Spring 2019 Course Syllabus For: WEB DESIGN: Bang College of Business (BCB)

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Bang College of Business (BCB)

Spring 2019
Course Syllabus for: WEB DESIGN

Course Code and Title: Course credits: 3

Web Design CIT3734
Semester: Time and Place of the Lecture:
Spring 2019 Computer laboratory #301 (New Building)
11:00 – 11:50 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Instructor: Office phone:

Lyudmila Bragina, MSCS, Lecturer 270 4440 Ext. 23-34
Office: Office hours
Room #425 Dostyk Building Or by appointment
Email: ludmila@kimep.kz

Course description
This course provides knowledge about Web Design principles. Course includes creating
and design Web Sites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Using Internet technologies.
Overview of the www browsers, basic web page elements. Using applications for
creating web sites such as MS SharePoint Designer and/or Dreamweaver.

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

Learning objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to do the following:
KNOWLEDGE: Students will have an understanding of
 Internet technologies
 Design principles
 HTML and Java Script languages
 Cascading Style Sheets
SKILLS: Students will learnt to
 Work with MS SharePoint Designer and/or Dreamweaver Web editors.
 Use the fundamental computer graphics.
APPLICATION ABILITIES: Students will be able to
 Create Web presentations.
VALUES AND ATTITUDES: Students practice
 KIMEP Core Values
 Academic honesty
 Respect for peers and instructors
Intended learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes How they will be taught How to assess
Internet access. Basic performances Chapter on Internet Homework, in class exercises
the Internet. Technology
The transfer protocols of the
Web space. Internet Information
The protocol TCP/IP. The protocols
WWW, FTP, Gopher.
The HTTP-server, E-mail.
Hypertext. Introduction to HTML. Chapters on HTML Homework, in class exercises,
HTML Tags and Attributes. quiz
Hypertext Documents. Hyperlinks.
Design and Page Layout.
Using FrontPage Views. Creating the Chapters on MS FrontPage Homework, in class exercises,
HTML code. Creating the CSS code. editor and Cascading Style home project etc.
Viewing the Web Page in Code Sheets
View. Inserting images, tables,
forms. Inserting video and sound
objects. Previewing and printing a
Web Page
Using Dreamweaver editor. Using Chapter on Adobe Homework, in class exercises
Links. Design and Page Layout. Dreamweaver editor etc.
Inserting tables, images and forms.
JavaScript’s applets.

Indicative Assessment scheme (in relation to ILOs)

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

Continuous Assessment 60%
 Quiz 1 10%
 Quiz 2 10%
 Quiz 3 10%
 Home Project 10%
 Midterm Exam 20%
Final Assessment 40%
 Final Exam 40%

TOTAL 100%

Grading scale

90 to 100 Pass A+
85 to 89 Pass A
80 to 84 Pass A-
77 to 79 Pass B+
73 to 76 Pass B
70 to 72 Pass B-
67 to 69 Pass C+
63 to 66 Pass C
60 to 62 Pass C-
57 to 59 Pass D+
53 to 56 Pass D
50 to 52 Pass D-
below 50 Fail F
Incomplete I
Administrative Withdrawal AW
Withdraw W
Teaching and learning philosophy and methodology
The course will be covered with interactive sessions, home assignments, midterm test
and final examination. Teaching methodology of this course is based on the
philosophy of LEARNING BY DOING and collaborative learning as well as
classroom teaching. The course will be conducted in a lecture and tutorial format to
encourage the exchange and synthesis of various issues of business and information
systems. Outside the class time individual study is required from recommended
textbooks, handouts, online course materials, and other sources like Internet.
In general, class sessions will be based on the following structure:
 Instructor’s presentation, discussions and feedbacks
 Class and Home assignments
 video materials
 out-of-class exercises
 internet search
 control tests
Indicative class schedule
Week Topics
Syllabus. About Web Design.
Week 1 Internet Technology. Internet access. Basic performances the Internet.

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

Introduction to HTML (Presentation)
HTML Tags and Attributes
Week 2 HTML Images, Font
HTML lists, character entities

HTML tables. Basic tags & attributes

Week 3 HTML tables. Cellspacing, cellspadding, colspan, rowspan
HTML links
HTML Forms
Week 4 Embedded Objects, marquee
Preparation to HTML Quiz
Quiz 1 (10%)
Week 5 Practical task: creating the web pages by using HTML tags

Cascading Style Sheets (presentation)

CSS Inline, Internal methods
Create files with External CSS
Week 6 CSS classes
CSS code. Background, background color & image
Font: color, family, size, …Text: decoration, indent
CSS Margin, Border
Week 7 Midterm (20%)
Online test. Topics: Internet, HTML, CSS
CSS animation
Week 8
Introducing Web Editors. MS SharePoint Designer MS SharePoint Designer Views:
Week 9 Design, Code and Split. Creating the HTML code
Navigation structure
Graphics and Pictures. Hyperlinks and Bookmarks. Link bars
Week 10 Lists
Web Components
Week 11 Forms
Designing with Internal and External Cascading Style Sheet
Create Web Pages with map
Week 12 Behaviors Task Pane
Quiz 2 (10%)
Week 13 Practical task: creating the web pages by using SharePoint
Designer application (Link bars, Lists, Hyperlinks, Hot Spots, CSS)
Home Project (10%)
See: el-new.kimep.kz/topic 7

Preparation to Quiz 3 Quiz 3 (10%)

Week 14 Practical task: creating JavaScript objects

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

Week 15 Iframe
Preparation to Final exam Part 1
Week 16 Final exam Part 1 (10%)
Practical task: Layers

Week 17 Final Exam Part 2 (30%)

Total: 100%

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

Indicative Instructional resources
1. Handouts of course, that are placed on drive L:\Ludmila Bragina\Web Design
2. https://www.w3schools.com/
3. http://www.javascript.com/
4. http://www.sitehere.ru/krasivaya-animaciya-teksta-na-css3
5. Learning Web Designer
August 2012 by Jennifer Niederst Robbins
6. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript with JQUERY, CSS & HTML5.
December 2014 by Robin Nixon

Web Design CIT3734 KIMEP/OMIS

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