Model Questions For The Final Exam

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Model Questions for the Final Exam

2 Mark Questions

1.Draw the typical galvanic anode installation layout

2.Mention the characteristics of Mg sacrificial anode

a) Favorable position in the emf series (very active).
b) Non-polarizing.
c) High current output.
3.Compare the sacrificial anode systems with ICP?

4.What is meant by Vapor phase inhibitors?

Vapor phase inhibitors are organic inhibitors which readily forms
protective layers on the surface of the metal. Vapor phase inhibitors are
used in the protection of machineries, supplicated equipment’s.

5.Describe Scale inhibitors with examples

Definition: Scale – Precipitates/deposits formed on metallic surface
due to the accumulation of salt from sea water.
Types: Calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate.
Examples: sodium hexa meta phosphate and sodium tripoly phosphate,
amino trimethylene phosphoric acid (ATMP).
6.Briefly explain the electroplating with diagram

For copper plating, copper sulphate is used as

electrolyte. The metal to be coated is made as cathode
and copper electrode is made as anode.

The ionization reaction of the electrolyte is

2+ 2-
CuSO4===Cu +SO4 (oxidation)

On passing current, Cu ions of the electrolyte get
deposited at the cathode.
Reaction at anode:
2+ -
Cu ---- Cu + 2e

Reaction at cathode:
2+ -
Cu + 2e ----- Cu.
The concentration of Cu in the electrolyte is kept minimum by adding
Sulphur acid to get uniform coating.
2+ 2-
CuSO4 === Cu + SO4
+ 2-
H2SO4 == 2H + SO4

7.Define Stray current corrosion

It is the corrosion that is caused by the undesired current which enters
the metallic structure on its way to the cathode.
8.How do you avoid the cathodic protection interferences?

9.Describe Biocides with examples

Biocides are chemical substrates used to control bacterial growth.

Examples: Cocoamine acetate, Dialkyl-benzyl ammonium chloride,
Acrolein Chlorine dioxide

10. Mention the common coating’s failures

a. Blistering
b. Cracking:
c. Wrinkling
5 Mark Questions

1. Explain the working principle of SA with diagram.

Metal structure is connected to a Mg(s) Sacrificial anode in which Mg

supplies e- to the metal structure (cathode). The Mg anode is affected
by the soil resistance resulting decrease in current output. Hence,
backfill is used to provide a uniform environment to the Mg(s), such as,
Gypsum and bentonite.
2. Explain the methods of measurements of soil resistivity

a) Four-Pin Direct Current:

Two outside pins C1 and C2, and the two inside pins Pi and P2. The
outer pins are connected to a DC source (12 V). The existing voltage
between the two potential pins Pi and P2 is recorded before any
current is applied. A desired amount of current is made to flow in
the earth between the two outside pins C1 and C2, and the voltage
drop is measured between the two inner pins P1 and P2.
b) Soil Box

A DC source is connected to C1 and C2 terminals and the voltmeter

is connected to the terminals P1 and P2 (potential terminals). A
measured current is passed through the soil sample and the voltage
drop is read across the P1 and P2 pins. Knowing the voltage drop
and the current introduced, the resistivity of the soil can be
conveniently measured.

3. Mention the functions of components of paints

a) Pigment: To give a desired color, and to strengthen the protective
b) Vehicle: To provides better adhesion to the surface, and to form a
protective film by oxidation.
c) Thinner: To reduce viscosity and helps in drying, and to dissolve
the constituents of paint.
d) Drier: To improve the drying quantity of the oil film.
e) Filler: To reduce the cost of paint, and to fill the voids in film.
f) Plasticiser: To give elasticity to the paint film, and to prevent the
paint film from cracking.
g) Antiskining agent: To prevent the paint from skinning.
4. Explain the procedures of phosphate conversion coatings
A spray zinc phosphate process for steel and zinc:
[1] Alkaline cleaning with an alkali (3-8 g/l) at 82°C.
[2] Hot rinsing with water at ITC.
[3] Cold rinsing with water at 25°C.
[4] Acid pickling by H2SO4 (15 wt%) at 60°C.

[5] Zinc phosphate bath at 25°C.

[6] Neutralization by NaNO2.

[7] Lubrication with soap at 66°C.

5. Explain the mechanism of organic inhibitors.

Through a process of surface adsorption, designated as a film- forming,
these inhibitors build up a protective hydrophobic film adsorbing the
molecules on the metal surface, which provides a barrier to the
dissolution of the metal in the electrolyte.

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