1458969-Caverns of The Dirty Hag

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Trapped earth elemental (2) :

Caverns of the Dirty Hag Description :

(Made for 4 level 3's.) A huge earth elemental by the name of Core with a thick-
bouldered body sits at the back of the small room; his
Quest to lead into the caverns : rumbling breathes softly echo within the area. In the center
A young elven woman healer who goes by the name of Cellica of his body a glowing light-blue orb stems out to create vines
has become increasingly worried about her absent brother. that appear to hold him together. His flat stone face bares
Her brother, an elven hunter by the name of Zabbas has gone resemblance to a slab of flat stone.
out into the local caverns to remove a local threat. Around the He only speaks primordial and will inform the party of his
village there are posters detailing a dangerious inhabitant problem if they interact with him. The hag who entered the
moving into the nearby caverns. She offers a reward to return caverns covered the room in strange runes of binding and
her brother to her if he's still alive. teleported the earth elemental into it; trapping him from
Reward (Optional) : 50GP per player + 100EXP escaping. He will mention he has tried to escape before, but
Reward 2 (Optional) : Increased reputation around village. everytime he tries his essence feels as if being pulled apart.
Players can of course choose to kill the elemental in the
The entrance (1) : room, since it cannot get out, but it offers no experience as it
Description : is not hard to shoot fish in a barrel.
You walk through the surrounding moss-green forest dancing If Core is released before the killing of the hag, Core is still
from an afternoon's breeze and approach a rockey outcrop too weak to fight and requests time to rest up; he is unable to
extending up into the air like a spire. At the base of the help the party.
granite spire, a large naturally formed tunnel; wide enough Reward for releasing (Optional) : Gems worth a total of
for three, decends into swirling darkness. 40GP.
Rolls : Rolls :
Perception 10-15 : A player notices bushel of tracks lead Arcana 10-15 : A player understands that the runes are
into the caverns. runes of binding.
Perception 16-19 : A player deduces that the tracks are Arcana 15-17 : A player is capabale of understanding that
that of goblins intermingled with the tracks of what the runes are bound to the earth elemental's spirit;
appears to be something that was dragged; though its destroying the runes will destroy the elemental.
impression is light in the dust. Arcana 18+ : A player knows that the runes, because of
Perception 20-23 : A player can understand there are the nature of the enchantment, are bound to nearby alters
seven goblin tracks. Additionally, a player understands that which sustain the spell.
the light tracks are indicative of an elf's naturally light History 15+ : A player is aware that 'Core' is a well-known
prints. hero across the elemental plane of earth. Core had
Perception 24+ or Crit Success : A second pair of prints engaged in an epic battle with casters intent on destroying
lead into the caverns that appear younger than the golbin's his plane. Chasing them across the planescape, he would
tracks, it sticks close to the edges of the cavern; it's light ultimately come to save his plane from utter destruction,
like an elf's tracks. but not before being cast away from his home and into the
History 12-16 : A player is aware that the caverns around material plane. Now, unable to find a way home, he has
the region typically house naturally found beasts. found a new home inside the caverns and offers aid to any
History 17-20 : A player becomes aware that there is a who need.
black spider that goes by the name of 'Zima', a brood-
mother to her swarm, that lives within the caverns. Shalana, the bounty hunter (3) :
History 21+ : A player is aware of 'Core', a rather friendly Description :
earth elemental who protects the caverns from evil Shalana is a young elven woman with tan skin and straight
threats, that lives within the caverns. black hair that touches the center of her back. She wears
Survival 5-10 : A player can track the prints of the goblins patched pieces of leather armor with metal studs and carries
if they are aware of them to the golbin camp. upon her back a black-oak long-bow with three white feathers
Survival 15+ : A player can track the second pair of prints tied to the top of it. She is seeking to fulfill a contract to kill
if they are aware of them to Shalana. Zima, a black spider that acts as a brood-mother to her
swarm. After understanding the party's intent and if she's in
danger or not via them, she will ask if they want to help for a
portion of the bounty. Shalana will be distrusting of players at
first, but will slowly open up to them as they work together.
If she is attacked, she will run and attempt to kill the
players at a later date with help; she holds a grudge.
Use the Bandit Captain for her stats/abilities. She can
instead of multiattack twice with a scimitar, attack twice with
her bow for the same to-hit and damage, additionally, she
doesn't get parry, but can attack within 5ft with a bow without

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Reward for helping (Optional) : 30GP per player; if anyone Goblin camp (Medium OR deadly
tried to intimidate her that player only recieves 5GP, if encounter) (6) :
anyone attempted to use persuasion on her, that player Description :
recieves 35GP instead. Entering further into the caverns, the air smells subtly of
Rolls : moss and sweat. Three tents sit around the edges of the
Insight 12+ : A player will become aware that Shalana is cavern's walls while two campfire crackle with life.
hesitant to trust, but entertains the notion of working You can choose one of two types of encounters for your
together. players; seven Goblins (Medium difficulty) or one Goblin
Persuasion : Anyone who makes a persuasion roll against Boss, one Goblin, two Bugbears, and two Wolves (Deadly
Shalana secretly gains a +2 to the roll. difficulty).
Intimidation : Anyone who makes an intimidation roll The goblins are actually trying to escape the rule of the
against Shalana secretly recieves a -5 to their roll. hag, but can't escape due to Zima. They will entertain any
Optional spider fight (Medium
notion to free them from the hag's grasp. If they become
aware that Zima is dead, they will ask to leave, if not allowed,
encounter) (4) : they will do whatever they can to escape; ignoring allies and
Description : wounds. If the party decides to help them, they will inform
Hand-sized spiders crawl within the area which is laden with the party of the traps up ahead. If they are attacked without
thick spider webs; they ignore the party, seemingly busy at being spoken to however, they will react aggressively. If only
creating more silky webs. However, along the ceiling six two goblins remain from the medium difficulty, they will try to
spiders follow the party in the shadows; two Giant Spiders run to the hag to inform her of intruders. If one of the
and four regualr Spiders. sentient creatures from the deadly encounter remains, he/she
It is recommend you have the spiders roll a group stealth will try to do the same.
check. There are a dozen dead goblins leading off to the alter area
of the caverns, these goblins have tried to kill the hag's pet
Zima, the brood-mother (Deadly scorpion so as to destroy the alters and bring Core back into
encouter) (5) : the caverns., but have failed.
Description :
Zima is a huge spider appearing much like a black-widow Rolls :
with small hand-sized spiders crawling all over her body. She Perception 10-19 : A player finds two potions of healing
speaks undercommon and will entertain conversation to (2D4 + 4) and 5GP inside the tents.
anyone who speaks it, if only for a short while. Perception 20+ : This option becomes avaliable if you
She is a natural inhabitant of the caverns, having been picked the deadly encounter from above, a player becomes
there before the goblins or the hag. However, Zima is happy aware of a faint glint in the pool of water; insert one
to let the hag share space inside the caverns because the hag uncommon item of your choosing.
lets Zima act as a shepherd to the goblinsl; Zima chooses Poison dart trap (Setback) (7) :
when to collect goblins to eat. Description :
Rolls : Failure to locate the trap causes it to hit the first creature to
Perception 14+ : A player can see that the red marking step across its attack range; a line. Deal 1D4 posion damage,
under the back part of her abdomen isn't a solid red color, then the target must make a 11 constituion save or be
instead, it appears as if made up of a plethora of small poisoned.
runes that give off the illusion of being a solid shape. Rolls :
History/Nature 10-17 : Zima is presumed to have at once Perception 13+ : Small oddly shaped holes in the wall
been a natural creature based on past research or are indicative of dart traps.
experience, but since then has most likely been Sleight of Hand 5+ : You set the trap off and render it
transformed by magic. inactive.
History 18+ : If a player is aware of the nature of the
runes under Zima's abdomen, they recognize the strange Eldritch Blast trap (Dangerous) (8) :
markings. A drow by the name of Sabal has been moving Description :
about the region, transforming creatures into larger, more Failure to locate the trap causes it to hit the closest two
aggressive, and intelligence forms of themselves. creatures when one steps over its activation range; a line.
Persuasion/Intimidation 14+ : A player can try to Deal 1D10 force damage to two creatures within line of sight
convince Zima to supress her desire to eat them. Instead, and within 30ft of the trap; the trap will not target the same
Zima will ask for the hag to be delivered to her alive as person twice.
well as the hag's pet black scorpion. She will wait by the
entrance with a part of her swarm (two Gaint Wolf Rolls :
Spiders) for the party to return. If the hag/scorpion are not Perception 16+ : A nearly invisible rune can be seen
alive, Zima will attack the party with her swarm. If this traced with faint grey powder against the rock wall.
option is taken, Shalana will run out of the caverns and Arcana 14+ : You mar the rune, deactivating the magic.
inform the locals, adding a bounty the the party's head,
one Shalana and aid will attempt to collect together at
some point.

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Hag's quarters (Medium encounter) (9) : Alter room (Medium encounter) (11) :
Description : Description :
The green hag, Beatrix, has moved into the caverns and A large cavern with four alters placed atop the upper area has
enjoys her job torturing both sentient creatures and animals a couple goblin corpses across the left side of it; following the
alike. She uses their bones and gore bits for spellcasting path back to the goblin camp. Up by the alters the hag's pet
rituals. She wears a long tattered brown coat with an scorpion remains active and alert. This creature is a Giant
undershirt and pants in similar condition. She wears a bone Scorpion.
necklace and bone rings. There need to be four players at the alters, which are
If she becomes aware of the party or even thinks there is an essentially small golden podiums with a crimson red orb of
intruder, she will go invisible; if she sees light from below as magic hovering above it, activating it at once to release Core.
she's atop the ledge, if she hears them moving, if a goblin yells They all need to make an arcana check of 5, if more than half
for her, etc. etc. fail, Core is summoned to them, but enters into a furious rage
If she doesn't become aware of the party, she continues and attacks the party. At this point you wish your players good
being the employee of the month and working as diligently as luck.
always on her crafts; currently she's bleeding a heart dry so
she can sew eyeballs into it. Zima Stats :
In a human-sized cage situated in the far-northern corner, Zima's Resistances are optional
there is a beaten and brused elf who if spoken to will inform
the party of his name; Zabbas. He will go on to say the hag
has the key around her neck and ask for help to release him.
If Beatrix goes invisible, she will stalk the party until
someone who looks weak stands far enough away so she
might get a nasty attack off. Then, she will run to the south to
rejoin with her pet scorpion.
High-risk dive (10) :
Description :
A small cavern is broken in two by a still underground pool of
water. At the far end there remains the half-torn apart body of
a knight. It appears well-aged, as there looks to be a skeleton
within the suit of rusted armor. His hand reaches out in front
of him towards a clearly visible treasure chest as the lower-
half of his body reamains close to the edge of the still and
murky water; its spine lies dipped into the water.
If a player chooses to cross the water, stare at them
intently, frown, and tell them to roll a dexterity saving throw;
mutter the word 'oh god' or 'oh man'. Regardless of what they
roll, tell them 'okay' and describe the water rippling from the
opposite end of the pool they're in. If they continue, grin with
an evil smirk and pretend everything is okay. As they climb up
onto the shoreline at the other end, have them make another
dexterity saving throw; they fail no matter what they roll.
Frown again and tell them that they think they feel something
brush against their leg as they pull themselves out. As they go
over to the chest, have the skeleton be 'pulled' into the water
with a loud splash. If they check the chest for traps, stare at
them the entire time without blinking and tell them they find
nothing in a monotone, regardless of what they roll.
Inside the chest add one uncommon item of your choosing.
Lastly, as they would go to leave, have them roll a wisdom
save. Spoiler, they fail. They swear they see a dark shape glide
through the water.

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Calculate Exp Gained :
Encounter EXP gained
Shalana 450
Core Tell your players they're evil.
Optional 440
Spider Fight
Zima (solo) 700 + 100 per spawn summoned
Zima (At 700 + 100 per spawn summoned + 100
entrance) for the Wolf Spiders
Goblin Camp 350
Goblin Camp 750
Beatrix 700
Giant Scorpion 700
Posion Trap 10
Eldritch Blast 10

Exp should be given at the end of the

module, otherwise it will disrupt the
Have fun! - Bennisjamin

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