17 Multiple Choice Questions

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1/16/2019 Test: API 577 (Temas API 570) | Quizlet


17 Multiple choice questions

1. Extra-low-hydrogen consumables such as Exxxx-H4 should be used for welding carbon steels with CE greater than _____

A. 0.42 %

B. 5% -20 %

C. 0.55

D. 0.35

2. SS Nickel between _________________

A. 0.35 to 0.55

B. 8 % to 37 %.

C. 5% -20 %

D. 15 % to 32 %

3. _______ is an electromagnetic non-contacting technique that is able to detect and size surface breaking defects in a range of
different materials and through coatings of varying thickness

A. radiography

B. E7016, E7018, and E7048

C. delta ferrite


4. The most common measure of weldability and susceptibility to hot cracking is the _______________

A. delta ferrite

B. ferrite number of the weld metal.

C. E7016, E7018, and E7048

D. radiography

5. For welders, a minimum of _______ length of the first production weld must be examined for performance qualification while a
minimum of __________ length must be examined for welding operators.

A. 6 in. - 24 in 30 degrees

B. 6" and includes the entire weld circumference for pipe coupons

C. 6 in. (150 mm), 3 ft (0.91 m)

D. 800 °F to 1650 °F (427 °C to 900 °C)

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1/16/2019 Test: API 577 (Temas API 570) | Quizlet

6. Steels with a CE of ________ usually require preheating

A. 0.35 to 0.55

B. 0.55

C. 8 % to 37 %.

D. 15 % to 32 %

7. If radiographic examination is used for welder or welding operator qualification of coupons, the minimum length of coupon to
be examined is _______

A. 6" and includes the entire weld circumference for pipe coupons

B. 6 in. (150 mm), 3 ft (0.91 m)

C. 6 in. - 24 in 30 degrees

D. 800 °F to 1650 °F (427 °C to 900 °C)

8. Alternately, welders and welding operators making a groove weld using SMAW, SAW, GTAW, and GMAW (except
short-circuit mode) may be qualified using _______ of the first production weld.


B. delta ferrite

C. radiography

D. E7016, E7018, and E7048

9. A number of resources recommend a minimum of _________ ferrite to prevent cracking.

A. 8 % to 37 %.

B. 900 °F (482 °C).

C. 0.42 %

D. 5% -20 %

10. ACFM requires minimal surface preparation and can be used at elevated temperatures up to ___________

A. 900 °F (482 °C).

B. 0.35 to 0.55

C. 5% -20 %

D. 800 °F to 1650 °F (427 °C to 900 °C)

11. Direct visual examination is conducted when access

is sufficient to place the eye within ________ of the surface to be examined and at an angle not less than _______ to the surface

A. 6 in. - 24 in 30 degrees

B. 6" and includes the entire weld circumference for pipe coupons

C. 800 °F to 1650 °F (427 °C to 900 °C)

D. 6 in. (150 mm), 3 ft (0.91 m)

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1/16/2019 Test: API 577 (Temas API 570) | Quizlet

12. Typically, steels with a CE less than _______ require no preheat

A. 0.55

B. 0.35 to 0.55

C. 0.42 %

D. 0.35

13. Hot tap and in-service welding operations should be carried out only with low-hydrogen consumables and electrodes

A. ferrite number of the weld metal.

B. radiography

C. delta ferrite

D. E7016, E7018, and E7048

14. Austenitic welds require a minimum amount of ______ to resist cracking

A. E7016, E7018, and E7048

B. delta ferrite

C. radiography

D. ferrite number of the weld metal.

15. steels with a CE greater than______ require both preheating and a PWHT

A. 0.35

B. 0.42 %

C. 0.35 to 0.55

D. 0.55

16. SS chromium between _______________

A. 5% -20 %

B. 8 % to 37 %.

C. 15 % to 32 %

D. 0.35 to 0.55

17. Areas exposed to temperatures between __________ for a long enough time may precipitate chromium carbides at the grain

A. 900 °F (482 °C).

B. 800 °F to 1650 °F (427 °C to 900 °C)

C. 6 in. (150 mm), 3 ft (0.91 m)

D. 6 in. - 24 in 30 degrees

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