Analysis: 2. Chapter Two
Analysis: 2. Chapter Two
Analysis: 2. Chapter Two
Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on developing the requirement and analysis models for the new system
using the use case model, sequence diagram, activity diagram and class diagram.
Online inventory management system, which can be used for the entire internet users. The
System is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the Network and
can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection. This application will automate the
management of inventory.
The system also provides a comprehensive mechanism of managing inventory for any
store workers, this project is designed to help wide range of store officer and provide
service to the staff member.
The work flow in the existing system is performed starting from the top store head to the
lower or store keeper. First the store clerk receives the material detail from the store head and
he/she assigns a code and record the information.
Then the store keeper must get permission to receive and give the materials to the staff
members by the head of the store office and the store keeper checks the incoming and outgoing
materials by the related professionals. Then the store keeper documents the information and
reports those materials detail based on their type to the officer.
2.2. Report Generating in the Existing System
The stock clerk generates report to the stock manager then the manager generates report
periodically according to the task of the organization what activities are performed. But at the
end of the year, the report must be within a total income and an item.
A business rule is successfully an operating standard or polices that the team has tried to
specify for both the existing system and the proposed system of the store management must
The team mainly focuses on the existing system business rules.
The existing system has many business rules or principles some of them are:
Br1: new items are recorded and assigned a code by the stock clerks.
Br2: after recording and assigning code by the store clerk the items led to the store keeper
then he/she record, check and place them.
Br3: only staff members of the university are allowed to take an authenticated material.
Br4: when the users/staffs want to borrow any material he/she must register his id, full name,
email, status and other user details properly.
Br5: in order to get the item he /she must get permission from the academic president /president
and the store officer have to put their signature.
Br6: the staff member has to put his/her signature while taking the item.
Br7: the staff member should not damage the item.
Br8: if the staff member has loss or damage the item he/she has to replace that item or pay the
cost with additional percent.
The major problem of the existing system is often used manual system so that it takes much
time to generate reports, to manipulate the overall activity of this system.
This is the new system that reduces the existing problems which usually occurred in the
inventory system. The main purpose of the proposed system is to improve some activities
through computerized way that simplifies the workload of the existing system and speed up the
operation of the system.
The team all knows the importance of automation. The application areas for the
computerization have been selected on the basis of following factors:
Minimizing the manual records kept at different locations.
There will be more data integrity.
Facilitate desired information display very quickly by retrieving information from users.
Facilitating various statistical information which helps in decision-making.
To reduce manual efforts in activities that involved repetitive work.
Updating and deletion of such a huge amount of data will become easier.
2.8. User Diagrams for the Proposed System
Use case diagram a set of use cases for a system, the actors of these use cases, the relations
between the actors and these use cases, and the relations among the use cases. The UML notation
for a use case diagram is:
An oval represents a use case,
A stick figure represents an actor,
A line between an actor and a use case represents that the actor initiates and/or
participates in the process.
Use cases
Informally speaking, a use case is a story or a case of using a system by some users to carry out a
process. A bit more precisely speaking, a use case describes the sequence of events of some
types of users, called Actors, using some part of the system functionality to complete a process.
An actor represents a coherent set of roles that are entities external to the system can play in
using the system, rather than representing a particular individual. An actor represents a type of
users of the system or external systems that the system interacts with.
The figure describe below represents Use case diagram.
Web based Inventory Management System in DMU
Manage User
Administrator <<Extends>> Manager
View Item
Request Item
<<Include>> <<Include>>
Take Request
Return Request
Staff Member
Stock Clerk Receive Response
Manage Item
Add Item >>
clude Update Item
Delete Item
Fig 3.1: Use Case of the Proposed Inventory Management System
Name: Login
UC_ID: UC_01
Actor: users (administrator, manager, stock Clerk and staffs)
Description: this use case is used to ensure security in system usage.
Precondition: the user must have at least username and password.
Post condition: the user get access to the system according to their predefined system privilege
and finally he/she logout or turn off the page.
Alternative course of action (if user enters wrong user ID and / or password)
Step6: System displays an incorrect username and password message.
Step7: System enables user to try again.
Step5: the system doesn’t save the new account to the system database and it displays a fill again
About inactivate the account:
Post condition: the staff members receive an approval response or disapproval message.
Main course of action:
Class Diagrams are used to represent the structure of the system in terms of objects, their
notes and nature of relationship between classes. It shows the static features of the objects and do
not represent any particular processing.
Our system has the following classes:
Manager: is the representation of the real world class of manager which interacts with system to
accomplish the managerial activity such as view report, approve request.
Staff members: is the representation of the real world user.
Administrator: is an administrator which uses the automated system to manage users.
Item: it is the representation of the real world class of materials.
Stock clerk: the representation of the real world class which interacts with system to accomplish
the activity such as managing items.
Fig 3.2: Class Diagram of our System
3.4. Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processes of the
proposed system of inventory management system operate and in what order. It is a construct of
a Message Sequence Chart.
Sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and
classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects
needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario of the proposed system. Sequence diagrams
typically are associated with use case realization in the logical view of the proposed system
under development. The main sequence diagrams of the new system of inventory management
Add new user Add user link New user form User Controller Database
UC#02 Adminstartor
update user
account UC#02 Update User link update user updated user Database
: Adminstrator
form controler
1. adiminstrator select on
update user link 1:select update user link()
2.the system displays the
update user form
3.the adminstrator fills
the user information 2:the system displayys the updaate user form()
4.he/she click on update
5.the system validate the
data. 3:fill user detail()
6.if it is not correct it
displays fill it again.
7.if he/she fills correctly
the system updates the
4:click on update button()
8.system checks the data
if it is correctly updated
9.the system displays the
response .
6:fill it again()
7:update the data()
9:display responnse()
9:display response()
Fig 3.6: Sequence Diagram of Inactive User Account
Add Item
UC#03 Add Item link Add item form Item controler item Database
: Stock Cerk
6:Save to Database()
8:displays response()
Fig 3.7: Sequence Diagram of Add Item
View Report
view Report link Report Type Report controler Database
UC#05 Manager/Stock
1:select view report link()
1. the manager select
view Report link
2.he/sheselect the
Report type. on view report.
4.the system fetch the
5. the sytem displays 2:Manager select the Report type ()
the report to the stock
clerk or manager.
3:Clik on view()
4:fetch ()
5:display report()
Fig 3.8: Sequence Diagram of View Report
Take Item
Request Take Request Take Request Take Request Database
: Staff Member
UC#07 Link Form Controler
9:display response()
Fig 3.9: Sequence Diagram of Request Item
not correct Help to login
Main Menu
Add new
New user
manage User
Actor:Adminstrator check
update user
enter Select
user detail Manage User
Try Again
Not Solved
Found Managed
not correct Help to login
Main Menu
Add Item
not correct
Not Solved
View Report
UC#05 check
not correct Help to login
view Select
Employee Employee View Report
report Report
view User Report
User report
Not Solved
not correct Help to login
Main Menu
Take Request
Not Correct Detail
Not Solved
Send Item