Ribbon Excel
Ribbon Excel
Ribbon Excel
154 2,540
1 author:
Leslie Haddon
The London School of Economics and Political Science
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Toddlers and tablets: exploring the risks and benefits 0-5s face online, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery, 2015 – 2017.
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Berg, Oxford.
Table of contents
1. Introduction
10. Conclusions
I would like to thank Roger Silverstone at the London School of Economics for
involving me in much of the original research that went into this book and for making
valuable suggestions about my original proposal. Work for Ben Anderson at British
Telecom and later Chimera, part of the University of Essex, helped to shape the
format of the book and provided an opportunity to review much of the literature. It
was his suggestion to develop a book from this project. Thanks, too, go to Ralph
guidance and feedback on the original proposal. Richard Ling made a number of
useful comments on the early draft. I appreciate the efforts of Annevi Kant as she not
only checked through the work but also helped me in my goal of making this text
accessible to a wide range of readers. Finally, thanks to my wife, Sue, for her
Chapter one: Introduction
The aim of this book is to introduce research on ICTs and everyday life
primarily to students entering the field and to those developing these technologies and
services. The book provides a guide to a number of the main existing research areas
Perhaps it is best to start with a clarification of the words used in the title. The
term ‘information and communication technology’ dates from the mid-80s and in
particular from the British PICT initiative, a programme for looking at ICTs (Dutton,
1996). One glossary from the programme leader’s summary of that work defined
gives the examples of ‘personal computers, video games, interactive TV, cell phones,
the Internet (and) electronic payments systems’ (Dutton, 1999, p.3). This combination
of general definition and examples conveys a sense of what ICTs can include, without
having to draw absolutely precise boundaries. This might be just as well given the on-
Turning to the second key term, scholarly work looking at ‘everyday life’ in
general has a longer intellectual heritage that can be traced back to Lukács and later
Lefebvre and de Certeau in Europe and the Chicago school, Goffman and Garfinkel in
the US (Bennett and Watson, 2002). However, the study of ‘ICTs in everyday life’ is
more recent. Hence, the book focuses mainly on the research undertaken since the
1990s. In practice, ‘everyday life’ has tended not mean the whole of life. Instead, the
studies have tended to deal with those parts of life outside the formal worlds of work
and education.
The roots of empirical work in this field can be traced back to 1980s research on
the social uses of television, on the (then new) home computer market and on the
domestic phone. However, it was the 1990s that saw a substantial growth in
commercial and academic research in the field of ICTs, research that was spurred on
equipment that appeared, the most visible of which related to the Internet and mobile
private users as a market. In particular, many telecom companies realised that they
A certain amount of the, now considerable, output from this research has been
published in book form and in the journals that have emerged to cater for this new
field. This is more so for British and American studies and for those researchers
willing to write in, or have their work translated into, English. However, other
proceedings and papers given in workshops. Some has been published in various
European languages - especially French, German and Italian studies - but has not yet
appeared in English. Some research has not yet even reached the public domain. One
aim of this book is to make more of this material accessible in one text and in English.
The increasing academic interest in the private use of ICTs is shown in the
courses in media studies and in communication studies and from courses such as
innovation studies or those dealing with technology and society. Meanwhile, students
of design and engineering, who will later be developing ICTs, often have modules
and Paul, 2001; Haddon, 2002), have acknowledged the need to know more about
ICTs and the realities of everyday life. Hence the rise in the number of social
scientists within these companies and the range of industry-financed reviews and
The interest of policy makers has been reflected in the research they have
supported, such as the various European telematics projects. Here we see concerns
about the different forms of digital divide as well as hopes about the social inclusion
that ICTs might facilitate. Nor are social inclusion and exclusion the only policy
on the Internet alongside a desire to promote their digital skills and literacy. NGOs
In addition to the greater amount of research taking place, there has been an
increase in its visibility and dissemination. There is more coverage of user research
and indeed more journals devoted to the social aspects of ICTs1. Apart from this
1990s that also, sometimes informally, created a greater awareness of what research
was taking place across countries within companies and academia. Finally, the 90s
saw the emergence of relevant conferences and other meetings on ICTs that have
proliferated further in the 21st Century. It is in the light of all these developments that
The theoretical framework of domestication
have seen the evolution and refinement of theoretical frameworks, tools and
approaches. The central one providing the organising principles for this book is that of
‘domestication’. While the studies described in later chapters actually come from far
wider traditions of research, it is this framework that constitutes the starting point for
most of the analysis. Therefore it seems appropriate to provide some brief exposition
The concept, at least as applied to ICTs, emerged at the start of the 1990s from
general (Silverstone et al, 1992; Silverstone 1994; Silverstone and Haddon, 1996b). I
became involved in the second stage of that project, which had by then moved to
Sussex University. Here studies of teleworkers, lone parents and the young elderly
enabled further exploration of how this approach might be applied. The studies also
led to incremental development around its key themes (Haddon and Silverstone, 1993,
1995a, 1996).
researchers partly because the academic networks in this field that were forming in
in particular played an important role2. In the UK, the framework was employed by
the Sussex researchers in later studies for companies. It also formed a basis for some
such as ICTs and social exclusion (Silverstone, 1995; Haddon, 2000). The term now
has an even wider currency and appears regularly in international papers on ICTs.
While many of the themes from the domestication framework will become
clearer in the later section outlining the structure of the book, we can summarize
some of its key features at this point. Most early statements on domestication, as
well as most of the early British research, focused on social processes at work
when new ICTs entered the home. The term itself evokes a sense of ‘taming the
wild’. These ICTs have meanings for people, people who individually and
what various ICTs symbolise, whether they are seen as a threat or are seen as
the social relationships surrounding ICTs. For example, it looks at the interactions
between household members: their negotiation of the rules about ICT use, as well
as tensions or even conflicts over that use. Once ICTs have crossed the threshold,
these technologies in the home, finding a time for their use in people’s routines
If this was the initial starting point of the domestication framework, later
British work in this tradition went on to examine the later careers of ICTs, how
our relationship to them changed long after their initial acquisition. This research
raised questions about extending the framework beyond the home, as will be
reflected in later chapters. All in all, the approach provides a very useful way of
Choices within the book
There are always limits to what can be covered in any one book. Some derive
from the nature of the perspective itself. Because of its focus on social relationships,
domestication in general does not consider the type of individual mental processes
that might be associated with, for example, a ‘uses and gratifications’ framework. But
then there are the particular interests and choices of the author. For example, although
I have been involved in studies of the social shaping of technology and attempts to
link that interest with domestication, this issue receives only a limited amount of
attention in the chapter on careers3. And while domestication writings have addressed
questions of ICTs and the shaping of identity, including families’ collective identities,
this theme is only covered briefly: for example, in chapter four when reflecting upon
However, at various points the book explores how the domestication approach
can make contributions to different debates and it makes connections with other
literatures as and when appropriate. For example, various chapters draw upon insights
offered by studies of the life course, generational analysis, the social construction of
As regards the choice of ICTs that I cover in this book, the mobile phone and
Internet receive the most attention. This reflects both general trends in recent research
and the fact that these are areas with which I am more familiar. In terms of coverage,
research on the fixed line phone and on the computer come next. It was my intention
not to use the short space available to spend too much time discussing TV research,
since this is an area that has already been well covered in media studies. However, I
admit that a range of audio technologies, such as radio and MP3, as well as visual
ones, such as digital cameras and camcorders, receive little or no attention. Yet, some
of the more general social processes described in the book would in principle also
apply to them. In this sense, they are not meant to be excluded from the general
analytical framework.
A final set of choices relates to the national location of the studies covered. The
majority of the research cited is European, partly reflecting the projects and academic
circumstances and history of ICT markets in these different countries may vary, my
experience suggests that they also share much in common. Or at least they share
enough for the purposes of exploring some of the themes of this book. However, I
also look at North American research, especially when there are important debates
that have received more attention there. And I cite studies from other parts of the
world if I feel that they are relevant to the discussions of general social processes and
There is more than one way in which the material reported in this book could have
issues around the digital divide and social exclusion. And there is an increasingly
substantial sub-literature on children, youth and ICTs. Both subjects therefore merited
their own chapters rather than having the material dispersed across the book.
However, they can also be treated as worked examples, a way to introduce themes and
issues of more general interest, some of which can be followed up in later chapters.
This leads into a chapter that follows directly from the interests of
only in the home. The domestication interest is then extended to consider social
networks and ICTs, which is becoming an identifiable literature in its own right. The
same is true of time and ICTs, while mobility and ICTs seems to be an emerging
There is enough material dealing with the dynamics of ICTs to justify two
chapters. The first looks at how people’s changing life circumstances affects their
relationships to ICTs. The second deals with the careers of ICTs themselves and our
relationship to them over time. One difficult decision was whether or not to have a
chapter on gender and ICTs, which arguably could constitute another cluster of
research in its own right. Ultimately, the chapter chosen was broader than gender,
how we manage our relationships with others through ICTs. Inevitably, though, this is
where one would expect to find some specific discussions about gender issues.
Because the same research could sometimes be relevant to more than one
elsewhere in the book. The rest of this introduction outlines the chapter themes in a
little more detail, relates them to the domestication framework and poses the
questions that are to be addressed in the chapters. Each chapter then commences with
a brief statement of those questions and the interests emerging from the domestication
framework. Usually they do not consider domestication further, except in the chapters
on social networks and mobility where part of the aim is to extend the framework.
Chapter 2
Questions concerning digital divides, haves and have-nots and social exclusion
have been raised in policy and academic circles on various continents. While many
relate to the Internet, they have also touched upon other ICTs4. Admittedly, concerns
about the uneven distribution of ICT access and skills, uneven patterns of use and
uneven levels of interest were not the key motivation for British empirical research on
domestication. Nevertheless, this framework can provide some insights into the
processes of adoption and the integration of ICTs into everyday life – or when and
why this does not happen – that are clearly relevant for these debates. Starting with
this issue of unevenness allows us to explore what counts as ‘adoption’, ‘access’ and
‘use’. These are all measures that are crucial in much ICT research. Hence, we can
oppositions such as haves and have-nots when studying the uneven patterns of take-up
and use of ICTs. It examines some of the problems associated with a variety of
measures relating to this unevenness, before moving on to the specific evidence about
an Internet digital divide. There has been some discussion of the consequences of
Drawing both upon British empirical domestication studies and other research, the
chapter reflects on what the presence and absence of ICTs mean to people in everyday
adopters, this can lead us to a more critical approach than often exists in policy and
commercial discourses. Many of these simply stress the benefits of on-line life and
domestication analysis focused on the acquisition of ICTs and how they fitted into
daily life, it always insisted that such adoption was not inevitable.
Chapter 3
the place and experience of ICTs in the home. The ensuing empirical research
considered in more detail parents’ concerns about their children, attempts to control
children’s use of ICTs and children’s resistance to those efforts. Thus, the material
reviewed here provides an introduction to the broader theme of domestic politics. The
second part of the chapter deals specifically with older children, with youth. Although
it acknowledged the rest of social life, in practice the British empirical work looked
mainly at processes within the home5. The literature on youth and ICTs allows us to
start broadening the focus of domestication beyond the home and family, to consider
It examines the extent to which childhood and parenthood are socially and historically
constructed. This is important because it shows how the experiences associated with
these roles are not simply natural and universal. In fact, we will see how ICTs can
are influenced by the arrival of new ICTs as well as by changes in the spaces where
they are used. That leads on to issues of parental regulation of ICTs and children’s
reaction to that regulation. Moving over to the sections on youth, we see that young
people are be no means identical in their use of ICTs. Yet, in various ways we can see
how their orientation to peers at this stage in life shapes their take-up and use of ICTs
Chapter 4
Many marketing studies, as well as some academic research, emphasise the way
in which individuals use ICTs, their perceptions, their attitudes, their practices, their
styles and so on. One central theme of the domestication approach (as well as of a
number of other forms of analysis) is that those individuals act in the context of other
people, be they other household members, social network members, work colleagues
or simply co-present others when outside the home. Therefore, some themes cut
across many chapters. These include how other people influence the individual’s
experience of ICTs, how those others are affected by the individual’s use of ICTs and
how people as collectivities negotiate the experience of ICTs. These all raises issues
through and around ICTs. We have already seen some of these processes in the
chapter dealing with parent-child relationships. Now we start to explore others. The
first section looks at efforts to control the use of the fixed-line phone. We then turn to
examples of how interactions within the home relate to issues around gender and
ICTs. This is followed by research on gender and managing relationships with the
outside world, including relationships with the extended family. Lastly, the chapter
considers some particular debates about the relationship between Internet use and
sociability within the home, whic will set the scene for a related discussion on
Chapter 5
The study of social networks has generated a literature in its own right.
Networks have been of interest to those studying ICTs for a number of different
reasons. Companies have been interested in the role that such networks play in the
diffusion of new technologies and services. This diffusion can work through such
mechanisms as word-of-mouth or through seeing the use made of ICTs by others
within their social networks. Another tradition, of relevance to policy, has asked how
social networks can provide people with social support, a theme that has found later
formulations in terms of the amount of social capital we have and its effects on our
quality of life. Do ICTs in general, and the Internet in particular, have a bearing upon
this? One limitation should be noted here. The chapter will not address research on
the Internet, community and civic engagement. While in some senses this could be
seen as a continuation of work on social networks, this is one step too far removed
Chapter five starts by examining how people first gain familiarity within, and
even acquire ICTs through, their social networks. Subsequently those networks can go
itself mainly with processes within the home, this chapter then makes the case for
amongst collectivities such as social networks. The second part of the chapter looks
more specifically at discussions of social networks in relation to the Internet and the
interrelated, debates concern the potential implications of the Internet for sociability
amongst social networks. They ask whether the Internet influences who we interact
with (e.g. does it change the balance of local and distant contacts). And they compare
Chapter 6
research, which has consistently asked about the way people manage time and how
ICTs are fitted into their daily time schedules. Perhaps a less developed theme has
been the difference that the arrival of ICTs might itself make to the way we organise
time. More generally, the changing temporal patterns of our lives and the experience
Chapter six starts by examining why the time spent using ICTs is an issue and
for whom. Next it considers some of the domestication framework’s interest in the
time constraints that can have a bearing upon ICTs adoption and use. Here we need to
bear in mind not just overall disposable time but also the structure of people’s time
schedules. The chapter then moves on to subjective perceptions of time and how
people’s decisions about ICT use may be based upon those perceptions. Lastly, it
deals with issues around ICTs’ influence upon the way we plan time.
Chapter 7
research, people’s movement through and presence in public spaces was not covered
precisely because of the attention that was paid to the home. Yet travel behaviour is
clearly a part of daily life. Indeed, the experience of mobility is now attracting some
attention as a topic in its own right. Research, in particular, on the use of the mobile
phone when travelling around and in public spaces reminds us that we need to address
mobility issues if we are to appreciate more fully our experience of portable ICTs.
mobility patterns upon ICT use, especially by considering the mobility of different
speculative mode because of limited empirical data available, the chapter then
considers the opposite relationship. It looks at how we might evaluate the influence of
ICTs on mobility. Further sections deal with the consequences of ICTs for the
organization of travel and for the subjective experience of travelling. The final part
addresses the other main theme of the chapter, that of expectations and behaviour
Chapter 8
involved in the entry of ICTs into the home, follow up research considered various
transitions over the longer term (Haddon and Silverstone, 1993, 1995a, 1996). This is
important because some of the researchers who have referred to the domestication
approach see it as a process that can be finished. This question then becomes: has an
ICT reached the stage where it is finally integrated into everyday life? End of story.
The original proponents never saw such closure and so the empirical work noted
above is used to chart ways in which the experience of the same ICTs can alter over
time. Some of this is covered in chapter nine on the careers of ICTs, but chapter eight
example of the transition to single parenthood then introduces the effects of shifts in
household composition. Standing back from such specific periods in life, we move on
to reflect upon the more general evolution of gendered use of the telephone across
different life stages, before returning to focus in on the specific changes associated
with the birth of the first child and the transition to retirement. Finally, the chapter
considers the issue of how much people’s orientation to and decisions about ICTs
reflects the conditions of their current life stage versus how much it reflects their
explore the effect of belonging to a certain generation or cohort of people with shared
earlier life experiences. However, this is by no means a form of analysis that just
applies to the elderly. Therefore, the chapter ends by reflecting upon the research
Chapter 9
The last topic involves a different set of dynamics. The entry of ICTs into the
home and finding a place there were the key concerns of the very first writings on
domestication. However, there are other traditions, especially those dealing with the
history of ICTs, which can be drawn upon to expand our understanding of these
processes. For example, the question of the relationship between newer ICTs and
each other, is a theme one finds within a number of strands of telecom and Internet
research in particular. Meanwhile, changes affecting the longer term careers of ICTs
Chapter 9 starts by looking at the factors shaping how people first learn about
and perceive ICTs. This includes the influence of wider social discourses about those
ICTs. More specifically, it includes the role of the media in shaping our awareness of
technologies. As regards the question of how we learn to use ICTs, the chapter
considers the sources of support in that process and the nature of experience with
these technologies and services. Research on people’s early experience of the Internet
demonstrates how patterns of use change during that period. One long-standing
interest of domestication research has been how new ICTs fit into the ensemble of
artefacts that are already present in the home. Hence the chapter discusses how ICTs
find a space in domestic environments. But ‘fitting’ into the home, or into our lives,
also includes issues of how the use of newer ICTs is influenced by practices already
established around older ones. This is then followed by the reverse question: how do
new ICTs influence the consumption of existing ones? To answer this, the chapter
explores the extent to which newer ICTs compete with, complement or introduce
changes into the way we deal with older ICTs. The last section deals with the longer
term careers of ICTs, examining some of the influences not already covered by
technologies and services themselves, various ways in which adoption and use by
others has a bearing upon people’s consumption and the effects of adopting multiple
Chapter 10
The conclusion returns to reflect upon the domestication framework, its relations
with other traditions of research, how it has and could be applied and how it can be
extended. We then consider the general lessons company researchers and students
might draw from this book. Finally, as a worked example for students to reflect upon,
we look at how the material in this book might be mobilized to evaluate the social
consequences of ICTs.
the French journal Reseaux started to report more empirical studies of telecoms in
everyday life. The journal New Media and Society appeared in 1999 and Convergence
a little earlier.
2. For Norwegian examples, see Sørensen (1994), Berg (1996) and the collection by
Lie and Sørensen (1996). For Dutch examples, see Bergman and van Zoonen (1999)
Frissen (2000), Rommes (2002). For Belgian examples, see Punie (1997) and
Hartmann (2003). Ward (2003) provides an Irish example, and Frohlich and Kraut
(2003) an American one. Lally (2002) in Australia and Bakardjieva and Smith (2001)
3. Sørensen (1994) and Silverstone and Haddon (1996b) provide examples of papers
trying to link the issues of design and domestication. For a more recent example of
Steinmuller (2000).
5. Hartmann (2003) has noted that in this respect, Norwegian domestication studies
Chapter two: Uneven patterns of adoption and use of ICTs
Concern over uneven patterns of adoption and use of ICTs has been reflected for
some years in discussions of haves and have-nots. More recently, and specifically in
the case of the Internet, we see this in discussions of the digital divide. In a European
context the equivalent discussion has been in terms of ‘social exclusion’, although the
terms operates within slightly different analytical frameworks. The primary interest in
this field derives from the social agenda of the state, NGOs and those academics
informing policy. There is a concern about the potential new forms of inequality that
may arise through that differential take up and use of ICTs. To take some European
examples, we can see the EU TIDE programme addressing the potential problem that
the very design of ICTs might itself exclude some elderly and disabled people from
disadvantage for those who do not make use of these option (Silverstone and Haddon,
Although the prime driver of interest is policy, this unevenness is, or should
be, also of relevance for ICT suppliers. For one thing, the launch of national and
involves the state financing or otherwise supporting or promoting access to these new
technologies. In addition, ICT developers have their own reasons for taking an interest
in and understanding the uneven patterns of the market. These patterns can help them
to make decisions as to whether some parts of the potential market are in practice
unreachable because of people’s resistance. By identifying who has and who has not
acquired ICTs, along with current trends, they can try to determine where the market
might develop or be developed next. On this basis, they can then change the
This chapter will focus on uneven patterns of take-up within countries2. It first
What are the ways in which that unevenness has been measured? What types of
evidence have been cited? And what are the problems with these various measures?
uneven access to the Internet show and what is the evidence of change over time?
What lessons can be learnt from general studies of social exclusion? What insights
emerge from looking at the experience of older technologies, including those from
domestication studies? Lastly, what can we learn from studies of non-users and
In terms of addressing a policy concern, this chapter sets the scene for
understanding uneven adoption and use as one of the major issues relating to ICTs.
Subsequent chapters enable us to appreciate further the factors that shape this
unevenness. At the same time, the analysis provides a worked example. It aims to
introduce some of the realities behind terms such as adoption and use, as well as show
the complexities involved in measuring and evaluating the role and consequences of
Measures of unevenness
Many researchers of both the Internet in particular and other ICTs in general would
complexity that exists. For example, commenting on the results of a five-country
European survey that looked at the ICTs possessed by European households (hereafter
referred to as the Telsoc study3), one French analyst rejected such a simple
Rather than talk about “haves” and “have-nots”, as most official reports do, it
would probably be better to talk about the distinction between individuals and
households who are “with it” and will have all the equipment and services,
those who will only have part of them, and those again who will only have basic
services (television and telephone). We must add those who have nothing at all
to these three groups - even if they are few and far between (Claisse, 1997a,
...the processes of social differentiation are much more complex and cannot
1997b, p.34).
Next, we need to differentiate between access and possession since one can have
access to (and use) a technology or service without actually owning it. For example,
there is the practice of borrowing mobile phones. To provide some idea of the size of
average of 9%4 claimed to have access to a mobile phone even though they personally
did not own one, and this rose to 19% in the Czech Republic where the mobile market
Other qualitative studies have shown how social networks can also provide
access to the Internet, for instance, by allowing friends to try out the Internet in their
home (Haddon, 1999a). Internet cafes and libraries as well as institutions such as
work and education provide further examples of how one can have access without
ownership. The European P-903 survey found that more than 7% of the European
sample claimed to have access to the Internet outside the home even though they did
not have a home subscription. This rose to 31% in the case of the Czech Republic,
where once again the Internet was less widespread. Clearly, these alternative sources
of access can be important, more so in some countries than others, and lead to a
Then there is the question of access within the home. People ‘borrow’ access5 to
other household member’s ICTs such as the mobile phone. Or else that can use what
addition there is access by proxy. For instance, while not going on-line themselves,
sometimes people get other household members to send and receive e-mails for them
or look something up on the Net (Horrigan et al, 2003). Because of this some surveys
have tried to ascertain whether a particular device is owned by someone within the
However, one qualification here is that just because something is present in the
home this does not mean that accessibility is straightforward. Qualitative studies have
shown that access may involve a certain amount of negotiation. Sometimes there are
constraints on - including rules about – use. We will see this explored in more detail
in chapter three when looking at parent-child relations and also in chapter four on
managing relationships. The point to make at this stage, though, is that when looking
at any figures about the presence of ICTs in households, we have to bear in mind that
social interaction in the home shapes how that ‘access’ is experienced in practice6.
Questions of access lead us on to the more general point that existing measures
of adoption do not automatically imply usage. People may acquire but not use a
technology. Conversely, some people may not be counted as ‘adopters’, even though
they use particular ICTs. This is because they do not ‘possess’ them, but instead they
have access to the technologies or services through other means. The European P-903
1. Those who have access to the technologies and services and are current users
(adopting users).
but who nevertheless have access to them and use them (non-adopting users)7.
3. Those who ‘own’ the technologies or subscribe to services but do not use them
(adopting non-users).
4. Those who neither have access to the technologies nor do they use them (non-
adopting non-users).
5. Those who used to have access to the technologies and services and used to
Several points can be made here. The above typology refers only to adoption
whereas in the light of the previous discussion we might also want to consider a
Second, the last category above shows that we may want to look beyond the
snapshot of contemporary adoption and use to take into account previous adoption
and use. Former users who have given up ICTs are different in social profile from
those who have not adopted them yet and they may provide some clues about the
problems that are encountered in using these products (Katz and Rice, 2002a). This
group will be examined in more detail later in the chapter. But, to give some
preliminary idea of the size of this group, the European P-903 survey at the end of
2000 found that 2% of the sample were former users of the mobile phone and 5%
someone is a user? For example, some people carry mobile phones ‘for emergencies’
and then do not make or receive calls. In one sense they can be considered to be
‘using’ the device – carrying it around provides peace of mind. But in terms of
telephonic traffic, they are non-users. Or, if they have used the mobile for the
users. In principle the problem of how to handle rare use when trying to map the
experience of ICTs can apply to other technologies as well. British researchers cited a
UK survey showing that just over a quarter of ‘users’ had not used the Internet at all
in the week preceding the survey. A further fifth had accessed it only once or twice
(Wyatt et al, 2000). While not quite the same as the case of rare use, this it does mean
that we need to be careful not to read into adoption figures any over-optimistic
assumptions about the frequency of use, and about the importance of ICTs in people’s
lives. As we will see, this is also relevant to the discussion at the end of this chapter,
Fourth, we need to take into account the technical nature of access (Thomas and
Wyatt, 2000, reported in Rommes, 2002). For example, a Canadian qualitative study
reported how the age, power and speed of the equipment installed in people’s homes
varied, reflecting their diverse motivations for going on-line and differences in how
much money they were willing to spend (Bakardjieva, 2001). Meanwhile, a Dutch
study made a related point, noting variations in modem and connection speeds
(Rommes, 2002). These can all lead to users having different experiences of the Net,
Lastly, in many surveys usage is measured, in one way or another, by the time
people spend using ICTs – as we shall see in the more detailed discussion of the
Internet below. However, if we really want to know more about the uneven
experience of ICTs we need to move beyond time (Jung et al, 200110). For example, a
variety of people could spend the same amount of time using an ICT but achieve
different things. And ‘heavier’ use does not necessarily ensure more sophisticated use.
In charting unevenness, some researchers are now asking how ICTs are actually used
(Chen et al, 2002). They have asked about degree to which people are able to ‘use
ICTs for personally or socially meaningful ends’ (Warschauer, 2003, cited in Chen et
al, 2002, 78). And they have raised questions about people’s ability to use the Internet
effectively (Jung et al, 2001, cited in Chen et al, 2002, 79). This entails considering
have asked how we should evaluate the quality of the Internet experience
(Livingstone and Bober, 2003). And they have suggested that we should consider the
extent to which it is integrated into people’s lives (Katz and Rice, 2002b). Finally, we
would want to look into the consequences this might have for people’s lives, even if
there are a variety of criteria for evaluating those consequences. Compared to some of
the earliest debates on digital divides there is clearly scope for a richer evaluation of
Although various North American studies of the Internet have shown that differences
found that in the last few years certain gaps are closing. Examples would be the
narrowing of gender and age divides (Katz et al, 2001; Katz and Rice, 2002b; Chen et
al, 2002; Singh, 2001 on the Australian situation). The European P-903 study showed
a similar closing of the gap both in relation to mobile phones and the Internet as the
later groups of adopters included more older people and more women than the earlier
adoption process across many ICTs whereby the early adopters of innovations will
often have one social profile but their domination of the market may be only
Admittedly, there have been some criticisms of the extent to which we can simply
assume a ‘trickle down effect’, whereby innovations eventually reach wider audiences
(Wyatt et al, 2002). For example, some groups continue to have many non-adopters
even after the passage of time (e.g. the current generation of older elderly).
Illustrating the point a little further, where past precedents mean it is possible
to imagine some reduction in unevenness over time, this can have a bearing on how
unevenness is perceived as a problem, at least in public discourses. For instance, in
the 1980s there was a widespread concern, reflected in media but also in some
academic commentaries, over the gender gap in the early British home computer
market. There were worries over girls being ‘left behind’. Nowadays, when there is
much less of a gender gap in access, this is not raised as the issue it once was. This is
not meant to imply that there are now no questions to ask about gender experiences of
computing. The point is, this forces us to reflect on how we interpret evidence of
One final consideration is that amongst all the processes influencing any
digital divide (and there will be multiple influences) the very object of adoption, in
this case the Internet, is itself changing and evolving over time. Hence, if we do find
that the socio-demographic composition of earlier and later diffusion groups differ,
the later waves may not have delayed adoption because of some ‘techno-
conservatism’. They may simply be adopting later because the Internet has actually
become more interesting, worthwhile and/or easier to use or access compared to what
it was when the early waves adopted it. The earlier waves may well have consisted of
We will now look list some of the measures used in evidence specifically concerning
the digital divide as it relates to the Internet. This will enable us to appreciate even
According to one US study, on any particular day, of all those who have
access to the Internet, men, whites, higher income, higher educated and more
experienced users are more likely to be on-line (Howard et al, 2001). This
immediately underlines the fact that there are multiple measures of usage: ‘use at all’
(in answer to the question ‘do you ever use…?’), ‘regularly use’ and in the above
Haythornthwaite, 2001b; Wellman and Haythornthwaite, 2002) point out that older
users, although fewer in number than younger users, use the Internet for longer when
they go on-line. In other words, we see yet another measure of usage: duration.
Within that same review a further measure of usage that was discussed was the spread
or breadth of usage – those who engage in more or less different kinds of on-line
activities. If we no longer have a single measure of use but multiple measures, the
framework. That is, unless all the measures indicate a trend in the same direction.
in the market (Katz et al, 2001; Katz and Rice, 2002a, 2002b). First, they drew
awareness of the Internet (by age, gender and income). Second, they looked at the
social composition of dropouts. Younger, less affluent and less well-educated people
are more liable to become former users. This has important implications. To take
income, in later diffusion waves more lower income groups were adopting the
Internet, but at the same time more of those lower income groups were also dropping
out. The overall result was that this particular gap was not narrowing.
Finally, as mentioned earlier, we need to consider what the Internet is used for.
Consider the case of gender. Several studies have found differences in what males and
females use the Internet for (Haythornthwaite, 2001b; Wellman and Haythornthwaite,
2002). If the Internet is itself composed of multiple elements (e.g. web-sites for
roles in the life of males and females, or at least if there is a different emphasis, then
in effect the Internet is a slightly different object for each sex. Moreover, if these
patterns of use are different, how much weight should be placed upon figures
some commentaries on the digital divide refer more generally to the argument that
lack of access to the Internet might limit ‘participation in society’. Others are more
explicit and detailed, listing the ways in which non-users can be disadvantaged:
financial support) become available via the Internet (Katz et al, 2001, pp.
To start thinking about consequences of such unevenness, one first step is to review
the lessons that can be learnt from some of the more general discussions of social
exclusion. Second, we can consider the lessons from more detailed empirical studies
of older technologies.
relate to discussion of ‘relative deprivation’, first promoted back in the 1960s14. One
reason for referring to ‘relative’ poverty in those older debates is that poverty is a
moving target over time. To be without certain possibilities at one point in time would
not be considered such a major disadvantage in life. But once it becomes the norm to
have those options, being without them can be perceived as being deprived. In
principle, the same is true for social exclusion. And in principle, the same is true when
about the Internet. The argument is that there may be certain, limited, disadvantages
now to not being on-line. But as more and more aspects of social life become
manageable through the Net, as more communication takes place by e-mail, as more
and more people routinely use the Internet in everyday life, there is the increasing
The other reason for referring to ‘relative’ when we discuss concepts like
some respects while not being disadvantaged in others. This moves us away from
conceptualising deprivation (or poverty) in terms of a single underclass and fits better
with approaches within, for example, the literatures on gender, ethnicity, ageing and
those on the wrong side of the digital divide, are not disadvantaged in every aspect of
their life simply because of their lack of access to particular ICTs. Even a
multifaceted one like the Internet. They may be disadvantaged in certain respects, but
not in others15.
resources, and especially economic resources, remains important. But they are not the
only consideration. For example, two other important factors would be knowing what
can be achieved on-line (a form of awareness) and having the skills and knowledge to
achieve these goals (competence). These are not captured in measures of unevenness
Finally, one key concept in those original analyses of poverty in the 1960s was
being able to ‘participate’ in society, joining in but also identifying with the social
world. In fact, the very words ‘social inclusion’ have the merit that they capture this
sense of avoiding social isolation. The implication is that we need to consider not just
what we possess but also what we can do, the extent to which we can fulfil various
social roles - which itself refers back to earlier discussions of social rights and of
citizenship. Approaching the role ICTs play in relation to social inclusion in this way
would enable us to explore in more detail how the specialness of many ICTs, and by
extension future ICTs, lies in facilitating connection with the wider society (Haddon,
2000b). This is especially so in the case of both the interpersonal and mass media of
We now move from general arguments to the more detailed and systematic study of
the place of one particular technology in our lives: telephony. The first example
comes from a German study of the unemployed (Häußermann and Petrowsy, 198916)
and the second from a British article reflecting on studies of single parents and the
young elderly (Haddon. 2000b17). All of these are reported in more detail in chapter
eight on changing life circumstances, but for the purposes of this chapter, those
There are some points that can be made very generally about the significance
of access to telephony. They apply not only to the particular groups studied, but also
1. Those studies all showed how telephony has increasingly come to play a very
be contactable quickly, to find out what was going on and to co-ordinate their
2. The research also indicated how the telephone provided a significant channel
In general the phone has become even more important to the extent that people
increasingly operate over wider geographical areas and make contacts beyond
the very local area. This in part derives from the degree to which greater
There are some observations about the significance of telephony that may not apply to
most people but which do apply to a number of people sharing related circumstances.
For example:
3. The phone could take on an extra importance as a social lifeline for single
parents looking after children in the evening and for those young elderly who
were less mobile. Both these groups sometimes felt that they were trapped in
support for people coping with unemployment and for those single parents
Finally, there were instances where the phone had a particularly important role
6. The telephone could be vital for helping single parents to manage any
contingencies that arose (e.g. the child falling ill) when they were the only
The first lesson from these examples is that in order to appreciate more fully
technology, we really need to look beyond the broader arguments about outlined in
the previous section. We have to examine the detail of people’s lives and how ICTs
have come to fit into them. Moreover, it is important to take into account not just the
people’s experience mean that ICTs can take on an added salience in life precisely
because of those circumstances. Greater moments of dependency can result (with the
single parents often commenting that the phone had proved to be a ‘lifeline’) as can a
greater sense of loss or disadvantage if one has to do without a technology (as some
young elderly found when the phone was accidentally cut off for a while).
We can extend these arguments beyond general telephony. Some of the points
raised about telephony’s importance for job opportunities and social networking could
start to be applied to the mobile phone and the Internet. For example, the immediate
work. More generally as the mobile becomes ubiquitous in social life, new forms of
starting to complement voice telephony in some social circles both for social
messaging and for making arrangements. In some cases perishable information about
what options are possible and what events are happening lends itself to distribution by
e-mail because of its one-to-many facility. Once again, we might ask for what
purposes and at what stage in its wider diffusion might a lack of access to on-line
messaging start to constitute a disadvantage? Can a lack of access mean that (new
forms of) information passed around within social networks are missed. Or would the
drawbacks of this lack of access. People show some ambiguity even towards
technologies that they value. The best example is actually in relation to television in
the single parent and young elderly studies (developed in Haddon, 2000b).
Interviewees from both groups usually valued particular television programmes. More
generally, TV was cheap entertainment when income was constrained or when people
were tied to the home. It passed the time. It provided company. Most did not want to
be without TV. On the other hand, many were critical of TV. They did not want it to
dominate their lives. At many times, like the rest of the population, there were other
things they preferred to do rather than watch TV. While there were slightly less
criticisms of the phone, the costs of telephony could also create some concern or be an
issue. Generally then, and in relation to all ICTs, if we want to understand both their
adoption and their consequences for life we need to appreciate these negative aspects.
In the course of collecting data about adoption and usage, surveys routinely collect
adopters. It was American researchers who first observed that non-adoption had only
more rarely been studied in its own right (Katz and Aspden, 1998). Nor had former
users or dropouts received much attention. Yet, given that advocates of the Internet
emphasize the need to get on the bandwagon or else be left behind, any notable
dropout rate here immediately raises suspicions about this claim (Wyatt et al, 2002).
Certainly TV-related products and services could evoke this response. For example,
some people disliked the aesthetics of satellite dishes. Or else there were wary that
putting a dish on the wall might imply to the outside world that they watched
television all day. Large screens were sometimes avoided because that threatened to
allow TV to ‘dominate’ the room. And some resisted the entry of cable into the home
because it threatened to provide ‘yet more TV’ when there was already ‘too much’
For others, certain ICTs could be an irrelevance, never thought about because
there were far more other important things in life that were taking up their attention.
An example would be single parents coping with the pressures of marriage break-up,
finding new housing, finding new work etc. (Haddon and Silverstone, 1995a).
However, those qualitative studies found that the most common reason given
for non-adoption was actually that people said they simply had ‘no need’ for the
device or the service. In line with a point made specifically concerning the Internet
(Wyatt et al, 2002), some people do not want ICTs because they already have
quantitative research also found ‘no need’ to be the most common explanation given
for non-adoption, even before the cost of a product or service. Moreover, this
researcher marshalled evidence to suggest that when people were saying they had no
need for some technology this was not, for example, a smokescreen for the fact that
they simply did not want to answer the question (Punie, 1997). ‘No need’ had become
a common justification across many groups in society, although after some discussion
of what it meant Punie argued that the response required further attention.
European multi-country survey in 2000 showed little of the outright resistance to the
Internet that was sometimes found in relation to the mobile phone (a negative reaction
that had been discovered in the earlier 1996 five-country Telsoc quantitative study).
Non-users of the Internet were more likely to exhibit indifference towards it rather
than hostility19.
If we now turn from non-users to former users, the first article dealing
specifically with Internet dropouts was based on US surveys in 1995 and 1996 (Katz
and Aspden, 1998). The US researchers involved had been surprised to find that at
that moment in time former users of Internet were as numerous as users (both 8% of
their sample). The researchers acknowledged that they had previously neglected this
group because of their interest, shared with other researchers, in the rise of new ICTs
rather than in their rejection. Yet, they argued that this rejection could reveal
disincentives and barriers to use, as well as providing clues useful for designing and
The researchers then proceeded to compare the profiles of users and former
users. Some interesting results were that former users had only been users for a brief
time (i.e. they had tried the Internet out), that teens were more likely to be dropouts
and that there was very little difference in profile of teenage users and teenage
dropouts. The major reason for giving up the Internet was loss of institutional access,
as was the case in a comparison of surveys in later years. Other key factors were lack
of interest, the complexity of the computer, high costs and lack of time (Katz and
Rice, 2002b). The impression arises that, despite claims about the existence of a
young Internet generation, these teens, at this point in time in the US, had a very
casual relation with the Internet, not a committed one21. Further evidence of this
casual relationship, true of older groups too but especially of teenagers, was that
dropouts were more likely to have learnt to use the Internet informally, through
friends and family. The authors pointed out that at this stage in life this teenage group
After reviewing some of the dropout data from the US and UK, some British
researchers conducted their own study of Northern Ireland university students who
were about to graduate (Kingsley and Anderson, 1998). Hence this study focused
evaluate the Internet and whether they would want to continue to have access after
graduation through taking out a private subscription. The students were overwhelming
less enthusiastic than some in the Internet industry would have desired. Once again
they showed a high degree of indifference towards the on-line world. In fact, they did
not foresee technical barriers to use, they were not critical of Web content and they
did not convey particularly negative images when talking to other people about the
Internet. But losing access was not felt to be a sufficient deprivation in their lives to
make them actually want to pay to regain it22. The authors of this study observed that
the years of using the Internet while at university should perhaps be better thought of
dropouts were increasing: in 2003 they constituted 17% of all non-users. As in the
earliest study, about as many people were dropping out as were adopting (Horrigan et
al, 2003). In keeping with the previous research described above, just over half said
the main reason was a lack of need or desire, although admittedly a range of other
factors were also mentioned23. The survey also observed that a substantial number of
users24 were actually intermittent users who had gone off-line for extended periods.
Again, a variety of reasons were given for this including losing of access or
technological problems. But others cited social reasons in their lives (e.g. periods
when they did not have enough time to go no-line). Or else they concluded that the
Internet was simply not so useful to them at a certain time in their life. Such responses
question the degree to which the Internet is integrated into user’s lives. It also
introduces the idea that the careers of ICTs generally can change over time, a line of
In sum, while there does not seem to be much active resistance to the Internet,
some of the above evidence suggests that neither is it so attractive as those promoting
the on-line world would have us believe. Even those on the positive side of the digital
divide, i.e. users, appear to show at any one point in time differing degrees of
commitment to the on-line world. In this sense, there might be some justification in
critics challenging policy assumptions and the drive to provide access, referred to as
the ‘connection imperative’ (Wyatt et al, 2002). These critics speculated that the
ceiling on Internet growth might turn out to be lower than some forecasters had
Dealing first with the policy issues, binary oppositions such as haves and have-nots
and digital divides clearly do not do justice to the complexity of how the experience
of ICTs is uneven. This has been shown in empirical studies charting the ICTs that
people possess, but also in a typology bringing together multiple measures of uneven
As a worked example, the chapter has made a start in showing how measures
of adoption, access and use can all be problematic. This will become even clearer in
later chapters of the book when we look in more detail at the social processes relating
to ICTs. One challenge for researchers entering this field is to ask themselves how
many and what type of measures should be utilized in order to capture a richer picture
of reality. Here, we have looked at the picture of the uneven experience of ICTs, but
other side of the coin is that we have also seen how the existing methodological
approaches already provide scope for debate as various analysts prioritise different
measures. This reveals both the practical and theoretical decisions facing academic,
purposes should they retain multiple measures in order to develop a more nuanced
prioritize some above others? They may want to do this in order to make new research
may be a way to arrive at some overall judgement about the state of play.
ICTs can be as difficult a challenge as measuring it in the first place. For example, by
paying attention to the history of concerns about technology we saw that the degree to
which uneven use is temporary can have a bearing on any such evaluations. Through
reflecting upon the development of key concepts like social inclusion, it was clear that
any disadvantage from not having access to or using ICTs can be relative and partial.
Nor should we overlook empirical research revealing what ICTs mean to people. In
relation to the digital divide debate, these studies showed how and why even those
who use ICTs might also exhibit negative feelings about them, and how and why non-
This all questions any assumptions that ICTs are always an unambiguously
‘good thing’, assumptions that technology simply means progress. As regards debates
around the digital divide, it means we have to be cautious when assessing the view
that some disadvantaged people in society are simply missing out. In general,
researchers entering into the study of ICTs in everyday life need both to take a critical
stance towards the subject matter and to chart the more detailed roles that
technologies can play in our lives, sometimes considering the specific circumstances
of different groups in society over and above more general arguments about the
consequences of ICTs.
2. The global digital divide and factors shaping the uneven take-up between countries
has been considered in, for example, Thomas and Mante-Meijer, 2001 and Chen et al,
3. The Telsoc survey was a survey conducted in 1996 for Telecom Italia and covered
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. The results were published in Italian in
Fortunati (1998).
4. Twice as many females claimed this. This study was conducted for EURESCOM,
the research body jointly funded by European telecoms companies. The qualitative
Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. The quantitative study in 2000
covered Denmark, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
5. This practice also exists outside the home – as shown in Swedish research on the
way in which young people borrow each other’s mobile phones (Weilenmann and
Larsson, 2001)
6. In this respect, one of the potentially pertinent developments is the trend towards
multiple versions of ICTs within the home. For example, it is increasingly common to
have multiple TVs and VCRs, multiple phone handsets and multiple PCs, partly as
individual household members acquire their own devices, partly as older devices are
retained when upgrades enter the home. Arguably this arrangement sometimes
negotiate with other household members over the use of a single TV, phone,
computer, etc.
7. For example, the P-903 survey showed that by the end of 2000, 8% of those
surveyed were non-adopting users in the sense that they only had access to the
Internet outside the home. If we compare this to the mobile phone, 9% had ‘shared
access’ – i.e. someone else in the household possessed a mobile that they could use.
8. Wyatt et al (2002) make a further distinction within this category: the ‘rejectors’
who stop using the Internet voluntarily (e.g. because it was boring, because there were
alternatives), and the ‘expelled’ who stop using it involuntarily (e.g. because of loss of
institutional access).
9. Rommes (2002) argued that this could also lead to systematic gender differences,
citing Dutch evidence showing that women had older computers and slower
account a variety of factors and showed how more inequalities existed according to
this measure than were shown by time measures (discussed in Katz and Rice, 2002b).
11. Reviewed in Haythornthwaite, 2001b. See also Wyatt et al, 2002, Wellman and
Haythornwaite, 2002.
12. Wyatt et al (2002) made another observation about the changing nature of the
Internet itself. Later adopters may have joined the on-line world at a time when
promotion of the Internet raised their expectations. This might have led them to be
more disillusioned once the on-line world failed to live up to what they had imagined.
13. Wyatt et al (2002) call for a more refined way of distinguishing between different
14. More details on the issues involved in processes of social exclusion and new
telematics in general can be found in Haddon (1998b and 2000b) and also in Mansell
and Steinmuller (2000), which draws heavily upon the these studies.
15. For example, some may be relatively wealthier, lead comfortable lives, and feel
16. This article was based on a review of the existing German literature on the
17. The study of single parents was conducted in 1994-5 and involved twenty parents
filling out week-long dairies and then taking part in in-depth interviews. This was
reported in Haddon and Silverstone, 1995a. The study of the young elderly (here
households, with dairies and in-depth interviews. It was conducted in 1995-6 and
18. Wyatt et al (2002) take such a view, listing the problems and deficiencies of the
Internet that could severely diminish the attractiveness of the Internet experience.
19. Some initiatives designed to encourage more take up of the Internet can be
informative in this respect, even if they are only small scale studies. Women taking
part in a Dutch Internet training course had done so because they wanted to find out
more about the on-line world - they feared being left behind. After the course, they
decided that the Internet did not fit into their lives, but they were nevertheless happy
that they had followed the course so that they could evaluate the Net – and become
21. One qualification to add is that this evaluation was based an analysis of the
Internet at a particular point in time. Teenage relationships to the on-line world may
(Comment by Richard Ling). That said, a British qualitative study of children’s views
of the Internet noted that, despite enthusiasm for it, many preferred to do other
activities and use other media, ‘seeing the Internet as something to use on “rainy
22. The authors observed that at the time, loss of e-mail access was not so significant
since e-mail was mostly used to contact other students, who were also about to lose e-
mail access.
23. These included, among other things, concerns about safety and unsavoury content,
24. 44% were intermittent users in their March-May 2002 survey. The figure was
Chapter three: Children, youth and ICTs
The digital divide is not the only area where there is a considerable public interest in
the consequences of ICTs. As ICTs from the TV, through videos, games and
computers to the Net have appeared so there has been a history of concerns about the
effects on children. Yet at the same time some technologies have been perceived as
holding out the promise of better options for future generations. Or at least they may
change in the experience of children and youth, for example by affecting their degree
of independence
To set the scene, this chapter first draws attention to the literature describing
how the very experience of childhood and youth changes over time, regardless of the
influence of ICTs. The expectations of what young people of different ages can and
should do, their circumstances, the legal frameworks within which they operate, etc.
have changed historically. In these senses childhood and adolescence are social
reminds us that we can ask similar questions about any groups we study, not just
parents and children, specifying how the experiences of that group are historically
people affects the experience of ICTs, the focus then moves to parent-child
relationships1, and how these may be changing. In particular, there are discussions,
perhaps true of some countries in the developed world more than others, of children’s
media rich bedroom culture and children’s activities in supervised spaces. How has
this had a bearing upon parents’ ability to monitor children’s use of ICTs? How
interested are parents in controlling that use, what strategies do they employ to do so
and how do children resist those strategies? Through looking at parents interacting
with children we are drawn into the core theme of the next chapter on how
relationships around ICTs are managed, when there are different perspectives among
young people’s communications. To what extent are young people heavy telecoms
users? And how much variation exists in their telecoms behaviour, including gender
The central interest of much research on youth and ICTs relates to their peer
orientation. Hence the chapter asks how peer relations influence the use of
technologies like the Internet and mobile phone. How, for example, have teenage peer
relationships shaped the use of text messaging and related practices? When do we
need to may attention to peer obligations or expectations about appropriate use? And
how do fashions amongst peers have a bearing up perceptions and choices of ICTs?
Such discussions more broadly pave the way for thinking about the influence of social
question concerns how we choose between them (Haddon, 2003a). Of course, this
will vary according to social groups’ circumstances. But we can at least start to
Childhood, youth and parenthood as historical social constructions
The last decade has seen as growing literature on the social construction of childhood.
The key point is that the experience of children and youth as well as expectations of
their roles, their independence, their knowledge etc., are relative and change over time
(e.g. see James and Prout, 1997). Sometimes change is gradual, taking place over
hundreds of years, such as movement away from regarding children as simply small
versions of adults (Ariès, 1973). The emergence at the end of the nineteenth century
generations have similar experiences. But there are also the more short- to medium-
term changes. For example, in Britain the 1980s saw a lengthening of the period
during which young people are financially dependent upon the family. This was
because of the longer time spent in both education and training due to the pressures to
details of how childhood and youth are changing are themselves debated. For
instance, one view is that there has been a move from children having autonomy and
making more restrictions in their daily activities (Vestby, 1994). Another view is that
we see more autonomy experienced by children, more domestic democracy and the
characterizations cover some similar points, but they are not identical.
Changes such as those shown in the examples above provide a wider context in
understanding of how children will make sense of media images or content, as well as
their views about what children have to be protected from or can be exposed to. We
Norwegian debates about the minimum age that children should be to have access to a
mobile phone (Ling and Helmersen, 2000). After the mobile had spread widely
amongst the teenage population, the new phenomenon in the late 1990s was mobile
parents about the age at which it was appropriate to have a mobile. In fact, even some
phones when they were ‘too young’, given that these youth had only acquired a
mobile themselves when they were first in their teens. A number of participants
thought that the start of secondary school was a better time for children to have their
first mobile. The researchers added that during this period in the late 1990s the mobile
social (though perhaps temporary) fixing of the correct age for the consumption of
this technology.
Yet children are not simply passive in this whole process. Part of the changing
experience of childhood is that children are always growing up with new ICTs. In one
British study we are reminded children can themselves play an active role in the
play, their micro-practices of daily life…(and their) pioneering of new media
There has been less study of the social construction of parenthood, although it has
1994). In parallel with the above discussion of the social construction of childhood, to
talk of parenthood as a social construct means that the experience of parents can all
change somewhat over time. This includes their expectations of what counts as being
a ‘good parent’, the expectations they feel they should have of their children and how
they should approach the parental role. For example, one claim is that there is now an
should protect their children from the flow of impressions and experiences (Vestby,
1994). It has been argued that this has altered the very process of growing up.
On the other hand, in parallel with one of the arguments made about the social
construction of childhood, other writers emphasize that the family has become less
studies of ICTs (Jouet, 2000). More democracy and effort to involve children in
decisions may partly explain the greater leniency shown in efforts to control
However, these processes constructing what good parents should be like are not
monolithic in their consequences. We can see this in examples of media use, where
parental control varies by country. One cross-national study showed that parents in
Sweden and Italy were less strict and rigorous than both those in Belgian Flanders and
those in France. Parents in the first two countries had more lenient parenting styles,
granting more freedom to children and this included their approaches to regulating
children’s media use (Pasquier et al, 1998). There is also variation within countries.
For example, British studies have shown that working class parents regulate their
children’s TV watching less (e.g. Buckingham, 1991) and a more recent European
study of children has shown the similar influence of socio-economic status across
As in the case of childhood, we can also see people being active in the very
process of constructing parenthood. For instance, one Israeli study of people’s views
about the mobile phones pointed out how, through their complaints about children’s
use of the mobile, they were actually constructing what appropriate adult behaviour
should be like. They were at the same time indicating how ‘good parents’ should
control their children’s use of their mobiles (Lemish and Cohen, 2003).
The ways in which new pressures on parents affect they way they deal with
ICTs has been addressed in a number of writings. Some claim that there are now
higher expectations than in the past that parents should spend ‘quality time’ with
children, which can translate into spending time watching TV with them. Since the
early 1980s many parents have felt the expectation that they should acquire
microcomputers so that their children should not be ‘left behind’ (Haddon and
Skinner, 1991; Skinner, 1994). In the 90s, parents experienced a similar sense of guilt
that led them to provide their children with Internet access (Haddon, 1999a). At the
same time there have been discussions of how much parents should be expected to
provide guidelines for their children’s use of the Internet, both in the sense of making
their children aware of safety issues and supporting their children’s on-line literacy.
And to the extent that parents sometimes find this task to be difficult, the further
question arises as to what means could be found to support parents in managing their
There appears to have been a number of interrelated shifts in the experience of many
children, in the West at least, that are relevant for understanding children’s
absence from unsupervised public spaces (Büchner, 1990; Livingstone, 2002). It has
been argued, perhaps truer in some Western countries than in others3, that many social
activities that in the past took place in public are increasingly taking place in the
home. The home is itself becoming more public, more open to outsiders (Wellman,
1999). Children also experience this, having their friends around to interact with in
This socialising in the home has been identified in a European study of children
phenomenon, partly depending on wealth, this research showed the high proportion of
European children, especially teenagers, who had their own room (e.g. 82% of 15-16
year-olds). Indeed, the majority of 15-16 year-olds claimed to spend at least half their
A number of factors shape this experience besides general affluence, some more
country-specific than others. For example, in Britain the influence of the lack of
leisure alternatives for children and youth outside the home has been commented
upon (Bovill and Livingstone, 2001). In addition, the last decade or two has also seen
the process, again perhaps true in some countries or areas than in others, whereby
there has been a growing concern for children’s safety in public spaces. The UK study
of children and ICTs described how parents felt under pressure to keep their children
indoors (Livingstone and Bovill, 1999; Livingstone 2002). Reflecting these concerns,
we now have a situation where the vast majority of children in Britain are now driven
to school.
However, children’s mobility is complex. They spend time not just in their own
homes but also in those of their friends. Although this is less well documented, one
German study observed that certainly middle-class children spent a fair amount of
time in organized post-school activities (Büchner, 1990). In this context, the European
P-903 study commented upon the practice across countries of parents ferrying their
children around to their friends’ homes and to various events and activities (Klamer et
al, 2000).
children’s relations to ICTs. If we return to the bedroom culture, the researchers in the
increasingly ‘media-rich’. Children have gained more and more access to various
personalized ICTs. In the 1960s (to take the dates relating to Britain) children,
especially teenagers, increasingly acquired their own record-players and radios, which
in later years evolved into music systems. Since then many children have been
This multiplication of ICTs within the home and their individual possession is at
one level a solution to the domestic competition for communal resources. Different
access computers or even to make phone calls at the same time. But in more recent
years the practice of granting children access to a range of personal ICTs also reflects
the need to provide alternatives if children are to be kept off the streets (Livingstone
and Bovill, 1999). That said, parents do not always approve of these personalized
ICTs, especially of television. But some nevertheless recognize the positive benefits.
For example, personal ICTs allow and maybe encourage children to be more
autonomous. And, indeed, if children have their own personal ICTs this can mean the
parents have more privacy as well as choice - for example, when watching TV (Bovill
Turning now to communications, British studies showed that by the 1990s some
children had started to acquire their own fixed-phone handsets. Although the
European study of children found that such personal phones were still rare, at the
extreme end almost half the children in Sweden had them and in Israel and Italy 40%
of the children surveyed had their own phone handsets (D’Haenens, 2001). We have
seen more examples of children accessing the Internet from their own rooms,
although that same study showed that Internet access in children’s bedroom is still by
no means the norm, being only true for under 10% of households (D’Haenens, 2001).
Mobile phone sales have benefited from concerns about the times when children
are out of the home, if only by offering parents some peace of mind. Sometimes this
has been the reason why parents initially provided their children with the technology,
although Norwegian studies have also pointed out that some parents have
occasionally resisted acquiring mobiles for their children for what they see as the
The issue of the surveillance of children by parents is most clearly seen in the history
of what type of and how much domestic television children were allowed to watch.
Therefore, although similar issues have re-occurred with the arrival of videos, video
games, home computing and more recently the Internet, we can probably get some
idea of what is generally important to parents through looking at their reaction to TV.
British studies in the 1990s found that many parents were not so worried by
children’s viewing in order to achieve some kind of ‘balance’ in the children’s lives.
They did not want their children to neglect some activities, including socializing with
peers, at the expense of others. Using the metaphor relating to food, parents want
children to have a ‘balanced diet’ (Livingstone, 2002), which was one reason for
parents regulating the overall time that their children spend watching TV, using the
PC or being on-line (Haddon, 1999a). The European study of children and screen
media reached a similar conclusion. Although content was a public issue, and hence
in a sense part of the social construction of what parents should be attentive to, it was
children. There was more regulation of time spent watching TV where it was felt to
distract children and youth from other activities like sleep and homework (Pasquier,
2001). In the US, equivalent parental concerns have been voiced about the amount of
time teenagers spent on the PC in general (Frohlich et al, 2001) and on the Internet in
Apart from this time issue, parents’ concerns about children and the Internet
2001; Buckingham, 2002; Lenhart et al, 2001 for the US). ‘Content’ clearly relates to
some of the same long-standing concerns about what children might encounter on
type of Internet content that has been highlighted is material found on race-hate sites.
Clearly some parents are worried about these various types of content. But there seem
to have been relatively few studies measuring in more detail the level of parental
concern and who exactly is concerned about what (an exception being one Israeli
(Lenhart et al, 2001) but also the fear that marketers are targeting children on-line in
order to get information about the family (Turow and Nir, 2000). A British study of
children and screen media commenting upon the fact that parents were concerned
about commercialism noted that worries about adverts creating the desire in children
to buy things were actually greater than concerns about television violence upsetting
sometimes wanted to know who their children were speaking to on the phone. Being
conscious of phone bills, some parents preferred such phoning to take place in
locations where the phone’s use could be monitored. As a result, in certain households
there were attempts to deny children the use of the phone handsets or cordless phones
One Norwegian study made a similar point. Some parents did not allow their
children to have a mobile phone because they wanted to oversee the children’s
activities (Ling, 1998). More generally, concern about paedophiles has created some
parental anxiety about their children making contact with strangers on-line5.
Yet, by no means all parents are so restrictive as those in some of the examples
given above. We will see below that allowing children private access to
telecommunications has sometimes been seen as a way of allowing them to take a step
towards independence. And there were additional benefits from allowing children
their own handsets, phone lines or mobiles – such as relieving parents of the job of
For many children surveillance by parents has increased. This is because in their
leisure time children are often either in the home or at other supervised locations. But
in other ways, direct surveillance by parents of children’s ICT use in general has
monitoring media use (Bovill and Livingstone, 2001). So too has the arrival of new
technologies. One French study observed that in contrast to the TV, but as in the case
of the original home computer, many parents are acquiring access to the Internet at
home for their children without themselves having a developed knowledge of what is
possible via the Net (Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001). Moreover, even when parents had
some experience of the Internet, their children often used it in different ways from the
parents. For example, children more frequently used facilities like Instant Messaging
and Chat, with which the parents were less familiar. The researchers went on to point
out that (besides creating problems for monitoring children) this meant that many
parents were not in a strong position to influence their children’s use of the Net, apart
from broadly negotiating the maximum amount of time children should spend on-line.
A related point is made in the European study of children and screen media. With new
technologies parents cannot rely on their own childhood experiences when making
The arrival of the mobile phone has also somewhat complicated parental
surveillance. On the one hand, it offers more monitoring potential of a certain kind.
Parents can phone to check up on their children when the latter are out of the home. In
this sense, the mobile has been referred to as a ‘digital leash’ (Ling, 1997) although
arguments about safety as being legitimate (Green, 2001). Yet, at other times they
resisted such monitoring (e.g. by diverting the calls sent to them by the parents
directly to the mobile phone’s voice mail6 - Ling and Yttri, 2002).
The mobile phone has in other senses further increased children’s capability to
organize their social life beyond the surveillance of parents (Ling and Helmersen,
2000). While from the viewpoint of the parent, this decreases their ability to monitor
children’s communications, from the viewpoint of the child it increases their own
As part of a larger French project examining the theme of youth gaining independence
(‘autonimisation’) one study emphasized how important the phone was in the
processes by which young people gained autonomy, although children’s use of the
phone also led to tensions (Martin and de Singly, 2000). These arise not only because
of the cost of calls made by young people (to be discussed in more detail in the
chapter on managing relationships) but also because of the time lost in making calls
that could have been used for studying (from the parents’ perspective). Some youth
participating in that French study referred to this tension as ‘the war of the telephone’,
a conflict between the pressure on youth to be attentive to the family and to their
studies versus the demands by youth themselves for a zone of liberty of movement
and expression. In principle, the vast majority of parents agreed with the need for
youth to move progressively towards independence, but at any one time the degree of
independence wanted by youth did not always match that wished by their parents.
return to the theme of bedroom culture described earlier, a Norwegian study viewed
children’s emancipation (Ling and Thrane, 2001). In a similar way, providing mobile
phones can be a gesture through which parents offer children more independence. It
allows young people a discrete space, even if an electronic one, enabling parents and
children, for example, to check in with each other when youth are exploring new
phones as one defining episode among others in the process of becoming independent,
a chance to get a ‘foot in the door of adulthood’ (Ling and Helmersen, 2000, p.23). In
particular, paying for one’s own mobile phone calls was seen as a symbolic
confirmation of adulthood7. Meanwhile, those same studies argued that, although the
mobile phone has now spread to the pre-teens, it was still easier for parents to justify
teenagers having a mobile as their schedules and interactions became more complex
and as they moved around more compared to when they were younger (Ling and
Helmersen, 2000).
children’s ICT. For example, many studies have drawn attention to differences
between children’s and parents’ reporting of how much parents regulate what
programmes and how much television their children can watch. In a British study
75% of mothers claimed to regulate their children’s TV watching whereas only 41%
of children said they did; meanwhile 73% of fathers of claimed to do so whereas the
children reported that only 35% of the fathers regulated what they watched
(Livingstone and Bovill, 1999). Qualitative research has suggested the same
differences, reflecting the fact that some parents try to give the ‘right answer’ as
‘good parents’. The same is true for the Net. US research has indicated that there are
already gaps between parents and children’s reports of how much parents supervise
children’s Internet use (National School Boards Foundation, 2001; Lenhart et al,
2001). Obviously the more pressure there is for ‘good parents’ to control Internet use,
the more this particular problem of measuring that regulation may arise.
control, relying on outside institutions to regulate media, has become less of an option
with the proliferation of media channels (with video, satellite etc. that children could
access, for example, at friends’ homes) and with the arrival of, what is perceived as
If we turn now to details of how parents actually try to influence their children’s
use of ICTs, we might again learn some lessons from more established media such as
TV. One British study underlined how parents preferred talking to children about TV
rather than actually attempting to constrain children’s viewing. In that study, the first
approach used by parents was what has been termed ‘evaluative’. This entailed
discussing particular programmes with children to show them how to make sense of
what they were seeing. The second most popular strategy was ‘conversational’, which
limiting children’s viewing, only came third (Livingstone and Bovill, 1999).
In a later study of young people’s use of the Internet by the same researchers,
examples of restrictive regulation included limiting the time that children could spend
on-line, installing filtering software8, keeping the password secret so that the parent
had to be called if the child wanted to go on-line, and banning or blocking certain
activities such as e-mail and chat. Examples of what the researchers call ‘unobtrusive
monitoring’ included positioning the PC in a public place within the home, spot
checking from time to time on what the child was doing and checking to see what
sites had been visited (Livingstone and Bovill, 2001b). This strategy of unobtrusive
monitoring has also been popular in the US (Frohlich et al, 2001; Frohlich and Kraut,
2003). In one survey by the American Pew organisation, over two-thirds of computers
used by youth to access the Internet were located in a space such as the living room,
study, den or family room as opposed to one third being located in a private bedroom
parental control was a process of constant negotiation (Ling and Helmersen, 2000).
Here one particular issue was cost, with parents and children negotiating how usage
In the light of all these options open to them, how anxious are parents? This is
difficult to evaluate, and will vary by ICT and according to the state of contemporary
moral panics (or public concern). But in the case of TV, while parents have spoken of
the difficulties of effectively restricting children’s viewing, it is worth noting that they
were often not so worried about children watching unsupervised in their bedrooms.
Many regarded their children as being sensible and discriminating media users
(Livingstone and Bovill, 1999). In the case of the Internet, a US study indicated that
overall parents were satisfied with children’s use and trusted their children when they
studies have shown that despite parental attempts to influence what their children
watched on television, the children themselves gained social status from watching
in France and Italy have also stressed how children do forbidden things as a way of
showing that they are grown up - and this applies equally to media consumption
Given various reasons why children have a different perspective from parents it
is not too surprising that a number of studies have documented children's strategies to
access programmes that their parents did not want them to watch or to watch for
(Buckingham, 1991), with children frequently ‘avoiding’ rules (Pasquier et al, 1998;
Pasquier, 2001) and seeking to escape surveillance (e.g. by watching when parents
In general, we see some of the same themes emerging in relation to other ICTs
such as the mobile phone9. For example, while in certain senses young people
collaborated with parental monitoring of their behaviour through the mobile, in others
they resisted it. Sometimes they developed ‘parent management strategies’, such as
giving excuses like ‘the battery ran out’ when they made themselves uncontactable by
also found elsewhere, whereby youth often made an effort to keep their parents ‘in the
dark’ about the content of their personal e-mails and voice calls (Ito and Daisuke,
2003). All the youth involved in that study preferred calling friends on mobiles rather
than the home phone, despite the higher cost of doing so.
which could leave them frustrated. Once again, they employed a variety of tactics for
evading this control, enjoying the challenge of outwitting adults. (Livingstone and
Bober, 2003). If we look at the US, the Homenet study found that the ‘contention for
computing time is a heated issue in many of the families we visited’ and sometimes
could lead ‘to an atmosphere of deception and mistrust’ between parents and children
(Frohlich and Kraut, 2003:153). To give an idea of the scale of conflicts over ICTs, in
one US survey 40% of parents said that they had had arguments with their teenage
children about the latter’s use of the Internet (Lenhart et al, 2001). The American
research underlined the fact that parents think there are far more dangers associated
youth at this stage in their life, we can start by addressing some common assumptions
about the degree to which teenagers make calls on the traditional phone line. One
early US study suggested that teenagers dominated the phone and that they were the
heaviest users in households (Dordick and LaRose, 1992). However, the problem with
taking such results at face value is that these claims were based on the evaluations and
perceptions of parents - which may not totally correspond to reality. As we shall see
later in the chapter on relationship management, parents may evaluate the calls of
their children as being unnecessary or think they make too many calls for their age.
stereotype that teenagers in general were heavy users (Skelton, 1989). Reviewing
earlier American studies, Skelton agreed that teenagers with boy- or girlfriends could
generate calls of long duration. And there was often a peak in phone calls when
teenagers initially came home from school. Yet overall, teens did not generate
massive amounts of calls. Various French studies would tend to support her view,
indicating that younger, as well as retired people, actually use the phone less than the
More recently, a French study has tried to distinguish different patterns of phone
use amongst youth (Martin and de Singly, 2000). The researchers developed a
typology from the survey data consisting of four categories. The first was those young
people who were very family-orientated, who experienced a high level of parental
control (which they accepted) and a low level of sociability with friends. They used
the phone least. The second group consisted of those who experienced completely the
opposite situation to the above, and used the phone a good deal. The third group were
the youth whom parents tried to control, but who did not always accept parental rules.
They were very sociable with their peers and used the phone the most to evade
parental control and stay in touch with their friends. Finally there were those whose
parents did not try to exercise so much control, who simply enjoyed being at home, in
their own rooms and who had a low sociability score. They used the phone less than
The chief point to derive from this research is not so much the detail of the
study (since, in general, different empirical studies might throw up slightly different
heterogeneity amongst youth. In the above study we can see that differences in the
experience of teenagers can arise from various factors such as home- vs. peer-
orientation, degrees of parental control, differing reactions to this etc. - all of which
can influence telecoms behaviour. In a similar fashion, when discussing the use of
screen-based ICTs, various writers have underlined the differences amongst youth
attitudes and orientations (Buckingham, 2002) and in terms of other factors such as
media styles (Bovill and Livingstone, 2001; Livingstone, 2002). Appreciation of this
Finally, and as part of the on-going reflection gender through this book, there is
the question of whether boys and girls have fundamentally different patterns of
communication. The evidence has been mixed. Early French research found that
amongst schoolchildren and teenagers there were few gender differences in the
differences did not emerge until student days and were only consolidated in adulthood
(Claisse, 1989). However, later Norwegian research found that teenage girls made
longer calls and even at this stage the girls were developing a different style of
communication compared to boys. The latter reported that they ‘gave messages’ when
making calls, whereas the girls reported ‘chatting’ (Ling, 1998). Once again, we can
see some of the systematic differences in communications that are starting to occur
Participating in the peer group
The early Australian study of teenagers first drew attention to the significance of the
phone for sustaining interaction with friends outside school time (Skelton, 1989). This
theme of youth using telecoms to manage participation in peer groups has been
general it has been argued that this is a period in life when the social networks of
many young people are growing and when it is important to ‘be available’ to peers. In
fact, being rung up is a measure of popularity (Ling, 1998; Ling and Yttri, 2002).
Therefore, if we want to understand the adoption and use of this new technology at
appreciate ‘individuals aligning themselves with the peer culture in which they
US Internet studies have described how young people used Instant Messaging to
arrange meetings, to talk to friends who were on-line at the same time, but also to hear
generations spending time in certain public spaces, such as a shopping mall, waiting
for something to happen. They now appeared to be ‘hanging out’ on-line (Rainie,
2001). Both US and British studies have pointed out that some teenagers kept this
channel upon while doing other things on the computer, such as homework (Lenhart
et al, 2001; Livingstone and Bovill, 2001b). Peers also exchanged addresses of web-
sites that they had found as well as images captured from the web. They sometimes
created mini-networks on-line by linking home pages via hyperlinks. And they
influenced each others’ value judgements, for example in terms of deciding what it
was worth going to see on the Web and what counted as a good web-site address
In many countries the mobile phone has also become tool to support peer
networking. Indeed, for some young people the mobile phone was especially useful
precisely because of the amount of time that they were out of the home at this stage in
their life, when they could not be easily reached by the fixed home phone line (Ling,
1998). Because of this, a number of Norwegian youth commented that nowadays they
would be out of touch if they did not have a mobile and they would not ‘know what is
happening’ (Ling and Yttri, 2002). In general, and enhanced later by the use of the
Text messaging (SMS) reflected that same on-going effort made by young
people to maintain a place in a their social networks, as they asked questions such as
‘what’s happening, what’s going on?’ As in the case of voice calls, the number of text
messages received was itself a measure of one’s popularity, as was the number of
names in the dialling register (Ling and Yttri, 2002). When they did not receive
messages young people could now felt excluded and rejected – they felt that
etc11. But the purpose of other messages lay not so much in the content but rather in
the act of having made contact. Teens reinforced a bond through demonstrating that
they had thought of someone enough to send them a message, to give them the gift of
trivial but the main point sometimes appears to be keeping in touch rather than
In this vein, a number of European studies have commented on youth texting as
a ‘gift relationship’ (e.g. in the UK, Nafus and Tracey, 2002; in Norway, Johnsen,
2003)12. Coming from an anthropological tradition, this approach sees gift-giving and
When applied to youth, their rituals of exchange – though the mobile in general as
well as texting - can provide a way of ‘demonstrating and testing out the trust that
exists in their relationships’ (Taylor and Harper, 2001b, p.18). For example, one
British study described how the very act of leaving a mobile phone around on the
table, so that friends can pick it up and explore its features, can represent an
expression of trust in others. Then there is the practice of allowing others to use one’s
phone to make calls13. In fact, sometimes young people talk of feeling obliged to
make their phone available to friends, otherwise they would be thought less of. Later,
the person who borrowed the phone has to return the favour either in kind or by
another means (buying credit for the friend’s phone, buying a meal) (Taylor and
Harper, 2001b).
Gift-giving, then, entails the obligation to reciprocate. We can see this in the
case of text messaging. When young people sent messages they expected an answer,
often straight away (in contrast to the argument that because text involves asynchronic
messaging people can answer when it suits them)14. Thus, we have examples of
young people phoning up to ask ‘what’s wrong’ when they did not get a reply to their
text message, asking why they were being ignored. As the researchers put it, the
recipient of the message was ‘obliged to meet the challenge of the donor’ (including
answering messages that arrived in the early hours of the morning when they were
Peer orientation is also highlighted in what could be called ‘communication-
related practices’. These are the activities that go beyond ‘using’ the technology in the
sense of sending a message or making a call (Haddon, 2003a). One example would be
showing a message to a friend, which in itself was an act of sharing, of gift-giving and
which helped to reinforce that friendship (Taylor and Harper, 2001b; Kasesniemi and
Rautianen, 2002 on observing Finnish youth). It may involve actually sending the
message to the other person’s mobile. In fact, this can happen even when the young
people concerned are talking to each other at the same table, as they go through the
ritual of saying when they have sent messages to, or received them from, each other.
Of course not all messages are shared. Nor are all messages shared with everyone.
Some are so transitory that they lose their meaning quickly when seen out of context.
Others are too personal or risky to show (although sharing personal messages can
create added intimacy). But certain messages are capable of being made more public
usage of) ICTs within the family, various rules exist among peers about texting. There
are perceptions of what is the right and wrong way to go about things. For example,
even though texting often does not involve the use of formal grammar there, some
young people objected to the overuse of capital letters or the lack of any punctuation,
which could make messages difficult to read15. And there are understandings about
was not right to end a relationship, to ‘dump’ someone, through sending a text
Lastly, we can appreciate the influence of peers on young people’s decisions
through considering the role of fashion16. Norwegian research has argued that at one
point in time it became fashionable for young people to have a pager not just because
of its functionality but because it having the device itself symbolised belonging to a
group. Later the mobile phone was acquired because of this symbolic role (Ling,
1998). Yet, fashion considerations did not merely influence the decision to possess a
mobile. They also shaped perceptions of what brands of mobiles were appropriate, the
desirable age and size of models and, indeed, the choice of operator whose network
was being used. These were all ways of demonstrating ‘street cred’ (Taylor and
Harper, 2001a). Being aware of such factors was part of the successful mastery of
personal display (e.g. it was not ‘cool’ to show off) (Green, 2001; Ling and Yttri,
We now turn to the question of how people choose from their communications
repertoires through looking at the case of young people sending and textual messages.
Sometimes, that decision relates to the fact that other communications options, such
as mobile calls, are blocked. Thus itself shows us why it is worthwhile taking a
holistic view and considering all the communications possibilities when we want to
make sense of choices. In perhaps a rather extreme example, but one which shares
some common elements with other countries, Japanese researchers have argued that
mobile e-mail in Japan was popular amongst youth partly because of the strong
regulation of voice telephony in schools and public places (Ito and Daisuke, 2003). In
used their mobiles (under the desk) to pass on emails illicitly during lessons. The
prohibition was equally strong in many public spaces. One could find many ‘no
mobile phone’ signs in trains and buses and there were regular announcements to this
effect. As a result, almost none of the participants in this study made or received voice
Turning to more positive reasons for the choice of text, part, but only part, of
the popularity of text messaging amongst many youth lies in its low cost (relative to
speaking on the mobile phone). Given the financial circumstances of many young
people and the need to be frugal when they take responsibility for their telecoms bills,
both analysts and teenagers interviewed across a range of studies have commented on
the importance of the economic considerations (Ling and Yttri, 2002; Fortunati, 2001;
Johnson, 2003). In addition, the price of a text message entailed a fixed cost, known
in advance, whereas how long a phone call might take, and hence its cost, was not
known so precisely. Hence texting appealed because it allowed young people to have
The more intrinsic virtues of texts can be seen in the literature dealing with
young people and dating. For example, one Norwegian study described the ritual
whereby, after meeting face-to-face, young people often exchanged mobile numbers.
This was sometimes followed up with a text message, perhaps asking a question or
Resorting to text could avoid having to deal with the embarrassment and fluster that
can occur in a face-to-face approach (Ling and Yttri, 2002). A British study made a
related observation about young people using the Internet for dating (Livingstone and
Bovill, 2001b). In the US, 17% of participants in one survey had asked someone to go
out with them via Instant Messaging and 13% had broken up with someone through
The advantage of text, be it text messaging, email, IM or whatever, is that it can
allow teenagers the time to compose what they want to say carefully, especially if it
framework, they can ‘arrange face’ and even to confer with a jury of their peers (Ling
and Yttri, 2002). Several researchers have drawn attention to the fact that text
messages sent through whatever medium allow youth to put into writing things that
they would not dare to say aloud (Kasesniemi and Rautianen, 2002; Ling and Yttri,
actual language used by young people when texting or sending instant messages. In
the case of texting, the creative use of language and signs was admittedly due in part
to the amount of space available for writing messages and the effort involved in
keying in messages on a mobile phone. However, the use of codes can also be meant
to exclude older generations from understanding them - acting as a kind of slang with
in-group meanings (Ling and Yttri, 2002; Talyor and Harper, 2001a). In fact, it has
been pointed out that sometimes this can also provide good camouflage for illicit
practices such as sending messages in class (Ling, 1998). A related point has been
made about teenage use of the Internet – that some teens use a form of language, a
code, which marks their identity when chatting on-line (Millerand et al, 1999).
By starting with the social and historical construction of childhood and parenthood we
can ask what factors influence certain judgements that adults, especially parents,
make. These include deciding the ‘appropriate’ age or stage for children to have
communication. What shapes parents’ beliefs about the way in which children
experience and make sense of the world and what counts as ‘maturity’ in different
contexts? How do judgements change over time about what children should do or be
exposed to, as in the example given earlier of the mobile phone being adopted by pre-
teen children? What influences expectations of how parents should behave? Given
that parents are not passive in this process, to what extent do parents resist these
discourses and on what grounds do they do so? To what extent and in what areas are
they unclear about how to act? When do they feel guilty? What sources of support or
guidance do they seek to manage their role as parents? And with what success do they
do so?
In principle the broader lesson to draw from this discussion is that one can ask
about the social and historical construction of the experiences of any social groups.
teleworkers, single parents and the young elderly (Haddon and Silverstone, 1993,
1995a, 1996). But how we live these roles and what we expect of them is influenced
as well as a range of other factors (including the ICTs available to them). For
example, contemporary young elderly can have some different experiences from the
Moving back the central focus of the chapter, we saw how parent-child
their presence in or absence from different public and private spaces. This provides an
example of how new issues can emerge because of changing social trends as well as
this particular research has focused on the home, although we would have to ask how
as well as among different sub-groups of children. Looking outside the home, there
are still questions about variations in the extent to which children participate in
various organized activities, and about how they occupy and behave in different
public spaces like the street, the shopping mall or in the informal times and spaces
within school life. After all, these are all places where they can encounter, experiment
The material on youth and ICTs allows us to look beyond the home and family
particularities of their social network. The main focus was on the way the (existing)
high degree of peer orientation amongst this group can shape relations with ICTs.
More generally, we see in the example of ‘hanging out’ using IM as one way in which
old practices can find new forms through technologies. And while gift-relationships
can be used as a framework for looking at the interactions of older groups, the various
gifting relationships relating to mobile phones are especially useful for making sense
definitions of ‘use’ (e.g. using the mobile to make certain calls). It is important to
reflect on what people do with their technology, when not ‘using’ it in the narrow
available to us, we can look holistically at the whole ensemble and ask about the
relationships between the different technologies and options. This will be explored
more fully in the later chapter on careers. But it means that instead of asking why we
given there are alternatives. The use of textual messaging by youth provides a few
1. There are other themes in the children and ICTs literature, such as questions of
identity formation: for example, how children construct their identity as gendered
of childhood even within the European study, particularly in relation to the degree of
3. For example, Livingstone observed that there were some similarities between the
UK and US, but also some differences between the UK and Germany. If we look
further afield, one Japanese study pointed to the relative smallness of Japanese homes,
and the fact that young people rarely had private rooms but often shared a room with a
parent or sibling. They rarely met friends at home, since they were worried about
offending parents by being too rowdy. Hence, Japanese youth socialised chiefly on
the streets, or in spaces ‘run by indifferent adults’ such as fast food restaurant,
karaoke spot or family restaurant (Ito and Daisuke, 2003). A Korean study also
explained that young people do not really have the type of personal space in the home
implied in the discussions of bedroom culture (e.g. their rooms are accessible to other
4. This study found that 27% of parents were concerned about sexually explicit
images on the Internet, 31% about violence depicted there and 46% about on-line
material interfering with their children’s values and beliefs (Ribak, 2003).
5. In the Israeli study, 60% of parents were concerned that adults would take
advantage of their children when on-line. But this probably reflects a particular high
profile event in that country when one teenager was lured to his death by terrorists
parents. One Finnish study noted how parents’ use of texting to check that their
7. In a longitudinal study by British Telecom, 41% of the children paid the whole bill
and just over a third (34%) paid some of the bill. Even for younger teens, financial
people to pay for their own pre-paid cards as a way of introducing their children to
8. Two fifths of parents in the US used filtering software (Lenhart et al, 2001)
9. Apart from relations with parents it is worth adding that there are also institutional
constraints on young people’s use of the mobile - for example mobiles are banned in
some UK and Japanese schools and confiscated if found (Green, 2001; Ito and
Daisuke, 2003). This is not just because of the ringing in class but also because they
might be stolen (Green, 2001). Of course, in practice youth sometimes resist these
controls as well, for example, by making calls on their mobiles in the ‘private’ spaces
within schools (one girl informant in this UK study reported that when she went into
the toilets she found a whole group of girls talking on the phone).
10. Instant Messaging plays something of a similar role on the Internet (Lenhart et al,
11. The examples come from Finnish research by Kasesniemi and Rautianen, 2002.
12. While not particular to youth, another dimension of gift-giving analysed in French
research is in giving out one’s mobile phone number to others, and the expectation of
reciprocity. Thus exchanging numbers can reflect and become a token of the trust that
13. This can happen if the credit on one person’s prepayment card is used up, in
which case he or she can borrow the phone from other peers. The way in which
mobile network charges are organised means that it is sometimes cheaper to use a
friend’s mobile because he or she is on the same network as the person being called.
14. Similar observations were made in a Japanese study of youth (Ito and Daisuke,
2003). The participants discussed the expectation of receiving a reply within thirty
minutes, the criticism they might expect if they were late in replying, and what
counted as legitimate reasons for not replying. The researchers argued that this
but they also drew attention to the strategies for negotiating non-availability. For
example, sending an e-mail about one’s intention to take a bath was a ‘kind of virtual
15. The abbreviations and shorthands could also make it difficult to understand the
Grinter, 2001)
16. For an extended discussion of the nature of fashion and mobile phones, see Ling
Chapter four: Managing relationships through and around ICTs
The previous chapter reminded us how the individual’s use of ICTs, in this case that
of child and youth, takes place in a wider social context of their relationships with
parents and peers. It showed how the use of even personal ICTs could be regulated by
others. This influence can be missed in studies that emphasize individual motivations
chapter starts by more generally looking at the home context in which individuals
commitments, routines and general demands on time and space as well as values,
hopes and concerns. These all interact and shape that consumption. For example, non-
First, we explore what lessons can be learnt from research looking at the
tensions around and the regulation of the traditional fixed phone. We will do this
mainly by exploring how and why people try to control outgoing and incoming calls.
Why is this an issue within households? And what types of control strategies are
used? In fact, here we see one of the few attempts to turn the more qualitative
Apart from parent-child relationships, gender relations in the home have long
been identified as a major consideration affecting the experience of ICTs. What has
research suggested about the aspects of relationships between males and females in
the home that might relate to different gender usage of ICTs such as the Internet?
Meanwhile, the telephone literature has pointed to gender divisions of labour in the
field of communication, specifically in terms of women’s traditional role of managing
relationships with the outside world. In which case, one question is whether new
modes of communication and new practices accompanying them have any bearing
because much of the discussion of maintaining social networks and providing social
want to approach this with a more critical eye we could ask what conflicts of interests
and obligations are involved in maintaining this particular familial social network.
Lastly, the chapter looks at debates on ‘sociability’ within the home – referring
ICT use, asking specifically whether time spent on-line detracts from time spent with
family members.
Controlling communication
The mid-1990s British domestication studies provided qualitative evidence of how the
studies have since further illustrated the arguments that take place within the home
about the phone bill, especially concerning the use of the phone by teenagers (Ling,
1998; Ling and Helmersen, 2000; Ling, 2004). The British qualitative studies
suggested that while telephony costs were less of a problem in those relatively more
affluent households with few economic worries, it was very much an issue for more
than just the poorest in society (Haddon, 1994). For example, many of the middle-
class households studied had limited disposable income, since the parents had
lifestyle choices meant they still had to be careful about their expenditures, including
spending on telephony.
Nevertheless, in those British studies concern about phone costs was most acute
among those living on low incomes, namely many of the single parents studied and
some elderly people living solely on state benefits. These were the very people for
whom the phone could be vital in the event of emergencies or as a social lifeline when
they felt trapped in the home in the evenings. Worry about phone bills led to both
groups steering outgoing calls to times when cheaper tariffs operated, when this was
possible. Ringing up various state agencies and the local council about problems
related to living on a low income generally had to be done in the daytime. Calls were
also rationed, both in terms of the number of calls and their length. Often, children’s
use was rationed, with the instigation of rules about what counted as necessary and
communications resource than many of their peers and experienced some sense of
disadvantage. Despite such measures, the phone bill often remained a source of
Large phone bills could sometimes become a very serious concern indeed in
the case of communal living arrangements or when families had other people sharing
their household: such as lodgers or au pairs. The studies picked up horror stories of
huge bills arriving due to illicit use of the phone. Bills could also be an issue between
partners, and one that had been exacerbated sometimes by the introduction of itemised
billing. More frequently, as in the Norwegian studies, phone bills were a source of
heated debate between parents and teenage children, especially concerning the costs
relating to the latter’s social calls - more so when money was tight.
But it was not just the cost of calls that could be a source of discontent. A
French study noting the ‘war of the phone’ was already discussed in the chapter on
children. In addition, where one household member took over the phone, blocking the
phone with their frequent or long calls, this denied access to others. Again, the
Norwegian studies provided examples where blocking was a source of tension (Ling,
Incoming calls were problematic for other reasons2. In the British studies,
participants sometimes made reference to the various unwanted phone calls from
acquaintances whom they preferred to avoid. But even apart from these, there were
times when people found incoming calls in general to be intrusive upon their peace
and privacy. In the light of feminist writings on the way in which women network
over the phone, it is worth adding that this was not just a male response to the outside
world invading the haven of the home. Women too, especially those who were major
users of the phone for work or at work, could suffer from ‘phone fatigue’. They
wanted a break from the demands of the telephone and sometimes would rather
interact with their partners or children. There were periods when incoming calls
interfered with the routines of the home, coming at unsociable or simply inconvenient
times - such as late at night or early in the morning, or when parents were getting
children off to school or nursery or putting them to bed (also discussed in more depth
The whole issue of the disruptiveness of calls arose most acutely in the study
of teleworkers for a variety of reasons. Here there was a frequent assumption on the
part of employers or clients that because teleworkers were home-based they could be
contacted about work issues outside of normal core working hours - i.e. at evenings
and weekends. While this was not deemed to be a problem by some teleworkers, for
others it was disruptive to family life. Home was no longer a place to retreat from
paid labour. On the other hand, friends sometimes did not appreciate that, even if they
were at home, teleworkers still had to get through their workload. Incoming social
calls to teleworkers could be a distraction from that work. In addition, the sheer
volume of calls into the home often increased with the arrival of telework, meaning
that other members of the teleworker’s household would occasionally feel pestered by
the phone.
Finally, the British studies in general found that other household members could
resent the number of calls coming in for someone who was at the heart of large social
networks (such as, but not only, teenage children). They could also resent the fact that
they had to take on the role of secretary, forever answering calls and taking messages
The British studies showed how strategies to handle conflicts about outgoing
calls entailed both social and technological solutions. Persuasion only worked some of
the time. But there were plenty of examples of parents who managed to ration their
children’s calls, limit them to times when low tariffs operated or succeed in defining
‘necessary’ and ‘unnecessary’ communications. Where such persuasion did not work,
the issue could remain an on-going sore point. Or else parents resorted to other
strategies such as charging children for telephone use or deducting pocket money to
Another tactic involved attempting to control the location of the phone. One
cordless phones, and placing the main phone handset in a relatively public place
within the home, such as a hall. As we saw in the chapter on children, this meant that
calls could be more easily monitored. Alternatively, some of the parents who were
studied tried to make the location as uncomfortable as possible. It must be added,
though, that determined teenagers appeared to be able to settle down to long phone
calls even in the most awkward of spaces. Some parents utilised call-barring: stopping
either incoming or outgoing calls at some points of the day, or allowing only local
calls. And as an extreme measure, one parent even resorted to sabotaging his teenage
daughter’s handset4.
extent to which these issues existed in households and the extent of efforts to control
look at the detail because this aspect of consumption is only more rarely covered in
One first question in the survey asked whether household members received
complaints about their phone calls for a variety of reasons6. Here, the existence of
complaints was taken to indicate that phone use was an issue. In addition,
complaining was in itself a verbal means of trying to influence other people’s usage.
While only a minority in each country mentioned any specific complaints, these were
sizeable minorities ranging from 13-32%. The same complaint, about cost, was the
most important one in all the countries. In the European sample, females received far
about cost of their phone calls. The finding about children might have been
anticipated from the previous research cited above, but the scale is perhaps a little
A second question asked about whether people made an effort to control the
use of the phone7. In the European sample, nearly two-thirds tried to use cheaper
tariffs or else tried to limit their own use. Clearly, while the various national telephone
companies are usually interested in encouraging greater use of the phone or related
services, a high proportion of consumers are already exercising some restraint upon
their usage.
disruptiveness across the countries. Perhaps this reflects some cultural variation in the
intrusiveness of the outside world. There were questions in the survey about the
various strategies that interviewees used to control incoming calls8. In contrast to the
case of controlling outgoing calls, only a very small proportion of people in all the
Another strategy for controlling calls was available to those with an answering
machine: filtering calls9. This is particularly interesting because this application was
not the basis upon which the technology had originally been marketed. Filtering calls
- checking who calls before deciding whether to answer - involved quite a radical
change in practice. The answering machine was sold on the basis that it could take
calls when people were out, but it was being used to take them even when they were
at home. Generations have learnt to answer the phone when it rang – indeed, many
have sometime talked about the psychological difficulty involved in ignoring the
ringing phone. Nowadays forms of filtering are more commonplace, e.g. the caller
line identification service enabling one to check the identity of caller. Indeed, some
young people reported sending mobile phone calls to their voice mail immediately
they saw on the screen who was calling. But originally filtering by answering machine
was a practice that was not intended by the technology developers. Or at least it was
not promoted by them. In this sense, the practice of filtering illustrates people’s
also learnt through informal channels of personal communication (i.e. people telling
each other what they have learned to do with the device). In fact, the survey found
that by the mid-90s the practice was widespread. In the European sample, half of the
people with answering machines used the devices at some time to filter calls.
There have been a number of different types of explanation accounting for gender
differences in the take-up and use of ICTs. For example, when the first home
computers appeared, one explanation of the reticence of women to use them related to
questions of general gender identity. The connotations and symbolism associated with
the machine at that time were, it was argued, opposed to constructed notions of
femininity (Turkle, 1988). This line of argument about the (mutual) social
construction of gender and of technology is one tradition of gender analysis that can
be found in various guises (Berg and Aune, 1993; Frissen, 1996, Rommes, 2002). For
example, several writers have tried to account for a re-occurring pattern whereby a
number of ICTs, including the Internet, were male dominated when they first
appeared but later the amount of use by males and females became more even. These
writers suggest that when women initially perceived these ICTs as ‘technologies’ they
were less comfortable with them. But when they later redefined them as ‘tools’ for
achieving some purpose in which they were interested, this helped them to feel more
at ease (Cockburn and Omrod, 1993 (on microwave ovens), Singh, 2001 and
Other hypotheses about gender and adoption of ICTs relate more directly to
gender relations specifically within the home, coming closer to some of the interests
circumscribed. They had less knowledge of techniques. They mainly used the
technologies for functional purposes. And they were reticent to enter into a dialogue
with the machine. The review argued that in order to understand this pattern it was
important to examine what was happening in relation to wider gender roles. This
limited the spare time they had available to use ICTs (Jouet, 2000).
We might, in this light of this plea to look at general gender roles, consider an
earlier study of the women’s relation to the VCR. This argued that women resisted
avoid acquiring yet another domestic task - one of setting the video to record
programmes for other family members (Gray, 1992). Or to take an example from a
later Israeli study of mobile telephony, it was women rather than men who
A different account, but still one focusing on gender relationships in the home,
came from a French study of people learning to use the Internet (LeLong and Thomas,
2001). After a discussion of male monopolization of the Internet, the authors added
that women were frequently wary of getting involved in home use, even when they
were competent. The women talked about the expertise of the main user (e.g. women
said that their male partners knew about the Internet better than them). That expertise
was also recognised in the fathers’ ability to set rules about children's use, defining
what was tolerated, forbidden and what the priorities should be in using the Net. But
at the same time other family members had a right to claim certain services from the
In fact, when the Internet first arrived some of the males interviewed had
actually been enthusiastic about getting other household members to learn to use it.
But this project was usually abandoned. In part this was because female partners
showed less interest but it was also because, it often seemed to the researchers, they
females did not want to enter into the situation of being a novice in relation to the
(male) expert (a process also observed in one of the examples given in a Dutch study
by Rommes, 2002). For the authors this was important, in the light of discourses
Some of the earliest empirical analyses of traditional telephony drew attention to the
fact that the women make more of the social calls that bind households into social
networks (Rakow, 1988; Moyal 1989), a role also observed in later British and French
studies (e.g. Lacohée and Anderson, 2001; Mercier, 2001). The latter French study
puts this into context by pointing out that women are responsible for maintaining
social links in general and do so with letters as well. So this behaviour is not unique to
the phone (Mercier, 2001). These studies repeatedly find that, overall, women call
more often, for a longer time, take more pleasure in calls and treat the telephone more
as a medium for conversation, compared to men who treat it more as a tool. That said,
a more nuanced picture of how gender patterns change over the life course will be
So what happens with the arrival of the mobile phone and e-mail – the latter
especially through access at work? While many people had always made private calls
from the workplace, the French study cited above found that these technologies led to
quotes from the qualitative interviews also provided examples of people saying that
when they had a few minutes free at work they might send a social e-mail. Or if they
had a few minutes to spare in the workday (and plenty of ‘free’ minutes on their
mobile that go with the tariff package) they might make a social call on the mobile
Part of the reason for this increase in male social communication was that they
simply have more access to the technologies, especially e-mail, through work. As the
researcher pointed out, if that were the only factor, would this changing balance of
calls between males and females be only transitory? As women also obtained more
access to these technologies, would they take back their traditional role as
However, this is not the only factor. Another, he argued, was that while women
preferred the transparency of the phone, the way it felt ‘natural’, men actually took
some pleasure in interacting with the technology. Using e-mail required some
from the fixed phone. One parallel that comes to mind was the social communications
of ham radio users. The latter enjoyed the very act of achieving communication
mobile and e-mail often followed a ‘masculine model’. These were due partly, but
only partly, to the work contexts in which the calls were made (including the other
activities people were involved in when working, the ambience of this space, etc.).
the exchange, treating the media as tools rather than as channels for developing a
Given the above discussion of gender roles and managing social relationships
outside the home, it seems an appropriate moment to add some critical reflections
arising from another French study (Segalen, 1999). This qualitative study looked at
the contact between three generations, all of whom were adult (indeed, some of the
youngest had children themselves). In the study, the generations were called the ‘old’,
children (the old and the pivitols in this generational chain), usually contact was
between mothers and daughters. Given the latter were often working and even had
grandchildren of their own, there were many examples when calls were kept short,
apart from exceptional circumstances such as sickness and births. Calls were often
made to check how the grandparents were getting on, especially if they were alone.
Meanwhile the grandparents were often hesitant about calling because they thought it
might disturb their children. Nevertheless, they appreciated receiving phone calls,
especially if they did not have a large circle of siblings to call. Some of the children
(the pivotals) observed that their parents complained that they did not call them
Turning to relations between the grandparents and grandchildren (the old and
the young), this was often mediated by the pivotals. The grandparents might be in
direct contact with certain grandchildren with whom they were particularly close. But
some grandchildren once again saw calls to grandparents as a duty and a burden.
Sometimes, because of the gap of two generations, some social mobility had taken
place and the generations no longer shared the same values or mutual expectations.
Some grandparents were so removed from their grandchildren in every sense of the
word that they did not understand the behaviour of this age group and sometimes they
were annoyed at the degree to which the young spent time calling friends.
could further poison the rapport between the two sides. Some grandparents preferred
to send a card for birthdays rather than call. Some calls from grandchildren to
grandparents seemed like formal ritualised acts, devoid of content and emotion.
Rather than bringing the generations together, they marked the distance between
Lastly, the authors considered relations between the parents and the adult
children (the pivotals and the young). Again, much of the contact was between mother
and daughter. This was often very positive, preserving independence while
maintaining contact. But for some of the young such contact was again felt to be a
duty. Some parents now complained they were not called often enough by their
children, whereas the children thought that they did call them enough. In particular,
the sons were the ones least likely to call, which sometimes led to more bitterness and
complaints. For some children dealing with the in-laws (pivotals) could also be
difficult if the culture of that family was different. Meanwhile, some of the male
their private lives. When they did talk to their mothers, what was for the females ‘idle
words, telephoning (or its absence) could itself be an object of conflict leading to
There are multi-level, originally North American-based, debates about the effect of
Internet use on various forms of social relationships. Many of these relationships are
with people outside the home. Hence, this aspect will be covered in chapter five on
social networks. But we can take note even at this stage that several different
elements, and several different debates or discourses, are at work here. These include
debates about whether the Internet increases isolation or leads to more sociability, and
the consequences for social well-being and ones quality of life. They cover
discussions about sources of social support in daily life. And they deal with issues of
our links to others beyond the home, the discussions refer to evidence concerning
Amongst these discussions, albeit with a lower profile in the overall debates, are
references to what we might call, for want of a better word, ‘sociability within the
This concern about technology’s impact on family life actually has a longer
history than the Internet. For example, we have the literature claiming that television
had led to a decline in family activities (Nie, 2001). We should pause here to draw
attention to how this theme reoccurs within other chapters. In chapter three, on
children, we saw the specific concern about the impact of ICT use on children’s time
for other activities. But that discussion, again, included a package of elements such as
children’s general sociability (with other children) and their time for creative and
imaginative play. Meanwhile, in chapter nine, on the careers of ICTs, we will look at
the issue of time displacement, where the arguments concern how technology is
What is being considered in this section is specifically time ‘for the family’ (or
for partners). Taking the North American figures, if people are now spending 10-15
hours a week on-line there is the question of where this time is coming from. One
approach, backed up by empirical studies, has been to argue that only part of it comes
from displacement of other activities. Some of it must come from social time spent
discussions of the effects of early computers (e.g. Turkle, 1984, reflecting upon its
consequences for teenagers and hackers). These anxieties were picked up in media
coverage referring to ‘computer addiction’ and even to ‘computer widows’13 (i.e. the
female partners of very enthusiast male computer users, who spent a large amount of
time at their machines). Worries about the antisocial, solitary nature of Internet,
reflected the particular concern about males, especially, devoting more time to their
engagement with technologies rather than using that time to develop their social
The first point to make in response to these concerns is that, literally, not all the
time interacting with the PC was an isolated activity. The US Homenet study and
Israeli research both described the degree of sociability around the PC in the home,
noting the various occasions when it can bring families together (Frohlich and Kraut,
Turning now to the more recent Internet debates, one first observation is that a
looking at self-reports of a decline in sociability (i.e. asking people whether they think
there has been a decline after adoption). Some studies compared non-users with users,
or users who used the Internet for different amounts of time, looking to see if there
were differences in the time they spent with their family. Sometimes we are looking at
(relatively small-scale) panel studies, charting the time use of the same people as they
communicating with family members (Kraut et al, 1998). That research found the
greater use of the Internet was associated with a subsequent decline in family
communication. In other studies ‘time spent with family’ was measured (which is
use appeared to correlate with less time spent with the family (Nie, 2001; Nie et al,
(Robinson et al, 2002). A British longitudinal study involving time use dairies focused
on time spent on different activities, including various activities in the home. This
concluded that there was no evidence that people who now have Internet access were
spending less time in ‘social’ activities in the household (Anderson and Tracey, 2001,
2002). But of course, in itself, measuring these social activities is yet another different
A second observation about this mixed evidence is that, apart from the range of
different measures being employed, there are methodological issues that have been
discussed in these debates. For example, there are problems with the self-reporting of
time use (Gershuny, 2001; Nie et al, 2002) and because of this, with the reporting of
changes in time use. From its qualitative interviews, the above British study found
displacement and ‘even the heaviest users felt that any displacement was marginal at
estimating change in people’s lives (i.e. impacts) from a survey that is made at one
point in time (Robinson et al, 2002). This compares different groups of people (e.g.
Net and non-Net users). The problem is that they might be different kinds of people in
other respects, apart from just being on-line or not. Internet users might simply have a
different social profile from non-users. For example, they might have been less (or
perhaps more) sociable within their families in the first place, before they even went
and being less sociable, this would not prove that the first necessarily caused the
second. Even in the early Homenet study, the researchers argued that in principle
other variables could be at work influencing both family communication and Internet
use. One attempt to deal with this problem is via multivariate analysis, to control for
other factors being at work, such as education, age, marital status, etc. (Nie et al,
2002). The difficulty is that there might still be factors at work that are not
anticipated. It is for this reason that some analysts have argued that the only way to
avoid this whole problem is by charting changes relating to the same people over time
arise as regards measuring time on the Internet. It is one thing to calculate blocks of
time when we log on because they show up more clearly in time use dairies.
However, if we move more and more to a situation where the Internet is always on,
some Internet use might become more fragmented, as we spend a few seconds or
This leads into the question of whether time spent with other is the (only)
nature of that experience, rather then just the time involved? Let us take an example to
demonstrate a principle. In chapter three on children and ICTs, some of the writers on
the social construction of childhood argued the households have become more
democratic, less hierarchical and now give more voice to children. In which case, one
could argue that even if, hypothetically, time spent on family sociability were to have
declined, the experience of the remaining time is nevertheless qualitatively better than
when children were ‘seen and not heard’. In other words, time itself is not the only
consideration if we start to think about the quality of the interactions that constitute
Finally, while this whole debate shows a concern about potential declining
time for family sociability, the latter is not treated in a critical manner. In other words,
through technology. The French study discussed in more depth in chapter three on
children and ICTs might cause us to reflect just a little upon this. These researchers
looked at (early) teenage use of the phone and in an empirically based typology
identified the heaviest phone users as being those whose parents were trying to exert
the most parental control of their behaviour. The teenagers were actually using the
preferring to interact with their friends even if they could not physically be with them
(Martin and de Singly, 2000). This example, as well as the others discussed in this
complex and can be viewed from different perspectives. In which case, any evaluation
Looking at the interpersonal relationships around ICTs, including the tensions and
issues that emerge, helps us to understand actual patterns of use. While technologies
may have potential to be used in a variety of ways, we can also start to appreciate the
We saw this in the attempts to regulate calls from and to the traditional
domestic telephone. But now that the mobile phone and Internet have become more
widespread we should ask what effect this has had on strategies aimed at controlling
more complex? What bearing have new communications options had on the issues
around the home phone that were described above? In what ways have they
exacerbated or reduced any tensions? Or, indeed, has the arrival of these
communications options raised new issues of control and led to new, or on-going
will return to some of these questions in the chapter seven when considering
more attention in this chapter, especially in terms of social relationships in the home.
see research considering the consequences of mobile phone and e-mail for managing
relationships with the outside world. This asks whether gender roles might be
changing. Once again we see the tensions involved in interpersonal relations in the
study of communication with the extended family. This, in fact suggests complex
gender relations - for example, when even the communication between mothers and
daughters can be problematic. To what extent and in what ways, if at all, has the
spread of the mobile phone and Internet had any bearing upon some of these
particular communications?
Lastly, we saw the question about the social consequences of the Internet:
whether it has affected sociability within the home, whether time spent on-line has
detracted from time spent with family members. It is not that new a concern.
Antecedents existed in the fears voiced in relation to the television and computer.
Clearly there are a host of methodological issues behind these debates. But in
addition, the whole issue of family sociability needs also to be treated with a more
critical eye. This fits in with the attention that has been given to interpersonal tensions
1. This paper was based on the study of teleworkers and single parents, reported
2. Although this chapter is primarily about the traditional fixed phone line, it is worth
relation to the mobile phone. For example, many people selectively give out their
mobile numbers, they sometimes decide not to carry the mobile or the manage calls
3. In one case, exasperated parents ended up installing a second line for their children,
and made them pay for calls between themselves. The result was that disagreements
over bills then took place amongst the children rather than between the parents and
4. One parent got so frustrated that he disabled his daughter’s handset so that she
could not make outgoing calls from her bedroom. However, she managed to
sometimes evade that control by initiating calls on the main phone and then switching
5. While the original chapter reporting this is in Italian (Fortunati, 1998), the English
6.The four separate questions concerned whether people received complaints (a)
because of the cost of their calls, (b) because they made or received too many calls,
(c) because they blocked the line and (d) because they made too many unnecessary
7. The three questions asked were: (a) whether interviewees made their own calls at
the times when cheaper tariffs operated; (b) if they limited their own use; (c) if they
8. These were (a) blocking incoming communication in some way (e.g. by leaving the
phone off its resting place (‘off the hook’) so that the call could not arrive, turning the
ringer off etc.), (b) not answering calls, (c) getting someone else to answer calls and
(d) asking people who phoned into the home to avoid calling at certain times.
9. This involved hearing who was calling before deciding whether or not to answer or
instead to let the caller leave a message (also discussed in Lacohée and Anderson,
10. A related point was raised in a Dutch study by Rommel (2003). In this qualitative
study, women who attended an Internet course had tried learning from their partners
but it had not worked out – hence they went on the formal course instead.
11. Plant (2002) also argues that males were making more social calls now because of
12. But other US studies find contradicting results. In one, 88% said the Internet had
little impact on time with family (or friends) (Katz et al, 2001). In another, more than
half of Internet users actually reported more communication with family after going
on-line (Howard et al, 2001). In yet another, 92% of users said that they spent the
same amount of time together with household members as before (UCLA, 2000).
13. In fact, one British study looked specifically at this issue in response to these
media claims. The findings might lead us to reflect on current debates about the
Internet, especially when they concern heavier users of the Internet. Basically, people
who developed intense relationships to ICTs such as the computer were likely to have
had equally intense involvement in other activities before the PC arrived in their life
(Shotton 1989). The heavy users of this study had not actually changed their patterns
of sociability. They had switched from old interests and hobbies to being computer
enthusiasts. Moreover, their partners had already known that they had this orientation
Chapter five. Social Networks and ICTs
Just as it was important to look beyond the individual in order to appreciate the
influence of wider social networks, as we did more specifically in the case of youth
We start by asking in what different ways social networks have a bearing upon
supply the ICTs that enter people’s homes? In what different ways do they then
Next, the chapter considers extending the domestication framework beyond the
home, asking what we would need to know to appreciate the processes by which ICTs
The remainder of the chapter makes a link to North American debates seen in
the previous chapter on the social consequences of ICT. But now it examines
concerns about the effects of the Internet on people’s relationships with their social
networks. Part of that discussion related to concerns about the solitary nature of
Internet use. So first we must once again ask whether such use is always solitary or
indeed asocial. In this respect, what can we learn from such claims about previous
ICT use – especially computer use? And then what do the balance of findings now
suggest about the influence of Internet use on people’s relation with their social
networks, taking into account some issues around the method and measurements
The other part of this debate concerns the question of whether the
displacing off-line communication. Is such a displacement actually occurring? How
should we evaluate the quality of on-line compared to off-line communications and its
role in our lives? This in turn leads to further questions. To what the extent do people
build strong relationships through on-line contact? Does these lead to off-line contact?
To what extent does communication via the Internet help to sustain social networks?
And what types of relationships does it help to maintain or support? Lastly, by way of
contrast, does mobile phone communication suggest a very different outcome from
the Internet debate. Might the very weak ties that exist with strangers around us
Social networks can provide one route by which we acquire ICTs. Such networks
provide a means through which information about technologies and services can be
disseminated. They can actually stimulate interest, as when people mention that they
do not want to be left behind by their other network members. British research
observed that if some people in social networks own a technology this increases the
likelihood of other people in the same network owning that technology (Tracey,
Social networks can enable people to gain familiarity with technologies. One
European five-country qualitative study of the Internet showed that even many non-
users had actually tried out the Net or had seen it in action at the homes of friends and
family1 (Haddon, 1999a). Some non-users had even asked people in their social
network to look up things for them on-line and through this process they came to
the same processes referred to the role of the ‘warm expert’ in many people’s stories
about how they acquired ICTs. These warm experts were friends or relatives who had
relatively more expertise than the people interviewed, but who were also close to
However, the opposite side of the coin is where social networks are not able to
support interest. Some people in the European study moved in social circles whose
members were not interested in or familiar with the Internet. For example, sometimes
their work colleagues were not required to use the Internet for work. Or else they had
retired and many of the people of their generation were not familiar with the on-line
world. As a result, even if they showed some interest themselves it was difficult for
them to know where to start. There was no-one to turn to for help (Haddon, 1998c).
Social networks influence ICT adoption in yet other ways. People acquire ICTs
from members of their networks (Bakardjieva, 2001). This is perhaps especially true
of relatives, and more so of close family. British studies from the early 1990s pointed
to the small gifts that people can receive from relatives, such as phone handsets
(Haddon, 2000b). And a number of the young elderly studied had acquired more
expensive ICTs, such as VCRs, as presents from their adult children (Haddon and
Silverstone, 1996). Later research made similar observations about mobile phones and
even computers (for example, when someone in the extended family upgraded and
passed on the old machine). Sometimes the recipients would not have considered
getting ICTs if they had not received them as a gift (Tracey, 1999).
After acquisition, social networks can continue to support the use of ICTs. For
example, numerous studies have indicated how members of social networks can
provide practical support, such as helping to set-up equipment and software or solve
technical problems (Haddon, 1999a; Tracey, 1999; Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001;
Bakardjieva, 2001). In fact, in British research even some teleworkers mentioned that
their social networks were important in this respect. Their workplace-based technical
support staff could not always support employees who worked at home (Haddon and
Silverstone, 19932). Once again, if this expertise does not exist in a particular person’s
Apart from supporting usage, social networks can also influence the form it
takes (Tracey, 1999). We saw this in the earlier chapter on children and youth. Young
influenced by their peers. As one analyst put it, the social network members who help
people to learn about the Internet are passing on what they had discovered, including
‘their definitions of the new technology crystallised from their own experience’
showed that the structure of social networks could influence usage in the sense of
Thomas, 2001). Meanwhile, the 5-country qualitative study of the Internet found that
lack of access to certain social networks could be restrictive. If one is the only person
accessing the Net within one’s social networks then this can limit the range of use
since there is no-one to act as a guide to the types of things that can be achieved on-
networks, rather than just talk about the role of social networks in general. To give a
flavour of this type of analysis, some have looked at the different influence of friends
vs. family or the special relations between adult children and their parents. Sometimes
overlapping with this, others analysts have focused on strong and weak ties, with one
review arguing how weak ties - meaning the members of one’s network who are not
close, such as acquaintances - were useful for providing access to new resources and
ideas (Tracey, 1999). Looking at communications patterns, yet other researchers have
explored contact with local vs. distant social network members, changes in social
networks over the life course (such as teenagers’ and young adults’ larger circles of
friends) and the impact of residential relocation on social networks (Smoreda and
Thomas, 2001).
networks that have been outlined above stress how individuals and households are
individuals and households support their own social network’s experience of ICTs.
Some of their own usage is on behalf of friends, relatives etc. More generally, giving
support, advising and showing their expertise within these social networks itself
To illustrate the process of how ICTs found a role within social networks of peers we
will consider the history of the first home computers in the UK during the early
1980s. Part of their appeal, leading to a boom in 1983, was fuelled by the
these machines as an icon of the coming IT revolution. Many people purchased these
early computers because they were concerned not to be passed by. Parents certainly
did not want their children to miss out (Haddon and Skinner, 1991). But one then has
to make sense of the fact that for many years the main use of these machines was
actually for playing games. Even suppliers were concerned about the extent to which
Electronic games first appeared in public arcades and were originally adopted
by some arcade owners as replacements for pinball. It was here that (some) male
youth collectively developed the culture of game-playing, competing to get high
scores, learning tricks and strategies from others and swapping tips. When home
games machines appeared and later when home computers became a platform for
playing games, this culture continued. For example, interviews with British youth
revealed that many of the boys who were playing games in the 80s played at times in
isolation. But they also talked about games at school. They swapped games. They
compared notes as regards tactics. And they passed on the information about ways to
cheat or get around games problems - information that was starting to appear in game
magazines. By contrast, while girls may have played games, on the whole these other
layers of interaction were absent amongst their social networks. Games were not the
same topic of conversation as they were for boys. The general reason for looking at
such game- and computer-related interactions and practices is they help explain
gender differences in the popularity of games and home computers at that time
(Haddon, 1992). For the purposes of this section, it underlines the importance of
considering the experience of consumption and relationships outside the home that
has also emphasised the importance of peers as contributing to the popularity of the
practices that were in many ways the equivalent of the computer-related ones outlined
above. Sometimes, it has been argued that particular sub-cultures within youth played
a major role in creating interest. For example, Japanese researchers reported how the
‘Kogyaru’, street-savy high school students, ‘in the early nineties and then with
mobile phones in the later half of the nineties pioneered and popularised recreational
uses of mobile communication, first with pagers’ (Ito and Daisuke, 2003).
If one wants to extend the domestication framework to ask how social processes
amongst networks help shape the consumption of ICTs, there are some immediate
challenges. Friendship ties, or the sometimes looser relations between young people,
are very different from the relationship between family members. Friendship
networks are usually not so bounded, as it is not always clear who is part of a group.
While the relationships involved can be intense, they are often much weaker than
family ones. They have a shorter history and are in many cases more temporary,
without the depth that comes when people’s biographies are so intertwined as in the
case of the family. They do not occur in the same, shared space of a home although
they may involve the colonization of certain public spaces. And they do not entail the
families, these relationships do have some shared histories and to varying degrees
elements of shared identities. They have their own politics and understandings of
what is appropriate. And they involve the use of strategies for managing relationships
vis-à-vis peers.
Bearing this in mind, we can at least pose the question of how ICTs such as
mobile phones are domesticated within such social networks. At this stage, without
the longitudinal study of such change, we can only ask questions. For example, what
are the processes by which ICTs acquire meaning within such groups (over and above
the marketing of firms)? What, for example, leads mobiles or particular mobiles to
become fashionable (or not)? What forms of negotiation take place within social
networks and how do collective practices emerge? Are there rules about use and if so
how are the policed? What type of subsequent career do mobiles have within a group
context? In other words the general types of question one would pose within a
domestication framework can be applied when trying to investigate how social
There are two concerns about the possible negative effects of the Internet on social
1. As a solitary activity, time spent interacting with the Internet may detract from
2. People may use the communication facilities of the Internet to socialize with
others on-line at the cost of the time they would otherwise spend interacting
with those whom they normally see face-to-face (and speak to by phone). Part
of this concern is related to fears that the quality of those on-line interactions
This section will deal with the first of these arguments, but it will become clearer
why it is important to mention the second from the start. We will start with some
observations about asocial Internet use, then briefly review some evidence and reflect
wary of assuming that computer or Internet use is always an antisocial activity. In the
chapter on children and youth, the fact that young people interacted with each other in
media-rich bedrooms showed this. Canadian and British studies have also discussed
young people’s sociability in front of the screen when on-line (Millerand et al, 1999;
Livingstone, 2001). We can develop the point further by adding that even time spent
alone in front of the screen can have a bearing upon time spent socialising later on. If
we go back to the early British study of the home computer, we saw a whole range of
computer-related activities at school and in other venues outside the home. In relation
to the Internet, we saw how it was peers who shaped values about what counts as
good sites and sharing information about these. Admittedly, both of the above
conflicting evidence. For example, one US survey based study reported that heavier
Internet use leads to decreased time with (family and) friends (Nie, 2001). Another
much publicized piece of research, the Homenet study, initially reported that Internet
use led to a decline in local social networks and greater loneliness (Kraut et al, 1998),
although a follow-up study of this same group showed that this general effect later
In contrast, and stressing the sociability benefits of the Internet, we find the
studies citing evidence that Internet use actually led to increased communication with
local friends6 (e.g. Kavanaugh and Patterson, 2001; Howard et al, 2001).
Internet use actually had little impact on time spent with friends (Katz et al, 2001).
They neither increased nor decreased contact with people either in person or by phone
(Wellman et al, 2001). In a review that goes far beyond the space that can be allocated
to the subject in this book, the authors argued that on balance it looks as if the Internet
expanded the interactions with our social networks (Katz and Rice, 2002b)
As regards the methodologies of Internet studies, the issues are the same as in
the previous chapter on sociability within the family, given that the same studies often
consider both friends and family. Therefore, we find discussions of the best measures
(Nie, 2001), arguments that not all the studies use representative samples (pointed out
in Katz et al, 2001) and doubts about using data from self-reports (Kraut et al, 1998).
Given that they actually attempt to measure change in behaviour over time, most
surveys use cross-sectional and not longitudinal data, opening the door for the
but causality is harder to prove. We might add that, understandably, many measures
of the phenomena being studied are possible. One study alone measured how many
times people met friends last week, the time spent with friends and the time spent
going out socially (Katz et al, 2001). One dilemma, as in the case of the digital divide,
is that one can appreciate the scope for conflicting, or at least non-comparable,
evidence. On the other hand, approaching the issue with a range of different measures
Internet consist of more than one element. One crude division is between those parts
that have been characterised as ‘interpersonal’ (e.g. e-mail, chat) and those
characterized as ‘informational’ (e.g. the things one can do on the Web) (Kraut et al,
2003)7. Whenever the above studies measure Internet users (as opposed to non-users)
or the amount of time spent on the Internet overall, they effectively package together
the interpersonal and informational uses, just measuring ‘use’. This is despite the fact
that at the start of this section we saw that one concern (the Internet can make us more
antisocial) is really about informational uses while the other concern (that
communicating with distant others detracts from local interaction) focuses on that
One review of some of the consequences of the Internet for social networks
summarized the pessimistic perspective that ‘online activity replaces strong social ties
in the unmediated world with weak online ties’ (Rice, 2002, p.117). The first point we
appears to refer to people we do not meet with off-line. And while the statement itself
does not necessarily claim that on-line interaction is with distant others, there seems
to be an assumption that this probably is the case in many of the arguments reviewed.
communication. Let us take basic voice telephony, which like the Internet has the
technological potential to connect us globally. Most fixed-line phone calls are actually
local and most phone calls are to people we already see on a regular face-to-face
basis8. For example, one French study showed how proximity and personal contact
could lead to more phone calls. In other words, we do not resort to the phone chiefly
because distance makes it difficult to meet people (Smoreda and Licoppe, 1999)9.
Most phone calls not only help to organize face-to-face meetings but they supplement
them - we phone people more whom we see, as reflected in patterns of local telephone
quantitative and qualitative studies of the Internet would reinforce that emphasis on
the importance of proximity and of contacting people we already interact with off-
line. Adults often use e-mail (and chat) to supplement face-to-face meetings,
contacting ‘local’11 friends not only for organising meetings but also in terms of gift-
giving, sending little messages to people to indicate that they are still thought about
children’s use of the Internet finds similar results about the dominance of on-line
contact with peers who are already known (Livingstone, 2001, 2003)
In such cases, using one medium of communication as opposed to another is not
always an either-or choice. One does not simply displace the other. Both are
increasingly part of a larger communications repertoire, and many people choose from
this repertoire to suit the circumstances13, albeit with constraints sometimes operating
But even when these communications are with those who are at a distance,
many calls and messages are still to people whom we know off-line first and in some
cases with people who we will meet occasionally, such as relatives (discussed further
below). For example, the qualitative component of the European P-903 study showed
how the Internet appeared to facilitate contacts with all kinds of people one already
knew: kin, friends, and acquaintances (Mante-Meijer et al, 2001) and this was
Lastly, contacts that start on-line do not always remain so. True, many do. In
this respect a variety of studies have observed that some encounters on-line are short
term and primarily ‘forms of mutual entertainment’ (Miller and Slater, 2000). Yet
people can also form strong social bonds on-line and this can also lead to off-line
contact (Kraut el al 2002, using US survey data; Miller and Slater, 2000 based on
Japan; Haddon, 2000c using British qualitative study; Rice, 2002 and Katz and Rice,
While on-line communication can lead to such off-line contact there still
remains a question of how significant it is. That partly depends on how you evaluate
the evidence. One review of US surveys commented that ‘over 10% of those who
indicated they had met someone on-line went on to meet them in person and the vast
majority (85%) indicated that it was a positive experience’ (Katz and Rice,
2002b:327). But others have pointed out that developing strong relationships on-line
is comparatively rare (Kraut et al, 2002). This means that even if, in a minority of
cases, on-line contact leads to off-line contact one can at least pose the question of
The other part of the concern outlined above is about ‘weak’ on-line ties. This is the
view that the quality of on-line interactions and relationships is less than that of
offline ones. One review of research indicated how this assessment of the inferior
social psychological research but also in more popular discourses. The evaluation is
largely because of claims about the limited ‘bandwidth’ of textual communication and
the anonymity of the media (Watt et al, 2002). The reviewers observed that an
equivalent critique of the quality of the medium was also made about new media in
Homenet trial participants’ relations with social networks and of those participating in
on-line communities. They compared how these groups evaluated on-line and offline
communication, and in particular e-mail, was less valuable than face-to-face contact
and the telephone for building and sustaining close social relationships. In particular,
from looking at listservs on the Internet the researchers concluded that some of the
on-line communities studied in earlier Internet research, which seemed to be very
active, might well have been interesting cases. But they seemed to be the exceptions
quality. The Trinidad study described examples where there was surprisingly rich
banter on-line and the researchers were impressed by just what emotions could be
expressed through text (Miller and Slater, 2000). A Japanese study of an elderly on-
line community made a similar point, observing that the participants were used to
text-based communication. They could express emotion though the use of such
devices as archaic language styles, dialect and poetry (Kanayama, 2003). Two
reviews of a range of studies also pointed out how on-line communication could be
made very personal and socially rich. In fact, it might not be any less personal or
A different way of approaching this issue would be to note that the emotional
closeness of on-line contacts might not be what is important for some purposes. We
might consider here communication with communities of interest, where weak ties
that there are others out there in similar circumstances, for example, facing a
particular health problem, and that they can share experiences (Bakardjieva and
Smith, 2001).
Finally, when we start to consider contact with people we already know, on-line
number of the American studies found that using the Internet increased contact with
distant friends and relatives (Boneva, 2001; Kraut et al, 1998, Howard et al, 2001; an
AOL survey reported in Rice, 2002). In one piece of research nearly a third of
interviewees (31%) said that they now had more communication with family
members whom they previously did not contact often (Howard et al, 200114). The
Trinidad study also reported that the Internet led to more contact with such distant
relatives (Miller and Slater, 2000). In particular, on-line communication could take on
even more significance for migrants and diaspora. The Trinidadians living abroad
used it to stay in touch and the researchers pointed in particular to the role of e-mail
for ‘reactivating family ties that had fallen into abeyance’ (Miller and Slater, 2000:
56). Meanwhile, a Canadian study looking at the motivations for going on-line
described how e-mail and on-line chat were seen as practical ways to restore and
enabled people to maintain contact with other socially distant parts of the network
when that might otherwise have been lost. E-mail has even been used to resurrect
contact with previous social networks, such as old school friends (Haddon, 2000c)15.
In fact, in one AOL survey, 41% of participants reported that they had renewed such
contacts (Rice, 2002). Meanwhile, one Canadian study found evidence when people
move house to a new area, ex-neighbours living some distance away can still use the
phone users from the immediate physical social space and those co-present through
respects this is takes us in a different direction from claims about the effects of the
Internet on sociability. Like the traditional fixed phone, the mobile phone often
gives us more contact with people who are socially close to us, who we may well
see regularly, and who are network members with whom we have strong ties. This
can be seen in patterns of mobile phone traffic and was also found in a study of
Japanese webphone use (a mobile phone capable of Internet access and sending e-
mail), where e-mail communications were once again sent to well known persons
how such intensive communications where ‘one has a running sense of the other’s
location and situation’ can reinforce such social ties (Ling, 2004). But it is a certain
kind of sociability that excludes other forms. The author referred to the notion of a
aimed at a limited number of people we know well, this limits our opportunity to
somewhat similar vein have pointed out, since people’s attention is limited, this shift
in the balance to a more ‘connected’ relationship with an intimate few can be at the
expense of making the effort to interact with strangers (Rivère and Licoppe, 2003).
Both the French and Norwegian research drew upon the work of Sennett (1986),
describing the growing incivility within society. This leads to the question of
whether such a process of interacting with a few close others detracts from the
public sphere itself and from the social capital of society (Ling, forthcoming).
This chapter started by indicating the various ways in which social networks can have
a bearing upon people’s experience of ICTs. They do this through stimulating initial
interest, through providing a way to become familiar with technologies and services
as well as appreciate their usefulness, through recommendations and gifts and through
assisting and shaping usage. However, if social network support can be a resource,
lacking the networks that perform these roles can itself contribute to the unevenness
The next step was to make the network itself the focus of attention, rather than
the individual or household within it, just as some general studies of social networks
do. Then we can ask how social networks as collectivities adopt ICTs, and how
practices relating to these technologies emerge. In other words, we could extend the
household. We saw this demonstrated on a large scale with the example of gender and
games, looking even beyond more narrowly defined networks of people who know
each other. This illustrated the point that it was sometimes important to look at
relations outside the home in order to explain some social phenomenon. In this
instance, it helped account for gender differences in the early usage of home
computers arising from the different meaning that games had in networks of boys and
The final section looked at the specific debates about the effects of the Internet
on our relationships with social networks, which stressed the potential displacement
of some interactions by others. The first concern was that the Internet might reduce
people’s sociability by cutting down the time they spent interacting with their social
might add that to measure simply ‘use’ of the Internet or time spent interacting with
the screen may be misleading. Using the Internet (or other ICTs such as the computer)
of interacting in front of the screen as well as talking about the Internet when not on-
The second concern is that the Internet could lead to people spending more
time interacting with distant others to the detriment of face-to-face contact, couched
in terms of weak mediated on-line ties displacing strong off-line ones. Again, there is
a question about how fruitful it is to pose the question in this way. Much Internet
based communication is actually with people we already know. The medium has
become just one more channel in our overall communications repertoire, used
about ‘weak’ mediated on-line ties. The picture is more complex. Whatever its
‘quality’, communicating on-line can be useful for some purposes and it can exhibit a
1. This study took place in 1998 in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the
each country.
2. As in the case of the single parent and young elderly studies, this research from
1992-3 involved dairies and two sets of interviews with twenty households. The
3. Use of the fixed phone, e-mail and the mobile related to network features such as
social network size, the percentage of family vs. friends and the percentage of local
network members.
4. By way of clarification, most UK computers sold at that time were cheaper and had
less capacity and functional capability than computers being sold in North America.
involving the use of secondary sources to construct history of computers and games,
and interviews with people working in the British computer and game industry, as
well as interviews with users, including young people, and observational studies. The
appears in Haddon, 1988a, their use by youth appears in Haddon 1992, and the history
5. The authors argue a number of processes may be at work here. One refers to the
specific nature of the early sample – the results may have been different for different
groups. Another process may be that it has one effect in the short term but another in
the longer term. A third is that the first findings may have been influenced by the
nature of the Internet at that time. Fewer family and friends were on-line in 1995-96
compared to the time of the follow-up study in 1998. They also conducted a second
panel study to demonstrate differential effects for different groups. Extraverts and
those with more social support benefited more from Internet access, including in
6. European data from the P-903 project would match this. Internet users have larger
social networks than non-users and long-term users report more frequent sociability
with friends (Smoreda and Thomas, 2001). The British Telecom longitudinal study
also found a small increase in social life following take up of the Internet (Gershuny,
7. The authors themselves are critical of aggregating Internet data and acknowledge
the crudity of this division between interpersonal and informational in order to make a
general point.
8. This point was also true historically, as Fischer (1992) pointed out in his American
study when reflecting on concerns that the phone favour non-local communication
9. Wellman, in his Canadian study, also observed that his respondents had more
frequent contact with those who lived nearby - both face-to face and by telephone
(Wellman, 1992).
10. In fact, the P-903 data reinforced the results of other studies showing that the
more you see people the more you call them (Smoreda and Thomas, 2001)
11. That acknowledged, one first caveat is that the term ‘local’ could have misleading
connotations, sometimes implying ‘in the neighbourhood’. Over a decade ago one
Canadian study has demonstrated that most friends do not live ‘locally’ in that sense
and emphasized how little face-to-face contact there is now with neighbourhood
dispersed (Wellman et al, 2001). If the main interest is in social relations in which
there is regular face-to-face contact, these can be maintained over a fairly wide
geographic area, for example a large city, depending on the area over which people
operate in their daily lives. Some people only operate over a relatively small,
contained area while others regularly travel over an area the size of London (as in,
meeting friends ‘up in town’). This has to be borne in mind in discussions of ‘local’
12. Also observed in the five-country qualitative study of the Internet (Haddon,
13. Others have commented on how we can move between different modes as our
14. And a similar figure, 2% was found in the Pew Survey in 2002 (Horrigan et al,
15. One of the striking observations about proximity that emerges from that
qualitative material is how often interviewees referred to their use of e-mail to keep
contact with social network members who lived abroad. This sometimes replaced
phone calls, but it also led to additional communications that arose because of the
Chapter six: Time and ICTs
Our longer-term social commitments, as well as the wider social structures in which
we operate, have a bearing upon adoption and use. In this respect temporal
studies, are important because they have a bearing for people’s room for manoeuvre
This chapter starts specifically with the following question. How does the time
we reserve for other activities limit or shape the consumption of ICTs? Specifically,
when can time considerations influence the very adoption of ICTs? And in what ways
do they constrain usage, indeed constrain our ability to learn to use ICTs in the first
examine over and above the total amount of free disposable time available to us?
The next section deals with subjective perceptions of time, since these may
influence the strategies people adopt when organising their time and their attitudes to
and use of new ICTs. Here we ask how researchers on time stress have approached
and tried to make sense of this issue of time perceptions. How has their analysis
with effects of ICTs on how we plan and manage time. After some general
observations about our lack of knowledge of people’s time strategies, this sections
provides some case studies which deal with the degree to which we need to organise
time in advance. This leads to the following questions. To what extent, and for whom
do ICTs enable more spontaneity or alternatively create the need for the greater pre-
planning of time?
Time influencing the adoption and use of ICTs
Disposable time
‘opportunity costs’ of using ICTs – i.e. they recognise that they could be partaking in
another activity instead. Anticipation of time costs can affect not only the decision to
use ICTs but also the very decision to adopt them in the first place or to invest in the
skills necessary to use the technology. This was captured in some comments from the
European P-903 study, when people were expressing their reservations about the
Internet (Klamer et al, 2000). One complained ‘It takes time to develop into an
experienced searcher’. Another added ‘If one isn’t selective and doesn’t know what
one’s looking for, surfing, information search and shopping may take too long ...and
This whole issue of disposable time is important because to the extent that we
reserve time for activities this in turn imposes potential limits on the consumption of
ICTs. We can demonstrate this with an example from the five-country qualitative
study of Internet adopters and non-adopters (Haddon, 1999a)1. For many of the adults
interviewed, the time slot when they went on-line was often constrained by working
followed this pattern. For example, one British interviewee only allowed herself
thirty-minutes to relax and search for whatever interested her on the Internet. This
took place in the time slot after she had completed her day’s work and before she
went out socialising in the evening. For others the time slot might fall after
completing some work-related tasks at home in the early evening, or in the late
evening, relaxing at the end of the day (e.g. through socialising on-line). In other
words, while some had unpredictable periods of free time, others had more regular
Occasionally those involved in the Internet industry ask whether the time people
actively spend on-line might increase substantially. One can imagine how it might
increase somewhat, and how the pattern of use might change to frequent short bursts
of activity with the ‘always on’ Internet. But, in the short term at least, how
substantially can Internet time increase for people such as the interviewees described
above if the Net competes against their commitments to and desire to be with family,
with friends and to take part in other activities inside and outside the home?
A number of ICTs are promoted not so much for saving time as for being able to
time-shift activities. Examples would be VCRs, answering machines and voice mail.
Or else these technologies offer temporal flexibility in that people can use them when
they want to. This includes communicating with people at the timing of their own
choice, without being constrained by fixed time schedules or the pressure to reply to
e-mails and text messages. Of course, by offering users more flexibility in organising
their lives, this may in turn allow them to combine activities in such a way so as to
save time.
project realised this to some extent (Klamer et al, 2000). However, our ability to shift
acknowledge that some people have more flexible temporal patterns than others.
French analysts studying phone communication patterns found that the overall
distribution of phone calls was still shaped by patterns of work, when shops were
open and when transport and other public services operated. To an extent this remains
so even as there are moves towards twenty-four hour, seven-day a week working and
opening hours. Influenced by the timing of work and of school, French domestic calls
start to rise at 5.00 pm peaking at 8.00-9.00 pm (De Gournay and Smoreda, 20012).
Then there is the question of synchronising time with others. For example, the
French study pointed out that teleworkers and retired people still made many phone
calls in the evening because (apart from the cheaper tariffs) that was when other
people whom they called were at home. In general communications between adults
and their (sometimes retired) parents also took place in the evening. The qualitative
part of this French study showed how calls earlier in the day were often re-directed to
the evening since people wanted a quiet period to deal with phone conversations at
more length (De Gournay and Smoreda, 2001). And of course social codes in some
countries also imply that one should not phone after 10.00 pm (Lelong and
Beaudouin, 2001).
Another French study showed that even Internet users avoided going on-line in
the early part of the evening. They did this both to keep the (single) phone line free
for incoming and outgoing calls and because the early evening was more often
devoted to family times, like having a meal together. Internet traffic rose after
10.00pm. Prior to that, sessions on-line were shorter (Lelong and Beaudouin, 20013).
That particular research went on to examine experiments using terminals other than
the PC for accessing the Internet. As regards using a set top box to access web-TV,
the television watchers in the household would usually impose their timetable on
when the TV set was used for viewing broadcast programmes and when it could be
used for accessing the Internet. Meanwhile, webphones were only used for the
Internet after 10.00 pm, when ordinary voice phone calls were no longer made.
professionals attitudes to and use of cable TV4. Whatever the amount of actual level
children and lifestyle choices meant that the majority of the interviewees often had at
best only a few hours to watch TV during the weekdays and at weekends. Many of the
men, especially, worked long hours at their place of work. After coming home they
expected to spend some time with their families. So parents from this social class
would often not have the chance to begin viewing until 8.00 pm or later - and then
understandable that many argued cable was not justified because they did not have
Staying with this example, it is also worth considering one of the selling points
of cable – the number of films it offered. In that time slot noted above, these managers
and professionals could in theory have fitted in watching a film. However, many of
this group also liked to watch the evening news as a priority, either (at this period in
the mid-1990s) at 9.00 pm or at 10.00 pm. This in turn meant that the other TV
programmes they watched (including ones they videoed) were of shorter duration than
a film and they were viewed either side of news. In other words, the timing of their
commitment to the news, and wanting to see it live, blocked the option to watch a
One last example of the constraints on the timing of ICT use relates to social
expectations about communication. There are the social codes as regards replying to
e-mails and text messages. As was observed above, the technological promise is that
practice there are often social pressures to reply sooner rather than later, as observed
feel obliged to communicate’ and ‘The sender often expects a fast reply’ (Klamer et
al, 2000). And we saw earlier in the chapter on children and youth how they
In fact, this pressure can actually lead to a sense of losing control, and even a
I’d say that 40% of the e-mail I get at work is social, I also get an incredible
deluge of work-related stuff. Now my social e-mail is just out of control, over
the last two years there’s just been more and more of it, its so tedious …my e-
mail circle has increased and they’re getting more frequent…it’s quite
outrageous and takes up far too much of my time, it’s becoming quite
annoying, I used to reply straight away, now I leave it for weeks on end
One might ask more about the factors that put pressure on people to reply, the
expected time scales of replies and how people respond to these pressures in practice.
This last example also draws attention to the way in which the practices of textual
messaging might change over time as people engaged in this type of communication
Blocks of time vs. Fragmented time
One further question concerns whether people can find blocks of time for using ICTs,
and how large those blocks are, versus the degree to which the time for ICT use is
fragmented. This issue has been discussed in relation to gender, where women, who
still have more responsibility for domestic labour, experience relatively more
fragmented television viewing then men. They often fit viewing in between other
activities. But the picture is made more complicated by other factors. In a qualitative
study of teleworking, both male and female professionals, for whom work was a
career and a priority, organised work into blocks. This was because they needed
protracted periods of concentration in order to carry out their tasks, and it was
reflected in the timing of their use of ICTs such as the computer. Meanwhile, clerical
telework was predominantly undertaken by women who were trying to earn some
extra money for the household while being at home. Work, and hence the use of ICTs,
was temporally more fragmented as these teleworkers alternated between small tasks
(e.g. printing off) and domestic chores (Haddon and Silverstone, 1993).
This issue of the duration of time slots allotted to ICT use can be important for a
argued that its flat-rate tariff was actually one crucial factor leading people to devote
longer blocks of time to the Internet. They did not worry about the costs associated
with pay-per-use. The authors thought that this contributed to more sophisticated
usage5 and that spending longer blocks of time on-line facilitated learning. In fact, in
comparison to narrowband access, more people in these households learnt to use the
Internet, in addition to the main expert6 (Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001). We might
speculate as to whether having blocks of time for ICT use also allows for more
experimentation and a greater chance of achieving success (e.g. in terms of finding
relevant example worthy of further investigation. The fact that many women multitask
households with ICTs has led to many people consuming several technologies at
once. We might think of the examples of listening to music or TV while being on-
with friends. To take one slightly older example from television, we might consider
the practice of zapping between programmes using the remote control and keeping
Perceptions of time
There has been some research looking at perceptions of time and ICTs. For example,
people’s ‘orientation’ to time (past, present and future orientations) can have a
bearing upon ICT consumption (Silverstone, 1993). And the television schedule can
be used to mark, or give a sense of structure to, the passing of time (Scannel, 1988).
But one theme from the time literature has only been occasionally linked to
ICTs, and that is perceptions of time stress or the sense of time pressure7 that people
sometimes mention (Klamer et al, 2001). In this section we stand back from
technologies for a moment to think more generally about how this time stress has
perceptions of the quality of time. One can at least ask whether such perceived
pressure has a bearing upon the perceptions and roles of ICTs. For example, under
what circumstances and for whom can ICTs help to alleviate a perceived time stress
problem? Or when are they seen as contributing to that problem, leading to more
Time stress
Time stress is a theme in the wider literature on time, also expressed as ‘time famine’,
‘the time squeeze’ or the ‘harried leisure class’ (Southerton, 2001). An apparent
paradox commented upon in some of the time literature is that while time budget data
has demonstrated that those in employment have gained slightly more leisure time (or
rather ‘non-work time’), surveys show that people actually feel more time pressure.
objective changes in society. While claims that we work longer are empirically not
true, other changes in our time structures provide more plausible explanations for this
more work takes place at different times, as we can shop at different times, etc. While
this provides more individual flexibility on the one hand, it can also increase (time)
problems associated with co-ordinating with our social networks (this theme is
strategies, themselves based on new expectations. For example, one account referred
to the amount of things people now tried to achieve. In a German study, three-quarters
of those surveyed said that they experienced time pressure precisely because they
were trying to do too much in their leisure time (Garhammer, 1998b). Another
changing strategy involved the speeding up of life as people did things more quickly
in order to fit everything in. Hence, leisure activities become less ‘leisurely’ (Roberts
(1976), discussed in Southerton, 2001). And in this respect, ICTs may themselves
contribute to this faster pace of life, as observed by this Italian interviewee in the
European P-903 study (Klamer et al, 2000) when he observed: ‘New technologies
allow you to do more activities but they make you frenetic and stressed.’
Apart from the sheer number of activities undertaken it has been argued that the
duration and frequency of these activities are changing. This leads to people feeling
time pressure because they use their time more intensely, perhaps doing several things
short, frequently changing episodes of activity (Bittman, 1998). Multi-tasking has also
been cited as a cause of stress. Or if not actually doing several things at once, then at
Two arguments about the perception of being harried introduce ways of thinking
about the quality of time. The first comes from a UK qualitative study. This argues
that although people referred to the idea of time stress when asked to comment on
their own everyday life, in practice their days were not stressed overall (Southerton,
2001). But what emerged was the fact that there were particular periods when they
felt harried because they had packed many activities into a short time frame: which
This compression of activities can be caused by the pressure to fit in with the
time structures of institutions, as in the case of the rush to get children ready for
school in the morning. Hot spots can arise from the problem of co-ordinating with
social networks, occurring when there are small windows of time in which to make
contact. They can arise due to the unpredictability of events which mess up plans. But
hot spots can also arise because of the desire to fulfil a different time strategy: to
create ‘cold spots’. The examples of cold spots provided by the study’s participants
were characterised in terms such as ‘quality time’, ‘potter time’, ‘chill time’ and
‘bonding time’. In other words, because people wanted to create times which had a
special quality, ones which were not under pressure, they allocated their daily
practices unevenly, dashing around (during hot spots) to get the task out of the way in
The second, Australian, study started out with the literature suggesting that
women felt more harried than men (Bittman and Wajcman, 2000). However, many of
the studies cited to support this claim were qualitative in nature and so the authors
wanted to check these arguments using time budget data. Overall, there was not much
But the researchers argued that leisure unaccompanied by a second activity (i.e.
modify leisure preferences to fit in with children). Males were far more likely to
experience the first, which the researchers called ‘pure leisure’. This was shown when
the data for primary and secondary activities were combined. Women were more
pure leisure. This was longer for males. The average number of pure leisure episodes,
was greater for females, meaning that female’s leisure experience was more
fragmented into periods of shorter duration. Arguably, this was less relaxing than
unbroken leisure.
Finally, the researchers developed the concept of ‘adult leisure’, defined as time
spent in pure leisure or ‘intense leisure’ (primary and secondary activities both
counting as leisure) without the presence of children. If children were present, this
time would be designated ‘family leisure’. The gender differences were most notable
when the children were very young. Mothers’ leisure was mostly family leisure, while
statistically, that the quality of leisure time was different for males and females. Iin
conjunction with arguments from qualitative studies, this helped to explain the greater
Given the lack of available evidence, it has only been possible in this section to
illustrate some of the ways in which the issue of time perceptions has been
approached and in particular to think about the quality of different times for different
perception may have a bearing upon how we experience ICTs. Do these technologies
become associated with times perceived as stressful, or with the high quality times
described in the two different studies above? And how should we assess ICTs in the
helping to create hot or cold spots; as contributing to that stress, as when we make
Although in the last section we saw some examples of the way people manage time
(e.g. creating hot and cold spots), compared to the amount of data on time use there is
actually very limited research on the detailed practices of time planning and on the
different temporal strategies open to us (Chatto, 2001). Research of this kind would
need to cover practical questions such as how people adjust their schedules, re-
people dispense with the end of the activity, do they move the whole time plan for the
day? And it would need to cover how people adapt time plans to each other (e.g.
comparing time schedules, by trial and error), how much they are aware of other
people's time plans and how much time they spend communicating about these plans.
As reported in the chapter on children and youth, German research from the late
1980s discussed the changing experience of childhood this century (Büchner, 19909).
It traced the decline of street culture, where interaction was to some extent
spontaneous with peers who happened to live nearby. We saw that more free time was
spent not only in the home but also at a distance from the home both in after-school
institutions and also with friends who lived at a distance. This German study made the
point that maintaining such social circles required more co-ordination and planning,
and children became more dependent on being transported by adults. In this context,
the telephone became more and more essential not only to arrange meetings, which
could be partly done at school, but also to confirm them after negotiations with adults.
Children, it was argued, were experiencing a more intense time economy, often
having to say they had ’no time’ and finding themselves under more pressure to ‘save
time’. This process became part of their socialisation into later adult roles. The
children learnt to manage their time economy, schedule activities, make appointments
and make commitments to others. It also implied that the timing of meetings required
more advanced planning and was less spontaneous (e.g. compared to simply going to
Subsequently, research on the mobile phone has suggested that this technology
can produce the opposite effect, creating more spontaneity. French research described
the shift in appointment-making practices as people could now call someone if they
happened to be nearby in order to see if they could meet up (Licoppe and Heurtin,
2001). Meanwhile, Norwegian research discussed the way people used the mobile
phone to make arrangements to meet after they have already arrived at a destination
such as a pub, restaurant or other site. They improvised a meeting rather than planning
one in advance. The research observed this behaviour was especially developed
among teenagers, as well as the practice of only vaguely specifying where to meet at
first but then progressively firming this up through subsequent calls (Ling and Yttri,
2002). A slightly different take on a similar process came from a Japanese study
noting similar mobile phone communication in the build up to a meeting and then
further communications by mobile between youth immediately after the meeting (Ito
and Daisuke, 2003). This made the meeting even more ‘fluid’.
Thus, in contrast to the fixed phone research described above, such uses of the
mobile phone (as well as phoning ahead to warn that one is late and rescheduling
when underway) imply the need for less planning in advance. They suggest more
meetings at the last moment. So has this lead to new ‘just-in-time’ forms of
To answer this, it is worth considering a point made earlier about the problems
people’s individual time schedules become more varied). This was captured in one of
the European P-903 focus groups by this Danish male participant: ‘When we were
younger, we visited each other spontaneously. We don’t do that any more. Now we
complained about the constraints of family life: ‘With a child…we need to plan
The point is that the greater possibility for instant communication does not
necessarily lead us to change the way we plan and manage time. It is more difficult to
do so at short notice, more spontaneously, if we are locked into some of the time
structures that have been discussed at several points in this chapter. Clearly the
Norwegian youth referred to earlier would seem to have had a fair amount of
The issue of disposable time is important because to the extent that we reserve time
for other activities this in turn limits or shapes the consumption of ICTs. In fact,
sometimes the anticipated time costs of ICT use is enough to shape decisions and
people even give up use because of time costs. While examples of this have emerged
anecdotally and in qualitative research, such considerations appear not to have been
examined more systematically – providing scope for investigating whether time costs
On closer inspection, we need to look not just at the amounts of disposable time
available to use ICTs, but also at issues concerning the timing of that use and the time
structures of people’s lives. In fact, despite the promise of some ICTs to allow us
our time structures. Hence, one general research question concerns the degree to
which the time structures discussed above are flexible or inflexible. In other words,
under what circumstances, for whom, and in relation to what type of (social)
constraint are people freer to change the time order of their daily lives? If we consider
the theme of blocks of time for ICT use or whether that use is fitted into more
determine the duration of time slots devoted to ICTs. And to what extent does to
on time, especially in the debates about the causes of time stress. Two lines of
analyses were picked out in this chapter because they provided a way to think about
the ‘quality’ of time. Arguably research into this subjective dimension is worth
pursuing since people’s evaluation of their time, and their evaluation of how ICTs are
affecting it, may well influence their adoption and use of these technologies.
There appears to be an even more limited amount of research on the actual way
we plan time use more generally, about the mechanics of planning and about time
whether various ICTs fit in with, assist or are at odds with the way people actually go
about organising their time. While we can pose the general question asking how much
ICTs have had an impact on such planning processes, we can ask a more specific one
about whether they are providing more or less scope for spontaneity of action.
1. This was a middle-class sample since at the time of the study in 1998 they were the
2. The French analysts examined communications traffic from France Telecoms’ data,
the survey material and in-depth interviews from a variety of projects from a
3. This article represented a synthesis of the results from four years of French
4. This study consisted of in-depth interviews with twenty households, half with and
half without cable TV. It was conducted in 1995-6 for the cable company Telewest
(Silverstone and Haddon, 1996a). The households were from social class AB.
7. There are national variations in perceptions, reflecting perhaps not just different
asking working people if they felt rushed, 25% said yes in Germany compared to 11%
Certainly those involved in what has been called more ‘passive’ leisure activities (e.g.
TV watching) have not necessarily felt pressured nor, surveys suggest, have young
workers spending time in pubs, cinemas etc., whose social life involved a large
amount of social communication (Garhammer, 1998b). Third, being busy does not
necessarily mean feeling stressed. Even sections of the population who experience a
crowded timetable might agree that they are, or outsiders might define them as being,
busy - but they need not experience this as pressure. For example, some find that
being busy is stimulating. In the European P-903 focus group study, those participants
who had both mobile phones and Internet access were more inclined to talk about the
huge number of different activities which made them live an active and rather hectic
life, including in their leisure time. But these people often liked to be busy, they did
not feel stressed but saw being busy in a very positive way (Klamer et al, 2000).
Others also have commented on the fact that that being busy can be symbolic of a
8. The researchers used multinational data for the overall figures and Australian data
9. This chapter was based on a literature review, combined with data from a youth
Chapter seven: Movement, public spaces and ICTs
Our relationship to space, like time, has a bearing on how we use and experience
ICTs. While the issues around locating ICTs in domestic space and the implications of
this will be covered in chapter nine, in this chapter we will examine two other spatial
relationships. The first, admittedly less rooted in the traditional interests of the
domestication framework, concerns ICTs and movement through space, i.e. how ICTs
relate to various forms of travel behaviour. The second deals with how ICTs are
Starting with travel, it has been pointed out elsewhere that mobility has been a
relatively under-researched topic within the social sciences, or only seen as a black
box where the nature of and social motivations for travel have received little attention
(Urry, 20002). In certain respects, this is also true of travel and ICTs. Therefore, in
comparison to the other chapters, this chapter cites less evidence but poses more
research questions.
The chapter starts by drawing upon historical studies that suggest ways in which
wider social changes may have set the pre-conditions for the reception of ICTs. Could
changing travel patterns be one such social change? In particular, how might changes
in the travel patterns of particular groups such as children and women have a bearing
upon their ICT acquisition and use? And why is it important to disaggregate travel
We can also ask about the opposite causal relations. How do ICTs affect
patterns of travel? For example, do new ICTs that facilitate teleworking or enable e-
commerce have implications for mobility? If, as discussed in the previous chapter,
changed our patterns of meeting, what implications has this for patterns of
movement? How do ICTs themselves influence the very organization and
management of travel? Specifically, how are newer ICTs such as the mobile phone
and e-mail making a difference in this respect? What of the new travel information
services becoming available – what research questions would we want to ask of their
Apart from influencing the motivations for and logistics of travel, ICTs can
have a bearing upon the very experience of mobility. For instance, in what ways do
ICTs enable us to manage our affairs remotely, when away from the home? How do
they affect how we make use of travel time? How do they alter what it means to be
abroad, as well as what it means to be away from home? And how do they influence
To set the scene for the second main topic area of this chapter, ‘public’ and
‘private’ are constructed notions referring to different things in different contexts. One
common approach has been to refer to the public world of work and the private world
of the home. However, some analysts have wondered whether the two notions are
themselves changing, partly aided by new ICTs like the mobile phone. For example,
what counts as public and private communications may depend less on the particular
place and more on the form and purpose of communication (Cooper at al, 2001).
This part of the chapter focuses mainly on expectations of and behaviour related
to mobile phone use in different social spaces outside the home. It takes up the
relationships with others through and around ICTs. But it looks outside the home to
ask what strategies people have develop for managing their mobile phones in public
spaces and how they interact with the other people who are present.
The effects of mobility on ICT use
Changes in mobility can set the pre-conditions for the reception of new
technologies3. Raymond Williams once argued this in relation to the spread of certain
ICTs in the UK at the start of the twentieth century. He maintained that the spread of
such as newspapers reflected the greater geographical (or residential) mobility that
was occurring at that time as people moved to live and work in different locations
(Williams, 1974). This led them to take more of an interest in these ‘new’ ICTs (as
they were then) that preserved memories and helped those who had moved to keep in
touch with what was happening in their birthplaces. In other words, he argued,
changing social experiences made the time period especially favourable for these new
innovations. The same type of argument could be suggested here4. In this case, we
might speculate (as did Townsend, 2001) that growing mobility in everyday life has
helped to create the positive reception given to a range of ICTs, including both mobile
phones and aspects of the Internet. It has done so through giving rise to more
If we move beyond general mobility in society, we can ask how current patterns
of mobility among different social groups might affect ICT use. For example, in
chapter three we saw that that children’s patterns of mobility are complex and
involved parents ferrying their children to various venues. So one question is whether
the issues of logistics that this necessitates has contributed to parents acquiring mobile
To take another example, we have the relation between mobility and gender. To
greater entry into the labour market has increased pressure for second cars or for
shared use of cars (Salomon et al, 1993). Since statistics have consistently shown that
women were more likely to say that they acquired the mobile phone for emergencies6
– including the car breaking down – there is the question of whether this mobility
trend contributed to the take up of the mobile by women. There are other issues
arising from the particular nature of that women’s mobility and its implications for
ICTs. For example, research has also observed that women often combine more trips
through a number of different spaces when travelling compared to men (Turner and
Grieco, 2000). Do the logistics involved have any bearing on the adoption, use and
The frequency and duration of different types of travel vary, as does their regularity in
terms of occurring more or less routinely or spontaneously. Both in its planning and
execution, travel takes place with different degrees of difficulty. Trips may be
they occur through an individual’s (perceived) ‘free choice’ also varies. And travel
entails different levels of pleasure and stress. In other words, rather than talking just
forms of travel if we are to appreciate their importance and meaning and hence,
potentially, the different roles that ICTs may have in relation to these travel
experiences. Two examples - commuting and travel abroad - are provided to illustrate
such differences and to show what research questions could be asked about how they
In one sense commuting is not such a large part of the total amount we travel –
number of senses. It is the main form of mobility around which other travel is fitted,
thus determining the timing of these other trips. Commuting has increased due to the
commuted have grown across Europe in the last twenty years reflecting the process by
which populations and jobs have become increasingly decentralized (Jansen, 1993).
about the effects of commuting on ICT use. But we can at least pose some questions
to explore how this particular form of travel may have a bearing upon interest in these
technologies. Partly anticipating a theme discussed below, in what ways and for
whom have commuting problems meant that transport information systems or traffic
news (delivered by various means) have become tools for aiding commuting
decisions? Where there is uncertainty about how long commuting will take and if
such travel is strategic in terms of fitting in with other journeys, what bearing has this
had upon the use of mobile communication – voice telephony or otherwise – as a tool
for co-ordinating with others? And, to ask a question pertinent for telecommuting, for
decisions to use ICTs to spend at least some time working from home?
Turning to the case of travel abroad, the number of trips abroad made in 1989
was five times more than in the mid-1960s. International travel has filtered down
through all the different socio-economic levels of the population (Potier et al, 1993).
Travelling abroad may not be, literally, ‘every day’ mobility for most people. But the
P-903 study showed that it was much appreciated, apart from becoming easier
From various qualitative studies we see examples where people who are abroad
use not only fixed telephony but also fax machines and e-mail (including from
Internet cafés7) as well as mobile phones to keep in touch with their children and
parents back home. But one could imagine research exploring more systematically the
communications practices of people when they are abroad. This could include asking
more generally how people use portable ICTs when they are abroad - ICTs ranging
from more work-related laptops to more leisure orientated devices such as music-
playing equipment, portable interactive games and audio-visual devices. For example,
to what extent do people take such ICTs with them and use them when they are
abroad or use them when abroad in order to bring some of their familiar world with
This topic has taken on an added salience in the light of ever greater concerns about
termed ‘hypermobility’ (Adams, 2000). The question asked from this perspective is
whether the use of ICTs in various respects could reduce the need to travel. The
complication is that ‘green’ concerns are not the only consideration. Indeed, some
have asked whether high degrees of mobility form part of our fundamental experience
started to gain publicity in academic circles in the early 1970s when the energy crisis
commuting (Nilles et al, 1976). The environmental agenda has continued to foster the
particular interest in whether ICTs used for work purposes could reduce some need
for travel (e.g. Gillespie et al, 1995; Anderson, 2001), even if there could be other
different researchers’ definitions of the phenomenon, its invisibility and, for many, its
unofficial and casual nature. If we count those who work mainly from home the
number is relatively small (Garies, 2002), not the huge percentage of the workforce
telework, such as one day a week of less, the numbers go up. While the implications
for travel is obviously less than full-time teleworking, there may be still some effect.
Perhaps the tricky question concerns the role of ICTs in causing any such
telework to happen. Policy documents and research papers mention the potential role
of technology drivers, most recently the Internet (e.g. Gareis, 2002). However, there is
the question of how influential the technological developments are compared to other
factors. Research from the 1990s before the widespread adoption of the Internet
suggested that at best the influence of ICTs on the decision to telework was mixed
(Haddon and Silverstone, 1994). Some people worked at home anyway, and the
arrival of newer ICTs simply made their life easier. At the other extreme, but more
rarely, new ICTs enabled telework that could not have taken place before. In fact, the
findings of much of the research into people’s and firms’ motivations for taking an
interest in teleworking indicate a lesser role for technology. While it may offer the
that are usually more important in shaping actual decisions. These include the
willingness of companies and other employers to allow teleworking and the choice
and telebanking offers another potential way to reduce the need for travel. However,
the five-country qualitative study of the Internet showed that even when people used
services such as on-line shopping facilities some of them also combined this with
physical shopping (Haddon, 1998c). For example, they sometimes checked prices on
line and then bought the item from a shop. Or they went to a shop to see a product
before buying it at a cheaper price on-line. This in part reflected a preference that
many people have for physically seeing a good before purchase. This is also the
reason why some people resisted remote purchasing altogether. Some shoppers, in
relation to some goods, take pleasure in physically shopping. And people still liked to
On the other hand, that same qualitative research suggested that for some
people, especially at busy times, the option of remote purchasing could be attractive
and useful. In addition, routine purchases, purchases of some immaterial services and
purchases where the physical nature of the good was less important (e.g. CDs) could
be handled remotely with less concern. One common worry in this 1998 study was the
perceived lack of security on the Internet as regards credit card transactions. In fact,
many interviewees had encountered media stories of Internet fraud, and so, even if
they knew that fraud using only the basic telephone was possible, they thought that
there were more problems with the Internet. However, if we take the payment element
out, a number were willing to look for products on-line. Meanwhile, telebanking was
So the picture is mixed. These new services are useful for some purposes, but
they do not automatically replace all existing consumption practices. Moreover, much
of the research on e-commerce has not been directly interested in the implications for
mobility. In fact, one concern that is sometimes raised about practices such as home
shopping is that any large-scale growth of these remote interactions might mean that
people will become more home-centred and lose a certain amount of social contact
(Klamer et al, 2000). In other words, the fear is that we become too immobile.
Finally, there is the question of the effect of ICTs on travel for the purpose of
making social contact. We saw in the chapter on social networks that contact via the
Internet can lead to particular cases of travel to meet people that might otherwise not
have taken place. It is unlikely that this is really going to make much difference to
people’s overall mobility. As regards the mobile phone, in the chapter on time we saw
instances when people were out of the home and they used the mobile phone to ask
someone else to join them, perhaps leading to a journey which otherwise might not
have taken place. But as in the case of Internet-based transactions, one might
In sum, any evidence we have about whether ICTs themselves lead to less travel
or more travel is often only glimpsed, often arising anecdotally, in studies with other
agendas. Or else it is seen in exploratory studies9. But even lacking the quantitative
and systematic evidence to explore some of the mechanisms outlined here, it is clear
that there are grounds for doubts about the extent to which new ICTs, or rather the
In chapter three on children and youth we saw the German study that showed the
increasing use of the fixed phone by children for arranging meetings with peers
(Büchner, 1990). A more recent French ethnography documents the equivalent usage
among young adult friends (Manceron, 1997). Qualitative studies indicate this process
continuing with the newer ICTs (Haddon 1999a; Klamer et al 2000; Haddon, 2000c).
We find, for example, e-mail being used in the longer term planning of meetings such
its ability to broadcast details and even maps to several people at once.
While Internet based e-mail can be used for planning more short notice events
such as meeting up after work, delays in the arrival of messages and lost e-mails have
mobile phone has an advantage10. For example, talking about mobile voice telephony
this British interviewee observed: ‘It’s really useful to check up where people are on
Saturday nights and they know they can get hold of me…’ (cited in Haddon, 2000c).
Making similar comments about text messaging and youth, this seventeen-year-old
Norwegian interviewee commented: ‘On Friday there are a lot more text messages
than on Thursday because people are out and need to find out what is going on’ (cited
in Ling and Yttri, 2002). Qualitative studies have also shown instances of using the
mobile phone to confirm meetings (in order to avoid wasting time if there has been a
change of plan). They have been used to help overcome problems of locating people
one is supposed to meet up with in public spaces (i.e. phoning to ask where they are).
And, frequently cited, they have been used to warn of delays and the need to
Mobile telephony and texting not only help people to organize meetings but
they also facilitate people’s ability to manage the logistics of everyday life. In their
arrange for children to be picked up and dropped of as well as calls contacting people
when they are underway in order to arrange for them to take on some other activity,
such as going to the shops (Ling and Yttri, 2002; Ling, 2004).
ICTs can itself a bearing upon patterns of mobility. For example, we might consider
the role of the Internet in the initial stages of planning a journey (e.g. checking routes,
travel options) organising the relevant transactions (i.e. buying tickets) and checking
relevant travel information at the last minute to see if there are problems (e.g. road
traffic congestion, rail delays, flight delays). For some time it has been possible to
plan journeys and check for problems using teletext (at least in some countries such as
the UK) as well as monitor certain travel conditions by radio (e.g. traffic congestion
problems). The Internet has since provided yet another means for managing our
travel, as have the car radios which actively search for traffic information, the mobile
phone services for cars supplying information on traffic conditions nearby, the
computer software for route planning and the public transport touch-screen
information services.
One can also imagine research questions about who chooses to use the facilities
in the list above, in what circumstances and for what forms of travel. Equally, why
and by whom are they not used? But maybe it is more appropriate to think of people
personal experiences. Hence, the better questions to ask might be: when do people
take on new sources and how do they fit them into the set of existing travel
involve more or less effort, more or less stress, or lead to the development of more
skills in planning? And do they save time actually spent travelling (on occasions when
Finally, mobile phones have influenced not only the organisation of logistics but
also our ability to manage our private affairs when away from home. One of the
earliest US studies of the mobile phone introduced the concept of ‘remote mothering’.
This referred to women carrying mobile phones in order to be available to children
when needed, to be able to continue ‘mothering work’ even when they were not
physically present (Rakow and Navaro, 1993). The theme of mobiles making us more
available has been raised by participants in subsequent studies, as when they observed
that their mobility was no longer constrained by having to stay at the home base to
We now explore the experiential dimension through a number of different worked
examples. The first is travel in terms of spending time abroad. Credit cards
increasingly allow people abroad to draw money from ATMs (banking machines)
without having to deal with banks or bureaux de change when they need to change
money. The growth of mobile phones means that there is no need to use, and learn
how to use, the telephone systems of the country one is visiting. Developments such
allow us to discover things in our own languages. And the availability of local
information on the Internet provides those (going) abroad with a new way to find out
about their surroundings. These examples illustrate the point that one is using a
familiar interface, there is less need to know the language of the country, less need to
know the particularities of how things work there, less need to work out how to find
things out – i.e. to discover the social system. It may be more convenient, but without
being nostalgic we can simply observe that such developments change the very
visit (e.g. for study purposes), not only means coping in a different environment. It
also used to mean being taking a break from the daily interactions, commitments and
routines associated with being at one’s main home. However, ICTs make it
back home and to be reachable. Consider how satellite provides access to more
foreign TV, which means some travellers can watch their own national TV when
abroad. Meanwhile, mobile phones and the Internet cafés allow us to stay in touch. In
some respects such developments have enabled those who travel or spend a longer
time abroad to perhaps have some peace of mind and continue to manage their lives
and relationships with others when they are away. The other side of the coin is that
The second worked example involves the use of travel time. Qualitative
research has indicated that some people find it to be quite useful to be able to utilise
mobile phones to exploit travel time, to fit in those calls that it is more difficult to
make at other times. If travel time is perceived as ‘dead time’, or a boring time, then
people welcome the chance to be able to do more with it, either using voice telephony
or sending text messages (Klamer et al, 2000). Presumably the same is true of other
portable ICTs.
However, it would be misleading to think that all travel time, even commuting,
is experienced in this way. For example, one study by the French Ministry of
Transport showed that for some people the time spent commuting was their only free
time to reflect. And they were concerned to keep this time13. In the later P-903 study,
some participants used travel time for reading books, newspapers, or planning daily
activities (Klamer et al, 2000). Commuting could also be useful for allowing a mental
transition between home and work or for simply relaxing. In other words, the
subjective experience of travel time and how we want to use it is diverse. The
implication is that we should consider more carefully what activities and experiences
The third example involves feelings of security when travelling. One of the
clearest instances of this, cited in various research, is the greater sense of safety
perhaps more acute for some groups than others – e.g. the Swedish Handicapped
Research Centre found that disabled people felt safer with mobile phones when
driving alone. In an early survey women certainly indicated that they felt safer when
But driving is not the only example. Having the mobile phone available can
provide a general sense of security and assurance, a degree of peace of mind knowing
one has more options to respond, as well as reassuring others, such as parents (Ling,
2004). The same point could be made not only for actual travelling, but for being
especially in isolated places, such as the Norwegian second home in the country or
Hytte, often located in remote places ‘near to nature’ (Ling et al, 1997). Not only
having the phone but talking while passing though public spaces and even making
sure one is seen using a mobile in public can provides a sense of security. Whether it
does lead to more actual security might be open to debate (Ling, 2004).
relevant here, if one considers the rise of in-car entertainment, for example. And one
British study of the Walkman explored the various ways in which personal stereo use
accompany them on urban journeys meant that people had a sense of never having left
home and they could ignore the environment through which they passed.
ICTs in public spaces
Understandings about the degree to which physical (and always social) spaces are
So too are expectations about appropriate behaviour in such spaces. There may well
behaviour in them and even regulation of those spaces (e.g. no smoking, no begging,
people still have to work to make those definitions stick, to make that governance of
space a reality. Moreover, those definitions and that regulation are sometimes resisted.
Or else new situations emerge, such as the arrival of new ICTs, which pose afresh
To take an example of this last possibility, we can consider the arrival of one of
the first portable entertainment ICTs – the Walkman. Early reactions to its use in
public space by those co-present were particularly negative, as were those of some
social commentators. Analysts trying to make sense of this reaction drew on the
anthropological perspectives of Mary Douglas. They argued that this private listening
in public spaces was ‘out of place’ and thus transgressed boundaries (du Gay et al,
1997). The authors of this study added that with the proliferation of this particular
technology, the negative reaction to the Walkman diminished somewhat over time.
But similar reactions, partly for similar reasons, were later directed at the mobile
Arguably, the disruptive nature of new ICTs in public spaces has been even
better exemplified by the mobile. For example, in the mid-1990s when mobile
telephony was first developing as a mass market, the European Telsoc quantitative
research showed that sizeable minorities still had quite negative reactions to mobile
use16. Even by 2001, qualitative and quantitative European research in the P-903
project was still showing perhaps a surprising degree of negative reaction, though
While there have been some attempts to explain this reaction in terms of the
nature of mobile calls (e.g. the disruption of the ringing, hearing one side of a
behaviour in public spaces. For example, one argument has been that any code of
conduct that had emerged in relation to the fixed telephone was now disappearing
through the ‘chaotic and divergent’ use of the mobile phone (de Gournay, 2002).
think about the particularities of different spaces. Certainly the European Telsoc
reactions of those co-present and the behaviour of users, various studies have
attempted to specify the more detailed meanings of particular social spaces, going
beyond the blanket concepts of public and private. For instance, we saw how one
Norwegian study looked at the Hytte, or holiday home, as a space for taking a break
from city life and for communing with nature (Ling et al, 1997). Admittedly, the
mobile phone sometimes played a role in enabling that break, by allowing people to
managed by users. It threatened to disrupt the essential desire to make a break with
normal daily life. To cope with this, mobile users negotiated with potential callers and
family the conditions under which the mobile could and should be switched on or off.
However, such negotiations were not always easy. Other analysts have also observed
that one can be called to account by others for not switching the mobile on (Cooper at
al, 2001).
Meanwhile another Norwegian study, this time of the restaurants18, explored the
very particular expectations people had about what was involved in going out for a
meal, constructing private spaces within a public setting that should not be disturbed
(Ling, 1997; Ling, 2004). The research documented the negative reactions and
subsequent actions of those co-present when a mobile call was taken in this setting.
As in the case of many authors researching this topic, this analysis drew upon the
vocabulary developed in Goffman’s work for describing ways in which everyday life
Such studies remind us that although the focus has been on ‘space’ we really
need to be attentive to time-space, to the ‘situation’, to the ‘moment’ and to the social
activity that is taking place19. For example, it is not just the fact of being in restaurants
that may have a bearing on how we feel about and handle communication. Rather, it
is the act of going out for a meal with someone, reserving a time as well as a space for
them, with all the expectations and desires that this may imply.
The importance of the desire for privacy when making calls was emphasized in the
strategies for securing privacy when using the basic telephone20 (Haddon, 1998a).
This search for privacy re-emerged in two studies of public telephone kiosk use. The
first, a French study, observed that some people used kiosks because they had no
access to a fixed line at home. Other users did have such access but instead preferred
to use public phones because they wanted privacy from other household members
(e.g. younger people did this in order to escape parental surveillance) (Carmagnat,
1995). A similar finding emerged in a second, Japanese, study of younger people who
used public phones because of the lack of privacy at home (especially because it was
very easy to hear phone conversations through the thin walls in Japanese homes21)
providing (for the caller) more privacy than the home. This can also be true of mobile
phone use (Ling and Helmersen, 2000). In the European Telsoc study, 14% of the
whole sample said that they had used the mobile phone specifically because it
provided some privacy (Haddon, 1998a)22. However, in researching the use of the
work phone for private purposes one French study found that only certain types of
communication were felt to be appropriate in the work context – i.e. there were some
subjects that would not be discussed in such phone calls (de Gournay, 1997). It
remains to be seen how the nature and content of calls influence people’s willingness
contact via the fixed line, so too there are strategies for controlling incoming mobile
communication. For example, apart from switching off their phones in different social
locations, qualitative studies have indicated how people turn the phone off when it
rings or let it ring. Both actions can direct calls to voicemail (Licoppe and Heurtin,
2001, 2002). We should add that in addition to wanting to control their overall
reachability, people sometimes want to avoid giving out the contextual details of
where they are, what they are doing and the presence of particular others.
The caller is not the only one the mobile user needs to manage. Various studies
have revealed the strategies that mobile users adopt for dealing with co-present others,
be they known or strangers. These include trying to be discrete when answering calls
and moving to a separate space (Bassett et al, 1997). If they want to demonstrate to
others that they care that they might be infringing expectations, mobile users may
indicate that they are trying to deal with this by ‘speeding up’ the call to bring it to an
Yet other analyses of the messages we give to bystanders draw upon Simmel’s
(1997) characterisation of the anonymous urban experience and how we try to cope
with what has been described as the ‘inflicted co-presence’ of other people. Portable
ICTs such as the Walkman (Bull, 2000), the laptop or palmtop, handheld games and
now the mobile can all be used to cut us off from those immediately around us. Using
a mobile, accompanied by signals that include avoiding the gaze of others and the use
of gestures and body movements, can tell other people about the user’s non-
availability and serve to create a private bubble within public space (Cooper, 2000;
Changing patterns of travel may have set the general pre-conditions for the reception
of ICTs. In addition, the examples of children and women’s mobility suggest that
there is some scope for exploring whether the mobility of different socio-demographic
groups have consequences for ICT adoption and use. However, it is important to
disaggregate the different types of mobility since the potential role of ICTs might vary
When we turn the question around to ask about effects of ICTs on mobility, the
issue can be approached at a number of levels. Many of these parallel the questions
asked about time in the previous chapter. One first consideration is how ICTs
influence the activities we take on, the way we link activities and hence the patterns of
movement between activities. For example, do the options provided by ICTs such as
mobile telephony enable us, indeed tempt us, to pack more activities into the day?
Clearly such a question relates to the wider issue of time use, the timing of activities
and the ‘busyness’ of life. But it also has implications for mobility. A second level
also refers back to a theme of the last chapter. How have ICTs affected the planning
of mobility? For example, how much in practice do people seek out travel-related
information, how much has this changed and why, when and how does it make a
spontaneity of time planning discussed in the last chapter once again have
implications for mobility. And a third level of analysis concerns how ICTs can have a
experience of being abroad or being away from home, the experience and of using
travel time for other purposes and the sense of security or pleasure ICTs bring to the
travel experience.
The main research issue as regards the use of portable ICTs in public spaces is
behaviour in different social (times and) spaces. While the earliest studies were of the
Walkman, most recent attention has been on the mobile phone. It is possible to
imagine this issue extending to the use of ICTs such as camera phones ands mobile
videophones. In each case, there is scope for further research to pin down the specific
issues relating to each technology, the expectations relating to different public spaces,
strategies for managing the technology and any related communication and
1. This chapter is largely based on a review undertaken within the European action
2. In fact, Urry calls for a ‘mobility turn’ in the social sciences, making different
forms of mobility (not only corporeal mobility) more central to sociology’s core
interests. Indeed, more research into this field has started in several European centres.
3. When discussing how the arrival of the telephone influenced wider social change in
the US up until 1940, Fischer describes the difficulty of disentangling the effects of
the take up of a particular technology from that of other technologies and from other
borne in mind here, and applies equally to the task here of distinguishing the effects of
4. This type of argument about changing social contexts favouring take up of the
mobile phone has been made in relation to changes other than in mobility. For
example, it has been argued that changes in the public sphere and forms of sociability
6. For example, the European Telsoc five-country study, in 1996 and a 1999 survey
7. Lee, 1999.
8. For example, that it allowed flexibility for employers or for the teleworkers. For a
fuller discussion of motivations related issues about the experience of telework see
Haddon and Lewis, 1994; Haddon and Silverstone, 1993, 1994; Haddon, 1999b).
9. An exploratory quantitative study in Norway followed up this qualitative analysis,
exploring how much and in what ways mobile phones affected (certain types of)
mobility (Ling and Haddon, 2003). The results suggested that on balance mobile
phones did not generate more trips (although the fixed line did). However, the study
also discussed the problems of interpreting these data and what steps might be
10. A similar advantage is shared by the telephone. For example one Swedish study
showed that e-mail use by the elderly was far more likely to be restricted to long
distance messages, with the phone being used for such things as co-ordination of
11. Here we should consider a range of portable ICTs, including laptops, palmtops
and organizers. Although we are starting to find research on the details of how these
ICTs are used for business purposes (O’Hara et al 2000) there is less on their social
12. Perhaps this is most dramatically demonstrated in the case of students living
abroad where e-mail especially has meant that they are kept constantly informed
about what is going on back home, lessening the extent to which they are truly away
from home.
14. In a slightly different sense, Bull discusses how personal stereo users can have a
sense of being more ‘secure’ in terms of feeling at home and at ease in public spaces
because of the sense of familiarity which the music brings (Bull, 2000).
15. Although the interest in this paper is in relatively public spaces, the on-going work
of creating relatively public and private spaces within the home for the purpose of
making different types of telephone call on the fixed line is described in Lohan, 1997.
For a discussion of some of the varied meanings of terms such as private, see
16. In the 1996 survey there was some variation between countries, but, for example,
in Italy, in the UK and in Germany over half of the respondents said they had some
negative thoughts when mobiles were used, either in terms of being annoyed or
thinking that the user was showing off. The percentage was slightly smaller in France
and in Spain where mobiles were less widespread at the time (Haddon, 1998a).
17. For example, to take the two extremes, there was a greater willingness to have
them switched on in the (relative privacy of) the car. Mobile phones were most likely
to be switched off at a play or show. The other spaces about which questions were
asked in this survey were the home, restaurants/bars, shops, buses/trains and other
people’s homes.
18. What type of restaurant, and hence what type of social space is involved, makes a
difference. The same point is made in a Japanese study: while youth would be willing
to take voice calls in a fast-food restaurant or family restaurant they would be less
willing to do so in a ‘fancy’ restaurant (Ito and Daisuke, 2003). Of course, there may
also be culturally specific factors at work, with a French study noting that all those
something about French culture (Licoppe and Heurtin, 2001). Meanwhile, Italian
research involving observation on trains made a related point. Different kinds of train
constituted different social contexts. For example, high-speed long distance and local
trains were different from each other by virtue of the people who used them and the
duration of the journey. They certainly generated varied patterns mobile usage
(Fortunati, 2003).
19. To add yet more complexity, Italian research has drawn attention to the need to
consider not only types of social space but also whether one is in company, whether
the space is familiar, whether one is known in that space, whether one is making and
receiving calls, etc. These can all influence mobile phone behaviour (Fortunati, 2003).
20. The strategies researched were moving to another room to make a call, calling
when nobody else was at home and calling from somewhere else outside the home.
To give some idea of how important this was, in most countries about 40% said that
they did this. In keeping with the chapter on youth, younger people used this strategy
more often
21. As we saw in the chapter on children, this was underlined in a later Japanese study
pointing out the relative smallness of Japanese homes, and the fact that youth rarely
had private rooms, but often shared a room with a parent or sibling. Having a second
phone line was also rare, largely because of the expense. This, it is argued, later
contributed to the particular popularity of the mobile phone (Ito and Daisuke, 2003).
22. This was the weighted figure for Europe, allowing for differences in population
between countries. There were small variations between countries (e.g. in the UK this
figure rose to 19%) and younger people were more likely to mention this (in the
overall sample over a quarter of 14-24-year-olds referred to the privacy role of the
mobile phone at a time when the mobile phone was not so widespread (Haddon,
Chapter eight: Changing life circumstances and ICTs
Our longer-term relationship to ICTs can alter, be that in terms of deciding to adopt or
give up a technology or to use it more, less or in different ways. This chapter deals
changes are gradual, some more dramatic, some more predicable and anticipated,
some more unexpected. They include somewhat common phases associated with the
life course1, new work and leisure options and interests, different financial situations,
etc. Although such longer-term change was not emphasized in those earliest
We start with studies looking at changes in the nature of work and household
composition. These can have a bearing upon our routines and the organisation of
everyday life, providing new orientations and creating new demands. Sometimes
exemplified by the cases of the unemployed and single parents. How do ICTs become
less or more salient as our situations change? When do they take on new roles because
dependency on ICTs? Or, to refer back to the concerns of an earlier chapter, when do
some transitions lead to possible forms of social exclusion through loss of access to
Alternatively, and perhaps best illustrated by the teleworking example, how can
changed circumstances lead us to adopt of new ICTs? In what ways can even
upgrading ICTs, such as getting a new computer, have ramifications within the home?
And how can such changes alter rules and understandings about how we should use
existing ICTs?
Shifting focus, as illustrated by transitions related to gender, the birth of the first
child and retirement, how do communications patterns via ICTs evolve following the
move to a new phase of life? For examples, who now makes calls within the
household, who is called, who answers calls, and how is the purpose and even length
of calls different? We may already have evidence about such matters in relation to the
phone. But in principle equivalent questions could be asked about the mobile phone,
The last section deals with experiences that derive not so much from the life
course as from the eras through which people live. It explores the changing
times. How do people’s earlier experiences in life, both of technology but also their
In principle there are a number of ways in which people’s work circumstances change
over time. Examples would be the number of hours worked, the amount of
commuting or whether they have to spend time away from home. All of these can
have repercussions for communication practices and for the use of ICTs. Below we
look at two examples. The first comes from a late1980s German study of the
unemployed and the phone, referred to in chapter two and now examined in more
detail (Häußermann and Petrowsky, 1989). The second is from research conducted in
Britain in the early 1990s on teleworker’s use of ICTs. (Haddon and Silverstone,
The transition to unemployment
The German researchers pointed out that, under conditions of longer-term mass
employment, the unemployed had more chance of getting back to work through
utilizing informal networks and actively seeking rather than by going to job centres.
various social networks by phone. Through this medium they could find out about
vacancy occur, could make informal enquiries and could be contactable by potential
employers. Even if they were quasi self-employed, the phone could be important for
managing to get some employment in the informal economy. And it was useful for
such administrative demands as sorting out pensions and other benefits or finding out
Apart from its role in relation to seeking work and sources of income, the phone
could be a significant resource for finding out about special offers when trying to
manage on reduced finances. It could be a means through which others could provide
psychological support, especially given the stigma that can accompany the loss of
ultimately the phone was just as important for the unemployed as for anyone else in
terms of making arrangements to meet with others. They may have had time to spare,
but they still needed to synchronize it with others and hence plan their schedules. It
was often through the phone that people were invited to a range of social events such
as coffee gatherings, sports or family celebrations, etc. Without a phone it was easy to
wider salience. The researchers made the general point that while the phone had
enabled geographical relocation and new forms of social networking, it had at the
same time become a necessary condition for maintaining these networks and patterns
of contact. The more widespread the phone had become, the more difficult it was to
be without one. The researchers used this argument, that the phone was nowadays
important for citizenship, to make a case for the state provision of phones and perhaps
some state support for the costs of usage. Clearly this relates back to the chapter on
unevenness of ICT access and how lack of a commonplace ICT can lead to forms of
social exclusion.
However, some of the arguments could equally well apply to groups not
necessarily thought of as ‘the unemployed’. One example would be the females who
choose to leave the labour market because of the arrival of children and who, perhaps
Many of these points would also apply to those who become low income earners,
even if they are still working. And these observations often apply to those who
become single parents (to be discussed below). Many of these take up some form of
state benefit because of their children, and hence they are not technically classified as
unemployed. They too could all too easily drop out of social networks. This is why
they appreciated the phone because it enabled psychological support under difficult
The British study showed how the move to working at home was sometimes a catalyst
for acquiring new equipment and services such as faxes, answering machines, or e-
mail. Sometimes these were ‘free’ in that they were funded or loaned by an employer
or client. The British study indicated how some teleworkers, who would never have
thought of acquiring various ICTs for purely domestic purposes, could now justify
these purchases because of their work. Only subsequently did they discover other
Teleworkers faced the problem of controlling the boundaries between home and
work. One specific facet of this problem was that of impression management. The
teleworkers from the early 1990s study were often conscious of the need to present
themselves as competent and professional. This meant conveying the image that they
clients that home life was not a distraction. The phone became much more of a device
for managing such impressions. It was used to portray the home as a workplace.
Sometimes this led teleworkers to install separate phone lines, not only to avoid
blocking the work phone line with social calls, but also so that teleworkers knew how
they could prepare their presentation and avoid background noise - especially that
made by children.
Where a second work phone line could not be economically justified, as in the
case of some of the clerical self-employed teleworkers, the existing domestic phone
took on an additional role as a work tool. Hence, rules concerning its use often had to
be re-negotiated. It was important to avoid blocking the phone line at certain times
with social calls when this might prevent work calls arriving. Or else telework led to
new regulations about phone use. These covered who could answer it and when, what
they should say, how they should develop a telephone manner and how much noise
the home became a place of paid employment, existing ICTs were located, in effect,
in a new context, a new environment. Managing the sound regime of the home
sometimes became an issue. TVs and audio equipment threatened not only to disturb
the teleworker’s concentration when working but they also allowed domestic life to
make its presence felt. The distractions of home ceased to be contained and hidden
away when the teleworker answered phone calls or dealt with visitors. As a result,
these existing media sometimes had to have new constraints imposed upon their use.
They had to be played more quietly or only at certain times. Lastly, teleworkers were
other household members that they really were working, and not just unemployed or
housewives by virtue of being at home. Re-organising and calling the space where
ICTs were located a ‘home office’ was one strategy employed to achieve this effect.
In which case, ICTs were now orchestrated as objects of display. It was not just what
very clear rules as to how the work tools such as PCs should be used and by whom.
But especially when teleworkers bought their own ICTs for working at home, this
gave both partners and children new access to these technologies and services.
Although allowing children access to the PCs used for work could create worries
about the damage they might cause, many teleworkers nevertheless encouraged
literacy. If the study was repeated nowadays we might expect to see these teleworkers
promoting ‘Internet literacy’ and the use of the Web to support school homework. In
introduction into the home of new technologies for work could affect the
technological culture of the household as whole, providing opportunities for other
But that study also found forms of what it called ‘de-privitisation’, whereby the
introduction of work ICTs had implications for social relations outside the home. On the
one hand, ownership of photocopiers, computers or faxes became seen, albeit in some
cases only in a limited way, as a shareable resource. Acquaintances would ask to use the
technological resources in the same way as neighbours might ask to borrow a cup of
sugar. A later study of Internet use indicated that friends, family and others sometimes
‘borrowed’ access to the Internet in the same way (Haddon, 1998c). In addition, several
teleworkers in the study reported how they had been asked to actually produce something
for outsiders on their computers and other equipment. In this facilitative de-privatisation
the teleworker provided technological services to the wider community (or extended
Developments over the life course (or life cycle) lead to the changes in household
composition. Some are more commonplace, as when new members arrive (e.g. are
born) or depart (e.g. as children leave home, or through deaths). These transitions can
have multiple implications for ICT use. For example, when children leave home they
are simply no longer present to use the old home phone, but now that phone is then
example would be the move to more communal living, with various degrees of social
closeness involving non-kin (e.g. sharing a flat) and kin relationships (e.g. three-
generation households). Such changes also shape the particular ways in which ICTs
and communications of various sorts are managed (see Lohan, 1997 on households of
friends). For example, in the British studies on the early to mid-90s, various
interviewees discussed the effects of having new, non-family members join existing
family households - such as au pairs and lodgers - which often forced them to re-think
British research will be used to explore what can be one of the more dramatic
especially with the break-up of families (Haddon and Silverstone, 1995). That study
dealt mainly with the fixed line telephone (and media such as the TV). But arguably it
Following the move to single parenthood, the basic phone became much more of a
lifeline to the outside world. Without another parent present to go for assistance, the
phone became more essential for emergencies or for critical moments, such as when
the children were ill. And even in the mid-90s some slightly more affluent single
parents were considering buying mobile phones in order to be even more reachable or
to deal with contingencies (e.g. if they were delayed in traffic when coming to pick up
their children).
There were also some basic practicalities. The single parents in the British study
commented on the flexibility that the basic phone gave them in terms of negotiating
childcare with friends and with ex-partners. They could more easily change
arrangements by phone at shorter notice rather than having to plan far in advance their
childcare plans or their ex-partner’s access to the children. For those who managed to
lead a more active lifestyle in their social networks, the phone was simply important
In the study it was clear that the basic phone had also become a social lifeline.
This was partly because of the need felt by many single parents to talk though the
aftermath of family dissolution. But it was also because of the isolation that single
parents often experienced as they were trapped in the home in the evenings through
having stay in with the children. If such a study were to be repeated now it would be
interesting to see if the Internet could offer any benefit in this respect. As a mode of
communication it is in many respects more formal than the intimacy offered by voice
telephony. However, one can think of the various self-help and mutual support groups
that nowadays form on-line to put people in contact with others in a shared position or
However, whatever the potential of new technologies, that same study also
pointed to barriers to their use. Either due to the household no longer having two
incomes, or due to the dependence on state benefits, many single parents (coming
from family break-ups or not) possessed limited financial resources3. This restricted
their ability to afford new technologies. In some cases basic ICTs, like other goods,
Many of these single parents experienced a certain amount of stress both from
economic and social reasons. Their priority, especially immediately after family
break-up, was to sort out their (new) lives. In the early 90s, computers and other
technologies did not come to mind as being relevant for many single parents, as their
horizons were limited by current social circumstances. That said, as life settled down,
such ICTs could come onto their agendas. But for a time this particular transition
Life course changes and ICTs
French research has stressed the important influence of changes in the life course
upon communication patterns. To explore these, the late 1990s saw a series of studies
being conducted covering youth leaving home, families moving house, single-parent
One general review of the French empirical data on fixed phone use drew
attention to the fact that as young single people formed couples and started families
they had increasing contact with parents and decreasing contact with friends
(Smoreda and Licoppe 1999). For instance, as couples formed there were more calls
between the individuals in the couple to manage everyday life. At the same time, the
number of calls to the friends of the two people before they formed a couple
decreased by half. Meanwhile calls to family members doubled, and increased yet
again once children arrived. Only when people grew older and lived alone again did
they once more start to increase the amount of telephone contact outside the family.
In keeping with the approach taken in the rest of the chapter, the next section
considers three examples in more detail. The first comes from a French analysis of the
five-country Telsoc survey data looking at how gendered use of the phone developed
over the life course (Claisse, 2000). The second is from a French project (part of the
programme noted above) looking at the effects of the birth of the first child on
patterns of sociability via the phone (Manceron et al, 2001). The third is from a
British project from the mid-1990s looking at the consequences of the transition to
The first French study, analysing the data from the 1996 European survey,
looked at a variety of changes in phone use over the life course (Claisse, 2000). The
first two factors considered were (a) the main user of the phone in a household and (b)
the main ‘call answerer’5. Initially, young males and females had a fairly equal
inclination to phone. This continued to a large extent as they formed couples without
children. The pattern changed with the arrival of the first child. The domestic
telephone was used more by the mothers than the fathers. Moreover, once the children
had grown up and left, the pattern of women being the main users and call answerers
The next step in this study involved a factor analysis of three variables - the
duration of calls, the aim of calls and the person spoken to. The aim was to build up a
picture of the evolution of gender practices6. The phones calls of people aged under
twenty-five, and who were still living with parents, were oriented to social networks
of friends. Compared to the parents, this age group used the phone less for getting
information, more for chatting and organising activities. As they grew older (from 14-
17 to 18-25) the pattern was broadly the same, but the older group had more activities
to organize. The only gender difference at this stage of life was that girls had slightly
more communication with their family, and had slightly more interest in chatting,
while the boys emphasized organising activities a little more. Girls’ calls lasted longer
because of this.
The next stage was when people left home, either as single persons or to form
couples. As before, single persons mostly called friends, but family calls rose
somewhat as these young people passed on news to their parents now that they had
left home. Having no-one to talk to in the new home, these single people used the
phone more for chatting, for passing time with others. Their calls were longer than
when they used to live with parents. Although this was a shared gender pattern overall
(i.e. the male and female patterns were relatively close compared to some other life
stages), the female singles tended to have more chats and longer calls.
Thinking of the group aged under thirty-five, as they formed couples but
before children arrived there were fewer calls for chatting, reflecting the fact that the
couple could now talk to each other in the home. The calls therefore became shorter.
There were relatively more calls to organize daily life. The couple also now had two
families to keep in touch with. At this stage the male changed his behaviour more. His
calls to work colleagues increased and he now used the phone mainly for organising
his activities. His calls were now shorter than before. Females continued to use the
phone just as they had done when they had been single, for chatting, exchanging news
With the arrival of a child practices evolved once more. In keeping with the
theme developed in more detail in the next example, family became more important
than friends, (which remained the pattern for the rest of their lives). As the children
grew older there were some further changes. Work life and non-work interests
(‘associative life’) gained in importance. The female, as we saw, often became the
main user and the main call answerer (in households where there was one person
fulfilling that role). The arrival of more children did not change the male’s behaviour
spent less time chatting on the phone and more time organising daily life compared to
earlier. Their communications became shorter. And they managed calls to the rest of
Once the children had left home and the couple reached sixty there was a final
change. With the end of working life, their children setting up home and the arrival of
grandchildren, calls become more social, less about managing daily life. Since time
constraints had become less strong, they were flexible and more time was available
for chatting and sharing news on the phone. The phone also became a means of
passing time rather than managing it. For those reaching widowhood, calls became
even longer. For the male, for the first time since being single, calls were mainly for
chatting and passing on news. For the first time in his life, calls to family became the
most important ones. With no more working life, he re-centred on the family,
although calls remained brief. The author called this period the ‘feminisation’ of the
phone, and hypothesized that it reflected the way in which masculine identity had
The French researchers in this second study7 stressed the fact that the dependence of
the child upon its parents had a profound effect on their interactions with their friends
20018). The researchers argued, based also on other research, that the social support
network was at its lowest level at this point in the family cycle. The new family
became self-sufficient and centred in upon itself, reorganizing life around the child
During pregnancy in the twelve weeks before birth there was a strong increase
in telephone calls (up 25%). After birth this gradually diminished reaching its former
level after twelve weeks. But then traffic continued to decrease. However, these
decline in family calls. The parents of the couple remained the main contacts, but a
range of family ties were also altered, as grandparents become great-grandparents and
the brothers and sisters of the couple become aunts and uncles.
In general, having a young baby led to a reduction of calls overall and a
reduction in the number of people called. However, intra-familial calls to the new
parent’s partner (at work or by mobile) increased. These were often of a functional
nature and to co-ordinate activities. Meanwhile, the young parents simply had less
disposable time for friends as their priorities altered - some interviewees explicitly
drew attention to this. At this point, the friends were often sorted and put into some
form of hierarchy. Acquaintances were seen less and friends were often divided into
those who appreciated the changed circumstances of the new parents (e.g. who let the
new parents choose the time to make contact) and those who did not. This was often a
division between those friends with children themselves or who anticipated having
children, and those without children or who were single. Such changes were not
irreversible. They were often seen as transitory because the parents anticipated that as
the children grew older they would impose less constraints on the parents compared to
The parents now had more contact with those in a similar situation to
themselves. There were more calls to friends with children than to friends without.
One also sees examples of greater contact with previously more distant family
members who had children and as well as contact with more distant acquaintances
(especially wives of the husbands’ friends who have children) because they had
Time slots were established so that friends knew when it was best to call the
parents, or when it was best for the new parents to make a call. The parents used
filtering strategies more, such as letting the answering machine initially take the call
or seeing the number of the caller, in order to prevent intrusions (especially when they
were doing something with the child, like giving him/her a bath).
This study also started to consider the role on the newer means of
communication. The mobile phone was increasingly used to announce the birth
immediately after the event. And e-mail was used to spread the news to wider social
circles. In terms of the times slots for communications discussed above, e-mail also
provided the new parents with more room for manoeuvre, given that the parents had
more flexibility in terms of when to send or receive messages. In fact, e-mail was
thought to be perfect in the post-natal period when the women were based at home. E-
mail was also useful for sending baby photos to show the baby’s development.
in the period shortly after birth to help reach their partner in case of emergencies, to
organize tasks relating to the infant or to contact the baby-sitter or crèche. In other
words, at this point in their life they modified their perceptions of how to use the
There are a few preliminary observations to make about this particular transition. It is
‘trajectories’ (Haddon and Silverstone, 1996). The transition can be more or less
gradual (with a sudden end to paid employment at retirement age limits, or a decline
in hours worked over time). It can be more or less expected (e.g. with sudden early
spending more time on activities in couples, having more contact with family
work such as voluntary work and roles in various associations). They also face
different constraints, both in terms of health and fitness, but especially in terms of the
financial gap between those who have occupational (or other personal) pensions and
the participants in this British qualitative study found they used the home phone more.
This was caused partly by the fact that they no longer had access to a work phone,
whereas they used to make some social calls from the office - more often for
organizational purposes rather than chatting. Now they had to make such calls from
home. In addition, many of the participants said that they made more calls nowadays
than before retirement because of the new roles they had taken on, for example,
involving greater contact with their own families. Despite the general pattern of
withdrawal from organizing social activities discussed earlier, some people phoned
more because they led an active retirement in terms of taking on roles on committees,
But the pattern of phoning after retirement was not a static one. There were
increased the number of phone calls. For example, some of the young elderly
made more supportive and social calls to their own parents and relatives, who
were perhaps now living alone or who had become increasingly frail. On the other
hand, the death of those elderly relatives could then remove the need for such
Another transition was in the cases where children left home - that too could
lead to new patterns of phoning. Some adult children continued to live nearby, which
generated local phoning, often to organize meetings. Others moved further a field
This led to the spatial dispersal of extended families, including dispersal abroad –
generating longer distance and occasionally international calls. Finally, there were
health changes during retirement. Even when friends or relatives lived relatively near,
the onset of physical mobility problems could mean increasing reliance on the phone.
This study, conducted in 1995, took place at a time when the mobile phone and
Internet were only just starting to develop as mass markets. None of the participants
had either technology. Nor, at the time, did they show a great deal of interest in them.
The one exception was for those who travelled by car. Concern about breaking down
had led them to consider, or acknowledge at least, the emergency use of the mobile
phone. A section below discusses a particular barrier to Internet use – their resistance
to computers.
So how had things moved on after a few years? The P-903 European survey in
2001 found that more and more older users (over sixty years old) had adopted the
mobile phone in the later diffusion groups. The majority of the elderly who had done
so had actually taken out a subscription themselves (as opposed to receiving the
mobile as a gift). By that time, nearly a third of the 65-74 year old age group across
the European countries had acquired the technology. Moreover, the fact that the
general decline in mobile adoption by age had become less steep and the levels were
so high in a country like Norway (where the whole population had a high level of
penetration) suggested that in principle the young elderly were not resistant to getting
mobiles. Indeed, given the increasingly active lifestyle of these young elderly
especially compared to previous generations of young elderly, one can imagine how
mobile phones could have benefits for them (Mante-Meijer et al, 2001). In stark
contrast, among this same 65-74 years old age group on average across the European
countries only about 8% of the respondents were Internet users at this time, with
The changing experience of generations
It is common to hear comments about how each younger generation has a different
experience through growing up with new technologies. But it may be equally useful to
look beyond childhood in order to consider how different cohorts of people are born,
grow up and live their adult lives at certain historical periods, encountering
technologies and services at different points in their life course. In other words, we
have to ask not only about the technologies that people encounter in their youth. We
have to also ask about the ones they meet when they reach early adulthood, when they
form partnerships and perhaps families, when they reach middle age, when they retire
and when they enter into in the latter end of their lives. The demands and
circumstances of each of these life stages can have a bearing on what these
technologies can mean to them. In this context, one can imagine how relatively easy
to use mobile phones can appear as an extension of the familiar phone. Although in
1995 many people could not see whether the device was really useful or worthwhile
enough they could at least manage to use one. The design of the terminal was less of a
In addition, the social context in which different cohorts had grown up and
passed through during their life course help to shape their habits and routines, their
values and tastes - and hence their very perception of what different technologies can
offer. To consider both of these dimensions, the encounter with technology earlier in
life and the shaping of habits, values, etc by previous experiences, we return again to
In the case of this generation of young elderly, many first became familiar with the
basic phone through work as this technology became an increasingly common tool in
many jobs, especially in the expanding white-collar sector after the war. The majority
of the interviewees were both familiar and at ease with the phone. They often
compared this with the unease of their own parents for whom the technology had
arrived later in life. In contrast to the phone, this cohort of people was not on the
five years old had not lived through office automation during their working lives.
Others had actively tried to avoid computers at work. Being very near retirement age
they had not been enthusiastic about taking on new ways of working and learning
computer skills at this stage in their lives. While there were some elderly computer
adopters in that study who had been used to the technology at work, for most the
computer was beyond their horizons. This was not only because it would be
technically difficult to master but also because these elderly people could not envisage
how they would fit the technology into their lives and routines.
In this light, two points have to be made about the P-903 survey findings a few
years later. Apart from the fact that it is a European and not just a British study, in the
six intervening years more of the survey’s 65-74-year-old age group would have
experienced both PCs and indeed the Internet or e-mail in a work context. Given the
findings show that 8% had adopted the Internet by 2001, that suggests considerably
more interest than was being expressed in the mid-1990s. Maybe that is not surprising
given the high visibility of the Internet in those intervening years. On the other hand,
if that figure is still low compared to the mobile phone, part of the reason might be the
fact that among this cohort there remained many for whom computer-based ICTs still
Values, habits and tastes of generations: technical experience of generations.
Many of this generation were from working-class backgrounds. They had undergone
from the pre-war era into the early post-war years. Although they had enjoyed more
affluence from the 1950s onwards, in certain respects they retained non-consumerist
values. Participants in the British research would often talk about ‘knowing the value
of money’. They were careful spenders, interested in getting a ‘good deal’. They often
resisted rushing to buy the latest version of a commodity. And they had always been
more inclined to replace items when they were sufficiently worn out. Coping with
fixed and somewhat reduced income was not necessarily too much of a hardship for
this cohort: they had managed before and they knew that they just had to be careful.
ICTs, including telecoms ones or additional facilities. On the whole, people of this
generation were not impulse buyers, and acquisitions had to be justified. They had to
have a perceived usefulness. In interviews, this age group argued in terms of not
‘needing’ any more equipment, facilities or services rather than not ‘wanting’ them.
They would often point out that they had been without all the various new facilities
now on offer so far - and they had managed. While some were more adventurous,
most clearly did not want to try too much experimenting at this stage.
them, and it was relatively straightforward, then it could be considered. For example,
many had acquired VCRs late in their life, often after retirement. In fact, French
research on recently retired people tends to support this. The researchers argued that
this group were very likely to adopt new technologies (the mobile phone or the
Internet) provided that the ‘utility’ of these technologies was felt to be compatible
with the individual’s way of life (Eve and Smoreda, 2001, cited in Mante-Meijer et al,
Lastly, many of the interests of the young elderly developed in their earlier
years. For instance, participation in the war or taking holidays abroad affected tastes
for and appreciation of media programmes concerning history and travel. Although
the Internet was not widespread when this study took place, a later Japanese study of
elderly people on-line observed that some of the messages they posted referred to
experiences from their earlier life. These would have been understandable to peers
We have seen how changing circumstances can alter the importance of ICTs, as
latter indicated how some technologies could move, albeit temporarily, beyond the
horizon while others become more important. Indeed, dramatic changes in life such as
these can highlight how dependent people have become on certain basic ICTs like
Clearly, changing circumstances can influence what ICTs we adopt, (or give up,
if we think about the Internet dropouts discussed in the unevenness chapter). The
teleworking example indicated how ICTs could enter the home because of new work
patterns. But it also showed how such work changes can alter the role of existing
technologies, such as the phone and computer, affecting how they are managed and
who can have access to them under what circumstances. A change in the situation of
some household members can ultimately even lead to a new competences being
gained by others in the home and new uses of ICTs in relation to wider social
networks. More specifically, we saw how changes in the life course can lead to
birth of the first child and of the move to retirement. And despite some years of
observations about different male and female patterns of communication, even these
are dynamic, sometimes more and sometimes less distinct from one another.
Of course, there are many other, major and minor, transitions in life that might
well make some difference to our experience with ICTs. These need to be at least
borne in mind in those studies exploring changing use over time. For example, if we
just take the case of work, we might consider the effects of an increase in the travel
component of working, including any new requirements to spend time away from the
home base overnight. People also gain and lose access to ICTs through changes in the
nature of work or as a consequence of the ‘overspill work’ that takes place when
people who are generally workplace-based do some (extra) work in the home.
The other dynamic considered here was the changing experience of different
generations. The study of the cohort of people who were young elderly in the mid-90s
showed how their earlier experiences, both technical and in terms of values and tastes,
could in principle appreciate these shared experiences in any cohort of people. For
example, if we reflect upon the studies of youth and mobile phones reported earlier,
this was the first youth generation to acquire and experiment with this novel
technology. Does this mean it will have particular meanings for them in later life?
And what happens to the use of the mobile by this current cohort as its members grow
older and some of the reasons for using the mobile that derived from this particular
teenage life stage no longer apply? As their circumstances change, what elements of
their practices do they keep and what do they alter (e.g. thinking about text
messaging, for example)? Furthermore, how will future generations of youth (or
younger children) experience the mobile phone differently once this technology has
become more established? In other words, what difference does it make to people’s
relationship with a technology when they grow up with it (just as generations grew up
taking the presence of television for granted) as opposed to being the generation who
1. We should add that nowadays there is increasing diversity of household forms (e.g.
single parent, childless couples, gay couples) compared to a ‘classical’ nuclear family.
2. The same situation occurred in later studies of Internet access (Haddon, 1999a) and
mobile phone use (Bassett et al, 1997). Technologies were sometimes originally
acquired for work, or justified by work, were subsequently used more for private
3. A later US study of single parents found similar results (Russo, 2003). For
example, in surveys single parents were the lowest adopters of PCs. In the qualitative
study some had given up their PCs, or could not find time to use them, and some of
4. The France Telecom Research Programme, 1998-2001, was called Cycle de vie,
sociabilité téléphonique (The birth of the first child and sociability on the phone;
the same person usually answer the phone when it rings?’ In 90% of households there
was one main user, and in 66% of cases this person was female; there was a main call
answerer in 45% of households, and in these households 73% were female. This latter
finding has a precedent, with another French analyst pointing out women also open
the door more often when the doorbell rings (Mercier, 2001).
6. British Telecom’s research noted how the timing of calls is another variable that
can change over the life course – e.g. with the arrival of children (Lacohée and
Anderson, 2001).
7. There were quantitative and qualitative components to the study. The qualitative
one involved interviews ‘immediately’ after the birth of the child (between birth and
three months) and then interviews with sixteen people when the child was between
nine and twelve months and with another sixteen people when the child was between
twelve and eighteen months. Observational studies took place between the age of six
8. The same result was found at a multi-country level in the P-903 European study
Chapter nine: The careers of ICTs
This second chapter on the dynamics of our relationships with ICTs begins by
considering the social processes associated with the initial arrival of new technologies
and services. Obviously the factors affecting the initial decision to adopt technologies
are very relevant for understanding the uneven experience of ICTs discussed at the
start of this book, and indeed for appreciating take-up more generally. The first
section take a step back from the moment of first consumption into the social shaping
of technologies. What are some of the wider social influences that help to shape the
facilitate the use of ICTs? If we take the example of the Internet, what are the various
processes involved in learning how to use the Net and learning what is useful or fun?
And how do patterns of use change during the early learning period?
Both domestication research and other studies have argued that particular ICTs
should be seen as entering into the ensemble of other technologies, and indeed other
artefacts, which already have a place in our lives. So how do the new ICTs fit in with,
or rather how are they fitted in with, what already exists? For those ICTs used in the
home, how do they find a physical, although simultaneously symbolic, place in this
domestic setting? When new ICTs are acquired they are brought into a context where
already possess. In which case, how do those pre-established practices have a bearing
upon the use of new ICTs? Conversely, how do those new ICTs affect our
relationship to the existing ICTs that we use? Such questions provide one route to
The last section looks at some examples of how our relationship to ICTs can
evolve in the longer term. This can help us to evaluate claims about the degree to
which particular ICTs are integrated into our lives compared to the extent to which
certain uses are contingent. How is our own use affected by the emerging patterns of
use by the wider communities in which we live? How can the arrival of competing
and complementary ICTs change our use? How do developments on the technology
itself affect our relationship to ICTs? And what are the consequences when our
ICTs can have associated with them varying degrees of symbolic meaning that go far
beyond their functionality, especially when they are seen as ‘the cutting edge’ or ‘the
future’. One historical example was the wonder that existed, or rather that was
created, around early radio. At one stage radio was seen as the marvel of science,
delivering sound out of the ether, and there were various utopian predictions about
where this would all lead (Douglas, 1986). To take later examples, the initial home
computer boom in the early 80s was boosted by contemporary discourses about the
impending information revolution (Haddon, 1988a) and Internet was associated with
the vision of the Information Superhighway1. It is important to add that although such
figures, futurologists and the media they can also find a broader resonance in the
public. This can help to fuel popular enthusiasm, as measured by the amount, the
ways and the contexts in which people talk about ICTs in the course of their daily
These social discourses and popular enthusiasms can help to shape expectations,
sometimes providing a basis for interest in ICTs such that people acquire them ‘for
the future of their children’ or ‘out of curiosity’ to ‘see what all the fuss is about’. And
it can lead to what might seem to be a novel (but may be increasingly common) form
of consumption. This involves acquiring the technology or service and then working
out what to do with it later. This was certainly the case with the early home computer
in the UK (Haddon and Skinner, 1991; Skinner, 1994) and appears to have sometimes
play a role in creating some of these public representations. Or, indeed, they help to
points in time various national telcos started to actively promote the social uses of the
phone, whereas previously it had been regarded within the industry as a tool for
serious purposes – in large part reflecting the original limited capacity of the network.
In the case of the mobile phone, by the mid-90s advertising campaigns started to
change the identity of the mobile phone from being that of a business tool to being
that of a mass market commodity of use to everyone. By the turn of the century the
attempts in the 1990s to change the image of home computers. They did this by
changing the design of the machines to make them look and feel more like consumer
electronics such as VCRs, in terms of colour and styling (Lally, 2002). The study also
outlined efforts to feminize some products in this way, including iBook, WAP-
enabled phones and PDAs (personal digital assistants) – for example, by making the
latter look like a purse powder compact or clutch purse2. Meanwhile, advertising
images portraying the PC as a kind of domestic appliance that was well integrated into
the home appeared in catalogues alongside VCRs, televisions and even microwave
ovens, as well as in mainstream family magazines and lifestyle magazines such as
The media also play a role in framing perceptions of new ICTs. Starting again
with historical illustrations, Australian research covering the early 1900s described
how the first radio magazines succeeded in giving radio a broader appeal beyond
being a hobbyist interest and helped to establish the experience and practices of
important in addressing and helping to overcome worries about early television (e.g.
In the late 1970s in the UK, electronics magazines once again played a role in
interest that created a mass market. At one point it was claimed that computer
magazine sales were greater than that of the combined women’s magazines. At the
During the 1990s in the UK, but the same is probably happening elsewhere, we
programmes explained what one could do on the Net3. And in the case of mobile
telephony, 2001 saw the launch of a British magazine specifically for child and
teenage mobile phone users (Mobile M8) explaining what was ‘cool’, what was
fashionable, what was the latest, how the language of texting worked and what fun
Yet such media coverage can have diverse, sometimes having negative effects.
For example, one US study argued that media coverage contributed to creating the
impression that the Internet adoption was more widespread than it really was, itself
creating anxiety about lagging behind5 (White and Scheb, 2000). In the five-country
European qualitative study of the Internet, for many Dutch interviewees the Net was
disappointing and did not live up to expectations. The Dutch researchers in that
project pointed out that these people had started out enthusiastically, having heard that
the Net was an exciting new medium. Part of their later frustration reflected the fact
that they had believed the hype and general media coverage that promised a little too
much. If we contrast the Dutch with the Norwegian sample who already had far more
(mundane) experience of the Internet through the workplace, the latter often knew
what to expect and thus seemed to treat the Internet far more dispassionately (Haddon,
Thus media can play a role in showing us how to use ICTs and what they can be
useful for. They shape expectations about what is worthwhile and they influence
tastes and fashions. But equally, they can create perceptions that do not live up to
Obviously there are variations in the degree of complexity of ICTs and hence the
difficulty involved in learning how to use them. This is why survey questions asking
about sources of support in this process have tended to address the relatively more
complex ICTs, such as the PC and more recently the Internet. Such questions are
asked less of easier-to-use technologies, like the mobile phone6, although of course
there are some features where we may well receive advice and tips from others (as
when social networks of youth share knowledge about how to get new ringing tones
and logos). While these questions deal with support in terms of learning how to
achieve something, we can also ask what sources of information we have about when
something might be useful (or entertaining) – which might come from social
The European P-903 survey7 asked questions about how people learned to use
the Internet. It appeared that in a country where there was a low penetration, and
generally fewer people with experience of the Internet, it was less easy to draw upon
help from family and friends. Instead people were forced to learn how to use the
was higher, the knowledge was more generally available and it was the more informal
A review of French research on how we learn to use ICTs more generally argued that
there were a number of steps between first adoption and the technology becoming
more established in our lives. These involved the ‘disenchantment’ of the technology
(i.e. it lost its marvel) and a narrowing of the range usage compared to the initial
exploration phase (Jouet, 2000). While this may seem understandable and familiar,
the picture may be a little more complicated, as we will become clearer through
First, this account may not hold true for all groups of people and all ICTs. We
can see this in a US study of first time mobile phone owners who were monitored for
the six weeks after acquiring their devices (Palen et al, 2001). Many expected the
mobile would be used for limited purposes such as safety or work. But over the period
these users discovered more and more circumstances in which the mobile could be
The general account of the early career of ICTs was well supported in a French
qualitative longitudinal study of the Internet8 (Lelong and Thomas, 2001). For the
majority of users, there was a decrease in usage after a period of initial enthusiastic
During the first phase, their searching was erratic, more like surfing, exploring
unrelated things whenever they caught the novices’ attention. Often the time on-line
passed without them realising it. The researchers observed that this early stage was
then followed by a period in which the users showed more self-discipline and used the
Internet more efficiently. Gradually the Internet apprentices learned to interpret better
the information from the search engines. They developed a set of tactics to rationalize
experience, users became more targeted in their approach, sometimes preparing their
search strategies before going on-line. And they anticipated more success. They
reduced the number of times they went on-line, the duration of time on-line and they
went on-line at times when the tariff was lower. The Internet was no longer
considered a plaything. The Net was used more instrumentally as it became more
transparent and familiar (e.g. it was used for acquiring travel tickets, homework, e-
mail, etc.). In contrast to the public discourse about a ‘revolution’ and the Net as an
agent of social change, in practice the Internet was incorporated into people’s existing
If we compare use of the Web and e-mail, the French longitudinal study found
that two patterns of usage emerged (Lelong and Thomas, 2001). While the majority
attempted to master e-mail, the crucial factor was whether they had a stable social
network of people who also used e-mail and who were willing to use it frequently.
Some interviewees who lacked this active network abandoned e-mail completely
(Lelong and Thomas, 2001). For those with a network of e-mail contacts, using the
medium became a ritual habit and going on-line was an everyday routine, sometimes
at a fixed time the day. In contrast, for those using mainly the Web, going on-line
depended upon the context and was contingent - occurring as and when required,
rather than every day. These users did not go on-line unless there was a specific task.
Compared to the former pattern, the French researchers argue that such occasional
users were less committed to the Internet, there was less ritualization of use.
found some similar patterns (Haddon, 1999a). In keeping with the French research,
for many people usage decreased and the Internet came to play a more limited role in
their lives, with the Web being used only on specific occasions or restricted to work
purposes. In many households the Internet appeared to be used like teletext, being
handy to have for at certain times for certain purposes. For some of the above users
and also for those who used the Web a little more regularly, the pattern was similar
to the French study. There was less browsing and more searching. Or else people
went to sites that were known to have certain information. Across the countries, e-
mail usage became for the majority the part of the Internet that was most routinely
and regularly used - although some of this usage was still for work purposes. This
was often the function that people were most positive about, involving the electronic
However, the first stage of excitement did not necessarily happen in the home
at all. For example, few Norwegian participants reported early enthusiasm and
experimenting when they first subscribed at home because so many of the sample
had already had their initial experience of the Net at work. The Internet was already
more mundane by then and they tended to carry over into the home the patterns of
After this early exploratory phase there were always a certain number of
interviewees, across the countries, for whom there was still some pleasure to be had
in exploring the Internet (or more rarely chatting on-line or playing on-line games).
These people, who were not necessarily computer enthusiasts nor indeed just males,
set aside time for such usage. Searching, for example, could easily slip into browsing
if something interesting caught the user’s attention. For some interviewees, then,
or reading a newspaper. In yet other cases, usage had steadily grown, and continued
to grow9. For example, they used e-mail more and more as people they knew also
gained Internet access. Some reported that they were planning their own web site (as
electronic transactions.
different. Higher adoption rates were always likely to make e-mail more attractive
precisely because of the point made above: compared to many European countries an
individual is more likely to have people they can contact on-line. In a US quantitative
study, a sample first surveyed in 2001 and re-interviewed in 2002 consisted of people
with different levels of experience (Horrigan and Rainie, 2002a). Looking at the
change between interviews, some findings were similar to the European ones. Use
became more serious and functional. However, the participants in this study did more
kinds of things on-line as they gained experience (rather than narrowing their
interests), even though they spent a little less time on the Net. In that sense, the
researchers argued, the Internet had become woven into people’s daily lives more.
They too described how, with experience, the Internet seemed to lose excitement. Yet
users still valued it as much as before, or more than ever. The complexity of the
changes can be shown in the case of e-mail. After a year has passed, users were less
likely to e-mail family members on a daily basis. However, more sent e-mails to
family and friends about serious subjects such as sharing worries and asking for
The authors of the French Internet study outlined how, in general, the literature on the
nature of expertise characterized technical know-how. The knowledge was often tacit,
uncodifed and passed on from person to person rather than being explained in
documentation (Lelong and Thomas, 2001). The researchers argued that knowledge of
the Internet was similar. Users found it difficult to put their expertise into words, to
Yet at the same time, all of those interviewed stressed the necessity of intensive
and prolonged practice, the laboriousness of acquiring competence and the investment
that it required. They evoked the metaphors of work and school, of being systematic,
of persevering, of working as hard as possible - often mentioning that this was a solo
effort, involving time alone using the Net. To progress it was necessary to stop relying
important to develop one’s own competence in order to cope with difficulties and not
teenagers. Although the adolescents learned to use the Internet very quickly, the
knowledge of the majority remained basic. These users did not look into the full
potentialities of the technology (Millerand et al, 1999). The teenagers learnt the
minimum in order to surf and to chat and did not invest time in learning more about
navigation aids, for example. They only had a vague idea of the architecture of the
network. But that did not prevent them from using it. It did not matter to them if they
were not sure how they had reached a certain site. The pleasure of discovery was
enough. The researchers observed that usually it was family and friends who first
This picture fits in with the findings of the ore wide-ranging review of French
research on ICTs. It argued that normally only a minority of users invest heavily in
their ICTs, such as Internet enthusiasts (Jouet, 2000). The majority are content to
master only some of the functions (e.g. only a few of those offered by the software).
Nevertheless, the studies reviewed generally suggested that this minimal exploration
was often enough to provide sufficient satisfaction in proportion to the effort invested.
Where ICTs are located in the home is important because it can have a bearing on use.
However, finding a space for technology is not merely a question of finding ‘room’ -
it reflects family ideologies (Silverstone et al, 1992; Silverstone and Haddon, 1996b;
In chapter three, we saw that parents often put the computer in a place where
they could monitor children’s use. In chapter four, the decision about where to locate
the phone was once again used as a strategy for controlling the technology. But using
location to restrict use is not the only consideration. Especially when there are several
resources in the home. One US study observed that this was a key reason for locating
the PC in a public space within the home (e.g. dining room, family room, spare room)
or else in a semi-private one such as the study (Frohlich and Kraut, 2003). In a similar
spirit, a Norwegian study found people sometimes placed the computer in the parents’
bedroom since it was regarded a more neutral terrain in the home compared to one of
Some decisions about location actually attempted to broaden ICT access and
usage. French researchers studied experiments that provided people with new
terminals to access the Internet. They observed that in the homes that already had
Internet access via a PC, the participants had initially imagined that the new terminals
would somehow collectivise Internet usage – where the Net had previously been the
domain of one family member (Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001). It was because of this
aspiration that they often placed the new terminals in communal rooms (e.g. the living
Even if ICTs like the computer find a physical place in the home, this can still
create problems. For example, locating PCs in public spaces within the home can lead
to problems such as a lack of privacy and affect the user’s ability to concentrate
(Frohlich and Kraut, 2003). Sometimes the presence of the technology may also come
into conflict with some of the values associated with home life. For example, the
Norwegian researchers pointed out just how difficult it was to choose a place to put
the PC in many households (Ling and Thrane, 2001). The living room was sometimes
felt to be inappropriate because the computer represented work. This clashed with the
type of place that the living-room was supposed to be. Interviewees also talked of the
noisy fan in the PC, the ugly appearance of the machine and the fact that it generated
paper and other clutter. So even when the computer was reluctantly allowed into the
corners11. In the long run, the researchers thought that there was potential for
perceptions to change over time. The authors referred back to related Norwegian
discussions when TV sets were first introduced in the 1950 and 1960s. At that time
television itself broke with the previous conventions whereby the living room was
Lastly, some decisions about the location and use of ICTs are affected by
household members’ desire to manage the impression they give to the outside world, to
manage display (Silverstone et al, 1992; Silverstone and Haddon, 1996b). This was
particularly clear in a British qualitative study of telework and ICTs in the early 90s, as
When assessing how much the Information Society is ‘revolutionary’, critics have
questioned the speed and scale of change, Another approach has been to ask to what
extent new innovations develop from what already exists and therefore to what extent
change is really ‘evolutionary’. For example, in many senses television built upon
But if the very form that ICTs take builds upon predecessors then this is itself
relevant for understanding their later consumption. For example, the action genre of
video games was in part derived from the game-play of pinball. In fact, video games
machines were first introduced into arcades as a replacement for pinball (Haddon,
1999c). In which case, we can appreciate why the practices of (especially young
males) collectively competing to get the highest scores in interactive games, watching
others play and learning tactics themselves derived in large part from the origin in
People build upon past experiences when faced with new ICTs. This point was
emphasized in the review of French research, whose author referred to the longer-
term collective construction of use. Uses of ICTs are always inserted into family and
work practices that pre-exist or are already under construction. The adoption of ICTs
takes place against a backdrop of preceding techniques and practices, and new uses
This research first pointed out how these adolescents visited web-sites that were
related to their pre-existing interests (e.g. in sport, TV, music, cinema, etc.)
(Millerand et al, 1999). The researchers then discussed the sociability patterns of this
age group - how, for example, these young people liked to chat among their friends.
This practice carried over into Internet use. Friends sitting in the same room full of
computers would talk to each other or else they would chat while standing together
looking at a screen. The teenagers also preferred the on-line chat function compared
to e-mail because it enabled immediate chatting, like the telephone (Millerand et al,
1999). As regards the mobile phone, various researchers have commented on the fact
that some modern usages reflect older interests. For example sending secret text
messages and mobile e-mail in the classroom is an updated, and less visible, version
of passing paper notes around without the teacher seeing (Ling and Yttri, 2002 for
What we learn to do with one technology can affect our evaluation (and take-
up) of another. For instance, in the French study of new terminals for accessing the
Internet (e.g. web-phones, web-TV) the researchers argued that existing users had
learnt to do some things on-line precisely because their original access had been via
the PC interface. This meant that it was actually a disadvantage to use certain
alternative terminals if they did not allow the practices that relied upon having a hard
disc available with utility programs, using a mouse or other pointing system, typing
on a keyboard, etc. On some of these alternative terminals the screen was perceived as
being too small (relative to the computer), the keyboard was seen as non-standard
(compared to the computer), and e-mail could not be saved or printed. All of this led
to some frustration. (Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001). The point is that for PC-users, the
computer was the reference point against which all other alternatives were judged –
older ICTs? Historical examples might include the effects of television watching on
cinema going and radio listening. These latter declined significantly, an effect that has
al, 2002). Yet, other analysts have pointed out that the picture is not so
straightforward. The influence of TV’s arrival was not just one of decreasing the time
spent going to the cinema and listening to radio. The experience of these other media
This author observed that at a societal level old media are rarely completely displaced,
in contrast to the level of the individual where particular people may give up some
newly arriving TV channels, including those of satellite, have influenced how much
time people spend watching the existing terrestrial ones. In the communications field,
the equivalent question we might want to ask is about the extent to which mobile
telephony and e-mail might have had any effect on our use of the fixed phone.
The review of French research on ICTs in general came to the conclusion that
new innovations often complement the older ones. For example, video games did not
substituted for the TV, nor has electronic messaging displaced the telephone. But
these new ICTs lead us to use pre-existing objects in new ways and in general
increase the complexity of our media and communication practices (Jouet, 2000).
This sometimes means that the use of all media is adjusted (Bolter and Grusin (1999),
in Livingstone, 2003).
A British longitudinal survey would provide some support for this conclusion
about complementarity in the case of telecoms13. First, it showed that only about a
quarter of those surveyed thought that e-mail made no significant difference to their
use of the traditional phone. The remainder were equally divided between whether the
impact of e-mail was large or small (Haddon, 2000c). In the five-country European
qualitative study, e-mail usually complemented fixed line telephony, not only for
social messaging but also when interviewees sought information. People with the
Internet still found times when they preferred to ask for information over the phone.
The main exception was in the case of international calls, where cheap (or cost-free if
made from work) e-mails sometimes replaced expensive calls to other countries. Or
they led to more communication with people abroad than would have taken place in
the past. For those few who had fax machines, some faxes had been displaced by e-
mail. But even the fax machine remained a complementary technology when people
wanted to send a text that was only available in hard copy form. For some, e-mail had
replaced letter writing to those friends who were seen less regularly.
French research on early mobile phone use suggested that when people want to
make longer social calls they often still used the traditional phone (De Gourney et al,
1998). The British longitudinal survey conducted at the turn of the century also
showed that people did not think that the mobile phone was substituting for traditional
telephony to the same extent as e-mail. Nearly four-fifths thought that the mobile
phone had made hardly an impact on their use of the fixed line. This suggests that for
the vast majority of people mobile calls complemented traditional phone use rather
than replacing them - i.e. the mobile calls were additional, for whatever reason. The
other implication is that while the mobile phone allowed people to replace fixed line
statistics suggested that this was not a major practice adopted by the majority - at that
time (Haddon, 2000c). The UK, like other countries, has seen an increasingly
proliferation of mobile phone tariffs, making some calls effectively ‘free’ (free
minutes per month, free calls to people using the same operator etc.). And fixed line
providers have started to offer flat rate fees, per month. It remains to be seen how
much effect these changes will have on the current pattern of calls
When we turn to the relation between Internet use and TV viewing, the
interviewed in 2002, a quarter claimed that the Internet had led to a decrease in the
time spent watching TV (Horrigan and Rainie, 2002a). Some cross-sectional surveys
have also found this relationship (Nie and Erbring, 2002). On the other hand, other
US analyses, of more than one dataset, suggest that Internet use has not led to less
television viewing overall (Cole and Robinson, 2002; Robinson et al, 2002; Neustadtl
and Robinson, 2002), a point also made in a UK longitudinal study15 (Anderson and
We might at least get some clues about the detailed processes at work from the
reported that they had switched from watching some television programmes to using
the Internet at certain times. But, these particular people tended to have less interest in
television generally. Or else this switch to the Internet happened at those times of the
day when they had a low commitment to watching TV (Haddon, 1999a). However,
the Internet could not displace television at times when, for example, there was a
counted as family time (e.g. watching in couples or with children). And the Internet
could not so easily displace television watching when the latter was perceived as
‘resting time’. This might be after work or late in the evenings when fatigue had set in
and a less demanding activity was desired. As regards information from the TV, the
UK research found that while the Internet had occasionally led to some decline in
teletext use, for the most part the technologies were complementary and teletext
Finally, in the Quebec research, the Internet did not, on the whole, lead
as television and radio. The exceptions were that some of the more intensive users
now played less video games and watched less TV. However, quite a number did
comment on the fact that the Internet allowed them more freedom than television,
whose choices were in the form of fixed programmes. Nevertheless, the Internet did
not simply displace all television watching – the teenagers often went on-line after
We need to be sensitive not only to any shifts in the use of existing ICTs
brought about by the arrival of new innovations but also to the new issues within
households which they raise. For example, in British research on ICTs in homes
conducted during the early 1990s, some of the participants reported new conflicts
between parents and children over access to the TV once video games consoles
entered the home. By requiring the TV screen for display, games competed with
broadcast programmes (Haddon and Silverstone, 1994). If we take a slightly older
example, in the early to mid-1980s, early British home computers utilized the TV
screen as a monitor. One domestic consequence of this development was the transfer
of any second TVs sets to the children’s bedrooms (e.g. TVs that used to be based in
the kitchen and which could be watched during meals or while cooking took place).
But while these early games and computers provided the justification for granting
children access to these second TV sets, those children could then use sets to watch
television programmes in private. In some households this was the first time that this
ICTs exist can influence patterns of use (Cummings and Kraut, 2002). As evidence of
this, the researchers compared responses from identical people in 1995 and then again
in 1996. People’s use had altered even over this short period. In the first survey the
Internet was used more for work than pleasure. But by the time of the second survey,
popular films and in cartoons. It could include what other people do. The fact that
more people went on-line made e-mail an even more attractive function. And it could
include the preferences and expectations of other people, as when friends made
innovation, they develop and communicate norms about acceptable use, which can
influence the behaviour of peers and subsequent generations’ (Cummings and Kraut,
2002, pp.224).
In addition to changing representations and wider patterns of consumption,
part of that shifting environment consists of changes related to the technology itself.
These analysts cited the arrival of new services on the Internet, some of which had
motivations. For example, the development of instant messaging and ‘buddy lists’
made the Internet more attractive for interpersonal communication. Meanwhile ‘high-
We can see a similar process in British research during the mid-1990s. This
revealed how new telephone services had had a bearing on the way the basic fixed
phone was used (Haddon, 1997a). For instance, some of the young elderly
remembered when it first became possible to order by credit card over the phone.
Their subsequent usage of the phone increased once they got into the habit of buying
various goods and services in this way. The 80s and 90s saw an increase in technical
helplines, social support lines (e.g. the Samaritans), chatlines as well as radio phone-
ins and the promotion by TV companies of competitions where the audience is invited
Such additions affected not only phone usage. They influenced the whole way
in which the phone was managed in some households. For example, fears of teenagers
running up huge bills on chatlines, or indeed accessing sexlines, led to anxiety and
domestic conflicts. Radio phone-ins required new forms of negotiation. Some parents
limited the extent to which their children could take part in such competitions because
of the implications for the phone bill. Of course, the Internet has itself given the
phone a new role. It has led to similar concerns about costs, about blocking the phone-
line and about what can be accessed from the home. And it has led to new ways of
managing the use of the phone for going on-line (Haddon, 1999a).
What about other changes in the nature of ICTs? Research has shown how
changes in the quality of connections, the use of new types of terminal as well as
speed and tariff changes can all affect consumption. For example, a French study of
experiments using ADSL found that broadband led to more diverse and more
sophisticated use. People played more on-line, took part in forums and discussions,
downloaded more files, made more use of multimedia and constructed more personal
web-pages. The high speed allowed greater fluidity in navigation, and so enabled
people to more explore more complex functionalities. The researchers argued that the
rapid response enabled by faster transmission speeds facilitated trial and error
learning and that the flat rate of payment associated with these new forms of access
removed worries about the cost of learning. So other people besides the main ‘expert’
in the household could learn to use the Internet (Lelong and Beaudouin, 2001).
If we consider the wider or public history of the mobile phone, in its relatively
short life as a mass market product it has already evolved in certain respects. There
are of course the changes in design, most visibly in its shrinkage in size and
text messaging had important implications for its use by youth. Changes in marketing
in terms of the addition of pre-payment cards had a bearing on how the phone was
managed within household relationships (Ling and Helmersen, 2000). And we just
It is not just the arrival of totally new innovations that makes a difference to the
usage and management of ICTs in the home. The multiplication of already familiar
technologies is also a factor. For example, having extra telephone handsets in private
spaces such as bedrooms enabled more privacy for individuals when they made calls
from home (Haddon, 1997a). The British teleworking study showed that when a
teleworker up-graded the computer it often meant that partners of teleworkers and
their children could now have easier access to the old PC. While this led to a change
in the career of those particular old computers, it also had implications in terms of the
computer’s general place in the home. It reduced conflicts arising from different
people wanting to use the machine at the same time. Finally, there is the case of
second TV set. The arrival of a new TV set not only meant a potentially new role for
the old set. It can also changed the experience of viewing, reducing communal TV
members retired to another room to watch the particular programmes they wanted to
To sum up, wider social discourses in general and media coverage in particular can
have a role in influencing the reception of ICTs. They help to create interest, even
enthusiasm, but they also shape expectations. Media, sometimes at the instigation of
companies, can also act as part of the shifting environment in which technologies are
a key theme of this book, the importance of examining the various social contexts in
One such context is our experience of existing technologies, since these can
affect our relationship to newer ICTs. This makes it all the more important to consider
the whole media and communications picture, the interrelation between new and old
ICTs, rather than evaluating each element in isolation. Conversely, the arrival of new
ICTs can alter our relationships with the ICTs that we already use, although it appears
to be only rarely that one completely displaces the other. More commonly, as our
period before and immediately after adoption. But it did so in terms of specifying a
range of general processes such as ICT use finding a place in people’s time structures.
If we want to examine the early careers of specific technologies, then we have to take
into account their particular nature, including such matters as what one can do with
them. Using the worked example of Internet use, we saw how it was possible to
examine a range of developments during this early stage. These included changes in
the purpose for which the Net was used, the range of uses, the manner in which it was
used, the timing and circumstances of use, the degree to which it was valued or found
to be exciting and the way and extent to which expertise developed. Moreover, some
these studies showed the variety of technological careers that could emerge for
While early domestication work had outlined the general processes by which
ICTs find a physical and symbolic space in the home, subsequent empirical work has
provided far more detail of the particular factors at work. We have seen that the
decision as to where to locate ICTs can be used as a strategy either for limiting use or
for promoting access. It can be a way of managing the impressions we give to others.
But that process of location is also shaped by the values associated with domestic
spaces. This create dilemmas, unease and attempts to alter the visual impact of ICTs
in these spaces.
Finally, although the early domestication literature said relatively less about the
period after that early career, in this chapter we have seen some of the factors that
have a bearing upon our longer-term experience of ICTs. These include the wider
adoption of these technologies and the changing norms about use, new public
arrival of complementary or competing technologies and services and even the sheer
multiplication of existing technologies. These can all alter our relationships to ICTs,
not only in terms of patterns of usage but also in terms of how we experience and
1. Here we have a sharp contrast with the mobile phone, which was never included in
these discourses, which never had the symbolic prominence of the Internet, despite
4. The way in which such representations work, associating symbolic values with
6. One early US trial conducted in 1993 allowed participants to use mobiles before
they were widespread. This showed up some of the difficulties that users faced even
with technology that in many ways resembled the familiar phone. Examples of
difficulties included figuring out the need to end the call when hanging up, working
out how to set up and obtain access to voice mail, navigating menus and clearing the
display when making a dialling error (Gant and Kiesler, 2001). Even by 2001, another
mobile phone features and billing (Palen et al, 2001). It would appear that problems
and misunderstandings related to mobile use was covered less in European research.
Since the mobile markets were generally becoming more established there, different
7. For example, the P-903 research found that across the European sample the largest
portion of the Internet users had initially been helped out by a school or work
colleague (29%), 25% were helped by a friend or partner and 25% found out for
themselves with or without manuals. Only 1% had used a helpline. There were
differences between the nine countries. In some countries with lower diffusion rates,
use was often associated with institutional settings, i.e. at work or at school or
university. Almost half of the Internet users from the Czech Republic had learned to
use the Internet from a school or work colleague, while in the other countries this
8. This study involved interviews with thirty people four months after they first
9. This general point that usage can change in a variety of ways, sometimes
decreasing, some times increasing, was also made about computer use in an
Australian study (Lally, 2002). As in the Internet study, Lally found that while for
many the ‘novelty effect’ of computer use wore off, for others some of the excitement
10. However, in the five-country study of the Internet there were examples of people
who were willing at times to turn to outsiders for particular forms of help even after
place within the ensemble of objects in the home, Lally discussed how the home
computer was made to fit in with the aesthetics of the household, for example, by
having computer covers made with a fabric to match the décor of the room (Lally,
12. The authors also pointed out that the TV set was only just starting to be
established in Norwegain kitchens. In fact, for many Norwegians it still does not fit in
there. There is a trend towards having a large kitchen as a space for the family to meet
up together and hence the TV’s arrival is a threat to this goal. For some the kitchen
remains a TV-free zone, for others it is allowed in but only if it is a small set, while
yet other households only allow certain viewing in the kitchen, e.g. the news.
13. Data from the 1996 Telsoc five-country survey showed the users of mobiles were
actually heavier uses of the fixed line. This does not prove a causal link, but it does
14. Robinson and Godbey (1999, p.156) discussed the difficulty faced in ‘trying to
estimate the complex effects of a new technology on their lives’ and therefore
favoured a survey reporting what people did yesterday. Although they initially found
that more computer use correlated to less TV viewing, on deeper analysis this result
could be explained away by the influence of social class (people from higher social
classes watched less TV and were more likely to be computer users). When the
researchers looked specifically at on-line users, their TV viewing was not much
15. The authors observed that if use of the Internet takes time away from other
activities. This argument was reinforced by the replies from the qualitative component
of this study, in which people could often not pinpoint exactly what the time for
16. Cummings and Kraut acknowledged the fact that they only managed weak results
but observed that this was a small sample examined only over a short period.
Chapter ten: Conclusions
Each of the chapters in this book has signposted key issues – be they methodological
or conceptual – identified gaps in approaches and indicated the scope for further lines
of analysis. The conclusion now reflects upon the core framework of domestication
that has shaped this introductory text. It then considers the implications of the issues
raised for those involved in companies researching and designing ICTs and for
students entering this field of study. Lastly it considers how we might go about
The introduction indicated that the domestication framework provided the main
springboard for thinking through the various chapters. This influenced the examples
drawn upon, some of the agendas of interest in this book and many of its organising
principles. In this sense, readers entering this field of study need to be aware that there
That said, this book has attempted to address related agendas and make
connections with other traditions of research, even if the researchers concerned would
These related areas include various studies from communications research, studies of
social networks, traditions particularly focused on the process of learning to use ICTs
or becoming a user, work on gift relationships and research on the experience of time.
Some literatures can compliment and inform the type of micro-social analysis
The domestication framework has served to sensitize researchers to some of the
processes at work in incorporating ICTs into everyday life. It has been employed
outside of academic contexts. A number of the studies cited throughout this book
were sponsored by companies. The chapter on uneven adoption indicated how this
framework could be relevant to those operating in the field of policy. And while
relationships showed how the interests of the framework could be translated into
quantitative studies.
The chapters on mobility and social networks both indicated ways in which
there remains scope for expanding the areas where ideas from domestication could be
applied. In the case of the mobility, this meant looking outside the home to deal with
emerging agendas on mobility. In the case of the social networks, this involved
social networks and ask what equivalent process of domestication may exist within
such collectivities.
This raises the question of whether one can start to go further than considering
certain sections of society. Or, indeed, to talk about domestication by society itself –
as some writers have done. Maybe. But then it is important to remember the original
context in which domestication was formulated. In the introduction we saw how that
early work provided a general framework for processes such as how ICTs are fitted
into the time and space structures of the home, or rather, of different homes. What
The more problematic question or claim that one sometimes encounters
society. If there is a lesson to be learnt from the micro-social analyses described in the
chapters on changing life circumstances and the careers of ICTs, it is that we are
dealing with a dynamic process. This should make us wary of saying that an end-state
has finally been reached. We can always question the degree to which ICTs are
integrated into our lives and ask how much scope there is for that to change.
The growth of interest shown by ICT companies in researching this field was outlined
in the introduction. We saw that quite a number of the studies cited in this book were
whom might one day work on the development of ICTs, now have a social science
input within their courses. Since both the company researchers and students of ICTs
are intended audiences for this book, it is worth making some specific final
For those readers starting out in the ICT industries, this book has emphasized
the merits of considering not just individuals as potential users of technologies, but
various aspects of the social contexts in which they operate. People do not just use
ICTs but they manage them, largely because they are interacting with others. We have
seen the various ways in which this interaction shapes the experience of ICTs,
seen how it influences the very interest people take in some technologies in the first
place, their ability to use them, the time available for using ICT, and indeed the
How does this translate into a practical guide for product and service developers,
be that in market research, various levels and types of design, product presentation,
pricing, deciding routes to market, etc.? It means looking beyond anticipated users to
be aware of gatekeepers. They may or may not use technologies themselves, but how
might they shape the access and usage of others? It means asking how usage, or
particular forms of usage, is going to be socially supported. In this respect, what are
the difficulties faced by particular groups when acquiring and using ICTs and in what
We have seen how it is important to be aware that ICTs are always symbolic.
Over and above the images offered by their developers and providers, ICTs can have
perceived potential consequences for social life. They can offer the promise of a better
future or pose a threat. The latter has been shown in concerns about the effects of the
Internet on our sociability and about the consequences of TV for the balance in our
lives. More generally, these are worries about what type of people ICTs will make or
ambiguous, one question for developers is how and why technologies and services
The take-up of new ICTs is influenced in part by the experience of what has
gone before. What will the relation of new ICTs be to existing ones? In what way do
they involve building on past practices? How do they change our relationships to and
use of older technologies? In other words, how will the arrival of new ICTs change
the way we manage our ensemble of ICTs, or our range of communications options?
How would knowing the history of past innovations (and which past
innovations) affect forecasts of whether and how adoption of new ICTs might change
over time? When forecasting the usage of particular products and services, what
constraints on use do product developers believe that people face, in terms of time as
well as other factors? What can be learnt from non-adopters and drop-outs, whose
actions question the product and the role it can play in their lives? What issues and
When trying to chart markets, what social process are at work behind the
construction of any particular adoption and usage figures? In other words, what are
they including and excluding? And what behaviours should we consider examining to
understand more fully what ICTs mean in people’s lives, what role they are playing
The chapters that have gone before aim to sensitise product developers to the
elements that might be considered in developing and answering such questions. One
way to actively engage with this material is to develop this checklist of questions
further. Or ask how the various studies cited across the chapters answer these
guidelines about where to look, what questions to ask and what frameworks could be
useful. Nevertheless, those developing ICTs still need to apply these in their particular
areas of innovation.
Research on the social shaping of ICTs has already shown how those
developing products often act like ‘detectives’, looking for evidence when mounting
business cases (Cawson et al, 1995; Haddon, 2002). The examples discussed in this
Implications for students
Turning to the student readership, obviously some of the questions they would want to
ask would overlap with those of interest to ICT developers. But often students are
required to stand further back from particular products to think of broader issues.
Examples of the type of questions I have posed during the course of my own teaching
include how ICTs are ‘gendered’, how they are symbolic and with what
consequences, how and why popular concerns about these technologies and services
although product developers would benefit from being aware of these as well. This
can mean being sensitive to the wider social and historical construction of experience
in order to help us to make sense of why certain patterns, certain behaviours, exist at a
particular point in time (or a particular culture). It can include knowing how past
innovations were socially shaped, their patterns of adoption and use, the micro-social
issues arising from this as well as the broader social consequences. And it can require
have had a bearing upon the way different groups react to contemporary innovations.
These are not the only important histories. Others of relevance include the
influence of wider discourses in general and media in particular on our hopes and
expectations of ICTs - as well as our concerns about them. They include the history of
debates, such as policy interest in social exclusion. This in turn means being aware of
the history of concepts, the terms of debates and the assumptions they make. And they
making sense of and investigate ICTs – as well as their related critiques. If the product
developer is a certain type of detective, so too is the student in this field, but often
This last section aims to show how students might use the material from this book to
address the type of questions posed above. The example considered here is how we
might evaluate the social consequences of ICTs. The question can be addressed in
more than one way, at more than one level, and arriving at different overall
One possible starting point is to ask why this is an important question. For
example, this book has referred to, and at various points addressed, a number of
debates about the potential, or feared, social consequences of ICTs. This can be seen,
for example, in the discussions of the digital divide, concerns about children and
ICTs, fears about ICTs affecting the time we spend with family and friends, or
influencing the balance of time we spend on different activities. When faced with
such concerns, one has to ask a number of questions. Why these are important issues
and what factors have shaped these fears. What assumptions do they make, what
conceptions (e.g. of children) are they based upon, what values do they reflect?
about addiction to technology) and know where they have been made manifest in the
past. Of course, understanding the basis and origin of claims about social
involved in researching them. And there is scope for discussing the issues involved in
Apart from these more general observations, at another level one could discuss
particular ICTs and specific social consequences. For example, Canadian researchers
summarized three different overall positions regarding the anticipated effects of the
Internet on sociability and social capital. (Wellman et al, 2000). These were a utopian
viewpoint where the Internet increased social capital (to use one of the terms from
approach where the Internet was seen to supplement social capital (Wellman et al,
2001; Katz et al, 2001 and Katz and Rice, 2002b outline related ‘optimistic’ and
nuanced, into just three camps might be seen as setting up strawmen. However, such
divisions as these can nevertheless provide a base for making some general
observations, over and above the particular case of the Internet and social capital. In
this instance, the authors favoured the third option, albeit acknowledging here and
2002). They argued that the Internet was simply not so influential on our lives as was
claimed in the other two options. The authors questioned how fundamentally the
Internet changed our social relations one way or another, with the Internet being seen
as just one tool amongst others through which we organize our everyday life2.
It is possible to use the material in this book to discuss ways in which ICTs
might have brought about some change, where they might have made some difference
to everyday life. For example, this was captured in the discussions of changes in the
ability of parents to monitor children’s use of ICTs, reflecting in part children’s ability
to use technologies such as mobile phones to avoid surveillance when they want to.
We saw the new ways in which we use ICTs to keep in touch with, manage and even
meet up with social networks. This involved new ways of using ICTs to organise time
and mobility. We saw how ICTs can also have diverse effect on the very experience
pressures) and of mobility (e.g. in terms of being ‘away’ from home). And just
managing those ICTs can have consequences for daily social life, as manifested in
people’s behaviour in public spaces that relate to mobile phone use. In other words,
historically that some behaviour changes over time through the arrival of ICTs (as
happened with the adoption of basic telephone and broadcast media). Sometimes,
researchers have mobilized the available evidence to make the case that some of the
changes brought about by ICTs like the Internet are, on balance, to the good (e.g. Katz
That said, one reason for being wary of arguments that ICTs might produce
more major changes in the short term is our awareness of the range of social factors
creating a degree of inertia. At various points this book has outlined the social
constraints on the way ICTs are taken up or operate in our lives. These include our
economic circumstances, our personal time commitments and the broader time
structures in which we operate, as well as the expectations of our social networks and
of those co-present others in public spaces. The case of the young elderly showed that
the historical experiences of different generations can also create some resistance to
ICTs. Ultimately we also have to be aware that, with varying degrees of success,
people do try to manage ICTs. They reflect upon the influence ICTs already have or
might have upon their lives and they try to control them. This was made manifest in
people strategies to regulate the use of ICTs, for example, parents’ attempts to
influence children’s use and to control communications. To come back to the types of
general positions outlined above, it is these types of considerations that makes one
wonder whether, at least in the shorter term, any social consequences of ICTs will
turn out to be far more modest than those leaning towards utopian or dystopian
1. It has not been possible to discuss all social change and consequences within the
framework of this book. For example, it has been noted by several authors that we,
literally, communicate more. For example, a French study estimated that between
1990 and 2000 communications by French people increased five-fold, the main cause
of this was extra textual communications such as text messaging and e-mail (Rivère
and Licoppe, 2003). This and other studies underline the fact that we are having to
made about youth and screen-based media (Livingstone and Bovill, 2001b;
Livingstone, 2002).
2. This would find a sympathetic ear amongst many European researchers, which
means being wary of how strong, how revolutionary, any social consequences are
likely to be.
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cameraphone, 112
children, 7
independence, 39
mobility, 101
resistance, 7 36, 50
representations, 136-7
young elderly, 129
COST248, 3
de-privatisation, 121
children, 7, 31
time, 9, 87
abroad, 114n12
gender, 62
planning, 105
youth, 48
everyday life, 1
communication, 44
mobility, 101
audio technologies, 5
definition, 1
impression management, 120-1, 143
visual technologies, 5
identity, 4, 51n1
Internet, 78, 85
libraries, 15,
planning mobility, 106
services, 148
methodological issues,
mobility, 113n3
micro-coordination, 105
mobile phone,
developments, 149
elderly, 128
gender, 62
representations, 137, 151n2, 151n4
sociability, 81-2
spontaneity, 96
online interaction,
pager, 47
parenting styles, 34
privacy, 110-11
public-private, 100, 108, 110-11, 114n15
representations, 137
TV displacing, 145
relative poverty, 20
Simmel, 111
children, 64
social construction of childhood, see childhood, social construction of
domestication in 74-76
phone calls, 58
telephone, 21-3, 78
cordless phones, 58
intrusiveness, 57, 59
services, 148
representations, 136
retired, 127-8
teleworkers, 120
unemployed, 118-19
television, 23, 64
telework, 103
support networks, 73
teletext, 147
time, 6, 9, 64
disposable, 87-8
fragmented, 91, 97
leisure, 94
multitasking, 91-2
planning, 95-7
quality, 93-5
-shifting ICTs, 88
spontaneity, 95-7
access to ICTs, 6, 17
adoption of ICTs, 6
measures of unevenness, 6-7, 14, 18-9, 65
possession of ICTs, 15
use of ICTs
use of ICTs, 6
rare, 17
former users, 24
non-users, 24-5
typology of, 16
videophone, 112
voicemail, 88
warm expert, 72
web-phone, 89
web-TV, 89