Chart of Accounts: 1 1 - Assets
Chart of Accounts: 1 1 - Assets
Chart of Accounts: 1 1 - Assets
1 1 - Assets
11 11 - Current Assets
12011 12011 - Debit & Equity Securties (1201 - Long-Term Investments (12 - None Current Assets))
12011001 Investments in Equity Securities (Available for Sale )
12011002 Investments in Bonds ( Held to Maturity )
12011003 Investments in Equity Securities (Cost+Equity Since Acq. )
12012 12012 - Tangible Assets Not Used In Operations (1201 - Long-Term Investments (12 - None Current Assets))
12012001 Investments in Unused Land and Facilities
12013 12013 - Investments Held in Special Funds (1201 - Long-Term Investments (12 - None Current Assets))
12013001 Cash Surrender Value of Officers' Life Insurance Polici
12013002 Sinking Fund for Bond Retirement
12013003 Plant Expansion Fund
1202 1202 - Properties , Plant and Equipment (12 - None Current Assets)
12020001 Land
Chart of Accounts US 8-digit GAAP
Print Out Date: 01/28/2013 01:37 am
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013 (Active) Technical support
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12020010 Buildings
12020011 Accumulated Depreciation - Buildings
12020020 Machinery and Equipment
12020021 Accumulated Depreciation - Machinery and Equipment
12020030 Furniture and Fixtures
12020031 Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixtures
12020040 Assets Under Capital Leases
12020041 Accumulated Depreciation - Assets Under Capital Leases
12020050 Leasehold Imporvements
12020051 Accumulated Depreciation - Leasehold Imporvements
1203 1203 - Intangible Assets (12 - None Current Assets)
12030001 Goodwill of Acquired Businesses
12030002 Patents
12030003 Trademarks
1209 1209 - Other Assets (12 - None Current Assets)
12091 12091 - Long-term Prepaid Expenses (1209 - Other Assets (12 - None Current Assets))
12091001 Unamortized Bond Issue Costs
12093 12093 - Deferred Taxes (1209 - Other Assets (12 - None Current Assets))
12093001 Deferred Income Taxes - Asset
12094 12094 - Nonecurrent Receivables (1209 - Other Assets (12 - None Current Assets))
12094001 Installment Notes Due After the Upcoming Year
2 2 - Liabilities
21 21 - Current Liabilities
2201 2201 - Long-term Loans , Notes and Bonds Payable (22 - None Current Liabilities)
22010001 Notes Payable Due After the Upcoming Year
22010002 Unamortized Note Premium
22010010 Long-term Bonds
22010011 Unamortized Discounts Net of Premium
2202 2202 - Lease Obligations (22 - None Current Liabilities)
22020001 Capital Lease Obligations
2203 2203 - Long-term Accrued Expenses (22 - None Current Liabilities)
22030001 Accrued Pension Cost
2204 2204 - Contingent Obligations (22 - None Current Liabilities)
22040001 Asset Retirement Obligations
22040002 Long-term Portion of Accrued Warranty Costs
2206 2206 - Other Noncurrent Liabilities (22 - None Current Liabilities)
22060001 Deferred Income Taxes - Liability
3901 3901 - Retained Earnings (39 - Retained Earnings & Other Income)
39010001 Profit & Loss - Current Year
39010002 Retained Earnings - Prior Years
3902 3902 - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (39 - Retained Earnings & Other Income)
39020001 Unrealized Loss on Available-for-sale Securities
39020002 Unrealized Loss from Foreign Currency Translation
51 51 - Operating Expenses
5101 5101 - Selling Expenses
51011001 Sales Salaries
51012001 Commissions
51013001 Advertising Expense
51014001 Delivery Expense
51015001 Selling Supplies Expense
51016001 Depreciation of Store Furniture and Equipment
5102 5102 - General and Administrative Expenses
51021001 Officers' Salaries
51022001 Office Salaries
51023001 Bad Debts Expense
51024001 office Supplies Expense
51025001 Depreciation of Office Furniture and Fixtures
51026001 Depreciation of Buildings
51027001 Insurance Expense
51028001 Utilities Expenses
54 54 - Unusual or Infrequent
5401 5401 - Unusual or Infrequent
54010001 Loss From Permanent Impairment of Value of Manuf. Facility
55 55 - Goodwill Impairment
5501 5501 - Goodwill Impairment
55010001 Goodwill Impairment Loss
Chart of Accounts US 8-digit GAAP
Print Out Date: 01/28/2013 01:37 am
Fiscal Year: 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013 (Active) Technical support
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