Vent and Venting

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Chapter 12

Vents and Venting

See Section 3.6.


12.2.1 Protection Required

a. The protection of trap seals from siphonage, aspiration, or back-pressure shall be accomplished by the
appropriate use of soil or waste stacks with adequate venting in accordance with the requirements of this
b. Venting systems shall be designed and installed so that at no time shall trap seals be subjected to a
pneumatic pressure differential of more than one inch of water pressure under design load conditions.
c. If a trap seal is subject to loss by evaporation, means shall be provided to prevent the escape of sewer
gas. (See Section 5.3.6.)


12.3.1 Stack Vents and Vent Stacks

a. A vent stack shall be provided for drainage stacks having five or more branch intervals.
b. Where drainage stacks have five or more branch intervals, the vent stack shall connect to the drainage
stack as a relief vent, either:
1. To the drainage stack at or below the lowest fixture branch or,
2. To the building drain within 10 pipe diameters downstream from the base of the stack.
c. Vent stacks shall also be permitted to be provided for drainage stacks having less than five branch

12.3.2 Relief Vents for Stacks Having Ten or More Branch Intervals
a. Where drainage stacks have ten or more branch intervals, a relief vent shall be provided for each ten
intervals, starting at the top of the stack.
b. The lower end of each relief vent shall connect to the drainage stack as a yoke vent below its tenth
branch interval.
c. The upper end of the relief vent shall connect to the vent stack at an elevation not less than 3 feet
above the floor level served by the branch interval.

12.3.3 Horizontal Offsets

a. Horizontal offsets in stacks having five or more branch intervals discharging above the offset shall be
vented either:

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 147

1. by considering the stack as two separate stacks, one above and one below the offset, and venting
each separately.
2. by providing a yoke vent from the drainage stack below the offset to the vent stack required by
Section 12.3.1 not less than 3 feet above the offset. This relief vent may be a stack vent for the lower portion
of the drainage stack.

12.3.4 Vertical Offsets

Where vertical offsets in drainage stacks having five or more branch intervals above the offset have branch
connections within 2 feet above or below the offset, a relief vent shall be provided for the lower portion of
the stack below the offset.

12.3.5 Vent Headers

Vents may be connected into a common header at the top of one or more stacks and then be extended to the
open air at one point.

12.3.6 Other Use Prohibited

The plumbing vent system shall not be used for purposes other than venting of the plumbing system.


12.4.1 Extension Above Roofs

Vent pipes shall terminate not less than 6 inches above the roof, measured from the highest point where the
vent intersects the roof.
EXCEPTION: Where a roof is used for any purpose other than weather protection, vents shall extend at
least 7 feet above the roof and shall be properly supported.

12.4.2 Waterproof Flashings

Vent terminals shall be made watertight with the roof by proper flashing.

12.4.3 Flag Poling Prohibited

Vent terminals shall not be used for the purpose of flag poling, TV aerials, or similar purposes.

12.4.4 Location of Vent Terminal

a. Vent terminals shall not be located where vapors can enter the building.
b. No vent terminal shall be located directly beneath any door, window, or other ventilating opening of a
building or of another building, nor shall any such vent terminal be within 10 feet horizontally of such opening
unless it is at least 2 feet above the top of such opening.
c. Where a vent terminal is within 10 feet horizontally and less than 2 feet above a ventilation opening
described in Section 12.4.4b and the line-of-sight from the vent terminal to the ventilation opening is inter-
rupted by the continuous ridge of a roof, the ridge shall be at least 2 feet above the top of the opening. Other-
wise, the vent terminal shall comply with Section 12.4.4b.
d. Where a vent terminal is within 10 feet horizontally and less than 2 feet above a ventilation opening
described in Section 12.4.4b and the line of sight from the vent terminal to such ventilation opening is inter-
rupted by a solid wall or solid barrier, the top of the wall or barrier shall be at least 2 feet above the top of the
ventilation opening and the shortest travel distance around the wall or barrier from the vent terminal to the
nearest edge of the ventilation opening shall be at least 10 feet. Otherwise, the vent terminal shall comply
with Section 12.4.4b.

148 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

12.4.5 Sidewall Venting
Vent terminals shall be permitted to extend through a wall on an existing building. They shall be at least 10
feet horizontally from any lot line, 10 feet above existing grade, and terminate with a corrosion-resistant bird
screen. Vent terminals shall not terminate under an overhang of a building. They shall be located in accor-
dance with Section 12.4.4.

12.4.6 Extensions Outside Building

No soil, waste, or vent pipe extension shall be installed on the outside of a wall of any new building, but shall
be carried up inside the building
EXCEPTION: In those localities where the outdoor temperature does not drop below 320F, the Authority
Having Jurisdiction may approve the installation outside the building.

12.4.7 Flashing Roof Vent Terminals

a. Vent terminals through the roof shall be made watertight to the roof by sealing the flashing to either the
exterior or interior of the vent terminal.
b. Vent terminals that are externally sealed shall employ manufactured vent stack flashing sleeves, roof
couplings, or no-caulk roof vent flashings.
c. Where vent terminals are sealed by counter-flashing over the top of the vent terminal, the counter
flashing shall not decrease the interior free area of the minimum required vent terminal size. Vent terminals
shall be increased at least one pipe size when counter-flashed. Interior counter flashing shall be sealed gas-
tight to prevent the entrance of sewer gas into the building through the flashing.


Where the Authority Having Jurisdiction requires protection against frost closure, vent terminals less than 3"
pipe size shall be increased at least one pipe size to not less than 2" size. Where an increase is necessary, the
increase in size shall be made inside the building at least one foot below a roof or ceiling that is thermally
insulated and in an area not subject to freezing temperatures.


12.6.1 Vent Slope

Vent and branch vent pipes shall be free from drops and sags and be sloped and connected as to drain by
gravity to the drainage system.

12.6.2 Vertical Rise

Every vent shall rise vertically to a minimum of 6 inches above the flood level of the rim of the fixture being
served before connecting to another vent.
(1) Horizontal portions of a vent below the flood level rim of the fixture served that are installed in accor-
dance with Sections,, and
(2) Island sink vents in accordance with Section 12.18.
Where a vent pipe connects to a horizontal fixture drain branch, and conditions require a horizontal
offset in the vent below the flood level rim of the fixture served, the vent shall be taken off so that the
invert of the horizontal portion of the vent pipe is at or above the centerline of the horizontal soil or
waste pipe.

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 149
The portion of the horizontal vent installed below the flood level rim as permitted in Section
shall be installed with the required slope to drain by gravity to the drainage system.
Cleanouts shall be provided in the vent piping so that any blockages in the vent piping below the flood
level rim of the fixture served can be cleared into the drainage system.

12.6.3 Vent Connection Height Above Fixtures

Connections between any horizontal vent pipe, including individual vents, branch vents, relief vents, circuit
vents or loop vents, and a vent stack or stack vent shall be made at least 6 inches above the flood level rim of
the highest fixture on the floor level.

12.6.4 Side-Inlet Closet Bends

a. Side-inlet closet bends shall be permitted only in cases where the fixture connection thereto is vented.
b. In no case shall the side-inlet be used to vent a bathroom group without being washed by a fixture.
EXCEPTION: As allowed in Sections 12.10 and 12.11.


Two fixtures set adjacent within the distance allowed between a trap and its vent, may be served with one com-
mon vent, provided that each fixture connects separately into an approved double fitting having inlet openings at
the same level. (See Section 12.9.2 for inlet openings at different levels.)


12.8.1 Venting of Fixture Drains
Fixture drains shall have a vent so located that the vent connects above the top weir of the trap and the
developed length of the trap arm is within the limits set forth in Table 12.8.1.
(1) Water closets and similar siphonic fixtures.
(2) Combination waste and vent systems. (see Section 12.17)
(3) Vents may be connected below the top weir of the fixture trap if the following conditions are met:
a) The vertical section of the drain pipe shall be at least one pipe size larger than the trap inlet size.
b) The horizontal pipe connected to the trap outlet shall be at least two pipe diameters long.
c) The developed length of the trap arm shall not exceed the values in Table 12.8.1.

Table 12.8.1
Diameter of Trap Length—Trap to Vent Slope—Inches per Foot
Arm (Inches)
11/4 3'6" 1
11/2 5' 1
2 8' /4
3 10' /4
4 12' /8

NOTE: This table has been expanded in the "length" requirements to reflect expanded application of the wet venting principles. Slope shall not
exceed 1/4" per foot.

150 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

12.8.2 Provision for Venting Future Fixtures
On new construction of residential dwelling units with basements, a 2" minimum size vent shall be installed
between the basement and attic or tied into an existing, properly sized vent and capped for future use.

12.8.3 Crown Venting Limitation

A vent shall not be installed within two pipe diameters of the trap weir.

12.8.4 Water Closets and Other Siphonic Fixtures

For water closets and other fixtures that operate by siphonic action, the distance between the outlet of the
fixture and its vent connection shall not exceed 3 feet vertically and 9 feet horizontally.


12.9.1 Individual Vent as Common Vent

An individual vent, installed vertically, may be used as a common vent for two fixture traps when both fixture
drains connect with a vertical drain at the same level.

12.9.2 Fixtures Drains Connected at Different Levels

A common vent may be used for two fixtures installed on the same floor but connecting to a vertical drain at
different levels, provided that the vertical drain is one pipe size larger than the upper fixture drain but in no
case smaller than the lower fixture drain.


12.10.1 Single Bathroom Groups

a. An individually vented lavatory in a single bathroom group shall be permitted to serve as a wet vent for
either the water closet, the bathtub or shower stall, the water closet and bathtub/shower if all of the following
conditions are met.
1. The wet vent is 1-1/2" minimum pipe size if the water closet bend is 3" size or it shall be 2" minimum
pipe size if the water closet bend is 4" pipe size.
2. A horizontal branch drain serving both the lavatory and the bathtub or shower stall is 2" minimum pipe
3. The length of the trap arm for the bathtub or shower stall is within the limits of Table 12.8.1. If not, the
bathtub or shower stall shall be individually vented.
4. The distance from the outlet of the water closet to the connection of the wet vent is within the limits
established by Section 12.8.4. Otherwise, the water closet shall be individually vented.
5. A horizontal branch serving the lavatory and the bathtub or shower stall shall connect to the stack at
the same level as the water closet, or it may connect to the water closet bend, or the lavatory and bathtub or
shower stall may individually connect to the water closet bend.
6. When the bathroom group is the topmost load on a stack, a horizontal branch serving the lavatory and
the bathtub or shower stall may connect to the stack below the water closet bend, or the lavatory and the
bathtub or shower stall may individually connect to the stack below the water closet bend.

12.10.2 Double Bathtubs and Lavatories

Two lavatories and two bathtubs or showers back-to-back may be installed on the same horizontal branch
with a common vent for the lavatories and with no back vent for the bathtubs or shower stalls provided the
wet vent is 2" in size and the lengths of the tub/shower drains conform to Table 12.8.1.

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12.10.3 Multi-Story Bathroom Groups
a. On the lower floors of a stack, the waste pipe from one or two lavatories may be used as a wet vent for
one or two bathtubs or showers as provided in Section 12.10.2.
b. Each water closet below the top floor shall be individually back vented.
EXCEPTION: The water closets in bathroom groups shall not be required to be back vented if the follow-
ing conditions are met:
1. The 2" waste serving the tubs/showers and lavatories connect directly into the water closet bend with a
45° wye tap in the direction of flow or,
2. A special stack fitting is used that consists of a 3" or 4" closet opening and two side inlets each 2" in
size and the inverts of which are above the center, and below the top of the water closet opening; and one of
the 2" inlets is connected to the tub/shower drains, and the other is connected to the waste pipe from a
maximum of two lavatories that are vented to a vent stack or stack vent; or,
3. In lieu of the special stack fitting of Section 12.10.3b(2) above, 4" closet bends with two 2" wye taps
may be used.

12.10.4 Bathtubs and Water Closets

a. An individually-vented bathtub in a single bathroom group shall be permitted to serve as a wet vent for
the water closet if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The wet vent is 2" minimum size.
2. The distance from the outlet of the water closet to the connection of the wet vent is within the limits
established by Section 12.8.4. Otherwise, the water closet shall be individually vented.

12.10.5 Waste Stacks in Dwelling Units

In a single dwelling unit, a waste stack that receives the discharge of a kitchen type sink or a 3 dfu fixture
may also serve as a wet vent for a laundry tray or a 3 dfu fixture connected to the stack at the floor below.
The minimum size of the waste stack and wet vent up to the upper branch connection shall be 2" in diameter.
No sink shall be installed on a two-inch wet vent that vents a water closet.


12.11.1 Fixture Groups

a. A single bathroom group and a kitchen sink (with or without a disposer and/or dishwasher) located back-
to-back, or two bathroom groups back-to-back may be installed without individual fixture vents in a one-story
building or on the highest branch of a stack provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Each fixture drain connects independently to the stack.
2. The tub and/or shower and water closet enter the stack at the same level.
3. The requirements of Table 12.8.1 are met.
4. A side inlet connection into a 4" closet bend shall be considered to be an independent connection to the

12.11.2 Lower Floors

a. Lower floor bathroom groups may be vented as provided in Section 12.11.1, provided the following
conditions are met:
1. A wye is installed in the stack with an upright one-eighth bend continuing from the wye branch to serve
the stack group.
2. A 2" relief vent is connected to the wye branch at least 6 inches above the flood level rim of the
highest fixture on the wye branch.

152 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code


12.12.1 Reserved

12.12.2 Horizontal Branches

Three lavatories or one sink within 8 feet developed length of a main-vented line may be installed on a 2"
horizontal waste branch without reventing, provided the branch is not less than 2 inches in diameter through-
out its length, and provided the wastes are connected into the side of the branch and the branch leads to its
stack connection with a grade of not more than 1/4 inch per foot.

12.12.3 Fixtures without Revents Above Highest Bathtubs and Water Closets
a. Fixtures without revents may be connected to a soil or waste stack above the highest water closet or
bathtub connection if all the following conditions are met:
1. The total load does not exceed 3 dfu's.
2. The soil or waste stack is 3" or larger.
3. The total load on the stack is in accordance with Table 11.5.1B.
4. The waste piping of the fixture above the water closet or bathtub connection is in accordance with
Sections 12.8.1 and 12.12.2.

12.12.4 Vent Washdown

a. Fixtures other than kitchen sinks or food-waste-grinders shall be permitted to wash down a vertical loop
vent, circuit vent or relief vent associated with a battery-vented horizontal soil or waste branch without
reventing, provided that:
1. Not more than 2 drainage fixture units are drained to a 2" vent, nor more than 4 drainage fixture units
are drained to a 3" vent;
2. The fixture trap arm lengths comply with Section 12.8.1;
3. The fixtures drained to the vent are within the same branch as the other fixtures served by the vent; and
4. No other fixtures are drained to the vent.


12.13.1 Battery Venting

a. A maximum of eight floor-outlet water closets, showers, bathtubs, or floor drains connected in battery
on a horizontal branch drain shall be permitted to be battery vented.
EXCEPTION: Blowout type water closets.
b. Each fixture drain shall connect horizontally to the horizontal branch drain being so vented.
c. The horizontal branch drain shall be considered as a vent extending from the most downstream fixture
drain connection to the most upstream fixture drain connection.
d. Back-outlet water closets shall be permitted to be battery vented provided than no floor-outlet fixtures
are connected to the same horizontal branch drain.
EXCEPTION: Back-outlet blowout type water closets.
e. The battery vent shall be a circuit or loop vent connected to the horizontal branch drain between the two
most upstream fixture drains and shall be installed in accordance with Section 12.6.
f. The entire length of the vent section of the horizontal branch drain shall be uniformly size for the total
drainage discharge connected thereto.
g. The maximum slope of the horizontal branch drain shall be 1 inch per foot.
h. A relief vent shall be provided on battery-vented horizontal branch drains on lower floors that have four

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 153

or more water closets connected.
i. The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain between the stack and the most downstream
fixture drain connection.
j. Relief vents shall be installed in accordance with Section 12.6.
k. Circuit, loop, and relief vents shall be permitted to be a fixture drain or fixture branch for fixtures
located within the same branch interval as the battery-vented horizontal branch drain.
EXCEPTION: No more than four drainage fixture units (DFU) shall discharge to the vent. (See Section
l. Lavatories and similar fixtures shall be permitted to connect to the horizontal branch drain, either hori-
zontally or vertically.
(1) Fixtures that are not located on the same floor as the battery-vented fixtures.
(2) Fixtures that do not have an individual, common, or continuous vent.
m. Batteries of more than eight battery-vented fixtures shall have a circuit or loop vent for each group of
eight or less fixtures.
n. Where there are two or more groups of battery-vented fixtures, the horizontal branch drain for each
downstream group shall be sized for the total discharge into that group, including all upstream groups and the
fixtures within the group being sized.

12.13.2 Joining Parallel Branches

Where parallel branches of up to eight battery-vented fixtures each are joined prior to connecting to a stack
or building drain, the common downstream piping shall be sized for the combined total fixture unit load of
both branches. A relief vent shall be provided on the common downstream piping when the parallel branches
serve a combined total of four or more water closets and connect to a stack receiving drainage from an
upper floor.

12.13.3 Vent Connections

Circuit, loop, and relief vent connections to battery-vented horizontal drain branches shall be taken off at a
vertical angle or from the top of the horizontal drain.

12.13.4 Fixtures Back-to-Back in Battery

When fixtures are connected to one horizontal branch through a double wye or a sanitary tee in a vertical
position, a common vent for each two fixtures back-to-back or double connection shall be provided. The
common vent shall be installed in a vertical position as a continuation of the double connection.


12.14.1 Fixture Venting

Fixtures and gravity drainage piping in a building subdrain system shall be vented in the same manner as a
conventional gravity drainage system and shall be permitted to connect to vent piping for fixtures and gravity
drainage piping that are not part of the subdrain system.

12.14.2 Sump Pits

a. The minimum size and maximum length of vents for atmospheric sump pits shall be as indicated in Table
b. Where subdrain systems utilize pneumatic sewage ejectors, atmospheric sump pits or surge tanks shall be
provided if water closets, urinals, or other fixtures are close enough to the ejector that they will overflow if flushed
while the ejector is discharging.

154 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

c. The atmospheric vents from sump pits and surge tanks shall be permitted to be connected to gravity vent
piping for fixtures other than those served by the sump pit.

Table 12.14.2
Diameter of Vent, (inches)
Discharge Capacity 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4
of Sump Pump
(gpm) Maximum Equivalent Length of Vent, in Feet, (Given Below)

10 N.L.2 N.L. N.L. N.L. N.L. N.L.

20 270 N.L. N.L. N.L. N.L. N.L.
40 72 160 N.L. N.L. N.L. N.L.
60 31 75 270 N.L. N.L. N.L.
80 16 41 150 380 N.L. N.L.
100 <103 25 97 250 N.L. N.L.
150 NP4 <103 44 110 370 N.L.
200 NP NP 20 60 210 N.L.
250 NP NP 10 36 132 N.L.
300 NP NP <103 22 88 380
400 NP NP NP <103 44 210
500 NP NP NP NP 24 130
1. Developed length plus an appropriate allowance for effects of entrance losses and
friction due to fittings, Changes in direction, and changes in diameter. Suggested
allowances may be obtained from NBS Monograph 31 or other acceptable sources.
An allowance of 50% of the developed length may be assumed if a more precise value
is not available.
2. No Limit; actual values greater than 500 feet.
3. Less than 10 feet.
4. Not permitted.

12.14.3 Pneumatic Sewage Ejectors

Pressure release vents for pneumatic sewage ejectors shall extend to a vent terminal that is separate from
any gravity system vents. Such pressure release vents shall be of sufficient size to reduce the ejector tank to
atmospheric pressure within 10 seconds, but shall be not less than 1-1/4" pipe size.


12.15.1 Relief Venting

Where fixture or branch drains connect to a soil or waste stack within a suds pressure zone as described in Section
11.11.2, a suds relief vent shall be provided for the fixture or branch drain. Suds relief vents shall be 2" minimum
size but not less than one pipe size smaller than the drain branch that they serve. Such relief vents shall connect to
the drain branch between the suds pressure zone and the first fixture trap on the branch.

Table 12.15.1
Drain Size Relief Vent Size
1 /2 2
2 2
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
8 6

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 155

12.15.2 Prohibited Vent Connections
Connections shall not be made within the suds pressure zone of a vent stack that connects at or downstream
from the base of a soil or waste stack, as described in Section 11.11.2.d.


12.16.1 Size of Fixture Vents

a. Vents for individual fixtures shall be sized according to Table 12.16.
b. Vents shall be not less than 1-1/4" size nor less than one-half the size of the fixture drain that they
c. Where a vent pipe serves two or more fixtures, the size of the combined vent pipe shall be based on the
sum of the drainage fixture units (DFU) for all of the drains served.
d. Where the fixtures being vented are not connected to the same drain stack, the stack size used in Table
12.16 shall be the equivalent stack size for their total combined DFU load, based on Table 11.5.1B.
EXCEPTION: As otherwise provided in this Code.

12.16.2 Size of Circuit or Loop Vents

Circuit or loop vents shall be not less than one-half the size of the horizontal drainage branch that they serve.

12.16.3 Size of Relief Vents

a. The size of relief vents for circuit or loop vented branches of the drainage system shall be not less than
one-half the size of the branch drain being served.
b. Relief vents for stacks having ten or more branch intervals and relief vents for horizontal offsets in such
stacks shall be the same size as the vent stack to which they connect.

12.16.4 Size of Stack Vents and Vent Stacks

The minimum required size of stack vents and vent stacks shall be in accordance with Table 12.16. For the
purpose of sizing, the length of a vent stack or stack vent shall be the developed length from its lowest
connection with the drainage system to its termination in the open air, including any vent headers.

12.16.5 Vent Headers

a. Vent headers or portions thereof shall be sized according to Table 12.16.
b. The number of fixture units (DFU) used to size vent headers shall be the sum of all fixture units (DFU)
on all stacks served by each section of the header.
c. The developed length of vent headers shall be the longest vent length from the vent connection at the
base of the most distant stack to the vent terminal in the open air.
d. The soil or waste stack size used to size vent headers shall be the equivalent size capable of handling
the fixture unit load (DFU) on the vent header, based on Table 11.5.1B.

12.16.6 Aggregate Size of Vent Terminals

a. Each building sewer shall be vented by one or more vents extending from the drainage system, or
branches thereof, to the open air above the roof.
b. Stack vents and vent stacks shall be sized according to Table 12.16.4.
c. The aggregate cross-sectional area of all vent terminals serving a sewer shall be not less than the cross-
sectional area of the minimum required size of the building drain that they serve, at the point where it con-

156 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

nects to the building sewer. (See Table 12.16.6 for the cross-sectional areas of pipes).
EXCEPTION: The aggregate cross-sectional area requirement shall be exclusive of any requirements to
prevent frost closure under Section 12.5.
d. One or more vent terminals having the aggregate cross-sectional area of a 3" vent terminal shall be permitted
to vent a 4" building drain if the drainage fixture unit load (DFU) and number of bathroom groups served by the
building drain does not exceed the maximum number allowed on a 3" building drain, as permitted by Section

Table 12.16

Size of Drainage Diameter of Vent Required (Inches)

drainage stack fixture 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8
or fixture units con-
drain inches nected Maximum Length of Vent (Feet)
1-1/4 1 (1)
1-1/2 8 50 150
2 12 30 75 200
2 20 26 50 150
3 10 30 100 100 600
3 30 60 200 500
3 60 50 80 400
4 100 35 100 260 1000
4 200 30 90 250 900
4 500 20 70 180 700
5 200 35 80 350 1000
5 500 30 70 300 900
5 1100 20 50 2200 700
6 350 25 50 200 400 1300
6 620 15 30 125 300 1100
6 960 24 100 250 1000
6 1900 20 70 200 700
8 600 50 150 500 1300
8 1400 40 100 400 1200
8 2200 30 80 250 1100
8 3600 25 60 250 800
10 1000 75 125 1000
10 2500 50 100 500
10 3800 30 80 350
10 5600 25 60 250

(1) The length of the vent is unlimited

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 157

Table 12.16.6
Nominal Pipe Size (ID) Cross Sectional Area (sq in.)
1 /4 1.2
11/2 1.8
2" 3.1
2 1 /2" 4.9
3" 7.1
4" 12.6
5" 19.6
6" 28.3
8" 50.3
10" 78.5
12" 113.1
15" 176.7

12.16.7 Underground Vent Piping

The minimum size of vent piping installed underground shall be 1-1/2".


12.17.1 Where Permitted

a. A combination waste and vent system shall be permitted only where conditions preclude the installation
of a conventionally vented drainage system as otherwise required by this Code.
b. Combination waste and vent systems shall be limited to floor drains and other floor receptors, sinks,
lavatories, and standpipes.

12.17.2 Trap Size

Traps in a combination waste and vent system shall be the normal size for the particular fixture. See Table 5.2.

12.17.3 Trap Arms

a. Fixtures shall be considered to be vented at the point that they connect to a combination waste and vent
b. Where fixtures have conventionally sized trap arms, the maximum length of the trap arm from the weir
of its trap to the point of connection to the combination waste and vent systems shall be as limited in Table
c. In the case of fixtures with above-the-floor outlets, the vertical drop at the end of the trap arm shall be
one size larger than the trap arm and be considered as the beginning of the combination waste and vent
d. Floor-outlet fixtures shall also be permitted to drop into a vertical combination waste and vent that is at
least one size larger than the trap arm.
e. Where a fixture trap arm is sized as a combination waste and vent, its length shall not be limited and it
shall be considered as a branch of the combination waste and vent system.
f. The maximum vertical drop from a fixture trap arm to a horizontal drain below shall be 6 feet.

12.17.4 Pipe Sizing

The piping in a combination waste and vent system shall be sized according to Table 12.17.4, based on the
number of drainage fixture units (DFU) served and the slope of the piping.
EXCEPTION: No pipe shall be smaller than any section of piping upstream, including vertical drops from
trap arms.

158 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

12.17.5 Maximum Slope
All piping in a combination waste and vent system shall be horizontal and sloped at not greater than 1/2 inch
per foot.
(1) Vertical drops at the end of trap arms.
(2) Vertical drops of not greater than 45 degrees from horizontal where the vertical drop is not greater than 6
feet and the offset is at least 10 pipe diameters from any turn or branch connection.

Table 12.17.4
Load slope slope slope slope
1 1 3 1
/8" per ft /4" per ft /8" per ft /2" per ft
3 dfu 4" 2" 2" 2"
12 dfu 4" 4" 3" 3"
20 dfu 5" 4" 4" 4"
180 dfu 5" 5" 4" 4"
218 dfu 6" 5" 5" 5"
390 dfu 8" 8" 5" 5"
480 dfu 8" 8" 6" 6"
700 dfu 8" 8" 6" 6"
840 dfu 10" 8" 8" 8"
1600 dfu 10" 10" 8" 8"
1920 dfu 12" 10" 10" 10"

12.17.6 Branch Connections

a. Connections to mains and branches within combination waste and vent systems shall be made horizon-
tally at a slope not greater than 1/2 inch per foot.
b. Branch connections shall not be made in vertical drops or offsets.

12.17.7 Minimum Distances

The distance between turns, offsets, and branch connections in combination waste and vent piping shall be not
less than 10 pipe diameters.

12.17.8 Connections to Conventional Drainage Systems

a. Combination waste and vent systems shall extend to the point of connection to a conventionally sized
and conventionally vented drainage system.
b. At the point of connection, the pipe size of the conventional system shall be at least as large as the
combination system, and sized to accept the added drainage load from the combination system.
c. Such connection from the combination system to the conventional system shall be made at an angle
above horizontal of not less than 22-1/2 degrees nor more than 45 degrees.

12.17.9 Connection of Individual Fixtures

Where drains from individual fixtures are designed as a combination waste and vent and are connected to a
conventional drainage system, the connection from the fixture to the conventional system shall be made
according to Section 12.17.8.

2006 National Standard Plumbing Code 159


12.18.1 Where Permitted

Island sink venting shall be permitted for sinks and lavatories where the vent pipe cannot rise 6 inches above
the flood level rim of the fixture before turning horizontal. Kitchen sinks in dwelling units with dishwasher
connections, food-waste-grinder connections, or both, shall be permitted to be island vented. Also see section
12.8.1 (3).

12.18.2 Arrangement of Vent Piping;

The island vent pipe shall rise vertically under the sink at the end of the fixture trap arm to at least 4 inches above
the outlet of the fixture. The vent shall then turn downward and connect to the horizontal drain line below the floor
downstream from the fixture drain connection so that the vertical vent drop will drain by gravity to the drainage
system. A horizontal vent pipe shall be extended under the floor from the vertical vent drop to a point where it
can rise vertically. The vertical rise at the end of the horizontal vent portion shall extend upward to at least 6 inches
above the flood level rim of the fixture being vented before turning horizontal and connecting to a vent to the
outdoors. The horizontal portion of the vent under the floor shall pitch back to the sink so that it will drain by gravity
through the vertical vent drop connection to the drainage system.

12.18.3 Size of Island Vent Pipes

Island vent pipes shall be sized as individual or common vents in accordance with Section 12.16.1.

12.18.4 Cleanouts Required

Cleanouts shall be provided in the vertical vent drop under the sink and in the vertical rise beyond the horizontal
portion of the vent so that any blockages in the vent piping can be rodded into the drainage system.


Venting systems not described in this Code may be permitted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction if they
provide the protection required by Section 12.2.1 and are individually designed by a licensed professonal

160 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code

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