Idoc - Pub Physical Education Lesson Plan 2

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Education Lesson
Ball Pass

By: Ashley Jordan & Brittany Sloan

National Association for
Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)
Content Standards
Standard 2:
Students demonstrate understanding of
movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
• Standard 1
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills
and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
• Students learn to utilize cognitive information to achieve mature (proficient) fundamental
motor skills. Knowledge and application of movement concepts (body, spatial,
directional, and temporal awareness), relationships, and strategies enhance
independent learning and effective participation in physical activity.
• 2.2.3 Identify and apply the basic elements for efficient locomotor, nonlocomotor,
stability, and manipulative skills.
INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale
• Standard #7 Planning for Instruction
The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well
as knowledge of learners and the community content.

Name of Artifact: Physical Education Lesson Plan

Date: October, 16, 2013
Course: EDUC 240

Brief Description: For this assignment, I developed a physical education lesson plan that documents
the steps I will utilize as an educator when teaching a physical activity to my students. In this lesson
plan, I have included state and national standards, objectives for my lesson plan, and methods for
teaching the lesson.

Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #7, Planning for Instruction, I selected to

include my Physical Education Lesson Plan because this assignment demonstrates my ability to plan a
lesson plan for my students involving physical activity. I have paid attention to what grade this lesson
is for and gave appropriate skills and goals for the grade. I have also set up an action plan for safety
concerns and accommodations for all students.
Lesson Objectives
Grade Level K-2
Activity can be done in classroom, but would probably work best outside or
in gym
Equipment Needed: Basketball (possibly smaller, softer ball)
Students will make a chest pass with a basketball
Warm-up activity will take 5 minutes
Lesson Activity will take 15-20 minutes
Closing Activity will take 5 minutes

• Students will be able to improve their proficiency in the

skill of basketball passing.
• Students will be able to perform passing skills using
the proper cues of the chest pass.
• Demonstrate competency in many movement
forms and proficiency in a few movement forms
• Demonstrate responsible personal and social
behavior in physical activity settings
• Passing Relay:
Set up two lines. Set up students in designated spots in each line.
Students will then pass the ball on down the line starting at one end of
the gym to the other end of the gym. When the last person gets the pass,
he/she will dribble to the front of the line. Then students will rotate to the
next spot in line. The race ends when the person at the front of the line is
at the end of the line. Discuss safety rules before beginning the relay (eye
contact before passing, receivers give targets, and pass at a safe speed).
• Begin by discussing and demonstrating the cues of the chest pass.

Chest Pass Cues (bend, extend, release):

• Square body.
• Thumbs against chest -- elbows bent and out.
• Step toward the target.
• Extend arms -- fully release ball to target.
• Thumbs should now be pointed down.
• At the end of class, review by asking the following questions:
• Where should your thumbs be pointing after a chest pass? (downward)
• Before you pass, what should you make sure your partner is doing? (eye
contact; targets)
TRUNK LEAN No trunk lean Minimal to Slight forward Powerful forward
exaggerated trunk lean lean
FINGER Fingers on bottom Fingers directly Fingers on side of Fingers in relaxed
PLACEMENT and/or top of ball behind ball ball and slightly correct position on
behind the ball ball
STEP No step Minimal step Full-stride step Step forward in
forward forward direction of throw
ARMS—CHEST Arms have little to Arms partially Arms extended Arms fully
no extension extended after toward target extended with
ball is released after releasing added wrist action

Kovar, S. K., Combs, C. A., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., & Worrell, V. J. , 2012.
Pg. 475
• Students could pass the ball from a sitting position
• Students could use a smaller, softer ball
• Students could stand still instead of stepping out with pass
• Students could work on other passes (e.g. overhead pass or bounce pass)
• Kovar, S. K., Combs, C. A., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., & Worrell, V. J.
(2012). Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators
(4th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.

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