Living Balinese Heritage: Palm-Leaf Manuscripts and Their Caretakers
Living Balinese Heritage: Palm-Leaf Manuscripts and Their Caretakers
Living Balinese Heritage: Palm-Leaf Manuscripts and Their Caretakers
65 | Autumn 2013
The Network | 43
Living Balinese
study Sanskrit as an autodidact. A couple of years later he had
already established his own personal library, now consisting of
more than 2000 lontar and typewritten copies. In 1991, Catra
heritage: Palm-leaf took over the administration of ‘Proyek Tik’ – a project dedicated
to the transliteration of texts on lontar into Romanized paper
manuscripts and
copies, which was established by Prof. Dr. Christiaan Hooykaas
in 1972 and continued until today by his pupil Dr. Hedi Hinzler.4
Catra is now a highly respected figure, consulted on matters
their caretakers of culture and religion by the local authorities, and called upon
in the capacity of jury in prestigious competitions.