Biophysics-Lectures-2012-3 (Physiology) PDF
Biophysics-Lectures-2012-3 (Physiology) PDF
Biophysics-Lectures-2012-3 (Physiology) PDF
Davor Eterović
Translated by:
1. D. Eterović (chapters 6 and 7), editor
2. J. Marinović (chapters 2, 3 and 5)
3. M. Ljubković (chapter 1)
4. D. Kovačić (chapter 4)
The cell membrane is composed of lipid bilayer (the wall for polar molecules)
continuity of which is disturbed by the membrane proteins, often completely disrupting
the bilayer (transmembrane proteins). The role of some of these proteins is being a gate
within the lipid wall, through which polar molecules can enter or exit from the cell.
These are transport proteins.
The lipid bilayer is relatively permeable to small, nonpolar and weakly polar
molecules (gasses, alcohol, and urea). The solubility of oxygen is higher in lipids of the
membrane than in water. Therefore, oxygen easily passes through the cell membranes
as if they were non-existent.
Transport proteins enable passage of water and ions. There are two ways. The
so-called channel proteins have in their structure a hole through which water and some
(not all!) ions dissolved in water freely enter, depending on the shape and size of their
hydration shell. Another way is through the carrier protein: a molecule binds to a
carrier at one of its sides, thereby initiating its conformational change which results in
transfer and release of molecules on the opposite side. Depending on whether the
conformational change of the carrier requires the expenditure of metabolic energy or
not, such a mode of transport is called active transport, or facilitated diffusion,
Although water is lipid-insoluble, it readily passes through cell and other subcellular
membranes, almost entirely through the channel proteins. A smooth passage of water is
enabled by the special proteins aquaporins. There are several types of aquaporins,
especially in the kidney epithelial cells within the nephron. Unobstructed passage of
water molecule is enabled by its small size. For example, in red blood cells, in one
second, a 100 times more water than the volume of the cell can pass through the
erythrocyte membrane. Only slightly larger molecules pass much harder. Thus, urea,
molecular diameter of which is only 20% higher than the water, passes about 100 times
Protein channels are often highly selective for water-dissolved particles. Some
of them are constantly open, and the others open and close as a result of the external
In unstimulated cell, sodium ions, together with potassium ions pass through the
cell membrane via so-called Na-K leak channels that are continuously open. In doing
so, potassium ions pass much more easily because their hydration shell is smaller
(although the potassium atom is larger then the sodium atom!).
After external stimulation, a selective transport of specific ion is very important.
Selectivity of the protein channels is determined by the size, shape and distribution of
the effective charge of its inner surface. Accordingly, the sodium channels are about
0.4 nm wide and are highly negatively charged. This negative charge quickly releases
the sodium ions from their relatively large hydrating shell, so a sodium ion quickly
finds itself in the interior of the protein. Another important type of protein channels is
potassium channels. They are narrower than sodium channels and are not charged
inside. Consequently, potassium ions pass through them together with their hydration
shell, and sodium ions cannot pass due to their larger shell. Similarly, despite its smaller
hydration shell, potassium cannot pass through the sodium channel, because the shape
and charge distribution of inside of the channel is designed just for the sodium shell.
Na-K leak channels are always open. In contrast, permeability of specific
sodium and potassium channels is regulated. It is said that these channels are gated.
Opening and closing of sodium and potassium gates depends on the potential difference
between the interior of cells and extracellular fluid, the so called membrane potential.
That is why it is sad that potassium and sodium channels are voltage-dependent. It is
believed that, by conformational changes, a special extension of protein molecule closes
or opens the entrance to the protein channel. In case of sodium channel there are two,
activation and inactivationt, gates, each on one side, while potassium channel has only
one gate at the intracellular side.
In addition to voltage-dependent protein channels, there are those whose
openness is regulated by direct binding of certain molecule to the protein. These are
ligand-gated channels. An example is the cholinergic channels which are opened by
binding of acetylcholine molecules. They are very important in synaptic transmission of
neural signals from one neuron to another, as well as from neurons to muscle cells.
In this case, in contrast to active transport, the energy that ensures the transport is the
thermal energy of random motion. Therefore, as in regular diffusion, the net transport
occurs from higher towards lower concentration. The difference is the presence of a
transport protein that provides to the molecule a passage through the membrane. Given
that the number of available transport proteins is limited, and that each transport
requires time during which the protein moves to another state and then returns to its
original shape ready for acceptance of a new molecule, facilitated diffusion is showing
signs of saturation kinetics, i.e., the net transmembrane diffusion flow can not exceed
a certain maximum size.
Facilitated diffusion is the way the glucose and the majority of amino acids enter the
cells. Transport of glucose, through its impact on intra-cellular synthesis of the carrier
proteins, is determined to large extent by insulin.
Diffusion is the random, thermal motion of molecules in which the movement direction
of a certain molecule is constantly changing as a result of collision with other particles.
J = - D·S·Δc/Δx
From kinetic molecular theory:
D = u ·k ·T
u = 1/6 Π a η
Therefore, small particles diffuse faster in the medium that provides little resistance.
During transfer from the fluid to the membrane, diffusion slows down or seizes,
depending on the solubility of the particle
J = - D·kp·S·dc/dx
Osmosis is the flow of water through a semi permeable membrane from the
compartment where the concentration of dissolved substances is lower to the
compartment where it is higher. When the partial pressures of water become equal, a
balance is reached and net flow of
water stops.
π = iRTc
π = RT θic
The most studied active transport is that by the Na-K pump. It is a protein complex of
two distinct globular proteins. Larger unit has three receptor sites for sodium ions in the
intracellular part, and two sites for potassium ions on the part that protrudes out into
extracellular space. Part of the protein near the binding sites for sodium ions possesses
an ATP-ase activity and is activated after binding of sodium ions from the intracellular
fluid and extracellular potassium ions. ATP breaks down to ADP, while the released
energy, by the still not completely known mechanism, participates in the
conformational change of the carrier, so that sodium ions are expelled out of the cell
and potassium ions are pushed in it.
Notice the two effects of Na-K pump activity: 1. reduction of the number of positive
ions in the cell, and 2. reduction of the total number of ions in the cell. By opposing the
constant entry of sodium ions and exit of potassium ions through leak channels, Na-K
pump ensures their concentration gradients, which, together with its electrogenic effect,
enables existence of the membrane potential and maintains the conduction of nerve
signals (action potentials). In addition, Na-K pump is crucial in controlling the cell
volume. Cells continuously synthesize proteins and other, mostly negative particles,
which then gather positive ions around themselves. All these particles increase the
osmotic pressure and draw water into the cell. Na-K pump, with its permanent reduction
in the number of particles in the cytoplasm, is acting opposite and preventing bursting
of the cell. Under conditions when the osmotic pressure increases in the extracellular
fluid, its activity decreases.
Additionally, Na-K pump indirectly provides energy for secondary active
transports, which are divided into co-transports and counter-transports. In both cases,
the driving force is the spontaneous tendency of sodium ions to enter the cell. In the co-
transport, the sodium ions and certain molecule (e.g. glucose or amino acids in the renal
tubules) bind together at the extracellular part of the transport molecule. Their binding
starts a conformational change that ends with an entrance of sodium ions and that
molecule into the cell. In counter-transport, a certain molecule needs to be extruded out
of the cell. Therefore, the transport protein possesses a binding site for this molecule in
the part that protrudes into the cell, while the sodium ions bind to the extracellular side.
This way is used by the cells to extrude calcium ions and hydrogen.
At many places in the body the particles must be transferred through a layer of
cells, not just enter the cell or be extruded out of the cell. This means that the particles
must enter the cell at one side, and, at the other side, exit the cell. This necessarily
implies that the corresponding parts of the cell membrane have different composition
and have different functions. Most commonly, the particles are actively transported into
the cell at one side, and, on the other side, exit the cell by simple or facilitated diffusion.
This is the mechanism of the transport of certain substances in the intestinal epithelium,
kidney tubules, exocrine glands, gall bladder, as well as elsewhere.
So far we have neglected that the interior of the cell is at negative potential as compared
to the extracellular fluid (the cause of these phenomenon will be discussed in the
following section: membrane potential). This means that there is a potential difference
across the membrane (membrane potential, although, it would be more accurate to say,
transmembrane voltage), or an electric field that attracts positive ions into the cell and
pushes negative ions out. This field causes an oriented (not chaotic, as in diffusion)
motion of ions- the ionic current. If, at the same time, there is a concentration gradient,
there is also a net flow of ions diffusing from greater towards lower concentration and
directed movement in or out of the cells, depending on the charge. These two flows are
added algebraically, which determines the net flow of ions. (Remember that the chaotic,
diffusion, temperature-dependent motion of ions is always present, regardless of the
concentration difference.)
An ion is in electrochemical equilibrium if its transmembrane net flow is zero.
This means that the flow due to electric field is equal in size and opposite in direction to
the diffusion flow, which is a consequence of the concentration gradient.
whose field soon stops further diffusion of cations, and the steady state is achieved with
no net flow of ions, i.e. the electrochemical equilibrium.
An important and seemingly unusual fact is that the quantity of ions that create a
capacitor field that is sufficient to reach the equilibrium is negligibly small. This means
that the initial concentrations of the electrolytes during the establishment of equilibrium
did not change measurably. It is the same in our cells. Approximately is very true that
the cells are electrically neutral. However, if we were to be completely precise, the cell
has an immeasurably small excess of negative charge. But this extremely small surplus
is sufficient to create a capacitor with a very strong electric field.
The greater the ion concentration difference between inside and outside of the
cell, the greater will be the potential difference required to balance its diffusion flow
through the membrane. Let us show exactly the kind of relations that are valid. Suppose
that an ion is in electrochemical equilibrium. Let’s associate its diffusion flow with the
current due to electric field and acknowledge the condition of existence of
electrochemical equilibrium.
1. Ions move due to existence of electrical field
j = I/S
According to Ohm’s law (microscopic form), the current density is proportional to the
field intensity E (force per unit charge):
j (A/m2) = λE
λ is ion conductivity, which is proportional to the product of ion mobility, u, and its
concentration, c. The constant of proportionality is the unit charge, e:
Given that the field intensity E is associated with the spatial gradient of the potential V:
E = - dV/dx
it follows:
j (A/m2) = - c u e dV/dx
3. Equilibrium
In equilibrium, the unit diffusion flow and current density due to the electric field are
equal and oppositely directed:
j (A/m2) = - j (mol/m2s)
u k T dc/dx (mol/m2s) = c u e dV/dx (A/m2)
R is the gas constant (8.314 Jmol-1K-1), F is Faraday constant (charge of one mole of
unit charge, 9.65·104 Cmol-1), Z is the ion valence, and T is absolute temperature (K).
If the intracellular potential and ion concentration are marked by V1 and cin,
respectively, and V2 and cout denote the corresponding extracellular variables, the
difference V1-V2 is called the membrane potential, Um; for a normal temperature of
human body (T = 310 K) and monovalent cations (Z=1), and after converting to the
decimal logarithm, we obtain the final form of the well-known Nernst equation:
c in
Um (mV) = - 61 log
Of course, in the case of anion, the sign of the right side of the equation is a plus. Also,
for multivalent ions, the number 61 should be divided with the valence number.
Let’s notice several important things:
1. Membrane potential does not depend on the difference, but the ratio of the
concentrations of ion inside and outside of cells;
2. this relation is logarithmic, therefore a large difference in ion concentration ratio
corresponds to a small difference in membrane potential, and
3. dependency on the ion valence is not weak, but direct and inversely proportional.
A slight dependence of membrane potential on ratios of concentrations of ions
can be understood even without analysis of mathematical derivation. The point is that
any change in ion concentration, in addition to change in diffusion flow, immediately
changes the current due to electric field, even without it (field) changing. This is
because the current is proportional to the ion conductivity and conductivity changes
with the concentration of ions.
1. The gas diffuses from capillary blood to erythrocytes. The partition coefficient of
erythrocyte membrane for that gas is 0.5. After short time (while erythrocyte is still in
the capillary), the steady state is established (provided by steady alveolar gas
concentration and fast binding of the gas to hemoglobin in erythrocyte). The
concentration gradient of gas concentration from blood to erythrocyte cytoplasm is 2
mmol/l. Which is the concentration gradient between outer and inner surface of
erythrocyte membrane?
2. Two solutions, that have the same volume, contain 2g NaCl (the first one) and 3 g
KCl (the second one). Which solution has greater osmotic pressure?
3. Describe all ways sodium ions can enter or leave cells; distinguish between
bidirectional and unidirectional ways! Compare this with potassium ions!
4. Explain whether the positive ion can have greater extracellular than intracellular
concentration and still be in electrochemical equilibrium!
Measurements indicate that the majority of cells are polarized, i.e., that their interior is
at a negative potential to the extracellular fluid, usually in the range of -30 to -90 mV,
depending on the function. Although, compared to artificial capacitors, the voltage of
this biological capacitor is not large, the corresponding electric field E = Um/d is
enormous, because the d, the thickness of the cell membrane, is very small.
Contrary to expectations of the early researchers, it was quickly demonstrated that the
majority of ions are not in electrochemical equilibrium, even in unstimulated neurons.
Potassium is closest to its equilibrium, but the cell is always slightly more positive (less
negative) than predicted by the Nernst equation for this ion. Therefore, potassium ions
continuously, spontaneously exit the cell (electrical attraction is not sufficient to
balance the diffusion losses). Sodium ions are driven into the cell by both electric field
and concentration gradient. Therefore, the sodium is completely out of its equilibrium;
in the cells with the membrane potential of -85 mV, the sodium equilibrium potential is
about +60 mV. Sodium ions tend to swarm into the cell, but their passage through the
leak channels is much harder than for potassium ions (due to the larger hydration shell).
Therefore, through
these always open leak
channels there is a
continuous net flow of
ions. This constant
moving away from the
equilibrium is
compensated by ion
pumps. If a cell does
not have a pump for an
ion, it means that this
ion is in its
equilibrium in this cell,
i.e., that, even if it can
pass through the ion
channels, it does it to
the same extent in both
directions (in and out of the cell). For such ions the Nernst equation is exactly
applicable. For example, some cells do not have (or are not yet proven to have) a
chloride ion pump.
The question is raised about the purpose of leak channels which would justify
the ongoing energy consumption, since active transport must return the ions that are
continuously leaking through them trying to reach their equilibrium potential. The
answer will soon be clear.
Cells are always electroneutral, i.e., their total charge is zero. This means that
there must be as much positive charge as the negative (we neglect the immeasurable
excess of negative charge in unstimulated cell, as well as the reverse case, the excess of
positive charge during the formation of nerve signals). Electroneutrality of the cell
entails that efflux of certain positive (negative) ions is accompanied by the influx of
other positive (negative) ions. Another possibility would be that loss (increase) of
positive ions is followed by an equal loss (increase) of negative ions, but then the cells
would not be in osmotic balance. Thus, a constant efflux of potassium ions from the cell
must be accompanied by an equal influx of sodium ions into the cell. Although sodium
ions pass a lot harder through leak channels than potassium ions, they are driven by the
greater 'force', and the transmembrane fluxes of these two ions are equal and opposite in
direction. Permanent loss of potassium ions and influx of sodium ions is compensated
by the Na-K pump. Since the pump ejects sodium ions sodium and injects potassium
ions at a ratio of 3:2, and that, on the other hand, opposite transport of these ions
through the leak channels is equal, the question remains as to why concentration of
sodium ions is not continuously reduced. The answer is that sodium ions enter the cell
also via secondary active transport, and that Na-K pump must eject them as well (along
with those sodium ions that are constantly entering through the leak channels).
When passing through the membrane, cations drag behind ions of opposite
charge (anions). This creates a moving dipole. Dipole is even stronger as the opposite
charges are more apart. The distance between the opposite ions is higher, the greater the
difference in their mobility. In general the mobility of cations is greater than the
mobility of anions, which lag behind them. This creates moving potassium and sodium
dipoles which are oriented opposite and moving in opposite directions. Since the
transmembrane fluxes of potassium and sodium ions are approximately equal, there are
approximately equally much their dipoles, and their effects partially cancel. However,
the mobility of potassium ions is much larger than sodium ions, so that the potassium
dipoles are stronger. Because of this, constant, equal and opposite in direction fluxes of
potassium and sodium ions through the cell membrane effectively produce an electric
field (like in the capacitor) with the negative side being inside of the membrane.
This so-called, diffusion potential is the
largest component of the membrane potential.
The remaining factor is the excess of negatively
charged particles inside the cells (mostly
proteins and phosphates), which partly results
from the electrogenic effect of Na-K pump.
These negative ions are grouped along the inner
side of the membrane and attract positive ions
from the outside of the membrane. Thus,
membrane potential is only partially a result of
excess non-moving negative charges within the
cell; it is more the effect of orientation of the
moving dipoles. Now we observe the
physiological justification for the existence of
leak channels. Without them, the membrane
potential would be much smaller.
Consequently, it could not change quickly and
greatly, which is the basis for the formation and
conduction of nerve signals.
Let’s emphasize once again the
overwhelming impact of Na-K-pump.
Specifically, in addition to its direct
electrogenic action, more important is the
indirect effect, because the pump maintains the
ion concentration gradients. Termination of its
activity results in shutting down the cell’s membrane potential to zero.
It is possible to precisely connect the membrane potential of the cell with the
intra- and extra-cellular concentrations of those ions that can pass through the cell
membrane. It is necessary to know the permeability of the membrane to these ions.
Depending on how you define the permeability, as the conductivity or the mobility,
there are two models: a cable model and a constant field model.
Cable model
If the membrane potential of cell is equal to the equilibrium Nernst potential for the ion,
the ion’s net flow through the membrane with thickness d is equal to zero. If not, the
difference between the membrane potential of the cell Um and equilibrium potential of
this ion Ux determines the effective field Ex=(Um-Ux)/d, which causes an ion current
directed in or out of the cell, depending on charge sign and direction of force.
According to Ohm's law (microscopic form) the density of this current (jx) is
proportional to the effective field, and constant of proportionality is the conductivity of
this ion in the membrane (λx):
jx = λx (Um-Ux)/d
Electronegativity condition implies that the total ion current through the membrane is
Suppose, for simplicity, that the membrane is permeable only for ions of potassium and
sodium. Then it is valid:
jK + jNa = 0
λK (Um-UK) + λNa (Um-UNa) = 0
K Na
Um = UK U
K Na K Na Na
Therefore, the equilibrium potential of the cell is the weighted mean between the
equilibrium (Nernst) potentials of potassium ions and sodium ions. Weighting factors
are membrane ion conductances. As in all cells, including the non-excited neurons,
potassium ion conductivity is much higher than the conductance of sodium ions, the
equilibrium potential of the cell is closer to the Nernst potential for potassium (about -
90 mV) than the Nernst potential for sodium (about +60 mV). This relation is only
transiently changed in the excited neurons and associated sensory cells.
In addition to potassium and sodium, other ions, depending on the type of the
cell, can pass through the membrane in an effort to reach their equilibrium potential.
Effect of chloride and other ions can be taken into account by simply adding the
appropriate term in the above equation.
Since in different cells various ions affect the membrane potential, and
additionally, membrane conductances for individual ions are not equal, the membrane
potential in our body varies from -7 mV in erythrocytes, through -30 mV in some
smooth muscles, -90 mV in the cardiac muscle to -150 mV in the sensory cells of the
The cable equation correctly predicts the membrane potentials and is a simple,
plausible and instructive as a starting point for an explanation of the inequilibrium states
during generation of action potentials. Disadvantage is that it uses ionic conductivity.
Ion conductivity is proportional to the product of its mobility and concentration (λ = c u
e). Therefore, the ion conductivity depends not only on the intrinsic properties of the
membrane for the ion (mobility), but also on the concentrations of ions at each side of
the membrane. This sometimes makes it difficult for its implementation, in comparison
with the equation that uses only the mobility of ions.
RT uK (cK )in u Na (cNa )in uCl (cCl )out
Um = ln
F uK (cK )out u Na (cNa )out uCl (cCl )in
The answer is this: The net flux of potassium and sodium is compensated by Na-
K pump, so that the number of ions inside the cell will not change measurably.
Furthermore, each input or loss of ions in the extracellular liquid (diet, renal excretion)
does not result in change in the number of ions within the cells (number, not
concentration!). For example, if a person drinks a tablet of potassium chloride (as
compensation, since the person is taking a diuretic that eliminates the potassium ion),
the concentration of potassium (and chloride) ions in the extracellular fluid will
increase. This increase means that the concentration of potassium ions does not any
more correspond to Goldman-Katz equation (the ion is even more thrown out of
equilibrium Nernst potential). As there is more potassium ions outside the cell than in
the previous steady state (at the level of whole cell), a net-entry of potassium ions into
the cell begins. However, as we have seen in the case of semi-permeable membrane, an
immeasurably minute influx of ions is sufficient for a substantial change in membrane
potential, which, rapidly achieving a new steady state, prevents further net influx of
ions. We can, seemingly paradoxical, state that the entrance of an ion into the cell
causes its impermeability to this ion.
This does not mean that significant changes in the concentration of electrolytes
in the interstitial fluid have no effects on cell function. Indeed, in the case of potassium,
the change of the membrane potential (decrease of polarity - depolarization in the case
of hyperkalaemia, and, conversely, hyperpolarization in the case hypokalaemia) is the
phenomenon that can have serious, even fatal consequences by compromising the
conductance of nerve signals. Sodium ions pass through the cell membrane harder than
potassium ions, and it is much more difficult to significantly change its extracellular
concentration (it is about 35 times higher). Therefore, a perturbation in its extracellular
concentration is primarily manifested osmotic.
EXAMPLE. Let’s say that in a human cell the potassium ions are in equilibrium, and their
cytoplasmic concentration of 140 mmol / L and plasma 4 mmol / L. After an overdosing with
potassium-chloride tablets and resulting plasma potassium increases to 6 mmol / L, what will
happen to the cell membrane potential?
By applying the Nernst equation for potassium ions, we obtain the equilibrium potential of the cells
before taking the tablets:
c in 140
Um1 (mV) = - 61 log = - 61 log = -94 mV
cout 4
It is important to note that the new membrane potential, after an increase in plasma potassium, Um2, is
obtained by the inclusion of new plasma concentration cout in the Nernst equation, because we know that
the cytoplasmic concentration cin will not change. So:
c in 140
Um2 (mV) = - 61 log = - 61 log = -83 mV
cout 6
The conclusion is that hyperkalaemia depolarizes the cell and that this change in membrane potential
prevents entry of a measurable amount of excess ions from the extracellular fluid into the cell. However,
a consequence is that cell depolarization, in the case of neurons, can compromise its function, i.e.
generation and conduction of action potentials. Specifically, depolarization of neurons brings them to
their firing threshold. The result is hypersensitivity, which, in case of heart muscle, causes rhythm
disorder. Similar will happen in the case of reduced extracellular concentration of potassium, only then
the cell will be hyperpolarized. And that will also compromise the neuronal function and thus the
function of muscle cells that are stimulated by the neurons.
Almost all cells are polar that is, they have a membrane potential. However, only some
neurons have the ability to rapidly, but reversibly change their polarity at the site of
excitation. This event is propagated away from the excitation point in a self-renewing
manner, without losses, along the nerve fiber (axon). This is a nervous signal or action
Recall that in non-stimulated steady state, potassium and sodium ions pass through the
neuronal membrane (potassium net outward, sodium inward) through leak channels so
that none are in electrochemical equilibrium (these changes are balanced by Na-K
pump, so that in the
concentrations of both
ions do not change). In
doing so, sodium ions
have a strong tendency
to enter into the cells,
because they are
forced by both the
diffusion gradient and
the electric field.
However, the channel
permeability is much
smaller for sodium
ions, so that the trans-
membrane fluxes of
both ions are equal.
Local potential (stimulus below
the threshold, acute or subliminal
stimulus) occurs when an outside
stimulus (physical deformation
of the membrane, electrical
current, binding of ligands to the
post-synaptic neurons) induces a
change of the membrane
potential of only a few mV on
one part of the membrane.
This change can be
hyperpolarization (increase in
negativity of intracellular
potential) or depolarization
(reduction in negativity of
intracellular potential) and it
induces local potentials that
travel with decreasing intensity
as far as couple of millimeters
from the stimulation point. The
greater the stimulus, the greater
the local potential will be.
through the leak channels. Increase in permeability for sodium ions causes a rapid
depolarization because the sodium ions (positive ions) rush into the cell after the
opening of their, previously closed, channels and so reduce the intracellular potential
negativity. After that, before the sodium reaches its equilibrium potential, the
permeability for potassium increases, and potassium comes out of the cell and thus the
cell is repolarized. All in all, the membrane potential is changed for about a hundred
mV in just a few milliseconds (for example, from -70 to +30 mV and back to -70 mV).
The cause of increased membrane
permeability to ions: the very
beginning of depolarization
(immediately, before reaching the
threshold trigger!) opens the gates of
sodium (first), then potassium
channels changing their protein
conformation. These are voltage-
dependent channels. Sodium ions
start entering the cell immediately
after the gate is opened. However,
the explosive entrance of sodium
ions is possible only after reaching
the firing threshold. Prior to that,
entry of sodium ions and the
resulting depolarization push the
potassium ions out of the cell (in
part through the always open leak
channels). Consequently, the entire
process is quickly smothered
without any major expansion
outside of the stimulation point.
However, if the threshold is reached,
the explosive entrance of sodium
can no longer be stopped and the
shape of the voltage change no
longer depends on the size of the
initial depolarization (one match
will ignite the same fire as two or
three matches). This is explained by the positive feedback effect of entry of sodium
ions into the cytoplasm. Specifically, the entrance of sodium, as a positive ion, increases
the initial depolarization, which increases opening of sodium gates, because they are
opened by the depolarization stimulus. This in turn further enhances the entry of new
sodium ions and so on, until all sodium gates are opened. This process occurs regardless
of the initial excitation, as long as it is above the firing threshold. Thus, the firing
threshold is the spark that is sufficient to light a fire, which then burns itself down.
Specifics of the individual
channels: sodium channels have
two gates: activation and
inactivation gate. The former are
opened by depolarization, and
latter, are closed by depolarization
with a delay. Thus, depolarization
opens sodium channel only briefly
(until the inactivation gate
responds). Therefore, for these
reasons (and additionally because
of opening of potassium channels),
sodium does not reach its
equilibrium potential of, for
example +60 mV, but the amplitude
of the action potential is lower,
about +40 mV (these values are
specific to individual neurons).
Potassium channels have only one
gate, which open as a result of
depolarization at a time when
sodium channels begin to close.
Different are the mechanisms of
passage through the channels:
sodium ions must dehydratize and
potassium ions do not. Details of
the mechanism by which the
depolarization stimulus changes the
conformation of sodium and potassium channels are not known. Initially it was thought
that the mediator is binding of some molecules, ligands, but this theory is rejected.
Repolarization phase, before returning to its original state, contains
hyperpolarization phase, during which the cell is more negative, more polarized than
in unstimulated condition. The cause is the continuation of potassium ion efflux even
after reaching the equilibrium potential of unstimulated state, until all of potassium
gates become completely closed, i.e., membrane permeability for potassium ions returns
to unstimulated condition, when all the conditions of cable equation and Goldman-
Katze equation are met.
An action potential will occur after only one, sufficiently strong, but short-term
stimulation. Several successive excitations, or a continuous excitation of sufficient
intensity will cause a series of action potentials. However, another action potential can
not be generated as long as the sodium channels (you cannot ignite a new fire in the fire
that is still burning). This is called the absolute refractory period. During this time the
nerve fiber is absolutely non-excitable regarding the emergence of a new action
Even after this time, since the sodium gates are closed, a new impulse will hardly take
place, until the potassium gates are closed as well, that is, until an equilibrium state is
achieved. The reason is that the entrance of sodium ions, following the new excitation
stimulus, must be so strong to overcome the competing efflux of potassium ions. This is
called the relative refractory period. During this time the nerve fiber can be excited
only by the sufficiently strong stimuli.
It is very important to note that
increasing, continuous stimuli will
induce increasingly earlier firing of
the new action potentials, up until
the time determined by the upper
limit of absolute refractoriness.
This way enables that stimulation
intensity is coded by the frequency
of action potentials.
Namely, the main function of the
nervous impulse is transmission of
information (from the sensory cell
to the brain, or from central
nervous system to the target
organ), which encrypts: 1. the
location of stimulation, and 2. the
intensity of stimulation. The
amplitude of action potentials in a
certain nerve fiber cannot be
changed. It is determined by the
density of sodium and potassium
channels and is characteristic of the
nerve fiber. Any stimulus that is
above the threshold causes action
potential of the same amplitude,
regardless of its intensity. Thus, the
neurons cannot code the intensity
of stimulus (degree of
depolarization) by the amplitude of
action potentials. However, during
the progressively stronger stimuli,
the series of action potentials will
be generated with increasingly
shorter intervals between each
impulse, i.e. with increasing rate
(frequency). Therefore, the
stimulus intensity is coded by the
neuron as the rate (frequency) of
the series of action potentials that
lasts as long as the stimulation is
present. In doing so, the neuron
cannot distinguish between the continuous excitation and a series of pulses at intervals
much shorter than action potential duration. In other words, short breaks in the
excitation have no effect.
Flux of ions that locally occurs at the site of an action potential formation is sufficient
to cause depolarization stimulus in their environment. In this way, once generated form
of voltage change propagates, without losses, along the whole axon in both directions
from excitation site. Changes are propagating like a wave, i.e. an action potential does
not travel, but is constantly restoring itself along the axon. In fact, by propagating the
depolarization excitation, the changes of membrane permeability to sodium and
potassium ions are also propagating. In doing so, ions travel in loops along the axon
from the outside, through the membrane on its inner side. Propagation velocity of the
nervous signal depends on the type of neurons and thickness of nerve fibers.
parts of the axon, the so-called Ranvier nodes. This ensures a much higher (~50 times)
speed of conduction, up to 120 m/s.
By mathematical analysis,
we obtain that voltage of the
capacitor connected in
parallel with a resistor, is
decreased in time from
initial value U based on the
To be closer to reality, notice that in the loops in which ions are passing, extracellular
ohmic resistance Re, intracellular ohmic resistance Ri and the membrane resistance Rm
needs to be overcome. This is illustrated by the model as shown (the equivalent
electrical model of electrotonic conduction).
Compared with the passage of ions through the cytoplasm, where there are more
macromolecules, the extracellular resistance is negligible. The analysis of the
equivalent electrical model of nerve fibers we obtain that the total (effective) ohmic
resistance is the geometric mean of Rm and Ri:
R= RmRi
The thicker nonmyelinated neurons conduct action potential faster than the thinner
ones. This is because their time constant is smaller and spatial constant higher. Their
time constant is lower, despite the fact that their capacitance is greater (it increases with
the thickness of the axon, D). This is because the relatively greater reduction in the
effective resistance to ion current prevails (it drops with D3/2). Overall, assuming that
the conduction velocity (v) is inversely proportional to the axon time constant, the
following appears:
v~ D
Along the axon, at certain distance from excitation site, an action potential is triggered
when a change of surface charge density causes depolarization above the threshold.
This means that, except for the time and spatial constants, the conduction speed of
nerve signal also depends on the firing threshold, and on how fast and intense the
depolarization phase is. Specifically, adjacent area will be excited sooner, the more ions
there are and the sooner they are moved.
In summary, the conduction velocity in non-myelinated nerve fiber increases with
• lower firing (triggering) threshold (higher density of Na+ ion channels)
• lower membrane capacitance (smaller change of charge for a unit change in
• lower resistance to ion current
• larger ratio of transmembrane resistance to the resistances to ionic current along
the membrane (less ions are lost through the membrane)
• locally, a shorter duration of action potential, and
• if the action potential amplitude is higher (more ions start at the same time)
The formula is valid for D> 3 μm. For very thin axons (D<1μm) myelination would not
increase the speed of pulse propagation, because then the resistance to cytoplasmic
ionic current greatly increases. Because of this, these fibers are not myelinated.
1. What is the change in transmembrane potential of a cell if extracellular potassium
concentration increases from 5.5 to10 mmol/l? Assume that in both conditions
potassium ions establish the steady state. Explain why you can assume that intracellular
potassium concentration is the same in both conditions. Is it necessary to know the
value of intracellular potassium concentration to answer the above question?
2. Explain why large intake (or loss) of electrolytes is: 1. confined to extracellular
compartment; 2. still may have major impact on function of some cells (which cells?)?
3. The factor that DOES NOT contribute to the resting transmembrane potential is:
a) fixed intracellular anions
b) larger membrane conductivity for potassium than for sodium ions
c) existence of voltage-gated Na+ channels
d) capacitor characteristics of neuron membrane
e) action of Na-K pump
4. In resting neuron the flow of potassium ions through leakage channels is greater than
flow of sodium ions (A) because- at rest the neuron membrane is more permeable to
potassium than for sodium ions (B). The true statement is:
a) A correct, B correct; A and B associated
b) A correct, B correct; A and B unassociated
c) A correct, B incorrect
d) A incorrect, B correct
e) A and B incorrect
5. In resting neuron membrane, the conductivity of sodium ions is 50 times less than of
potassium ions. This is valid if extracellular potassium concentration is normal (around
5.5 mmol/l). It is experimentally determined that in hyperkalemia the transmembrane
potential of neuron approaches the equilibrium potential for potassium. What can one
conclude from these facts regarding the effect of hyperkalemia on the ratio of
membrane conductances for potassium and sodium?
6. The local response voltage maximum decreases to 1/e of the initial value at 3 mm
from the point of excitation in axon 1, and at 6 mm in axon 2. Which is the ratio of
space constants of two neurons? Assuming that both axons have the same inner
resistance to ionic current (per unit length), answer which axon has the membrane of
greater resistance to ionic current (per unit length).
7. Two non-myelinated neuron fibers differ only in one being twice thicker. Which fiber
transmits the action potential faster, which is the ratio of their space and time constants?
8. Myelinization increases the action potential amplitude (A) because Schwan cell
wrapping decreases neuron RC constant (B)
a) A correct, B correct; A and B associated
b) A correct, B correct; A and B unassociated
c) A correct, B incorrect
d) A incorrect, B correct
e) A and B incorrect
The central nervous system (CNS) is primarily made of neurons in the brain and in
the spinal cord. There are about 100 billion of those neurons. A typical motor cortex
neuron (shown in the figure below) consists of a cell body (or soma) where many
numerous branches (dendrites) are protruding from. There are between 200 and
200000 dendrites. Those dendrites are connected to other neurons which carry
information to the brain, so called afferent neurons of the peripheral nervous system,
or with other neurons in the CNS. Neurons do not touch each other directly, but are
connected through a chemical communication throughout synapses. The outgoing
information is passed on from the soma over the axons - the long neuronal branch of
the nerve fiber. Only axonal part of the neuron has a cable function feature conducting
action potential, since the other parts do not have sufficient density of sodium channels.
At the end of the nerve fiber, the axon branches
into numerous spines of the dendrites making
synaptic connections with other neurons in the
CNS. The signals travel down the peripheral
efferent (descending) neurons toward to the
‘effectors’ organs: 1. skeletal muscles, 2.
smooth muscles of internal organs, or 3. gland
with the external or internal release of
Most of the synapses in the CNS are of chemical
origin. Such a synapse consists of axonal spines
of the pre-synaptic neuron, synaptic cleft
(200-300 angstroms in width) and dendritic
spines of the post-synaptic neurons. Action
potential at the end of axon spine causes the
secretion of neurotransmitters in the synaptic
cleft. These compounds diffuse to the membrane
of the postsynaptic neuron, where they bind with
protein receptors. The result of the binding can
be opposite: for specific post-synaptic neurons,
some neurotransmitters are facilitating, whereas
some others are inhibitory. The difference is
based on type of the binding: an opening of the
certain ion channel causes local depolarization
(facilitation) or hyper-polarization (inhibition),
leading to either facilitating or inhibitory post-
synaptic potential.
Thus, the action potential signals are transmitted from one neuron to another only
indirectly, through chemical substances. However, there is an exception - electrical
synapses – which are predominantly found in the smooth and cardiac muscle. The role
of chemical synapses is much more complex and sophisticated.
It is important to note that the axon branches of the pre-synaptic neurons are
synaptically connected with the dendrites of the post-synaptic neurons. Both neurons
have such connections with a lot more neurons in their neighborhood.This means that a
single connection between two neurons is only one of the many contributions that elicits
or inhibits the action potential in the post synaptic neurons. Individual contributions are
either excitatory or inhibitory in the post-synaptic potentials. These potentials, seen as
localized stimuli with decreasing intensity, are spreading out from dendrites to soma,
adding up in time and space with many other signals from adjacent dendrites (and from
soma as well) until summation signal reaches the axon - a place where the action
potential is elicited.
The action signal will occur only if the
depolarization of the axonal beginning is
large enough. In this way, the synapses
perform selection of action potentials,
often blocking weak signals, while
allowing strong ones to pass. In addition,
they can redirect the incoming signal into
several different directions.
As we are interested in the sensory system, the main principles and structures of
registration, processing, transmission and interpretation of the external stimuli in the
system will be considered: sensory cells, the primarily afferent neurons, neural
networks and CNS. The sensory system transmits information from receptors located all
over the skin and in some deeper structures, through the peripheral afferent nerves to all
parts of the spinal cord and to certain parts of the brain. After that, secondary signals
are transmitted from the brain to almost all parts of the nervous system in order to
execute motor or mental response.
Sensory receptors selectively sample the small portions of energy from the
environment, which are then used for the controlled creation of nerve signals. The
appearance of these signals, together with the specific way in which information comes
to the CNS makes the internal biological representation of specific components of the
external world. Sensation is part of the complex processes of perception, which
involves the integration of experience and comparison with other sensations, in order to
evaluate/compare the quality, intensity and importance of sensations. In fact, one of the
most important functions of the nervous system is to collect and interpret information in
a manner that results in appropriate mental and motor responses. More than 99% of all
sensory information is discarded by the brain as irrelevant.
Excitation can be of the following types:
1) electromagnetic: heat, light;
2) mechanical: pressure, sound waves, vibrations;
3) chemical.
hyper-polarization, or even both (for example, alternating in the case of hair cells in
The conversion of specific energy excitation in the receptors potential (i.e. mechanical,
heat, light or chemical energy into electrical energy) is called signal transduction. It is
based on the change of membrane permeability, either by mechanical deformation,
binding of ligands, changing temperatures or absorption of the electromagnetic
If the receptor potential is large enough, the neuron triggers an action potential. If the
receptor occupies only proximal part of the primary neurons, the receptor potential
being depolarizing exceeds stimulus threshold leading to the action potential occurring
in the first Ranvier’s node of the axon. In the case when a receptor cell is a specific
neuron, the receptor’s potential will release neurotransmitters from the receptor cells
into the synaptic cleft between two neurons. This release will lead to a depolarization of
the post-synaptic neuron being above the threshold of excitability. This process of
converting one form of electric energy into another is called signal conversion.
Regardless of the stimulation type, information starts to be transmitted as a
series of action potentials in primary afferent neurons (which make synapses with the
secondary, then those with tertiary, etc.). Thus, the stimulation type is recognized not by
the type of response (which is always the same), but by the specific place in the CNS
that is ultimately stimulated. We already learned that the amplitude of the action
potential is independent of the intensity of the depolarizing stimulation, and that
stronger stimulation induces more frequent action potentials (i.e. higher rate of action
potentials). Both effects are related to the absolute and relative refractivity of neurons.
In the end, perception of the stimulation intensity depends primarily on the
frequency of action potentials, with a number of stimulated neurons playing additional
Therefore, the brain interprets the incoming signal as a sound if it is part of the
auditory cortex, and its intensity is encoded by the frequency of incoming signals, i.e.
the number of action potentials per unit of time. Sound frequency will be determined by
the precise location of the signal stimulation in the inner ear. This fascinating
mechanism will be described in more details later in the chapter Physics of ear and
The additional role of the number of stimulated neurons in the case of
perception of pain is illustrated in the following second figure. This role will be
described later in the case of hearing sensation.
The receptor potential grows with the
stimulation intensity causing more
frequent action potentials. However, the
maximum of receptor potential is about
100mV. In addition, each axon is
limited by maximal signal frequency
that can be transmitted, given the
absolute refractory period (a few
hundred Hertz). Thus, increasing the
intensity of the external stimulation
initially will increase the strength of
perception until saturation (when big
differences in the intensity lead to
relatively small differences in
perception). In that case, the
relationship between stimulation
intensity and perception becomes sub-
Limited magnitude of the receptor potential and limited triggering frequency for action
potential signals in the axon are main reasons for the sub-linear relationship between
stimulation intensity and the perceptual strength.
Thus, signal compression occurs at the level of transduction (very often) and signal
conversion (always). This explains the enormous range of intensities in perception of
stimulus features (1:10^12 in the auditory system, 1: 10^11 in the visual system). In
nature, we are exposed to external stimuli at huge range of intensities. It was an
evolutionary need that
made us sensitive on
even weak stimuli like
the sound of sneaking
predator or spotting
prey in the dark. We
had to develop a
system that protects us
from the strongest
stimulation (younger
generations will have
problems in preserving
hearing when regularly
exposed to loud
music). The price we
pay is the inability to
distinguish fine
gradations of strong
stimuli (which may be
desirable, for example
in the case of painful
Generating potential of most of the
sensory receptors exposed to the
constant stimulus gradually declines
over time leading to a reduction of the
frequency of action potentials. Thus,
the receptor is adjusting to continuous
stimulus by reducing the sensitivity.
This is called adaptation which can
be fast or slow. The adaptation occurs
at the level of transduction. It is
usually caused by inactivation of
sodium channels after extended period
of depolarization, and can weaken
fundamental capacity of receptors to
produce the receptor potential (for
example, light induced breakdown of
photo-sensitive molecules in rods and
cones of the eye), and it may influence
the actions of supporting structures by
the mechanism of negative feedback
(for example, too much light closes the
eye pupil). Adaptation can be fast or
slow. Tonic receptors adapt just a
little or not significantly at all.
It is thought that adaptation occurs in order to: 1) reduce stimulus overload; 2) ignore
continuous, but less important stimulation, and to have the ability of perception of fast
changes (and not just the magnitude) of stimulation.
Transmission and signal processing in neuronal networks
We already know that the impulse that comes only from a single pre-synaptic terminal
(axonal end of the pre-synaptic neuron) rarely causes action potential in the post-
synaptic neuron. To be exact, the usual quantity of neurotransmitters released into the
synaptic cleft causes only 0.5 to 1 mV of the local post-synaptic excitatory potential,
while the 10-20 mV is needed to elicit above the threshold depolarization in remote,
more sensitive part of the neuron (axonal beginning). However, two neurons are usually
connected with several synapses, through which the impulse is often simultaneously
transmitted. Although these terminals are spatially quite separated, its effect is
multiplied by summation, especially due to the good ionic conductivity of some large
neuronal soma. Depending on the number of excited synapses, post-synaptic neuron can
be excited above or below the threshold.
The effect of addition of simultaneous post-synaptic potentials, achieved by excitation
of mutually remote parts of the membranes of neurons is called spatial summation.
enormous number of neurons. The entire cortex, for example, can be considered as one
large neural network. Each network has its own specific organizational characteristics,
which are again part of a larger whole, in order to allow the entire system to jointly
carry out various functions.
The picture shows a few neurons (left) which forward signals to neurons in another
group (right) which are mutually connected. Individual neurons can provide hundreds
of thousands of axon spines into a space that we call axonal stimulatory field. It has to
be noted that neurons synapse mostly with their neighbors, but some may connect to
remote neurons as well.
Some pairs of neurons in the neural network can be connected in a way that the
synaptic transmission of the signal (i) stimulate below the threshold (only a few
synaptic connections), (ii) stimulate above the threshold (a lot of synapses), but also (iii)
makes inhibition.
It is very often important that the signals in neural network stimulate far greater
number of neurons than those who make the incoming signal. This phenomenon is
called divergence (branching) of the signals. There are two types of divergence: (i)
signal amplification in the same tract, and (ii) divergence in various tracts (directions).
The effective control of the periphery by specific center can be achieved with signal
On the other hand, convergence allows signals from multiple neurons to flow
(focus) into single neuron, stimulating it. In this way, spatial summation of weak
signals can be achieved.
Transduction and signal conversion have a meaning of encoding the signal into a series
of action potentials, when the signal becomes compressed. In the final stage of
processing of stimulation signal, the CNS performs decoding of the signal, which may
produce complete or partial decompression.
Decoding is the conversion of a series of action potentials into step voltages, in one or
more steps. But, there is little understanding of these processes.
A cell in a resting state is polarized, and has a strong electric field inside the membrane.
In the cell, as well as outside, the electric field does not exist, i.e. all loci have the same
potential (which is negative inside the cell, and zero outside of it). However, generation
of action potentials due to action of cardiac and skeletal muscles, as well as brain
activity, results with a formation of electric fields and the motion of ions throughout the
extracellular space. Ions move because they are influenced by electrical force. This
electrical force is caused by a multitude of dipoles, the separated charges of equal
amount and opposite charge. The vectorial sum of these dipoles determines the total
dipole momentum. The associated electric potential and electric field, modified by the
presence of a conductive medium, can be detected on body surface.
Let us recall first what the electric field
and a corresponding electric potential
of a single charge are. According to
Coulomb's law, charges of the same
sign repel each other, and the opposites
attract. This force lies along the line
that passes through charges; it is
proportional to the product of charges
(q1, q2) and inversely proportional to
the square of their distance (~ 1/r2).
A field of the source of the electrical
charge is described by its action on a
single positive charge: the force - field
strength (~ 1/r2), potential energy - the
electric potential (~ 1 / r).
Let us also recall that vector is a
directed length, determined by
magnitude and direction. The sum of
two vectors is a diagonal, where the
two vectors make the sides, and a
scalar product of two vectors is a
number (not a vector!), that is a product
of the length of one vector and the
projection of the other vector on its
Electric dipole consists of two equal, mutually spaced opposite charges, +q and -q.
It is described by an electric dipole momentum: a vector directed from the negative to
the positive end, with the amount (p) that is equal to the product of charge q and the
distance between them a:
Thus, an electric dipole is the stronger the greater the charges and the more spaced
they are.
Electric potential of a dipole equals the algebraic sum of the potentials of both charges,
while the electric field of a dipole is a vector sum of the fields of individual charges. A
relatively simple trigonometric analysis shows that, at distances that are much larger
than the dipole (r>> a), the electric potential of the dipole is proportional to a scalar
product of electric dipole momentum and a vector of the position of the point of
V( r) p r
If θ marks the angle between the dipole vector and the position vector of the point of
interest, and ε0 the absolute permittivity of vacuum, a complete expression is:
p cos
V( r) =
4 0r 2
Let us emphasize two important differences with respect to the potential of a single
charge. Firstly, a dipole potential is not spherically symmetric, while the potential of a
single charge is independent of the direction of observation, i.e. equal on the surface of
a sphere whose charge lies in its center. Dipole potential is greatest in the direction of
the dipole axis (cosθ = 1), and equals zero in the axis vertical to it (cosθ = 0). Another
difference is that the dipole potential falls more rapidly to zero with increasing distance
from it (as 1/r2), compared to the potential of a single charge (as 1/r).
The vector of the strength of the electric field is determined by a direction and a
magnitude of change of electric potential. Expressions for the components of the
electric field (dipole force on a single positive charge) will not be described here. A
take home message is that the dipole field strength falls to zero faster (as 1/r3) than the
field strength of a single charge (as 1/r2).
Upper diagrams show the force lines (curves whose tangent shows the direction of
force) and the cross section of the equipotential surfaces (where the field strength and
the potential have constant values).
In reality, it should be also kept in mind that the body is not homogeneous and that
different tissues have different conductivities, and that there is, in addition to heat, the
capacitive resistance of the cell membranes. All in all, a complicated calculation allows
us just to approximate the real condition, often relying on empirical rules, which cannot
always be accurately derived. It is important to remember that the presence of
conductive medium (water in the extracellular fluid) modifies the dipole field (relative
to vacuum), similar to the fact that there is an electric field in the electric cable,
although we are far from the source of electrical energy.
As the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit is determined by
the resistance to the flow of electrons (voltage drop), so the potential difference
between two points on the body surface (e.g. due to heart action) is determined by the
resistance encountered by the ions moving from one point to another. If this resistance
is small, the points are virtually on the same potential. This fact explains why rather
distant points on body surface, which are at various distances from the summary dipole
resulting from the heart action, may have the same potential.
Let's start from the simplest case of one neuron. Empirical fact is that the
electric field of an excited neuron resembles the dipole field in the direction of the
negative to the positive part of the membrane, as indicated in the figure below.
If we analyze multiple neurons, individual dipole vectors are added, giving the total
electric dipole moment of the group of neurons. This value changes over time, and the
resulting potentials can be measured on the body surface.
Most commonly, we measure a potential difference between two points on the body
surface, i.e. on the skin. These potentials which arise due to the work of the heart are
called an electrocardiogram (ECG), ones due to brain activity electroencephalogram
(EEG), and those which results from skeletal muscle activity electromyogram (EMG).
Among them, the ECG has the greatest diagnostic value. It is not difficult to explain the
shape of an ECG curve in a healthy subject, nor the most common abnormalities. One
needs to be aware that the heart muscle is inervated by neural fibers which originate in a
group of cells in the right atrium, the so called sinoatrial (SA) node. These cells can be
stimulated to a greater or lesser activity, but they rhythmically self-trigger even without
the external stimulus. This rhythmical self-activation of cells in the SA node is
explained by the relatively low polarization of these cells, just close to the threshold for
opening of the sodium channels. The excitation, therefore, starts in the right atrium,
from there it expands first on the left atrium, and then on both ventricles. Between the
atria and ventricles, a connective tissue with low conductance is placed, so that the
signals are transmitted exclusively through a narrow conductive area, so called
atrioventricular (AV) node. Its impulse propagation velocity is low, so the signal
slows down. This effect has its purpose, because it is necessary to temporarily separate
the contraction of atria from the contractions of ventricles. Within the ventricles, the
action potentials are propragated via fast Purkinje fibers. The action potential is
transmitted from the cells of Purkinje fibers to the cardiac myocites, where it causes a
change in cytosolic calcium concentration, thus initiating their contraction.
This means that depolarization signal spreads from the cardiac base to apex. It can be
presented with a summary vector of a dipole moment, which is greatest when half of the
heart muscle is depolarized, and it is directed, same as the cardiac axis, down and left,
and forward relative to the frontal plane.
Measurements are performed by placing the electrodes on body surface. Depending on
the position of electrodes, we detect different shapes of ECG curves. Thus, in order to
facilitate the interpretation, it was necessary to standardize them. For that purpose,
Einthoven suggested placing three electrodes on the front of the chest wall, at the tips of
an equilateral triangle (Einthoven triangle), where the base connects the points located
below both shoulders and the top is in a median line, at the lowest point of the chest
wall, just above the diaphragm. However, since the limbs are very good conductors
(much better than the chest), for practical reasons, the electrodes are placed on the left
and right wrists and on the left ankle. The right leg is farthest from the heart, so it is not
used directly, but only as a ground, in order to reduce interference noise from the power
source and the device itself. The potential measured at the left (right) wrist is practically
equal to the potential at the left (right) point on the base of the Einthoven triangle, while
the potential of the left ankle corresponds to the potential measured at the top of the
triangle. Therefore, we can proceed with further analyses as if the electrodes were
placed at the tips of Einthoven triangle.
We measure the potential difference (voltage) between left and right arm (I ECG lead),
left leg and right arm (II ECG lead), and left leg and left arm (III EKG lead). In doing
so, the first potential is subtracted from the second. These voltages are called standard
ECG leads, and are presented as three separate curves on a device printer (display).
Since these voltages are relatively low (up to 3 mV), they should be first amplified.
Amplifier input jacks are placed on the electrodes, two on each (one for each of the two
leads that the electrode is part of), as illustrated below. According to the standard,
positive amplifying input jack deflects the printer needle up and the negative down.
This ensures that the recorder shows the voltages according to the agreed standard.
From the introduction, we know that the potentials on body surface are proportional to
the projections of the total electric dipole moment of an organ to the vector of the
position observed.
From this it follows that the potential difference between two points on the body
surface, resulting from the organ activity, is proportional to the projection of its total
electric dipole momentum on the line that passes through the observed points.
Presented is a sketch of derivation of the above rule for standard ECG leads (Lead I is
highlighted). Analogous considerations apply to other ECG leads, as well as any other
voltages present on bodily surface. Thus, each ECG lead is proportional to the
projection of a total cardiac dipole momentum, and changes along with it in time,
forming a distinctive curve.
The agreement on polarity of the standard leads’ electrodes becomes now clear. This
way, at the time when the cardiac dipole reaches the maximum value (at the point when
half of the cardiac muscle is depolarized), signal in all three leads is positive (the
projection of the dipole is directed from the negative to the positive pole), as shown
An interesting fact is that three standard leads do not represent independent information.
Specifically, at any time point the magnitude of one of them is equal to the sum of
magnitudes of the remaining two. This is called Einthoven’s rule. Sketch of derivation
s attached.
On the figure above it can be seen that, at a time when cardiac dipole is greatest, the
amplitude recorded in the II lead is greater than in the other two. At that time, in healthy
subjects, projection of the cardiac dipole in the frontal plane is almost parallel to the
axis of the II lead. This is the reason why this lead is most often analyzed. Figures
bellow show the recording from lead II in a healthy subject.
It is important to note that each ECG signal consists of two components, smaller one is
generated by the signal coming from atria (dotted curve in the upper left figure), and the
larger one belongs to the ventricles (solid line). In ECG, the summary signal is
recorded, and it consists of depolarization and repolarization of both, ventricles and
atria. The first deflection from zero voltage (isoelectric line) is the result of atrial
depolarization and is called the p-wave. This is followed by almost simultaneous
depolarization of ventricles and repolarization of atria. Atrial repolarization causes
direction of the summary dipole
opposite of their depolarization, and
this wave is negative. However, in the
summed ECG signal, this wave is
hidden because it is overcome
(masked) by the positive signal coming
from the depolarization of greater
mass, the ventricles. Yet, it causes
lowering of the base of ventricular
depolarization wave, the so-called
QRS complex: the first and last
notches of the complex (Q and S) are
lowered below the isoelectric line. S
wave is followed by a rest, represented
with zero voltage, so called the S-T
segment, and then the T wave, which
represents repolarization of ventricles.
One might expect the T wave to be
negative, but repolarization of
ventricles, due to the high pressure
inside them, cannot start at the same
location where the depolarization had
started (at the base), but rather where it
had ended (apex). This is the reason for
the corresponding summary dipole to
be in opposite direction.
The time alignment of one ECG cycle and a single action potential, taking place in a
ventricular myocyte, is shown below. It is important to notice that the S-T segment
coincides with action potential plateau. A single impulse arising in SA node leads to a
single contraction of cardiac cavities; atria and ventricles. Contraction of an individual
cardiac myocyte starts immediately after propagation of the action potential through its
cytosol (seen as the completion of a QRS complex in the ECG). Both filling and
emptying of cardiac cavities
requires a certain time period,
muscle synchronicity and
matching of atrial and
ventricular action. Therefore,
the eventual premature impulse
would impair the otherwise
optimal sequence of events.
The existence of a plateau
prolongs duration of cardiac
action potential, and long
refractory period prevents the
initiation of a new contraction
until the previous cycle is
completed. Consequently,
unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac
muscle cannot, by frequent,
long-lasting excitation, retain
the state of prolonged
contraction. The relatively long
time of a single contraction enables the functionally synchronous contraction of
different parts of myocardium that are not simultaneously reached by an excitation
impulse, because a little delay in the initiation of contraction is not important.
Analyses of shapes of ECG curves in different leads enable us to detect many
irregularities of cardiac function and the underlying causes: rhythm disorders or
arrhythmias, the existence of the necrotic parts of heart muscle as a result of previous
myocardial infarction, the presence of an inadequate tissue perfusion (ischemia),
thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophy) or cavity increase (dilatation) due to
increased resistance to blood flow through the heart and other parts of circulatory
Filling of the cardiac cavities is called diastole, and emptying (contraction) a systole.
At rest, a healthy heart receives blood at about 70 times per minute (left side of the
heart from the pulmonary vasculature, and right side from the rest of the body) and the
same amount is ejected to large blood vessels (the left ventricle into the aorta and right
ventricle into pulmonary artery). It is said that the heart rate (or pulse) is 70 beats
(cycles)/min. Slower cardiac rhythm is called bradycardia, and accelerated rhythm
tachycardia. Normally, ECG is a periodic curve, which is called sinus rhythm. The
pulse is normally accelerated during physical activity, excitement, and a lack of strength
of contraction, while slowing of the pulse is normally found in athletes, in whom the
heart ejects a large blood volume in a single beat (they have large stroke volume), so
frequent contractions are not necessary. If the signal is still periodic, we are talking
about sinus tachycardia or sinus bradycardia. Within the periodic signal we can
encounter a lack of ventricular contraction, as evidenced by the absence of QRS
complexes in ECG. The most common cause is the so called A-V block, due to
ischemia, inflammation or compression of the AV-node. In contrast, in ECG signal a
premature ventricular systole (extrasystole) might also be observed, as evidenced by
premature QRS complex. This systole is usually functionally inefficient, as ventricles
empty before they are sufficiently filled with blood. This is manifested by the absence
of peripherally measured pulse. The most common cause for this event is the existence
of so called ectopic sites in atria or ventricles, which initiate uncoordinated cardiac
contractions. They arise either in a modified ischemic tissue or due to toxic irritation of
the AV node, Purkinje fibers or cardiac muscle (myocardium) with alcohol, nicotine,
caffeine or drugs. If extrasystoles are frequent and consecutive (one after another), we
are talking about paroxysmal tachycardia. The most severe are cardiac arrhythmias,
called fibrillation (flickering), especially in the ventricles. During a fibrillation, the SA
node is no longer in control and there is a quick series of completely ineffective
contractions, which, if the ventricles are affected, means the cessation of blood flow.
If the ventricular fibrillation persists, the outcome can be lethal. It is caused by a
permanent cycling of action potential in the cardiac myocytes with reduced refractory
period and the resulting constant, uncoordinated and unsynchronized contraction of
parts of the myocardium, without any efficient cardiac pumping action. Life can be
saved using a defibrillator. Two large electrodes are placed on both sides of the heart,
and a current of a very large intensity is released through the body (e.g. capacitor is
charged to 10 000 V and discharged in a few ms). This current makes the entire heart
muscle temporarily unexcitable, after which a normal rhythm is typically established.
Except in diagnosis of arrhythmias, ECG is also used to discover necrotic and poorly
perfused parts of myocardium. Detection is based on the appearance of the so called
injury current. Specifically, ischemic, injured tissue may lose the ability of
repolarization, and remain partially or completely depolarized. In this case, the ion
current continuously circulates between this depolarized and normally polarized
surrounding tissue, producing a permanent dipole. This further causes the presence of
constant voltage on body surface, which is seen in the ECG as an ST segment deflection
(elevation or depression) from the isoelectric line of zero potential. If patient’s ECG
shows the injury current at rest, it is most likely due to a scar tissue after myocardial
infarction. If no such signal is present at rest, but the ST segment depression appears at
certain exercise intensity, it indicates a compromised myocardial blood perfusion during
physical activity, when the cardiac muscle needs greater blood supply. This
phenomenon is called a stress-induced ischemia. A diagnostic procedure of ECG
recording at rest and during various exercise loads is called stress ergometry.
Chapter 6: Mechanical tissue characteristics
Atoms and molecules of a substance attract or repel each other, depending on the
distribution of positive and negative charges. Only quantum mechanics provides the
adequate insight, while intelligible classical physics is insufficient.
The figure below illustrates how force (upper panel) and potential energy (lower panel)
between two atoms (in crystal or molecule) depend on
their separation. The total force has attractive and
repulsive components; the former, by definition, bears
the positive sign. Both components increase to infinity
as atoms approach each other, and decrease to zero as
they move away. However, the attractive component
decreases slower with increasing distance, and the
repulsive component increases faster with decreasing
distance between the atoms. In consequence, at larger
distances the attractive component prevails. At
distances when atoms’ electron clouds begin to
overlap, the repulsive force rapidly increases,
preventing further approaching. In absence of external
forces the equilibrium position exists where both
components are equal, resulting in zero total force and
maximal negativity of potential energy. Note that, as
atoms separate, by moving away from equilibrium, the
total force is at first an increasing attraction; then, only
after position of maximal attraction, the attraction
decays to zero.
The external force (of neighboring atoms and molecules) changes the equilibrium
position, depending on its direction. Anyhow, in the new position of equilibrium, the
external force matches in magnitude and has opposite direction from the inter-atomic
force F. We should observe that the relation between change in inter-atomic distance
(Δx) and magnitude of external force (-F), is approximately linear for relatively small
shifts. In other words, since, around equilibrium, the resultant curve may be
approximated by straight line (panel a), it holds:
Large external forces may deform
the body beyond the limit of linear
relationship stress-deformation.
After that point, most materials
deform more easily. The figure
below shows the curve of
deformation of a material. The
area of elasticity (0-E) contains
the segment of linear elasticity
(Hook’s law valid) and the segment
of non-linear elasticity (P-E).
After that, upon releasing stress,
body does not retain its original
form, which is the onset of the area
of plasticity. This area terminates
by breaking of material (point G).
The area of plasticity sometimes
includes the relaxation segment P1-P2 where stress in a material lowers. Stiff body has
large area of elasticity and large modulus of elasticity (e.g. steel). Fragile body has
breaking point close to elasticity area, or even has no plasticity area at all (e.g. glass).
Plastic body has small area of elasticity, and large area of plasticity (e.g. lead).
Materials that have relaxation segment are flexible (e.g. clay and plasticine).
Viscoelastic materials do not have area of linear elasticity, which will be explained in
the next section. Some of them have breaking point under low stress, but the
corresponding deformation is large. That is how some muscles and connective tissues
(with lot of elastin) can extend to ten times the unstressed length before breaking.
Tissues differ from inorganic solid materials. Tissues are comprised from cells and
interstitium, with various complex macromolecules surrounded by water. Deformation
of a tissue includes several possibilities, depending on type and function. The following
figure is a simple model of large polymer molecule, having twisted, interwoven chains.
Several deformation types can develop, depending on the direction and point of action
of external forces.
Extension (dilatation) occurs due to tension stress, when a pair of anti-parallel forces,
acting on opposite ends, increase the distance between body’s particles in the direction
of their action. Therefore, extension is always accompanied by body’s cross-sectional
thinning (lower figure; panel a).
Contraction occurs due to compression stress, when a pair of anti-parallel forces;
acting on opposite ends, decrease the distance between body’s particles in the direction
of their action. Therefore, extension is always accompanied by body’s cross-sectional
thickening (lower figure; panel b).
Bending occurs in two ways:
(a) The force acts at right angle to axis of an elongated body, at its free end, with the
opposite end fixed. In consequence the body bends. The upper layers distend, while the
lower layers contract. Medial layers keep the length constant, experiencing least stress
(lower figure; panel c).
(b) An elongated body, supported at both ends, experiences lateral stress in the middle.
The upper layers contract, and the middle layers keep their length constant (lower
figure, panel d).
Sliding occurs when force acts in the plain of a body’s surface, with opposite surface
fixed. The layers move relatively to each other, in a way that the layer in the plain of
force experiences maximal displacement; other parallel layers displace progressively
lesser. The angle of bending of the side surface is proportional to shear stress, i.e. the
external force normalized to unit surface of a body (lower figure, panel a).
Torsion or twisting occurs when a pair of opposite forces acts on a free end of an
elongated body, fixed at the opposite site (lower figure, panel b).
Bones are the most durable part of a body, lasting for hundreds, even millions of years.
Bone structure depends on function (support, locomotion, protection, storage, food
crushing, sound transmission). The basic structural elements (except water) are protein
compound- collagen, and inorganic component, the bone mineral-calcium
hidroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2)). Mineral matrix builds in a complex protein
structure, realizing the ideal combination of flexibility (due to collagen) and stiffness
(due to bone mineral). The long bone resembles the hollow pipe. This is an ideal form
regarding the material economy and function, as well as an ability to respond to stresses
coming from various directions. As seen previously, the lateral force causes combined
contraction of layers at the site of impact and elongation at opposite site (figure below).
The material in the middle deforms least. That is why the hollow pipe is the best
structure to withstand lateral stresses (this explains the design of a brick).
There are two types of bones: compact bone and spongy or trabecular bone. In a
certain bone, one type dominates, but mostly both types are present. On the lower
figure, we see the longitudinal cross section of a thighbone- femur (a) and transversal
slices through normal (b) and osteoporotic vertebra (c).
Trabecular bone dominates the ends of a long bone, in articulations with large surface
areas. The percent of compact bone increases towards middle section, comprising
mostly superficial layers. Vertebrae are almost exclusively made of trabecular bone,
with exception of a tiny compact superficial layer. Trabecular bone is substantially
weaker than the compact bone, due to less bone mass in a given volume, which is
especially emphasized in osteoporosis. However, on microscopic level, a piece of
trabecular bone tissue does not differ from the piece of compact bone, both in case of
normal and osteoporotic bone. For this reason, it is more correct to state that
osteoporosis denotes the condition of diminished bone mass, not density. Namely, the
osteoporotic bone has normal density; it only contains more tissues other than bone in a
given volume.
The bones rarely break due to excessive compression. This requires extreme conditions,
i.e. falling from high object, when, most commonly, the vertebrae trunk and plateau of
Tensile stresses are even rarer. The may occur during epileptic seizure, due to strong,
unwilling muscular contractions, when fibula or humerus may fracture.
The long bones most commonly fracture in middle section, after suffering lateral
impact, which cause excessive bending and extension at contralateral site, which breaks
first (figure below, left panel).
Normal torsion stress is a typical cause of fracture of the neck of a femur in older
people, especially with osteoporosis. Due to shorter neck compared to whole bone
length, larger forces develop on this side of a lever.
1. All elementary forces decrease with increasing distance between two objects (masses,
charges, nucleons). In this light, explain apparently paradoxical fact that the larger the
deformation, the more an object opposes the external stress.
3. Why is a hollow brick better construction material than the compact one?
4. Explain why an excessive stress makes the blood vessel more rigid, which is not the
case for bone.
5. A soccer player experiences a kick in his tibia. Explain why his tibia does not
commonly break at the place of impact.
Liquids at rest
In liquid state the attractive forces between molecules do not suffice to keep them fixed
in space (in contrast to solid state), but do suffice to prevent them to spread away due to
thermal motion (in contrast to gaseous state). Like solids the liquids are relatively
dense and keep constant their volume (incompressibility, indistensibility), but not
their shape, taking the shape of a container. Like in gases, due to molecular flexibility,
the pressure in liquids in transferred in all directions. This common feature of gases and
liquids (fluids) is called the Pascal’s law. However the freedom of movement of
molecules in liquids is much less than in gases, so that pressure due to molecular
random thermal movement in liquids is negligible when compared to pressures either
due to weight of a liquid (hydrostatic pressure) or to external forces (hydraulic
pressure). In contrast, the particles dissolved in liquid act as gas particles, exerting the
pressure in proportion to their molar concentration and temperature (osmotic pressure).
Since the hydrostatic pressure in a liquid increases with depth and acts in all
directions, the liquid exerts the force on the submerged objects in direction opposite to
gravity and equal to the weight of the same volume of a liquid as is the volume of an
object. This force is termed buoyancy and the phenomena the Archimedes’s law. It
stands for both liquids and gases. All in all the liquid state shares some features with
solid state (large density, constant volume) and other features with gaseous state
(spreading the pressure in all directions, the phenomena of buoyancy).
Liquids in motion
When the liquid flows through the rigid pipe, the same volume that entered a section of
a pipe in a given time must leave it at its distal end. This is the consequence of liquid
In these conditions and taking into account that the flow rate equals the
product of the flow velocity (v) and the cross sectional area (S), if a caliber of a pipe
changes, the flow velocity changes inversely:
The pressure in a liquid can be viewed as the energy of its unit volume. At rest, it is a
potential energy, comprised of two components: hydrostatic and hydraulic pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure due to weight of a liquid of a density ρ at the depth h from the
referent plane equals ρgh. In blood circulation this pressure changes with body posture;
the referent plane crosses transversally the right atrium. The hydraulic pressure is due to
the external force acting on a surface of a liquid; in blood circulation, the origin of this
force is the heart. The sum of hydrostatic and hydraulic pressure is the static pressure
(ps). The static pressure acts in all directions. When liquid flows, a dynamic pressure,
(pd) is produced in the flow direction, which is the kinetic energy of a liquid unit
volume- ρv2/2. The total pressure in a liquid is the sum of static and dynamic pressures
and equals the total energy (potential and kinetic) of its unit volume (aside from the
gravitational potential energy).
If one neglects the flow-related frictional heat loses (which is the model of an
ideal liquid), the total energy is conserved; thus the total pressure in a horizontal
circulatory segment does not change, which is the statement of the Bernoulli’s
ps + ρv2/2 = constant
Bernoulli’s equation can be applied in blood circulation in large blood vessels where the
resistance to flow and the related energy frictional loses are negligible. In human
circulation, the static pressure is usually much larger than the dynamic pressure. The
reason behind is that the blood flow is relatively slow.
However, when the blood flows through the narrow heart valves, the blood
velocity increases enough (especially in case of pathologic narrowing) that the dynamic
pressure (which increases with the square of velocity) becomes the significant
component of the total pressure; the static pressure is reduced in consequence. In aortic
stenosis (the disease due to narrowed opening of aortic valve) the flow through the
aortic inlets of the coronary arteries (coronary or Valsalve sinuses) is reduced. These
sinuses are at right angle to the direction of blood flow, i.e. in the direction where only
the reduced static pressure acts. The decrease in the coronary blood flow occurs in hard
conditions when the heart work and energy consumption are increased, which acts to
produce the vicious circle, requiring urgent intervention.
The small vessels offer significant resistance to flow and the Bernoulli’s equation has to
be completed with the term that describes the frictional energy (pressure) loses. The
friction is between the fluid and the vessel wall, which decelerates the flow in the near-
by fluid layers and induces further friction between fluid layers flowing with different
velocities. One says that real liquid is viscous.
When the velocity is slow the liquid flow is laminar. The liquid layer just by
the vessel wall does not move at all (there the friction is static), while the subsequent
layers move progressively faster; the maximum is at vessel’s axis.
Thus, there is a radial velocity gradient from periphery towards axis, Δv/Δx, where x is the
distance to vessel axis. The frictional force between two neighboring liquid layers is shear
stress. It tends to accelerate the slower layer and decelerate the faster one. According to
Newton’s law of viscosity, the shear stress is proportional to the velocity gradient; the constant
of proportionality is the viscosity coefficient, η, which is a characteristic of a given liquid:
The greater the viscosity coefficient (in short-viscosity) is the harder the fluid floes.
Viscosity coefficient has little in common to density of a liquid. For example oil is more
viscous than water although it has lower density (oil floats on water). Viscosity of gases
increases with temperature, contrary to liquids (by cooling the liquids approach the
solid state of infinite viscosity). That is why at wintertime the blood viscosity increases
in areas not protected by clothing (head, fist, and feet). This may cause serious
circulatory problems; an increase in incidence of cerebrovascular stroke in London at
wintertime was observed in homeless people not using the head covers.
Due to viscous loses the total pressure in a liquid (unit total energy) decreases in
direction of flow, which is prominent in case of small blood vessels. In other words, in
order to sustain the constant flow of a liquid in a vessel one needs to establish the
difference in pressure (pressure gradient) between the vessel’s inlet and outlet. The
required pressure gradient ΔP is proportional to the product of liquid flow θ and
vessel’s resistance to flow R.
ΔP = Φ x R
The resistance to flow of a liquid with viscosity η through the horizontal circular vessel
with length l and radius r can be expressed as follows. If flow is constant, the total force
acting on a cylinder of a fluid within the vessel must be zero. Since the shear forces
between the fluid layers cancel each other (law of action and reaction), the two
remaining forces that act on a cylinder must also cancel. These forces are shear stress
between the outer liquid layer and vessel wall times superficial area of a cylinder (force
opposing flow) and pressure gradient times the cross-sectional cylinder area (force
facilitating flow). Taking into account the Newton’s law of viscosity and solving the
resulting equation in R:
8 l
Φ= P
8 l
The above equation is known as the Poiseuielle’s law: flow of liquid through horizontal
vessel is proportional to the product of pressure gradient and the 4-th power of vessel’s
radius and inversely proportional to liquid viscosity and length of a vessel.
Laminar fluid flow is sustained as long as the flow velocity does not reach the critical
value, when the layers begin to mix, establishing irregular, partly unpredictable fluid
motion, known as turbulences.
In straight, smooth vessel the turbulences will occur the sooner (or the critical
velocity will be the smaller) the denser the fluid, the wider the vessel and the less
viscous the fluid is. Osborne Reynold empirically described the likelihood of
turbulences with the dimensionless number; in his honor called the Reynolds’s number
Re =
The greater the Reynold’s number, the greater the likelihood of turbulences. Fluid
inertia (product of fluid density and flow velocity) promote cessation of laminar flow
and induction of irregular motion, while fluid viscosity opposes mixing of fluid layers.
In straight, smooth blood vessels, the turbulences occur when the Reynolds number
exceeds 2000. The fatty layers (plaques) on vessel’s wall and presence of bifurcations
promote turbulences even when the Reynolds’s number is much less than 2000.
In turbulent motion, a part of fluid energy is lost as heat and another part as
caustic energy of vibration. These energy loses are behind both the advantage and
disadvantage of turbulences. The disadvantage of turbulences is the energy loss
(decrease in total fluid pressure), or the additional resistance to flow. However, the
turbulences can be heard, providing valuable diagnostic information.
At rest the turbulences in human circulation are rare, they occur regularly only in aorta
when the heart rapidly ejects the blood through relatively narrow aortic valve. In
exercise, the flow velocities multiply and the turbulences are more common.
If blood vessel is pathologically narrowed (stenotic), the induction of turbulent
flow can increase its resistance enough to reduce the blood flow significantly.
Depending on a degree of stenosis, this may not happen at rest, but only during
exercise, as shown in the following model.
The blood flow cannot be exactly analyzed. Blood is a complex liquid comprised of
dilution of protein and lipoprotein complexes- blood plasma, with suspended blood
cells, erythrocytes in great majority. Suspension denotes the presence of large particles
in a liquid which at rest sediment at its bottom. The percentage of total volume of blood
occupied by cells is hematocrit (Ht).
When the complex fluid flows, the suspended particles (erythrocytes) mix with
solvent (plasma), in a way that depends on a flow velocity and dimensions of a vessel.
This is one of reasons why the flow of a complex fluid is hard to deal with exactly. In
addition, the blood vessels are not rigid pipes; their caliber can change in two ways:
passively, by elastic deformation, under the influence of blood pressure (all blood
vessels) and by active contraction of their smooth muscle (primarily small blood
vessels). Even more, the heart is not a continuous pump, ejecting blood periodically,
only during the part of a cycle. Nevertheless, the tissues receive blood continuously, in
a way that a part of blood ejected in a single contraction stores in elastic arteries; the
subsequent relaxation of these arteries provides the constant tissue blood supply and
fills the heart, preparing it for the new contraction. During these events, the blood
constantly accelerates and decelerates, so that inertial effects must also be taken into
account. On top of all, when the rate of flow exceeds the critical value the laminar
blood flow becomes irregular, turbulent one (this also occurs in case of simple liquids).
Despite all these complexities, the main features of blood flow- hemorheology
can be described fairly well.
Although the blood plasma is a thin solution of protein and lipoprotein
complexes, having density similar to water, its viscosity exceeds the viscosity of water
for about 30% on body temperature. The reason is presence of large molecules. The
presence of cells causes that blood viscosity is much larger than viscosity of water. The
average viscosity of blood is about 3.5 times the viscosity of water and exponentially
increases with hematocrit.
We are addressing the average values because in circulation the viscosity of blood
changes according to changes in hematocrit and conditions that influence on how easy
erythrocytes change shape (deformability) and how many of erythrocytes glue together
(aggregability), making doublets, triplets, etc. Due to varying viscosity, we say that
blood is non-Newtonian liquid.
The reason behind changes in hematocrit (and thus blood viscosity) is the
Fahreus-Lindquist effect: erythrocytes in blood vessel tend to accumulate around the
vessel axis, where the velocity of flow is greatest; only at central axis the lateral
pressures on erythrocyte are equal (recall Bernoulli’s equation!). In consequence, the
layer near-by the vessel wall is erythrocyte-free. The width of this layer corresponds to
erythrocyte size. In small vessels, the volume of this layer is significant. That is why the
hematocrit in small vessels is lower than in large blood vessels. This does not explain
the capillary hematocrit since those vessels are so tiny that erythrocytes must deform in
order to go through (which slowers the passage of erythrocytes, providing more time for
exchange of gases).
For a given Ht the viscosity of blood increases with increasing aggregability
(aggregates behave as rigid ellipsoids) and decreases with increases in erythrocyte
deformability (by deforming, erythrocytes adapt to conditions of flow). The model is:
ηkrv = ηplazma e a Ht
where parameter a increases with aggregability and decreases with erythrocyte
We believe that in microcirculation Ht drops to about 2/3 of its value in large
vessels, while in slow flow conditions erythrocytes make aggregates more easily. The
effect of hematocrit prevails and the viscosity in microcirculation is probably lower
than in macro circulation. We cannot take this statement for granted since in
microcirculation nobody has yet measured viscosity directly.
Increased plasma cholesterol concentration increases both plasma viscosity and
erythrocyte aggregability. Increased cholesterol also affects adversely the vessel wall,
making it more rigid, less distensible. This impairs the ability of a vessel to vasodilate
in response to increased flow demands (flow autoregulation). Slower flow promotes
erythrocyte aggregation, which, owing to increased cholesterol plasma concentration, is
per se more prone to making aggregates. This makes a vicious circle, which can end-up
in dying out of a tissue supplied by impaired blood vessels.
Heart as a pump
In absence of viscous resistance, the heart should not work at all. It is the work of heart
that provides sufficient pressure on its outlets (aorta on the left, pulmonary artery on the
right site), which gradually spends as blood flows through circulation (systemic or
peripheral and pulmonary or central); primarily in small blood vessels (recall the 1/r4
In essence, heart is a double pump. The left heart, a stronger pump, accepts the
blood from pulmonary veins and pushes it through peripheral circulation towards the
weaker pump, the right heart. The right heart pushes the same amount of blood through
pulmonary circulation, which offers much lower resistance. In pulmonary capillaries,
the diffusion of respiratory gases occurs until initially low oxygen and high carbon
dioxide partial pressures in blood equate with high oxygen and low carbon dioxide
partial pressures in alveolar air.
In healthy person, the two circulatory systems are in series: the blood output of
the left heart comes to the right heart, then in lungs and back to the left heart again.
Sometimes a child is born with heart defect, which disturbs normal blood flow. In most
such cases, there is a disruption in integrity of heart septum, enabling some of blood to
by-pass the normal circulatory route. In short, there is an intracardial shunt. The septal
defect can be on atrial level (ASD) or ventricular level (VSD). Owing to larger
pressures on the left site (at least in early phase of a disease), the shunting is from left to
right heart.
Let us concentrate on a single cardiac cycle. It has two phases: the contraction
phase- systole and relaxation phase- diastole. When there is no reference to specific
muscle part, the phases apply to state of the heart ventricles. However, the atria also
contract and relax, and thus have systole and diastole. More important functionally are
systole and diastole of the ventricles. The disturbance in function of atria does not affect
much the heart function. Atria are only widenings of pulmonary veins which facilitate
ventricular filling. At rest, the ventricular filling is adequate even without contribution
of atria. The role of atria is important in exercise and in diseases that affect adversely
ventricular filling.
The two sites of heart work synchronously, in the same phase. After electrical
stimulation from SA node, atria are first to contract, following by ventricles, some 0.1
to 0.2 sec later. During the period when both atria and ventricles relax, atria are filled
with blood from great veins of peripheral and central circulation. The rise in atrial
pressure opens atrio-ventricular (AV) valves (mitral valve on the left and tricuspid
valve on the right site), which, if functioning properly, allow the passage of blood from
atria to ventricles, but not in opposite direction. This initiates the filling of ventricles,
which, when about 80% finished, is facilitated by atrial contraction. The volume of
blood in ventricles at the end of filling is end-diastolic volume (EDV), normally
around 120 ml. The contraction of ventricles first closes the A-V valves, then, when
pressure in ventricles exceeds the pressure in output arteries, the output valves open
(pulmonary valve on the right site and aortic valve on the left site; the common term
is semilunar valves) and ventricles eject their stroke volume (SV). Stroke volume is
about 2/3 of EDV (70-80 ml). In other words the ejection fraction of a ventricle (EF),
which is SV/EDV ratio, is normally around 65%. The rest is end-systolic volume
(ESV) or residual volume. What follows is the next cycle, starting with relaxation of
ventricles. At rest the average number of cycles in one minute (heart rate, pulse) is
around 75, each cycle lasts 0.8 sec; 0.5 sec is diastole and 0.3 sec systole.
The pressures within ventricle and in output vessels produced by the left heart
are around six times greater compared to the right site. The reason behind is that
pulmonary circulation offers around six times less resistance compared to systemic
circulation (small pulmonary blood vessels are more spread and large vessels are more
compliant). Focusing on the left site, the several phases of heart action should be
singled out:
1. The beginning of contraction of a ventricle closes the mitral valve. After that, as long
as the pressure in a ventricle does not exceed the aortic pressure (around 80 mm Hg),
the volume of a ventricle does not change (both input and output is zero); this is the
phase of isovolumic contraction.
2. After the pressure in ventricle exceeds the aortic pressure, the aortic valve opens, the
blood leaves the ventricle, the pressure in the ventricle and aorta still rises for some
time, exhibiting maximum of around 120 mm Hg. This maximal aortic pressure is
systolic pressure.
3. After that the pressure in ventricle falls, and, when it becomes lower than the
pressure in aorta, the backpressure closes the aortic valve. The pressure in a ventricle
falls towards zero value, and in aorta at around 80 mm Hg, which is the diastolic
4. During isovolumic relaxation mitral and aortic valve are closed, the pressure in
ventricle decreases, but its volume does not change.
5. When pressure in ventricle falls below atrial pressure, the phase of rapid filling
commences, when the blood from the pulmonary veins passes through atrium and fills
the ventricle.
6. After ventricular filling is almost complete, the pressure in atrium equates with
ventricular pressure and, during this period of diastasis, no blood enters the ventricle.
7. Atrial contraction (atrial systole) finishes the ventricular filling, which ends before
the onset of the next isovolumic contraction.
Ventricular systole consists of phases 1. and 2. and the part of phase 3. until
closing of semilunar valve, the rest is diastole. Notice that neither systole (contraction)
nor diastole (relaxation) correspond exclusively to phases of blood ejection or filling,
but contain also the phases during which ventricular volume does not change.
During blood passage through heart cavities and ejection to large arteries a part
of energy is released in form of acoustic vibration. These sounds can be heard on the
surface of chest cavity, especially with aid of stethoscope. The opening of heart valves
normally do not produce sounds, because these movements are relatively slow. On the
contrary, during closing of valves the pressures and velocities are larger, causing the
part of valves and neighboring fluid to vibrate in audible range. One first hears the
closing of A-V valves- relatively long, low pitch sound, which is the first heart sound.
At the end of systole the semilunar valves close, producing the second heart sound,
which is shorter, higher pitch sound. Various heart abnormalities produce different
sounds, commonly termed murmurs. The following figure illustrates the various events
during the heart cycle.
The blood pressure in peripheral arteries can be measured because these vessels
are near the surface of body and one can apply the external pressure (by encircling the
limb by inflatable cuff, for example) to stop the flow. One measures this occlusion
pressure (by Mercury or other manometer) and slowly lowers it. At the same time one
listens to sounds produced by turbulent flow through narrowed artery. In this way, one
can identify systolic pressure (before the onset of sounds produced by turbulences due
to periodical openings of artery) and diastolic pressure (at time of cessation of sounds,
when blood flows freely through unobstructed artery at all times during the heart cycle).
The arteries in pulmonary circulation are deeper in body, so that one can only insert a
catheter and measure the pressure directly, which is an invasive procedure.
Basic hemodynamic equations
The heart blood output in a single minute is the cardiac output (CO). It is the product
of heart rate, f, and stroke volume:
CO = SV x f
Let’s focus again on peripheral circulation. The pressure produced by left heart in aorta
normally varies between 80 and 120 mm Hg. This pressure is almost totally wasted in
peripheral circulation, so that right atrial pressure is only a couple of mm Hg. Thus,
approximately the average pressure gradient in peripheral circulation equals the average
aortic pressure (Pa). This pressure is necessary to compensate for viscous loses in
peripheral circulation. Applying the basic relation of fluid flow:
Pa = CO x TPR
CO =
The above two equations (the variants of a single relation) should always be kept in
mind when considering the control of blood flow (hemodynamics). Although, in the
process of acquiring the steady state, each of the three variables may change in a
different way, they are always bound by the same simple relation.
The common noninvasive manometers can not measure the blood pressure
continuously, but only the extreme values, the systolic pressure (Ps) and diastolic
pressure (Pd). Continuous noninvasive measurement of arterial pressure is possible by
the method of photopletismography. Since the method is not widely accessible in
practice the mean arterial pressure is commonly assessed as the weighted average
between systolic and diastolic pressure. The weight factors are the parts due to systole
or diastole in total duration of cardiac cycle. We can assume that at rest systole lasts
1/3, and diastole the remaining 2/3 of cardiac cycle (In ECG recording- time between
neighboring R nods, known as R-R interval). With these assumptions:
Pa = (2/3) Pd + (1/3) Ps
Observe a part of circulation, comprised by many blood vessels. Poiseuille’s law gives
the flow resistance of each vessel. Their total resistance depends on their calibers (r4
dependence), but also on the way they are organized- in series or in parallel.
The same law of combining the resistances of conductors to current of electrons
applies to flow resistance of blood vessels (hydraulic resistance). Serially organized
resistors add together, whereas, in parallel design, one adds the inverse of resistances, or
The circulations of organs are generally arranged in parallel, so that TPR is less than
individual flow resistance of each organ. In the same way, the individual resistances of
parallely combined circulatory segments of an organ are larger than total flow
resistance of the organ. For example, the hydraulic resistance of the vessels of the left
heart is greater than the hydraulic resistance of the whole heart. Even in case when one
circulatory segment closes (infinite resistance), the heart will be able to perfuse the rest
of parallel segments without significant extra burden. On the other hand, if the
resistance of one of parallel routes declines significantly (zero resistance), the total
resistance declines much too (all blood redistributes to the low resistance route). In this
way, TPR during heavy exercise may drop to only 20% of its rest value and blood flow
through exercising muscles can increase up to 50 times!
On the contrary, if the blood flow is obstructed in a part serially connected with
the rest of a system, the whole system is shutout from circulation. Closing of aorta or
pulmonary artery stops the blood flow everywhere.
The circulation inlet of an organ is its main artery, which spreads in a system of
smaller arteries, each of which spreads further in the network of arterioles and
capillaries, supplying every tiny region of an organ. The capillaries further empty into
venues, which join in the progressively larger body of veins. Each of these circulatory
systems has its own flow resistance (depending on dimensions of vessels and degree of
spreading). In that sense, we may say that the main artery is arranged in series with the
system of smaller arteries, following by the system of arterioles, etc. Depending on the
flow resistances of individual serial segments, the blood flow falls from the level in
aorta to a tiny pressure in the right atrium. The largest drop in pressure occurs in
arterioles, following by capillaries; therefore, the hydraulic resistances of those
circulatory segments are largest. This is true despite the fact that total cross-section of
arterioles is greater than the cross section of arteries, because the effect of their small
lumen prevails (r4 dependence!).
The blood vessel can change its resistance greatly by only small change of its lumen. If
we consider the blood vessel as an elastic pipe, its resistance is determined by
transmural pressure (difference in extramural and intraluminal pressure). This is a
passive characteristic of blood vessel. However, blood vessel, especially arterioles, can
change its lumen actively, by contraction or relaxation of its smooth muscle. This
autoregulation of blood flow is independent or even against the change in transmural
It may look odd that the vascular smooth muscle is never relaxed, having so
called basal tonus. It appears that the heart would have an easier job if all body
arterioles were relaxed. Then, for the same cardiac output, in presence of reduced
hydraulic resistance, the heart would have to produce much lower pressures. However,
the blood flow demands of some organs may change very much. For example, during
heavy exercise the majority of heart output redirects to working skeletal muscles, after
meal the perfusion of stomach and intestines increases much, an increased mental
activity requires an increase in brain perfusion, the part of a body affected by noxious
substances needs an increased leukocyte delivery, etc. The redistribution of cardiac
output would not be possible if some arterioles do not relax and other constrict. In
conclusion, the basal tone of arterioles exists in order to decrease, in response to
augmented perfusion demands of other body areas, which then take the larger portion of
cardiac output.
The flow of blood through blood vessels is both an essential need and major obstacle to
longevity. Malignant diseases and diseases due to impaired endothelium of blood
vessels cause virtually all fatal and serious diseases. Even what we call a natural death
is mediated by general atherosclerosis, the occurrence of fatty layers in the wall of
blood vessels. We used to think that the main cause of atherosclerosis is an increased
concentration of cholesterol in blood plasma. However, it came out that endothelial
damage enables the plaque constituents to protrude the blood vessel wall. The
endothelial damage is due to stresses induced by flow of blood.
There are two types of stresses in blood vessel. One is caused by blood pressure,
the other by blood flow friction.
The blood pressure creates a tension (reactive force per unit length) in a vessel’s
wall that opposes its distension. If a limit is exceeded a vessel tears apart. Consider the
unit length segment of a cylindrical vessel intersected by a plane through its axis. The
tension is the force opposing the separation of the two halves of this segment. The force
on each half of a cylinder’s superficial areas is the product of pressure P and radius of a
cylinder base R (because, due to sphericity, only elements of a superficial area parallel
with the cutting plane are taken into account; the exact derivation requires the use of
integral calculus):
tension = - P x R
The above relation is one of the forms of the Laplace law. The thicker the vessel’s wall
the harder the blood pressure deforms the vessel. It is thus natural to normalize the
tension to a thickness of a vessel’s wall. This quantity is called the wall stress. When
we compare the risk of bursting between large and small blood vessels the wall stress is
an appropriate measure. The blood vessel first distends easily (elastin distends, collagen
unrolls) until the excessive distension is opposed by unrolled, hard to distend collagen
Friction between blood and endothelial cells causes the shear stress on the
surface of a vessel’s wall. It is the reaction to the scraping force, primarily static friction
with water molecules. We define it as the force per unit wall area. Since only the
surface of a wall suffers this stress, the vessel’s thickness is irrelevant (unlike in case of
wall stress; both quantities, however, have the same dimension- force/surface area!).
According to Newton’s law of viscosity (the outline of derivation is below), this stress
is proportional to blood flow Φ through the vessel and to blood viscosity η, but falls
with third power of its lumen R:
1. by dilating the blood vessel the wall stress increases and shear stress decreases and
vice versa;
2. The wall stress may reach critical values sooner in large than in small blood vessels
(especially in aorta in hypertensive persons), while shear stress causes more damage to
arterioles and capillaries (especially in
persons with hypercholesterolemia).
Work of heart and energy expenditure
Consider the work output and energy expenditure of a heart muscle during a single
cycle. In heart, there are no antagonistic muscles for active dilatation of the ventricles to
create the negative pressure and thus suck in the blood. The filling of ventricles is
passive, on account of greater pressures in elastic great veins and atria. The energy
needed to fill the ventricles is stored as an elastic deformation during heart contraction
in the previous cycle. In short, contraction of heart muscle provides for filling of the
ventricles in the subsequent cycle. Therefore, the heart works only during systole,
during diastole the work is performed on the heart.
During contraction of heart muscle, about 85% of energy released by splitting of
adenosine triphosphate appears as heat. The rest accounts for:
1. frictional heat, released during pushing the stroke volume through semilunar valves;
2. work of transferring and accelerating the stroke volume from lower pressure areas in
great veins to higher pressure areas in large arteries.
Normally, at rest, the energy lost in traversing the semilunar valves is negligible
component of the work of heart.
The work and energy expenditure of the left heart is around six times greater
compared to the right heart. Let us concentrate on the left heart. The pressure in the left
ventricle can be directly measured by inserting a catheter with the manometer. If
pressure during systole were constant, the work of the left heart would simply be the
product of stroke volume and pressure (the work is force x distance = pressure x
volume). However, the pressure changes and systolic work of a ventricle can be
equated to the sum (integral) of tiny contributions dW; the products of a pressure P at
volume V and tiny volume dV, which is the area under ventricular P-V curve:
W= P dV
However, we do not consider the total area under P-V curve, but only its part over the
line of the pressure at the end of diastole (since this pressure already exists before the
onset of systole), as shown on the figure bellow.
In other words, the work of the left ventricle during a single systole can be equated to
the product of volume-averaged pressure in the ventricle <P>V and its stroke volume,
W = <P>V SV
This quantity, aside from work needed to transfer the stroke volume to aorta, includes
the work wasted as heat on traversing the aortic valve. That is why, during systole, the
pressure in ventricle exceeds the pressure in aorta, especially during the fast ejection
phase in the beginning. It is often wrongly quoted that the work of heart, as defined
above, does not account for the gain in kinetic energy when blood accelerates in aortic
valve. However, no external energy is needed for this acceleration, since a liquid itself
provides for it. In aortic valve, the increase in dynamic pressure (kinetic pressure)
accompanies the equivalent decrease in static pressure (potential energy). The reverse
happens when blood decelerates after leaving the valve (recall Bernoulli’s equation).
Thus, aortic valve causes irreversible decrease in blood pressure, due to frictional heat
loses, and only reversible decrease in static pressure, which accounts for transient
acceleration of blood. Incidentally, these two pressure drops are approximately equal,
which is used in diagnostic assessments of the degree of valvular stenosis
(ultrasonically one can assess the velocities, not pressures.
Measurement of pressure in the left ventricle is an invasive procedure, seldom used in
humans. On the contrary, the pressures in aorta can be simply and noninvasively
assessed, especially the peak values, the systolic and diastolic pressure. Further, the
pressure in the left ventricle is around or slightly above the aortic pressure during the
time of systole. For simplicity, let us approximate the volume-averaged systolic
pressure in the left-ventricle by the systolic arterial pressure, Ps. Under this assumption,
the systolic work of the left ventricle is simply assessed ad the product of systolic
arterial pressure and stroke volume:
W = Ps SV
This approximation is not valid in aortic stenosis, when the ventricular systolic
pressure, due to increased resistance of the valve, must exceed the aortic pressure, and
the work of left heart is greater than predicted by the equation above. To a lesser
degree, the same holds in intensive aerobic exercise. Then the cardiac output is much
increased, the flow velocities are fast and significant heat loses occur in normal
semilunar valves also.
The systolic work of heart is the sum of systolic works of left and right
ventricles. In normal conditions, the stroke volumes of the ventricles are equal, while,
compared with the left ventricle, the systolic pressure and work of the right ventricle is
about six times less.
The power of heart contraction equals the systolic work of heart divided by
duration of systole (not with total duration of a cycle). The minute work of heart
equals the product of heart rate and systolic work of heart. Since the cardiac output is
the product of heart rate and stroke volume:
Notice that the above work, aside from obvious dependence on cardiac output, is
proportional to systolic arterial pressure. This means that it depends not only on
peripheral hydraulic resistance (defining the mean arterial pressure), but also on aortic
distensibility. The more distensible aorta is, the lesser rise in diastolic pressure is
required to accommodate the given stroke volume, lowering the systolic pressure and
work of heart.
Accordingly, the work of heart per unit cardiac output increases both in
hypertension (condition characterized by increased resistance of arterioles and
capillaries), and when aorta becomes stiffer. The first condition increases the mean
arterial pressure (approximately mean between diastolic and systolic pressure), the later
augments the difference between these extremes; i.e. the systolic blood pressure.
We should now consider the central circulation also. The distinguishing features
of pulmonary circulation are (i) greater spreading of vessels, causing about six times
lesser hydraulic resistance and thus pulmonary mean arterial pressure and (ii) greater
distensibility of pulmonary artery and thus lesser difference between systolic and
diastolic pulmonary arterial blood pressures (25/15 mm Hg). However, the right
myocardium is much thinner and weaker than the left one. In consequence, the
pathologic changes on pulmonary blood vessels, or other causes of increased hydraulic
resistance of central circulation have in general more serious consequences than the
corresponding burdens to the left heart.
The amount of oxygen consumed by the heart is proportional to myocardial
oxygen consumption. It follows that an increase in work of heart requires increased
myocardial perfusion and thus oxygen delivery to the muscle. The energy expenditure
in myocardium exceeds many times the work of heart. The efficiency of the work of
heart in normal conditions is only between 15 and 20%. These figures become even
smaller if heart works against increased arterial pressures. Thus, although the work of
heart remains the same if one halves the stroke volume and doubles the systolic arterial
pressure, the energy expenditure in this hypothetical case increases. One says that the
volume work of heart is more efficient than the pressure work of heart. This
contributes to vicious circle in aortic stenosis. In this condition, the left ventricle has to
overcome an increased resistance of the narrowed aortic valve opening by producing
larger pressures and thus performing more work. The additional burden is that the
pressure work increases, demanding even larger energy expenditure. However, the
substantially increased perfusion demands are confronted by problems due to
accelerated blood flow through the valve and related decrease in lateral pressure at
Valsalva sinuses (recall Bernoulli’s equation), which are the inlets of heart circulation.
Arterial system
The primary task of pulmonary and peripheral arterial systems is blood supply to tissue
capillaries. Their roles of large and small blood vessels are different. The arterioles
account for majority of hydraulic resistance, while large arteries and veins contain
almost all of the blood. By complex, partly known mechanisms, the tension of smooth
muscle of arterioles changes, adapting the regional hydraulic resistance, mainly in
response to metabolic needs. In contrast, the large arteries passively distend in response
to blood pressure changes. This serial arrangement of highly distensible and highly
resistive systems is a hydraulic filter, an analog to the electrical filter, composed of
capacitor and thermal resistor. The function of hydraulic filter is to convert the
intermittent heart output into steady flow in tissue capillaries. The heart is an
intermittent pump. Only about 1/3 of stroke volume flows through circulation during
systole, supplying blood to tissues during this period of a cycle. The rest of stroke
volume is stored in elastic arteries, mainly in the first third of systole, i.e. during only
1/9 of a cycle. The elastic recoil of arteries provides the flow of blood during diastole
(longer period of a cycle), when heart stops pumping and arterial pressure declines. This
provides virtually constant perfusion of tissues.
If arteries were rigid pipes, the flow through capillaries would cease during diastole,
when the arterial pressure would drop to zero. The heart would have to push all stroke
volume through circulation during systole, which is only 1/3 of a time it normally does.
Due to increased viscous losses, such intermittent flow would require larger arterial
pressure; i.e. larger work of heart and energy consumption. We have arrived at the same
conclusion in the preceding section.
The aortic pressure-volume curve on the figure below was obtained during autopsy of
men of various ages. One ties off all aortal branches and adds volumes of a liquid in
that closed system, observing the corresponding pressures. The steeper the curve is the
easier aorta distends. Observe the sigmoid shape of a curve in the youngest group; the
curve is linear, except at small and large volumes, when aorta opposes distension more
than at moderate volumes. A child inflating the balloon has a similar experience- the
hardest effort is at the beginning and just before the balloon bursts. The older groups
characterize curves of progressively lesser steepness. At each point of a curve, one
defines the aortic compliance as the ratio of a differential change in volume (ΔV) and
pressure (ΔP):
aortic compliance =
One should observe that aortic compliance depends on its volume; only for young
persons, we may speak about constant slope of P-V curve at moderate volumes of aorta.
In addition, we cannot compare aortic compliance between persons of various body
sizes; the larger person will usually have larger aorta, which can accommodate larger
increase in volume, despite eventually less distensible tissue of aortic wall. To obtain
the anthropometrically independent parameter, one defines the aortic distensibility as
aortic compliance normalized to its relaxed volume, V0:
V 1
aortic distensibility =
P V0
Neither aortic compliance nor distensibility can be measured in a living human. The
parameter that can be assessed in clinical practice, by combining ultrasonically
measured dimensions of blood vessels and noninvasive determination of arterial
pressure is arterial module of elasticity:
arterial module of elasticity (Ep) =
where ΔP is the difference between systolic and diastolic arterial pressure- the pulse
pressure, D the average diameter of aorta during cycle and ΔD the largest change in its
diameter. Notice that module of elasticity, as distensibility, is anthropometrically
independent quantity; neither pulse pressure nor the relative changes in aortic volume
should depend on body size. The greater module of elasticity the lesser aortic
distensibility is.
We have already seen that a decrease in aortic compliance raises the systolic
arterial pressure. However, diminishing of aortic compliance (usually with aging) does
not necessarily affect the mean aortic pressure. For the given cardiac output the mean
arterial pressure depends only on peripheral resistance, which is determined by status of
small blood vessels, regardless on aortic dimension or elasticity. This has an important
implication: an increase in systolic pressure, in response to diminished aortic
compliance, must be followed by a decrease in diastolic pressure, if peripheral
resistance did not change. In this way the mean arterial pressure (index of peripheral
resistance!) is kept constant.
In fact, a decrease in aortic compliance increases pulse pressure. Let us inspect
this in some details. The left ventricle ejects the majority of stroke volume in the first
third of systole, during the fast ejection phase, when the aortic pressure increases from
diastolic to systolic value. In that time the aortic volume increases to accommodate the
stroke volume minus the volume pushed through capillaries during that time (about 1/9
of SV). This volume increment is called the systolic increment in aortic volume.
systolicincrement in aortic volume
pulse pressure =
aortic compliance
Given the stroke volume, the systolic increment in aortic volume is also given. In that
condition, a decrease in aortic compliance will augment the pulse pressure and vice
versa. However, a change in hemodynamic conditions (e.g. during exercise) will also
affect the stroke volume and pulse pressure.
Let us emphasize again the different roles of arterial large and small blood
vessels. For the given stroke volume the pulse pressure (deference between systolic and
diastolic pressure) is determined by aortic compliance, while arterial tonus determines
the mean arterial pressure.
As an example, consider the normal arterial pressures of 80/120 mm Hg. The
arterial hypertension (in short- hypertension) denotes the state of increased peripheral
resistance, in most cases of unknown causes. The conservation of cardiac output
requires an increase in mean arterial pressure (according to relation Pa = CO x TPR). If
aortic compliance is not affected, as expected in younger people, the pulse pressure will
remain normal (40 mm Hg), and typical values of arterial pressure could be something
like 110/150 mm Hg. However, hypertension is more common in older people, which
usually also have lowered aortic compliance, resulting in aortic pressures like 110/180
mm Hg, with increases in both the mean arterial and pulse pressure.
Gravitational effects
The circulatory pressures are not only due to heart contractions, but also to gravity, and
thus depend on body posture. Thus far we have neglected hydrostatic pressure, due to
blood weight, taking into account only the hydraulic pressure, produced by the pump.
Gravity does not affect much when a person is lying, but has profound effects in
standing posture. In standing posture, the referent plane is a horizontal through the right
atrium, which intersects the heart outlets. Heart produces the initial pressures at the
arterial outlets, which increase (down) and decrease (up) with vertical distance, h, from
the referent plane for ρgh, where ρ is the blood density. This is why the peripheral
arterial pressures in lowest body parts of a standing man are about three times larger
than in highest parts (in smaller arterial vessels and in venous circulation one should
also consider the viscous pressure loses).
Body posture also influences on blood flow. It is known that long still standing can
result in loss of conciseness, secondary to decreased cardiac output. This fact is
commonly misinterpreted. The explanation that standing impairs the venous return of
blood neglects the compensatory effect on the arterial circulation, a part of the same
loop (in pulmonary circulation these effects are only reversed). In this way nothing is
lost or gained. To see it in more detail, consider the peripheral circulation as a U-tube. If
blood vessels were rigid, the flow through U-tube would not depend whether the tube
lies in horizontal or vertical plane or whether the openings face up or down. This is
clear from the figure below, keeping in mind that in basic hemodynamic relation:
the pressure includes both the hydraulic component (produced by heart pumping) and
the hydrostatic one. So, the above relation translates to:
Thus, although pressures within U-tube depend on its orientation, this does not affect
the flows, as long as the system is rigid.
The blood vessels are distensible, and their flow resistance can be modeled by
the distensible U-tube, as on the figure below. The lower parts of a tube, owing to larger
hydrostatic pressure would stretch more, which induces changes in hydraulic resistance,
which influences on pressures and flows.
This model suffices to explain the transient perfusion interruptions of apical (upper)
parts of lungs in a standing person. The pressures produced by the right ventricle (25/15
mm Hg) suffice to raise the blood in the upper parts of lungs during systole, but not
necessarily during diastole. The blood density approximately equals the density of
water, so that the 15 mm Hg pressure corresponds to the blood column 15 x 13, 6 mm ≈
20 cm in height. In tall person the vertical distance between pulmonary valve and top of
lungs may exceed 20 cm. In that case the blood flow through highest lung areas
temporarily stops and collapsible vessels collapse. The flow reestablishes when the
local pressure exceeds the opening pressure of these vessels.
However, this model of distensible U-pipe does not explain the decrease in
cardiac output when one gets-up or stands for a long time. The important fact not
considered is that the blood volume is constant, so that an increase in blood volume at
one site must result from blood that left the remainder. In this way, after getting up the
blood accumulates in compliant veins of the legs, on account of blood above, mainly
the central circulation (heart and lungs). Diminished volumes of heart cavities,
especially at end-diastole, cause a decrease in stroke volume (if heart rate does not
increase). This is so-called Frank-Starling principle; the fact that relates to better
relationship of ventricular actin and myozin fibers in stretched muscle. Even this is not
the whole story, since lowered cardiac output invokes an increase in activity of
sympathetic autonomous system, leading to increase in myocardial activity, heart rate
and vasoconstriction of leg veins. Only when this compensation is not fast enough or
persistent a decrease in arterial pressure and blood flow may occur after changing
posture from lying to standing or after standing still for a long time, respectively.
1. At rest the mean aortic flow is 100 ml/s, and its mean diameter 2cm. The cross-
sectional area of all peripheral capillaries is 8000 cm2 and, at rest, 1/8 of them are open.
Which is the mean blood velocity in capillaries at rest?
2. The total aortic pressure in the moment during systole is 13.3 kPa (100 mm Hg) and
the velocity of blood near Valsalva sinuses 200 cm/s. Which is the pressure pushing the
blood through Valsalva sinuses at that moment? Assume that those sinuses are at right
angle to proximal aorta axis, neglect the radial changes in blood flow velocity.
3. During anesthesia the following patient data are obtained:
mean systemic blood pressure = 13.3 kPa (100 mm Hg)
mean pulmonary artery pressure = 6 kPa (45 mm Hg)
mean blood flow through peripheral circulation = 5 l/min, and
normal (or slightly elevated) left-atrial pressure
Which 4 of the following 8 statements are true beyond doubt and why?
A. The patient has pulmonary hypertension (elevated blood pressure in pulmonary
B. The patient has primary pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary hypertension due to
increased hydraulic resistance of pulmonary blood vessels).
C. The patient has secondary pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary hypertension due to
left heart failure).
D. The patient has hyperdynamic circulation (increased blood flows through both
systemic and pulmonary circulation).
E. The patient has left-to-right shunt (pathological communication between left and
right heart, causing increased pulmonary blood flow).
F. The patient either has primary pulmonary hypertension or left-to-right shunt.
G. To arrive at right diagnosis one parameter is missing.
H. To arrive at right diagnosis one parameter is redundant.
4. After loss of blood due to bleeding, the person’s hematocrit decreases from 0.5 to
0.35. Which is the relative change in blood viscosity of a person? Assume that, before
loss of blood, the person’s blood viscosity was 3 times the plasma viscosity.
5. During exercise the heart rate increases from 70 to 110 beats/min, the cardiac output
from 5 to 10 l/min, and systolic aortic pressure from 13 to 15 kPa. Assess the relative
changes in work of heart and power during one cycle and during 1 min. Approximate
the volume-averaged left ventricular systolic pressure by aortic systolic pressure;
assume that systole occupy 1/3 and ½ of heart cycle at rest and in exercise, respectively.
6. The blood vessel branches in two equal smaller vessels. Which is maximal relative
decrease in lumen of these vessels which does not increase the blood shear stress after
branching? What, in this borderline case, happens with wall stress and unit-length
hydraulic resistance?
7. After large meal the cholesterol concentration in plasma increases for 20%. By this,
the possibility of turbulences (only one statement is true):
a) remains the same
b) data on change of blood density is missing
c) data on change of thrombocyte aggregation is missing
d) increases
e) decreases
8. At rest the arterial blood pressures of a person are 80/120 mm Hg. During the steady
state of exercising on bicycle ergometer, the person’s cardiac output doubles, total
peripheral resistance declines to 20%, and heart rate increases for 60%. Possible values
of his arterial blood pressure during ergometry are (only one statement is true):
a) 90/140 mm Hg
b) 100/140 mm Hg
c) 130/190 mm Hg
d) 140/180 mm Hg
e) 120/140 mm Hg