Assignment 4: (CLO 4) : Please Make Use of The of The SRS Document Given in Appendix To This Document
Assignment 4: (CLO 4) : Please Make Use of The of The SRS Document Given in Appendix To This Document
Assignment 4: (CLO 4) : Please Make Use of The of The SRS Document Given in Appendix To This Document
Please make use of the of the SRS document given in appendix to this document.
1. Please develop test Plan for the System Under Test (SUT) given in the appendix.
System View
Financing <<includes>>
Explore Catalog Login
<<includes>> n
Maintain Account
Maintain Database
Process Returns
Process Help
Customer Support
Process Help
Place Help
Customer Support
1.2.2 Process Returns
Process Returns
Validate Return Customer Support
Update Item
<<includes>> <<includes>>
Cancel <<includes>>
1.2.4 Maintain Account
Maintain Account
Create New
Update Account
Cancel <<includes>>
1.2.5 Explore Catalog
Explore Catalog
Apply for
Make Online Financing
Customer Department
Navigate Finance
Description: This use case describes how the User can search/browse the e-store catalog.
- ‘Product Screen’ displays items and corresponding list prices for a chosen product.
- Item Screen’ displays detailed information about an individual item for sale, including a photo, if
one is available.
- ‘Cart Screen’ displays the various items added to the cart, the quantity and list price of each
item and the Subtotal.
Basic flow:
1. User opens a web browser, gives the URL for the ‘Marvel e-store’ website in and clicks on ‘Go’
2. System launches the web site.
3. User clicks on any product link in the ‘Product’ list given in top-left corner.
4. System displays ‘Category Screen’ with the products available for the category chosen in Step 3.
5. User clicks on any product link in ‘Products for this Category’ list.
6. System displays ‘Product Screen’ with list of all of the items for the product chosen in Step 5
along with the price of each item and a link labeled ‘Add to Cart’ in right column of the list.
7. User clicks on any item link in ‘Items for this Product’ list.
8. System displays ‘Item Screen’ for the item chosen in Step 7, including a photo if one is available
and an ‘Add to Cart’ link.
3a. User navigates to category page of a particular type of product by clicking on any product in
the image map located in the center of the page.
4a. User views the next few items from the list of all products in category by clicking on ‘Next’
link in the bottom right corner of product list and then navigates to ‘Product Screen’ of a
particular product by clicking on that product link in ‘Products for this Category’ list.
Description: This use case describes how the User can search the e-store catalog.
Primary Actor: User
Preconditions: None
- ‘Product Screen’ displays items and corresponding list prices for the searched product.
- Item Screen’ displays detailed information about an individual item for sale, including a photo, if
one is available.
- ‘Cart Screen’ displays the various items added to the cart, the quantity and list price of each
item and the Subtotal.
Basic flow:
1.User opens a web browser, gives the URL for the ‘Marvel e-store’ website in
3. User enters text in text box next to Search button and clicks on Search button.
5. User clicks on the desired link. User can navigate back to the earlier pages if wishes.
3a If search returns no results, System displays the message “No matches found for the entered
2.3 USE CASE UC3: Create New Account
Description: This use case describes how a new User can register with e-store
- ‘Account verification Screen’ lets the user review his/her account details and then successfully
register as a user of this site.
Basic flow:
a. First Name
b. Last Name
c. Street Address
d. City
e. State of Province
f. Country
g. Postal Code
h. Telephone Number
i. E-Mail Credit Card Information
j. Card Number
k. Card Type
l. Card Expiry Date
4. The user clicks on Update and the system validates all the user information and
Description: This use case describes how a User can update his account information with e-store
- ‘Account Information Screen’ lets the user review his/her account details and then successfully
modifying its contents.
Basic flow:
Steps 1 and 2 in the Basic Flow are part of the ‘Login’ use case. The basic flow of this use case ‘uses’
or ‘includes’ the ‘Login’ use case.
2.5 USE CASE UC5: Cancel Account Information
Description: This use case describes how a User can cancel his account information with e-store
Basic flow:
Description: This use case describes how an actor can modify items in the shopping cart.
Marvel electronics Owner: Every user who visits the site or makes a purchase has a direct
bearing on the revenue and hence the profitability of the store owner.
Pre-Condition: The actor is on the Cart Screen and have already logged in.
Post-Condition: The user successfully modifies existing items in the cart or adds new items to
the cart.
Basic Flow
1. The user clicks on one of the category in the left frame of the screen and navigates to the item
he wishes to add to the cart and clicks on the “Add to Cart” link.
2. The system displays the Cart Screen with the all the old items and the newly added item. The
subtotal field displays the total cost of the shopping cart.
3. The user repeats steps 3 and 4 for all the items he wants to add to the cart.
4. The user modifies the item quantity for one or multiple items and clicks “Update Cart”.
5. The system updates the new quantity and displays the modified line item totals and sub-total to
the user.
6. The user clicks the “Remove” link to remove any of the items in the cart.
7. The system deletes the item from the cart and adjusts the sub-total accordingly.
a. User proceeds to adding Items to cart and modifying cart without logging in.
b. If the user enters a non-positive or non-integer quantity the system displays an appropriate error
c. If user closes the window without proceeding for payment, the cart is stored in the system for a
pre-decided number of days, before getting flushed, so that the user can return to the cart in
the future.
Special Requirements:
Frequency of Occurrence:
There is a possibility that multiple users will add an item to the same cart simultaneously from different
2.7 USE CASE UC7: Maintain Database
Description: This use case describes how the administrator of the system can add and delete items from
the catalog and also manage the system users.
Owner: Every user who visits the site or makes a purchase has a direct bearing on the revenue
and hence the profitability of the store owner.
Pre-Condition: The Marvel electronic store product web page is loaded. The administrator is logged into
the system.
Post-Condition: The user successfully manages the users and the catalog.
Basic Flow
1. The system prompts the user to select one of the following two options:
• Manage Catalog
• Manage Users
2. If the user selects the “Manage Catalog” option, the system prompts the user to select one of
the following two options:
• Add new item
• Modify existing item, i.e., update or remove item.
2c. The system prompts the user to enter the item details like Item Name, Quantity
Available, Price and Item Image.
2d. The user keys in the requested item details and clicks “Submit”.
2e. The system updates the item in the selected category/product in the database.
2a. The system prompts the user to navigate to the appropriate item.
2c. The user either removes the item from the catalog by clicking “Remove Item” or
modifies the Item Name, List Price, Quantity or Item Image and clicks Update.
3. If the user selects the “Manage Users” option, the system prompts the user to select one of the
following two options:
• Add User
• Modify User
3a. The system displays the “Add new user” page to the user.
3b. The user enters the user details like name, address, etc and selects the access right
(normal user/ administrator) of the user and clicks Submit.
3c. The system updates the new user details in the database.
3a. The system prompts the admin to search for the user.
3b. The user searches for the user he wants to modify.
3d. The admin modifies any of the user details like name, address, card details, access
rights and clicks Update.
If the user fails to enter any of the mandatory item information like Item Name, Quantity
and Price then the system displays an appropriate error message to the user.
If the user fails to enter any of the mandatory user information like user Name or Password
then the system displays an appropriate error message to the user.
3 Incomplete Selection
If the user does not select any of the options add user or modify user then the
Description: This use case describes how the User of the system can apply for finance for buying the
Basic flow:
Applicant Information:
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
State of Province
Postal Code
Telephone Number
Current Annual income of household
Any loan rejected before
Installment option preferable(6months,1year,2year)
Description: This use case describes how the User of the system can make payments for the loan.
Basic flow:
Applicant Information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mode of Payment
If mode of payment debit/credit card
- Cheque Number
- Routing Number
- Bank Name
- Account Number
6. User clicks on ‘Submit’ button.
Special Requirements
Description: This use case describes how the User of the system can navigate through the financing
Basic flow:
2. System displays the ‘Balance Payment' screen showing the amount due on
the user.
2. System displays the ‘Details on loan' screen showing the loan details.
2.11 USE CASE UC11: Login/Registration
This use case describes how users gain access to the e-Store system through the login/registration
(account creation) process.
Primary Actors
1. User: wants to gain access to the system for any number of reasons (e.g., maintain personal
account, check order status, purchase items, administer system, etc.).
2. Marvel Electronics Owner: wants to ensure security of system.
3. Pre-Condition: the user is on the "Sign In" screen.
4. Post-Condition: the user is either logged in or failed to log in and is appropriately notified.
1. The user has forgotten his/her username, password, or both, and clicks the "Forgot
Username/Password?" link
2. The system resets the users account and sends an e-mail notification with the new information
3. The user utilizes the new username/password information to log in following the basic flow
New User
1. The user browses to the "Sign In" page.
2. The user chooses the "New User" link on the "Sign In" page.
3. The user enters his/her account information and chooses a username and password
4. The system validates the information entered
5. The system sends the user an e-mail invitation
6. The user must confirm their new account by clicking the link in the e-mail
7. The user is logged in and his/her account information page is displayed.
System Administrator
System administrators follow the basic flow for this use case when logging in to the system.
Special Requirements
• After three consecutive unsuccessful login attempts, the user's account will be locked and must be
reset by a system administrator.
• Users may not login from multiple different computers simultaneously. If this condition is
detected, the user will be notified with appropriate warning/error messages.
Frequency of Occurrence
Users must log in to access their account information, to process a return request, and, optionally, to
place an order. The system administrator must log in to administer the system.
2.12 USE CASE UC12: Process Returns
This use case describes how customers can request Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs) using
the e-Store system.
Primary Actors
Customer: wants to return an item (or items) purchased through the e-Store system.
Pre-Condition: the customer has purchased an item and wishes to return it.Post-Condition: the
customer has received either approval to return the item(s), or a denial of the return request.
RMA Denied
Special Requirements
Frequency of Occurrence
2.13 USE CASE UC13: Process HelpRequest
This use case describes how customers can get service and support using the e-Store system.
Primary Actors
Special Requirements
Frequency of Occurrence
2.14 USE CASE UC14: Accept Payment Online
This use case describes how Financing Department can accept the payment from the e-Store system.
Basic Flow:
Special Requirements
Financing Department has access to all the credit/debit card companies and banks
Frequency of Occurrence
2.15 USE CASE UC15: Grant Financing
This use case describes how Financing Department can accept/reject the loan application from the
customer who wishes to buy the product with financing option.
Basic Flow:
6. Financing Department Person can view the details of the Financial request
8. Financing Person can add the comments in the Application and click on 'Submit'.
Special Requirements
Financing Department has access to all the credit/debit card companies and banks
Frequency of Occurrence