Training or Work Visa Requirement For Exchange Program

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Staff Exchange/Transfer Program

Training/Work Visa Requirement of Different Countries

Name of Country: INDONESIA

You only need to fill in the requirement of your preferred countries. Please refer to the Questionnaire Summary on next worksheet as a reference to the preference of your country indicated interest before.

Staffs from other countries

Items to check come to my country for My staffs go to Australia My staffs go to Singapore My staffs go to UK My staffs go to USA My staffs go to Hong Kong My staffs go My staffs go My staffs go My staffs go My staffs go
to Philippines to Vietnam to Indonesia to Malaysia to Pakistan
training or work

1. Business Visa fo stay up

Training/Work Visa with
Business Visa with Work to 3 months No specific Visa required work permit for Training No specific Visa required
Type of Visa required 2. Occupational Trainee but require letter of Business Visa but require letter of
Permit Visa sponsorship and Work Experience sponsorship
Scheme (TWES)
for stay up to 2 years

Short period Short period

Duration of the 60 days an dpossibly Subject to approval (refer Subject to approval in Short period (up to 1 year) Subject to approval Subject to approval in
training/work visa extended to 6 months point above) Subject to approval following interview
Singapore Hong Kong

Require the local office to Require the local office to Require the local office to
Special requirement from Require the local office to Require the local office to Require the local office to
the applicant provide letter of provide letter of apply for sponsorship apply for sponsorship provide letter of apply for sponsorship
sponsorship sponsorship sponsorship

Other Remarks

Completed by: xxxxxxx

Date: 7 March 2005

Thank you very much for completing the checklist!

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