Myanmar, Japan Hold Third Cherry Tree Planting Ceremony To Mark Friendly Ties

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Union Minister U Thaung Tun highlights investment Union Minister U Win Khaing
related reforms at 2019 World Economic Forum inspects Chauk oil field in Magway

Vol. V, No. 287, 8 th Waning of Pyatho 1380 ME Monday, 28 January 2019

Myanmar, Japan hold third cherry tree

planting ceremony to mark friendly ties
T Khun Myat, the Speak-
er of the Pyithu Hluttaw,
along with dignitaries
from Myanmar and Japan plant-
ed Japanese cherry trees in the
compound of the Yangon Region
Hluttaw yesterday.
Speaking at the third cer-
emonial planting of Japanese
cherry trees, Speaker U T Khun
Myat said he took pride in holding
the ceremony in the commercial
city of Yangon, and expressed his
hope that the planting of cherry
trees in Myanmar would strength-
en friendship between the people
of Myanmar and Japan, and boost
diplomatic relations. The planting
will also promote close relations
between the two countries, the
two parliaments, and the two
peoples, he said. As part of the
third Myanmar-Japan Sakura
Festival, about 3,900 cherry trees
and Maple trees provided by the
Myanmar Cherry Foundation and
the Japan Yuko Sakura Friend-
ship Association will be planted

The (cherry trees)

planting will also
promote close rela-
tions between the
two countries, the Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat plants the trees together with dignitaries of Myanmar and Japan in the compound of the Yangon Region
Hluttaw yesterday as part of Myanmar-Japan friendship.  PHOTO: MNA
two parliaments,
and the in Kachin, Kayah, and Chin states planting ceremony, held in Nay vention Centre in Nay Pyi Taw, 2018, 1,250 cherry trees were
and in Yangon and Mogok. Pyi Taw in January, 2017. with 200 cherry trees planted planted in Chin State and 800
two peoples … State Counsellor Daw Aung The second ceremony was near the centre and along the trees were planted in Mogok,
U T Khun Myat San Suu Kyi attended the first held on 14 January last year at Zawana Road to the Hluttaw. PyinOoLwin, Kalaw, and Inle.
Myanmar-Japan cherry tree the Myanmar International Con- From January to February, SEE PAGE-3



Union Minister More projects to PTTEP investment Rare Ayeyawady
discusses ensure sufficient budget of $3,256 mln for dolphin killed
environmental water supply to 2019 includes Zawtika by electric shock
issues in Singapore Yangon : YCDC project, exploration fishing

Union Minister discusses environmental issues in Singapore

UNION Minister for Natural Re- and regional commitments to
sources and Environmental Con- international agreements.
servation U Ohn Win attended The meeting also dealt with
the third session of the UN En- climate change, natural disas-
vironment’s Forum of Ministers ters, adequate supplies of food,
and Environment Authorities of energy, and water resources,
Asia Pacific, held in Singapore on current issues and challenges.
24 and 25 January, with 41 inter- On 24 January morning,
national counterparts. Union Minister U Ohn Win met
The meeting reviewed the Japan’s State Minister of the
progress on the implementation Environment and discussed
of the UN Environment Assembly waste management and envi-
resolutions in Asia and the Pacif- ronmental concerns; reduction
ic, laid down formulating policy of waste harmful to the natural
objectives and funfing principles environment and public health;
for sustainable consumption and waste-from-energy projects;
production through innovative policy, laws, rules, and directives
means, identified priorities in on waste management; holding
Union Minister U Ohn Win holds talk with Singaporean Minister for Environment and Water Resources in
the Asia Pacific, engaged with Japan-Myanmar environmental
Singapore.  PHOTO : MNA
the private sector on environ- conservation week; and, running
mental solutions, and discussed for capacity building programmes and Water Resources. Their talks regional cooperation to attain the declaration on the points to be
challenges and opportunities to for government staff. focused on environmental chal- sustainable development goals, approved at the fourth session of
strengthen the regional environ- In the afternoon, the Union lenges, appropriate measures for capacity building programmes, the forum, which will be held in
mental agenda for delivering the Minister held talks with the Singa- food sufficiency and alleviation and bilateral cooperation.nThe Nairobi, Kenya, in March 2019.—
sustainable development goals porean Minister of Environment of the impact of climate change, meeting passed and issued a MNA (Translated by TMT)

SWRR Ministry provides cash for nursing homes, day nursery schools in Taungup, Thandwe
ed the shrimp and crab breeding ity and Development Committee
farm in Abay Village, and coor- and implementation committees
dinated with the local residents for all nationals to enjoy equal
near the village the matters of rights.
job opportunities, health and ed- The works on providing so-
ucation. cial pension for the aged above
The union minister then 85 and cash assistances for preg-
attended another ceremony to nant women and children aged
provide cash assistances at Dwar under 2, are also being carried
Yar Wati Hall in Thandwe Town out, along with educative pro-
and handed over K 5.961 million to grams for nutrition, personal
Myittar Wati Home for the Aged, hygiene and family planning, he
K 1.4 million to two self-reliant added. The children’s physical
nursery schools, K 3.0781 mil- and intellectual development are
lion to five Mother Circles to be systematically being promoted in
opened and toys and nutritional accord with the early child care
Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, Rakhine State Chief Minster U Nyi Pu and officials make intimate interaction snacks for children. knowledge as this is a project that
with the children.   PHOTO: MNA The union minister then, is certain to bear benefits in the
together with volunteer organ- future nation.
RAKHINE State’s Settlement uty Minister U Aung Soe attended for Shwe Myittar Home for the izations, town elders, children The ministry’s social protec-
and Socio-economic Devel- the ceremony to provide cash Aged, and K 1.26 million for three and officials have commemora- tion and social care works will
opment Working Committee assistance at the Taungup Town Mother Circles (day nursery tive photos taken. be much more efficient, with the
Chairman and Union Minister Hall in Taungup yesterday. schools) in planning stage. Toys In his speech at the ceremo- cooperation of states and regions’
for Social Welfare, Relief and During the ceremony, cash and nutritional snacks were also ny, the union minister said Union authorities, volunteer organiza-
Resettlement Dr. Win Myat Aye assistance of K 4.9 million was distributed. A Hluttaw represent- Government is prioritizing ethnic tions and people, the union min-
accompanied by Rakhine State distributed to seven self-reliant ative expressed thanks in return. affairs and internal peace, form- ister said.—MNA (Translated
Chief Minister U Nyi Pu and Dep- nursery schools, K 4.866 million The union minister also visit- ing Rakhine State Peace, Stabil- by Kyaw Zin Tun)

ICOE Chairperson arrives in Myanmar

AMBASSADOR Rosario Mana- Win, Deputy Director-General and Former Permanent Repre-
lo, Chairperson of the Independ- of the Strategic Studies and sentative of Japan to the United
ent Commission of Enquiry Training Department, U Zaw Nations, will arrive in Myanmar
(ICOE), Former Deputy Foreign Tun Oo, Deputy Director-Gen- at 4 pm today.
Minister of the Philippines and eral of the Protocol Department, The Independent Commis-
former chair and current Rep- and other officials. sion of Enquiry was established
resentative of the Philippines to Similarly, Ambassador as part of Myanmar’s national
CEDAW, landed in Myanmar at Mr. Kenzo Oshima, member initiative to address reconcil-
4:40 pm yesterday. of the commission, Former iation, peace, stability and de-
The ICOE Chairperson was U n d e r- S e c r e t a r y - G e n e r a l velopment in Rakhine State. Chairperson of the Independent Commission of Enquiry, Ambassador
welcomed at Yangon Interna- for Humanitarian Affairs and —MNA (Translated by Zaw Rosario Manalo, is welcomed by officials at Yangon International Airport
tional Airport by U Zaw Phyo Emergency Relief Coordinator Htet Oo) yesterday.  PHOTO:MNA
28 JANUARY 2019

Myanmar, Japan
hold third cherry tree
planting ceremony …

Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Parliamentary Friendship Association, Mr. Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat poses for a documentary photo together with dignitaries of
Ichiro Aisawa watering the cherry tree.  PHOTO: MNA Myanmar and Japan.  PHOTO: MNA

FROM PAGE-1 Myanmar has granted visa ex- coming year. Yangon, the heart of the unique lifestyles, costumes, Then, Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, the
“While we are working to emptions to tourists from Japan, Myanmar, is the country’s main and cultures of ethnic races. My- Chairman of the Japan-Myanmar
transform the country’s areas South Korea, Hong Kong, and entry point, welcoming a large anmar and Japan are good old Parliamentary Friendship Asso-
into tourist attractions, the third Macau since 1 October, and is number of visitors arriving by air friends. Joint commemorative ciation, Union Minister for Hotels
ceremony to plant cherry trees granting visa on arrival to Chi- from various parts of the world events like this one will pave the and Tourism U Ohn Maung, and
has arrived. The news that My- nese nationals who travel to My- annually. Of the 3.55 million visi- way for enhancing cultural ex- Chief Minister of Yangon Region
anmar is attractive because of its anmar by air. The Speaker said tors in 2018, 1.4 million, or nearly change programmes and tourism U Phyo Min Thein delivered their
cherry trees will spread among visa on arrival is now available half the foreign visitors, came promotion programmes in the fu- addresses. Thereafter, the Pyithu
travellers throughout the world,” for Chinese travellers who arrive to Myanmar through Yangon. ture,” he said. He then expressed Hluttaw Speaker and participants
said U T Khun Myat. by air. “Moreover, visa on arrival Hence, the tourist promotion his thanks to the Yangon Region posed for a documentary photo.
The cherry trees being plant- is also being issued to Indians program in Yangon covers the Chief Minister, cabinet members, Afterwards, Myanmar tradi-
ed in Myanmar have been genet- arriving by air, through a relaxa- whole country,” he said. He said departmental personnel, private tional snacks were served.
ically modified so that they thrive tion of visa rules. Myanmar has the timing of the planting ceremo- organizations, and participants The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
in Myanmar’s climate. also opened international entry ny is perfect as it coincides with from Japan and Myanmar for and the attendees then took part
Tourists arrivals in Myan- and exit points at its border with the Myanmar Ethnics Culture the success of the third Myan- in the Sakura festival, or cherry
mar increased from 3.44 million India. Visa relaxations introduced Fest, which showcases the tradi- mar-Japan Sakura Festival, and planting festival, held on the lawn
in 2017 to 3.5 million in 2018, an in 2018 will begin to bear fruit in tions and cultures of the brethren. called for inclusive involvement at Gate No. 2 of the Yangon Re-
increase of 3.15 per cent. 2019. So, the number of visitors “It is a pleasure for the host in the upcoming Sakura festivals gion Hluttaw. —MNA /(Translat-
To attract more tourists, to Myanmar will increase in the to show their Japanese guests to promote tourism. ed by TMT, Kyaw Zin Lin)

Union Minister U Thaung Tun highlights investment

related reforms at 2019 World Economic Forum
UNION MINISTER for Invest- business leaders. Investment Promotion Plan to under the themes “Bridging the Minister exchanged views with
ment and Foreign Economic Re- Union Minister attended attract more than 200$ billion Asian Demographic Divide”, other senior officials and busi-
lations U Thaung Tun highlight- the Opening Session and Spe- of sustainable, responsible and “Shaping ASEAN’s agenda in ness leaders on investment and
ed Myanmar’s economic and cial address as well as Informal quality business over the next the Global Context”, “Smarter, trade facilitation.
investment opportunities and Gathering of World Economic 20 years. In the sideline events Better, Faster Trade”, Union SEE PAGE-4
latest investment related re- Leaders, held on 22nd and 23rd
form initiatives during the meet- respectively.
ings and bilateral discussions as At the High Level Roundta-
part of Myanmar’s participation ble on Global Investment Trends
in the 2019 Annual Meeting of held by the UNCTAD with the
the World Economic Forumheld aim to discuss solution for the
in Davos-Kolsters, Switzerland, slowdown in global investment
from 22 to 25 January 2015. Un- and global value chain, Union
der the theme “Globalisation Minister, in the role of one of
4.0: Shaping a Global Architec- the lead Speakers, talked about
ture in the Age of the Fourth In- legal reforms, procedural re-
dustrial Revolution,” the Union forms and institutional reforms
Minister exchanged views on taken in Myanmar to facilitate
international procedures and investment. In explaining the
best practices of investment and economic and investment op-
trade facilitation with heads of portunities, Minister also drew
State and Government, Minis- the attention to newly initiated
ters, Senior Officials from In- Myanmar Sustainable Devel-
ternational Organizations and opment Plan and Myanmar Union Minister U Thaung Tun attends the 2019 World Economic Forum.  PHOTO: MNA

Union Minister U Win Khaing inspects Chauk oilfield in Magway Region

U WIN KHAING, the Union Min- Oil well No. 1196 expanded
ister for Electricity and Ener- its drilling depth on 25 Decem-
gy, met with staff at the Chauk ber, and is currently producing
oilfield hall in Chauk Township, 122 crude oil kegs a day. New
Magway Region, on 25 January. well No. 1213 began drilling on
During the meeting, the 3 January and reached a depth
Union Minister said the oil and of 4,150 feet on 19 January. It is
natural gas sector plays an currently producing 190 crude
important role in national de- oil kegs.
velopment, and thus, everyone In the evening, the Union
working in the sector should be Minister visited the hospital in
proud of their contribution. He Chauk oilfield and spoke to the
told staff to work harder to in- staff.
crease the extraction of oil and Afterwards, the Union
natural gas. He also instructed Minister met with officials from
them to ensure there is safety in Goldpetrol JOC Inc., who are
the workplace, no wastage, and working with the ministry, at the
that the Standard Operating Pro- Chauk oilfield’s guest house and
cedure (SOP) is followed at every discussed ways to increase pro-
step of the work undertaken. duction, implement corporate
On 26 January, the Union social responsibility, besides
Minister and the Magway Re- employee affairs.
gion Chief Minister visited the Expansion of old oil wells
Union Minister U Win Khaing (Right) inspects a oil tank as he visits Chauk oilfield in Magway.  PHOTO: MNA
Myaing Township of Pakokku and construction of new ones
District. They toured the site for Minister pressed a button to offi- in fiscal year 2016-2017, based of oil well No. 1196, where the at Chauk oilfield has increased
Myaing Onshore Drilling Rig 1, cially start the drilling machine. on previous inspections. Officials general manager of the oil field production by 300 crude oil kegs
which will be employing the ZJ He and the Chief Minister then are aiming to drill 8,500 feet into and other officials explained the from the existing 111 oil wells.
70L SR-1, and were briefed on gave baskets of fruits to the staff the ground for natural gas de- increase in oil production at well The Chauk oilfield currently pro-
the extraction process by the and took a documentary photo- posits. Future operations will be No. 1196 and new well No.1213. duces 1,700 crude oil kegs and
Director-General of Myanma Oil graph with them. planned in accordance with the The Union Minister made his 0.045 million cubic feet of natural
and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) and The geological field inspec- findings of the drilling operation. suggestions to the staff and gave gas daily. —MNA
officials at the briefing hall. tions for the Myaing Onshore In the afternoon, the Union them cash bonuses and fruit bas-
After the briefing, the Union Drilling Rig 1 were conducted Minister went to the briefing hall kets. (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)

Union Minister U Thaung Tun highlights Myanmar Scout delegation

investment related reforms at 2019 World concludes Thai visit
Economic Forum
THE Myanmar Scout delegates and attended by the youth scout
FROM PAGE-3 formal Ministerial Gathering met separately with Senior from universities, colleges and delegates from Indonesia, Cam-
to launch the 2nd Joint State- Officials from WEF as well basic education high schools who bodia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongo-
He underscored that My- ment on Electronic Com- as ICRC. attended the Thailand National lia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore,
anmar was now in the midst merce, for which Myanmar He also discussed the Moot 2019 arrived back in Yan- Bangladesh, Viet Nam and Thai-
of a series of ambitious liber- has co-sponsored together expansion of business and gon yesterday. land including Myanmar.
alization measures intended with other 75 WTO members. investment in Myanmar and The Myanmar scout dele- The Myanmar scout delega-
to open up new sectors to In his statement, Union further cooperation with gation was welcomed by senior tion led by Coordinator Mg Phyo
foreign competition and re- Minister underscored that Presidents/ CEOs of JICA, scouts, universities’ youth scouts Thura Win, exchanged experi-
gional collaboration, making the Government of Myanmar Sumitomo Corporation, Ore- and families at the Yangon Inter- ences and traditional cultures
Myanmar an attractive desti- “…reaffirms our commitment doo, GE Gas Power, Telenor national Airport. with international youth scouts,
nation for FDI going forward. to doing all that is necessary as well as with Amata Cor- The Thailand National Moot and also studied the activities of
Minister called attention to to facilitate our successful poration from Thailand Visa 2019 was held from 21 to 25 Jan- Thai scouts and skills for scouts.
how the country is now seek- transition toward an inclu- from the U.S, Geox from Italy uary at Vajiravudh Scout Camp — Mg Myo
ing to foster the development sive digital economy, and to in the separate meetings. in Chonburi Province, Thailand (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)
of creative industries. supporting the expansion of This year’s WEF meeting
The Minister also praised e-commerce.” brings together more than
the ASEAN Smart Cities Net- The Union Minister also 3,000 attendees, including
work, in which Mandalay is noted that Myanmar shall “… 65 heads of State/ Govern-
an active participant, as an capitalize on this transition ment, more than 300 gov-
effective initiative for ASEAN to enhance public services ernment Ministers, UN Sec-
members to harness techno- delivery, and bring services retary-General and Senior
logical and digital solutions. closer to communities”, and Officials from International
At a special event on In- that in doing so Myanmar Organziations, and business
vestment in Myanmar, Union “will seek to expand connec- leaders including some 800
Minister, as a Special Guest, tivity and access to online CEOs to discuss major global
held interactive discussion services, support innovation issues of the day and to brain-
with entrepreneurs who are and data literacy while en- storm on solutions to address
investing in Myanmar. suring security and online these challenges, according
U Thaung Tun also de- privacy.” to the Ministry of Investment
livered a statement on the During the sideline of the and Foreign Economic Rela- Myanmar Scout delegates are seen together with delegates from other
position of Myanmar at the In- meeting, Union Minister also tions.— MNA countries at the Thailand National Moot 2019.  PHOTO: SUPPLIED
28 JANUARY 2019

Nearly 200,000 NRCs issued in Mandalay

NATIONAL registration cards immigration functions due to the Currently field tours are being
(NRCs) also known as citizen- rising number of tourists, poten- conducted in 13 townships of the
ship scrutiny cards, were issued tial investors, and other visitors Mandalay Region,” he said.
to students, locals, and orphans from abroad. The ministry has Afterwards, Dr. Zaw Myint
from 28 townships of Mandalay been issuing certain types of Maung, the chief Minister of the
Region under the Thitsa pro- cards for the people depending region, and Daw Aye Mi San, the
ject at the Mandalay City Hall on the result of their scrutinizing Market Promotion Director for
in Chanayethazan Township process, he said. the two supporting companies,
on 25 January. The project was He said the census conduct- explained the assistance being
launched under the leadership ed in 2014 is supportive to the provided for the field tours. Then,
of the Ministry of Labour, Immi- adoption of the national devel- the Union Minister, the Chief
gration, and Population and the opment plans. “A plan is under Minister, and officials presented
Mandalay Region Government, way to conduct an interim census certificates of honor to the staff
with the support of United Pacific in November this year. It will be taking part in the project. Under
Co. Ltd and Advanced Myanmar a public-centred plan that will the project, NRCs were issued to
Star Co. Ltd. fulfill the needs of the people. The nearly 200,000 persons, including
At the opening ceremony of NRC issuance project began on over 100,000 students of basic ed-
the project, the Union Minister 1 May, 2016. The project is being ucation schools, 710 inmates of
for Labour, Immigration, and launched in all necessary plac- 15 orphanages, and more than
Population, U Thein Swe, pointed es and field tours are being un- 80,000 locals on Friday.—MNA Union Minister U Thein Swe (right) presents a citizenship scrutiny card
out the increasing importance of dertaken at the request of MPs. (Translated by TMT) to a school girl.  PHOTO : MNA

Union Education Minister attends Education World Forum in London

national Development, at the where he participated in a dis-
Lancaster House later in the cussion entitled ‘Continuous
evening. Professional Development for
During the forum, the Union Teachers’ with delegations from
Minister engaged in discussions Uganda and Nigeria. The Myan-
with officials from Cambridge mar Ambassador to UK hosted
Assessment English, McGraw- a dinner for the Union Minister
Hill Education, and other organ- in the evening.
izations. Union Minister Dr. Myo
On 22 January, the Union Thein Gyi departed from Lon-
Minister led the discussions on don on 24 January and landed
‘Ministerial Exchange B: Ex- in Yangon on the morning of
tending Teaching and Learn- 25 January. During his time in
ing Opportunity’, where he ex- London, the Union Minister met
plained Myanmar’s education with officials from organizations
reforms. He attended a dinner cooperating in Myanmar’s ed-
Union Minister Dr. Myo Thein Gyi addresses the Education World Forum in London.  PHOTO: MNA hosted by the Irrawaddy Policy ucation reforms such as the
Exchange at the Royal Over- British Council, the DFID, The
Dr. Myo Thein Gyi, the Union UK. They discussed the role of Parliamentary Under-Secretary seas League in the evening. Open University, the Universi-
Minister for Education, left for young people in transforming and of State for Children and Fam- On 23 January, the Union ty College London -Institute of
London by flight from Yangon on developing the education sector in ilies. Minister visited the Reay Prima- Education, the Cambridge As-
19 January to attend the Educa- Myanmar. Afterwards, the Union Min- ry School and attended a discus- sessment English, McGraw-Hill
tion World Forum. On 21 January, the Union ister attended the Education sion on the Yangon University’s Education, and the Irrawaddy
On 20 January, the Union Minister attended the ASEAN World Forum at the Queen Eliz- Master Plan at The Open Uni- Policy Exchange. He also had
Minister visited the Myanmar Minister Breakfast held at The abeth II Center and then joined versity - FutureLearn. the opportunity to visit primary
Embassy in London and met with Cinnamon Club located in the the EWF Reception hosted by Afterwards, the Union Min- schools and universities during
staff and young people who are on former Westminster Library and the Rt Hon. Penny Mordaunt, ister went to the British Coun- his trip.—MNA (Translated by
internship or scholarship in the hosted by Nadhim Zahawi, the the Secretary of State for Inter- cil in London’s Spring Gardens, Zaw Htet Oo)

More projects to ensure sufficient water supply to Yangon : YCDC

TO ensure water supply to the the water reservoir project is no Than during an inspection at 60 million gallons of water will be Yangon’s water supply currently
growing population of Yangon, longer being implemented, the the Lagonpyin water supply distributed daily. Currently, the covers only 2.3 million people.
the Yangon City Development Kukkowa, Panhlaing, and Toe project. YCDC supplies 205 million gal- Therefore, the YCDC will contin-
Committee plans to consecu- rivers are being earmrked for At present, the Lagonpyin lons of water to Yangon house- ue water supply projects, aiming
tively implement more projects potential new water resources. and Kukkowa water supply pro- holds, with 14 million gallons to reach 7.82 million people and
until 2040, said U Myint Zaw Through the new projects, the jects are being implemented in provided by the Hlawga reser- cover 80 per cent of the popula-
Than, deputy section head, De- YCDC aims to meet the water Dagon Myothit (East) Township. voir, 27 million gallons by Gyo tion by 2040.
partment of Engineering (Wa- demand of 80 per cent of Yan- The Lagonpyin project started Phyu, 54 million gallons by Phu “Ten zones will be set to
ter and Sanitation), under the gon’s population in 2040, when in 2013 and is slated to be com- Gyi, and 90 million gallons by the supply water. Pipelines will be
YCDC. over 500 million gallons of water pleted in 2022. Upon completion Nga Moe Yeik dam under the connected through a network.
“The YCDC and the Japan will be daily distributed to 7.82 of the project, four townships of Irrigation and Water Utilization Thus, if one water resource fails,
International Cooperation Agen- million people in Yangon. The Dagon Myothit will be provided Management Department. other resources can be used to
cy (JICA) are jointly drafting a YCDC is currently managing 40 million gallons of water every Underground water is be- supply water,” said U Myint
master plan to supply sufficient to provide 40 gallons per person day. The Kukkowa project began ing supplied in Dagon Myothit Zaw Than.—Myint Maung Soe
water to the people of Yangon. As on average,” said U Myint Zaw last year and after it is finished, (south), Hlaingthaya, and Dala. (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)

Union Minister U Han Zaw inspects the Ngawon Bridge (Laymyathna) which will be inaugurated soon.   PHOTO: MNA

Union Minister inspects Ngawon Bridge (Laymyathna)

UNION MINISTER for Construc- Bridge and repair and mainte- Bridge projects, presented by touches of the Ngawon Bridge Afterwards, the Union Minis-
tion U Han Zaw on 26 January nance of Pathein-Monywa road officials. In response, the Union (Laymyithna) project and prepa- ter looked into the requirements
inspected the maintenance works Pathein-Kangalay-Yaykyiroad Minister said transport was dif- rations for the opening ceremony. of Targwa-Phayagon-Dambi
of Yangon-Pathein road (Yan- section. During inspection of ficult in Ayeyawady Region as it The Bridge, which is 1968.6 road, a pilot project of Rural
gon-Nyaungdon section). Ngawon Bridge (Laymyathna) depended solely on waterways in feet long, is located on Khat- Development Department in
On arrival at Bo Myat Tun that will be opened soon, he heard the past. At present, a network tu-Pandawgyiroad section. The Hinthada District. He also in-
Bridge, the Union Minister heard a report on preparatory works, and roads and Bridges have fa- facility was built with 1.2-metre spected the maintenance of
a report on wear and tear preven- Kangon Bridge (Khattu), Hning- cilitated transport, which will be bored piles, reinforced concrete, Hinthada-Zalunroad section
tive measures, and stressed con- yan Bridge, Parahita Bridge, Ht- followed by the economic, health, steel box girders and reinforced and Kyeinpinhse-Setkaw-Dan-
tinuous maintenance procedures onpauk Bridge, No 1 and No 2 education and social progress. concrete slabs. The 24-foot wide ubyu-Zalunroad section and
for the Bridge. At the milepost Ngadaing Bridge, Paukpinyoe But the transport facilities should Bridge is flanked by 3.5-foot walk- duration of Ayeyawady Bridge
73/7, the Union Minister surveyed Bridge, Panteinkyaw Bridge, meet their standard. ways. Its clearance area in 173 (Nyaungdon). — MNA
the durability of Kyaunggon Hsisonkon Bridge and Pandaw He then observed the final feet wide and 20 meters high. (Translated by TMT)

Ethnics Culture
Festival draws
large crowd
THE Myanmar Ethnics Culture rently in Myanmar to attend the
Fest continued for the third day, Myanmar-Japan Sakura festi-
with Kyaikkasan Grounds, the val, and travellers.
venue of the festival, attracting “Yangonites can now see
a large crowd in the evening with their own eyes the cultures,
hours. customs, and traditions of our
“First, we faced some dif- ethnic brethren in one place, as
ficulties as this is the first ever the fest is being held in the city. I
fest of its kind in Myanmar. But could see the costumes of ethnic
Kayah traditional cultural booths attract visitors at Ethnics Culture Festival yesterday.  PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT
we could overcome them and races and taste their traditional
hold the festival successfully dishes. It is a unique fest. I had
thanks to the support of the never seen some of the ethnic
Union Government, the Yan- dresses,” said a visitor from
gon Region Government, and Yankin, a township in Yangon.
the Myanmar Ethnic Entre- “The Mano dance of Kachin
preneurs Association (MEEA), ethnics was the heart of today’s
the main sponsor,” said U Khet fest, as people of all ages from
Htain Nan, the chair of Kachin other ethnic races joined in
entrepreneurs association. with Kachin chorus dancers to
“If we have the wish to un- express unity and progress. In
derpin the nation with the force fact, the Kachin ethnics per-
of ethnic races, such festivals formed Mano as a symbol of
are the answer,” he said. peace, progress, and prosperi-
In addition to Myanmar eth- ty,” said U Khet Htain Nan
nic races, the booths of Kachin, The fest is serving as a one-
Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, stop venue where people can
Mon, Rakhine and Shan and Ta- enjoy ethnic dances, traditions,
aung (Palaung), Kokang, Danu, cultures, lifestyles, items, and
PaO, and Wa self-administered foods, and buy local goods and
areas were also crowded with souvenirs.—Thi Thi Min
Visitors take shelter from sunshine as they walk under the decorated umbrellas.  PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT Japanese tourists who are cur- (Translated by TMT)
28 JANUARY 2019

China, Mandalay firms moot joint venture for eel farming

WITH plans to set up a joint Viet Nam, where eel cultivation
venture for eel farming in the has been successful, and now,
Mandalay Region, a group of 15 the MFF has successfully con-
businessmen from China met ducted experimental eel farm-
with local entrepreneurs in the ing,” said Daw Toe Nanda Tin,
first week of this month to dis- the vice president of the MFF.
cuss the market conditions and Starting August 2017, eel
stages of farming, according to varieties from across Myanmar
the Agriculture and Market In- were stocked for eel hatching
formation Agency. operations, which began in Oc-
“The Chinese businessmen tober the same year.
plan to enter into a temporary The MFF aims to convert
partnership with Mandalay eel cultivation into a commer-
entrepreneurs. They want to cial business. It is preparing to
breed eels using their farming stock eel species from eel-pro-
technology. If the JV is formed, ducing regions to proceed with
the Chinese businessmen want further production.
a 50-per-cent share in the profit. Currently, the eel popula-
However, local entrepreneurs Eel in the bucket at a local market in Yangon.  PHOTO : FISH-AUNG WIN (PYAPON) tion in Myanmar is dropping
want to give them only a 30-per- owing to illegal fishing methods
cent share,” said a business- caught mud eels to China. Since local farmers for eel farming “In 2017, officials from the such as electrocution and over-
man. 2016, China’s eel breeders have in the Yangon and Ayeyawady Myanmar Fisheries Federation fishing.—GNLM (Translated by
Myanmar exports wild- made business agreements with regions. (MFF) went on a study tour to Ei Myat Mon)

Green betel nut demand growing at Trade value with ITC

Myanmar-India border gates stands at over K17.1 bln
THE demand for green betel the volume has increased com- exports in the 2017-2018 fiscal
nut in India has spiked in re- pared with previous years. year, with export volume pegged
cent days, with large volumes Transportation difficulties at 4,000 tons.
of the commodity flowing out coupled with India’s tax hike Myanmar’s exports to India
of Myanmar to the neighboring on betel nut importation have include ginger, saffron, turmer-
country through the border, ac- posed problems for merchants ic, bay leaves, areca nuts, other
cording to the Myanmar Trade in the past. fruits and vegetables, fishery
Promotion Organization (MYAN- Starting from early January products, and forest products.
TRADE) under the Ministry of 2019, there has been growing Its imports include medicines,
Commerce. demand from India for green oil cakes, electronic products,
Green betel nuts produced betel nut. About 20 local mer- motorbikes, cotton yarn, non-al-
in Kalay town of Sagaing Region chants trade betel nuts at the loy steel and other construction
and areas along the Chindwin Myanmar-India border. materials.
River are being sent to the bor- The price of a single betel The two countries perform
der areas. Green betel nuts are nut ranges from K5-20, depend- border trade mainly through the
supplied to Myanmar-India bor- ing on the size. Tamu and Reed points of entry. Among the border gates, Myawady conducting the largest trade
der markets between January Myanmar earned about —GNLM (Translated by Ei volume, valued at more than K 8.4 billion.  PHOTO : PHOW KHWAR
and March annually. This year, US$10 million from betel nut Myat Mon)
THE value of border trade Keng Tung, according to statis-
using the Individual Trad- tics provided by the Ministry of
ing Card (ITC) amounted to Commerce.

Local broom grass suppliers doing well K17.1 billion as of 11 January

in this fiscal year (FY), which
The total trade value
with ITCs stood at K 45.94

due to foreign demand includes exports of K 3.2 bil-

lion and imports of K 13.9 bil-
billion in the 2017-2018 fiscal
lion, according to statistics The Ministry of Commerce
MERCHANTS are increasingly are shipping broom grass to can harvest around 2,000 plants, provided by the Ministry of issued 292 ITCs in the 2012-2013
purchasing broom grass to ex- Pakistan and the UAE, where while a woman can cut down Commerce. FY, 261 cards in the 2013-2014
port it as a raw material, and it is said to be used to make about 1,500 plants a day,” he Among the border gates, FY, 317 cards in the 2014-2015
therefore, people who harvest car cushions and other related said. Freshly cut broom grass Myawady reported the largest FY, 146 cards in the 2015-2016
naturally growing broom grass parts. is sun-dried for 6 days, said Daw volume of trade, valued at more FY, 248 cards in the 2016-2017
in the forests, wild fields, and The price is positively Khaing Lwin, a purchaser from than K 8.4 billion. FY, 168 cards in the 2017-2018
mountains are earning addition- linked with the export permit,” Paung Township. The values of trade via FY, 91 cards between 1 April
al money, according to sellers of said Ko Tin Myint Maung, a sell- This year, broom grass is ITCs at border points were: and 30 September in the in-
broom grass in Paung Township er from Pankon Village of Paung selling for K 3 and is priced at K 1.8 billion at Tamu trade terim budget period, and 69
Earlier, broom grass was Township. K 5 in the Yangon market. In camp, K19 million at Muse, cards between 1 October and
being used to make value-added “Earlier, broom grass addition to Paung Township, K44 million at Tachilek, K 3.39 11 January.
brooms to be placed in the mar- was harvested only for mak- broom grass is being purchased million at Lweje, K 673 million The Trade Department
ket. Now, the grass is being cut ing brooms on a manageable from Kayin, Taungoo, Ye, Myeik, at Kanpiketee, K 760 million created ITCs to boost border
down and sun-dried so that it scale. Now, export demand has and Dawei areas, according to at Kawthaung, K 87 million trade and has issued, to date,
can be sent to foreign countries prompted local residents to depots. —Ko Hein (Paung) at Reed, K 4.9 billion at Maw- 1,593 ITCs.— Zwe
as raw material. “Merchants search and cut the grass. A man (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) taung, and K 279 million at (Translated by Hay Mar)
28 JANUARY 2019

Going organic How can we control noise pollution?

Myanmar Daily Weather Report

ITH the world moving towards healthier organic By Mayu Myo Aung (MNA) decibels. The noise pro- loudspeakers must be hanging around on street corners, (Issued at 7:00 pm Sunday 27 January, 2019)
crops, our country, too, announced the Myanmar duced by a loudspeak- abided by the own- by using bullhorns, making people

to follow.
organic standards yesterday, which farmers and
stakeholders engaged in organic farming need W ASHINGTON-BORN Ed-
ward W. Kellogg and Massa-
chusetts-born electrical engineer
er could raise more
than 100 decibels. If
a person who keeps
ers. If necessary,
the consent of
the Police Force
suffer from noise pollution day
by day. During the open seasons,
blaring of loudspeakers and sound
BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over
the Andaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair elsewhere
in the Bay of Bengal.
The Myanmar Organic Standards, which are based on Chester Williams Rice invented listening to a sound of must be sought boxes from respective donation
the ASEAN organic standards, have been devised to supply the loudspeaker in 1925. more than 75 decibels, and regulations, pandals were heard , making peo- FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 28
safe and nutritious food to the people and to ensure farmers Myanmar under the British tends be hard of hear- discipline and ple in the surroundings ear-split- January, 2019: Likelihood of light rain will be isolated in Upper
follow rules and standards for organic farming. rule started to use the loudspeak- ing, suggested by World directives must ting. No one pays heed to the laws; Sagaing Region and Kachin State. Degree of certainty is (60%).
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock produc- ers, thus prompting the British to Health Organization. be abided by the wards and village administrators Weather will be partly cloudy in Taninthayi Region, (Southern
tion that involves much more than choosing not to use pesti- enact laws concerning with the The Administrative users. In Section-18, fail to take against the venders. and Eastern) Shan, Chin, Kayah, Kayin and Mon States and
cides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, electroacoustic transducer. In Laws for wards and village the dwellers in the When loudspeakers are used in generally fair in the remaining Regions and States.
and growth hormones. “the Police Act Section 39” pro- tracts were proclaimed by the ward or village tract must ceremonies, festivals and funfairs,
The principal goal of organic production is to develop claimed in 1945, the people were Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 24 Feb- seek permission from the the appropriate statutory rules STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in Myan-
enterprises that are sustainable and harmonious with the not allowed to use or switch on the ruary, 2012; first amendments to administrator and at the same and regulations must be abided mar waters. Wave height will be about (3-5) feet off and along
environment. loudspeakers in public areas with- these laws were made on 28 w i t h time prescribed rules and regu- by; in addition, health concern- Myanmar Coasts.
‘Certified organic’ is a term given to products produced out the permission of authorities March, the second ones on 20 legal proce- lations are proclaimed. If they fail ing with the elderly, infants and
according to organic standards and approved by a certifying concerned, according to Section January 2016. The third amend- dures” included in to abide by rules and regulations patients should be taken into OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of
body. 41(A). ments were made in 2016. the amendments. In prescribed in Section 27, 17, 18 and consideration. The users should isolated light rain in Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin State.
A grower wishing to “The administrator of a Sub-section(h), permis- 19, the users must be fined by not be reminded that if loudspeakers
have his produce certified DEATHS FROM NOISY ENVI- ward or a village tract sion of using loudspeak- more than K 5000 or 7 days of im- tend to create noises to disturb FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING
To boost the as organic has to apply to a
certification body, request-
According to a report by the
will have to carry
out his duties in
ers will be allowed after
close scrutiny; actions will
prisonment by the Court. Although
high levels of noise are not much
the environment, actions can
be taken against the own-
AREA FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.

agricultural ing an independent inspec- British Medical Association, those accordance be taken against violators hazardous to health, they could ers. Translated by FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
tion of the farm to verify living in noisy environments or formal documents will cause harmful effects to the elder- Arakan Sein FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.
sector with that it meets the organic may reduce lifespan be sent to them. In connec- ly, the infants, pregnant women,

safe crops, the standards. Farmers, pro- and may increase tion with loudspeakers 1) the and students, thereby restricting FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
cessors, and traders are risk for stroke. owner, the association or the noises by laws in some countries. AREA FOR 28 January, 2019: Generally fair weather.

country needs each required to maintain

the organic integrity of their
Those who
live in an envi-
borrower will have to apply
three days in advance by giv- MANY FAILURES
to tackle the product and to maintain a
document trail for audit
ronment of 60
decibels are
ing reasons and duration,
2) by-law-1 will allow from
Among the topics in the pub-
lic, people have discussed about
challenges of purposes. four per cent 6am to 9pm after scrutiny. high-pitched loudspeak- In the 27 January 2019 edition
Products from certified higher in death In order not to disturb the ers and sound boxes
erratic weather, organic farms are labelled rate than those public, loudspeakers would in wards and vil-
of The Global New Light of My-
anmar, the article on page 8-9
capacity and and promoted as ‘certified
who live under 55
decibels. A decibel
be used in public areas just
to let the people hear. They
lages. State lottery
sale-ads, traditional
titled, “We are joining hands
for Lymphatic Filariasis elim-
technical Our country’s farmers
and stakeholders are turn-
is a unit for measuring
how loud a noise is; normal
are to be used only in the
case, not in other purpos-
medicines ads, puri-
fied water trolleys and
ination in Myanmar, will you?”, the mosquito in the picture is the
Aedes albopitus, which transmits Dengue infection. The photo
know-how ing to organic farming. conversations produce about 55 es. The cessation of use of pickled fruit trolleys keep above is the actual mosquito that should be depicted, the Culex
quinquefasciatus, which is the carrier for Lympatic Filariasis.—Ed
The organic standards
to produce generally prohibit products

Eliminate leprosy-related discrimination,

value-added involving genetic engineer-
ing, synthetic pesticides,
products, and Invitation to young
synthetic fertilizers, sew-
age sludge, synthetic drugs,
prejudice and stigma to end leprosy for good writers for Sunday
synthetic food processing
aids and ingredients, and
on foreign
ionizing radiation.
To har vest certified
demand. organic products, prohibit-
ed products and practices By Dr Poonam Khetrapal Africa and the Pacific. ease’s bio-social components must also include helping them form person, thereby ensuring no one needed to chart bold progress The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting
must not be used in farm- Singh, WHO Regional Di- Though leprosy is often equat- be brought to the fore. As outlined psycho-social support networks is left behind. and congratulates WHO Good- submissions of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short
ing. rector for South-East Asia ed with serious deformity and dis- in WHO’s Global Leprosy Strategy to reduce emotional and economic And finally, the human rights will Ambassador and chairman stories from young people for its weekly Sunday Next
ability, the percentage of patients 2016-2020, policies that promote

Organic farming presents many challenges. Organic distress, thereby promoting the of persons affected by leprosy of the Nippon Foundation Mr Yohei Generation Platform. Interested candidates can send their
cultivation of some crops is more challenging than others; EPROSY-RELATED that present with these symptoms inclusion and aim at ending lepro- active participation of persons af- must be prioritized. Notably, in Sasakawa on being awarded the work to the Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150,
however, nearly every type of crop can be produced organically. discrimination, stigma is down to 6%, demonstrating the sy-related discrimination, stigma fected by leprosy in society more recent years India, along with oth- 2018 International Gandhi Peace Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in
To boost the agricultural sector with safe crops, the coun- and prejudice are the disease is being diagnosed earlier and prejudice should be front and generally. er countries in the Region and Prize for his contribution to end- person, or by email to ce@globalnewlightofmyanmar.
try needs to tackle the challenges of erratic weather, capacity most powerful barriers than ever. More than that, howev- center of all leprosy programmes, Second is the need to promote beyond, has repealed legislation ing leprosy in India and across com with the following information: (1) Sector you
and technical know-how to produce value-added products, and to ending leprosy for good, espe- er, it demonstrates that leprosy both as goods in themselves as access to purpose-built social and that discriminates against persons the world. On World Leprosy Day wish to be included in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own
dependence on foreign demand. cially given the disease is 100% cur- needn’t cause the disability and well as powerful tools to achieve financial support for persons af- affected by leprosy: In 2016, for we must renew our focus on ac- name and (if different) your penname, (3) Your level of
For our agricultural produce, we have set the target of able when detected early. Though deformity that fuels leprosy-re- a leprosy-free Region and world. fected by leprosy. While the inclu- example, it repealed the draconi- celerating towards a leprosy-free education, (4) Name of your School/College/University,
meeting the international standards in terms of safety and the number of leprosy cases has lated discrimination, stigma and First among them is empow- sion of leprosy-affected persons an colonial-era Lepers Act, while world and ensuring the disease is (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted piece
nutrition in the future, which will be mandatory. steadily declined worldwide, an prejudice. ering people with leprosy to be in vocational training is already earlier this month it repealed a no longer a source of shame and is your original work and has not been submitted to any
The change in the global agriculture sector has brought estimated 200 000 cases continue As core public health inter- agents of social change. This could underway in most endemic coun- law allowing leprosy as legitimate anxiety, stigma and prejudice, but other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color
opportunities to our farmers. to be reported every year, with In- ventions such as active case-find- include training them in advocacy tries, these programmes should be grounds for divorce. Both initia- is rather a challenge all of us can photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8)
Our stakeholders and farmers are urged to adhere to our dia accounting for more than half. ing, improved treatment regimens and social mobilization to enhance expanded wherever possible. As tives are to be commended. unite around to overcome. That Contact information (email address, mobile number,
organic guidelines and standards as the time has come for us Significant numbers are detected and strengthened surveillance community buy-in and secure part of this, clear information on WHO remains committed opportunity must be grasped, and etc.).— Editorial Department, The Global New Light of
to improve our food standards so as to meet ASEAN standards elsewhere in the WHO South-East continue to drive-down leprosy’s high-level support and funding how they can be accessed should to providing Member States the a leprosy-free world secured for Myanmar
and compete successfully in foreign markets. Asia Region, Brazil, sub-Saharan incidence and spread, the dis- for leprosy programmes. It could be made available to every eligible normative and material support all.

w w w.glob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m

PTTEP investment budget of $3,256 mln for 2019
Aye Min Soe
includes Zawtika project, exploration
The PTT Exploration and Pro-
SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT duction Public Company Limit-
Kyaw Myaing ed (PTTEP) has announced a
five-year investment plan (2019-
Zaw Min 2023) to add value to legacy as-
Zaw Htet Oo sets through exploration and
Win Ko Ko Aung
production (E&P) activities and
INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR to support investment opportuni-
Ye Htut Tin, ties in areas rich in petroleum to sustain the company’s long-term
Tun Tun Naing (Editor), Phongsthorn Thavisin, PT- TEP Chief Executive Officer,
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor),
said the company has set aside
US$3,256 million (equivalent to
TRANSLATORS K5,007,728 million) for PTTEP
Khaing Thanda Lwin, and its subsidiaries in 2019, of
Hay Mar Tin Win,
Ei Myat Mon
which $1,840 million (K2,829,920
The PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited has announced a five-year investment plan to
Kyaw Zin Lin million) is capital expenditure invest in areas rich in petroleum.  PHOTO: PTTEP MYANMAR ASSET
Kyaw Zin Tun (CAPEX), and $1,416 million
(K2,177,808 million) is Operating and the Republic of the Union $490 million (K753,620 million) resources that support long-term
Nyein Nyein Ei, Expenditure (OPEX). of Myanmar with a CAPEX of to support the Final Investment growth, the company has allocat- The company is also tar- $1,159 million (K1,782,542 mil- Decision (FID) of key develop- ed $191 million (K293,758 million)
geting average petroleum sales lion). These projects include the ment projects, including the for exploration activities, includ-
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar
volume of 318,000 barrels of oil S1 Project, the Bongkot Project, Mozambique Rovuma Offshore ing its projects in Myanmar and
equivalent per day (BOED). the Arthit Project, the MTJDA Area 1 Project, the Algeria Has- Malaysia. To achieve the planned
COMPUTER TEAM The allocation of CAPEX has Project, and the Zawtika Project. si Bir Rekaiz Project, the Viet- operational continuity, PTTEP
Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe,
been divided according to three The second objective is to nam B & 48/95 and the Vietnam has also allocated $16,105 million
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe,
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, main objectives. The first is to increase petroleum reserves and 52/97 Project, and the Contract 4 (K24,769,490 million) for its five-
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe maintain the production plateau future production, for which PT- (Ubon) Project. To meet the third year operations (2019-2023).—
of existing projects in Thailand TEP has allocated a CAPEX of objective of enhancing existing GNLM
(+95) (01)8604529,
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
Two girls perish from fatal fall at Taw
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Naw waterfall, Kawkareik Tsp
Hotline - 09 974424114

ADVERTISING & MARKETING At 11:30 am yesterday, two young Ma Su Myat Wai died at the
( +95) (01) 8604530,
Hotline - 09 974424848
girls identified as Ma Su Myat scene, receiving fatal injuries to Wai, 19, and Ma Myo Nandar her head from hitting the rock Kyaw, 19, were taking pictures on walls on her way down. Her body
top of Taw Naw waterfall, located was sent to Kawkareik General
Printed and published at the Global New
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at near the Kawkareik-Myawad- Hospital. Ma Myo Nandar Kyaw,
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan dy Asia Highway in Kawkareik who suffered a broken jaw and
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light Township, when they fell 200 feet serious injuries to her head,
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
to the base of the waterfall. was sent to Myawaddy General
Reportedly, Ma Su Myat Wai Hospital, but passed away while was taking photos near the top of receiving treatment.
the waterfall when she slipped, Ma Su Myat Wai was from
prompting her friend to grab her Pa Ye Village in Myawaddy Tsp   PHOTO: TIN WIN HLAING (KAWKAREIK)
in an attempt to save her from and Ma Myo Nandar Kyaw was were on a trip with eight other the case.—Myat Ko (Dawr Na
the fall, but unfortunately, both from Ywama Village, DaikU Tsp friends at the time of the incident. Myay) (Translated by Zaw Htet
girls tumbled over the edge. in Bago Region. The two friends Police are investigating into Oo)

Rare Ayeyawady dolphin killed by electric shock fishing

AN Ayeyawady dolphin was shock fishing the cause of the
found dead on Saturday from dolphin death as no injury was
the silted shore in the east of found on the carcass. During the
Sin Ywar Village in Patheingyi law enforcement for Ayeyawady
Write for us Township, Mandalay Region. dolphin conservation, 50 illegal
We appreciate your feedback and The dead male dolphin is 6.5 fishing boats and related fishing
contributions. If you have any comments ft long and has been transported gears were caught, and 18 fish-
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email to the ship of Ayeyawady dolphin ermen were also charged with conservation in Mayanchan jet- illegal fishing, according to the
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only ty in Mandalay, according to U news release by Wildlife Con-
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” Kyaw Hla Thein from Wildlife servation Society - Myanmar Carcass of rare Ayeyawady dolphin found at a village in Patheingyi. 
that do not exceed 500 words. Should PHOTO: NYI TU
you submit a text longer than 500 words Conservation Society - Myan- Program.
please be aware that your letter will be mar Program. Dolphin conser- Moreover, a total of 197 during the tour of monitoring season.—Nyi Tu (Translated
vationists suspected of electric fishing boats were also seized for forbidding fishing in breeding by Kyaw Zin Tun)
28 JANUARY 2019

‘Yellow vests’ back on France’s Venezuelan

FM rejects EU
ultimatum for
streets to challenge Macron new election
PARIS (France)—Thou- Saturday. In Paris, the of- ed States)—Venezuela’s
sands of “yellow vest” ficial count was 4,000 dem- foreign minister rejected
protesters returned to the onstrators against 7,000 the a European ultimatum on
streets of France on Satur- previous weekend. Saturday to hold elections
day to protest against Pres- Clashes erupted too in within eight days, insist-
ident Emmanuel Macron’s western France in Nantes ing that Nicolas Maduro
policies, clashing with po- and Evreux and in the remained the legitimate
lice in several cities in a southern city of Montpellier, president despite US-led
challenge to his bid to quell where a police officer was pressure. “Nobody is go-
the movement.Police fired injured by “a pyrotechnic ing to give us deadlines or
tear gas and water cannon device” said a statement tell us if there are elections
to push back protesters at from the local prefecture. or not,” Foreign Minister
Place de la Bastille in Paris, In Paris and other Jorge Arreaza told a spe-
one of the regular protest cities, the yellow vest cial session of the United
sites, as some demonstra- movement had called to Nations Security Council.
tors threw stones from a continue the protests Jerome Rodrigues, one of the leaders of the yellow vest movement is evacuated after getting “Europe, putting your-
building site. into the night. But police injured in the eye during clashes between protesters and riot police on the sideline of an anti- self at the tail of the United
The local prefecture quickly dispersed several government demonstration called by the Yellow Vests “Gilets Jaunes” movement in Paris on 26 States? Not even the Unit-
reported 223 arrests in hundred protesters in the January, 2019.  PHOTO: AFP ed States, but of the Don-
Paris.The interior ministry capital’s symbolic Repub- The protests erupted resignation of the former people. Interior Minister ald Trump government?”
estimated numbers for the lique square using tear in mid-November over Ma- investment banker who Christophe Castaner on he said. “From where do
11th week of protests were gas, water cannon and stun cron’s economic reforms, critics say is out of touch Twitter criticised “rioters you get the power to issue
at 69,000 across France, grenades to clear the area, but have since grown into a with the economic strug- disguised as yellow vest deadlines or ultimatums to
compared to 84,000 last AFP journalists said. wider rallies calling for the gles of ordinary French protesters” after Satur- a sovereign people? From
where do you come up with
such interventionist and,
US calls to ‘stand with freedom’ in Venezuela as EU gives ultimatum I would even say, childish
action?” Hours earlier, Brit-
UNITED NATIONS (United than two million have fled short- Pompeo denounced Russia National Assembly that he heads ain, France, Germany and
States)—The United States ages of basic food and medicine, and China, which have stood by “Venezuela’s only democratically Spain told Maduro that he
pressed all nations on Saturday Pompeo asked all nations to follow Maduro, saying that they were elected institution.” had eight days to organ-
to “stand with the forces of free- the US in recognizing opposition “propping up a failed regime in “Venezuela does not pose any ize elections or they would
dom” in Venezuela, encouraged by leader Juan Guaido as the interim the hopes of recovering billions threat to peace and security. The recognize opposition lead-
a tougher European line as Russia president. of dollars in ill-considered invest- intention of the United States is er Juan Guaido as interim
stood in the minority in backing “Now it is time for every other ments and assistance made over to orchestrate a coup d’etat,” said president.
embattled leader Nicolas Maduro. nation to pick a side. No more de- the years.” Russia has denounced the Russian ambassador, Vassily The United States,
US Secretary of State Mike lays, no more games. Either you the United States for interference Nebenzia. Canada, and a number of
Pompeo made a forceful case at a stand with the forces of freedom, and attempted to block the Security He accused the United States Latin American nations
special session of the United Na- or you’re in league with Maduro Council meeting, but it was voted of continuing to treat Latin Amer- have already recognized
tions Security Council, where he and his mayhem,” Pompeo said. down with nine of the 15 members ica as a “backyard where you can Guaido amid a mounting
described Maduro as part of an “il- He called on all nations also agreeing to go forward. do anything you want” and, in a political and economic cri-
legitimate mafia state” responsible to end financial transactions with But Russia blocked a draft Se- shot at the Europeans, said Russia sis that has led more than
for Venezuela’s economic collapse. Maduro’s government, which has curity Council statement seen by would not raise France’s populist two million Venezuelans
With mounting protests over struggled to pay bills despite the AFP that would have offered “full Yellow Vest protests at the Security to flee in recent years. —
Venezuela’s crisis in which more country’s oil wealth. support to Guaido and called the Council. —AFP AFP

Israel took ‘years’ to find cross-border DISTRIBUTORS WANTED

tunnels: Hezbollah chief
BEIRUT (Lebanon)—Israel took “years” The Hezbollah leader refused to spec-
to discover cross-border tunnels from Leb- ify whether they were built before the 2006
anon, the leader of the Hezbollah move- war between his militia group and Israel,
ment Hassan Nasrallah said on Saturday or who had constructed them.
in a rare television interview. The month-long war killed more than
“The Israelis discovered a number 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and more
of tunnels after many years, and it’s not a than 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers. Habasit, the worldwide leading manufacturer of conveyor
surprise, the surprise is that these tunnels, “One of the tunnels discovered in re-
and power transmission belt from Switzerland, is looking for
they took some time to find,” Nasrallah said cent weeks is 13 or 14 years” old, said a
professional distributors for sales and distribution of Habasit
on the al-Mayadeen channel. smiling Nasrallah.
Earlier this month Israel concluded The Israeli operation brought to light products and services in Myanmar.
an operation to unearth and destroy tun- the “failure” of the country’s intelligence Interested parties, please contact Mr. Hung for further details.
nels which the army accused Hezbollah of services, he added.
digging across the border from Lebanon. Israel’s army said on 13 January it Mr. Trinh Nam Hung, Country Manager
“Yes, there are tunnels in southern had destroyed all cross-border tunnels, Phone: +84 8881 4458 9
Lebanon,” Nasrallah said, in his first com- either with explosives or by filling them Email:
ments on the issue since Israel announced with a cement-like material to make them
the operation on 4 December. unusable. —AFP
12 WORLD 28 JANUARY 2019

At least 18 dead in twin bomb attack on Philippine church

JOLO (Philippines)—UPDATES death toll, wounded; The door, pews and glass windows of Mount Carmel Colonel Gerry Besana.However the regional police
ADDS Duterte spokesman comments, details, back- Cathedral were blown off, military photos showed, with chief Graciano Mijares put the death toll at 27, with 77
ground. At least 18 people were killed when two bombs bodies strewn across the ground, according to an AFP people wounded.
hit a church on a southern Philippine island that is a photographer on the scene. President Rodrigo Duterte’s The second bomb was left in the utility box of a
stronghold of Islamist militants, the military said on spokesman condemned the incident as an “act of ter- motorcycle in the parking area outside the church, a
Sunday, days after voters backed the creation of a new rorism and murder”. military report said. The army said it airlifted some of
Muslim autonomous region. “We will pursue to the ends of the earth the ruthless the wounded to the nearby city of Zamboanga for medical
The first blast occurred inside the Catholic church perpetrators behind this dastardly crime until every treatment. Authorities said the notorious Abu Sayyaf
on war-torn Jolo on Sunday morning as mass was killer is brought to justice and put behind bars. The kidnap-for-ransom group could be behind the blasts.
being celebrated, and was followed by a second explo- law will give them no mercy,” Salvador Panelo said “When you talk about terrorism in Sulu, the pri-
sion outside as troops responded, the regional military in a statement. Five soldiers, a member of the coast mary suspect is always the (Abu Sayyaf) but we are
spokesman said. guard and 12 civilians were killed while 83 others were not discounting the possibility that there are other
Most victims were churchgoers along with soldiers. wounded, said regional military spokesman Lieutenant perpetrators,” Besana told AFP. —AFP

3rd Aussie minister

quits politics in week
CANBERRA—The Australian tory for the last 17 years in the
government has lost its third Australian Senate.”
minister in a week with the “I thank all Territorians
Minister for Indigenous Affairs for their support over this
Nigel Scullion, announcing he time,” he added.
will quit politics at the next Scullion was sworn in as
election. the Indigenous Affairs Minis-
Scullion made his an- ter in 2013, holding the position
nouncement on Saturday, only under three different leaders
days after Kelly O’Dwyer, the of the governing Liberal Na-
minister for women and min- tional Party (LNP).
ister for jobs and industrial O’Dwyer announced her
relations, and Michael Keenan, decision to quit politics one
the human services minister, week before Scullion, saying
announced they would not con- she was doing so for the “very Photo taken on 18 December, 2017 shows the Palaceside Building in Tokyo which houses the head office of
test the general election, which personal reasons” of wanting The Mainichi Newspapers major daily.  PHOTO: KYODO NEWS
is due in May. to spend more time with her
However, Scullion refuted
suggestions that the govern-
Keenan cited similar rea-
Threatening letters, possibly
ment’s poor performance in
the polls was the reason be-
sons to O’Dwyer for his deci-
sion, saying he had become
containing cyanide, sent to drug firms
hind his decision. “an absent father” during his TOKYO—Six major pharmaceutical manufacturers drug maker in Osaka Prefecture also received a
“I wouldn’t write the coali- 15 years in politics. in Tokyo and a newspaper company have received similar letter.
tion government off, I tell you “I have always worked threatening letters demanding money and contain- The letters were sent under different names,
you’d be making a mistake,” he hard as a member of parlia- ing a white powdery substance believed to be highly including Shoko Asahara, the executed AUM Shin-
told reporters in the Northern ment and as a minister, but poisonous cyanide, Tokyo police said on Saturday. rikyo cult founder whose real name was Chizuo
Territory, the region he has after doing this for 15 years, Suspicious envelopes arrived on Friday at the Matsumoto, and people linked to gangsters. They
served as a senator since 2001. I cannot commit to another companies, including the Tokyo headquarters of also carried different addresses, such as detention
“I believe they will be term,” Keenan said on Friday. The Mainichi Newspapers. They each had a mes- facilities in Tokyo.The police said similar threaten-
re-elected and I think it’s a “Over the Christmas break, sage on an A4 piece of paper saying, “I will make ing letters had also been sent to some pharmaceu-
sensible decision of the Aus- it became very clear to me per- fake medicine containing potassium cyanide and tical manufacturers in Tokyo in January last year.
tralian people,” Scullion said. sonally that times have changed distribute it. Send 35 million won in bitcoins by 22 An official at The Mainichi Newspapers said
“It has been the greatest and that this decision was the February. If not, a tragedy will happen.” the company had voluntarily submitted the letter
honour of my life to serve the right one for my family and my- The police are investigating the case as at- to the police and that it will fully cooperate in the
people of the Northern Terri- self,” Keenan said.—Xinhua tempted blackmail. Investigative sources said a investigation.—Kyodo News

Aussie Thai cave rescue divers named dual Australians of the Year
CANBERRA—Two divers who the first joint winners since 1967. men for their “selflessness, cour- led to so much interest and ac- their part in the rescue mission.
helped rescue 12 Thai boys and Harris, an anaesthetist from age and willingness to help oth- knowledgement and me being “After Thailand we had no
their football coach from a flood- South Australia (SA), and Chal- ers.” Morrison described the two up here tonight,” he said. idea that all of this stuff was going
ed Thai cave have been jointly len, a technical diver and cave men as “humble heroes who put “I dearly hope that I can to go on,” he told News Corp Aus-
named 2019 Australians of the explorer, were about to depart for their own lives at risk.” prove myself worthy of it.” tralia.Governor-General Peter
Year. a cave-diving holiday when they “You did us proud,” he said. Shortly after emerging from Cosgrove in July awarded Harris
Richard Harris and Craig were called in to help rescue the Accepting the award, Chal- the cave for the final time, Harris and Challen the Star of Courage.
Challen were awarded the hon- football team from the cave in len said he was “astounded.” was informed that his father had Seven other Australians who
our at a ceremony in Canberra July 2018. “I am really somewhat as- died back home during the rescue were involved in the cave rescue
on Friday night by Prime Min- The Australian of the Year tounded that the pursuit of a operation. He said that the duo were also honoured with bravery
ister Scott Morrison, becoming selection panel recognized the hobby for the last 22 years has did not expect to be awarded for awards.—Xinhua
28 JANUARY 2019

Swimmers return to Germany should phase out coal

bathe with Palau’s
golden jellyfish
mining by 2038: commission
BERLIN (Germany)—Ger-
KOROR (Palau)—Swimming with the famous golden many should end all coal
jellyfish in Palau can be put back on the bucket list fol- mining for electricity pro-
lowing a two-year ban, but bathers may be stung with a duction by 2038, a govern-
hefty price increase for the pleasure. ment-appointed commis-
The government ordered the famed Ongeim’l Tket- sion said Saturday, laying
au Jellyfish Lake closed to swimmers in 2016 because of out a roadmap to phase out
dwindling numbers of the unique creature —blamed on the polluting fuel. The tran-
warming waters although with some suspicion sunscreen sition is expected to cost up
on bathers may also have contributed.The conservation to 80 billion euros ($91 bil-
move proved costly for tour operators with the loss of Palau’s lion) over 20 years, half of
most popular attraction contributing to a slump in tourism which will go to the regions
numbers.But authorities in Koror State, which owns the shuttering plants in the
resource, say stocks are now recovering and tourists are west and east of the coun-
again being welcomed at Jellyfish Lake. try, with the rest helping
“The jellyfish are returning, tourists are visiting prevent electricity prices
again,” Dora Benhart, the outreach officer of Korr State’s from rising, the commission
conservation department said.Swimming with the jellyfish said.The panel, consisting
on Mecherchar island, about a 45-minute boat ride from of politicians, climate ex-
Despite its green reputation, Germany remains heavily reliant on the dirtiest of all fossil
Koror, is “one of the most unique attractions” Palau has perts, unions and industry
fuels.  PHOTO: AFP
to offer, according to the Visitors Authority chairman figures from coal regions,
Ngirai Tmetuchl. reached this decision on more polluting than black compensation over the next ditching coal too quickly,
It is estimated to attract at least two-thirds of the Saturday morning after coal, will be closed by 2022. two decades. saying it could endanger
annual visitors to the western Pacific archipelago which a final marathon 24-hour Other plants will fol- energy supply and push
peaked at 160,000 in 2015.The numbers slumped to 108,000 session, several mem- low until 2030, when only Nuclear power pha- up electricity prices. De-
last year which Tmeuchl said was caused by a combina- bers told AFP. It followed 17 gigawatts of Germany’s seout spite its green reputation,
tion of factors, including restrictions on Jellyfish Lake. months of bitter wrangling electricity will be supplied Two billion euros will Germany remains heav-
The rare species of golden jellyfish, believed to exist as pressure mounts on by coal, compared to today’s also be spent each year ily reliant on the dirtiest
only in this marine lake, does have a sting but it is mild Europe’s top economy to 45 gigawatts. The last plant over the same period to of all fossil fuels, in part
and often undetectable making swimming among them a step up its commitment to will close in 2038 at the lat- stop customers from fac- because of Chancellor An-
popular experience. The jellyfish population, which once combating climate change. est, the commission said, ing rising electricity pric- gela Merkel’s decision to
swelled to around 20 million, slumped in 2016 because of The commission’s findings but did not rule out moving es. Environmental groups phase out nuclear power
El Nino, a climate pattern linked to warming waters in will now be passed on to this date forward to 2035 had pushed for Germany by 2022 in response to the
the central and eastern areas of the equatorial Pacific. the government, which is if conditions permit. The to shutter its more than 2011 Fukushima disaster.
Palau President Tommy Remenegsau called for the lake expected —barring a sur- affected regions, where 100 coal-fired power plants Coal accounted for more
to be closed, and while it was never officially shut down prise—to follow the recom- tens of thousands of jobs by 2030 as part of efforts than 30 per cent of Germa-
by Koror State, the dwindling jellyfish numbers saw a mendations of the panel directly or indirectly linked to meet Germany’s tar- ny’s energy mix in 2018, put-
self-imposed ban by tour operators who stopped taking it set up. Under the plan, to brown- and black-coal get of becoming carbon ting it neck-and-neck with
visitors to the island rather than charge them US$100 to several plants that use lig- energy production, will neutral by 2050. But op- renewables like solar and
see nothing.—AFP nite or brown coal, which is receive 40 billion euros as ponents warned against wind energy.—AFP

Invitation for Prequalification and Bid CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE

Date:28 January 2019 M.V MCC HALONG VOY. NO. (903/905)
Loan Agreement No: MY- P4 dated 5 September 2014, and MY-P21 dated 1 March 2017 Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MCC HALONG
1. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received ODA Loans from Japan International VOY. NO. (903/905) are hereby notified that the vessel will
Cooperation Agency (JICA) for Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase I. The Prequalification (PQ) and Bid
be arriving on 28-01-2019 and cargo will be discharged
are invited by Myanma Railways as follows:
into the premises of M.I.T.T/M.I.P where it will lie at the
Invitation for Description: Issuing Date Closing Date & Time Non-refundable consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
PQ & Bid Ywathgyi Depot and Workshop Document Fee and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
IFP No: MR/ Track Works, Earth Works, Depot Area 28 January 2019 12 March 2019 USD 100 (or)
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
PQ/CP105 External / Depot Access Works, Civil Structure (Monday) (Tuesday) 2:00p.m MMK 160,000 to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
Works, Architecture Works, Building Works declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
IFB No: MR/ Applicants who passed the PQ will be USD 1,000 (or)
BD/CP105 (construction), and Telecommunication invited to purchase the bidding documents, MMK 1,600,000 from the Vessel.
Works, Electrical Power Works, and Depot and the closing date / time of the offer will No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
Equipment Works (design build). be informed later. the Claims Day.
2. Prequalification will be conducted through procedures in accordance with the applicable Guidelines for Procurement
under Japanese ODA Loans, and is open to all Applicants from eligible source countries, as defined in the Loan Agreement. The MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY
Eligible Nationality of the Applicants shall be Japan in the case of the prime contractor. In case where the prime contractor is a AGENT FOR: M/S MCC TRANSPORT (S’PORE)
joint venture, such joint venture will be eligible provided that the nationality of the lead partner is Japan, that the nationality of PTE LTD
the other partners is Japan and/or the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and that the total share of work of Japanese partners Phone No: 2301185
in the joint venture is more than fifty percent (50%) of the contract amount.
3. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain the PQdocuments on the submission of a written application to the Tender

Adve r t i s e w it h
Office in the Head office mentioned below during the office hours from 9:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (except public
Managing Director,
Myanma Railway, Ministry of Transport and Communications u s/ Ho t L i n e :
0 9 9 74 4 2 4 8 4 8
Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound, PobbaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Telephone: +95-67 77024, Facsimile number: +95-67-77164
Email address:, (not for submission but for clarification)

Thai pop idol condemned

for Nazi swastika T-shirt
BANGKOK (Thailand)—A mem- “I want this to be an example
ber of Thailand’s most popular for everyone, please forgive me,”
all-girl band donned a shirt por- she said, bursting into tears. She
traying Nazi Germany’s state later claimed full responsibility
flag with a swastika emblazoned for her ignorance in an apology
across it during a televised re- posted on her official Facebook
hearsal on Saturday, drawing page. “Please give me advice so
“shock and dismay” from the that I can grow up to be a good
Israeli embassy. adult in the future... I cannot fix
Images of Hitler, swasti- the mistake but I promise I will
kas and other Nazi regalia are not let it happen again,” Namsai
fairly commonplace on T-shirts wrote in Thai.
and memorabilia in Thailand, a Fans of BNK48, a domestic
phenomenon blamed on a lack of offshoot of Japanese girl group
historical understanding rather AKB48, came to Namsai’s de-
than political leanings. fence. “I’m over 40 and I don’t
The latest faux pas was know anything about this topic.
committed by Pichayapa “Nam- When I saw the shirt, I didn’t think
The scupture of a head is displayed at the “Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange
across Medieval Saharan Africa” exhibit at the Block Museum in Chicago.  PHOTO: AFP sai” Natha, one of the singers it would be a problem,” said fan
of BNK48, when she wore the Prasit Rudeekriengkrai.

US exhibit portrays Africa’s red-and-black top complete with

swastika during the group’s re-
Others blamed Thailand’s
education system, which does
hearsal on Friday. The deputy not focus much on world history.

interconnected medieval past chief of mission of the Israeli Em-

bassy in Bangkok took to Twitter
“What do you expect? When
we were in school, they teach only
to express “shock and dismay” about Thailand and Myanmar
CHICAGO (United States)—A to the continent, and spread cul- centuries. at the outfit, given that Sunday is wars,” Samruay Kraspra said.
first-of-its kind exhibition open- tural and religious practices far On display are artifacts that International Holocaust Remem- Thailand has gotten in trouble
ing Saturday at a Chicago mu- and wide. show evidence of global econom- brance Day. “Presenting Nazi in the past for its flippant use of
seum is challenging long-held Africa “was definitely an ic trade in African goods and symbols by the band’s singer hurt Hitler and Nazi-related imagery.
views of the Middle Ages, exhib- economic engine” during the materials, with emphasis on the feelings of millions around In 2013, Bangkok’s prestigious
iting African artifacts that place Middle Ages, said the Block the role of West African gold. the world,” said Smadar Shapira. Chulalongkorn University was
the continent at the center of Museum’s Kathleen Berzock, These include rare fragmentary The 19-year-old singer will forced to apologize after its stu-
global trade and culture. who spent seven years curating artifacts discovered at Saharan be meet with the ambassador dents created a mural depicting
The traveling exhibition the exhibit. archeological sites, as well as Af- of Israel on Sunday afternoon, Hitler during graduation celebra-
“Caravans of Gold, Fragments “The driving idea behind the rican sculptures made of French Shapira told AFP. tions. A Catholic school was also
in Time” debuts at the Block Mu- exhibition is that in the medieval copper, European religious arti- On Saturday night, Namsai left red-faced in 2011 after stu-
seum on the suburban Chicago period, Africa, and particularly facts made of African ivory, and apologized tearfully onstage dur- dents dressed up in Nazi uniform
campus of Northwestern Uni- West Africa, was playing an ab- other pieces of gold, ceramic, ing a concert. for a sports day parade.—AFP
versity, before traveling to other solutely critical role in bringing glass and textile.
North American museums. together regions that extended The objects tell a pre-slav-
The exhibit showcases more from Europe to North Africa to ery, pre-colonial narrative large-
than 250 items, including many the Middle East,” Berzock said. ly left out of history books and
rare and precious artifacts on school classrooms, organizers
loan from West African institu- Recent discoveries, new his- said.
tions in Mali, Morocco and Ni- tory “This history has not been
geria, and traveling for the first Organizers said the exhib- brought to the fore,” said Ab-
time outside of their home coun- it was the first time that a US dulkerim Kadiri, acting Direc-
tries.The aims is to showcase museum had partnered with Af- tor-General of Nigeria’s National
what scholars have known for rican counterparts to challenge Commission for Museums and
some time—that Africa was part notions of the continent isolated Monuments, who traveled to
of an interconnected world in the from the rest of the world dur- the United States for the show The swastika was one of the most recognisable symbols of Nazi
Middle Ages that brought wealth ing the eighth through sixteenth opening. —AFP Germany.  PHOTO: AFP

Jennifer Lopez doesn’t need to John Cena to feature in upcoming

get married to be happy Netflix movie
LOS ANGELES—John Cena is set to star in an action-comedy by Jason Bateman.
LONDON—Jennifer Lopez believes get- above me already,” Lopez said in the The currently untitled project, which comes from Netflix, will be both directed
ting married does not ensure one hap- March issue of Red magazine. and produced by Bateman.According to Variety, the film revolves around a family
piness. The singer-actor, who has been She recounted the incident with her stuck in an old abandoned movie studio where the sets come to life.
dating sportsperson Alex Rodriguez since daughter, Emme when the 10-year-old This is Cena’s first Netflix outing.
2017, said things were difficult for her as voiced her thoughts on marriage.“She His last release was the blockbuster “Transformers” first spin-off, “Bumblebee”.
she grew up with the idea of “fairy tale” said to me when she was eight, ‘I don’t The professional wrestler-actor is also attached to star in another Paramount film,
that revolved around marriage. know if I want to get married, mommy’,” family comedy “Playing With Fire”. Production begins next month.
“I grew up with the fairy tale, ‘A the singer recalled.“And when she said The film reunites Bateman with “Game Night” scribe Mark Perez, who is
prince is going save you’, ‘Wait for true that I was like ‘Yes!’ because I’ve been writing the film.
love and that’s what makes you happy’, teaching her to love herself since she was Bateman stars in Netflix’s crime show “Ozark” and has been nominated for
‘If you’re not married, you’re not happy’. little,” she added.Lopez has been married a SAG Award for actor in a drama series. He has also directed some episodes of
Well, let me tell you, my daughter is eons three times. —PTI the show.—PTI
28 JANUARY 2019

Russian cosmonaut Yelena Serova believes women Microplastic

able to work alongside men in outer space contamination
found in
MOSCOW—Russia’s team of cos-
monauts should include women
similar to those to other candi-
dates. “No more and no less. All
since they are able to complete candidates should be on an equal source of
the same tasks as men in outer footing,” she stressed.
space, Deputy of the State Duma Women did not join the new groundwater
(lower house of parliament), Rus- space crew, which was formed in
sian cosmonaut, the Hero of the summer 2018. Some specialists CHICAGO—A study of the
Russian Federation, Yelena Ser- later attributed this to a specif- University of Illinois (UI)
ova told TASS. ic national mindset and far less has identified microplastic
“The Russian team of cos- women aspiring to become cos- fibers, along with a variety
monauts should necessarily monauts. Any Russian citizen not of medicines and household
include women. We should not older than 35 years with a higher contaminants, in two aquifer
set any quota on the number education in engineering, or in systems in US state of Illinois.
of men or women in the team, Yelena Serova.  PHOTO: TASS the scientific and flight sectors The researchers col-
that would have been unpro- and with work experience was lected 17 groundwater sam-
fessional. I doubt that there cosmonauts to conduct flights ented employees, responsible able to toss their hat into the ring, ples from wells and springs,
are no women in our country into outer space, and a search and thorough frontline workers. but only male candidates were 11 from a highly fractured
able to fulfill the same tasks in for candidates will be launched I have always said and will repeat selected. limestone aquifer near the St.
outer space as men,” Serova, among space experts. that our country can only achieve Only four women have trave- Louis metropolitan area and
who made a six-month flight into According to Serova, Russia prominent results in absolutely led into orbit in the history of Sovi- six from an aquifer contain-
space in 2014-2015, said. was among the first countries any field in a coherent union of et and Russian space exploration: ing much smaller fractures
Earlier a source in the rock- to allow women study and work men and women,” she empha- Valentina Tereshnkova, Svetlana in rural northwestern Illinois.
et and space industry told TASS alongside men. “In many profes- sized. Savitskaya, Yelena Kondakova All but one of the 17 sam-
that Russia’s state-run space sions, sometimes predominantly The deputy added that re- and Yelena Serova. Meanwhile, ples contained microplastic
corporation Roscosmos would male ones, women have proved quirements to female cosmo- NASA has sent 47 women into particles, with a maximum
put together a team of female to be top-ranked specialists, tal- nauts in future teams would be space.—Tass concentration of 15.2 particles
per liter from a spring in the
St Louis area. The research-
China ers found that concentrations
from the field areas are com-
tests new parable to those of surface
water concentrations found
generation of in the rivers and streams in
the Chicago area.
faster, bigger The researchers also
identified a variety of house-

maglev hold and personal health

contaminants along with the
microplastics, a hint that the
CHANGSHA—China’s major fibers may have originated
train maker on Saturday test- from household septic sys-
ed a new generation of maglev tems.
train with a designed speed of There is still a monu-
160 km per hour, about 60 per mental amount of work to
cent faster than the current be done on this subject, said
model, in Changsha, capital of John Scott, a researcher at
central China’s Hunan Prov- the Illinois Sustainable Tech-
ince.The new model has a 30-per nology Centre and the study’s
cent increase in traction effi- co-author. He anticipated that
ciency and can carry six more microplastic contamination
tonnes in weight compared with in both surface water and
the previous generation, accord- groundwater will be a prob-
ing to Tong Laisheng, head of lem for years to come.
the maglev research institute “Even if we quit plas-
An image of the Earth rock found by the Apollo 14 crew.  PHOTO: AFP
of the CRRC Zhuzhou Loco- tics cold turkey today, we

Oldest piece of Earth found on moon

motive Co, Ltd, the developer.It will still deal with this issue
can carry up to 500 passengers for years because plastic
with three carriages, Tong said. never really goes away,”
China’s first medium-low-speed HOUSTON—A rock sample collected by Apollo 14 The researchers inferred that a large comet Scott said. “It is estimated
maglev rail line was put into astronauts in 1971 from the moon’s surface might or asteroid hit the Earth and launched the rock that 6.3 billion metric tons
commercial operation in May well be the oldest piece of the Earth, according to from earth into space, where it collided with the of plastic waste have been
2016 in Changsha. recent research.The investigation of an interna- surface of the moon about 4 billion years ago. On produced since the 1940s,
The new model is expect- tional team of scientists revealed that the sample the lunar surface, the rock was subsequently mixed and 79 per cent of that is
ed to lay a technical foundation contains a fragment of ancient crust which sci- with other materials into one sample. now in landfills or the nat-
for introducing medium-speed entists believe is very likely to have formed deep “It is an extraordinary find that helps paint a ural environment.”
maglev train systems in the fu- beneath the Earth’s surface. better picture of early Earth and the bombardment “It is such a weird con-
ture, Tong said. CRRC Zhuzhou Published in the journal of Earth and Plane- that modified our planet during the dawn of life,” cept that these materials
Locomotive is also developing a tary Science Letters, the analysis found that the the study co-author David Kring, a Universities are intended for single use,
more advanced maglev model rock is composed of quartz, feldspar and zircon, Space Research Association scientist at the Lu- yet they are designed to
with a top speed of 200 km per which are very common on Earth but highly un- nar and Planetary Institute in Houston, said in a last forever,” Scott add-
hour.—Xinhua usual on the moon. statement.—AFP ed.—Xinhua
16 SPORT 28 JANUARY 2019

Quagliarella equals
Batistuta Serie A
MILAN (Italy)—Sampdoria forward Fabio Quagliarella bagged a
brace on Saturday as he equalled Gabriel Batistuta’s record for
scoring in 11 consecutive Serie A games, in a 4-0 win over Udinese.
Quagliarella, who turns 36 next week, matched the mark after
converting a penalty after 31 minutes, and added a second, again
from the spot, on 56 minutes.
The evergreen forward also had a role in the other two goals
—in the build-up to Karol Linetty’s third on 68 minutes, and the
decisive cross for Manolo Gabbiadini to tap in ten minutes later.
He left to the pitch to a standing ovation six minutes from time.
Cyclists participate in the public cycling event in Twantay yesterday.  PHOTO: PHYO THIHA Batistuta scored at least one goal per game in the opening 11
games of the season in 1994-1995 for Fiorentina. The Argentine
Over 400 take part in public cycling event in Twantay went on to finish the season as the top scorer with 26 goals.
Quagliarella has had one of the best seasons of his career
A public cycling event was held cluding children under the age of for raising public awareness with Sampdoria. He has scored 14 goals in his 11-match run for
in Twantay, Ayeyawady Region, 10 years, took part in the event, on the sport, as cycling is one a total of 16 this season, to go top of the Serie A scorers ahead of
early in the morning yesterday, said an official with the MCF. of the more affordable and con- Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo (14).The 25-times capped Italian
under the supervision of the Min- The event was held for the venient sports in Myanmar,” he international scored a career best 19 goals last season.
istry of Health and Sports and first time in Twantay and saw par- added. He joined the Genoa club in 2016 having previously played for
the Myanmar Cycling Federa- ticipation of children and adult cy- About two or three such teams including Juventus, Napoli and Torino.
tion(MCF). The event was also clists from the Bicycle Network events are hosted across My- Sampdoria moved up to sixth, the final Europa League berth,
supported by the Twantay Cycling Myanmar (BNM) from Yangon, anmar every month to raise and just one point off the Champions League places.—AFP
Club (TTCC). said an official with the bicycle awareness about the benefits of
More than 400 cyclists, in- network. “It was a good event cycling.—Lynn Thit (Tgi)

Yadanarbon claim win against

Yangon United at MNL derby
THE Yadanarbon F.C., former Naing Soe, and Nay Myo Aung. scored by Miller.
champions of the Myanmar Na- The Yangon United lined Thereafter, goals by Hlaing
tional League, beat defending up with Keeper Sann Sat Na- Bo Bo at the 48th minute and
champions, the Yangon United, ing, Htoo Khant Lwin, Min Ko Win Naing Tun at the 58th minute
by 3-2 in a thrilling match yes- Thu, Pyae Phyo Zaw, Kyaw Zin put Yadanarbon back in the lead
terday at the Bahtoo Stadium Oo, Kosuke, Captain Yan Aung with a 3-1 score. Team Yangon
in Mandalay, the home turf of Kyaw, Kyi Lin, Miller, Mg Mg refused to give up, with Kaung
Yadanarbon. Lwin, and Sylla. Though young, Htet Soe netting a goal at the
The Yadanarbon lineup in- the Yadanarbon team displayed 71st minute.
cluded only young local football- no hesitation, with striker Win Both the teams fought hard
ers — Keeper Pyae Lyan Aung , Naing Soe scoring an icebreaker in the later minutes to keep pos-
Zaw Ye Tun, Myat Kaung Khant, at the 16th minute. session of the ball. The home
Captain Ye Ko Oo, Win Naing With focused play, Yangon team, Yadanarbon, finished the Sampdoria’s Italian forward Fabio Quagliarella celebrates after scoring a goal
Tun, Kyaw Thet Oo, Thet Naing, managed to score an equalizer match with a 3-2 lead.—Lynn Thit during the Italian Serie A football match between Sampdoria and AS Roma
Hlaing Bo Bo, Hein Nay San, Win at the 30th minute. The goal was (Tgi) on 24 January, 2018 at the Luigi Ferraris Stadium in Genoa.  PHOTO: AFP

Southampton defender Soares

joins Inter Milan on loan
MILAN (Italy)—South- League side in 2015. to achieve Ralph Hasen-
ampton defender Cedric “Cedric Soares is huttl’s desire for a leaner
Soares has joined Italian a new Inter player. The squad, with the manag-
side Inter Milan on loan 27-year- old defender er having also overseen
with an option to buy, joins the Nerazzurri on the emergence of young
both clubs confirmed on loan from Southampton right-back Yan Valery, as
Saturday. FC with the option to well as Kayne Ramsay,
The 27-year-old Por- make the deal perma- since his arrival at the
Southampton’s German-born Portuguese defender Cedric Soares (l) vies with Derby County’s tuguese international nent,” Inter said in a club.” Inter Milan are
English striker Jack Marriott (r) during the English FA Cup third round replay football match has played more than 100 statement. third in Serie A—16
between Southampton and Derby County at St Mary’s Stadium in Southampton, southern games and scored twice Southampton said points behind leaders
England on 16 January, 2019.  PHOTO: AFP
since joining the Premier the “move further helps Juventus.—AFP

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