Spa 102 Spring 2019
Spa 102 Spring 2019
Spa 102 Spring 2019
Course Information
Course title: Elementary Spanish II (SPA 102) 4 Credits
Course number: SPA 102 Section 14976
Course discipline: Spanish
Course description: Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish language and study of the
Spanish-speaking cultures. Emphasis on speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Prerequisites: (A grade of "C" or better in SPA101 or SPA101AA), or permission of
Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is
Course date: 01/14/2019 - 05/10/2019
Location: CANVAS
Meetings days: NONE
Instructor Information
Name: Julian Vazquez Ph. D.
Phone: 602 285 7873
Office Location: A-208
Office hours: Tuesdays and to Thursdays - 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 PM
Online hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Required Readings
¡Listo Calixto! Elementary Spanish II. Glendale: Peregrinos y sus letras. ISBN 978-0-9822614-1-5
**Provided upon registering for the course. No purchase necessary.
Course Content
For each chapter, you will have vocabulary, listening and grammar exercises. These will be found in every
Chapter Module.
SPA 101 will have 4 Tareas (homework) to accompany each Chapter. The Tareas will become periodically
available and once they are available, they will be available until the last day of classes. There are NO specific
due dates for this course. However, ALL assignments must be submitted by Friday, May 10th at 11:59 PM.
Each assignment is worth 50 points (5% of your final grade) and will consist of a cultural reading with
comprehension questions, questions to accompany the contextual readings located within each chapter, listening
comprehension questions, and 5 Dictado sentences.
Once the assignment has been submitted, you will immediately receive a partial grade. I must manually grade
some of the questions so your total grade will be posted within 2 working days (Monday - Friday) Please contact
me through my e-mail if I have not updated your grade within the 48 hour time frame so that I can "search" for
your Tarea! Tareas may be accessed as many times as you like, but may only be submitted for a grade once.
There are 4 exams (one per Chapter) and one Final comprehensive exam for this course. These exams are
accessible from any computer. There are NO in person requirements for this course. The exams will be available
the first day of classes and will continue to be available throughout the duration of the course, but are limited
to ONE attempt. The exams are timed-- you have 3 hours to complete each exam, if you are unable to complete
the exam within the given time frame, your quiz will be submitted as is, and graded accordingly. It is imperative
that you do not open an EXAM until you are ready to take it. NO exams will be reset! If you open an exam, you
MUST take it. No previews are permitted. ALL Exams must be submitted by Friday, May 10th at 11:59 PM.
Attendance Requirements
Administrative Regulation 2.3.2
Students must login into Canvas at least twice a week to avoid penalty.
Grading Standards
You may monitor your grades at any time by clicking on the Grades on the Course Menu. I will keep grades as
current as possible!
Grade Breakdown:
Grading Scale:
100% - 90% =A
89% - 80% =B
79% - 70% =C
69% - 60% =D
59% and below =F
Note to students: Final course grades are based on the amount of points earned. The grading scale is administered
equally to all students in the course.
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Phoenix College Syllabus
Extensions/Incompletes: Students may request an extension or an incomplete because of illness or other extenuating
circumstances ONLY if they have been doing acceptable work. The instructor will define the requirements and
timeliness to complete the course. Please note: INSTRUCTORS ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO GIVE EXTENSIONS
OR INCOMPLETES. Students must request an incomplete by Monday, April 29th and must have successfully
completed 70% of the course work with at least a C average in order to be considered for an incomplete or an
Withdrawal: Students who participate in the class for any amount of time and then cease to participate may initiate a
withdrawal from the course no later than March 3rd without the Instructor signature. After that date, the student must
request a withdrawal through the instructor. The instructor will assign a grade of "W" (Withdraw, passing) if a student
has completed 50% of the course work with a D average or better or grade of "Y" (Withdraw, failing) if a student has
not completed at least 50% of the course work with a D average or better. If a student does not request to be
withdrawn from the course by Monday, April 29th, a grade dictated by the total of points accumulated by that date
will be given for the final course grade. No "W"s will be given after Monday, April 29th
Credit/No Credit Option (P/Z) - This course may be taken on a credit/no credit basis. If students wish to take the
course on this basis, they must initiate their request by the first day of class by notifying the instructor through
To receive Credit "P" grade, students must complete all course work, including exams, and attend all required
meetings. A "P" grade is judged to be equivalent to a grade of "C" or higher. A No-Credit "Z" grade will be awarded
for course work judged to be below the grade of "C." It is the student's responsibility to request advisement
concerning the transferability of a grade of "P" or "Z."
College Policies
Student Responsibilities
Syllabus Information: Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the material presented
in this syllabus.
College Policies: Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the policies in the Student
Catalog and Handbook (
● Evaluation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Responsibility
The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to the syllabus at any time during the semester. In
the rare case that adjustments are made, students will be notified through internal email of the changes.