as well as increased enforcement • Evaluation of existing underground
forms: biomass/biofuel, biogas, fuel
of existing laws and regulations. storage tank management programs
cell, methane extraction facilities, solar,
• Evaluation of spill prevention, control
wind, geothermal, hydro energy and
To meet strong and growing demand, and countermeasure (SPCC) plans
manufacturers of solar panels, wind
Chubb has bolstered its environmental • Mock regulatory audits for point source
turbines and wind turbine components.
underwriting staff and offers many pollutants into surface waters, air
Chubb addresses risks that occur in the two
innovative products, including Global pollutants and solid waste pollution (for
main phases of a typical renewable energy
Premises Pollution Liability (PPL) compliance with the National Pollutant
project — construction and operation.
and Contractors’ Pollution Liability Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Construction risks range from delay in start-
(CPL) policies for U.S. multinational and the Resource Conservation and
up to public or employer liability, whereas
corporations doing business at home Recovery Act (RCRA))
operation risks range from business
and abroad. The CPL and PPL programs • Training (mold awareness,
interruption to premises pollution.
combine insurance with technical underground storage tank program
support to help contractors reduce their management, 24 HAZWOPER for Chubb partners with a variety of
environmental exposure. Also, Chubb’s hazardous waste operations, etc.) companies to provide risk engineering
Hazardous Material/Waste Transportation • Storage tank operator training expertise in the following capabilities:
product line offers safety and claims business continuity assessment,
Chubb has demonstrated its leadership
services for hazardous materials and equipment breakdown inspections,
in insuring environmental risks in
hazardous waste transporters. maintenance program reviews, pollution
other ways. The company has provided
information to the National Association risk assessments, and many others.
Another innovative product is Chubb’s
of Insurance Commissioners and
Environmental Incident Alert program,
individual state insurance regulators in
which facilitates more rapid dispatching
the U.S. related to climate change risks
of incident-response contractors as
and related company policies. Chubb
well as real-time monitoring of clean-up
also periodically produces and sponsors
costs. The program offers 24/7 incident
• Software and hardware companies,
including energy efficiency and smart
grid technologies
• Emerging companies, including
those in R&D stage with a focus on
• Manufacturers and service providers,
especially component parts
manufacturers or distributors supporting
clean technologies, renewable energy
producers and clean transportation
There are premium
credits available
to customers that
buy “preventative
measures” coverage.
Green Building Restoration Consulting Services and safety personnel at their locations
as necessary to meet their health, safety
Chubb works with public and private Chubb clients also receive a and the environment (HSE) objectives.
stakeholders worldwide to develop risk full complement of traditional Other services offered by our personal
transfer and risk management services environmental consulting in the lines unit includes wildfire defense
that allow for innovative responses to following categories: wastewater services and infrared camera scans
the additional risks associated with management, waste management, of clients’ homes to identify areas for
implementing green initiatives. Chubb’s air quality management, emergency improved energy efficiency.
Green Property Insurance policy provides preparedness and response, reporting,
coverage for commercial businesses environmental management systems
that desire to rebuild to a “greener” including ISO 14001, as well as Other Coverages
standard in the event of a loss to an sustainability and environmental
existing building. This includes: energy- impact analysis and reduction. Chubb Coverages such as property catastrophe,
efficient appliances, electronics, heating provides services such as industrial crop and business interruption insurance
and cooling systems, interior plumbing hygiene assessments; regulated and are significant businesses for Chubb, and
systems and lighting fixtures; low volatile hazardous materials management and the company continues to invest in these
organic compound (VOC) paints, primers, remediation oversight; environmental businesses and in developing solutions
solvents, finishes and adhesives; low due diligence; and Leadership in Energy to help clients manage the physical risks
emissions carpet and floor coverings; and Environmental Design (LEED) and posed by climate change. Today, Chubb
or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) regulatory compliance consultation. is one of the leading crop insurers in the
certified wood. There are also premium Customized Environmental Protection U.S. through the company’s Rain and Hail
credits available to customers that buy Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety subsidiary. Chubb Agribusiness insures
“preventative measures” coverage, and Health Administration (OSHA) companies that manufacture, process
which provides the policyholder up to a compliance training programs and and distribute agricultural products. In
certain amount of money if the insured services are also provided. Programs in addition, our Global Weather coverages
has certain mitigation features in place. asbestos, lead-based paint and microbial help clients insure against unpredictable
These policies encourage actions from management, and water intrusion weather conditions and climate change,
Chubb’s customers that help to reduce prevention are also offered. Accredited protecting their assets around the world
GHG emissions. compliance staff are also available to against damage or loss due to adverse
augment clients’ environmental, health, weather conditions.
Our Operations One of the primary objectives of Chubb’s
Corporate Environmental Program is
The company’s emissions are third-party
verified to ISO 14064-3 standards. Chubb
to measure, record and reduce GHG also reports its GHG emissions data and
emissions. As an insurance company, related activities to CDP, an international,
Chubb has a modest environmental not-for-profit organization providing the
facilitate market-
environmental program in 2006, about sustainability organization. ACE and
a decade before it acquired The Chubb Chubb were two of only 22 insurers out of
based solutions to Corporation and adopted the Chubb
name globally. By 2012, the company
148 analyzed to earn this distinction. The
report, Insurer Climate Risk Disclosure
current and pending had reduced its GHG emissions 27% per Survey Report & Scorecard: 2016 Findings
environmental and
employee, far exceeding its original goal. & Recommendations, ranked insurance
From 2015 to 2017, Chubb reduced its companies based on five core areas:
climate-related absolute global GHG emissions by 11%. governance structures to address climate
risk; climate risk management programs;
issues. The company first developed its
Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory
use of catastrophe and other computer
modeling tools to manage climate risk;
Management and Reduction Plan in engagement with stakeholders; and
2007, when ACE joined the voluntary greenhouse gas emissions measurement
Climate Leaders initiative sponsored and reduction.
by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). The plan included global To achieve our GHG reduction goals,
emissions reporting, the establishment we have aggressively worked to make
of a reduction goal and a strategy for reductions within our operations. Our
achieving the goal. plan focuses on reducing our energy
consumption at the facility level —
While the EPA’s Climate Leaders primarily in our owned buildings and
program was discontinued in late 2011, larger, long-term leased spaces. Chubb
our Corporate GHG Inventory Program created a targeted energy policy for
is still actively using its methodology, its operations in Europe, a region that
which is based on the World Resources includes 19 countries. The policy aims to
Institute and the World Business reduce GHG emissions by establishing
Council for Sustainable Development building energy benchmarks and
(WRI/WBCSD) GHG Protocol for data pursuing short-term objectives that
collection and analysis. We gained reduce energy consumption within the
valuable knowledge and skill related region. As part of this policy, Chubb has
to climate change issues through the conducted an energy audit at its
Climate Leaders initiative, and are proud
to have been one of only a few insurance
company partners in the program.
London, U.K. office, for example, and has
identified GHG reduction opportunities 2017 GHG Emissions Profile
that have been implemented successfully
to date. Projects in London include: Profile by Scope
increased chiller temperature set points, In tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e)
AHU heat recovery and changing plant
running times. A number of other
projects are still in planning stage, but Scope 1 (Indirect) 52,921
the energy efficiency projects that have
been implemented have reduced energy Scope 2 (Direct) 27,211
consumption at the building.
2017 GHG Inventory Data
Absolute Emissions (C02 - eq. (metric tons))
From 2015 to 2017
80,132 88,482 89,980 Chubb reduced
its absolute GHG
emissions by 11%
In 2017, Chubb completed an energy One of our largest buildings in North Employee Engagement
audit for one of the company’s largest America, in Philadelphia, earned LEED
facilities located in Whitehouse Station, Silver certification in 2009, becoming Our employees globally play a role in
N.J. The results of this energy audit are the city’s first LEED-certified existing supporting the company’s environmental
currently being evaluated, and energy building. Over the next five years, the commitment.
saving initiatives will be implemented company increased the amount of energy
where feasible in order to further reduce efficient lighting (raising the Energy In recent years, employees helped the
GHG emissions. Star score from 73 to an 84), supported company achieve substantial progress on
alternative commuting methods (public the following five initiatives:
Emissions from mobile combustion — transportation, walking, biking, etc.)
which account for 27% of the company’s and implemented other green building • Establishing recycling programs in all
GHG inventory — include our global initiatives at the location. In November eligible offices
fleet of vehicles and aircraft. Chubb 2014, the Philadelphia building earned • Discontinuing the use of disposable
manages its flight-related emissions by LEED Gold recertification. plastic water bottles
operating new, ultramodern jet aircraft • Removing all disposable Styrofoam
equipped with the latest engines, wings In 2011, our Bermuda executive office products in offices
and avionic design technologies, making building was awarded LEED Gold • Purchasing only sustainable copy paper
them leaders in their respective aircraft Certification under the LEED for Existing in all offices
categories for efficient flying. These Buildings: Operations and Maintenance • Reducing paper consumption by 5%
advanced capabilities allow Chubb’s rating system, making it the first building Volunteers in offices undertake
aircraft to operate at very high altitudes on the island to earn LEED certification. environmental projects on a local scale.
and consume less fuel. These advanced In 2014, Chubb was one of the first For example, in Philadelphia, the local
aircraft also fly optimal routes, which companies to engage with the USGBC to Chubb Green committee implemented
have shorter distances between world adopt the LEED Dynamic Plaque system a composting program in the building’s
destinations, saving fuel and, ultimately, for the building. Dynamic Plaque is a cafeteria. Due in part to this initiative,
the release of GHGs. building performance and monitoring Chubb diverts 60% of all waste in the
tool. It is continually scoring the building building from a landfill. In Bermuda,
Chubb has implemented green building based on five different categories: local teams created a Chubb vegetable
practices and, in a number of locations, energy, water, waste, transportation garden, and the produce is served in the
has pursued the U.S. Green Building and human experience. Because the building’s cafeteria.
Council’s LEED certification. Green building is continuously being scored on
building practices help improve indoor a one-to-100 scale, the LEED Dynamic In late 2017, employees at the company’s
air quality, address resource management Plaque encourages stakeholders to Whitehouse Station, N.J. office
and reduce building water use. make meaningful improvements to the participated in a series of sustainability
building based on observations gained trainings aimed at educating employees
from their score. on sustainability, green building and the
company’s own environmental goals.
Our Philanthropy The environment is a priority in Chubb’s
corporate philanthropy. The Chubb
The Bermuda National Trust plays
a leading role in environmental
charitable foundations and the company’s stewardship in Bermuda. For over 20
employees support a wide range of years, Chubb has supported the Trust
environmental philanthropies and with nearly $450,000 grants to help
volunteer activities in local communities preserve precious natural reserves and
around the world. Through these woodlands by removing invasive species,
initiatives, Chubb promotes a healthy and planting native flora, grass sowing,
sustainable planet. landscaping and picking up litter.
Chubb’s charitable
foundation grants
have helped preserve
sensitive lands and
habitats, finance
green business
entrepreneurs, and
support educational
programs that
promote a healthy
and sustainable
environment in the
U.S. and around
the world.
Our Engagement
In 2017, Chubb joined the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate
sustainability project in the world. Chubb formally committed to making the
Compact’s environmental principles part of the culture and day-to-day operations of
the company.
Membership in the Business Roundtable (BRT), which supports collective actions that
will lead to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on a global basis. Each year,
Chubb Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg outlines the company’s environmental
commitment and achievements in BRT’s Sustainability Report.
Additional Information & Resources
Chubb Group
Chubb Website: Chubb and the
Chubb’s CDP Responses and Scores
(free registration required)
Supporting Partnerships
Business Roundtable
Geneva Association
Insurance Information Institute
Reinsurance Association of America
UN Global Compact
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services.
For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at Insurance provided by U.S. based Chubb
underwriting companies. All products may not be available in all states. Coverage is subject to the language of the
1 policies as actually issued. Ed. 6/18