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Granblue Fantasy SSR Tier Lists

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Early game For people just starting Granblue Fantasy.

ue Fantasy. These are the characters who will let you breeze thr
Fire Water
SS: Yodarha, the
babysitter you
tell every new
player to pick up.

S: Great out of
the gate, and still
good later in the
game. Often,
good targets for
Start Dash or
solid for rerolls

A: Strong
investments for
the future

B: You wanted
your waifu or
husbando, it's
Lecia: I have no
clue where she
goes, and she
depends on your
other characters
F: Reroll, you'll
thank me later.

Whale: You're
not a beginner,
you paid for
these characters
e the characters who will let you breeze through early content, including story mode, Hard/Very Hard bosses, and events
Earth Wind Light
y Hard bosses, and events
Dark Limited characters
Mid game For people who want to MVP or solo Magna, Extreme, and Nightmare bosses. You haven't earned
Zooey: good
luck racing
against her,
congrats if you
have her

S: Team

A: Hard

B:They fill a
need... mostly
C: You can
make an
argument for
top tier SRs

D: Still garbage
Magna, Extreme, and Nightmare bosses. You haven't earned too many Extended Mastery Points yet, but I'm assuming you h
Water Earth
s yet, but I'm assuming you have all limited character ability 3s.
Wind Light
HL survival Welcome to HL! These characters will let you survive and/or ignore boss mechanics, which help
Fire Water

S: You might be
able to solo HL
with these
characters, in
all seriousness

A: Consistently
good tools
which can be
great against
some fights

B: They have
one or two
good tools, but
usefulness for
depends on
the fight.

C: Niche uses
or pure
D: These
characters are
likely to die
before they
make a

F: These
characters like
to throw
under the bus
and require
babysitting to
avoid dying to
their own
and/or ignore boss mechanics, which helps a lot when bosses are still threatening. Eternals/GW characters on this list are 4
Earth Wind
ng. Eternals/GW characters on this list are 4 starred.
Light Dark
Damage racing These characters do the most damage or enable your other characters to do the most damage, p
Fire Water

SS: All serious

MVP teams
must pack at
least one of

S: The
cast for the

A: Acceptable

B: Second tier
damage, or
utility you
C: You're
probably not
going to win
this race

D: You lost the

race at the
party select
other characters to do the most damage, plain and simple. Eternals/GW characters in this list are 5 starred, and you should
Earth Wind Light
re 5 starred, and you should have full EMPs
Portrait Name Role TL;DR Peaks when... with...

Yuel Buffer/healer Amazing buffs She hits 100 actually

Magisa Attacker Veil! She hits 100 Enmity

Her nukes hit

Two nukes and damage cap
Io a wind damage w/Concentratio
(Summer) Nuker cut n Holy Saber

Taunt, high He can hit low Titan summon,

damage at low health without Kaguya
Agielba Attacker health, self heal dying summon, Funf

AoE slow, 50%

meter gain buff, You fight multi- Altair, Riruru,
Anila Support debuff res buff target bosses Superstar
You fight
Morrigna and
Beatrix's Other people's
Break lock, Assassin ability Zetas
Zeta Attacker break assassin doesn't work. (seriously)

You're farming
for your second
Less grind, GW character or
Tien (Esser) Treasure hunter more finds for event drops Hawkeye

Bosses buff
Dispel, -def themselves,
debuff, debuff have billions of Debuffers (See:
Clarisse Support success passive HP Percival)

80% miss Cygames buffs

chance debuff, him into
Ghandagoza Attacker taunt, counter usability Ogre

You hit the third

stack of Spitfire
to attack, then
Spitfire is an ougi with
amazing buff for increased
Rackam very low damage cap and
(Limited) Attacker investment now chain burst cap Attacker

Guaranteed Her nukes can

triple attacks, still dent a boss' Yuel, Societte
Heles Doujin fodder Drive Burst OD bar (fire)
Charm, Slow
(with stock), 4 She uses her Multi attack
Metera turn CD ougi- stock generator buffs, Societte,
(Fire) Attacker level nuke every 6 turns Yuel

You can use

Flare without Percival, anyone
Zalhamelina Support killing your raid but Yuel

Idol summon,
Holy Saber,
Tension is really Bosses don't Agielba,
good. Really, one-shot him for Gandagouza,
Aoidos Attacker realy good. buffing
You meethimself.
her Metera (Fire)
mother and
Generic fandom
attacker with a promptly
taunt and forgets Aliza No one in
Aliza Attacker counter exists particular
High damage
attacker against
wind, with a
raised damage You smack wind
Percival cap against enemies around
(Summer) Attacker wind enemies for 520k Fujoshi wallets
You've joined
the Braindead
Dances for team Reloading
buffs, has 50% Masher phase of Multi attack
Societte Defender/buffe (60%) damage Granblue buffs, other
(Fire) r cut Fantasy Erunes

She dodges an
attack and gives
your team full
Relies on aggro Tension/Hype,
up and dodge on top of the
randomness for Uplift she
Dodge tank, her abilities to already gave Characters
Anthuria buffer work them without charm
Triple attacks
with OD Passive
Assassin, multiattack
Enmity, and buffs, so she
passives to The enemy is in isn't forced to
survive her own OD and hasn't press her own
Beatrix suicidal managed to kill buff and get
(Themed) Attacker tendencies. her yet herself killed
You have 5
stacks of her
passive rolling,
with her buff up,
Hits really hard. and she turns
Like, REALLY into a furious Xeno Ifrit axe,
Sturm Attacker hard. monster. Yuel
Favored Weapon Notes
Yuel used to be a solid utility character with weak late game because her
skills scaled badly. Her 5* changed that and now she's amazing: she heals the
team for 3000 and Clears, she provides a 20% fire atk buff (50% for
Percival), and adds 15% fire damage to team auto attacks as additional
Sword damage.
Magisa is one of the premier Enmity attackers available in Fire, gifted with
the ability to bulk up her defense and attack while also constantly taking
damage. It's easier than ever to leave Morax on with her EMP support ability
that lets her survive DOT effects at 1 HP, which has a very high chance of
working each turn (~99%?). Along with Veil, she's become a vital part of
Staff every Fire player's toolkit.
Her 30% wind damage cut is worse than wind carbuncle (50%) and is on a
longer cooldown. Her nukes cap out at 400k and 270k damage, which is
powerful early game since she will hit those caps quickly. In the late game,
Concentration becomes blank and useless, and you'll move on from using this
Staff character as anything other than a skin
With his recent buffs, Agielba has been promoted to "serviceable" - after
using his Charge Attack, he's capable of tanking certain multi-hit attacks like
Nezha's 50% trigger, then counterattacking his way back to full health. It's
Sword not great, but hey, it at least gives him a job to do!
50% extra meter isn't that much these days, sadly, and fire hurts in the late
game without a buffer as strong as other elements have. Her slow is less
reliable than other slows, but the AoE is good against fights with multiple
targets. Her party debuff resistance buff is stronger than Superstar Soul
Spear Pilfer (but not as good as SR Jasmine's Resist Potion).

With her buffs as of July 2017, Zeta has become a strong, though not
spectacular, attacker. Being able to user her Assassin attacks at any time is
strong, though the relatively low debuff success rate on the ability can be
frustrating. To fix that, just bring more Zetas and hope one of them hits the
Spear debuff through sheer persistence!
4 star Tien: If you made Tien without intending to bring her to 5 stars, you
know exactly what you're in for. Higher drop rates, easy Treasure Hunt 9
building, and low damage. Put her in the back of every team that you possibly
afford, and you'll reap the rewards over time. See the Glossary to read about
how Treasure Hunt works.

5 star Tien: Tying break lock to her Break Assassin ability is inconvenient,
but much like the other 5 star Eternals, Tien becomes a monster once you
invest the gold bar into her. High triple attack rates, chaser, and an ultimate
Gun ability that turns your entire team into triple attacking assassins with chaser.
She helps Percival land Fear more often, and she lets you hit the -defense cap
when combined with Mist. Even without Mist, the -fire defense portion of her
debuff makes her debuff potent on her own. She also happens to kill slimes
quite well, she benefits from the most common Bahamut weapons for
humans, and she gets extra stats from Colossus staves. Good overall unit, and
Staff her recent buffs were nice without being gamebreaking.
Percival was the undisputed king of fire for almost two years, though with
characters like Beatrix (themed) there are more and more compelling
arguments against using him. Fear is one of the most powerful anti-boss
mechanics in the game, so when you have him, landing it more often becomes
a priority, with Clarisse. Soul Soloist, and Thor gaining value. Oh, he also gives
himself +60% atk on a separate multiplier, he adds 30% on to any +fire atk
effects, and when you finally reach 100 with him, he gains a permanent 15%
attack boost, 10% DA, and 6% TA to go with his double nuke and self-healing
Sword abilities.
He used to be considered one of the Four Kings of Garbage when his Blind
overwrote EX Blind and fell off after 20 seconds, effectively dispelling it for
minimal gain. Now that his miss chance debuff is not categorized as Blind
Fist and his enemy hate increase works properly, he actually serviceable.
What a difference a round of buffs makes. Spitfire now provides 40% attack
up on a unique modifier to a max of 120%, which more than doubles his
damage. Once he Charge Attacks, he eats his Spitfire stacks to increase his
damage cap and the Chain Burst damage cap, which is a pretty significant
payoff for just 10 meter. Duration is also no longer to be laughed at, because
it murders the dangerous OD phase of most boss fights with its increased
effect and the new Convulsions debuff. All in all, Rackam is now easily one of
the top fire attackers available, though I still couldn't tell you what the hell
Gun the Duration icon is supposed to depict.
With her recent buffs, Heles has graduated to "acceptable replacement
attacker", with 40% extra damage to targets in OD. Her consistent triple
attacking makes her a solid damage dealer when all you care about is auto
attacking, but there are many better characters now (see: Metera, Percival,
Spear Rackam, Aliza, Beatrix).

For five turns out of every 6, she is fire's best damage dealer, with a slow and
extra damage on auto attacks. For the other turns, she is merely a good
Bow attacker with a slow.
5 turns of 20% fire atk up (50% if your name is Percival), with 20% wind
resistance to boot, is very useful for fire-vs-wind matchups. A little extra
enmity for fire teams is also handy, especially if you use the Prometheus
weapon or Zhuque harp to set her on fire and lower her HP intentionally.
Flare is very dangerous unless you're paralyzing the boss, though - it can kill
unprepared raids by amplifying damage done to them. See the Glossary
Staff section for a full breakdown of Flare timings.
For 6 turns out of every 10, he can guarantee himself at least a double attack,
which is amazing. However, during that time, you have to keep him alive
through the extra aggro that his ability generates. His Tension buff is on a
separate multiplier from Rage effects, which can provide ludicrous buffs to
your team's damage when combined with the Xolotl (idol) summon. The
Harp/Sword problem, really, is keeping him alive, and it's not very easy.

Aliza can do a huge amount of damage with her skills and attacks, even if
your grid isn't very good. She has an aggro up with counter, she can give
herself some crit and increase her damage cap, making her amazing at short
Fist fights.
With Percival getting a very good 5* unlock to go with his already amazing
kit, it's now questionable if Summer Percival actually does more damage than
him or not. He comes with a natural 20% higher damage cap against Wind
enemies and a 2-turn 20% Chaser buff that guarantees multi attacks, but he
trades fear for a 20-second Charm-like debuff that is very reliable but also
frustratingly short. Now that Primarch weapons exist, he's lost a lot of what
Sword made him special, since his passive doesn't stack with it.
The fire version of Societte has two very strong and compelling reasons to
use her, and then a mechanical reason to use her. 50% DA and 25% TA with
the actually-a-benefit "drawback" of turning off her attack makes her great in
racing situations, since it shaves time off of your reload lockout timers.
Having a reliable damage cut and keeping heat off of your low-health Enmity
Fist attackers
Anthuria'salso make
areher a strong
similaraddition to HL racing teams.
issues very to SSR Rosetta's issues. Her entire kit is
based on drawing enemy attacks, then dodging them, but she doesn't
guarantee both of these events happening in the same turn. With a recent
buff, she now works with Blind effects, as her dodge takes precedence over
blind misses, so she's much more workable than she used to be. Your payoff
for a successful dodge is either a roll for Tension/Hype (see the glossary) buff
for 3 turns on top of natural Uplift, or a 1500 heal on top of a 500 damage

On the plus side, she's very cute, and her VA Asakawa Yuu (@julia320) will
Fist reply in English to any tweets about Anthuria.

"Themed" Beatrix is almost identical to her amazingly powerful SR version,

but comes with some survival measures that keep her from being a suicide
bomber. She can now dodge and heal herself at low health, and also will
survive lethal attacks once per fight. The whole package, combined with
modern Fire's tendency toward using enmity weapons like (Ancient) Ecke
Sword Sachs and Crimson Finger, makes her a massively powerful attacker.

Sturm has some of the most consistent damage in fire, with a passive that
makes her single attacks hit almost as hard as a double attack and her double
attacks hit almost as hard as triple attacks. The uptime on her self buff is also
excellent, with 5 turns of uptime and 4 turns of downtime for 50% attack,
55% Double Attack, 20% Triple Attack, and 30% Dodge, and a 50% stacking
Sword attack buff on top of those. She's strong, she's stable, she's Sturm.
Cross Fates

Mary (R)


atk buff, solid You hit level
debuffs, +30 100 and he
meter to whole becomes an Everyone
team every 7 excellent buffer Synergises
(Feower in
Portrait Name
Altair Role
Buffer/debuffer TL;DR
turns. Peaks
and when...
debuffer with...

You need to summon, fire
2 turns of 70% tank multiple carbuncle,
fire resistance, high damage Charlotta, Holy
team heal + fire attacks in a Saber,
Lily Defender status clear row Feower/Quatre
She goes
Drive Burst, enough turns
-def debuff, without getting
50% damage hit to max out
cut (6 turn her passive
Charlotta Defender cooldown) damage. Other Harvin
-atk/-def debuff
that stacks with
Mist, high He hits level
DA/TA rate, 100 and Blade
passive buff to Impulse's
Lancelot Attacker team DA/TA damage doubles Anyone

4*: 100%
damage cut,
taunt + counter. He hits 5 stars Luchador,
5*: Any Time and becomes a Diantha,
Assassin, team murder Xuanwu
Anre (Uno) Defender Stamina buff machine shellfist

4*: Random
debuffs, Gravity,
buff extension
5*: Team DA/TA
buff, ability to You extend his
Feower break -defense 5* Charge Buff characters,
(Quatre) Debuffer and -attack cap Attack Elysian

You need to
Slow, team Stamina levels
Societte Debuffer/Healer Chaser, heals of HP Yuel
She caps
damage for
multiple turns,
tags out for
character to do
another 3
5 million+ million, and
damage on ougi tags back in for Elysian, Altair,
Silva Attacker turns more etc

25% damage
cut on short
water atk buff
Katalina to team, Veil + Her Veil is most
(Limited) Support Regen useful Anyone

999,999 true
damage on ougi
with 3 stocks,
taunt+dodge, all He MVPs Holy Saber, Uno,
sorts of good everything in Charlotta,
Yoda Attacker stuff assault time Riruru
Meter to team,
team heal,
atk/def buff
that stacks with Altair, men in
Riruru pretty much Your team is full general, Harvin
(Lilele) Buffer everything of dudes. water party

Additional He goes into

damage as Tough Guy
water, attacks mode and
out of turn for becomes Mega
meter, steals Blastoise, with Altair, Lilele,
meter from 4x defense and multi attack
Yngwie Blastoise team 1.5x attack buffs

She reaches
Dispel, stacks of all of
Additional her abilities for .
Damage as 75x additional
Weakness, big damage as
DA/TA buffs, weakness and
Narmaya crit, Break high DA/TA
(Summer) Attacker Assassin rates Yngwie, Draphs
He gets to CA
with Riddle buff
up, and you roll
his paralyze
effect at a time
where it's
Dispel, Slow, actually No one, as of
Chat Noir Utility meter steal, and convenient. now
It is training
battle, and he is
not yet horribly Yoda, Silva for
nerfed before offense
Defender with release. (He's Lily, Charlotta,
strong offensive still strong, Katalina, etc for
Romeo burst potential though) defense

Stacking Xuanwu
damage up with She hits 5 Icy Shellfist,
cap break, Blades and you Yngwie, anyone
passive defense unleash 3.6 who can protect
Izmir Glass cannon down million damage her
Water def
down, Veil with
Revitalize, and a
selection of You shuffle her
2000 barrier, buffs until you The same
30% water get all 3 at once, characters who
attack up, 20% then go nuts synergise with
Arulumaya DA/10% TA up, getting to it Altair and SSR
(Christmas) Buffer, debuffer or all 3 at once. again Katalina
You get to throw
out a few
million damage
in nukes
without having
to worry about
timers or the
Lady BEEP BOOP I boss hitting Qilin summon,
Katapillar Nuker AM A ROBOT back. Romeo, Yodarha
Tries to get
himself killed so
he can power
up (once),
briefly becomes He goes into red
amazing, then health, allowing
Suicidal Super gets tired and his buff to
Vane Saiyan falls over. activate.
Great debuffs,
strong utility, He gets his
Utility man who great damage, stacking buff
Drang can do it all great overall rolling
You start hitting
the damage cap
due to Blizzard Characters who
Izmir and her can protect or
(Summer) Attacker Stamina buff heal her

Luchador, 5*
She's teamed up Anre/Uno,
Diantha with a Luchador Omega/Magna
(Summer) Buffer and 5* Anre grids
Altair's final uncap gives him a great spread of abilities that can glue many
teams together. Having a buff with 30% atk/def/water atk helps almost
every team, making him useful in both Varuna and Leviathan builds. He also
gains a higher success rate on his debuff that gets you 30% of the way to the
-defense cap, and boosts your damage even more with his very reliable
crititcal hit buff on Charge Attack. He still glues chain bursts together, and is
Favored Weapon overall
Staff Notes a solid addition to any team.
Lily's uses are pretty straightforward. When you're about to eat a high
damage fire attack, she can combine with another damage mitigation effect
like Charlotta or (SR) Catalina to make you immune to the damage, then
another mitigation effect the next turn to make you immune again. Add
Quatre/Feower, and you can extend this immunity to three turns! This is
useful against Colossus Magna to save two characters from Dimension Slash,
is useful again in Colossus HL, and becomes a godsend against Prometheus
Staff HL.

Charlotta's recent round of buffs, along with the release of Ultimate Bahamut
HL, raised her value a lot from what it used to be. Her damage cut is much
more useful against the constant barrage of teamwide damage that Ultimate
Bahamut throws at you, while her renewable immunity helps her ramp up
Sword her new passive and turn her into a respectable fighter.
Like Altair, his 15% -atk/-def debuff has a fairly low hit rate. Unlike Altair, it's
also attached to a nuke capped at 400k, and stacks with Mist so you'll usually
be packing Mist anyway and won't be crippled when it misses. His 5* buffs
make his 630k nuke hit an extra time, and his DA/TA rate go sky high while
helping the rest of his team attack multiple times. He is one of the strongest
Sword and most consistent choices for HL damage for this reason.
4*: One of the strongest, but least popular, choices for Guild War character
because so much of the endgame is taken up by Holy Sabers (and because of
racism against potatoes). He can absorb auto attacks and counterattack, he
can completely block ougi turns, and his moustache game is magnificent.
Utterly magnificent.

5*: Anre becomes a Mustachioed Murder Machine with his 5 star upgrade,
becoming one of the strongest offensive and defensive characters in the
game. Unlike most other characters in the game, his Assassin skill can be
used at any time, and it lasts for a full turn rather than a single attack. This
means that he gets full effect if you use Luchador Tag Team, full effect from
his normal attack, and full effect from his dodge+counter ability. He can do
insane amounts of damage on his own, along with buffing your team's
Spear damage and keeping you alive.
4*: Feower went through a couple rounds of buffs that added strong nuke
damage to his toolkit, and taking his random debuffs off of the Paralyze/Fear
ramping resistance formula helped a lot too. Every good buff increases his
value even further, from basic ones like Four-Sky Dagger CA and Altair to
Diantha hype.

5*: A fully uncapped Feower is one of the best possible characters for
Leviathan grids, breaking them free of dagger classes with his amazing
Charge Attack buff effect and providing them with desperately needed
multiattack. He gets high damage per turn from his nukes and benefits a lot
Dagger from Atma weapon skill cap up.
Societte has gained a lot of value in recent rounds of buffs, with her EMPs
allowing her to heal your team for close to 3000 to keep your health high for
Stamina. Her 10% Chaser buff to team is minor but still welcome on a
defensive character, and she's gained a lot of value in the post-Ultimate
Fist Bahamut world as well.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEWith the February 2017 round of buffs, Silva's
ceiling is much higher than before, as her combo can provide up to 2.7
million damage on command, then follow it up with another powerful blast
on the next turn. The amount of burst she can provide in short fights is
Gun amazong, and hilarious when placed on a team with Romeo and Yoda.
For tanking beefy boss ougis, the SR versions of Katalina are superior.
Everything else about the limited version of Katalina is vastly superior to her
story and swimsuit versions. Veil remains one of the most powerful defensive
abilities in the game. She can survive anything once, her regen is useful (but
not great) for keeping your team healthy and in Stamina range, her nuke
leads to a guaranteed triple attack, and her ougi provides 25% water atk up
Sword for 4 turns. Few characters are as well-rounded as Kat.
In the early game, his skill set will simply end fights before he has a drawback
- his guaranteed triple attack, his taunt + perfect dodge, and especially his
ability to do 333,333-999,999 extra true damage on his ougi will babysit you
for a very long time. Once enemies can actually survive his initial burst, he
becomes a one-hit wonder who dies to boss aggro and gives way to the bench
after he blows his load. In the late game, he becomes a triple-attacking
monkey who's better in Grand Order teams than he is on water teams,
assuming you have Petra illusion and Sara taunt to keep him safe on his
Sword vulnerable turns.
Atk/Def buff: 35% for males; 20% for females (stacks with Altair and Rage).
Meter buff: 20 meter instantly, 20% buff to meter gain for males; 15 meter
instantly, 15% buff to meter gain for females.
Heal/Regen: 3000 heal/1500 barrier for males; 2000 heal/1000 barrier for
Harp Cagliostro counts as female, in case you were wondering.
Yngwie lets you use some of the insane amounts of meter that the average
water team generates with Altair, Lilele, and the Four-Sky Blade. He scales
well with multi attack buffs as well, since his second ability is the Gunslinger
ability to attack out of turn, gaining meter from attacks and multi attacks
The only barrier to success is learning how to manage his Tough Guy mode,
which eats an increasing amount of meter each turn (20 on the first turn, 30
on the second turn, etc) in exchange for increased aggro, 4x defense, and 1.5x
attack. Tough Guy mode is great at eating dangerous boss multi-attacks and
even single target ougis - he can live through a Colossus Magna Dimensional
Cleave without any other buffs or debuffs, and Prometheus' damage+debuff
Gun, Fist trigger will outright miss on him when he's a Tough Guy.
The glass cannon to Yngwie's guntank. At the cost of health and defense, she
maintains huge offensive buffs on herself to deal additional weakness
damage, maxing out at 75% at 5 stacks. Don't worry about her long
cooldowns, either - her ougi will lower the cooldowns of a random ability,
letting her ramp up far faster than her cooldowns suggest. She has the best
crit skill in the game, guaranteed to work against any element due to her
additional damage component.
Her biggest problems: low support for Draph in water (the bahamut weapon
of choice is dagger, and if you're using the Harvins you'll switch to gun) and
Katana super squishiness.
Chat Noir is a toolbox with no problems to fix. His slow and meter drain is a
copy of Vania/Vampy's, but it doesn't provide much value when compared to
Altair and Lilele's meter buffs. His dispel is a copy of Clarisse's damage and
dispel that costs meter, but most fire bosses don't have dispellable effects
that you need him for. If pre-nerf Medusa was a fire fight, he would be great.
Staff As it is, he rides the bench until they make a fight that he's good at.


It's hard to say who is made of more fragile glass, Izmir or Narmaya. Izmir
comes with a natural 30% penalty to her defense, but she doesn't inflict
damage on herself to activate her abilities, either. The reward for her
squishiness is... sadly lower than the reward you get from Silva hitting three
buttons. For each stack of Icy Blade, she gains a stacking 20% buff to her
attack, and when she performs her CA, they all get consumed in one gigantic
hit that doesn't really shine compared to Silva's gigantic hits. And on top of all
that, her 20% extra damage to fire passive doesn't stack with the Wand of
Sword Gabriel. Sorry, Izmir, at least your summer version is really good!

In most other elements, Arulumaya would be one of the strongest buff

characters available. In water, her abilities collide with SSR Katalina and
Altair, which makes her value based on whether or not you have those
Staff characters available.




Izmir's value is based entirely on your ability to keep her alive through her
own passives and abilities. Blizzard works very similarly to Zalhamelina's
Flare, amplifying all damage dealt while it is in effect. If used against a boss
that is sufficiently debuffed, it ramps your group's damage to insane levels. If
thrown out without care or control, her low defense and low HP total will
lead to a dead Izmir very quickly, and you'll want to keep her health as high
as possible to support her Stamina buff to the team, which gives your team
15% attack as long as she's at 100% HP (this stacks with Fimbul, a popular
Sword weapon in Varuna grids).
Diantha is an amazing buffer for Magna/Omega builds and enables some silly
combos with Luchador and 5* Anre. When she gets fully rolling, she provides
your team with 60% attack up on the Normal modifier (thus why she's worse
for Varuna builds) and 50% double attack (again, better for Leviathan than
Varuna). She also changes your background music to Never Ending Fantasy,
which is either great or awful, depending on how many times you've heard
Harp the song already.
Cross Fates

Baotorda (SR)

Vane (event SR)

Camieux (Earth R)


Lowain (R)
Portrait Name Role TL;DR Peaks when... Synergises with...

You need him to

survive ougis
-atk debuff, that will
60% damage otherwise one-
Gawain Defender cut shot you Carbuncles
Break Assassin,
45% atk to self,
5% TA to team
passive, 30%
DA/30% TA Bosses break Hawkeye, Nio,
Nezahualpilli Attacker rate up to self frequently Superstar
You really want
3 nukes with to Slow the boss
Charm and Slow (Medusa HL for
Metera Attacker attached example) Anrietta
Treasure Hunt
nuke, minor You get a Super Working out your
debuff resist Bingo and don't free to play
debuff, heal + have Lennah or struggles in the
Christina Healer clear Andira yet casino

Poison, Clear, You really need Fights that

Lennah Healer Heal+regen heals require Clear

50% buff to
team ougi He goes 3 turns
damage, without getting
stacking buffs hit and gives
as long as he your entire
Seofon (Siete) Attacker doesn't get hit team full meter Petra, Holy Saber
You can take
50% DA to advantage of
team, 30% the Sleep turn
atk/def buff, without anyone
crit to team, else ruining it
Niyon (Nio) Support Sleep for you Anyone

180 second
Gravity, DA/TA
debuff, -10%
def debuff, 1x Cygames buffs
illusion to team her out of
on Charge "memetically
Carmelina Garbage can Attack bad" status Seofon, Andira
Illusion buff,
50% Any character
fire/wind/earth She's always who doesn't want
Petra Support /water atk up good. to get hit

Reduces CDs by
1, ATK up, You don't have
meter buff, Petra or Lennah
Anrietta Support Duration buff yet Nio, Superstar
She hits 3
stacks of
high TA rate, Destruction to
-def debuff, make her ougi a
Feena Attacker dodge+atk up 7.5 multiplier Rosetta, Ferry
You fight long
Stance gives boss battles
team Atk, Def, with low or
DA, TA, debuff medium
resistance, damage
Rosetta additional (Celestials, for
(Limited) Support damage buffs example) Everyone

She makes
Cygames tons of
money that they
Full heal to later regret
team, the only because
SSR character Monkeygate
who has an leads to new
ability that legislation
affects the regulating Clear effects,
Andira Healer whole raid mobile games Siete, Petra

She lets you

solo 6-man and
Some of the 18-man HLs in
best atk and the 15 hours
DA/TA buffs in before she gets
the game, nerfed and Anrietta, Nio,
especially in the forces Haruta to Quatre/Feower,
turns after she make a public any DA/TA or
Korwa Buffer of buffers ougis apology meter buffer
You find the Attack order:
Short CD perfect team for Gawain,
heal/clear, what you're Melissabelle,
decent nuke looking to do, Metera
with enmity with 5 nukes or
synergy, and 5 buffs that you Buff order:
It's Orders (see can press in a Korwa, Andira,
Lecia complicated. Notes) short period Petra
Two identical
nukes that ramp
up to doing
about 800k
each, and an You nuke
ougi that speeds enough to hit
Nuke-based their cooldowns max power on
Melissabelle attacker up her nukes. Lecia, Enmity

great defender
to start the You CA a second
Defender to fight, does great time and she
start the fight, CA damage in takes advantage
swaps to second form, of her 10.0
Yuisis attacker on CA then
Greatreverts multiplier ????????????
skin for
Korwa, and has You are in full
some benefits Attack, Reload,
over normal Repeat mode
Korwa if you and she shaves
Like Korwa, but know how to milliseconds off The same
Korwa can turn off work the of your action characters as
(Summer) attacking timings timers Korwa does
Provides one of You can make
Wind's best good use of his
-defense hostility up and
debuffs, and counter
does a solid job abilities. Bonus
of soaking points if you
miscellaneous have Garuda
damage from bows to make
Siegfried Debuffs and the team that him nigh Garuda bows,
(Summer) defends Gawain can't invulnerable. Andira
Favored Weapon Notes
One of Cygames' first designs, and it shows. He's very vanilla, with a 20% -atk
debuff (5% lower than Arrow Rain III) and a nuke that gets more powerful as
your team loses health. This fits in well with the Tiamat Bolt play style, and
his 60% damage cut has good uses if you're not running with constant
Phalanx uses from Holy Saber.
Now that he has a 5 star, he... does the exact same things as before, but with
better numbers. It's pretty common to pair him with Zooey (Summer), Lecia,
Axe or to try and steal MVPs with Enmity-fueled nukes.
One of Wind's better attackers outside of Siete. He does ludicrous amounts of
damage to broken targets between his self atk buff, his Break Assassin bonus,
and his high rate of DA/TA. His 5* upgrade removes the -def drawback from
his atk buff, which increases his survivability greatly (important since his HP
are low and as you collect Tiamat Bolts, you will want to be at low health for
Spear as long as possible).

Her Charm is not very reliable, but her Slow is good. As the only wind
Bow character with Slow, she has her place, and she's an okay character.

8 turn cooldown is a pretty long time for heals at the SSR level, and her stats
are among the lowest of the SSRs. But hey, all you needed to do to get her was
win at the casino, so why are you complaining about a character who only
Gun cost you time and not money?
There are some fights where the 3 turn cooldown on her Clear is a godsend,
though few of those fights are on element. Her heal is 1500 immediately plus
250 regen for 3 turns, which is solid but unspectacular. Her poison is barely
Staff worth mentioning, but it can still do some work.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MESiete is pretty simple to understand. If he can go 3
turns without getting hit, he gains 3 levels of buffs.
Level 1: 5% atk, 5% def, 50% DA, 3% TA
Level 2: 10% atk, 10% def, 3% DA, 40% TA
Level 3: 10% atk, 10% def, 100% TA, guaranteed crit (+30% dmg to Earth)
At level 3 buff, he can give your entire team 100% meter (20 turn CD) and
take full advantage of his passive that gives every character 50% ougi
Later in the game, he's used mostly for his passive - but we'll see what
Sword happens with his fifth star.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MENio is one of the best supports in the game, letting
you choose a class other than Superstar and letting your team deal stupid
amounts of damage on the Sleep turn. Her crit ability only works on favored
elements, but other than that she can easily slot into any team and make it
better. She also makes a hilarious combo with Siete and his 50% ougi damage
Harp buff.
After her buffs in February 2017, Carmelina is officially a real character! She
still has some significant drawbacks, though. Her defense down is still only
10%, which won't make any waves, and her status as the only Draph in wind
leaves her out of almost all lineups that use a Bahamut weapon. She's still
useful if you pull her as one of your starting SSRs, as her Charge Attack
mimics the Garuda summon effect without having a 9 turn cooldown, and her
Gravity is very reliable, with a 100% initial hit rate before debuff success
Dagger decay kicks in.
Since wind is encouraged to live on the edge because of Tiamat Bolts and
Last Stand, Petra does a lot of work freezing people at low health with
Illusion. Illusion also helps a lot with characters whose abilities require them
not to get hit or characters who can taunt. Her +elemental damage buff is
very powerful, and makes her ideal for most Grande teams because it covers
Staff all 4 primary elements.
Okay, the team Duration buff is bad. But the cooldown reduction is very
handy, and her crown jewel is Secret Garden. +30% atk to team plus 30%
meter gain is very good, especially now that Korwa exists and begs for meter
in order to extend the duration of her buffs. Her passive ability to raise debuff
success on your teams works better in Grande setups than in wind (largely
Harp because wind doesn't have many must-land debuffs).
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEHer -20% def debuff is the best Wind has to offer.
Victory Charge gives her a 30% DA and 20% TA buff for 5 turns, and every TA
buffs her ougi multiplier. Her raw ougi does 4.5x, 1 stack deals 5.5x, 2 stacks
6.5x, and 3 stacks 7.5x, which is one of the highest ougi multipliers available
Bow (or, the result of putting Siete in your party).

Monkeygate gacha controversy aside, Anchira is a very effective support who
needs some minor support herself. Her team full heal also heals the rest of
the raid for 1000, which is amazing - bring Clear All to make sure its
drawback doesn't kill you, though. She can paint a target on a party member
and place a 2500 damage barrier on them, which helps keep aggro off of
higher priority targets. And having her buff up for 6 turns out of 8 is pretty
big, since it buffs atk, def, DA/TA rate, and debuff success rate all at the same
Turn 1: 10% atk/def
Turn 2: 25% atk/def
Turn 3: 50% atk/def
Turn 4: 30% atk/def
Turn 5: 20% atk/def
Staff Turn 6: 10% atk/def
To give you an idea of how broken she was on release, she used to give you:
-Permanent 250% atk up on a separate multiplier (Altair and Riruru are
considered top tier supports because they have 30% and 35% on separate
multipliers for 3 out of 7 turns; she outdid them by 4x on her own)
-Permanent 50% DA/TA (Superstar is considered the best class in the game
in part because it gives your team 70% DA for 3 turns out of 6; she more than
doubled this)
-Permanent 100% defense and 500 regen (De la Fille's regen lasts for 5 turns
out of 10, while Petra's is permanent and 150. The defense effectively put a
permanent 50% damage cut on your team, making characters like Sara and
Charlotta pale in comparison).

After the nerf, she can no longer maintain these buffs without being fed large
amounts of meter and favorable aggro, so she has peaks and valleys of power.
When she peaks (and it's still pretty consistent), she is by far the best
support in the game, providing enough turns of +145% atk, 40% DA, and
Staff 25% TA to dunk all over late game bosses.
Sword TBD

HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEMelissabelle is a very simple and unexciting design.

Her two nukes start at 5 and 6 hits, and each time you press them, they add a
hit, up to 10. After 5/4 uses, they will do 800k each time you press them.

If you want this toolkit, try Lucio! He can do it for free, and his nuke caps at
Sword higher than hers does. The animation also doesn't take forever.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEYuisis has two decent skill sets that get worse when
combined, because you won't always have the toolkit you want at the time
you want it. Her cover plus 70% damage cut is decent but not significantly
better than using SR Hazen, and her Chivalry passive might as well not exist,
since it only lasts for one attack after she uses her CA. In offense mode, can
do a healthy amount of damage with her Charge Attack (1.7 million cap), but
it doesn't last very long before she's back in defense mode and you're starting
over again.
All in all, she's a good character when you're starting the game, and then tails
off very hard once you get more specialized characters who do what you
Sword want them to do when you want them to do it.
Summer Korwa's skill set is similar to regular Korwa's, with triple attack
replaced by defense and damage reduction. If you're not in the market for
triple attacks and instead need to reduce your incoming damage, then she's
good. She's also good if you're trying to mash the attack button and reload as
fast as possible, because turning her attacks off makes you fractions of a
second faster. For almost all other situations, you're better off using regular
Staff Korwa.


Cross Fate

Lady Grey

Sutera (Wind SR)

La Coiffe

Portrait Name Role TL;DR Peaks when... with...

Ougi-level nuke Yggdrasil

(700k cap), Your grid is full swords, Atma
Altheia Attacker Ignition of swords swords

3000 heal,
buff plus status
clear to team, She hits level
Cagliostro Support -def debuff 100 Everyone

Veil, -atk debuff, You need Veil

Arulumaya Support Slow and Slow Yggdrasil staff

You can afford

Little Sister of a to run a team of
Better 2 turns of triple Erune attackers
Melleau Character attack, self veil (plus Catherine) Sara, Altheia

Meter drain,
50% atk buff to He hits level
self, water 100 and he does
resistance buff real man
to team, high damage without
Siegfried Attacker DA rate killing himself Anyone

You press Lunalu, Sara,

Thalatha Attacker GROUND ZERO GROUND ZERO Enmity effects

They allow
Double meter samurai to
gain, meter mega-chain
drain, spreads burst in a future Eugen, Altheia,
Octo Attacker meter to allies patch Samurai

4 turn CD taunt,
90% def buff to
self, 50% Bosses try to
damage cut to kill you and she
Sara Tank of tanks team says "not today" Anyone
You can make
use of both
Charm/dispel, Dispel and
delayed attack Charm, and she
Vira buff and full is on turn 4
(Summer) Yandere meter after using Lust. Catherine

stacking -def,
stacking -atk, You hit the -def
form change... and -atk caps,
you know what, which doesn't
Clarisse just hit the take as long as
(Christmas) Debuffer Notes it used to. Anyone

He consumes
160 meter and
Paralyze, then ougis with Arulumaya,
consumes a ridiculously Octo, Eugen,
meter for later high damage Superstar,
Eustace Attacker damage cap Wiseman

Superstar, other
Two charms, OD Catherines, SR
assassin, Break Bosses can be Fastiva,
Catherine Debuffer Assassin charmed Summer Vira
He can initiate
The remix to two chain
Ignition, bursts in two
taunt+counter, turns and then Octo, Altheia,
Eugen 20% ougi to either counter Samurai,
(limited) Attacker team every turn or ougi again Nemone
It is March 2016
and for 3 hours,
He gives with Sara, Holy
herself 40% atk Saber, Petra,
Stacking atk every turn
damage as Ayer, Eugen,
Hallessena Attacker buff to self insteadwith
Earth, of 25%
low Nemone
Powerful health, nearly
Enmity buffs, guaranteed
death immunity, multi attack, Hallessena,
taunt+counter and a raised Eugen, Yggdrasil
Ayer Tank/Attacker stance damage cap. bow, Baal axe
Like Sen, but as She turns off
an SSR with Stand In Line
damage cap and hits like a Hallessena,
Nemone Attacker breaks truck Eugen, Baal axe
He ougis at 8 or
DA rate up, 9 Loaded
higher damage stacks, avoiding
as his stacks his self stun
build, and a while also
Eustace penchant for hitting for a Eahta/Octo,
(Halloween stunning clean 1.7 Mahira, GW
) Attacker/Buffer himself million or so dagger, Eugen
She presses a
fully charged
Spirit Drums to
give your team
Lets you hit the 5 turns of 25%
-def cap, has atk/def, 30% Eahta/Octo,
great buffs for DA, 20% TA, Halloween
long and short and 30% ougi Eustace, Ayer,
Mahira Buffer/debuffer fights cap up. Korwa

Draws attacks
away from your She gets hit
Enmity enough to reach Hallessena,
attackers or 10 charges, Ayer,
Hallessena, then then hits a 2.7 Sarasa/Threo,
unleashes a million damage or the Ignition
Razia Tank/Attacker giant nuke nuke squad
Buffs one
massively, then
sometimes Ayer, Threo,
picks up some She gives you a Hallessena, any
De La Fille Buffer/casino casino chips giant stack of of the standard
(Earth) supplement after the fight casino chips attackers
Wiggles her tail
at lolicons to get
them to sign up
for a phone data
Medusa Logic Links bait plan
Clears debuffs,
gives crit, You have all 3 of Ayer, Threo,
makes cute her buffs up and Hallessena, any
wind chime go nuts with of the standard
Yggdrasil Buffer/healer noises crits attackers
Favored Weapon Notes
One of the most stable, no-questions-asked attackers in Earth. He will ougi
every 5 turns, he has two decent nukes, and he does not come with any
crippling drawbacks that make him vulnerable or high maintenance. Sadly,
his voice actor died in 2015, so unlike his children Lucius and Teena, Altheia
Sword is very unlikely to get a 5* upgrade. Unless they replace his voice, I guess.
If you have her, or plan to ever have her, get her early and commit to leveling
her. Phantasmagoria does not buff the party and clear statuses from anyone
other than herself until level 100, which takes 4.8 million experience. Once
she hits level 100, she joins the ranks of Earth's premier buffers, providing a
significant amount of critical hit, double attack, attack, and defense on a
Staff reasonable cooldown while keeping everyone alive with giant heals.
Pretty standard support toolkit, with the all-important Veil, a 6-turn CD Slow,
and a 10% -atk debuff. The -atk effect is weak, but Earth doesn't have many
good debuffers, so it can actually do some work when you're solo. Slow is
Staff good, in case you haven't heard that enough times yet.
Now that she no longer debuffs her own defense, she's gotten significantly
better, making her a solid but not exceptional attacker. She triple attacks for 2
turns out of every 7, she is immune to debuffs for those turns, and her
passive actually works without killing her. Her meter gain/nuke ability gives
her a mere 15% per 4 turns, but combined with the 74% meter she gains in 2
Spear turns out of every 7, it works out fine.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEHis 5* upgrade patches up his worst holes, and
makes him another entrant in the Earth Character Who Punches Real Hard
party slot (which, if you pay attention to the Role column in this tab, is very
very crowded). His ougi hits harder than anyone on the list other than
Charged Nemone, Charged Eustace, and Sword stance Thalatha, his hard-to-
use buff now provides some much needed Double Attack, and his water
Sword resistance buff to the team is at least something no one else can provide.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEGround Zero consumes 99% of her health in order
to deal 99x that amount in true damage (750-800k cap) to all enemies. If this
doesn't kill them immediately, you're left with 1% of her health and a 3000
damage barrier. Her stats and abilities are amazing if you can keep her alive
after that point (this becomes a bigger and bigger if when you get to higher
level raids), and she favors both of her race's bahamut weapons as well as her
Sword, Axe Magna boss' atk up weapon.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEAs the Samurai guild wars character, he's a pretty
straightforward meter-based attacker. Every 6 turns he can drain 30 meter
from the enemy, and every 2 turns he can let his allies benefit from his
disgusting meter gain by donating 30 of his own meter to the rest of the
team. He can also consume 10% meter for 30% atk and 30% critical strike,
so he won't shoot that far past everyone else in the meter race.
Cygames intends to add an additional effect to chain bursts that go past 4,
which will help out Octo, the Samurai class, Jin, and Samurai Potato. If and
Katana when it ever happens, that is.
Sara is the core of most Earth teams that don't just overpower things with
their damage. She's so common in Earth teams that water bosses tend to
have additional mechanics designed specifically to make Sara sweat - usually
in the form of status effects, which are the only mechanics she can't protect
you from. Leviathan Magna solo is a breeze with Sara, as you can use Slow
and Gravity to match his Tidal Fall ougis perfectly with her cooldowns. She's
so good at her job, she can even slot into your team against a wind boss and
Fist she'll still do pretty well.
Dispels in earth are particularly important against both Leviathan
Magna/Omega and Leviathan HL/Impossible, and charm is useful against
any bosses who are not immune to the effect (I can only think of Rose Queen,
and you're not bringing Earth to Rose Queen anyway).
How her Lust ability works: Turn 1, -60% atk to self. Turn 2, -40% atk to
self. Turn 3, -20% atk to self. Turn 4, +200% atk and 100% meter. Turn 5,
Sword +100% atk up. Turn 6, +50% atk up. Turn 10, ability refreshes.
After her buff, Christmas Clarisse has become a premier debuffer who can
nearly hit the -def and -atk caps on her own. No other character can cover
both sides of -atk and -def like she can.
Turn 1: Activate Radioactive Mode (Clarisse is silenced)
Turn 2: Cast Alpha Decay and Beta Decay (4 stacks of 1, 3 of the other)
Turn 4: Cast Alpha Decay and Beta Decay again (7 stacks of each)
Turn X: Use Radioactive Mode Ougi (9 stacks)
Turn X+1: Deactivate Radioactive Mode so she doesn't lose too many stats
She excels against Primarchs, who are usually immune to -atk and -def
Staff effects, but aren't immune to Alpha and Beta.
As Song owners can tell you, having a button that paralyzes bosses even
somewhat regularly and for 20 seconds can be clutch. As those same Song
owners will quickly tell you, 60 seconds is way better than 20 seconds, so
under most circumstances you should leave the stuns to the light players.
How to use his battery charge: If you just want damage now, you can use
his Anti-Social ability to consume 20-40 meter and his next ougi will be
treated as if it had 3 charges before causing the Short status effect on him.
The more powerful way is to use 91-100 meter to charge it to 3, then use 66-
90 meter to charge it to 5, and then unleash his fully charged ougi, which
Gun caps at 3.5 million.
She has two charm abilities on a 3 turn cooldown, making her Charm status
more spammable than anyone outside of Rosine (R). Her Nocturnal ability
turns a Charm into Temptation, which has the same game effect but stacks
with it. She can then consume the Temptation effect to activate her Assassin
damage, but then the cycle starts again as she tries to get both Charm and
Temptation back on the enemy. The damage is nice, but the reason people at
high levels use her is to have two Charm effects active, nearly doubling the
Gun chance of charming a boss into inactivity.

The remix to Ignition really is both hot and fresh out of the kitchen. Three
straight turns of 100% meter is huge, especially when he can use 30 of that
meter at the end to taunt and counter. He also feeds one member of your
team 20 meter a turn for 5 turns, which can turn your earth team into a
Gun turbo-charged chain burst machine.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEFor about 3 hours, she was utterly busted. Then she
was nerfed
Ayer punchesinto being
really okay,even
hard, but without
Now she is back
in your grid.to If
being very good.
you have any
She gains
Enmity 25%inattack
skills per turn
your grid, thenthat she doesREALLY
he punches not takehard.
When tohe's
a max of
at low
200% at
health (a 8state
turns.heWhen she does
can induce take damage
in himself on turnfrom a source
1, much that is not
like Sarasa above),
he's or rot, she
a monster, now only
especially losescan
if you herkeep
plus 50%
ougi buffatk for a for
rolling turn, rather
Axe than herand
damage old a"become a liability"
raised damage cap.status.

If you want to play him more defensively, he can enter a counter stance to
counter 3 enemy attacks each turn, which combos well with his ability to
draw enemy attacks and survive at 1 HP. Pretty much no one does this
Fist anymore.
Nemone's game plan is simple: use her nuke to draw aggro to herself, use her
dodge ability to gain some meter with those drawn attacks, then go into
Stand in Line stance to charge up her next attack. When she's ready (and if
Eugen can give her enough meter to join in a chain burst), she can unleash
some powerful attacks, since every turn of her charge stance gives her 110%
attack up and raises her damage cap by 10%.

In practical terms, this takes too long to do anything meaningful, but it sure is
Axe fun.
The Halloween version of Eustace relies even more heavily on meter than his
regular version does, and his punishment for poor meter management is
much more severe. Every turn, he gains 2 stacks of Loaded, and if he ever
reaches 10, he paralyzes himself until he takes damage from a boss. Loaded
In general, you'll use his double attack buff on cooldown, adding 1 Loaded
stack, and then use Flamek Thunder (+2 Loaded) and Tonight I Fly (-3
Loaded) to manage his stacks so he doesn't stun himself. The risks are very
Gun high, but the payoff is good.

As Earth's Zodiac character, Mahira has the strongest buffs in the element so
far. With her nuke she can easily hit the -defense cap (something Cagliostro
could never do and Christmas Clarisse took too long to do), and adding
Chaser and multiattack buffs to the entire team turbo charges your damage.
She's not on Ferry's level of powerful, but her uptime is much better than
Ferry and there's no cost involved with her buffs. In short fights she boosts
Harp your team's damage significantly, and she does even better in long fights.
Razia's kit is simple, but effective. She wants to take hits to charge up her
Flash Point levels, and she has the defense to stand up to most normal
swings. After building up to 10, she can throw out Ausbruch to deal 2.7
million damage, then start it all over again. The abilities are very simplistic,
but she has a lot of play with protecting the Earth attackers who don't like
getting hit, like Hallessena or low-health Ayer and Threo. The problem is,
there isn't much space for her in a Tezcatlipoca team, as the Draph spot has
Threo, Eahta, and Hallessena to contend with, and all of them do more
Gun, Spear damage than she does.




Cross Fates

Keehar (SR)
Teena (SR)

Sara (event SR)

Barawa (R)
Metera (Fire)
Portrait Name Role TL;DR Peaks when... with...

Her counter defensive teams
Regen, counter, actually that don't want
low damage aoe manages to do Summer De la
De la Fille Object lesson nuke something Fille

30% Dark You need to

resist, Break survive Mega Hawkeye, Holy
Sarunan Defender lock Flare Saber

You need Veil

and have your
Seruel Veil Veil full sword grid Light Erune
Proto Bahamut
Impossible tries
to kill your
team multiple
times in a row
Blind, 4 turn CD and fails each
De la Fille Heal, 40% time thanks to
(summer) Healer Reflect to team her Holy Saber

Blind, creates Long fights let

Charlotta cure potions, her make you
(Halloween) Support -20% atk debuff lots of potions Alchemist

Party clear, Bosses who kill

single target Party members 1 character at a
Sophia Healer heal, Resurrect die time

Every debuff You fight bosses

Tweyen Debuffer and you could ever who can be
(Song) Attacker want. paralyzed Anyone

team heal for
3000+900, Party members Last Stand
Fif (Fünf) Healer Reraise could die effects
Rage, -def You bring Mist
debuff, 2 turns and hit the -def
Jeanne d'Arc Attacker/Buffer of TA cap Anyone

Guaranteed DA,
Slow, 10x buff
to next ability's His nukes hit
Albert Attacker damage damage cap Jeanne, Lunalu

She hits 90 and

Team meter Half God Half
buffs, debuff Demon form
Amira Battery/Attackerimmunity gets major buffs Ferry, Jeanne

You combine
her with Ferry
Break lock, and do a casual
Break assassin, 5 million
Zeta ATK up/DEF damage or so to Ferry, Hawkeye,
(Summer) Attacker down buff a broken target Holy Saber

7-hit nuke, heal, You need a lot

both of which of healing in a
Io can be buffed by short amount of Amira, Ferry,
(Limited) Nuker/Healer her third ability time Superstar
Team TA for 4
turns with
additional light
damage, 50%
ougi damage to You realize that
team with 15- she's one of the Amira, Erune
20% damage gods of MVP parties, Sophia,
Ferry Support cap break races Funf

She teams up
Additional with Ferry to do
damage as light, double the
two turns of additional
invincibility on damage as light Ferry, Amira,
command, all at during her Superstar,
the cost of 25% mask curse Bishop/Sage,
Rosamia Attacker of her HP turns Sophia
She teams up
Guaranteed with Ferry to
triple attack on triple attack on
a turn with OD her Overdrive
Assassin turned Assassin turn
Heles Assassin with on. One turn of with echo
(Summer) Charm amazing burst damage. Ferry

offensive buffs.
Great defensive You hit level 45
abilities. and can have
Gorilla in a nice Disgustingly her spirit buffs Every light
Juliet dress high stats. up all the time. character
He goes 3 turns
without getting
Amazing hit and has 44%
offensive buffs. triple attack
Gorilla in a wing One of the best rate with
Lucifer backpack he got nukes in the grossly high Every light
Lucio from Hot Topic game. damage
survive output character
Doesn't do Bahamut's
much damage, many many
but keeps you damage Survivability
Baotorda Defender alive abilities teams
Favored Weapon Notes Cross Fate
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEHer toolkit makes no sense. Her counter
has no taunt so it's random whether or not you ever benefit from it.
Her nuke has a low multiplier on a long cooldown. The only thing
she has going for her is 5 turns of 500 hp regen with a 10 turn CD,
which is actively detrimental if you're trying to fight Celeste Magna Therese
Sword with the proper
His main purpose element.
in life is to combine with Phalanx and save you (event SR)
from Mega Flare during Proto Bahamut. He can be replaced by Dark
carbuncles and by Hecatoncheires, but his cooldowns are shorter,
which helps in between the 25% Mega Flare and the 5% Mega
Staff Flare. Sarunan (Dark)
really bad because of its low multiplier and low damage cap (200k),
just like his sister Heles. However, he has Veil, and that alone earns
Sword him a spot against some bosses. Juri (event SR)
Technically, her heal is worse than her vanilla version because she
only heals 1 character for 2500 every 4 turns. However, everything
else about her is much more useful in her swimsuit form. Her nuke
doesn't improve very much, but has a powerful blind attached to it.
She also gives the party a 40% damage reflect which combines with
Holy Saber Phalanx to provide multiple turns of effective
Sword invulnerability.
Her -20% atk debuff is fairly reliable even off element, but her Blind
is nowhere near as reliable. Unlike other heals, her ability to make a
cure potion is good to use every time it's off cooldown even when
no one is hurt. With late game Light's enormous HP pool fueled by
Lumi swords, heal potions gain a lot of value, often healing for
Sword 10,000+. Great long-term survival character
Sophia is one of the best characters to have in the back row,
regardless your front row's element. When a character dies, she can
come in and resurrect the dead party member, heal a character in
Staff red health to full, and clear status effects.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEDepravity tries to cast all of the following
debuffs on a 7 turn cooldown: Debuff resistance down, Burn, Rot,
Blind, Charm, Undead, Sleep, Paralyze (30s), -atk, -def, -DA rate, -TA
rate, and Death. Each of these status effects are slightly less
effective than the same debuff cast by a specialized character, but
getting all of those in a single package is incredible. Her ougi also
comes with a 60s paralyze, which you'll have to hold on to in group
play or else you'll mess up the paralyze timings. She and Percival
were the targets of several buffs to HL boss resistances, and for
good reason.
When you reach certain points of HL/Impossible bosses, her ougi
will be more of a drawback than a feature, because using her CA
Bow early will actively harm your chances of finishing the boss safely.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEFuü nf is definitely one of the strongest
healers in the game, auto-reviving allies (unless the boss dispels)
and clearing all status effects in a single button press. The question
is, why would you spend all of your time and effort making Fuü nf
when you could just get Sophia for your back row for much of the
same role, and then spend your time and materials on a different
Staff Guild Wars character? Are you James Xie?
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEJeanne provides -25% def, which
combines with Miserable Mist to hit the -def cap. Her
Encouragement skill is just as strong as a Weapon Master's Rage III,
and between those two her third skill could be blank and she'd still
be a great character. Two straight turns of guaranteed TA every 8
turns are just icing on the cake. When you hit Tier 4 classes, more
people will be able to bring Rage and -def, so she'll stop being as
useful and give way to other attackers, but for solo play she's still
excellent. Her five star uncap... didn't really do anything of real
meaning to her, which is a real shame on a character who has
Spear started losing her spots to characters like Juliet.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEHe has the lowest attack stat of any SSR
and his nukes come with very low multipliers, so he has to use
Lightning Burst to make his abilities do significant damage. On the
plus side, his February 2017 buffs made his attacks much more
meaningful, with increased nuke caps (it's still not necessarily
worth it for him to stun himself for a turn to buff these abilities)
and a nifty 20% chaser effect added to his guaranteed double
Sword attacks after his Charge Attack. Deliford
While Jeanne and Albert have good to excellent meter gain, Amira
gives the rest of the team a significant boost to meter as well with
her 30% meter gain buff and 15% DA/15% TA buffs to the whole
party. Once she gains the ability to transform and then use ougis to
reduce her own cooldowns, she becomes one of the better batteries
Fist in the game while still dealing solid damage.
The main difference between Summer Zeta and regular Zeta is her
increased multiplier on Break Assassin ougi, which is a huge
weakness of fire Zeta. Her Break Lock is beefier than her fire
version's, as well. This matters because with Ferry, she can
guarantee triple attacks at the 1.1 million Assassin cap, with
additional damage. This does insane damage to break phases,
Spear which mostly matters in really long fights (like HLs).
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEEvery 2 turns, she can consume 25%
meter in order to increase the effect of her nuke or her heal.
Maximum effectiveness is achieved at 2 stacks. She eats up a lot of
meter for powerful effects, but this costs her dearly because she's
not very good at building meter herself. But once chain bursts start
being less useful in HL fights, her ability to heal for up to 5,000
Staff every 7 turns at the cost of 50 meter becomes huge.
Ferry is a tricky balance of bursts of enormous power and long
bursts of inactivity. But when you have Tweyen on your team, you
won't be able to ougi until preset times in the raid anyway or you'll
mess up the paralyze function, so feel free to use her to turbo
charge your damage!
Step 1: Build your whole team to 100% meter
Step 2: Cast Hinrichten and use a clear effect on your team so you
can get 4 turns of guaranteed triple attacks with extra damage
while still gaining 100% ougi meter in that time.
Step 3: On the 5th turn, use Grausam to buff your ougi damage by
50%, with a 15-20% increase to the damage cap. Unload your full
Step 4: On turns 6 through 11, build to 100% meter again and keep
it until Hinrichten is back up, then go back to step 1.

With the advent of 5* Tweyen, many light teams have swapped over
to using her in their serious damage teams, relegating Ferry back to
Dagger her old spot of Queen of Assault Time.
A fairly simple, but very strong design: for 4 turns out of every 6,
she can give herself additional damage and a couple turns of
immunity. During those turns, she'll have guaranteed double
attacks with her third skill, and be able to shrug off the added aggro
on her invincible turns. As long as you have some way of keeping
her alive after her first free revive, she's an excellent source of
damage, capable of taking Jeanne's spot when you no longer need
Rage. The health cost is a bit harder to manage when you're low
level, so be careful until you find a renewable source of healing for
her. Her buffs actually made her harder to use and more likely to
die, which is real unfortunate since her Charge Attack will make her
unhealable now - be careful keeping this character alive!
(Alternately, some people intentionally get her killed in order to
Sword unleash Tweyen from the back line after paralyze is unbanned)

With the recent wave of buffs, Summer Heles became even more of
an OD breaker than before. Guaranteed triple attacks with a cap of
1.16 million are no joke, especially if Ferry provides another 50%
echo on top of that, and her charm ability provides her a little bit of
defensive utility as well. Very solid character, though outshined by
Spear the releases of Juliet and Lucio.
Don't let the Defense label fool you, Juliet is one of light's most
powerful attackers while still having some defensive utility. Thanks
to how her Spirit Shrouds work, Juliet at level 25 outdamages level
90 Jeanne d'Arc, while providing Light attack up to the team with
longer uptime than Jeanne's Rage effect and providing a dark
resistance buff and a light resistance debuff. She can also provide a
decent barrier with Revitalize to a single target on your team (often
herself since she uses 20% meter to restore her Spirit Shrouds), but
most of the time you'll be pressing her first skill and going nuts
Spear with her beefy attacks.
Let's take a look at what peak Lucio looks like, after his passives
max out:
79% Double Attack rate
44% Triple Attack rate (74% for 2 turns of every 7)
90% Light chaser damage (2 turns out of every 7)
40% Light attack up
30% Light attack up for 3 turns after his Charge Attack
1.6 million damage nuke every 5 turns
2 turns of debuff immunity on command

This character does a lot of damage, and while he's a bit soft to dark
damage, some smart management of his defensive abilities should
Katana (why) more than reward you for keeping him around.


Portrait Name Role TL;DR Peaks when... with...

-def debuff,
Slow, Poison, She learns Slow Vampy,
Lady Grey Debuffer Undead at level 100 Miserable Mist

resistance Celeste fist, SR
debuff, blind, Your grid is all Lucius,
Cerberus Attacker burn, charm fists Sidewinder

Team heal for

Rosetta 1500, clear, Your dark team
(Christmas) Healer dispel needs heals Lady Grey
You're up
against a fight
where his nukes
30% atk up to matter (hello
Vaseraga Attacker self, Drive Burst Huanglong) Anyone

He starts
double and
Counter, triple attacking
illusion, at the damage
stacking +atk as cap (which
long as he doesn't take Dark GW fist,
Seox Attacker doesn't get hit very long) Vira, Sara, Petra
Veil, -atk/-def
debuff that
stacks with You limit break
Mist, Amira her and she hits Miserable Mist,
Vira Utility mode level 90 Odin summon
Suicide nuke,
ability that
removes all
buffs and
debuffs from
Sarunan enemy and your Chevalier HL
(Dark) Meme party hits 75% health No one

Danua 1200 barrier, Her barrier still

(Summer) Support -25% atk debuff keeps you alive Doujinshi
Dispel, Charm, You fight bosses
Slow, +meter to with buffs and
Vampy Support team CT bars Anyone
-10% def
debuff, +20%
Atk/Def, 10%
Cagliostro DA, 5% TA buff
(Halloween) Support with Clear She hits 75 Anyone

Slow, additional
damage of
element, OD Cagliostro
assassin, Her auto (Halloween),
She doesAtk
a attacks hit the Superstar,
Narmaya Attacker buff
complicated damage cap Wiseman, Ferry
dance to
become a
strong auto
Beatrix Attacker attacker ????? S+M doujinshi

Third -def effect

in Dark, one of
the only team
buffs available
to Dark in her
+light resist/
+dark atk ougi,
Enmity passive,
and wide
Jeanne d'Arc fluctuations in She hits turn 3 Celeste fist,
(Dark) Attacker power level of her buff cycle Sophia

FEAR, Slow,
Dispel all in one You finish story
package, plus 4x chapter 63 and
Black Knight Critical Hit are able to
(Apollonia) Utility EMPs unlock F E A R Anyone
Turn 15 or so
Atk down, rolls around
double nuke, and her passive
self DA buff, ability maxes
gets stronger out, then she
the longer the uses her CA and
Forte Attacker fight goes nukes twice Narmaya
You press
Conjuction [sic] Celeste claws,
to gain damage Crimson
immunity, life Fingers, Ecke
drain, and full Sachs, Tiamat
Press benefit from a Bolts, Meteora,
Zooey Overseer of Conjuction [sic]. grid full of Dark Jeanne,
(Summer) balance Profit. Enmity skills. Gisla...
Buff up, go for a You awaken his
few turns true power with
without getting Noble Blood,
hit, and have giving him: 80%
fun! Then ougi, DA/20% TA, Abilities that let
and stop having crit, 100% atk him survive the
You take a turn
Veight Seox wannabe fun. off, thendodge. aggro
up, and Blind, up on his
unleash an ougi ougi, and
with +100% massive atk
Healer, Charge attack and boosts that
Attack burst +135% damage push him to his
Marquiares damager BA KU RE TSU cap. damage cap

Press the self-

buff button,
then enjoy She presses her
endless turns of self buff and
hyper mode - at nothing breaks Guild Wars fist,
least until she her 40% shield, Phalanx, and
gets hit for allowing her to other damage
Like Veight, but enough to break go nuts for the prevention
Orchid better Lloyd. whole fight abilities
The enemy is
afflicted by Anyone who
Burn status, takes advantage
then she does 3 of Burn,
straight turns of including
Sets the enemy triple attacks Lucius or
on fire, then with Chaser someone in raid
gains Chaser before doing an main handing
while they're on amped-up the Xeno Ifrit
Zeta (Dark) Attacker fire. Charge Attack. axe
You use her as a
skin for your
Katalina Is like Katalina, water Katalina
(Dark) Blu-ray bonus but worse. SSR Your wallet
Cagliostro You need to heal
(Dark) Healer Healer up ???????
Favored Weapon Notes
Her Deep Down ability is one of the character abilities that let you hit the -def
cap consistently, and that does wonders for your damage if you get her as one
of your starting SSRs. Just that would be worth consideration on its own, but
then she gets a reliable slow at level 100 and becomes a very solid utility
Spear character, though Vampy's slow is superior to hers.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE METriad Deception tries to apply three debuffs. The
Burn has a high success rate, which is nice for Kill Streak and Lucius. The
Blind and Charm have a lower success rate, which is why you either have to
hope her Disillusion lands, or use Superstar Soul Pilfer to raise their success
rate. Having a 1333 self-heal every 7 turns is an okay perk but completely
unreliable for keeping her alive, and while she has a high natural TA rate
(30% or so), that doesn't do enough to separate her from the mob of decent-
to-good attackers in Dark, and leaves her well behind the hulking ogres
Fist available in this element.
Like Yuel and Christina, be aware that her heal will heal before removing
Undead or Curse status, so you'll still need another heal after her to deal with
both the status and the damage. Otherwise, she's a fairly standard healer, and
Dagger ypu won't really miss her if you have Marquiares or Cagliostro (Dark)
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEHaving a weak (220k cap) nuke on a 7 turn
cooldown plus a burst of 20 meter is unimpressive. However, his second nuke
does significant damage on a 6 turn cooldown, and his atk up to self stacks
with Rage effects. Those last two abilities make him solid and stable, though
Axe not spectacular.
HEY SHEEP CHANGE MEAs long as he stays untouched, he gains 30% atk
each turn (max 255% after 9 turns). This is easier than it sounds, because
unlike Siete, he has his own protection built in: his ougi gives him Illusion,
and he also has a dodge+counter ability. Equipping the upgraded Guild Wars
fist (which you will have already because that's how you get him in the first
place) will make it even easier, as it will add an additional dodge+counter
effect to your entire team on every ougi. Even if you fail, the cooldown is only
3 turns. You can start over and it will still be good. Oh, and it has unlisted
bonuses too - when he's at low health it will also raise his triple attack rate
Fist and give him life steal.
Just like every other character with Veil, she should always be on your mind
when assembling boss teams. Sometimes she'll save you from wiping just by
hitting Veil at the start of the fight, and everything on top of that is just gravy.
Now that she has a 5*, she excels in long fights, functioning as both a potent
Sword attacker and some of the only defensive utility that Dark gets.

He used to be one of the worst characters in the game because his toolkit is
about being a suicide bomber and clearing all effects off of a boss, beneficial
or harmful alike. He is still one of the worst characters in the game, but he
has a clear purpose now: when Chevalier HL hits 75% or 50%, you take your
turn, count to 18 "OK!" stamps, and then hit his dispel-everything button to
Staff save everyone a minute of their lives.
Combined with Miserable Mist, she lets you hit the -atk cap, and that helps
her barrier go much further than you would think. She does wonders for
helping your team survive against Chevalier Magna's double attacks and 50%
HP Sword of Light trigger, but she falls off quickly when the damage numbers
Dagger go higher than she can handle.
Between a Slow that provides your team 20% meter, a dispel that deals solid
damage, and a Charm that still buffs her atk/def by 20% and her DA/TA rate
even if it misses, she offers an amazing package of utility abilities. She is no
slouch in the damage department either, with her ougi dealing 50% extra
Staff damage to Charmed targets.
She does everything Earth Cagliostro does, but gets her break points at
different levels. Her Phantasmagoria hits its peak at level 75 instead of level
100, her heal caps at 2000, and Collapse only provides -10% def, which is
worse than Vira's and Lady Grey's versions of the same ability. Feel free to
Staff use her, but don't kill yourself trying to get her during Halloween gacha.
Her stance changes make her very finicky about timing, but it shouldn't take
you too long to get used to how she plays. You want to change stances every
3-4 turns to keep her attacks dealing additional weakness damage while
stacking her +atk effect. You want to use her second ability while in Genji
stance to give her multiple OD assassin attacks 3 turns in the future, and you
also want to make sure she's in the correct stance for using Slow (Genji
stance) or OD Assassin (Kagura stance). Once you get used to her timings and
stance ougi effects, she is one of the most powerful attackers in the game. She
was the first real experiment in the "attacks deal additional damage as X
element" mechanic, and she was such a wild success that many characters
with that mechanic after her (Limited Rosetta, SSR Ferry, and 5* Yuel) have
Katana been amazing.


Dark Jeanne epitomizes the Celeste claw game plan, though her power comes
and goes in waves (check out Incited below and see how crazy it gets). She
can use her ability 3 to stay at 1 HP for 4 turns, extracting every last bit of
value from the Enmity/Last Stand skill, and if you can somehow manipulate
the boss to dispel her, the 5th turn drawback of her dropping dead will not
come into play. Combine that with some insane numbers on Incited, her 6-
turn self buff, and she only takes a bit of babysitting to join the rest of Dark's
top attackers. Her ougi also provides Dark with one of its only team buffs,
providing the SSR-standard +20% resistance to light and +20% dark atk up.
Turn and
Slow 1: 25%
a single
skill is20%
TAmakes you choose
Turn 2: 50%
between one atk,
effect50%or the
happyTAto have both on the same
Turn 3: 100%
character, but she
atk, suffers
100% DA,slightly
50%from TA Vampy having close to the same kit
Turn better
with 4: 100%play
in -10%
to do
TAa lot of work to earn her
Turn 5:
FEAR button,
DA,a great
50% TAcharacter who can slot into
Sword Turn 6:any
almost -50%boss
-50% Her
has goneDA,up
TAwith her 4 Critical Hit
EMP nodes, as well as Unite and Fight and Ultimate Baha HL fights being
perfect for her skill set, where you want to dispel often and Fear when

Also note that she's awful for story mode, as she's banned from Story mode
Sword for most of the first arc.
Fairly straightforward attacker, with a couple of twists that make her very
interesting to some segments of the Dark player population. She's the second
Draph in Dark after Narmaya who is still viable in HL content, and being a
Draph makes Cosmo Axe wielders happy as well. Her passive, which boosts
her attack for every turn that has passed in battle, lends itself to longer fights
and maxes out at +50%, which is good but not broken. See: Seox. Her CA
doubling the effect of her nuke, Lancelot-style, helps her skill set scale into
the late game. The big issue with her right now is that Battle Cry gives
Spear 20%atk up for 5 turns, but it gets overwritten by Rage 3.

One of the greatest enablers in the game, Zooey provides you with a single,
risk-free turn of maximized Enmity, which Celeste, Hades, Agni, Ecke Sachs-
Colossus, Tiamat, Titan, and Yggdrasil players can use to give themselves a
few turns of time at the damage cap. While the life drain and Bishop/Sage
players in the same raid as you can quickly reduce the amount of atk you gain
from your Enmity skills in grid, it's still an insane amount of power in a single
Sword button.

Veight's abilities are pretty much what you'd expect from the "don't get hit"
line of characters like Hallessena and Orchid, but for some reason, his buffs
are designed to fall off far more often than theirs do, leaving him wanting
comparedplayers will
to the be familiar
heavy hitters with
of hishow
element, andworks,
even where hethe
some of needs
Dagger to manage his MP to
second line attackers. use his abilities and his ougi. He can use MP to heal for
effectively 3500 without destroying your enmity too much, he can tank up
and triple attack, or he can just blow it all in an enormous Charge Attack
(though he doesn't even need to use MP for his charge attack to hit ridiculous
numbers). Solid character, but being the only Harvin in dark (Lunaru doesn't
Staff count) hurts him in the early game when his healing is most effective.
Here's what Puppet Strings does, since understanding that will tell you
everything you need to know about Orchid. When the ability is used, it places
an undispellable buff on Orchid that provides her with:
+100% attack (Normal modifier)
+100% double attack
+50% triple attack
+50% crit chance (+50% damage on crit, Light enemies only).
It's a very strong package, making her 1.2 million damage nuke an
afterthought in comparison. But, if she ever takes 40% of her HP worth of
damage before she Charge Attacks again, it will break and leave her
weakened for 2 turns, so don't just assume she's invincible.

Orchid also has the same warning for new players as the Black Knight, where
Fist she will not help you through any meaningful portions of story mode.

Before she was shoved into dark, Zeta was slated to be Fire's best attacker,
providing great synergy with the Xeno Ifrit axe and characters like Yuel. Now
that she's Dark, she's still a solid attacker, but solid attackers are a dime a
dozen in the element - she can be used pretty interchangeably with Forte,
Spear Narmaya, and off-element Orchid.
She's like Katalina, but has Clarity instead of Veil. Nothing really special about
Sword her other than some amazing voice work and back story.


Cross Fate


English name Actual effect

Enemy attacks have a chance to miss.

40% miss chance: EX Blind
30% miss chance: De la Fille (Summer), Charlotta (Halloween)
20-25% miss chance: most SRs
Blind Note that Gandagouza no longer overwrites blinds with his "clouded vision"
Seraphic weapons and some characters take the final damage calculation and
slap an extra 10% or 20% on top of it when attacking certain elements. This
damage is calculated after the damage cap is taken into account, and can be
incredibly powerful. However, the weapons do not stack with the characters,
making characters like Izmir, Percival (Summer), and most of the Eternals
Bonus Damage very sad. Do not confuse this with Chaser/additional damage (below)!
Each mob has a list of treasure chests it can drop, each with their own drop
rate and a list of possible contents. The game rolls for each chest from best to
worst, not counting guaranteed drops (like event medals or magna
Bounty Hunt fragments). If a chest does drop, then it will generate what's inside off of that
(JP name: list. Each stack of Bounty/Treasure Hunt raises the chance of each chest, but
Treasure Hunt) each rank is more difficult to land than the last.

Charge Attack A unique attack that all characters can perform when they reach 100% meter.
(CA, JP name: In general, an SSR character's Charge Attack will be 4.5 times as strong as
Ougi) their regular attack, but many exceptions exist.
Charmed enemies have a chance of taking no action on their turn.
35% charm chance: Charm Voice II EX (harp equipped), Vira (Summer)
30% charm chance: Charm Voice EX (harp equipped)
25% charm chance: Vampy, Song
20% charm chance: Charm Voice II EX (no harp equipped), Siren summon
Charm 15% charm chance: Charm Voice EX (no harp equipped), most SRs
Named after the Warlock EX, this ability provides an additional instance of
Chaser (AKA damage after an attack, based on a percentage of the attack's damage. This
Echo, Additional ability is popular at the high end because it allows characters to do damage
Damage as beyond the normal attack cap, and also makes for fun screenshots when the
[Element]) abilities are stacked. Do not confuse this with Bonus Damage (above)!

Defensive ability that removes one (or more, if you're Funf/Fif) debuff from
allies. Note that characters like Yuel and Christina will heal, then clear status,
which can get you in trouble against the Undead status and make you sad
Clear against the Curse status.
A reactive ability, mostly found on Melee-favored characters, that dodges a
single enemy attack and then attacks back. These counterattacks are
considered normal attacks, and are affected by things like Chaser, health
Counter (dodge) drain, and other on-attack effects. Does nothing to most special abilities.

A variation on Counter that activates on any attack that results in the

Counter (damage)character taking damage, making it effective against AoE.
When attacking with the superior element, Critical Hit skills and buffs
provide a percent chance of doing more damage. These values value wildly
depending on the source of Critical Hit. For example, Silva's critical hit is a
75% chance to do 75% extra damage, while 5* Altair CA provides a 70%
chance to do 20% more damage. Multiple instances of this skill can stack,
Critical Hit which can do silly things to your damage numbers.
A maximum amount of damage on all attacks and abilities before extremely
severe scaling applies. For auto attacks, it is ~440k. For 2 chains and Assassin
attacks, it is ~1.16 million. For most Charge Attacks and 3+ chains, it is ~1.7
Damage cap million. For abilities, it varies from character to character.
Removes one (or more, if you're Dark Sarunan) buff from an enemy target.
Dispel has a priority system that you can learn over time - dispelling Cocytus
Dispel will always remove Double Attack first, for example.

Avoids all attacks and damage. In some cases, a dodge will also dodge debuffs
Dodge as well.
Depletes an enemy's OD gauge. Has no effect on enemies with no OD gauge,
Duration and bosses can have longer or shorter OD meters depending on difficulty.

A skill that mostly comes on weapons, Enmity increases atk as a character's

HP goes lower. At 100% HP it has minimal effect, and it ramps up quickly
once below 70% HP. When provided by a character ability rather than
Enmity Support Ability or weapon, it is called Jamming.

A character gains 20% extra atk from each favored weapon in the grid.
Example: Altheia has swords as his favored weapon. He will gain 1200 atk
Favored weapon from a sword
Enemies thatby
affected lists 1000
Fear gainatk.
no CT dots. Usual duration is 60 seconds. Much
like Paralyze, bosses gain resistance to this debuff the more often it is
applied. Note that the Fear from Chaos Ruler's Unpredictable ability is
considered separately from all other characters' Fears for the purposes of
Fear ("Petrify") resistance.
Everything on the field, enemy and ally alike, takes extra damage based on
how long is left in the duration of Flare.
180-165 seconds remaining: 10% extra damage
165-155: 5%
155-135: 20%
135-125: 10%
125-110: 30%
110-100: 20%
100-80: 50%
80-65: 20%
65-45: 75%
45-30: 20%
30-20: 100%
20-15: 30%
15-5: 30%
Flare 5-0: 10%
1 Hype/Tension: 10% attack up (50% chance)
2 Hype/Tension: 30% attack up (30% chance)
Hype 3 Hype/Tension: 60% attack up (15% chance)
(JP name: 4 Hype/Tension: 100% attack up (5% chance)
Tension) All of these are on multipliers separate from Rage and other Attack Up effects

Term for any ability that sets a character's ougi meter to 100%. Named after
Ignition Story Eugen's ability of the same name.
Dodges single target attacks a set number of times. The buff fades if the
Illusion character is hit by AoE.
Short for Miserable Mist, a -25% atk/def debuff from Dark Fencer that is one
of the most commonly used EX skills in the game. It will not stack with other
-def/-atk effects, but does stack with separate -atk and -def effects. The term
"Mist" is generically used to refer to any -atk/-def buff, even though some of
them are counted as separate -atk/-def effects (Vira and Lancelot, for
Mist example).
The enemy is unable to act or gain CT while paralyzed. Be warned that most
bosses become more resistant to the status as Paralyze is used on them. As of
2017, there are two categories of Paralyze for the purposes of ramping boss
resistance. Song/Tweyen's Paralyze and the Paralyze from Quatre/Feower
Paralyze are considered separately.

Refresh A heal over time that heals affected characters by a certain amount each turn.
Revitalize is similar to Refresh, healing after each turn. However, if a
Revitalized target is at full health, they will gain CA meter instead of being
Revitalize healed.
Character becomes unable to gain ougi meter for as long as Short lasts. Ferry
inflicts it on the entire team (it can and should be cleared), Eustace inflicts
Short this on himself when he charges his ougi with minimum meter.

While an enemy is sleeping, they cannot act. Sleep breaks on damage, but
Sleep while sleeping, damage taken is amplified.

Slow Reduces enemy CT by 1, delaying ougi by a turn.

The opposite of Enmity, Stamina is a skill or buff that increases your attack
based on how much of your health you still have. The more health, the higher
the buff. When provided by a character ability instead of a weapon skill, it is
Stamina called Strength.

True damage Damage that is not reduced by defense or resistance (appears in white font)
Any effects that would heal the target damage it for that amount instead.
Many bosses are immune to this status, including Yggdrasil Magna and
Undead Colossus Magna.

Uplift A character affected by Uplift gains 10% meter each turn.

A buff that consumes itself to block status effects that would affect the buffed
character. Veil will eat all of the debuffs cast in a single turn, even from
Veil multiple sources (screw you, Diablo)
Who has it
De la Fille
Esser/Tien, etc.
Yggdrasil, Izmir,
Scathacha, all
h/wind Eternals

Everyone, even
Drusilla (R) and
Lyria (SR), who
can't attack

Summer Vira,
(both), Yuel,
Rosetta, Mahira,
Lucio, Ayer,
Ferry, etc
Sophia, Yuel,
Cagliostro, etc

Aliza, Ayer,
Amira, etc

Razia, Six/Seox,

Too many
characters and
weapons to list.
Nemone, Ferry,
etc. can raise it
Vania, Vira
Clarisse, etc
Feena, Yodarha,

Rackam, Arriett
Jeanne d'Arc
(Dark), Beatrix
(Both), Ayer,
Lecia, Zooey
(Threo, Aoidos,
and Yngwie
have 2)

Summer Danua,
Percival, Black


Eugen, Altheia,
Razia, 5*
Silva, etc
Petra, Seox,
Altair, Sochie,
Vira, Lancelot,

Petra, etc.

Eustace, Ferry
Nio/Niyon has a
buffed version
of it called
Metera (both),
Sochie, Anila,
Vampy, Lady
Grey, Narmaya,
Arulumaya, etc
5* Uno/Anre, 5*
Jeanne d'Arc, Io
(Limited), some
character EMPs
Clarisse (both),
Chat Noir,
, Yodarha, etc.

Lady Grey
Eugen, Vira,
Magisa, Vira
(both of them),
Seruel, etc
August 16, 2017 Made it through Fire. Starting on Water writeups.

August 15, 2017 Added Korwa (Summer) through Diantha (Summer) to main tabs
Started filling in writeups for characters added in 2017
Started updating writeups for 5* Eternals and new CA cap

July 9, 2017 Added Earth DLF through Yggdrasil to main tabs

Added Critical Hit, Stamina, Bonus Damage to Glossary tab
Created this Version History tab
Forgot to add Cagliostro (Dark) to at least 3 tabs

Next update: Writeups for new characters (released since March)

Updates on writeups for buffed characters and GW characters

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