Review Article: Health, Wellness, and Safety Aspects of The Consumption of Kombucha

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2015, Article ID 591869, 11 pages

Review Article
Health, Wellness, and Safety Aspects of
the Consumption of Kombucha

Mindani I. Watawana, Nilakshi Jayawardena,

Chaminie B. Gunawardhana, and Viduranga Y. Waisundara
Functional Food Product Development Project, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantane Road, 20000 Kandy, Sri Lanka

Correspondence should be addressed to Viduranga Y. Waisundara;

Received 10 September 2015; Revised 24 November 2015; Accepted 2 December 2015

Academic Editor: Tzortzis Nomikos

Copyright © 2015 Mindani I. Watawana et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Functional foods have been identified as whole foods and fortified, enriched, or enhanced products which have a potentially
beneficial effect on health when consumed as part of a varied diet on a regular basis, at effective levels. As consumer awareness
on functional food escalates, the interest towards conducting scientific studies in this field has also proportionately increased.
Many of the traditional food products are known to possess bioactive components, thus qualifying as functional food. Kombucha
tea is produced by fermenting sugared black tea with a mixed culture of yeast and bacteria. Kombucha tea has gained immense
popularity in recent times due to many associated health benefits. The therapeutic effects of this beverage are thought to be derived
from the chemical composition of this beverage, mainly the polyphenols and secondary metabolites which are produced during
fermentation. However, the safety aspects of the beverage also need to be taken into account when qualifying the beverage as a
functional food. Nevertheless, Kombucha tea could be easily recognized as a beverage which is able to replace the consumption of
carbonated beverages due to its possession of health benefits and therapeutic properties.

1. Kombucha: Preparation and to a mild vinegar-like taste, thus increasing the consumer
Fermentation Process acceptability of the flavor and other sensory aspects of the
beverage [4, 5]. The microbial composition of the Kombucha
Kombucha tea is known under different names throughout tea culture is known to vary from one culture to another
the world such as red tea fungus, Champignon de longue depending on factors such as geographic location, climate,
vie, Ling zhi, kocha kinoko, Chainii grib, and Chainii kvass the local species of bacteria and yeast, and the source of
[1]. It is traditionally prepared by fermenting sugared black the inoculum [6]. In some studies it has been proven that
tea with a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria. This the use of different Kombucha starter cultures can cause a
beverage is thought to have originated in China over 2000 development of different antioxidant activity pathways even
years ago [2], while there are many historical reports of though the same substrate has been used [1, 7].
this beverage being consumed in countries such as Russia, The yeast and bacteria involved in this microbial fer-
Germany, and the Middle East as well [3]. In many countries mentation form a mat-like pellicle known as a “tea fungus.”
this beverage is produced in large-scale for commercial use The yeast component of this culture commonly consists
as well as in domestic conditions. Despite being a fermented of osmophilic yeast species, while the bacterial component
beverage, the flavor of Kombucha tea is considered to be includes acetic acid bacteria. In many studies it has been
satisfactory and nonacrimonious, though mildly acidic and found that the dominant acetic acid bacterial species found in
mildly alcoholic, similar in taste to apple cider [4]. As the the microbial cultures are Acetobacter xylinum, A. xylinoides,
fermentation progresses, the taste of Kombucha tea changes A. aceti, A. pausterianus, and Bacterium gluconicum [5].
from a pleasantly fruity, sour, lightly, and sparkling flavor The dominant yeast strains were found out to be Kloeckera
2 Journal of Chemistry

Approximately 50 g of white sugar is dissolved in 1 liter of boiling concentration of the compounds found in this beverage also
water differ with the starter culture, amount of starter culture used,
type of tea, and type of sugar [6]. Even though traditionally
black tea is being used as the substrate, Kombucha prepared
Approximately 5 g of tea leaves are added to the mixture and
allowed to infuse for 5 min
by other substrates such as green tea and oolong tea are
commonly available. Green tea has shown to have a better
stimulation effect on the Kombucha fermentation compared
The tea leaves and filtered and allowed to cool to room with black tea fermentation and this leads to formation of
the product in a shorter period of time [11, 12]. In some
rare instances this beverage has been prepared by lemon
The cooled tea is added to a sterile glass jar and inoculated balm tea, mulberry tea, jasmine tea, and peppermint tea
with the freshly grown Kombucha starter culture [6, 11, 13]. The resulting broth is filtered out and the liquid
portion is consumed. The tea fungus which is initially added
to the tea is called the “mother tea fungus,” where during
The fermentation is allowed to be carried out the fermentation the development of a “daughter tea fungus”
takes place. The cellulosic pellet rests on top of the tea broth
and produces a fresh thin layer of the daughter mat which
The pellicle which is formed is removed and the liquid
portion is strained away for consumption
is available as a new layer above the old Kombucha culture
mat. This new daughter mat is formed with each successful
Figure 1: The typical method of preparation of the Kombucha fermentation step, and it is used to reinoculate a new batch
beverages using sugared black tea. of tea. At the beginning of the fermentation, a small portion
of previously prepared Kombucha broth may be added to
the new tea to decrease the pH in order to stop the growth
of undesired microorganisms [8]. As the fermentation pro-
spp., Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces ludwigii, S. gresses the appearance of gas bubbles will occur due to
cerevisiae, Torulaspora spp., Zygosaccharomyces bailii, and carbonic acid produced during the fermentation.
Pichia spp., [5]. The fungal-like structure is formed by the
presence of these microbes in a zoogleal mat. This mat is
produced due to the formation of a thin layer of floating 2. Composition of Kombucha Tea and How It
cellulose to which the cell mass of bacteria and yeast is Differs from Black Tea
attached [6]. The cellulose is produced by the bacterial com-
ponent of the microbial consortium. A. xylinum is primarily The microbes in this culture are able to ferment the sugared
known to be responsible for the cellulose production and black tea and produce a complex cocktail of molecules. At the
this cellulose network enhances the association between the end of the fermentation process, the resulting beverage would
bacteria and the fungi [8]. It has been reported that the consist of sugars, polyphenols such as catechins, organic food
caffeine and related xanthines found in tea have the ability acids, lysine, fiber, ethanol, amino acids, essential elements
to stimulate the synthesis of this cellulose production by such as Na, K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn, water-soluble vita-
the bacteria [8]. This powerful symbiotic association and its mins such as vitamin C, vitamin B, and vitamin B2 , catalase,
byproducts have the ability to inhibit the growth of potential carbon dioxide, substances which act as antibiotic substances,
contaminating bacteria [6]. The bacterial cell and yeast cell and some hydrolytic enzymes [1, 14]. The chemical structures
numbers are generally thought to reach 104 –106 cfu mL−1 in of the commonly produced acids are shown in Figure 2. As
a Kombucha culture which has been allowed to ferment for the fermentation progresses, the yeast component of this
a span of approximately 10 days [9]. Many scientific studies mixed culture is able to break down sucrose to produce
have proven that yeast outnumbers the bacterial count [5, glucose, fructose, and carbon dioxide which gives off the
10]. As the fermentation progresses, the acidity of the broth effervescence and the sparkling appearance. The acetic acid
increases due to the production of organic acids. Due to bacteria have the ability to convert glucose to gluconic acid
high acidity-induced oxygen starvation, the number of viable and fructose in to acetic acid. Also, the yeast component is
microbial cells present in Kombucha tea decreases as well able to produce ethanol which is then oxidized into acetalde-
[10]. The number of yeast and bacterial cells in the broth hyde by the bacterial counterpart of this colony [15]. The yeast
has been reported to be more than the cell number in the prefers fructose as the substrate when producing ethanol [8].
cellulosic pellicle [5]. The acetic acid produced by the acetic acid bacteria has the
In terms of the traditional preparation, the starter culture ability to stimulate the production of ethanol by yeast, and
is added to a sugared black tea infusion and the fermentation ethanol in turn can facilitate the acetic acid bacteria to grow
is allowed to happen for a period of 3 to 10 days under and produce acetic acid. The ethanol and acetic acid present
ambient temperature [6]. A flow-chart containing the general in the Kombucha broth have been reported to be involved
preparation method is shown in Figure 1. Nevertheless, under in the antimicrobial activity of the broth against pathogenic
domestic conditions of preparation, the amount of tea used bacteria, thus providing a protection against contamination
for the fermentation process and the method of preparation of the tea fungus [8]. It has been reported that even if the
differ according to personal preferences. The flavor and byproducts of the fermentation process decrease, the pH
Journal of Chemistry 3

Glucuronic acid Gluconic acid Malic acid

Oxalic acid L-lactic acid Citric acid

Figure 2: The most abundant organic acids found in Kombucha tea as a result of the fermentation process.

value of this beverage has a buffering capacity. This buffering Table 1: Comparison of anionic mineral concentration of Kom-
capacity is due to carbon dioxide dissociation, and when this bucha tea and Black tea [7].
process happens, production of amphiprotic hydrocarbonate
Anion Kombucha tea (mg/g) Black tea (mg/g)
anion (HCO3 − ) occurs. This anion has the ability to react with
F− 3.20 ± 0.16 1.20 ± 0.06
hydrogen ions (H+ ) from organic acids and inhibit further
change of H+ concentration in the broth and thus contribute Cl− 0.96 ± 0.04 3.12 ± 0.13
to formation of buffer in the system [16]. Br− 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01
Even though Kombucha is based on the preparation NO3 − 0.18 ± 0.01 0.34 ± 0.02
of black tea, other than the fermentation process, it is HPO4 2− 0.04 ± 0.01 0.08 ± 0.01
considered different due to the chemical contents themselves. SO4 2− 1.02 ± 0.04 4.20 ± 0.17
Tea (Camellia sinensis), in general, is one of the most popular I− 1.04 ± 0.08 0.44 ± 0.04
beverages used worldwide and it has been consumed by
many, for centuries. There are three major types of teas,
namely, black, green, and oolong. Out of these three types,
other [18]. Kombucha tea is known to exhibit an increase
black tea is the most popular and it accounts for nearly 80%
in the radical scavenging properties during the fermentation
of the tea consumed worldwide [15]. This form of tea is
possess, showing a higher antioxidant capacity than black tea
prepared by the infusion of dried leaves of Camellia sinensis
in hot water. The tea leaves, after picking, are air dried
then crushed to release the enzymes and then allowed for
enzymatic fermentation. Then, they are dried again to obtain 3. Health Benefits Associated with
the final product. Some of the main components of tea are Consumption of Kombucha
purine alkaloids such as caffeine, theaflavins, gallotannins,
triterpene, saponins, flavonoids, mineral compounds, car- The American Diabetic Association has defined functional
bohydrates, and vitamins [15, 16]. Black tea is known to food to be products including whole foods and fortified,
possess a higher radical scavenging property and the major enriched, or enhanced foods, which have a potentially bene-
contributor of this property is known to be polyphenols [17]. ficial effect on health when consumed as part of a varied diet
Depending on the geographical location, climate, season, soil on a regular basis, at effective levels [20]. Kombucha beverage
fertility, and plantation method, a variation can be seen in is known to possess many prophylactic and therapeutic
this particular property [17]. Kombucha tea differs from its benefits; it is believed to help in digestion, give relief against
parental food by the antioxidant content, starch hydrolase arthritis, act as a laxative, prevent microbial infections,
inhibitory activity, anionic mineral composition, and acid combat stress and cancer, provide relief against hemorrhoids,
content. Kumar et al. [18] have demonstrated the presence impart a positive influence on the cholesterol levels, and
of the anionic minerals such as fluoride, chloride, bromide, facilitate excretion of toxin as well as blood cleansing [1,
iodide, phosphate, sulphate, and nitrate in both black and 6, 8]. This beverage is also associated with influencing the
Kombucha tea. Table 1 shows a comparison of anionic min- gastrointestinal microbial flora in humans by acting as a
eral concentration of Kombucha tea and Black tea. They have probiotic drink and helping in balancing the intestinal flora,
further revealed that the anionic mineral compositions of thus facilitating the normalization of intestinal activities to
Kombucha and black tea are significantly different from each a certain extent [1, 21, 22]. It is also known to have the
4 Journal of Chemistry

Table 2: Some constituents of Kombucha related to health claims and their recommended values for consumption.

Amount present in Amount present in LD50 value in rats via

Chemical constituent Recommended maximum level as per
Kombucha green tea Kombucha black tea oral route (mg/kg of
standard guidelines
(g/L) (g/L) body weight)
Acetic acid 9.51 ± 0.35 (on day 15) 6.17 ± 0.3 (on day 15)
2.1 g per day [62] 3310 [63]
[33] [33]
Glucuronic acid 1.57 ± 0.14 (on day 15) 1.5 ± 0.17 (on day 15)
Not available Not available
[33] [33]
FDA requirement substance added
Lactic acid 0.15 ± 0.02 (on day 15) 0.33 ± 0.07 (on day 15) directly to the human food affirmed as
3730 [65]
[33] [33] generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
Citric acid Not available Not available 3000 mg/kg per day [66] 3000 [67]
0.14 mg/kg per day (the scientific basis
Oxalic acid for this conclusion is not available and
0.03 (on day 3) [33] 0.11 (on day 3) [33] 7500 [69]
therefore no safe dietary dose for
oxalic acid can be established) [68]
Acetaldehyde Not available Not available 0–2.5 mg/kg per day [70] 661 [71]

ability to improve the health of hair, skin, and nails, reduce fermented products such as fermented milk, the amount of
stress and nervous disturbances, reduce insomnia, relieve studies done on this beverage is very low. Nevertheless, the
headaches, reduce the craving for alcohol of an alcoholic subsequent sections of this review summarize the purported
person, and prevent the formation of bladder infections health benefits of Kombucha based on available scientific
[6, 8]. Reducing the kidney calcification is also known to evidence and reports. In addition, given the fermentation
be a beneficial effect of this beverage [6]. Reduction of process involved in producing the beverage, the review also
menstrual disorders and menopausal hot flashes, improving summarizes the safety issues and aspects of caution which
eye sight, cellular regeneration, stimulation of glandular need to be borne in mind when consuming the beverage.
systems in the body, relieving bronchitis and asthma and
the enhancement of general metabolism are a few more of
the health benefits which have been claimed to be associated 3.1. Antimicrobial Activity. Kombucha tea is known to show
with consumption of the Kombucha broth [6]. The beneficial a remarkable antimicrobial activity against a broad range
effects of this beverage are known to be attributed to the of microorganisms. Many scientific studies have been done
presence of the metabolic products released into the broth on this subject and the Kombucha broth has demonstrated
during the fermentation, although most of the health benefits inhibitory activity against many pathogenic microorganisms
are hypothesized to be due to its radical scavenging potential. of both Gram positive and Gram negative origin [8]. Kom-
The microbial community has the ability to enhance the bucha tea has demonstrated the ability to inhibit the growth of
radical scavenging activity of black tea by the fermentation pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori (the causative organism
process [8]. Also, the presence of glucuronic acid imparts of peptic ulcers), Escherichia coli (the causative organism
beneficial properties to this drink [9]. Glucuronic acid is of common diarrhea), Entamoeba cloacae, Pseudomonas
normally produced by a healthy liver and is a highly water aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epider-
soluble carboxylic acid. This acid can be converted into mis, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Bacillus cereus, Aeromonas
glucosamine and chondroitin-sulfate which are associated hydrophila, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis,
with collagen and also the fluid that acts as lubricate in Shigella sonnei, Leuconostoc monocytogenes, Yersinia entero-
the joints [23]. Butyric acid produced by the microbial colitica, Campylobacter jejuni, and Candida albicans [8, 24,
consortium in the fermentation process is known to protect 25]. This antimicrobial activity of the broth is attributed
human cellular membranes. In combination with glucuronic to the low pH value of this beverage, especially owing
acid, this complex has the ability to strengthen the walls of gut to the presence of acetic acid in particular and a range
and give protection against parasites [8]. Table 2 shows some of other organic acids and catechins which are shown in
of the constituents of Kombucha related to health claims and Figure 2 as well as many large proteins which are produced
their recommended values for consumption. Although it may during the fermentation [8, 24]. Acetic acid and catechins
appear that many reports which are available on Kombucha are specially known to inhibit a range of Gram positive
are based on personal experiences and testimonials, in recent and Gram negative microorganisms [6]. It has also been
times, scientists have provided scientific evidence elucidating demonstrated that the broth may contain antibiotic sub-
the therapeutic effects of the beverage from in vitro as well as stances which give the antimicrobial property [24, 26]. Some
in vivo studies. Table 3 shows the bioactivities of Kombucha studies have demonstrated that Kombucha tea shows not
and the mode of studies which have been carried out. only antibacterial activity but also antifungal activity [27].
However, in contrast to the number of studies done on other The antifungal activity is attributed to the production and
Journal of Chemistry 5

Table 3: Bioactivities of Kombucha and mode of studies which have been carried out.
Bioactivities References
Antihypercholesterolemic effect In vitro studies on rats [33]
Antioxidant activity against chromate In vivo studies on rats [47]
Antioxidant activity against lead In vivo studies on rats [3]
Antistress activity against cold and hypoxia In vivo studies on rats [46]
In vitro studies on human peripheral blood
Cytogenetic activity
lymphocytes [72]
Healing activity against indomethacin-induced acute
In vivo studies on mice [50]
gastric ulceration
Hypoglycaemic effect In vivo studies on mice [6, 73]
Inhibitory activity towards CCl4 induced hepatic injury In vivo studies on rats [45]
Longevity In vivo studies on mice [74]
Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity In vivo studies on mice [47]
Prevention of weight loss in diabetes In vivo studies on rats [75]
Protective effect on chromosomal aberrations induced by
In vitro studies on human peripheral lymphocytes [76]
gamma radiation in human peripheral lymphocytes

presence of acetic acid in this beverage. In recent times, who work under unhealthy environments, such as workers
the immergence of resistant strains of pathogens associated in mines and polar expeditors [14]. When the human body
with human diseases has been widely seen, and the use is exposed to such conditions for a prolonged period of time,
of Kombucha tea as an antimicrobial product can be used the normal microbial consortium of microbes in the intestine
to overcome this problem [27]. In this aspect, it has been changes due to the unnatural conditions, psychoemotional
demonstrated that the antimicrobial activity of Kombucha discomfort, and drastic change in the diet. This may lead
tea prepared form green tea shows a higher activity than to the disappearance of the protective gut microbes and the
Kombucha tea prepared traditionally from black tea [27]. immergence of harmful secondary infections by opportunis-
tic microbes. This shift in the gut microbiota can lead to many
health issues such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, multiple
3.2. Probiotic Effects. Probiotics are known to be living sclerosis, and transplant infectious disease. The change in the
microorganisms; when administrated in adequate amounts, gut microbiota can be corrected to some extent with the help
they are able to result in health benefits. Most often, the of Kombucha tea. In light of these mentioned possibilities,
bacterial component of a probiotic mixture comes from scientists have started to consider this beverage to be used by
Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium or a cocktail of these two astronauts as a supplement to their diet in outer space [14].
strains. In support of these lines, there can be a few common
yeast types such as Saccharomyces boulardii and S. cerevisiae
in this mixture as well [14]. Probiotic microbes are known to 3.3. Anticancer Properties. Dietary phytochemicals have been
play a vital role in the wellness of human health. Probiotic identified as effective anticancer agents. Thus, there is a recent
microorganisms provide a balance in intestinal microbiota, trend of consuming food rich in these bioactive compounds.
normalizing processes in gut and boosting the immune Scientific studies have claimed that Kombucha has anticancer
system. In addition, they help in improving digestion, fighting effects as well [8]. The Central Oncological Research Unit in
against harmful bacterial overgrowths, and achieving mental Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow have
clarity and mood stability and against psychological con- conducted population studies on this fermented beverage
ditions such as anxiety and depression. Many studies have and have found that the daily consumption of Kombucha
claimed that this beverage not only is a probiotic but also broth has a correlation with an extremely high resistance
acts as a symbiotic, a combination of prebiotics and probiotics to cancer [8]. Scientists have come up with many possible
[8, 21]. A prebiotic selectively helps the growth and activity of mechanisms for the anticancer ability of this beverage. For
the consortium of beneficial microbes present in the human instance, it has been reported that the ability of this fermented
gut [21]. The bacteria and yeast present in this beverage act beverage to act as an anticancer agent is due to the presence
as probiotics and the microcellulose which is present can of tea polyphenols and the secondary metabolites produced
help in the growth of the beneficial microbes present in the during the fermentation process [6, 28]. Many studies have
intestine [14]. The popularity of this beverage as a probiotic shown that the ability of the tea polyphenols present in this
and a synbiotic has increased in recent times as scientists have fermented beverage to inhibit gene mutations, inhibit the
found that this beverage can be used to give the required proliferation of cancer cells, and induce cancer cell apoptosis
nutrition and help maintain health and wellness in humans and the ability to terminate metastasis have been highlighted
6 Journal of Chemistry

as possible mechanisms for the anticancer properties [29– toxin removal action of Kombucha tea is known to help in
31]. It has also been noted that the consumption of Kom- obtaining relief from gout, rheumatism, arthritis, and kidney
bucha tea can help cancer patients to reequilibrate blood stones which are conditions associated with the accumulation
pH which usually increases more than 7.56 in the course of toxic substances in the body [8].
of the illness. Additionally, cancer patients lack L-lactic
acid in their connective tissues; this can also be corrected
by the consumption of Kombucha, where the fermentation 3.5. Antioxidant Activity. The popular definition of an antiox-
process produces lactic acid as a byproduct [8]. Many of the idant is any substance, when present at low concentrations
compounds which were identified to be present in Kombucha compared with that of an oxidizable substrate, that signifi-
tea such as polyphenols, gluconic acid, glucuronic acid, lactic cantly delays or inhibits oxidation of the substrate [36]. This
acid, and vitamin C are known to have the ability to reduce bioactivity could be broadly presented in the form of (1)
the occurrence of stomach cancer. It has also been found out scavenging properties of molecules, (2) binding of prooxidant
that Kombucha contains D-saccharic acid-1,4-lactone (DSL) metals, and (3) inhibition of prooxidant enzymes. Many
which is known to inhibit the activity of glucuronidase, an studies have proven the effect of these antioxidant properties
enzyme which is thought to be indirectly related to cancer on many human diseases such as cancer and diabetes [7]. The
[26]. Glucuronidase has the ability to hydrolyze glucuronide primary mechanism of the action of antioxidants in these
and produce cancer-causing aglycones [32]. It was reported disease conditions is to remove free radical intermediates,
that the polyphenols present in the Kombucha tea pos- and these free radicals are generated in oxidation reactions
sess antitumor properties, thus acting as a cancer-blocking which happen across the human body. Free radicals have the
agent [26]. Another study reports presence of dimethyl2- ability to start multiple chain reactions which will eventually
(2-hydroxy-2-methoxypropylidene) malonate and vitexin in lead to cell damage or the death of the affected cell [36].
the ethyl acetate fraction of Kombucha tea which has shown When an antioxidant comes in contact with free radicals,
cytotoxic effects at a concentration of 100 𝜇g/mL [28]. they have the ability to oxidize themselves and inhibit other
oxidation reactions which lead to harmful chain reactions.
The oxidative stress caused by free radicals plays an important
3.4. Detoxification. Detoxification is the complex process role in many of the commonly prevalent human diseases such
of removal of toxic substances from the body of a living as Parkinson’s disease, coronary heart disease, and cancer, the
organism. This process can be physiological or medicinal. In reasons being the lack of appropriate nutrition and exercise,
the human body, this process is carried out mainly by the air pollution in the environment, and smoking [2]. In order to
liver. Detoxification helps in the maintenance of a healthy counterbalance this oxidative stress caused by free radicals, it
liver and is also known to play a part in cancer prevention. The is important to incorporate antioxidant containing food stuff
enzymes, bacterial acids, and other secondary metabolites to the daily diet [36].
produced by the microbes during the fermentation process During the Kombucha fermentation, many compounds
done in the preparation of Kombucha tea have displayed with radical scavenging properties are released from the
the ability to detoxify body [8]. In addition, most of the tea leaves themselves [1]. Polyphenols and catechins are the
enzymes and bacterial acids found in Kombucha tea are main group of compounds which are found in tea belonging
very similar to the chemicals produced by the body for the to flavanol group [1, 27, 37]. Polyphenols are considered
purpose of the detoxifying process. Thus, incorporation of as having high levels of broad antioxidant properties since
Kombucha tea into one’s diet may result in the reduction of they have the ability to scavenge free radicals and reactive
the detoxification load pressured on the liver. Many scientific oxygen species (ROS) [2]. Polyphenols are about 30% of
studies have reported that this ability is mainly due to the the total dry weight of fresh tea leaves and epigallocatechin,
capacity of glucuronic acid to bind with toxic molecules epigallocatechin-3-gallate, epicatechin-3-gallate, and epicat-
which enter the body and also the ability to increase excretion echin are the most prominent types of polyphenols found
of these molecules from the physiology by the help of kidneys in tea leaves [19]. Kombucha tea when prepared using green
and intestines [33]. The process of strong binding between tea, black tea, and tea waste material has been shown to have
the glucuronic acid molecules and the toxin is known as a high radical scavenging activity [19]. When the complex
glucuronidation [34]. Glucuronic acid is produced due to phenolic compounds are present in an acidic environment or
the oxidation process of glucose during the fermentation when enzymes liberated by bacteria and yeasts in tea fungus
process [34]. This acid is the most significant detoxifier are present, degradation of complex molecules to small
in human body; thus, it has the ability to bind to the molecules happens and this causes an increase in the total
toxins in the liver and encourage them to flush out of the phenolic compounds available in the Kombucha tea broth
body [35]. Similar to glucuronic acid, malic acid is also a [2]. Therefore, when the fermentation happens, the total
byproduct of the fermentation which helps in detoxifying phenolic content increases [2]. The production of compounds
the liver [2]. Other than supporting the detoxification of the possessing radical scavenging properties depends on the
liver, consumption of Kombucha tea is also known to help culture period and starter origins where they decide which
excrete heavy metal substances and environmental pollutants metabolites are to be produced [7]. However, prolonged
from the human body through the kidneys [9]. It is also fermentation is not suitable as accumulation of organic acids
beneficial in the biotransformation of indigenous metabolites can cause a harmful effect when Kombucha tea is directly
such as bilirubin and excess of steroid hormones [2]. The consumed [2].
Journal of Chemistry 7

3.6. Hepatoprotective Effects. Hepatoprotection is the ability during the Kombucha tea fermentation. It is able to enhance
to prevent the damage occurring to the liver by toxic the blood circulation and helps prevent constipation [8].
substances [22, 38]. Many studies carried out on cell lines Oxalic acid, which is also produced as a byproduct, can be
and animal models have shown that Kombucha broth shows useful in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
hepatoprotective activity against various environmental pol- [6]. Bacteria found in the Kombucha mat produce gluconic
lutants [6]. Many of the environmental pollutants have the acid by breakdown of caprylic acid which can prevent certain
ability to induce hepatotoxicity and damage the liver. Many types of yeast-based infections and candidiasis [33]. Butyric
scientific studies were carried out to assess the ability of this acid is a production of yeast available in the Kombucha mat
tea broth to effectively attenuate the physiological changes and helps in protecting the human cellular membrane, where
which are caused by many of the hepatotoxicity-causing it combines with gluconic acid and strengthens the gut walls
agents such as aflatoxin B1 [39], cadmium chloride [40], in conditions such as candidiasis [6]. Moreover, healing of
tert-butyl hydroxyperoxide [41], and acetaminophen [42, 43]. gastric ulcers in rats due to Kombucha tea has been evident
Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) is a xenobiotic that induces the as per histopathological and biochemical studies [50]. The
lipid peroxidation and it forms a free radical CCl3 − , and usage of this beverage to eliminate the growth of gray hair
this involves accumulating lipid derived oxidants which leads and the usage in the improvement of eyesight are a few of
to liver injury [44]. Kombucha tea consumption has been the health benefits which have been claimed as well [8].
demonstrated to inhibit the activity of CCl4 and prevent Oral supply of Kombucha tea at a dose of 5 mg/kg of body
liver injury in rats [45]. In vivo studies have suggested weight in alloxan-induced diabetes rats has depicted better
that Kombucha tea is capable of preventing paracetamol inhibition on 𝛼-amylase and lipase enzyme activity in the
induced hepatotoxicity [46]. Studies have been carried out plasma and pancreas and also better suppression of increased
to investigate how Kombucha tea can induce oxidative stress blood glucose levels [48]. Thus, Kombucha tea has potential
in Albino rats by chromate (VI) [47]. Studies have also hypoglycemic and antilipidemic activity as well.
been carried out to find protective effects of Kombucha
tea against thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity and the
results have shown that the antioxidant activity of polyphenol 4. Safety Issues and Controlling Potential
substances of Kombucha tea is responsible for this function Hazards of Kombucha
[22]. These studies have further explained that Kombucha
tea prevents the apoptotic cell death of the hepatocytes Since Kombucha is a complex mixture of microorganisms,
which is triggered from the exposure of the liver to the it is essential to discuss the safety of Kombucha tea for
environmental toxins [22]. Histological analyses of alloxan- consumption. As mentioned previously, bacteria and fungi
induced diabetes rats given a diet containing Kombucha tea in the Kombucha zoogleal mat are capable of forming a
have revealed protective liver-kidney functions [48]. This powerful symbiosis which can inhibit the growth of contam-
is supported by the reduction in the activity of aspartate inating bacteria [8, 51]. Nevertheless, pathogenic microor-
transaminase, alanine transaminase, and gamma-glutamyl ganisms can contaminate the Kombucha tea throughout the
transpeptidase in the plasma, as well as in the creatinine urea preparation. Due to fermentation, the pH reaches ≤ 4.2.
concentrations [48]. Pathophysiological evidences are also However, until this is achieved, there is a high possibility
available for hepatoprotective effects of Kombucha tea in rat for contaminations to occur [52]. Mold contamination can
models [41, 43]. occur on Kombucha cultures, especially with Penicillium
and Aspergillus, when the Kombucha tea is home-made.
Aspergillus species are known to cause carcinogenic and
3.7. Other Therapeutic Effects. There are many allegations of toxigenic effects [53]. Therefore, it is important to be cau-
health benefits and uses related to this beverage, some of tious when administering infected beverages by immune-
which are not discussed in this review in further detail. For compromised individuals. It is essential to concern that that
instance, the microbial mat produced in the fermentation the efficacy of Kombucha tea as a therapeutic beverage is
had been used to produce artificial skin in Nossa Senhora hardly proven by clinical trials involving human subjects [54].
da Conceição Hospital from Lagarto, SE, Brazil [49]. Some Beside, even though consumption of Kombucha claims to
researchers have used this skin to accelerate the healing have no adverse side effects, there have been a few exceptions
process and also as an antiseptic by adhering it to open over past years. Few case reports and case series question
injuries, the so-called Bioskin [49]. The bacterial cellulose the safety of Kombucha tea with suspected liver damage,
which is produced during the Kombucha tea fermentation metabolic acidosis, and cutaneous anthrax infections [54].
process has many potential applications in fields such as food Allergic reactions and an uncomfortable stomach are a result
and biopharmaceuticals. The ability and trend to use bacterial of consuming Kombucha tea by people with acid sensitivities
cellulose in these fields are due to the high purity and the and renal insufficiencies [53]. Several studies have confirmed
unique physicochemical properties which are present in the that Kombucha can cause nausea, shortness of breath, throat
fermented beverage. In addition, this bacterial cellulose is tightness, headache, dizziness, and jaundice [34, 53]. One case
preferred in instances where plant based cellulose cannot be revealed that two persons had developed allergic reactions,
used [5]. In the food industry bacteria-based cellulose is used a third person developed jaundice, and another developed
as food matrices, thickeners, dietary fibers, stabilizes, and nausea, vomiting, and head and neck pain. The case reports
binders [5]. Lactic acid is one of the organic acids produced an etiological association of all four patients since all of them
8 Journal of Chemistry

had consumed Kombucha tea in proximity to the onset of form a substantial conclusion about the safety aspects in the
symptoms and their subsequent disappearance after cessation consumption of Kombucha tea.
of drinking the beverage [55]. Some individuals have reported Using clean and sanitized utensils during preparation of
that they felt dizziness and nausea after consumption of Kombucha tea helps in preventing any contamination. It is
Kombucha tea [56]. However, it was not explained whether better to keep the preparation and fermentation areas clean
these symptoms are a result of unusual toxins developed in a to control growth of any microorganisms since tea must be
particular batch of Kombucha tea. cooled to about 20∘ C within two hours prior to adding the
Overfermentation can increase the availability of high Kombucha culture into the tea. It is also important to control
acetic acid concentrations, and this might lead to the leeching the pH during the fermentation process since overproduction
of some chemical contaminants from the fermentation vessel of acetic acid can be hazardous. According to the British
or packaging materials. There is evidence that severe lead Columbia Center for disease control, the fermentation should
poisoning can be caused by regular use of Kombucha tea be terminated at the pH 4.2 [56]. Overproduction of alcohols
which was brewed in a ceramic pot [57, 58]. This might and carbon dioxide can also be prevented by pasteurizing
have occurred due to Kombucha tea being acidic and the the finished product [57]. Adding 0.1% sodium benzoate and
resulting reactions caused by some ceramics. Most of the 0.1% potassium sorbate to the finished product, followed
ceramics contain very low levels of lead which would not be by refrigeration, can also be carried out for safety purposes
of any danger when brewing Kombucha tea. Nevertheless, [61]. Refrigeration of the final product is the most common
if the Kombucha is steeped in them for a long time, then method followed by the commercial producers of Kombucha
high amounts of lead can dissolve in the tea [6, 57]. It tea [13].
is important to use glass containers for the preparation
and storage of Kombucha tea to prevent leaching of toxic
elements such as lead into the beverage. In addition to acetic 5. Conclusions
acid, Kombucha tea contains several organic acids [6, 33].
The chemical composition of the Kombucha tea depends on
Some of these metabolites have the potential to damage
type of tea leaf variety, amount of sugar, and fermentation
liver and kidney at high concentrations, as evident by few
and composition of tea fungus. However, there are a very
case reports [56, 59, 60]. Kombucha tea is contraindicated
few studies focused on the safety of consuming Kombucha
in pregnant and lactating women [53]. Studies have also
tea. Most of the health properties of Kombucha are related
reported the presence of Bacillus anthrax in Kombucha tea
to the acidic composition of the beverage and acetic acid,
fermented under unhygienic conditions [61]. The source of
which is the major acidic component to inhibit the fungal
B. anthrax was found to be cows and anthrax was passed
growth. Overproduction of acids can be controlled during
to an individual who rubbed it on his skin to alleviate the
the fermentation duration as well as the packaging of the
final product. Yet, the importance of studying the safety of
Due to the detoxification effects of Kombucha tea, toxic
Kombucha tea consumption is important as there are only a
materials are forced to be excreted from the body. However,
very few such studies been carried out throughout the years.
if the kidneys are not working properly, these individuals may
Since this a popular beverage around the world, investigating
not be able to successfully discharge the toxic materials. Thus,
the advantages and disadvantages of consuming this beverage
it is recommended to drink plenty of water to facilitate the
in similar capacities can be extremely meaningful. According
elimination of toxins to overcome this problem [53]. From
to literature, there is no evidence about systematic human
this aspect, it is essential to give attention to the abnormal
trials being done using Kombucha tea. This could be an area
odour or colour development in Kombucha tea to overcome
in which future research could be focused in establishing this
any adverse side effects. Domestic cultivation of Kombucha is
beverage as a functional food. Since studies carried out to
one of the most possible ways of contamination by pathogenic
assess qualitative and quantitative properties of constituents
bacteria and yeasts. Since this tea fungus is being grown
of Kombucha are scattered, scientific research should be
under aseptic conditions and it is propagated from one
carried out to clarify the health beneficial claims and safety
house to another, the transfer of contaminations is high
aspects, which might help in promoting this beverage among
[13, 53]. A study reported that consumption of Kombucha
consumers. Despite the scattered safety issues, production
might also be a health risk for HIV-positive patients [6].
and consumption of this beverage in a safe manner can
It was discovered that acute renal failure may occur with
be used to substantiate the stand of this beverage as a
lactic acidosis and hyperthermia due to consumption of this
replacement for carbonated beverages. Attention of relevant
beverage. The possibility of getting infected by toxins is higher
authorities should be focused on establishing national and
when Kombucha tea is consumed in large quantities. Another
international policies and regulations regarding the safety
report states that one individual died due to perforations
of Kombucha consumption and mass production of this
of the intestinal tract and severe acidosis, who consumed
beverage as a readily available commercial beverage.
home-made Kombucha tea 4 oz per day for two months [52].
Another individual who consumed Kombucha tea coming
from the same initial zoogleal mat had suffered from cardiac Conflict of Interests
arrest and severe acidosis [52]. Despite these reports, most
of these studies are limited to a very small number of The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
individuals. Hence, further studies should be carried out to regarding the publication of this paper.
Journal of Chemistry 9

Acknowledgments [14] N. O. Kozyrovska, O. M. Reva, V. B. Goginyan, and J.-P. De Vera,

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Hantane Road, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Funding provided for Mrs. [15] A. Morshedi and M. H. Dashti-Rahmatabadi, “Chronic con-
Chaminie B. Gunawardhana as a research student through sumption of Kombucha and black tea prevents weight loss in
National Research Council of Sri Lanka, Grant no. 14-13, is diabetic rats,” Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, vol. 2, no.
also acknowledged. 2, pp. 23–26, 2010.
[16] D. Kaczmarczyk and S. Lochyński, “Products of biotransforma-
tion of tea infusion—properties and application,” Polish Journal
References of Natural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 381–392, 2004.
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