Myanmar, Japan Hold Third Cherry Tree Planting Ceremony To Mark Friendly Ties
Myanmar, Japan Hold Third Cherry Tree Planting Ceremony To Mark Friendly Ties
Myanmar, Japan Hold Third Cherry Tree Planting Ceremony To Mark Friendly Ties
Union Minister U Thaung Tun highlights investment Union Minister U Win Khaing
related reforms at 2019 World Economic Forum inspects Chauk oil field in Magway
Vol. V, No. 287, 8 th Waning of Pyatho 1380 ME Monday, 28 January 2019
SWRR Ministry provides cash for nursing homes, day nursery schools in Taungup, Thandwe
ed the shrimp and crab breeding ity and Development Committee
farm in Abay Village, and coor- and implementation committees
dinated with the local residents for all nationals to enjoy equal
near the village the matters of rights.
job opportunities, health and ed- The works on providing so-
ucation. cial pension for the aged above
The union minister then 85 and cash assistances for preg-
attended another ceremony to nant women and children aged
provide cash assistances at Dwar under 2, are also being carried
Yar Wati Hall in Thandwe Town out, along with educative pro-
and handed over K 5.961 million to grams for nutrition, personal
Myittar Wati Home for the Aged, hygiene and family planning, he
K 1.4 million to two self-reliant added. The children’s physical
nursery schools, K 3.0781 mil- and intellectual development are
lion to five Mother Circles to be systematically being promoted in
opened and toys and nutritional accord with the early child care
Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, Rakhine State Chief Minster U Nyi Pu and officials make intimate interaction snacks for children. knowledge as this is a project that
with the children. PHOTO: MNA The union minister then, is certain to bear benefits in the
together with volunteer organ- future nation.
RAKHINE State’s Settlement uty Minister U Aung Soe attended for Shwe Myittar Home for the izations, town elders, children The ministry’s social protec-
and Socio-economic Devel- the ceremony to provide cash Aged, and K 1.26 million for three and officials have commemora- tion and social care works will
opment Working Committee assistance at the Taungup Town Mother Circles (day nursery tive photos taken. be much more efficient, with the
Chairman and Union Minister Hall in Taungup yesterday. schools) in planning stage. Toys In his speech at the ceremo- cooperation of states and regions’
for Social Welfare, Relief and During the ceremony, cash and nutritional snacks were also ny, the union minister said Union authorities, volunteer organiza-
Resettlement Dr. Win Myat Aye assistance of K 4.9 million was distributed. A Hluttaw represent- Government is prioritizing ethnic tions and people, the union min-
accompanied by Rakhine State distributed to seven self-reliant ative expressed thanks in return. affairs and internal peace, form- ister said.—MNA (Translated
Chief Minister U Nyi Pu and Dep- nursery schools, K 4.866 million The union minister also visit- ing Rakhine State Peace, Stabil- by Kyaw Zin Tun)
Myanmar, Japan
hold third cherry tree
planting ceremony …
Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Parliamentary Friendship Association, Mr. Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat poses for a documentary photo together with dignitaries of
Ichiro Aisawa watering the cherry tree. PHOTO: MNA Myanmar and Japan. PHOTO: MNA
FROM PAGE-1 Myanmar has granted visa ex- coming year. Yangon, the heart of the unique lifestyles, costumes, Then, Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, the
“While we are working to emptions to tourists from Japan, Myanmar, is the country’s main and cultures of ethnic races. My- Chairman of the Japan-Myanmar
transform the country’s areas South Korea, Hong Kong, and entry point, welcoming a large anmar and Japan are good old Parliamentary Friendship Asso-
into tourist attractions, the third Macau since 1 October, and is number of visitors arriving by air friends. Joint commemorative ciation, Union Minister for Hotels
ceremony to plant cherry trees granting visa on arrival to Chi- from various parts of the world events like this one will pave the and Tourism U Ohn Maung, and
has arrived. The news that My- nese nationals who travel to My- annually. Of the 3.55 million visi- way for enhancing cultural ex- Chief Minister of Yangon Region
anmar is attractive because of its anmar by air. The Speaker said tors in 2018, 1.4 million, or nearly change programmes and tourism U Phyo Min Thein delivered their
cherry trees will spread among visa on arrival is now available half the foreign visitors, came promotion programmes in the fu- addresses. Thereafter, the Pyithu
travellers throughout the world,” for Chinese travellers who arrive to Myanmar through Yangon. ture,” he said. He then expressed Hluttaw Speaker and participants
said U T Khun Myat. by air. “Moreover, visa on arrival Hence, the tourist promotion his thanks to the Yangon Region posed for a documentary photo.
The cherry trees being plant- is also being issued to Indians program in Yangon covers the Chief Minister, cabinet members, Afterwards, Myanmar tradi-
ed in Myanmar have been genet- arriving by air, through a relaxa- whole country,” he said. He said departmental personnel, private tional snacks were served.
ically modified so that they thrive tion of visa rules. Myanmar has the timing of the planting ceremo- organizations, and participants The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
in Myanmar’s climate. also opened international entry ny is perfect as it coincides with from Japan and Myanmar for and the attendees then took part
Tourists arrivals in Myan- and exit points at its border with the Myanmar Ethnics Culture the success of the third Myan- in the Sakura festival, or cherry
mar increased from 3.44 million India. Visa relaxations introduced Fest, which showcases the tradi- mar-Japan Sakura Festival, and planting festival, held on the lawn
in 2017 to 3.5 million in 2018, an in 2018 will begin to bear fruit in tions and cultures of the brethren. called for inclusive involvement at Gate No. 2 of the Yangon Re-
increase of 3.15 per cent. 2019. So, the number of visitors “It is a pleasure for the host in the upcoming Sakura festivals gion Hluttaw. —MNA /(Translat-
To attract more tourists, to Myanmar will increase in the to show their Japanese guests to promote tourism. ed by TMT, Kyaw Zin Lin)
Union Minister U Han Zaw inspects the Ngawon Bridge (Laymyathna) which will be inaugurated soon. PHOTO: MNA
Ethnics Culture
Festival draws
large crowd
THE Myanmar Ethnics Culture rently in Myanmar to attend the
Fest continued for the third day, Myanmar-Japan Sakura festi-
with Kyaikkasan Grounds, the val, and travellers.
venue of the festival, attracting “Yangonites can now see
a large crowd in the evening with their own eyes the cultures,
hours. customs, and traditions of our
“First, we faced some dif- ethnic brethren in one place, as
ficulties as this is the first ever the fest is being held in the city. I
fest of its kind in Myanmar. But could see the costumes of ethnic
Kayah traditional cultural booths attract visitors at Ethnics Culture Festival yesterday. PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT
we could overcome them and races and taste their traditional
hold the festival successfully dishes. It is a unique fest. I had
thanks to the support of the never seen some of the ethnic
Union Government, the Yan- dresses,” said a visitor from
gon Region Government, and Yankin, a township in Yangon.
the Myanmar Ethnic Entre- “The Mano dance of Kachin
preneurs Association (MEEA), ethnics was the heart of today’s
the main sponsor,” said U Khet fest, as people of all ages from
Htain Nan, the chair of Kachin other ethnic races joined in
entrepreneurs association. with Kachin chorus dancers to
“If we have the wish to un- express unity and progress. In
derpin the nation with the force fact, the Kachin ethnics per-
of ethnic races, such festivals formed Mano as a symbol of
are the answer,” he said. peace, progress, and prosperi-
In addition to Myanmar eth- ty,” said U Khet Htain Nan
nic races, the booths of Kachin, The fest is serving as a one-
Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, stop venue where people can
Mon, Rakhine and Shan and Ta- enjoy ethnic dances, traditions,
aung (Palaung), Kokang, Danu, cultures, lifestyles, items, and
PaO, and Wa self-administered foods, and buy local goods and
areas were also crowded with souvenirs.—Thi Thi Min
Visitors take shelter from sunshine as they walk under the decorated umbrellas. PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT Japanese tourists who are cur- (Translated by TMT)
28 JANUARY 2019
ITH the world moving towards healthier organic By Mayu Myo Aung (MNA) decibels. The noise pro- loudspeakers must be hanging around on street corners, (Issued at 7:00 pm Sunday 27 January, 2019)
crops, our country, too, announced the Myanmar duced by a loudspeak- abided by the own- by using bullhorns, making people
to follow.
organic standards yesterday, which farmers and
stakeholders engaged in organic farming need W ASHINGTON-BORN Ed-
ward W. Kellogg and Massa-
chusetts-born electrical engineer
er could raise more
than 100 decibels. If
a person who keeps
ers. If necessary,
the consent of
the Police Force
suffer from noise pollution day
by day. During the open seasons,
blaring of loudspeakers and sound
BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over
the Andaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair elsewhere
in the Bay of Bengal.
The Myanmar Organic Standards, which are based on Chester Williams Rice invented listening to a sound of must be sought boxes from respective donation
the ASEAN organic standards, have been devised to supply the loudspeaker in 1925. more than 75 decibels, and regulations, pandals were heard , making peo- FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 28
safe and nutritious food to the people and to ensure farmers Myanmar under the British tends be hard of hear- discipline and ple in the surroundings ear-split- January, 2019: Likelihood of light rain will be isolated in Upper
follow rules and standards for organic farming. rule started to use the loudspeak- ing, suggested by World directives must ting. No one pays heed to the laws; Sagaing Region and Kachin State. Degree of certainty is (60%).
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock produc- ers, thus prompting the British to Health Organization. be abided by the wards and village administrators Weather will be partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region, (Southern
tion that involves much more than choosing not to use pesti- enact laws concerning with the The Administrative users. In Section-18, fail to take against the venders. and Eastern) Shan, Chin, Kayah, Kayin and Mon States and
cides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, electroacoustic transducer. In Laws for wards and village the dwellers in the When loudspeakers are used in generally fair in the remaining Regions and States.
and growth hormones. “the Police Act Section 39” pro- tracts were proclaimed by the ward or village tract must ceremonies, festivals and funfairs,
The principal goal of organic production is to develop claimed in 1945, the people were Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 24 Feb- seek permission from the the appropriate statutory rules STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in Myan-
enterprises that are sustainable and harmonious with the not allowed to use or switch on the ruary, 2012; first amendments to administrator and at the same and regulations must be abided mar waters. Wave height will be about (3-5) feet off and along
environment. loudspeakers in public areas with- these laws were made on 28 w i t h time prescribed rules and regu- by; in addition, health concern- Myanmar Coasts.
‘Certified organic’ is a term given to products produced out the permission of authorities March, the second ones on 20 legal proce- lations are proclaimed. If they fail ing with the elderly, infants and
according to organic standards and approved by a certifying concerned, according to Section January 2016. The third amend- dures” included in to abide by rules and regulations patients should be taken into OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of
body. 41(A). ments were made in 2016. the amendments. In prescribed in Section 27, 17, 18 and consideration. The users should isolated light rain in Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State.
A grower wishing to “The administrator of a Sub-section(h), permis- 19, the users must be fined by not be reminded that if loudspeakers
have his produce certified DEATHS FROM NOISY ENVI- ward or a village tract sion of using loudspeak- more than K 5000 or 7 days of im- tend to create noises to disturb FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING
To boost the as organic has to apply to a
certification body, request-
According to a report by the
will have to carry
out his duties in
ers will be allowed after
close scrutiny; actions will
prisonment by the Court. Although
high levels of noise are not much
the environment, actions can
be taken against the own-
AREA FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.
agricultural ing an independent inspec- British Medical Association, those accordance be taken against violators hazardous to health, they could ers. Translated by FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
tion of the farm to verify living in noisy environments or formal documents will cause harmful effects to the elder- Arakan Sein FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.
sector with that it meets the organic may reduce lifespan be sent to them. In connec- ly, the infants, pregnant women,
safe crops, the standards. Farmers, pro- and may increase tion with loudspeakers 1) the and students, thereby restricting FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
cessors, and traders are risk for stroke. owner, the association or the noises by laws in some countries. AREA FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.
Organic farming presents many challenges. Organic distress, thereby promoting the of persons affected by leprosy of the Nippon Foundation Mr Yohei Generation Platform. Interested candidates can send their
cultivation of some crops is more challenging than others; EPROSY-RELATED that present with these symptoms inclusion and aim at ending lepro- active participation of persons af- must be prioritized. Notably, in Sasakawa on being awarded the work to the Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150,
however, nearly every type of crop can be produced organically. discrimination, stigma is down to 6%, demonstrating the sy-related discrimination, stigma fected by leprosy in society more recent years India, along with oth- 2018 International Gandhi Peace Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in
To boost the agricultural sector with safe crops, the coun- and prejudice are the disease is being diagnosed earlier and prejudice should be front and generally. er countries in the Region and Prize for his contribution to end- person, or by email to ce@globalnewlightofmyanmar.
try needs to tackle the challenges of erratic weather, capacity most powerful barriers than ever. More than that, howev- center of all leprosy programmes, Second is the need to promote beyond, has repealed legislation ing leprosy in India and across com with the following information: (1) Sector you
and technical know-how to produce value-added products, and to ending leprosy for good, espe- er, it demonstrates that leprosy both as goods in themselves as access to purpose-built social and that discriminates against persons the world. On World Leprosy Day wish to be included in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own
dependence on foreign demand. cially given the disease is 100% cur- needn’t cause the disability and well as powerful tools to achieve financial support for persons af- affected by leprosy: In 2016, for we must renew our focus on ac- name and (if different) your penname, (3) Your level of
For our agricultural produce, we have set the target of able when detected early. Though deformity that fuels leprosy-re- a leprosy-free Region and world. fected by leprosy. While the inclu- example, it repealed the draconi- celerating towards a leprosy-free education, (4) Name of your School/College/University,
meeting the international standards in terms of safety and the number of leprosy cases has lated discrimination, stigma and First among them is empow- sion of leprosy-affected persons an colonial-era Lepers Act, while world and ensuring the disease is (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted piece
nutrition in the future, which will be mandatory. steadily declined worldwide, an prejudice. ering people with leprosy to be in vocational training is already earlier this month it repealed a no longer a source of shame and is your original work and has not been submitted to any
The change in the global agriculture sector has brought estimated 200 000 cases continue As core public health inter- agents of social change. This could underway in most endemic coun- law allowing leprosy as legitimate anxiety, stigma and prejudice, but other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color
opportunities to our farmers. to be reported every year, with In- ventions such as active case-find- include training them in advocacy tries, these programmes should be grounds for divorce. Both initia- is rather a challenge all of us can photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8)
Our stakeholders and farmers are urged to adhere to our dia accounting for more than half. ing, improved treatment regimens and social mobilization to enhance expanded wherever possible. As tives are to be commended. unite around to overcome. That Contact information (email address, mobile number,
organic guidelines and standards as the time has come for us Significant numbers are detected and strengthened surveillance community buy-in and secure part of this, clear information on WHO remains committed opportunity must be grasped, and etc.).— Editorial Department, The Global New Light of
to improve our food standards so as to meet ASEAN standards elsewhere in the WHO South-East continue to drive-down leprosy’s high-level support and funding how they can be accessed should to providing Member States the a leprosy-free world secured for Myanmar
and compete successfully in foreign markets. Asia Region, Brazil, sub-Saharan incidence and spread, the dis- for leprosy programmes. It could be made available to every eligible normative and material support all.
ADVERTISING & MARKETING At 11:30 am yesterday, two young Ma Su Myat Wai died at the
( +95) (01) 8604530,
Hotline - 09 974424848
girls identified as Ma Su Myat scene, receiving fatal injuries to Wai, 19, and Ma Myo Nandar her head from hitting the rock Kyaw, 19, were taking pictures on walls on her way down. Her body
top of Taw Naw waterfall, located was sent to Kawkareik General
Printed and published at the Global New
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at near the Kawkareik-Myawad- Hospital. Ma Myo Nandar Kyaw,
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan dy Asia Highway in Kawkareik who suffered a broken jaw and
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light Township, when they fell 200 feet serious injuries to her head,
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
to the base of the waterfall. was sent to Myawaddy General
Reportedly, Ma Su Myat Wai Hospital, but passed away while was taking photos near the top of receiving treatment.
the waterfall when she slipped, Ma Su Myat Wai was from
prompting her friend to grab her Pa Ye Village in Myawaddy Tsp PHOTO: TIN WIN HLAING (KAWKAREIK)
in an attempt to save her from and Ma Myo Nandar Kyaw was were on a trip with eight other the case.—Myat Ko (Dawr Na
the fall, but unfortunately, both from Ywama Village, DaikU Tsp friends at the time of the incident. Myay) (Translated by Zaw Htet
girls tumbled over the edge. in Bago Region. The two friends Police are investigating into Oo)
Aussie Thai cave rescue divers named dual Australians of the Year
CANBERRA—Two divers who the first joint winners since 1967. men for their “selflessness, cour- led to so much interest and ac- their part in the rescue mission.
helped rescue 12 Thai boys and Harris, an anaesthetist from age and willingness to help oth- knowledgement and me being “After Thailand we had no
their football coach from a flood- South Australia (SA), and Chal- ers.” Morrison described the two up here tonight,” he said. idea that all of this stuff was going
ed Thai cave have been jointly len, a technical diver and cave men as “humble heroes who put “I dearly hope that I can to go on,” he told News Corp Aus-
named 2019 Australians of the explorer, were about to depart for their own lives at risk.” prove myself worthy of it.” tralia.Governor-General Peter
Year. a cave-diving holiday when they “You did us proud,” he said. Shortly after emerging from Cosgrove in July awarded Harris
Richard Harris and Craig were called in to help rescue the Accepting the award, Chal- the cave for the final time, Harris and Challen the Star of Courage.
Challen were awarded the hon- football team from the cave in len said he was “astounded.” was informed that his father had Seven other Australians who
our at a ceremony in Canberra July 2018. “I am really somewhat as- died back home during the rescue were involved in the cave rescue
on Friday night by Prime Min- The Australian of the Year tounded that the pursuit of a operation. He said that the duo were also honoured with bravery
ister Scott Morrison, becoming selection panel recognized the hobby for the last 22 years has did not expect to be awarded for awards.—Xinhua
28 JANUARY 2019
Adve r t i s e w it h
Office in the Head office mentioned below during the office hours from 9:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (except public
Managing Director,
Myanma Railway, Ministry of Transport and Communications u s/ Ho t L i n e :
0 9 9 74 4 2 4 8 4 8
Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound, PobbaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Telephone: +95-67 77024, Facsimile number: +95-67-77164
Email address:, (not for submission but for clarification)
Quagliarella equals
Batistuta Serie A
MILAN (Italy)—Sampdoria forward Fabio Quagliarella bagged a
brace on Saturday as he equalled Gabriel Batistuta’s record for
scoring in 11 consecutive Serie A games, in a 4-0 win over Udinese.
Quagliarella, who turns 36 next week, matched the mark after
converting a penalty after 31 minutes, and added a second, again
from the spot, on 56 minutes.
The evergreen forward also had a role in the other two goals
—in the build-up to Karol Linetty’s third on 68 minutes, and the
decisive cross for Manolo Gabbiadini to tap in ten minutes later.
He left to the pitch to a standing ovation six minutes from time.
Cyclists participate in the public cycling event in Twantay yesterday. PHOTO: PHYO THIHA Batistuta scored at least one goal per game in the opening 11
games of the season in 1994-1995 for Fiorentina. The Argentine
Over 400 take part in public cycling event in Twantay went on to finish the season as the top scorer with 26 goals.
Quagliarella has had one of the best seasons of his career
A public cycling event was held cluding children under the age of for raising public awareness with Sampdoria. He has scored 14 goals in his 11-match run for
in Twantay, Ayeyawady Region, 10 years, took part in the event, on the sport, as cycling is one a total of 16 this season, to go top of the Serie A scorers ahead of
early in the morning yesterday, said an official with the MCF. of the more affordable and con- Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo (14).The 25-times capped Italian
under the supervision of the Min- The event was held for the venient sports in Myanmar,” he international scored a career best 19 goals last season.
istry of Health and Sports and first time in Twantay and saw par- added. He joined the Genoa club in 2016 having previously played for
the Myanmar Cycling Federa- ticipation of children and adult cy- About two or three such teams including Juventus, Napoli and Torino.
tion(MCF). The event was also clists from the Bicycle Network events are hosted across My- Sampdoria moved up to sixth, the final Europa League berth,
supported by the Twantay Cycling Myanmar (BNM) from Yangon, anmar every month to raise and just one point off the Champions League places.—AFP
Club (TTCC). said an official with the bicycle awareness about the benefits of
More than 400 cyclists, in- network. “It was a good event cycling.—Lynn Thit (Tgi)